|< |Det er ikke merka ruter.| (600030) --- 4 x 10 x 48 = 46 [48] |@ |There are no marked trails.| |@ |There are no marked routes.| x|> |There are not marked routes.| {0.74} <0.39> (0:0:0). |< |Men her er krevende å orientere i dårlig sikt.| (600060) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |But here it is difficult to orient oneself when visibility is poor.| |@ |But here it's hard to find your way when visibility is poor.| |< |Skyssmuligheter fra Hjerkinn kan ordnes av Kongsvold Fjeldstue, betjent, privat, når du tar kontakt om overnatting.| (600080) --- ^5 x 1152 x 0 = 0 |@ |Transportation from Hjerkinn can be arranged by Kongsvold Fjeldstue, staffed, private, when you contact them for overnight accommodations.| |@ |Lifts from Hjerkinn can be arranged by Kongsvold Fjeldstue, staffed, private, when you book overnighting.| |< |Vi fortsetter over Elgsjøen og skrår opp til skardet nord for Store Elgsjøtangen.| (600110) --- 4 x 36 x 1040 = 240 [1040] |@ |We continue over Elgsjøen and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangen.| |@ |We continue over Elgsjøen and traverse up to the saddle north of Store Elgsjøtangen.| x|> |We continue over Elgsjøen and cut diagonally up to the gorge north of Store Elgsjøtangen.| [1] {-0.29} <0.86> (0:0:18). |< |Eller vi kan runde på vest-sida av dalen ned til Leirtjønna og herfra skrå ned i dalen nærmere Store Orkelsjøen.| (600120) --- ^5 x 432 x 86 = 8 [86] |@ |Or we can go around on the western side of the valley down to Leirtjønna and cut diagonally from here down into the valley nearer Store Orkelsjøen.| |@ |Or we can round the west side of the valley down to Leirtjønna and from here traverse down the valley closer to Store Orkelsjøen.| x|> |Or ... Store Orkelsjøen| {0.19} <0.00> (0:0:4). |< |Turen hit er ca 35 km.| (600130) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |The trip here is about 35 km.| |@ |The tour here is about 35 km.| x|> |The trip to here is about 35 kilometers.| {0.00} <0.43> (0:0:0). |< |Vi anbefaler å legge turen til Kvikne mot Yset, der Kvikne fjellhotell ligger.| (600140) --- ^5 x 60 x 100 = 4 [100] |@ |We recommend to take the trip to Kvikne in the direction of Yset, where the Kvikne Mountain Hotel is located.| |@ |We recommend routing the tour to Kvikne towards Yset, where Kvikne mountain hotel is located.| x|> |We ...| {0.75} <0.00> (0:0:0). |< |Det går ikke busser i helgene gjennom Kviknebygda.| (600180) --- 8 x 28 x 96 = 16 [96] |@ |Buses do not run through the Kvikne area on weekends.| |@ |There are no busses on weekends through Kviknebygda.| x|> |Buses don't go through Kviknebygda into the weekends.| {0.60} <0.28> (3:1:18). |< |Kortest er det å ta over til Oppdal, vel 15 km.| (600200) --- 57 x 60 x 0 = 0 |@ |The shortest is to go over to Oppdal, a little more than 15 km.| |@ |The shortest is to go over to Oppdal, some 15 km.| |< |Litt kortere og en god del lettere blir dagsetappen hvis du ordner med skyss ned til der Vårstigen tar opp, følger denne i starten, skrår opp østover og tar inn dalen med Vår-stigsetrene og kommer inn til Elgsjøen over Vesle Elgsjøtangen.| (600230) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The day's leg will be a little shorter and considerably easier if you catch a ride down to where the Vårstigen trail starts, follow that in the beginning, cut diagonally up eastward and into the valley at Vårstigsetrene and come in to Elg Lake over Vesle Elgsjøtangen.| |@ |The day's hike is slightly shorter and considerably easier if you arrange a lift down to where Vårstigen goes up, follow it in the beginning, traverse up eastwards and go into the valley with Vår-stigsetrene and go in to Elgsjøen over Vesle Elgsjøtangen.| |< |I setersesongen er det mulig å kjøpe setermat fra setra som ligger ved Orkelsjøhytta.| (600270) --- 18 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |During the summer grazing season, it is possible to buy mountain farm food from the dairy farm located at Orkelsjøhytta.