" NorGram --- The ParGram LFG Implementation of Norwegian Copyright (c) 1999 -- 2007 Helge Dyvik (helge.dyvik@lili.uib.no) Copyright (c) 1999 -- 2007 Victoria Rosén (victoria@uib.no) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. " BOKMAL NORSK LEXICON (1.0) à` jour ADV * @(ADVERB à` jour à` jour); ETC. à` la` carte ADV * @(ADVERB à` la` carte à` la` carte); ETC. à` la` carte-servering N * @(COUNTNOUN à` la` carte-servering à` la` carte-servering); ETC. à` la` grecque ADV * @(ADVERB à` la` grecque à` la` grecque); ETC. à` la` mode ADV * @(ADVERB à` la` mode à` la` mode); ETC. Basedows` sjukdom N * @(COUNTNOUN Basedows` sjukdom Basedows` sjukdom); ETC. Basedows` sykdom N * @(COUNTNOUN Basedows` sykdom Basedows` sykdom); ETC. Downs` syndrom N * @(COUNTNOUN Downs` syndrom Downs` syndrom); ETC. Parkinsons` sjukdom N * @(COUNTNOUN Parkinsons` sjukdom Parkinsons` sjukdom); ETC. Parkinsons` sykdom N * @(COUNTNOUN Parkinsons` sykdom Parkinsons` sykdom); ETC. Sankt` Elms` eld N * @(COUNTNOUN Sankt` Elms` eld Sankt` Elms` eld); ETC. Sankt` Elms` ild N * @(COUNTNOUN Sankt` Elms` ild Sankt` Elms` ild); ETC. a` cappella ADV * @(ADVERB a` cappella a` cappella); ETC. a` cappella-kor N * @(COUNTNOUN a` cappella-kor a` cappella-kor); ETC. a` cappella-sang N * @(COUNTNOUN a` cappella-sang a` cappella-sang); ETC. a` conto ADV * @(ADVERB a` conto a` conto); ETC. a` konto ADV * @(ADVERB a` konto a` konto); ETC. a` konto-betaling N * @(COUNTNOUN a` konto-betaling a` konto-betaling); ETC. a` posteriori ADV * @(ADVERB a` posteriori a` posteriori); ETC. a` prima` vista ADV * @(ADVERB a` prima` vista a` prima` vista); ETC. a` priori ADV * @(ADVERB a` priori a` priori); ETC. a` tempo ADV * @(ADVERB a` tempo a` tempo); ETC. a` verbo ADV * @(ADVERB a` verbo a` verbo); ETC. a` viso ADV * @(ADVERB a` viso a` viso); ETC. a` vista ADV * @(ADVERB a` vista a` vista); ETC. abortus` provocatus N * @(COUNTNOUN abortus` provocatus abortus` provocatus); ETC. accent` aigu N * @(COUNTNOUN accent` aigu accent` aigu); ETC. accent` circonflexe N * @(COUNTNOUN accent` circonflexe accent` circonflexe); ETC. accent` grave N * @(COUNTNOUN accent` grave accent` grave); ETC. ad` absurdum ADV * @(ADVERB ad` absurdum ad` absurdum); ETC. ad` acta ADV * @(ADVERB ad` acta ad` acta); ETC. ad` hoc ADV * @(ADVERB ad` hoc ad` hoc); ETC. ad` hoc-definisjon N * @(COUNTNOUN ad` hoc-definisjon ad` hoc-definisjon); ETC. ad` hoc-komité N * @(COUNTNOUN ad` hoc-komité ad` hoc-komité); ETC. ad` infinitum ADV * @(ADVERB ad` infinitum ad` infinitum); ETC. ad` notam ADV * @(ADVERB ad` notam ad` notam); ETC. ad` undas ADV * @(ADVERB ad` undas ad` undas); ETC. agnus` Dei N * @(COUNTNOUN agnus` Dei agnus` Dei); ETC. al` fresco ADV * @(ADVERB al` fresco al` fresco); ETC. al` secco ADV * @(ADVERB al` secco al` secco); ETC. alders` tid N * @(COUNTNOUN alders` tid alders` tid); ETC. all` right A * @(ADJECTIVE all` right all` right); ETC. all` round A * @(ADJECTIVE all` round all` round); ETC. all` round-klasse N * @(COUNTNOUN all` round-klasse all` round-klasse); ETC. all` round-løper N * @(COUNTNOUN all` round-løper all` round-løper); ETC. all` slags A * @(ADJECTIVE all` slags all` slags); ETC. alle` sjelers` dag N * @(COUNTNOUN alle` sjelers` dag alle` sjelers` dag); ETC. alle` vegne ADV * @(ADVERB alle` vegne alle` vegne); ETC. alma` mater N * @(COUNTNOUN alma` mater alma` mater); ETC. alter` ego N * @(COUNTNOUN alter` ego alter` ego); ETC. angina` pectoris N * @(COUNTNOUN angina` pectoris angina` pectoris); ETC. anorexia` nervosa N * @(COUNTNOUN anorexia` nervosa anorexia` nervosa); ETC. art` nouveau N * @(COUNTNOUN art` nouveau art` nouveau); ETC. au` pair N * @(COUNTNOUN au` pair au` pair); ETC. au` pair-arbeid N * @(COUNTNOUN au` pair-arbeid au` pair-arbeid); ETC. au` pair-jente N * @(COUNTNOUN au` pair-jente au` pair-jente); ETC. av` dage ADV * @(ADVERB av` dage av` dage); ETC. av` garde ADV * @(ADVERB av` garde av` garde); ETC. av` gårde ADV * @(ADVERB av` gårde av` gårde); ETC. av` lage ADV * @(ADVERB av` lage av` lage); ETC. av` sted ADV * @(ADVERB av` sted av` sted); ETC. av` syne ADV * @(ADVERB av` syne av` syne); ETC. av` vegen ADV * @(ADVERB av` vegen av` vegen); ETC. av` veien ADV * @(ADVERB av` veien av` veien); ETC. beint` fram ADV * @(ADVERB bent` frem bent` frem); ETC. bel` canto N * @(COUNTNOUN bel` canto bel` canto); ETC. bent` fram ADV * @(ADVERB bent` frem bent` frem); ETC. bent` frem ADV * @(ADVERB bent` frem bent` frem); ETC. bona` fide ADV * @(ADVERB bona` fide bona` fide); ETC. bossa` nova N * @(COUNTNOUN bossa` nova bossa` nova); ETC. carte` blanche N * @(COUNTNOUN carte` blanche carte` blanche); ETC. case` study N * @(COUNTNOUN case` study case` study); ETC. cash` and` carry N * @(COUNTNOUN cash` and` carry cash` and` carry); ETC. cerebral` parese N * @(COUNTNOUN cerebral` parese cerebral` parese); ETC. cerebral` parese-pasient N * @(COUNTNOUN cerebral` parese-pasient cerebral` parese-pasient); ETC. cerebral` parese-ramma A * @(ADJECTIVE cerebral` parese-ramma cerebral` parese-ramma); ETC. cerebral` parese-rammet A * @(ADJECTIVE cerebral` parese-rammet cerebral` parese-rammet); ETC. chargé` d'affaires N * @(COUNTNOUN chargé` d'affaires chargé` d'affaires); ETC. close` race N * @(COUNTNOUN close` race close` race); ETC. cocker` spaniel N * @(COUNTNOUN cocker` spaniel cocker` spaniel); ETC. coitus` interruptus N * @(COUNTNOUN coitus` interruptus coitus` interruptus); ETC. columbi` egg N * @(COUNTNOUN columbi` egg columbi` egg); ETC. comme` il` faut ADV * @(ADVERB comme` il` faut comme` il` faut); ETC. commedia` dell'arte N * @(COUNTNOUN commedia` dell'arte commedia` dell'arte); ETC. corps` de` ballet N * @(COUNTNOUN corps` de` ballet corps` de` ballet); ETC. corps` diplomatique N * @(COUNTNOUN corps` diplomatique corps` diplomatique); ETC. cottage` cheese N * @(COUNTNOUN cottage` cheese cottage` cheese); ETC. country` and` western N * @(COUNTNOUN country` and` western country` and` western); ETC. cover` charge N * @(COUNTNOUN