; -*- mode: CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ; ; File: zebu-compile.lisp ; Description: apply the grammar-compiler ; Author: Joachim H. Laubsch ; Created: 6-Nov-90 ; Modified: Tue Aug 2 16:20:04 1994 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Language: CL ; Package: ZEBU ; Status: Experimental (Do Not Distribute) ; RCS $Header: /logon/CVS/logon/uib/lisp/lib/zebu/zebu-compile.lisp,v 1.1 2005/06/08 08:40:00 paul Exp $ ; ; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Revisions: ; RCS $Log: zebu-compile.lisp,v $ ; RCS Revision 1.1 2005/06/08 08:40:00 paul ; RCS Files necessary for cgp ; RCS ; RCS Revision 2001/05/09 14:46:34 paul ; RCS Zebu 3.3.5 with Rudi Schlatte's adaptation to mk-defsytem ; RCS ; 25-Apr-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; introduced *WARN-CONFLICTS* to shut up warnings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "ZEBU") ;; whether warnings about action-conflicts are printed at compile time (defvar *warn-conflicts* nil) (defvar *compiler-grammar* *null-grammar* "The grammar that the Zebu Compiler uses when reading a grammar. By default this is the Null-Grammar.") (defun zebu-compile-file (grammar-file &key (grammar *null-grammar*) output-file verbose (compile-domain t)) "Compiles the LALR(1) grammar in file GRAMMAR-FILE." (assert (probe-file (setq grammar-file (merge-pathnames grammar-file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "zb"))))) (grammar-file) "Cannot find grammar file: ~A" grammar-file) (setq output-file (let ((tab (make-pathname :type "tab"))) (if output-file (merge-pathnames (pathname output-file) tab) (merge-pathnames tab grammar-file)))) (when (probe-file output-file) (delete-file output-file)) (format t "~%; Zebu Compiling (Version ~A)~%; ~S to ~S~%" *zebu-version* grammar-file output-file) (let ((*warn-conflicts* verbose)) (compile-lalr1-grammar grammar-file :output-file output-file :grammar grammar :verbose verbose :compile-domain compile-domain))) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; compile-from-command-line ;-------------------------- ; call zebu-compile-file with a command-line-argument ; #+LUCID (defun compile-from-command-line () (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory (working-directory)) :type "zb")) (ifile (command-line-argument 1)) ofile verbose compile-domain) (if (null ifile) (Warn "No input file specified!") (progn (do* ((a 2 (1+ a)) (arg (command-line-argument a) (command-line-argument a))) ((null arg)) (cond ((equalp arg "-v") (setq verbose t)) ((equalp arg "-d") (setq compile-domain t)) ((equalp arg "-r") (load (command-line-argument (incf a)))) ((= a 2) (setq ofile arg)))) (apply #'zebu-compile-file ifile :verbose verbose :compile-domain compile-domain (when ofile `(:output-file ,ofile))))) (terpri) (quit))) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; zebu-top ;--------- ; interactive compiler invocation (defun zebu-compile-top () (format t "~&Enter the name of a Zebu Grammar file to compile: ") (let ((ifile (read-line t))) (zebu-compile-file ifile))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; End of zebu-compile.l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;