;; ;; a first shot at constructing a closed-class test suite for LOGON, to make ;; sure we meet at least one of the recommendatations that resulted from the ;; first round of project-internal evaluation :-). ( 26-oct-04; oe) ;; ;; ToDo ;; ;; - make sure the data i constructed is actually grammatical. ;; = done (12.11.04; JTL) ;; - give some thought to vocabulary: we want a minimal vocabulary for those ;; parts that are not foreground in each item, plus we want to steer clear ;; of (unwanted) ambiguities as much as we can. ;; - decide on methodology: some of the `determiner' examples below i borrow ;; from the NorSource test suite; if we trust the analysis grammar to map, ;; say, `en', `ei', and `et' all to the same (`en_q') predicate, then there ;; is no value in gender variation, et al. ;; - fill in additional phenomena and aim for systematic, exhaustive coverage ;; in each group (most likely adding to my initial set). ;; - decide on the importance of phenomena: the file formatting is such that ;; [incr tsdb()] can convert it into a relational database and subsequently ;; break down profiles according to phenomena. ;; ;; (12.11.04; JTL:) ;; It is an open question how many examples to include; ;; when are we documenting the word classes and when are we ;; documenting syntax? ;; It is not the goal to document fully the behavior of the different words. ;; In particular, when we come to the conjunctions, like `some', we would ;; have needed tens and tens and maybe hundred of examples. We have only ;; included one or two. Similarly, we have not included interogative pronouns ;; when used as conjunctions, as we consider that a general syntactic phenomen ;; and not a different lexeme. ;; ;; (15.11.04; JTL:) ;; Integrated Helge's extensions to original base.txt: ;; - put them in proper place, and ;; removed repetitions ;; ;;; ;;; Definiteness ;;; ;;; Definiteness_ind ;;; ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with numeral En hund sover. A dog sleeps. One dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Ei gaupe sover. A lynx sleeps. One lynx sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with numeral En gaupe sover. A lynx sleeps. One lynx sleeps. ;;1 solution Et barn sover. A child sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with numeral En snill hund sover. One nice dog sleeps. A nice dog sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with numeral En snill snill hund sover. One nice nice dog sleeps. A nice nice dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hunder sover. Dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Definiteness_def ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden sover. The dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hundene sover. The dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Definiteness_dem+NP ;;; ;;1 solution Den hunden sover. That dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Denne hunden sover. This dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Det barnet sover. That child sleeps. ;;1 solution Dette barnet sover. This child sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with demonstrative Den snille hunden sover. That nice dog sleeps. The nice dog sleeps. ;;1 solution De hundene sover. Those dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Disse hundene sover. These dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with demonstrative De snille hundene sover. The nice dogs sleep. Those nice dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Definiteness_dem_bare ;;; ;;1 solution Denne sover. This one sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with demonstrative, 1 with pronoun Den sover. That one sleeps. It sleeps. ;;1 solution Dette sover. This one sleeps. This sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with demonstrative, 1 with pronoun Det sover. That sleeps. It sleeps. ;;1 solution Disse sover. These sleep. ;;3 solutions: 1 with demonstrative, 1 with 3p pl pronoun, 1 with 2p sg polite pronoun De sover. You sleep. They sleep. Those sleep. ;;; ;;; Possessives ;;; ;;; ;;; Possessives_preposed ;;; ;;1 solution