|< |Velkommen til Jotunheimen!| (10) --- 2 x 2 x 2 = 2 |@ |Welcome to Jotunheimen!| |@ |Welcome to Jotunheimen!| |@ |Welcome to the Jotunheimen!| x|> |Welcome to Jotunheimen.| {0.70} <1.00> (1:0:0). |< |Å være bureiser, seterjente, driftekar eller reinjeger i Jotunheimen i de dager var nok en hardere tilværelse enn dagens mennesker kan forestille seg, og det er vel tvilsomt om våre forfedre oppfattet fjellene som et eventyrrike.| (300) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Back then a settler, a dairymaid, a drover, or a reindeer hunter in Jotunheimen undoubtedly led a harder life than people today can imagine, and it is unlikely that our ancestors looked upon the mountains as a fairyland.| |@ |To clear and cultivate new land, or be a dairymaid, hired hand or reindeer hunter in Jotunheimen in these days entailed a harder existence than people of today can imagine, and it is rather doubtful that our forefathers regarded the mountains as a fairytale-like kingdom.| |@ |Being a settler, dairy maid, drover or reindeer hunter in Jotunheimen in those days certainly was a harder life than people of today can imagine, and it's doubtful that our ancestors regarded the mountains as a wonderland.| |< |På plasser som Vettismorki og i Sjodalen står tunge, trauste malmfuruer på geledd, og på en tur gjennom Utladalen en varm sommerdag vil du finne en frodighet som er langt sydligere breddegrader verdig.| (590) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |In such places as Vettismorki and Sjodalen there are rows of giant, aged pines, and on a trip through Utladalen on a hot summer day you will see a lushness worthy of far more southerly latitudes.| |@ |At places such as Vettismorki and in Sjodalen, stalwart and stocky core pines stand lined up, and on a trip through Utladalen on a warm summer day, you will find the kind of lushness that is more often associated with more southern climes.| |@ |At places such as Vettismorki and in Sjodalen, there are massive, sturdy Douglas firs lined up, and on a hike through Utladalen of a warm summer day, you'll see lushness worthy of far more southerly latitudes.| |< |De mest vanlige medlemmene i småfuglbestanden er løvsanger, gråsisik, snøspurv, heipiplerke og bjerkefink.| (880) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Of the songbirds those most frequently seen are willow warbler, redpoll, snow bunting, meadow pipit, and brambling.| |@ |The most common members of the bird stock here are the willow warbler, the redpoll, the snow bunting, the meadow pipit and the brambling.| |@ |The most common small bird species are willow warbler, redpoll, snow bunting, meadow pipit and brambling.| |< |Gjendesheim ble åpnet i 1878.| (10250) --- 3 x 7 x 13 = 12 [13] |@ |Gjendesheim opened in 1878.| |@ |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| |@ |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| x|> |Gjendesheim was opened in 1878.| {0.90} <1.00> (2:0:0). |< |Bilvei og bussforbindelse forbi hytta.| (10540) --- 2 x 12 x 5 = 5 |@ |Road, bus service.| |@ |Automobile road and bus connections past the lodge.| |@ |Road and bus service past the lodge.| x|> |A road and bus service past the cabin.| {0.90} <0.60> (1:0:0). |< |Nautgardstind og Stornubben på østsiden av dalen tar de litt spreke på en dag.| (10830) --- 44 x 96 x 80 = 80 |@ |Naustgardtind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley make a loop that spry folks can do in a day.| |@ |Hikers in reasonably good shape do Nautgardstind and Stornubben, on the eastern side of the valley, in a day.| |@ |Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley are managed by the hardy in a day.| x|> |Nautgardstind and Stornubben on the east side of the valley touch the a little sprightly ones in a day.| {0.47} <0.60> (3:1:3). |< |Mange pustet nok derfor lettet ut da Ole Sveine fra Lom tok på seg oppgaven med å bygge og drive turisthytte på denne plassen.| (11120) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The relief was therefore great when Ole Sveine from Lom agreed to build and operate a hikers' hut here.| |@ |Many breathed a sigh of relief then, when Ole Sveine from Lom undertook the task of building and operating a tourist lodge here.| |@ |So, many breathed a sign of relief when Ole Sveine from Lom took on the task of building and managing a tourist lodge at this place.| |< |Fakta:| (11420) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts:| |@ |Facts| x|> |Facts.