| |@ |In the summer dairy farm season you can buy country fare from the summer dairy farms that lie near Orkelsjøhytta.| |< |TT kjøpte hytta i 1927.| (600330) --- 6 x 10 x 28 = 24 [28] |@ |TT bought the lodge in 1927.| |@ |TT bought the lodge in 1927.| x|> |TT bought the cabin in 1927.| {0.91} <0.31> (4:0:1). |< |Fortsatt tar noen av seterkvarterene imot gjester.| (600340) --- 3 x 108 x 20 = 16 [20] |@ |Some of the mountain farm quarters still take guests.| |@ |Some of the summer dairy farm lodgings still take in guests.| x|> |Some of the mountain farm quarters of an hour still receive guests.| [1] {-0.13} <0.51> (1:0:0). |< |Innerdalen er en del av den store Orkla-utbygginga.| (600370) --- 8 x 64 x 32 = 22 [32] |@ |Innerdalen is a part of the large Orkla development project.| |@ |Innerdalen is part of the greater Orkla development.| x|> |Innerdalen is a little one of the large Orkla development.| {0.72} <0.58> (0:2:0). |< |Det gikk tapt et område med særlig store natur-, landbruks- og kulturlandskapsverdier.| (600390) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |An area with exceptionally great value in terms of nature, agriculture and cultural landscape, was lost.| |@ |The area lost was of particularly great natural, agricultural and cultural landscape value.| |< |Vatnet fra magasinet overføres nå til Botnan kraftverk som ligger 1,5 mil nedenfor Yset.| (600400) --- ^5 x 120 x 8 = 4 [8] |@ |The water from the reservoir is now directed to Botnan Power Station, which is located 15 km below Yset.| |@ |Water from the reservoir now is conveyed to the Botnan power station that lies 15 km down from Yset.| x|> |The water from the magazine is transferred to Botnan power Station now. ...| {0.39} <0.00> (4:2:1). |< |Vinnufjell er nabo til Skarfjell og den ville Trolla-ryggen i øst.| (600440) --- ^5 x 60 x 50 = 30 [50] |@ |Vinnufjell is neighbor to Skarfjell and the untamed Trolla Ridge in the east.| |@ |Vinnufjell is a neighbor of Skarfjell and of the wild Trolla-ryggen to the east.| x|> |Vinnufjell is a neighbor to Skarfjell and the wild Trolla. The ridge in an east| {0.74} <0.53> (1:1:0). |< |Turene på breene forutsetter breutstyr, breerfaring og at en går i taulag.| (600450) --- ^5 x 1152 x 480 = 246 [480] |@ |The excursions on the glaciers require glacier hiking equipment, experience on glaciers, as well as hiking as a team on a rope line.| |@ |Tours on glaciers require glacier gear, glacier skills, and roped parties.| x|> |The trips on the glaciers presuppose glacier equipment. Some glacier experience And One goes in a rope club.| {0.80} <0.20> (0:1:9). |< |Forholdene varierer mye fra år til år.| (600470) --- 54 x 20 x 4 = 4 |@ |Conditions vary greatly from year to year.| |@ |conditions vary considerably from year to year.| x|> |The conditions vary much from years to years.| {0.92} <0.22> (3:0:0). |< |Her anbefales to dagsturer som en introduksjon til området.| (600480) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Two day trips are recommended here as an introduction to the area.| |@ |Here two day tours are recommended as an introduction to the area.| |< |Vi viser bl a til DNT fjellsports brefører for Norge.| (600490) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Among others, we refer you to DNT mountain sports' glacier guides for Norway.| |@ |We refer among others to DNT's "Fjellsports Brefører for Norge."| |< |Fra riksvegen forbi Ålvundeid kjører en de ca 10 km inn til parkeringsplassen nedenfor Nerdal.| (600510) --- 180 x 108 x 0 = 0 |@ |From the state highway past Ålvundeid, one drives the approx. 10 km in to the parking area below Nerdal.| |@ |From the State highway past Ålvundeid, you drive about 10 km in to parking places below Nerdal.| |< |Toppen av Kongs-krona kan nås ved å gå opp breen innunder toppen av Dronning-krona og nordvestryggen fram til toppen eller via brefallet øst for topplatået.| (600580) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The top of Kongskrona may be reached by going up the glacier beneath the Dronningkrona peak and the northwestern ridge all the way to the top, or via the glacial slope east of the summit plateau.