;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: LKB -*- ;;; Copyright (c) 2000--2006 ;;; John Carroll, Ann Copestake, Robert Malouf, Stephan Oepen, Ben Waldron; ;;; see `licence.txt' for conditions. ;;; ;;; oe's wish list: ;;; ;;; implement the following specification: ;;; ;;; @ version ;;; ;;; : token separator (also mark transition from string- to token-level rules) ;;; ;;; - replace ;;; ;;; + augment (only in token-level mode) ;;; ;;; ^ ersatz (currently only in token-level mode) ;;; ;;; #42 ;;; ;;; # grouping: name set of rules # 42; group is not executed unless called ;;; ;;; >42 group call; groups can be recursive and stop when there was no match ;;; ;;; edgeType='tok' tokenStr=content ersatz.[] -> edgeType='tok+morph' tokenStr=content.name gMap.carg=content.surface") ;; (defparameter *smaf-id* 0) (defparameter *smaf-node* 0) ;; todo: convert to local variable (defvar *max-spaces-registers* nil) ;; ;; x-strings (aka 'preprocessed-x') ;; (defclass preprocessed-x () ((text :initform nil :accessor text :initarg :text) (char-map :initform nil :accessor char-map :initarg :char-map))) (defvar *print-char-map-simple-range* t) (defmethod print-object ((object preprocessed-x) stream) (with-slots (text char-map) object (format stream "|~a|:~a" text (if *print-char-map-simple-range* (char-map-simple-range char-map) char-map)))) ;; fix_me: enforce ordering constraint? (defun char-map-simple-range (char-map) (loop for r in char-map if (numberp (car r)) collect (car r) into from if (numberp (cdr r)) collect (cdr r) into to finally (return (cons (if from (apply #'min from)) (if to (apply #'max to)))))) (defun make-preprocessed-x (str) (let ((x (make-instance 'preprocessed-x :text str))) (setf (char-map x) (make-char-map (length (text x)))) x)) (defun x-subseq (x start end) (make-instance 'preprocessed-x :text (subseq (text x) start end) :char-map (subseq (char-map x) start end))) (defun preprocessed-x= (x y) (and (string= (text x) (text y)) (equal (char-map x) (char-map y)))) (defun make-char-map (l &key val) (loop with i = 0 while (< i l) collect (if val (progn (incf i) val) (cons i (incf i))))) (defun char-map-lookup (n char-map) (nth n char-map)) ;; equality of x-string (defun x-= (x y) (and (equalp (char-map x) (char-map y)) (string= (text x) (text y)))) (defun copy-preprocessed-x (x) (make-instance 'preprocessed-x :text (text x) :char-map (char-map x))) ;; ;; ;; (defstruct x-fspp version (tokenizer *default-token-sep*) global local) (defmethod print-object ((object x-fspp) stream) (format stream "#[X-FSPP (~d global, ~d token-level rules @ `~a')]" (length (x-fspp-global object)) (length (x-fspp-local object)) (x-fspp-tokenizer object))) (defstruct x-fsr type source scanner target max-tokens pre-test) (defmethod print-object ((object x-fsr) stream) (with-slots (type source target) object (format stream "#[X-FSR (~a |~a| -> |~a|)]" type source target ))) (defun preprocessor-initialized-p () (if *preprocessor* t)) (defun clear-preprocessor () (setf *preprocessor* nil)) ;; return max code point of all characters in file (defun file-max-char-code (filename) (with-open-file (stream filename :direction :input) (loop with c while (setf c (read-char stream nil nil)) maximize (char-code c)))) ;; top-level call (defun read-preprocessor (file) ;; ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* will be set smallest possible value (let* ((ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* *min-regex-char-code-limit*) (x-fspp (read-preprocessor-aux file))) ;; finalize x-fspp (setf (x-fspp-global x-fspp) (nreverse (x-fspp-global x-fspp))) (setf (x-fspp-local x-fspp) (nreverse (x-fspp-local x-fspp))) (format t "~a~%" x-fspp) (setf *preprocessor* x-fspp)) (setf *saf-config* (saf:conf-read-string *saf-config-str*)) *preprocessor* ) ;; recursive call (defun read-preprocessor-aux (file &key (x-fspp (make-x-fspp))) (when (probe-file file) ;; set ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* to smallest possible