|< |På begynnelsen av 1800-tallet fant de første vitenskapsmenn og kunstnere veien til Jotunheimen.| |@ |In the early 1800s the first scientists and artists found their way into Jotunheimen.| |@ |At the beginning of the 1800's, the first scientists and artists found their way to Jotunheimen.| |@ |In the early 19th century, the first scientists and artists found their way to the Jotunheimen.| |@ |In the early 19th century, the first scientists and artists found their way to the Jotunheimen.| |@ |At the beginning of the 1800's, the first scientists and artists found their way to Jotunheimen.| |@ |In the early 1800s the first scientists and artists found their way into Jotunheimen.| |= |At the beginning of the 1800s, the first scientists and artists found the road to Jotunheimen.| |> |At the beginning of the 1800s, the first scientists and artists found the road to Jotunheimen.| |? |At the beginning of the 1800s, the first scientists and artists found Jotunheimen's road.| |< |Enkelte engelske turister fulgte også etter, mens den første egentlige norske turist kom først i 1854.| |@ |Some English tourists followed, while the first true Norwegian tourist came only in 1854.| |@ |A few English tourists also followed, but the first true Norwegian tourist didn't arrive until 1854.| |@ |A few English tourists came soon thereafter, but the first real Norwegian tourist came in 1854.| |@ |A few English tourists came soon thereafter, but the first real Norwegian tourist came in 1854.| |@ |A few English tourists also followed, but the first true Norwegian tourist didn't arrive until 1854.| |@ |Some English tourists followed, while the first true Norwegian tourist came only in 1854.| |= |Some English tourists also followed while the first real Norwegian tourist came only in 1854.| |> |While the first real Norwegian tourist first came in 1854, some English tourists also followed.| |? |Some English tourists also followed while the first true Norwegian tourist came only in 1854.| |< |Over 30 000 følger hver sommer i Peer Gynts spor over Besseggen.| |@ |Every summer more than 30,000 of them walk in Peer Gynt's footsteps along Besseggen.| |@ |More than 30,000 each summer follow in Peer Gynt's footsteps over Besseggen.| |@ |Each summer, more than 30,000 follow Peer Gynt's footsteps over Besseggen.| |@ |Each summer, more than 30,000 follow Peer Gynt's footsteps over Besseggen.| |@ |More than 30,000 each summer follow in Peer Gynt's footsteps over Besseggen.| |@ |Every summer more than 30,000 of them walk in Peer Gynt's footsteps along Besseggen.| |= |Over 30000, every summer in Peer Gynts follows a trail across Besseggen.| |> |Over 30000, every summer in Peer Gyntss follows a trail across Besseggen.| |? |Above 30000, every summer in Peer Gyntss follows trails over Besseggen.| |< |Høyderekorden har imidlertid issoleia, hele 2370 meter over havet nikker den mot deg.| |@ |But the altitude record is held by the glacier crowfoot, which will nod at you above 7700 feet.| |@ |The record for altitude, however, is held by the Glacier Buttercup; it noddingly greets you 2370 meters above sea level.| |@ |The altitude record however is held by the glacier buttercup; fully 2370 meters above sea level it nods at you.| |@ |The altitude record however is held by the glacier buttercup; fully 2370 meters above sea level it nods at you.| |@ |The record for altitude, however, is held by the Glacier Buttercup; it noddingly greets you 2370 meters above sea level.| |@ |But the altitude record is held by the glacier crowfoot, which will nod at you above 7700 feet.| |= |The altitude record still has the glacier buttercup. at all 2370 meters above the sea, it nods towards you.| |> |Høyderekorden still has the glacier buttercup. at all 2370 meters over the sea, it nods towards you.| |? |Høyderekorden still has the glacier buttercup. at all 2370 meters over the sea, it nods towards you.| |< |Variert planteliv gir grunnlag for et variert dyreliv.| |@ |The diverse vegetation allows for variation in fauna.| |@ |Varied plant life provides the basis for varied animal life.| |@ |Plant diversity provides a basis for animal diversity.| |@ |Plant diversity provides a basis for animal diversity.| |@ |Varied plant life provides the basis for varied animal life.| |@ |The diverse vegetation allows for variation in fauna.| |= |Varied vegetation provides a basis for a varied animal life.| |> |Flora, varied, provides a basis for an animal life, varied.| |? |Varied plant life provides a basis for a varied animal life.| |< |I den senere tid er det bare sporadisk sett spor etter bjørn, jerv og gaupe i Jotunheimen.