| |@ |The summit of Kongs-krona can be attained by going up the glacier beneath the summit of Dronning-krona and the northwest ridge up to the summit or via the icefall east of the summit plateau.| |< |Fortsett ryggen mot øst fra toppen og langs ryggen fram til toppen av Nebba.| (600590) --- 52 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Continue along the ridge toward the east from the summit and along the ridge to the top of Nebba.| |@ |continue along the ridge towards the east from the summit and along the ridge up to the summit of Nebba.| |< |Her er bratte partier både på snø og barmark, så vær oppmerksom!| (600600) --- 6 x 90 x 480 = 160 [480] |@ |Here there are steep stretches on both snow and bare surfaces, so be careful!| |@ |Here there are steep stretches, both on snow and on ground, so watch out!| x|> |Here, steep parts are on snow and bare ground, so be careful.| [42] {-41.16} <0.21> (4:0:0). |< |Turen kan også legges på sørsida av Nebba, om Kleiva og bandet mellom Grasdalen og Grønvatnet.| (600610) --- 56 x 2688 x 80 = 60 [80] |@ |The course can also be planned along the southern side of Nebba, via Kleiva and the link between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet.| |@ |The tour also can be routed on the south side of Nebba, via Kleiva and the col between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet.| x|> |The trip can also be located on the south side of Nebba on Kleiva and the ridge between Grasdalen and Grønvatnet.| {0.92} <0.46> (1:4:1). |< |Om taulaget fortsatt ikke har fått nok av flotte utsikter, anbefales å ta av fra bandet mellom Kongs-krona og Nebba, krysse over Vinnu-fonna mot sørvest og gå ut på Furunebba.| (600620) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |If the rope team still has not had enough beautiful panoramas, it is recommended to turn off from the link between Kongskrona and Nebba, cross over the Vinnu snowdrifts toward southwest and go out to Furunebba.| |@ |If the party still hasn't had enough of this fine side trip, it preferably can go down from the col between Kongs-krona and Nebba, cross over Vinnu-fonna towards the southwest and go out on Furunebba.| |< |Ta opp fjellet og etterhvert inn på breen inn-under Hesten.| (600640) --- 4 x 32 x 0 = 0 |@ |Make your way up the mountain and eventually onto the glacier beneath Hesten.| |@ |Go up the mountain and after a while in on the glacier beneath Hesten.| |< |Ta opp til ryggen rett sør for Sandvikhaugen og følg denne de to km sørover til toppen.| (600650) --- 48 x 120 x 0 = 0 |@ |Go up to the ridge due south of Sandvikhaugen and follow this for the two km southward to the summit.| |@ |Go up the ridge just south of Sandvikhaugen and follow it two kilometers southwards to the summit.| |< |Øverst i renna har en i ca 1300 m høgde pinaklene Jutulgubben og -kjerringa, som er fine å klatre, på venstre side, mens en til høgre kan fortsette videre opp nordvest-flanken av Skarfjell.| (600710) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |At the top of the channel, at about 1300 m elevation, you have the Jutulgubben and Jutulkjerringa pinnacles, which are good to climb, on the left side, while one can continue on the right side up the northwestern flank of Skarfjell.| |@ |Uppermost in the gully you'll find pinnacles about 1300 m elevation, Jutulgubben and Jutulkjerringa, which are fine climbing, on the left side, whilst on the right, you can continue further up the northwest flank of Skarfjell.| |< |Erik Stabell| (600760) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Erik Stabell| |@ |Erik Stabell| x|> |Erik Stabell.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |< |Transport til og fra en tur er ofte et stort og viktig spørsmål.| (600780) --- 4 x 168 x 0 = 0 |@ |Transportation to and from a trip is often a big and important question.| |@ |Transportation to and from a tour often is a big, essential question.