;;; ;;; `logon/jhk.naked/07-02-03' ;;; fan-out batch (mysql@ps.titan.uio.no; 3-feb-2007 (01:44 h)). ;;; [01:44:03] (10) |Pakk sekken, reis til fjells og begynn å gå.| --- 3 [5] (2.78|0.00:2.70 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.05] # 0 {-21.08} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_til+fjells_rel"|. | |-[24.95] # 1 {-28.17} --- 32 (16.74:4.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:232> (347.1M 8.1G = 8.4G) [3]. | | | |-[27.49] # 0 {-21.01} --- (1.78|1.78 s) <304:1944> {9062:1826} (22.1M 1.6G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[29.51] # 1 {-21.06} --- (1.79|1.79 s) <278:1646> {8375:1525} (20.7M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[31.53] # 2 {-21.16} --- (1.57|1.57 s) <296:1621> {8048:1534} (20.9M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[33.56] # 3 {-21.21} --- (1.57|1.47 s) <270:1339> {7417:1249} (20.0M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[35.58] # 4 {-21.23} --- (1.74|1.59 s) <304:1944> {9062:1826} (21.6M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[37.59] # 5 {-21.28} --- (1.59|1.46 s) <278:1646> {8375:1525} (20.6M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[39.61] # 6 {-21.61} --- (1.84|1.69 s) <290:1966> {10013:1843} (21.6M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | | | |-[41.63] # 7 {-21.76} --- (1.63|1.51 s) <282:1655> {8999:1563} (20.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[44.60] # 8 {-21.83} --- (2.91:1.21|2.81 s) <290:1966> {10013:1843} (21.6M 2.1G = 2.1G) [1]. | | | |-[46.63] # 9 {-21.84} --- (1.64|1.59 s) <279:2030> {9599:1908} (21.3M 2.0G = 2.1G) [0]. | |-[58.91] # 3 {-28.20} --- 32 (12.15:0.30|0.00:0.00 s) <:280> (347.4M 8.1G = 8.5G) [2]. | | | |-[60.93] # 0 {-19.46} --- (1.92|1.92 s) <300:1931> {9057:1818} (21.8M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[62.95] # 1 {-19.51} --- (1.47|1.47 s) <274:1633> {8370:1517} (20.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[64.98] # 2 {-19.60} --- (1.51|1.51 s) <292:1613> {8044:1530} (21.1M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[67.00] # 3 {-19.65} --- (1.58|1.58 s) <266:1331> {7413:1245} (20.2M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[69.02] # 4 {-19.66} --- (1.57|1.57 s) <300:1931> {9057:1818} (21.8M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[71.05] # 5 {-19.72} --- (1.58|1.58 s) <274:1633> {8370:1517} (20.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[73.89] # 6 {-20.02} --- (2.79:1.11|2.79 s) <286:1953> {10008:1835} (21.8M 2.1G = 2.1G) [1]. | | | |-[75.92] # 7 {-20.16} --- (1.44|1.44 s) <278:1647> {8995:1559} (21.2M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[77.94] # 8 {-20.23} --- (1.74|1.74 s) <286:1953> {10008:1835} (21.8M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | | | |-[79.96] # 9 {-20.23} --- (1.88|1.88 s) <275:2017> {9594:1900} (21.5M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | |< |Pakk sekken, reis til fjells og begynn å gå.| (10) --- 3 x 64 x 0 = 0 |@ |Fill your backpack, head for the mountains, and start walking.| |@ |Pack your rucksack, travel to the mountains, and start walking.| |@ |Pack your rucksack, travel to the mountains and start hiking.| |= 1:0 of 1 {100.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 1 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [01:45:23] (20) |I fjellet kan du komme som du er og gå som du vil, bare du oppfører deg fornuftig og velger tur etter evne.| --- (54.75|54.55 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |I fjellet kan du komme som du er og gå som du vil, bare du oppfører deg fornuftig og velger tur etter evne.| (20) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |In the mountains you come as you please and leave when you want, using common sense and picking a route to fit your abilities.| |@ |In the mountains you can come as you are and go where you will, provided that you act sensibly and choose tours according to your ability.| |@ |In the mountains, you can come as you are and leave whenever you want, provided you act reasonably and choose a trip appropriate to your abilities.| |= 1:0 of 2 {50.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 2 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [01:46:21] (30) |Håpet er at denne presentasjonen skal berike turen for deg, og at også du skal oppdage at det ikke er dumt å la ønsket om å oppleve forskjellige typer turisthytter bestemme ruta.| --- (133.45|132.73 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Håpet er at denne presentasjonen skal berike turen for deg, og at også du skal oppdage at det ikke er dumt å la ønsket om å oppleve forskjellige typer turisthytter bestemme ruta.| (30) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Our hope is that this information will make your hike more enjoyable and that you will realize the benefit of trying a combination of different huts when you plan your route.| |@ |Hopefully this presentation will enhance your tour, and you also will find that it's not wrong to let the wish to experience various types of tourist lodge determine your route.| |@ |It is hoped that this presentation will enrich your trip, and that you will also discover that it is not unwise to let your desire to experience different types of lodgings decide your route for you.| |= 1:0 of 3 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 3 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [01:48:38] (40) |På de fleste kan du gjerne stoppe opp noen dager for å bli bedre kjent med hytta og omgivelsene.| --- error: PVM client exit <40003>. | |< |På de fleste kan du gjerne stoppe opp noen dager for å bli bedre kjent med hytta og omgivelsene.| (40) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |At most of them you may linger a few days, getting to know the hut and its surroundings.| |@ |At most you can just as well stay a few days to be better acquainted with the lodge and its surroundings.| |@ |At most of them, you can stop a few days and become better acquainted with the lodge and the surroundings.| |= 1:0 of 4 {25.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 4 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [01:51:49] (50) |Enkelte er åpne nesten hele året, men de fleste nøyer seg med noen uker rundt påske og sommeren fram til midten av september.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_hele_n_rel|, |_frem_p_rel|, |_året_a_rel|, |_neste_n_rel|. | |< |Enkelte er åpne nesten hele året, men de fleste nøyer seg med noen uker rundt påske og sommeren fram til midten av september.| (50) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Some are open nearly all year, but most keep to a few weeks at Easter and in the summer until mid-September.| |@ |Some are open almost year round, but most are content with a few weeks around Easter and the summer up to mid September.| |@ |Some of these are open almost year round, but most of them are limited to a few weeks around Easter and during the summer up until mid-September.| |= 1:0 of 5 {20.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 5 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [01:53:47] (60) |Turistene steller seg selv.| --- 1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.98] # 0 {0.00} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_stelle_v_rel"|. | |< |Turistene steller seg selv.| (60) --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Hikers do their own housekeeping.| |@ |Backpackers take care of themselves.| |@ |Tourists here take care of themselves.| |= 2:0 of 6 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 6 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [01:53:48] (70) |Nøkkel leies ut til medlemmer av DNT.| --- 4 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.89] # 0 {-21.26} --- 16 (2.81|0.00:0.00 s) <:117> (46.4M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[5.48] # 0 {-36.33} --- (0.56|0.56 s) <118:1070> {4075:956} (6.9M 760.3M = 767.2M) [0]. | | | |-[6.05] # 1 {-36.33} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <118:1070> {4075:956} (6.8M 753.7M = 760.6M) [0]. | | | |-[6.63] # 2 {-37.38} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <118:1070> {4075:956} (6.9M 754.2M = 761.1M) [0]. | | | |-[7.20] # 3 {-37.38} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <118:1070> {4075:956} (6.8M 753.7M = 760.6M) [0]. | | | |-[7.61] # 4 {-37.57} --- (0.38|0.38 s) <80:736> {2710:631} (5.2M 527.3M = 532.5M) [0]. | | | |-[8.06] # 5 {-37.98} --- (0.42|0.42 s) <97:804> {2920:693} (5.7M 597.7M = 603.4M) [0]. | | | |-[10.32] # 6 {-38.22} --- 1 (2.24|0.00:2.24 s) <123:3799> {16791:3384} (14.8M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {-3.57} <0.27> | | | |-[14.34] # 7 {-38.22} --- 1 (3.40:1.23|0.00:3.40 s) <123:3799> {16791:3384} (14.8M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {-3.57} <0.27> | | | |-[14.76] # 8 {-38.65} --- (0.39|0.39 s) <80:736> {2710:631} (5.2M 526.5M = 531.7M) [0]. | | | |-[15.31] # 9 {-39.07} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <97:804> {2920:693} (5.7M 595.8M = 601.6M) [0]. | |-[16.04] # 1 {-21.64} --- 4 (0.69|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (12.8M 379.0M = 391.8M) [0]. | | | |-[18.04] # 0 {-73.56} --- 1 (1.71|0.00:1.71 s) <118:2772> {13770:2529} (11.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {-5.68} <0.27> | | | |-[20.05] # 1 {-75.42} --- 1 (1.58|0.00:1.58 s) <118:2772> {13770:2529} (11.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |Key matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {-5.68} <0.28> | | | |-[20.56] # 2 {-86.86} --- (0.50|0.50 s) <113:805> {3982:726} (6.0M 621.4M = 627.5M) [0]. | | | |-[21.12] # 3 {-89.84} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <113:805> {3982:726} (6.0M 621.4M = 627.5M) [0]. | |-[23.94] # 2 {-21.76} --- 16 (2.76:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:117> (46.4M 1.4G = 1.4G) [1]. | | | |-[24.65] # 0 {-38.46} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <118:1453> {6256:1351} (8.1M 928.7M = 936.8M) [0]. | | | |-[25.35] # 1 {-38.46} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <118:1453> {6256:1351} (8.1M 928.7M = 936.8M) [0]. | | | |-[25.91] # 2 {-38.84} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <97:1067> {4421:968} (6.6M 721.5M = 728.1M) [0]. | | | |-[26.67] # 3 {-39.57} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <118:1453> {6256:1351} (8.1M 928.7M = 936.8M) [0]. | | | |-[27.38] # 4 {-39.57} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <118:1453> {6256:1351} (8.1M 928.7M = 936.8M) [0]. | | | |-[27.97] # 5 {-39.95} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <97:1067> {4421:968} (6.6M 721.5M = 728.1M) [0]. | | | |-[34.79] # 6 {-39.95} --- 2 (6.78:1.73|0.00:6.78 s) <123:6283> {29841:5629} (22.4M 4.9G = 4.9G) [1]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt to members out.| {-3.98} <0.28> | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {-4.29} <1.00> | | | |-[40.80] # 7 {-39.95} --- 2 (5.24|0.00:5.24 s) <123:6283> {29841:5629} (22.4M 4.9G = 4.9G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt to members out.| {-3.98} <0.28> | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {-4.29} <1.00> | | | |-[41.37] # 8 {-40.07} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <80:999> {4211:906} (6.1M 655.6M = 661.6M) [0]. | | | |-[43.42] # 9 {-40.25} --- 2 (2.02|0.00:2.02 s) <102:3403> {16358:3114} (13.7M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is led by Dnt to members out.| {-4.10} <0.22> | | |Clue matter is led by Dnt out to members.| {-4.41} <1.00> | |-[43.44] # 3 {-22.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_leies_v_rel"|. | |< |Nøkkel leies ut til medlemmer av DNT.| (70) --- 4 x 36 x 10 = 5 [10] |@ |Most huts are locked, and keys are available to members of DNT.| |@ |The key is rented to members of DNT.| |@ |The key is rented out to members of DNT.| |> |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {0.99} <0.27> (0:7:0). |> |Clue matter is rented by Dnt to members out.| {0.81} <0.28> (2:7:0). |> |Clue matter is led by Dnt to members out.| {0.78} <0.22> (2:9:0). |> |Clue matter is led by Dnt out to members.| {0.69} <1.00> (2:9:1). |> |Key matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| {0.21} <0.28> (1:1:0). |= 3:0 of 7 {42.9+0.0}; 2:0 of 3:0 {66.7 0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0} @ 1 of 7 {14.3} <0.14 1.00>. [01:54:31] (80) |Ubetjente hytter har ikke proviantlager, men er for øvrig utstyrt og åpne som de selvbetjente.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_men_n_rel|, |_lage_n_rel|. | |< |Ubetjente hytter har ikke proviantlager, men er for øvrig utstyrt og åpne som de selvbetjente.| (80) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Unstaffed huts lack provisions but are equipped and available like the self-staffed ones.| |@ |No-service cabins have no provisions, but otherwise are equipped and open as are the self-service cabins.| |@ |Unstaffed lodges do not have food supplies, but they are equipped and open on the same terms as self-service lodges.| |= 3:0 of 8 {37.5+0.0}; 2:0 of 3:0 {66.7 0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0} @ 1 of 8 {12.5} <0.12 1.00>. [01:55:27] (90) |Ved bredden av Russvatnet ligger ruinen av Blackwellbua like ved en privat fiskebu.| --- 32 [72] (3.12|0.00:4.44 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[96.37] # 0 {-40.01} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[179.28] # 1 {-40.01} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[255.64] # 2 {-40.01} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[349.74] # 3 {-40.01} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[449.86] # 4 {-40.16} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[550.23] # 5 {-40.16} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[650.58] # 6 {-40.16} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[755.04] # 7 {-40.16} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[857.15] # 10 {-40.46} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[959.27] # 11 {-40.46} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Ved bredden av Russvatnet ligger ruinen av Blackwellbua like ved en privat fiskebu.| (90) --- 32 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Near a private fishing cabin on the shore of Russvatnet you see the ruins of the Blackwell hut.| |@ |At the shore of Russvatnet lies the ruins of Blackwellbua close by a private fisherman's shelter.| |@ |On the shoreline of Russvatnet lie the ruins of Blackwellbua near a private fishing cabin.| |= 4:0 of 9 {44.4+0.0}; 2:0 of 4:0 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0} @ 1 of 9 {11.1} <0.11 1.00>. [02:11:27] (100) |Han leide Russvatn og gjorde avtale om kjøp av vannet.| --- 16 (4.36|0.00:4.68 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[110.51] # 0 {-36.18} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[212.62] # 1 {-36.20} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[314.93] # 2 {-36.20} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[371.16] # 3 {-36.22} --- 256 (55.56:1.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:658> (1.3G 37.1G = 38.4G) [9]. | | | |-[371.77] # 0 {-35.38} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[372.38] # 1 {-35.38} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[372.99] # 2 {-35.80} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[373.60] # 3 {-35.80} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[374.20] # 4 {-36.33} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[374.80] # 5 {-36.77} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[375.40] # 6 {-37.21} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[376.00] # 7 {-37.66} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[376.63] # 8 {-39.44} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[377.25] # 9 {-39.44} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | |-[495.37] # 4 {-36.37} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[601.48] # 5 {-36.39} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[705.59] # 6 {-36.39} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[761.84] # 7 {-36.41} --- 256 (55.61:1.33|0.00:0.00 s) <:658> (1.3G 37.1G = 38.4G) [8]. | | | |-[762.30] # 0 {-36.08} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[762.78] # 1 {-36.08} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[763.24] # 2 {-36.52} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[763.71] # 3 {-36.52} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[764.17] # 4 {-37.05} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[764.63] # 5 {-37.50} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[765.09] # 6 {-37.95} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[767.18] # 7 {-38.41} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[767.69] # 8 {-40.27} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[768.21] # 9 {-40.27} --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | |-[872.32] # 8 {-36.49} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[974.76] # 9 {-36.51} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Han leide Russvatn og gjorde avtale om kjøp av vannet.| (100) --- 16 x 512 x 0 = 0 |@ |He leased Russvatn and made an agreement to buy the lake.| |@ |He leased Russvatn and contracted to buy the lake.| |@ |He leased Russvatn and initiated an agreement to buy the lake.