; -*- mode: CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ; ; File: ZEBU-sys.lisp ; Description: Definition of ZEBU, the cousin of Yacc (Runtime & Compiler) ; Author: Joachim H. Laubsch ; Created: 11-Oct-90 ; Modified: Fri Oct 3 10:53:02 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Language: CL ; Package: CL-USER ; Status: Experimental (Do Not Distribute) ; RCS $Header: /logon/CVS/logon/uib/lisp/lib/zebu/ZEBU-sys.lisp,v 1.1 2005/06/08 08:40:00 paul Exp $ ; ; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Revisions: ; RCS $Log: ZEBU-sys.lisp,v $ ; RCS Revision 1.1 2005/06/08 08:40:00 paul ; RCS Files necessary for cgp ; RCS ; RCS Revision 2001/05/09 14:46:32 paul ; RCS Zebu 3.3.5 with Rudi Schlatte's adaptation to mk-defsytem ; RCS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "CL-USER") (require "P-defsys") (use-package "DS" (find-package "CL-USER")) ;; the binaries will be defined in a subdirectory camed "binary": (setq ds:*relative-binary-namestring* "binary") #+:KCL (setf (car ds:*suffixes*) "l") ;; edit the following line to the pathname of this file if ;; *LOAD-PATHNAME* is undefined in the CL used #+ALLEGRO (setf *load-pathname* (merge-pathnames *load-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*)) #+cmu (setf *load-pathname* *load-truename*) #+LUCID (proclaim '(special *ZEBU-directory* *ZEBU-binary-directory* *ZEBU-test-directory* *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)) #-LUCID (declaim (special *ZEBU-directory* *ZEBU-binary-directory* *ZEBU-test-directory* *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)) (defparameter *ZEBU-directory* (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *load-pathname*)) ) (setf *ZEBU-binary-directory* (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-directory*) (list "binary")))) (setf *ZEBU-test-directory* (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-directory*) (list "test")))) (setf *ZEBU-test-binary-directory* (make-pathname :directory (append (pathname-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*) (list "binary")))) ;; create binary directory if necessary (progn #+LUCID (or (probe-file *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*) (shell (format nil "mkdir ~a" (namestring *ZEBU-test-binary-directory*)))) #+MCL (create-file *ZEBU-test-binary-directory* :if-exists nil) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Define the ZEBU package ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (load (merge-pathnames "zebu-package.lisp" *ZEBU-directory*)) (defpackage "ZEBU-TEST" (:use "ZEBU" #+LUCID "LISP" #-LUCID "COMMON-LISP") ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; compilation: Production mode #+LUCID(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0))) #-LUCID(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Systems ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (ds:defsystem "ZEBU-KERNEL" (:default-pathname #.*ZEBU-directory* :default-package "ZEBU" :documentation "Functions needed in the ZEBU run-time and compile-time environment" ) "zebu-package" ("Version" :type :text :suffixes "") ("zebu-aux" :load-always "zebu-package" :recompile-on "Version") ("zebu-mg-hierarchy" :load-always "zebu-aux") ) (ds:load-module "zebu-package" :system "ZEBU-KERNEL") (ds:defsystem "ZEBU" (:default-pathname #.*ZEBU-directory* :default-package "ZEBU" :load-before-compile "ZEBU-KERNEL" :needed-systems "ZEBU-KERNEL" :documentation "Run time system for LALR(1) parser" ) ("zebu-loader" :load-always ("zebu-package" "zebu-aux")) ("zebu-driver" :load-always ("zebu-loader" "zebu-package")) ("zebu-actions" :load-always ("zebu-loader")) ) (ds:defsystem "ZEBU-COMPILER" (:default-pathname #.*ZEBU-directory* :default-package "ZEBU" :needed-systems "ZEBU" :load-before-compile "ZEBU-KERNEL" :documentation "Compile time system for LALR(1) parser: Converts a grammar to a parse table" ) "zebu-regex" "zebu-oset" ("zebu-g-symbol" :load-always "zebu-oset") ("zebu-loadgram" :load-always ("zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-oset" ("ZEBU" "zebu-loader"))) ("zebu-generator" :load-always ("zebu-kb-domain" "zebu-loadgram")) ("zebu-lr0-sets" :load-always ("zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-loadgram")) ("zebu-empty-st" :load-always ("zebu-loadgram")) ("zebu-first" :load-always ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-oset") :recompile-on "zebu-oset") ("zebu-follow" :load-always ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-first")) ("zebu-tables" :load-always (("ZEBU" "zebu-loader") "zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-loadgram" "zebu-lr0-sets")) ("zebu-printers" :load-always ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-lr0-sets" "zebu-tables")) ("zebu-slr" :load-always (("ZEBU" "zebu-loader"))) ("zebu-closure" :load-always ("zebu-oset" "zebu-g-symbol" "zebu-first")) ("zebu-lalr1" :load-always (("ZEBU" "zebu-loader") "zebu-oset" "zebu-lr0-sets" "zebu-follow")) ("zebu-dump" :load-always ("zebu-loadgram" "zebu-slr" "zebu-lalr1")) ("zebu-compile" :load-before-compile "zebu-dump" :load-always (("ZEBU-KERNEL" t))) ("zebu-mg" :load-always ("zebu-compile" "zebu-dump" "zebu-empty-st" "zebu-closure" "zebu-tables" "zebu-generator" ("ZEBU-KERNEL" t)) :compiler ZB:zebu-compile-file :loader ZB:zebu-load-file :suffixes ("zb" . "tab")) ("zmg-dom" :recompile-on "zebu-mg") "zebu-kb-domain" ) (ds:defsystem "ZEBU-RR" (:default-pathname #.*ZEBU-directory* :needed-systems "ZEBU" :load-before-compile "ZEBU-KERNEL" :documentation "Base routines for rewriting abstract syntax trees" ) "zebu-kb-domain" ("zebu-tree-attributes" :load-always "zebu-kb-domain") ("zebra-debug" :load-always ("zebu-kb-domain" "zebu-tree-attributes")) ) (ds:defsystem zb::ZEBU-Test (:default-pathname #.*ZEBU-test-directory* :needed-systems ("ZEBU" "ZEBU-COMPILER") :suffixes ("zb" . "tab") :compiler zb:zebu-compile-file :loader zb:zebu-load-file ) "ex1" ("ex1-dom" :recompile-on "ex1" :type :lisp) "arith" ; this uses the meta-grammar ("ar-dom" :recompile-on "arith" :type :lisp) "ex2" ("ex2-dom" :recompile-on "ex2" :type :lisp) "ex3" "ex4.40" "ex4.41" "ex4.42" "mini-la" ; this uses the meta-grammar w Kleene ("minl-dom" :recompile-on "mini-la" :compile-only t :type :lisp) "useless" "simple" "lr4-21" ("lr4-dom" :recompile-on "lr4-21" :compile-only t :type :lisp) "ex6_2" ("ex6-dom" :recompile-on "ex6_2" :compile-only t :type :lisp) "pc" ("pc-dom" :recompile-on "pc" :compile-only t :type :lisp) "pc1" ; this uses the null-grammar ("pc1-dom" :recompile-on "pc1" :compile-only t :type :lisp) "pc2" ; this uses the meta-grammar ("pc2-dom" :recompile-on "pc2" :compile-only t :type :lisp) ;; don't compile the following: ("exercise" :suffixes "lisp" :type :lisp-example :load-always (("ZEBU-RR" T))) ("regextst" :suffixes "lisp" :type :lisp-example) ) (provide "ZEBU-sys") #|| Instructions ;; (1) Load THIS file ;; be sure that you have set the environment-variable "ZEBU" ;; to the current directory (let* ((zebudir (or (environment-variable "ZEBU") (if (environment-variable "HOME") (format nil "~a/zebu/" (environment-variable "HOME")) (pwd)))) (this (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "ZEBU-sys" :type "lisp") zebudir))) (if (probe-file this) (load this) (error "~a not found " this))) ;; (2) to compile the ZEBU runtime system (ds:compile-system "ZEBU" ;; :recompile T :include-components T) ;; (3) to compile the ZEBU-Compiler system (ds:compile-system "ZEBU-COMPILER" ;; :recompile T ) ;; (4) to load the ZEBU runtime system (ds:load-system "ZEBU") ;; (5) to load the ZEBU-Compiler system (ds:load-system "ZEBU-COMPILER") (ds:compile-system "ZEBU-RR") ;; (6) to compile the test-gramamrs ;; You may want to omit this and rather import only a subset of the ;; symbols or use package "ZEBU" in another package. (use-package (find-package "ZEBU") (find-package "CL-USER")) (ds:compile-system "ZEBU-TEST" :recompile t :include-components nil) (ds:show-system "ZEBU-TEST") ;; (7) to test Zebu (ds:load-system "ZEBU-TEST") (ds:load-module "exercise") ;; (8) the rewrite-rule extension (ds:compile-system "ZEBU-RR") (ds:load-system "ZEBU-RR") (ds:show-system "ZEBU") (ds:show-system "ZEBU-KERNEL") (ds:show-system "ZEBU-COMPILER") (ds:compile-module "zebu-mg") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Test ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ex1 Grammar ; (:name "ex1" :package "CL-USER") ; (defrule EE ; := ( EE "+" TT ) ; :build (LIST 'expression EE '+ TT) ; := TT ; :build (LIST 'expression TT)) ; (defrule TT ; := (TT "*" F) ; :build (LIST 'term TT '* F) ; := F ; :build (LIST 'term F) ) ; (defrule F ; := ( "(" EE ")" ) ; :build (LIST 'factor "(" EE ")") ; ; := IDENTIFIER ; :build (list 'factor IDENTIFIER) ; ; := NUMBER ; :build (list 'factor NUMBER)) (let ((*load-verbose* t)) (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex1.