|< |Turen har lange dagsmarsjer.| (500020) --- 1 x 2 x 9 = 9 |@ |The trip has day-long treks.| |@ |The tour has long day stretches.| x|> |The trip has long day hikes.| {0.95} <0.57> (0:0:0). |< |Den vesle og trivelige Orkelsjøhytta ligger her fra denne tida.| (500040) --- 20 x 120 x 0 = 0 |@ |The small and pleasant Orkelsjø cabin stands here from that time.| |@ |The small, cozy Orkelsjøhytta lies here from that time.| |< |Bergensekspressen (Trondheim - Bergen) og Trønderekspressen (Oslo - Gjøvik - Otta - Trondheim) har daglige ruter over Dovrefjell.| (500080) --- ^5 x 63 x 2080 = 1760 [2080] |@ |The Bergen Express (Trondheim - Bergen) and Trønder Express (Oslo - Gjøvik - Otta - Trondheim) have daily routes over Dovrefjell.| |@ |The Bergen Express (Trondheim - Bergen) and the Trønder Express (Oslo - Gjøvik - Otta - Trondheim) have daily schedules over Dovrefjell.| x|> |The Bergen express train Trondheim Bergen ) And Trønderekspressen Oslo Gjøvik Otta Trondheim ) has daily routes over Dovrefjell.| {0.50} <0.21> (4:2:10). |< |Ta opp mot sørøst, over Taraldshøa og fram til Litjinn-sjøen.| (500150) --- 22 x 270 x 286 = 94 [286] |@ |Ascend toward the southeast, over Taraldshøa and all the way to Litjinn-sjøen.| |@ |Go up to the southeast, over Taraldshøa and up to Litjinn-sjøen.| x|> |Move up towards a south east, over the Tarald hill, and forwards to the Litjinn lake.| {0.85} <0.17> (1:0:0). |< |På hotellet bør det være mulig å få stelle seg og få noe mat.| (500170) --- 19 x 864 x 0 = 0 |@ |At the hotel, it should be possible to freshen up and have a meal.| |@ |At the hotel it should be possible to wash up and get some food.| |< |Det er også kortere turer ned fra Orkelsjøhytta.| (500190) --- 40 x 24 x 176 = 60 [176] |@ |There are also shorter trips down from Orkelsjøhytta.| |@ |There are also shorter tours down from Orkelsjøhytta.| x|> |There are also shorter trips down from Orkelsjøhytta.| {0.91} <1.00> (2:0:1). |< |Ta ned i dalen på nordsida av Storinnsjøen og fram til Storinnsjøvangen.| (500240) --- 11 x 40 x 194 = 68 [194] |@ |Make your way down into the valley on the northern side of Storinnsjøen and all the way to Storinnsjøvangen.| |@ |Go down in the valley on the north side of Storinnsjøen and up to Storinnsjøvangen.| x|> |Move down in the valley on the north side of Storinnsjøen and forwards to Storinnsjøvangen.| {0.86} <0.71> (0:2:1). |< |Snart er du oppe i lia høgt over dalen.| (500250) --- 2 x 96 x 30 = 30 |@ |Soon you are up on the hillside high over the valley.| |@ |Soon you'r up on the hillside, far over the valley.| x|> |Soon, you are up in the mountain side over the valley high.| {0.81} <0.41> (0:0:0). |< |I fjellområdet mellom Kvikne, Folldalen og Oppdal var det tidligere et velutviklet rutenett med seterkvarterer.| (500310) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |In the area of the mountains between Kvikne, Folldalen and Oppdal, there previously was a well developed route network with mountain farm accommodations.| |@ |In the mountains between Kvikne, Folldalen and Oppdal, there once was a well-developed route network with summer dairy farm lodgings.| |< |Den ble utbedret og bygget om til selvbetjent drift i 1983 etter å ha vært stengt noen år.| (500330) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |It was renovated and converted to a self-service operation in 1983 after having been closed for several years.| |@ |It was improved and rebuilt to self-service operation in 1983, after having been closed for a few years.| |< |Og forsatt er de gamle merka rutene over mange strekninger lette å følge, selv om de ikke er vedlikeholdt på noen år.| (500340) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |And the old marked trails along many stretches are still easy to follow, even though they haven't been maintained for several years.| |@ |And still some of the old marked routes over many stretches are easy to follow, even though they haven't been maintained for years.