[7001a] Kontrastene i naturen gjør Molde-regionen til et svært allsidig område for friluftsaktiviteter. [7001b] Contrasts in the outdoors make the Molde region a versatile area for outdoor activities. [7001c] The contrasts in nature make the Molde region a very versatile area for outdoor activities. [7001d] [7002a] I fjellet kan du vandre på oppmerkede stier, gå lange skiturer eller jakte på storvilt og rype. [7002b] In the mountains, you can hike on marked trails, ski long tours, or hunt big game and grouse. [7002c] In the mountains, you can hike along marked trails, go for long skiing trips or hunt for wild game and grouse. [7002d] [7003a] For deg som klatrer i fjellene er Romsdalen et eldorado. [7003b] For those who climb, the mountains of Romsdalen are an El Dorado. [7003c] For those who enjoy mountain climbing, Romsdal is an Eldorado. [7003d] [7004a] Elvene er fulle av laks, sjøørret og sjørøye. [7004b] The rivers teem with salmon, sea trout and sea char. [7004c] The rivers are full of salmon, salmon trout and charr. [7004d] [7005a] Langs kysten kan du fiske torsk, sei, makrell og andre fiskeslag fra land eller båt. [7005b] Along the coast you can fish for cod, pollack, mackerel, and other fishes, from land or boat. [7005c] Along the coast, you can fish from a boat or from the shore for cod, coalfish, mackerel and other species of fish. [7005d] [7006a] Er du mer spenningssøkende så er Hustadvika et av Norges beste steder for dykking. [7006b] If you seek more excitement, then Hustadvika is one of Norway's best places for diving. [7006c] If you are more adventurous, Hustadvika is one of Norway's best scuba diving spots. [7006d] [7007a] I Molde kan vi by på kjente aktiviteter som go-kart, golf, tennis, squash, bowling og innendørs treningsstudio. [7007b] In Molde, we can offer familiar activities such as go-cart, golf, tennis, squash, bowling and indoor training studios. [7007c] In Molde, we can offer a number of leisure activities such as go-carting, golf, tennis, squash, bowling and an indoor fitness studio. [7007d] [7008a] Fosen er viden kjent for sine gode fiskemuligheter. [7008b] Fosen is widely known for its good fishing. [7008c] Fosen is widely known for its good fishing spots. [7008d] [7009a] Både fjordene, sjøen og havet utenfor, så vel som elver og vann i innlandet byr på et utall forskjellige fiskeslag. [7009b] The fjords, the sea and the ocean beyond, as well as inland rivers and lakes, offer innumerable different fishes. [7009c] Fjords, the coastline waters and the open ocean, as well as inland rivers and lakes are the habitats of countless species of fish. [7009d] [7010a] Men det finnes også muligheter for mer bedagelige aktiviteter som bondegårdsferie, ridning, sykkelturer og bading. [7010b] But there also are opportunities for more leisurely activities such as farm vacations, riding, cycling, and swimming. [7010c] But there are also opportunities for many other leisure activities, such as agro-tourism, horseback riding, bicycling and swimming. [7010d] [7011a] Rogaland Arboret er et frodig parkanlegg med mer enn 1400 forskjellige trær og busker fra en rekke land. [7011b] Rogaland Arboretum is a lush park facility with more than 1400 different trees and shrubs from many countries. [7011c] Rogaland Arboret is a lush park with more than 1400 different species of trees and shrubs from a number of different countries. [7011d] [7012a] Arboretet har et areal på 600 d.a. og er Norges største, med fine naturopplevelser for alle aldersgrupper. [7012b] The Arboretum has an area of 600 decares and is Norway's largest, with fine natural experiences for all age groups. [7012c] The Arboret Park has a surface area of 150 acres and is Norway's largest, with fine experiences of nature for every age group. [7012d] [7013a] Åpent hver dag hele året. [7013b] Open every day throughout the year. [7013c] Open every day year round. [7013d] [7014a] Kafeteria hver søn 11-16. [7014b] Cafeteria on Sundays, 11-16. [7014c] Cafeteria every Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. [7014d] [7015a] Ta av mot Sviland fra E39 ved Bråsteinsvatnet mellom Sandnes og Figgjo. [7015b] Turn off towards Sviland from E39 at Bråsteinsvatnet between Sandnes and Figgjo. [7015c] Turn off toward Sviland from E39 at Bråstein Lake between Sandnes and Figgjo. [7015d] [7016a] Bra skiltet. [7016b] Good