cover` charge cover` charge); ETC. crème` de` la` crème N * @(COUNTNOUN crème` de` la` crème crème` de` la` crème); ETC. crêpe` de` chine N * @(COUNTNOUN crêpe` de` chine crêpe` de` chine); ETC. crêpe` georgette N * @(COUNTNOUN crêpe` georgette crêpe` georgette); ETC. déjà` vu N * @(COUNTNOUN déjà` vu déjà` vu); ETC. da` capo N * @(COUNTNOUN da` capo da` capo); ETC. dark` horse N * @(COUNTNOUN dark` horse dark` horse); ETC. de` facto ADV * @(ADVERB de` facto de` facto); ETC. de` jure ADV * @(ADVERB de` jure de` jure); ETC. de` luxe N * @(COUNTNOUN de` luxe de` luxe); ETC. de` luxe-modell N * @(COUNTNOUN de` luxe-modell de` luxe-modell); ETC. de` luxe-utgave N * @(COUNTNOUN de` luxe-utgave de` luxe-utgave); ETC. delirium` tremens N * @(COUNTNOUN delirium` tremens delirium` tremens); ETC. den` gang ADV * @(ADVERB den` gang den` gang); ETC. den` slags A * @(ADJECTIVE den` slags den` slags); ETC. der` borte ADV * @(ADVERB der` borte der` borte); ETC. der` hen ADV * @(ADVERB der` hen der` hen); ETC. der` inne ADV * @(ADVERB der` inne der` inne); ETC. der` nede ADV * @(ADVERB der` nede der` nede); ETC. der` oppe ADV * @(ADVERB der` oppe der` oppe); ETC. der` ute ADV * @(ADVERB der` ute der` ute); ETC. desktop` publishing N * @(COUNTNOUN desktop` publishing desktop` publishing); ETC. deus` ex` machina N * @(COUNTNOUN deus` ex` machina deus` ex` machina); ETC. displaced` person N * @(COUNTNOUN displaced` person displaced` person); ETC. dit` hen ADV * @(ADVERB dit` hen dit` hen); ETC. ditt` og` datt N * @(COUNTNOUN ditt` og` datt ditt` og` datt); ETC. ditten` og` datten N * @(COUNTNOUN ditten` og` datten ditten` og` datten); ETC. doctor` honoris` causa N * @(COUNTNOUN doctor` honoris` causa doctor` honoris` causa); ETC. dolce` far` niente N * @(COUNTNOUN dolce` far` niente dolce` far` niente); ETC. don` juan N * @(COUNTNOUN don` juan don` juan); ETC. duc` d'albe N * @(COUNTNOUN duc` d'albe duc` d'albe); ETC. eau` de` cologne N * @(COUNTNOUN eau` de` cologne eau` de` cologne); ETC. eau` de` vie N * @(COUNTNOUN eau` de` vie eau` de` vie); ETC. en` bloc ADV * @(ADVERB en` bloc en` bloc); ETC. en` detail ADV * @(ADVERB en` detail en` detail); ETC. en` face ADV * @(ADVERB en` face en` face); ETC. en` gros ADV * @(ADVERB en` gros en` gros); ETC. en` masse ADV * @(ADVERB en` masse en` masse); ETC. en` passant ADV * @(ADVERB en` passant en` passant); ETC. en` profil ADV * @(ADVERB en` profil en` profil); ETC. en` suite ADV * @(ADVERB en` suite en` suite); ETC. en` vogue A * @(ADJECTIVE en` vogue en` vogue); ETC. ende` fram ADV * @(ADVERB ende` fram ende` fram); ETC. ende` frem ADV * @(ADVERB ende` frem ende` frem); ETC. enfant` terrible N * @(COUNTNOUN enfant` terrible enfant` terrible); ETC. enn` si ADV * @(ADVERB enn` si enn` si); ETC. enn` videre ADV * @(ADVERB enn` videre enn` videre); ETC. enn` ytterligere ADV * @(ADVERB enn` ytterligere enn` ytterligere); ETC. eo` ipso ADV * @(ADVERB eo` ipso eo` ipso); ETC. epiteton` ornans N * @(COUNTNOUN epiteton` ornans