| |= 5:0 of 10 {50.0+0.0}; 3:0 of 5:0 {60.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 10 {10.0} <0.10 1.00>. [02:27:42] (110) |Blackwell gikk med på det, fordi han ikke ville eie «et ferskvann saltet med angerens tårer».| --- ^5 [32] (9.39|0.00:9.50 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[10.80] # 0 {-37.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|. | |-[10.86] # 1 {-37.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|. | |-[10.92] # 2 {-37.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|. | |-[10.98] # 3 {-37.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|. | |-[11.04] # 4 {-37.92} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|. | |< |Blackwell gikk med på det, fordi han ikke ville eie «et ferskvann saltet med angerens tårer».| (110) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Blackwell consented, since he did not want to own "a freshwater lake salted by the tears of regret."| |@ |Blackwell agreed, as he didn't want to own "a fresh water lake salted with tears of regret."| |@ |Blackwell acceded, stating that he didn't want to own «a freshwater lake made salty by the tears of a recalcitrant».| |= 5:1 of 11 {45.5+9.1}; 3:0 of 5:1 {60.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 11 {9.1} <0.09 1.00>. [02:27:53] (120) |Ruta videre passerer Glopåa på bro, og møter ruta fra Gjendesheim før stien går bratt ned til Memurubu.| --- 4 (12.85|0.00:12.92 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[110.28] # 0 {-47.09} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[214.67] # 1 {-47.44} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[308.77] # 2 {-48.69} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[410.87] # 3 {-49.03} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Ruta videre passerer Glopåa på bro, og møter ruta fra Gjendesheim før stien går bratt ned til Memurubu.| (120) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Glopåa is crossed on a bridge before the trail joins the Gjendesheim trail for a steep descent to Memurubu.| |@ |The route crosses Glopåa on a bridge and meets the route from Gjendesheim before the trail goes steep downhill to Memurubu.| |@ |The route passes Glopåa via a bridge and merges with the route from Gjendesheim before the trail descends steeply to Memurubu.| |= 6:1 of 12 {50.0+8.3}; 3:0 of 6:1 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 12 {8.3} <0.08 1.00>. [02:34:43] (130) |Turen er på vel 9 t. og krever breutstyr og nødvendig kunnskap.| --- 2 [8] (6.84|0.00:6.90 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[122.16] # 5 {-40.24} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[168.21] # 6 {-40.29} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Turen er på vel 9 t. og krever breutstyr og nødvendig kunnskap.| (130) --- 2 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |It takes at least 9 hours and requires glacier equipment and skills.| |@ |The hike is at least 9 hours and requires glacier gear and the requisite skills.| |@ |The trip is calculated at over 9 hrs. and requires glacier hiking equipment and necessary skills.| |= 7:1 of 13 {53.8+7.7}; 3:0 of 7:1 {42.9 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 13 {7.7} <0.08 1.00>. [02:37:32] (140) |3. Memurubu til Gjendesheim/Bessheim| --- 1 (0.05|0.00:0.05 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.93] # 0 {0.00} --- 1 (0.47|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (9.3M 280.2M = 289.5M) [0]. | | | |-[1.08] # 0 {-87.84} --- (0.14|0.14 s) <24:139> {349:90} (2.3M 125.1M = 127.4M) [0]. | |< |3. Memurubu til Gjendesheim/Bessheim| (140) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |3. Memurubu - Gjendesheim/Bessheim| |@ |3. Memurubu to Gjendesheim/Bessheim| |@ |3. Memurubu to Gjendesheim/Bessheim| |= 8:1 of 14 {57.1+7.1}; 4:0 of 8:1 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 4:0 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 14 {7.1} <0.07 1.00>. [02:37:33] (150) |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| --- ^1 (0.05|0.00:0.05 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.79] # 0 {0.00} --- 1 (0.47|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (8.2M 262.3M = 270.5M) [0]. | | | |-[0.85] # 0 {-481.18} --- error: invalid predicates: |proper_q_rel|. | |< |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| (150) --- ^1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| |@ |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| |@ |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| |= 8:2 of 15 {53.3+13.3}; 4:1 of 8:2 {50.0 50.0}; 1:0 of 4:1 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 15 {6.7} <0.07 1.00>. [02:37:34] (160) |Øst for Gjendesheim hvelver Gausdal Vestfjell seg blåne bak blåne.| --- ^5 [12] (5.99|0.00:6.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.04] # 0 {-16.10} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_blåne_v_rel"|, |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[8.07] # 1 {-16.12} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[8.10] # 2 {-17.45} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_blåne_v_rel"|, |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[8.14] # 3 {-17.46} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[8.17] # 4 {-17.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_blåne_v_rel"|, |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |< |Øst for Gjendesheim hvelver Gausdal Vestfjell seg blåne bak blåne.| (160) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |East of Gjendesheim lie range upon range of Gausdal Vestfjell.| |@ |East of Gjendesheim, the Gausdal Vestfjell arch on the distant horizon.| |@ |East of Gjendesheim, the bluish Gausdal Vestfjell mountains extend out on a blue horizon.| |= 8:3 of 16 {50.0+18.7}; 4:1 of 8:3 {50.0 33.3}; 1:0 of 4:1 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 16 {6.2} <0.06 1.00>. [02:37:42] (170) |Både sommer og vinter går det merkede ruter fra Gjendesheim og inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| --- error: PVM client exit <4000b>. | |< |Både sommer og vinter går det merkede ruter fra Gjendesheim og inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| (170) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Both in summer and winter there are marked trails from Gjendesheim into Gausdal Vestfjell.| |@ |In both summer and winter there are marked routes from Gjendesheim in to Gausdal Vestfjell.| |@ |Both summer and winter, one can follow marked trails from Gjendesheim and into the Gausdal Vestfjell mountain range.| |= 8:3 of 17 {47.1+17.6}; 4:1 of 8:3 {50.0 33.3}; 1:0 of 4:1 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 17 {5.9} <0.06 1.00>. [02:41:18] (180) |Turen over til Sikkilsdalsseter er en flott innfallsport til området.| --- ^5 [68] (5.02|0.00:5.00 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[30.06] # 1 {-21.66} --- 45 (19.50:0.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:232> (504.4M 13.4G = 13.9G) [3]. | | | |-[30.66] # 0 {-64.14} --- 3 (0.53|0.00:0.53 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.6M 558.2M = 566.8M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[31.22] # 1 {-64.65} --- 3 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <119:700> {3058:574} (8.4M 546.3M = 554.7M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[31.78] # 2 {-65.69} --- 3 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.3M 638.3M = 646.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[32.38] # 3 {-66.21} --- 3 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <119:700> {3058:574} (8.4M 723.1M = 731.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[32.98] # 4 {-67.65} --- 3 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.3M 719.8M = 728.2M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[33.58] # 5 {-68.29} --- 3 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.3M 716.0M = 724.3M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[34.17] # 6 {-68.83} --- 3 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <119:700> {3058:574} (8.4M 722.7M = 731.1M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[34.79] # 7 {-69.28} --- 3 (0.53|0.00:0.53 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.3M 715.6M = 723.9M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[35.39] # 8 {-72.03} --- 3 (0.53|0.00:0.53 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.3M 715.2M = 723.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[35.98] # 9 {-74.73} --- 3 (0.53|0.00:0.53 s) <119:695> {3048:570} (8.3M 716.9M = 725.2M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | |-[58.26] # 3 {-22.41} --- 45 (22.13:0.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:232> (504.3M 13.4G = 13.9G) [3]. | | | |-[58.80] # 0 {-64.63} --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.1M 673.7M = 681.8M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[59.36] # 1 {-65.14} --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <119:643> {2477:505} (8.2M 681.2M = 689.3M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[59.90] # 2 {-66.19} --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.1M 671.9M = 680.0M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[60.46] # 3 {-66.72} --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <119:643> {2477:505} (8.1M 679.4M = 687.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[61.02] # 4 {-68.17} --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.1M 673.7M = 681.8M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[61.58] # 5 {-68.82} --- 3 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.0M 671.6M = 679.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[62.14] # 6 {-69.36} --- 3 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <119:643> {2477:505} (8.1M 679.0M = 687.1M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[62.69] # 7 {-69.82} --- 3 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.0M 671.9M = 680.0M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[63.25] # 8 {-72.58} --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.0M 671.6M = 679.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[65.27] # 9 {-75.30} --- 3 (1.65:1.16|0.00:1.65 s) <119:638> {2467:501} (8.0M 672.3M = 680.3M) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | |-[87.66] # 5 {-23.21} --- 45 (22.21:0.54|0.00:0.00 s) <:235> (525.8M 13.8G = 14.3G) [3]. | | | |-[88.32] # 0 {-63.65} --- 3 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 817.1M = 826.2M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[88.98] # 1 {-64.11} --- 3 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <131:841> {4700:710} (9.1M 822.1M = 831.2M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[89.64] # 2 {-65.05} --- 3 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 810.4M = 819.4M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[90.30] # 3 {-65.52} --- 3 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <131:841> {4700:710} (9.1M 817.9M = 826.9M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[90.95] # 4 {-66.83} --- 3 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 814.6M = 823.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[91.59] # 5 {-67.41} --- 3 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 810.4M = 819.4M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[92.24] # 6 {-67.90} --- 3 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <131:841> {4700:710} (9.1M 817.8M = 826.9M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[92.89] # 7 {-68.31} --- 3 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 810.4M = 819.4M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[93.55] # 8 {-70.78} --- 3 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 810.4M = 819.4M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[94.21] # 9 {-73.20} --- 3 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <131:836> {4690:706} (9.0M 810.4M = 819.3M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | |-[136.32] # 7 {-23.67} --- 90 (40.90:1.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:709> (1.1G 28.5G = 29.6G) [7]. | | | |-[137.18] # 0 {-51.77} --- 3 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <151:1054> {6231:901} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[138.04] # 1 {-51.77} --- 3 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <151:1054> {6231:901} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[138.91] # 2 {-52.13} --- 3 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <151:1059> {6241:905} (10.5M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[139.78] # 3 {-52.13} --- 3 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <151:1059> {6241:905} (10.5M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[140.65] # 4 {-52.86} --- 3 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <151:1054> {6231:901} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[141.50] # 5 {-52.86} --- 3 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <151:1054> {6231:901} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[143.55] # 6 {-53.23} --- 3 (1.83:1.07|0.00:1.83 s) <151:1059> {6241:905} (10.5M 1.0G = 1.0G) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[144.40] # 7 {-53.23} --- 3 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <151:1059> {6241:905} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[145.26] # 8 {-54.24} --- 3 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <151:1054> {6231:901} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | | | |-[146.12] # 9 {-54.24} --- 3 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <151:1054> {6231:901} (10.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || ...| {61.33} <0.00> | | |The trip of || ... || ...| {55.17} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || ...| {53.01} <1.00> | |-[180.63] # 9 {-23.68} --- 72 (34.23:0.97|0.00:0.00 s) <:337> (774.7M 20.3G = 21.0G) [5]. | | | |-[186.95] # 0 {-51.82} --- 15 (6.20|0.00:6.20 s) <159:7363> {56978:7079} (46.2M 6.4G = 6.5G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {112.56} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {110.34} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {107.96} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {107.66} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {106.35} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {105.47} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {104.41} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {104.13} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {102.20} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {101.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {101.45} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {99.84} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {99.54} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {99.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {97.38} <1.00> | | | |-[193.43] # 1 {-51.82} --- 15 (6.35|0.00:6.35 s) <159:7363> {56978:7079} (46.2M 6.4G = 6.5G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {112.56} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {110.34} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {107.96} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {107.66} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {106.35} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {105.47} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {104.41} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {104.13} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {102.20} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {101.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {101.45} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {99.84} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {99.54} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {99.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {97.38} <1.00> | | | |-[201.47] # 2 {-52.18} --- 15 (7.37:1.17|0.00:7.37 s) <159:7368> {56988:7083} (46.3M 6.5G = 6.5G) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {112.56} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {110.34} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {107.96} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {107.66} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {106.35} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {105.47} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {104.41} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {104.13} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {102.20} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {101.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {101.45} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {99.84} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {99.54} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {99.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {97.38} <1.00> | | | |-[207.52] # 3 {-52.18} --- 15 (5.84|0.00:5.84 s) <159:7368> {56988:7083} (46.3M 6.5G = 6.5G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {112.56} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {110.34} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {107.96} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {107.66} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {106.35} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {105.47} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {104.41} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {104.13} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {102.20} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {101.