;;; Hey, emacs (1), this is -*- mode:tdl; Coding: utf-8; -*- ;;; ;;; Montserrat Marimon ;;; IULA - UPF ;;; ;;; letypes.tdl: Lexical entry types for the SRG ; --- Verbs basic-verb-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ HEAD verb & [ CLIT none, MOD < >, TAM #tam, KEYS.KEY v_event_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX event & [ E #tam ] ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist, LKEYS.KEYREL event-relation ] ]. norm-verb := basic-verb-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS #comps, CLTS < > ], ARG-ST < #subj . #comps > ]. basic-main-verb := basic-verb-lex & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC bool, HEAD [ AUX -, KEYS.KEY nonaux_event_rel ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SF iforce, RELS.LIST < relation & #key, ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #key ] ]. impers-verb := basic-main-verb & [ ALTS [ PASS -, CAUS -, PERM -, SYMM -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps, ARG-ST #comps ]. basic-aux-verb-lex := basic-verb-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ AUX +, KEYS.KEY aux_event_rel & #pred ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #pred ] ]. plain-main-verb := basic-main-verb & norm-verb. clt-main-verb := basic-main-verb & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] >, COMPS < #comps >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD affix & [ CASE rflx ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] > ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . #clt > > ]. ; --- 1. Verbal lexical entry types ; --- 1.1. Impersonal verbs impers_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3sg, CAT [ MC bool, VAL.SUBJ < > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. trans_impers_synsem := impers_synsem & transitive_verb_synsem. ; --- 1.1.1. weather predicates ; - llover (to rain), tronar (to thunder),... (e.g. mañana lloverá (tomorrow it will rain)) v_impers_strict_intr_le := impers-verb & norm-zero-arg & [ ALTS.VFALT -, SYNSEM impers_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HCONS ] ]. ; - ser/estar + SN/AP; e.g. es primavera/tarde (it is spring/late), está nublado (it is cloudy). ; - estar 1pl + PPa; e.g. estamos a 20 grados (we have 20 degrees) ; - ser 3sg + PPde; e.g. en Islandia es de noche durante seis meses (Iceland is dark during six months) ; - hacerse/ponerse 3sg + PPde; e.g. se hizo/puso de noche (night fell) ; - hacer + SN; e.g. hace muchos calores/bueno (it is very hot/good) =>> iv_non_pass_np_le ; - llueven (*las) piedras (it rains (*the) stones) =>> v_unacc_le ; - amanecer (e.g. el día amaneció nublado/amaneció un día espléndido (the sky was cloudy at dawn/it was splendid at dawn))o) =>> v_unerg_le ; --- 1.1.2. impersonal verbs taking nominal complements that don't passivize (haber) ; !!! indefinite argument of partitive interpretation: NP with indefinite article (hay un libro/ there is ; a book) Numeral or quantifier of the type of 'alguno' (some) (hay muchos/tres libros; there are ; many/three books), bare plurals (hay libros/ there are books), negative quantifiers (no hay nada/nadie; ; there isn't any/anybody), bare NPs (hay pan/ there is bread), phrases of partitive interpretation with ; 'de' (hay de todo/ there are all sorts of things), relative clauses without antecedent (no hay quien ; pueda con eso/ no one can against that). It does not need the 'a' with animate complements (hay ; algunos profesores/ there are some teachers) ; !!! hay 4 metros desde la mesa hasta la TV, hay bastante/suficiente con esto (there are four meters ; from the table to the TV, it is enough with this) v_impers_non_pass_np_le := impers-verb & basic-one-arg & [ ALTS.VFALT -, SYNSEM trans_impers_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL np_acc_unmrkd_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY undef_quant_q_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg2-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #ind ] ] ]. ; --- 1.1.3. impersonal verbs taking finite completive clauses (parecer, resultar, semejar, poder) ; They also show a raising structure (e.g. parece que Juan trabaja mucho -> Juan parece trabajar mucho ; (it seems that John works a lot -> John seems to work a lot)) iv_cp_prop_fin_synsem := impers_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg2-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #harg ] ]. iv_cp_prop_fin := impers-verb & basic-one-arg & [ ALTS.VFALT -, SYNSEM iv_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; a)- taking indicative (parecer, resultar, semejar) ; e.g.- parece que Juan trabaja mucho -> Juan parece trabajar mucho ; (it seems that John works a lot -> John seems to work a lot) ; - resultó que Juan fue el ganador -> Juan resultó ser el ganador (only with 'ser','estar' (to be) ; and 'tener' (to have))(it turned out that John was the winner -> John turned out to be the winner) ; - semejaba que la curva continuaba -> la curva semejaba continuar (it seemed that the curve ; continued -> the curve seemed to continue) v_impers_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := iv_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] > ]. ; b)- taking subjunctive (poder) ; e.g. puede que mañana llueva -> mañana puede llover (it may be that tomorrow rains -> it may rain tomorrow) v_impers_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := iv_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; --- 1.1.4. other impersonal contructions ; se me hace tarde (it gets late), ; "haber que + inf" (hay que trabajar más) ("it is necessary to + inf" (it is necessary to work more)) ; tratarse (se trata de un goleador nato) (it is about (it is about a born goal scorer) ; ; sobrar, bastar (e.g. (me) sobra/basta con 100 ptas/con verte/que vengas ; ((for me) it is more than enough with 100 ptas/seeing you/that you come)) #| iv_mrkd_np_synsem := impers_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL [ COMPS < #comps & [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind2 ] ] > ], CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix ] > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg2-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #ind2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ] ]. iv_mrkd_np_le := impers-verb & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM iv_mrkd_np_synsem, ARG-ST < # comps . #clt > ]. |# ; ; me duele en este brazo (this arm hurts), me pica en el brazo (my arm itches) ; nos dio por reír (we started to laugh), no me da tiempo (I don't have enough time), ; (aquí) huele (muy bien/a quemado/a comida) (it smells very good/ burnt/ of food (in here)) ; (aquí) sobra/falta dinero (there is more than enough/ there is some money missing (here)) ; aquí pone que se prohíbe fumar (here it says that smoking is not allowed) ; oler a pan (to smell of bread), saber a pan (to taste like bread), perception verbs (taking compl DIV +) ; --- 1.2. Verbs taking verbal subjects verbal-subj-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3sg, CAT [ MC bool, VAL.SUBJ < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #xarg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ], HCONS.LIST < [ LARG #xarg ],... >, RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index ] ]. vinf-subj-synsem := verbal-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL vp_inf_local ] >, CONT.HCONS.LIST < [ HARG #harg ],... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #harg ]. trans_vinf-subj-synsem := vinf-subj-synsem & transitive_verb_synsem. vfin-subj-synsem := verbal-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL s_local & [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] ] > ]. vfin-subj-main-verb := basic-main-verb & [ ALTS [ PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM vfin-subj-synsem ]. spcfied-vfin-subj-synsem := verbal-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY nominalization_rel, ALTKEY art_def_q_rel ] ] ] > ]. ; --- 1.2.1. Unaccusative verbs taking finite verbs as subjects ; The subject appears in post-verbal position. Occasionally, a locative complement, with literal meaning ; (aparecer (to appear), figurar (to say), quedar (to stay)) or figurative meaning (desprenderse ; (to follow)). The finite verb does not alternate with an infinitive; however, it alternates with a NP, ; though it cannot be a physical entity (of first order) with 'desprenderse' (to follow). With NP subjects, ; 'aparecer' (to appear) y 'quedar' and 'quedar' (to stay) can take an optional IO. v_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV +, VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL arg2-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #harg ] ]. v_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc := vfin-subj-main-verb & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT - ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc_synsem ]. ; e.g. no figura/aparece/queda en el contrato que el acuerdo es/sea irreversible (it does not appear in the ; contract that the agreement is irreversible) v_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc_le := v_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc & plain-main-verb & basic-one-arg. ; e.g. de ahí no se desprende que la situación sea/es imposible (from there it does not follow that the ; situation is impossible) v_pron_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc_le := v_subj_cp_prop_fin_unacc & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix ] > ], ARG-ST < #subj . #clt > ]. ; --- 1.2.2. Intransitive verbs taking Vfin subjects and IO ; clitization/clitic doubling obligatory. The clause can alternate with a subject NP. v_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local ] >, COMPS < expressed-synsem & [ OPT +, LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD [ CASE dat, KEYS.KEY #ckey ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] > ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg, ARG2 #arg2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_subj_cp_prop_inf_io_synsem := vinf-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL dative_local ] > ]. ; a)- event verbs (acaecer, acontecer, ocurrir, pasar, presentarse, sobrevenir, suceder (to happen, to occur, ...)) ; The subject must be postponed. The IO appears occasionally. The clause does not alternate with a VPinf. ; Indicative/subjunctive alternate depending on whether the content is asserted or not (except for 'ocurrir' ; (to occur), which can alternate always). The clause can only take the determiner if the IO is present. ; The clause alternates with an entity of second order. v_subj_cp_prop_fin_io*_synsem := v_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.INV + ]. ; e.g. ocurrir (ocurre que no hizo lo que le habían pedido ((to occur) it occurs that s/he didn't do what s/he was asked)) v_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_io*_synsem ]. ; e.g. presentarse, ocurrirse (to present, to occur) v_pron_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_le := vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_io*_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix & [ CASE rflx ] ] > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . #clt > > ]. ; b)- "incumbencia" verbs (atañer (to concern), bastar (to be enough), caber (to fit), constar, convenir ; (to agree), faltar (to be missing), importar (to matter), parecer (to seem),...) ; The clause can alternate with abstract or eventive nouns ('caber' (to suit) is the only one that can ; alternate with a first order entity). The clause can only take the determiner if the IO is present. ; The subject can be pre/postposed. The presence of the IO is occasional. All verbs, except 'constar', ; take only the subjunctive mood. The clause alternates with a VPinf and when the IO is present, it is ; interpreted as the subject of the infinitive, when it is not, the construction has a generic ; interpretation. "parecer" (to seem) demands the OI when it is constructed with a subject VPinf. v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_io*_synsem := v_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_synsem. ; e.g. bastar (no (me) basta que me quieras/que me quieras no (me) basta) ; (to be enough (it is not enough (for me) that you love me/that you love me is not enough (for me)) v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_intr_io*_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_io*_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] > ] ]. ; e.g. constar ((me) consta que estuvo aquí/no consta que supiese el día de su muerte hasta ese día) ; (to be certain ((for me) it is certain that s/he was here/ it is not certain that s/he knew the day of ; his/her death till that day) v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_intr_io*_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_io*_synsem ]. ; - with "parecer" the IO is obligatory when it takes a VPinf subject v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_io_synsem := v_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_synsem. v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_intr_io_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_io_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] > ] ]. ; c)- Psychological verbs (admirar, agobiar, alegrar, apetecer, asombrar, asustar,... (to admire, ; to overwhelm, to make happy, to long for, to surprise, to scare,...)) ; The clause can take the determiner. The subject can be preposed or postposed. The IO is common (but not ; always obligatory). They do not accept the indicative mood. The clause alternates with VPinf only ; when the OI is interpreted as the subject of the infinitive, and with an animate or inanimate NP. v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_io*_synsem := v_subj_cp_prop_fin_intr_io*_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; e.g. gustar (no *(me) gusta que a los toros te pongas la minifalda) v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_intr_io*_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_io*_synsem ]. ; e.g. antojarse (to fancy) v_pron_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_intr_io*_le := vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_io*_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix & [ CASE rflx ] ] > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . #clt > > ]. ; --- 1.2.3. Intransitive verbs taking Vfin subject and marked NP ; Always in the subjunctive mood and it can alternate with a (non-controlled) VPinf. The unmarked order ; is SVC. The subject must take the determiner when nothing is intercalated between the latter and the verb. ; (e.g. (el) que las clases sean malas repercute en los alumnos/repercute en los alumnos (el) que las ; clases sean malas/en los alumnos repercute *(el) que las clases sean malas (the fact that classes are ; bad has repercussions on the students/It has repercussions on the students the fact that classes are ; bad/on the students has repercusions the fact that classes are bad)) v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_intr_mrkd_np_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind2 ] ] > ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg, ARG2 #ind2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_subj_cp_prop_inf_intr_mrkd_np_synsem := vinf-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local ] > ]. ; e.g. (el) que las clases sean malas repercute en los alumnos (the fact that classes are bad has ; repercussions on the students) v_subj_cp_prop_intr_mrkd_np_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_intr_mrkd_np_synsem ]. ; e.g. traducirse en (be translated into) v_pron_subj_cp_prop_intr_mrkd_np_le := vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_intr_mrkd_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix & [ CASE rflx ] ] > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . #clt > > ]. ; --- Transitive verbs taking Vfin ; A determiner can be added to the subject. The subject alternates with the neutral pronoun and with ; abstract nouns. The majority accept a person as subject. The clause is always in the subjunctive mood. v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & transitive_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL np_acc_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ],... > ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg, ARG2 #ind ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np := vfin-subj-main-verb & [ SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_synsem ]. ; --- 1.2.4. Transitive verbs taking Vfin subject and DO ; a)- Implicative and evidencial verbs (e.g. implicar, evidenciar, denotar, destacar,... (to imply, ; to evidence, to denote, to highlight,...)) ; - Do not accept a person as subject: acarrear, conllevar, denotar, entrañar, evidenciar, implicar, ; reflejar, simbolizar y suponer (to entail, to bring about, to mean, to involve, to reveal, to imply, to ; reflect, to simbolize and to suppose). ; - The clause alternates with a non-controlled VPinf. ; - The majority have an abstract entity as a DO and some accept a person as object. ; - The IO always appears under the clitic (denotar, evidenciar, excluir, implicar, ratificar, significar,.. ; (to denote, to evidence, to exclude, to imply, to ratify, to signify,...) cannot take the clitic) ; - Order: SVC. If the order is reversed, 'el (hecho de)' (the fact that) must appear. ; - The DO can be expressed under the form of a subordinate noun clause with verbs like: significar, ; suponer, equivaler,... (to signify, to suppose, to be equivalent to) (cf. v_subj_cp_prop_trans_cp_prop_le) ; e.g. que el poder político se descomponga no significa necesariamente una decadencia (the fact that the ; political power decays does not mean necessarily a decadence) v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np_le := plain-main-verb & v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_synsem ]. ; b)- support verbs (e.g. dar pena, hacer falta, tener gracia,...)(to grieve, to be needed, to have charm) ; The NP appears as a DO which generally does not take a determiner, but may take intensifiers, ; its inmediately postverbal position is fixed and the subject is likely to occupy the final position. ; In some cases the presence of a dative expected or implied (e.g. dar asco, lástima (to be disgusting, ; to grieve)). With some others it is possible (e.g. hacer falta, ilusión (to be needed, to be looking ; forward to something) but with others it is impossible (e.g. tener gracia, pena, rabia / to have charm, ; pitty, to make furious)) ; --- 1.2.5. Transitive verbs taking Vfin subject, DO and marked NP ; The clause alternates with a VPinf controlled by the DO (e.g. trabajar la obliga a madrugar (working ; obliges her to get up early). The DO cannot be sentential. The prepositional complement can be optional ; and can be substituted by a clitic dative when it's human and is introduced by "a" ; (cf. v_subj_cp_prop_ditrans*_le) v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_mrkd_np_synsem := v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind3 ] ] >, LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG3 #ind3 ], --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. ; e.g. (el) que su partido haya perdido las elecciones lo apartará del poder v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np_mrkd_np_le := plain-main-verb & v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM +, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_mrkd_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; e.g. unir v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np_mrkd_np*_le := plain-main-verb & v_subj_cp_prop_trans_np & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM +, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_trans_np_mrkd_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- 1.2.6. Transitive verbs taking sentential subjects and finite completive clauses ; The subject must precede the main verb v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_trans_cp_prop_fin_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & transitive_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg2 ] ] > ] ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg1, ARG2 #harg2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. ; e.g. que te haya aprobado no significa que no tengas que venir a clase (the fact that s/he has ; approved you/given you a passing grade doesn`t mean that you don't have to come to classes) v_subj_cp_prop_trans_cp_prop_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_trans_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; --- 1.2.7. Ditransitive verbs taking Vfin subject ; The clause alternates with a VPinf controlled by the IO (e.g. tener que aguantar los embotellamientos ; te estropea el día (having to put up with traffic jams spoils your day)) v_subj_cp_prop_inf_ditrans_synsem := vinf-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL np_acc_unmrkd_local ], [ LOCAL dative_local ] > ]. v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_ditrans_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL np_acc_unmrkd_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ], [ LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind3 ] ] > ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg, ARG2 #ind , ARG3 #ind3 ], --COMPKEY #ckey, --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_subj_cp_prop_ditrans := vfin-subj-main-verb & [ SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_ditrans_synsem ]. ; e.g. El que haya dicho esto le acarrea le acarrea muchos problemas (a María) (the fact that he had ; said this causes many troubles (to María)) v_subj_cp_prop_ditrans*_le := plain-main-verb & v_subj_cp_prop_ditrans & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM +, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_inf_or_fin_sub_ditrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- 1.2.8. Ditransitive verbs taking sentential subjects, IO and finite completive clauses v_subj_cp_prop_inf_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_synsem := vinf-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS <[ LOCAL dative_local ] , [ LOCAL cp_fin_local ] > ]. v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_synsem := vfin-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey , CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind3 ] ], [ OPT -, LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg2 ] ] > ], CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg1, ARG2 #harg2, ARG3 #ind3 ], --COMPKEY #ckey, --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. ; e.g. oír música no (te) impide trabajar/que trabajes (listening to music doesn't prevents you from ; working) v_subj_cp_prop_ditrans_cp_prop_le := plain-main-verb & vfin-subj-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, VFALT + ], SYNSEM v_subj_cp_prop_fin_sub_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; --- 1.2.9. Attributive structures (ser & estar (to be), parecer (to seem), quedar (to stay), ; resultar (to result) y aparecer (to appear)) ; The unmarked order is VCS, but SVC and CVS are also possible. ; The mode of the clause depends on the attribute. The attributes that combine with the indicative mood ; do not admit a VPinf subject, as neither do the attributes VPinf. If there is a dative correferent with ; the subject of the subordinate clause, the latter tends to take a non-flexionate form (VPinf). ; !!! sentential subjects with null verbs (e.g. ¡(Es) Lástima que no hayas ganado! ¡Qué pena (es) ; que no vengas!) v_prd_subj_cp_prop_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3sg, CAT [ MC bool, VAL.SUBJ < [ OPT -, LOCAL v_local & [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ] ] > ] ] ]. ; --- Copula verbs #| v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem := v_prd_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL local & [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ MC na, POSTHEAD +, HC-LIGHT -, HEAD verb & [ INV +, CLIT none, MOD < >, KEYS.KEY _be_v_prd_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #sind ] >, COMPS < synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY #ckey ], VAL [ COMPS < >, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #index, LTOP #ltop, XARG #sind ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] >, SPR < >, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT psoa & [ HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG #sind, LTOP #ltop ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED _be_v_prd_rel ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_cop_subj_cp_prop := uninflected-lexeme & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM -, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps >, CLTS #clts ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL #rel, QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ] ], ARG-ST < #subj & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle, LAST #slast ], REL #rel & 0-dlist, QUE [ LIST #qmiddle, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. < #comps & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle ] ] ]. #clts > > ]. ; a)- 'ser': if there is a finite clause, it accepts adjectives, NPs, the adverb "así" (like this), ; and "de + VPinf" (or an equivalent adjective ending in -ble); with subject VPinf it accepts adjectives, ; NPs or "de + NP". ; e.g. es una suerte/cierto que hayan descubierto una nueva vacuna ; era de extrañar/extrañable que no haya venido ; es una suerte/imposible vivir en el centro, rectificar es de sabios v_ser_subj_cp_prop_inf := v_cop_subj_cp_prop & [ SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL vp_inf_local ] > ] ]. v_ser_subj_cp_prop_inf_le := v_ser_subj_cp_prop_inf & [ SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD +nj, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ] ] ] > ] ]. ;v_ser_subj_cp_prop_inf_mrkd_np_le := v_ser_subj_cp_prop_inf & ; [ SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & ; [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & ; [ COORD -, ; CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ; ALTKEY non_modable_rel ] ] ] > ] ]. v_ser_subj_cp_prop_fin := v_cop_subj_cp_prop & [ SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local ] > ] ]. v_ser_subj_cp_prop_fin_le := v_ser_subj_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD +nj, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ] ] ] > ] ]. v_ser_subj_cp_prop_fin_mrkd_vp_le := v_ser_subj_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM v_cop_subj_cp_prop_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local & [ COORD -, CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ] ] ] > ] ]. |# ; b)- el verbo 'estar' combines with the adjective "claro" (clear) and with the adverbs "bien" (well) ; and "mal" (badly). The clause alternates with a VPinf only when the attribute is a participle. ; e.g. no está/queda claro/bien que ha ocurrido, está prohibido fumar aqui. ; c)- el verb 'quedar'only combines with the adjective "claro" (clear) and with the adverbs "bien" (well) ; and "mal" (badly). The clause does not alternates with a VPinf. ; e.g. no queda claro/bien que ha ocurrido ; d)- el verbo 'parecer': if there is a clause it accepts the adverbs"bien" (well) and "mal" (badly), ; which are likely to occur with a dative clitic (e.g. le parecía mal que yo andara desnuda por la casa). ; aparezca además un clitico dativo (e.g. le parecía mal que yo andara desnuda por la casa). It accepts ; adjectives or NPs with a subject VPinf (e.g. parece mentira/imposible vivir en el centro) ; e)- el verbo 'resultar': if there is a clause it accepts ??? ; It accepts adjectives or NPs with a subject VPinf (e.g. resulta mentira/imposible vivir en el centro) ; --- 1.3. Verbs taking nominal subject nom-subj-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr & ref-ind, CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL np_nom_local & [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr & [ SORT non-mod ] ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #agr ] ]. ; LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel arg1_lt := nom-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg1-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #ind ] ]. unacc_lt := nom-subj-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg2-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #ind ] ]. ; --- 1.3.1. Unaccusative verbs ; Their syntactic subject (their notional object (arg2)) can be a bare NP in postverbal position ; (e.g. cae agua, entra frío, vienen mujeres, existen problemas). They can form absolute ; participle clauses, but only for those participles which have a perfective meaning (e.g. florecido el ; rosal, el jardín parecía más alegre/*ardido el bosque, los animales lo abandonaron). Adjectival ; participles can act as modifiers of a NP functioning as syntactic subject (e.g. un tesoro recientemente ; aparecido) v_unacc := basic-main-verb & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ] ]. ; --- Unaccusative intransitive verbs (verbs of change of state due to inernal cause and ; movements verbs denoting a non-agenitive way of moving). Many events due to internal cause can be ; also classified as events of external cause depending on the selected argument: those of internal ; cause predicate about animate beings or natural phenomena (e.g. el día ha aclarado; Juan/La lavadora ; ha aclarado el jersey). ; !!! pueden llevar un IO (e.g. les nacieron los gemelos) v_unacc_intr_synsem := unacc_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. v_unacc_intr := v_unacc & plain-main-verb & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM v_unacc_intr_synsem ]. v_pron_unacc_intr := v_unacc & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM v_unacc_intr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix ] > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . #clt > ]. ; e.g. crecer (to grow), palidecer (to turn pale), suceder (to happen), adelgazar ( to lose weight),... v_unacc_le := v_unacc_intr & [ ALTS.PASS - ]. ; e.g. florecer(to flower), emerger (to emerge), oscurecer (to darken), aclarar (to lighten),... v_unacc_perf_le := v_unacc_intr & [ ALTS.PASS + ]. ; e.g. definirse (to define), fosilizarse (to fossilize),... v_pron_unacc_le := v_pron_unacc_intr & [ ALTS.PASS - ]. ; e.g. encogerse (to shrink), enquistarse (to encyst), escurrirse (to drain),... v_pron_unacc_perf_le := v_pron_unacc_intr & [ ALTS.PASS + ]. ; --- Unaccusative verbs taking locational complement (verbs of existence and appearing) v_unacc_lcomp_synsem := unacc_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL lcomp_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #index ] ] ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ] ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey & dir_or_state_nontemp_rel ]. v_unacc_lcomp := v_unacc & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_synsem ]. v_pron_unacc_lcomp := v_unacc & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_synsem ]. ; a)- verbs of existence and state v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem := v_unacc_lcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY state_loc_rel ]. ; e.g. residir(to reside), habitar (to inhabit),... v_unacc_lcomp_loc_le := v_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; e.g. abundar, existir, vivir, permanecer,... (to abund, to exist, to live, to stay,...) v_unacc_lcomp_loc*_le := v_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. aterrizar, brotar, emerger,... (to land, to sprout, to emerge,...) v_unacc_lcomp_loc*_perf_le := v_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS +, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. alojarse, enmarcarse, extenderse (to lodge, to frame, to extend,...) v_pron_unacc_lcomp_loc_le := v_pron_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; e.g. encontrarse, manifestarse, personarse,... (to meet, to manifest, to appear,...) v_pron_unacc_lcomp_loc*_le := v_pron_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. darse, generarse, mantenerse,... (to give, to generate, to mantain,...) v_pron_unacc_lcomp_loc*_perf_le := v_pron_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS +, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; b)- verbs of movement and direction ; !!! They can take an IO (e.g. se nos escaparon los ladrones, nos llegaron los víveres) v_unacc_lcomp_dir_synsem := v_unacc_lcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.