epiteton` ornans); ETC. et` cetera ADV * @(ADVERB et` cetera et` cetera); ETC. ex` animo ADV * @(ADVERB ex` animo ex` animo); ETC. ex` auditorio ADV * @(ADVERB ex` auditorio ex` auditorio); ETC. ex` cathedra ADV * @(ADVERB ex` cathedra ex` cathedra); ETC. ex` libris N * @(COUNTNOUN ex` libris ex` libris); ETC. ex` officio ADV * @(ADVERB ex` officio ex` officio); ETC. examen` artium N * @(COUNTNOUN examen` artium examen` artium); ETC. examen` philosophicum N * @(COUNTNOUN examen` philosophicum examen` philosophicum); ETC. fait` accompli N * @(COUNTNOUN fait` accompli fait` accompli); ETC. femme` fatale N * @(COUNTNOUN femme` fatale femme` fatale); ETC. fighting` spirit N * @(COUNTNOUN fighting` spirit fighting` spirit); ETC. fin` de` siècle N * @(COUNTNOUN fin` de` siècle fin` de` siècle); ETC. flygende` tallerken N * @(COUNTNOUN flygende` tallerken flygende` tallerken); ETC. flying` start N * @(COUNTNOUN flying` start flying` start); ETC. for` hånden ADV * @(ADVERB for` hånden for` hånden); ETC. for` lengst ADV * @(ADVERB for` lengst for` lengst); ETC. for` resten ADV * @(ADVERB for` resten for` resten); ETC. for` så` vidt ADV * @(ADVERB for` så` vidt for` så` vidt); ETC. for` tida ADV * @(ADVERB for` tida for` tida); ETC. for` tiden ADV * @(ADVERB for` tiden for` tiden); ETC. for` visst ADV * @(ADVERB for` visst for` visst); ETC. for` øvrig ADV * @(ADVERB forøvrig forøvrig); ETC. force` majeure N * @(COUNTNOUN force` majeure force` majeure); ETC. fra` borde ADV * @(ADVERB fra` borde fra` borde); ETC. free` on` board ADV * @(ADVERB free` on` board free` on` board); ETC. free` on` rail ADV * @(ADVERB free` on` rail free` on` rail); ETC. frå` borde ADV * @(ADVERB frå` borde frå` borde); ETC. futurum` exactum N * @(COUNTNOUN futurum` exactum futurum` exactum); ETC. gefundenes` fressen N * @(COUNTNOUN gefundenes` fressen gefundenes` fressen); ETC. gentlemen's` agreement N * @(COUNTNOUN gentlemen's` agreement gentlemen's` agreement); ETC. golden` retriever N * @(COUNTNOUN golden` retriever golden` retriever); ETC. grand` danois N * @(COUNTNOUN grand` danois grand` danois); ETC. grand` mal N * @(COUNTNOUN grand` mal grand` mal); ETC. grand` old` man N * @(COUNTNOUN grand` old` man grand` old` man); ETC. grand` prix N * @(COUNTNOUN grand` prix grand` prix); ETC. grand` prix-melodi N * @(COUNTNOUN grand` prix-melodi grand` prix-melodi); ETC. grand` prix-vinner N * @(COUNTNOUN grand` prix-vinner grand` prix-vinner); ETC. gud` skje` lov ADV * @(ADVERB gud` skje` lov gud` skje` lov); ETC. går` kveld N * @(COUNTNOUN går` kveld går` kveld); ETC. går` morges N * @(COUNTNOUN går` morges går` morges); ETC. går` natt N * @(COUNTNOUN går` natt går` natt); ETC. hang` glider N * @(COUNTNOUN hang` glider hang` glider); ETC. hang` gliding N * @(COUNTNOUN hang` gliding hang` gliding); ETC. happy` end N * @(COUNTNOUN happy` end happy` end); ETC. happy` ending N * @(COUNTNOUN happy` ending happy` ending); ETC. hat` trick N * @(COUNTNOUN hat` trick