[8-1 |] Good JJ good lodgings NNS lodging are VBP be essential JJ essential for IN for a DT a successful JJ successful vacation NN vacation . SENT . [8-2 |] In IN in Trysil NP we PP we offer VVP offer cabins NNS cabin and CC and apartments NNS apartment in IN in most JJS most sizes NNS size . SENT . [8-3 |] If IN if you PP you are VBP be few JJ few or CC or many JJ many , , , family NN family , , , friends NNS friend , , , or CC or a DT a company NN company on IN on a DT a tour NN tour , , , then RB then we PP we have VHP have something NN something for IN for everyone NN everyone . SENT . [8-4 |] Most JJS most of IN of the DT the cabins NNS cabin and CC and apartments NNS apartment lie VVP lie at IN at the DT the foot NN foot of IN of Trysilfjellet NP or CC or up RB up in IN in the DT the range NN range . SENT . [8-5 |] Here RB here the DT the outdoors RB outdoors and CC and tour NN tour choices NNS choice are VBP be just RB just outside IN outside the DT the door NN door ! SENT ! [8-6 |] On IN on the DT the south JJ south side NN side of IN of the DT the mountain NN mountain , , , it PP it is VBZ be as RB as well RB well a DT a short JJ short way NN way to TO to the DT the Trysil NP Golf NP Golf Course NP Course from IN from most JJS most of IN of the DT the cabins NNS cabin and CC and apartments NNS apartment . SENT . [8-7 |] The DT the standard NN standard is VBZ be high JJ high in IN in our PP$ our lodging NN lodging units NNS unit . SENT . [8-8 |] Should MD Should you PP you wish VV wish a DT a real JJ real luxury NN luxury vacation NN vacation with IN with both PDT both a DT a sauna NN sauna and CC and a DT a whirlpool NN whirlpool bath NN bath at IN at a DT a cabin NN cabin , , , then RB then we PP we have VHP have that DT that as RB as well RB well . SENT . [8-9 |] For IN for those DT those who WP who prefer VVP prefer hotels NNS hotel for IN for spending NN spending vacations NNS vacation , , , then RB then Trysil NP has VHZ have several JJ several hotels NNS hotel to TO to choose VV choose among IN amongst . SENT . [8-10 |] They PP they are VBP be clustered VVN cluster in IN in the DT the central JJ central area NN area and CC and can MD can of IN of course NN course offer NN offer everything NN everything from IN from made-up JJ made-up beds NNS bed to TO to a DT a set VVN set breakfast NN breakfast table NN table to TO to good JJ good restaurants NNS restaurant with IN with full JJ full licensing NN licensing . SENT . [8-11 |] In IN in the DT the area NN area around IN around Molde NN , , , Trollstigen NP and CC and Atlanterhavsvegen NP , , , you PP you find VVP find a DT a broad JJ broad selection NN selection of IN of overnight JJ overnight lodgings NNS lodging . SENT . [8-12 |] Everything NN Everything from IN from luxury NN luxury hotels NNS hotel to TO to rustic JJ rustic seashore NN seashore cabins NNS cabin , , , comfortable JJ comfortable guest NN guest houses NNS house , , , and CC and a DT a myriad JJ myriad of IN of cabins NNS cabin , , , vacation NN vacation houses NNS house , , , fisherman NN fisherman 's POS 's shacks NNS shack , , , and CC and camping VVG camping sites NNS site . SENT . [8-13 |] All DT all hotels NNS hotel offer VVP offer weekend NN weekend prices NNS price year-round JJ year-round , , , with IN with breakfast NN breakfast included VVD include . SENT . [8-14 |] At IN at Fosen NP , , , you PP you can MD can stay VV stay in IN in splendid JJ splendid fisherman NN fisherman 's POS 's shacks NNS shack and CC and boathouses NNS boathouse just RB just at IN at the DT the water NN water 's POS 's edge NN edge . SENT . [8-15 |] Otherwise RB otherwise , , , there EX there are VBP be many JJ many other JJ other overnight JJ overnight lodgings NNS lodging : : : hotels NNS hotel , , , apartments NNS apartment , , , and CC and cabins NNS cabin , , , both CC both in IN in the DT the mountains NNS mountain and CC and at IN at seaside NN seaside . SENT . [8-16 |] For IN for those DT those who WP who come VVP come by IN by car NN car , , , there EX there are VBP be several JJ several campgrounds NNS campground to TO to choose VV choose among IN amongst . SENT . [8-17 |] Hence RB hence , , , something NN something for IN for all DT all tastes NNS taste ! SENT ! [8-18 |] 604 CD @card@ meters NNS metre over IN over Lysefjorden NP hangs VVZ hang this DT this marked JJ marked mountain NN mountain formation NN formation . SENT . [8-19 |] For IN for nearly RB