value (setf ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* (max ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* (file-max-char-code file))) ;; now walk through file and collect rules (with-open-file (stream file :direction :input) (format t "~&Reading preprocessor rules '~a'~%" file) (loop with path = (pathname file) for n from 1 for line = (read-line stream nil nil) while line do (read-preprocessor-line line n x-fspp path))) x-fspp)) (defun read-preprocessor-line (line n x-fspp path) (unless (= (length line) 0) (let ((c (char line 0))) (cond ((char= #\; c) ;; comment ) ((char= #\@ c) (read-preprocessor-version line x-fspp n)) ((char= #\< c) (read-preprocessor-import line x-fspp path n)) ((char= #\: c) (read-preprocessor-tokenizer line x-fspp)) ((char= #\! c) (read-preprocessor-rule :replace line x-fspp n)) ((char= #\- c) (read-preprocessor-rule :substitute line x-fspp n)) ((char= #\+ c) (read-preprocessor-rule :augment line x-fspp n)) ((char= #\^ c) (read-preprocessor-rule :ersatz line x-fspp n)) ((or (char= #\> c) (char= #\* c)) (read-preprocessor-rule :ersatz-augment line x-fspp n)) ((ppcre:scan *empty-line-regex* line) ;; empty line ) (t (format t "read-preprocessor(): [line ~d] ~ ignoring unknown rule type `~a'~%" n c)))))) (defun read-preprocessor-version (line x-fspp n) (multiple-value-bind (match registers) (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings *date-regex* line :sharedp t) (if match (let ((version (aref registers 0))) (setf (x-fspp-version x-fspp) version)) (format t "read-preprocessor(): [line ~d] invalid `~a'~%" n line)))) (defun read-preprocessor-import (line x-fspp path n) (multiple-value-bind (match registers) (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings *import-regex* line :sharedp t) (if match (let* ((name (aref registers 0)) (file (or (probe-file name) (probe-file (merge-pathnames name path))))) (if file (read-preprocessor-aux file :x-fspp x-fspp) (format t "read-preprocessor(): [~d] unable to include `~a'~%" n name))) (format t "read-preprocessor(): [line ~d] invalid `~a'~%" n line)))) (defun read-preprocessor-tokenizer (line x-fspp) (let ((tokenizer (subseq line 1))) (setf (x-fspp-tokenizer x-fspp) tokenizer))) (defun read-preprocessor-rule (type line x-fspp n) ;; try to get source/target (multiple-value-bind (match registers) (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings *rule-regex* line :sharedp t) ;; warn user of this fails (unless match (format t "read-preprocessor(): [~d] invalid `~a'~%" n line) (return-from read-preprocessor-rule)) ;; DEPRECATION warning ; (if (ppcre:scan *multiple-rule-internal-separator* line) ; (format t "~&;WARNING: /deprecated/ use of multiple tabs to separate target/replacement in FSR rule (line ~a)~%" n)) ;; process source/target (let* ((source (aref registers 0)) (target (aref registers 1)) (max-tokens (ignore-errors (parse-integer (aref registers 2)))) ;; create scanner (scanner (ignore-errors (ppcre:create-scanner (if (eq type :replace) source (format nil "^~a$" source)) :single-line-mode t)) ) x-fsr) (cond (scanner (cond ((not *enable-multi-token*) (setf max-tokens 1)) ((eq :replace type) nil) (t (setf max-tokens (my-min max-tokens (num-tokens source))))) ;(unless (eq :replace type) ; (format t "~&~A ~A" source max-tokens)) ;; create x-fsr (setf x-fsr (make-x-fsr :type type :source source :scanner scanner :target target :max-tokens max-tokens )) (unless (eq :replace type) (set-pre-test x-fsr n)) ;; :replace goes to globals ;; all others to local (if (eq type :replace) (push x-fsr (x-fspp-global x-fspp)) (push x-fsr (x-fspp-local x-fspp)))) (t ;; problem creating scanner (format t "read-preprocessor(): [line ~d] invalid pattern `~a'~%" n source)))))) (defun my-min (a b) (cond ((null a) b) ((null b) a) ((and (numberp a) (numberp b)) (min a b)) (t (error "unexpected argument types")))) ;; calculate upper bound on number of tokens FSR will match (defun num-tokens (str &key (sep *inter-token-str*)) (cond ((string= " " sep) (my-+ 1 (max-spaces-in str))) (t ;; todo: generalise *inter-token-str* to any new character used ;; if we want to constrain num-tokens nil))) ;;; calculate upper bound on number of tokens FSR will match ;(defun num-tokens (str &key (sep *inter-token-str*)) ; (1+ (count-token-separators str :sep sep))) #+:null (defun count-token-separators (str &key (sep *inter-token-str*)) (floor (/ (length (ppcre:all-matches sep str)) 2))) ;; instantiate pre-test on FSR, if nec (defun set-pre-test (x-fsr n) (with-slots (max-tokens source pre-test) x-fsr (when (and (numberp max-tokens) (not (zerop max-tokens))) (handler-case (setf pre-test (ppcre:create-scanner (set-pre-test-aux source) :single-line-mode t) ) (error nil (format t "~&;WARNING: [line ~a] unable to construct pre-test for multi-token FSR: ~A ~&" n source)))))) ;; get pre-test regex string ;; this will be used to test FIRST token in multi-token sequence ;; if the test then fails we there is no need to test the full token sequence (defun set-pre-test-aux (source) (loop with bits = (ppcre:split *inter-token-regex* source) with pre-test-str for bit in (cdr bits) for c = (and (> (length bit) 0) (aref bit 0)) while (eq #\? c) collect "(" into bits2 collect (subseq bit 1) into bits2 collect ")?" into bits2-end finally (push (car bits) bits2) ;(push 'string bits2) (setf bits2 (append (list 'string "^") bits2 bits2-end (list "$"))) ;(setf bits2 (append bits2 bits2-end)) (setf pre-test-str (apply #'concatenate bits2)) (return pre-test-str))) ;; this is the main entry point (defun preprocess (string &key (preprocessor *preprocessor*) verbose format) ;; optionally, reset counters (when *reset-ids-on-each-call* (setf *smaf-id* 0) (setf *smaf-node* 0)) (let* ((x (make-preprocessed-x string)) ;; construct x-string (*text* string) ;; see SAF:X-PARSE todo: should go directly into saf obj ;(*span* (char-map-simple-range (char-map x))) ;; not used??? ) ;; if no preprocessor defined... (when (null preprocessor) (error "no preprocessor available")) ;; process text globally (preprocess-global x (x-fspp-global preprocessor) :verbose verbose) ;; process tokens (let* ((x-tokens (x-split (x-fspp-tokenizer preprocessor) x)) (saf (x-tokens-to-saf-annots x-tokens))) ;; initial saf obj ;; populate saf obj (setf saf (preprocess-tokens saf (x-fspp-local preprocessor) :verbose verbose)) ;; map saf obj to output format (x-format-preprocessed-output saf :format format)))) ;; x-string => x-string (defun preprocess-global (x &optional (global (slot-value *preprocessor* 'global)) &key verbose) (with-slots (text char-map) x ;; apply each global regex, in turn, to input x-string (loop for rule in global for scanner = (x-fsr-scanner rule) for target = (x-fsr-target rule) for source = (x-fsr-source rule) do (multiple-value-bind (res matchp) (x-regex-replace-all scanner x target :source source) (when (and verbose matchp) (format t "~&GLOBAL |~a| -> |~a| ~&mapped~&|~a|~&to~&" (x-fsr-source rule) (x-fsr-target rule) x) ;(text x)) (setf x res) (format t "~&|~a|~%~%" x)) ; (format t "~&|~a|~%~%" (text x))) (setf x res)))) x) ;; x-tokens (seq) => saf obj (defun x-tokens-to-saf-annots (x-tokens) (loop with init-node = *smaf-node* with new-annot for x in x-tokens unless (string= (text x) "") do ;; construct saf annot for each x-token (setf new-annot (saf:make-saf-edge :id (incf *smaf-id*) :type :|token| :source *smaf-node* :target (incf *smaf-node*) :content x)) ;; l-content needed for interpretation (saf:instantiate-edge-l-content new-annot *saf-config*) and collect new-annot into edges and collect *smaf-node* into nodes finally (return (saf:make-saf :meta nil ;! :lattice (saf:make-saf-lattice :start-node init-node :end-node *smaf-node* :nodes (cons init-node nodes) :edges edges))))) #+:null (defun clone-preprocessed-x (x) (make-instance 'preprocessed-x :text (copy-seq (text x)) :char-map (copy-tree (char-map x)))) (defun preprocess-tokens (saf local &key verbose) (let* ((saf-lattice (saf:saf-lattice