hat` trick); ETC. haute` couture N * @(COUNTNOUN haute` couture haute` couture); ETC. heim` att ADV * @(ADVERB heim` att heim` att); ETC. helse-` og` velferdssentral N * @(COUNTNOUN helse-` og` velferdssentral helse-` og` velferdssentral); ETC. high` fidelity N * @(COUNTNOUN high` fidelity high` fidelity); ETC. hjerte-` og` karsjukdom N * @(COUNTNOUN hjerte-` og` karsjukdom hjerte-` og` karsjukdom); ETC. hjerte-` og` karsykdom N * @(COUNTNOUN hjerte-` og` karsykdom hjerte-` og` karsykdom); ETC. hold` up N * @(COUNTNOUN hold` up hold` up); ETC. homo` sapiens N * @(COUNTNOUN homo` sapiens homo` sapiens); ETC. honoris` causa ADV * @(ADVERB honoris` causa honoris` causa); ETC. hors` d'oeuvre N * @(COUNTNOUN hors` d'oeuvre hors` d'oeuvre); ETC. hundre` og` én N * @(COUNTNOUN hundre` og` én hundre` og` én); ETC. hvor` hen ADV * @(ADVERB hvor` hen hvor` hen); ETC. i` aften ADV * @(ADVERB i` aften i` aften); ETC. i` aftes ADV * @(ADVERB i` aftes i` aftes); ETC. i` alle` fall ADV * @(ADVERB i` alle` fall i` alle` fall); ETC. i` dag ADV * @(ADVERB i` dag i` dag); ETC. i` fjor ADV * @(ADVERB i` fjor i` fjor); ETC. i` fleng ADV * @(ADVERB i` fleng i` fleng); ETC. i` forfjor ADV * @(ADVERB i` forfjor i` forfjor); ETC. i` forgårs ADV * @(ADVERB i` forgårs i` forgårs); ETC. i` gjerde ADV * @(ADVERB i` gjerde i` gjerde); ETC. i` gjære ADV * @(ADVERB i` gjære i` gjære); ETC. i` grunnen ADV * @(ADVERB i` grunnen i` grunnen); ETC. i` går ADV * @(ADVERB i` går i` går); ETC. i` går` kveld ADV * @(ADVERB i` går` kveld i` går` kveld); ETC. i` hel ADV * @(ADVERB i` hel i` hel); ETC. i` hende ADV * @(ADVERB i` hende i` hende); ETC. i` hjel ADV * @(ADVERB i` hjel i` hjel); ETC. i` hop ADV * @(ADVERB i` hop i` hop); ETC. i` hug ADV * @(ADVERB i` hug i` hug); ETC. i` huleste ADV * @(ADVERB i` huleste i` huleste); ETC. i` hvert` fall ADV * @(ADVERB i` hvert` fall i` hvert` fall); ETC. i` koll ADV * @(ADVERB i` koll i` koll); ETC. i` kraft ADV * @(ADVERB i` kraft i` kraft); ETC. i` kveld ADV * @(ADVERB i` kveld i` kveld); ETC. i` lag ADV * @(ADVERB i` lag i` lag); ETC. i` land ADV * @(ADVERB i` land i` land); ETC. i` like` måte ADV * @(ADVERB i` like` måte i` like` måte); ETC. i` live ADV * @(ADVERB i` live i` live); ETC. i` mak ADV * @(ADVERB i` mak i` mak); ETC. i` mellomtida ADV * @(ADVERB i` mellomtida i` mellomtida); ETC. i` mellomtiden ADV * @(ADVERB i` mellomtiden i` mellomtiden); ETC. i` mente ADV * @(ADVERB i` mente i` mente); ETC. i` miss ADV * @(ADVERB i` miss i` miss); ETC. i` mist ADV * @(ADVERB i` mist i` mist); ETC. i` morgen ADV * @(ADVERB i` morgen i` morgen); ETC. i` morges ADV * @(ADVERB i` morges i` morges); ETC. i` møte ADV * @(ADVERB i` møte i` møte); ETC. i` natt ADV * @(ADVERB i` natt i` natt); ETC. i` overmorgen ADV * @(ADVERB i` overmorgen i` overmorgen); ETC. i` rette ADV * @(ADVERB i` rette i` rette); ETC. i` sammen ADV * @(ADVERB i` sammen i` sammen); ETC. i` senn ADV * @(ADVERB i` senn i` senn); ETC. i` sinne ADV * @(ADVERB i` sinne i` sinne); ETC. i` stad