nearly 100 CD @card@ years NNS year , , , people NNS people have VHP have hiked VVN hike there RB there , , , felt VVD feel giddiness NN giddiness at IN at the DT the precipice NN precipice and CC and enjoyed VVD enjoy the DT the fantastic JJ fantastic panorama NN panorama of IN of Lysefjorden NP and CC and the DT the surrounding VVG surround mountains NNS mountain . SENT . [8-20 |] In IN in 2001 CD @card@ , , , 9000 CD @card@ people NNS people crested JJ crested Preikestolen NP - : - and CC and they PP they came VVD come from IN from many JJ many countries NNS country . SENT . [8-21 |] The DT the hike NN hike from IN from the DT the parking NN parking places VVZ place out RP out to TO to the DT the Preikestol JJ plateau NN plateau itself PP itself is VBZ be just RB just 4 CD 4 kilometers NNS kilometre , , , but CC but nonetheless RB nonetheless it PP it takes VVZ take 2 CD 2 hours NNS hour each DT each way NN way . SENT . [8-22 |] The DT the fine JJ fine trail NN trail was VBD be built VVN build in IN in the DT the best JJS good Norwegian JJ Norwegian tradition NN tradition . SENT . [8-23 |] The DT the hike NN hike has VHZ have an DT an elevation NN elevation difference NN difference of IN of 350 CD @card@ meters NNS metre and CC and requires VVZ require some DT some fitness NN fitness and CC and good JJ good footwear NN footwear . SENT . [8-24 |] The DT the last JJ last part NN part goes VVZ go along IN along a DT a dizzying JJ dizzying cliff NN cliff high NN high over IN over Lysefjorden NP . SENT . [8-25 |] The DT the weather NN weather can MD can change VV change rapidly RB rapidly , , , so RB so remember VVP remember rainwear NN rainwear , , , warm JJ warm cloths NNS cloth , , , food NN food and CC and drink NN drink in IN in your PP$ your pack NN pack . SENT . [8-26 |] But CC but the DT the experience NN experience is VBZ be worth JJ worth the DT the effort NN effort , , , almost RB almost regardless RB regardless of IN of the DT the weather NN weather ! SENT ! [8-27 |] Centrally RB centrally placed VVN place in IN in the DT the heart NN heart of IN of Scandinavia NP Scandinavia lies VVZ lie Trysil NP . SENT . [8-28 |] 210 CD @card@ km NN from IN from Oslo NP Oslo , , , 470 CD @card@ km NN from IN from Stockholm NP Stockholm , , , and CC and 50 CD @card@ km NN from IN from Göteborg NP Göteborg . SENT . [8-29 |] You PP you drive VVP drive on IN on good JJ good roads NNS road to TO to Trysil NP , , , well RB well signposted VVN signpost and CC and without IN without having VHG have to TO to go VV go over RP over mountain NN mountain passes NNS pass . SENT . [8-30 |] Filling VVG fill stations NNS station and CC and rest NN rest stops NNS stop are VBP be frequent JJ frequent . SENT . [8-31 |] Trysil NP lies VVZ lie a DT a short JJ short way NN way from IN from an DT an airport NN airport , , , places VVZ place of IN of arrival NN arrival for IN for ferries NNS ferry , , , main JJ main rail NN rail stations NNS station , , , and CC and bus NN bus stations NNS station . SENT . [8-32 |] Oslo NP Oslo Gardermoen NP Airport NP Airport lies VVZ lie just RB just 160 CD @card@ km NN away RB away . SENT . [8-33 |] Several JJ several times NNS time a DT a day NN day there EX there are VBP be busses NNS buss from IN from the DT the airport NN airport to TO to Trysil NP . SENT . [8-34 |] The DT the Trysil NP Express NP Express has VHZ have a DT a stop NN stop right NN right outside IN outside the DT the arrivals NNS arrival hall NN hall and CC and takes VVZ take you PP you to TO to Trysil NP in IN in 2 CD 2 hours NNS hour and CC and 50 CD @card@ minutes NNS minute . SENT . [8-35 |] If IN if you PP you come VVP come by IN by bus NN bus or CC or train NN train to TO to Oslo NN Oslo , , , it PP it 's VBZ be extremely RB extremely easy JJ easy to TO to travel VV travel onward RB onward to TO to Trysil NP . SENT . [8-36 |] From IN from Galleriet NP bus NN bus station NN station , , , the DT the Trysil NP Express NP Express has VHZ have several JJ several daily JJ daily departures NNS departure . SENT . [8-37 |] Ferries NNS ferry , , , airplanes NNS aeroplane , , , trains NNS train , , , busses NNS buss or CC or cars NNS car - : - the DT the ski JJ ski paradise NN paradise is VBZ be only RB only a DT a few JJ few hours NNS hour away RB away . SENT . [8-38 |] Molde NNS and CC and Åndalsnes NNS have VHP have an DT an ample JJ ample selection NN selection of IN of eating VVG eat places NNS place , , , bars