|< |Velkommen til Jotunheimen!| (1) |@ |Welcome to Jotunheimen!| |@ |Welcome to Jotunheimen!| |@ |Welcome to the Jotunheimen!| |= |Welcome to Jotunheimen.| |> |Welcome to Jotunheimen.| |? |Welcome to Jotunheimen.| |< |Gjendesheim ble åpnet i 1878.| (1025) |@ |Gjendesheim opened in 1878.| |@ |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| |@ |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| |= |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| |> |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| |? |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| |< |Bilvei og bussforbindelse forbi hytta.| (1054) |@ |Road, bus service.| |@ |Automobile road and bus connections past the lodge.| |@ |Road and bus service past the lodge.| |= |A road and bus service past the cabin.| |> |A road and bus service past the cabin.| |? |A road and bus service past the cabin.| |< |Nautgardstind og Stornubben på østsiden av dalen tar de litt spreke på en dag.| (1083) |@ |Naustgardtind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley make a loop that spry folks can do in a day.| |@ |Hikers in reasonably good shape do Nautgardstind and Stornubben, on the eastern side of the valley, in a day.| |@ |Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley are managed by the hardy in a day.| |= |Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch the a little sprightly ones in a day.| |> |Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch those a little powerful ones on a day.| |? |Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch the ones a little powerful in a day.| |< |Fakta:| (1142) |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts:| |@ |Facts| |= |Facts.| |> |Facts.| |? |Facts.| |< |Hytta er fyldig presentert i hefte 4| (1199) |@ |The hut is fully presented in Booklet 4| |@ |The lodge is amply described in pamphlet 4.| |@ |The lodge is fully described in brochure 4.| |= |The cabin is amply described in booklet four.| |> |Amply, the cabin is described in booklet four.| |? |The cabin is amply described in booklet four.| |< |Bilvei forbi hytta og bussforbindelse.| (1228) |@ |Road, bus service.| |@ |Automobile road past the lodge and bus connections.| |@ |Road past the lodge and bus service.| |= |A road past the cabin and bus service.| |> |A road past the cabin and bus service.| |? |A road past the cabin and bus service.| |< |I våre dager tar rundt 30 000 mennesker turen over Besseggen i løpet av en vanlig sommer.| (1257) |@ |Nowadays some 30,000 make their way over Besseggen in an average summer.| |@ |In our time, about 30,000 people make the trip over Besseggen during a normal summer.| |@ |In our day, around 30,000 people hike over Besseggen in the course of an average summer.| |= |In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of an ordinary summer.| |> |In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of a regular summer.| |? |In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of an ordinary summer.| |< |2. Memurubu til Gjendebu| (1287) |@ |2. Memurubu - Gjendebu| |@ |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu| |@ |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu| |= |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu.| |> |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu.| |? |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu.| |< |Helt siden 1906 har det vært motorbåtruter på Gjende.| (1315) |@ |Since 1906 there has been a boat service along Gjende.| |@ |Ever since 1906, there have been motorized boat routes on Gjende Lake.| |@ |Since 1906, there has been a motor boat service on Gjende.| |= |Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes on Gjende.| |> |Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes at Gjende.| |? |Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes on Gjende.| |< |Den er ikke merket, men ruta gir seg selv.| (1344) |@ |It is unmarked, but you cannot miss it.| |@ |It is unmarked, but the route is easily seen.| |@ |It's not marked, but the route is obvious.| |= |It is not marked, but the route is obvious.| |> |It is not marked, but the route is obvious.| |? |It is not marked, but the route is obvious.| |< |Her snakkes det helst om neste dags tur.| (1402) |@ |It usually revolves around the next day's hike.| |@ |The subject is usually the following day's trek.| |@ |Here the talk usually is of the next day's hike.| |= |Usually talk about the next day's trip here.| |> |Usually mention the next day's trip here.| |? |Usually talk of the next day's trip here.| |< |(For detaljer, se hefte nr. 4 i denne serien.)| (1431) |@ |This makes it a long one, which can be broken in two by going via Leirvassbu (for details, see Booklet 4 in this series).| |@ |(For details, see pamphlet no. 4 in this series.)| |@ |(For details, see brochure no. 4 in this series.)| |= | for details See booklet four in this series )| |> | s for details See booklet four in this series )s| |? | s for details See booklet four in this series )s| |< |Glittertind| (1460) |@ |Glittertind| |@ |Glittertind| |@ |Glittertind| |= |Glittertind.