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Det er en opplevelse å se på når de blir sluppet på beite ved sankthanstider.| (11700) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |It is a special treat to see them released onto pasture at summer solstice.| |@ |It is an experience to see them turned loose to graze around the end of June.| |@ |It's thrilling to watch as they are turned loose to pasture around Midsummer Day.| |< |Hytta er fyldig presentert i hefte 4| (11990) --- 2 x 24 x 18 = 15 [18] |@ |The hut is fully presented in Booklet 4| |@ |The lodge is amply described in pamphlet 4.| |@ |The lodge is fully described in brochure 4.| x|> |The cabin is amply described in booklet four.| {0.89} <0.39> (0:0:0). |< |Bilvei forbi hytta og bussforbindelse.| (12280) --- 2 x 12 x 10 = 5 [10] |@ |Road, bus service.| |@ |Automobile road past the lodge and bus connections.| |@ |Road past the lodge and bus service.| x|> |A road past the cabin and bus service.| {0.96} <0.38> (0:0:0). |< |I våre dager tar rundt 30 000 mennesker turen over Besseggen i løpet av en vanlig sommer.| (12570) --- 16 x 144 x 70 = 30 [70] |@ |Nowadays some 30,000 make their way over Besseggen in an average summer.| |@ |In our time, about 30,000 people make the trip over Besseggen during a normal summer.| |@ |In our day, around 30,000 people hike over Besseggen in the course of an average summer.| x|> |In our days, about 30000 people take the trip over Besseggen in the course of an ordinary summer.| {0.84} <0.55> (0:1:0). |< |2. Memurubu til Gjendebu| (12870) --- 2 x 2 x 3 = 3 |@ |2. Memurubu - Gjendebu| |@ |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu| |@ |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu| x|> |2. Memurubu to Gjendebu.| {1.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Helt siden 1906 har det vært motorbåtruter på Gjende.| (13150) --- 12 x 10 x 10 = 4 [10] |@ |Since 1906 there has been a boat service along Gjende.| |@ |Ever since 1906, there have been motorized boat routes on Gjende Lake.| |@ |Since 1906, there has been a motor boat service on Gjende.| x|> |Ever since 1906, there have been motorboat routes on Gjende.| {0.50} <0.70> (1:0:0). |< |Den er ikke merket, men ruta gir seg selv.| (13440) --- 10 x 20 x 388 = 312 [388] |@ |It is unmarked, but you cannot miss it.| |@ |It is unmarked, but the route is easily seen.| |@ |It's not marked, but the route is obvious.| x|> |It is not marked, but the route is obvious.| {0.94} <0.79> (0:0:0). |< |Vi vet for eksempel at skogen for 8000 år siden gikk adskillig høyere enn i dag.| (13730) --- 2 x 8 x 0 = 0 |@ |Nature certainly cooperated, for we know that the timberline 8000 years ago was considerably higher than today.| |@ |We know, for example, that the wood line 8000 years ago was considerably higher than today.| |@ |We know, for example, that some 8000 years ago, the forests reached higher than they do today.| |< |Her snakkes det helst om neste dags tur.| (14020) --- 5 x 50 x 480 = 480 |@ |It usually revolves around the next day's hike.| |@ |The subject is usually the following day's trek.| |@ |Here the talk usually is of the next day's hike.| x|> |Usually talk about the next day's trip here.| [42] {-41.15} <0.27> (0:1:0). |< |(For detaljer, se hefte nr. 4 i denne serien.)| (14310) --- ^4 x 16 x 32 = 16 [32] |@ |This makes it a long one, which can be broken in two by going via Leirvassbu (for details, see Booklet 4 in this series).| |@ |(For details, see pamphlet no. 4 in this series.)| |@ |(For details, see brochure no. 4 in this series.)| x|> | for details See booklet four in this series )| {0.76} <0.22> (2:0:3). |< |Glittertind| (14600) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Glittertind| |@ |Glittertind| |@ |Glittertind| x|> |Glittertind.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< *|Tur 1d - 2-3 dager - gg| (14890) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Trip 1d - 2-3 days - gg| |@ |Trip 1d - 2-3 days- gg| |@ |Hike 1d - 2-3 days - gg| |< |Adkomst| (20180) --- 1 x 1 x 2 = 1 [2] |@ |Access| |@ |Access| |@ |Access| x|> |Access.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:1). |< |Men du trenger ikke dra så langt for å få utsikt.| (20470) --- 4 x 8 x 84 = 56 [84] |@ |You do not need to go that far for a view, however.| |@ |But you will not have to go far to enjoy the view.| |@ |But you need not go so far to get a view.| x|> |But you don't need to go so far to get a view.| {0.77} <0.66> (3:0:0). |< |Senere er Olavsbu bygget på flere ganger, slik at den er blant DNTs største selvbetjeningshytter med sine over 40 senger.