|< |Det er ikke merka ruter.| (60003) |@ |There are no marked trails.| |@ |There are no marked routes.| |= |There are not marked routes.| |> |Routes are not marked.| |? |There are not marked routes.| |< |Vi fortsetter over Elgsjøen og skrår opp til skardet nord for Store Elgsjøtangen.| (60011) |@ |We continue over Elgsjøen and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangen.| |@ |We continue over Elgsjøen and traverse up to the saddle north of Store Elgsjøtangen.| |= |We continue over Elgsjøen and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangen.| |> |We continue over Elgsjøen, and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangens.| |? |We continue over Elgsjøen, and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangens.| |< |Eller vi kan runde på vest-sida av dalen ned til Leirtjønna og herfra skrå ned i dalen nærmere Store Orkelsjøen.| (60012) |@ |Or we can go around on the western side of the valley down to Leirtjønna and cut diagonally from here down into the valley nearer Store Orkelsjøen.| |@ |Or we can round the west side of the valley down to Leirtjønna and from here traverse down the valley closer to Store Orkelsjøen.| |= |Or ... Store Orkelsjøen| |> |Or. ... Store Orkelsjøen| |? |Or. ... Store Orkelsjøen| |< |Turen hit er ca 35 km.| (60013) |@ |The trip here is about 35 km.| |@ |The tour here is about 35 km.| |= |The trip to here is about 35 kilometers.| |> |The trip to here is about 35 kilometers.| |? |The trip to here is about 35 kilometers.| |< |Vi anbefaler å legge turen til Kvikne mot Yset, der Kvikne fjellhotell ligger.| (60014) |@ |We recommend to take the trip to Kvikne in the direction of Yset, where the Kvikne Mountain Hotel is located.| |@ |We recommend routing the tour to Kvikne towards Yset, where Kvikne mountain hotel is located.| |= |We ...| |> |Us ...| |? |Us ...| |< |Det går ikke busser i helgene gjennom Kviknebygda.| (60018) |@ |Buses do not run through the Kvikne area on weekends.| |@ |There are no busses on weekends through Kviknebygda.| |= |Buses don't go through Kviknebygda into the weekends.| |> |Buses don't go through Kviknebygda into the week-ends.| |? |Buses do not go into the weekends through Kviknebygda.| |< |TT kjøpte hytta i 1927.| (60033) |@ |TT bought the lodge in 1927.| |@ |TT bought the lodge in 1927.| |= |TT bought the cabin in 1927.| |> |TTs bought the cabin in 1927.| |? |TTs bought the cabin in 1927.| |< |Fortsatt tar noen av seterkvarterene imot gjester.| (60034) |@ |Some of the mountain farm quarters still take guests.| |@ |Some of the summer dairy farm lodgings still take in guests.| |= |Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests.| |> |Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests.| |? |Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests.| |< |Innerdalen er en del av den store Orkla-utbygginga.| (60037) |@ |Innerdalen is a part of the large Orkla development project.| |@ |Innerdalen is part of the greater Orkla development.| |= |Innerdalen is a little one of the large Orkla development.| |> |Innerdalen is a little from the large Orkla development.| |? |Innerdalen is a little one of the large Orkla development.| |< |Vatnet fra magasinet overføres nå til Botnan kraftverk som ligger 1,5 mil nedenfor Yset.| (60040) |@ |The water from the reservoir is now directed to Botnan Power Station, which is located 15 km below Yset.| |@ |Water from the reservoir now is conveyed to the Botnan power station that lies 15 km down from Yset.| |= |The water from the magazine is transferred to Botnan power Station now. ...| |> |The water from the magazine is transferred now to power Station Botnan. ...| |? |The water from the magazine is transferred now to power Station Botnan. ...| |< |Vinnufjell er nabo til Skarfjell og den ville Trolla-ryggen i øst.| (60044) |@ |Vinnufjell is neighbor to Skarfjell and the untamed Trolla Ridge in the east.| |@ |Vinnufjell is a neighbor of Skarfjell and of the wild Trolla-ryggen to the east.| |= |Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the wild Trolla. The ridge in an east| |> |Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the complete Trolla. The ridge in easts| |? |Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the wild Trolla. The ridge in easts| |< |Turene på breene forutsetter breutstyr, breerfaring og at en går i taulag.