| |< |Det sto stor strid om utbygginga på slutten av 1970-tallet og det var til slutt konfrontasjoner mellom demonstranter og utbyggere / politi sommeren 1980.| (500390) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The development was very controversial during the end of the 1970's, and in the end there were confrontations between demonstrators and developers / police during the summer of 1980.| |@ |There was considerable dispute on the development at the end of the 1970s, and finally there were confrontations between demonstrators and the developers / police in the summer of 1980.| |< |TUR T25 2-3 dager| (500400) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |TRIP T25 2-3 days| |@ |Tour T25 2-3 days| |< |Vinnufjell domineres av toppene Kongskrona og Dronningkrona som begge rager såvidt over 1800 m.| (500440) --- ^5 x 54 x 0 = 0 |@ |Vinnufjell is surpassed by the Kongskrona and Dronningkrona peaks, both of which tower just over 1800 m.| |@ |Vinnufjell is dominated by the peaks of Kongskrona and Dronningkrona that both rise just over 1800 m.| |< |Barn fra ca 12 års alder kan godt være med på lette breturer.| (500490) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Children from the age of about 12 are well able to go along on glacier excursions.| |@ |Children from age about 12 can go along on easier glacier tours.| |< |Forbi Ålvundeid går bussene mellom Kristiansund og Oppdal.| (500510) --- 2 x 4 x 8 = 4 [8] |@ |Buses running between Kristiansund and Oppdal go past Ålvundeid.| |@ |Busses between Kristiansund and Oppdal run through Ålvundeid.| x|> |Past Ålvundeid, the buses go between Kristiansund and Oppdal.| {0.67} <0.34> (1:0:0). |< |Stien tar opp på venstre side av elva fra Grasdalen.| (500520) --- 10 x 176 x 48 = 13 [48] |@ |The trail goes up the left side of the river from Grasdalen. [21-26] The trail may be hard to see in some spots.| |@ |The trail goes up the left side of the river from Grasdalen.| x|> |The path moves up on a left side of the river from Grasdalen.| {0.90} <0.49> (3:0:0). |< |Ta opp ura i Botn og inn på breen som ender opp mot Kongskrona.| (500550) --- 30 x 80 x 540 = 162 [540] |@ |Climb up through the rocky scree in Botn and in onto the glacier that ends up near Kongskrona.| |@ |Go up the talus at Botn and in on the glacier that has its head towards Kongskrona.| x|> |Move up the scree in Botn and in on the glacier that ends up towards Kongskrona.| {0.69} <0.70> (0:1:18). |< |Det er mange valg-muligheter videre opp brefallet mot toppen.| (500560) --- 6 x 108 x 90 = 70 [90] |@ |There are many choices on your way up the glacial slope toward the summit.| |@ |Thre are several choices further up the icefall towards the summit.| x|> |It is many choices more widely up the icefall towards the summit.| {0.77} <0.44> (3:1:1). |< |Her er det muligheter for å gå varierte turer i brefallet, også litt breklyving.| (500570) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Here there are opportunities to take varied trips on the glacial slope, including a little glacier climbing.| |@ |Here there are choices of various tours in the icefall as well as for a little glacier climbing.| |< |Utsikten fra det flate topplatået er eventyrlig ned i fjordene og ut mot kysten og havet.| (500580) --- 14 x 2592 x 40 = 30 [40] |@ |The view from the flat summit plateau is fairytale-like down onto the fjords and out toward the coast and the ocean.| |@ |The view from the flat summit plateu is fantastic down to the fjords and out towards the coast and the ocean.| x|> |The view from the flat topplatået is fantastic down into the fjords, and out towards the coast and the sea.| {0.61} <0.67> (1:3:0). |< |Herfra går det 1500 meter rett ned til bunnen av Sunndalen.| (500620) --- 88 x 80 x 104 = 36 [104] |@ |From here, it is 1500 meters straight down into the bottom of Sunndalen.| |@ |From here, it's 1500 meters straight down to the bottom of Sunndalen.| x|> |From here, 1500 meters go directly down to the bottom of Sunndalen.