;;; ;;; call with ;;; time sbcl --dynamic-space-size 2000 --load make-qc.lisp ;;; time env DISPLAY="" /home/bond/logon/franz/linux.x86.64/alisp -L make-qc.lisp ;;; ;;; ;;; use more memory ;(setf (sb-ext:BYTES-CONSED-BETWEEN-GCS) 200000000) (load "/home/bond/logon/lingo/lkb/src/general/loadup") ;(load "/home/bond/delphin/lkb.cvs.good/src/general/loadup") ;(compile-system "lkb" :force t) (compile-system "lkb") (defparameter grm-dir "/home/bond/logon/dfki/jacy") ;;; ;;; load jacy, with tdl lexicon ;;; ;(setf *features* (remove :psql *features*)) (read-script-file-aux (format nil "~a/lkb/script" grm-dir)) (setf lkb::*maximum-number-of-edges* '5000) ;;; ;;; create the check-path ;;; (lkb::with-check-path-list-collection "/tmp/checkpaths" (lkb::parse-sentences (format nil "~a/utils/kinou1.chasen.100" grm-dir) (format nil "/tmp/kinou1.chasen.out" grm-dir))) (format t "~%All Done!~%") (quit) ;; sbcl 500 sentences ;; real 22m39.282s ;; user 22m20.332s ;; sys 0m16.841s ;;; Mean edges: 315.08 ;;; Mean parses: 3.64 ;; acl 500 sentences ;;; Total CPU time: 1082450 msecs ;;; Mean edges: 315.14 ;;; Mean parses: 14.14