; -*- mode: CL -*- ----------------------------------------------------- ; ; File: zebu-loadgram.l ; Description: Load a grammar file (type: .zb) so that it can be compiled ; Author: Joachim H. Laubsch ; Created: 10-Oct-90 ; Modified: Thu Oct 2 16:31:15 1997 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Language: CL ; Package: ZEBU ; Status: Experimental (Do Not Distribute) ; RCS $Header: /logon/CVS/logon/uib/lisp/lib/zebu/zebu-loadgram.lisp,v 1.1 2005/06/08 08:40:00 paul Exp $ ; ; (c) Copyright 1990, Hewlett-Packard Company ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Revisions: ; RCS $Log: zebu-loadgram.lisp,v $ ; RCS Revision 1.1 2005/06/08 08:40:00 paul ; RCS Files necessary for cgp ; RCS ; RCS Revision 2001/05/09 14:46:31 paul ; RCS Zebu 3.3.5 with Rudi Schlatte's adaptation to mk-defsytem ; RCS ; 26-Jul-94 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Fixed Bug with "." as separator (ambiguous constituent names were made) ; 12-Mar-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Bind a Kleene* Variable ; 9-Mar-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; allow a print-function specification in a domain definition rule ; 8-Feb-93 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; allow defstruct forms for domain definition among the rules ; 31-Jul-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Introduced Kleene * and + ; 24-Apr-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Introduced a meta-grammar for reading a user grammar ; The meta-grammar is compiled using the null-grammar ; 25-Mar-92 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Warn about unused non-terminals ; 16-Jul-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; to deal with multiple-grammars, first find in a grammar file: *GRAMMAR-OPTIONS* ; a keyworded arglist that can be passed to MAKE-GRAMMAR ; 20-Mar-91 (Joachim H. Laubsch) ; Introduced error checking during loading of grammar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 1989, by William M. Wells III ;;; All Rights Reserved ;;; Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use. (IN-PACKAGE "ZEBU") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defvar *Kleene+-rules* () "A list of rules that are generated as a consequence of the Kleene notation") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Read in a File Containing a Grammar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; RULES ;;; About the representations of grammars in files: ;;; non terminals are represented by lisp symbols, ;;; terminals by symbols (IDENTIFIER NUMBER STRING), or strings ;;; for example then BNF rule: ;;; A ::= B | C | "foo" | "c" | ;;; ;;; would be encoded -- using the NULL Grammar -- as: ;;; (defrule A := B ;;; :build (f1 B) ;;; ;;; := C ;;; :build (f2 C) ;;; ;;; := "foo" ;;; ; ommitting the build clause has the ;;; := "c" ; effect of calling the identity function ;;; := () ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Format for a grammar file ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #|| A grammar file has a filename of type "zb". The file consists of: 1. A keyword agument-list for MAKE-GRAMMAR. Example: (:name "pc2" :package "CL-USER" :grammar "zebu-mg" :identifier-continue-chars "$-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" ) 2. If parsing with the NULL-Grammar ( the default, if no :grammar keyword is given in 1.) one or more defrule forms as above If parsing with the META-Grammar one or more rules using the syntax of the Meta-grammar The start symbol of the grammar will be the lhs of the first production encountered. The symbol AUGMENTED-START is reserved and will automatically appear in a production deriving the start symbol. The symbol THE-EMPTY-STRING is also reserved. Use load-grammar to internalize a grammar in the above syntax. *productions* holds a list of all the productions. *lambdas* holds a list of all of the associated lambdas (in reverse order) *non-terminals* holds a list of all the non-terminals. Each non-terminal symbol has a list of the productions it appears in the left hand side of under its own-productions property. *g-symbol-alist* holds an alist whose cars are the