| (20760) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Later Olavsbu has been built on to several times, turning it into one of DNT's biggest self-service huts, with 40 beds.| |@ |Later, it was expanded even more at several intervals, so that it is today among DNT's largest self-service lodges, boasting more than 40 beds.| |@ |Later, Olavsbu has been built onto several times, so that it is among DNT's largest self-service cabins, with more than 40 beds.| |< |I 1911 kom det også motorbåtrute på Vinstri som på de store innsjøene i Jotunheimen.| (21050) --- ^5 x 256 x 54 = 25 [54] |@ |In 1911 a motorboat service started on Vinstri, as it had on the large lakes in Jotunheimen.| |@ |In 1911, a motorized shuttle boat was put in service at Vinstri, just as on the other large lakes in Jotunheimen.| |@ |In 1911, motor boat service also began on Vinstri, as on the other large lakes in Jotunheimen.| x|> |In 1911, a motorboat route came at Vinstri too. On the large lakes in Jotunheimen| {0.31} <0.28> (3:0:1). |< |Fjellklatrerne viste tidlig interesse for Torfinnsbu og gjør det fortsatt.| (21340) --- 48 x 30 x 0 = 0 |@ |Climbers early showed an interest in Torfinnsbu and still do.| |@ |Mountain climbers showed early interest in Torfinnsbu, and do so still today.| |@ |Mountaineers early showed interest in Torfinnsbu and still do.| |< |Men med nye tider kom nye behov.| (21630) --- 1 x 4 x 4 = 4 |@ |In a different age, when vets, test tubes, and artificial insemination took over the job of the amorous bull, the need for mountain pasturage disappeared.| |@ |But modern times brought new needs.| |@ |But new times brought new needs.| x|> |But with new times, new needs came.| {0.32} <0.33> (0:0:0). |< *|Tlf: 61 34 10 06.| (21920) --- 2 x 2 x 2 = 1 [2] |@ |Tel. 61 34 10 06.| |@ |Tel.: 61 34 10 06.| |@ |Tel: 61 34 10 06.| x|> |Tlf. 61341006.| {0.15} <0.00> (1:0:0). |< |Stedet ligger i Vang kommune i Oppland, 1080 m o.h., og har 65 senger i utleiehytter.| (22210) --- 8 x 1440 x 380 = 120 [380] |@ |Located in Vang, Oppland, at 3500 feet, 65 beds in rental cabins.| |@ |The lodge is located in Vang municipality in Oppland, 1080 meters above sea level, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| |@ |The facility is located in Vang township in Oppland, 1080 meters above sea level, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| x|> |The place is situated in Vang Municipality in Oppland 1080 meters above the sea, and has 65 beds in rental cabins.| [1] {-0.16} <0.63> (0:1:1). |< |Fakta| (22500) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| x|> |Facts.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Merkingen av den siste biten fram til hytta er forresten litt spesiell.| (22790) --- 6 x 120 x 555 = 150 [555] |@ |The trail-markers close to the hut are a bit unusual.| |@ |The trail markings for the last segment up to the lodge are a little peculiar.| |@ |The marking of the last part to the lodge is, by the way, a little unusual.| x|> |The marking of the most last part forwards to the cabin is by the way a little special.| {0.76} <0.50> (0:4:4). |< |Båtrute på Bygdin.| (23080) --- 1 x 2 x 2 = 2 |@ |Boat service on Bygdin.| |@ |Shuttle boat route at Bygdin.| |@ |Boat service on Bygdin.| x|> |A boat route on Bygdin.| {0.80} <0.34> (0:1:0). |< |Se på strømmen, så vil du forstå at elva har krefter til å frakte med seg mye løsmasse fra fjellene ovenfor.| (23370) --- ^5 x 2304 x 588 = 144 [588] |@ |Notice the current and you will understand the forces that bring masses of sediment from the mountains.| |@ |Take a look at the rapids, and you will understand why the river has the power to carry with it so much silt and loose stone from the mountains above.| |@ |Look at the torrent and you will understand that the river has the power to carry lots of soil from the mountains above.| x|> |You look at the current then ... ... ... ... Some deposit from the mountains ...| {0.48} <0.00> (3:3:13). |< |Turer rundt Fondsbu| (23660) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Hikes around Olavsbu| |@ |Trips Around Fondsbu| |@ |Hikes around Fondsbu| x|> |Trips around Fondsbu.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Lengder| (23960) --- 1 x 3 x 4 = 3 [4] |@ |Distances| |@ |Length| |@ |Lengths| x|> |Distances.| {0.89} <1.00> (0:1:0). |< |Ruta fortsetter slakt utover mot Langedalen og nedover langs elva gjennom dalen.| (24240) --- 31 x 104 x 164 = 94 [164] |@ |The trail proceeds gently to Langedalen and along the river through the valley.