saf))) (loop ;; for each FSR rule... for fsr in local for max-tokens = (x-fsr-max-tokens fsr) do (loop with paths = (saf:get-all-annot-paths saf-lattice max-tokens) for annot-path in paths do ;; attempt to apply FSR to ANNOT (setf (saf:saf-lattice-edges saf-lattice) (preprocess-token-multi annot-path fsr (saf:saf-lattice-edges saf-lattice) :verbose verbose)))) ;; contruct SAF output (loop with init-node = (saf:saf-lattice-start-node saf-lattice) with final-node = (saf:saf-lattice-end-node saf-lattice) with nodes for annot in (saf:saf-lattice-edges saf-lattice) for source = (saf:saf-edge-source annot) for target = (saf:saf-edge-target annot) do ;; collect SAF nodes (pushnew source nodes :test #'=) (pushnew target nodes :test #'=) finally (return ;; make it ;; ! better to modify input saf (saf:make-saf :lattice (saf:make-saf-lattice :start-node (2-str init-node) ; :end-node (2-str final-node) ; :nodes (loop for node in nodes collect (2-str node)) ; :edges (loop for annot in (saf:saf-lattice-edges saf-lattice) collect (clean-saf-annot annot ))) :meta (saf:make-saf-meta :document nil :addressing :|char| :olac nil) ;! ))))) ;; concatenate x-strings = list of key(item) (defun x-concat (items &key (key #'identity) (sep *inter-token-str*)) (cond ((null items) nil) ((not (cdr items)) (funcall key (car items))) (t (loop for annot in items for x-orig = (funcall key annot) ; collect sep into text collect nil into char-map collect (text x-orig) into text append (char-map x-orig) into char-map finally (setf (car text) 'string) (setf text (apply #'concatenate text)) (setf char-map (cdr char-map)) (return (make-instance 'preprocessed-x :text text :char-map char-map)))))) ;; if pre-test fails on first token, to need to test full fsr (defun quick-check-fail (fsr annots) (with-slots (pre-test) fsr (let* ((annot1 (first annots)) (x1 (and annot1 (get-token-str annot1)))) ;(format t "~&X1: '~a' PRE-TEST: '~a'~&" x1 pre-test) (if pre-test (not (ppcre:scan pre-test (text x1))))))) #+:null (defun get-stringified (saf-fs) (loop for fv in (and (listp saf-fs) saf-fs) collect (saf::make-saf-fv :feature (2-str (saf:saf-fv-feature fv)) :value (saf:saf-fv-value fv)))) ;; ;; get values from l-content ;; (defun get-ersatz-type (annot) (saf:saf-fs-feature-value2 (saf:saf-edge-l-content annot) :|name|)) ;! (defun get-token-str (annot) (saf:saf-fs-feature-value2 (saf:saf-edge-l-content annot) :|tokenStr|)) (defun get-gmap-carg (annot) (saf:saf-fs-feature-value2 (saf:saf-edge-l-content annot) :|gMap.carg|)) ;; ;; get values from CONTENT ;; TODO: use l-content instead ;; ;; returns the ersatz-type (defun get-ersatz-name (annot) (and (eq :|ersatz| (annot-type annot)) (saf:saf-fs-feature-value2 (saf:saf-edge-content annot) :|type|))) ;; returns the ersatz surface string (defun get-ersatz-surface (annot) (and (eq :|ersatz| (annot-type annot)) (saf:saf-fs-feature-value2 (saf:saf-edge-content annot) :|surface|))) ;; ;; ;; shorthand (defun annot-type (annot) (saf:saf-edge-type annot)) ;; find annot with ersatz-type + span (x-string) matching input (defun match-ersatz (x annots) (find x annots :test #'x-= :key #'get-ersatz-name)) ;; TODO: factor this function ;; attempt to apply FSR to ANNOT (defun preprocess-token-multi (annots fsr saf-annots &key verbose) ;; bail out if quick-check fails (when (quick-check-fail fsr annots) (return-from preprocess-token-multi saf-annots)) (let* (;; FSR slots (type (x-fsr-type fsr)) (scanner (x-fsr-scanner fsr)) (target (x-fsr-target fsr)) ;; ANNOT slots (x-orig (x-concat annots :key #'get-token-str)) (annot-source (saf:saf-edge-source (first annots))) (annot-target (saf:saf-edge-target (car (last annots)))) x-str new-annot) (when (ppcre:scan scanner (text x-orig)) ;; found a match... ;; so copy input then apply REPLACE (setf x-str (copy-preprocessed-x x-orig)) (x-regex-replace scanner x-str target) ;; debugging output (when verbose (format t "~&~a |~a| -> |~a| in |~a| gave |~a|" type (x-fsr-source fsr) target (text