| {0.83} <0.52> (3:1:2). |< |Dronningkrona| (500630) --- 2 x 4 x 4 = 4 |@ |Dronningkrona| |@ |Dronningkrona.| x|> |The queen crown.| {0.29} <0.00> (0:1:0). |< |Ved varden ender ryggen i bratt stup mot Kongskrona.| (500650) --- 4 x 128 x 25 = 20 [25] |@ |At the stone marker, the ridge ends in a steep cliff down toward Kongskrona.| |@ |At the cairn the ridge ends in a steep plunge to Kongskrona.| x|> |At the cairn, the ridge ends in a steep cliff towards Kongskrona.| {0.70} <0.84> (3:0:0). |< |Det vises ellers til Norsk tindeklubs klatrefører for Innerdalen.| (500730) --- ^5 x 16 x 360 = 200 [360] |@ |Otherwise, we refer you to The Norwegian Alpine Club's climbing guides for Innderdalen.| |@ |Otherwise, see Norsk Tindeklub's Climbing Guide for Innerdalen.| x|> |Otherwise, it is shown to Norsk. tindeklubs Some climbing guide for Innerdalen| {0.79} <0.24> (0:0:2). |< |Noen har bil og synes det er mest praktisk, andre har ikke bil og er avhengig av kollektiv transport.| (500780) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Some people have cars and find that the most practical, others do not have a car and are dependent on public transportation.| |@ |Some have cars and think they're the most practical, while others don't have cars and depend on public transportation.| |< |I denne boka er det mange turer som har forskjellig start- og sluttpunkt.| (500790) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |In this book, there are many trips that have different starting and ending points.| |@ |In this book, there are many tours that have different starting and ending points.| |< |En annen grunn til å benytte kollektiv transport, er at en da ofte beholder større fleksibilitet enn hvis en må tilbake til utgangspunktet og hente en bil.| (500800) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Another reason for using public transportation is that one then often retains greater flexibility than if one has to return to the starting point to pick up a car.| |@ |Another reason to use public transportation is that you often enjoy greater flexibility than if you have to return to a starting point to get a car.| |< |Det er derfor mange gode grunner til at en når en planlegger en tur, bør vurdere mulighetene for å bruke kollektiv transport.| (500810) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |There are therefore many good reasons, when planning a trip, for considering the possibility of using public transportation.| |@ |So in planning a tour, there are therefore many good reasons to consider the possibilities of using public transportation.| |< |Hvis en skal få oversikt over alle mindre strekninger, skolebusser, spesialordinger med drosje og lignende som finnes enkelte steder, bør en helst kontakte de lokale selskapene.| (500830) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |If one wants to get an overview of all of the secondary stretches, school buses, special arrangements by taxi, etc. that exist for different places, one should contact the local companies.| |@ |If you wish to have an overview of all lesser routes, school busses, special agreements with taxis and the like, that are available in various places, you should contact the local companies.| |< |Da må en ringe 73 88 39 00. Hos Trafikanten Midt-Norge vil en få svar på de fleste spørsmål om ruter innenfor områdene som beskrives i denne boka.| (500850) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |In that case, you must call 73 88 39 00. Trafikanten Midt-Norge will provide answers to most questions about routes inside the areas described in this book.| |@ |Then you should call 73 88 39 00. Trafikanten Midt-Norge can answer most questions about routes within the regions that are described in this book.| |< |Trondheim - Stjørdal - Storlien| (500860) --- ^1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Trondheim - Stjørdal - Storlien| |@ |Trondheim - Stjørdal - Storlien| |< |Ring til de aktuelle stedene for nærmere informasjon.