| |@ |The route continues slackly out towards Langedalen and down along the river through the valley.| |@ |The route continues gently out over towards Langedalen and downwards along the river in the valley.| x|> |The route gently continues across towards Langedalen and down along the river through the valley.| {0.46} <0.70> (1:0:5). |< |Hele sommeren går den fram og tilbake på innsjøen.| (24530) --- 6 x 24 x 108 = 70 [108] |@ |All summer it chugs back and forth along the lake, and thanks to this service the hiker's radius in the area is considerably widened.| |@ |All summer long, it makes the round trip on the lake.| |@ |Throughout the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.| x|> |All the summer, it goes back and forth on the lake.| {0.97} <0.87> (2:1:0). |< |Den går forbi Leirungene, tvers over nedre del av Leirungsdalen (det er forresten bro over elva), forbi Svarthammarbua og langs nordsiden av Leirungsåa hele veien opp mot skaret mot Svartdalen.| (24820) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |It goes past Nedre Leirungen, across the lower part of Leirungsdalen (there is a bridge across the river), past Svarthammarbua, and along the north side of Leirungsåa all the way up toward the gap to Svartdalen.| |@ |It goes past Leirungene, straight across the lower portion of Leirungsdalen (and there is a bridge over the river), past Svarthammarbua and along the northern side of Leirungsåa all the way up toward the gorge in the direction of Svartdalen.| |@ |It goes past Leirungene, straight across the lower part of Leirungsdalen (besides, there's a bridge over the river), past Svarthammarbua and along the north side of Leirungsåa all the way to the gap to Svasrtdalen.| |< |Eier: DNT.| (30250) --- 2 x 2 x 2 = 2 |@ |Owner: DNT.| |@ |Owner: DNT.| |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| x|> |An owner. DNT.| {0.75} <0.31> (0:0:0). |< |Fakta| (30550) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| x|> |Facts.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Det er merket fotturruter til Avdalen og Gravdalen fra Hjelle, Vetti og Stølsmaradalen.| (30830) --- 10 x 20 x 24 = 16 [24] |@ |Marked trails to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking trails to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti and Stølsmaradalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking routes to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti and Stølsmaradalen.| x|> |Hiking trails are marked to Avdalen and Gravdalen from Hjelle, Vetti, and Stølsmaradalen.| {0.88} <0.70> (2:0:1). |< |Det var tydelig at 1758 værharde meter over havet krevde mer solide bygningsmaterialer enn tre.| (31120) --- 6 x 1620 x 560 = 160 [560] |@ |Already during the first winter it blew down, making it quite clear that its 5770 foot elevation called for sturdier building materials than wood.| |@ |It was obvious that at 1758 windblown meters above sea level, stronger materials than wood were required.| |@ |It became obvious that at 1758 harsh meters over sea level it required stronger building materials than wood.| x|> |It was clear that 1758 exposed meters over the sea required more solid building materials than trees.| {0.63} <0.29> (1:1:0). |< |Det ble raskt en populær turisthytte.| (31410) --- 4 x 36 x 36 = 36 |@ |This soon became a popular hikers' hut.| |@ |It rapidly became a popular tourist lodge.| |@ |It quickly became a popular tourist lodge.| x|> |It quickly was a popular tourist cabin.| {0.75} <0.41> (0:0:2). |< |Da ser man at dette er en av de stortoppene i Jotunheimen som er lettest tilgjengelig.| (31700) --- 4 x 1296 x 148 = 116 [148] |@ |But occasionally its summit turns bright, brilliant, and inviting, revealing this to be one of the most accessible of Jotunheimen's high peaks.| |@ |At such times, one concludes that this is one of the great peaks of Jotunheimen that is most easily accessible.| |@ |Then you see that it's one of the major peaks in Jotunheimen that is most accessible.| x|> |They see that this is the one of those great peaks in Jotunheimen that are openly easiest then.| [1] {-0.31} <0.24> (3:4:9). |< |Fakta| (31990) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| x|> |Facts.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Krossbu: Se omtale i hefte 4| (32290) --- 1 x 12 x 0 = 0 |@ |Krossbu: See description in Booklet 4| |@ |Krossbu: See description in pamphlet 4| |@ |Krossbu: See description in brochure 4| |< |Adkomst| (32570) --- 1 x 1 x 2 = 1 [2] |@ |Access| |@ |Access| |@ |Access| x|> |Access.