|< |Lysefjorden er 15 meter dyp ved munningen.| (6401) |@ |Lysefjord is 15 meters deep at its mouth.| |@ |Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at its entrance.| |@ |The Lysefjord is 15 metres deep at its mouth.| |= |Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at the mouth.| |> |Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at the mouth.| |? |Lysefjorden is 15 meters deep at the mouth.| |< |Flere opplevelser venter| (6405) |@ |More adventures await you.| |@ |Several experiences await| |@ |A host of interesting experiences| |= |More adventures wait.| |> |More adventures wait.| |? |More adventures wait.| |< |Lysefjorden er majestetisk med sine loddrette fjellsider.| (6407) |@ |Lysefjord is majestic, with its vertical mountainsides.| |@ |Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides.| |@ |The Lysefjord is majestic with its perpendicular rock walls.| |= |Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides.| |> |Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides.| |? |Lysefjorden is majestic with its vertical mountainsides.| |< |Løypa går flere steder ned til kaier ved fjorden.| (6417) |@ |In several places, the trail leads down to piers on the fjord.| |@ |At several places, the trails go down to docks on the fjord.| |@ |In many places, the trail leads down to docks by the fjord.| |= |The track goes at more places down to quays on the fjord.| |> |The track goes on the fjord at more places down to quays.| |? |The track goes at the fjord at more places down to quays.| |< |Andre turmuligheter rundt Preikestolhytta| (6421) |@ |Other trip opportunities around Preikestolen Lodge| |@ |Other hike choices around Preikestolhytta| |@ |Other possible hikes around the Pulpit Rock Cabin| |= |Other trip alternatives around Preikestolhytta.| |> |Other trip alternatives around Preikestolhytta.| |? |Other trip alternatives around Preikestolhytta.| |< |Ulvaskog| (6431) |@ |Ulvaskog| |@ |Ulvaskog| |@ |Ulvaskog| |= |Ulvaskog.| |> |Ulvaskog.| |? |Ulvaskog.| |< |På turen passeres den nedlagte garden Torsnes.| (6437) |@ |On the trip, you will pass the abandoned Torsnes Farm.| |@ |On the hike, you'll pass the abandoned Torsnes farm.| |@ |This hike takes you past the abandoned Torsnes farm.| |= |On the trip, the abandoned farm Torsnes is passed.| |> |On the trip, the farm, abandoned, Torsnes, is passed.| |? |On the trip, the farm, abandoned, Torsnes, is passed.|