Min hund sover. My dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Mi gaupe sover. My lynx sleeps. ;;1 solution Mitt hus sover. My house sleeps. ;;1 solution Mine hunder sover. My dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Din hund sover. Your dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hans gaupe sover. His lynx sleeps. ;;1 solution Hennes hunder sover. Her dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with demonstrative, 1 with pronoun Dens hund sover. That one's dog sleeps. Its dog sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 1 with demonstrative, 1 with pronoun Dets hund sover. That one's dog sleeps. Its dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Vår hund sover. Our dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Vårt barn sover. Our child sleeps. ;;Deres barn sover. ;;6 solutions: ;;Deres is 2p sg polite possessive, barn is sg ;;Deres is 2p sg polite possessive, barn is pl ;;deres is 2p possessive, barn is sg ;;deres is 3p possessive, barn is sg ;;deres is 2p possessive, barn is pl ;;deres is 3p possessive, barn is pl ;;'barn' introduces an unwanted ambiguity here, so VR suggests changing to: ;;3 solutions, see above Deres hund sover. Their dog sleeps. Your dog sleeps. Your dog sleeps. ;;3 solutions Deres hund sover. ;;3 solutions Deres hund sover. ;;; ;;; Possessives_postposed ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden min sover. My dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Gaupa mi sover. My lynx sleeps. ;;1 solution Barnet mitt sover. My child sleeps. ;;1 solution Hundene mine sover. My dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Hunden din sover. Your dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hunden hans sover. His dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hunden hennes sover. Her dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hunden vår sover. Our dog sleeps. ;;2 solutions: deres is 2p or 3p pl possessive Hunden deres sover. Their dog sleeps. Your dog sleeps. ;;2 solutions Hunden deres sover. ;;1 solution Hunden Deres sover. Your dog sleeps. ;;'Ask' in initial position is often analyzed as either 'Ask' or 'ask', and I think this is an ambiguity we don't want here. Therefor I have done a global replace with 'Petter' in all these examples. The comments are unchanged to reflect the problem that was there. ;;2 solutions Petter så sin hund. Petter saw his dog. Petter saw his own dog. ;;These are not alternative readings. Do we need both of them? ;;2+2 solutions ;;optimal: Petter is SUBJ, hunden sin is POSSPgarp "Petter saw the dog's." ;;optimal: Petter is SUBJ, hunden sin is NP "Petter saw his dog." ;;unoptimal: Petter is OBJ, hunden sin is POSSPgarp ;;unoptimal: Petter is OBJ, hunden sin is POSSPgarp Petter så hunden sin. Petter saw the dog's. Petter saw his dog. Petter saw his own dog. ;;; ;;; Possessives_garp ;;; ;;1 solution Petter sin hund sover. Petter's dog sleeps. ;;; ;;; Possessives_dem+postposed ;;; ;;1 solution Den hunden min sover. That dog of mine sleeps. ;;1 solution Denne hunden din sover. This dog of yours sleeps. ;;1 solution Det barnet vårt sover. That child of ours sleeps. ;;1 solution Dette barnet hennes sover. This child of hers sleeps. ;;4 solutions: ;;den is article, deres is 2p ;;den is demonstrative, deres is 2p ;;den is article, deres is 3p ;;den is demonstrative, deres is 3p Den snille hunden deres sover. That nice dog of theirs sleeps. That nice dog of yours sleeps. Their nice dog sleeps. Your nice dog sleeps. ;;1 solution De hundene dine sover. Those dogs of yours sleep. ;;1 solution Disse hundene våre sover. These dogs of ours sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with demonstrative De snille hundene hans sover. Those nice dogs of his sleep. His nice dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Possessives_preposedNP ;;; ;;1 solution Et barns hund sover. A child's dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Barnets hund sover. The child's dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Barns hunder sover. Children's dogs sleep. ;;1 solution ;;Perhaps this should rather be: Barnas hunder sover. Barnenes hunder sover. The children's dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Possessives_postposedPP ;;; ;;3 solutions: ;;adjunct PP ;;possessive til-phrase with POSS-TYPE pp ;;possessive til-phrase without POSS-TYPE pp Hunden til barnet sover. The child's dog sleeps. ;;6 solutions: ;;adjunct PP, den is article ;;possessive til-phrase with POSS-TYPE pp, den is article ;;possessive til-phrase without POSS-TYPE pp, den is article ;;adjunct PP, den is demonstrative ;;possessive til-phrase with POSS-TYPE pp, den is demonstrative ;;possessive til-phrase without POSS-TYPE pp, den is demonstrative Den snille hunden til barnet sover. The child's nice dog sleeps. That nice dog of the child's sleeps. ;;3 solutions: ;;adjunct PP ;;possessive til-phrase with POSS-TYPE pp ;;possessive til-phrase without POSS-TYPE pp Den hunden til barnet sover. That dog of the child's sleeps. ;;3 solutions: ;;adjunct PP ;;possessive til-phrase with POSS-TYPE pp ;;possessive til-phrase without POSS-TYPE pp Hundene til barnet sover. The child's dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Quantifiers+NP ;;; ;;1 solution Noen hunder sover. Some dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Noen snille hunder sover. Some nice dogs sleep. ;;1 optimal solution (han is SUBJ), 1 unoptimal (noen hund is SUBJ) Han så ikke noen hund. He didn't see any dog. ;;1 optimal solution (han is SUBJ), 1 unoptimal (noen hund is SUBJ) Han så ikke noen hunder. He didn't see any dogs. He didn't see some dogs. ;;1 solution Ingen hunder sover. No dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Enhver hund sover. Any dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Hver hund sover. Every dog sleeps. Each dog sleeps. ;;1 solution Samtlige hunder sover. All of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Alle hunder sover. All dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Alle hundene sover. All of the dogs sleep. All the dogs sleep. ;; These are not different readings. ;;1 solution Enkelte hunder sover. Some few dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Få hunder sover. Few dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Noen få hunder sover. A few dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Et par hunder sover. A couple of dogs sleep. ;;1 solution En del hunder sover. Some dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Mange hunder sover. Many dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions Flere hunder sover. More dogs sleep. Several dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: ;;1 with article ;;1 with demonstrative (This is not a possible reading is it?) De fleste hunder sover. Most dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: ;;1 with article ;;1 with demonstrative (This is not a possible reading is it?) De fleste hundene sover. Most of the dogs sleep. ;;; ;;;Quantifiers_bare ;;; ;;2 solutions: sg or pl SUBJ ;; The two last ones are not different readings. Noen sover. Some sleep. Someone sleeps. Somebody sleeps. ;;2 solutions: ;;'noe' is pronoun ;;'noe' is quantifier with missing head noun ;; Mass reading Noe sover. Something sleeps. Some sleeps. ;;1 solution Alle sover. All sleep. Everybody sleeps. ;;1 solution Enkelte sover. A few sleep. ;;4 solutions: ;;NP with article ;;NP with numeral ;;en-del as MWE, sg ;;en-del as MWE, pl En del sover. Some sleep. A few sleep. A little sleeps. ;;1 solution Mange sover. Many sleep. ;;1 solution Flere sover. More sleep. ;;1 solution Samtlige sover. All sleep. All of them sleep. ;;1 solution Enkelte sover. A few sleep. ;;4 solutions, see above (why is this repeated in same section? should be deleted, I guess) En del sover. Some sleep. A few sleep. A little sleeps. ;;; ;;; Partitives ;;; ;;1 solution Noen av hundene sover. Some of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Han så ikke noen av hundene. He didn't see some of the dogs. He didn't see any of the dogs. ;;1 solution Ingen av hundene sover. None of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution ;; ? - strange in both languages. Better: "Enhver av hundene kan