| (60045) |@ |The excursions on the glaciers require glacier hiking equipment, experience on glaciers, as well as hiking as a team on a rope line.| |@ |Tours on glaciers require glacier gear, glacier skills, and roped parties.| |= |The trips on the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience And One goes in a rope club.| |> |The trips on the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience with And One goes in a rope club.| |? |The trips at the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience And ...| |< |Forholdene varierer mye fra år til år.| (60047) |@ |Conditions vary greatly from year to year.| |@ |conditions vary considerably from year to year.| |= |The conditions vary much from years to years.| |> |The conditions vary much from years to years.| |? |The conditions vary much from years to years.| |< |Her er bratte partier både på snø og barmark, så vær oppmerksom!| (60060) |@ |Here there are steep stretches on both snow and bare surfaces, so be careful!| |@ |Here there are steep stretches, both on snow and on ground, so watch out!| |= |Here, steep parts are on snow and bare ground, so be careful.| |> |Here, steep ones are parts on snow and bare ground, so be careful.| |? |Here, steep ones are parts on snow and bare ground, so be careful.| |< |Turen kan også legges på sørsida av Nebba, om Kleiva og bandet mellom Grasdalen og Grønvatnet.| (60061) |@ |The course can also be planned along the southern side of Nebba, via Kleiva and the link between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet.| |@ |The tour also can be routed on the south side of Nebba, via Kleiva and the col between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet.| |= |The trip can also be located on the south side of Nebba on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet.| |> |The trip can also be located on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet on the south side of Nebba.| |? |The trip can also be located on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet on the south side of Nebba.| |< |Erik Stabell| (60076) |@ |Erik Stabell| |@ |Erik Stabell| |= |Erik Stabell.| |> |Erik Stabell.| |? |Erik Stabell.| |< |Vær imidlertid oppmerksom på at det kan en ikke bruke når en ringer fra utenfor fylket.| (60085) |@ |Be aware, however, that this number may not be used if you call from outside of the county.| |@ |However, be aware that you cannot call it from outside the county.| |= |Still be careful. ... ...| |> |Be still careful. ... ...| |? |Be still careful. ... ...| |< |Tog: Til Røros går det tog, men bare en avgang lørdag.| (60093) |@ |Trains: Trains go to Røros, but only one departure Saturday.| |@ |Trains: To Røros there's a train, but with only one departure on Saturdays.| |= |Trains To Røros, trains go. ... Only a departure Saturday| |> |Trains of To Røros, a train walks. ... Only a departure Saturday| |? |Trains To Røros, trains go. ... Only a departure Saturday| |< |Buss: Det går også buss til Røros flere ganger daglig.| (60094) |@ |Buses: Buses also go to Røros several times daily.| |@ |Buses: There also are busses to Røros several times a day.| |= |A bus. a bus to Røros also goes several times daily.| |> |A bus. a bus to Røros also goes several times daily.| |? |A bus. daily, a bus to Røros also goes several times.| |< |Strekningen Oppdal - Sunndalsøra trafikkeres av Nettbuss avd.| (60100) |@ |The Oppdal - Sunndalsøra route is served by Nettbuss| |@ |The Oppdal - Sunndalsøra route is served by Nettbuss division| |= |The stretch Oppdal Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd.| |> |... Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd.| |? |The area Oppdal Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd.| |< |Det Nettbuss avd.| (60110) |@ |It is Nettbuss| |@ |Nettbuss division| |= |That Nettbuss avd.| |> |... avd.| |? |That Nettbuss avd.| |< |Detaljerte ruteopplysninger får du ved å ringe gratisnummeret 177.| (60112) |@ |You may obtain detailed route information by calling the toll free number 177.| |@ |Detailed schedule information is available upon calling the free number 177.| |= |... Call gratisnummeret 177| |> |... Call gratisnummeret 177| |? |... Call gratisnummeret 177|