--COMPKEY dir_rel ]. ; e.g. enfilar, mirar,... (to string, to look,...) v_unacc_lcomp_dir_le := v_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; e.g. acudir, volver, migrar,... (to go, to return, to migrate,...) v_unacc_lcomp_dir*_le := v_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. bajar, subir, partir,... (to go up, to go down, to part,...) v_unacc_lcomp_dir*_perf_le := v_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS +, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. presentarse, desprenderse, manifestarse, encontrarse,... (to present, to come off, to manifest, to find,...) v_pron_unacc_lcomp_dir*_le := v_pron_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. asomarse, deslizarse, escurrirse, encaminarse,... (to lean out, to slide, to drain, to direct,...) v_pron_unacc_lcomp_dir*_perf_le := v_pron_unacc_lcomp & [ ALTS.PASS +, SYNSEM v_unacc_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- Locative + subject =>> locative subject + PPen (so far, two lexical entries) ; e.g. aquí abundan los insectos =>> este lugar abunda en insectos ; --- 1.3.2. Intransitive verbs ; - They have typically agenitive subjects. They do not appear in absolute participle clauses. v_intrans_synsem := arg1_lt. v_intrans := basic-main-verb & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS - ], SYNSEM arg1_lt ]. ; --- Strict intransitive verbs ; Subjects must take specifier. Some appear in "locative inversion constructions", but the locative ; complement must appear in pre-verbal position and the subject in postverbal position and without ; specifier (e.g. en este parque juegan niños) v_strict_intr_synsem := v_intrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < > ]. v_strict_intr := v_intrans & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_strict_intr_synsem ]. ; e.g. jugar, enviudar, esquiar,... (to play, to become a widow/widower, to sky,...) v_intr_le := v_strict_intr & plain-main-verb & basic-one-arg. ; e.g. rebotarse, resfriarse, suicidarse,... (to bounce, to cacth a cold, to commit suicide,...) v_pron_intr_le := v_strict_intr & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, CLTS #clt & < affix-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix ] > ], ARG-ST < #subj . #clt > ]. ; --- Intransitive verbs taking marked NP complement ; !!! nos animaba a pensar en la muerte y sobre la conveniencia... v_intr_mrkd_np_synsem := v_intrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY #ckey, ALTKEY non_temp_nonpro_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind2 & ref-ind ] ] > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #ind2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_intr_mrkd_np := v_intrans & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_np_synsem ]. v_pron_intr_mrkd_np := v_intrans & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_np_synsem ]. ; e.g. sucumbio a la tentación, no acertaron a/con la salida, v_intr_mrkd_np_le := v_intr_mrkd_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ;e.g. desertó (del ejercito), siempre me equivoco (en/con las cuentas) v_intr_mrkd_np*_le := v_intr_mrkd_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. no te metas con ella, Juan se encapricho de/con aquella muchacha, v_pron_intr_mrkd_np_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. no supo adaptarse (a la situación), se quejaron (de/por el ruido) v_pron_intr_mrkd_np*_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- Intransitive verbs taking marked verbal complement v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem := v_intrans_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #harg ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.TENSE tense ] > ]. v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local & [ CAT.MC -, CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ctrl, INDEX.SF prop ] ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] ]. v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques := v_intrans & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem ]. ; --- Verbs taking marked VPinf (s_ctrl) ; e.g. aprendió a jugar a tenis v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & cc-two-arg & [ ALTS.VFALT -, SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop, VAL.CLTS #clts ] ] >, CLTS #clts ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . #clts > > ]. ; e.g. se dignó a venir v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS.VFALT -, SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop, VAL.CLTS #clts ] ] >, CLTS < #clt . #clts > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . < #clt . #clts > > > ]. ; --- Verbs taking marked finite completive clause ; - those movement verbs that take the preposition 'a': perfective or telic mood; the subject must be human, the verb in the subordinate clause must refer to an action and it goes always in the subjunctive mood. It can appear in the infinitive (always ctrl) and does not accept negation or composed form; besides, some admit clitic climbing but others don't. The subordinate clause can alternate with a locative NP. ; - those verbs that take the preposition 'a'but are not movement verbs: the semantic restrictions of the subject depend upon each verb. The clause may appear in indicative or subjunctive mood, but some only accept the subjunctive, ; this can be substituted by a first or second order NP, or by a (control) VPinf. ; - those verbs that take the preposition 'de': some verbs do not take the preposition. Most verbs have an animate subject, but movement verbs have an inanimate one. The clause aternates between the indicative and the subjunctive, except for some which go in subjunctive. Those with an animate subject alternate the clause with a VPinf (ctrl). ; The clause alternates with an eventive NP, though some admit a human NP. ; - those verbs that take the preposition 'en': some verbs do not take the preposition. Most verbs, though not all, have a human subject.The clause can be in indicative or subjunctive and can alternate with a VPinf, if of control (except for apoyarse, centrarse, consistir, estribar, insistir, residir, which do not demand a ctrl VPinf). ; The clause also alternates with a non-human NP, though some accept a human one. ; - those verbs that take the preposition 'por': the clause, always subjunctive and with a human subject, alternates with a control VPinf whose subject is co-referent with that of the main clause and can be animate or inanimate (e.g. las palabras pugnaban por salir de su boca) v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; e.g. confío en que vengas/vendrás v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ]. ; e.g. v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ]. ; e.g. sueño (con) que vengas/vendrás v_intr_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin. ; e.g. se queja (de) que no tomes/tomas nuevas iniciativas v_pron_intr_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin. ; e.g. v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. ; e.g. el candidato se conforta con que hizo todo lo posible para obtener el puesto v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. ; e.g. esperó a que llegase/*llega v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] ] > ]. ; e.g. se esfuerza por que todo salga/*sale bien v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] ] > ]. ; e.g. v_pron_intr_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; --- Verbs taking marked (semi) interrogative clause ; they are interpreted as assertions. Syntactically, they are not introduced by 'que' v_intr_mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_synsem := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY ques, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. ; e.g. depende de (*que) cómo lo hagas v_intr_mrkd_cp_semi_ques_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_synsem ]. ; e.g. se interesa por *(que) cómo lo hacen v_pron_intr_mrkd_cp_semi_ques_le := v_intr_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_synsem ]. ; ----- the verb "fijarse en" in imperative eliminates the preposition ; e.g. Fijaos qué cosas dice, Fíjate si será listo que ... ; --- Intransitive verbs taking IO ; cliticization/clitic doubling obligatory v_intr_io_synsem := v_intrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey , CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] >, LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #arg2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_intr_io := v_intrans & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_intr_io_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.INV + ] ]. v_pron_intr_io := v_intrans & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_intr_io_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.INV - ] ]. ; e.g. le consume la duda, le pertenece a Juan v_intr_io_le := v_intr_io & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. gustar (no *(me) gustan (las acelgas)) v_intr_io*_le := v_intr_io & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. se le acercó v_pron_intr_io_le := v_pron_intr_io & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. se le declaró, se le indigestó la comida v_pron_intr_io*_le := v_pron_intr_io & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- Intransitive verbs taking IO and marked NP v_intr_io_mrkd_np_synsem := v_intrans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey , CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY #ockey, ALTKEY non_temp_nonpro_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg3 & ref-ind ] ] > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #arg2, ARG3 #arg3 ], --COMPKEY #ckey, --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_intr_io_mrkd_np := v_intrans & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM +, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_intr_io_mrkd_np_synsem ]. ; e.g. le sucedió (en el trono) v_intr_io_mrkd_np*_le := v_intr_io_mrkd_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. (le) preguntó por tí v_intr_io*_mrkd_np_le := v_intr_io_mrkd_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- intransitive subject to subject raising verbs ; - clitic climbing only with modal and aspectual auxiliaries (i.e. building infinitival ; and gerundive periphrasis (e.g. te lo puedo/quiero/debo dar)) v_intr_ssr_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #ind, CAT [ MC bool, HEAD.INV -, VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL np_nom_local & [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #larg, XARG #ind, INDEX.SF prop ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg1-ev-relation & [ ARG1 #harg ] , --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_intr_ssr := basic-verb-lex & cc-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, CAUS -, PASS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_intr_ssr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.CLTS #clts ] >, CLTS #clts ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps . #clts > > ]. v_pron_intr_ssr := basic-verb-lex & cc-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, CAUS -, PASS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_intr_ssr_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.CLTS #clts ] >, CLTS < #clt & affix-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD affix ] . #clts > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps. < #clt. #clts > > > ]. ; a)- taking VPinf ; e.g. poder, soler, acostubrar, deber (deberían hacerlo (ellos)) v_ssr_le := v_intr_ssr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL vp_inf_local ] > ]. ; b)- taking marked VPinf ; e.g. deber de, haber de, ir a, ... (he de hacerlo) ; !!! missing: estar a punto de, no tener/haber por qué v_intr_mrkd_vp_ssr_le := v_intr_ssr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local ] > ]. ; e.g. echarse (se echó a llorar) v_pron_intr_mrkd_vp_ssr_le := v_pron_intr_ssr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local ] > ]. ; c)- taking VPger ; e.g. andar (anda cantando) v_ssr_ger_le := v_intr_ssr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL vp_ger_local ] > ]. ; e.g. quedarse (se quedó llorando) v_pron_ssr_ger_le := v_pron_intr_ssr & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL vp_ger_local ] > ]. ; --- 1.3.3. Transitive verbs v_trans_synsem := arg1_lt & transitive_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ],... >, LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. ; --- Transitive verbs taking NP v_trans_np_synsem := v_trans_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL np_acc_local & [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind2 ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ],... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #ind2 ]. ; --- Transitive verbs taking nominal complements that don't passivize ; (including verbs taking measure NPs) ; e.g. querer (to want) (¿quieres algo?), durar (to last) (la reunión duró tres horas) v_non_pass_np_le := plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, CAUS -, PASS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL np_acc_unmrkd_local, NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] > ] ]. ; --- Transitive verbs taking NP that can be passivized v_trans_np := plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS +, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-mod ] > ] ]. v_pron_trans_np := clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, CAUS -, PASS +, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-mod ] > ] ]. ; e.g. pintar (Montse pintó la casa) v_trans_np_le := v_trans_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. comer (mañana comeré (paella) en casa de mis padres) v_trans_np*_le := v_trans_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. saltarse (el alumno se saltó la clase) v_pron_trans_np_le := v_pron_trans_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- transitive verbs that participate in 'causative alternation' (with 'se') ; May take adjunts like "él solo, por sí mismo, por sí solo (by itself,...) (e.g. las puertas se cerraron ; ellas solas), but can't be modified by agenitive adverbs/complements (*la puerta se abrió ; intencionadamente/por el portero) nor by final clauses (*la puerta se abrió para airear la habitación)) ; a)- events of change of state (or location) having external cause (with 'se') ; e.g. Juan rompió la mesa (causative) / la mesa se rompió (unaccusative) ; May co-occur in absolute participal clauses, though only those expressing a final state or result (with ; perfective or resultative value), e.g. rota la mesa. Those derived from adjectives without prefixes ; don't, so that e.g. secado el río,... is interpreted as passive or transitive active, but not unaccusative ; (e.g. una vez hubiaron secado el río/el río fue secado;*una vez se secó el río). In the other cases, ; there's an ambiguity between the unaccusative and the participle's passive transitive ; e.g. acumular(se), acabar(se), ... ; e.g.defender, deformar,... (to defend, to deform,.. ) v_trans_np_caus_le := v_trans_np & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. asustar, curar,... (to scare, to cure,...) v_trans_np*_caus_le := v_trans_np & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. romper (to break) v_trans_np_caus_perf_le := v_trans_np & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; b)- events of change of state having internal cause (without 'se'). Only a few verbs like "aumentar, ; cicatrizar, decrementar, engranar, explosionar, hervir, mejorar, ondear" ; e.g. Seat aumentó las ventas -> las ventas aumentaron ; Juan ha hervido la leche -> la leche ha hervido ; v_trans_np_caus_int_le := v_trans_np & ; [ ALTS.CAUS +, ; SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. trans-caus-int-verb-synsem := arg1_lt & transitive_verb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ],... >, LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_trans_np_caus_int := plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS +, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM trans-caus-int-verb-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-mod ] > ] ]. ; e.g. aumentar (to increase) v_trans_np_caus_int_le := v_trans_np_caus_int. ; e.g. explosionar, hervir, ondear (to explote,...) v_trans_np_caus_int_non-perf_le := v_trans_np_caus_int. ; --- Transitive verbs taking DO and oblique nominal complements v_trans_np_mrkd_np_synsem := v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY #ockey, ALTKEY non_temp_nonpro_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind3 ] ] > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG3 #ind3 ], --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_trans_np_mrkd_np := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM +, PASS +, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_np_synsem ]. v_non_pass_np_mrkd_np := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM +, PASS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_np_synsem ]. ; --- régimen verbal de preposición fija (verbal government with fixed preposition) ; (a, de, en, con, por) & variable preposition (a/para, de/con, de/por, en/contra/sobre) ; e.g. sé que esto me ha privado de una amplia gama de experiencias v_trans_np_mrkd_np_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. incorporaremos todos los nombres (a la lista) v_trans_np_mrkd_np*_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. impeler, apostar,... v_non_pass_np_mrkd_np*_le := v_non_pass_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. he roto (las relaciones) con mi novio v_trans_np*_mrkd_np_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. he invertido tres millones (en bolsa)/he invertido (tres millones) en bolsa v_trans_np*_mrkd_np*_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- verbs that participate in 'causative alternation' (with 'se') ; e.g. Y él la convertía sucesivo, apoteosis ardiente, en agua primaveral, en sol y luna, en azucena(...), ; en repique de campanas de víspera, en racimo de uvas, en cruz, en cruz de mayo, en espiga granada, ; en Virgen del Rocío, en lluvia enredadera. v_trans_np_mrkd_np_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. alejar de v_trans_np_mrkd_np*_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- verbs that participate in 'locative alternation' (llenar (to fill), cargar (to load)) ; e.g. cargó el carro de heno -> cargó heno en el carro. ; !!! now 2 entries ; --- transitive verb taking DO and oblique verbal complement ; !!! repassar v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem := v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG3 #harg ], --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques := lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, SYMM -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem ]. ; --- transitive verbs taking DO and marked finite completive clause v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC -, CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ E.TENSE tense, SF prop ] ] ] > ]. v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; a)- taking clauses in indicative/subjunctive ; e.g. reducen el problema a que los muchachos lloren/lloran v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. habrá que acostumbrar a esos niños a que su padre llegue/llega siempre tarde a casa; ; los niños se acostumbraron a que su padre llegara tarde v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; b)- taking clauses in indicative v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_synsem := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] > ]. ; e.g. basó su defensa/se basó en que no tenía testigos v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS -, CAUS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. apostó conmigo una cena a que entraba/*entrara en la sala sin invitación. v_non_pass_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS -, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. (los) avisó (de) que llegarán mañana v_trans_np*_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_ind_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ] ]. ; c)- taking clauses in subjunctive ; - they can appear with a VPinf when there is co-reference between the DO and the subject of the clause v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; e.g. (las) apremia a que vengan/*vienen/venir v_non_pass_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS -, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. la sentenció a que venga/*viene/venir v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. *(las) encargó de que fueran v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. (los) alentó a que participaran v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. (los) animó a que participaran v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. la persuadí (de) que fuera a su casa v_trans_np_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem > ] ]. ; e.g. la advertí (de) que vendrían v_trans_np*_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ] ]. ; e.g. (nos) convenció (de) que vendiesemos la casa v_trans_np*_mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ] ]. ; -- verbs of movement may also take VPinf subject control (e.g. la amenazó con ir a la policía) and ; object control in the sub. clause (e.g. envía las camisas a planchar a madrid, llévala a arreglar) ; these entries are generated by LR v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov_synsem := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC -, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #larg, INDEX [ SF prop, E [ TENSE tense, MOOD sub ] ] ] ] ] >, CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG3 #harg ]. v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov_synsem ]. ; e.g. (la) arrastra a pelear v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; e.g. se/nos encaminó a luchar v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov & [ ALTS [ PASS +, CAUS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sub_mov_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_rel ] > ] ]. ; ---- transitive verbs taking DO and marked Vinf complement v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_synsem := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local & [ CAT [ MC -, VAL.CLTS < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_synsem ]. ; a)- subject control v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_sc := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ctrl ] >, COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] > ] ]. ; e.g. ganar, preferir v_non_pass_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_sc_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_sc & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ]. ; e.g. (la) amenazó con ir a la policía v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_sc_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & [ ALTS.PASS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ]. ; e.g. v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_sc_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & [ ALTS.PASS +, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem > ]. ; b)- object control (with VPtrans whose DO is different from that of the main clause, the agent ; of the VPinf is co-referent with the object of the main clause) v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ctrl ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] > ]. ; e.g. apremiar v_non_pass_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS - ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ]. ; e.g. la culparon de causar el accidente v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS + ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem > ]. ; ; e.g. la/se acostumbró a comer en casa v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc & [ ALTS [ CAUS +, PASS + ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], synsem > ]. ; e.g. nos retaron a jugar un partido v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS + ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ]. ; e.g. se/nos anima a pelear v_trans_np*_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc_caus_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_oc & [ ALTS [ CAUS +, PASS + ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], synsem > ]. ; --- Transitive verbs taking DO and LCOMP v_trans_np_lcomp_synsem := v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ], [ LOCAL lcomp_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ocompkey, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #larg, XARG #arg2 ] ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg0 ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg123-ev-relation & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0, ARG2 #arg2, ARG3 handle & #harg ], --OCOMPKEY #ocompkey & dir_or_state_nontemp_rel ] ]. v_trans_np_lcomp := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM +, PASS +, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_synsem ]. ; a)- v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_synsem := v_trans_np_lcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY state_loc_rel ]. ; e.g. poner (pon los libros en el cajón/aqui; pon aquí los libros) ???? v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; e.g. ubicar, colgar, distribuir,... v_trans_np_lcomp_loc*_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. estacionar v_trans_np*_lcomp_loc_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; b)- verbs of movement and direction v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_synsem := v_trans_np_lcomp_synsem & [ LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY dir_rel ]. ; e.g. v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; e.g. copiar v_trans_np*_lcomp_dir*_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. deportar, redeireccionar,... v_trans_np_lcomp_dir*_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; e.g. apuntar, conducir,... v_trans_np*_lcomp_dir_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS - , SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; --- transitive verbs of movement that participate in 'causative alternation' (with 'se') ; They can form absolute participle clauses (e.g. sentado el niño) ; e.g. tumbar(se), levantar(se), sentar(se) ; Juan sentó al niño en la trona -> el niño se sentó en la trona v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_caus_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ] ]. v_trans_np_lcomp_loc*_caus_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_loc_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ] ]. v_trans_np_lcomp_dir*_caus_le := v_trans_np_lcomp & [ ALTS.CAUS +, SYNSEM v_trans_np_lcomp_dir_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- ditransitive verbs taking DO and IO v_ditrans_synsem := arg1_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL np_acc_unmrkd_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey & non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind2 ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ], [ LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind3 ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ],... > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #ind2, ARG3 #ind3 ], --COMPKEY #ckey, --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_ditrans := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM +, PASS +, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_ditrans_synsem ]. ; e.g. pasar (¿me pasas la sal?) v_ditrans_le := v_ditrans & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. agradecer ((me) agradeció la propuesta) v_ditrans*_le := v_ditrans & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. disparar (le disparó (un tiro)) v_trans_np*_io_le := v_ditrans & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. robar ((le) robó (el bolso)) v_trans_np*_io*_le := v_ditrans & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- transitive verbs taking verbal complement v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem := v_trans_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL v_local & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG2 #harg ] ]. v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem := v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] > ]. v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem := v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL [ SUBJ < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ind ] ] ] > ] ]. v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques := lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM - ], SYNSEM v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem ]. ; --- transitive verbs taking Vinf complement (only) - subject control verbs ; e.g. intentar (¿has intentado hacerlo (tú)?) v_sctrl_le := basic-main-verb & cc-two-arg & v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques & [ ALTS [ VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comps & [ LOCAL vp_inf_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop, VAL.CLTS #clts ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, CLTS #clts ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps. #clts > > ]. ; --- transitive verbs taking finite completive clauses v_trans_cp_prop_fin_synsem := v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. v_trans_cp_prop_fin := plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques & [ ALTS.IMPERS -, SYNSEM v_trans_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. v_pron_trans_cp_prop_fin := clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques & [ ALTS.IMPERS -, SYNSEM v_trans_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; e.g. no entiende que la quiero/quisiera v_trans_cp_prop_fin_le := v_trans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local ] > ]. ; e.g. ¿Crees que aceptará/*aceptara? v_trans_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_trans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. ; e.g. se figura que vendrá/*venga v_pron_trans_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_pron_trans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. ; e.g. dudo que venga/*viene v_trans_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] > ]. ; -- con algunos verbos de temor, voluntar y deseo ; e.g. sentir (siento (que) no hayáis recibido el paquete) v_trans_s_or_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_trans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] > ]. ; -- with the verb "ver" it can be introduced by the conjunctive adverb "como", ; e.g. vas a ver como no le gusta ; --- verbs taking interrogative clauses ; - The usual thing is that they appear in indicative, but they can appear in subjunctive in dubitative ; clauses of courtesy use. v_trans_cp_ques_fin_synsem := v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. v_trans_cp_ques := v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS.IMPERS -, SYNSEM v_trans_cp_ques_fin_synsem ]. v_pron_trans_cp_ques := v_trans_cp_prop-or-ques & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS.IMPERS -, SYNSEM v_trans_cp_ques_fin_synsem ]. ; -- (PIVs). they are always interpreted as questions. Syntactically, they are introduced by 'que'; ; they may co-ocur with verbs taking direct question (e.g. pregunto/dijo: ¿quién irá?/que quién irá); ; may co-ocur with appositive disjunctions, but not with appositive coordinatation (e.g. preguntó/dijo ; que quién, Juan o Pedro, iría; *preguntó/dijo que quién, Juan y Pedro, iría) ; a)- 'Que' is optional; for 'inquirir' (and 'preguntar(se)' (below)). ; e.g. La maestra inquirió (que) por qué había estado ausente tantos días. v_trans_ques_le := v_trans_cp_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY ques, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ] ] > ]. ; e.g. se preguntó (que) dónde había ido. v_pron_trans_ques_le := v_pron_trans_cp_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY ques, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ] ] > ]. ; b)- 'que' is obligatory ; e.g. gritó que dónde habíamos puesto el dinero v_trans_cp_ques_le := v_trans_cp_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD comp & [ KEYS [ ALTKEY prop, ALT2KEY ques ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ] ] > ]. ; -- (PIIs). they are interpreted as assertions. Syntactically, they are not introduced by 'que'; ; they may be coordinated with completive clauses (e.g. Sabe que le envió un paquete y cuándo se ; lo envió); may co-occur with appositive coordination, but not with appositive disjunction ; (e.g. sabe quién, Juan Pedro, iría; *sabe quién, Juan o Pedro, iría) ; e.g. dijo *que quién ganaría. v_trans_cp_semi_ques_le := v_trans_cp_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ ALTKEY ques, ALT2KEY ques ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. ; --- Ditransitive verbs taking completive clause and IO ; With some verbs the subject can acquire sentential format ; (cf. v_subj_cp_prop_ditrans_cp_prop_le; e.g. oír música no (te) impide trabajar/que trabajes) v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem := arg1_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL dative_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind3 ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ], [ LOCAL v_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #harg, ARG3 #ind3 ], --COMPKEY #ckey, --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem := v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ], [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] > ]. v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem := v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL [ SUBJ < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < >, CLTS #clts ] ] ] >, CLTS #clts ] ]. ; --- ditransitive verbs taking VPfin complement and IO v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_synsem := v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. ; a)- the subordinate clause appears in indicative/subjuntive ; e.g. puntualizar v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL cp_fin_local ] > ]. ; e.g. advertir (adviértasele primero que no sea/*es alguno de los espías o matador mío) ; Not used ; v_ditrans_s_or_cp_prop_fin_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local ] > ]. ; b)- the subordinate clause appears in indicative and may alternate with a VPinf if there is ; subject control (e.g. Juan aseguró no saber nada). Verbs like 'advertir' (to warn) or 'avisar' ; (to inform) do not admit VPinf ; e.g. prometer (to promise) ((le) prometí que lo harían (ellos)) v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. ; e.g. advertir v_ditrans_s_or_cp_prop_fin_ind_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. ; c)- the nominal subordinate clause appears in subjunctive and can alternate with a VPinf (object control) ; (e.g. me aconsejó ir a ver esta película)). Verbs like 'implorar, 'pedir', 'rogar' or 'suplicar' ; admit two paradigms: object control (e.g. les rogaron guardar un minuto de silencio) and subject control ; (e.g. pidió atender a los enfermos). ; e.g. ordenar (to order) (le ordené que volviese temprano) v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] > ]. ; e.g. te ruego (que) me envíes/*envías más papel v_ditrans_s_or_cp_prop_fin_sub_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD sub ] ] > ]. ; --- ditransitive verbs taking VPinf complement and IO ; !!! si el verbo principal lleva un clítico: si el acusativo incrustado es personal, este no puede ; elevarse (*me la permitieron educar), si se trata de no animados, puede elevarse ; (me lo permitieron corregir) v_ditrans_cp_prop_inf := basic-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS #comps & < [ OPT + ], [ LOCAL vp_inf_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . #comps > ]. ; a)- subject control ; e.g. prometer ((le) prometí hacerlo (yo)) v_ditrans_cp_prop_inf_sc_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_inf & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind1 ] >, COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind1 ] > ] ]. ; a)- object control ; e.g. ordenar (to order) (le ordené volver temprano) v_ditrans_cp_prop_inf_oc_le := v_ditrans_cp_prop_inf & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind1 ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind1 ] > ]. ; --- ditransitive verbs taking interrogative clauses and IO ; (see transitive verbs taking interrogative clauses) v_ditrans_cp_ques_synsem := v_ditrans_cp_prop-or-ques_fin_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.TAM.MOOD ind ] ] > ]. v_ditrans_ques := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM - ], SYNSEM v_ditrans_cp_ques_synsem ]. ; e.g. (me) preguntó (que) cómo lo habían hecho v_ditrans_ques_le := v_ditrans_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY ques, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ] ] > ]. ; e.g. (me) chillar que dónde lo podía v_ditrans_cp_ques_le := v_ditrans_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD comp & [ KEYS [ ALTKEY prop, ALT2KEY ques ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ] ] > ]. ; e.g. (me) declaró *que cómo lo había hecho v_ditrans_cp_semi_ques_le := v_ditrans_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ ALTKEY ques, ALT2KEY ques ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF ques ] ] > ] . ; --- Transitive verb object to subject raising verbs (verbos de percepción) v_perception_synsem := v_trans_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL np_acc_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind2 ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ], [ OPT -, LOCAL vp_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey ], CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ind2, LTOP #larg, INDEX.SF prop ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #harg ], --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_perception := basic-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS +, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_perception_synsem ]. ; e.g. ver (to see), oir (to hear) (e.g. casi te oí decir) v_osr_le := v_perception & [ SYNSEM v_perception_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS < #comp1 & [ OPT - ] . < #comp2 & [ OPT -, LOCAL vp_inf_local & [ CAT.VAL.CLTS #clts ] ] > >, CLTS #clts ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comp1. < #comp2 . #clts > > > ]. ; e.g. sorprender (to take by surprise) (e.g. la sorprendí robando) v_osr_ger_le := v_perception & [ SYNSEM v_perception_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < #subj >, COMPS #comps & < [ OPT - ], [ OPT -, LOCAL vp_ger_local ] > ] ], ARG-ST < #subj . #comps > ]. ; --- Symmetric verbs v_mrkd_np_sym_synsem := arg1_lt & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY #ckey, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ] ] ],... > ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ]. ; --- Intransitive symmetric verbs taking marked NP / plural (or coord.) subject v_intr_mrkd_np_sym_synsem := v_mrkd_np_sym_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind2 & ref-ind ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #ind2 ] ]. v_intr_mrkd_np_sym := basic-main-verb & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS -, SYMM + ], SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_np_sym_synsem ]. ; e.g. conversar (to chat) (A conversa con B/A y B conversan); luchar (A luchó con/contra B) v_intr_mrkd_np_sym_le := v_intr_mrkd_np_sym & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ VFALT -, PERM -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. colaborar (to collaborate) v_intr_mrkd_np*_sym_le := v_intr_mrkd_np_sym & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ VFALT -, PERM -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. A se pelea con B -> A y B se pelean; tu propuesta se adapta muy bien a la mía, v_pron_intr_mrkd_np_sym_le := v_intr_mrkd_np_sym & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ VFALT -, PERM -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- Intransitive symmetric verbs taking marked NP and marked completive clause (inf/fin) ; (s_ctrl) / pl. subject and marked completive clause ; !!!! Not used ; v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_sym_synsem := v_mrkd_np_sym_synsem & ; [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind2 & ref-ind ], ; [ LOCAL mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & ; [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey & selected_rel ] ] >, ; LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & ; [ ARG2 #ind2 ], ; --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. ; ; v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_sym_synsem := v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_sym_synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local & ; [ CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #larg, ; INDEX #arg0 ], ; MSG.PRED proposition_m_rel ] ] ] >, ; CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, ; INDEX #index ], ; RELS , ; HCONS ] ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ ARG3 #chand ] ]. ; ; v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sym_synsem := v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_sym_synsem & ; [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ LOCAL.CONT [ MSG.PRED proposition_m_rel, ; HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, ; INDEX.E.TENSE tense ] ] ] >, ; LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG3 #ltop ]. ; ; v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sym := basic-main-verb & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ ALTS [ PASS -, ; PERM -, ; CAUS - ], ; SYNSEM v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sym_synsem ]. ; ; e.g. quedé con ella en ir al cine / quedamos en ir al cine ; v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_sym_le := v_intr_mrkd_np_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_sym & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- Transitive symmetric verbs taking marked NP and completive clause (inf/fin) (s_ctrl) / ; pl. subject and completive clause v_sym_trans_cp_prop_mrkd_np_synsem := v_mrkd_np_sym_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind3 & ref-ind ], [ LOCAL v_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG2 #harg, ARG3 #ind3 ], --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_sym_trans_cp_prop_inf_mrkd_np_synsem := v_sym_trans_cp_prop_mrkd_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL vp_inf_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.INV +, VAL [ SUBJ < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, CLTS #clts & < > ] ]. v_sym_trans_cp_prop_fin_mrkd_np_synsem := v_sym_trans_cp_prop_mrkd_np_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL cp_fin_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.VFORM fin ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ]. v_sym_trans_cp_prop_fin_mrkd_np := basic-main-verb & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS -, PERM -, SYMM +, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_sym_trans_cp_prop_fin_mrkd_np_synsem ]. ; e.g. acordar (to agree) (A acordó con B no hablar/que no hablarían -> A y B acordaron no hablar/que no hablarían) v_trans_cp_prop_fin_mrkd_np_sym_le := v_sym_trans_cp_prop_fin_mrkd_np & plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- Transitive symmetric verbs taking DO and marked NP / plural (or coord.) DO v_trans_np_mrkd_np_sym_synsem := v_trans_np_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY #ockey, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind3 ] ] > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-ev-relation & [ ARG3 #ind3 ], --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. v_trans_np_mrkd_np_sym := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, VFALT -, PASS +, PERM +, SYMM +, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_trans_np_mrkd_np_sym_synsem ]. ; e.g. polarización que confrontará [la docencia a/con la investigación/la docencia y la investigación] v_trans_np_mrkd_np_sym_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np_sym & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. compatibilizar v_trans_np_mrkd_np*_sym_le := v_trans_np_mrkd_np_sym & [ ALTS.CAUS -, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ], [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- Verbs taking predicative complements v_prd_xp_synsem := v_intrans_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL prd_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #larg, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] ] ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ XARG #xarg, LTOP #harg, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #key, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_prd_xp := v_intrans & plain-main-verb & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ CAUS -, PASS -, PERM -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM v_prd_xp_synsem ]. v_pron_prd_xp := v_intrans & clt-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS.PERM -, SYNSEM v_prd_xp_synsem ]. v_prd_ap := v_prd_xp & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ] > ]. v_prd_p-ap := v_prd_xp. ; e.g. El anciano cayó enfermo v_prd_ap_le := v_prd_ap & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. Luis alardea de listo, Luis presumía muy orgulloso de seductor con las mujeres, v_prd_p-ap_le := v_prd_p-ap & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. Montse actua (de/como protagonista) v_prd_p-ap*_le := v_prd_p-ap & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; e.g. Luis se jacta de valiente v_pron_prd_p-ap_le := v_pron_prd_xp & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp & [ PRD predicative ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST < [ ARG2 event ],... > ] ] > ]. ; --- Verbs taking ´cláusulas mínimas' (in fact they form just one constituent) ; e.g. eligieron [a Tomás director del departamento]/eligieron [director a Tomás]/eligieron [de director ; a Tomás] Tomás fue elegido director del departamento/a Tomás lo eligieron director del departamento. v_obj_equi_prd_synsem := arg1_lt & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.INV -, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL np_acc_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey & non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #ind2 ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ], [ OPT -, LOCAL prd_local & [ CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ind2, LTOP #larg ] ] ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg123-relation & [ ARG2 #ind2, ARG3 #harg ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. v_obj_equi_prd := plain-main-verb & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS +, PERM +, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS + ], SYNSEM v_obj_equi_prd_synsem ]. ; e.g. considerar (to consider) (e.g. la consideran una buena persona/inteligente) v_obj_equi_prd_le := v_obj_equi_prd & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adj ] > ]. ; e.g. calificar (e.g. la calificó de inepta) v_obj_equi_prd_p-ap_le := v_obj_equi_prd & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp & [ PRD predicative ] ], CONT.RELS.LIST < [ ARG2 event ],... > ] ] > ]. ; --- 1.5. Copula verbs v_copula := basic-aux-verb-lex & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM -, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL local & [ CAT [ MC na, POSTHEAD +, HC-LIGHT -, HEAD [ INV -, MOD < >, KEYS.KEY _be_v_prd_rel, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SUBJ < #subj & synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #sind ] >, COMPS < #comps & synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY #ckey, TAM #tam ], VAL [ COMPS < >, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #index & [ E.TENSE tense ], LTOP #ltop, XARG #sind ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] >, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT psoa & [ HOOK [ INDEX #index, XARG #sind, LTOP #ltop ], RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL #rel, QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, PRED _be_v_prd_rel ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ], ARG-ST < #subj & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle, LAST #slast ], REL #rel & 0-dlist, QUE [ LIST #qmiddle, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. < #comps & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle ] ] ]. #clts > > ]. ; Juan está guapo/bien/en la ciudad v_cop_prd_estar_le := v_copula & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG #png, CAT [ HEAD.PRD non-predicative, VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL np_nom_local & [ AGR.PNG #png, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG #png ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +vjrp & [ VOICE active, PRD predicative & [ COPULA estar ] ] ] > ] ] ] ]. ; e.g. Juan es feo/de esta ciudad v_cop_prd_ser_le := v_copula & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG #png, CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL np_nom_local & [ AGR.PNG #png, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG #png ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +vjp & [ PRD predicative & [ COPULA ser ] ] ] > ] ] ]. v_cop_id_ser_le := norm-verb & basic-two-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG #png, CAT [ MC bool, HEAD [ KEYS.KEY _be_v_id_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL np_nom_local & [ AGR.PNG #png, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY nom_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg1 & ref-ind & [ PNG #png ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL local & [ COORD -, CAT [ MC na, HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY #ckey & nom_rel, ALTKEY quant_or_wh_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & ref-ind ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg1 ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-ev-relation & [ PRED _be_v_id_rel, ARG1 #arg1, ARG2 #arg2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- Auxiliary verbs aux-verb-lex := basic-aux-verb-lex & cc-two-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #sind, CAT [ MC na, POSTHEAD +, HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < #subj & [ LOCAL np_nom_local & [ AGR #sind, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #sind ] ] >, COMPS < #comps & [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT vp_cat & [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, VAL.CLTS #clts ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #sind, INDEX #index ] ] ] >, CLTS #clts ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #sind, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ], ARG-ST < #subj . < #comps. #clts > > ]. v_aux_haber_le := aux-verb-lex & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS -, CAUS -, SYMM -, VFALT -, IMPERS - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ TAM.ASPECT perf, KEYS.ALTKEY #altkey ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ VFORM part, VOICE active, KEYS.ALTKEY #altkey ] ] > ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 2. lexical types for nominals basic-nominal-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ MC na, HEAD [ MOD < >, INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT nom-obj ] ] ]. pronominal-lex := basic-nominal-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr & [ PRONTYPE real_pron ] ] ]. nonpronominal-lex := basic-nominal-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPEC < >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX ref-ind, RELS.LIST < noun-relation & #key, ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #key ] ]. noun-lex := nonpronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX [ PNG.PN 3per, PRONTYPE not_pron ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. very-basic-common-noun-lex := noun-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ VAL [ SPR < #spr & synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL local-min & [ AGR #agr, CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY quant_or_deg_rel ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] ] >, COMPS #comps ] ] ] ], ARG-ST < #spr . #comps > ]. basic-common-noun-lex := very-basic-common-noun-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ]. quant-common-noun-lex := nonpronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel, VAL [ SPR < #spr & synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY quant_or_wh_rel ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] ] >, COMPS #comps ] ] ] ], ARG-ST < #spr . #comps > ]. ; -- countability distinction mass-common-noun-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE + ] ]. count-common-noun-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE - ] ]. mass_or_count-common-noun-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE bool ] ]. uncount-common-noun-synsem := lex-synsem. coll-common-noun-synsem := lex-synsem. common-noun-synsem := lex-synsem. ; -- subcategorization types n_nocomp := basic-common-noun-lex & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & basic-one-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY nom_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #agr, RELS ] ] ] ]. n_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #index, CAT.VAL [ CLTS < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, VFORM inf ] ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index & ref-ind ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #index , ARG1 #harg ] ]. n_cp_prop_or_ques := basic-common-noun-lex & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #agr & [ SORT abs ], RELS.LIST < noun-arg1-relation & [ ARG1 #ltop ],... > ] ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. n_cp_ques := n_cp_prop_or_ques & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALT2KEY ques ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. n_cp_prop := n_cp_prop_or_ques & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY de_sel_or_indp_rel, ALT2KEY prop ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, CONT.RELS ] ]. cn_ppcomp := basic-common-noun-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ] ],... >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. n_pp := cn_ppcomp & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS - ], SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ] ]. n_ppde_quant := quant-common-noun-lex & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & basic-two-arg & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey & _de_p_sel_rel ] ],... >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. cn_ppde_ppcomp := cn_ppcomp & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & basic-three-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey ] ] >, LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. n_ppde_lcomp := cn_ppcomp & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ], [ LOCAL lcomp_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #hand, --OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ] ]. n_ppde_ppcomp_ppcomp := cn_ppcomp & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item & basic-four-arg & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey ] ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #oc2key ] ] >, LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ockey, --OCOMP2KEY #oc2key ] ] ]. n_ppde_lcomp_ppcomp := cn_ppcomp & basic-four-arg & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ], [ LOCAL lcomp_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey ] ], [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #oc2key ] ] >, LKEYS [ --OCOMPKEY #ockey, --OCOMP2KEY #oc2key ] ] ]. n_ppde_cp_prop_or_ques := cn_ppcomp & basic-three-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ], [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #agr, RELS.LIST < noun-arg12-relation & [ ARG1 #arg1 ], ... > ] ], LKEYS.