signposting. [7016c] Well-posted. [7016d] [7017a] Fra Molde kan man dra på utflukt til noen av Norges mest kjente turistattraksjoner. [7017b] From Molde, you can take excursions to some of Norway's most known tourist attractions. [7017c] From Molde, one can go on excursions to some of Norway's most well-known tourist attractions. [7017d] [7018a] På Atlanterhavsvegen kan man kjøre over bruer, holmer og skjær helt ute i havgapet. [7018b] On Atlanterhavsvegen, you can drive over bridges, islets, and skerries all the way out to where the fjord meets the open sea. [7018c] On the Atlantic Ocean Road, one can cross bridges, holms and skerries offshore in coastal waters. [7018d] [7019a] Inne i fjordarmene kan man oppleve Eikesdalen med sin dramatiske natur og Mardalsfossen som er Nord-Europas høyeste fossefall. [7019b] In the fjord arms you can experience Eikesdalen with its dramatic landscape and Mardalsfossen, which is Northern Europe's highest cascade falls. [7019c] Inside the fjord inlets, one can experience Eikesdal and its dramatic natural beauty and Mardal Waterfall, which is the tallest in Northern Europe. [7019d] [7020a] Ved Åndalsnes ligger Trollveggen, Europas høyeste loddrette fjellvegg, og turistvegen Trollstigen som slynger seg i 11 svinger oppover fjellet til 858 moh. [7020b] At Åndalsnes lies Trollveggen, Europe's highest vertical mountain face and Trollstigen tourist road that winds in 11 switchbacks up the mountain to 858 meters above sea level. [7020c] At Åndalsnes we find Trollveggen, Europe's highest vertical mountain wall, and the Trollstigen tourist road that winds its way through 11 loops to the top of the mountain, 858 meters above sea level. [7020d] [7021a] Ute ved kysten ligger de idylliske fiskeværene Ona, Bjørnsund, Bud og Håholmen. [7021b] Out on the coast lie the idyllic fishing villages of Ona, Bjørnsund, Bud, and Håholmen. [7021c] Out on the coast are the idyllic fishing villages of Ona, Bjørnsund, Bud and Håholmen. [7021d] [7022a] Ønsker du en rimelig ferieform kan vi tilby caravanplasser og campinghytter. [7022b] If you seek an inexpensive vacation, we can offer caravan parks and camping cabins. [7022c] If you are looking for a reasonable holiday, we can offer camping trailer sites, as well as campground cabins. [7022d] [7023a] På Turistsenteret, ved foten av Trysilfjellet, har vi en stor caravanplass. [7023b] At Turistsenteret, at the foot of Trysilfjellet, we have a large caravan park. [7023c] At the Tourist Center, at the foot of Trysil Mountain, we have a large camping trailer facility. [7023d] [7024a] På Klara Camping kan du leie campinghytter. [7024b] At Klara Camping, you can rent camping cabins. [7024c] At Klara Camping, you can rent campground cabins. [7024d] [7025a] Her er det også muligheter for å leie plass til campingvogna dersom du ønsker det. [7025b] Here it's also possible to rent a space for a camping trailer if you so wish. [7025c] Here it is also possible to rent sites for camping trailers if so desired. [7025d] [7026a] Ved Osensjøen finner du både Sjøenden Camping og Osensjøen Turistsenter. [7026b] At Osensjøen you'll find both Sjøenden Camping and Osensjøen Tourist Center. [7026c] At Osensjøen, you will find both Sjøenden Camping and Osensjøen Tourist Center. [7026d] [7027a] Ta kontakt for priser og mer informasjon. [7027b] Contact them for prices and further information. [7027c] Contact these for prices and further information. [7027d] [7028a] Synes du det er hotell som er skikkelig ferie? [7028b] Do you think that a hotel is a real vacation? [7028c] Are you one who considers a hotel stay to be a real vacation? [7028d] [7029a] På Turistsenteret, ved foten av skianlegget og i gangavstand til golfbanen, ligger Trysilfjell Apartment Hotell. [7029b] At the Tourist Center, at the foot of the ski area and within walking distance to a golf course, lies Trysilfjell Apartment Hotell. [7029c] At the Tourist Center, at the foot of the skiing area and within walking distance to the golf course, is Trysilfjell Apartment Hotel. [7029d] [7030a] I Trysil sentrum har vi de to Norlandia-hotellene, Norlandia Trysil Hotell og Norlandia Trysil-Knut Hotell. [7030b] In the center of Trysil, we have the two Norlandia hotels, Norlandia Trysil Hotell and Norlandia Trysil-Knut Hotell. [7030c] In downtown Trysil, we have two Norlandia hotels: Norlandia Trysil Hotel