|< |Turmuligheter fra Gjevilvasshytta| (9001) |@ |Excursion opportunities from Gjevilvasshytta| |@ |Hike choices from Gjevilvasshytta| |= |Trip alternatives from Gjevilvasshytta.| |> |Turmuligheter from Gjevilvasshytta.| |? |Turmuligheter from Gjevilvasshytta.| |< |Ta herfra nordvestover og opp på Blåhåmmårkleppen.| (10020) |@ |From here, hike northwest and up onto Blåhåmmårkleppen.| |@ |From here, go northwestward and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen.| |= |Move from here to the northwest and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen.| |> |Move northwestwards, and up at Blåhåmmårkleppen from here.| |? |Move to the northwest, and up on Blåhåmmårkleppen from here.| |< |Trollheimen på tvers med «vårski»| (11003) |@ |Across Trollheimen on «spring skis»| |@ |Trollheimen crosswise on "spring skis"| |= |Trollheimen crosswise with spring skis.| |> |Trollheimen crosswise with spring skis.| |? |Trollheimen crosswise with spring skis.| |< |Vardinga mot Trollheims-hytta fortsetter bratt over de to andre og høgere toppene.| (12036) |@ |The stone markers leading toward Trollheim Lodge continue on the steep inclines over the two other, taller peaks.| |@ |The cairned route towards Trollheims-hytta continues steeply over the two other, higher summits.| |= |The stone markers towards the Trollheimen cabin continue over the other two and higher ones steep. The peaks| |> |... The peaks| |? |The stone markers towards the Trollheimen cabin continue over the other two and higher ones steep. The peaks| |< |Til Festa kommer du lett med tog/buss eller bil.| (13012) |@ |You can easily reach Festa by train/bus or car.| |@ |You can get to Festa easily by train, bus or car.| |= |To Festa, you come easily with a train or a bus or a car.| |> |To Festa, you come easily with a train or a bus or a car.| |? |You come to Festa with a train or a bus or a car easy.| |< |Kart:| (13067) |@ |Map:| |@ |Maps:| |= |Maps.| |> |Maps.| |? |Maps.| |< |Men usikten og ikke minst nedrennet som venter, gjør at vi får mye igjen for turen oppom toppen.| (14051) |@ |But the view, as well as the descent that awaits us, make this a rewarding trip for the effort to get to the top.| |@ |But the view and not least the downhill run that awaits, give us much for our tour to the summit.| |= |... ... We get much again for the trip up by the summit.| |> |... ... Again, we get much for the trip up by the summit.| |? |... ... Again, we get much for the trip up by the summit.| |< |I godt vær anbefales andre å gå over Sæthøa og Gjerdhøa til bandet mellom Fagerlidalen og Svorunddalen.| (15019) |@ |When the weather is good, others are recommended to hike over Sæthø and Gjerdhøa to the valley link between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen.| |@ |In good weather, others are advised to go over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the col between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen.| |= |In good weather, other ones, to walk over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the ridge between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen, are recommended.| |> |In good weather, other ones, to walk to the ridge between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa, are recommended.| |? |In good weather, other ones, to walk over Sæthøa and Gjerdhøa to the ridge between Fagerlidalen and Svorunddalen, are recommended.| |< |Det kan også legges inn en ekstra dag på Trollheimshytta med dagstur til Snota.| (16010) |@ |An extra day at Trollheim Lodge can also be added, with a day trip to Snota.| |@ |An extra day also may be worked in at Trollheimshytta for a day tour to Snota.| |= |It can also be placed in one extra day at Trollheimshytta with a day trip to Snota.| |> |It can also be located in one extra day on Trollheimshytta with a day trip to Snota.| |? |It can also be located in one extra day at Trollheimshytta with a day trip to Snota.| |< |Til Gjevilvasshytta, ubetjent kvarter utenom sesonger, TT, kan du komme deg med kombinasjon av tog til Oppdal og buss til Festa.| (17014) |@ |You can get to Gjevilvass Lodge, unstaffed accommodations off-season, TT, by a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa.| |@ |You can get to Gjevilvasshytta, no-service lodging out of season, TT, with a combination of train to Oppdal and bus to Festa.| |= |... TT ...| |> |... TT ...| |? |... TT ...| |< |Kart:| (17042) |@ |Maps:| |@ |Maps:| |= |Maps.| |> |Maps.| |? |Maps.| |< |Vassendsetra| (18040) |@ |Vassendsetra| |@ |Vassendsetra| |= |Vassendsetra.| |> |Vassendsetra.| |? |Vassendsetra.| |< |Turen til Østre Somrungsnebba er en forholdsvis lett tur, men med noen bratte partier.| (19022) |@ |The trip to Eastern Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip, but with some steep portions.| |@ |The tour to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy tour, but with a few steep parts.| |= |The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip. ... With some steep parts| |> |The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip. ... With some steep parts| |? |The trip to Østre Somrungsnebba is a relatively easy trip. ... With some steep parts| |< |Nils Røv| (19134) |@ |Nils Røv| |@ |Nils Røv| |= |Nils Røv.| |> |Nils Røv.| |? |Nils Røv.| |< |Da var det desto viktigere å ta vare på de gjenværende urørte områdene.| (20055) |@ |At the time, it was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas.| |@ |Then it was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas.| |= |It was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas then.| |> |It was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas then.| |? |It was all the more important to preserve the remaining untouched areas then.| |< |Vinter:| (22039) |@ |Winter:| |@ |Winter:| |= |Winter.| |> |Winter.| |? |Winter.| |< |Høyden på fossen er omkring 15 meter.| (23017) |@ |The elevation of the waterfall is about 15 meters.| |@ |The height of the waterfall is about 15 meters.| |= |The height at the waterfall is around 15 meters.| |> |The height at the waterfall is around 15 meters.| |? |The height at the waterfall is around 15 meters.| |< |Kart:| (23045) |@ |Maps:| |@ |Maps:| |= |Maps.| |> |Maps.| |? |Maps.| |< |Det er skilting til flere av bruddstedene.| (24025) |@ |Several of the quarries are posted with signs.| |@ |There are signs to several of the quarry sites.| |= |There is a sign to the more of the places of fracture.| |> |There is a sign to the more of the fractures.| |? |There is a sign to the more of the fractures.| |< |1:50 000 Tydal, Flornes og Stjørdal.| (24053) |@ |1:50,000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal.| |@ |1:50,000 Tydal, Flornes and Stjørdal.| |= |1:50 000 ...| |> |1:50s 000 ...| |? |1:50s 000 ...| |< |Melandsøya er mye benyttet som teltplass og kan være et godt utgangspunkt for turer i dalen.| (26023) |@ |Melandsøya is often used as a tent site and is a good starting point for trips in the valley.| |@ |Melandsøya is a much used campsite and can be a good starting point for hikes in the valley.| |= |Melandsøya is used much as a camp site and can be a good starting point for trips in the valley.| |> |Melandsøya is used much as pitch, and can be a good basis for trips in the valley.| |? |Melandsøya is used as a camp site much, and can be a good starting point for trips in the valley.| |< |I følge vernebestemmelsene er alt dyre- og planteliv vernet.| (26051) |@ |In accordance with conservation regulations, all animal and plant life is protected.| |@ |According to the protection regulations, all animal and plant life is protected.| |= |In a group The protecting provisions are all animal and plant lives protected.| |> |In a group The shelter provisions are all animal and plant lives protected.| |? |In a group The shelter provisions are all animal and plant lives protected.|