--OCOMPKEY #ockey ] ]. n_ppde_cp_prop_fin := n_ppde_cp_prop_or_ques & single-rel-lex-item & [ SYNSEM n_ppde_cp_prop_fin_synsem ]. n_ppde_cp_prop_fin_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX.SF prop, LTOP #larg ] ] ] >, CONT [ HCONS , RELS ] ] ]. n_ppde_cp_prop_inf := n_ppde_cp_prop_or_ques & [ SYNSEM n_ppde_cp_prop_inf_synsem ]. n_ppde_cp_prop_inf_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ CLTS < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < synsem, [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD [ KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALT2KEY prop ], VFORM inf ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #larg, INDEX.SF prop ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index & ref-ind ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #index, ARG2 #harg ] ]. ; --- Nominal lexical leaf types ; --- 2.1. Common nouns ; --- 2.1.1. Non-argumental common nouns ; e.g. *bastante/cualquier persona lo sabe n_intr_count_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM count-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ]. ; e.g. *arra/arras n_intr_count_pl_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ] ]. ; e.g. (bastante/un poco de/*cualquier) acidez n_intr_mass_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM mass-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ]. ; e.g. e.g. tiene *tres/un poco de celos, *entre comestibles n_intr_mass_pl_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM mass-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ] ]. ; e.g. bebió (el/un/un poco de/una copa de) vino n_intr_mass-or-count_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ]. ; e.g. *un poco de/bastante abogacía n_intr_uncount_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM uncount-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ]. ; e.g. un horror /*tres horrores/horrores n_intr_uncount_pl_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ] ]. ; e.g. ejército, manada,... n_intr_coll_le := n_nocomp & [ SYNSEM coll-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY common_nom_rel ] ]. ; --- appositional nouns (see ERG's tittle nouns) ; e.g. propuesta número 1234 ; n_intr_appo_le := n_nocomp & ; --- modifying temporal nouns ; e.g. lo vieron ese lunes/día/mes/año/...; iremos de vacaciones en enero, comeremos a las dos n_intr_temp_le := very-basic-common-noun-lex & norm-sem-lex-item & basic-one-arg & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #ind, CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY time_n_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind & [ SORT tmp ], RELS ] ] ] ]. ; --- 2.1.2. Quantifying nouns (we distinguish three classes) basic-quantifying-nom-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn, VAL [ SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det, VAL.SUBJ < > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #alt2hand, RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg1 & [ DIVISIBLE +, SORT #sort & non-temp ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, SLASH 0-dlist ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE +, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG0.SORT #sort, ALT2KEYREL.LBL #alt2hand ] ]. n_group-or-pseudopart_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD partn & [ KEYS.ALTKEY part_q_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det, VAL.SUBJ < > ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #alt2hand, RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg1 & [ DIVISIBLE +, SORT #sort ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, SLASH 0-dlist ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE +, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG0.SORT #sort, ALT2KEYREL.LBL #alt2hand ] ]. ; --- partitive nouns ; - may show "ad sensum" agreement; i.e. the verb agrees with either the head or its complement ; (e.g. la mayoría de senadores votaron/votó en contra). ; - If their complement is indefinite, they build pseudo-partitive constructions; i.e. the complement ; doesn't have referential properties, nor can it be topicalized (e.g. *de senadores, una mayoría ; votó en contra); if their complement is a definite NP, they build partitive constructions; i.e. ; both the complement and the whole NP are referential, and the complement may be topicalized ; (e.g. de los senadores, una mayoría votó en contra). ; !!! NOTE that this distinction is not implemented yet. n_part_le := n_ppde_quant & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM basic-quantifying-nom-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- group nouns ; - some of them are ambiguous with collective nouns, e.g. manada de cerdos ; - ambiguous: descriptive vs pseudo-partitive reading, but they only have a pseudo-partitive reading ; when they do not co-occur with the definite article (e.g. *el/un grupo de senadores votaron en contra). ; - If their complement is indefinite, they build pseudo-partitive constructions (see above) ; (e.g. ((un grupo minoritario) (de senadores)) votaron en contra), if their complement is a definite ; NP, they build partitive constructions (e.g. ((un grupo minoritario) (de los senadores))) ; !!! NOTE that this distinction is not implemented yet. ; - Some take plural/mass nouns (e.g. un haz (de luz/protones), un grupo (de gente/caminantes)) and ; some only plural nouns (e.g. racimo (de uvas), fajo (de billetes), hatajo (de idiotas)) n_group_le := n_ppde_quant & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM n_group-or-pseudopart_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- pseudo-partitive nouns ; - This type includes: counter ('acotadores') nouns (e.g. tableta (de mantequilla/turrón), ; terrón (de azúcar), hilo (de azafrán), hoja (de papel), rebanada (de pan), grano (de ; uva/café/arena/trigo),...) and measure nouns (e.g. un montón (de libros), un puñado (de ; dólares), un manojo (de perejil), una pila (de libros), un kilo (de peras/harina), ; un litro (de leche), una libra (de azúcar/clavos)). ; - ambiguous: descriptive vs pseudo-partitive reading, but they only have a pseudo-partitive reading ; when they do not co-occur with the definite article (e.g. *el/un montón (de libros)). n_pseudo-part_le := n_ppde_quant & [ ALTS.PASS -, SYNSEM n_group-or-pseudopart_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ] ]. ; --- temporal measure nouns ; e.g. despues de días, años, meses, siglos (de espera/disgustos) se divociaron. n_pseudo-part_temp_le := n_pp & [ SYNSEM count-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY part_nom_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel, ALT2KEY implicit_q_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT tmp, RELS ] ] ] ]. ; --- 2.1.3. Argumental Nouns ; --- Nouns taking a PPcomp (which may be replaced by the poss.) ; this type covers (i) non-derived nouns: relational nouns (e.g. el padre (de la novia)/su padre, ; los amigos (de Peter)/sus amigos), body part nouns (e.g. brazo, pierna,...), constitutive ; (abstract) nouns (e.g. el color (de la falda)); (2) de-adjectival intransitive nouns (e.g. ; belleza (del cuadro)/su belleza); (iii) deverbal nouns from measure verbs (e.g. el peso ; (de la paja)/su peso, el coste (del producto)/su coste). n_ppcomp := n_pp & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; - countable nouns, e.g. los amigos de Peter n_ppcomp_count_le := n_ppcomp & [ SYNSEM count-common-noun-synsem ]. ; - uncountable noun; e.g. *un poco de belleza n_ppcomp_uncount_le := n_ppcomp & [ SYNSEM uncount-common-noun-synsem ]. ; - mass noun; e.g. un poco de acidez n_ppcomp_mass_le := n_ppcomp & [ SYNSEM mass-common-noun-synsem ]. ; - count/mass noun; e.g. pelo n_ppcomp_mass-or-count_le := n_ppcomp & [ SYNSEM mass_or_count-common-noun-synsem ]. ; - uncountable nouns taking PPcomp not introduced by "de", e.g. anterioridad a ; not used?!? n_ppcomp_a_uncount_le := n_pp & [ SYNSEM uncount-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _a_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; --- Nouns taking verbal complements ; a)- nouns taking finite completive clause/VPinf_ctrl (introduced by the prep. 'de', which in ; finite clauses may be absent) ; e.g. otra ventaja (de viajar en tren es que se pueden cargar más bultos) ; una ventaja ((de) que no llueva es que no hay ocasión de perder el paraguas) n_cp_prop_count_le := n_cp_prop & [ SYNSEM count-common-noun-synsem ]. ; b)- nouns taking interrogative clauses (introduced by the preposition 'de') ; e.g. la incógnita (de si lloverá en los próximos meses), el escándolo (de cómo se ha utilizado ; el dinero público) n_cp_ques_count_le := n_cp_ques & [ SYNSEM count-common-noun-synsem ]. ; --- Nouns taking two PPcomps (being the first one a PPde) ; this type covers (i) de-adjectival nouns (e.g. la adicción (de Juan)/su adicción (a los caramelos ; de menta), (ii) deverbal nouns (from psicological, inchoative and perception verbs (e.g. ; el temor (de Juan)/su temor (a las enfermedades infecciosas), la preocupación (de María)/su ; preocupación (por sus hijos)) n_ppde_ppcomp := cn_ppde_ppcomp & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ], [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #agr, RELS ] ] ]. ; - countable nouns, e.g. temor a, interés en/por n_ppde_ppcomp_count_le := n_ppde_ppcomp & [ SYNSEM count-common-noun-synsem ]. ; - mass nouns, e.g. atracción a, resistencia a, n_ppde_ppcomp_mass_le := n_ppde_ppcomp & [ SYNSEM mass-common-noun-synsem ]. ; --- Nouns taking PPcomp (PPde) and verbal complements (introduced by the prep. 'de') ; a)- Nouns taking PPcomp and finite completive clause/VPinf_ctrl ('de' may be absent)/VPinf ; e.g. interés en/por, necesidad de (la necesidad (de la empresa)/su necesidad ((de) que lleguen a un acuerdo/de llegar a un acuerdo)) n_ppde_cp_prop_fin_mass_le := n_ppde_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ OPT - ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE + ] ]. ; e.g. decisión (de la empresa)/su decisión ((de) que lleguen a un acuerdo/de llegar a un acuerdo) n_ppde_cp_prop_fin_count_le := n_ppde_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ ], [ OPT + ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.DIVISIBLE - ] ]. ; b)- Nouns taking PPcomp and infinitival verbal complement (ctrl) ; e.g. la estupidez (de Juan)/su estupidez (de votar a Ernesto) n_ppde_cp_prop_inf_uncount_le := n_ppde_cp_prop_inf & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg1 ], [ OPT -,LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #arg1 ] > ] ] ]. ; --- Representation common nouns (retrato, acuarela, dibujo, fotografía,novela...) ; e.g. la fotografía [de un miliciano herido](theme) [de Capa](agent) [del coleccionista](poss) ; la fotografía [del coleccionista](poss) [de Capa](agent) [de un miliciano herido](theme) ; - the possessive may refer to the possessor, the agent and the theme (e.g. su retrato). ; - There's a hierarchy for the argument realization as possessives: POSSESSOR > AGENT > THEME ; su fotografía [de Capa](agent) [de un miliciano herido](theme) ; *su fotografía [del coleccionista](poss) [de un miliciano herido](theme) ; *su fotografía [del coleccionista](poss) [de Capa](agent) ; n_repres_le := ; --- 2.1.5. Deverbal nouns ; --- Subject nominalizations ; e.g. el traductor (del Tractatus)/su traductor n_subj-nom_le := n_pp & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; --- Object nominalizations (denoting results) ; e.g. su invento/el invento (del profesor Franz)/*(por el profesor Franz) ; not used!!!! ; n_obj-nom_le := n_pp & ; [ SYNSEM result-noun-synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, ; VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, ; COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ; ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] > ] ], ; CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; --- Deverbal common nouns denoting events-processes/results (heads of active/passive NPs) ; - in the eventive reading, the subject is not optional nor can be expressed by a relational adjective ; !!! NOTE that I'm not identifying the argument by relational adjectives yet event-or-process_and_result-noun-synsem := mass_or_count-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] ],... > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT abs_pro, RELS ] ] ]. ; a)- strict intransitive nouns (derived from unaccusative verbs) ; e.g. la muerte de Mikel/su muerte, la salida del tren/su salida => event/process & result ; la muerte, la salida, la crecida ((del río/fluvial)) de ayer => result n_event-result_intr_le := n_pp & [ SYNSEM event-or-process_and_result-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ] > ] ]. ; b)- intransitive nouns taking lcomp (derived from unaccustive location and movement verbs) ; e.g. el salto de los japoneses/su salto (a la industralización) => event/process & result ; el salto (japonés) (a la superindustralización) => result ;n_event-result_intr_lcomp_le := n_ppde_lcomp & no-hcons-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM event-or-process_and_result-noun-synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ OPT +, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY dir_or_state_nontemp_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ] ] >, ; CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, ; INDEX #index ], ; RELS ] ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. ; --- Deverbal nouns denoting results (heads of active NPs) ; - temporal modifiers must be introduced by the preposition 'de'. ; - may take any type of determiner. ; - all arguments are optional and may be expressed by relational adjectives or possessives ; (e.g. la exportación azucarera cubana) except when the agent is expressed by a PPde ; (e.g. *su traducción de Tierno, *su invasión americana) result-noun-synsem := mass_or_count-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ] ] ],... > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT abs ] ]. ; a)- strict intransitive nouns (derived from unergative verbs) ; e.g. el silbido (del tren)/su silbido, el gruñido (del oso)/su gruñido n_result_intr_le := n_pp & [ SYNSEM result-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; b)- intransitive nouns taking PPcomp (a, con, contra, de, en, por) (derived by intransitive ; verbs taking marked NPs) ; e.g. la lucha (de los kurdos)/kurda/su lucha (contra el estado turco) n_result_intr_ppcomp_le := cn_ppde_ppcomp & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS - ], SYNSEM result-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ], [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_modable_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #agr, RELS ] ] ] ]. ; c)- transitive nouns (by applying a lexical rule these may become heads of passive NPs ; denoting events/processes) ; e.g. el descubrimiento ([de un científico francés]) ([del virus])/su descubrimiento [del virus] => result ; el descubrimiento [del virus]/su descubrimiento [por un científico francés] => event-process ; el descubrimiento [del virus] => ambiguous: event-process/result ; su descubrimiento => ambiguous: subject/object (event-process/result) ; *su descubrimiento [de un científico francés/francés] ;n_result_trans_le := cn_ppde_ppcomp & n_trans_le := cn_ppde_ppcomp & [ ALTS [ PERM -, PASS + ], SYNSEM result-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ], [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] ] >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; --- Deverbal nouns denoting events/processes (heads of passive NPs) ; - by applying a lexical rule these may become heads of active NPs denoting results. ; (if the complements are not expressed, the noun is interpreted as a result) ; - may be modified by temporal NPs and VPinf (finales). ; - determiners can't be indef. articles, demonstratives or weak cuantificadores e.g. algún, cierto,... ; - the subject is optional, the theme/patient is obligatory. ; - both subject and theme may be expressed by possessives, but not by relational adjectives. event-or-process-noun-synsem := mass_or_count-common-noun-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] ],... > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT pro, RELS.LIST < relation & [ ARG2 #arg2 ],... > ] ] ]. ; ; a)- Transitive nouns (e.g. rehabilitación, construcción, destrucción, captura) ; e.g. la construcción [de una casa] ([por los albañiles])/su construcción por los albañiles ; *la construcción [de los albañiles] [de una casa] ; la construcción (nos sorprendió) => result ;n_event_trans_le := cn_ppde_ppcomp & ; [ ALTS [ PERM -, ; PASS - ], ; SYNSEM event-or-process-noun-synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ OPT +, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _por_p_sel_rel, ; ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] >, ; CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; ; b)- Ditransitive deverbal common nouns ; - the benefactor can't appear if the theme is not syntactically specified. ; e.g. el envío *([del paquete])/su envío ([a sus destinatarios]) ([por el remitente]) ; el envío (del pasado mes) => result ;n_event_ditrans_le := n_ppde_ppcomp_ppcomp & ; [ ALTS.PERM -, ; SYNSEM event-or-process-noun-synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ OPT -, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _a_p_sel_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg3 ] ], ; [ OPT +, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _por_p_sel_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] >, ; CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; ; c)- Transitive nouns taking locative complements ; - the locative can't apear if the theme is not syntactically specified. ; e.g. la colocación *([de los cuadros])/su colocación ([en las paredes]) ([por los habitantes de la casa]) ; la colocación (del pasado mes) => result ;n_event_trans_lcomp_le := n_ppde_lcomp_ppcomp & ; [ ALTS.PERM -, ; SYNSEM event-or-process-noun-synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ OPT -, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY state_loc_rel, ; CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #cltop, ; XARG #arg2 ] ] ], ; [ OPT +, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _por_p_sel_rel , ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ] ] >, ; CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, ; RELS , ; HCONS ] ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #ltop ] ]. ; --- 2.6. Nouns participating in support verb constructions ; NOTE: shouldn't we especify the support verb?? (neutro, incoativo, durativo, terminativo, iterativo) ; NOTE that we aren't really dealing with them... need more thinking ;n_light := cn_ppcomp & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg1 ],... >, ; CONT.RELS.LIST < [ ARG1 #arg1 ],... > ] ]. ; ; --- 2.6.1. Intransitive common nouns participating in support verb constructions ; e.g. dar una fiesta,... ;n_light_intr_le := n_light & n_pp & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ] >, ; CONT.RELS ] ]. ; ; --- 2.6.2. Common nouns participating in support verb constructions taking a PPcomp ; e.g. tener confianza (en NP), tener miedo (a/de NP), ;n_light_intr_ppcomp_le := n_light & cn_ppde_ppcomp & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ OPT +, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & #arg2 ] >, ; CONT.RELS ] ]. ; ; --- 2.6.3. Common nouns participating in support verb constructions taking infinitival complement ; e.g. tener intención (de VPinf), sentir la necesidad (de VPinf), tomar la decisión (de VPinf) ;n_light_cp_prop_inf_le := n_light & n_ppde_cp_prop_inf & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ctrl ], ; [ OPT +, ; LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ; CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ctrl, ; LTOP #arg2 ] ] ] >, ; CONT.RELS ] ]. ; ; --- 2.6.4. Common nouns participating in support verb constructions taking finite verbal complement ; e.g. darse cuenta ((de) que O), tener miedo] ((de) que O), tomar conciencia ((de) que O) ;n_light_cp_prop_fin_le := n_light & n_ppde_cp_prop_or_ques & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < synsem, ; [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.LTOP #arg2 ] ] >, ; CONT.RELS ] ]. ; --- 2.2. Proper names ; If the proper name is modified, then it requires a def. article (e.g. (*el) manolo del otro día, ; la Rocío de la que te hablé). Some proper names may take the article (e.g. la Pantoja) proper-noun-lex := noun-lex & basic-one-arg & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.DIVISIBLE -, CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD [ KEYS [ KEY named_rel, ALTKEY quant_or_wh_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < #spr & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY art_def_q_rel, NON-LOCAL.QUE #que ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX [ DIVISIBLE -, PNG.PN 3per, SORT ani_hum_loc ], XARG #arg1 ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE #que ], LKEYS [ KEYREL named-relation & [ ARG1 #arg1 ], ALTKEYREL.PRED implicit_q_rel ] ], ARG-ST < #spr > ]. n_proper_le := proper-noun-lex. ; --- 2.3. Pronouns norm-pronominal-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC na, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ]. pron_nonque := pronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. pron_nonque_nonrel := pron_nonque & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ]. pron_nonque_nonrel_nonslash := pron_nonque_nonrel & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ]. ; --- 2.3.1. Personal pronouns basic-personal-pron-lex := pron_nonque_nonrel_nonslash & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY person_rel, ALTKEY proper_q_rel ] ], VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PRONTYPE real_pron ] ]. personal-pron-lex := basic-personal-pron-lex & [ SYNSEM norm-pronominal-synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. ; --- Personal pronouns pers_pron := personal-pron-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT entity ]. ; -- yo, tú pr_pers_nom_le := pers_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE nom ]. ; -- él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos/a, usted/es, vos pr_pers_nom-or-obl_le := pers_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE nom_or_obl ]. ; -- mí, tí, sí, conmigo, contigo, consigo pr_pers_obl_le := pers_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE obl ]. #| pr_pers_obl := uninflected-lexeme & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp & [ TAM.TENSE nontense, INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, CLTS < >, SPR < >, SPEC < > ], ] ] ]. pr_pers_obl_pmrkd_synsem := local & [ CAT [ HEAD adp & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD <>, CASE obl, KEYS [ KEY _con_p_sel_rel, ALTKEY person_rel, ALT2KEY proper_q_rel ] , CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index [ SORT hum, PRONTYPE real_pron ], XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS ] ]. |# ; --- Pronoun affixes ; - depend phonologically on the verb and can't appear alone; can't appear in a coordination nor be ; selected by identity (e.g. *Juan lo y la trajo; *Juan la lavó y regaló); may produce phonological ; processes in the verb (e.g. sentad+os => sentaos); when appear in a sequence, this can't be interrupted ; (e.g. *lo puede darme) affix-lex := fully-inflected-lexeme & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM non-canonical & [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, AGR #index, CAT [ MC na, HEAD affix & [ PRD non-predicative, INV -, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < >, SPR < >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] ]. ; lo, la, los, las af_acc_le := affix-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc ]. ; le af_dat_le := affix-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE only_dat ]. ; se af_dat_or_rflx_le := affix-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE se ]. ; me, te, nos, os af_acc_or_rflx_or_dat_le := affix-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.CASE acc_or_rflx_or_dat ]. ; --- 2.3.2. Definite pronouns def_pron := pron_nonque_nonrel_nonslash & norm-zero-arg & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM norm-pronominal-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #index & [ PNG.PN 3per ], CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY #altkeypred, ALT2KEY norm_rel ], VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index & [ SORT non-temp, PRONTYPE real_pron ], RELS ] ] ] ]. ; -- demonstrative pronouns (este, ese, aquel) pr_dem_le := def_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ; -- ambos pr_def_ambos_le := def_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. ; --- 2.3.3. Indefinite pronouns (intransitive) indef_pron := pron_nonque_nonrel_nonslash & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN 3per, CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < noun-relation & #keyrel, ... >, HOOK.INDEX [ SORT non-temp, PRONTYPE real_pron ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ] ]. norm_indef_pron := indef_pron & [ SYNSEM norm-pronominal-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY #altkeypred, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; e.g. (*casi) alguien llamó pr_indf_alg_le := norm_indef_pron & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT hum, RELS.LIST < [ PRED person_rel ],... > ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED undef_quant_q_rel & _alguno_q_rel ] ]. ; e.g. (casi) nadie vino pr_indf_nadie_le := norm_indef_pron & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR #spr & < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #index ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index & [ SORT hum ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL.PRED undef_quant_q_rel & _ninguno_q_rel, ALT2KEYREL.LBL #khand ] ], ARG-ST #spr ]. ; e.g. (casi) todos fueron pr_indf_todo_le := norm_indef_pron & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR #spr & < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #index ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL.PRED undef_quant_q_rel & _todo_q_rel, ALT2KEYREL.LBL #khand ] ], ARG-ST #spr ]. ; e.g. vinieron Pedro, Juan y (los) demás pr_indf_demás_le := indef_pron & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR #spr & < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _el_q_rel ] >, CONT.RELS ], ARG-ST #spr ]. ; --- 2.3.4. (Pseudo)partitive pronouns basic-partitive-pron-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD partn & [ MOD < >, KEYS [ KEY #key & non_modable_rel, ALTKEY quant_or_wh_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPEC < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY #ckey, ALTKEY #key ], CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #arg & [ SORT #sort ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ REL #rel, QUE 0-dlist, SLASH 0-dlist ] ] > ] ], CONT [ RELS.LIST < #keyrel, ... >, HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index & [ SORT non-temp, PRONTYPE real_pron ] ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ REL #rel, SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel & [ PRED part_of_rel, LBL #nhand, ARG0 #index & ref-ind & [ SORT #sort ], ARG1 #arg & ref-ind ], --COMPKEY #ckey & _de_p_sel_rel ] ]. norm-basic-partitive-pron-synsem := basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY #altkeypred, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #nhand, INDEX #index, XARG #nhand ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ]. partitive_pron := basic-nominal-lex & [ SYNSEM basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] >, NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] ]. ; --- pseudo-partitive pronouns (i.e. un poco/algo/nada + de Mass_N) ; e.g. no he comido algo/nada/un poco + de sopa pseudo-part_pron := partitive_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #agr & [ PNG.PN 3sg, DIVISIBLE - ], CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY udef_q_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ PNG.PN sing, DIVISIBLE + ] ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #agr ] ]. ; e.g. (*casi) algo (de sopa) pr_pseudo-part_algo_le := pseudo-part_pron & [ SYNSEM norm-basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS #comps ], CONT.RELS ] ], ARG-ST #comps ]. ; e.g. (casi) nada (de sopa) pr_pseudo-part_nada_le := pseudo-part_pron & [ SYNSEM norm-basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr & < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK [ XARG #index, LTOP #alt2hand ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS #comps ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.LBL #alt2hand ], ARG-ST < #spr. #comps > ]. ; e.g. (un) poco de sopa, *(un) poco pr_pseudo-part_poco_le := pseudo-part_pron & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr & < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY art_indef_q_rel ] >, COMPS #comps ], CONT.RELS ] ], ARG-ST < #spr. #comps > ]. ; --- partitive pronouns part_pron := partitive_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.GEN #gender, CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY def_quant_q_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG [ PN plur, GEN #gender ] ] ] > ] ]. norm_part_pron := part_pron & [ SYNSEM norm-basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS #comps ] ], ARG-ST #comps ]. ; e.g. (*casi) alguno/bastantes/muchos/demasiados... de *(los) chicos pr_part_alg_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_bastant_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_cualq_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_demasiado_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_mucho_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_otro_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_poco_le := norm_part_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.AGR.PNG.PN plur ]. pr_part_quienq_le := norm_part_pron. pr_part_varios_le := norm_part_pron. ; e.g. (casi) ninguno (de los chicos) pr_part_ning_le := part_pron & [ SYNSEM norm-basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr & < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #alt2hand, XARG #index ] ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS #comps ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.LBL #alt2hand ], ARG-ST < #spr. #comps > ]. ; e.g. (cada) uno (de los chicos) pr_part_uno_le := part_pron & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr & < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY cada_q_rel ] >, COMPS #comps ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED cada_q_rel ], ARG-ST < #spr. #comps > ]. ; e.g. *(unos) cuantos (de los chicos) pr_part_unos+cuantos_le := part_pron & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR #spr & < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY art_indef_q_rel ] >, COMPS #comps ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED art_indef_q_rel ], ARG-ST < #spr. #comps > ]. ; --- 2.3.5. Relative pronouns ; - they don't inflect when they function as subjects, so its predicate agrees with its antecedent ; (e.g. yo, que me porté bien, pude salir temprano). ; NOTE: more in Bosque pp. 458-463 rel_pron := pron_nonque & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #index, CAT [ MC na, HEAD noun & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < >, KEYS [ KEY non_modable_rel, ALTKEY norm_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX ref-ind & #index, XARG #xarg ], RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #index, XARG #xarg ] > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED non_temp_nom_rel, LBL #hand ], ALTKEYREL relation ] ] ]. ; ERG: One crucial property of free relatives is that they have a non-empty QUE ; value whose single list element is an index (rather than the handle which ; is employed for ordinary question WH-words). ; The other is that they encode the constraints for their S/XP sister in the ; free-relative construction, in their SLASH attribute. free_rel_pro_lex := pronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #ind, CAT [ HC-LIGHT -, MC na, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX ref-ind & #ind & [ PNG.PN 3per ], XARG #nhand ], RELS.LIST < [ ARG0 #ind, RSTR #rhand ], [ LBL #nhand, ARG0 #ind ], ... >, HCONS ]], NON-LOCAL [ REL 0-dlist, QUE 1-dlist & , SLASH 1-dlist & ] !