x-orig) (text x-str))) ;; fix NILs in CHAR-MAP (setf (char-map x-str) (substitute (char-map-simple-range (char-map x-orig)) nil (char-map x-str))) ;; DELETE existing annot when nec (when (member type '(:ersatz :substitute)) (setf saf-annots (set-difference saf-annots annots))) ;; new (perhaps multiple) tokens (when t ; (loop with surface with xstr0 = ;; needed for extraction of ersatz'd text (let ((x (make-preprocessed-x (text x-orig)))) (x-regex-replace scanner x target) (setf (char-map x) (substitute (char-map-simple-range (char-map x-orig)) nil (char-map x))) x) with x-bits = ;; split into bits on *inter-token-regex* (remove "" (x-split *inter-token-regex* x-str) :key #'(lambda (x) (text x)) :test #'string=) with x-bits0 = ;; needed for extraction of ersatz'd text (remove "" (x-split *inter-token-regex* xstr0) :key #'(lambda (x) (text x)) :test #'string=) for i from 0 to (1- (length x-bits)) for x-bit = (nth i x-bits) for x-bit0 = (nth i x-bits0) ;; ensure tie-in to node numbers correctly with last-node = annot-source for next-node = (if (= i (1- (length x-bits))) annot-target (incf *smaf-node*)) ;; check bit contains ersatz for ersatz-match = (multiple-value-bind (x flag) (x-regex-replace-all *ersatz-regex* x-bit0 "\\1") (if flag x)) with range do (cond (ersatz-match ;; annot is ERSATZ (setf range (char-map-simple-range (char-map ersatz-match))) ;; get RANGE (setf surface (x-subseq x-orig (car range) (cdr range))) (setf (char-map ersatz-match) (loop with surface-range = (char-map-simple-range (char-map surface)) for r in (char-map ersatz-match) collect surface-range)) ;; now check whether surface contains an ersatz strings, in which case ;; we need to retrieve the surface from corresponding ersatz (multiple-value-bind (x0 flag0) (x-regex-replace-all *ersatz-regex* (make-preprocessed-x (text surface)) "\\1") (when flag0 (let* ((range0 (char-map-simple-range (char-map x0))) (surface0 (x-subseq surface (car range0) (cdr range0)))) (setf surface (get-ersatz-surface (match-ersatz surface0 annots))) ))) (setf new-annot (saf:make-saf-edge :id (incf *smaf-id*) :type :|ersatz| :source last-node :target next-node :content (list (saf:make-saf-fv :feature :|surface| :value surface) (saf:make-saf-fv :feature :|name| ;; the ersatz 'token' :value x-bit) (saf:make-saf-fv :feature :|type| :value ersatz-match)))) ;; the ersatz name (saf:instantiate-edge-l-content new-annot *saf-config*) (push new-annot saf-annots)) (t ;; annot is normal TOKEN (setf new-annot (saf:make-saf-edge :id (incf *smaf-id*) :type :|token| :source last-node :target next-node :content x-bit)) (saf:instantiate-edge-l-content new-annot *saf-config*) (push new-annot saf-annots))) (setf last-node next-node) ;; keep nodes in sync )))) saf-annots) ;; annot => annot ;; convert saf annots to starndard form (defun clean-saf-annot (annot) (let* ((type (saf:saf-edge-type annot)) (content (saf:saf-edge-content annot))) (let* ((surface (cond ((eq type :|token|) content) ((eq type :|ersatz|) (saf:saf-fs-feature-value2 content :|surface|)) (t (error "internal")))) (range (char-map-simple-range (char-map surface)))) ;; instantiate FROM/TO (setf (saf:saf-edge-from annot) (car range)) (setf (saf:saf-edge-to annot) (cdr range))) ;; clear L-CONTENT (setf (saf:saf-edge-l-content annot) nil) ;; convert values to string (setf (saf:saf-edge-id annot) (2-str (saf:saf-edge-id annot))) ;;int=>str (setf (saf:saf-edge-source annot) (2-str (saf:saf-edge-source annot))) ;;int=>str (setf (saf:saf-edge-target annot) (2-str (saf:saf-edge-target annot))) ;;int=>str (setf (saf:saf-edge-from annot) (2-str (saf:saf-edge-from annot))) ;;int=>str (setf (saf:saf-edge-to annot) (2-str (saf:saf-edge-to annot))) ;;int=>str ;; convert x-strings to strings ;; simple content (if (typep content 'preprocessed-x) (setf (saf:saf-edge-content annot) (text content)) ;; FV content (loop for fv in (and (listp content) content) for value = (saf:saf-fv-value fv) when (typep value 'preprocessed-x) do (setf (saf:saf-fv-value