use strict; use warnings; use DBI; my $dbname = shift @ARGV; my @tbresults = @ARGV; my @tbdata; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbname", "", "", {AutoCommit => 0}); my $tb_tablename = 'treebank_tbl'; my $lex_tablename = 'lex_and_freq_tbl'; # Reading the lexicon table. my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "select lextype,wordid from $lex_tablename" ); $sth->execute; my %lexicon; while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ $lexicon{$row[1]} = $row[0]; } # Reading treebank result files. my @all_tb_data; foreach my $tbresult (@tbresults){ open TB, $tbresult or die "Can't open $tbresult: $!"; $tbresult =~ m|/([^/]+)/result|; my $profile = $1; my $sid = 'undefined'; my %processedSentences; while(){ chomp; # Extracting a parse result /^(.*)?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@(.+)\@.*?\@.*?\@.*?\@$/; next if defined $processedSentences{$1}; my $sid = "$profile/$1"; ### assume it is unique $processedSentences{$1} = 1; my @tmp = $2 =~ /(\([^\(]+?\([^\(]+?\)\))/g; # Extracting pairs of a word-id and an orthography foreach (@tmp){ my $tbline; #$tbline->{profile} = $profile; $tbline->{sid} = $sid; /\"(.+?)\"/;#" $tbline->{orth} = $1; my @tmp2 = split / /; # $tmp2[1]:word id $tbline->{wordid} = $tmp2[1]; $tbline->{lextype} = $lexicon{$tmp2[1]}; push @all_tb_data, $tbline; } } close TB; } $dbh->do(qq{ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tb_tablename; }) || die $dbh->errstr; $dbh->do(qq{ CREATE TABLE $tb_tablename ( sid, wordid, orth, lextype ); }) || die $dbh->errstr; my $insert = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO $tb_tablename VALUES (?,?,?,?)" ); foreach (@all_tb_data){ my $lextype = defined $_->{lextype} ? $_->{lextype} : 'undefined'; #print STDERR "HOGE:[$_->{sid}, $_->{wordid}, $_->{orth}, $lextype]\n"; $insert->execute($_->{sid}, $_->{wordid}, $_->{orth}, $lextype); } ## ## add in the frequencies ## ## Word $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT wordid, count(wordid) FROM $tb_tablename GROUP BY wordid" ); $sth->execute; my $update = $dbh->prepare( "UPDATE $lex_tablename SET freq=? WHERE wordid=?" ); while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ my ($wordid, $count) = @row; ##print STDERR "$wordid: $count\n"; $update->execute($count, $wordid); } # ## Type # $sth = $dbh->prepare( # "SELECT lextype, count(lextype) FROM $tb_tablename GROUP BY lextype" # ); # $sth->execute; # my $type_tablename = "list_tbl"; # $update = $dbh->prepare( # "UPDATE $type_tablename SET tokenfreq=? WHERE lextype=?" # ); # while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array){ # my ($lextype, $count) = @row; # ##print STDERR "$lextype: $count\n"; # $update->execute($count, $lextype); # } $dbh->commit;