| (500880) --- 6 x 90 x 70 = 50 [70] |@ |Call the place in question for further information.| |@ |Call the places in question for further information.| x|> |Call to the current places for more near information.| {0.74} <0.22> (0:0:0). |< |Tilsvarende korrespondanse er det også tilbake.| (500890) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |There are corresponding connections for the return trip.| |@ |There's equivalent route correspondence on the return.| |< |Gauldalen - Røros - Brekken - Femunden og områdene rundt Femunden| (500920) --- ^1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Gauldalen - Røros - Brekken - Femunden and the areas around Femunden| |@ |Gauldalen - Røros - Brekken - Femunden and the areas around Femunden| |< |Til Brekken og langs begge sider av Aursunden går det buss, og til Synnarvika/Femunden.| (500940) --- ^2 x 32 x 0 = 0 |@ |Buses go to Brekken and along both sides of Aursund, and to Synnarvika/Femunden.| |@ |Busses run to Brekken and along both sides of Aursunden, as well as to Synnarvika/Femunden.| |< |Langs de fleste vegene på vestsida av Femunden går det busser fra Østerdal Billag (62 48 39 50). I sør- og sørøstenden er det Nordtrafikk Buss (76 11 11 11) og Åmot - Engerdal Bilselskap (62 44 71 50) som kjører rutene.| (500960) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Along most of the roads on the western side of Femunden, Østerdal Billag buses (62 48 39 50) serve the route. On the southern and southeastern end, it is Nordtrafikk (76 11 11 11) and Åmot - Engerdal Bilselskap (62 44 71 50) that serve the routes.| |@ |Along most roads on the west side of Femunden, Østerdal Billag (tel: 62 48 39 50) runs busses. At the southern and southeastern end, it's Nordtrafikk Buss (tel: 76 11 11 11) and Åmot - Engerdal Bilselskap (tel: 62 44 71 50) that serve the routes.| |< |Oppdal - Dovre - Sunndalen| (500980) --- ^1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Oppdal - Dovre - Sunndalen| |@ |Oppdal - Dovre - Sunndalen| |< |Sunndal (71 68 94 00). Den korresponderer også med busser til Molde, Kristiansund og Surnadal/Rindal.| (501000) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Sunndal Div. (71 68 94 00). It also connects with buses to Molde, Kristiansund and Surnadal/Rindal.| |@ |Sunndal (tel: 71 68 94 00). It corresponds also with busses to Molde, Kristiansund and Surnadal/Rindal.| |< |Vinjeøra - Orkanger - Rindal - Surnadal| (501010) --- ^1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Vinjeøra - Orkanger - Rindal - Surnadal| |@ |Vinjeøra - Orkanger - Rindal - Surnadal| |< |Det er korrespondanse til Oppdal.| (501020) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |There is a connection to Oppdal.| |@ |There are corresponding connections to Oppdal.| |< |Det er en lokalrute til Nerskogen fra henholdsvis Oppdal og Berkåk.| (501040) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |There is a local route to Nerskogen from Oppdal and Berkåk respectively.| |@ |There's a local route to Nerskogen, respectively from Oppdal and Berkåk.| |< |Det går også buss fra Trondheim via Orkanger til Berkåk og andre vegen.| (501060) --- 26 x 96 x 55 = 27 [55] |@ |Buses also run from Trondheim via Orkanger to Berkåk and the opposite direction.| |@ |There's also a bus from Trondheim via Orkanger to Berkåk and return.| x|> |A bus from Trondheim also goes via Orkanger to Berkåk and the second road.| {0.91} <0.51> (0:0:1). |< |Det går busser over Hølonda via Korsvegen og Gåsbakken til Kvål og Lundamo.| (501090) --- 19 x 30 x 60 = 25 [60] |@ |Buses go over Hølonda via Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo.| |@ |Busses run over Hølonda via Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo.| x|> |Buses go over Hølonda via Korsvegen and Gåsbakken to Kvål and Lundamo.| {0.90} <1.00> (4:0:0). |< |Melhus (72 87 56 00) som trafikkerer her.| (501100) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Melhus Div. (72 87 56 00) that serves this route.| |@ |Melhus (tel: 72 87 56 00) serves the route here.|