fv) (text (saf:saf-fv-value fv))))) ) annot) ;;HACK remove when PET can handle unsorted lattice (defun node-to-int (node) (parse-integer node)) ;; convert saf obj to output format ;; NIL is raw saf/smaf object ;; :yy (= :pet) is YY MODE ;; :saf / :smaf is saf/smaf XML (defun x-format-preprocessed-output (saf &key format) ;; order lattice edges by standoff point ;; (coz therz a bug in PET) (saf:rename-nodes-by-point-order saf) (let ((lattice (saf:saf-lattice-edges (saf:saf-lattice saf)))) (setf (saf:saf-lattice-edges (saf:saf-lattice saf)) (sort lattice #'< :key #'(lambda (x) (node-to-int (saf:saf-edge-source x)))))) (cond ((or (eq format :yy) (eq format :pet)) ;; deprecate this...? (loop with length = (1- (length (saf:saf-lattice-nodes (saf:saf-lattice saf)))) with saf-annots = (saf:saf-lattice-edges (saf:saf-lattice saf)) for annot in saf-annots for type = (saf:saf-edge-type annot) for id = (saf:saf-edge-id annot) for start = (saf:saf-edge-from annot) for end = (saf:saf-edge-to annot) for form = (and (saf:instantiate-edge-l-content annot *saf-config*) (get-token-str annot)) for surface = (if (eq type :|ersatz|) (get-gmap-carg annot) form) for token = (format nil "(~d, ~d, ~d, 1, \"~a\" \"~a\", 0, \"null\")" id start end (x-escape-string form) (x-escape-string surface)) collect token into tokens finally (return (values (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" tokens) length)))) ((null format) saf) ((or (eq format :saf) (eq format :smaf)) (saf:to-xml saf :format format)) ((eq format :list) ;; deprecate this...? (loop with length = (1- (length (saf:saf-lattice-nodes (saf:saf-lattice saf)))) with saf-annots = (saf:saf-lattice-edges (saf:saf-lattice saf)) for annot in saf-annots for type = (saf:saf-edge-type annot) for id = (saf:saf-edge-id annot) for start = (saf:saf-edge-from annot) for end = (saf:saf-edge-to annot) for form = (and (saf:instantiate-edge-l-content annot *saf-config*) (get-token-str annot)) for surface = (if (eq type :|ersatz|) (get-gmap-carg annot) form) for token = (list id start end form surface) collect token into tokens finally (return (values tokens length)))) ; ((eq format :list) ; (error ":list format no longer supported")) (t (error "unhandled format argument: ~a" format)))) ;; for YY format (defun x-escape-string (string &key (syntax :c)) (declare (ignore syntax)) (if string (loop with padding = 128 with length = (+ (length string) padding) with result = (make-array length :element-type 'character :adjustable nil :fill-pointer 0) for c across string when (or (char= c #\") (char= c #\\)) do (vector-push #\\ result) (vector-push c result) (when (zerop (decf padding)) (setf padding 42) (incf length padding) (setf result (adjust-array result length))) else do (vector-push c result) finally (return result)) "")) ;; ;; x-regex code (regexes on x-strings) ;; (defstruct repl target-string target-char-map sub-char-map start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends replace-string) (defstruct repl-list list) (defun char-map-match-start (char-map match-start) (car (nth match-start char-map))) (defun char-map-match-end (char-map match-end) (cond ((= 0 match-end) 0) (t (cdr (nth (1- match-end) char-map))))) (defun catch-repl (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends &key replace-string repl-l char-map) (coerce (loop with esc ; with reg ;; register with reg-start with reg-end for c across replace-string ;; ;; register matches ;; for flag = (and esc (member c '(#\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))) ;; to_do: \& \` \' \{N} for reg = (and flag (1- (read-from-string (string c)))) if (and reg (< reg (length reg-starts))) do (setf reg-start (aref reg-starts reg)) (setf reg-end (aref reg-ends reg)) and append (coerce (subseq target-string reg-start reg-end) 'list) ;; replacement text and append (subseq char-map reg-start reg-end) into new-char-map ;; replacement spans and do (setf esc nil) else if reg do (format t "~&;WARNING: ignore