Lab 3 grade ----------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: The reason that you get contrasts in judgments for what is (from a linguist's perspective) the same order is that the non-basic word orders can be pragmatically constrained. Longer sentences/ sentence which have more context embedded in them are easier to judge in isolation. There's a mismatch here: Source: author Vetted: t Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} Aiuta gli studenti il professore Aiut-a il professore gli studenti helps.3sg professor students `The professor helps the students' Something's off about d-anno, too. I think maybe the gloss line should have give-3pl, rather than give.3pl. Source: author Vetted: t Judgment: u Phenomena: {wo} *I ragazzi danno ad un amico conforto i ragazzi d-anno ad un amico conforto youth give.3pl to friend comfort `The young people comfort a friend' So you're finding strict SVO for transitives (pronouns aside) and SV or VS for intransitives? What about when there are adverbs? Do you get: S V adv V adv S V S adv Is this one really 3s, and not 2s? Source: author Vetted: t Judgment: g Phenomena: {neg} Non canta non cant-a no sing-3sg 'You don’t sing' Why is this one tagged as both emb-q and emb-d? Source: author Vetted: t Judgment: g Phenomena: {emb-q emb-d} Mi domando se è certo Mi domand-o se è cert-o me.acc.1sg ask-1sg if is.3sg right-sg.m 'I wonder if it’s right'