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {101.45} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {99.84} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {99.54} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {99.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {97.38} <1.00> | | | |-[213.56] # 4 {-53.13} --- 9 (5.14:1.56|0.00:5.14 s) <151:5459> {42692:5229} (33.6M 4.6G = 4.6G) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {117.85} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {113.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {111.64} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {110.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {109.65} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {107.53} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {105.57} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {104.05} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {102.12} <1.00> | | | |-[217.61] # 5 {-53.13} --- 9 (3.78|0.00:3.78 s) <151:5459> {42692:5229} (33.6M 4.6G = 4.6G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {117.85} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {113.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {111.64} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {110.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {109.65} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {107.53} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {105.57} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {104.05} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {102.12} <1.00> | | | |-[221.65] # 6 {-53.50} --- 9 (3.91|0.00:3.91 s) <151:5464> {42702:5233} (33.7M 4.6G = 4.6G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {117.85} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {113.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {111.64} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {110.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {109.65} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {107.53} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {105.57} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {104.05} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {102.12} <1.00> | | | |-[225.70] # 7 {-53.50} --- 9 (3.94|0.00:3.94 s) <151:5464> {42702:5233} (33.7M 4.6G = 4.6G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {117.85} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {113.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {111.64} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {110.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {109.65} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {107.53} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {105.57} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {104.05} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {102.12} <1.00> | | | |-[233.75] # 8 {-54.29} --- 15 (7.12:1.47|0.00:7.12 s) <159:7363> {56978:7079} (46.2M 6.4G = 6.5G) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {112.56} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {110.34} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {107.96} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {107.66} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {106.35} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {105.47} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {104.41} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {104.13} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {102.20} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {101.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {101.45} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {99.84} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {99.54} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {99.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {97.38} <1.00> | | | |-[239.79] # 9 {-54.29} --- 15 (5.83|0.00:5.83 s) <159:7363> {56978:7079} (46.2M 6.4G = 6.5G) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {112.56} <0.29> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {110.34} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {107.96} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {107.66} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {106.35} <1.00> | | |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {105.47} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {104.41} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {104.13} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {102.20} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {101.74} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {101.45} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {99.84} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {99.54} <1.00> | | |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {99.26} <1.00> | | |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {97.38} <1.00> | |< |Turen over til Sikkilsdalsseter er en flott innfallsport til området.| (180) --- ^5 x 297 x 246 = 27 [246] |@ |The trip to Sikkilsdalsseter makes a fine introduction to the area.| |@ |The hike over to Sikkilsdalsseter is a splendid introduction to the area.| |@ |The trip over to Sikkilsdalsseter is an excellent gateway to the area.| |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {0.79} <0.29> (9:5:0). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {0.75} <0.29> (9:1:0). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {0.75} <1.00> (9:5:1). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {0.73} <1.00> (9:5:2). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {0.73} <1.00> (9:1:1). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {0.72} <1.00> (9:5:3). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they impressively are opening to the area.| {0.71} <1.00> (9:5:4). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {0.71} <1.00> (9:1:2). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {0.71} <1.00> (9:1:3). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {0.69} <1.00> (9:1:4). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {0.69} <1.00> (9:5:5). |> |Of the trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {0.69} <1.00> (9:1:5). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they greatly are opening to the area.| {0.68} <1.00> (9:1:6). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area impressively.| {0.67} <1.00> (9:5:6). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {0.67} <1.00> (9:1:7). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {0.66} <1.00> (9:5:7). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area greatly.| {0.65} <1.00> (9:1:8). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {0.65} <1.00> (9:1:9). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {0.65} <1.00> (9:1:10). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening impressively to the area.| {0.64} <1.00> (9:5:8). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening great to the area.| {0.63} <1.00> (9:1:11). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening to the area great.| {0.63} <1.00> (9:1:12). |> |The trip of || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {0.63} <1.00> (9:1:13). |> |The trip || ... || To Sikkilsdalsseter, they are opening greatly to the area.| {0.61} <1.00> (9:1:14). |> |Of the trip || ... || ...| {0.37} <0.00> (1:0:0). |> |The trip of || ... || ...| {0.31} <1.00> (1:0:1). |> |The trip || ... || ...| {0.29} <1.00> (1:0:2). |= 8:4 of 18 {44.4+22.2}; 4:2 of 8:4 {50.0 50.0}; 1:1 of 4:2 {25.0 50.0} @ 2 of 18 {11.1} <0.11 1.00>. [02:45:18] (190) |Den bilveien fantes ikke i turismens barndom, da turen gjennom Sikkilsdalsskaret og ned i Sjodalen var en av de vanligste rutene inn i Jotunheimen.| --- ^5 [160] (45.38|0.00:45.24 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[47.14] # 1 {-54.61} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[47.25] # 3 {-54.81} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[47.37] # 5 {-54.88} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[47.48] # 7 {-54.95} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[47.60] # 9 {-54.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |Den bilveien fantes ikke i turismens barndom, da turen gjennom Sikkilsdalsskaret og ned i Sjodalen var en av de vanligste rutene inn i Jotunheimen.| (190) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The road was not there in the early days of tourism, when the hike through Sikkilsdalskaret down into Sjodalen was one of the most popular routes in Jotunheimen.| |@ |The road wasn't there in the early days of hiking, so the the hike through Sikkilsdalsskasret and down to Sjodalen was one of the most usual routes into the Jotunheimen.| |@ |The automobile road didn't exist in tourism's infancy, at a time when the most common routes into Jotunheimen went through Sikkilsdalsskaret and down into Sjodalen.| |= 8:5 of 19 {42.1+26.3}; 4:2 of 8:5 {50.0 40.0}; 1:1 of 4:2 {25.0 50.0} @ 2 of 19 {10.5} <0.11 1.00>. [02:46:05] (200) |Utsikten den andre veien er forresten ikke borte den heller.| --- ^5 [8] (1.29|0.00:1.33 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.01] # 0 {-13.23} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_heller_a_rel". | |-[6.01] # 1 {-13.30} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_heller_a_rel". | |-[8.02] # 2 {-13.70} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_heller_a_rel". | |-[10.02] # 3 {-13.76} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_heller_a_rel". | |-[12.03] # 4 {-13.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_heller_a_rel". | |< |Utsikten den andre veien er forresten ikke borte den heller.| (200) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |There is a nice view in the other direction, too.| |@ |For that matter, the view the other way also is good.| |@ |The view the other way is not any less impressive.| |= 8:6 of 20 {40.0+30.0}; 4:2 of 8:6 {50.0 33.3}; 1:1 of 4:2 {25.0 50.0} @ 2 of 20 {10.0} <0.10 1.00>. [02:46:17] (210) |Fra Sikkilsdalsskaret går det to merkede ruter videre.| --- 9 [15] (0.96|0.00:1.08 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.02] # 3 {-29.71} --- 8 (3.46:0.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:65> (68.2M 1.8G = 1.8G) [1]. | | | |-[6.79] # 0 {-16.79} --- (0.75|0.75 s) <89:735> {4194:660} (8.3M 716.8M = 725.1M) [0]. | | | |-[7.50] # 1 {-18.03} --- (0.67|0.67 s) <89:735> {4194:660} (8.1M 708.5M = 716.6M) [0]. | | | |-[8.16] # 2 {-18.48} --- (0.62|0.62 s) <89:735> {4194:660} (8.1M 708.4M = 716.6M) [0]. | | | |-[8.86] # 3 {-18.72} --- (0.67|0.67 s) <97:821> {5001:745} (8.6M 765.4M = 774.0M) [0]. | | | |-[9.46] # 4 {-19.43} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <85:686> {3604:627} (7.9M 658.6M = 666.5M) [0]. | | | |-[10.15] # 5 {-20.11} --- (0.67|0.67 s) <97:821> {5001:745} (8.6M 765.6M = 774.2M) [0]. | | | |-[12.26] # 6 {-20.61} --- (2.08:1.40|2.08 s) <97:821> {5001:745} (8.6M 765.9M = 774.6M) [1]. | | | |-[12.87] # 7 {-21.67} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <93:772> {4299:712} (8.4M 713.0M = 721.3M) [0]. | |-[14.88] # 4 {-29.80} --- 2 (0.98|0.00:0.00 s) <:21> (22.2M 615.1M = 637.3M) [0]. | | | |-[15.63] # 0 {-21.91} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <77:1587> {7026:1478} (8.1M 827.9M = 836.0M) [0]. | | | |-[16.53] # 1 {-25.44} --- (0.89|0.89 s) <85:1913> {8651:1803} (9.3M 965.6M = 974.8M) [0]. | |-[20.55] # 5 {-29.88} --- 8 (3.14|0.00:0.00 s) <:65> (68.2M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[21.09] # 0 {-16.79} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <89:735> {4194:660} (8.1M 706.0M = 714.1M) [0]. | | | |-[21.71] # 1 {-18.03} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <89:735> {4194:660} (8.1M 706.2M = 714.3M) [0]. | | | |-[22.33] # 2 {-18.48} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <89:735> {4194:660} (8.1M 706.2M = 714.3M) [0]. | | | |-[23.00] # 3 {-18.72} --- (0.65|0.65 s) <97:821> {5001:745} (8.6M 765.4M = 774.0M) [0]. | | | |-[23.50] # 4 {-19.43} --- (0.48|0.48 s) <85:686> {3604:627} (7.9M 657.3M = 665.1M) [0]. | | | |-[24.08] # 5 {-20.11} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <97:821> {5001:745} (8.6M 765.6M = 774.2M) [0]. | | | |-[24.65] # 6 {-20.61} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <97:821> {5001:745} (8.6M 765.5M = 774.2M) [0]. | | | |-[25.19] # 7 {-21.67} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <93:772> {4299:712} (8.4M 713.2M = 721.5M) [0]. | |-[27.25] # 9 {-31.44} --- 4 (2.02|0.00:0.00 s) <:55> (40.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[27.79] # 0 {-17.38} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <105:533> {2116:488} (8.1M 618.9M = 627.1M) [0]. | | | |-[28.34] # 1 {-18.56} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <105:533> {2116:488} (8.1M 618.9M = 627.0M) [0]. | | | |-[28.88] # 2 {-18.99} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <105:533> {2116:488} (8.1M 618.8M = 626.9M) [0]. | | | |-[29.44] # 3 {-19.88} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <101:493> {1889:460} (7.9M 588.4M = 596.4M) [0]. | |-[31.44] # 10 {-31.57} --- 1 (0.99:0.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (14.0M 375.5M = 389.4M) [1]. | | | |-[31.96] # 0 {-22.55} --- (0.49|0.49 s) <93:672> {2842:640} (6.2M 482.5M = 488.6M) [0]. | |-[34.01] # 11 {-31.61} --- 4 (2.02|0.00:0.00 s) <:55> (40.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[34.61] # 0 {-17.38} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <105:533> {2116:488} (8.1M 618.9M = 627.1M) [0]. | | | |-[35.20] # 1 {-18.56} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <105:533> {2116:488} (8.1M 618.9M = 627.0M) [0]. | | | |-[35.79] # 2 {-18.99} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <105:533> {2116:488} (8.1M 618.8M = 626.9M) [0]. | | | |-[36.37] # 3 {-19.88} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <101:493> {1889:460} (7.9M 588.4M = 596.4M) [0]. | |-[38.37] # 12 {-33.19} --- 4 (1.65|0.00:0.00 s) <:55> (40.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[38.91] # 0 {-18.47} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <105:546> {2173:493} (8.0M 624.2M = 632.2M) [0]. | | | |-[40.92] # 1 {-19.74} --- (1.79:1.24|1.79 s) <105:546> {2173:493} (8.0M 623.7M = 631.7M) [1]. | | | |-[41.38] # 2 {-20.20} --- (0.44|0.44 s) <105:546> {2173:493} (8.0M 622.8M = 630.8M) [0]. | | | |-[41.81] # 3 {-21.17} --- (0.41|0.41 s) <101:497> {1823:460} (7.8M 582.5M = 590.3M) [0]. | |-[42.50] # 13 {-33.32} --- 1 (0.65|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (13.9M 374.7M = 388.6M) [0]. | | | |-[42.90] # 0 {-24.41} --- (0.39|0.39 s) <93:674> {2650:638} (6.1M 473.4M = 479.4M) [0]. | |-[44.91] # 14 {-33.36} --- 4 (1.91|0.00:0.00 s) <:55> (40.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[45.45] # 0 {-18.47} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <105:546> {2173:493} (8.0M 622.9M = 630.9M) [0]. | | | |-[45.99] # 1 {-19.74} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <105:546> {2173:493} (8.0M 623.1M = 631.1M) [0]. | | | |-[46.53] # 2 {-20.20} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <105:546> {2173:493} (8.0M 623.0M = 631.0M) [0]. | | | |-[47.07] # 3 {-21.17} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <101:497> {1823:460} (7.8M 582.5M = 590.3M) [0]. | |< |Fra Sikkilsdalsskaret går det to merkede ruter videre.| (210) --- 9 x 36 x 0 = 0 |@ |Two marked trails leave Sikkilsdalskaret.| |@ |From Sikkilsdalsskaret there are two marked routes onwards.| |@ |From Sikkilsdalsskaret, there are two marked trails.| |= 9:6 of 21 {42.9+28.6}; 5:2 of 9:6 {55.6 33.3}; 1:1 of 5:2 {20.0 50.0} @ 2 of 21 {9.5} <0.10 1.00>. [02:47:04] (220) |Ikke minst den markerte ryggen mellom Sikkilsdalshø og Sikkilsdalshornet er imponerende.| --- 4 (1.50|0.00:1.54 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.36] # 0 {-25.45} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_imponere_v_rel"|, |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[2.39] # 1 {-25.92} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_imponere_v_rel"|, |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[2.43] # 2 {-26.45} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_imponere_v_rel"|, |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[2.46] # 3 {-26.91} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_imponere_v_rel"|, |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|. | |< |Ikke minst den markerte ryggen mellom Sikkilsdalshø og Sikkilsdalshornet er imponerende.| (220) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The crest between it and Sikkilsdalshornet is particularly impressive.| |@ |Not least the prominent ridge beween Sikkilsdalshø and Sikkilsdalshornet is impressive.| |@ |The marked ridge between Sikkilsdalshø and Sikkilsdalshornet is particularly impressive.| |= 10:6 of 22 {45.5+27.3}; 5:2 of 10:6 {50.0 33.3}; 1:1 of 5:2 {20.0 50.0} @ 2 of 22 {9.1} <0.09 1.00>. [02:47:07] (230) |Den passerer en serie grusterrasser som ble avsatt mot slutten av siste istid for 10 000-9000 år siden.