| |> |Glittertind.| |? |Glittertind.| |< |Adkomst| (2018) |@ |Access| |@ |Access| |@ |Access| |= |Access.| |> |Access.| |? |Access.| |< |Men du trenger ikke dra så langt for å få utsikt.| (2047) |@ |You do not need to go that far for a view, however.| |@ |But you will not have to go far to enjoy the view.| |@ |But you need not go so far to get a view.| |= |But you don't need to go so far to get a view.| |> |But so far, to get a view, you do not need to go.| |? |But you do not need to go so far to get a view.| |< |I 1911 kom det også motorbåtrute på Vinstri som på de store innsjøene i Jotunheimen.| (2105) |@ |In 1911 a motorboat service started on Vinstri, as it had on the large lakes in Jotunheimen.| |@ |In 1911, a motorized shuttle boat was put in service at Vinstri, just as on the other large lakes in Jotunheimen.| |@ |In 1911, motor boat service also began on Vinstri, as on the other large lakes in Jotunheimen.| |= |In 1911, a motorboat route came at Vinstri too. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen| |> |In 1911, a motorboat route at Vinstri also came. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen| |? |In 1911, a motorboat route at Vinstri also came. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen| |< |Men med nye tider kom nye behov.| (2163) |@ |In a different age, when vets, test tubes, and artificial insemination took over the job of the amorous bull, the need for mountain pasturage disappeared.| |@ |But modern times brought new needs.| |@ |But new times brought new needs.| |= |But with new times, new needs came.| |> |But with new times, new demands came.| |? |But with new times, new needs arrived.| |< ||Tlf: 61 34 10 06.| (2192) |@ |Tel. 61 34 10 06.| |@ |Tel.: 61 34 10 06.| |@ |Tel: 61 34 10 06.| |= |Tlf. 61341006.| |> |Tlf. 61341006.| |? |Tlf. 61341006.| |< |Stedet ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1080 m o.h., og har 65 senger i utleiehytter.| (2221) |@ |Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 65 beds in rental cabins.| |@ |The lodge is located in Vang municipality in Oppland, 1080 meters above sea level, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| |@ |The facility is located in Vang township in Oppland, 1080 meters above sea level, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| |= |The place is situated in Vang Municipality in Oppland 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| |> |The place is situated in Oppland in Vang Municipality 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| |? |The place lies in Vang Municipality in Oppland 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| |< |Fakta| (2250) |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |= |Facts.| |> |Facts.| |? |Facts.| |< |Merkingen av den siste biten fram til hytta er forresten litt spesiell.| (2279) |@ |The trail-markers close to the hut are a bit unusual.| |@ |The trail markings for the last segment up to the lodge are a little peculiar.| |@ |The marking of the last part to the lodge is, by the way, a little unusual.| |= |The marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is by the way a little special.| |> |By the way, the marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is a little special.| |? |The marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is by the way a little special.| |< |Båtrute på Bygdin.| (2308) |@ |Boat service on Bygdin.| |@ |Shuttle boat route at Bygdin.| |@ |Boat service on Bygdin.| |= |A boat route on Bygdin.| |> |A boat route on Bygdin.| |? |A boat route at Bygdin.| |< |Se på strømmen, så vil du forstå at elva har krefter til å frakte med seg mye løsmasse fra fjellene ovenfor.| (2337) |@ |Notice the current and you will understand the forces that bring masses of sediment from the mountains.| |@ |Take a look at the rapids, and you will understand why the river has the power to carry with it so much silt and loose stone from the mountains above.| |@ |Look at the torrent and you will understand that the river has the power to carry lots of soil from the mountains above.| |= |You look at the current then ... ... ... ... Some deposit from the mountains ...| |> |Then, you see on the electricity? ... ... ... ... Of some deposit from the mountains ...| |? |Then, you see on the electricity? ... ... ... ... Of some deposit from the mountains ...| |< |Turer rundt Fondsbu| (2366) |@ |Hikes around Olavsbu| |@ |Trips Around Fondsbu| |@ |Hikes around Fondsbu| |= |Trips around Fondsbu.| |> |Trips around Fondsbu.| |? |Trips around Fondsbu.| |< |Lengder| (2396) |@ |Distances| |@ |Length| |@ |Lengths| |= |Distances.| |> |Distances.| |? |Distances.| |< |Ruta fortsetter slakt utover mot Langedalen og nedover langs elva gjennom dalen.| (2424) |@ |The trail proceeds gently to Langedalen and along the river through the valley.| |@ |The route continues slackly out towards Langedalen and down along the river through the valley.| |@ |The route continues gently out over towards Langedalen and downwards along the river in the valley.