ADV * @(ADVERB i` sted i` sted); ETC. i` stand ADV * @(ADVERB i` stand i` stand); ETC. i` sted ADV * @(ADVERB i` sted i` sted); ETC. i` stedet ADV * @(ADVERB i` stedet i` stedet); ETC. i` stykker ADV * @(ADVERB i` stykker i` stykker); ETC. i` stå ADV * @(ADVERB i` stå i` stå); ETC. i` sund ADV * @(ADVERB i` sund i` sund); ETC. i` svime ADV * @(ADVERB i` svime i` svime); ETC. i` så` fall ADV * @(ADVERB i` så` fall i` så` fall); ETC. i` så` måte ADV * @(ADVERB i` så` måte i` så` måte); ETC. i` søvne ADV * @(ADVERB i` søvne i` søvne); ETC. i` tide ADV * @(ADVERB i` tide i` tide); ETC. i` tilfelle ADV * @(ADVERB i` tilfelle i` tilfelle); ETC. i` tu ADV * @(ADVERB i` tu i` tu); ETC. i` utide ADV * @(ADVERB i` utide i` utide); ETC. i` vare ADV * @(ADVERB i` vare i` vare); ETC. i` veg ADV * @(ADVERB i` veg i` veg); ETC. i` vei ADV * @(ADVERB i` vei i` vei); ETC. i` vente ADV * @(ADVERB i` vente i` vente); ETC. i` verk ADV * @(ADVERB i` verk i` verk); ETC. i` år ADV * @(ADVERB i` år i` år); ETC. id` est ADV * @(ADVERB id` est id` est); ETC. in` absentia ADV * @(ADVERB in` absentia in` absentia); ETC. in` absurdum ADV * @(ADVERB in` absurdum in` absurdum); ETC. in` blanko ADV * @(ADVERB in` blanko in` blanko); ETC. in` casu ADV * @(ADVERB in` casu in` casu); ETC. in` contumaciam ADV * @(ADVERB in` contumaciam in` contumaciam); ETC. in` corpore ADV * @(ADVERB in` corpore in` corpore); ETC. in` duplo ADV * @(ADVERB in` duplo in` duplo); ETC. in` extenso ADV * @(ADVERB in` extenso in` extenso); ETC. in` flagranti ADV * @(ADVERB in` flagranti in` flagranti); ETC. in` honorem ADV * @(ADVERB in` honorem in` honorem); ETC. in` medias` res ADV * @(ADVERB in` medias` res in` medias` res); ETC. in` memoriam ADV * @(ADVERB in` memoriam in` memoriam); ETC. in` mente ADV * @(ADVERB in` mente in` mente); ETC. in` natura ADV * @(ADVERB in` natura in` natura); ETC. in` nuce ADV * @(ADVERB in` nuce in` nuce); ETC. in` persona ADV * @(ADVERB in` persona in` persona); ETC. in` quarto ADV * @(ADVERB in` quarto in` quarto); ETC. in` saldo ADV * @(ADVERB in` saldo in` saldo); ETC. in` salvo ADV * @(ADVERB in` salvo in` salvo); ETC. in` situ ADV * @(ADVERB in` situ in` situ); ETC. in` solidum ADV * @(ADVERB in` solidum in` solidum); ETC. in` spe ADV * @(ADVERB in` spe in` spe); ETC. in` triplo ADV * @(ADVERB in` triplo in` triplo); ETC. in` vitro ADV * @(ADVERB in` vitro in` vitro); ETC. in` vivo ADV * @(ADVERB in` vivo in` vivo); ETC. indian` summer N * @(COUNTNOUN indian` summer indian` summer); ETC. inside` information N * @(COUNTNOUN inside` information inside` information); ETC. irish` coffee N * @(COUNTNOUN irish` coffee irish` coffee); ETC. ja` menn ADV * @(ADVERB ja` menn ja` menn); ETC. jam` session N * @(COUNTNOUN jam` session jam` session); ETC. jamt` over ADV * @(ADVERB jamt` over jamt` over); ETC. jern-` og` metallarbeider N * @(COUNTNOUN jern-` og` metallarbeider jern-` og` metallarbeider); ETC. jevnt` over ADV * @(ADVERB jevnt` over jevnt` over); ETC. jo` menn