| --- error: PVM client exit <4000f>. | |< |Den passerer en serie grusterrasser som ble avsatt mot slutten av siste istid for 10 000-9000 år siden.| (230) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |It traverses a number of scree terraces deposited at the end of the most recent ice age, some 9-10,000 years ago.| |@ |It passes a series of lateral moraines that were deposited toward the end of the last ice age some 10,000 - 9,000 years ago.| |@ |It passes a series of gravel terraces deposited here during the last ice age some 10 000 - 9000 years ago.| |= 10:6 of 23 {43.5+26.1}; 5:2 of 10:6 {50.0 33.3}; 1:1 of 5:2 {20.0 50.0} @ 2 of 23 {8.7} <0.09 1.00>. [02:50:34] (240) |Ruta går til dels i stor ur.| --- 4 [6] (1.84|0.00:1.78 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[22.55] # 0 {-21.63} --- 32 (14.91:0.42|0.00:0.00 s) <:78> (230.4M 6.6G = 6.8G) [2]. | | | |-[22.90] # 0 {-30.99} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <56:457> {1535:390} (3.8M 297.6M = 301.4M) [0]. | | | |-[23.30] # 1 {-32.02} --- (0.29|0.29 s) <64:436> {1137:369} (3.5M 265.7M = 269.2M) [0]. | | | |-[23.69] # 2 {-36.45} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <60:482> {1655:407} (3.8M 312.0M = 315.8M) [0]. | | | |-[24.08] # 3 {-36.58} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <56:457> {1535:390} (3.7M 293.9M = 297.6M) [0]. | | | |-[24.46] # 4 {-37.24} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <64:503> {1772:443} (4.0M 318.2M = 322.3M) [0]. | | | |-[24.83] # 5 {-37.67} --- (0.27|0.27 s) <68:441> {1164:374} (3.6M 273.4M = 277.0M) [0]. | | | |-[25.19] # 6 {-37.80} --- (0.26|0.26 s) <64:436> {1137:369} (3.5M 265.7M = 269.2M) [0]. | | | |-[25.55] # 7 {-38.49} --- (0.28|0.28 s) <72:482> {1310:422} (3.9M 291.0M = 294.9M) [0]. | | | |-[25.89] # 8 {-39.95} --- (0.30|0.30 s) <64:465> {1486:398} (4.0M 312.3M = 316.3M) [0]. | | | |-[26.21] # 9 {-40.64} --- (0.27|0.27 s) <72:534> {2160:451} (4.1M 336.8M = 340.8M) [0]. | |-[40.89] # 1 {-22.05} --- 32 (14.60:0.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:78> (230.4M 6.6G = 6.8G) [1]. | | | |-[42.90] # 0 {-28.34} --- 9 (1.02|0.00:1.02 s) <56:2033> {7842:1884} (9.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |Partly, the route goes in large scree.| {5.37} <0.29> | | |Partly, the route goes in large scree.| {4.81} <1.00> | | |The route goes partly in large scree.| {2.05} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in large scree.| {0.45} <1.00> | | |The route goes in large scree partly.| {-0.96} <1.00> | | |The route goes in large scree partly.| {-1.02} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in large scree.| {-1.29} <1.00> | | |In large scree goes the route partly.| {-2.96} <1.00> | | |In large scree partly goes the route.| {-4.72} <1.00> | | | |-[43.38] # 1 {-29.29} --- (0.46|0.46 s) <64:1021> {3814:881} (5.2M 579.2M = 584.4M) [0]. | | | |-[45.40] # 2 {-32.90} --- 11 (1.00|0.00:1.00 s) <60:1968> {7391:1820} (9.5M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |Partly, the route goes into large scree.| {7.04} <0.27> | | |Partly, the route goes into large scree.| {2.51} <1.00> | | |The route goes into large scree partly.| {0.82} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes into large scree.| {0.78} <1.00> | | |The route goes partly into large scree.| {0.46} <1.00> | | |Into large scree goes the route partly.| {-2.46} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes into large scree.| {-2.86} <1.00> | | |Into large scree goes the route partly.| {-3.41} <1.00> | | |The route goes into large scree partly.| {-3.52} <1.00> | | |Into large scree partly goes the route.| {-4.22} <1.00> | | |Into large scree partly goes the route.| {-5.17} <1.00> | | | |-[47.41] # 3 {-33.45} --- 9 (1.03|0.00:1.03 s) <56:2033> {7842:1884} (9.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |Partly, the route goes in big scree.| {5.92} <0.29> | | |Partly, the route goes in big scree.| {5.35} <1.00> | | |The route goes partly in big scree.| {2.59} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in big scree.| {0.99} <1.00> | | |The route goes in big scree partly.| {-0.42} <1.00> | | |The route goes in big scree partly.| {-0.47} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in big scree.| {-0.75} <1.00> | | |In big scree goes the route partly.| {-2.42} <1.00> | | |In big scree partly goes the route.| {-4.18} <1.00> | | | |-[47.85] # 4 {-34.00} --- (0.40|0.40 s) <68:914> {3345:774} (5.0M 539.4M = 544.4M) [0]. | | | |-[49.86] # 5 {-34.34} --- 7 (1.04|0.00:1.04 s) <64:2095> {8597:2012} (9.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |Partly, the route walks in large scree.| {4.79} <0.24> | | |Partly, the route walks in large scree.| {4.23} <1.00> | | |The route walks partly in large scree.| {1.47} <1.00> | | |The route partly walks in large scree.| {0.67} <1.00> | | |The route partly walks in large scree.| {-1.07} <1.00> | | |The route walks in large scree partly.| {-1.54} <1.00> | | |The route walks in large scree partly.| {-1.60} <1.00> | | | |-[50.34] # 6 {-34.57} --- (0.45|0.45 s) <64:1021> {3814:881} (5.2M 579.1M = 584.4M) [0]. | | | |-[50.87] # 7 {-35.48} --- (0.50|0.50 s) <72:1043> {4155:942} (5.6M 570.8M = 576.3M) [0]. | | | |-[52.88] # 8 {-36.98} --- (1.68:1.19|1.68 s) <64:1044> {4992:912} (5.7M 660.2M = 665.9M) [1]. | | | |-[54.90] # 9 {-37.62} --- 18 (1.15|0.00:1.15 s) <72:2116> {10236:2026} (11.1M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |Partly, the route goes in a large rocky hill.| {8.61} <0.24> | | |Partly, the route goes in a large rocky hill.| {7.91} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in a large rocky hill.| {3.44} <1.00> | | |The route goes partly in a large rocky hill.| {3.34} <1.00> | | |Partly, the route goes in a rocky large hill.| {2.86} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in a large rocky hill.| {2.75} <1.00> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill partly.| {2.75} <1.00> | | |Partly, the route goes in a rocky large hill.| {2.16} <1.00> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill partly.| {1.92} <1.00> | | |In a large rocky hill goes the route partly.| {-1.29} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in a rocky large hill.| {-2.31} <1.00> | | |The route goes partly in a rocky large hill.| {-2.42} <1.00> | | |In a large rocky hill partly goes the route.| {-2.89} <1.00> | | |The route partly goes in a rocky large hill.| {-3.00} <1.00> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill partly.| {-3.00} <1.00> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill partly.| {-3.83} <1.00> | | |In a rocky large hill goes the route partly.| {-7.05} <1.00> | | |In a rocky large hill partly goes the route.| {-8.65} <1.00> | |-[91.00] # 2 {-24.38} --- 128 (35.63:0.96|0.00:0.00 s) <:367> (816.1M 22.7G = 23.5G) [5]. | | | |-[93.06] # 0 {-31.06} --- 7 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <90:2083> {9802:1907} (13.1M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The route goes to some part's in large scree.| {2.97} <0.27> | | |The route goes in large scree to some part's.| {0.48} <1.00> | | |The route goes in large scree to some part's.| {0.38} <1.00> | | |To some part's goes the route in large scree.| {-0.35} <1.00> | | |The route goes to some part's in large scree.| {-0.77} <1.00> | | |To some part's goes the route in large scree.| {-0.92} <1.00> | | |In large scree goes the route to some part's.| {-2.19} <1.00> | | | |-[93.73] # 1 {-31.89} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <98:1144> {4985:986} (6.8M 780.4M = 787.1M) [0]. | | | |-[95.78] # 2 {-32.56} --- 7 (1.44|0.00:1.43 s) <93:2432> {11799:2195} (14.0M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |The route goes to some portion's in large scree.| {2.46} <0.27> | | |The route goes in large scree to some portion's.| {-0.03} <1.00> | | |The route goes in large scree to some portion's.| {-0.13} <1.00> | | |To some portion's goes the route in large scree.| {-0.86} <1.00> | | |The route goes to some portion's in large scree.| {-1.27} <1.00> | | |To some portion's goes the route in large scree.| {-1.43} <1.00> | | |In large scree goes the route to some portion's.| {-2.70} <1.00> | | | |-[96.67] # 3 {-33.43} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <101:1325> {5937:1137} (7.3M 968.2M = 975.5M) [0]. | | | |-[98.72] # 4 {-35.00} --- 8 (1.38|0.00:1.38 s) <94:2060> {9522:1880} (13.5M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The route goes into large scree to some part's.| {2.31} <0.25> | | |The route goes to some part's into large scree.| {1.87} <1.00> | | |To some part's goes the route into large scree.| {-1.56} <1.00> | | |Into large scree goes the route to some part's.| {-1.69} <1.00> | | |The route goes to some part's into large scree.| {-1.87} <1.00> | | |To some part's goes the route into large scree.| {-2.13} <1.00> | | |The route goes into large scree to some part's.| {-2.17} <1.00> | | |Into large scree goes the route to some part's.| {-2.65} <1.00> | | | |-[100.78] # 5 {-35.46} --- 7 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <90:2083> {9802:1907} (13.0M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The route goes to some part's in big scree.| {3.52} <0.27> | | |The route goes in big scree to some part's.| {1.02} <1.00> | | |The route goes in big scree to some part's.| {0.92} <1.00> | | |To some part's goes the route in big scree.| {0.19} <1.00> | | |The route goes to some part's in big scree.| {-0.22} <1.00> | | |To some part's goes the route in big scree.| {-0.37} <1.00> | | |In big scree goes the route to some part's.| {-1.65} <1.00> | | | |-[101.58] # 6 {-35.93} --- (0.67|0.67 s) <102:1081> {4616:923} (6.7M 754.2M = 760.9M) [0]. | | | |-[103.63] # 7 {-36.25} --- 4 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <98:2053> {10443:1928} (11.9M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The route walks to some part's in large scree.| {2.39} <0.21> | | |The route walks in large scree to some part's.| {-0.10} <1.00> | | |The route walks in large scree to some part's.| {-0.20} <1.00> | | |The route walks to some part's in large scree.| {-1.34} <1.00> | | | |-[104.40] # 8 {-36.41} --- (0.65|0.65 s) <98:1144> {4985:986} (6.8M 780.3M = 787.1M) [0]. | | | |-[106.45] # 9 {-36.69} --- 8 (1.67|0.00:1.67 s) <97:2413> {11463:2172} (14.4M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |The route goes into large scree to some portion's.| {1.81} <0.25> | | |The route goes to some portion's into large scree.| {1.36} <1.00> | | |To some portion's goes the route into large scree.| {-2.07} <1.00> | | |Into large scree goes the route to some portion's.| {-2.20} <1.00> | | |The route goes to some portion's into large scree.| {-2.38} <1.00> | | |To some portion's goes the route into large scree.| {-2.64} <1.00> | | |The route goes into large scree to some portion's.| {-2.68} <1.00> | | |Into large scree goes the route to some portion's.| {-3.16} <1.00> | |-[156.58] # 4 {-24.84} --- 128 (49.76:5.02|0.00:0.00 s) <:367> (815.9M 22.7G = 23.5G) [7]. | | | |-[157.12] # 0 {-31.01} --- (0.41|0.41 s) <90:516> {2567:433} (5.1M 429.8M = 434.9M) [0]. | | | |-[157.63] # 1 {-31.84} --- (0.39|0.39 s) <98:487> {2142:401} (4.9M 402.0M = 406.9M) [0]. | | | |-[159.68] # 2 {-32.51} --- (1.67:1.20|1.67 s) <93:649> {3068:547} (5.4M 519.8M = 525.2M) [1]. | | | |-[160.13] # 3 {-33.38} --- (0.33|0.33 s) <101:596> {2627:491} (5.2M 482.0M = 487.2M) [0]. | | | |-[160.57] # 4 {-35.27} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <94:541> {2715:450} (5.2M 449.8M = 455.0M) [0]. | | | |-[160.99] # 5 {-35.41} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <90:516> {2567:433} (5.1M 429.8M = 434.9M) [0]. | | | |-[161.44] # 6 {-35.97} --- (0.33|0.33 s) <98:534> {2896:462} (5.4M 451.3M = 456.7M) [0]. | | | |-[161.85] # 7 {-36.21} --- (0.30|0.30 s) <102:492> {2185:406} (5.0M 410.2M = 415.2M) [0]. | | | |-[162.27] # 8 {-36.35} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <98:487> {2142:401} (4.9M 402.0M = 406.9M) [0]. | | | |-[162.70] # 9 {-36.93} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <106:505> {2423:430} (5.2M 423.2M = 428.3M) [0]. | |< |Ruta går til dels i stor ur.| (240) --- 4 x 320 x 95 = 56 [95] |@ |Part of it goes through an area of boulders, and just before the hikers' hut it passes Prinsehytta, for many years the royal Easter residence.| |@ |The route goes partly in rough talus.| |@ |The route partially runs through boulder terrain.| |> |Partly, the route goes in large scree.| {0.86} <0.29> (1:0:0). |> |Partly, the route goes into large scree.| {0.85} <0.27> (1:2:0). |> |Partly, the route goes in a large rocky hill.| {0.82} <0.24> (1:9:0). |> |Partly, the route goes in big scree.| {0.80} <0.29> (1:3:0). |> |The route goes partly in large scree.| {0.75} <1.00> (1:0:2). |> |Partly, the route walks in large scree.| {0.74} <0.24> (1:5:0). |> |The route partly goes in large scree.| {0.69} <1.00> (1:0:3). |> |The route goes partly in big scree.| {0.68} <1.00> (1:3:2). |> |The route partly goes in a large rocky hill.| {0.64} <1.00> (1:9:2). |> |The route goes in large scree partly.| {0.64} <1.00> (1:0:4). |> |The route goes partly in a large rocky hill.| {0.64} <1.00> (1:9:3). |> |The route goes into large scree partly.| {0.63} <1.00> (1:2:2). |> |The route walks partly in large scree.| {0.63} <1.00> (1:5:2). |> |The route partly goes into large scree.| {0.63} <1.00> (1:2:3). |> |The route partly goes in big scree.| {0.63} <1.00> (1:3:3). |> |Partly, the route goes in a rocky large hill.| {0.62} <1.00> (1:9:4). |> |The route goes in a large rocky hill partly.| {0.62} <1.00> (1:9:6). |> |The route goes partly into large scree.| {0.62} <1.00> (1:2:4). |> |The route partly walks in large scree.| {0.60} <1.00> (1:5:3). |> |The route goes to some part's in large scree.| {0.59} <0.27> (2:0:0). |> |The route goes in big scree partly.| {0.58} <1.00> (1:3:4). |> |In large scree goes the route partly.| {0.57} <1.00> (1:0:7). |> |The route goes to some portion's in large scree.| {0.55} <0.27> (2:2:0). |> |The route goes to some part's in big scree.| {0.54} <0.27> (2:5:0). |> |The route walks in large scree partly.| {0.52} <1.00> (1:5:5). |> |Into large scree goes the route partly.| {0.52} <1.00> (1:2:5). |> |In large scree partly goes the route.| {0.51} <1.00> (1:0:8). |> |In big scree goes the route partly.| {0.51} <1.00> (1:3:7). |> |The route goes in large scree to some part's.| {0.50} <1.00> (2:0:1). |> |The route goes into large scree to some part's.| {0.50} <0.25> (2:4:0). |> |The route goes to some part's into large scree.| {0.49} <1.00> (2:4:1). |> |The route walks to some part's in large scree.| {0.48} <0.21> (2:7:0). |> |In a large rocky hill goes the route partly.| {0.48} <1.00> (1:9:9). |> |To some part's goes the route in large scree.| {0.47} <1.00> (2:0:3). |> |The route goes in large scree to some portion's.| {0.46} <1.00> (2:2:1). |> |The route goes into large scree to some portion's.| {0.46} <0.25> (2:9:0). |> |Into large scree partly goes the route.| {0.45} <1.00> (1:2:9). |> |The route goes in big scree to some part's.| {0.45} <1.00> (2:5:1). |> |In big scree partly goes the route.| {0.45} <1.00> (1:3:8). |> |The route partly goes in a rocky large hill.| {0.44} <1.00> (1:9:10). |> |The route goes to some portion's into large scree.| {0.44} <1.00> (2:9:1). |> |The route goes partly in a rocky large hill.| {0.44} <1.00> (1:9:11). |> |To some portion's goes the route in large scree.| {0.43} <1.00> (2:2:3). |> |In a large rocky hill partly goes the route.| {0.42} <1.00> (1:9:12). |> |To some part's goes the route in big scree.| {0.42} <1.00> (2:5:3). |> |The route goes in a rocky large hill partly.| {0.42} <1.00> (1:9:14). |> |In large scree goes the route to some part's.| {0.41} <1.00> (2:0:6). |> |The route walks in large scree to some part's.| {0.40} <1.00> (2:7:1). |> |In large scree goes the route to some portion's.| {0.37} <1.00> (2:2:6). |> |To some part's goes the route into large scree.| {0.37} <1.00> (2:4:2). |> |Into large scree goes the route to some part's.| {0.36} <1.00> (2:4:3). |> |In big scree goes the route to some part's.| {0.36} <1.00> (2:5:6). |> |To some portion's goes the route into large scree.| {0.32} <1.00> (2:9:2). |> |Into large scree goes the route to some portion's.| {0.32} <1.00> (2:9:3). |> |In a rocky large hill goes the route partly.| {0.28} <1.00> (1:9:16). |> |In a rocky large hill partly goes the route.| {0.22} <1.00> (1:9:17). |= 11:6 of 24 {45.8+25.0}; 6:2 of 11:6 {54.5 33.3}; 2:1 of 6:2 {33.3 50.0} @ 3 of 24 {12.5} <0.12 1.00>. [02:53:17] (250) |Underveis har du også muligheter for å møte noen av de hestefølgene dalen er så kjent for.