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:1). |< |Eier: DNT OA.| (32860) --- 2 x 2 x 2 = 2 |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| |@ |Owner: DNT OA.| x|> |An owner. DNT OA.| {0.75} <0.40> (0:0:0). |< |Før sola går ned bak Jostedalsbreen et sted, forgyller de siste strålene Hurrunganes forrevne tinder, og Gjertvasstind, Styggedalstinder og Skagastølstinder er spesielt imponerende fra din plass i første losjerad oppe på Fannaråken.| (33150) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Before the sun sets behind Jostedalsbreen, the sun's last rays will glow on the jagged peaks of Hurrungane, and from your vantage point atop Fannaråken the most impressive sights are Gjertvasstind, Styggedalstindane, and Skagastølstindane.| |@ |Before the sun goes down somewhere behind Jostedal glacier, the last rays will turn Hurrungane's craggy peaks golden yellow, and Gjertvasstind, Styggedalstinder and Skagastølstinder are especially impressive from your opera box vantage point atop Fannaråken.| |@ |Before the sun sets somewhere behind Jostedalsbreen, the last rays gild Hurrungane's jagged peaks, and Gjertvasstind, Styggedalstinder and Skagastølstinder are particularly impressive from your place in the dress circle up on Fannaråken.| |< |Først kommer du ned til den gamle setra Fleskedalen, hvor det er nytt stikryss med en alternativ rute mot Tyinholmen for så å ende på staselige Vettismorki.| (33440) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |You first get to the old summer farm Fleskedalen, with a new junction offering you an alternate route via Tyinholmen to the beautiful Vettismorki.| |@ |First you will come to the old mountain pasture Fleskedalen, where there is a new fork in the road toward Tyinholmen and finally ending at elegant Vettismorki.| |@ |First, you come down to the old mountain dairy Fleskedalen, where there is a new trail crossing with the alternative route towards Tyinholmen, then to end at the stately Vettismorki.| |< |Flere av trærne er henimot 800 år gamle og det er nesten utrolig å finne sånn frodighet vel 700 m o.h.| (33730) --- 123 x 864 x 0 = 0 |@ |Several of them are nearly 800 years old; and it is astonishing to find such vegetation at 2300 feet.| |@ |Several of the trees are nearly 800 years old, and it is almost incredible to find such luxuriance more than 700 meters above sea level.| |@ |Several of the trees are up to 800 years old, and it is nigh unbelievable to find such lushness at well over 700 meters above sea level.| |< |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu.| (34020) --- ^1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, and Morkabu.| |@ |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu.| |@ |Turtagrø, Krossbu, Sognefjellhytta, Skogadalsbøen, Ingjerdbu, Morkabu.| x|> |Turtagrø Krossbu Sognefjellhytta Skogadalsbøen Ingjerdbu Morkabu| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Avstanden fram til hyttene er omtrent like lange, og merkingen av ruta er god, så her er det bare å la hyttesmaken avgjøre rutevalget.| (34310) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The distance is about the same to either huts, and the trail is well marked, so let your own preference be your guide.| |@ |The distance to either lodge is about the same, and the markings on the trail are good, so that you can let your taste in lodges dictate the choice of route.| |@ |The distances to the lodges are about equally long, and the marking of the routes is good, so here just let your preference of lodge determine the route choice.| |< |2. Olavsbu til Fondsbu| (34600) --- 2 x 2 x 3 = 3 |@ |2. Olavsbu - Fondsbu| |@ |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu| |@ |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu| x|> |2. Olavsbu to Fondsbu.| {1.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Å følge en fører over breen er et flott alternativ for flere enn dem som mangler breerfaring, ikke er det særlig dyrt heller.| (34890) --- 504 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Joining a group is a nice option even if not strictly needed, and it is quite reasonable.| |@ |Following a guide across the glacier is a good alternative for hikers other than those lacking glacier hiking experience, and it is not very expensive, either.| |@ |Following a guide across the glacier is a splendid alternative for more than those who lack glacier skills; neither is it particularly expensive.