** Norwegian WordNet - v0.1 ** These files are exported from the preliminary version of an ontology of Norwegian, based in part on BokmÄlsordboka. I'm expecting to make rather dramatic improvements in the ontology extraction program - both in precision and recall - but I thought it would be useful to give people access to a preliminary version results. Of particlular interest is, I guess, the list of nouns in the categories HUMAN and ANIMATE. In contents of the full results file (nw-0.1.dat) should be self-explanatory, except for one point: The first column refers to the definition id in BokmÄlsordboka. Thus relations with the same id is considered to be the same sense. There is an online version at http://omilia.uio.no/nw Updated files will be uploaded as the extraction program improves. Lars Nygaard lars.nygaard@iln.uio.no