| --- 18 [36] (46.52|0.00:46.78 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[71.77] # 0 {-42.52} --- 32 (22.76:0.57|0.00:0.00 s) <:346> (515.5M 12.5G = 13.0G) [3]. | | | |-[78.61] # 0 {-22.95} --- (6.77|6.77 s) <232:6513> {98430:5973} (28.6M 9.4G = 9.5G) [0]. | | | |-[87.16] # 1 {-23.03} --- (8.49:1.75|8.49 s) <236:6522> {98440:5977} (28.4M 9.5G = 9.5G) [1]. | | | |-[95.19] # 2 {-23.64} --- (7.59|7.59 s) <232:6513> {98430:5973} (28.3M 9.4G = 9.4G) [0]. | | | |-[105.22] # 3 {-23.72} --- (9.05:1.90|9.05 s) <236:6522> {98440:5977} (28.4M 9.5G = 9.5G) [1]. | | | |-[112.19] # 4 {-24.02} --- (6.91|6.91 s) <220:6579> {94806:6016} (27.9M 9.4G = 9.4G) [0]. | | | |-[120.22] # 5 {-24.11} --- (7.71:1.67|7.70 s) <224:6588> {94816:6020} (28.0M 9.4G = 9.4G) [1]. | | | |-[124.25] # 6 {-24.28} --- (3.91|3.91 s) <232:4596> {53922:4224} (22.4M 5.4G = 5.4G) [0]. | | | |-[128.27] # 7 {-24.36} --- (3.86|3.86 s) <236:4605> {53932:4228} (22.5M 5.4G = 5.4G) [0]. | | | |-[136.30] # 8 {-24.75} --- (7.75:1.61|7.75 s) <220:6579> {94806:6016} (27.9M 9.4G = 9.4G) [1]. | | | |-[144.33] # 9 {-24.83} --- (7.05|7.05 s) <224:6588> {94816:6020} (28.0M 9.4G = 9.4G) [0]. | |-[154.36] # 2 {-42.57} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_kjenne_v_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[176.77] # 4 {-43.24} --- 64 (21.74:0.66|0.00:0.00 s) <:380> (626.6M 15.4G = 16.0G) [4]. | | | |-[182.83] # 0 {-20.96} --- (5.44:1.62|5.44 s) <220:4071> {41834:3671} (20.7M 5.0G = 5.0G) [1]. | | | |-[186.88] # 1 {-21.03} --- (3.36|3.36 s) <224:4080> {41940:3707} (20.9M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[190.92] # 2 {-21.55} --- (3.48|3.48 s) <220:4071> {41834:3671} (20.7M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[194.97] # 3 {-21.62} --- (3.29|3.29 s) <224:4080> {41940:3707} (20.9M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[199.81] # 4 {-21.89} --- (4.74:1.55|4.74 s) <208:4141> {41760:3726} (20.6M 5.0G = 5.0G) [1]. | | | |-[203.86] # 5 {-21.96} --- (3.42|3.42 s) <212:4150> {41866:3762} (20.7M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[206.41] # 6 {-22.10} --- (2.45|2.45 s) <220:3022> {26040:2694} (18.1M 3.5G = 3.6G) [0]. | | | |-[209.14] # 7 {-22.18} --- (2.59|2.59 s) <224:3031> {26146:2730} (18.3M 3.6G = 3.6G) [0]. | | | |-[215.19] # 8 {-22.51} --- (5.02:1.54|5.02 s) <208:4141> {41760:3726} (20.6M 5.0G = 5.0G) [1]. | | | |-[219.24] # 9 {-22.58} --- (3.58|3.58 s) <212:4150> {41866:3762} (20.7M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | |-[231.96] # 6 {-43.29} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[250.02] # 8 {-43.41} --- 32 (17.39:0.47|0.00:0.00 s) <:346> (515.5M 12.5G = 13.0G) [3]. | | | |-[254.43] # 0 {-23.26} --- (4.36|4.36 s) <232:5089> {55959:4620} (22.9M 6.4G = 6.4G) [0]. | | | |-[260.46] # 1 {-23.34} --- (5.76:1.52|5.76 s) <236:5098> {55969:4624} (23.0M 6.5G = 6.5G) [1]. | | | |-[264.92] # 2 {-23.96} --- (4.40|4.40 s) <232:5089> {55959:4620} (22.9M 6.4G = 6.4G) [0]. | | | |-[269.56] # 3 {-24.04} --- (4.58|4.58 s) <236:5098> {55969:4624} (23.0M 6.5G = 6.5G) [0]. | | | |-[275.58] # 4 {-24.35} --- (5.88:1.61|5.88 s) <220:5116> {53990:4625} (22.6M 6.4G = 6.4G) [1]. | | | |-[280.10] # 5 {-24.44} --- (4.45|4.45 s) <224:5125> {54000:4629} (22.6M 6.4G = 6.5G) [0]. | | | |-[284.12] # 6 {-24.61} --- (3.33|3.33 s) <232:4026> {38539:3631} (20.2M 4.8G = 4.8G) [0]. | | | |-[288.15] # 7 {-24.69} --- (3.34|3.34 s) <236:4035> {38549:3635} (20.3M 4.9G = 4.9G) [0]. | | | |-[294.37] # 8 {-25.08} --- (6.15:1.42|6.15 s) <220:5116> {53990:4625} (22.6M 6.4G = 6.4G) [1]. | | | |-[298.97] # 9 {-25.17} --- (4.54|4.54 s) <224:5125> {54000:4629} (22.6M 6.4G = 6.5G) [0]. | |-[308.99] # 10 {-43.47} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_kjenne_v_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[327.05] # 12 {-45.74} --- 32 (17.19:0.53|0.00:0.00 s) <:338> (488.3M 12.1G = 12.6G) [3]. | | | |-[335.08] # 0 {-26.23} --- (7.73:1.70|7.73 s) <240:6142> {81702:5649} (25.6M 8.3G = 8.3G) [1]. | | | |-[341.11] # 1 {-26.32} --- (5.87|5.87 s) <244:6151> {81718:5653} (25.7M 8.3G = 8.3G) [0]. | | | |-[347.31] # 2 {-27.02} --- (6.15|6.15 s) <240:6142> {81702:5649} (25.6M 8.3G = 8.3G) [0]. | | | |-[355.45] # 3 {-27.12} --- (8.06:1.62|8.06 s) <244:6151> {81718:5653} (25.7M 8.3G = 8.3G) [1]. | | | |-[362.20] # 4 {-27.46} --- (6.68|6.68 s) <228:6239> {78242:5751} (25.4M 8.1G = 8.1G) [0]. | | | |-[370.48] # 5 {-27.56} --- (8.22:1.94|8.22 s) <232:6248> {78258:5755} (25.5M 8.1G = 8.2G) [1]. | | | |-[374.82] # 6 {-27.75} --- (4.27|4.27 s) <240:4408> {48529:4083} (20.9M 4.9G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[378.96] # 7 {-27.85} --- (4.07|4.07 s) <244:4417> {48545:4087} (21.0M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[385.72] # 8 {-28.29} --- (6.68:1.60|6.68 s) <228:6239> {78242:5751} (25.4M 8.1G = 8.1G) [1]. | | | |-[391.74] # 9 {-28.39} --- (5.56|5.56 s) <232:6248> {78258:5755} (25.5M 8.1G = 8.2G) [0]. | |-[400.47] # 14 {-45.80} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_kjenne_v_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[420.66] # 16 {-46.64} --- 32 (20.00:0.55|0.00:0.00 s) <:338> (488.3M 12.1G = 12.6G) [3]. | | | |-[424.97] # 0 {-26.59} --- (4.25|4.25 s) <240:4694> {45874:4239} (20.4M 5.5G = 5.5G) [0]. | | | |-[430.99] # 1 {-26.68} --- (5.17:1.49|5.17 s) <244:4703> {45890:4243} (20.5M 5.5G = 5.6G) [1]. | | | |-[435.02] # 2 {-27.39} --- (3.78|3.78 s) <240:4694> {45874:4239} (20.4M 5.5G = 5.5G) [0]. | | | |-[439.04] # 3 {-27.48} --- (3.64|3.64 s) <244:4703> {45890:4243} (20.5M 5.5G = 5.6G) [0]. | | | |-[443.94] # 4 {-27.84} --- (4.84:1.42|4.84 s) <228:4740> {43635:4291} (20.2M 5.4G = 5.4G) [1]. | | | |-[447.96] # 5 {-27.93} --- (3.64|3.64 s) <232:4749> {43651:4295} (20.2M 5.4G = 5.4G) [0]. | | | |-[450.96] # 6 {-28.13} --- (2.94|2.94 s) <240:3730> {33568:3349} (18.3M 4.2G = 4.2G) [0]. | | | |-[454.98] # 7 {-28.23} --- (2.97|2.97 s) <244:3739> {33584:3353} (18.4M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[461.00] # 8 {-28.67} --- (5.08:1.53|5.08 s) <228:4740> {43635:4291} (20.2M 5.4G = 5.4G) [1]. | | | |-[465.02] # 9 {-28.77} --- (3.67|3.67 s) <232:4749> {43651:4295} (20.2M 5.4G = 5.4G) [0]. | |-[487.10] # 17 {-46.66} --- 64 (21.65:0.68|0.00:0.00 s) <:348> (597.5M 15.0G = 15.5G) [4]. | | | |-[489.95] # 0 {-23.78} --- (2.77|2.77 s) <228:3796> {34896:3421} (18.5M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[492.86] # 1 {-23.86} --- (2.80|2.80 s) <232:3805> {35010:3457} (18.7M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[496.94] # 2 {-24.45} --- (4.00:1.35|4.00 s) <228:3796> {34896:3421} (18.5M 4.3G = 4.3G) [1]. | | | |-[499.88] # 3 {-24.54} --- (2.85|2.85 s) <232:3805> {35010:3457} (18.7M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[502.83] # 4 {-24.83} --- (2.86|2.86 s) <216:3893> {34855:3523} (18.5M 4.2G = 4.2G) [0]. | | | |-[505.81] # 5 {-24.91} --- (2.89|2.89 s) <220:3902> {34969:3559} (18.7M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[508.10] # 6 {-25.08} --- (2.20|2.20 s) <228:2846> {23722:2543} (16.4M 3.1G = 3.2G) [0]. | | | |-[512.13] # 7 {-25.16} --- (3.64:1.40|3.64 s) <232:2855> {23836:2579} (16.6M 3.2G = 3.2G) [1]. | | | |-[516.17] # 8 {-25.54} --- (3.39|3.39 s) <216:3893> {34855:3523} (18.5M 4.2G = 4.2G) [0]. | | | |-[519.02] # 9 {-25.62} --- (2.76|2.76 s) <220:3902> {34969:3559} (18.7M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | |< |Underveis har du også muligheter for å møte noen av de hestefølgene dalen er så kjent for.| (250) --- 18 x 256 x 0 = 0 |@ |Along the way you may also encounter some of the horse herds the valley is famous for.| |@ |On the way you may also meet some of the horse herds for which the valley is known.| |@ |Along the way you also have the opportunity to encounter some of the herds of horses for which the valley is so well-known.| |= 12:6 of 25 {48.0+24.0}; 7:2 of 12:6 {58.3 33.3}; 2:1 of 7:2 {28.6 50.0} @ 3 of 25 {12.0} <0.12 1.00>. [03:01:56] (260) |Her har statens utvalgte avlshingster tilbragt hyggelige sommeruker med sine harem av hopper.| --- 4 (34.25|0.00:34.20 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[46.78] # 0 {-43.47} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[46.84] # 1 {-43.68} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_hopper_n_rel"|. | |-[56.85] # 2 {-43.91} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[56.92] # 3 {-44.12} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_hopper_n_rel"|. | |< |Her har statens utvalgte avlshingster tilbragt hyggelige sommeruker med sine harem av hopper.| (260) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Many of the state's choice breeding horses have spent happy summer weeks here with their harem of females.| |@ |Here the State's selected stallions spend enjoyable summer weeks with their harems of mares.| |@ |It is here that the government's selected stud horses have spent many a pleasant summer week in the company of their harem of mares.| |= 13:6 of 26 {50.0+23.1}; 7:2 of 13:6 {53.8 33.3}; 2:1 of 7:2 {28.6 50.0} @ 3 of 26 {11.5} <0.12 1.00>. [03:02:53] (270) |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 t. langs Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 t. over Sikkilsdalshø.| --- ^1 (1.23|0.00:1.22 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[16.34] # 0 {0.00} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 t. langs Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 t. over Sikkilsdalshø.| (270) --- ^1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 h. along Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 h. over Sikkilsdalshø.| |@ |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 hours along Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 hours over Sikkilsdalshø.| |@ |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 hrs. along Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 hrs. over Sikkilsdalshø.| |= 13:7 of 27 {48.1+25.9}; 7:2 of 13:7 {53.8 28.6}; 2:1 of 7:2 {28.6 50.0} @ 3 of 27 {11.1} <0.11 1.00>. [03:03:10] (280) |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 [3] (0.07|0.00:0.08 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.37] # 1 {-6.53} --- 6 (1.39|0.00:0.00 s) <:22> (24.1M 787.8M = 811.9M) [0]. | | | |-[2.52] # 0 {-24.28} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <21:168> {356:121} (2.2M 160.9M = 163.1M) [0]. | | |Overnight places.| {0.06} <0.37> | | | |-[2.83] # 1 {-28.23} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <21:168> {356:121} (2.2M 159.4M = 161.5M) [0]. | | |Overnight spots.| {-0.08} <0.37> | | | |-[3.13] # 2 {-36.56} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <21:168> {356:121} (2.2M 159.4M = 161.6M) [0]. | | |Overnight passages.| {-0.08} <0.37> | | | |-[3.44] # 3 {-36.73} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <13:82> {167:53} (2.0M 124.4M = 126.4M) [0]. | | |Overnight accommodations.| {2.58} <1.00> | | | |-[3.75] # 4 {-42.03} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <13:77> {167:53} (1.9M 123.9M = 125.8M) [0]. | | |Overnight stops.| {0.94} <0.37> | | | |-[4.06] # 5 {-97.10} --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:81> {167:57} (1.9M 124.2M = 126.1M) [0]. | | |Overnight localities.| {0.94} <0.37> | |< |Overnattingssteder| (280) --- 1 x 6 x 6 = 6 |@ |Lodging| |@ |Lodgings| |@ |Overnight accommodations| |> |Overnight accommodations.| {0.77} <1.00> (1:3:0). |> |Overnight stops.| {0.38} <0.37> (1:4:0). |> |Overnight localities.| {0.23} <0.37> (1:5:0). |> |Overnight places.| {0.23} <0.37> (1:0:0). |> |Overnight spots.| {0.19} <0.37> (1:1:0). |> |Overnight passages.| {0.17} <0.37> (1:2:0). |= 14:7 of 28 {50.0+25.0}; 8:2 of 14:7 {57.1 28.6}; 3:1 of 8:2 {37.5 50.0} @ 4 of 28 {14.3} <0.14 1.00>. [03:03:14] (290) |Bussruter til Gjendesheim, Maurvangen og Bessheim.| --- 2 [6] (0.26|0.00:0.29 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[3.31] # 2 {-18.38} --- 3 (2.40|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (54.2M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[3.65] # 0 {-15.87} --- 1 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <41:292> {1244:203} (7.9M 477.6M = 485.5M) [0]. | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {2.56} <1.00> | | | |-[4.06] # 1 {-16.59} --- 1 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <42:310> {1267:208} (8.0M 485.3M = 493.3M) [0]. | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {2.77} <0.59> | | | |-[4.63] # 2 {-18.84} --- 1 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <49:601> {2194:457} (8.5M 639.5M = 648.0M) [0]. | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {2.15} <0.59> | |-[7.21] # 4 {-19.84} --- 3 (2.54:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (53.8M 1.3G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[7.61] # 0 {-16.33} --- 1 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <41:268> {1338:197} (8.1M 468.4M = 476.5M) [0]. | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {2.75} <1.00> | | | |-[8.02] # 1 {-16.99} --- 1 (0.38|0.00:0.38 s) <42:286> {1361:202} (8.2M 476.7M = 484.8M) [0]. | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {2.96} <0.59> | | | |-[8.50] # 2 {-19.86} --- 1 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <49:561> {2416:435} (8.8M 627.1M = 635.8M) [0]. | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {2.33} <0.59> | |< |Bussruter til Gjendesheim, Maurvangen og Bessheim.| (290) --- 2 x 6 x 6 = 3 [6] |@ |Bus to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Bessheim.| |@ |Bus service to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| |@ |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| |> |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {0.82} <0.59> (2:1:0). |> |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {0.71} <1.00> (2:0:0). |> |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {0.25} <0.59> (2:2:0). |= 15:7 of 29 {51.7+24.1}; 9:2 of 15:7 {60.0 28.6}; 4:1 of 9:2 {44.4 50.0} @ 5 of 29 {17.2} <0.17 1.00>. [03:03:22] (300) |På den andre siden av dalen ligger både Høgebrotet og Tjørnholstind lagelig til som dagsturmål, og vestre Leirungstind øverst i dalen er også en topp man ikke trenger klatreerfaring for å komme seg opp på.| --- ^5 [3200] (100.97|0.00:101.65 s) <:> () [3]. | |-[106.26] # 0 {-77.32} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |-[106.40] # 2 {-77.33} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |-[106.55] # 4 {-77.34} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |-[106.69] # 9 {-77.36} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |-[106.84] # 10 {-77.36} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |< |På den andre siden av dalen ligger både Høgebrotet og Tjørnholstind lagelig til som dagsturmål, og vestre Leirungstind øverst i dalen er også en topp man ikke trenger klatreerfaring for å komme seg opp på.| (300) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |On the other side of the valley lie both Høgebrotet and Tjørnholstind, conveniently located for day hikes; and Vestre Leirungstind far up in the valley is also a peak that does not call for real climbing.| |@ |On the other side of the valley lie both Høgebrotet and Tjørnholstind conveniently as day hike destinations, and Vestre Leirungstind uppermost in the valley is a summit that doesn't require climbing skills to ascend.| |@ |On the other side of the valley, both Høgebrotet and Tjørnholstind are conveniently located for day trips, and the western Leirungstind highest up in the valley is also a peak that can be reached without mountain climbing skills.| |= 15:8 of 30 {50.0+26.7}; 9:2 of 15:8 {60.0 25.0}; 4:1 of 9:2 {44.4 50.0} @ 5 of 30 {16.7} <0.17 1.00>. [03:05:09] (310) |Turguiden for fjellene mellom Bygdin og Gjende (Thommessen og Vigerust, Valdres forlag) beskriver en rekke av turene til toppene rundt dalen.| --- (58.38|58.36 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Turguiden for fjellene mellom Bygdin og Gjende (Thommessen og Vigerust, Valdres forlag) beskriver en rekke av turene til toppene rundt dalen.| (310) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The hike guide for the mountains between Bygdin and Gjende (Thommessen and Vigerust, Valdres Forlag), describes several of the hikes to summits around the valley.| |@ |The hiking guide for the mountains between Bygdin and Gjende (Thommessen and Vigerust, Valdres Publishing Company) describes a number of trips to the summits around the valley.| |= 15:8 of 31 {48.4+25.8}; 9:2 of 15:8 {60.0 25.0}; 4:1 of 9:2 {44.4 50.0} @ 5 of 31 {16.1} <0.16 1.00>. [03:06:12] (320) |Lengder| --- 1 [2] (0.03|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.21] # 0 {-3.93} --- 4 (1.00|0.00:0.00 s) <:11> (12.4M 417.6M = 430.0M) [0]. | | | |-[2.32] # 0 {-20.83} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 119.2M = 121.0M) [0]. | | |Lengths.| {0.34} <1.00> | | | |-[2.74] # 1 {-29.47} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <21:156> {331:113} (2.2M 156.9M = 159.1M) [0]. | | |Long runs.| {1.05} <0.00> | | | |-[3.13] # 2 {-36.07} --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 119.2M = 121.0M) [0]. | | |Quantities.| {1.18} <0.00> | | | |-[3.53] # 3 {-68.13} --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 119.2M = 121.0M) [0]. | | |Durations.| {1.18} <0.00> | |< |Lengder| (320) --- 1 x 4 x 4 = 4 |@ |Distances| |@ |Lengths| |@ |Length| |> |Quantities.| {0.74} <0.00> (0:2:0). |> |Long runs.| {0.67} <0.00> (0:1:0). |> |Durations.| {0.60} <0.00> (0:3:0). |> |Lengths.| {0.20} <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 16:8 of 32 {50.0+25.0}; 10:2 of 16:8 {62.5 25.0}; 5:1 of 10:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 6 of 32 {18.7} <0.19 1.00>. [03:06:15] (330) |Kun merket i Svartdalen.| --- ^2 [5] (0.43|0.00:0.45 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.71] # 0 {-4.34} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_kun_a_rel". | |-[4.72] # 3 {-5.31} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_kun_a_rel". | |< |Kun merket i Svartdalen.| (330) --- ^2 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Marked trail only in Svartdalen.| |@ |Marked only in Svartdalen.