NNS bar , , , pubs NNS pub , , , and CC and discos NNS disco with IN with dancing NN dancing . SENT . [8-39 |] Both DT both Norwegian JJ Norwegian and CC and international JJ international dishes NNS dish are VBP be on IN on menus NNS menu . SENT . [8-40 |] The DT the small JJ small fishing NN fishing village NN village of IN of Bud NP Bud has VHZ have three CD three restaurants NNS restaurant that WDT that serve VVP serve fresh JJ fresh fish NN fish and CC and tantalizing VVG tantalize seafood NN seafood . SENT . [8-41 |] Along IN along roads NNS road there RB there are VBP be various JJ various food NN food services NNS service for IN for travelers NNS traveler - : - everything NN everything from IN from simple JJ simple cafes NNS cafe to TO to acceptable JJ acceptable restaurants NNS restaurant with IN with comprehensive JJ comprehensive menus NNS menu . SENT . [8-42 |] Fosen NP can MD can offer VV offer many JJ many attractive JJ attractive and CC and fascinating JJ fascinating kitchens NNS kitchen . SENT . [8-43 |] With IN with its PP$ its long JJ long history NN history , , , Fosen NP can MD can offer VV offer many JJ many sights NNS sight and CC and activities NNS activity associated VVN associate with IN with them PP them . SENT . [8-44 |] In IN in the DT the region NN region as IN as a DT a whole NN whole there EX there is VBZ be a DT a varied JJ varied selection NN selection of IN of shops NNS shop and CC and shopping NN shopping centers NNS center . SENT . [8-45 |] Most JJS most are VBP be open JJ open Monday NP Monday to TO to Saturday NP Saturday and CC and are VBP be closed VVN close on IN on Sunday NP Sunday . SENT . [8-46 |] You PP you can MD can buy VV buy locally-produced VVN souvenirs NNS souvenir at IN at many JJ many galleries NNS gallery and CC and handicraft NN handicraft shops NNS shop in IN in the DT the region NN region . SENT . [8-47 |] The DT the most RBS most popular JJ popular souvenirs NNS souvenir are VBP be knitted VVN knit sweaters NNS sweater and CC and jackets NNS jacket , , , pewter JJ pewter , , , silver NN silver , , , porcelain NN porcelain , , , hand-painted JJ hand-paint or CC or rose-painted JJ wood NN wood objects NNS object , , , goat NN goat and CC and reindeer NN reindeer hides NNS hide , , , woven VVN weave tapestries NNS tapestry , , , furs NNS fur , , , needlework NN needlework , , , glass NN glass , , , crystal NN crystal and CC and ceramics NNS ceramic . SENT . [8-48 |] The DT the outdoors RB outdoors itself PP itself is VBZ be an DT an attraction NN attraction at IN at Fossen NP Fossen - : - and CC and not RB not just RB just for IN for viewing NN viewing . SENT . [8-49 |] The DT the sounds NNS sound , , , smells VVZ smell , , , and CC and tastes NNS taste from IN from the DT the sea NN sea and CC and the DT the mountains NNS mountain also RB also are VBP be generous JJ generous to TO to those DT those attuned VVN attune to TO to receiving VVG receive and CC and experiencing VVG experience . SENT . [8-50 |] Fosen NP also RB also can MD can exhibit VV exhibit some DT some of IN of the DT the oldest JJS old traces NNS trace of IN of people NNS people in IN in Norway NP Norway , , , in IN in fact NN fact more JJR more than IN than 11,000 CD @card@ years NNS year old JJ old . SENT . [8-51 |] Rock NN rock carvings NNS carving , , , caves NNS cave , , , runes NNS rune , , , burial NN burial mounds NNS mound and CC and monuments NNS monument . SENT . [8-52 |] From IN from Molde NP 's POS 's airport NN airport , , , Årø NN , , , flights NNS flight depart VVP depart to TO to Norway NP Norway 's POS 's major JJ major cities NNS city several JJ several times NNS time a DT a day NN day . SENT . [8-53 |] Northbound JJ northbound and CC and southbound JJ southbound Coastal NP Coastal Express NP Express Liners NNS liner call VVP call at IN at Molde JJ center NN center every DT every day NN day , , , and CC and both DT both trains NNS train on IN on the DT the Rauma NP Rauma line NN line and CC and bus NN bus companies NNS company take VVP take you PP you to TO to Trondheim NP Trondheim or CC or Oslo NP Oslo . SENT . [8-54 |] Schedule NN schedule information NN information is VBZ be available JJ available at IN at Trafikanten NN , , , Tel NP Tel : : : ( ( ( +47 JJ ) ) ) 715 CD @card@ 58 CD @card@ 78 NP @card@ 00 CD @card@ , , , or CC or call VV call 177 CD @card@ if IN if you PP you are VBP be in IN in Møre NP and CC and Romsdal NP . SENT .