| |< |Men noen ganger kan det også gjøre en mer bundet å bruke bil.| (600790) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |But sometimes it may be restrictive to come by car.| |@ |But sometimes you can be more constrained when you drive a car.| |< |Vi har også oppgitt telefonnummer til flere busselskap som trafikkerer områdene.| (600830) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |We have also indicated telephone numbers to several bus companies that serve these areas.| |@ |We've also given the telephone numbers of several bus companies that serve the areas.| |< |Vær imidlertid oppmerksom på at det kan en ikke bruke når en ringer fra utenfor fylket.| (600850) --- ^5 x 2520 x 50 = 2 [50] |@ |Be aware, however, that this number may not be used if you call from outside of the county.| |@ |However, be aware that you cannot call it from outside the county.| x|> |Still be careful. ... ...| {0.14} <0.00> (1:0:1). |< |På svensk side er det gjerne spesialordninger med skyss til turiststasjonene Storulvån og Vålådalen og til turiststedet Höglekardalen.| (600880) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |On the Swedish side, there are usually special arrangements for transportation to the Storulvån and Vålådalen tourist stations and to the Höglekardalen tourist facility.| |@ |On the Swedish side, there usually are special arrangements with lifts to the Storulvån og Vålådalen tourist stations and to the Höglekardalen tourist destination.| |< |Selbu - Tydal| (600910) --- ^1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Selbu - Tydal| |@ |Selbu - Tydal| |< |Tog: Til Røros går det tog, men bare en avgang lørdag.| (600930) --- ^5 x 96 x 208 = 104 [208] |@ |Trains: Trains go to Røros, but only one departure Saturday.| |@ |Trains: To Røros there's a train, but with only one departure on Saturdays.| x|> |Trains To Røros, trains go. ... Only a departure Saturday| {0.32} <0.38> (3:0:11). |< |Buss: Det går også buss til Røros flere ganger daglig.| (600940) --- 6 x 384 x 300 = 120 [300] |@ |Buses: Buses also go to Røros several times daily.| |@ |Buses: There also are busses to Røros several times a day.| x|> |A bus. a bus to Røros also goes several times daily.| {0.98} <0.25> (0:0:1). |< |Til Vauldalen og Nordpå går bare skolebusser på skoledager.| (600950) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Only school buses, on school days, go to Vauldalen and Nordpå.| |@ |To Vauldalen and Nordpå there are only school busses on school days.| |< |Fra medio juni og til slutten av september går det båt på Femunden (72 41 37 14).| (600960) --- ^4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |From mid-June and until the end of September, boats go from Femunden (72 41 37 14).| |@ |From mid June to the end of September, there's boat service on Femunden (tel: 72 41 37 14).| |< |For busselskap hjemmehørende i Hedmark kan en også ringe ruteopplysningen i Hedmark tlf.| (600970) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |For bus companies based in Hedmark, one may also call route information in Hedmark tel.| |@ |For bus companies operating from Hedmark, you can also call schedule information in Hedmark tel:| |< |Strekningen Oppdal - Sunndalsøra trafikkeres av Nettbuss avd.| (601000) --- ^4 x 18 x 40 = 40 |@ |The Oppdal - Sunndalsøra route is served by Nettbuss| |@ |The Oppdal - Sunndalsøra route is served by Nettbuss division| x|> |The stretch Oppdal Sunndalsøra is serviced by Nettbuss. avd.| {0.48} <0.28> (3:2:0). |< |Det Nettbuss avd.| (601100) --- ^4 x 6 x 12 = 12 |@ |It is Nettbuss| |@ |Nettbuss division| x|> |That Nettbuss avd.| {0.39} <0.19> (1:0:0). |< |Detaljerte ruteopplysninger får du ved å ringe gratisnummeret 177.| (601120) --- ^3 x 864 x 30 = 6 [30] |@ |You may obtain detailed route information by calling the toll free number 177.| |@ |Detailed schedule information is available upon calling the free number 177.| x|> |... Call gratisnummeret 177| {0.75} <0.00> (0:0:0).