| |@ |Trails marked only in Svartdalen.| |= 16:9 of 33 {48.5+27.3}; 10:2 of 16:9 {62.5 22.2}; 5:1 of 10:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 6 of 33 {18.2} <0.18 1.00>. [03:06:20] (340) |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 [3] (0.04|0.00:0.05 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.39] # 1 {-6.53} --- 6 (1.67|0.00:0.00 s) <:22> (24.1M 788.0M = 812.1M) [0]. | | | |-[2.57] # 0 {-24.28} --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <21:168> {356:121} (2.2M 158.4M = 160.6M) [0]. | | |Overnight places.| {0.06} <0.37> | | | |-[4.57] # 1 {-28.23} --- 1 (1.65:1.50|0.00:1.65 s) <21:168> {356:121} (2.2M 159.3M = 161.5M) [1]. | | |Overnight spots.| {-0.08} <0.37> | | | |-[4.75] # 2 {-36.56} --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <21:168> {356:121} (2.2M 158.7M = 160.9M) [0]. | | |Overnight passages.| {-0.08} <0.37> | | | |-[5.14] # 3 {-36.73} --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <13:82> {167:53} (2.0M 123.9M = 125.9M) [0]. | | |Overnight accommodations.| {2.58} <1.00> | | | |-[5.52] # 4 {-42.03} --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <13:77> {167:53} (1.9M 123.4M = 125.3M) [0]. | | |Overnight stops.| {0.94} <0.37> | | | |-[5.90] # 5 {-97.10} --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <13:81> {167:57} (1.9M 123.7M = 125.6M) [0]. | | |Overnight localities.| {0.94} <0.37> | |< |Overnattingssteder| (340) --- 1 x 6 x 6 = 6 |@ |Lodging| |@ |Lodgings| |@ |Overnight Accommodations| |> |Overnight accommodations.| {0.77} <1.00> (1:3:0). |> |Overnight stops.| {0.38} <0.37> (1:4:0). |> |Overnight localities.| {0.23} <0.37> (1:5:0). |> |Overnight places.| {0.23} <0.37> (1:0:0). |> |Overnight spots.| {0.19} <0.37> (1:1:0). |> |Overnight passages.| {0.17} <0.37> (1:2:0). |= 17:9 of 34 {50.0+26.5}; 11:2 of 17:9 {64.7 22.2}; 6:1 of 11:2 {54.5 50.0} @ 7 of 34 {20.6} <0.21 1.00>. [03:06:26] (350) |Bilvei og bussruter til Gjendesheim og over Valdresflya.| --- 2 [6] (0.19|0.00:0.23 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[11.06] # 2 {-20.83} --- 18 (10.03:0.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:243> (241.8M 5.9G = 6.1G) [2]. | | | |-[11.53] # 0 {-17.75} --- (0.42|0.42 s) <53:496> {1813:327} (5.5M 444.0M = 449.5M) [0]. | | | |-[11.99] # 1 {-18.01} --- (0.42|0.42 s) <53:496> {1813:327} (5.5M 443.2M = 448.7M) [0]. | | | |-[12.46] # 2 {-18.15} --- (0.43|0.43 s) <54:514> {1839:337} (5.5M 452.4M = 457.9M) [0]. | | | |-[12.92] # 3 {-18.41} --- (0.43|0.43 s) <54:514> {1839:337} (5.5M 452.7M = 458.2M) [0]. | | | |-[13.56] # 4 {-20.03} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <61:847> {2907:617} (6.4M 677.1M = 683.5M) [0]. | | | |-[14.19] # 5 {-20.32} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <61:847> {2907:617} (6.4M 677.4M = 683.8M) [0]. | | | |-[14.65] # 6 {-20.42} --- (0.42|0.42 s) <53:496> {1813:327} (5.5M 442.9M = 448.4M) [0]. | | | |-[15.18] # 7 {-20.49} --- (0.49|0.49 s) <58:549> {2357:362} (6.5M 531.3M = 537.7M) [0]. | | | |-[15.71] # 8 {-20.74} --- (0.49|0.49 s) <58:549> {2357:362} (6.5M 531.1M = 537.5M) [0]. | | | |-[16.25] # 9 {-20.87} --- (0.50|0.50 s) <59:567> {2413:372} (6.5M 540.8M = 547.4M) [0]. | |-[34.45] # 4 {-22.71} --- 36 (18.07:0.53|0.00:0.00 s) <:356> (456.5M 11.6G = 12.1G) [3]. | | | |-[35.07] # 0 {-17.23} --- 2 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <61:604> {2264:476} (8.3M 522.9M = 531.3M) [0]. | | |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {3.08} <0.81> | | |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {2.92} <1.00> | | | |-[35.59] # 1 {-17.23} --- (0.46|0.46 s) <53:592> {2157:377} (6.0M 493.0M = 499.0M) [0]. | | | |-[36.21] # 2 {-17.26} --- 2 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <61:604> {2264:476} (8.3M 522.6M = 530.9M) [0]. | | |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {3.08} <0.81> | | |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {2.92} <1.00> | | | |-[36.73] # 3 {-17.26} --- (0.46|0.46 s) <53:592> {2157:377} (6.0M 492.7M = 498.7M) [0]. | | | |-[37.35] # 4 {-18.05} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <62:626> {2290:486} (8.4M 532.4M = 540.8M) [0]. | | |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {3.29} <0.48> | | |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {3.12} <1.00> | | | |-[37.88] # 5 {-18.06} --- (0.47|0.47 s) <54:614> {2183:387} (6.0M 504.9M = 511.0M) [0]. | | | |-[38.50] # 6 {-18.16} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <62:626> {2290:486} (8.4M 532.1M = 540.5M) [0]. | | |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {3.29} <0.48> | | |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {3.12} <1.00> | | | |-[39.03] # 7 {-18.16} --- (0.46|0.46 s) <54:614> {2183:387} (6.0M 504.6M = 510.6M) [0]. | | | |-[39.65] # 8 {-19.77} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <61:604> {2264:476} (8.3M 522.6M = 530.9M) [0]. | | |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {3.08} <0.60> | | |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {2.92} <1.00> | | | |-[40.18] # 9 {-19.78} --- (0.46|0.46 s) <53:592> {2157:377} (6.0M 492.7M = 498.7M) [0]. | |< |Bilvei og bussruter til Gjendesheim og over Valdresflya.| (350) --- 2 x 54 x 10 = 10 |@ |Road and bus service to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| |@ |Road and bus service to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| |@ |Automobile road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| |> |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {0.75} <0.48> (4:4:0). |> |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {0.75} <0.48> (4:6:0). |> |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {0.49} <1.00> (4:4:1). |> |A road and bus services to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {0.48} <1.00> (4:6:1). |> |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {0.47} <0.81> (4:0:0). |> |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {0.47} <0.81> (4:2:0). |> |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {0.33} <0.60> (4:8:0). |> |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {0.20} <1.00> (4:0:1). |> |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {0.20} <1.00> (4:2:1). |> |A road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {0.06} <1.00> (4:8:1). |= 18:9 of 35 {51.4+25.7}; 12:2 of 18:9 {66.7 22.2}; 7:1 of 12:2 {58.3 50.0} @ 8 of 35 {22.9} <0.23 1.00>. [03:07:06] (360) |1. Gjendesheim til Haugseter| --- 1 (0.05|0.00:0.05 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.10] # 0 {0.00} --- 1 (0.64|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (9.3M 280.2M = 289.5M) [0]. | | | |-[1.29] # 0 {-58.73} --- (0.17|0.17 s) <24:139> {349:90} (2.3M 141.9M = 144.2M) [0]. | |< |1. Gjendesheim til Haugseter| (360) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |Gjendesheim - Haugseter| |@ |1. Gjendesheim to Haugseter| |@ |1. Gjendesheim to Haugseter| |= 19:9 of 36 {52.8+25.0}; 13:2 of 19:9 {68.4 22.2}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 36 {22.2} <0.22 1.00>. [03:07:07] (370) |Fra dette stedet er det også en god idé å starte turen inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| --- 56 [224] (10.09|0.00:16.68 s) <:> () [4]. | |-[20.21] # 1 {-30.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[24.25] # 3 {-30.99} --- 16 (3.07|0.00:0.00 s) <:60> (65.3M 1.7G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[24.58] # 0 {-23.50} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[24.89] # 1 {-24.14} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[25.19] # 2 {-25.01} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[25.50] # 3 {-25.23} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[25.80] # 4 {-25.92} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[26.10] # 5 {-25.98} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[26.41] # 6 {-26.69} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[26.71] # 7 {-26.85} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[27.02] # 8 {-27.65} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[27.32] # 9 {-27.89} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | |-[29.44] # 9 {-31.16} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[33.48] # 11 {-31.19} --- 16 (3.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:60> (65.3M 1.7G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[33.79] # 0 {-23.53} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[35.79] # 1 {-24.17} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[36.10] # 2 {-25.04} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[36.40] # 3 {-25.26} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[36.71] # 4 {-25.95} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[37.01] # 5 {-26.01} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[37.32] # 6 {-26.73} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[37.62] # 7 {-26.89} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[37.93] # 8 {-27.69} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[38.23] # 9 {-27.93} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | |-[40.26] # 13 {-31.23} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[44.30] # 15 {-31.24} --- 16 (3.29:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:60> (65.3M 1.7G = 1.8G) [1]. | | | |-[44.61] # 0 {-23.18} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[44.92] # 1 {-23.82} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[45.22] # 2 {-24.67} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[45.52] # 3 {-24.89} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[45.82] # 4 {-25.57} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[46.13] # 5 {-25.63} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[46.44] # 6 {-26.33} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[46.74] # 7 {-26.49} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[47.04] # 8 {-27.28} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[47.35] # 9 {-27.51} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | |-[49.38] # 25 {-31.40} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[53.42] # 27 {-31.41} --- 16 (3.56|0.00:0.00 s) <:60> (65.3M 1.7G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[53.73] # 0 {-24.00} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[54.03] # 1 {-24.66} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[54.34] # 2 {-25.54} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[54.64] # 3 {-25.77} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[54.95] # 4 {-26.12} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[55.25] # 5 {-26.47} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[55.56] # 6 {-26.83} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[55.86] # 7 {-27.42} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[56.17] # 8 {-27.80} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[56.47] # 9 {-28.04} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | |-[58.50] # 29 {-31.45} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[62.54] # 31 {-31.46} --- 16 (3.35:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:60> (65.3M 1.7G = 1.8G) [1]. | | | |-[62.85] # 0 {-23.67} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[63.15] # 1 {-24.32} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[63.46] # 2 {-25.20} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[63.76] # 3 {-25.42} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[64.07] # 4 {-25.76} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[64.37] # 5 {-26.11} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[64.68] # 6 {-26.47} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[64.98] # 7 {-27.05} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[65.28] # 8 {-27.42} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | | | |-[65.59] # 9 {-27.66} --- error: invalid predicates: |_be_v_id_rel|. | |< |Fra dette stedet er det også en god idé å starte turen inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| (370) --- 56 x 80 x 0 = 0 |@ |Gjendesheim is not just the gateway to Jotunheimen but also a good place to start a hike into Gausdal Vestfjell.| |@ |From there it's also a good idea to start hikes in to Gausdal Vestfjell.| |@ |From here it is also a good idea to start your trip into Gausdal Vestfjell.| |= 20:9 of 37 {54.1+24.3}; 14:2 of 20:9 {70.0 22.2}; 7:1 of 14:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 8 of 37 {21.6} <0.22 1.00>. [03:08:13] (380) |Turen starter like ved Jo Gjendes bu på sørsiden av Gjendeoset.| --- 18 [72] (3.40|0.00:4.06 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[13.75] # 1 {-29.89} --- 24 (8.72:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (194.4M 5.1G = 5.3G) [1]. | | | |-[15.77] # 0 {-52.64} --- 2 (1.38|0.00:1.38 s) <116:1943> {13145:1833} (15.5M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {5.57} <0.42> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.45} <1.00> | | | |-[17.78] # 1 {-53.07} --- 2 (1.38|0.00:1.38 s) <116:1943> {13145:1833} (15.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {5.57} <0.47> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.45} <1.00> | | | |-[19.80] # 2 {-54.08} --- 2 (1.40|0.00:1.39 s) <116:1918> {12791:1813} (15.3M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store room.| {5.64} <0.42> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.52} <1.00> | | | |-[22.34] # 3 {-54.15} --- 2 (2.47:1.27|0.00:2.47 s) <116:1943> {13145:1833} (15.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [1]. | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {4.44} <0.34> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.76} <1.00> | | | |-[24.35] # 4 {-54.52} --- 2 (1.06|0.00:1.06 s) <116:1918> {12791:1813} (15.3M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store room.| {5.64} <0.47> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.52} <1.00> | | | |-[26.37] # 5 {-54.59} --- 2 (1.07|0.00:1.07 s) <116:1943> {13145:1833} (15.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {4.44} <0.39> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.76} <1.00> | | | |-[28.39] # 6 {-55.63} --- 2 (1.13|0.00:1.13 s) <116:1918> {12791:1813} (15.3M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.64} <0.36> | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store room.| {4.51} <1.00> | | | |-[30.40] # 7 {-56.09} --- 2 (1.21|0.00:1.21 s) <116:1918> {12791:1813} (15.3M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.64} <0.46> | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store room.| {4.51} <1.00> | | | |-[32.42] # 8 {-57.16} --- 2 (1.18|0.00:1.18 s) <111:1773> {11142:1680} (13.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's shed.| {4.36} <0.45> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's shed on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.66} <1.00> | | | |-[34.43] # 9 {-57.36} --- 2 (1.23|0.00:1.22 s) <116:1723> {11102:1625} (14.7M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just by Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {5.63} <0.41> | | |The trip starts just by Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.78} <1.00> | |-[43.02] # 7 {-30.18} --- 24 (8.39:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (194.4M 5.1G = 5.3G) [1]. | | | |-[43.38] # 0 {-55.14} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[43.74] # 1 {-55.59} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[44.10] # 2 {-56.38} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[44.45] # 3 {-56.66} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[44.81] # 4 {-56.84} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[45.16] # 5 {-57.12} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[45.52] # 6 {-57.93} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[45.84] # 7 {-58.40} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[46.11] # 8 {-60.09} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[46.36] # 9 {-60.71} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | |-[54.64] # 9 {-30.19} --- 24 (8.08:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (194.4M 5.1G = 5.3G) [1]. | | | |-[56.65] # 0 {-53.35} --- 2 (1.30|0.00:1.30 s) <116:1933> {13117:1823} (13.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {5.57} <0.42> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.45} <1.00> | | | |-[59.48] # 1 {-53.78} --- 2 (2.76:1.43|0.00:2.76 s) <116:1933> {13117:1823} (13.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [1]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {5.57} <0.47> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.45} <1.00> | | | |-[61.49] # 2 {-54.81} --- 2 (1.10|0.00:1.10 s) <116:1908> {12763:1803} (13.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {5.64} <0.42> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.52} <1.00> | | | |-[63.51] # 3 {-54.88} --- 2 (1.11|0.00:1.11 s) <116:1933> {13117:1823} (13.8M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {4.44} <0.34> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.76} <1.00> | | | |-[65.52] # 4 {-55.25} --- 2 (1.18|0.00:1.18 s) <116:1908> {12763:1803} (13.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {5.64} <0.47> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.52} <1.00> | | | |-[67.54] # 5 {-55.32} --- 2 (1.31|0.00:1.31 s) <116:1933> {13117:1823} (13.8M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {4.44} <0.39> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.76} <1.00> | | | |-[69.56] # 6 {-56.38} --- 2 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <116:1908> {12763:1803} (13.