| |= |The route gently continues across towards Langedalen and down along the river through the valley.| |> |Slackly, the route continues across towards Langedalen, and down along the river through the valley.| |? |The route continues across towards Langedalen, and down along the river through the valley gently.| |< |Hele sommeren går den fram og tilbake på innsjøen.| (2453) |@ |All summer it chugs back and forth along the lake, and thanks to this service the hiker's radius in the area is considerably widened.| |@ |All summer long, it makes the round trip on the lake.| |@ |Throughout the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.| |= |All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.| |> |All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.| |? |All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.| |< |Eier: DNT.| (3025) |@ |Owner: DNT.| |@ |Owner: DNT.| |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| |= |An owner. DNT.| |> |An owner. DNT.| |? |An owner. DNT.| |< |Fakta| (3055) |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |= |Facts.| |> |Facts.| |? |Facts.| |< |Det er merket fotturruter til Avdalen og Gravdalen fra Hjelle, Vetti og Stølsmaradalen.| (3083) |@ |Marked trails to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking trails to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti and Stølsmaradalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking routes to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti and Stølsmaradalen.| |= |Hiking trails are marked to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen.| |> |Hiking trails are marked from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen and Gravdalen.| |? |Hiking trails to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen are marked.| |< |Det var tydelig at 1758 værharde meter over havet krevde mer solide bygningsmaterialer enn tre.| (3112) |@ |Already during the first winter it blew down, making it quite clear that its 5770 foot elevation called for sturdier building materials than wood.| |@ |It was obvious that at 1758 windblown meters above sea level, stronger materials than wood were required.| |@ |It became obvious that at 1758 harsh meters over sea level it required stronger building materials than wood.| |= |It was clear that 1758 exposed meters over the sea required more solid building materials than trees.| |> |It was clear that 1758 exposed meters over the sea required building materials more solid than 3.| |? |It was obvious that 1758 exposed meters above the sea required more solid building materials than 3.| |< |Det ble raskt en populær turisthytte.| (3141) |@ |This soon became a popular hikers' hut.| |@ |It rapidly became a popular tourist lodge.| |@ |It quickly became a popular tourist lodge.| |= |It quickly was a popular tourist cabin.| |> |Quickly, it was a popular tourist cabin.| |? |It quickly was a popular tourist cabin.| |< |Da ser man at dette er en av de stortoppene i Jotunheimen som er lettest tilgjengelig.| (3170) |@ |But occasionally its summit turns bright, brilliant, and inviting, revealing this to be one of the most accessible of Jotunheimen's high peaks.| |@ |At such times, one concludes that this is one of the great peaks of Jotunheimen that is most easily accessible.| |@ |Then you see that it's one of the major peaks in Jotunheimen that is most accessible.| |= |They see that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen that are openly easiest then.| |> |Openly, he sees that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen which are easiest then.| |? |Openly, they see that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen which are easiest then.| |< |Fakta| (3199) |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |= |Facts.| |> |Facts.| |? |Facts.| |< |Adkomst| (3257) |@ |Access| |@ |Access| |@ |Access| |= |Access.| |> |Access.| |? |Access.| |< |Eier: DNT OA.| (3286) |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| |= |An owner. DNT OA.| |> |An owner. DNT OA.| |? |An owner. DNT OA.| |< |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu.| (3402) |@ |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, and Morkabu.| |@ |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu.| |@ |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu.| |= |Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu| |> |Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu| |? |Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu| |< |2. Olavsbu til Fondsbu| (3460) |@ |2. Olavsbu - Fondsbu| |@ |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu| |@ |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu| |= |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu.| |> |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu.| |? |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu.| |< |Overnattingssteder| (3547) |@ |Lodging| |@ |Overnight Accommodations| |@ |Lodgings| |= |Overnight accommodations.