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*) :output-file "/tmp/ex1.tab")) (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zebu-load-file "/tmp/ex1.tab")) (progn (format t "symbols: ") (terpri) (zebu::cruise-symbols-2)) (zebu::print-productions) (zebu::print-collection nil) ;;(zebu::print-collection t) (print-actions (zebu::grammar-name zebu:*current-grammar*)) (equal (read-parser "1 + a") (read-parser "1 + A")) (equal (list-parser '(1 "+" a)) (read-parser "1 + A")) (list-parser '(1 "+" 1)) (equal (read-parser "1 + 1") (list-parser '(1 "+" 1))) (equal (read-parser "1 + x * y") (list-parser '(1 "+" x "*" y))) (equal (read-parser "(1 + x) * y") (list-parser '("(" 1 "+" x ")" "*" y))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ex2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; (:name "ex2" :package "USER") ; (defrule EE ; := (TT E-PRIME) ; :build (cons TT E-PRIME) ) ; (defrule E-PRIME ; := ("+" TT E-PRIME) ; :build list* ; := ()) ; (defrule TT ; := (FF T-PRIME) ; :build (cons FF T-PRIME) ) ; (defrule T-PRIME ; := ("*" FF T-PRIME) ; :build list* ; := ()) ; (defrule FF ; := ( "(" EE ")") ; := IDENTIFIER ) (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex2.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*) :output-file "/tmp/ex2.tab") (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (setq $G1 (zebu-load-file "/tmp/ex2.tab"))) (zebu::cruise-follow-sets) (zebu::print-productions) (zebu::cruise-parse-tables) (print-actions (zebu::grammar-name zebu:*current-grammar*)) (read-parser "ned + jed" :grammar $G1) (list-parser '(ned "+" jed ) :grammar $G1) (list-parser '(ned "+" jed )) (list-parser '(ned "+" "(" jed "*" fred ")")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ex3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; (:name "ex3") ; (defrule a ; := "b" ; := ()) ; (defrule c ; := "b" ; := ()) ; (defrule d ; := (a c a)) ; (defrule e ; := (a "f" a)) (let (zebu:*allow-conflicts*) (compile-lalr1-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex3.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*) :output-file "/tmp/ex3.tab")) (setq $G3 (zebu-load-file "/tmp/ex3.tab")) (print-actions "ex3") (list-parser '("b") :grammar $G3) (list-parser '() :grammar $G3) (let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t)) (compile-slr-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex3.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*) :output-file "/tmp/ex3.tab")) (let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t)) (compile-lalr1-grammar (merge-pathnames "ex3.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*) :output-file "/tmp/ex3.tab")) (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zebu-load-file "/tmp/ex3.tab")) (list-parser '( "b" )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; dangelse ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; (let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* t) (zebu::*WARN-CONFLICTS* t)) ; (compile-lalr1-grammar ; (merge-pathnames "dangelse.zb" *ZEBU-test-directory*) ; :output-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab")) ; equivalent to: (zebu-compile-file "$zebutest/dangelse.zb" :output-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab") (zebu-load-file "/tmp/dangelse.tab") (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "dangelse")) (print-actions (zebu::grammar-name zebu:*current-grammar*)) (equal (list-parser '("if" f "then" g "else" h)) (read-parser "if f then g else h")) (read-parser "if f then g ") (read-parser "if f then if g then g1 else g2 else h") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; lr4-21 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (zebu-compile-file "$zebutest/lr4-21.zb" :output-file "$zebutest/lr4-21.tab") (zebu-load-file "$zebutest/lr4-21.tab") (print-actions "lr4-21") (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zb:find-grammar "lr4-21")) (read-parser "foo = 0") (read-parser "foo = x") (read-parser "*foo = x") (read-parser "*0 = x") (read-parser "**foo = ***x") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Propositional Calculus ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (let ((zebu:*allow-conflicts* nil)) (set-working-directory *ZEBU-test-directory*) (compile-lalr1-grammar "pc1.zb") (load (merge-pathnames "pc1-hierarchy" *ZEBU-test-directory*)) (load (merge-pathnames "pc1-printers" *ZEBU-test-directory*)) (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zebu-load-file "pc1.tab")) ) (read-parser "P") (read-parser "P and Q") (read-parser "P and Q and R") (read-parser "P and Q or R and S") (read-parser "(P and Q) or R and S") (read-parser "P and (Q or R) and S") (read-parser "P(a: 1 b:S)") (print-actions "pc1") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; lr4-21.zb ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (zebu::compile-lalr1-grammar lr4-21.zb") (setq zebu:*current-grammar* (zebu-load-file "lr4-21.tab")) (read-parser "x = 3") (read-parser "x = * * y") (progn (format t "~%lr0 item sets: ~%") (zebu::print-collection t) (zebu::CRUISE-FOLLOW-SETS) (format t "~%~%lalr(1) tables:~%") (zebu::cruise-parse-tables) ) ||# ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; End of ZEBU-sys.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;