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.64} <0.36> | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {4.51} <1.00> | | | |-[71.57] # 7 {-56.84} --- 2 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <116:1908> {12763:1803} (13.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.64} <0.46> | | |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {4.51} <1.00> | | | |-[73.59] # 8 {-57.16} --- 2 (1.18|0.00:1.18 s) <111:1768> {11128:1675} (12.1M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's sheds.| {4.36} <0.45> | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's sheds on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.66} <1.00> | | | |-[75.60] # 9 {-57.67} --- 2 (1.17|0.00:1.17 s) <111:1768> {11128:1675} (12.1M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's sheds.| {4.36} <0.50> | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's sheds on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.66} <1.00> | |-[84.16] # 19 {-30.48} --- 24 (8.36:0.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (194.4M 5.1G = 5.3G) [2]. | | | |-[84.53] # 0 {-55.88} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[84.87] # 1 {-56.34} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[85.22] # 2 {-57.14} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[85.57] # 3 {-57.42} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[85.92] # 4 {-57.60} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[86.24] # 5 {-57.88} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[86.56] # 6 {-58.70} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[86.87] # 7 {-59.18} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[87.16] # 8 {-60.71} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[87.48] # 9 {-60.90} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | |-[95.68] # 24 {-30.65} --- 24 (8.02:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (194.3M 5.1G = 5.3G) [1]. | | | |-[97.93] # 0 {-53.54} --- 1 (2.19:1.30|0.00:2.19 s) <116:1303> {7345:1237} (11.0M 739.5M = 750.5M) [1]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.17} <0.43> | | | |-[98.71] # 1 {-53.98} --- 1 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <116:1303> {7345:1237} (11.0M 830.7M = 841.6M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.17} <0.54> | | | |-[99.47] # 2 {-54.74} --- 1 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <116:1303> {7345:1237} (11.0M 1004.4M = 1015.4M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {2.95} <0.36> | | | |-[100.24] # 3 {-55.01} --- 1 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <116:1278> {7183:1217} (10.9M 987.4M = 998.4M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.00} <0.43> | | | |-[101.00] # 4 {-55.19} --- 1 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <116:1303> {7345:1237} (11.0M 1003.6M = 1014.6M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {2.95} <0.46> | | | |-[101.75] # 5 {-55.45} --- 1 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <116:1278> {7183:1217} (10.9M 986.7M = 997.6M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.00} <0.54> | | | |-[102.51] # 6 {-56.24} --- 1 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <116:1278> {7183:1217} (10.9M 986.8M = 997.7M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.58} <0.36> | | | |-[103.28] # 7 {-56.70} --- 1 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <116:1278> {7183:1217} (10.9M 986.0M = 996.9M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.58} <0.46> | | | |-[104.00] # 8 {-58.35} --- 1 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <116:1207> {6200:1145} (10.7M 922.9M = 933.6M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just by Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.23} <0.42> | | | |-[104.65] # 9 {-58.78} --- 1 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <111:1077> {5676:1034} (9.4M 787.2M = 796.5M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's shed on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.90} <0.46> | |-[113.14] # 30 {-30.95} --- 24 (8.38:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (194.3M 5.1G = 5.3G) [1]. | | | |-[114.11] # 0 {-54.26} --- 1 (0.89|0.00:0.89 s) <116:1293> {7333:1227} (10.2M 987.9M = 998.1M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.17} <0.43> | | | |-[115.08] # 1 {-54.70} --- 1 (0.91|0.00:0.91 s) <116:1293> {7333:1227} (10.2M 987.2M = 997.3M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.17} <0.54> | | | |-[116.05] # 2 {-55.47} --- 1 (0.90|0.00:0.90 s) <116:1293> {7333:1227} (10.2M 987.3M = 997.4M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {2.95} <0.36> | | | |-[116.82] # 3 {-55.74} --- 1 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <116:1268> {7171:1207} (10.1M 970.4M = 980.5M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.00} <0.43> | | | |-[117.56] # 4 {-55.93} --- 1 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <116:1293> {7333:1227} (10.2M 986.5M = 996.6M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {2.95} <0.46> | | | |-[118.30] # 5 {-56.20} --- 1 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <116:1268> {7171:1207} (10.1M 969.7M = 979.8M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {4.00} <0.54> | | | |-[120.31] # 6 {-56.99} --- 1 (1.80:1.10|0.00:1.80 s) <116:1268> {7171:1207} (10.1M 970.2M = 980.3M) [1]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.58} <0.36> | | | |-[121.07] # 7 {-57.46} --- 1 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <116:1268> {7171:1207} (10.1M 968.9M = 979.1M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.58} <0.46> | | | |-[121.71] # 8 {-58.78} --- 1 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <111:1072> {5670:1029} (8.7M 779.9M = 788.6M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's sheds on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.90} <0.46> | | | |-[122.44] # 9 {-59.13} --- 1 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <116:1197> {6188:1135} (9.9M 906.5M = 916.4M) [0]. | | |The trip starts just by Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {3.23} <0.42> | |-[154.55] # 37 {-33.21} --- 96 (30.99:0.78|0.00:0.00 s) <:442> (785.8M 20.9G = 21.6G) [5]. | | | |-[155.45] # 0 {-50.79} --- (0.75|0.75 s) <132:1039> {3417:904} (8.3M 803.2M = 811.5M) [0]. | | | |-[156.32] # 1 {-51.03} --- (0.73|0.73 s) <132:1039> {3417:904} (8.3M 802.4M = 810.7M) [0]. | | | |-[157.12] # 2 {-52.10} --- (0.66|0.66 s) <132:1006> {3343:876} (8.2M 786.5M = 794.8M) [0]. | | | |-[157.94] # 3 {-52.16} --- (0.67|0.67 s) <132:1039> {3417:904} (8.3M 802.4M = 810.7M) [0]. | | | |-[158.68] # 4 {-52.34} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <132:1006> {3343:876} (8.2M 785.8M = 794.0M) [0]. | | | |-[159.39] # 5 {-52.41} --- (0.58|0.58 s) <132:1039> {3417:904} (8.2M 801.7M = 809.9M) [0]. | | | |-[160.08] # 6 {-53.50} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <132:1006> {3343:876} (8.2M 785.8M = 794.0M) [0]. | | | |-[160.76] # 7 {-53.75} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <132:1006> {3343:876} (8.2M 785.0M = 793.2M) [0]. | | | |-[161.46] # 8 {-54.32} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <132:1015> {3363:884} (8.2M 790.0M = 798.2M) [0]. | | | |-[162.06] # 9 {-54.68} --- (0.48|0.48 s) <127:844> {2603:733} (7.2M 631.1M = 638.3M) [0]. | |-[193.13] # 39 {-33.45} --- 96 (30.73:0.96|0.00:0.00 s) <:442> (785.8M 20.9G = 21.6G) [5]. | | | |-[194.01] # 0 {-50.18} --- (0.73|0.73 s) <132:1047> {3383:910} (8.3M 795.9M = 804.1M) [0]. | | | |-[194.90] # 1 {-50.42} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <132:1047> {3383:910} (8.2M 795.1M = 803.3M) [0]. | | | |-[195.77] # 2 {-51.47} --- (0.72|0.72 s) <132:1014> {3309:882} (8.2M 779.3M = 787.5M) [0]. | | | |-[196.65] # 3 {-51.53} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <132:1047> {3383:910} (8.2M 795.1M = 803.3M) [0]. | | | |-[198.98] # 4 {-51.72} --- (2.16:1.44|2.16 s) <132:1014> {3309:882} (8.2M 779.0M = 787.2M) [1]. | | | |-[199.87] # 5 {-51.78} --- (0.73|0.73 s) <132:1047> {3383:910} (8.2M 794.1M = 802.4M) [0]. | | | |-[200.74] # 6 {-52.86} --- (0.72|0.72 s) <132:1014> {3309:882} (8.2M 778.6M = 786.8M) [0]. | | | |-[201.61] # 7 {-53.11} --- (0.73|0.73 s) <132:1014> {3309:882} (8.2M 777.8M = 786.0M) [0]. | | | |-[202.48] # 8 {-53.67} --- (0.72|0.72 s) <132:1023> {3329:890} (8.2M 782.8M = 791.0M) [0]. | | | |-[203.23] # 9 {-53.97} --- (0.61|0.61 s) <127:852> {2578:740} (7.2M 625.2M = 632.4M) [0]. | |-[235.32] # 43 {-33.51} --- 96 (30.91:0.84|0.00:0.00 s) <:442> (785.8M 20.9G = 21.6G) [5]. | | | |-[235.81] # 0 {-53.06} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[236.27] # 1 {-53.31} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[236.74] # 2 {-54.17} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[237.20] # 3 {-54.42} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[237.68] # 4 {-54.43} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[238.15] # 5 {-54.67} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[238.62] # 6 {-55.56} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[239.10] # 7 {-55.82} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[239.57] # 8 {-56.74} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[240.05] # 9 {-57.30} --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | |-[278.87] # 45 {-33.51} --- 96 (38.01:0.99|0.00:0.00 s) <:442> (785.8M 20.9G = 21.6G) [5]. | | | |-[279.70] # 0 {-51.43} --- (0.71|0.71 s) <132:1029> {3415:896} (8.2M 616.2M = 624.4M) [0]. | | | |-[280.53] # 1 {-51.67} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <132:1029> {3415:896} (8.2M 615.6M = 623.8M) [0]. | | | |-[281.38] # 2 {-52.75} --- (0.70|0.70 s) <132:996> {3341:868} (8.2M 688.7M = 696.8M) [0]. | | | |-[282.30] # 3 {-52.81} --- (0.76|0.76 s) <132:1029> {3415:896} (8.2M 791.7M = 799.9M) [0]. | | | |-[283.12] # 4 {-53.00} --- (0.70|0.70 s) <132:996> {3341:868} (8.2M 775.2M = 783.4M) [0]. | | | |-[283.83] # 5 {-53.06} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <132:1029> {3415:896} (8.2M 790.9M = 799.1M) [0]. | | | |-[284.54] # 6 {-54.17} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <132:996> {3341:868} (8.2M 775.2M = 783.4M) [0]. | | | |-[285.23] # 7 {-54.43} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <132:996> {3341:868} (8.2M 774.4M = 782.6M) [0]. | | | |-[285.83] # 8 {-54.68} --- (0.48|0.48 s) <127:839> {2602:729} (7.2M 627.8M = 635.0M) [0]. | | | |-[287.87] # 9 {-54.97} --- (1.66:1.18|1.66 s) <127:839> {2602:729} (7.2M 627.5M = 634.7M) [1]. | |< |Turen starter like ved Jo Gjendes bu på sørsiden av Gjendeoset.| (380) --- 18 x 528 x 60 = 41 [60] |@ |The trail starts near Jo Gjende's cabin south of Gjendeoset.| |@ |The hike starts just at Jo Gjende's hut on the south side of Gjendeoset.| |@ |The trip begins near Jo Gjende's lodge on the southern side of Gjendeoset.| |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {0.94} <0.42> (1:0:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {0.93} <0.47> (1:1:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store room.| {0.93} <0.42> (1:2:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store room.| {0.92} <0.47> (1:4:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {0.91} <0.42> (9:0:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {0.90} <0.47> (9:1:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {0.90} <0.42> (9:2:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {0.89} <0.47> (9:4:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just by Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {0.86} <0.41> (1:9:0). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.68} <1.00> (1:2:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.67} <0.36> (1:6:0). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.67} <1.00> (1:4:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.67} <0.46> (1:7:0). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {0.66} <0.34> (1:3:0). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room.| {0.65} <0.39> (1:5:0). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.65} <1.00> (9:2:1). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store room.| {0.65} <1.00> (1:6:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.64} <0.36> (9:6:0). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.64} <1.00> (9:4:1). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store room.| {0.64} <1.00> (1:7:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.64} <0.46> (9:7:0). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {0.63} <0.34> (9:3:0). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms.| {0.62} <0.39> (9:5:0). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {0.62} <1.00> (9:6:1). |> |The trip starts at the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's store rooms.| {0.61} <1.00> (9:7:1). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's shed.| {0.59} <0.45> (1:8:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just on Jo Gjendes's sheds.| {0.57} <0.45> (9:8:0). |> |The trip starts on the south side of Gjendeoset just at Jo Gjendes's sheds.| {0.56} <0.50> (9:9:0). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.51} <1.00> (1:3:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.50} <1.00> (1:5:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.48} <1.00> (9:3:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms at the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.47} <1.00> (9:5:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.47} <1.00> (1:0:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.46} <1.00> (1:1:1). |> |The trip starts just by Jo Gjendes's lumber room on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.45} <1.00> (1:9:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.44} <1.00> (9:0:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's shed on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.43} <1.00> (1:8:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.43} <1.00> (9:1:1). |> |The trip starts just on Jo Gjendes's sheds on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.41} <1.00> (9:8:1). |> |The trip starts just at Jo Gjendes's sheds on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.40} <1.00> (9:9:1). |> |The trip starts just by Jo Gjendes's lumber rooms on the south side of Gjendeoset.| {0.24} <0.42> (30:9:0). |= 21:9 of 38 {55.3+23.7}; 15:2 of 21:9 {71.4 22.2}; 8:1 of 15:2 {53.3 50.0} @ 9 of 38 {23.7} <0.24 1.00>. [03:13:01] (390) |Kommer du den andre veien, er det montert et signalhorn ved elvebredden for å varsle om at du trenger transport over elva.| --- error: PVM client exit <40010>. | |< |Kommer du den andre veien, er det montert et signalhorn ved elvebredden for å varsle om at du trenger transport over elva.| (390) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |From the other direction you will find a signal horn by the shore for communicating your need for a boat.| |@ |If you come from the other side, a klaxon is mounted on the riverbank, so you can signal that you want a ferry over the river.| |@ |If you come from the other direction, there is a signal horn mounted on the river bank for signaling that you need transportation over the river.| |= 21:9 of 39 {53.8+23.1}; 15:2 of 21:9 {71.4 22.2}; 8:1 of 15:2 {53.3 50.0} @ 9 of 39 {23.1} <0.23 1.00>. [03:18:34] (400) |Deretter går turen jevnt opp lia og forbi nordre og søndre Brurskarknappen, forbi Brurskartjørni og ned til øvre Heimdalsvatnet langs Sandbakkbekken.| --- ^5 [12] (16.38|0.00:16.47 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[22.11] # 1 {-34.96} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |-[22.18] # 3 {-35.14} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[22.26] # 5 {-35.40} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |-[22.33] # 7 {-35.58} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[22.42] # 9 {-36.45} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_øvre_a_rel"|. | |< |Deretter går turen jevnt opp lia og forbi nordre og søndre Brurskarknappen, forbi Brurskartjørni og ned til øvre Heimdalsvatnet langs Sandbakkbekken.| (400) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The trail then climbs evenly past northern and southern Brurskarknappen, past Brurskartjørni, then down to Øvre Heimdalsvatnet along Sandbakkbekken.| |@ |Thereafter, the hike goes evenly up the hillside and past Nordre and Søndre Brurskarknappen, past Brurskartjørni, and down to Øvre Heimdalsvatnet along Sandbakkbekken.| |@ |After that, the trail runs evenly up the hillside and past northern and southern Brurskarknappen, past Brurskartjørni and down to the upper Heimdalsvatnet along Sandbakkbekken.| |= 21:10 of 40 {52.5+25.0}; 15:2 of 21:10 {71.4 20.0}; 8:1 of 15:2 {53.3 50.0} @ 9 of 40 {22.5} <0.22 1.00>. [03:18:56] (410) |Det første går bra, men det siste er strengt forbudt.| --- 24 (0.86|0.00:1.21 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[12.59] # 0 {-21.81} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_forbudt_a_rel". | |-[33.13] # 1 {-21.81} --- 64 (20.30:0.