| |< |Ikke rart at valget falt på denne hytta da DNT skulle begynne å arrangere såkalte alpinkurs - både brevandring og klatring samtidig - på slutten av 1980-tallet.| (35180) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |No wonder this was the hut chosen for DNT's so-called alpine workshops - combining glacier travel and climbing - in the late 1980s.| |@ |It is no wonder the choice fell on this lodge when DNT was to begin arranging their so-called alpine courses - both glacier hiking and climbing at the same time - toward the end of the 1980's.| |@ |Understandable, then, that DNT chose this lodge when it began to arrange so-called Alpine courses - both glacier hiking and climbing at the same time - in the late 1980s.| |< |Overnattingssteder| (35470) --- 1 x 5 x 5 = 5 |@ |Lodging| |@ |Overnight Accommodations| |@ |Lodgings| x|> |Overnight accommodations.| {0.08} <1.00> (0:3:0). |< |Fakta| (40270) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| |@ |Facts| x|> |Facts.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Er du interessert i å se hvordan våre forfedre utnyttet fjellet, finnes det dyregraver og fangstanlegg både like ved ruta over til Glitterheim og innunder Spiterhø.| (40560) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |If you want to see what our ancestors got out of the mountains, you can see animal pitfalls and trapping structures both along the trail to Glitterheim and below Spiterhø.| |@ |If you are interested in seeing how our forefathers made use of the mountain resources, there are pits and hunting facilities both next to the trail over to Glitterheim and underneath Spiterhø.| |@ |If you would like to see how our ancestors used the mountains, there are pitfalls and hunting facilities along side the route over to Glitterheim and just under Spiterhø.| |< |Da er det neppe bedre utgangspunkt i Norge for dem som vil høyt til fjells på en enkel måte, og vanligvis er det mulig å gå på ski i området rundt turisthytta hele sommeren.| (40850) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Then this becomes perhaps Norway's most convenient base for those who want an easy access to high peaks, and it is normally possible to ski in the vicinity of the hut all summer.| |@ |There are scarcely better conditions in Norway for those who want to reach high mountain altitudes in a simple way, and usually it is possible to ski in the area around the tourist lodge all summer long.| |@ |There's hardly a better starting point in Norway for those who want to go high up in the mountains in an easy way, and usually there's skiing in the area around the tourist lodge throughout summer.| |< |Det har senere fått navnet Nilsestugu, og huser i dag blant annet et selvbetjeningslosji som kan brukes når hovedhytta er stengt.| (41140) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |In 1914 an annex was ready, later known as Nilsestugu, today used as a self-service hut when the main hut is closed.| |@ |It was later dubbed Nilsestugu and today houses, among other things, a self-service facility that can be used when the main lodge is closed.| |@ |It was later named Nilsestugu, and now houses, among other things, self-service lodgings that can be used when the main lodge is closed.| |< |Turistforeningen hadde imidlertid lenge lett etter en overnattingsmulighet i dette området for å dele opp den lange ruta mellom Turtagrø og Nørdstedalseter.| (41430) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The hiking club had then long been on the lookout for a shelter in these parts, to split the long leg between Turtagrø and Nørdstedalseter.| |@ |The tourist association, however, had been looking for possible overnight accommodations in this area in order to divide up the long route between Turtagrø and Nørdstedalseter.| |@ |The Tourist Association, however, had long sought lodgings in this area to divide the long route between Turtagrø and Nørdstedalseter.| |< |Mye har også skjedd i traktene rundt Nørdstedalseter.| (41720) --- 2 x 64 x 54 = 24 [54] |@ |The area around Nørdstedalseter has also seen many changes.| |@ |Much has occurred in the areas surrounding Nørdstedalseter.| |@ |Moreover, much has happened in the region around Nørdstedalseter.| x|> |Much has also happened in the areas around Nørdstedalseter.| {0.75} <0.49> (0:1:1). |< |Opphold 1346 m o.h. på disse kanter av Breheimen fristet tydeligvis ikke mange, og i dag er det bare en ruin igjen av hytta.