sove." Enhver av hundene sover. Any of the dogs sleeps. ;;1 solution Hver av hundene sover. Each of the dogs sleep. Each of the dogs sleeps. ;;1 solution Samtlige av disse hundene sover. All of these dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Enkelte av hundene sover. A few of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Få av hundene sover. Few of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Noen få av hundene sover. A few of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Et par av hundene sover. A couple of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution En del av hundene sover. Some of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Mange av hundene sover. Many of the dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Flere av hundene sover. Several of the dogs sleep. More of the dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: ;;1 uten LNK, mange is head of oblique (intended reading, but den should not be demonstrative) ;;1 med LNK, den is head of oblique ;;tsdb gives only one solution, even though there is an mrs difference (LNK) ;; DPF ?? ok De fleste av hundene sover. Most of the dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Quantifiers_dem ;;; ;;1 solution Alle de hundene sover. All of those dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Alle disse hundene sover. All of these dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with demonstrative De enkelte hundene sover. The individual dogs sleep. Those individual dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with demonstrative De få hundene sover. The few dogs sleep. Those few dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with demonstrative ;;Do we want these demonstrative readings? De mange hundene sover. The many dogs sleep. Those many dogs sleep. ;;; ;;; Quantifiers_poss ;;; ;;1 solution Alle mine hunder sover. All of my dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Alle hundene dine sover. All of your dogs sleep. ;;1 solution Mine mange hunder sover. My many dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: ;;Petter is SUBJ, 'alle hundene sine' is POSSPgarp "Petter saw all the dogs'." ;;Petter is SUBJ, 'alle hundeen sine' is ALLQP "Petter saw all his dogs." Petter så alle hundene sine. Petter saw all of the dogs's. Petter saw all of his dogs. Petter saw all of his own dogs. ;;1 solution Noen av mine hunder sover. Some of my dogs sleep. ;;2 solutions: deres can be 2nd or 3rd person Hver av hundene deres sover. Each of their dogs sleeps. Each of your dogs sleep. Each of your dogs sleeps. ;;; ;;; Quantifiers_dem+poss ;;; ;;1 solution Alle disse mine mange pene hunder sover. All of these many pretty dogs of mine sleep. ;;1 solution Alle disse hundene dine sover. All of these dogs of yours sleep. ;;; ;;; MassNouns ;;; ;;; MassNouns_indef ;;; ;;'melken' is ambiguous between 'melk' and 'melken', and 'melk' is ambiguous between N and V. I suggest substituting ærlighet'. In addition, 'sover' is ambiguous between N and V, so I have also substituted 'forsvant' in all the mass noun examples. ;;3 solutions: ;;melk is SUBJ ;;imperative with sg SUBJ ;;imperative with pl SUBJ Ærlighet forsvant. Honesty disappeared. ;;; ;;; MassNouns_def ;;; ;;2 solutions: noun can be 'melk' or 'melke' Ærligheten forsvant. The honesty disappeared. ;;2 solutions: noun can be 'melk' or 'melke' Den ærligheten forsvant. That honesty disappeared. ;;; ;;; MassNouns_poss ;;; ;;1 solution Min ærlighet forsvant. My honesty disappeared. Ærligheten min forsvant. My honesty disappeared. ;;; ;;; MassNouns_det+poss ;;; ;;1 solution Den ærligheten min forsvant. That honesty of mine disappeared. ;;1 solution Denne ærligheten din forsvant. This honesty of yours disappeared. ;;1 solution Det bosset vårt forsvant. That garbage of ours disappeared. ;;1 solution Dette bosset mitt forsvant. This garbage of mine disappeared. ;;; ;;; MassNouns_quant ;;; ;;1 solution Noe ærlighet forsvant. Some honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution All ærlighet forsvant. All honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Alt boss forsvant. All garbage