string or symbol which is read from the grammar, and whose cdrs hold corresponding g-symbol structures; the order is in the reverse sense of *symbol-array*. ||# ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Global variables ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defvar *symbols*) ; a list of the grammar symbols (defvar *symbol-array*) ; indexed by the symbol's index, of g-symbols (defvar *productions*) (defvar *production-count*) (defvar *g-symbol-count*) (defvar *g-symbol-alist*) (defvar *start-symbol*) (defvar *empty-string-g-symbol*) (defvar *augmented-start-g-symbol*) (defvar *the-end-g-symbol*) (defvar *grammar-options*) (declaim (special *identifier-continue-chars* *identifier-start-chars* *null-grammar* *compiler-grammar* *domain-type-hierarchy* *domain-types* *domain-structs* *lex-cats*)) ;; new rule format (defvar *ignore* '("DUMMY" "DUMMY1" "DUMMY2" "DUMMY3" "DUMMY4" "DUMMY5" "DUMMY6" "DUMMY7" "DUMMY8")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; macros ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defmacro post-inc (x) `(let ((old ,x)) (setq ,x (1+ ,x)) old)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Initialisation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun initialize-grammar () (setq *symbols* '() *productions* '() *production-count* 0 *g-symbol-count* 0 *g-symbol-alist* '() *start-symbol* '() *zb-rules* '() *lex-cats* '() *domain-types* '() *domain-structs* '() *domain-type-hierarchy* '() *empty-string-g-symbol* (g-symbol-intern 'the-empty-string) *augmented-start-g-symbol* (g-symbol-intern 'augmented-start) *the-end-g-symbol* (g-symbol-intern 'the-end-g-symbol)) ) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; g-symbol-intern ;---------------- ; This is sort of like interning. returns a g-symbol. ; if (equal (string x) (string y)) the g-symbols are eq (defun g-symbol-intern (string-or-symbol) (check-type string-or-symbol (or string symbol) "a string or symbol, in order to be a well-formed Zebu grammar rule.") (let ((pair (assoc string-or-symbol *g-symbol-alist* :test #'equal))) (if pair (cdr pair) (let ((symbol (new-g-symbol (string string-or-symbol) (post-inc *g-symbol-count*)))) (push (cons string-or-symbol symbol) *g-symbol-alist*) (push symbol *symbols*) symbol)))) ;;; Do various things, fixing up global data structures and ;;; fields of grammar symbols. A bit sleazy: *start-symbol* being NIL ;;; is used to detect the first production. (defun process-production (lhs rhs &optional internal-use?) (let ((lhs-symbol (g-symbol-intern lhs)) ;; intern constituent as a G-SYMBOL (rhs-symbols (mapcar #'g-symbol-intern rhs))) (unless *start-symbol* (setq *start-symbol* lhs-symbol) (format t "~%Start symbols is: ~A~%" (g-symbol-name *start-symbol*)) (process-production 'AUGMENTED-START (list lhs) t)) (let ((production (make-production :lhs lhs-symbol :rhs rhs-symbols :production-index (post-inc *production-count*) :production-length (length rhs-symbols)))) (when (and (eq lhs-symbol *augmented-start-g-symbol*) (not internal-use?)) (error "AUGMENTED-START is a reserved grammar symbol")) (push production *productions*) (g-symbol-add-production lhs-symbol production) (let ((rhs-symbol-set (make-oset :order-fn #'g-symbol-order-function))) (dolist (gs rhs-symbols) (oset-insert! gs rhs-symbol-set)) (dolist (gs (oset-item-list rhs-symbol-set)) (push production (g-symbol-rhs-productions gs))))))) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; pre-process-rules ;------------------ ; Given a function to produce the next rule, process it ; and warn about: ; - redefinition of lhs symbol ; - repeated equal rhs ; - unused lhs symbols ; - undefined non-terminals ; - duplicate constituents (defun pre-process-rules (next-rule-fn do-semantics? &aux non-terminals) (do ((zb-rule (funcall next-rule-fn) (funcall next-rule-fn))) ((null zb-rule)) (let ((lhs (zb-rule--name zb-rule))) (when (assoc lhs *zb-rules*) (warn "Non-terminal ~S is defined again" lhs) ;; (break "Rule: ~S" zb-rule) ) (push (cons lhs zb-rule) *zb-rules*) (do ((prods (zb-rule--productions zb-rule) (cdr prods))) ((null prods)) (let* ((production-rhs (car prods)) (syntax (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs))) (when (member syntax (rest prods) :test #'equal :key #'production-rhs--syntax) (warn "Multiply defined rhs of rule for ~S: ~S" lhs syntax)) (when (member "" syntax :test #'equal) (warn "Empty keyword ignored in rhs of ~s:~{ ~s~}" lhs syntax) (setf syntax (setf (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs) (delete "" syntax :test #'equal)))) (expand-Kleene-constituent production-rhs))) (do ((prods (zb-rule--productions zb-rule) (cdr prods))) ((null prods)) (let* ((production-rhs (car prods)) (syntax (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs)) syntax1) ; the . notation is removed ;; remove the . notation from the rhs (do ((rhs-tail syntax (cdr rhs-tail))) ((null rhs-tail)) (let ((constituent (car rhs-tail))) (typecase constituent (symbol (when (and (production-rhs--semantics production-rhs) (member constituent (cdr rhs-tail))) (warn "Duplicate constituent in RHS of ~S~% ~S~% Use ." lhs syntax)) (let ((cname (constituent-name constituent))) (push cname syntax1) (pushnew cname non-terminals))) (T (push constituent syntax1))))) (when do-semantics? (process-semantics production-rhs)) (process-production lhs (nreverse syntax1)))))) (let* ((lhs-non-terminals (nreverse (mapcar #'car *zb-rules*))) (lexical-categories (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (symbol-name (car c))) *lex-cats*)) (rhs-non-terminals (set-difference non-terminals (union *open-categories* lexical-categories) :test #'string-equal :key #'string)) (undefined-non-terminals (set-difference rhs-non-terminals lhs-non-terminals)) (unused-non-terminals (set-difference (cdr lhs-non-terminals) ;; the start symbol does not ;; have to occur on any rhs rhs-non-terminals)) (unused-lex-cats (set-difference lexical-categories non-terminals :test #'string= :key #'string)) (overused-lex-cats (intersection lhs-non-terminals lexical-categories :test #'string= :key #'string))) (when undefined-non-terminals (warn "The following non-terminals had no definition:~% ~{~a ~}" undefined-non-terminals)) (when unused-non-terminals (warn "The following non-terminals where defined but not used:~% ~{~a ~}" unused-non-terminals)) (when unused-lex-cats (warn "The following lexical categories where defined but not used:~% ~{~a ~}" unused-lex-cats)) (when overused-lex-cats (warn "The following lexical categories where also defined as non-terminals:~% ~{~a ~}" overused-lex-cats)))) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; expand-Kleene-constituent ;-------------------------- ; handle Kleene * and +: adds to *Kleene+-rules* ;; * case will expand: ;; (defrule * ;; ::= () ;; ::= *-rest) ;; (defrule *-rest ;; ::= () ;; ::= *-rest) ;; in case of default seperator " ": ;; (defrule * ;; ::= () ;; ::= *) ;; + case will expand: ;; (defrule + ;; ::= :build (make-kb-sequence :first ) ;; ::= + ;; :build (make-kb-sequence :first :rest +)) (defun expand-Kleene-constituent (production-rhs) (flet ((new-kb-seq (pairs) (let ((slots (mapcar #'(lambda (pair) (make-LABEL-VALUE-PAIR :-LABEL (first pair) :-VALUE (second pair))) pairs))) (make-feat-term :-type 'kb-sequence :-slots slots))) (memo (item) (push item *Kleene+-rules*))) (dolist (constituent (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs)) (when (Kleene-p constituent) (let* ((Kleene-const (Kleene--constituent constituent)) (Kleene-Sep (Kleene--Separator constituent)) (Kleene+ (encode-separator Kleene-const (Kleene*-p constituent) Kleene-Sep))) (declare (symbol Kleene+)) ;; replace the Kleene-expr by a new non-terminal: Kleene+ (setf (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs) (substitute Kleene+ constituent (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs))) (let ((semantics (production-rhs--semantics production-rhs))) (when (and (feat-term-p semantics) (not (default-separator? Kleene-Sep))) (feat-term-substitute Kleene+ (decode-kleene-name Kleene+) semantics))) ;; (break "constituent: ~S" constituent) (unless (find Kleene+ *Kleene+-rules* :key #'zb-rule--name) ;; only if a rule of that name has not been defined yet! (let ((KR-sem (new-kb-seq `((first ,Kleene-const) (rest ,Kleene+))))) (if (Kleene*-p constituent) ; * case (if (default-separator? Kleene-Sep) (memo (make-zb-rule :-name Kleene+ :-productions `(,(make-Production-Rhs) ,(make-Production-Rhs :-syntax `(,Kleene-const ,Kleene+) :-semantics KR-sem)))) (let ((X*-rest (intern (format nil "Rest-~a" (symbol-name Kleene+))))) (setq KR-sem (new-kb-seq `((first ,Kleene-const) (rest ,X*-rest)))) (memo (make-zb-rule :-name Kleene+ :-productions `(,(make-Production-Rhs) ,(make-Production-Rhs :-syntax `(,Kleene-const ,X*-rest) :-semantics KR-sem)))) (memo (make-zb-rule :-name X*-rest :-productions `(,(make-Production-Rhs) ,(make-Production-Rhs :-syntax `(,Kleene-Sep ,Kleene-const ,X*-rest) :-semantics KR-sem)))))) (progn ;; (break "constituent: ~S" constituent) (memo (make-zb-rule :-name Kleene+ :-productions `(,(make-Production-Rhs :-syntax (list Kleene-const) :-semantics (new-kb-seq `((first ,Kleene-const)))) ,(make-Production-Rhs :-syntax `(,Kleene-const ,@(unless (default-separator? Kleene-Sep) (list Kleene-Sep)) ,Kleene+) :-semantics KR-sem))))))))))) ;; (format t "~%*Kleene+-rules*: ~{~s ~}" (mapcar #'ZB-RULE--name *Kleene+-rules*)) )) (defun default-separator? (Kleene-Sep) (member Kleene-Sep '(" " "") :test #'string=)) (defun encode-separator (name k* Sep) ;; k* = true iff Kleene operator is * ;; k* = false iff Kleene operator is + (intern (if (default-separator? Sep) (format nil "~S~:[+~;*~]" name k*) (format nil "~S~:[+~;*~]~A~D$" name k* Sep (length Sep))))) (defun decode-kleene-name (name) (let* ((s (symbol-name name)) (s-length (length s)) (n (schar s (- s-length 2))) (sep-length (- (char-int n) (char-int #\0)))) (intern (subseq s 0 (- s-length sep-length 2))))) (defun constituent-name (constituent) ;; constituent:symbol ;; strip off . from constituent symbol, unless it ends in $ (let* ((n (symbol-name constituent)) (last-char-pos (1- (length n)))) (if (char= (schar n last-char-pos) #\$) constituent (let ((p (position-if #'(lambda (c) (char= c #\.)) n :from-end t))) (if (and p (let ((p+1 (1+ p))) (and (= p+1 last-char-pos) (digit-char-p (schar n p+1))))) (intern (subseq n 0 p) (symbol-package constituent)) constituent))))) (defun feat-term-substitute (new old ft) (dolist (slot (feat-term--slots ft)) (let ((val (label-value-pair--value slot))) (if (eq val old) (setf (label-value-pair--value slot) new) (when (feat-term-p val) (feat-term-substitute new old val)))))) (defun parse-defrule (rule &key qualifier) (let ((name ())) (unless (and (consp rule) (symbolp (car rule)) (string= (string (car rule)) "DEFRULE") (consp (cdr rule)) (symbolp (setq name (cadr rule)))) (error "Illegal rule ~S" rule)) #+buggy (when qualifier ;; pm: This ensures that each zebu grammar file has its own pseudo-namespace (setf name (intern (concatenate 'string (string-upcase qualifier) "+" (symbol-name name)) (symbol-package name)))) (let ((args (cddr rule)) rhs) (flet ((parse-build (&key form type map) (cond ((and (not form) type) (if (symbolp type) (setf form (generate-form type map)) (error "Symbol expected as value of :type ~S in ~S" type rhs)))) (multiple-value-bind (ll dummies) (make-lambda-list rhs) (setq dummies (nconc dummies (mapcan #'(lambda (l) (unless (member l dummies) (unless (search-list l form) (list l)))) ll))) ;; now generate the functions from the actions `(lambda ,ll ,@(when dummies `((declare (ignore .,dummies)))) ,form) ))) (let ((R (make-zb-rule :-name name)) action rest) (do ((args args rest)) ((null args) (setf (zb-rule--productions r) (nreverse (zb-rule--productions r))) R) (let ((key (car args)) (val (cadr args))) (setq rest (cddr args)) (if (eq key ':=) (progn (setq rhs (if (listp val) val (list val))) (if (and (consp rest) (eq (car rest) ':BUILD)) ;; BUILD clause: construct fn and compile it (let ((build-args (cadr rest))) (setq action (if (atom build-args) (if (symbolp build-args) build-args (parse-build :FORM build-args)) (if (keywordp (car build-args)) (apply #'parse-build build-args) (parse-build :FORM build-args)))) (setq rest (cddr rest))) ;; no :BUILD clause, use IDENTITY fn (setq action (if (= (length rhs) 1) 'identity 'identity*)))) (error "Keyword expected in rule ~S at .. ~{~S ~}~% Probably no () around rule's rhs" name args)) (push (make-production-rhs :-syntax rhs :-build-fn action) (zb-rule--productions r))))))))) (defun cons-avm (Feat-Term) (let ((type (Feat-Term--type Feat-Term))) (cons (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name type)) (symbol-package type)) (mapcan #'(lambda (lvp) (declare (type Label-value-pair lvp)) (let ((slot (Label-value-pair--label lvp)) (val (Label-value-pair--value lvp))) (list (intern (string slot) *keyword-package*) (if (Feat-Term-p val) (cons-avm val) val)))) (Feat-Term--slots Feat-Term))))) (defun process-semantics (production-rhs) (let ((Syntax (production-rhs--syntax production-rhs)) (Feat-Term (production-rhs--semantics production-rhs))) (flet ((msg () (format nil "The Semantics ~S of the rule RHS:~% ~A~%" Feat-Term (with-output-to-string (s) (print-production-rhs production-rhs s nil))))) (flet ((cons-lambda (ft?) (multiple-value-bind (ll dummies) (make-lambda-list Syntax) `(lambda ,ll ,@(when dummies `((declare (ignore .,dummies)))) ,(if ft? (cons-avm Feat-Term) Feat-Term))))) (setf (production-rhs--build-fn production-rhs) (typecase Feat-Term (NULL (if (= 1 (length syntax)) 'identity 'identity*)) ((or number string) `(lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) ,Feat-Term)) (symbol (if (member Feat-Term Syntax) (cons-lambda nil) (error "~A is a variable that does not occur in the RHS!" (msg)))) (Feat-Term (cons-lambda t)) (T (error "~A should be a feature term, number, string or constituent!" (msg))))))))) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; generate-form ;-------------- ; ; (defun generate-form (type map) `(,(intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name type)) (symbol-package type)) ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (pair) (unless (consp pair) (error "Element of :map must be a dotted pair in ~S" map)) (let ((constituent (car pair)) (slot (cdr pair))) (unless (symbolp constituent) (error "Symbol expected in map ~S at ~S" map constituent)) (unless (keywordp slot) (error "Keyword expected in map ~S at ~S" map slot)) (list slot constituent))) map))) (defvar *dummy-count* 0) (defun next-dummy () (let* ((root "DUMMY") (dummy (intern (if (zerop *dummy-count*) root (format nil "DUMMY~S" *dummy-count*))))) (incf *dummy-count*) dummy)) (defun make-lambda-list (constituents) (let ((*dummy-count* 0) dummies) (values (mapcar #'(lambda (constituent) (if (symbolp constituent) constituent (let ((d (next-dummy))) (push d dummies) d))) constituents) dummies))) ;; search the list for atom and return T if atom occurs anywhere ;; this is overly cautious and should be replaced by a tree-walker ;; but it will only cause some warnings of the compiler. (defun search-list (atom tree) (if (atom tree) (eq atom tree) (when (consp tree) (dolist (n tree) (when (search-list atom n) (return t)))))) #|| (apply #'parse-build '( "(" Formula ")" ) '(:form (progn Formula))) (apply #'parse-build '(Identifier) '(:type Propositional-variable :map ((Identifier . :-name)))) (apply #'parse-build '(Formula.1 "and" Formula.2) '(:type Boolean-And :map ((Formula.1 . :-rand1) (Formula.2 . :-rand2)))) ||# ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Top level load function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; LOAD-GRAMMAR loads a Zebu source grammar and prepares it for ;;; compilation ;;; Internalize a grammar in the lisp syntax described above. ;;; Set up data structures as described above. ;;; Every grammar interns the empty string as a grammar symbol ;;; Generate the hierarchy, if a :domain is specified ;;; and if *generate-domain* is true. (defun get-grammar-options-key (name) (do ((options *grammar-options* (cddr options))) ((null options) nil) (when (eq (car options) name) (RETURN (cadr options))))) (defun load-grammar (filename &key (verbose T) (qualified-names T) ;; pm &aux (g-file (probe-file filename))) (unless g-file (error "grammar file not found: ~S" filename)) (format t "~%Reading grammar from ~A~%" filename) (initialize-grammar) ;; read first form (possibly twice -- in the right package) (let ((grammar-stream (open g-file :direction :input))) (unwind-protect (progn (setq *grammar-options* (catch 'read-grammar-options (check-grammar-options (read grammar-stream) g-file