| (42010) --- 38 x 1152 x 0 = 0 |@ |Staying at 4400 feet in this part of Breheimen clearly did not tempt many people, so today there is only a ruin left.| |@ |A stay at 1346 meters above sea level in this area of Breheimen clearly did not interest many people, and today only the ruins of the cabin remain.| |@ |Staying at 1346 meters above sea level in these parts of Breheimen apparently didn't appeal to many, and today only ruins remain of the lodge.| |< |Sognefjellsveien passerer hytta, og der går det bussruter.| (42300) --- 3 x 15 x 36 = 26 [36] |@ |The Sognefjell Road passes the hut, bus service.| |@ |The Sognefjell road passes the lodge, and there are regularly scheduled bus stops.| |@ |Sognefjellsveien goes by the lodge, and there is bus service.| x|> |Sognefjellsveien passes the cabin, and there, bus services go.| {0.96} <0.31> (0:1:0). |< |Leirvassbu ble bygget som steinbu i 1875 av DNT.| (42590) --- 8 x 8 x 22 = 12 [22] |@ |Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as a stone shelter.| |@ |Leirvassbu was built as a stone cabin in 1875 by DNT.| |@ |Leirvassbu was built as a stone hut in 1875 by DNT.| x|> |Leirvassbu was built by DNT in 1875 as steinbu.| {0.81} <0.44> (4:0:2). |< *|E-post: rauberg@online.no| (42880) --- 2 x 4 x 21 = 6 [21] |@ |E-mail: rauberg@online.no| |@ |E-mail: rauberg@online.no| |@ |E-Mail: rauberg@online.no| x|> |Email. rauberg@online.no.| {0.62} <0.00> (1:1:5). |< |Det er merkede fotturruter til Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu og Stølsdalen.| (43170) --- 8 x 12 x 56 = 34 [56] |@ |Marked trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu and Stølsdalen.| |@ |There are marked hiking routes to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| x|> |There are marked hiking trails to Fannaråken, Skagastølsbu, and Stølsdalen.| {0.90} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Der er alle de merkede rutene beskrevet, og boka inneholder også mange andre opplysninger om Jotunheimen og andre fjellområder.| (43460) --- 96 x 288 x 4890 = 2688 [4890] |@ |All the marked trails are included in it, and it also has a lot of additional information on Jotunheimen and other Norwegian mountains.| |@ |All of the marked routes are described here, and the book also contains much information about Jotunheimen and other mountain areas.| |@ |In it all the marked routes are described, and the book also includes many other details on Jotunheimen and other mountain areas.| x|> |Described there are all the marked routes, and the book also contains many other pieces of information about Jotunheimen and other mountain regions.| [42] {-41.21} <0.49> (3:1:28). |< |Hyttene på Galdhøpiggen| (43760) --- 1 x 2 x 2 = 2 |@ |The Galdhøpiggen Huts| |@ |The Lodges on Galdhøpiggen| |@ |Lodges on Galdhøpiggen| x|> |The cabins on Galdhøpiggen.| {0.20} <0.35> (0:1:0). |< |Ruta fra Røisheim er fremdeles merket, men er lite gått etter at det kom vei til Juvasshytta.| (44040) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |That route is still marked, but the road to Juvasshytta has reduced its popularity.| |@ |The route from Røisheim is marked still today, but it has been used very little after a trail to Juvasshytta was established.| |@ |The route from Røisheim still is marked, but it has been little used after the road came to Juvasshytta.| |< |Kommunikasjoner| (44330) --- 1 x 2 x 2 = 2 |@ |Transportation| |@ |Communications| |@ |Public transportation| x|> |Communications.| {0.60} <0.58> (0:1:0). |< |De første kilometerne fra Leirvassbu til opp i skaret kan du enten gå på den gamle anleggsveien i dalen eller langs en sti som går mer eller mindre parallelt med veien.| (44620) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The first few miles from Leirvassbu to the gap you can either follow the valley's old service road or a trail running roughly parallel to it.| |@ |For the first kilometers from Leirvassbu to the gorge, you can either hike the old service road in the valley or along a path that runs more or less parallel with the road.| |@ |The first few kilometers from Leirvassbu to up in the gap, you can either walk the old haul road in the valley, or walk along a trail that runs more or less parallel with the road.| |< |Det vil derfor bli litt provisorisk overnatting der en stund framover, mens det bygges nytt.| (44910) --- 352 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Unfortunately Turtagrø Hotell was destroyed by fire in January 2001, so there will be only temporary accommodations here during the reconstruction period.