[7-1 |] Contrasts VVZ contrast in RP in the DT the outdoors RB outdoors make VVP make the DT the Molde JJ region NN region a DT a versatile JJ versatile area NN area for IN for outdoor JJ outdoor activities NNS activity . SENT . [7-2 |] In IN in the DT the mountains NNS mountain , , , you PP you can MD can hike VV hike on IN on marked JJ marked trails NNS trail , , , ski JJ ski long JJ long tours NNS tour , , , or CC or hunt VVP hunt big JJ big game NN game and CC and grouse NN grouse . SENT . [7-3 |] For IN for those DT those who WP who climb NN climb , , , the DT the mountains NNS mountain of IN of Romsdalen NP are VBP be an DT an El NP El Dorado NP Dorado . SENT . [7-4 |] The DT the rivers NNS river teem VV teem with IN with salmon NN salmon , , , sea NN sea trout NN trout and CC and sea NN sea char NN char . SENT . [7-5 |] Along IN along the DT the coast NN coast you PP you can MD can fish RB fish for IN for cod NN cod , , , pollack NN pollack , , , mackerel NN mackerel , , , and CC and other JJ other fishes NNS fish , , , from IN from land NN land or CC or boat NN boat . SENT . [7-6 |] If IN if you PP you seek VVP seek more JJR more excitement NN excitement , , , then RB then Hustadvika NP is VBZ be one CD one of IN of Norway NP Norway 's POS 's best JJS good places NNS place for IN for diving NN diving . SENT . [7-7 |] In IN in Molde NN , , , we PP we can MD can offer VV offer familiar JJ familiar activities NNS activity such JJ such as IN as go-cart NN go-kart , , , golf NN golf , , , tennis NN tennis , , , squash NN squash , , , bowling NN bowling and CC and indoor JJ indoor training NN training studios NNS studio . SENT . [7-8 |] Fosen NP is VBZ be widely RB widely known VVN know for IN for its PP$ its good JJ good fishing NN fishing . SENT . [7-9 |] The DT the fjords NNS fjord , , , the DT the sea NN sea and CC and the DT the ocean NN ocean beyond IN beyond , , , as RB as well RB well as IN as inland RB inland rivers NNS river and CC and lakes NNS lake , , , offer VVP offer innumerable JJ innumerable different JJ different fishes NNS fish . SENT . [7-10 |] But CC but there EX there also RB also are VBP be opportunities NNS opportunity for IN for more JJR more leisurely JJ leisurely activities NNS activity such JJ such as IN as farm NN farm vacations NNS vacation , , , riding VVG ride , , , cycling NN cycling , , , and CC and swimming NN swimming . SENT . [7-11 |] Rogaland NN Arboretum NN arboretum is VBZ be a DT a lush JJ lush park NN park facility NN facility with IN with more JJR more than IN than 1400 CD @card@ different JJ different trees NNS tree and CC and shrubs NNS shrub from IN from many JJ many countries NNS country . SENT . [7-12 |] The DT the Arboretum NN arboretum has VHZ have an DT an area NN area of IN of 600 CD @card@ decares NNS decare and CC and is VBZ be Norway NP Norway 's POS 's largest JJS large , , , with IN with fine JJ fine natural JJ natural experiences NNS experience for IN for all DT all age NN age groups NNS group . SENT . [7-13 |] Open VV open every DT every day NN day throughout IN throughout the DT the year NN year . SENT . [7-14 |] Cafeteria NN cafeteria on IN on Sundays NP Sunday , , , 11-16 CD @card@ . SENT . [7-15 |] Turn VV turn off RB off towards IN towards Sviland NP from IN from E39 NP at IN at Bråsteinsvatnet NP between IN between Sandnes NP and CC and Figgjo NP . SENT . [7-16 |] Good JJ good signposting VVG signpost . SENT . [7-17 |] From IN from Molde NN , , , you PP you can MD can take VV take excursions NNS excursion to TO to some DT some of IN of Norway NP Norway 's POS 's most JJS most known VVN know tourist NN tourist attractions NNS attraction . SENT . [7-18 |] On IN on Atlanterhavsvegen NP , , , you PP you can MD can drive VV drive over IN over bridges NNS bridge , , , islets NNS islet , , , and CC and skerries NNS skerry all PDT all the DT the way NN way out RB out to TO to where WRB where the DT the fjord NN fjord meets VVZ meet the DT the open JJ open sea NN sea . SENT . [7-19 |] In IN in the DT the fjord NN fjord arms NNS arm you PP you can MD can experience VV experience Eikesdalen NP with IN with its PP$ its dramatic JJ dramatic landscape NN landscape and CC and Mardalsfossen NP , , , which WDT which is VBZ be Northern NP Northern Europe NP Europe 's POS 's highest JJS high cascade NN cascade falls VVZ fall . SENT . [7-20 |] At IN at Åndalsnes NNS lies VVZ lie Trollveggen NP , , , Europe NP Europe 's POS 's highest JJS high vertical JJ vertical mountain NN mountain face NN face and CC and Trollstigen NN