| |> |Overnight stops.| |? |Overnight accommodations.| |< |Fakta| (4027) |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |= |Facts.| |> |Facts.| |? |Facts.| |< |Mye har også skjedd i traktene rundt Nørdstedalseter.| (4172) |@ |The area around Nørdstedalseter has also seen many changes.| |@ |Much has occurred in the areas surrounding Nørdstedalseter.| |@ |Moreover, much has happened in the region around Nørdstedalseter.| |= |Much has also happened in the areas around Nørdstedalseter.| |> |Much has also occurred in the areas around Nørdstedalseter.| |? |Much also has occurred in the areas around Nørdstedalseter.| |< |Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der går det bussruter.| (4230) |@ |The Sognefjell Road passes the hut, bus service.| |@ |The Sognefjell road passes the lodge, and there are regularly scheduled bus stops.| |@ |Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service.| |= |Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go.| |> |Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go.| |? |Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go.| |< |Leirvassbu ble bygget som steinbu i 1875 av DNT.| (4259) |@ |Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as a stone shelter.| |@ |Leirvassbu was built as a stone cabin in 1875 by DNT.| |@ |Leirvassbu was built as a stone hut in 1875 by DNT.| |= |Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbu.| |> |Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbus.| |? |Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbus.| |< ||E-post: rauberg@online.no| (4288) |@ |E-mail: rauberg@online.no| |@ |E-mail: rauberg@online.no| |@ |E-Mail: rauberg@online.no| |= |Email. rauberg@online.no.| |> |Email. rauberg@online.nos.| |? |Email. rauberg@online.nos.| |< |Det er merkede fotturruter til Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu og Stølsdalen.| (4317) |@ |Marked trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu and Stølsdalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking routes to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| |= |There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| |> |There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| |? |There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| |< |Der er alle de merkede rutene beskrevet, og boka inneholder også mange andre opplysninger om Jotunheimen og andre fjellområder.| (4346) |@ |All the marked trails are included in it, and it also has a lot of additional information on Jotunheimen and other Norwegian mountains.| |@ |All of the marked routes are described here, and the book also contains much information about Jotunheimen and other mountain areas.| |@ |In it all the marked routes are described, and the book also includes many other details on Jotunheimen and other mountain areas.| |= |Described there are all the marked routes, and the book also contains many other pieces of information about Jotunheimen and other mountain regions.| |> |Described, there are all the routes marked, and the book also contains many other pieces of information on Jotunheimen and other mountain regions.| |? |Described, there are all of the marked routes, and the book also contains many other pieces of information on Jotunheimen and other mountain regions.| |< |Hyttene på Galdhøpiggen| (4376) |@ |The Galdhøpiggen Huts| |@ |The Lodges on Galdhøpiggen| |@ |Lodges on Galdhøpiggen| |= |The cabins on Galdhøpiggen.| |> |The cabins at Galdhøpiggen.| |? |The cabins on Galdhøpiggen.| |< |Kommunikasjoner| (4433) |@ |Transportation| |@ |Communications| |@ |Public transportation| |= |Communications.| |> |Communications.| |? |Communications.| |< |Støvler| (5049) |@ |Boots| |@ |Boots| |@ |Boots| |= |Boots.| |> |Boots.| |? |Boots.| |< |Kartene bak i denne boka er i målestokk 1:100 000.| (5107) |@ |The maps at the back are on a scale of 1:100,000, meaning that 1 centimeter on the map equals 1 kilometer on the ground, 1 inch equals 1.6 miles.| |@ |The maps in the back of this book are on a scale of 1:100,000.| |@ |The maps at the back of this book are in 1:100,000 scale.| |= |The maps Rear ends in this book are in a rule of 1:100 000| |> |The maps of Rear ends in this book are in a rule. 1:100 000| |? |The maps of Rear ends in this book are into a rule. 1:100 000| |< |4 Målet ditt ligger i den retningen marsjretningspilen på kompasset peker.| (5136) |@ |4. Your destination now lies in the direction of the marching arrow.| |@ |4. Your target direction is toward the point at which the fixed course arrow on the compass is pointing.| |@ |4. The direction of the travel arrow points toward your destination.| |= |4 Målet Your one lies in that direction of The walk direction arrow on the compass points.| |> |4 Målet Your one lies in that direction of The direction walk arrow at the compass points.| |? |4 Målet Your one lies in that direction. The direction walk arrow at the compass points.| |< |Gnagsår| (5165) |@ |Blisters| |@ |Blisters| |@ |Blisters| |= |Blisters.| |> |Blisters.| |? |Blisters.|