| |@ |In recent years there have been only sporadic reports of bear, wolverine, and lynx tracks in the region.| |@ |In recent times, only occasional traces of bear, wolverines and lynx have been seen in Jotunheimen.| |@ |More recently there have been only sporadic tracks of bear, wolverine and lynx in the Jotunheimen.| |@ |More recently there have been only sporadic tracks of bear, wolverine and lynx in the Jotunheimen.| |@ |In recent times, only occasional traces of bear, wolverines and lynx have been seen in Jotunheimen.| |@ |In recent years there have been only sporadic reports of bear, wolverine, and lynx tracks in the region.| |= |There is only a sporadic trace to see after bear, wolverine, and lynx in Jotunheimen that later time.| |> |There is only a sporadic track after bear, wolverine, and lynx in Jotunheimen, to see, at that later time.| |? |There is only a sporadic seen trace after bear, wolverine, and lynx in Jotunheimen that later time.| |< |Ved siden av Vestfjorddalen ved Rjukan var Gjende, Norges vakreste fjellsjø, DNTs viktigste arbeidsområde de første årene.| |@ |Today's manager, Olav Gaute Vole, has worked here since 1974, later joined by his wife Bjørg.| |@ |The manager today, Olav Gaute Vole, has held the position since 1974, eventually joined by his wife Bjørg.| |@ |Today's warden, Olav Gaute Vole, has been on the job since 1974, as time went by, together with his wife, Bjørg.| |@ |Besides Vestfjorddalen near Rjukan, Gjende - Norway's most beautiful mountain lake - was DNT's most important region of operation during the first years.| |@ |Aside from Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's principal development area in the early years.| |@ |Aside from Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's principal development area in the early years.| |@ |Besides Vestfjorddalen near Rjukan, Gjende - Norway's most beautiful mountain lake - was DNT's most important region of operation during the first years.| |@ |Apart from Vestfjorddalen near Rjukan, it was the area by Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, where the fledgling DNT chose to put in its greatest efforts in the early years.| |= |Besides Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's most important area in those first years.| |> |Besides Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was the most important area of DNT's the first years.| |? |Besides Vestfjorddalen at Rjukan, Gjende, Norway's most beautiful mountain lake, was DNT's most important area the first years.| |< |Dagens bestyrer Olav Gaute Vole har holdt på siden 1974, etter hvert sammen med kona Bjørg.| |@ |Today's warden, Olav Gaute Vole, has been on the job since 1974, as time went by, together with his wife, Bjørg.| |@ |The manager today, Olav Gaute Vole, has held the position since 1974, eventually joined by his wife Bjørg.| |@ |Today's manager, Olav Gaute Vole, has worked here since 1974, later joined by his wife Bjørg.| |= |The day's manager Olav Gaute Vole has was busy since 1974 together with the wife Bjørg eventually.| |> |Eventually, the day's manager Olav Gaute Voles have was busy since 1974 together with the wife, Bjørg.| |? |The day's manager Olav Gaute Vole has eventually was busy since 1974 together with the wife, Bjørg.| |< |Det er flott å bo på Gjendesheim, men naturen rundt lokker ikke mindre.| |@ |Being at Gjendesheim is a pleasure, but the surrounding landscape is every bit as inviting.| |@ |It is wonderful to stay at Gjendesheim, but the natural surroundings are no less attractive.| |@ |It's splendid to stay at Gjendesheim, but the surrounding scenery attracts no less.| |@ |It's splendid to stay at Gjendesheim, but the surrounding scenery attracts no less.| |@ |It is wonderful to stay at Gjendesheim, but the natural surroundings are no less attractive.| |@ |Being at Gjendesheim is a pleasure, but the surrounding landscape is every bit as inviting.| |= |To stay at Gjendesheim is beautiful, but the landscape around locks isn't smaller.| |> |To stay at Gjendesheim is fine, but the landscape around locks isn't smaller.| |? |To stay at Gjendesheim is fine, but the landscape around locks isn't smaller.| |< |Bilvei og bussforbindelse til hytta.| |@ |Road, bus service.| |@ |Automobile road and bus connections to the lodge.| |@ |Road and bus service to the lodge.| |@ |Road, bus service.| |@ |Automobile road and bus connections to the lodge.| |@ |Road and bus service to the lodge.| |= |A motor road and bus service to the cabin.| |> |A road and bus service to the cabin.| |? |A road and bus service to the cabin.|