tourist NN tourist road NN road that IN that winds NNS wind in IN in 11 CD @card@ switchbacks NNS switchback up IN up the DT the mountain NN mountain to TO to 858 CD @card@ meters NNS metre above IN above sea NN sea level NN level . SENT . [7-21 |] Out RB out on IN on the DT the coast NN coast lie VVP lie the DT the idyllic JJ idyllic fishing NN fishing villages NNS village of IN of Ona NP Ona , , , Bjørnsund NP , , , Bud NP Bud , , , and CC and Håholmen NP . SENT . [7-22 |] If IN if you PP you seek VVP seek an DT an inexpensive JJ inexpensive vacation NN vacation , , , we PP we can MD can offer VV offer caravan NN caravan parks NNS park and CC and camping NN camping cabins NNS cabin . SENT . [7-23 |] At IN at Turistsenteret NP , , , at IN at the DT the foot NN foot of IN of Trysilfjellet NP , , , we PP we have VHP have a DT a large JJ large caravan NN caravan park NN park . SENT . [7-24 |] At IN at Klara NP Klara Camping NN camping , , , you PP you can MD can rent VV rend camping VVG camping cabins NNS cabin . SENT . [7-25 |] Here RB here it PP it 's VBZ be also RB also possible JJ possible to TO to rent VV rend a DT a space NN space for IN for a DT a camping VVG camping trailer NN trailer if IN if you PP you so RB so wish VVP wish . SENT . [7-26 |] At IN at Osensjøen NP you PP you 'll MD will find VV find both DT both Sjøenden NP Camping NN camping and CC and Osensjøen NP Tourist NP Tourist Center NP Center . SENT . [7-27 |] Contact VV contact them PP them for IN for prices NNS price and CC and further JJ further information NN information . SENT . [7-28 |] Do VVP do you PP you think VVP think that IN that a DT a hotel NN hotel is VBZ be a DT a real JJ real vacation NN vacation ? SENT ? [7-29 |] At IN at the DT the Tourist NP Tourist Center NP Center , , , at IN at the DT the foot NN foot of IN of the DT the ski JJ ski area NN area and CC and within IN within walking VVG walk distance NN distance to TO to a DT a golf NN golf course NN course , , , lies VVZ lie Trysilfjell NP Apartment NN apartment Hotell NP . SENT . [7-30 |] In IN in the DT the center NN center of IN of Trysil NP , , , we PP we have VHP have the DT the two CD two Norlandia NP hotels NNS hotel , , , Norlandia NP Trysil NP Hotell NP and CC and Norlandia NP Trysil-Knut NP Hotell NP . SENT . [7-31 |] Trysil NP Gjestegård NP Panorama NN panorama lies VVZ lie about RB about 1.5 CD @card@ km NN south NN south of IN of the DT the town NN town center NN center , , , and CC and we PP we have VHP have Kjølen NP Hotell NP Trysil NP that WDT that lies VVZ lie at IN at Østby NN , , , about RB about 20 CD @card@ km NN from IN from the DT the center NN center of IN of Trysil NP . SENT . [7-32 |] At IN at the DT the hotels NNS hotel , , , you PP you have VHP have everything NN everything , , , from IN from made-up JJ made-up beds NNS bed to TO to a DT a sumptuous JJ sumptuous breakfast NN breakfast buffet NN buffet , , , good JJ good restaurants NNS restaurant in IN in the DT the evening NN evening with IN with tasty JJ tasty dishes NNS dish and CC and suitable JJ suitable drink NN drink , , , varied JJ varied music NN music and CC and dances NNS dance . SENT . [7-33 |] And CC and perhaps RB perhaps best JJS good of IN of all DT all , , , you PP you need VVP need not RB not think VV think of IN of cleaning NN cleaning ! SENT ! [7-34 |] Welcome JJ welcome to TO to an DT an enjoyable JJ enjoyable hotel NN hotel vacation NN vacation in IN in Trysil NP ! SENT ! [7-35 |] Exciting JJ exciting events NNS event take VVP take place NN place throughout IN throughout the DT the year NN year in IN in the DT the Molde JJ region NN region . SENT . [7-36 |] Each DT each summer NN summer , , , " `` " Moldejazz NP " '' " is VBZ be held VVN hold with IN with world-renowned VVN world-renown performers NNS performer and CC and teeming VVG teem crowds NNS crowd . SENT . [7-37 |] From IN from early JJ early spring NN spring until IN until late JJ late autumn NN autumn , , , the DT the Molde NP Fotballklubb NP vies VVZ vie for IN for medals NNS medal in IN in Norway NP Norway 's POS 's elite JJ elite division NN division . SENT . [7-38 |] The DT the " `` " Bjørnson NP Festival NP Festival " '' " yearly RB yearly attracts VVZ attract internationally RB internationally recognized VVN recognize authors NNS author to TO to Molde NNS and CC and " `` " Teatret NP Vårt NP " `` " has VHZ have performances NNS performance throughout IN throughout the DT the year NN year . SENT . [7-39 |] In IN in Åndalsnes NNS , , , Norsk NP Norsk Fjellfestival NP and