disappeared. ;;1 solution All ærligheten forsvant. All of the honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Mye ærlighet forsvant. Much honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Lite ærlighet forsvant. Little honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Litt ærlighet forsvant. A little honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution En del ærlighet forsvant. Some honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Noe av ærligheten forsvant. Some of the honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Noe av bosset forsvant. Some of the garbage disappeared. ;;1 solution Mye av ærligheten forsvant. Much of the honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Litt av ærligheten forsvant. A little of the honesty disappeared. ;; DPF - NOEN error: Not 'A few of the honesty' (ok) En del av ærligheten forsvant. Some of the honesty disappeared. ;;1 solution Mesteparten av ærligheten forsvant. Most of the honesty disappeared. ;;; ;;; Demonstratives_special ;;; ;;3 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or 3rd person pronoun, 'De' is 2nd person pronoun De så samme hund. You saw the same dog. They saw the same dog. Those saw the same dog. ;;3 solutions: De så samme hunden. You saw the same dog. They saw the same dog. Those saw the same dog. ;;6 solutions: ;; 'de' is demonstrative or 3rd person pronoun, 'De' is 2nd person pronoun ;; 'den' is demonstrative or article De så den samme hunden. You saw the same dog. They saw the same dog. Those saw the same dog. ;;4 solutions: ;; 'annen hund' is QuantP -> ART ORDP ;; 'annen hund' is QuantP -> NUM1P ORDP ;; 'annen hund' is QuantP -> ART DAP ;; 'annen hund' is QuantP -> NUM1P DAP ;; DPF - NOEN: maybe 'another dog' or 'a different dog' - not '*an other dog' Han så en annen hund. He saw another dog. He saw a different dog. ;;Grammatikken fra 10. mars gir også disse to: ;; 'annen hund' is ORDP, 'en' is ADV! ;; 'annen hund' is DAP, 'en' is ADV! (we have to get rid of this, it's from BMO: 'en' as in 'en tre timers tid') ;;Hva har du gjort for å fjerne denne lesningen av 'en'? ;;2 solutions: 'annet' is "other" or "second6 Hun så et annet hus. She saw another house. She saw a different house. ;;1 solution Hun så noen andre hunder. She saw some other dogs. She saw some second dogs. ;;2 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or pronoun De så sin egen hund. They saw their own dog. Those saw their own dog. ;;2 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or pronoun De så sitt eget hus. They saw their own house. Those saw their own house. ;;12 solutions ;;de is demonstrative, egne is verb ;;de is demonstrative, egne is DA ;;de is demonstrative, egen1, (egen1 PRED)=egen1 ;;de is demonstrative, egen1, (egen1 PRED)=egen2 ;;de is demonstrative, egen2, (egen2 PRED)=egen1 ;;de is demonstrative, egen2, (egen2 PRED)=egen2 ;;de is pronoun, egne is verb ;;de is pronoun, egne is DA ;;de is pronoun, etc. De så sine egne hunder. They saw their own dogs. Those saw their own dogs. ;;4+4 solutions: ;;'det selv' er DP ;;det is demonstrative ;;det is pronoun OBJ ;;det is pronoun COMP Han så det selv. He saw it himself. He saw that himself. He saw it itself. ;;1 solution Han så seg selv. He saw himself. ;;1 solution ;; DPF - NOEN - maybe better 'That very dog sleeps', not 'the very ...' ;; The last one is not an adequate translation. HD Selve hunden sover. The dog itself sleeps. That very dog sleeps. ;;; ;;; Pronouns_personal_nom ;;; ;;1 solution Jeg sover. I sleep. ;;1 solution Du sover. You sleep. ;;3 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or 3p pronoun, 'De' is 2nd person pronoun De sover. You sleep. They sleep. Those sleep. ;;1 solution Han sover. He sleeps. ;;1 solution Hun sover. She sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 'den' is demonstrative or pronoun Den sover. It sleeps. That one sleeps. ;;2 solutions: 'det' is demonstrative or pronoun Det sover. It sleeps. That one sleeps. ;;1 solution Vi sover. We sleep. ;;2 solutions: 'dere' is 2p pl, 'Dere' is 2p pl polite Dere sover. You sleep. ;;3 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or 