nonexistent register '\\~a' in '~a'" c replace-string) ;; ignore nonexistent register reference else if esc ;; ;; escaped character ;; collect c and collect (cons nil nil) into new-char-map ;; empty replacement span and do (setf esc nil) else if (char= c #\\) ;; ;; backslash (escape) character ;; do (setf esc t) else collect c ;; ;; none of the above ;; and collect (cons nil nil) into new-char-map ;; empty replacement span finally (fill-char-map new-char-map (char-map-match-start char-map match-start) (char-map-match-end char-map match-end)) (push (make-repl :target-string target-string :target-char-map char-map :sub-char-map new-char-map :start start :end end :match-start match-start :match-end match-end :reg-starts reg-starts :reg-ends reg-ends :replace-string replace-string) (repl-list-list repl-l))) 'string)) ;; instantiate null points to match surrounding spans (defun fill-char-map (char-map start end) ;; update start points (loop with last-p = start for r in char-map for s = (car r) for e = (cdr r) if s do (setf last-p (or e last-p)) ;; update last-p if poss else do (setf (car r) last-p) ;; instantiate ) ;; update end points (loop with last-p = end for r in (reverse char-map) for s = (car r) for e = (cdr r) if e do (setf last-p (or s last-p)) ;; update last-p if poss else do (setf (cdr r) last-p) ;; instantiate ;; sanity check (start <= end) if (> (or (car r) 0) (or (cdr r) 0)) do (let ((x (car r))) (setf (car r) (cdr r)) (setf (cdr r) x)) ) char-map) (defun update-char-map (replacements x) (setf (char-map x) (loop with char-map = (char-map x) with last = 0 for r in replacements for start = (repl-match-start r) for end = (repl-match-end r) for sub-char-map = (repl-sub-char-map r) ;; unmatched portion of string append (subseq char-map last start) into new-char-map append sub-char-map into new-char-map do (setf last end) finally (return (append new-char-map (subseq char-map last (length char-map))))))) ;; returns: REPLACEMENT + flag indicating whether a match took place (defun x-regex-replace-all (scanner x target &key source) (with-slots (text char-map) x (let ((repl-l (make-repl-list))) ;; ;; Handler-case is necessary due to an apparent bug in the underlying PPCRE regex module. ;; An error is thrown _in_some_cases_ (!) when input string contains a character with code ;; point greater than the value of ppcre:*regex-char-code-limit* with which the scanner ;; was created. ;; (handler-case (setf (text x) (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all scanner text #'(lambda (a b c d e f g) (catch-repl a b c d e f g :replace-string target :repl-l repl-l :char-map char-map)))) (t () (format t "~&;WARNING: unexpected error thrown by function 'cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all'.") (setf repl-l (make-repl-list)) (cond (source (format t " Recovering...") (setf (text x) (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all source text #'(lambda (a b c d e f g) (catch-repl a b c d e f g :replace-string target :repl-l repl-l :char-map char-map))))) (t (format t " Continuing...") )))) (with-slots (list) repl-l (when list (setf list (reverse list)) (update-char-map list x)) (values x (not (null list)))) ))) (defun x-regex-replace (scanner x target) (with-slots (text char-map) x (let* ((repl-l (make-repl-list)) (x2 (cl-ppcre:regex-replace scanner text #'(lambda (a b c d e f g) (catch-repl a b c d e f g :replace-string target :repl-l repl-l :char-map char-map))))) (with-slots (list) repl-l (when list (setf (text x) x2) (setf list (reverse list)) (update-char-map list x))))) x) (defun x-split (scanner x) (with-slots (text char-map) x (loop with ranges = (append '(0) (cl-ppcre:all-matches scanner text) (list (length text))) with start with end while ranges do (setf start (pop ranges)) (setf end (pop ranges)) collect (make-instance 'preprocessed-x :text (subseq text start end) :char-map (subseq char-map start end))))) (defun max-spaces-in (regex) (setf *max-spaces-registers* nil) (max-spaces (cl-ppcre::parse-string regex))) ;; ignored: parse tree synonyms (defun max-spaces (tree) (cond ((stringp tree) (max-spaces-string tree)) ((characterp tree) (max-spaces-char tree)) ((eq :VOID tree) 0) ((eq :EVERYTHING tree) 1) ((eq :WORD-BOUNDARY tree) 0) ((eq :NON-WORD-BOUNDARY tree) 0) ((eq :DIGIT-CLASS tree) 0) ((eq :NON-DIGIT-CLASS tree) 1) ((eq :WORD-CHAR-CLASS tree) 0) ((eq :NON-WORD-CHAR-CLASS tree) 1) ((eq :WHITESPACE-CHAR-CLASS tree) 1) ((eq :NON-WHITESPACE-CHAR-CLASS tree) 0) ((eq :START-ANCHOR tree) 0) ((eq :END-ANCHOR tree) 0) ((eq :MODELESS-START-ANCHOR tree) 0) ((eq :MODELESS-END-ANCHOR tree) 0) ((eq :MODELESS-END-ANCHOR-NO-NEWLINE tree) 0) ((eq :CASE-SENSITIVE-P tree) 0) ((eq :CASE-INSENSITIVE-P tree) 0) ((eq :MULTI-LINE-MODE-P tree) 0) ((eq :NOT-MULTI-LINE-MODE-P tree) 0) ((eq :SINGLE-LINE-MODE-P tree) 0) ((eq :NOT-SINGLE-LINE-MODE-P tree) 0) ((not (listp tree)) (max-spaces-unknown tree)) ((eq :FLAGS (car tree)) 0) ((eq :SEQUENCE (car tree)) (max-spaces-sum (cdr tree))) ((eq :GROUP (car tree)) (max-spaces-sum (cdr tree))) ((eq :ALTERNATION (car tree)) (max-spaces-max (cdr tree))) ((eq :BRANCH (car tree)) ;;checkme (max-spaces (third tree))) ((eq :POSITIVE-LOOKAHEAD (car tree)) ;;checkme 0) ((eq :NEGATIVE-LOOKAHEAD (car tree)) ;;checkme 0) ((eq :POSITIVE-LOOKBEHIND (car tree)) ;;checkme 0) ((eq :NEGATIVE-LOOKBEHIND (car tree)) ;;checkme 0) ((eq :GREEDY-REPETITION (car tree)) (max-spaces-multiply (third tree) (fourth tree))) ((eq :NON-GREEDY-REPETITION (car tree)) (max-spaces-multiply (third tree) (fourth tree))) ((eq :STANDALONE (car tree)) (max-spaces (second tree))) ((eq :REGISTER (car tree)) (set-max-spaces-register (max-spaces (second tree)))) ((eq :BACK-REFERENCE (car tree)) (get-max-spaces-register (second tree))) ((eq :REGEX (car tree)) (max-spaces (cl-ppcre::parse-string (second tree)))) ((eq :CHAR-CLASS (car tree)) (max-spaces-char-class (cdr tree))) ((eq :INVERTED-CHAR-CLASS (car tree)) (- 1 (max-spaces-char-class (cdr tree)))) (t (max-spaces-unknown tree)))) (defun max-spaces-unknown (tree) (format t "~&;; WARNING: unknown PPCRE parse-tree component: ~A" tree) nil) (defun max-spaces-string (string) (floor (/ (length (ppcre:all-matches #\Space string)) 2))) (defun max-spaces-char (char) (if (char= char #\Space) 1 0)) (defun max-spaces-sum (trees) (loop for tree in trees for num-spaces = (max-spaces tree) if (null num-spaces) do (return-from max-spaces-sum nil) sum num-spaces)) (defun max-spaces-max (trees) (loop for tree in trees for num-spaces = (max-spaces tree) if (null num-spaces) do (return-from max-spaces-max nil) maximize num-spaces)) (defun max-spaces-multiply (max tree) (my-* max (max-spaces tree))) (defun my-+ (a b) (cond ((or (null a) (null b)) nil) ((and (numberp a) (numberp b)) (+ a b)) (t (error "unexpected argument types")))) (defun my-* (a b) (cond ((or (and (numberp a) (zerop a)) (and (numberp b) (zerop b))) 0) ((or (null a) (null b)) nil) ((and (numberp a) (numberp b)) (* a b)) (t (error "unexpected argument types")))) (defun set-max-spaces-register (num-spaces) (setf *max-spaces-registers* (append *max-spaces-registers* (list num-spaces))) num-spaces) (defun get-max-spaces-register (num-register) (nth (1- num-register) *max-spaces-registers*)) (defun max-spaces-char-class (items) (loop for item in items when (= 1 (max-spaces-char-class-item item)) do (return-from max-spaces-char-class 1)) 0) (defun max-spaces-char-class-item (item) (cond ((characterp item) (max-spaces-char item)) ((and (listp item) (eq :RANGE (car item))) (let ((space-code (char-code #\Space)) (min-code (char-code (second item))) (max-code (char-code (third item)))) (if (and (>= space-code min-code) (<= space-code max-code)) 1 0))) ((eq :DIGIT-CLASS item) 0) ((eq :NON-DIGIT-CLASS item) 1) ((eq :WORD-CHAR-CLASS item) 0) ((eq :NON-WORD-CHAR-CLASS item) 1) ((eq :WHITESPACE-CHAR-CLASS item) 1) ((eq :NON-WHITESPACE-CHAR-CLASS item) 0) (t (format t "~&;; WARNING: unknown PPCRE char-class item: ~a" item) nil)))