and Norlandia Trysil-Knut Hotel. [7030d] [7031a] Trysil Gjestegård Panorama ligger ca 1,5 km sør for sentrum og vi har Kjølen Hotell Trysil som ligger på Østby, ca 20 km fra Trysil sentrum. [7031b] Trysil Gjestegård Panorama lies about 1.5 km south of the town center, and we have Kjølen Hotell Trysil that lies at Østby, about 20 km from the center of Trysil. [7031c] Trysil Gjestegård Panorama is located about 1.5 km south of the town center, and we have Kjølen Hotel Trysil located at Østby, about 20 km from downtown Trysil. [7031d] [7032a] På hotellene får du alt fra oppredde senger til bugnende frokostbuffet, gode restauranter på kveldstid med smakfulle måltider og godt drikke til, variert musikktilbud og dans. [7032b] At the hotels, you have everything, from made-up beds to a sumptuous breakfast buffet, good restaurants in the evening with tasty dishes and suitable drink, varied music and dances. [7032c] At the hotels, you have everything from nicely made beds to banquet breakfast buffets, good restaurants for evening dining, featuring tasty meals and fine beverages, varied styles of music and dancing. [7032d] [7033a] Og kanskje best av alt; du slipper å tenke på rengjøringen! [7033b] And perhaps best of all, you need not think of cleaning! [7033c] And perhaps best of all, you don't have to bother with cleaning chores! [7033d] [7034a] Velkommen til en trivelig hotellferie i Trysil! [7034b] Welcome to an enjoyable hotel vacation in Trysil! [7034c] Web bid you welcome to a pleasant hotel vacation in Trysil! [7034d] [7035a] Det foregår spennende arrangementer gjennom hele året i Molde-regionen. [7035b] Exciting events take place throughout the year in the Molde region. [7035c] There are many exciting events year round in the Molde area. [7035d] [7036a] Hver sommer arrangeres "Moldejazz" med verdenskjente artister og et yrende folkeliv. [7036b] Each summer, "Moldejazz" is held with world-renowned performers and teeming crowds. [7036c] Each summer, the "Moldejazz" festival is held, featuring world famous artists and bustling street life. [7036d] [7037a] Fra tidlig om våren til sent på høsten kjemper Molde Fotballklubb om medalje i Norges elitedivisjon. [7037b] From early spring until late autumn, the Molde Fotballklubb vies for medals in Norway's elite division. [7037c] From early in the springtime to late fall, the Molde Soccer Club vies for the championship medal in Norway's elite division. [7037d] [7038a] "Bjørnsonfestivalen" trekker årlig internasjonalt anerkjente forfattere til Molde og "Teatret Vårt" har forestillinger året rundt. [7038b] The "Bjørnson Festival" yearly attracts internationally recognized authors to Molde and "Teatret Vårt" has performances throughout the year. [7038c] The "Bjørnson Festival" annually attracts internationally renowned authors to Molde, and "Teatret Vårt" has stage performances year round. [7038d] [7039a] På Åndalsnes er Norsk Fjellfestival og Sinclairspelet årets høydepunkt. [7039b] In Åndalsnes, Norsk Fjellfestival and Sinclairspelet are the highpoints of the year. [7039c] At Åndalsnes, the Norwegian Mountain Festival and the Sinclair Pageant are the highlights of the year. [7039d] [7040a] Molde og Romsdal Turistforening (DNT) arrangerer fjellturer for store og små året rundt. [7040b] Molde and Romsdal Turistforening (DNT) arranges mountain trips for adults and children year round. [7040c] Molde and Romsdal Tourist Association (DNT) arranges mountain excursions for young and old year round. [7040d] [7041a] Vi har et stort utvalg i hytter og leiligheter i og rundt Trysilfjellet. [7041b] We have a large selection of cabins and apartments in and around Trysilfjellet. [7041c] We have a large selection of cabins and apartments in and around Trysilfjellet. [7041d] [7042a] Her bor du med naturen rett utenfor hyttedøra og det er kort avstand til sentrum og aktiviteter. [7042b] Here you can stay with the outdoors just beyond the cabin door, and it's a short way to the center fo town and activities. [7042c] Here you stay with the great outdoors just outside your cabin door, and it is a short distance to the town center and activities. [7042d] [7043a] Fra Trysilfjell Turistsenter er det gangavstand til Trysil Golfbane. [7043b] From Trysilfjell Turistsenter, it's walking distance to the Trysil Golf Course. [7043c] From Trysilfjell Turistsenter, the Trysil Golf