3p pronoun, 'De' is 2p pronoun De sover. You sleep. They sleep. Those sleep. De sover. You sleep. They sleep. Those sleep. ;;; ;;; Pronouns_personal_acc ;;; ;;1 solution Petter så meg. Petter saw me. ;;1 solution Petter så deg. Petter saw you. ;;1 solution Petter så Dem. Petter saw you. ;;2 solutions: 'ham' is pronoun or count noun Petter så ham. Petter saw him. ;;2 solutions: ;; 'Petter' is SUBJ, 'han' is OBJ ;; 'han' is SUBJ, 'Petter' is OBJ Petter så han. Petter, he saw. Petter saw him. ;;1 solution Petter så henne. Petter saw her. ;;2 solutions: 'den' is demonstrative or pronoun Petter så den. Petter saw it. Petter saw that one. ;;3 solutions: ;;det is demonstrative ;;det is pronoun OBJ ;;det is pronoun COMP Petter så det. Petter saw it. Petter saw that one. ;;1 solution Petter så oss. Petter saw us. ;;2 solutions Petter så dere. Petter, you saw. Petter you saw. Petter saw you. ;; [No such polite form in bokmål!] ;;1 solution Petter så Dere. Petter, you saw. Petter you saw. Petter saw you. ;;1 solution Petter så dem. Petter saw them. ;;; ;;; Pronouns_special ;;; ;;3 solutions: 'det' is demonstrative, personal pronoun or expletive pronoun Det regner. It's raining. It rains. ;;1 solution ;; DPF ?? Hvorfor det? Why? ;;3 solutions: 'det' is demonstrative or pronoun, or 'so' Han gjorde ikke det. He didn't do that. He didn't do it. He didn't do so. ;;; ;;; Pronouns_impersonal ;;; ;;1 solution Man sover. One sleeps. They sleep. People sleep. ;;3 solutions: 'en' is numeral, impersonal pronoun or article En sover. One sleeps. They sleep. People sleep. ;;; ;;; Interrogatives ;;; ;;; Interrogatives_pron ;;; ;;1 solution Hvem sover? Who sleeps? ;;1 solution Hva sover? What sleeps? ;;2 solutions: ;;hva is SUBJ ;;hva is OBJ ;; Ambiguous: subj/obj Hva så hunden? What saw the dog? What did the dog see? ;;2 solutions: ;;hvem is SUBJ ;;hvem is OBJ ;; Unambiguous. Hvem så hunden? Who saw the dog? Who did the dog see? ;;1 solution ;; Unambiguous. Hvem så henne? Who saw her? ;;1 solution Hvem så hun? Who did she see? ;;; ;;; Interrogatives_adv ;;; ;;1 solution Hvor sover hunden? Where does the dog sleep? ;;1 solution Når sover hunden? When does the dog sleep? ;;1 solution Hvordan sover hunden? How does the dog sleep? ;;1 solution Hvorfor sover hunden? Why does the dog sleep? ;;; ;;; Interrogatives_det ;;; ;;1 solution Hvilken hund sover? Which dog sleeps? ;;1 solution Hvilket barn sover? Which child sleeps? ;;1 solution Hvilke hunder sover? Which dogs sleep? ;;; ;;; Interrogatives_degadv ;;; ;;1 solution Hvor mange hunder sover? How many dogs sleep? ;;; ;;; Reflexives ;;; ;;; Reflexives_perspron ;;; ;;2 solutions: 'meg' is refl or argument Jeg setter meg. I sit down. I set myself. ;;2 solutions: 'deg' is refl or argument Du setter deg. You sit down. You set yourself. ;;2 solutions: 'oss' is refl or argument Vi setter oss. We sit down. We set ourselves. ;;3 solutions: ;; 'dere' is SUBJ, OBJ is refl ;; 'dere' is SUBJ, OBJ is argument ;; 'Dere' is SUBJ, OBJ is argument Dere setter dere. You sit down. You set yourselves. ;;; ;;; Reflexives_reflpron ;;; ;;1 solution Han setter seg. He sits down. ;;1 solution Hun setter seg. She sits down. ;;2 solutions: 'de' is pronoun or demonstrative De setter seg. They sit down. Those sit down. ;;; ;;; Reflexives_perspron+selv ;;; ;;2 solutions: 'meg selv' is OBJ, 'meg' is OBJ and 'selv' is ADJUNCT Jeg så meg selv. I saw myself. I saw me myself. ;;2 solutions: 'deg selv' is OBJ, 'deg' is OBJ and 'selv' is ADJUNCT Du så deg selv. You saw yourself. You saw you yourself. ;;2 solutions: 'oss selv' is OBJ, 'oss' is OBJ and 'selv' is ADJUNCT Vi så oss selv. We saw ourselves. We saw us ourselves. ;;3 solutions: ;; 'dere' is SUBJ, 'dere selv' is OBJ ;; 'dere' is SUBJ, 'dere' is OBJ and 'selv' is ADJUNCT ;; 'Dere' is SUBJ, 'dere' is OBJ and 'selv' is ADJUNCT Dere så dere selv. You saw yourselves. You saw you yourselves. ;;; ;;; Reflexives_reflpron+selv ;;; ;;1 solution Han så seg selv. He saw himself. ;;2 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or pronoun De så seg selv. They saw themselves. Those saw themselves. ;;; ;;; Reciprocal ;;; ;;2 solutions: 