| |@ |Therefore, spending the night there will be a little makeshift in the immediate future, while a new building is being built.| |@ |So there'll be temporary lodgings for a while, while building goes on.| |< |Jeg har lagt opp et par turer nord for Sognefjellveien som burde gi et brukbart inntrykk av naturen i Breheimen, og begynner med en rundtur mellom tre betjente hytter.| (45200) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |My recommendation is two trips north of the Sognefjell Road that will give you a good idea of Breheimen, starting with a loop that takes in three staffed huts.| |@ |I have designed a couple of trips north of the Sognefjell road that should provide a suitable impression of the natural surroundings in Breheimen, and that begin with a round trip between the three staffed lodges.| |@ |I have laid out a couple of hikes to the north of Sognefjellvein that should give a decent impression of the scenery of Breheimen, and start with a round tour of three staffed lodges.| |< |Bøvertun ligger ved Sognefjellveien, og det er selvfølgelig mulig å avslutte turen her, men jeg anbefaler at du bruker føttene tilbake til utgangspunktet, da får du blant annet oppleve den vakre Dummdalen med sine spesielle grotter (se ramme).| (45490) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Bøvertun is on the Sognefjell Road, so it is, of course, possible to terminate your hike here, but I suggest you let your feet take you back to the start, allowing you to experience the beautiful Dummdalen, with its special caves (see box).| |@ |Bøvertun is located on the Sognefjell road, and of course it is possible to end the trip here, but I recommend that you go on foot back to your point of departure, since you will be able to visit beautiful Dummdalen and its special grottos (see box).| |@ |Bøvertun is located on Sognefjellveien, so it is, of course, possible to finish the hike here, but I recommend that you go on foot back to the starting point, as you then will, for one, experience the beautiful Dumnmdalen with its remarkable grottos (see box).| |< *|Tur 4e - 3-4 dager - gg-ggg| (45780) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Trip 4e - 3-4 days - gg-ggg| |@ |Trip 4e - 3-4 days - gg-ggg| |@ |Hike 4e - 3-4 days - gg - ggg| |< |Ved høyden Liaflua passerer ruta over en liten bretarm, så vær nøye med å følge merkingen!| (46070) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |At the height of land, Liaflua, the trail crosses a small glacial arm, so pay attention to the markers - it is not solely to ensure fantastic views along your way that you are advised against making this trip in poor visibility!| |@ |At the Liaflua heights, the route runs across a small glacier arm, so be careful to follow the markings!| |@ |At the height of Liaflua, the route goes over a small glacier, so follow the marking carefully!| |< |Og ikke minst noe skikkelig å ha på føttene.| (50200) --- 1 x 12 x 0 = 0 |@ |You also need proper footwear.| |@ |And high quality footwear is a must.| |@ |And not least something decent to have on your feet.| |< |Støvler| (50490) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Boots| |@ |Boots| |@ |Boots| x|> |Boots.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Nøkler (til hytta, hjemmet, bilen)| (50780) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Keys (to hut, home, car)| |@ |Keys (to the cabin, your home, your car)| |@ |Keys (to lodges, home, car)| |< |Kartene bak i denne boka er i målestokk 1:100 000.| (51070) --- ^3 x 144 x 144 = 96 [144] |@ |The maps at the back are on a scale of 1:100,000, meaning that 1 centimeter on the map equals 1 kilometer on the ground, 1 inch equals 1.6 miles.| |@ |The maps in the back of this book are on a scale of 1:100,000.| |@ |The maps at the back of this book are in 1:100,000 scale.| x|> |The maps Rear ends in this book are in a rule of 1:100 000| {0.50} <0.25> (0:4:8). |< |4 Målet ditt ligger i den retningen marsjretningspilen på kompasset peker.| (51360) --- ^2 x 192 x 120 = 120 |@ |4. Your destination now lies in the direction of the marching arrow.| |@ |4. Your target direction is toward the point at which the fixed course arrow on the compass is pointing.| |@ |4. The direction of the travel arrow points toward your destination.| x|> |4 Målet Your one lies in that direction of The walk direction arrow on the compass points.| {0.82} <0.25> (0:1:3). |< |Gnagsår| (51650) --- 2 x 6 x 6 = 6 |@ |Blisters| |@ |Blisters| |@ |Blisters| x|> |Blisters.| {0.90} <1.00> (1:0:0).