t))) (unless *grammar-options* (close grammar-stream) (setq grammar-stream (open g-file :direction :input)) (setq *grammar-options* (catch 'read-grammar-options (check-grammar-options (read grammar-stream) g-file t)))) (setq *lex-cats* (get-grammar-options-key ':lex-cats)) (if (eq *compiler-grammar* *NULL-Grammar*) (let ((eof (list nil)) (grammar-name (get-grammar-options-key ':name)) ;; pm ) (pre-process-rules #'(lambda () (loop (let ((rule (read grammar-stream nil eof))) (when verbose (print rule)) (if (consp rule) (if (eq rule eof) (return nil) (if (eq (car rule) 'defstruct) (push rule *domain-structs*) (return (parse-defrule rule :qualifier (when qualified-names grammar-name))))) (warn "In file ~a~% illegal rule ~s ignored!" g-file rule))))) nil)) (let (*preserve-case* *Kleene+-rules* (ff (file-parser-aux grammar-stream #'error t *compiler-grammar* verbose))) (pre-process-rules #'(lambda () (loop (let ((f (or (pop ff) (pop *Kleene+-rules*)))) (if (null f) (return nil) (if (zb-rule-p f) (return f) (push f *domain-types*)))))) t)))) (close grammar-stream))) (format t "~%~S productions, ~S symbols~%" *production-count* *g-symbol-count*) (setq *symbol-array* (list->vector (reverse *symbols*))) (unless *start-symbol* (error "No start symbol")) g-file) ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;; dump-domain-file ;;;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;; generate code for domain, printers, and regular expressions ;; dump it onto the domain-file ;; it may be the case that none of the above are necessary, in which ;; case no domain-file is generated ;; the domain-file is specified as: ;; name: from grammar-option :DOMAIN-FILE ;; type: the first element of *load-source-pathname-types* ;; directory: same as grammar-file ;; if not directory in grammar-file from ;; *default-pathname-defaults* ;; if such a file exists already, a warning is given and the old file ;; is renamed. (defun dump-domain-file (grammar-file verbose) (let* ((domain-file (merge-pathnames (or (get-grammar-options-key ':DOMAIN-FILE) (make-pathname :name (format nil "~A-domain" (get-grammar-options-key ':NAME)))) (merge-pathnames (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type (first *load-source-pathname-types*)) grammar-file) *default-pathname-defaults*))) (*print-array* t) ; bit-vectors of regex code *print-level* *print-length* *print-circle* written?) #-MCL (when (probe-file domain-file) (warn "Renaming existing domain file ~a" domain-file)) (with-open-file (port domain-file :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists #-MCL :rename #+MCL :supersede :direction :output) (format port ";;; This file was generated by Zebu (Version ~a)~%~%(IN-PACKAGE ~S)~%(REQUIRE \"zebu-package\")~%(USE-PACKAGE \"ZEBU\")~%" zb:*zebu-version* (package-name *package*)) (when *generate-domain* (format t "~%Generating domain source code onto file: ~a" domain-file) (setq written? (generate-domain-file domain-file port))) ;; Write actions onto domain file (when verbose (format t "~%Writing actions of rules to ~a" domain-file) (terpri port)) (dolist (r *zb-rules*) (let ((non-terminal (car r))) (when verbose (format t "~%Rule ~S" non-terminal)) (dolist (production (zb-rule--productions (cdr r))) (let ((fn (production-rhs--build-fn production))) (when (consp fn) (let ((fn-name (gentemp (symbol-name non-terminal)))) (when verbose (format t " Action: ~S" fn-name)) (setf (production-rhs--build-fn production) fn-name) (pprint `(defun ,fn-name . ,(cdr fn)) port) (terpri port) (setq written? t))))))) (terpri port) ;; for lexical categories: compile the rx-token parsers! (when *lex-cats* (pprint '(eval-when (compile) (unless (member "zebu-regex" *modules* :test #'equal) (WARN "Load the Zebu Compiler!"))) port) (pprint '(declaim (special *REGEX-GROUPS* *REGEX-GROUPINGS*)) port) (dolist (lex-cat *lex-cats*) (pprint (def-regex-parser (car lex-cat) (cadr lex-cat)) port) (terpri port)) (setq written? t)) (when written? (nconc *grammar-options* (list ':DOMAIN-FILE (namestring domain-file))) domain-file)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; End of zebu-loadgram.lisp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;