'de' is demonstrative or pronoun De så hverandre. They saw each other. Those saw each other. ;;; ;;; Conjunction ;;; ;;; Conjunction_coord_simple ;;; ;;1 solution Petter og Embla sover. Petter and Embla sleep. ;;1 solution Petter eller Embla sover. Petter or Embla sleeps. Petter or Embla sleep. ;;1 solution Petter synger og danser. Petter sings and dances. ;;1 solution Petter synger eller danser. Petter sings or dances. ;;1 solution Petter synger ikke men danser. Petter doesn't sing but dances. ;;1 solution Petter synger og Embla sover. Petter sings and Embla sleeps. ;;1 solution Petter synger eller Embla sover. Petter sings or Embla sleeps. ;;1 solution Petter synger, men Embla danser ikke. Petter sings, but Embla doesn't dance. ;;1 solution ;; Debatable. The original has two main clauses. HD Petter synger, for Embla sover. Petter sings because Embla sleeps. ;;; ;;; Conjunction_coord_complex ;;; ;;1 solution Både Petter og Embla sover. Petter and Embla sleep. Both Petter and Embla sleep. ;;1 solution Petter både synger og danser. Petter sings and dances. Petter both sings and dances. ;;1 solution Enten Petter eller Embla sover. Petter or Embla sleeps. Petter or Embla sleep. Either Petter or Embla sleeps. Either Petter or Embla sleep. ;;1 solution Enten synger Petter eller så sover Embla. Petter sings or Embla sleeps. Either Petter sings or Embla sleeps. ;;1 solution Hverken Petter eller Embla sover. Neither Petter nor Embla sleeps. Neither Petter nor Embla sleep. ;;1 solution Petter hverken synger eller danser. Petter neither sings nor dances. ;;; ;;; Conjunction_subord ;;; ;;; Conjunction_subord_nom ;;; ;;1 solution Han så at gaupa sover. He saw that the lynx sleeps. ;;2 solutions: ;;'om gaupa sover' is COMP ;;'om gaupa sover' is ADJUNCT Han spurte om gaupa sover. He asked whether the lynx sleeps. He asked if the lynx sleeps. ;;; ;;; Conjunction_subord_advl_simple ;;; ;;1 solution Hvis hunden sover, synger gaupa. If the dog sleeps, the lynx sings. ;;1 solution Om hunden sover, synger gaupa. If the dog sleeps, the lynx sings. ;;1 solution ;; DPF - Drop the 'then' in generation - too much ambiguity? Hvis hunden sover, så synger gaupa. If the dog sleeps, the lynx sings. ;;1 solution Dersom hunden sover, synger gaupa. If the dog sleeps, the lynx sings. ;;1 solution Hunden synger fordi gaupa sover. The dog sings because the lynx sleeps. ;;2 solutions: epist-skulle, root-skulle ;; DPF - NOEN replace 'such that' with 'so (that)' Hunden synger så gaupa skal få sove. The dog sings so the lynx can get to sleep. The dog sings so that the lynx can get to sleep. ;;2 solutions: 1 with _da-caus_rel, 1 with _da-tmp_rel Da hunden sov, sang gaupa. When the dog slept, the lynx sang. The lynx sang because the dog slept. ;;1 solution Mens hunden sov, sang gaupa. While the dog slept, the lynx sang. ;;; ;;; Conjunction_subord_advl_mwe ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden synger slik at gaupa sover. The dog sings so the lynx sleeps. The dog sings so that the lynx sleeps. ;;2 solutions: epist-skulle, root-skulle Hunden synger for at gaupa skal sove. The dog sings for the lynx to sleep. The dog sings in order for the lynx to sleep. ;;2 solutions: ;;two adjuncts: 'selv' and 'om hunden synger' ;;one adjunct: 'selv-om hunden synger' Gaupa sover selv om hunden synger. The lynx sleeps even though the dog sings. The lynx sleeps even if the dog sings. ;;3 solutions: ;;i-tilfelle is a MWE ;;'i tilfelle hunden synger' is a PP-adjunct, with 'hunden synger' as a relative clause, 'tilfelle' is pl ;;'i tilfelle hunden synger' is a PP-adjunct, with 'hunden synger' as a relative clause, 'tilfelle' is sg I tilfelle hunden synger, sover gaupa. In case the dog sings, the lynx sleeps. ;;; ;;; Relatives ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden som sover, synger. The dog that sleeps sings. ;;1 solution Hunden, som synger, sover. The dog, which sings, sleeps. ;;1 solution Hunden sover der gaupa synger. The dog sleeps where the lynx sings. The dog sleeps wherever the lynx sings. ;;1 solution Hunden sover der hvor gaupa synger. The dog sleeps where the lynx sings. The dog sleeps