1 jh e Velkommen til Jotunheimen! ORACLE Welcome to Jotunheimen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{Shld be "!" rather than full stop at the end of the sentence} TOP Welcome to Jotunheimen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{Shld be "!" rather than full stop at the end of the sentence} BLEU Welcome to Jotunheimen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{Shld be "!" rather than full stop at the end of the sentence} OA Welcome to Jotunheimen! 3 3 SMT welcome to jotunheimen ! 3 2 DET_IDIO:{"welcome" shld be "Welcome"} 99 jh u Dette gir en enestående frihet. ORACLE This provides a unique freedom. 3 3 TOP This provides a unique freedom. 3 3 BLEU This gives a unique freedom. 3 3 OA This presents a exceptional liberty. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"liberty" gives an incorrect connotation in this context} DET_IDIO:{shld be "an" exeptional liberty....} SMT this results in a unique freedom . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{The sentence shld start with a capital letter} 100 jh k Pakk sekken, reis til fjells og begynn å gå. ORACLE Wrap the back pack. travel in the mountains, and begin to go. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"travel to..." had worked."..start walking""Pack your bag.. (or rucksack..)} DET_IDIO:{comma after "pack" rather than full stop} TOP Wrap the back pack. leave in the mountains, and begin to go. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Pack the rucksack" rather than "Wrap...."."Leave for.." not "leave in...""..begin to walk" rather than "begin to go"} DET_IDIO:{a comma after "pack"...} BLEU Wrap the back pack. leave to the mountains, and start to go. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Pack your bag.. (or rucksack..)"leave for..." not "..to"} DET_IDIO:{comma after "pack" rather than full stop} OA Present pack, raise to rock's and begin to retire. 0 0 DET_VOC:{no connection with original....} DET_IDIO:{not an english sentence...} SMT wrap the sack , reis to the mountains and begynn to go . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Pack your bag.. (or rucksack..)} DET_MISS:{"reis" is not translated"begynn" is not translated} DET_IDIO:{"Wrap .." with capital letter} 103 jh u På de neste sidene blir de forskjellige turisthyttene i Jotunheimen presentert. ORACLE On the next sides, the diverse tourist cabins in Jotunheimen are presented. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"pages" not "sides""various" not "diverse"} TOP At the next sides, the diverse tourist cabins in Jotunheimen are described. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"pages" not "sides""various" not "diverse"} BLEU On the next sides, the diverse tourist cabins in Jotunheimen are presented. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"pages" not "sides""various" not "diverse"} OA At the next sides is the unlike tourist cabins in Jotunheimen present. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"is...present" is wrong"is" shld be "are"} DET_VOC:{"pages" not "sides""unlike" is wrong} SMT the next to the sides are the various tourist lodges presented in the jotunheimen . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"pages" not "sides"} DET_IDIO:{capital letter at start of sentence"Jotunheimen" with capital letter} 105 jh u Det er mye å velge i: Vil du bo på en betjent hytte eller vil du stelle deg selv? ORACLE ... ... Or 0 0 DET_MISS:{no translation...} TOP ... ... Or 0 0 DET_MISS:{no translation...} BLEU ... ... Or 0 0 DET_MISS:{no translation...} OA There is much to choose for: Vil you live on an official cottage or will you handle yourself? 1 1 DET_VOC:{"...to choose from""..in an official...""handle" is wrong"official" is wrong for "betjent"} DET_MISS:{"vil"} SMT there are many choices on a staffed lodge , or if you prefer self - service : if you want to live yourself ? 1 1 DET_GRAM:{several punctuation errors and sentence has been turned upside-down} DET_VOC:{"want to live yourself" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{several punctuation errors} 109 jh u Og hvem har sagt at du må gå fra hytte til hytte? ORACLE And who has said that you have to walk from a cabin to a cabin? 2 2 DET_GRAM:{.." a......a..." is wrong} TOP And who has said that you have to go to a cabin from a cabin? 2 2 DET_GRAM:{.." a......a..." is wrong} DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong} BLEU And who has said that you must walk from a cabin to a cabin? 2 2 DET_GRAM:{.." a......a..." is wrong} OA And who has conceded that you must resign from hut to hut? 1 1 DET_VOC:{"concede" is wrong"resign" is wrong} SMT and who have said that you will have to go from lodge to lodge ? 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Will (have to)" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a} 115 jh u Betjente hytter har eget vertskap som serverer alle måltider. ORACLE Cabins to staff have their own hosting that serves all meals. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"cabins to staff" is wrong"serves" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"hosting" is wrong} TOP Cabins, to attend, have their own hosting, that serves all meals. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"to attend" is wrong"that serves" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"hosting" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{the commas are wrong} BLEU Cabins, to attend, have their own hosting, that serves all meals. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"to attend" is wrong"that serves" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"hosting" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{the commas are wrong} OA Managed cottages have separate host make that serves all meals. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"managed" is wrong"cottages" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"have separate host" is wrong} SMT the staffed lodges have own hosts , who serve all måltider . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"måltider" is not translated} DET_IDIO:{comma is wronglittle t} 118 jh k Turistene steller seg selv. ORACLE The tourists look after themselves. 3 3 TOP The tourists look after themselves. 3 3 BLEU The tourists look after themselves. 3 3 OA The tourists handle themselves. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"handle" is wrong} SMT tourists steller himself . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"himself" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"steller"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 119 jh u Disse hyttene er vanligvis låst med egen lås. ORACLE These cabins are usually locked with their own lock. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{"lock" is wrong} TOP These cabins are usually locked with his own lock. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"his" is wrong} BLEU These cabins usually are locked with his own lock. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"usually are" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"his" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"lock" is wrong} OA These cabins are usually locked with separate bar. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"bar" is wrong} SMT these huts are usually locked with a lås . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"lås"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 120 jh k Nøkkel leies ut til medlemmer av DNT. ORACLE Key matter is rented by DNT out to members. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Key matter" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"...by DNT out...." is wrong} TOP Key matter is rented by DNT out to members. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Key matter" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"...by DNT out...." is wrong} BLEU Clue matter is rented out to members from DNT. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"from" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"clue matter" is wrong} OA Clef leies:&ps3& out to members of the dNT. 1 1 DET_MISS:{"Clef leies:} DET_IDIO:{"dNT" is wrong} SMT nøkkel out to the members is rented by dnt . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"out" is in the wrong place} DET_MISS:{"nøkkel" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"dnt" is wrongsmall n} 121 jh u Hyttene er vanligvis ikke tilgjengelige i perioden 1. oktober til 15. februar. ORACLE The cabins are usually not available in the period. The 1. ... Of February 1 1 DET_MISS:{dates missing} DET_IDIO:{full stop in middle of sentence} TOP The cabins are usually not open in the period of The 1. ... Of February 2 2 DET_MISS:{dates missing} BLEU The cabins usually are not available in the period. The 1. ... February 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"usually are" is wrong} DET_MISS:{dates missing} DET_IDIO:{full stpo in mid-sentence} OA The cabins are usually not available in the period 1. October to 15. February. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{dates are incorrectly presented} SMT digitersatz. to the lodges is not usually source in the period october february digitersatz . 1 0 DET_VOC:{"source" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz." x2 is wrongdates are not translated} DET_IDIO:{small d} 1025 jh e Gjendesheim ble åpnet i 1878. ORACLE Gjendesheim was opened in 1878. 3 3 TOP Gjendesheim was opened in 1878. 3 3 BLEU Gjendesheim was opened in 1878. 3 3 OA Gjendesheim was opened in 1878. 3 3 SMT gjendesheim was opened in digitersatz . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small g} 1054 jh e Bilvei og bussforbindelse forbi hytta. ORACLE A road and bus service past the cabin. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"past" is wrong} TOP A road and bus service past the cabin. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"past" is wrong} BLEU A road and bus service past the cabin. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"past" is wrong} OA Car road and data bus connection over the cabin. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"over" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"data" is wrong} SMT automobile road past the lodge and bus connections . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"bus connections" in wrong place} DET_IDIO:{small a"automobile" is clumsy - Unnecessary(?)} 1083 jh e Nautgardstind og Stornubben på østsiden av dalen tar de litt spreke på en dag. ORACLE Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch the a little sprightly ones in a day. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{peculiar word order...} DET_VOC:{"touch" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"the a" is wrong} TOP Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch those a little powerful ones on a day. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{word order at end of sentence} DET_VOC:{"touch" is wrong"powerfuk" is wrong} BLEU Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch the ones a little powerful in a day. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{word order at end of sentence} DET_VOC:{"touch" is wrong"powerful" is wrong} OA Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east as of the valley seize the some cool on a day. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{word order at end of sentence} DET_VOC:{"seize" is wrong"cool" is wrong} SMT nautgardstind and stornubben on the east side of the valley , a bit of the hardy in a day . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"of" is wrong} DET_MISS:{missing verb} DET_IDIO:{small n and scomma} 1142 jh e Fakta: ORACLE Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{shld be colon} TOP Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{shld be colon} BLEU Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{shld be colon} OA Fakta: 0 0 DET_MISS:{"Fakta"} SMT facts : 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f} 1199 jh e Hytta er fyldig presentert i hefte 4 ORACLE The cabin is amply described in booklet four. 3 3 TOP Amply, the cabin is described in booklet four. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Amply" is misplaced} DET_MISS:{"boollet (number) four"} BLEU The cabin is amply described in booklet four. 3 3 OA Hytta is full introduced in pamphlet 4 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"full" shld be adverb} DET_MISS:{"Hytta"} SMT the lodge is fully presented in booklet digitersatz 1 1 DET_VOC:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t} 1228 jh e Bilvei forbi hytta og bussforbindelse. ORACLE A road past the cabin and bus service. 3 1 DET_MISS:{"bus service" hangs....} TOP A road past the cabin and bus service. 3 1 DET_MISS:{"bus service" hangs....} BLEU A road past the cabin and bus service. 3 1 DET_MISS:{"bus service" hangs....} OA Car road over the cabin and data bus connection. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"over" is wrong"data" is wrong} SMT automobile road past the lodge and bus connections . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"bus connections" hangs....} DET_IDIO:{small a"automobile" unnecessary} 1257 jh e I våre dager tar rundt 30 000 mennesker turen over Besseggen i løpet av en vanlig sommer. ORACLE In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of an ordinary summer. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"In our days" is wrong} TOP In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of a regular summer. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"In our days" is wrong"regular" is wrong} BLEU In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of an ordinary summer. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"In our days" is wrong} OA In our days get around 30 000 individuals the trip over Besseggen in the course of a regular summer. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"get" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"regular" is wrong"in our days" is wrong} SMT in our time , about digitersatz,digitersatz people hike over besseggen in the course of an average summer . 1 0 DET_VOC:{"in our time" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz,digitersatz " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{commas are wronglittle blittle i} 1287 jh e 2. Memurubu til Gjendebu ORACLE 2. Memurubu to Gjendebu. 3 3 TOP 2. Memurubu to Gjendebu. 3 3 BLEU 2. Memurubu to Gjendebu. 3 3 OA 2. Memurubu to Gjendebu 3 3 SMT digitersatz. memurubu to gjendebu 0 0 DET_VOC:{"digitersatz." is wrong} DET_MISS:{"2." is missing} DET_IDIO:{small m and g} 1315 jh e Helt siden 1906 har det vært motorbåtruter på Gjende. ORACLE Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes on Gjende. 3 3 TOP Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes at Gjende. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"have" is wrong"at" is wrong"ever since 1906" shld be at end of sentence} BLEU Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes on Gjende. 3 3 OA Waned since 1906 has there been motor boat square on Gjende. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Waned" is wrong"square" is wrong} SMT since digitersatz , for there has been a boat service on gjende . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"since" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz ,"} DET_IDIO:{small s and g} 1344 jh e Den er ikke merket, men ruta gir seg selv. ORACLE It is not marked, but the route is obvious. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"obvious" is wrong} TOP It is not marked, but the route is obvious. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"obvious" is wrong} BLEU It is not marked, but the route is obvious. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"obvious" is wrong} OA It is not notice, but schedule makes it even. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"notice" is wrong"schedule" is wrong"even" is wrong} SMT it is not marked , but the route is obvious . 3 2 DET_VOC:{"obvious" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small i} 1402 jh e Her snakkes det helst om neste dags tur. ORACLE Usually talk about the next day's trip here. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{No subject....} TOP Usually mention the next day's trip here. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{No subject} DET_VOC:{"mention" is wrong} BLEU Usually talk of the next day's trip here. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"talk" is wrongNo subject....} DET_VOC:{"usually" is wrongwwo} OA Here it rumor spread mostly by next day's turn. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"rumor" is wrong"turn" is wrong"spread" is wrongwwo} SMT the subject is usually the next day 's hike . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"the subject" ... of what????} DET_IDIO:{little t} 1431 jh e (For detaljer, se hefte nr. 4 i denne serien.) ORACLE for details See booklet four in this series ) 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small fcapital Smissing bracket} TOP s for details See booklet four in this series )s 2 1 DET_IDIO:{Brackets are wrongly placedcapital S} BLEU s for details See booklet four in this series )s 2 1 DET_IDIO:{Brackets are wrongly placedcapital S} OA (For's details, see part nr. 4 in this league. §START§) 1 1 DET_VOC:{"league" is wrong"part" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"For's" is wrong} SMT ( for details , see pamphlet no. digitersatz in this series.) 2 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small f} 1460 jh e Glittertind ORACLE Glittertind. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{Full stop} TOP Glittertind. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{Full stop} BLEU Glittertind. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{Full stop} OA §START§ Glittertind 2 1 DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT glittertind 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small g} 1502 jh k Ved bredden av Russvatnet ligger ruinen av Blackwellbua like ved en privat fiskebu. ORACLE On the shore from Russvatnet, the ruin of Blackwellbua lies just at a private fiskebu. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"from" is wrong"just at a" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fiskebu"} TOP On the shore from Russvatnet, the ruin of Blackwellbua lies just at a private fiskebu.. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"from" is wrong"just at a" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fiskebu"} BLEU At the shore of Russvatnet, the ruin from Blackwellbua lies just on a private fiskebu.. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"At the shore" is wrong"just on a" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fiskebu" is wrong} OA On the brink of Russvatnet the destruction of Blackwellbua lies just at a private fiskebu. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"just at a..." is wrong} DET_VOC:{"brink" is wrong"destruction" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fiskebu"} SMT at the shore of russvatnet is ruinen of blackwellbua near a private fiskebu . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"at" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fiskebu""ruinen"} DET_IDIO:{small a, r and b} 1504 jh k Han leide Russvatn og gjorde avtale om kjøp av vannet. ORACLE He rented Russvatn and made agreement on buying of the lake. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"made AN agreement..""on buying of" is wrong} TOP He led Russvatn, and made agreement on buying from the lake. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"made AN agreement..""on buying" is wrong"from" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"led" is wrong} BLEU He led Russvatn, and made agreement on buying from the lake. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"made AN agreement..""on buying" is wrong"from" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"led" is wrong} OA He let Russvatn and saw appointment of purchases from the water. 0 1 DET_GRAM:{"from" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"let" is wrong"appointment" is wrong"purchases" is wrong"water" is wrong"saw" is wrong} SMT he hired russvatn and made an agreement concerning kjøp of the lake . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"hired" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"kjøp"} DET_IDIO:{small h and r} 1506 jh k Blackwell gikk med på det, fordi han ikke ville eie «et ferskvann saltet med angerens tårer». ORACLE Blackwell went. ... On it He did not want to own a new lake salted with the repentance's tears. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"the repentance's tears" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"repentance's" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital O and H} TOP Blackwell went. ... On it He did not want to own a new water, salted with the repentance's drops. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"water" is wrong"repentance's drops" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital O and H} BLEU Blackwell went. ... On it He did not want to own a new lake, salted with the tears of the repentance's. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"repentance's" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital O and H} OA Blackwell went by at it, because he not want possess the «et fresh water the salted with the repentance's tårer». 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"not want possess" is wrong"the....the" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"went by at" is wrong"repentance's" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"et" is wrong"tårer" is wrong} SMT blackwell went on the , because he would not ownership «et ferskvann saltet with angerens tårer» with . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"ownership" is wrong} DET_MISS:{«et ferskvann saltet with angerens tårer»"went on the"...?????} DET_IDIO:{small b} 1508 jh k Ruta videre passerer Glopåa på bro, og møter ruta fra Gjendesheim før stien går bratt ned til Memurubu. ORACLE The route ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{almost whole sentence.....} TOP The route ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{almost whole sentence.....} BLEU The route ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{almost whole sentence.....} OA Route next pass Glopåa on bridge, and meets service from Gjendesheim by the path run sudden down to Memurubu. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{THE "route"..."pass" is wrong"by" is wrong"sudden" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"service" is wrong} SMT the route passes on glopåa on a bridge , and meets the route from gjendesheim before the trail goes steeply down to memurubu . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"on (glopåa)" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, g, g and m} 1509 jh u Et godt alternativ til denne turen går over Styggehøbreen, gjennom Styggehøbreskaret og utover austre Memurubre og Memurudalen. ORACLE A good alternative to this trip goes over Styggehøbreen, through Styggehøbreskaret, and across eastern Memurubre and Memurudalen. 3 3 TOP A good alternative to this trip goes over Styggehøbreen, through Styggehøbreskaret, and across eastern Memurubre and Memurudalen. 3 3 BLEU A good alternative to this trip goes over Styggehøbreen, through Styggehøbreskaret, and across eastern Memurubre and Memurudalen. 3 3 OA A better alternative to this walk goes past Styggehøbreen, through Styggehøbreskaret and across also three Memurubre and Memurudalen. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"also" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"better" is wrong" three" is wrong} SMT the trip goes through the eastern memurubre and out over a good alternative to the styggehøbreen , styggehøbreskaret and memurudalen . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo (Styggehøbreen is no longer the object of the alternative route!)} DET_VOC:{"goes" is wrong"out over" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, m,s,s and m} 1510 jh k Turen er på vel 9 t. og krever breutstyr og nødvendig kunnskap. ORACLE The trip is at about 9 t.s and needs glacier equipment and necessary experience. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"is" is wrong"needs" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"t.s"} TOP The trip is at about 9 t.s, and needs glacier equipment and necessary experience. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"is" is wrong"needs" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"t.s"} BLEU The trip is at about 9 t.s, and needs glacier equipment and necessary experience. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"is" is wrong"needs" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"t.s"} OA The trip is on welfare 9 t. And demand put over equipment and necessary information. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"on welfare" is wrong"put over" is wrong"information" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"t."} DET_IDIO:{capital A} SMT the trip is at least digitersatz hours , and requires glacier gear and the necessary knowledge . 1 2 DET_GRAM:{"is" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t} 1512 jh k 3. Memurubu til Gjendesheim/Bessheim ORACLE 3. Memurubu to Gjendesheim or Bessheim. 3 3 TOP 3. Memurubu to Gjendesheim or Bessheim. 3 3 BLEU 3. Memurubu to Gjendesheim or Bessheim. 