ADV * @(ADVERB jo` menn jo` menn); ETC. kerrs` pink N * @(COUNTNOUN kerrs` pink kerrs` pink); ETC. la` dolce` vita N * @(COUNTNOUN la` dolce` vita la` dolce` vita); ETC. labrador` retriever N * @(COUNTNOUN labrador` retriever labrador` retriever); ETC. laissez` faire N * @(COUNTNOUN laissez` faire laissez` faire); ETC. laissez` faire-politikk N * @(COUNTNOUN laissez` faire-politikk laissez` faire-politikk); ETC. langt` fra ADV * @(ADVERB langt` fra langt` fra); ETC. langt` ifra ADV * @(ADVERB langt` ifra langt` ifra); ETC. like` ens A * @(ADJECTIVE like` ens like` ens); ETC. lille` julaften N * @(COUNTNOUN lille` julaften lille` julaften); ETC. lingua` franca N * @(COUNTNOUN lingua` franca lingua` franca); ETC. lit` de` parade N * @(COUNTNOUN lit` de` parade lit` de` parade); ETC. mala` fide ADV * @(ADVERB mala` fide mala` fide); ETC. mange` slags N * @(COUNTNOUN mange` slags mange` slags); ETC. med` rette ADV * @(ADVERB med` rette med` rette); ETC. mene` tekel N * @(COUNTNOUN mene` tekel mene` tekel); ETC. min` sann ADV * @(ADVERB min` sann min` sann); ETC. min` sant ADV * @(ADVERB min` sant min` sant); ETC. min` santen ADV * @(ADVERB min` santen min` santen); ETC. mixed` double N * @(COUNTNOUN mixed` double mixed` double); ETC. modus` vivendi N * @(COUNTNOUN modus` vivendi modus` vivendi); ETC. mon` tro ADV * @(ADVERB mon` tro mon` tro); ETC. mon` tru ADV * @(ADVERB mon` tru mon` tru); ETC. munn-` og` klauvsjuke N * @(COUNTNOUN munn-` og` klauvsjuke munn-` og` klauvsjuke); ETC. munn-` og` klauvsyke N * @(COUNTNOUN munn-` og` klauvsyke munn-` og` klauvsyke); ETC. munn-` og` klovsjuke N * @(COUNTNOUN munn-` og` klovsjuke munn-` og` klovsjuke); ETC. munn-` og` klovsyke N * @(COUNTNOUN munn-` og` klovsyke munn-` og` klovsyke); ETC. nattens` dronning N * @(COUNTNOUN nattens` dronning nattens` dronning); ETC. nature` morte N * @(COUNTNOUN nature` morte nature` morte); ETC. negro` spiritual N * @(COUNTNOUN negro` spiritual negro` spiritual); ETC. nom` de` guerre N * @(COUNTNOUN nom` de` guerre nom` de` guerre); ETC. non` profit A * @(ADJECTIVE non` profit non` profit); ETC. non` stop ADV * @(ADVERB non` stop non` stop); ETC. notarius` publicus N * @(COUNTNOUN notarius` publicus notarius` publicus); ETC. old` boys N * @(COUNTNOUN old` boys old` boys); ETC. old` boys-klasse N * @(COUNTNOUN old` boys-klasse old` boys-klasse); ETC. om` att ADV * @(ADVERB om` att om` att); ETC. om` bord ADV * @(ADVERB om` bord om` bord); ETC. om` gangen ADV * @(ADVERB om` gangen om` gangen); ETC. om` igjen ADV * @(ADVERB om` igjen om` igjen); ETC. om` kapp ADV * @(ADVERB om` kapp om` kapp); ETC. om` kull ADV * @(ADVERB om` kull om` kull); ETC. om` lag ADV * @(ADVERB om` lag om` lag); ETC. om` senn ADV * @(ADVERB om` senn om` senn); ETC. opp` att ADV * @(ADVERB opp` att opp` att); ETC. opp` ned ADV * @(ADVERB opp` ned opp` ned); ETC. over` lang N * @(COUNTNOUN over` lang over` lang); ETC. par` excellence ADV * @(ADVERB par` excellence par` excellence); ETC. pas` de` deux