wherever the lynx sings. ;;; ;;; Comparison ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden sover som gaupa synger. The dog sleeps like the lynx sings? ;;; ;;; Infinitives ;;; ;;1 solution Han liker å sove. He likes to sleep. He likes sleeping. ;;1 solution Han synger for å sove. He sings in order to sleep. He sings to sleep. ;;; ;;; Auxiliaries ;;; ;;; Auxiliaries_be_main ;;; ;;1 solution Petter er snill. Petter is nice. ;;1 solution Petter var snill. Petter was nice. ;;1 solution Petter har vært snill. Petter has been nice. ;;1 solution Petter er bonde. Petter is a farmer. ;;2 solutions: 1 with article, 1 with numeral Petter er en bonde. Petter is one farmer. Petter is a farmer. ;;1 solution Petter er bak huset. Petter is behind the house. ;;; ;;; Auxiliaries_have ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden har sovet. The dog has slept. ;;1 solution Petter har sovet. Petter has slept. ;;1 solution Petter hadde sovet. Petter had slept. ;;; ;;; Modals_1+MV ;;; ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter vil sove. Petter wants to sleep. Petter will sleep. ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter skal sove. Petter is to sleep. Petter is said to sleep. ;;2 solutions: epist and root ;; Include the last one because we need it for non-finite 'kunne'. HD Petter kan sove. Petter may sleep. Petter can sleep. Petter is able to sleep. ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter bør sove. Petter ought to sleep. Petter probably sleeps. ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter må sove. Petter has to sleep. Petter must sleep. ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter tør sove. Petter dares to sleep. ;;1 solution Petter får sove. Petter may sleep. Petter gets to sleep. ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter ville sove. Petter wanted to sleep. Petter would sleep. ;;2 solutions: epist and root Petter skulle sove. Petter should sleep. Petter was to sleep. ;;; ;;; Modals_1+ha+MV ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden vil ha sovet. The dog will have slept. ;;1 solution Hunden kan ha sovet. The dog may have slept. ;;1 solution Hunden må ha sovet. The dog must have slept. ;;1 solution Hunden skal ha sovet. The dog should have slept. The dog is to have slept. ;;2 solution Hunden bør ha sovet. The dog ought to have slept. The dog has probably slept. ;;; ;;; Modals_ha+1+MV ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden har villet sove. The dog has wanted to sleep. ;;1 solution Hunden har kunnet sove. The dog has been able to sleep. ;;1 solution Hunden har måttet sove. The dog has had to sleep. ;;1 solution Hunden har skullet sove. The dog has been about to sleep. ;;1 solution Hunden har burdet sove. The dog has had to sleep. ;;; ;;; Modals_2+MV ;;; ;;3 solutions: ;;root-ville, root-kunne ;;epist-ville, root-kunne ;;epist-ville, epist-kunne Hunden vil kunne sove. The dog will be able to sleep, ;;3 solutions: ;;root-kunne, root-ville ;;epist-kunne, root-ville ;;epist-kunne, epist-ville Hunden kan ville sove. The dog may want to sleep. The dog can want to sleep. ;;3 solutions: ;;root-skulle, root-måtte ;;epist-skulle, root-måtte ;;epist-skulle, epist-måtte Hunden skal måtte sove. The dog must have to sleep. The dog is said to have to sleep. ;;3 solutions: ;;root-måtte, root-skulle ;;epist-måtte, root-skulle ;;epist-måtte, epist-skulle ;; DPF FIX (translations of all three not obvious) Hunden må skulle sove. It must be the case that the dog should sleep. ;;; ;;; Modals_1+ha+1+MV ;;; ;;1 solution Hunden kan ha måttet sove. The dog may have had to sleep. ;;1 solution Hunden kan ha villet sove. The dog may have wanted to sleep. ;;; ;;; Modals_1+ha+1+pass ;;; ;;1 solution ;; DPF ?? Hunden må ha kunnet bli kjøpt. The dog must have been able to be bought. ;;; ;;; Messages ;;; ;;; Messages_imp ;;; ;;2 solutions: sg and pl Sov! Sleep. ;;2 solutions: sg and pl ;; DPF ?? lost punct Sov ikke! Don't sleep. ;;2 solutions: sg and pl Ikke sov! Don't sleep. ;;; ;;; Messages_int ;;; ;;1 solution Sover hundene? Do the dogs sleep? ;;1 solution Har hundene sovet? Have the dogs slept?