3 3 OA 3. Memurubu to Gjendesheim/Bessheim 3 3 SMT digitersatz. gjendesheim / bessheim to memurubu 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz."} DET_IDIO:{small g, b and m} 1513 jh u Se beskrivelse i Tur 1a. ORACLE See description in Tur 1a 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"in" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Tur"} TOP See description in Tur. 1a. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"Tur"} DET_IDIO:{full stop after "Tur"} BLEU See description in Tur. 1a. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"Tur"} DET_IDIO:{full stop after "Tur"} OA Think description in Tur 1a. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Think" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Tur"} SMT see description in hike digitersatza . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatza "} DET_IDIO:{small s} 1516 jh k Øst for Gjendesheim hvelver Gausdal Vestfjell seg blåne bak blåne. ORACLE East of Gjendesheim, Gausdal Vestfjell arches. ... Blue behind blue distance 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"distance" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"Blue ... blue"} DET_IDIO:{capital B} TOP East of Gjendesheim, Gausdal arches. Vestfjell settled. Blue behind blue 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in first part..} DET_VOC:{"settled" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{all the full stops....} BLEU East of Gjendesheim, Gausdal Vestfjells arch. ... Blue behind blue 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo in first part} DET_VOC:{"blue .... blue" is wrong} DET_MISS:{no continuity...} OA Drawn to Gjendesheim overturn Gausdal Vestfjell it blåne make blåne. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"Drawn" is wrong"overturn" is wrong"make" is wrong} DET_MISS:{blåne... blåne"} SMT gjendesheim hvelver east of gausdal vestfjell blåne blåne behind him . 0 0 DET_MISS:{"hvelver""blåne blåne"} DET_IDIO:{small g, g and v} 1518 jh k Både sommer og vinter går det merkede ruter fra Gjendesheim og inn i Gausdal Vestfjell. ORACLE Summer and winter, marked routes go from and in Gjendesheim in. Gausdal Vestfjell 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo at end of sentence} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence} TOP Summer and winter go. 0 0 DET_MISS:{.. most of the sentence} BLEU Summer and winter Do marked routes go since Gjendesheim, and into Gausdal Vestfjells? 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"since" is wrongwwo} DET_IDIO:{capital D"?" is wrongcomma} OA Both summer and winter break the standard service from Gjendesheim and in at Gausdal Vestfjell. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"at" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"break the standard service" is wrong} SMT both summer and winter there are marked trails from gjendesheim and into gausdal vestfjell . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small b, g, g and v} 1519 jh u På en makelig dagstur kan en også ta gode smakebiter, både Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan og Brurskarknappen er utmerkede turmål. ORACLE On an easy day trip, one is also able to take good tastes. Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan, and Brurskarknappen are excellent hiking destinations. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"tastes" is wrong} TOP On an easy day trip, he is also able to take good tastes. Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan, and Brurskarknappen are excellent hiking destinations. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"tastes" is wrong"he" is wrong} BLEU On an easy day trip, one is also able to take good tastes. Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan, and Brurskarknappen are excellent hiking destinations. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"tastes" is wrong} OA On a soft outing may one also feel good samples, both Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan and Brurskarknappen is excellent period ends. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"soft outing" is wrong"samples" is wrong"period ends" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"(samples)," is wrong} SMT on a day trip can also take a taste sikkilsdalshø , and fine hike destination , both gåpåpiggan brurskarknappen is easy . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"is" is wrongwwo towards end of sentence ("and fine..." to end)} DET_VOC:{"taste" is wrong"easy" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small o, s, g and b} 1520 jh k Turen over til Sikkilsdalsseter er en flott innfallsport til området. ORACLE The trip over to Sikkilsdalsseter is a fine gateway to the area. 3 3 TOP The trip over to Sikkilsdalsseter is a fine gateway to the area. 3 3 BLEU The trip over to Sikkilsdalsseter is a fine gateway to the area. 3 3 OA The trip across to Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"great" is wrong (americanism????)} SMT the trip over to sikkilsdalsseter is a fine gateway to the area . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t and s} 1521 jh u Fra Gjendesheim må du følge bilveien bort til Maurvangen før du begynner vandringen i selve turterrenget. ORACLE From Gjendesheim, you have to follow the road away to Maurvangen before you begin the hiking in the very trip terrain. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"away to" is wrong"the (hiking)" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"trip" is wrong} TOP Before you begin the walking in the very trip terrain, from Gjendesheim, you have to follow the road to Maurvangen away. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"(begin) the" is wrong"away" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"very trip" is wrong} BLEU From Gjendesheim, you have to follow the road to Maurvangen away before you begin the hiking in the very trip ground. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"away" is wrong"the (hiking)" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"trip" is wrong"ground" is wrong} OA From Gjendesheim you must follow the road a out to Maurvangen before you start the hike in evennest stroke of luck ground. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"(road) a" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"evennest stroke of luck ground" is wrong} SMT from gjendesheim , you must follow the road over to maurvangen before you start walk in the turterrenget . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"walk" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"turterrenget"} DET_IDIO:{small g and m} 1522 jh k Den bilveien fantes ikke i turismens barndom, da turen gjennom Sikkilsdalsskaret og ned i Sjodalen var en av de vanligste rutene inn i Jotunheimen. ORACLE There was not that motor road then in the tourism's infancy. The trip through Sikkilsdalsskaret And ... 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"that (motor road) then" is wrong} DET_MISS:{end of sentence missing} TOP There was not that motor road then in the tourism's infancy. Of the trip through Sikkilsdalsskaret And ... 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"that (motor road) then" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"the" is wrong} DET_MISS:{end of sentence} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence} BLEU There was not that motor road then in the tourism's infancy. Of the trip through Sikkilsdalsskaret And ... 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"that (motor road) then" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"the" is wrong} DET_MISS:{end of sentence} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence} OA The road a existed not in the tourism's childhood, when the trip through Sikkilsdalsskaret and down in Sjodalen was one of the commonnest runs in for Jotunheimen. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"(road) a" is wrong"the (tourism's)" is wrong"in" is wrong"in for" is wrong} SMT the automobile road was not in the turismens childhood , when the trip through sikkilsdalsskaret and down into sjodalen was a of the most common routes into jotunheimen . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"was not in" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"a" is wrong"the (turismens)" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"turismen"} DET_IDIO:{small t, s, s and j} 1524 jh k Utsikten den andre veien er forresten ikke borte den heller. ORACLE The view of 0 0 DET_MISS:{.. most of the sentence} TOP The view of 0 0 DET_MISS:{.. most of the sentence} BLEU The view of 0 0 DET_MISS:{.. most of the sentence} OA The view the other way is the besides not off the flag. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"besides not off the flag" is wrong} SMT the view is not the other way away by the way it either . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"not the other way away ... it" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 1526 jh k Fra Sikkilsdalsskaret går det to merkede ruter videre. ORACLE Two marked routes go from Sikkilsdalsskaret wider. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"wider" is wrong} TOP From Sikkilsdalsskaret, two routes, marked, more widely go. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"widely go" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{all the commas....} BLEU From Sikkilsdalsskaret, two marked routes go wider. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"wider" is wrong} OA From Sikkilsdalsskaret the attends two standard run away. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"the attends two standard run away" is wrong} SMT from sikkilsdalsskaret there are two marked trails onward . 3 2 DET_VOC:{"onward" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small f} 1527 jh u Er det godvær, bør du uten tvil velge den over Sikkilsdalshø. ORACLE If there is fine weather, you doubtless should choose that one over Sikkilsdalshø. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"that one" is wrong} TOP If there is fine weather, you doubtless should choose that over Sikkilsdalshø. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"that" is wrong} BLEU If there is fine weather, you doubtless should choose that over Sikkilsdalshø. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"that" is wrong} OA Is the good sense, you without doubt charge choose it over Sikkilsdalshø. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"sense" is wrong"charge" is wrong"it" is wrong} SMT it is good weather , you should choose without a doubt it over sikkilsdalshø . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"it (over)" is wrong} DET_MISS:{IF "it is..."} DET_IDIO:{small i and s} 1528 jh k Ikke minst den markerte ryggen mellom Sikkilsdalshø og Sikkilsdalshornet er imponerende. ORACLE Not least the sharp ridge between Sikkilsdalshø and Sikkilsdalshornet is striking. 3 3 TOP Not least the ridge between Sikkilsdalshø and Sikkilsdalshornet, distinguished, is striking. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"distinguished" is wrong} BLEU Not least the sharp ridge between Sikkilsdalshø and Sikkilsdalshornet is striking. 3 3 OA Not little it pronounced back between Sikkilsdalshø and Sikkilsdalshornet is dazzling. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"Not little it pronounced back" is wrong} SMT the ridge between sikkilsdalshø and not least markerte sikkilsdalshornet is impressive . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"markerte"} DET_IDIO:{small t, s and s} 1529 jh u Fra hornet og ned til turisthytta er det en bratt sti på vestsiden av Skålbekken. ORACLE From the horn And ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{... most of the sentence} TOP From the horn And ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{... most of the sentence} BLEU From the horn And ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{... most of the sentence} OA From the horn and down into the tourist cabin is that a steep path on the west as of Skålbekken. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"into" is wrong"that" is wrong"as of" is wrong} SMT from hornet and down to the tourist lodge , there is a steep trail on the western side of skålbekken . 1 2 DET_MISS:{"hornet"} DET_IDIO:{small f and s} 1531 jh u Alternativet til turen over toppen er den litt kortere turen nede i dalen langs de to vannene. ORACLE The alternative to the trip over the summit is the a little shorter trip down in the valley along the two lakes. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the a " is wrong} TOP The alternative to the trip over the summit is that a little shorter trip down in the valley along the two lakes. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"that .. little" is wrong} BLEU The alternative to the trip over the summit is the a little shorter trip down in the valley along the two lakes. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the a " is wrong} OA The alternative to the party over the head is that some short the trip down in the valley along the two lakes. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"short" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"party" is wrong"head" is wrong"some" is wrong} SMT the trip over to the summit is a bit shorter hike down in the valley , along the two lakes . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"bit" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Alternativet til"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 1532 jh k Ruta går til dels i stor ur. ORACLE The route goes partly in large scree. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in" is wrong} TOP Partly, the route goes in large scree. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in" is wrong} BLEU The route goes partly in large scree. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in" is wrong} OA Route leads to part's in large clock. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"leads to part's in -- clock" is wrong} SMT the route goes to the large in some rocky scree . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"to the large" is wrong"rocky" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 1534 jh k Underveis har du også muligheter for å møte noen av de hestefølgene dalen er så kjent for. ORACLE ... ... Some of those horse groups The valley is as known. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"groups" is wrong"as known" is wrong} DET_MISS:{beginning of sentence missing} DET_IDIO:{capital S and T} TOP ... ... Of some of those horse parties The valley is as known. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"parties" is wrong"as known" is wrong} DET_MISS:{beginning of sentence missing} BLEU ... ... Of some of those horse parties The valley is as known. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"parties" is wrong"as known" is wrong} DET_MISS:{beginning of sentence missing} OA Underveis you have some options to to meet some of the horse companies the valley is so known for. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"options" is wrong"companies" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Underveis"} DET_IDIO:{"to to" is wrong} SMT along the way you have to some of the valley is also opportunities for møte hestefølgene so well - known for . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"hestefølgene} DET_IDIO:{small a} 1535 jh u Helt siden 1868 har Sikkilsdalsseter vært statens hesteavlsseter. ORACLE Ever since 1868, Sikkilsdalsseter has been the state's horse breeding mountain farm. 3 3 TOP Ever since 1868, Sikkilsdalsseter has been the government's horse breeding residences. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"residences" is wrong} BLEU Ever since 1868, Sikkilsdalsseter has been the government's horse breeding residences. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"residences" is wrong} OA Waned since 1868 have Sikkilsdalsseter been government's horse breeding seats. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"have" is wrongTHE "government's..."} DET_VOC:{"Waned" is wrong"seats" is wrong} SMT since digitersatz sikkilsdalsseter has been in the hesteavlsseter . 0 0 DET_VOC:{"in" is wrong} DET_MISS:{" digitersatz ""hesteavlsseter"} DET_IDIO:{small s and s} 1536 jh k Her har statens utvalgte avlshingster tilbragt hyggelige sommeruker med sine harem av hopper. ORACLE Here, the state's selected stud horses have spent pleasant summer weeks with their harems from mares. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"from" is wrong} TOP Here, the state's stud horses, to select, have spent pleasant summer weeks from mares with their harems. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"stud horses, to select, " is wrong} DET_VOC:{"from...with" is wrong} BLEU Here, the state's selected stud horses have spent enjoyable summer weeks with their harems from mares. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"from" is wrong} OA Here have the government's out selected animal husbandry stallions tilbragt nice sommeruker with his harems of jumper. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"harems" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"out selected" is wrong"animal husbandry" is wrong"jumper" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"tilbragt""sommeruker"} SMT here , the selected avlshingster tilbragt fireside sommeruker with his harem of hopper . 0 0 DET_VOC:{"fireside" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"avlshingster""tilbragt""sommeruker""hopper"} DET_IDIO:{small h} 1539 jh u Lengder ORACLE Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop} TOP Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop} BLEU Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop} OA §START§ durations 0 0 DET_VOC:{"durations" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} SMT lengths 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"lengths" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small l} 1540 jh k Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 t. langs Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 t. over Sikkilsdalshø. ORACLE Gjendesheim Sikkilsdalsseter 5 hours Along Sikkilsdalsvatnet 6 times Over Sikkilsdalshø 2 1 DET_VOC:{"times"} DET_IDIO:{capital A and O} TOP Gjendesheim Sikkilsdalsseter 5 hours Along Sikkilsdalsvatnet 6 times Over Sikkilsdalshø 2 1 DET_VOC:{"times"} DET_IDIO:{capital A and O} BLEU Gjendesheim Sikkilsdalsseter 5 hours Along Sikkilsdalsvatnet 6 times Over Sikkilsdalshø 2 1 DET_VOC:{"times"} DET_IDIO:{capital A and O} OA Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 t. Along Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 t. Over Sikkilsdalshø. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"t." (twice)} DET_IDIO:{capital A and O} SMT gjendesheim - sikkilsdalsseter , digitersatz hours along the sikkilsdalsvatnet , digitersatz hours over sikkilsdalshø . 1 0 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz" (twice)} DET_IDIO:{small g, s, s, and s} 1542 jh k Overnattingssteder ORACLE Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a} TOP Overnight stops. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small s} BLEU Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a} OA §START§ overnight stop cities DET_VOC:{"stop cities" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} DET_IDIO:{small o, s and c} SMT overnight accommodations 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small o and a} 1543 jh u Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Sikkilsdalsseter. ORACLE Bessheim Gjendesheim Maurvangen Sikkilsdalsseter 3 2 DET_IDIO:{commas missing} TOP Bessheim Gjendesheim Maurvangen Sikkilsdalsseter 3 2 DET_IDIO:{commas missing} BLEU Bessheim Gjendesheim Maurvangen Sikkilsdalsseter 3 2 DET_IDIO:{commas missing} OA Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Sikkilsdalsseter. 3 3 SMT bessheim , gjendesheim , maurvangen , sikkilsdalsseter . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small b, g, m and s} 1545 jh u Offentlige kommunikasjoner ORACLE Public transportation. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong (US english???)} DET_IDIO:{full stopsmall t} TOP Public transportation. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong (US english???)} DET_IDIO:{full stopsmall t} BLEU Public transportation. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong (US english???)} DET_IDIO:{full stopsmall t} OA Public communications 1 2 DET_VOC:{"communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small c} SMT public transportation 2 1 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong (US english???)} DET_IDIO:{small p and t} 1546 jh k Bussruter til Gjendesheim, Maurvangen og Bessheim. ORACLE Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim. 3 3 TOP Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim. 3 3 BLEU Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim. 3 3 OA Bus service to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"service" is wrong} SMT bus service to gjendesheim , maurvangen , and bessheim . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small b, g, m and s} 1547 jh u Bilvei til Sikkilsdalsseter. ORACLE A road to Sikkilsdalsseter. 2 2 TOP A road to Sikkilsdalsseter. 2 2 BLEU A road to Sikkilsdalsseter. 2 2 OA Car road to Sikkilsdalsseter. 3 3 SMT automobile road to the sikkilsdalsseter . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"the" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a and s} 2018 jh e Adkomst ORACLE Access. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop} TOP Access. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop} BLEU Access. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop} OA §START§ adkomst 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§ "adkomst} SMT access 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small a} 2047 jh e Men du trenger ikke dra så langt for å få utsikt. ORACLE But you don't need to go so far to get a view. 3 3 TOP But so far, to get a view, you do not need to go. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} BLEU But you do not need to go so far to get a view. 3 3 OA But you need not draw as much in order to get view. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{A "view" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"draw as much" is wrong} SMT but you need not go far to enjoy the view . 3 2 DET_MISS:{"så"} DET_IDIO:{small b} 2105 jh e I 1911 kom det også motorbåtrute på Vinstri som på de store innsjøene i Jotunheimen. ORACLE In 1911, a motorboat route came at Vinstri too. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen 2 1 DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong"at" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"som"} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence} TOP In 1911, a motorboat route at Vinstri also came. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen 2 1 DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"som"} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence} BLEU In 1911, a motorboat route at Vinstri also came. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen 2 1 DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"som"} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence} OA In 1911 get it also motor boat schedule on Vinstri that on the big lakes in Jotunheimen. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"get it" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"schedule" is wrong"that" is wrong} SMT in digitersatz , it also motorbåtrute on vinstri , as on the other large lakes in jotunheimen . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz ""motorbåtrute ""kom"} DET_IDIO:{small i, v and j} 2163 jh e Men med nye tider kom nye behov. ORACLE But with new times, new needs came. 3 3 TOP But with new times, new demands came. 3 3 BLEU But with new times, new needs arrived. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"arrived" is wrong} OA But with different times get new needs. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"different" is wrong"get" is wrong} SMT but the new times brought new needs . 2 2 DET_IDIO:{small b} 2192 jh e Tlf: 61 34 10 06. ORACLE Tlf. 61341006. 2 2 DET_VOC:{Tlf." is wrong} TOP Tlf. 61341006. 2 2 DET_VOC:{Tlf." is wrong} BLEU Tlf. 61341006. 2 2 DET_VOC:{Tlf." is wrong} OA 0 0 DET_MISS:{everything} SMT 0 0 DET_MISS:{everything} 2221 jh e Stedet ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1080 m o.h., og har 65 senger i utleiehytter. ORACLE The place is situated in Vang Municipality in Oppland 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"level"} DET_IDIO:{capital M} TOP The place is situated in Oppland in Vang Municipality 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"level"} DET_IDIO:{capital M} BLEU The place lies in Vang Municipality in Oppland 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"level"} DET_IDIO:{capital M} OA The place lies in Vang's council in Oppland, 1080 m o. H., and has 65 beds in let out cottages. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong"council" is wrong"let out" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"m.o.H"} SMT the lodge is located in vang township in oppland , digitersatz meters above sea level , and has digitersatz beds in rental cabins . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz" twice)} DET_IDIO:{small t, v and o} 2250 jh e Fakta ORACLE Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{"." is wrong} TOP Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{"." is wrong} BLEU Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{"." is wrong} OA §START§ Fakta 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§""Fakta"} SMT facts 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f} 2279 jh e Merkingen av den siste biten fram til hytta er forresten litt spesiell. ORACLE The marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is by the way a little special. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"most last part" is wrong"By the way" is wrong"forwards" is wrong} TOP By the way, the marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is a little special. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"most last part" is wrong"By the way" is wrong"forwards" is wrong} BLEU The marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is by the way a little special. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"most last part" is wrong"By the way" is wrong"forwards" is wrong} OA The merkingen of the final piece fram to the cabin is besides some special. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"piece" is wrong"besides" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"merkingen""fram"} SMT the marking of the last segment up to the lodge is a little peculiar . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t} 2308 jh e Båtrute på Bygdin. ORACLE A boat route on Bygdin. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"A" is wrong} TOP A boat route on Bygdin. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"A" is wrong} BLEU A boat route at Bygdin. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"A" is wrong"at" is wrong} OA Boat service on Bygdin. 3 3 SMT boat service on bygdin . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small b and b} 2337 jh e Se på strømmen, så vil du forstå at elva har krefter til å frakte med seg mye løsmasse fra fjellene ovenfor. ORACLE You look at the current then ... ... ... ... Some deposit from the mountains ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of the sentence} TOP Then, you see on the electricity? ... ... ... ... Of some deposit from the mountains ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of the sentence} BLEU Then, you see on the electricity? ... ... ... ... Of some deposit from the mountains ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of the sentence} OA The look on the power, so will you see that elva has forces to carry with them more loose mass from the mountains above. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"has forces" is wrong"them" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"The" is wrong"power" is wrong"loose mass" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"elva"} SMT see the stream at , you will understand that the river has the power to carry lots of sediment from the mountains . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"at" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small s} 2366 jh e Turer rundt Fondsbu ORACLE Trips around Fondsbu. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Trips around Fondsbu. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Trips around Fondsbu. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Turns around Fondsbu 1 2 DET_VOC:{"Turns" is wrong} SMT hikes around fondsbu 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small h and f} 2396 jh e Lengder ORACLE Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ durations 0 0 DET_VOC:{"durations" is wrong} DET_MISS:{" §START§ "} SMT lengths 0 0 DET_VOC:{"lengths" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small l} 2424 jh e Ruta fortsetter slakt utover mot Langedalen og nedover langs elva gjennom dalen. ORACLE The route gently continues across towards Langedalen and down along the river through the valley. 3 3 TOP Slackly, the route continues across towards Langedalen, and down along the river through the valley. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Slackly" is wrong} BLEU The route continues across towards Langedalen, and down along the river through the valley gently. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"across" is wrong} OA Service continues pans across against Langedalen and down along elva through the valley. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"Service" is wrong"pans" is wrong"against" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"elva"} SMT the route continues gently onward towards langedalen and along the river through the valley . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t} 2453 jh e Hele sommeren går den fram og tilbake på innsjøen. ORACLE All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the" is wrong} TOP All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the" is wrong} BLEU All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the" is wrong} OA All summer break the fram and back on the lake. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"break" is wrong"back" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fram" is wrong} SMT all summer long , it goes back and forth on the lake . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small a} 2491 jh k Lengder ORACLE Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ durations 0 0 DET_VOC:{"durations" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT lengths 0 0 DET_VOC:{"lengths" is wrong} 2495 jh k Overnattingssteder ORACLE Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Overnight stops. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ overnight stop cities 0 0 DET_VOC:{"stop cities" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} SMT overnight accommodations 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small o} 2496 jh u Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu eller telt i Leirungsdalen. ORACLE Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen. 3 3 TOP Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen. 3 3 BLEU Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen. 3 3 OA Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tent for Leirungsdalen. 3 1 DET_VOC:{"for" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"a (tent)"} SMT gjendesheim , gjendebu , torfinnsbu , or a tent in leirungsdalen . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small g, g, t and l} 2498 jh u Kommunikasjoner ORACLE Communications. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Communications. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Communications. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ communications 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"communications" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT public transportation 3 2 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small p and t} 2499 jh k Bilvei og bussruter til Gjendesheim og over Valdresflya. ORACLE A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} TOP A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma} BLEU A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma} OA Car road and bus service to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya. 3 3 SMT automobile road and bus service to gjendesheim and across valdresflya . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"automobile road" is wrong"across" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a, g and v} 2500 jh u Båtruter til Torfinnsbu og Gjendebu. ORACLE Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} TOP Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} BLEU Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} OA Boat service to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu. 3 3 SMT båtruter to torfinnsbu and gjendebu . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"båtruter"} DET_IDIO:{small b, t and g} 2502 jh u Over Valdresflya til Gausdal Vestfjell ORACLE Over Valdresflya to Gausdal Vestfjell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Over Valdresflya to Gausdal Vestfjells. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Vestfjells" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Over Valdresflya to Gausdal Vestfjells. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Vestfjells" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Over Valdresflya to Gausdal Vestfjell 3 3 SMT over valdresflya to gausdal vestfjell 3 1 DET_IDIO:{small o, v, g and v} 2504 jh u 1 dag - Tur 2e - gg ORACLE One day Tur 2e gg 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphens missing} TOP One day Tur 2es gg 2 1 DET_GRAM:{punktuation after "day" and before "gg""Tur 2es" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Tur"} BLEU Of one day Tur 2es gg 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"Tur 2es" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"Of one day" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Tur"} DET_IDIO:{hyohens (2) missing} OA 1 day - Tur's 2e - gg 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"Tur's"} DET_IDIO:{Tur"} SMT trip digitersatze - digitersatz day - gg 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatze""digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 2505 jh k 1. Gjendesheim til Haugseter ORACLE One. Gjendesheim to Haugseter. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"One" is wrong} TOP One. Gjendesheim to Haugseter. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"One" is wrong} BLEU The 1. Gjendesheim to Haugseter. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"The" is superfluous} OA 1. Gjendesheim to Haugseter 3 3 SMT digitersatz. gjendesheim to haugseter 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small g and h} 2506 jh u Gjendesheim er ikke bare innfallsporten til Jotunheimen. ORACLE Gjendesheim is not only the gateway to Jotunheimen. 3 3 TOP Gjendesheim is not only the gateway to Jotunheimen. 3 3 BLEU Gjendesheim is not only the gateway to Jotunheimen. 3 3 OA Gjendesheim does not be just the gateway to Jotunheimen. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"does...be" is wrong} SMT gjendesheim is not only gateway to jotunheimen . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"the (gateway)"} DET_IDIO:{small g and j} 2507 jh k Fra dette stedet er det også en god idé å starte turen inn i Gausdal Vestfjell. ORACLE From this place, there is also a good idea to start the trip in into Gausdal Vestfjell. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"There (is)" is wrong"in into" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong} TOP From this place, there is also a good idea to start the trip in in Gausdal Vestfjells. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there is" is wrong"in in" is wrong"Vestfjells" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"also" is wrong} BLEU From this place, there is also a good idea to start the trip into Gausdal Vestfjells in. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there (is)" is wrong"in" is superfluous} DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong} OA From this place is that also a good idé to begin the trip in for Gausdal Vestfjell. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"is that" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"also" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"idé"} SMT from this place , it is also a good idea to start the hike into gausdal vestfjell . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"place" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small f, g and v} 2509 jh k Turen starter like ved Jo Gjendes bu på sørsiden av Gjendeoset. ORACLE The trip starts good ones at Jo Gjende's lodge on the south side of Gjendeoset. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"good ones" is wrong} TOP The trip starts good ones at Jo Gjende's lodge on the south side of Gjendeoset. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"good ones" is wrong} BLEU The trip starts good ones at Jo Gjende's lodge on the southern side of Gjendeoset. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"good ones" is wrong} OA The trip begins just on Jo Gjendes bu on the south as of Gjendeoset. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{missing apostrophe in "Gjendes""as of" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"just on" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"bu""side"} SMT the hike starts just at jo gjende 's hut on the southern side of gjendeoset . 3 1 DET_VOC:{"just at" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, j, g and g} 2510 jh u Skyss over elva får du av folkene på Gjendesheim. ORACLE Some lift across the river, you get from the people at Gjendesheim. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Some lift" is wrong} TOP Some lift over the river, you get from the people at Gjendesheim. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Some lift" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma} BLEU Some lift over the river, you get from the people at Gjendesheim. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Some lift" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma} OA Drive over elva gets you on the people on Gjendesheim. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"gets" is wrong"on ... on" are wrong} DET_VOC:{"Drive" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"elva"} SMT lift over the river , you will of the people at gjendesheim . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"får"} DET_IDIO:{small l and g} 2513 jh k Deretter går turen jevnt opp lia og forbi nordre og søndre Brurskarknappen, forbi Brurskartjørni og ned til øvre Heimdalsvatnet langs Sandbakkbekken. ORACLE The trip then goes evenly up the mountain side and past northern and southern Brurskarknappen, past Brurskartjørni, and down to more upper Heimdalsvatnet along Sandbakkbekken. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"more" is superfluous} TOP The trip even then goes along Sandbakkbekken up the mountain side, and past northern and southern Brurskarknappen, past Brurskartjørni, and down to more upper Heimdalsvatnet. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"even" is wrong"more" is superfluous} BLEU The trip then goes evenly up the mountain side, and past northern and southern Brurskarknappen, past Brurskartjørni, and down to more upper Heimdalsvatnet along Sandbakkbekken. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"more" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{first comma is wrong} OA Then the trip goes even up the hillside and over northern and søndre Brurskarknappen, over Brurskartjørni and down to upper Heimdalsvatnet along Sandbakkbekken. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"even" is wrong"over (Brurskark....)" is wrong} SMT then the trip goes steadily and past the northern and søndre brurskarknappen , past brurskartjørni and down to the upper heimdalsvatnet along the sandbakkbekken up the hillside . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"(steadily) and" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{small t, b, b, h and s} 2517 jh k Ruta fortsetter langs bredden av vannet til oset i østenden, som vanligvis er lett å vade. ORACLE The route continues along the width of the water to the outlet in the east end which usually is easy to wade. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"width" is wrong"water" is wrong"outlet" is wrong"to wade" is wrong} TOP The route continues along the width of the water to the outlet in the east end, that is usually easy, to wade. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"width" is wrong"water" is wrong"outlet" is wrong"to wade" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{last comma is superfluous} BLEU The route continues along the width of the water to the outlet in the east end, which is usually easy, to wade. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"width" is wrong"water" is wrong"outlet" is wrong"to wade" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{last comma is superfluous} OA Service continues along the shore of the water to the mouth in the east end, that usually is easy to wade. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Service" is wrong"water" is wrong"mouth" is wrong"to wade" is wrong} SMT the route continues along the shore of the lake to the outlet at the east end , which is usually easy to vade . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"outlet" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"vade"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 2520 jh u Rammene for dette heftet gjør at turen slutter her, men egentlig er dette bare begynnelsen på tur-mulighetene i Gausdal Vestfjell. ORACLE The boxes for this that the booklet does ... Only the beginning at the trip alternatives in Gausdal Vestfjell 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{important parts of the sentence are missing} TOP The boxes for this one that the booklet does ... To the beginning at the trip alternatives in Gausdal Vestfjells 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{important parts of the sentence are missing} BLEU Of the boxes for this one that the booklet does ... Of only the beginning at the trip alternatives in Gausdal Vestfjells 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} OA The settings for this issue see that the party ends here, but exactly is this just the beginning on the tur-mulighetene in Gausdal Vestfjell. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"on" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"settings" is wrong"issue" is wrong"party" is wrong"exactly" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"tur-mulighetene"} SMT rammene make the trip here , but this is the only on the hike in this brochure for formed really - mulighetene gausdal vestfjell . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"trip" is wrong"formed" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"rammene""mulighetene""begynnelsen"} DET_IDIO:{small r, g and v} 2521 jh k Fra Haugseter går det merkede ruter både til Storeskag og Oskampen. ORACLE From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen. 3 2 TOP From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen. 3 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo (marked/routes)} DET_IDIO:{commas must go!} BLEU From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"it walks" is wrong} OA From Haugseter run the standard service both to Storeskag and Oskampen. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"run" is wrong"standard service" is wrong} SMT there are marked trails from oskampen and storeskag both to haugseter . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"from ... both to" shld be "to both... from"} DET_IDIO:{small t, o, s and h} 2522 jh u Vil du tilbake til Gjendesheim og har noen dager til disposisjon, kan du for eksempel velge ruta Oskampen - Sikkilsdalsseter - Gjendesheim. ORACLE ... And If some have days to disposal, for example, you are able to choose the route, Oskampen. Sikkilsdalsseter Gjendesheim 2 2 DET_VOC:{"to disposal" is wrong"are able to" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"vil tilbake til Gjendesheim"} DET_IDIO:{capital Icomma and lack of hyphens at the end of the sentence is wrong} TOP ... And ... Sikkilsdalsseter Gjendesheim 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of the sentence} BLEU ... And If some have days to disposal, you can choose the route Oskampen for example. Sikkilsdalsseter Gjendesheim 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"to disposal" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"tilbake til Gjendesheim"} DET_IDIO:{capital Ifull stop in mid-sentence} OA If you will back to Gjendesheim and have some days available, you for example may return schedule Oskampen - Sikkilsdalsseter - Gjendesheim. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"back" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"velge ruta"} SMT you will have to choose the route - sikkilsdalsseter , gjendesheim - oskampen back to gjendesheim and a few days available , you can , for example . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_IDIO:{small y, s, g, o and g} 2523 jh k Det er en flott rundtur. ORACLE It is a fine round trip. 3 3 TOP It is a grand tour. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"grand" is wrong} BLEU There is a fine round trip. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"There is" is wrong} OA There is a grand tour. 1 2 DET_GRAM:{"There is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"grand" is wrong} SMT there is a fine tour . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"there is" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 2524 jh u Ta kontakt med DNT for ytterligere informasjon. ORACLE Take contact with DNT for further information. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Take contact" is wrong} TOP Take contact with DNT for further information. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Take contact" is wrong} BLEU Take contact with DNT for further information. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Take contact" is wrong} OA If contact with dNT take for additional information. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"If" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"additional" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"dNT" is wrong} SMT take the contact with dnt for further information . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Take the contact" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t and dnt} 3025 jh e Eier: DNT. ORACLE An owner. DNT. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"An" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} TOP An owner. DNT. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"An" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} BLEU An owner. DNT. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"An" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} OA Possesses: DNT. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Possesses" is wrong} SMT owner : dnt oa . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"oa" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{small o, dnt} 3055 jh e Fakta ORACLE Facts. 3 3 TOP Facts. 3 3 BLEU Facts. 3 3 OA §START§ Fakta 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§""Fakta"} SMT facts 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f} 3083 jh e Det er merket fotturruter til Avdalen og Gravdalen fra Hjelle, Vetti og Stølsmaradalen. ORACLE Hiking trails are marked to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen. 3 3 TOP Hiking trails are marked from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen and Gravdalen. 3 3 BLEU Hiking trails to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen are marked. 3 3 OA There is marked backpacking run to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti and Stølsmaradalen. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"backpacking run" is wrong} SMT there are marked hiking trails to avdalen and gravdalen from hjelle , vetti and stølsmaradalen . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t, a, g, h, v and s} 3112 jh e Det var tydelig at 1758 værharde meter over havet krevde mer solide bygningsmaterialer enn tre. ORACLE It was clear that 1758 exposed meters over the sea required more solid building materials than trees. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"trees" is wrong"over the sea" is wrong} TOP It was clear that 1758 exposed meters over the sea required building materials more solid than 3. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"over the sea" is wrong"3" is wrong} BLEU It was obvious that 1758 exposed meters above the sea required more solid building materials than 3. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"3" is wrong} OA It was clear that 1758 Aries hard meters above the sea demanded more reliable building materials than three. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Aries hard" is wrong"three" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"level"} SMT it was obvious that at digitersatz harsh meters above sea level , stronger building materials than wood . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz ""krevde"} DET_IDIO:{small 1} 3141 jh e Det ble raskt en populær turisthytte. ORACLE It quickly was a popular tourist cabin. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"was" is wrong} TOP Quickly, it was a popular tourist cabin. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"was" is wrong} BLEU It quickly was a popular tourist cabin. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"was" is wrong} OA It was fast a popular tourist cabin. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"was" is wrong} SMT it quickly became a popular tourist lodge . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small i} 3170 jh e Da ser man at dette er en av de stortoppene i Jotunheimen som er lettest tilgjengelig. ORACLE They see that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen that are openly easiest then. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"great" is wrong"openly" is wrong} TOP Openly, he sees that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen which are easiest then. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Openly" is wrong"he" is wrong"great" is wrong} BLEU Openly, they see that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen which are easiest then. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"are" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"Openly" is wrong"great" is wrong} OA Then see people that this is one of the big heads in Jotunheimen that is easy accessible. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"easy" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"heads" is wrong} SMT when you see that this is one of the peaks in jotunheimen that is the most accessible . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"When" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small w and j} 3199 jh e Fakta ORACLE Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ Fakta 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§""Fakta"} SMT facts 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f} 3257 jh e Adkomst ORACLE Access. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Access. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Access. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ adkomst 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§""adkomst"} SMT access 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small a is wrong} 3286 jh e Eier: DNT OA. ORACLE An owner. DNT OA. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"An" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"OA" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} TOP An owner. DNT OA. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"An" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"OA" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} BLEU An owner. DNT OA. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"An" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"OA" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} OA Possesses: DNT OA. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Possesses" is wrong"OA" is superfluous} SMT owner : dnt oa . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"oa" is superfluous} DET_IDIO:{fullstop is wrongsmall o and dnt} 3402 jh e Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu. ORACLE Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu 3 2 DET_IDIO:{commas missing} TOP Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu 3 2 DET_IDIO:{commas missing} BLEU Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu 3 2 DET_IDIO:{commas missing} OA Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu. 3 3 SMT turtagrø , krossbu , sognefjellhytta , skogadalsbøen , ingjerdbu , morkabu . 3 1 DET_IDIO:{commas missingsmall t, k, s, s, i and m} 3460 jh e 2. Olavsbu til Fondsbu ORACLE 2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP 2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU 2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA 2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu 3 3 SMT digitersatz. olavsbu to fondsbu 2 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz. "} DET_IDIO:{small o and f} 3547 jh e Overnattingssteder ORACLE Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Overnight stops. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ overnight stop cities 0 0 DET_VOC:{"stop cities" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} SMT overnight accommodations 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small o} 3550 jh k Kommunikasjoner ORACLE Communications. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Communications. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Communications. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ communications 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"communications" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT public transportation 2 2 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small p} 3551 jh u Bilveier til Leirvassbu og Fondsbu. ORACLE Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu. 3 3 TOP Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu. 3 3 BLEU Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu. 3 3 OA Road is to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"is" is wrong} SMT bilveier to leirvassbu , and fondsbu . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"bilveier"} DET_IDIO:{small b, l and f} 3552 jh k Bilvei og bussruter over Sognefjellet. ORACLE A road and bus routes over Sognefjellet. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} TOP A road and bus routes across Sognefjellet. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} BLEU A road and bus routes over Sognefjellet. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} OA Car road and bus service over Sognefjellet. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Car" is wrong} SMT automobile road and bus service over sognefjellet . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"automobile" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a and s} 3554 jh k Kort og bratt i Utladalen ORACLE And ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{sentence missing} TOP And ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{sentence missing} BLEU Some card And ... 0 0 DET_VOC:{"Some card" is wrong} DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} OA Shorts and steep in Utladalen 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Shorts" is wrong} SMT short and steep in utladalen 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small s and u} 3557 jh u En rundtur mellom nedlagte gårder og setre i Utladalens mektige natur. ORACLE A tour between abandoned farms and mountain farms in Utladalen's enormous nature. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"enormous" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"rund(tur)"} TOP A tour between farms, abandoned, and mountain farms in Utladalen's enormous nature. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"enormous" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"rund(tur)"} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} BLEU A tour between abandoned farms and mountain pastures in Utladalen's rich landscape. 3 2 DET_MISS:{"rund(tur)"} OA A trip between close farms and observe three in Utladalen's vast landscape. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"close" is wrong"observe three" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"rund(tur)"} SMT a round trip between the abandoned summer dairies and farms in utladalen 's grazing mighty landscape . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"summer dairies" is wrong"grazing" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a and u} 3559 jh u 1. Hjelle til Stølsmaradalen ORACLE One. Hjelle to Stølsmaradalen. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"One" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP The 1. Hjelle to Stølsmaradalen. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"The" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU The 1. Hjelle to Stølsmaradalen. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"The" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA 1. Hjelle to Stølsmaradalen 3 3 SMT digitersatz. to hjelle stølsmaradalen 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small h and s} 3560 jh k Turen starter lett med fem kilometer langs Folkeveien til Vetti. ORACLE The trip starts easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti. 3 3 TOP The trip starts along Folkeveien to Vetti easily with 5 kilometers. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} BLEU The trip starts easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti. 3 3 OA The trip begins ease with five kilometre along Folkeveien to Vetti. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"ease" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"kilometre"} SMT the trip starts easily with five kilometers along folkeveien to vetti . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t, f and v} 3562 jh k Da bestemte imidlertid bygdefolket i Årdal seg for å bygge vei. ORACLE The village people in Årdal still decided then to build a road. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"still" is wrong} TOP To build a road, the village people in Årdal still decided then. 2 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"still" is wrong} BLEU The village people in Årdal still decided then to build a road. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"still" is wrong} OA Then decided yet the villagers a in Årdal it rushed to build weigh. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"weigh" is wrong} SMT when decided , however , bygdefolket in årdal himself to build a road . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"himself" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"bygdefolket"} DET_IDIO:{small w and å} 3570 jh k 2. Stølsmaradalen til Avdalen ORACLE 2. Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{fullstop is wrong} TOP 2. Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{fullstop is wrong} BLEU 2. Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{fullstop is wrong} OA 2. Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen 3 3 SMT digitersatz. to avdalen stølsmaradalen 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small a and s} 3571 jh u Det er ikke lenger merket ruter videre fra Stølsmaradalen over mot Skagastølsbu. ORACLE Routes are not more long marked from Stølsmaradalen over towards Skagastølsbu wider. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"not more" is wrong"wider" is wrong} TOP Routes are not more long marked from Stølsmaradalen over towards Skagastølsbu wider. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"not more" is wrong"wider" is wrong} BLEU Routes aren't more long marked from Stølsmaradalen over towards Skagastølsbu wider. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"aren't" is wrong (KUN MUNTLIG FORM!!)} DET_VOC:{"more long" is wrong"wider" is wrong} OA It is not further sign routes away from Stølsmaradalen over against Skagastølsbu. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"It is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"away" is wrong"against" is wrong} SMT there is no longer marked trails onward from the stølsmaradalen over to skagastølsbu . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"is" is wrong"the" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"onward" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, s and s} 3573 jh u DNT kan gi mer informasjon om ruter i dette området, og det er skrevet gode turguider for området. ORACLE DNT can provide more information on routes in this area, and good trip guides are written for the area. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"trip" is wrong} TOP DNT can provide more information on routes in this area, and good trip guides are written for the area. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"trip" is wrong} BLEU DNT can provide more information about routes in this area, and good trip guides are written for the area. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"trip" is wrong} OA DNT can make more knowledge of schedule in this area, and there is stridden good stroke of luck guide to the area. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Knowledge" is wrong"schedule" is wrong"stridden good stroke of luck" is wrong} SMT dnt can give more information on the routes in this area , and it is good turguider written for the area . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"it is" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"turguider"} DET_IDIO:{"dnt" is wrong} 3576 jh k Etter Fuglenosa svinger stien seg ned lia til den nedlagte gården Avdalen. ORACLE After Fuglenosa, the path curves down the hillside to the abandoned farm, Avdalen. 3 3 TOP After Fuglenosa, the path curves down the hillside to the abandoned farm, Avdalen. 3 3 BLEU After Fuglenosa, the path curves down the hillside to the abandoned farm, Avdalen. 3 3 OA By Fuglenosa the path curves it down the pass to the close estate Avdalen. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"By" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"curves it" is wrong"the pass" is wrong"close estate" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{shld be comma before "Avdalen"} SMT after fuglenosa the path winds down the hillside to the abandoned mountain farm avdalen . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small a and ashld be comma after "farm"} 3581 jh u 3. Avdalen til Hjelle ORACLE 3. Avdalen to Hjelle. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP 3. Avdalen to Hjelle. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU 3. Avdalen to Hjelle. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA 3. Avdalen to Hjelle 3 3 SMT digitersatz. to avdalen hjelle 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small a and h} 3584 jh k Lengder ORACLE Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ durations 0 0 DET_VOC:{"durations" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} SMT lengths 1 1 DET_VOC:{"lenghts" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small l} 3585 jh u Hjelle - Stølsmaradalen, 5 t. ORACLE hjell e Stølsmaradalen 5 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"e" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small h} TOP hjell e Stølsmaradalen 5 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"e" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small h} BLEU hjell e Stølsmaradalen 5 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"e" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small h} OA Hjelle - Stølsmaradalen, 5 t. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT stølsmaradalen - hjelle , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small s and h} 3586 jh k Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 t. ORACLE Stølsmaradalen Avdalen 5 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{missing hyphen, comma and full stop} TOP Stølsmaradalen Avdalen 5 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{missing hyphen, comma and full stop} BLEU Stølsmaradalen Avdalen 5 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{missing hyphen, comma and full stop} OA Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 t. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT stølsmaradalen - avdalen , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small s and a} 3589 jh u Overnattingssteder ORACLE Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Overnight stops. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Overnight accommodations. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ overnight stop cities 0 0 DET_VOC:{"stop cities" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT overnight accommodations 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small o} 3590 jh k Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen og Gravdalen. ORACLE Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{shld be no comma before "and"} TOP Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{shld be no comma before "and"} BLEU Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{shld be no comma before "and"} OA Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen and Gravdalen. 3 3 SMT stølsmaradalen , avdalen and gravdalen . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small s, a and g} 3592 jh k Kommunikasjoner ORACLE Communications. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Communications. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Communications. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ communications 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"communications" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT public transportation 2 1 DET_VOC:{"transportation" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small p} 3593 jh u Bilvei til Hjelle. ORACLE A road to Hjelle. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} TOP A road to Hjelle. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} BLEU A road to Hjelle. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} OA Car road to Hjelle. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Car" is wrong} SMT automobile road to hjelle . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"automobile" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a and h} 4027 jh e Fakta ORACLE Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Facts. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ Fakta 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§""Fakta"} SMT facts 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f} 4172 jh e Mye har også skjedd i traktene rundt Nørdstedalseter. ORACLE Much has also happened in the areas around Nørdstedalseter. 3 3 TOP Much has also occurred in the areas around Nørdstedalseter. 3 3 BLEU Much also has occurred in the areas around Nørdstedalseter. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo "also has"} OA Most have also occurred in the funnels around Nørdstedalseter. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"have"} DET_VOC:{"Most" is wrong"funnels" is wrong} SMT much has happened in the area around nørdstedalseter . 2 2 DET_MISS:{"også"} DET_IDIO:{small m and n} 4230 jh e Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der går det bussruter. ORACLE Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in 2nd half of sentence} DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{last comma is wrong} TOP Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in 2nd half of sentence} DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{last comma is wrong} BLEU Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in 2nd half of sentence} DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{last comma is wrong} OA The sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there goes the bus service. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo "there...."} DET_VOC:{"goes" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small s} SMT the sognefjell road passes the lodge , and there are regularly scheduled bus stops . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"(bus) stops" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t and s} 4259 jh e Leirvassbu ble bygget som steinbu i 1875 av DNT. ORACLE Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbu. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"steinbu"} TOP Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbus. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"steinbus"} BLEU Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbus. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"steinbus"} OA Leirvassbu was edifice that steinbu in 1875 of dNT. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"edifice" is wrong"that" is wrong"of" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"steinbu"} DET_IDIO:{"dNT" is wrong} SMT leirvassbu was built as a stone cabin in digitersatz by dnt . 1 0 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small l and "dnt"} 4288 jh e E-post: rauberg@online.no ORACLE Email. rauberg@online.no. 3 1 DET_IDIO:{shld be colon after "Email"shld be hyphen IN "Email" ("E-mail")full stop at end of sentence is wrong} TOP Email. rauberg@online.nos. 1 0 DET_VOC:{".nos" is incorrect address} DET_IDIO:{shld be hyphen in "Email" ("E-mail")shld be colon after "mail"} BLEU Email. rauberg@online.nos. 1 0 DET_VOC:{".nos" is incorrect address} DET_IDIO:{shld be hyphen in "Email" ("E-mail")shld be colon after "mail"} OA 0 0 DET_MISS:{everything.....} SMT 0 0 DET_MISS:{everything.....} 4317 jh e Det er merkede fotturruter til Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu og Stølsdalen. ORACLE There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen. 3 3 TOP There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen. 3 3 BLEU There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen. 3 3 OA It is standard backpacking run to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu and Stølsdalen. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"It is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"standard" is wrong"backpacking" is wrong"run" is wrong} SMT there are marked hiking trails to fannaråken , skagastølsbu and stølsdalen . 3 1 DET_IDIO:{small t, f, s and s} 4346 jh e Der er alle de merkede rutene beskrevet, og boka inneholder også mange andre opplysninger om Jotunheimen og andre fjellområder. ORACLE Described there are all the marked routes, and the book also contains many other pieces of information about Jotunheimen and other mountain regions. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo in first half} TOP Described, there are all the routes marked, and the book also contains many other pieces of information on Jotunheimen and other mountain regions. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in first half} BLEU Described, there are all of the marked routes, and the book also contains many other pieces of information on Jotunheimen and other mountain regions. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"Described" misplaced} OA There are all the standard services described, and the book contains too many other illuminations of Jotunheimen and other mountain areas. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"too" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"standard" is wrong"services" is wrong"illuminations" is wrong} SMT there all the marked routes are described , and the book also contains many other information on jotunheimen and other mountain areas . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"are" misplaced} DET_VOC:{"many (other information)" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t and j} 4376 jh e Hyttene på Galdhøpiggen ORACLE The cabins on Galdhøpiggen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP The cabins at Galdhøpiggen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"at" is wrong} BLEU The cabins on Galdhøpiggen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA The cabins on Galdhøpiggen 3 3 SMT the lodges on galdhøpiggen 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t and g} 4433 jh e Kommunikasjoner ORACLE Communications. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong (shld be in singular form, plural => "meddelelser")} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Communications. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong (shld be in singular form, plural => "meddelelser")} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Communications. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"Communications" is wrong (shld be in singular form, plural => "meddelelser")} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ communications 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"communications" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} SMT public transportation 2 2 DET_VOC:{"transportation" shld be "transport"} DET_IDIO:{small p} 4617 jh k Veien er helt grei å gå, og omgivelsene er storslagne. ORACLE The road is all the way easy. ... And The surroundings are splendid. 1 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo in first half} DET_MISS:{"Å gå"} DET_IDIO:{capital A and T} TOP The road is easy purely. ... And The surroundings are splendid. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"purely" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"å gå"} DET_IDIO:{capital A and T} BLEU The road is easy purely. ... And The surroundings are splendid. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"purely" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"å gå"} DET_IDIO:{capital A and T} OA Veien is all easy to go, and the omgivelsene is storslagne. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong"all" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Veien""storslagne"} SMT the road is easy to go all the way , and the environment is magnificent . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"all the way" is superfluous"go" is wrong"environment" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 4619 jh k Den ble reist i 1938 og nedlagt i 1957. ORACLE It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957. 1 2 DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong"abandoned" is wrong} TOP It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957. 1 2 DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong"abandoned" is wrong} BLEU It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong"shut down" is wrong} OA It was reist.1938 and invested in 1957. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"invested" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"reist""i"} SMT it was built in digitersatz and closed in digitersatz . 1 0 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz" (twice)} DET_IDIO:{small i} 4621 jh k I vestenden av vannet er det stiskille for ruta til Illvatnet. ORACLE In the west end of the lake, there is a fork for the route to Illvatnet. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"In" is wrong} TOP In the west end of the lake, there is a fork for the route to Illvatnet. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"In" is wrong} BLEU In the west end of the lake, there is a fork for the route to Illvatnet. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"In" is wrong} OA In the west end of the water that is path part to run to Illvatnet. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"In" is wrong"water" is wrong"that (is)" is wrong"path part" is wrong"to run" is wrong} SMT in the west end of the lake , there 's a fork for the route to illvatnet . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there's" is an oral form only} DET_VOC:{"in" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small i and i} 4622 jh u Derfra er det merket ruter både til Nørdstedalseter og til Sota Sæter. ORACLE From there, routes are marked to Nørdstedalseter and to Sota Sæter. 3 2 DET_MISS:{"både"} TOP From there, routes to Nørdstedalseter, and to Sota Sæters are marked. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo at beginning} DET_VOC:{"Sæters" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} BLEU From there, that mark is routes to Nørdstedalseter, and to Sota Sæters. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"that mark is" is wrong"Sæters" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"både"} DET_IDIO:{commas} OA There from it is label run both to Nørdstedalseter and to Sota Sæter. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo in beginning} DET_VOC:{"it is" is wrong"label" is wrong"run" is wrong" both to ... to" is wrong} SMT from there , there are marked trails to nørdstedalseter , and both to sota sæter . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"to... and both to" is wrongwwo at beginning} DET_IDIO:{small f, n, s and s} 4623 jh k Du fortsetter imidlertid ned i Vesledalen til Trulsbu. ORACLE You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu. 3 3 TOP You still continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen. 3 3 BLEU You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu. 3 3 OA You continues still down for Vesledalen to Trulsbu. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"You continues" is wrongwwo " continues still down"} DET_VOC:{"for" is wrong} SMT however , you continue down in vesledalen to trulsbu . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"however" is wrong"in" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small h, v and t} 4625 jh k Videre? ORACLE Farther ones. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"ones" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Farther ones. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"ones" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Farther ones. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"ones" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Then? 0 1 DET_VOC:{"Then" is wrong} SMT further ? 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f} 4626 jh u Turen i Breheimen kan ikke slutte verken på Trulsbu eller Nørdstedalseter. ORACLE The trip in Breheimen cannot end at Trulsbu nor Nørdstedalseter. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"nor" shld be "or"} DET_MISS:{"verken"} TOP The trip in Breheimen can not end at Trulsbu nor Nørdstedalseter. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"can not" shld be one word"at.. nor" is wrong "neither..nor/either...or)} DET_MISS:{"verken"} BLEU The trip in Breheimen cannot end at Trulsbu nor Nørdstedalseter. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"nor" shld be "or"} DET_MISS:{"verken"} OA The trip in Breheimen may not finish work on Trulsbu or Nørdstedalseter. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"work" is wrong"on ...or" is wrong} SMT the trip in breheimen may not end your neither on the trulsbu or nørdstedalseter . 1 0 DET_VOC:{"your" is wrong"neither... or" is wrong"on the" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, b, t and n} 4627 jh k Derfor skriver jeg litt om turene videre, selv om det faller litt utenfor rammene for heftet. ORACLE I therefore write a little on the trips more widely even though a little one outside the boxes for the booklet falls. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{beginning shld be "I an therefore writing..."wwo in second half...} DET_VOC:{"on" shld be "about""more widely" is wrong"a little one... falls" is wrong} TOP Even though a little outside the boxes for the booklet falls, more widely, I therefore write a little one on the trips. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo throughout the sentence} DET_VOC:{"boxes" is wrong"more widely" is wrong"a little one" is wrong} BLEU Even though a little outside the boxes for the booklet falls, more widely, I therefore write a little one on the trips. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo throughout the sentence} DET_VOC:{"boxes" is wrong"more widely" is wrong"a little one" is wrong} OA Therefore I write some of the walks away, even though the fall some outside the borders to the issue. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"I write" is wrongwwo in second half} DET_VOC:{"away" is wrong"borders" is wrong"issue" is wrong"the fall" is wrong"to" is wrong} SMT therefore , a bit about the hike onward , even though it falls outside the rammene for a little i back . 1 0 DET_VOC:{"for a little""back"} DET_MISS:{"rammene""i"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 4628 jh u Fra Nørdstedalseter er det merket to ruter nordover til Sota Sæter. ORACLE From Nørdstedalseter, two routes are marked northwards to Sota Sæter. 3 3 TOP From Nørdstedalseter, two routes are marked northwards to Sota Sæters. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Sæters" is wrong} BLEU From Nørdstedalseter, two routes are marked northwards to Sota Sæters. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Sæters" is wrong} OA From Nørdstedalseter it is signed two runs north across to Sota Sæter. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"signed" is wrong"north across" is wrong"runs" is wrong} SMT from nørdstedalseter , there are two marked trails to sota sæter northwards . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"nothwards" misplaced} DET_IDIO:{small f, n, s and s} 4629 jh k De går sammen til stiskille i Nørdstedalen. ORACLE They go together to a fork in Nørdstedalen. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong"to" shld be "until"} TOP They go together to a junction in Nørdstedalen. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong"to" shld be "until""junction" is wrong} BLEU They go together to a fork in Nørdstedalen. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"go" is wrong"to" shld be "until"} OA They work together to path part in Nørdstedalen. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"work together" is wrong"path part" is wrong} SMT the runs together to the fork in the nørdstedalen . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"the runs" is wrong"the nørdstedalen" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t and n} 4630 jh u Den vestligste går opp til Fortundalsbreen. ORACLE The westernmost one goes up to Fortundalsbreen. 3 3 TOP The westernmost one goes up to Fortundalsbreen. 3 3 BLEU The westernmost one goes up to Fortundalsbreen. 3 3 OA The Western tea go up to Fortundalsbreen. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"Western tea" is wrong} SMT the westernmost goes up to the fortundalsbreen . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"one" is missing} DET_IDIO:{small t and f} 4631 jh k Over breen går det fører i sommersesongen, påmelding til Nørdstedalseter eller Sota Sæter. ORACLE Over the glacier, a guide in the summer season, entry to Nørdstedalseter, or Sota Sæter goes. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"entry" is wrong"to" is wrong} TOP Over the glacier, conditions in the summer season, entry to Nørdstedalseter, or Sota Sæter walk. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"conditions" is wrong"entry" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} BLEU Across the glacier, a guide in the summer season, entry to Nørdstedalseter, or Sota Sæter go. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"to go" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"entry" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} OA Over the cover the stretch run in the sommersesongen, entry to Nørdstedalseter or Sota Sæter. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"cover" is wrong"stretch" is wrong"run" is wrong"entry" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"sommersesongen"} SMT it goes over the glacier guide in the summer season , booking sota sæter , or to nørdstedalseter . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it goes" is wrongwwo"guide" shld be "a guide"} DET_MISS:{"til"} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} 4632 jh u Merkingen fortsetter på nordsiden av breen. ORACLE The marking continues on the north side of the glacier. 3 3 TOP The marking continues the north side of the glacier. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"på"} BLEU The marking continues on the north side of the glacier. 3 3 OA The merkingen continues on the north as of the glacier. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"as of" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"merkingen""side"} SMT the marking continues on the north side of the glacier . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t} 4634 jh u Det er en del ur langs vannet, men det er en flott tur. ORACLE There are a few rocky hills along the lake, but there is a fine trip. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"hills" is wrong} TOP There are a few rocky hills along the lake, but there is a fine trip. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"hills" is wrong} BLEU There are a few rocky hills along the water, but there is a fine trip. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"hills" is wrong"water" is wrong} OA There are a part watch along the water, but there is a great trip. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"There are" is wrong "there is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"part" is wrong"watch" is wrong"water" is wrong} SMT there 's some talus along the lake , but it is a fine trip . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"talus" is wrong} 4635 jh k Fra denne ruta går det en gammel merking over til Lundadalsbandet og Trulsbu. ORACLE From this route, an old marking goes over to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"marking" is wrong} TOP From this route, an old marking goes over to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"marking" is wrong} BLEU From this route, an old marking goes over to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"marking" is wrong} OA From this schedule leaves it an old merking over to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"schedule" is wrong"leaves" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"merking"} SMT there is an old marked trail from this route over to lundadalsbandet and to trulsbu . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t, l and t} 4636 jh u Fra Nørdstedalseter er det også merket rute vestover til Arentzbu, øverst i Mørkrisdalen. ORACLE From Nørdstedalseter, a route to the west is also marked to Arentzbu at the uppermost place in Mørkrisdalen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"uppermost place" is wrong} TOP From Nørdstedalseter, a route to the west is also marked at the uppermost place in Mørkrisdalen to Arentzbu. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo towards end} DET_VOC:{"uppermost place" is wrong} BLEU A route is also marked to the west at the uppermost place in Mørkrisdalen to Arentzbu from Nørdstedalseter. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo in second half} DET_VOC:{"uppermost place" is wrong} OA From Nørdstedalseter it is also standard service west to Arentzbu, øverst.Mørkrisdalen. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it (is)" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"standard" is wrong"service " is wrong"west" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"øverst""i"} DET_IDIO:{full stop towards end is wrong} SMT from nørdstedalseter , it is also the marked trail westwards to arentzbu , uppermost in mørkrisdalen . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"it is" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small f, n, a and m} 4637 jh k Fra Trulsbu er det merket rute videre til Skjåk. ORACLE From Trulsbu, a route is marked to Skjåk wider. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"wider" is wrong} TOP From Trulsbu, it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it (is)" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong"more widely" is wrong} BLEU From Trulsbu, it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it (is)" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong"more widely" is wrong} OA From Trulsbu it is label run away to Skjåk. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"it (is)" is wrwong} DET_VOC:{"label" is wrong"run" is wrong"away" is wrong} SMT from trulsbu , there are marked trails onward to skjåk . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"there are ...trails" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"onward" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small f, t and s} 4640 jh u Fra Trulsbu er det også en umerket rute sørøstover forbi Høydalen til Bøvertun. ORACLE From Trulsbu, there is also an umerket. Some route to the southeast past Høydalen to Bøvertun 2 1 DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"umerket"} DET_IDIO:{full stop and capital S in mid-sentence} TOP From Trulsbu, there is also a umerket. Some route to the south-east past Høydalen to Bøvertun 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Some route" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"umerket"} DET_IDIO:{full stop an dcapital S in mid-sentence} BLEU From Trulsbu, there is also an umerket. Some route to the southeast past Høydalen to Bøvertun 2 1 DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"umerket"} DET_IDIO:{full stop and capital S in mid-sentence} OA From Trulsbu it is also a umerket run south-easterly over over Høydalen to Bøvertun. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it is" is wrong"over over" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"run" is wrong"over" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"umerket"} SMT from trulsbu , it is also a umerket route southeastwards past høydalen to bøvertun . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"it is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"route" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"umerket" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small f, t, h and b} 4642 jh u Skaff deg også turkart Breheimen i målestokk 1:100 000. ORACLE Also obtain a hiking map. Of Breheimen in a rule 1:100 000 2 1 DET_VOC:{"rule" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"of" is missing before "1:100 000"} DET_IDIO:{full stop and capital O in mid-sentence are wrong} TOP Also find a hiking map. Breheimen in a standard 1:100 000 1 0 DET_VOC:{"find" is wrong"standard" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence is wrong} BLEU Also find a hiking map. Breheimen in a standard 1:100 000 1 0 DET_VOC:{"find" is wrong"standard" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{full stop in mid-sentence is wrong} OA Get you some stroke of luck list Breheimen in ruler 1: 100 000. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"Get you" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"stroke of luck" is wrong"list" is wrong"ruler" is wrong} SMT get also the hiking and skiing map digitersatz:digitersatz , digitersatz scale in breheimen . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"in" shld be "of"} DET_MISS:{"and skiing" is wrong"digitersatz:digitersatz , digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small g and b} 4644 jh u Lengder ORACLE Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Distances. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ durations 0 0 DET_VOC:{"durations" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT lengths 0 1 DET_VOC:{"lengths" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small l} 4645 jh k Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 t. ORACLE Turtagrø Stølsdalen Four hours 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Four" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} TOP Turtagrø Stølsdalen Four hours 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Four" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} BLEU Turtagrø Stølsdalen Four hours 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Four" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} OA Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 t. 2 1 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT turtagrø - memurubu , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t and m} 4646 jh u Fortundalen - Stølsdalen, 3 t. opp, 2 t. ned. ORACLE Fortundalen Stølsdalen 3 hours 2 hours 1 1 DET_MISS:{"opp""ned"} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcommas missing} TOP Fortundalen Stølsdalen 3 hours 2 times 1 0 DET_VOC:{"times" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"opp""ned"} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcommas missing} BLEU Fortundalen Stølsdalen 3 classes of 2 hours 1 0 DET_VOC:{"classes of" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"opp""ned"} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcommas missing} OA Fortundalen - Stølsdalen, 3 t. Down, 2 t. Down. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"down" is wrong the first time} DET_MISS:{"t" (twice)} DET_IDIO:{capital D and D} SMT fortundalen - memurubu , digitersatz h. up , digitersatz hrs. down . 0 0 DET_VOC:{"h" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz " (twice)} DET_IDIO:{small f and m} 4647 jh k Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t. ORACLE stø1 lsds alen Nørdstedalseter 6 hours 1 1 DET_VOC:{"stø1 lsds alen " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small shyphen missingcomma missing} TOP stø1 lsds alen Nørdstedalseter 6 hours 1 1 DET_VOC:{"stø1 lsds alen " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small shyphen missingcomma missing} BLEU stø1 lsds alen Nørdstedalseter 6 hours 1 1 DET_VOC:{"stø1 lsds alen " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small shyphen missingcomma missing} OA Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT stølsdalen - nørdstedalseter , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} 4648 jh u Nørdstedalseter - Trulsbu, 5 t. ORACLE nørdste dal seter Trulsbu 5 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} TOP nørdste dal seter Trulsbu 5 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} BLEU nørdste dal seter Trulsbu 5 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} OA Nørdstedalseter - Trulsbu, 5 t. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT trulsbu - nørdstedalseter , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t and n} 4650 jh u Ikke merket. ORACLE Not The mark 0 0 DET_VOC:{"The mark" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital T} TOP Do not ... 0 0 DET_VOC:{"Do not" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"merket"} BLEU Not ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{"merket"} OA Not notice. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"notice" is wrong} SMT not marked . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small n} 4651 jh k Trulsbu - Sota, 7 t. ORACLE Trulsbu Sota 7 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} TOP Trulsbu Sota 7 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} BLEU Trulsbu Sota 7 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} OA Trulsbu - Sota, 7 t. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT trulsbu - sota , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small t and s} 4652 jh u Trulsbu - Skjåk, 6 t. ORACLE Trulsbu Skjåk 6 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} TOP Trulsbu Skjåk 6 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} BLEU Trulsbu Skjåk 6 hours 3 2 DET_IDIO:{hyphen missingcomma missing} OA Trulsbu - Skjåk, 6 t. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT trulsbu - skjåk , digitersatz hrs . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small t and s} 4653 jh k Nørdstedalseter - Sota (om Illvatnet), 8 t. ORACLE nørdste dal seter Sota via Illvatnet 8 hours 2 1 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small nhyphen missingcomma missing} TOP nørdste dal seter Sotas on Illvatnet 8 hours 1 0 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong"on" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small nhyphen missingcomma missing} BLEU nørdste dal seter Sotas on Illvatnet 8 hours 1 0 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong"on" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small nhyphen missingcomma missing} OA Nørdstedalseter - Sota (of Illvatnet), 8 t. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"of" is wrong"t" is wrong} SMT nørdstedalseter - sota ( via illvatnet ) , digitersatz hrs . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small n, s and i} 4654 jh u Nørdstedalseter - Sota (Fortundalsbreen), 7 t. ORACLE nørdste dal seter Sota Fortundalsbreen ) 7 hours 1 1 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dal seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen is missingcomma is missingopening bracket is missing} TOP nørdste dals seter Sota Fortundalsbreen ) 7 hours 0 0 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dals seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen is missingcomma is missingopening bracket is missing} BLEU nørdste dals seter Sota Fortundalsbreen ) 7 hours 0 0 DET_VOC:{"nørdste dals seter " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{hyphen is missingcomma is missingopening bracket is missing} OA Nørdstedalseter - Sota (Fortundalsbreen), 7 t. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"t"} SMT nørdstedalseter - sota ( fortundalsbreen ) , digitersatz hrs . 1 0 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small n, s and f} 4656 jh u Overnattingssteder ORACLE Overnight accommodations. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" shld be singular} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Overnight stops. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Overnight accommodations. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" shld be singular} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ overnight stop cities 1 0 DET_VOC:{"stop cities" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT overnight accommodations 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"accomodations" shld be singular} DET_IDIO:{small o} 4657 jh k Turtagrø (må sjekkes pga. brann), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter. ORACLE Turtagrø must be checked because of fire. ) Stølsdalen Trulsbu Sota Sæter 1 1 DET_IDIO:{commas are missingopening bracket is missingfull stop is missing at endfull stop in mid-sentence is wrong} TOP Turtagrø must be checked because of surf. ) Stølsdalen Trulsbu Sota Sæter 1 1 DET_VOC:{"surf" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{commas are missingopening bracket is missingfull stop is missing at endfull stop in mid-sentence is wrong} BLEU Turtagrø must be checked because of fire. ) Stølsdalen Trulsbu Sota Sæter 1 1 DET_IDIO:{commas are missingopening bracket is missingfull stop is missing at endfull stop in mid-sentence is wrong} OA Turtagrø (must check rise pga. Brann), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"check" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"rise" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"pga""Brann"} SMT turtagrø sjekkes fire ) , sota sæter , trulsbu , pga. ( must stølsdalen . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{" må sjekkes pga"} DET_IDIO:{small t, s, s, t, s} 4659 jh k Kommunikasjoner ORACLE Communications. 1 2 DET_GRAM:{"communications" shld be in singular form} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Communications. 1 2 DET_GRAM:{"communications" shld be in singular form} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Communications. 1 2 DET_GRAM:{"communications" shld be in singular form} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ communications 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"communications" shld be in singular form} DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT public transportation 1 1 DET_VOC:{"transport", not "transportation"} DET_IDIO:{small p} 4660 jh u Bilvei og bussruter til Turtagrø. ORACLE A road and bus routes to Turtagrø. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} TOP A road and bus routes to Turtagrø. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} BLEU A road and bus routes to Turtagrø. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} OA Car road and bus service to Turtagrø. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Car" is wrong} SMT automobile road and bus routes to turtagrø . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"automobile" is wrong"routes" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a and t} 4661 jh k Bilvei til Nørdstedalseter og Sota Sæter. ORACLE A road to Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæter. 2 2 TOP A road to Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæters. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"Sæters" is wrong} BLEU A road to Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæters. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"Sæters" is wrong} OA Car road to Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæter. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Car" is wrong} SMT automobile road to nørdstedalseter , and sota sæter . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"automobile" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small a, n, s and scomma is wrong} 5049 jh e Støvler ORACLE Boots. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Boots. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Boots. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ boots 1 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} DET_IDIO:{small b} SMT boots 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small b} 5107 jh e Kartene bak i denne boka er i målestokk 1:100 000. ORACLE The maps Rear ends in this book are in a rule of 1:100 000 1 0 DET_VOC:{"Rear ends in" => "at the back of""in a rule" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"i"} DET_IDIO:{capital R in mid-sentence} TOP The maps of Rear ends in this book are in a rule. 1:100 000 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"of" => "at"} DET_VOC:{"Rear ends in" => "at the back of""in" => "at""rule" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital R in mid-sentence} BLEU The maps of Rear ends in this book are into a rule. 1:100 000 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"of" => "at"} DET_VOC:{"Rear ends in" => "at the back of""into" => "at""rule" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital R in mid-sentence} OA The maps behind in this book is in ruler 1: 100 000. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"behind in"=>"at the back of""is in ruler" is wrong} SMT the maps at the back of this book are on a scale of digitersatz:digitersatz , digitersatz . 2 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz:digitersatz , digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t} 5136 jh e 4 Målet ditt ligger i den retningen marsjretningspilen på kompasset peker. ORACLE 4 Målet Your one lies in that direction of The walk direction arrow on the compass points. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"that (direction)" is wrong"walk direction arrow on the compass" => "compass needle"} DET_MISS:{"Målet"} DET_IDIO:{capital letters in mid-sentence} TOP 4 Målet Your one lies in that direction of The direction walk arrow at the compass points. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{" direction walkarrow at the compass" => "compass needle"} DET_MISS:{"Målet"} DET_IDIO:{capital T} BLEU 4 Målet Your one lies in that direction. The direction walk arrow at the compass points. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"direction walk arrow at the compass" => "compass needle"} DET_MISS:{"Målet"} DET_IDIO:{full stop and capital letter in mid-sentence} OA 4 your Målet rest in the direction direction of travel arrow around on the compass points. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"direction direction" is wrongwwo at end of sentence} DET_VOC:{"rest" => "lies""travel arrow" => "compass needle""around" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small ycapital M} SMT digitersatz. your is located in the direction of the marching arrow . 1 0 DET_VOC:{"marching arrow" =>"compass needle"} DET_MISS:{much of sentence is missing"digitersatz."} 5165 jh e Gnagsår ORACLE Blisters. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Blisters. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Blisters. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ blisters 1 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} DET_IDIO:{small b} SMT blisters 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small b} 6001 ps e Turguide ORACLE A trip guide. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} TOP Turguide. 0 0 DET_MISS:{"Turguide"} BLEU A trip guide. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" is wrong} OA §START§ trip courier 1 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§ """courier" is wrong} SMT hike guide 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small h} 6028 ps e 400 parkeringsplasser. ORACLE 400 parking spaces. 3 3 TOP 400 parking spaces. 3 3 BLEU 400 parking spaces. 3 3 OA 400 parking spaces. 3 3 SMT digitersatz parking places . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} 6055 ps e Utleie ORACLE Rental. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Rental" shld be in plural form} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Rental. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Rental" shld be in plural form} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Rental. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"Rental" shld be in plural form} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ let 0 0 DET_VOC:{"let" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"§START§ "} SMT rentals 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small r} 6082 ps e Fremdeles er det mange spor etter den gamle fjellgarden på Vatne. ORACLE There are still many traces of the old mountain farm at Vatne. 3 3 TOP There are many still traces of the old mountain farm at Vatne. 3 3 BLEU There are still many traces of the old mountain farm at Vatne. 3 3 OA Still there are many tracks from the old fjellgarden on Vatne. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"Still" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"tracks" is wrong"on" => "at"} SMT there are still many traces of the old mountain farm at vatne . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t and v} 6137 ps e Lysefjordbreen ORACLE Lysefjordbreen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Lysefjordbreen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Lysefjordbreen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA The lysefjordbreen 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"The" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small l} SMT the lysefjord glacier 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t and l} 6217 ps e Døde planter brytes ikke ned fordi marken hele tiden er vannmettet og oksygenet ikke får bidra til en normal nedbrytning. ORACLE Dead plants are not broken down. The field All the time is water-saturated. And The oxygen Not ... 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in middle section} DET_MISS:{"får bidra til en normal nedbrytning."} DET_IDIO:{capital letters in mid-sentence} TOP Dead plant species are not broken down. The field of All the time is water-saturated. And The oxygen Not To get to contribute to a normal decomposition 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo in middle and final sections"not to get contribute" => "does not contribute"} DET_VOC:{"plant species " => "plants""of" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{capital letters in mid-sentencefull stop at end is missingOriginal sentence broken unnecessarily} BLEU Dead plants are not broken down. The field All the time is water-saturated. And The oxygen Do not ... 1 1 DET_MISS:{" bidra til en normal nedbrytning."} OA Dead plant brytes not down because the land the entire the time is the water filled and the oxygen not may contribute to a normal down conflict. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo throughout"plant" => "plants""not may contribute" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"the (water)" is wrong"water filled" => "Waterlogged""conføict" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"brytes"} SMT dead plants are not broken down because the ground is the whole time waterlogged and oxygen cannot contribute to normal decomposition . 3 2 DET_GRAM:{shld be " waterlogged the whole time.."} DET_IDIO:{small d} 6245 ps e Rome ORACLE A bog asphodel. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" => "The"} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Rome. 0 0 DET_MISS:{"Rome"} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU A bog asphodel. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"A" => "The"} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ rome 0 0 DET_MISS:{" §START§"Rome"} SMT the bog asphodel 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t} 6271 ps e Skorpelav ORACLE Crusty lichen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrongsmall l} TOP Crusty lichen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrongsmall l} BLEU Crusty lichen. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrongsmall l} OA §START§ Skorpelav 0 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§ Skorpelav"} SMT crustaceous lichen 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small c and l} 6298 ps e Navnet kommer nok av bjørkenever som ble brukt til taktekking. ORACLE The name comes from a birch bark, which was used as roofing. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"a" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma is wrong} TOP The name comes from a birch bark, that was used to roofing. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"a" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"to" => "for""that" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma is wrong} BLEU The name comes from a birch bark, which was used to roofing. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"a" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"to" => "for"} DET_IDIO:{comma is wrong} OA The name gets enough for birch hands that was used to roofing. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"gets enough for" is wrong"hands" is wrong"that" is wrong"to" is wrong} SMT the name comes bjørkenever enough of that were used to roofs. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"enough of that" is wrong"to roofs" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fra""bjørkenever"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 6352 ps e Det ble også satt opp flere skipsbeddinger i Lysebotn, Håheller og Viga. ORACLE It was also set up several ship slips in Lysebotn, Håheller, and Viga. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"It was" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong"ship slips" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma before "and" is wrong} TOP It was also set up more ship slips in Lysebotn, Håheller, and Viga. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"It was" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong"more" is wrong"ship slips" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma before "and" is wrong} BLEU It was also set up several ship slips in Lysebotn, Håheller, and Viga. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"It was" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong"ship slips" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma before "and" is wrong} OA It was also set up several skipsbeddinger in Lysebotn, Håheller and Viga. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"It was" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"set up" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"skipsbeddinger"} SMT it was also established at lysebotn , håheller and sat up more viga . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"established.....sat up" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"flere skipsbeddinger"} DET_IDIO:{small a, l, h and v} 6379 ps e Hva er en fjord? ORACLE What is a fjord? 3 3 TOP What is a fjord? 3 3 BLEU What is a fjord? 3 3 OA That is a fiord? 1 1 DET_VOC:{"That" => "What"} SMT what is a fjord ? 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small w} 6401 ps k Lysefjorden er 15 meter dyp ved munningen. ORACLE Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at the mouth. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the mouth" => "its estuary"} TOP Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at the mouth. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the mouth" => "its estuary"} BLEU Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at the mouth. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"the mouth" => "its estuary"} OA The call down fjord is 15 meters deep at the mouth. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"call down" is wrong"the (mouth)" =>"its..."} SMT the lysefjord is digitersatz meters profound at the mouth . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"the (mouth)" => "its ...."} DET_VOC:{"meters" => "metres""profound" is wrong"mouth" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small t and l} 6405 ps k Flere opplevelser venter ORACLE More adventures wait. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP More adventures wait. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU More adventures wait. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Many experiences wait 2 1 DET_VOC:{"wait" => "await you"} SMT several experiences expectant 1 0 DET_VOC:{"several experiences expectant " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small s} 6407 ps k Lysefjorden er majestetisk med sine loddrette fjellsider. ORACLE Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"mountainsides" is wrong} TOP Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"mountainsides" is wrong} BLEU Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"mountainsides" is wrong} OA The call down fjord is regal with its absolute rock sides. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"call down" is wrong"absolute" is wrong"sides" is wrong} SMT the lysefjord is majestetisk with their rock fjellsider . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"their" => "its"} DET_VOC:{"rock" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"majestetisk""fjellsider"} DET_IDIO:{small t and l} 6414 ps u Prøv "Fjordhopping" ORACLE Try Fjordhopping. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{inverted commas are missing} TOP Try Fjordhopping. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{inverted commas are missing} BLEU Try Fjordhopping. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{inverted commas are missing} OA Quiz " Fjordhopping " 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Quiz" is wrong} SMT try " fjordhopping " 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t and f} 6417 ps k Løypa går flere steder ned til kaier ved fjorden. ORACLE The track goes at more places down to quays on the fjord. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"more" => "several"} TOP The track goes on the fjord at more places down to quays. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"on the fjord" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"more" => "several"} BLEU The track goes at the fjord at more places down to quays. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"more" => "several""at (the fjord) => "by (the fjord)"} OA The løypa leaves many places down to quays on the fiord. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"more" => "several""leaves" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"løypa"} SMT the route goes several places down to the kaier at the fjord . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"several places" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"route" => "track""at" => "by"} DET_MISS:{"kaier"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 6421 ps k Andre turmuligheter rundt Preikestolhytta ORACLE Other trip alternatives around Preikestolhytta. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Other trip alternatives around Preikestolhytta. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Other trip alternatives around Preikestolhytta. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Other stroke of luck possibilities around Preikestolhytta 2 1 DET_VOC:{"stroke of luck" is wrong} SMT other hike choices around the pulpit rock cabin 2 1 DET_VOC:{"choices" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small o, p, r and c} 6430 ps u Turforslag: ORACLE Hike suggestions. 2 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} TOP Hike suggestions. 2 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} BLEU Hike suggestions. 2 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} OA Stroke of luck propositions: 0 0 DET_VOC:{"stroke of luck" is wrong"propositions" is wrong} SMT trips : 1 2 DET_MISS:{"forslag"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 6431 ps k Ulvaskog ORACLE Ulvaskog. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Ulvaskog. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Ulvaskog. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ Ulvaskog 1 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT ulvaskog 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small u} 6437 ps k På turen passeres den nedlagte garden Torsnes. ORACLE On the trip, the abandoned farm Torsnes is passed. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} TOP On the trip, the farm, abandoned, Torsnes, is passed. 2 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo throughout} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} BLEU On the trip, the farm, abandoned, Torsnes, is passed. 2 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo throughout} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} OA On the trip compass rise the close garden Torsnes. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"close" => "closed"} DET_VOC:{"compass" is wrong"rise" is wrong"garden" is wrong} SMT the trip , you pass on the abandoned torsnes garden . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"on the" is wrongwwo at end} DET_VOC:{"garden" => "farm"} DET_MISS:{"På"} 6438 ps u De som ønsker det kan ta en avstikker ned til Lysefjorden ved Refså. ORACLE They who want it can take a side trip down to Lysefjorden at Refså. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"They" => "Those""who want it" => "who wish to do so""side trip" => "detour"} TOP They, that want it, can take a side trip at Refså down to Lysefjorden. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"at Refså" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"that want it" => "who wish to do so""can" => "may""side trip" => "detour"} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} BLEU You, who want it, can take a side trip down to Lysefjorden at Refså. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"You, who want it" => "Those who wish to do so""can" => "may""side trip" => "detour"} DET_IDIO:{commas are wrong} OA Those that want it may take a departure down to Lysefjorden on Refså. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"that want it" => "who wish to do so""departure" => "detour""on" is wrong} SMT those who want it may take a side trip down to the lysefjord , at refså . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"who want it" => "who wish to do so""side trip" => "detour"} DET_IDIO:{small t, l and r} 6440 ps u Moslifjell ORACLE Moslifjell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Moslifjell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Moslifjell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ Moslifjell 2 0 DET_MISS:{" §START§"} SMT moslifjell 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small m} 6442 ps u Fra den 718 meter høye toppen er det fantastisk utsikt over Jæren, Boknafjorden og Ryfylke. ORACLE From the 718 meter high peak, there is a fantastic view over Jæren, Boknafjorden, and Ryfylke. 3 3 TOP From the 718 meter high peak, there is a fantastic view over Jæren, Boknafjorden, and Ryfylke. 3 3 BLEU From the 718 meter high peak, there is a fantastic view over Jæren, Boknafjorden, and Ryfylke. 3 3 OA Since the 718 meters tall peak is the amazing chance over Jæren, Boknafjorden and Ryfylke. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Since" is wrong"tall" is wrong"chance" is wrong} SMT from the digitersatz meter high over the summit there is a fantastic view jæren , boknafjorden and ryfylke . 1 0 DET_VOC:{"over the" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz ""over" before "Jæren"} DET_IDIO:{small f, j, b and r} 6444 ps u Vastnerinda ORACLE Vastnerinda. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Vastnerinda. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Vastnerinda. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ vastnerinda 1 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§"} DET_IDIO:{small v} SMT vastnerinda 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small v} 9001 tg e Turmuligheter fra Gjevilvasshytta ORACLE Trip alternatives from Gjevilvasshytta. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Turmuligheter from Gjevilvasshytta. 1 1 DET_MISS:{"Turmuligheter"} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Turmuligheter from Gjevilvasshytta. 1 1 DET_MISS:{"Turmuligheter"} DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Stroke of luck possibilities from Gjevilvasshytta 1 0 DET_VOC:{"stroke of luck" is wrong"possibilities" is wrong} SMT hike choices from gjevilvasshytta 2 2 DET_VOC:{"choices" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small h and g} 10020 tg e Ta herfra nordvestover og opp på Blåhåmmårkleppen. ORACLE Move from here to the northwest and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Move" is wrong"on" is wrong} TOP Move northwestwards, and up at Blåhåmmårkleppen from here. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in latter part of sentence} DET_VOC:{"Move" is wrong"at" is wrong} BLEU Move to the northwest, and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen from here. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Move" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{comma is wrong} OA Graze here from northwest across and down on Blåhåmmårkleppen. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"Graze" is wrong"across and down" is wrong"on" is wrong} SMT from here , go northwest and up onto blåhåmmårkleppen . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small f and b} 11003 tg e Trollheimen på tvers med «vårski» ORACLE Trollheimen crosswise with spring skis. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo at beginning} DET_VOC:{"crosswise" is wrong"with" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{inverted commas are missing} TOP Trollheimen crosswise with spring skis. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo at beginning} DET_VOC:{"crosswise" is wrong"with" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{inverted commas are missing} BLEU Trollheimen crosswise with spring skis. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo at beginning} DET_VOC:{"crosswise" is wrong"with" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{inverted commas are missing} OA The trollheimen on across with the «vårski» 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"The ..heimen" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"on across with" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"vårski"} SMT across trollheimen on «spring skis» 3 2 DET_IDIO:{smalla and t} 12036 tg e Vardinga mot Trollheims-hytta fortsetter bratt over de to andre og høgere toppene. ORACLE The stone markers towards the Trollheimen cabin continue over the other two and higher ones steep. The peaks 2 1 DET_GRAM:{broken sentence and wwo towards the end} DET_VOC:{too many words at the end} TOP ... The peaks 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence...} BLEU The stone markers towards the Trollheimen cabin continue over the other two and higher ones steep. The peaks 2 1 DET_GRAM:{broken sentence and wwo towards the end} DET_VOC:{too many words at the end} OA The vardinga against Trollheims-hytta continues sudden over the two other and høgere heads. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo "two other"} DET_VOC:{"against" => "towards""sudden" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"vardings""høgere"} SMT the cairned route towards trollheims - hytta continues steeply over the two other and higher summits . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo "two other"} DET_VOC:{"and" shld be omitted} DET_IDIO:{small t and t} 13012 tg e Til Festa kommer du lett med tog/buss eller bil. ORACLE To Festa, you come easily with a train or a bus or a car. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"come" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{" or a ... or a.." is wrong} TOP To Festa, you come easily with a train or a bus or a car. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"come" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{" or a ... or a.." is wrong} BLEU You come to Festa with a train or a bus or a car easy. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"easy" => "easily"wwo} DET_IDIO:{"or a... or a..." is wrong} OA To Festa you come easy with tog/buss or car. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"easy" => "easily"} DET_VOC:{"come" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"tog/buss"} SMT you can get to festa easily by train , bus or car . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small y and f} 13067 tg e Kart: ORACLE Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} TOP Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} BLEU Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} OA Menu: 0 3 DET_VOC:{"Menu" is wrong} SMT maps : 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small m} 14051 tg e Men usikten og ikke minst nedrennet som venter, gjør at vi får mye igjen for turen oppom toppen. ORACLE ... ... We get much again for the trip up by the summit. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"up by" is wrong} DET_MISS:{whole chunk of sentence missing} TOP ... ... Again, we get much for the trip up by the summit. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"up by" is wrong} DET_MISS:{whole chunk of sentence missing} BLEU ... ... Again, we get much for the trip up by the summit. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"up by" is wrong} DET_MISS:{whole chunk of sentence missing} OA But the usikten and particularly the down run that awaits, make that we receive much left to the turn round the top. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"down run" is wrong"turn" is wrong"top" is wrong"that" is wrong"much" is wrong"round" is wrong} DET_MISS:{Utsikten"} SMT but the view and not least , we get much for the trip to the top make the descent that expectant again . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"not least" is wrong"get much" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small b} 15019 tg e I godt vær anbefales andre å gå over Sæthøa og Gjerdhøa til bandet mellom Fagerlidalen og Svorunddalen. ORACLE In good weather, other ones, to walk over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the ridge between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen, are recommended. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo - verb at end of sentence} DET_VOC:{"other ones" is wrong} TOP In good weather, other ones, to walk to the ridge between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa, are recommended. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo (verb)} DET_VOC:{"other ones" is wrong"to walk to" is wrong} BLEU In good weather, other ones, to walk over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the ridge between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen, are recommended. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo - verb at end of sentence} DET_VOC:{"other ones" is wrong} OA In good weather anbefales second to go over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the band between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"second" => "the others"} DET_MISS:{"anbefales""band"} SMT in good weather , others to go over sæthøa and gjerdhøa to the col between fagerlidalen and svorunddalen . 2 2 DET_MISS:{"anbefales"} DET_IDIO:{small i, s, g, f and s} 16010 tg e Det kan også legges inn en ekstra dag på Trollheimshytta med dagstur til Snota. ORACLE It can also be placed in one extra day at Trollheimshytta with a day trip to Snota. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"can ... be placed" is wrong} TOP It can also be located in one extra day on Trollheimshytta with a day trip to Snota. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"can ... be located" is wrong"on" => "at"} BLEU It can also be located in one extra day at Trollheimshytta with a day trip to Snota. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"can ..be located" is wrong} OA It may also lower leg spread in an extra day on Trollheimshytta with excursion to Snota. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"lower leg spread" is wrong"on" => "at"} SMT it can also go in an extra day at trollheim lodge , with a day trip to snota . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"go in" is wrong"can" is wrong"with" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, l and s} 17014 tg e Til Gjevilvasshytta, ubetjent kvarter utenom sesonger, TT, kan du komme deg med kombinasjon av tog til Oppdal og buss til Festa. ORACLE ... TT ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{whole sentence} TOP ... TT ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{whole sentence} BLEU ... TT ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{whole sentence} OA To Gjevilvasshytta, ubetjent quarter outside seasons, TT, you can get you by combination of processions to Oppdal and quid to Festa. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"quarter" is wrong"outside seasons" => "off-season""you can get you" is wrong"Processions" => "train""quid" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"ubetjent"} SMT to gjevilvass lodge , unstaffed accommodations off - season , tt , you can get with a combination of train to oppdal and bus to festa . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"accomodations" shld be in singular form} DET_IDIO:{small t, tt, g and l} 17042 tg e Kart: ORACLE Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} TOP Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} BLEU Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} OA Menu: 0 3 DET_VOC:{"Menu" is wrong} SMT maps : 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small m} 18040 tg e Vassendsetra ORACLE Vassendsetra. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Vassendsetra. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Vassendsetra. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA The vassendsetra 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"The is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small v} SMT vassendsetra 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small v} 19022 tg e Turen til Østre Somrungsnebba er en forholdsvis lett tur, men med noen bratte partier. ORACLE The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip. ... With some steep parts 2 2 DET_IDIO:{"... With" => " - with"} TOP The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip. ... With some steep parts 2 2 DET_IDIO:{"... With" => " - with"} BLEU The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip. ... With some steep parts 2 2 DET_IDIO:{"... With" => " - with"} OA The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip, but with some sudden consignments. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"sudden" is wrong"consignments" is wrong} SMT the trip to eastern somrungsnebba is a relatively easy hike , but with a steep areas . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"a .... areas" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"a" is wrong"areas" is wrong} 19134 tg e Nils Røv ORACLE Nils Røv. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Nils Røv. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Nils Røv. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Nils Røv 3 3 SMT nils røv 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small n and r} 20055 tg e Da var det desto viktigere å ta vare på de gjenværende urørte områdene. ORACLE It was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas then. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"then" is misplaced (=>after "was")} TOP It was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas then. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"then" is misplaced (=>after "was")} BLEU It was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas then. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"then" is misplaced (=>after "was")} OA Then there was the two more viktigere:§grad=posi§ to take hold at the remaining untouched areas. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"the two" is wrong"more" is wrong"take hold at" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"viktigere"":§grad=posi§"} SMT then it was all the more important to preserve the go on the gjenværende untouched areas . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"go on" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"gjenværende"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 22039 tg e Vinter: ORACLE Winter. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Winter. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Winter. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Winter: 3 3 SMT winter : 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small w} 23017 tg e Høyden på fossen er omkring 15 meter. ORACLE The height at the waterfall is around 15 meters. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"at"=> "of"} TOP The height at the waterfall is around 15 meters. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"at"=> "of"} BLEU The height at the waterfall is around 15 meters. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"at"=> "of"} OA The level at the fall is around 15 metre. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"metre" => "metres"} DET_VOC:{"level at" => "height of"} SMT the elevation of the waterfall is about digitersatz meters . 2 1 DET_VOC:{"elevation" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 23045 tg e Kart: ORACLE Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} TOP Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} BLEU Maps. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop shld be colon} OA Menu: 0 3 DET_VOC:{"Menu" is wrong} SMT maps : 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small m} 24025 tg e Det er skilting til flere av bruddstedene. ORACLE There is a sign to the more of the places of fracture. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"is a sign" => "are signs"wwo} DET_VOC:{"more" => "several""fractures" is wrong"places" => "sites"} TOP There is a sign to the more of the fractures. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"is a sign" => "are signs"wwo} DET_VOC:{"more" => "several""fractures" is wrong} BLEU There is a sign to the more of the fractures. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"is a sign" => "are signs"wwo} DET_VOC:{"more" => "several""fractures" is wrong} OA There is skilting to many of the break spots. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"break spots" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"skilting"} SMT there are signs to several of the quarry sites . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t} 24053 tg e 1:50 000 Tydal, Flornes og Stjørdal. ORACLE 1:50 000 ... 1 1 DET_MISS:{"Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal."} TOP 1:50s 000 ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{... most of sentence} BLEU 1:50s 000 ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{... most of sentence} OA 1: 50 000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal. 3 3 SMT digitersatz:digitersatz , digitersatz tydal , flornes and stjørdal . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"digitersatz:digitersatz , digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t, s and f} 26023 tg e Melandsøya er mye benyttet som teltplass og kan være et godt utgangspunkt for turer i dalen. ORACLE Melandsøya is used much as a camp site and can be a good starting point for trips in the valley. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"used much" => "much used"} TOP Melandsøya is used much as pitch, and can be a good basis for trips in the valley. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"pitch" is wrong} BLEU Melandsøya is used as a camp site much, and can be a good starting point for trips in the valley. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"much" is misplaced} OA Melandsøya is more used that tent circle and can be a good basis for trips into the valley. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"more" => "much""that" is wrong" tent circle" is wrong} SMT melandsøya is a much used campsite and can be a good starting point for trips in the valley . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small m} 26051 tg e I følge vernebestemmelsene er alt dyre- og planteliv vernet. ORACLE In a group The protecting provisions are all animal and plant lives protected. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"In a group" is wrong"The protecting provisions" is wrong} TOP In a group The shelter provisions are all animal and plant lives protected. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"are" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"In a group" is wrong"The shelter provisions" is wrong} BLEU In a group The shelter provisions are all animal and plant lives protected. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"are" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"In a group" is wrong"The shelter provisions" is wrong} OA In follow the preservation provisions is all dyre- and plant life defense. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"is" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"In follow" is wrong"defense" is wrong"provisions" is wrong} SMT in accordance with conservation regulations , all animal and plant life is protected . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small i} 50002 tg u Turen har lange dagsmarsjer. ORACLE The trip has long day hikes. 3 3 TOP The trip has long day hikes. 3 3 BLEU The trip has day-long long treks. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"day-long" is wrong} OA The party has long a day's march is. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"has ... is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"party" is wrong"a day's march" is wrong} SMT the trip has long day marches . 3 2 DET_VOC:{"marches" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 50008 tg u Bergensekspressen (Trondheim - Bergen) og Trønderekspressen (Oslo - Gjøvik - Otta - Trondheim) har daglige ruter over Dovrefjell. ORACLE The Bergen express train Trondheim Bergen ) And Trønderekspressen Oslo Gjøvik Otta Trondheim ) has daily routes over Dovrefjell. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"has" => "have"} DET_IDIO:{opening brackets are missing twicehyphens are missingcapital A} TOP Bergensekspressen Trondheim Bergen ) And. Trønderekspressen Oslo Gjøvik Otta Trondheim ) has daily routes across Dovrefjell. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"has" => "have"} DET_IDIO:{opening brackets are missing twicecapital Afull stop in mid-sentence} BLEU The Bergen express train Trondheim Bergen ) And Trønderekspressen Oslo Gjøvik Otta Trondheim )s have daily routes over Dovrefjell. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{opening brackets missing twicecapital A} OA The bergensekspressen (Trondheim - Bergen) and Trønderekspressen (Oslo - Gjøvik - Otta - Trondheim) have regular routes over Dovrefjell. 3 2 DET_VOC:{"routes" => "services"} DET_IDIO:{small b} SMT bergensekspressen ( trondheim and bergen trønderekspressen ( oslo - gjøvik - otta - trondheim ) have daglige routes over dovrefjell - ) . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"routes" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"daglige"} DET_IDIO:{small b, t, b, t, o, g, o and tclosing bracket after "bergen" misiinghyphen and bracket are wrong at end of sentence} 50015 tg u Ta opp mot sørøst, over Taraldshøa og fram til Litjinn-sjøen. ORACLE Move up towards a south east, over the Tarald hill, and forwards to the Litjinn lake. DET_GRAM:{"a" => "the"} DET_VOC:{"Tarald hill" and "...lake"shld be left alone (proper nouns)"Move up" is wrong"forwards" => "on"} TOP Move up towards a south east, across the Tarald hill, and forwards to the Litjinn lake. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{" (south east" => "the ..."} DET_VOC:{"Move up" is wrong"Tarald hill" and "...lake"shld be left alone (proper nouns)} BLEU Move up towards a south east, across the Tarald hill, and forwards to the Litjinn lake. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{" (south east" => "the ..."} DET_VOC:{"Move up" is wrong"Tarald hill" and "...lake"shld be left alone (proper nouns)} OA Take up against sørøst. over Taraldshøa and fram to Litjinn-sjøen. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Take up" is wrong"against" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"sørøst""fram"} SMT go up towards the southeast , over taraldshøa and up to litjinn - the lake . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{- the" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"go up" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small g, t and l} 50019 tg u Det er også kortere turer ned fra Orkelsjøhytta. ORACLE There are also shorter trips down from Orkelsjøhytta. 3 3 TOP There are also shorter trips from Orkelsjøhytta down. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"down" is misplaced} BLEU There are also shorter trips down from Orkelsjøhytta. 3 3 OA It is too short trips down from Orkelsjøhytta. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"it is" => "There are"} DET_VOC:{"too" => "also"} SMT it is also shorter trips down from the orkelsjøhytta . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"it is" => "there are"} DET_IDIO:{small i} 50024 tg u Ta ned i dalen på nordsida av Storinnsjøen og fram til Storinnsjøvangen. ORACLE Move down in the valley on the north side of Storinnsjøen and forwards to Storinnsjøvangen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Move down in" is wrong"forwards" is wrong} TOP Move down in the valley on the north side of Storinnsjøen and forwards to Storinnsjøvangen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Move down in" is wrong"forwards" is wrong} BLEU Move down in the valley on the north side of Storinnsjøen and forwards to Storinnsjøvangen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Move down in" is wrong"forwards" is wrong} OA Get down in the valley at the north party of Storinnsjøen and fram to Storinnsjøvangen. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Get" => "Go""in" is superfluous"at" => "on""party" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fram"} SMT go down in the valley on the northern side of the storinnsjøen and up to storinnsjøvangen . 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in" is superfluous"of the" => "of"} DET_IDIO:{small g, s and s} 50025 tg u Snart er du oppe i lia høgt over dalen. ORACLE Soon, you are up in the mountain side over the valley high. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"high" is misplaced"soon" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"in" => "on"} TOP Soon, you are up in the mountain side across the valley high. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"high" is misplaced"soon" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"across" is wrong"in" => "on"} BLEU Soon, you are up in the mountain side over the valley high. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"high" is misplaced"soon" is misplaced} DET_VOC:{"in" => "on"} OA Quick you are up in the hillside høgt over the valley. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Quick" is wrong"in"=> "on"} DET_MISS:{"høgt"} SMT soon you are up the hillside , high over the valley . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small s} 50051 tg u Forbi Ålvundeid går bussene mellom Kristiansund og Oppdal. ORACLE Past Ålvundeid, the buses go between Kristiansund and Oppdal. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} TOP Past Ålvundeid, the buses between Kristiansund and Oppdal go. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} BLEU Past Ålvundeid, the buses between Kristiansund and Oppdal go. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} OA Over Ålvundeid the coaches between Kristiansund and Oppdal go. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Over" is wrong} SMT ålvundeid goes past bussene between oppdal and kristiansund . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"bussene"} DET_IDIO:{small a, o and k} 50052 tg u Stien tar opp på venstre side av elva fra Grasdalen. ORACLE The path moves up on a left side of the river from Grasdalen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"moves" is wrong} TOP The path moves up on a left side of the river from Grasdalen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"moves" is wrong} BLEU The path moves up on a left side of the river from Grasdalen. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"moves" is wrong} OA The path takes up at left side of elva from Grasdalen. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"takes" => "goes"} DET_MISS:{"elva"} SMT the trail goes up to the left side of the river from grasdalen . 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small t and g} 50055 tg u Ta opp ura i Botn og inn på breen som ender opp mot Kongskrona. ORACLE Move up the scree in Botn and in on the glacier that ends up towards Kongskrona. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"in"=> "at""in on" => "onto""towards" => "at"} TOP Move up the scree in Botn, and in on the glacier, who ends up towards Kongskrona. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"who" is wrong"towards" is wrong} BLEU Move up the scree in Botn, and in on the glacier, that ends up towards Kongskrona. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in on" is wrong"towards" is wrong} OA Take up ura in Botn and in on the cover that ends up against Kongskrona. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"Take " is wrong"cover" is wrong"on" is wrong"against" => "at"} DET_MISS:{"ura"} SMT go up on the way up toward the end of the glacier botn in talus and kongskrona . 0 0 DET_VOC:{"goup" is wrong"way" is wrong"up towards" is wrong"end of" is wrong"talus" is wrong"and" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small g, b and k} 50056 tg u Det er mange valg-muligheter videre opp brefallet mot toppen. ORACLE It is many choices more widely up the icefall towards the summit. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"It id"=> "there are"} DET_VOC:{"more widely" is wrong} TOP More widely, it is many choices up the icefall towards the summit. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"it is" => "there are"} DET_VOC:{"More widely" is wrong} BLEU More widely, it is many choices up the icefall towards the summit. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"it is" => "there are"} DET_VOC:{"More widely" is wrong} OA There are many valg-muligheter far down the put over lie against the top. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"far down" is wrong"the put" is wrong"over" is wrong"lie" is wrong"top" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"valg-muligheter"} SMT there are many choices - choice further up the icefall towards the summit . 2 2 DET_MISS:{"- choice" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 50058 tg u Utsikten fra det flate topplatået er eventyrlig ned i fjordene og ut mot kysten og havet. ORACLE The view from the flat topplatået is fantastic down into the fjords, and out towards the coast and the sea. 2 2 DET_MISS:{"topplatået"} TOP The view from the flat topplatået is fantastic down in the fjords, and out towards the coast and the sea. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in" => "into"} DET_MISS:{"topplatået"} BLEU The view from the flat topplatået is fantastic down in the fjords, and out towards the coast and the sea. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"in" => "into"} DET_MISS:{"topplatået"} OA The view from the flatten the topplatået is incredibly down in the fiords and out against the coast and the sea. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"incredibly" => "incredible"} DET_VOC:{"flatten" is wrong"down in" is wrong"out against" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"topplatået"} SMT the view from the summit plateau is fairytale - like down in the fjords and out to sea level , and the flat . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"into" is wrong"sea level" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t} 50062 tg u Herfra går det 1500 meter rett ned til bunnen av Sunndalen. ORACLE From here, 1500 meters go directly down to the bottom of Sunndalen. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"it" after comma"go" => "drops"} TOP From here, 1500 meters goes directly down to the base of Sunndalen. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"base" => "bottom""goes" => it drops"} BLEU From here, 1500 meters goes directly down to the bottom of Sunndalen. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"it" after comma} DET_VOC:{"goes" => "drops"} OA Here from the goes 1500 metre right down to the bottom of Sunndalen. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"metre" => "metres"} DET_VOC:{"the" => "it""goes" => "drops"} SMT from here , there is digitersatz meters directly down to the bottom of the sunndalen . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"the .. dalen" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz""a drop of"} DET_IDIO:{small f and s} 50063 tg u Dronningkrona ORACLE The queen crown. 0 0 DET_MISS:{Proper noun shld not be translated} TOP Dronningkrona. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Dronningkrona. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA §START§ Dronningkrona 2 0 DET_MISS:{"§START§"} SMT dronningkrona 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small d} 50065 tg u Ved varden ender ryggen i bratt stup mot Kongskrona. ORACLE At the cairn, the ridge ends in a steep cliff towards Kongskrona. 3 3 TOP At the cairn, the ridge ends towards Kongskrona in a steep cliff. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} BLEU At the cairn, the ridge ends in a steep cliff towards Kongskrona. 3 3 OA On the marker back end in precipitous plunge against Kongskrona. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"on" is wrong""marker back" is wrong"plunge" is wrong"against" is wrong} SMT in the cairn at the end of the ridge steeply to the clifftop kongskrona . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"end" is misplaced and shld be "ends"} DET_VOC:{"in" => "at"} DET_IDIO:{small i and k} 50073 tg u Det vises ellers til Norsk tindeklubs klatrefører for Innerdalen. ORACLE Otherwise, it is shown to Norsk. tindeklubs Some climbing guide for Innerdalen 1 0 DET_VOC:{"Otherwise" is wrong"it is shown" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{"Norsk.tindeklubs" is wrong} TOP Otherwise, it is shown to Norsk. tindeklubs Climbing conditions for Innerdalen 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Otherwise" is wrong"it is shown" is wrong"conditions" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Norsk.tindeklubs"} DET_IDIO:{capital csmall t} BLEU Otherwise, it is shown to Norsk. tindeklubs Climbing conditions for Innerdalen 1 1 DET_VOC:{"Otherwise" is wrong"it is shown" is wrong"conditions" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"Norsk.tindeklubs"} DET_IDIO:{capital csmall t} OA The we spread else to Norsk tindeklubs climb takes to Innerdalen. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"The we spread " is wrong"else" is wrong"takes" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"fører"} SMT otherwise , there shown to the norwegian tindeklubs klatrefører for innerdalen . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"otherwise" is wrong"there shown" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"klatrefører"} DET_IDIO:{small o, n t and i} 50088 tg u Ring til de aktuelle stedene for nærmere informasjon. ORACLE Call to the current places for more near information. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"current" is wrong"more near" is wrong} TOP Call for information more near to the present places. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"more near" is wrong"present" is wrong} BLEU Call for information more near to the present places. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"more near" is wrong"present" is wrong} OA Call to the current passages to close information. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"to the" is wrong"passages" is wrong"to close"=> "foe further"} SMT call for closer to the practicable points information . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"closer" is wrong"practicable" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small c} 50106 tg u Det går også buss fra Trondheim via Orkanger til Berkåk og andre vegen. ORACLE A bus from Trondheim also goes via Orkanger to Berkåk and the second road. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"A bus" => "Buses""goes" => "go"} DET_VOC:{"the second road" => "vice versa"} TOP A bus from Trondheim also goes to Berkåk and the second road via Orkanger. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo in second half} DET_VOC:{"second road" is wrong} BLEU A bus from Trondheim also goes via Orkanger to Berkåk and the second road. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"A bus" => "Buses""goes" => "go"} DET_VOC:{"the second road" => "vice versa"} OA That leaves some bus from Trondheim married Orkanger to Berkåk and other vegen. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"That leaves" is wrong"some" is wrong"married" is wrong"other" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"vegen"} SMT it is also a bus from trondheim via to orkanger berkåk and other way . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it" => "there""a bus" => "buses"wwo in mid-sentence} DET_VOC:{"other way" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small i, t, o and b} 50109 tg u Det går busser over Hølonda via Korsvegen og Gåsbakken til Kvål og Lundamo. ORACLE Buses go over Hølonda via Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo. 3 3 TOP Buses go over Hølonda via Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo. 3 3 BLEU Buses go over Hølonda via Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo. 3 3 OA The work pals over Hølonda married Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"work pals" is wrong"married" is wrong} SMT there are buses over hølonda via korsvegen and gåsbakken to kvål and lundamo . 3 2 DET_VOC:{there are buses" => "Buses run"} DET_IDIO:{small t, h, k, g, k, and l} 60003 tg k Det er ikke merka ruter. ORACLE There are not marked routes. 3 3 TOP Routes are not marked. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"Routes" is wrong} BLEU There are not marked routes. 3 3 OA It is not the standard schedule. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{"it is" => "there are"} DET_VOC:{"standard schedule" is wrong} SMT it is not marked routes . 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"it is" => "There are"} DET_IDIO:{small i} 60011 tg k Vi fortsetter over Elgsjøen og skrår opp til skardet nord for Store Elgsjøtangen. ORACLE We continue over Elgsjøen and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangen. 3 3 TOP We continue over Elgsjøen, and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangens. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"Elgsjøtangens" => "Elgsjøtangen"} BLEU We continue over Elgsjøen, and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangens. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"Elgsjøtangens" => "Elgsjøtangen"} OA We continue over Elgsjøen and slope up to the skardet north to Store Elgsjøtangen. 1 1 DET_VOC:{"slope up" is wrong"to" => "of"} DET_MISS:{"skardet"} SMT we continue over elgsjøen cut diagonally up to the north of the skardet and large elgsjøtangen . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"skardet"} DET_IDIO:{small w, e, l and e"Large elgsjøtangen" shld not be translated (proper noun)} 60012 tg k Eller vi kan runde på vest-sida av dalen ned til Leirtjønna og herfra skrå ned i dalen nærmere Store Orkelsjøen. ORACLE Or ... Store Orkelsjøen 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} TOP Or. ... Store Orkelsjøen 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} BLEU Or. ... Store Orkelsjøen 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} OA Or we can turn on the vest-sida of the valley down to Leirtjønna and here from sloping down in the valley near Store Orkelsjøen. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"runde"is wrong"sloping down" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"vest-sida"} SMT or we can on the west side of the valley down to and from here , leirtjønna cut diagonally down in the valley closer large orkelsjøen - round . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"closer" => "near"} DET_MISS:{"large orkelsjøen " => "Store Orkelsjøen"} DET_IDIO:{small o, l, l and o} 60013 tg k Turen hit er ca 35 km. ORACLE The trip to here is about 35 kilometers. 3 3 TOP The trip to here is about 35 kilometers. 3 3 BLEU The trip to here is about 35 kilometers. 3 3 OA The trip here is ca 35 kilometre. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"kilometre" => "kilometres"} DET_VOC:{"here" is wrong} DET_MISS:{ca} SMT here the trip is about digitersatz km . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"here " is wrong} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz"} DET_IDIO:{small h} 60014 tg k Vi anbefaler å legge turen til Kvikne mot Yset, der Kvikne fjellhotell ligger. ORACLE We ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{sentence missing} TOP Us ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{sentence missing} BLEU Us ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{sentence missing} OA We recommend to put the trip to Kvikne against Yset, where Kvikne's mountain hotels rest. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"hotels" => "hotel"} DET_VOC:{"put" is wrong"against" is wrong"rest" is wrong} SMT we recommend to plan the trip to kvikne toward yset , there is kvikne fjellhotell . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"to plan" is wrong""toward" => "near"} DET_MISS:{"where you will find K.. F"} DET_IDIO:{small w, k, y, k and f} 60018 tg k Det går ikke busser i helgene gjennom Kviknebygda. ORACLE Buses don't go through Kviknebygda into the weekends. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"don't" is a colloquial form only} DET_VOC:{"into" => "at"} TOP Buses don't go through Kviknebygda into the week-ends. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"don't" is a colloquial form only} DET_VOC:{"into" => "at"} DET_IDIO:{no hyphen in "weekend"} BLEU Buses do not go into the weekends through Kviknebygda. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"into" => "at"} OA It goes not pals in the weekends through Kviknebygda. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it goes not" => "There are no"} DET_VOC:{"pals" => "buses""in" => "at"} SMT it is not buses in helgene through kviknebygda . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"it is not" => "There are no"} DET_MISS:{"helgene"} DET_IDIO:{small i and k} 60033 tg k TT kjøpte hytta i 1927. ORACLE TT bought the cabin in 1927. 3 3 TOP TTs bought the cabin in 1927. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"TTS" => "TT"} BLEU TTs bought the cabin in 1927. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"TTS" => "TT"} OA TT bought the cabin in 1927. 3 3 SMT the lodge , tt , in digitersatz . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"digitersatz "} DET_IDIO:{small t and tt} 60034 tg k Fortsatt tar noen av seterkvarterene imot gjester. ORACLE Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"quarters of an hour " is wrong} TOP Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"quarters of an hour " is wrong} BLEU Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"quarters of an hour " is wrong} OA Continued some of the summer mountain farm quarters against customers get. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Continued" => "still""against" is wrong"get" is wrong} SMT still , some of the seterkvarterene hosted guests . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{"hosted" => "host"} DET_MISS:{"seterkvarterene"} DET_IDIO:{small s} 60037 tg k Innerdalen er en del av den store Orkla-utbygginga. ORACLE Innerdalen is a little one of the large Orkla development. 2 2 DET_VOC:{" a little one " => "part of"} TOP Innerdalen is a little from the large Orkla development. 1 1 DET_VOC:{" a little from" => "part of"} BLEU Innerdalen is a little one of the large Orkla development. 2 2 DET_VOC:{" a little one " => "part of"} OA The innerdalen is a part of the most Orkla-utbygginga. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"The ...dalen" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"most" is wrong} SMT innerdalen is part of the large orkla - utbygginga . 1 1 DET_MISS:{"utbygginga"} DET_IDIO:{small i and o} 60040 tg k Vatnet fra magasinet overføres nå til Botnan kraftverk som ligger 1,5 mil nedenfor Yset. ORACLE The water from the magazine is transferred to Botnan power Station now. ... 1 3 DET_MISS:{"som ligger 1,5 mil nedenfor Yset."} TOP The water from the magazine is transferred now to power Station Botnan. ... 1 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"som ligger 1,5 mil nedenfor Yset."} BLEU The water from the magazine is transferred now to power Station Botnan. ... 1 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"som ligger 1,5 mil nedenfor Yset."} OA The vatnet from the magazine overføres:&ps3& now to Botnan's power plants that lies 5 mil below Yset. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{"plants" => "plant"} DET_MISS:{"vatnet"":} SMT from the lake magasinet overføres now station is located below digitersatz km to botnan as yset . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"is" is wrong"as" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"overføres""digitersatz ""magasinet""kraft"} DET_IDIO:{small f b and y} 60044 tg k Vinnufjell er nabo til Skarfjell og den ville Trolla-ryggen i øst. ORACLE Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the wild Trolla. The ridge in an east 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Trolla. The" => "Trolla""an" => "the"} TOP Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the complete Trolla. The ridge in easts 1 1 DET_VOC:{"complete" is wrong"Trolla. The" => "Trolla""easts" => "the east} BLEU Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the wild Trolla. The ridge in easts 2 1 DET_VOC:{"Trolla. The" => "Trolla""easts" => "the east"} OA Vinnufjell is neighbour to Skarfjell and it would Trolla-ryggen in øst. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"it would " => "the wild"} DET_MISS:{"Øst"} SMT vinnufjell 's neighbor to the ridge to the east and skarfjell would trolla - . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"would" => "wild"} DET_MISS:{part missing} DET_IDIO:{small v, s and t} 60045 tg k Turene på breene forutsetter breutstyr, breerfaring og at en går i taulag. ORACLE The trips on the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience And One goes in a rope club. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"rope club" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{". Some " => " , some"capital A and O} TOP The trips on the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience with And One goes in a rope club. 2 1 DET_VOC:{"rope club" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{".S" => ", s"capital A and O} BLEU The trips at the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience And ... 1 1 DET_VOC:{"at" => "across"} DET_MISS:{"at en går i taulag"} DET_IDIO:{". S" => ", s"capital A} OA The figures on the covers assume put over equipment, spread knowledge and that a shift in rope team. 0 0 DET_VOC:{"figures" is wrong"covers" is wrong"put over" is wrong"spread" is wrong"shift" is wrong} SMT the hikes on glaciers presupposes glacier gear , that is in a glacier skills and taulag . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"that is in " is wrong} DET_MISS:{"taulag"} DET_IDIO:{small t} 60047 tg k Forholdene varierer mye fra år til år. ORACLE The conditions vary much from years to years. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"years" => "year"} DET_VOC:{"much" is wrong} TOP The conditions vary much from years to years. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"years" => "year"} DET_VOC:{"much" is wrong} BLEU The conditions vary much from years to years. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{"years" => "year"} DET_VOC:{"much" is wrong} OA The circumstances change much from year to year. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"circumstances " is wrong} SMT the conditions in varies from the years , to a lot of years . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"in" is wrong"the years " is wrong"a lot of years " is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small tcomma is wrong} 60060 tg k Her er bratte partier både på snø og barmark, så vær oppmerksom! ORACLE Here, steep parts are on snow and bare ground, so be careful. 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{there (are)} TOP Here, steep ones are parts on snow and bare ground, so be careful. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"ones" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"there (are)"} BLEU Here, steep ones are parts on snow and bare ground, so be careful. 2 2 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"ones" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"there (are)"} OA Here sudden parties are both on snow and bare ground, then leave attentive! 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"sudden parties" is wrong"then leave attentive" is wrong} SMT here is steep stretches , both on the snow and barmark , so beware . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"is" => "are"} DET_MISS:{"barmark "} 60061 tg k Turen kan også legges på sørsida av Nebba, om Kleiva og bandet mellom Grasdalen og Grønvatnet. ORACLE The trip can also be located on the south side of Nebba on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"located" is wrong} TOP The trip can also be located on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet on the south side of Nebba. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"located" is wrong} BLEU The trip can also be located on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet on the south side of Nebba. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"located" is wrong} OA The trip may also lower leg spread on the south party of Nebba, of Kleiva and the band between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet. 1 2 DET_VOC:{" lower leg spread " is wrong"party" is wrong"of (Kleiva)" is wrong"band" is wrong} SMT the tour can also be placed on the southern side of nebba , about kleiva and the col between grasdalen and grønvatnet . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"placed" is wrong""about" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small t, n, k, g and g} 60076 tg k Erik Stabell ORACLE Erik Stabell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} TOP Erik Stabell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} BLEU Erik Stabell. 3 2 DET_IDIO:{full stop is wrong} OA Erik Stabell 3 3 SMT erik stabell 3 2 DET_IDIO:{small e and s} 60085 tg k Vær imidlertid oppmerksom på at det kan en ikke bruke når en ringer fra utenfor fylket. ORACLE Still be careful. ... ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} TOP Be still careful. ... ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} BLEU Be still careful. ... ... 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} OA Exist yet attentive on that it knows about not apply when a call from outside the county. 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Exist" is wrong"yet" is wrong "attentive" is wrong"that it knows" is wrong} DET_MISS:{" (call) is made (from)"} SMT be aware that it is not a use a speaking from outside the county , however , when the . 1 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo"it is" is wrong} DET_VOC:{"speaking" is wrong} DET_MISS:{"number"} 60093 tg k Tog: Til Røros går det tog, men bare en avgang lørdag. ORACLE Trains To Røros, trains go. ... Only a departure Saturday 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"a" => "one"} DET_MISS:{"on a"} TOP Trains of To Røros, a train walks. ... Only a departure Saturday 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"a departure " => "departures on a"} DET_VOC:{"walks" is wrong} BLEU Trains To Røros, trains go. ... Only a departure Saturday 2 1 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"a" => "one"} DET_MISS:{"on a"} OA Processions: to Røros run the train, but only a sale Saturday. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo"run" => "runs"} DET_VOC:{"Processions" => "Trains""a sale" " on a"} SMT train to røros : it is train , but only a avgang lørdag . 0 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"avgang""lørdag"} 60094 tg k Buss: Det går også buss til Røros flere ganger daglig. ORACLE A bus. a bus to Røros also goes several times daily. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"A bus." => "Buses:"wwo} TOP A bus. a bus to Røros also goes several times daily. 3 2 DET_GRAM:{"A bus." => "Buses:"wwo} BLEU A bus. daily, a bus to Røros also goes several times. 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"A bus" => "Buses"wwo} OA Quid: the move also quid to Røros many times daily. 1 0 DET_VOC:{"Quid" is wrong twice"move" is wrong} SMT bus : it is also a bus to røros several times daily . 2 1 DET_GRAM:{"bus : " => "Bus""it is" => there are"a bus" => "buses"} DET_MISS:{verb} DET_IDIO:{small b and r} 60100 tg k Strekningen Oppdal - Sunndalsøra trafikkeres av Nettbuss avd. ORACLE The stretch Oppdal Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd. 3 3 TOP ... Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd. 1 2 DET_MISS:{"Strekningen Oppdal"} BLEU The area Oppdal Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"area" is wrong} OA Strekningen Oppdal - Sunndalsøra trafikkeres of Nettbuss avd. 0 0 DET_MISS:{whole sentence} SMT oppdal - sunndalsøra trafikkeres stretch of nettbuss avd . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"trafikkeres"} DET_IDIO:{small o, s and n} 60110 tg k Det Nettbuss avd. ORACLE That Nettbuss avd. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"That" is wrong} TOP ... avd. 0 0 DET_MISS:{sentence missing} BLEU That Nettbuss avd. 2 2 DET_VOC:{"That" is wrong} OA The Nettbuss avd. 3 3 SMT it nettbuss avd . 1 1 DET_VOC:{"it" is wrong} DET_IDIO:{small n} 60112 tg k Detaljerte ruteopplysninger får du ved å ringe gratisnummeret 177. ORACLE ... Call gratisnummeret 177 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} TOP ... Call gratisnummeret 177 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} BLEU ... Call gratisnummeret 177 0 0 DET_MISS:{most of sentence missing} OA Thorough make squares illuminations can you on to call the free number 177. 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_VOC:{"Thorough make squares illuminations " is wrong} SMT detailed information you will have to ringe at digitersatz gratisnummeret . 1 0 DET_GRAM:{wwo} DET_MISS:{"ringe""digitersatz ""gratisnummeret"} 70001 jh d På begynnelsen av 1800-tallet fant de første vitenskapsmenn og kunstnere veien til Jotunheimen. ORACLE At the beginning of the 1800s, the first scientists and artists found the road to Jotunheimen. TOP At the beginning of the 1800s, the first scientists and artists found the road to Jotunheimen. BLEU At the beginning of the 1800s, the first scientists and artists found Jotunheimen's road. OA _ _ _ _ SMT in the early digitersatz th century , the first scientists and artists found their way to the jotunheimen . 70002 jh d Enkelte engelske turister fulgte også etter, mens den første egentlige norske turist kom først i 1854. ORACLE Some English tourists also followed while the first real Norwegian tourist came only in 1854. TOP While the first real Norwegian tourist first came in 1854, some English tourists also followed. BLEU Some English tourists also followed while the first true Norwegian tourist came only in 1854. OA _ _ _ _ SMT after a few english tourists , but the first true norwegian tourist came first in digitersatz . 70003 jh d Over 30 000 følger hver sommer i Peer Gynts spor over Besseggen. ORACLE Over 30000, every summer in Peer Gynts follows a trail across Besseggen. TOP Over 30000, every summer in Peer Gyntss follows a trail across Besseggen. BLEU Above 30000, every summer in Peer Gyntss follows trails over Besseggen. OA _ _ _ _ SMT over digitersatz digitersatz each summer follow peer gynts in tracks over besseggen . 70004 jh d Høyderekorden har imidlertid issoleia, hele 2370 meter over havet nikker den mot deg. ORACLE The altitude record still has the glacier buttercup. at all 2370 meters above the sea, it nods towards you. TOP Høyderekorden still has the glacier buttercup. at all 2370 meters over the sea, it nods towards you. BLEU Høyderekorden still has the glacier buttercup. at all 2370 meters over the sea, it nods towards you. OA _ _ _ _ SMT the altitude record however issoleia all , digitersatz meters above sea level it nods at you . 70005 jh d Variert planteliv gir grunnlag for et variert dyreliv. ORACLE Varied vegetation provides a basis for a varied animal life. TOP Flora, varied, provides a basis for an animal life, varied. BLEU Varied plant life provides a basis for a varied animal life. OA _ _ _ _ SMT varied plant life provides the basis for a diversity . 70006 jh d I den senere tid er det bare sporadisk sett spor etter bjørn, jerv og gaupe i Jotunheimen. ORACLE There is only a sporadic trace to see after bear, wolverine, and lynx in Jotunheimen that later time. TOP There is only a sporadic track after bear, wolverine, and lynx in Jotunheimen, to see, at that later time. BLEU There is only a sporadic seen trace after bear, wolverine, and lynx in Jotunheimen that later time. OA _ _ _ _ SMT later in the wintertime , it is only sporadisk seen traces of bear , jerv and lynx in the jotunheimen . 70007 jh d Ved siden av Vestfjorddalen ved Rjukan var Gjende, Norges vakreste fjellsjø, DNTs viktigste arbeidsområde de første årene. ORACLE Besides Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's most important area in those first years. TOP Besides Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was the most important area of DNT's the first years. BLEU Besides Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's most important area the first years. OA _ _ _ _ SMT aside from vestfjorddalen near rjukan , it was the gjende , norway 's most beautiful mountain lake , dnt 's principal development area in the early years . 70008 jh d Dagens bestyrer Olav Gaute Vole har holdt på siden 1974, etter hvert sammen med kona Bjørg. ORACLE The day's manager Olav Gaute Vole has was busy since 1974 together with the wife Bjørg eventually. TOP Eventually, the day's manager Olav Gaute Voles have was busy since 1974 together with the wife, Bjørg. BLEU The day's manager Olav Gaute Vole has eventually was busy since 1974 together with the wife, Bjørg. OA _ _ _ _ SMT the manager today , olav gaute vole , has been on the since digitersatz , and after a while , together with his wife bjørg . 70009 jh d Det er flott å bo på Gjendesheim, men naturen rundt lokker ikke mindre. ORACLE To stay at Gjendesheim is beautiful, but the landscape around locks isn't smaller. TOP To stay at Gjendesheim is fine, but the landscape around locks isn't smaller. BLEU To stay at Gjendesheim is fine, but the landscape around locks isn't smaller. OA _ _ _ _ SMT it 's fine to stay at gjendesheim , but the surrounding scenery attracts no less . 70010 jh d Bilvei og bussforbindelse til hytta. ORACLE A motor road and bus service to the cabin. TOP A road and bus service to the cabin. BLEU A road and bus service to the cabin. OA _ _ _ _ SMT road and bus service to the lodge .