CC and Sinclairspelet NP are VBP be the DT the highpoints NNS of IN of the DT the year NN year . SENT . [7-40 |] Molde NP and CC and Romsdal NP Turistforening NP ( ( ( DNT NP ) ) ) arranges VVZ arrange mountain NN mountain trips NNS trip for IN for adults NNS adult and CC and children NNS child year NN year round NN round . SENT . [7-41 |] We PP we have VHP have a DT a large JJ large selection NN selection of IN of cabins NNS cabin and CC and apartments NNS apartment in IN in and CC and around IN around Trysilfjellet NP . SENT . [7-42 |] Here RB here you PP you can MD can stay VV stay with IN with the DT the outdoors RB outdoors just RB just beyond IN beyond the DT the cabin NN cabin door NN door , , , and CC and it PP it 's VBZ be a DT a short JJ short way NN way to TO to the DT the center NN center fo NP fo town NN town and CC and activities NNS activity . SENT . [7-43 |] From IN from Trysilfjell NP Turistsenter NP , , , it PP it 's VBZ be walking VVG walk distance NN distance to TO to the DT the Trysil NP Golf NP Golf Course NP Course . SENT . [7-44 |] Choose VV choose Fageråsen NP and CC and you PP you quickly RB quickly notice VVP notice the DT the high JJ high mountain NN mountain feeling NN feeling . SENT . [7-45 |] Cabins NNS cabin and CC and apartments NNS apartment are VBP be available JJ available in IN in most JJS most sizes NNS size , , , and CC and there EX there are VBP be many JJ many opportunities NNS opportunity for IN for you PP you to TO to find VV find exactly RB exactly your PP$ your " `` " own JJ own " '' " cabin NN cabin in IN in our PP$ our selection NN selection . SENT . [7-46 |] All DT all are VBP be of IN of good JJ good standard NN standard , , , and CC and if IN if you PP you wish VVP wish a DT a few JJ few extras NNS extra , , , you PP you can MD can , , , for IN for instance NN instance , , , rent VV rend a DT a large JJ large cabin NN cabin with IN with a DT a whirpool NP Whirpool bath NN bath . SENT . [7-47 |] Take VV take a DT a peek NN peek at IN at our PP$ our pictures NNS picture and CC and descriptions NNS description and CC and check VV check to TO to see VV see if IN if your PP$ your dream NN dream cabin NN cabin is VBZ be available JJ available ! SENT ! [7-48 |] Welcome JJ welcome to TO to an DT an enjoyable JJ enjoyable cabin NN cabin vacation NN vacation in IN in Trysil NP ! SENT ! [7-49 |] Kongeparken NP is VBZ be Vestlandet NP 's POS 's largest JJS large theme NN theme park NN park . SENT . [7-50 |] Here RB here , , , among IN amongst other JJ other things NNS thing , , , there EX there are VBP be a DT a chocolate JJ chocolate factory NN factory , , , a DT a bobsled NN bobsled run NN run , , , carousels NNS carousel , , , the DT the Svalbard NP Svalbard Express NP Express , , , and CC and a DT a roller NN roller coaster NN coaster for IN for the DT the entire JJ entire family NN family . SENT . [7-51 |] Take VV take your PP$ your teddy NN teddy bear NN bear to TO to Kongeparken NP and CC and experience VV experience the DT the world NN world 's POS 's only JJ only Bamsebotell NP for IN for teddy NN teddy bears NNS bear . SENT . [7-52 |] Let VV let your PP$ your teddy NN teddy bar NN bar enjoy VVP enjoy a DT a well-earned JJ well-earn rest NN rest in IN in the DT the hotel NN hotel 's POS 's spa NN spa . SENT . [7-53 |] In IN in this DT this special JJ special spa NN spa , , , your PP$ your tired JJ tired teddy NN teddy bear NN bear will MD will emerge VV emerge again RB again as IN as " `` " new JJ new " '' " . SENT . [7-54 |] If IN if you PP you 've VHP have first RB first bought VVN buy a DT a day NN day card NN card , , , you PP you can MD can make VV make use NN use of IN of all PDT all the DT the attractions NNS attraction of IN of the DT the park NN park . SENT . [7-55 |] Kongeparken NP has VHZ have free JJ free parking NN parking , , , grill NN grille and CC and kennel NN kennel . SENT . [7-56 |] The DT the area NN area is VBZ be well RB well suited VVN suit for IN for baby NN baby carriages NNS carriage . SENT . [7-57 |] Welcome JJ welcome to TO to Kongeparken NP wonderland NN wonderland ! SENT ! [7-58 |] Would MD Would you PP you like VV like to TO to have VH have further JJ further information NN information ? SENT ? [7-59 |] Contact VV contact the DT the tourist NN tourist information NN information centers NNS center in IN in the DT the individual JJ individual townships NNS township . SENT . [7-60 |] Fosen NP can MD can also RB also offer VV offer numerous JJ numerous other JJ other services NNS service . SENT .