Course is within walking distance. [7043d] [7044a] Velger du Fageråsen kan du fort fornemme høyfjells-følelsen. [7044b] Choose Fageråsen and you quickly notice the high mountain feeling. [7044c] If you choose Fageråsen, you can quickly sense the feeling of being in the alpine mountains. [7044d] [7045a] Hyttene og leilighetene finnes i de fleste størrelser, og det er store muligheter for at nettopp du finner din "egen" hytte i vårt utvalg. [7045b] Cabins and apartments are available in most sizes, and there are many opportunities for you to find exactly your "own" cabin in our selection. [7045c] The cabins and apartments are of various sizes, and there is a very good chance that you will find exactly "your" cabin among the ones we have. [7045d] [7046a] De har en god standard, og ønsker du litt ekstra kan du f eks leie en storhytte med blant annet boblebad. [7046b] All are of good standard, and if you wish a few extras, you can, for instance, rent a large cabin with a whirpool bath. [7046c] They are of good standards, and if you want extras, you can rent a large cabin that has, for example, a jacuzzi. [7046d] [7047a] Ta en titt på våre bilder og beskrivelser og sjekk om din drømmehytte er ledig! [7047b] Take a peek at our pictures and descriptions and check to see if your dream cabin is available! [7047c] Take a look at our photographs and descriptions and check to see if the cabin of your dreams is available! [7047d] [7048a] Velkommen til en trivelig hytteferie i Trysil! [7048b] Welcome to an enjoyable cabin vacation in Trysil! [7048c] Welcome to a pleasant cabin vacation in Trysil! [7048d] [7049a] Kongeparken er Vestlandets største opplevelsespark! [7049b] Kongeparken is Vestlandet's largest theme park. [7049c] Kongeparken is Western Norway's largest amusement park! [7049d] [7050a] Her finner du blant annet sjokoladefabrikk, bob-bane, karuseller, Svalbard-ekspressen; en berg- og dalbane for hele familien. [7050b] Here, among other things, there are a chocolate factory, a bobsled run, carousels, the Svalbard Express, and a roller coaster for the entire family. [7050c] Here, among other things, you will find the chocolate factory, bobsled course, merry-go-rounds, the Svalbard Express: a roller coaster for the whole family. [7050d] [7051a] Ta med deg teddybjørnen din til Kongeparken og opplev verdens eneste Bamsebotell for teddybjørner. [7051b] Take your teddy bear to Kongeparken and experience the world's only Bamsebotell for teddy bears. [7051c] Bring your teddy bear along to Kongeparken and experience the world's only Bear Hotel for teddies. [7051d] [7052a] La bamsen din få et velfortjent hvil i bamsebotellets kurbad. [7052b] Let your teddy bar enjoy a well-earned rest in the hotel's spa. [7052c] Let your teddy bear have a well-deserved rest in the Bear Hotel's spa. [7052d] [7053a] I dette spesielle kurbadet kommer din trøtte bjørn ut igjen som "ny". [7053b] In this special spa, your tired teddy bear will emerge again as "new". [7053c] In this special spa, your tired teddy bear will come out like "new". [7053d] [7054a] Har du først fått et dagskort kan du bruke alle attraksjonene i parken. [7054b] If you've first bought a day card, you can make use of all the attractions of the park. [7054c] Once you have a day pass, you have access to all the attractions in the park. [7054d] [7055a] Kongeparken har gratis parkering, grill og kennel. [7055b] Kongeparken has free parking, grill and kennel. [7055c] Kongeparken has free parking, grills and kennel. [7055d] [7056a] Området er godt egnet for barnevogner. [7056b] The area is well suited for baby carriages. [7056c] The area is well suited for baby carriages. [7056d] [7057a] Velkommen til eventyrlandet Kongeparken! [7057b] Welcome to Kongeparken wonderland! [7057c] Welcome to Kongeparken, the fairytale land! [7057d] [7058a] Ønsker du ytterlige informasjon? [7058b] Would you like to have further information? [7058c] Do you want further information? [7058d] [7059a] Ta kontakt med turistinformasjonen i den enkelte kommune. [7059b] Contact the tourist information centers in the individual townships. [7059c] Contact the tourist information in the local municipality. [7059d] [7060a] Fosen kan også tilby en rekke andre tjenester. [7060b] Fosen can also offer numerous other services. [7060c] Fosen can also offer a number of other services. [7060d]