> ] ], ARG-ST < > ]. ; a)- The pronoun "que": ; - May occur in non-restrictive and restrictive RC, taking any syntactic funcion. It also ; occur in predicative and semi-free relatives (together with the quantifier), but they never occur ; in free relatvs. ; - Must be preceeded by the article when functioning as a preposition's complement (and, obviously, when ; they occur in a semi-free relative, where we find other quantifiers (e.g. los estudiantes que faltaron ; fueron más que los/aquellos que asistieron)) ; e.g. el escritor al que premiaron anoche vendrá a nuestra tertulia. ; - Never co-occur with the article in a non-oblique rel. explicativa ; - may function as DO without the prep. "a" ; e.g. el escritor que premiaron anoche vendrá a nuestra tertulia. ; - In oblique relatives the determiner may be absent when the antecedent has a 'caracter predicativo', and: ; - the phrase including the relative is definite ; e.g. le regalé *una/la pluma con que había escrito mis novelas ; - the polarity of the subordinate clause can't be negative ; e.g. me prestó el dinero *de/del que yo no disponía ; - only with the propositions "con", "de", "en", "por" and "a" (if it is not accusative nor dative) ; - que no sea explicativa (la empresa, *en que/en la que trabajo hace años, se dedica a ...) pr_rel_que_le := rel_pron & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY que_pron_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ], VAL.SPR #spr & < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY def_q_rel ], CONT.RELS ] ] > ] ] ], ARG-ST #spr ]. ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ ALTKEY def_or_proper_q_rel ], pr_free-rel_que_le := free_rel_pro_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, PRD non-predicative, KEYS [ KEY #pred, ALTKEY semi-free_relative_q_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY art_def_q_rel ] ]> ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind, RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & , PRD non-predicative ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] !> ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #key & [ PRED #pred & free_que_pron_rel ], ALTKEYREL #altkey & [ PRED semi-free_relative_q_rel ] ] ] ]. ; LKEYS [ KEYREL #key & [ PRED #pred & nom_rel ], ; b)- La forma "el cual" ; - no puede aparecer en rel. libres o semilibres ; - sólo puede aparecer en las especificativas cuando actúa como término de preposición, ; e.g. *ese es un tema el cual ha estudiado a fondo/sobre el cual tiene varios artículos ; - es el único rel. que puede aparecer al final de un grupo fónico: ; - c. genitivo no extrapuesto de sintagmas partitivos ; e.g. los estudiantes, la mayoría de los cuales apoyó la propuesta, se manifestaron. ; - suj. de cláusulas absolutas , e.g. dicho lo cual ; - término de locuciones prepositivas( a consecuencia de, en torno a,...) ; - aparece con frecuencia al frente de la rel. yustapuestas, o cuando el antecedentes es ; un SN complejo de cuyo núcleo queda distanciado el rel. ; e.g. la columna de humo que causó la explosión, el cual se propagó a otros edificios pr_rel_cual_le := rel_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_que_pron_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ], VAL.SPR #spr & < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY art_def_q_rel ] ] > ], ARG-ST #spr ]. ; c)- La forma "quien" ; - puede aparecer en rel. especificativas, explicativas, predicativas y libres. ; - sólo puede aparecer en las especificativas cuando actúa como término de preposición, ; i.e. no puede desempeñar la función de sujeto (*los congresistas quienes llegaron anoche ; fueron alojados provisionalmente) ; - en las explicativas puede aparecer sin restricción alguna (los congresistas, quienes ; llegaron anoche, fueron alojados provisionalmente) ; - cuando actúa de OD debe llevar la prep."a" (*el hombre quien vimos ayer...) pr_rel_quien_le := rel_pron & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_que_pron_rel, ALTKEY def_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT hum ] ]. pr_free-rel_quien_le := free_rel_pro_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, PRD non-predicative, KEYS [ KEY nom_rel & #pred, ALTKEY free_relative_q_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #ind & [ SORT hum ], RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 1-dlist & , PRD non-predicative ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] !> ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #key & [ PRED #pred ], ALTKEYREL #altkey & [ PRED free_relative_q_rel ] ] ] ]. ; d)- cuantos le oían le admiraban ; --- 2.3.6. Interrogative pronouns (qué, quién/es, cuál/es, cuánto/s) basic_wh_pron_lex := pronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR #index, CAT [ MC na, HC-LIGHT -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #nhand, RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 1-dlist & [ LIST < param > ] ] ] ]. pron_wh_lex := basic_wh_pron_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR #index, CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index & [ PNG.PN 3per ] ], ARG-ST < > ]. pr_wh_que_le := pron_wh_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-hum, RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED thing_rel ] ]. ; - quién, cuál y cuánto pueden tomar un PP_de partitivo ; e.g. ¿Quién/cuál/cuántos de tus amigos es diputado? pron_wh_part_lex := basic_wh_pron_lex & [ SYNSEM basic-partitive-pron-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.GEN #gender, CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps & < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.PNG [ PN plur, GEN #gender ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp ] ], ARG-ST #comps ]. pr_wh_quien_le := pron_wh_part_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.CASE nom, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT hum, RELS ] ] ] ]. pr_wh_cual_le := pron_wh_part_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. pr_wh_cuanto_le := pron_wh_part_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 3. Adjectives ; NOTE: !!!still missing non-modifying adjectives, e.g. "es imposible que venga/ir": ; erg's reg_adj_atrans_synsem ??? ; ; Adjectives are cross-classified along the following dimensions: ; ; -- whether they are premodifier or/and postmodifier ; ; -- whether they are predicative or non-predicative ; Predicative adjectives can function as: (i) predicate of a copulative verb (e.g. Juan es guapo), ; (ii) subject predicative complement (e.g. llegó completamente destrozado), (iii) object ; predicative complement (e.g. lo considero muy importante), or (iv) predicate of the NP of an ; absolute clause (e.g. llenas de trigo las alforjas, reemprendieron el viaje). Predicative ; adjectives may co-occur: ; - with 'ser': predicate stable situations ; - with 'estar': refer to transitory properties ; - with 'ser' and 'estar' (individual & episodico) ; ; -- whether they are gradable or nor. Gradable adjectives may be modified by intensifying ; adverbs that indicate the grade of the property expressed by the adjective (e.g. muy guapo) and ; may occur in comparative and measure constructions (e.g. más/menos alto que Juan, tan alto ; como Juan, igual de alto que Juan, el doble de alto que Juan, dos metros de largo) ; ; -- whether they are intersective or scopal ; - intersective: the property assigned by the adjective applies to the noun in its absolute sense. ; They do not accept paraphrasing < Adj. as N > ; e.g. nieve blanca / *este líquido es blanco como nieve / ; *este líquido que no es blanco es nieve blanca ; - scopal: the property assigned by the adjective only applies to the modified noun. ; They accept paraphrasing < Adj. as N > ; e.g. excelente músico / Juan es excelente como músico / ; Juan que no es una excelente persona es un excelente músico ;; ; -- whether they are positive, comparative, superlative ; ; -- subcategorization ; ; -- NOTE: !!!They could also be classified as whether they are restrictive or non-restrictive, ; but they are not, this opposition is only verified in defined NP. ; e.g. las niñas tímidas/las tímidas niñas ; - Restrictive: The adjective modifies the extension of the term, therefore, the modification ; originates a new referent. They are postposed. ; - Non-restrictive: There aren't any restrictions, only one feature of the mentioned object is ; highlighted. The adjective is a modifier of the intention, thus the referent is the same. They are ; preposed. basic-adjective-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ AGR #agr, COORD-STRAT zero, COORD-REL.PRED null_coord_rel, CAT [ MC na, HEAD adj & [ KEYS.KEY basic_adj_rel, TAM #tam, INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #agr, RELS.LIST < #key & basic-adj-relation & [ ARG0.E #tam ], ... > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #key ] ]. epis-prd-adj := epis-prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD + ]. mod-adj-lex := basic-adjective-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT [ MC na, HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY quant_or_deg_rel ] >, SUBJ < >, SPEC < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind ] ]. inters-mod-adj := mod-adj-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ind ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind ] ]. nonmodfied-adj-lex := basic-adjective-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS #comps ], ARG-ST #comps ]. modfied-adj-lex := basic-adjective-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < #spr & [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv, MC na ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #index ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] >, COMPS #comps ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index ] ], ARG-ST < #spr . #comps > ]. gradable-adj-lex := modfied-adj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY degree_rel ] > ]. ; -- subcat types a_intrans := basic-adjective-lex & single-rel-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY adj_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.RELS ] ]. a_trans := basic-adjective-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD.KEYS.KEY norm_adj_rel ], CONT.RELS.LIST < adj-arg12-relation, ... > ] ]. a_mrkd_np := a_trans & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey & selected_rel, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #arg2 ] ] ] >, CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ] ]. a_mrkd_cp_prop_or_ques := a_trans & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ] ] >, CONT.RELS.LIST < adj-relation, ... > ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. a_mrkd_cp_question := a_mrkd_cp_prop_or_ques & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY ques, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX.SF prop, LTOP #larg ] ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #harg ] ]. a_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.MC na, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index ] ]. a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_ctrl_synsem := a_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] >, CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #harg ]. a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_rais_synsem := a_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] >, CONT.HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #harg ]. a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf := a_mrkd_cp_prop_or_ques & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM a_mrkd_cp_prop-or-ques_inf_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] >, CONT.RELS ] ] ]. a_mrkd_cp_prop_fin := a_mrkd_cp_prop_or_ques & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_cp_prop_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY prop, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX.SF prop, LTOP #larg ] ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #harg ] ]. ; for adjectives taking PPde (PPof), the marking preposition is always optional ; e.g. estoy segura ((de) que vendrá)/no está segura ((de) que sea capaz de hacerlo/de cambiarlo) ; consiente de (es muy consciente (de) que perderá) ; partidario de (es bastante partidario (de) que cambien al entrenador/cambiar al entrenador) a_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_de_synsem := lex-synsem & norm-hook-lex-item & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY independent_rel, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #harg ]. ; --- Adjectival lexical entry types ; --- 3.1. Adverbial adjectives (do not introduce properties, but modify a referent modifier) a_adv := mod-adj-lex & a_intrans. ; --- 3.1.1. Intentional (indicate the way a given concept applies to a given referent) ; a)- Modal: e.g. el presunto asesino, un posible acuerdo, un falso amigo ; b)- Restrictive: e.g. el mero hecho, la verdadera razón a_adv_int_le := a_adv & nonmodfied-adj-lex & norm-zero-arg & scopal-mod-lex & nonprd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD - ]. ; --- 3.1.2. Event modifiers (they refer to objects or processes as entities which take place in ; a particular time, place and manner. They are variants of qualitative adjectives) ; a)- Circunstanciales (temporal, locative, manner) ; e.g. próximo año/año próximo, cercana casa/casa cercana, mirada dulce/dulce mirada ; b)- Aspectual (modify event or result nouns, and nouns refering to states or relations) ; e.g. periódicas revisiones, largo adiós, esporádicas crisis a_adv_event_le := a_adv & nonmodfied-adj-lex & norm-zero-arg & scopal-mod-lex & nonprd-lex-item. ; --- 3.2. Relational adjectives (they express a set of properties) ; - not graduable but may co-occur with focalizing adverbs (e.g. viaje específicamente/sólo turístico) ; - by default intersective ; - siempre se postponen (except those ones that are recategorized as calificative adjectives). ; - the noun and the relational adjectives which follow it form a compact unit, they cannot be intercalated ; among them or with calificative adjectives (eg. magnífica actuación policial/actuación ; policial magnífica/*actuación policial magnífica), neither with modals nor with adverbials (el posible ; avance normando/*el avance posible normando) or possessives (un recurso administrativo suyo/*un ; recurso suyo administrativo), or "alguno" (no tengo reloj eléctrico alguno/*reloj alguno ; eléctrico), or PPs (eg. la producción industrial de Francia/*la producción de Francia ; industrial), or when N+PP form a semi-compound (eg. tren francés de alta velocidad/?tren ; de alta velocidad francés), but they admit pronouns, eg. la sociedad industrial y la cibernética a_rel := inters-mod-adj & nonmodfied-adj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD + ]. ; --- 3.2.1. Predicative relational adjectives ; - NOTE: they go with concrete nouns (can be object deverbals) or abstract nouns. ; They are classifying predicates ; e.g. la revista mensual / la revista es mensual a_rel_prd_le := a_rel & a_intrans & indiv-prd-lex-item & norm-zero-arg & norm-hook-lex-item. ; --- 3.2.2. Non-predicative relational intransitive ; NOTE: they mostly go with deverbal nouns, but only result nominalizations, and describe the ; arguments of the noun-- !!! shouldn't I encode this??? ; e.g. la actuación policial / *la actuación fue policial a_rel_nonprd_intr_le := a_rel & a_intrans & nonprd-lex-item & norm-zero-arg & norm-hook-lex-item. ; --- 3.2.3. Non-predicative relational transitive adjectives ; e.g. consistente en a_rel_nonprd_trans_le := a_rel & nonprd-lex-item & a_mrkd_np & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- for "referente a" and "consistente en", e.g. "una visión de negocio consistente en estar alerta/ ; que estén alerta/cómo se ha ejercido..." a_rel_nonprd_cp_prop_le := a_rel & nonprd-lex-item & a_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. a_rel_nonprd_cp_ques_le := a_rel & nonprd-lex-item & a_mrkd_cp_question & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- 3.3. Qualitative Adjectives (express a single property) ; - they are predicative and gradable a_qual := mod-adj-lex & gradable-adj-lex. ; --- 3.3.1. Qualitative intransitive adjectives a_qual_intr := a_qual & prd-lex-item & a_intrans & basic-one-arg & norm-hook-lex-item. ; a)- scopal qualitative intransitive adjectives (co-ocurring with ser and estar ; and pre/post-nominal (adjectives of evaluation, physical dimension, velocity, age, physical ; properties (weight, consistency, taste, touch, smell, temperature, sonority)) ; e.g. ésto es/está alto, dulce sabor/sabor dulce ; a_qual_intr_scopal_le := a_qual_intr & scopal-mod-lex & indiv_and_epis-prd-lex-item. ; !!! problem in predicative constructions a_qual_intr_scopal_le := a_qual_intr & inters-mod-adj. ; b)- intersective qualitative intransitive adjectives co-ocurring with ser (though ; we could also find them with estar), and pre/post-nominal (adjectives of colour, shape, ; aptitudes and human (pre)dispositions) ; e.g. el cielo es/está azul, ojos negros/negros ojos a_qual_intr_ser_le := a_qual_intr & inters-mod-adj. ; c)- intersective qualitative intransitive adjectives co-occurring with 'ser' ; (though we could also find them with estar), and post-nominal (aptitude and human ; (pre)disposition adjectives ; e.g. a_qual_intr_ser_postn_le := a_qual_intr & inters-mod-adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD + ]. ; d)- intersective qualitative intransitive adjectives, co-occurring with 'estar' ; and post-nominal (adjectives derived from participles and adjectival participles) ; e.g. está seco, maduro, abierto lleno (un vaso lleno/*un lleno vaso) a_qual_intr_estar_le := a_qual_intr & inters-mod-adj & epis-prd-adj. ; --- 3.3.2. Qualitative transitive adjectives a_qual_trans := a_qual & basic-two-arg & inters-mod-adj. ; --- Qualitative transitive adjectives taking marked NPs ; NOTA: they can have dative clitics which alter with the complements with the preposition ; "para" ("for")(e.g. le es útil/es útil para él) ; e.g. atento con (es/está muy atento (con sus compañeros)), atento a (está/*es atento (a las notícias)), ; harto de (estoy/*soy harto (de tí)) a_qual_trans_pp := a_qual_trans & prd-lex-item & a_mrkd_np. a_qual_trans_ser_le := a_qual_trans_pp & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. a_qual_trans*_ser_le := a_qual_trans_pp & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. a_qual_trans_estar_le := a_qual_trans_pp & epis-prd-adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. a_qual_trans*_estar_le := a_qual_trans_pp & epis-prd-adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT + ] > ]. ; --- Qualitative transitive adjectives taking finite completive clauses/free infinitives ; e.g. una persona muy opuesta/contraria/reticente a legalizar la droga/que legalizen la droga ; es una persona partidaria de legalizar la droga/que legalizen la droga a_qual_cp_prop_fin := a_qual_trans & prd-lex-item & a_mrkd_cp_prop_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; a)- clause in indicative/subjunctive a_qual_cp_prop_fin_ser_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin & indiv-prd-lex-item. a_qual_cp_prop_fin_estar_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin & epis-prd-adj. ; b)- clause in indicative - Not used !!! ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_ind_ser_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin & indiv-prd-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] > ]. ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_ind_estar_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin & epis-prd-adj & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] > ]. ; ; c)- clause in subjunctive - Not used !!! ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_sub_ser_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin & indiv-prd-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_sub_estar_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin & epis-prd-adj & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; -- for adjectives taking PPde, that the marking preposition is optional ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de := a_qual_trans & prd-lex-item & a_mrkd_cp_prop_fin_de & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, ; VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ] ]. ; ; clause in indicative/subjunctive ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de_ser_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de & indiv-prd-lex-item. ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de_estar_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de & epis-prd-adj. ; ; clause in indicative - Not used !!! ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_ind_de_ser_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de & indiv-prd-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] > ]. ; ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_ind_de_estar_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de & epis-prd-adj & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD ind ] > ]. ; ; clause in subjunctive - Not used !!! ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_sub_de_ser_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de & indiv-prd-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; ; a_qual_cp_prop_fin_sub_de_estar_le := a_qual_cp_prop_fin_de & epis-prd-adj & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E.MOOD sub ] > ]. ; --- Qualitative transitive adjectives taking interrogative clauses (finite & infinitival) ; e.g. revelador (es muy revelador de cómo actuan), seguro (no estoy muy seguro (de cuándo/de si vendrá)) a_qual_cp_ques := a_qual_trans & a_mrkd_cp_question & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. a_qual_cp_ques_ser_le := a_qual_cp_ques & indiv-prd-lex-item. a_qual_cp_ques_estar_le := a_qual_cp_ques & epis-prd-adj. ; -- 3.4. Subject Raising Adjectives ; - post-nominal, co-occurring with 'ser', optional complement (PPde) ; e.g. soy muy libre de pensarlo a_sr_le := a_qual & a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & basic-two-arg & indiv-prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_rais_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl & ref-ind ] ] ]. ; --- 3.5. Subject Control Adjectives a_sctrl := a_qual & a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & prd-lex-item & basic-two-arg & inters-mod-adj & [ SYNSEM a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_ctrl_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl, NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl & ref-ind ] ] ]. ; e.g. aficionado a (es aficionado (a jugar a tenis)), capaz de (no soy capaz (de hacerlo)) a_sctrl_ser_le := a_sctrl & indiv-prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; e.g. dispuesto a (no estoy dispuesto a venderlo), seguro de (no estoy seguro (de poder hacerlo)) a_sctrl_estar_le := a_sctrl & epis-prd-adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT - ] > ]. ; --- 3.6. Object Raising Adjectives ; - pre/post-nominal, co-occurring with 'ser', optional complement (PPde) ; e.g. difícil de (el violín es muy difícil (de tocar)) a_or_le := a_qual & a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & o_rais-two-arg & indiv-prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_rais_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD #mod, VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel, NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl & ref-ind ] ] ]. ; --- 3.7. Object Control Adjectives ; - post-nominal, co-occurring with 'estar', optional complement (PPde) ; e.g. pendiente (el contrato está (*muy) pendiente (de firmar/ser firmado/firma)))!!! a_octrl_le := nonmodfied-adj-lex & a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf & o_rais-one-arg & inters-mod-adj & epis-prd-adj & [ SYNSEM a_mrkd_cp_prop_inf_ctrl_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _de_p_sel_rel ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] >, CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl & ref-ind ] ] ]. ; --- 3.8. Comparative Adjectives compar-adj-lex := basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD [ PRD predicative, MOD <[ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR <[LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY undef_quant_q_rel]>, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] > ], VAL [ SPR < #spr & [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ], VAL.COMPS < >, MC na ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #altarg0 ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] >, COMPS #comps & < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey & selected_rel, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #arg2 ] ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #ind, INDEX #arg0 ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #ind, ALTKEYREL #altkey & [ PRED comp_rel, ARG2 #arg2 ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ], ARG-ST < #spr . #comps > ]. ; a)- (mucho/bastante/...) mejor, peor, mayor, menor + que a_compar_le := compar-adj-lex & inters-mod-adj & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY adj_rel, ALTKEY comp_rel ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY _que_p_comp_rel ] ]. ; b)- (mucho/bastante/...) igual, anterior, posterior, inferior, superior + que/a a_compar_alt_le := compar-adj-lex & inters-mod-adj & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY adj_rel, ALTKEY comp_rel ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY que_or_a_rel ] ]. ; --- 3.9. Superlative Adjectives (mejor, peor, mayor, menor) super-adj-lex := nonmodfied-adj-lex & norm-zero-arg & inters-mod-adj & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD predicative, KEYS.ALTKEY superl_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY def_q_rel ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #ind, INDEX #arg0 ], RELS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #key & [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #ind ], ALTKEYREL #altkey & [ PRED superl_rel, LBL #hand, ARG0 event, ARG1 #arg0 ] ] ] ]. a_super_le := super-adj-lex. ; --- 3.10. Others ; --- 3.10.1. possessives: when they follow the noun, they are modifiers ; and they require the def. article or the demonstrative ; e.g. la/esa canción tuya me gustó a_poss_le := a_qual_intr & inters-mod-adj & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY poss_adj_rel, POSTHEAD + ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 4. Adverbs basic-adverb-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL [ SUBJ < >, CLTS < > ] ] ] ] ]. spec-adverb-lex := basic-adverb-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < #spr >, COMPS #comps ], ARG-ST < #spr . #comps > ]. nonspec-adverb-lex := basic-adverb-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS #comps ], ARG-ST #comps ]. basic_adverb_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ MOD < [ LOCAL [ COORD -, CAT.MC #mc, CONT.HOOK.XARG #xarg ] ] >, KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel, CASE none ], MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK.XARG #xarg, RELS.LIST < #key, ... > ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ], LKEYS.KEYREL #key & adv-relation ]. basic_spec_adverb_synsem := basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < synsem & [ LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < > ], MC na ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, XARG #arg0 ] ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #arg0 ] ]. spec_adverb_synsem := basic_spec_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ] ] > ]. basic_int_adverb_synsem := basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] >, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #arg0 ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #hand, ARG0 #arg0, ARG1 #index & event ] ]. intersect_spec_adverb_synsem := basic_int_adverb_synsem & basic_spec_adverb_synsem. basic_intersect_adverb_synsem := intersect_spec_adverb_synsem. intersect_adverb_synsem := basic_intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. intersect_xp_adverb_synsem := intersect_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ ] > ] > ] ]. nonspec_intersect_xp_adverb_synsem := basic_int_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SUBJ < [ ] > ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL adv-relation ]. basic_scopal_adverb_synsem := basic_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod & [ COORD -, CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #mhand, INDEX #index ] ] ] > ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #hand & handle ] ]. scopal_spec_adverb_synsem := basic_scopal_adverb_synsem & spec_adverb_synsem. scopal_adverb_synsem := scopal_spec_adverb_synsem. scopal_xp_adverb_synsem := scopal_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL adv-relation ]. nonspec_scopal_xp_adverb_synsem := basic_scopal_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD [ KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel ], LKEYS.KEYREL adv-relation ]. scopal_s_adverb_synsem := basic_adverb_synsem & norm-hook-lex-item & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL.COMPS < >, MC bool ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #larg ] ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 handle & #harg ]. scopal_s_negadv_synsem := basic_scopal_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD [ KEYS.KEY neg_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod & [ CAT [ HEAD verb, VAL [ COMPS < > ] ] ] ] > ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ]. ; --- 4.1. scopal adverbs ; e.g. primero desaparece la pasión, luego el amor, hasta desaparece la costumbre de verse. Finalmente se ; esfuman las cuentas corrientes ; -- (modal) scopal adverbs modifying sentences only ; e.g. (*muy) quizás yo venga mañana; yo quizás venga mañana av_s_cp_prop_le := nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM scopal_s_adverb_synsem ]. ; -- the negative adverb "no" ; e.g. el chico no vendrá av_s_neg_le := nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM scopal_s_negadv_synsem ]. ; -- (modal/externos al dictum) scopal adverbs modifying verbs & adjectives ; e.g. (*muy) increíblemente, traía puesta la misma blusa; traía puesta, increíblemente, la misma blusa av_s_le := nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM nonspec_scopal_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +vj ] > ] ]. ; e.g. te digo muy sinceramente/muy sinceramente te digo ; !!! to include here ordinals (primero, segundo, tercero,...) av_s_spr_le := spec-adverb-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM scopal_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +vj ] > ] ]. ; e.g. (*muy) aparentemente capaz/no está en casa; *no está en casa aparentemente av_s_prhd_le := nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM nonspec_scopal_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +vj, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] > ] ] ]. ; e.g. (muy) probablemente capaz/iremos al cine; *iremos al cine probablemente av_s_prhd_spr_le := spec-adverb-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM scopal_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +vj, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] > ] ] ]. ; --- 4.2. intersective adverbs ; -- intransitive intersective verbal modifiers (manner, temp, loc) ; e.g. (*muy) mortalmente av_i_le := nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM nonspec_intersect_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ] ]. ; e.g. (muy) negativamente av_i_spr_le := spec-adverb-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ] ]. ; e.g. (*muy) diariamente, mensualmente,... (temporal) av_i_psthd_le := nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM nonspec_intersect_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD [ KEYS.KEY adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ] ]. ; e.g. (muy) raramente av_i_psthd_spr_le := spec-adverb-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_xp_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD [ KEYS.KEY adv_rel, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ] ]. ; -- transitive verbal modifiers (temp (antes/después de) and loc (cerca/lejos de,..)) ; e.g. nos veremos mucho antes del viaje ; !!! not used, since FL treats them as PPs ; av_i_tr_le := spec-adverb-lex & basic-two-arg & ; [ SYNSEM intersect_xp_adverb_synsem & ; [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS.KEY adv_rel, ; MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ OPT +, ; LOCAL mrkd_np_local & ; [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey & selected_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] > ], ; CONT.RELS ], ; LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2, ; --COMPKEY #ckey ] ] ]. ; -- focus adverbs (co-occur with verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, prepositions) intersect_focus_adverb_synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adv & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ OPT -, LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CAT [ VAL [ SPEC < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #xarg ], NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ] >, KEYS.KEY basic_adv_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ], LKEYS.KEYREL adv-relation & [ ARG1 #xarg ] ]. ; e.g. a María se la veía en su casa solamente; a María se la veía solamente en su casa av_i_foc_le := norm-sem-lex-item & nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +jrp ] ] >, VAL.SPR < > ] ] ]. av_i_foc_prehd_le := norm-sem-lex-item & nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +jrp ] ] >, VAL.SPR < > ] ] ]. av_i_np-foc_le := norm-sem-lex-item & nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp ] ] >, VAL.SPR < > ] ] ]. ; e.g. muy especialmente bajo la escalera/aquí/estos chicos av_i_foc_spr_le := norm-sem-lex-item & spec-adverb-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +jrp ] >, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #spind ] ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. av_i_np-foc_spr_le := norm-sem-lex-item & spec-adverb-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp ] ] >, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #spind ] ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. ; e.g. mañana/usted/en la mesa mismo; *mismo mañana/usted/en la mesa av_i_foc_psthd_le := norm-sem-lex-item & nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +rp ] >, VAL.SPR < > ] ] ]. av_i_np-foc_psthd_le := norm-sem-lex-item & nonspec-adverb-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM intersect_focus_adverb_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp ] ] >, VAL.SPR < > ] ] ]. ; --- 4.3. Degree adverbs (modify adverbs/adjectives (& pastparts)) ; !!! MISSING: así de tonto, igual de extraño, cómo de pequeño (interrogativo); qué (exclamativo); ; doblemente bueno; (*muy) cortés hasta la adulación; (*muy) fiel a sus ideas hasta la muerte basic_degree_spec_synsem := canonical-synsem & [ LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < > ], VAL.SUBJ < > ] ] ]. basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem := basic_degree_spec_synsem & lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel & [ ARG0 #index ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. lex_degree_spec_synsem := basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY degree_rel, CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX.E [ TENSE nontense, ASPECT no-aspect ], XARG #xarg ], RELS.LIST.FIRST [ LBL #ltop, ARG1 #xarg ] ] ] ]. basic_comp_degree_spec_synsem := lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD.KEYS.KEY comp_degree_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] >, COMPS < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, RELS ] ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey, NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ]. basic_degree_spec_lex := uninflected-lexeme & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM basic_lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ MC na, HC-LIGHT -, VAL.SPEC < [ ] > ], CONT.RELS.LIST < #key, ... > ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ], LKEYS.KEYREL #key ] ]. degree_spec_lex := basic_degree_spec_lex & [ SYNSEM lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ SPR < >, COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] ]. spec_degree_spec_lex := basic_degree_spec_lex & [ SYNSEM lex_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR #spr & < [ LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #khand, XARG #spind ] ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] > ], CONT.RELS ] ], ARG-ST #spr ]. ; --- 4.3.1. Quant degree adverbs ; - mucho, bien, algo, bastante, demasiado, super, nada, medio: can't co-occur with "muy" ; - un poco, un tanto: can't co-occur with any degree adverb av_qnt-deg_le := degree_spec_lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY quant_degree_rel, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +jr ] > ] ]. ; - for 'casi' and 'muy', which may specify determiners; e.g. muy pocos/casi todos los chicos lloran av_qnt-deg_det_le := degree_spec_lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +jrd, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] > ] ]. ; - for 'casi', which may specify pronouns; e.g. casi nadie/nada/ninguno av_qnt-deg_casi_le := degree_spec_lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL [ AGR.PRONTYPE real_pron, CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel ] > ] ] ] ] > ] ]. ; - for 'poco', which may co-occur with quant degree adverbs av_qnt-deg_poco_le := spec_degree_spec_lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY poco_degree_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +jr ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY quant_degree_rel ] > ] ] ]. ; --- 4.3.2. Degree adverbs (ending in '-mente') av_deg_le := degree_spec_lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD.KEYS.KEY non-quant_degree_rel, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +jr ] > ] ] ]. ; --- 4.3.3. Comparative degree adverbs comp_degree_spec_lex := basic_degree_spec_lex & basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM basic_comp_degree_spec_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD +jr ] >, SPR < #spr >, COMPS #comps ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ], ARG-ST < #spr . #comps > ]. ; e.g. (mucho/poco/bastante) más/menos guapo que av_cmp-deg_le := comp_degree_spec_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY basic_quant_degree_rel ] >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _que_p_comp_rel ] ]. ; e.g. (casi) tan guapo como av_cmp-eq-deg_le := comp_degree_spec_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel ] >, LKEYS.--COMPKEY _como_p_comp_rel ] ]. ; --- 4.4. Pronominal adverbs basic_np_adv_lex := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #ind, CAT [ HC-LIGHT -, HEAD noun & [ KEYS keys_norm & [ KEY #keypred, ALTKEY def_explicit_q_rel ] ], VAL [ SPEC < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind & ref-ind & [ PNG.PN 3sg ], LTOP #ltop ], HCONS , RELS.LIST < #key & noun-relation & [ LBL #ltop, PRED basic_nom_rel & #keypred, ARG0 #ind ], #altkey & [ PRED implicit_q_rel, ARG0 #ind, RSTR #rhand ],... > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #key, ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ]. ; --- 4.4.1. Quant pronominal adverbs av_qnt-pron_lex := pronominal-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM basic_np_adv_lex & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY quant_n_rel, CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind & [ SORT mod ], LTOP #ltop ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2key & [ LBL #ltop ] ] ]. ; e.g. el muchacho corrió un poco / casi nada av_qnt-pron_poco_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY art_indef_q_rel ] >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_poco_x_rel" ] ]. av_qnt-pron_nada_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK.XARG #index ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #index ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_nada_x_rel" ] ]. ; e.g. el muchacho no corrió mucho/bastante/demasido/tanto/algo av_qnt-pron_much_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_mucho_x_rel" ] ]. av_qnt-pron_bast_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_bastante_x_rel" ] ]. av_qnt-pron_demasd_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_demasiado_x_rel" ] ]. av_qnt-pron_tant_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_tanto_x_rel" ] ]. av_qnt-pron_alg_le := av_qnt-pron_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL.PRED "_algo_x_rel" ] ]. ; --- 4.4.2. Deictic adverbs av_deictic_lex := pronominal-lex & norm-zero-arg & [ SYNSEM basic_np_adv_lex & [ LOCAL [ CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind, LTOP #ltop ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALT2KEYREL #alt2key & [ LBL #ltop ] ] ]. ; a)- place (aquí, allí, ahí, acá, allá, acullá, aquende, allende) av_deic_place_le := av_deictic_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY place_n_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc-mod ] ]. ; b)- temporal (ahora, entonces, hoy, ayer, anteayer, mañana, anoche, anteanoche, anteayer, ; anteanteayer, antes de ayer, antes de anoche, pasado mañana, hogaño, antaño) av_deic_tmp_le := av_deictic_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY time_n_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT tmp ] ]. ; c)- manner (así) av_deic_manner_le := av_deictic_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY manner_n_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT manner-mod ] ]. ; d)- quant (cuanto) ; av_deic_qnt_le := av_deictic_lex & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ KEYS.KEY _n_rel, ; VAL.SPR < > ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT mod ] ]. ; --- 4.4.3. Relative adverbs (como, (a)donde, cuando) ; pueden aparecer en rel. especificativas, explicativas, yuxtapuestas, predicativas y libres. n_rel_np_adv_loc_lex := pronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR ref-ind & [ PNG.PN 3sg ], CAT [ HC-LIGHT -, POSTHEAD -, HEAD noun & [ KEYS keys_norm & [ ALTKEY def_explicit_q_rel ] ], VAL [ SPEC < >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #objind, LTOP #khand ], HCONS , RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX #objind ] > ], SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ], LKEYS.KEYREL.LBL #khand ] ]. n_rel_np_adv_lex := pronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM basic_np_adv_lex & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #ind, LTOP #ltop ], RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ REL 1-dlist, SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG0 #arg0, ALT2KEYREL #alt2key & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ] ] ] ]. free_rel_np_adv_lex := free_rel_pro_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun & [ MOD < >, KEYS [ KEY #keypred, ALTKEY free_relative_q_rel, ALT2KEY prep_mod_rel ] ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.SORT mod, RELS ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 1-dlist & ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #lochand, XARG #arg ] ] !>, LKEYS [ KEYREL #key & [ PRED #keypred ], ALTKEYREL #key, ALT2KEYREL #alt2key ] ] ]. ; a)- "donde" (adonde) ; - expresses location (with or without the preposition 'en'), and when ; co-ocurring with prepositions, denotes todas las gamas de movimiento. ; - admite antecedentes explícitos: sustantivos locativos (la casa donde vivía), ; PP locativo (fue hallada en la casa de Comillas, donde vivió en su juventud), ; adverbios pronominales de lugar (allá donde estés tú estaré yo). ;av_rel_place_le := n_rel_np_adv_loc_lex & av_rel_place_le := n_rel_np_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY state_loc_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc-mod ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT loc-mod ] > ] ] ]. ; e.g. [donde vive tu hermano] es demasiado lejos para ir de vacaciones (NPs) av_free-rel_place_le := free_rel_np_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc-mod, LKEYS [ ALT2KEYREL.PRED unspec_loc_rel, KEYREL.PRED state_loc_rel ] ] ]. ; b)- cuando ; - expresses time. Admite antecedentes explícitos: sustantivos temporales ; (recuerdo el día cuando dimitió), adverbio pronominal, pero sólo en cláusulas ; explicativas (hoy, cuando consigas el permiso, podrás volver). av_rel_tmp_le := n_rel_np_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT tmp, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT mod ] > ] ] ]. ; - en función de complemento directo (recuerdo cuando vino), complemento ; predicativo de OD (la ví cuando salía del metro). Tambén puede aparecer como ; complemento de un nombre (el diploma de cuando te graduaste), de un adjetivo ; (preparado para cuando te vayas), de un adverbio (además de cuando hizo la ; mili, feu allí un par de veces) y de preposición (para cuando te vayas, ya habrá ; llegado el buen tiempo). También en función de adverbiales (cuando consigas el ; permiso, podrás volver) av_free-rel_tmp_le := free_rel_np_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT mod, LKEYS [ ALT2KEYREL.PRED unspec_loc_rel, KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ] ]. ; c)- como ; - los únicos sustantivos que puede modificar son propio, manera y forma ; (la manera como contestó al periodista), it can also modify the adverb ; 'así' (lo hice así, como me había recomendado), and manner adverb/PP ; (lo hice distretamente/con precaución, como me había recomendado). ; También puede reproducir entidades predicativas (vivía sola, como ; siempre había deseado) av_rel_manner_le := n_rel_np_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT manner-mod, NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ INDEX.SORT mod ] > ] ] ]. ; - en función de atributo (será como tú digas) y de complemento ; predicativo (los niños dejaron la sala como ya os podéis imaginar) av_free-rel_manner_le := free_rel_np_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT manner-mod, LKEYS [ ALT2KEYREL.PRED unspec_manner_rel, KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ] ]. ; --- 4.4.4. Interrogative adverbs (cómo, (a)dónde, cuándo) n_wh_adv_lex := pronominal-lex & [ SYNSEM basic_np_adv_lex & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < >, CONT.RELS ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, QUE 1-dlist & [ LIST < param > ], REL 0-dlist ] ] ]. av_wh_place_le := n_wh_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY place_n_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc-mod ] ]. av_wh_tmp_le := n_wh_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY time_n_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT tmp ] ]. av_wh_manner_le := n_wh_adv_lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY manner_n_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT manner-mod ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 5. Prepositions ; ; Prepositions are cross-classified along the following 3 dimensions: ; -- whether they markers or modifiers ; -- the category they modify ; -- subcategorization adposition-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM basic-adposition-synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ COORD -, COORD-STRAT zero, CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps & < [ LOCAL.COORD - ], ... > ] ], ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], ARG-ST #comps ]. basic-adposition-synsem := lex-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adp & [ INV -, KEYS.KEY #key ], VAL.SUBJ < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED #key ]. adposition-synsem := basic-adposition-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #key, CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel & relation & [ PRED #key & norm_rel ], ... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel ]. ; modifying prepositions may co-occur with degree adverbs ; e.g. muy por debajo de esto spec-adposition-synsem := basic-adposition-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < [ OPT +, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY degree_rel ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg0 ] ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #arg0 ] ]. basic-nomod-adp-synsem := basic-adposition-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < >, VAL.COMPS < synsem & [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey ] > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL arg12-relation & [ PRED prep_rel ], --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. basic-marking-adp-synsem := basic-nomod-adp-synsem & [ LOCAL [ AGR #index, CAT [ HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, KEYS [ KEY selected_prep_rel, ALTKEY #ckey ] ], VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK #hook ] ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK #hook & [ INDEX #index ], RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. nom-marking-adp-synsem := basic-marking-adp-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY #alt2key, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun & [ KEYS [ KEY nom_rel, ALTKEY #alt2key ] ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ] >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK #hook ] ]. basic-mod-adp-lex := adposition-synsem & spec-adposition-synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ KEYS [ KEY independent_rel, ALTKEY #ckey ], MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #arg1 ] ] ] > ], VAL [ CLTS < >, COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey],... > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, XARG #arg1 ], RELS.LIST < prep-relation, ... > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG1 #arg1, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. verb-marking-adp-lex := adposition-lex & [ SYNSEM basic-marking-adp-synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT.MC - ] ]. nom-marking-adp-lex := adposition-lex & [ SYNSEM nom-marking-adp-synsem ]. mod-adp-lex := adposition-lex & [ SYNSEM basic-mod-adp-lex ]. ; --- modification subtypes p_vmod := mod-adp-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC bool, HEAD verb & [ AUX - ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ],... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; !!!la en otros tiempos mujer del año, el último libro en aparecer p_nmod := mod-adp-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD [ PRD predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL [ SPR < [ ] >, COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] > ] ] ]. ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel ],... > ] ]. p_amod := mod-adp-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD[ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD adj, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY degree_rel ] > ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] > ] ] ]. p_pmod := mod-adp-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp, VAL.COMPS < > ] ] > ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ],... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; --- subcategorization subtypes p_np := basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY #alt2key, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD noun & [ KEYS.ALTKEY #alt2key ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ]. p_cp_prop_or_ques := basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ TAM #tam, KEYS.ALT2KEY #alt2key ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL v_local & [ CAT [ MC bool, HEAD [ TAM #tam, KEYS.ALTKEY #alt2key ], VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop-or-ques ] ] > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.E #tam ] ]. p_cp_prop_or_ques_fin := p_cp_prop_or_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ] >, CLTS < > ] ]. p_cp_prop_or_ques_inf := p_cp_prop_or_ques & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.VFORM inf, VAL.SUBJ < synsem > ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] > ]. ; -- for control modifying PPs p_cp_prop_inf_slash := o_rais-one-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.TAM #tam, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL vp_inf_local & [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD.TAM #tam, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #larg, INDEX.SF prop ] ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index & [ E #tam ] ], RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index, ARG2 #harg ] ] ]. ; prep + AP, for predicative complements ; e.g. Pablo se jacta/presume de valiente, lo tienen por tonto p_ap := basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY non_free_relative_q_rel, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD adj & [ PRD predicative ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, CLTS < > ] ] ]. ; non-locative preposition + locative PP ; a)- "de" when, with the verb "ser" or with movement verbs, expresses origin, or when it heads a nominal ; complement, e.g. es de por ese barrio, salió de tras el matorral, el libro de sobre la mesa ; b)- "desde" (origin), "hasta" (destination), "por" (path) + locative PP except "en" ; e.g. se lanzó desde sobre el tejado p_pp := basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY non_free_relative_q_rel, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL pp_local & [ CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY state_loc_rel ] ]. ; "de/a" + marked NP_por, e.g. vengo de/a por agua p_mrkd_np := basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY non_free_relative_q_rel, VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] , LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ] ]. ; for the ditransitive preposition "a" in "a... de..." expressing distance ; e.g. Juan vive (a (3km) (de Madrid))/Juan vive a 3km/*Juan vive de Madrid p_ditrans := basic-two-arg & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALT2KEY non_free_relative_q_rel, VAL [ COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD noun, VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ] ], [ OPT -, LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ockey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg3 ] ] > ] ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.ARG3 #arg3, --OCOMPKEY #ockey & _de_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. ; --- Prepositional lexical entry types ; --- 5.1. Marking prepositions ; -- marking NPs (a, como, con, contra, de, en, para, por) ; e.g. sucumbió a la tentación, hay tantos niños como niñas, tan largo como eso, cumple con su deber, ; luchó contra el enemigo, depende de tí, creo en el destino, aptitud para la danza, fue hecho por mí p_mrk_np_le := nom-marking-adp-lex & p_np & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < > ] > ]. ; -- marking finite completive clauses/indirect questions (a, con, de, en, por) ; e.g. esperó a que llegase, me conformo con que vengas, me preocupo de que comáis, confío en que vengan, ; voto por que vayamos al cine, depende de cómo lo hagas, pensaré en cómo lo haré/hizo p_mrk_cp_prop_fin_le := verb-marking-adp-lex & p_cp_prop_or_ques_fin & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.CLTS < >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ] >, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ] ]. ; -- marking VPinf - subject & object control (a, con, de, en, para, por) ; e.g. aspira a ganar, sueño con ganar, deja de molestar, confío en ganar, capacitado para hacerlo, ; voto por ir al cine p_mrk_cp_prop_inf_le := verb-marking-adp-lex & p_cp_prop_or_ques_inf & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.CLTS #clts, CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ctrl, LTOP #ltop ] ] ] >, CLTS #clts ], CONT.HOOK [ XARG #ctrl, LTOP #ltop ] ] ]. ; -- marking VPinf - subject & object raising (de) ; e.g. fácil de tocar ; --- 5.2. Nominal modifying prepositions ;-- Taking NPs (also deictic advs) ;- origin (de, desde): e.g. viaje en tren de/desde Alemania, ese chico de ahí ;p_orig_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD.COPULA ser, ; MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] > ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT loc ] ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; ;- destination (a, hacia, hasta, para): e.g. viaje a/hacia/hasta/para Barcelona ;p_dir_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD.COPULA ser, ; MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] > ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT loc ] ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED prep_mod_rel, ; ARG2 #arg2 ] ] ]. ; ;- state_loc (cabe, contra, en, entre, por, sobre, tras) ;p_loc_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD.COPULA estar, ; MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] > ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ] ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT loc ] ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED state_loc_rel, ; ARG2 #arg2 ] ] ]. ; ;- miscelanea (i.e. non-location): (a, contra, de, en, entre, para, por, sobre); e.g. jersey a rayas, ;libro de matemáticas, viaje en tren (modo), comida para gatos (fin), conferencia sobre lingüística (tema) ;p_misc_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD [ PRD.COPULA ser, ; MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] > ], ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT non-loc ] ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; ;- unambiguous prepositions, this type do not restrict the nominal sort of their complement ;(ante, bajo, con, pro, sin, vía); e.g. Misión permanente de Chile ante la ONU, antitud ante la vida (loc), ;elecciones bajo ocupación (loc), barco con víveres (misc), cupón pro ciegos (misc), obrero sin trabajo ;(misc), transmisión vía satélite (misc) ;p_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] >, ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; ;via_p_misc_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT abs_pro ] ] >, ; VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; ;p_poss_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT anim ] > ]. ; -- Taking NPs (also deictic advs) p_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT non-temp ] ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], ; - temporal (de, hasta, para) ; e.g. el concierto del otro día/de ayer, tengo entradas para el jueves/mañana p_temp_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD [ PRD.COPULA ser, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] > ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ALTKEY explicit_q_rel ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT tmp ] ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; -- Taking verbal complements ; e.g. pan por/sin cocer p_vp-inf-slash_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_cp_prop_inf_slash & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD #mod & < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ] >, VAL [ COMPS < [ NON-LOCAL.SLASH ] >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl & ref-ind ] ]. ; -- Taking PPs ; de (orig) + PP (loc); e.g. el libro de sobre la mesa p_pp_nmod_le := mod-adp-lex & p_pp & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, POSTHEAD +, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD noun & [ KEYS.KEY non_modable_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ ] >, COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ] ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ;-- Taking Adjectives (de, por) ; e.g. presume de valiente, lo acusó de traidor, ¿me tomas por tonto? ; p_ap_nmod_le := p_nmod & p_ap & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] >, ; LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; --- 5.3. Verbal modifying prepositions ; -- Taking NPs ; ;- taking eventive nouns: (a, desde, hasta, para, tras) ;e.g. te espero a la salida del cole, no he vuelto desde su nacimiento, lo dejaremos para el regreso, ;tras la ruptura se arrepintió ;p_temp_event_nom_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY non_free_relative_nom_rel, ; ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel ], ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT pro ] ] > ]. ; ;- origin (de, desde): e.g. vino de Madrid/allí, lo ví desde la ventana/allí ;p_orig_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ]. ; ;- destination (a, hacia, hasta, para). e.g. vino a Barcelona, muévelo hasta/hacia la mesa, ;llegaremos hasta la frontera, viró las puntas de alambre para la tierra, muévelo hacia/hasta/para aquí ;p_dir_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc ] ] >, ; LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ]. ; ;- state_loc: (cabe, contra, en, entre, por, sobre, tras): e.g. vive en la Plaza Mayor, ;cabe la iglesia, apoyó la escalera contra el muro, cenaré en casa, ;sentamos al invitado entre el presidente y su esposa, busca por otro sitio, ;dejé el libro sobre la mesa, ponlo tras el muro; busqué por allí ;p_loc_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT cnc_loc ] ] > ], ; LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ]. ; ;- miscelanea (i.e. non-location): (a, contra, de, en, entre, para, por, sobre) ;e.g. fui contra mi voluntad (oposición), conserva la ropa en naftalina (modo), ;entre todos lo arrastraron hasta el molino (modo), lo compré para tí (finalidad), ;lo compré por tí (cause), pesa sobre 100 quilos (aprox) ;p_misc_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel, ; CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-loc ] ] > ] ]. ; ;- unambiguous prepositions this type do not restrict the nominal sort of their complement ;(ante, bajo, con, durante, mediante, según, sin, vía) ;e.g. hacen cola ante la lechería, perdió ante el Chelsea (loc), quedó sepultado bajo un montón de tierra, ;murió bajo las flechas de los indios (loc), vino con su padre (compañía), se defendió con el puñal (instr), ;me desperté con el alboroto (cause), durante la guerra se vivía mal, durante la clase/la noche/el embarazo ;(temp), mediante su ayuda, lo consiguió (misc), todo ocurrió según lo previsto (misc), no podrás abrir sin ;la llave (misc), salieron para París vía Hendaya (misc) ;p_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel ] > ]. ; -- Taking NPs p_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT non-temp ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ]. ; - temporal: (a, desde, en, entre, hace, hacia, hasta, para, por, sobre, tras) ; e.g. te espero a las cinco, no he vuelto desde el mes pasado, nací en 1967, ; quedamos entre las 9 y las 10 de la mañana, vino hace un mes, ¿quedamos hacia las dos?, ; se despidió hasta la noche, lo dejaremos para el jueves, trabajaremos por la mañana, ; el tren llegará sobre las diez ; - taking deictic adverbs (desde, hasta, para, por): e.g. no he vuelto desde ayer; ; no llegaremos hasta mañana; lo dejaremos para mañana, trabajaremos por la mañana p_temp_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT tmp ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED temp_loc_rel ] ]. ; -- Ditransitive preposition "a" in "a... de..." expressing distance ; e.g. Juan vive (a (3km) (de Madrid))/Juan vive a 3km/*Juan vive de Madrid p_ditrans_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_ditrans & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY non_free_relative_q_rel, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT mea ] ], [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT loc ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED state_loc_rel ] ]. ; -- Taking Adjectives (por, de) ; e.g. lloró por tonto/de impotencia p_ap_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_ap & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED prep_mod_rel ] ]. ; -- Taking PPs ; - there are two types: ; a)- "de" when, with the verb "ser" or with movement verbs, expresses origin, or when it heads a nominal ; complement; e.g. es de por ese barrio, salió de tras el matorral, el libro de sobre la mesa ; b)- "desde" (origin), "hasta" (destination), "por" (path) + locative PP except "en" ; e.g. se lanzó desde sobre el tejado p_pp_vmod_le := mod-adp-lex & p_pp & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD verb & [ AUX - ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SF prop ] ] > ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ],... > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; -- Taking marked NPs ; !!! in fact, only with with movement verbs: "de/a" + PP_por, e.g. vengo de/a por agua p_mrkd_np_vmod_le := p_vmod & p_mrkd_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.MC na, LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED dir_rel, --COMPKEY _por_p_sel_rel ] ] ]. ; --- 5.4. Adjectival modifying prepositions (degree) ; -- Taking NP (a, hasta) ; e.g. (*muy) irritante al máximo, (*muy) fiel hasta la muerte p_amod_le := p_amod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.SPR < >, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 & [ SORT non-loc ] ] ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG2 #arg2 ] ]. ; -- Taking VPinf (a, hasta) ; e.g. !!! (*muy) llenas a/hasta reventar de vino/lleno de vino a reventar. p_vp-inf_amod_le := p_amod & p_cp_prop_inf_slash & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] >, VAL [ COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY prop, VAL.CLTS < > ], CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl & ref-ind ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ] >, CLTS < > ] ] ]. ; --- 5.5. Prepositional modifying prepositions (PPmod + PPhd) ; -- the first expresses distance, the second includes a locative preposition ; e.g. a 20 metros sobre el nivel del mar, a mitad de camino entre Madrid y Cáceres p_misc_pmod_le := p_pmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY state_loc_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT location ] ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < > ] > ] ]. ; -- they express a distance / period of time (de, desde) ; e.g. corrió de un extremo al otro, voy de aquí para allá, duró desde las 4 hasta las 6 p_orig_pmod_le := p_pmod & p_np & norm-sem-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY period_rel, CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort ] ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX.SORT #sort & location ] ] > ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 6. Determiners ; !!! LOCAL.AGR checks full morpho-syntactic agreement within the NP, ; whereas CONT.HOOK.INDEX does not check 'NUMBER', with this we can deal ; with 'ad-sensum' agr. basic-determiner-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ], SYNSEM basic-determiner-synsem & [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT.HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY quant_rel ] ] ], ARG-ST < > ]. basic-determiner-synsem := lex-synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ AGR #agr & [ PNG.PN 3per ], CAT [ MC na, HEAD [ MOD < >, INV - ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, CLTS < >, SPEC < [ LOCAL [ AGR #agr, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY #pred, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #index, LTOP #larg ] ] ] > ] ], CONT nom-obj & [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index, XARG #larg ], HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #harg, LARG #larg ], ... >, RELS.LIST < #key & quant-relation, ... > ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist, LKEYS [ KEYREL #key & [ LBL #ltop, PRED #pred, ARG0 #index, RSTR #harg ] ] ]. ; -- for determiners taking specifiers and building a DP det-with-spr := basic-determiner-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LIGHT +, OPT +, NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] > ] ]. ; -- for determiners taking non-optinal specifiers and building a DP det-with-oblig_spr := basic-determiner-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LIGHT +, OPT -, NON-LOCAL [ QUE 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist ] ] > ]. ; --- sub-hierarchy of dets on the basis of non-local values det_que := basic-determiner-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.COMPS < > ], NON-LOCAL [ QUE 1-dlist & [ LIST < param > ], REL 0-dlist ] ] ]. det_nonque := basic-determiner-lex & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. det_rel := det_nonque & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist ] ]. det_nonque_nonrel := det_nonque & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ]. det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs := det_nonque_nonrel & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ]. ; --- Determiner lexical entry types ; --- 6.1. Definite articles ; - (todo) + ART_DEF + (adj. indef.)* + (adj. qual.)* + N' ; e.g. (todos) los (otros) (muchos/pocos/tres) libros d_art-df_le := det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs & det-with-spr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY todo_def_q_rel ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, COMPS < > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED _el_q_rel, LBL #lbl ], ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; --- 6.2. Indefinite article ; NOTE: yet not covered: ¡cayó una (cantidad) de agua...!, es todo un señor. ; - UN + (cardinal) + Pl_N' ; e.g. Necesito unas tres personas d_art-indf_le := det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED art_indef_q_rel ] ]. ; --- 6.3. Possessives ; - no puede aparecer con relativas especificativas, ni con SNs cuyo núcleu se relacione con ; verbos impersonales meteorológicos (*su nevada nos dejó aislados). Tampoco en un SN con ; núcleo elíptico (*su coche pequeño y mi grande).No se puede interpretar de forma impersonal, ; a no ser que exista un antecedente impersonal sintácticamente explícito. Puede realizar las ; funciones de poseedor, agente o tema, pronominalizando complementos o adjuntos introducidos ; por la prep "de". Pero no pueden pronominalizar complementos locativos de procedencia, ni ; adjuntos que expresan materia, ni expresiones temporales, ni los complementos partitivos ; - Existe una jerarquía para la realización de los argumentos como posesivos: (POSEEDOR >) AGENTE > TEMA ; - when they follow the noun, they are modifiers and they require the def. article or the ; demonstrative, e.g. la/esa canción tuya me gustó ; - (todo) + POSS + (adj. indef.)* + (adj. qual.)* + N' ; e.g. (todos) tus (otros) (muchos/pocos/tres) libros ; - dem + POSS + N' ; e.g. esos tus ojos det_poss := det_nonque_nonrel & det-with-spr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY todo_or_dem_q_rel ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD noun, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #hand ] ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED poss_q_rel, ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ] ]. d_poss_mi_le := det_poss & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _mi_q_rel ]. d_poss_tu_le := det_poss & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _tu_q_rel ]. d_poss_su_le := det_poss & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _su_q_rel ]. d_poss_nuest_le := det_poss & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _nuestro_q_rel ]. d_poss_vuest_le := det_poss & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _vuestro_q_rel ]. ; --- 6.4. Demonstratives ; - when they follow the noun, they are modifiers and they require the definite article ; e.g. la canción esa me gustó ; - (todo) + DEM + (otro) (mucho/poco/cardinal) + N' ; e.g. (todos) estos (otros) (muchos/pocos/tres) libros ; - DEM + poss + N' ; e.g. esos tus ojos det_dem := det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs & det-with-spr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY todo_def_q_rel ] >, COMPS < > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED dem_q_rel, LBL #lbl ], ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. d_dem_este_le := det_dem & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _este_q_rel ]. d_dem_ese_le := det_dem & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _ese_q_rel ]. d_dem_aquel_le := det_dem & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _aquel_q_rel ]. ; --- The demonstrative "tal" ; e.g. en tal ocasión, en tales casos d_dem_tal_le := det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED _tal_q_rel, LBL #lbl ], ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; --- The demonstrative "semejante" ; e.g. semenjante persona no puede estar aquí d_dem_semej_le := det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < >, COMPS < > ] ], LKEYS [ KEYREL [ PRED _semejante_q_rel, LBL #lbl ], ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; --- 6.5. Quantifiers det_quant := det_nonque_nonrel_nonposs & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, LKEYS [ KEYREL.LBL #lbl, ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; --- 6.5.1. Universal Def/Indef. Quantifier (cualquier) d_qnt_cualq := det_quant & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _cualquiera_q_rel ] ]. ; - CUALQUIER + (otro) + Count Sg_N' d_qnt_cualq_le := d_qnt_cualq & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG.PN sing, DIVISIBLE - ], CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < > ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _cualquiera_q_rel ] ]. ; - for cualquiera/cualesquiera, which can only appear in post-head position ;d_qnt_cualq_pl_le := d_qnt_cualq & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, ; CAT [ POSTHEAD -, ; VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL [ STR.HEADED solely, ; CAT.HEAD noun ] ] > ] ] ] ]. ; - cualquiera: it may follow (modify) the noun, but then it needs an indef. article ; or a cardinal number, e.g. un hombre cualquiera, tres libros cualesquiera. a_cualq_le := inters-mod-adj & nonmodfied-adj-lex & a_intrans & nonprd-lex-item & norm-zero-arg & norm-hook-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD +, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY undef_quant_q_rel, VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY quant_rel ] > ] ] > ] ] ]. ; --- 6.5.2. Universal (or definite) Quantifiers ; !!! pueden cuantificar nombres contables, de sustancia o abstractos ; - tienen caracter definido ; e.g. *hay [cada libro/ambos libros/todos los libros] en el estante det_def_quant := det_quant & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD -, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED univ_quant_q_rel ] ]. ; - AMBOS/SENDOS + Pl_N' det_def_quant_pl := det_def_quant & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] > ] ]. d_qnt-df_ambos_le := det_def_quant_pl & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _ambos_q_rel ]. d_qnt-df_sendos_le := det_def_quant_pl & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _sendos_q_rel ]. ; - CADA + Sg_N' ; e.g. íbamos al cine cada día d_qnt-df_cada_le := det_def_quant & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN sing, CAT.VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _cada_q_rel ] ]. ; - (casi) + TODO + art_def;dem;poss + N' ; e.g. (casi) todos los/estos/sus alumnos d_qnt-df_todo_le := det_def_quant & det-with-spr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ] ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY def_q_rel ] > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED todo_def_q_rel, ALTKEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; --- 6.5.3. Non-universal (or indef.) Quantifiers ; - forman SSNN indefinidos. e.g. había algunos/muchos/varios (otros) problemas det_quant_indef := det_quant & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED undef_quant_q_rel ] ]. ; --- Cuantificadores de existencia ; - no pueden ser predicados, ni como atributos, ni como adjetivos pospuestos a otro ; determinante. e.g. *sus problemas eran algunos/ningunos, *su alguna/ninguna compañera ; a)- ALGÚN/NINGÚN + (otro) Sg/Pl_N' ; - alguno/ninguno always follow the noun (e.g. no tengo miedo alguno); ; algún/ningún always precede the nouns; alguna/os/as, ninguna may precede ; and follow the noun. d_qnt-indf_alg-ning := det_quant_indef & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < > ]. d_qnt-indf_alg_le := d_qnt-indf_alg-ning & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _alguno_q_rel ]. d_qnt-indf_ning_le := d_qnt-indf_alg-ning & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _ninguno_q_rel ]. ; b)- UNOS CUANTOS + (otro) Pl_N' ; e.g. d_qnt-indf_unos+cuant_le := det_quant_indef & det-with-oblig_spr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY art_indef_q_rel ] > ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _unos+cuantos_q_rel ] ]. ; b)- TODO + (otro) Sg_N' ; e.g. toda persona ajena a la empresa d_qnt-indf_todo_le := det_quant & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ DIVISIBLE -, PNG.PN sing ], CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < > ] ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED todo_undef_q_rel ] ]. ; --- Cuantificadores evaluativos ; pueden ser predicados, sea como atributo, sea como adjetivo pospuesto a otro ; determinante (i.e. se les aplicaran RLs que los convertiran en adj. indef.) ; e.g. sus problemas eran muchos/demasiado, sus demasiados/muchos problemas. det_quant_eval := det_nonque_nonrel & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index, XARG #larg ], HCONS , RELS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ]. ; a)- OTRO (mediante una regla léxica se convierte en adj. indef que modifica a un sust. ; que tendrá un especificador con KEYS.KEY pre_otro_q_rel ; (el/este/su/algún/poco/bastante) + otro + N' d_qnt-evl_otr_le := det_quant_eval & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _otro_q_rel ] ]. ; b)- MUCHO/POCO (mediante una regla léxica se convierten en adj. indef que modifican a un ; sust. que tendrán un especificador con KEYS.KEY pre_much_or_poc_q_rel ; (el/este/su/otro) + poco/mucho + N' ; lo mismo para los numerales cardinales d_qnt-evl_much_le := det_quant_eval & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _mucho_q_rel ] ]. d_qnt-evl_poc_le := det_quant_eval & det-with-spr & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _muy_x_deg_rel, CONT.HOOK.LTOP #lbl ] ] >, LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL.PRED _poco_q_rel, KEYREL.LBL #lbl ] ] ]. ; c)- Other ; - mediante una regla léxica se convierten en adj. indef que modifican a un sust. que ; tendrán un especificador con KEYS.KEY def_q_rel ; - co-ocurring with divisible nouns (plural/mass nouns) det_quant_eval_div := det_quant_eval & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.AGR.DIVISIBLE +, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED undef_q_rel ] ]. d_qnt-evl-dv_bast_le := det_quant_eval_div & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _bastante_q_rel ] ]. d_qnt-evl-dv_dem_le := det_quant_eval_div & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _demasiado_q_rel ] ]. d_qnt-evl-dv_var_le := det_quant_eval_div & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _varios_q_rel ] ]. ; DEMÁS puede aparecer sin artículo en el cierre de enumeración ; e.g. vinieron mi padre, mi madre y demás familia. d_qnt-evl-dv_demás_le := det_quant_eval_div & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _demás_q_rel ] ]. ; - the following ones are now encoded as adjectives ; d_quant_eval := det_quant_eval & ; [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, ; LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED undef_q_rel ] ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl_ciert_le := d_quant_eval & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _cierto_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl_determ_le := d_quant_eval & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _determinado_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl_dist_le := d_quant_eval & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _distinto_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl_diver_le := d_quant_eval & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _diverso_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl_rar_le := d_quant_eval & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _raro_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl-dv_esc_le := det_quant_eval_div & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _escaso_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl-dv_num_le := det_quant_eval_div & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _numeroso_q_rel ]. ; ; d_qnt-evl_cuanto_le := det_quant_eval_div & ; [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _cuanto_q_rel ]. ; --- 6.6. Comparative basic_comp_det_synsem := basic-determiner-synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < >, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #index, LTOP #larg ] ] ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL local-min & [ CAT [ HEAD adv, VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #ltop ], NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ] > ] ], CONT [ HOOK.LTOP #ltop, HCONS , RELS ] ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL #altkey ], NON-LOCAL [ REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ]. comp_det_spec_lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM basic_comp_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ POSTHEAD -, VAL.COMPS #comps & < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY #ckey, CONT.HOOK.INDEX #arg2 ] ] > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey, NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ], ARG-ST #comps ]. ; a)- (mucho/poco/bastante) + MÁS/MENOS + N' ( + que + N') ; e.g. (muchos) más niños (que niñas) det_cmp_deg_spec := comp_det_spec_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY comp_degree_rel ], VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY basic_quant_degree_rel ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY _que_p_comp_rel ] ]. d_cmp_más_le := det_cmp_deg_spec & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _más_q_rel ]. d_cmp_menos_le := det_cmp_deg_spec & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _menos_q_rel ]. ; b)- (casi) TANTO + N' ( + como N') ; e.g. tantos niños (como niñas) d_cmp-eq_tanto_le := comp_det_spec_lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD det & [ KEYS.KEY comp_degree_rel ], VAL [ SPEC < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD noun ] >, SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _casi_x_deg_rel ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS [ ALTKEYREL.PRED _tanto_q_rel, --COMPKEY _como_p_comp_rel ] ] ]. ; c)- (mucho/poco/bastante) + MÁS/MENOS + 'de' + Number ; e.g. más/menos de tres chicos det_cmp_deg_spec_numb := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM basic_comp_det_synsem & [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ HEAD adv & [ KEYS.KEY comp_degree_rel ], VAL [ SPR < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY basic_quant_degree_rel ] >, SPEC < [ LOCAL mrkd_np_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY _de_p_sel_rel, ALT2KEY card_q_rel ] ] ] > ] ], CONT.RELS ] ] ]. d_cmp_numb_más_le := det_cmp_deg_spec_numb & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _más_q_rel ]. d_cmp_numb_menos_le := det_cmp_deg_spec_numb & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED _menos_q_rel ]. ; --- 6.7. Relative determiners ; a)- "cuyo" (whose) ; - can only appear in restrictive and non-restrictive RCs ; - does nor agree with the antecedent (i.e. possessor), but the head of the NP (e.g. el autor cuya novela ; fue premiada estaba exultante) ; - only appears sólo puede aparecer al frente de SN determinados. Cuando el elemento poseído es indeterminado, ; es sustituido por un SP encabezado por "de" d_rel_cuyo_le := det_rel & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, RELS , HCONS ], NON-LOCAL.REL 1-dlist & [ LIST < [ LTOP #hand, INDEX #ind ] > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL.PRED proper_q_rel, ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ] ]. ; d_rel_cuanto_le := det_rel. ; ; ; --- 6.8. Interrogative determiners ; a)- qué (e.g. ¿qué libros has leído?) d_wh_que_le := det_que & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED que_q_rel ] ]. ; b)- cuál (e.g. ¿cuáles poemas de Neruda conoces?) d_wh_cual_le := det_que & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ RELS , HCONS ], LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED que_q_rel ] ]. ; c)- cuánto + Mass/Pl_N' ; e.g. ¿cuánto dinero te dieron? d_wh_cuanto_le := det_que & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.DIVISIBLE +, CAT.HEAD.KEYS [ KEY undef_q_rel, ALTKEY non_modable_rel ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #nind, RELS , HCONS ] ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL #altkey ] ]. ; --- 6.9. Exclamative determiners ; ; 'qué' + Sg/Pl_N' ; e.g. ; ; 'qué de' + Mass/Count_Pl N' ; e.g. ¡Qué de agua/casas! ; ; 'cuánto' ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 7. Numerals ; --- 7.1. Cardinals (Indef. Quantifiers/Pronoun) ; a)- determiners / indef. adjectives (Z) ; NOTE: !!! num + sust pueden formar una unidad inseparable, e.g. esas tristes dos pesetas, ; esas famosas tres tardes con Teresa ; e.g. (los) tres hermanos nu_card-det_le := det_quant_eval & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR.PNG.PN plur, CAT.VAL.SPR < > ], LKEYS.ALTKEYREL.PRED card_q_rel ] ]. ; b)- pronombres (Z) ; e.g. dame dos (de ésos/de esos libros), dos (de nosotros) comeremos sopa. ; dame esos/los dos nu_card-prn_le := norm_part_pron. ; c)-also pseudo-partitive nouns (Zd); e.g. decena, docena, veintena, treintena, ; centena, centenar, ciento, millar,... e.g. compró tres docenas (de (*los) huevos) ; --- 7.2. Ordinals (Adj. Qualitative) ; NOTA: los ordinales precedidos de 'lo' pueden desempeñar funciones típica de ; sustantivos (e.g. me propuso ir al cine o tomar una copa, y elegí lo segundo) y de ; adverbios (e.g. lo rechazaron por dos razones: lo primero, porque...; lo segundo, porque...) ; e.g. los/sus/estos/dos primeros pasos. *su segundo/el segundo suyo. ; NOTA: in the ERG there is the feature CARG to specify the numeral ;nu_ord-adj_le := inters-mod-adj & prd-lex-item & nonmodfied-adj-lex & a_intrans & norm-zero-arg. nu_ord-adj_le := inters-mod-adj & prd-lex-item & nonmodfied-adj-lex & a_intrans & norm-zero-arg. ; --- 7.3. Partitives ; a)- se combinan con cardinales; e.g. un tercio (de (los) alumnos) ; b)- card + ord + "parte"; e.g. dos terceras partes ; !!! also for percentage!!! nu_part-prn_le := n_part_le. ; c)- el sustantivo "mitad" puede dar lugar a una construcción comparativa ; e.g. la mitad (de (los) asistentes), gana la mitad (de dinero) (que su hermana) ; d)- el adjetivo medio se combina con cualquier sustantivo, incluso los sust. cardinales ; e.g. medio pollo, medio millar/centenar de personas. nu_part-adj_medio_le := inters-mod-adj & nonmodfied-adj-lex & a_intrans & norm-zero-arg & nonprd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.POSTHEAD - ]. ; --- 7.4. Multiplicative (doble, triple, duplo, triplo, cuádruplo) ; a)- quantitive reading (pronoun) ; e.g. comió el doble/triple (de pan) (que su hermana) ; es el doble de bueno (que yo) nu_mult-part_le := partitive_pron. ; b)- qualificative reading (adjective) ; e.g. tiene (una) doble personalidad/personalidad doble nu_mult-adj_le := inters-mod-adj & prd-lex-item & nonmodfied-adj-lex & a_intrans & norm-zero-arg. ; c)- adverbial reading ; e.g. tuvo que estudiar el triple, pagó doble ;nu_mult-adv_le := ; --- 7.5. Distributive ; - cardinal + 'de' + 'cada' + cardinal + N' (Zp) ; e.g. íbamos al cine tres de cada dos domingos nu_distrb-det_le := det_quant_indef & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.VAL.SPR < >, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED distr_numb_q_rel ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 8. Complementizers basic-comp-lex := uninflected-lexeme & basic-one-arg & norm-hook-lex-item & single-rel-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL local-min & [ COORD-STRAT zero, AGR.PNG.PN 3sg, CAT [ HEAD comp & [ INV - ], VAL [ COMPS #comps & < [ OPT -, LOCAL.CAT.VAL.CLTS < > ] >, SPR < > ] ] ] ], ARG-ST #comps, ALTS [ PASS -, PERM - ] ]. comp-lex := basic-comp-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD [ VFORM #vform, TAM #tam, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD +vc & [ VFORM #vform, TAM #tam, AUX -, KEYS.KEY #ckey ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ] >, CLTS < > ] ] ], LKEYS.--COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. comp_si := basic-comp-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS [ ALTKEY ques, ALT2KEY ques ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #event, LTOP #larg ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #event & [ SF prop-or-ques ], HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist, LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED verb_aspect_rel, ARG2 #harg ] ] ]. ; e.g. no sé si vendrá cmp_si_prop_fin_le := comp_si & comp-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ MC -, HEAD [ VFORM fin, KEYS.KEY verb_aspect_rel ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL v_fin_local ] > ] ]. ; e.g. no sé si ir cmp_si_vp-inf_le := comp_si & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT [ MC -, HEAD [ VFORM #vform, TAM #tam, KEYS.KEY verb_aspect_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, COMPS < [ LOCAL vp_inf_local & [ CAT [ HEAD [ AUX -, VFORM #vform, TAM #tam ], VAL [ SUBJ #subj, CLTS < > ] ] ] ] > , CLTS < > ] ] ]. ; e.g. no me gusta que a los toros te pongas la minifalda cmp_que_le := comp-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT [ MC -, HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM #tam, KEYS [ KEY verb_aspect_rel, ALTKEY prop, ALT2KEY #alt2key ] ], VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL s_or_cp_fin_local & [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.ALTKEY #alt2key, CONT.HOOK [ INDEX #event, LTOP #larg ] ] ] > ], CONT [ HOOK [ INDEX #event & [ E #tam, SF prop-or-ques ], LTOP #larg ], HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL [ PRED verb_aspect_rel, ARG2 #harg ] ] ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- 9. Conjunctions ; --- 9.1. Subordinating conjunctions basic-subconj-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT.VAL.COMPS #comps ], ARG-ST #comps ]. basic_subconj_synsem := lex-synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD adp & [ INV -, KEYS.KEY subord_rel, PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod & [ CAT [ MC #mc, HEAD verb, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #modltop ] ] > ], VAL.SUBJ < >, MC #mc ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX event, RELS.LIST < subord-relation & [ ARG1 #main ], ... >, HCONS.LIST < qeq & [ HARG #main, LARG #modltop ], ... > ] ] ]. subconj_lex_synsem := basic_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ VAL.SPR < > ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #ind & [ SF prop-or-ques ] ], RELS.LIST < [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #ind ], ... > ] ] ]. basic_onearg_subconj_synsem := subconj_lex_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ OPT -, LOCAL local & [ CAT [ HEAD +vc & [ MOD < > , KEYS.KEY #ckey ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist & [ LIST < > ], REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, CONT.RELS.LIST < #keyrel > ], LKEYS [ KEYREL #keyrel, --COMPKEY #ckey ] ]. subconj_s_synsem := basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.LTOP #cltop ] ] >, CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAl [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ]. subconj_inf_ctrl_synsem := basic_onearg_subconj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.XARG #ctrl ] >, VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM inf ], VAL [ SUBJ < [ LOCAL.CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ctrl ] >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #vpltop, XARG #ctrl ] ] ] > ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ] ]. ; e.g. aunque se disculpe, no volveré; mientras siga allí, no lo conseguirá; lo compré porque quise; sc_prop_fin_le := basic-subconj-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM subconj_s_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] > ] ] ]. ; NOTE: locative prep. and 'durante' can't take cp_prop_fin or vp_inf ; e.g. con que vengan, no arreglas nada (modal); no he vuelto desde que se fueron (tmp); no cejó hasta ; que lo consiguió (tmp); lo repito para que no te olvides (purpose); lo he aprendido sin que me hayan ; ayudado (mode) p_cp_prop_fin_le := basic-subconj-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM subconj_s_synsem & [ LOCAL.CAT [ VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD comp ] > ] ] ]. ; e.g. disparaban a matar (purpose), con no comer no arreglas nada (modal), no paró hasta conseguirlo ; (tmp), le llamó para quedar con él (purpose), enfermó por no comer (cause), trabaja sin cesar (mode), ; tras venderlo se arrepintió (tmp), p_vp_inf_le := basic-subconj-lex & basic-one-arg & [ SYNSEM subconj_inf_ctrl_synsem ]. ; --- 9.2. Coordinating conjunctions basic-coord-conj-lex := uninflected-lexeme & basic-one-arg & no-hcons-lex-item & [ CFORM string, SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < #comps & [ OPT - ] >, ARG-ST < #comps > ]. basic_coord-conj_synsem := lex-synsem & [ MODIFIED notmod, LOCAL.CAT [ HEAD conj & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, SPR < > ] ] ]. coord-conj-lex := basic-coord-conj-lex & single-rel-lex-item & [ SYNSEM basic_coord-conj_synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < >, KEYS.KEY #key ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & coordination-relation & [ PRED #key, LBL #ltop, C-ARG #index ] ] ]. ; nosem-conj-lex contributes no relation. Used in "omnisyndeton" coord. nosem-coord-conj-lex := basic-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM basic_coord-conj_synsem & [ LOCAL.CONT.RELS ] ]. ; -- multiple coordination: copulative (y, e) and disjunctive (o, u) cc_cop_y_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.COORD-STRAT one, LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _y_c_rel ] ]. cc_cop_e_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT one, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _y_c_rel ] ]. cc_disj_o_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _o_c_rel ]. cc_disj_u_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _o_c_rel ]. ; - exclusive disjuntion (e.g. o Juan o Marta traerán el regalo). El doble nexo es ; incompatible con imperativos, interrogativas y exclamativas cc_exclsv-disj_o_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _o_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _o_c_rel ] ] ]. cc_exclsv-disj_u_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _o_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _o_c_rel ] ] ]. ; - '(ni)...ni' (neither) - can't co-occur within a prepositional complement ; (no traje el libro ni para Juan ni para Pedro; *traje el libro para Juan ni Pedro, ; *no traje el libro para Juan ni Pedro, *no traje el libro para ni Juan ni Pedro) ; La posibilidad de omitir el primer 'ni' depende de la posición del sintagma: en ; posición preverbal no es posible, en posición postverbal sí. cc_cop_ni_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _ni_c_rel ]. cc_cop_ni-ni_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _ni_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _ni_c_rel ] ] ]. ; - 'sea...(o) sea' - can't co-occur in argumental complements (e.g. lo compraremos ; de todos modos, sea grande (o) sea pequeño; *el monstruo era sea grande (o) sea pequeño). cc_distr_sea_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _sea_c_rel ] ]. cc_distr_sea-sea_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _sea_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _sea_c_rel ] ] ]. cc_distr_osea-sea_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _sea_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _o_sea_c_rel ] ] ]. ; - '(o) bien...(o) bien' (e.g. el cartero recoge el correo (o) bien en la tarde ; (o) bien en la mañana) cc_disj_bien_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _bien_c_rel ] ]. cc_disj_bien-bien_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _bien_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _bien_c_rel ] ] ]. cc_disj_obien_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _o_bien_c_rel ] ]. cc_disj_obien-bien_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _bien_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _o_bien_c_rel ] ] ]. cc_disj_obien-obien_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _o_bien_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _o_bien_c_rel ] ] ]. ; - 'siquiera' (e.g. siquiera venga, siquiera no venga') ;cc_siquera-distr_le := coord-conj-lex & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, ; CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _siquera_c_rel ] ]. ; ;cc_siquera-siquera_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & ; [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, ; CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _siquera_c_rel >, ; KEYS.KEY _siquera_c_rel ] ] ]. ; - 'ora...ora' (e.g. tomando ora la espada, ora la pluma) cc_distr_ora_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _ora_c_rel ] ]. cc_distr_ora-ora_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _ora_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _ora_c_rel ] ] ]. ; -- complex conjunctions (tanto...como, no solo... sino, así como), may co-occur with the ; same categories as 'y' except with finite and non-finite main sentences (e.g. tanto el vino ; como la cerveza/no sólo el vino, sino la cerveza,/el vino, así como la cerveza, contienen alcohol; ; *tanto el padre trabaja como el hijo estudia); subordinated clauses may be coordinated ; (e.g. espero tanto que Ana estudie filología como que Rosa estudie veterinaria; espero que tanto ; Ana estudie filología como que/*que como Rosa estudie veterinaria) cc_corr_tanto_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _tanto_c_rel ]. cc_corr_como-tanto_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _tanto_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _como_c_rel ] ] ]. cc_corr_no-sólo_le := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _no_sólo_c_rel ] ]. cc_corr_sino-no+solo_le := nosem-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT two, CAT.HEAD [ LEFT < _no_sólo_c_rel >, KEYS.KEY _sino_c_rel ] ] ]. cc_corr_así-como_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.KEYS.KEY _así_como_c_rel ] ]. ; -- binary coordination/adversative conjunctions (pero, mas, aunque, sino) ; (e.g. el miércoles iremos a ver a Pepe, pero el jueves volveremos aquí (*,pero el viernes nos vamos)) advers-coord-conj-lex := coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL.COORD-STRAT zero ] > ]. ; - aunque/siquiera, pero, mas: do not co-occur with nouns unless the second one is negated ; (vino con mi hermano, pero/aunque/mas no con mi hermana), or the noun is modified (only ; with 'pero' (e.g. vimos conejos enormes, *aunque/pero liebres pequeñitas. cc_advers_aunque_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _aunque_c_rel ]. cc_advers_siquiera_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _siquiera_c_rel ]. cc_advers_siquier_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _siquier_c_rel ]. cc_advers_mas_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _mas_c_rel ]. cc_advers_pero_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _pero_c_rel ]. cc_advers_empero_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _empero_c_rel ]. ; - 'sino' exige la presencia de la negación (no recogímos a Rosa sino a Elena), no ; puede aparecer como sujeto (*no Rosa sino Ana vino) a menos que haya pausa ; (No Rosa, sino Ana vino). cc_advers_sino_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _sino_c_rel ]. cc_advers_sino_que_le := advers-coord-conj-lex & [ SYNSEM.LKEYS.KEYREL.PRED _sino_que_c_rel ]. ; -- Conjunciones atípicas ; - tras (after): desfilaron niño tras niño, un invitado tras otro dejaron sus regalos sobre la mesa, ; *vinieron niño tras perro - Los SSNN deben ser del mimo tipo. #| ; Different since it sets DIV to +, to get e.g. ; 'chair after chair arrived.' c_xp_after_le := basic_conj_complex_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ AGR [ PNG.PN #pn, DIV + ], CAT.VAL.COMPS < [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD noun, VAL.SPR < synsem > ], AGR.PNG.PN #pn ] ] >, CONJ lex-conj & [ CHEAD.LEFT < cnil, cnil > ], CONT.RELS ], LKEYS.KEYREL conj_relation ] ]. |# #| et_conj_lexent := word_or_lexrule & [ INFLECTD +, POSSCL -, SYNSEM synsem & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY norm_rel, VAL.COMPS < > ], CONJ phr-conj & [ CHEAD.LEFT < cnil, cnil > ], AGR.PNG png & [ PN 3pl ], CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #chand, INDEX #cind ], RELS , HCONS ] ], PUNCT [ LPUNCT comma_or_no_punct, RPUNCT no_punct ] ] ]. ; Similarly for "Kim hired everyone except:" where the colon affix would ; stamp PAIRED no_ppair, but we want it in PNCTPR since this odd "except" ; is acting like a head-marker phrase. c_-_except_le := et_conj_lexent & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD n_or_p, CONT.RELS ], PUNCT.PNCTPR ppair ] ]. |# ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- punctuations punct-synsem := lex-synsem & norm-zero-arg & [ LOCAL [ COORD-STRAT zero, CAT [ MC na, HEAD head-punct & [ PUNCTUATION basic_punct_mark ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < >, SPR < >, CLTS < > ] ], CONT [ RELS , HCONS ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ]. punct-lex := uninflected-lexeme & [ SYNSEM punct-synsem ]. pnct_fc_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION comma_punct ]. pnct_fp_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION clause_punct ]. pnct_fx_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION semicol_punct ]. pnct_fd_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION 2dots_punct ]. pnct_fs_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION 3dots_punct ]. pnct_fia_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION qm_op_punct ]. pnct_fit_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION qm_cl_punct ]. pnct_faa_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION em_op_punct ]. pnct_fat_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION em_cl_punct]. pnct_fpa_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION bracket_op_punct ]. pnct_fpt_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION bracket_cl_punct ]. pnct_frc_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION frc_punct ]. pnct_fra_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION fra_punct ]. pnct_fe_le := punct-lex & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PUNCTUATION fe_punct ]. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; --- Lexical types ; --- inflected vs. uninflected uninflected-lexeme := lex-item & [ INFLECTED -, SYNSEM [ PUNCT no_punctuation, LOCAL [ COORD - ] ] ]. fully-inflected-lexeme := lex-item & [ INFLECTED +, SYNSEM [ PUNCT no_punctuation, LOCAL [ COORD - ] ] ]. ; --- predicative vs. non-predicative nonprd-lex-item := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD non-predicative ]. prd-lex-item := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD predicative ]. indiv-prd-lex-item := prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD.COPULA ser ]. epis-prd-lex-item := prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD.COPULA estar ]. indiv_and_epis-prd-lex-item := prd-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.PRD.COPULA ser_and_estar ]. ; --- CONT feature values norm-hook-lex-item := lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CONT [ HOOK [ LTOP #ltop, INDEX #index ], RELS.LIST.FIRST #keyrel ], LKEYS.KEYREL #keyrel & [ LBL #ltop, ARG0 #index ] ] ]. single-rel-lex-item := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.RELS ]. no-hcons-lex-item := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CONT.HCONS ]. ; most lexical items contribute only one relation, and have empty HCONS values. norm-sem-lex-item := norm-hook-lex-item & single-rel-lex-item & no-hcons-lex-item. ; --- modifiers vs no-modifiers no-mod-lex := no-hcons-lex-item & [ SYNSEM.LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < > ]. scopal-mod-lex := lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL [ CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL scopal-mod & [ CONT.HOOK [ LTOP #larg, INDEX #index ] ] ] >, CONT [ HOOK.INDEX #index, HCONS ] ], LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #harg ] ]. intersective-mod-lex := no-hcons-lex-item & [ SYNSEM [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CONT.HOOK.INDEX #ind ] ] >, LKEYS.KEYREL.ARG1 #ind ] ]. ; --- NON-LOCAL feature values and amalgamation ; basic_zero_arg lexical items have empty ARG-ST lists. They may ; introduce a non-empty value for one of the non-local features. basic-zero-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < > ]. zero-arg-nonslash := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.SLASH 0-dlist ]. zero-arg-nonrel := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.REL 0-dlist ]. zero-arg-nonque := lex-item & [ SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL.QUE 0-dlist ]. ; Non-argument taking items which introduce no non-local values. norm-zero-arg := basic-zero-arg & zero-arg-nonslash & zero-arg-nonrel & zero-arg-nonque. ; Non-argument taking items introducing a rel value. zero-arg-rel := basic-zero-arg & zero-arg-nonslash & zero-arg-nonque. ; Non-argument taking items introducing a que value. zero-arg-que := basic-zero-arg & zero-arg-nonslash & zero-arg-nonrel. ; Non-argument taking items introducing a slash value, ; e.g., resumptive pronouns in French. zero-arg-slash := basic-zero-arg & zero-arg-nonrel & zero-arg-nonque. ; These non-zero argument types only amalgamate the non-local ; feature values of their complements. They do not introduce any ; non-local values of their own, nor do they bind off any non-local ; feature values. This assumes that the bottom of most long-distance ; dependencies is handled by a rule that constrains an argument ; (either on the ARG-ST list or a valence list) to be a synsem of ; type gap. Elements like English tough adjectives which bind off a ; slash value will need a new type that doesn't amalgamate that slash ; value. Elements which both introduce REL or QUE values and take one ; or more arguments will require appropriate new types as well, which ; amalgamate everything but add a value in addition. basic-one-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH #slash, REL #rel, QUE #que ] ] >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH #slash, REL #rel, QUE #que ] ]. o_rais-one-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < synsem >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ]. basic-two-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle, LAST #qlast ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rmiddle ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle ] ] ] >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. cc-two-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle, LAST #qlast ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rmiddle ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle ] ] ],... >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. o_rais-two-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH #slash, REL #rel, QUE #que ] ], synsem >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH #slash, REL #rel, QUE #que ] ]. basic-three-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle2, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle2, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle2, LAST #qlast ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle1 ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rmiddle1 ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle1 ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle1, LAST #smiddle2 ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle1, LAST #rmiddle2 ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle1, LAST #qmiddle2 ] ] ] >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. cc-three-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle, LAST #qlast ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #middle, LAST #last ], REL [ LIST #middle, LAST #last ], QUE [ LIST #middle, LAST #last ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rmiddle ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle ] ] ] >, SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. basic-four-arg := lex-item & [ ARG-ST < [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle3, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle3, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle3, LAST #qlast ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #smiddle1 ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rmiddle1 ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qmiddle1 ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle1, LAST #smiddle2 ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle1, LAST #rmiddle2 ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle1, LAST #qmiddle2 ] ] ], [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #smiddle2, LAST #smiddle3 ], REL [ LIST #rmiddle2, LAST #rmiddle3 ], QUE [ LIST #qmiddle2, LAST #qmiddle3 ] ] ] > , SYNSEM.NON-LOCAL [ SLASH [ LIST #sfirst, LAST #slast ], REL [ LIST #rfirst, LAST #rlast ], QUE [ LIST #qfirst, LAST #qlast ] ] ]. ; --- Subcategorization types np_local := local & [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD +np, VAL [ SPR < >, SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ] ]. np_nom_local := np_local & [ COORD -, CAT.HEAD noun & [ CASE nom, KEYS [ KEY nom_rel, ALTKEY quant_or_wh_rel ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind ]. ; llevan el marcador "a": ; - sust. individualizados (busco a María/al ayudante/ayudante), ; - pron. tónicos referidos a personas (me miró a mí, no espero a nadie, a quién buscas), ; - sust. personificados (temo a la muerte) ; - casos ambiguos (honra el trabajo la persona -> honra el trabajo a la persona/ ; al trabajo la persona). ; - los verbos con sujeto animado (este abogado escondió a muchos prisioneros ; esta montaña escondió muchos prisioneros) ; los verbos ditrans no llevan el marcador (presenté mi novia a mis padres) ; clitic doubling obligatory when the DO is realized by a strong personal pron ; (a mí me golpearon/*a mí golpearon) np_acc_local := np_local & [ COORD -, CAT.HEAD [ CASE acc_or_obl, KEYS.KEY a_sel_or_indp_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind ]. np_acc_unmrkd_local := np_acc_local & [ COORD -, CAT.HEAD noun & [ CASE acc, KEYS.KEY independent_rel ] ]. dative_local := np_local & [ COORD -, CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < >, KEYS.KEY _a_p_sel_rel ], VAL [ SPR <>, SUBJ <>, COMPS <> ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX ref-ind & [ SORT hum_soc ] ]. mrkd_np_local := local & [ COORD -, CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp & [ TAM.TENSE nontense, PRD non-predicative, MOD <>, CASE obl, KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX index ]. mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local := local & [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD +pc & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD <>, CASE obl ], VAL [ COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX event & [ SF prop-or-ques ] ] . mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_fin_local := mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & [ CAT [ HEAD.KEYS.KEY selected_or_independent_rel, VAL.SUBJ < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ SF prop, E [ TENSE tense, MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ] ] ]. mrkd_cp_semi_ques_fin_local := mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & [ CAT [ HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], VAL.SUBJ < > ], CONT [ HOOK.INDEX.E [ TENSE tense, MOOD ind ] ] ]. mrkd_cp_prop_fin_local := mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & [ CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ E [ TENSE tense, MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ], SF prop ] ]. mrkd_cp_prop_inf_local := mrkd_or_unmrkd_cp_prop_or_ques_local & [ CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY selected_rel ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX [ SF prop, E [ TENSE nontense, ASPECT no-aspect ] ] ]. lcomp_local := intersective-mod & [ COORD -, CAT [ HEAD prep_or_modnp & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < [ LOCAL.CAT.HEAD verb ] >, TAM [ TENSE nontense, ASPECT no-aspect ], KEYS.KEY prep_mod_rel, CASE obl ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ]. pp_local := lcomp_local & [ CAT.HEAD adp & [ KEYS.KEY prep_rel ] ]. v_local := local & [ CAT [ HEAD +vc & [ MOD < > ], VAL.SPR < > ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX event ]. v_fin_local := v_local & [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin ], VAL.COMPS < > ] ]. vp_local := v_local & [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < > ] ]. vp_inf_local := vp_local & [ CAT.HEAD verb & [ PRD non-predicative, VFORM inf, TAM [ TENSE nontense, ASPECT no-aspect ] ] ]. vp_ger_local := vp_local & [ CAT [ HEAD verb & [ VFORM ger ], VAL.CLTS < > ] ]. vp_fin_local := vp_local & [ CAT.HEAD verb & [ VFORM fin ] ]. s_local := v_local & [ CAT.VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ]. s_or_cp_fin_local := s_local & [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM fin ]. s_inf_local := s_local & [ CAT.HEAD verb & [ VFORM inf ] ]. cp_local := s_local & [ CAT.HEAD comp ]. cp_inf_local := cp_local & [ CAT.HEAD.VFORM inf ]. cp_fin_local := cp_local & [ CAT.HEAD [ VFORM fin, TAM.MOOD ind_or_sub_mood ] ]. prd_local := local & [ COORD -, CAT [ MC na, HEAD.MOD < [ LOCAL intersective-mod & [ CAT.HEAD noun ] ] >, VAL.COMPS < > ] ]. ap_local := local & [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD adj & [ PRD predicative ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < > ] ] ]. mrkd_ap_local := local & [ CAT [ MC na, HEAD adp & [ PRD predicative, KEYS [ KEY selected_rel, ALTKEY basic_adj_rel ] ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ], CONT.HOOK.INDEX index ]. v_cat := cat & [ HEAD verb & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, SPR < > ] ]. vp_cat := cat & [ HEAD verb & [ MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < synsem & [ NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ] >, COMPS < >, SPR < > ] ]. affix-synsem := non-canonical & [ LOCAL [ CAT [ HEAD affix & [ PRD non-predicative, MOD < > ], VAL [ SUBJ < >, COMPS < >, SPEC < >, SPR < >, CLTS < > ] ] ], NON-LOCAL [ SLASH 0-dlist, REL 0-dlist, QUE 0-dlist ] ]. transitive_verb_synsem := lex-synsem.