N * @(COUNTNOUN pas` de` deux pas` de` deux); ETC. paso` doble N * @(COUNTNOUN paso` doble paso` doble); ETC. pater` familias N * @(COUNTNOUN pater` familias pater` familias); ETC. pauli` ord N * @(COUNTNOUN pauli` ord pauli` ord); ETC. pauvres` honteux N * @(COUNTNOUN pauvres` honteux pauvres` honteux); ETC. peau` de` pêche N * @(COUNTNOUN peau` de` pêche peau` de` pêche); ETC. per` capita ADV * @(ADVERB per` capita per` capita); ETC. perpetuum` mobile N * @(COUNTNOUN perpetuum` mobile perpetuum` mobile); ETC. persona` grata N * @(COUNTNOUN persona` grata persona` grata); ETC. persona` non` grata N * @(COUNTNOUN persona` non` grata persona` non` grata); ETC. peu` à` peu ADV * @(ADVERB peu` à` peu peu` à` peu); ETC. peu` om` peu ADV * @(ADVERB peu` om` peu peu` om` peu); ETC. pommes` frites N * @(COUNTNOUN pommes` frites pommes` frites); ETC. prae` ceteris N * @(COUNTNOUN prae` ceteris prae` ceteris); ETC. public` relations N * @(COUNTNOUN public` relations public` relations); ETC. punch` drunk A * @(ADJECTIVE punch` drunk punch` drunk); ETC. pø` om` pø ADV * @(ADVERB pø` om` pø pø` om` pø); ETC. riktig` nok ADV * @(ADVERB riktig` nok riktig` nok); ETC. rock` and` roll N * @(COUNTNOUN rock` and` roll rock` and` roll); ETC. runner` up N * @(COUNTNOUN runner` up runner` up); ETC. science` fiction N * @(COUNTNOUN science` fiction science` fiction); ETC. sex` appeal N * @(COUNTNOUN sex` appeal sex` appeal); ETC. short` story N * @(COUNTNOUN short` story short` story); ETC. skinn-` og` beinfri A * @(ADJECTIVE skinn-` og` beinfri skinn-` og` beinfri); ETC. skinn-` og` benfri A * @(ADJECTIVE skinn-` og` benfri skinn-` og` benfri); ETC. sleeping` partner N * @(COUNTNOUN sleeping` partner sleeping` partner); ETC. slow` motion N * @(COUNTNOUN slow` motion slow` motion); ETC. status` quo ADV * @(ADVERB status` quo status` quo); ETC. straight` flush N * @(COUNTNOUN straight` flush straight` flush); ETC. studiosus` perpetuus N * @(COUNTNOUN studiosus` perpetuus studiosus` perpetuus); ETC. sub` rosa ADV * @(ADVERB sub` rosa sub` rosa); ETC. super` G N * @(COUNTNOUN super` G super` G); ETC. så` pass ADV * @(ADVERB så` pass så` pass); ETC. taps-` og` vinningskonto N * @(COUNTNOUN taps-` og` vinningskonto taps-` og` vinningskonto); ETC. til` like ADV * @(ADVERB til` like til` like); ETC. til` stede ADV * @(ADVERB til` stede til` stede); ETC. tipp` topp A * @(ADJECTIVE tipp` topp tipp` topp); ETC. tonic` water N * @(COUNTNOUN tonic` water tonic` water); ETC. up` to` date A * @(ADJECTIVE up` to` date up` to` date); ETC. ut` av ADV * @(ADVERB ut` av ut` av); ETC. ved` like ADV * @(ADVERB ved` like ved` like); ETC. vice` versa ADV * @(ADVERB vice` versa vice` versa); ETC. visst` nok ADV * @(ADVERB visst` nok visst` nok); ETC. wild` west N * @(COUNTNOUN wild` west wild` west); ETC. world` cup N * @(COUNTNOUN world` cup world` cup); ETC. world` cup-renn N * @(COUNTNOUN world` cup-renn world` cup-renn); ETC. årlig` års ADV * @(ADVERB årlig` års årlig` års); ETC. ----