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:109> (493.6M 13.2G = 13.7G) [3]. | | | |-[33.82] # 0 {-33.27} --- (0.62|0.61 s) <116:713> {3125:625} (7.2M 654.8M = 662.1M) [0]. | | | |-[34.18] # 1 {-33.92} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[34.79] # 2 {-34.15} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <99:666> {2994:584} (6.6M 403.5M = 410.1M) [0]. | | | |-[35.47] # 3 {-34.77} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <116:713> {3125:625} (7.1M 449.2M = 456.3M) [0]. | | | |-[35.83] # 4 {-34.81} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[36.13] # 5 {-35.44} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[36.56] # 6 {-35.58} --- (0.35|0.35 s) <104:479> {1895:415} (6.1M 327.3M = 333.4M) [0]. | | | |-[37.04] # 7 {-35.69} --- (0.41|0.41 s) <99:666> {2994:584} (6.6M 403.8M = 410.4M) [0]. | | | |-[37.60] # 8 {-35.79} --- (0.47|0.47 s) <124:767> {3174:674} (7.4M 544.3M = 551.8M) [0]. | | | |-[38.19] # 9 {-36.07} --- (0.53|0.52 s) <104:830> {4087:741} (7.3M 674.5M = 681.8M) [0]. | |-[48.44] # 2 {-22.27} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_forbudt_a_rel". | |-[58.60] # 3 {-22.27} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_forbudt_a_rel". | |-[79.16] # 4 {-22.28} --- 64 (20.37:0.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:108> (493.5M 13.2G = 13.7G) [3]. | | | |-[79.84] # 0 {-30.75} --- (0.61|0.61 s) <116:758> {3401:665} (7.2M 660.0M = 667.2M) [0]. | | | |-[80.20] # 1 {-31.34} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[80.83] # 2 {-31.56} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <99:695> {3254:608} (6.7M 414.9M = 421.6M) [0]. | | | |-[81.52] # 3 {-32.13} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <116:758> {3401:665} (7.2M 459.9M = 467.1M) [0]. | | | |-[81.86] # 4 {-32.17} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[82.18] # 5 {-32.75} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[82.61] # 6 {-32.88} --- (0.37|0.37 s) <104:520> {2067:451} (6.2M 333.7M = 339.9M) [0]. | | | |-[83.11] # 7 {-32.98} --- (0.43|0.43 s) <99:695> {3254:608} (6.7M 415.7M = 422.4M) [0]. | | | |-[83.69] # 8 {-33.07} --- (0.50|0.50 s) <124:812> {3538:718} (7.5M 572.8M = 580.3M) [0]. | | | |-[84.30] # 9 {-33.33} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <104:871> {4451:777} (7.3M 689.0M = 696.3M) [0]. | |-[104.78] # 5 {-22.28} --- 64 (20.28:0.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:108> (493.5M 13.2G = 13.7G) [3]. | | | |-[105.52] # 0 {-30.75} --- (0.64|0.64 s) <120:794> {3461:701} (7.4M 692.3M = 699.7M) [0]. | | | |-[105.87] # 1 {-31.34} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[106.53] # 2 {-31.56} --- (0.58|0.58 s) <103:747> {3314:660} (6.9M 437.8M = 444.7M) [0]. | | | |-[107.13] # 3 {-32.13} --- (0.51|0.51 s) <120:794> {3461:701} (7.4M 484.0M = 491.3M) [0]. | | | |-[107.40] # 4 {-32.17} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[107.67] # 5 {-32.75} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[108.10] # 6 {-32.88} --- (0.37|0.37 s) <108:524> {2103:455} (6.3M 346.4M = 352.7M) [0]. | | | |-[108.60] # 7 {-32.98} --- (0.43|0.43 s) <103:747> {3314:660} (6.9M 438.6M = 445.5M) [0]. | | | |-[109.18] # 8 {-33.07} --- (0.50|0.50 s) <128:864> {3590:766} (7.7M 618.9M = 626.6M) [0]. | | | |-[109.80] # 9 {-33.33} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <108:935> {4531:841} (7.6M 733.2M = 740.8M) [0]. | |-[121.82] # 6 {-22.33} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_forbudt_a_rel". | |-[144.26] # 7 {-22.34} --- 64 (22.21:0.67|0.00:0.00 s) <:124> (567.2M 14.6G = 15.2G) [4]. | | | |-[146.29] # 0 {-25.64} --- (1.63:1.06|1.63 s) <128:588> {2757:508} (10.2M 833.2M = 843.3M) [1]. | | | |-[146.90] # 1 {-26.05} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <116:554> {2577:485} (9.8M 780.1M = 789.9M) [0]. | | | |-[147.52] # 2 {-26.23} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <111:541> {2626:467} (9.6M 771.6M = 781.2M) [0]. | | | |-[148.17] # 3 {-26.64} --- (0.56|0.56 s) <128:588> {2757:508} (10.2M 833.3M = 843.5M) [0]. | | | |-[148.76] # 4 {-26.64} --- (0.51|0.51 s) <99:507> {2446:444} (9.3M 721.5M = 730.8M) [0]. | | | |-[149.36] # 5 {-26.99} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <104:505> {2407:441} (9.4M 728.9M = 738.4M) [0]. | | | |-[149.99] # 6 {-27.06} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <116:554> {2577:485} (9.8M 781.0M = 790.8M) [0]. | | | |-[150.68] # 7 {-27.09} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <136:622> {2830:537} (10.4M 856.1M = 866.5M) [0]. | | | |-[151.43] # 8 {-27.24} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <111:541> {2626:467} (9.7M 772.3M = 782.0M) [0]. | | | |-[152.28] # 9 {-27.52} --- (0.75|0.75 s) <124:588> {2602:514} (10.1M 801.6M = 811.7M) [0]. | |-[164.30] # 8 {-22.73} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: "_forbudt_a_rel". | |-[184.75] # 9 {-22.74} --- 64 (20.26:0.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:109> (493.5M 13.2G = 13.7G) [3]. | | | |-[185.49] # 0 {-28.41} --- (0.65|0.65 s) <120:839> {3747:743} (7.4M 711.6M = 719.0M) [0]. | | | |-[185.85] # 1 {-28.97} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[186.52] # 2 {-29.16} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <103:776> {3584:686} (6.9M 451.1M = 458.0M) [0]. | | | |-[187.25] # 3 {-29.69} --- (0.64|0.64 s) <120:839> {3747:743} (7.4M 498.0M = 505.4M) [0]. | | | |-[187.60] # 4 {-29.73} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[187.95] # 5 {-30.27} --- error: invalid predicates: |"_good_a_at_rel"|. | | | |-[188.45] # 6 {-30.38} --- (0.41|0.41 s) <108:565> {2285:493} (6.3M 354.1M = 360.4M) [0]. | | | |-[188.97] # 7 {-30.48} --- (0.45|0.45 s) <103:776> {3584:686} (6.9M 451.6M = 458.5M) [0]. | | | |-[189.57] # 8 {-30.56} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <128:909> {3964:812} (7.8M 649.7M = 657.5M) [0]. | | | |-[190.21] # 9 {-30.80} --- (0.58|0.58 s) <108:976> {4905:879} (7.7M 750.5M = 758.2M) [0]. | |< |Det første går bra, men det siste er strengt forbudt.| (410) --- 24 x 320 x 0 = 0 |@ |Enjoy the first, forget the second; fishing is strictly prohibited.| |@ |The first is fine, but the second is forbidden.| |@ |Swimming is permitted, however fishing is strictly forbidden.| |= 22:10 of 41 {53.7+24.4}; 16:2 of 22:10 {72.7 20.0}; 8:1 of 16:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 9 of 41 {22.0} <0.22 1.00>. [03:22:06] (420) |Ruta fortsetter langs bredden av vannet til oset i østenden, som vanligvis er lett å vade.| --- error: PVM client exit <40013>. | |< |Ruta fortsetter langs bredden av vannet til oset i østenden, som vanligvis er lett å vade.| (420) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The trail follows the shore to the inlet at the east end, usually easily waded, before climbing again, over the east end of Valdresflya and in between the prominent twin east and west peaks of Gluptinden.| |@ |The route continues along the shore of the lake to the outlet at the east end, which usually is easy to wade.| |@ |The route continues along the shore of the lake to the outlet at the east end, which is usually easy to wade across.| |= 22:10 of 42 {52.4+23.8}; 16:2 of 22:10 {72.7 20.0}; 8:1 of 16:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 9 of 42 {21.4} <0.21 1.00>. [03:25:14] (430) |Derfra er det bare utfor langs Urekåni og ned til Jotunheimveien, der Haugseter ligger på den andre siden av veien.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_utfor_n_rel|, |_av+veien_p_rel|. | |< |Derfra er det bare utfor langs Urekåni og ned til Jotunheimveien, der Haugseter ligger på den andre siden av veien.| (430) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |From here it is all downhill along Urekåna to the Jotunheimen Road, with Haugseter across the road.| |@ |From there, it's just downhill along Urekåni and down to the Jotunheimveien, where Haugsetter is on the other side of the road.| |@ |From here, it's downhill all the way along Urekåni and down to Jotunheim road, where Haugseter is located on the other side of the road.| |= 22:10 of 43 {51.2+23.3}; 16:2 of 22:10 {72.7 20.0}; 8:1 of 16:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 9 of 43 {20.9} <0.21 1.00>. [03:25:54] (440) |Fra Haugseter går det merkede ruter både til Storeskag og Oskampen.| --- 10 [12] (1.19|0.00:1.32 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.01] # 0 {-28.92} --- 2 (1.41|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (26.9M 712.9M = 739.8M) [0]. | | | |-[8.02] # 0 {-14.58} --- 6 (3.48:1.35|0.00:3.48 s) <87:2779> {16102:2768} (38.4M 2.2G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7.50} <0.23> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {5.55} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {5.35} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.80} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.88} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.69} <1.00> | | | |-[10.03] # 1 {-16.90} --- 6 (1.93|0.00:1.93 s) <95:2878> {17775:2908} (32.0M 2.0G = 2.1G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7.54} <0.23> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {5.59} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {5.40} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.85} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.93} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.73} <1.00> | |-[12.04] # 1 {-28.92} --- 2 (1.43|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (26.9M 712.9M = 739.8M) [0]. | | | |-[14.04] # 0 {-14.55} --- 4 (1.26|0.00:1.26 s) <87:1592> {8923:1618} (24.1M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {5.19} <0.26> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked go.| {3.07} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {2.83} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {0.00} <1.00> | | | |-[16.05] # 1 {-16.62} --- 4 (1.25|0.00:1.25 s) <95:1683> {10300:1656} (19.6M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {5.19} <0.26> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked walk.| {3.07} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {2.83} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {0.00} <1.00> | |-[18.05] # 4 {-30.64} --- 1 (1.02:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 434.3M = 451.6M) [1]. | | | |-[20.06] # 0 {-15.62} --- 2 (1.36|0.00:1.36 s) <103:1729> {9869:1644} (19.7M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.96} <0.47> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.86} <1.00> | |-[20.95] # 5 {-30.65} --- 1 (0.84|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.6M = 450.9M) [0]. | | | |-[22.95] # 0 {-15.38} --- 4 (1.15|0.00:1.15 s) <103:1183> {5837:1218} (20.1M 966.5M = 986.7M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {5.00} <0.47> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {1.77} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {1.73} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {-0.64} <1.00> | |-[23.84] # 6 {-32.07} --- 1 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.7M = 451.0M) [0]. | | | |-[24.80] # 0 {-19.41} --- (0.94|0.94 s) <99:1395> {7777:1270} (9.4M 1004.3M = 1013.7M) [0]. | |-[25.69] # 7 {-32.20} --- 1 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.6M = 450.9M) [0]. | | | |-[26.23] # 0 {-19.11} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <99:767> {3404:669} (7.1M 608.4M = 615.5M) [0]. | |-[27.12] # 8 {-32.39} --- 1 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.4M = 450.7M) [0]. | | | |-[29.12] # 0 {-16.76} --- 2 (1.21|0.00:1.21 s) <103:1790> {9481:1719} (21.2M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {3.62} <0.47> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {3.51} <1.00> | |-[30.02] # 9 {-32.40} --- 1 (0.86|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.4M = 450.7M) [0]. | | | |-[32.03] # 0 {-16.50} --- 4 (1.06|0.00:1.06 s) <103:1200> {5652:1275} (21.9M 1001.3M = 1023.3M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {5.66} <0.47> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {2.43} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {2.38} <1.00> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.02} <1.00> | |-[32.92] # 10 {-32.53} --- 1 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.3M = 450.6M) [0]. | | | |-[35.65] # 0 {-17.44} --- 2 (2.70:1.37|0.00:2.70 s) <103:2084> {10180:2048} (18.5M 1.5G = 1.5G) [1]. | | |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.08} <0.42> | | |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.01} <1.00> | |-[36.54] # 11 {-32.66} --- 1 (0.84|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (17.3M 433.2M = 450.5M) [0]. | | | |-[37.32] # 0 {-17.17} --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <103:1031> {4404:998} (12.8M 800.5M = 813.3M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.53} <0.42> | | |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {2.46} <1.00> | |< |Fra Haugseter går det merkede ruter både til Storeskag og Oskampen.| (440) --- 10 x 12 x 36 = 24 [36] |@ |From Haugseter there are marked trails to both Storeskag and Oskampen.| |@ |From Haugseter, there are marked routes both to Storeskag and to Oskampen.| |@ |From Haugseter there are marked routes to both Storeskag and Oskampen.| |> |From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {1.00} <0.23> (0:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.90} <0.23> (0:1:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.85} <1.00> (0:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.84} <1.00> (0:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {0.83} <0.26> (1:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.76} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.75} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {0.74} <0.26> (1:1:0). |> |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.69} <0.47> (5:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked go.| {0.67} <1.00> (1:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {0.65} <1.00> (1:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.60} <0.47> (9:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked walk.| {0.59} <1.00> (1:1:1). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {0.57} <1.00> (1:1:2). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.52} <1.00> (4:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {0.45} <1.00> (5:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {0.45} <1.00> (1:0:3). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {0.45} <1.00> (5:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.43} <1.00> (8:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {0.36} <1.00> (1:1:3). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {0.36} <1.00> (9:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {0.36} <1.00> (9:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.32} <0.42> (11:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {0.32} <1.00> (11:0:1). |= 23:10 of 44 {52.3+22.7}; 17:2 of 23:10 {73.9 20.0}; 9:1 of 17:2 {52.9 50.0} @ 10 of 44 {22.7} <0.23 1.00>. [03:26:31] (450) |Det er en flott rundtur.| --- 10 (0.46|0.00:0.52 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.61] # 0 {-18.10} --- 20 (6.54:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:55> (107.6M 3.3G = 3.4G) [1]. | | | |-[9.22] # 0 {-28.05} --- 2 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.9M 658.8M = 664.8M) [0]. | | |There is a smooth great trip.| {0.26} <0.21> | | |There is a great smooth trip.| {0.26} <1.00> | | | |-[9.81] # 1 {-28.75} --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 646.8M = 652.6M) [0]. | | |There is a round great trip.| {0.26} <0.23> | | |There is a great round trip.| {0.26} <1.00> | | | |-[10.40] # 2 {-29.66} --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 645.1M = 650.9M) [0]. | | |There is a smooth beautiful trip.| {0.43} <0.21> | | |There is a beautiful smooth trip.| {0.43} <1.00> | | | |-[10.99] # 3 {-30.41} --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 644.8M = 650.6M) [0]. | | |There is a round beautiful trip.| {0.43} <0.23> | | |There is a beautiful round trip.| {0.43} <1.00> | | | |-[11.57] # 4 {-31.47} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 644.7M = 650.5M) [0]. | | |There is a smooth grand trip.| {0.41} <0.21> | | |There is a grand smooth trip.| {0.41} <1.00> | | | |-[12.15] # 5 {-32.25} --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 644.5M = 650.3M) [0]. | | |There is a round grand trip.| {0.41} <0.23> | | |There is a grand round trip.| {0.41} <1.00> | | | |-[12.74] # 6 {-40.15} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 645.0M = 650.8M) [0]. | | |There is a smooth lovely trip.| {0.41} <0.21> | | |There is a lovely smooth trip.| {0.41} <1.00> | | | |-[13.32] # 7 {-41.16} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 644.7M = 650.5M) [0]. | | |There is a round lovely trip.| {0.41} <0.23> | | |There is a lovely round trip.| {0.41} <1.00> | | | |-[13.90] # 8 {-46.98} --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 647.8M = 653.6M) [0]. | | |There is a liberal great trip.| {0.26} <0.21> | | |There is a great liberal trip.| {0.26} <1.00> | | | |-[14.49] # 9 {-46.98} --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <81:1054> {2379:1002} (5.8M 647.8M = 653.6M) [0]. | | |There is a flexible great trip.| {0.26} <0.21> | | |There is a great flexible trip.| {0.26} <1.00> | |-[21.47] # 1 {-19.17} --- 20 (6.94:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:57> (122.0M 3.6G = 3.7G) [1]. | | | |-[22.00] # 0 {-19.70} --- 4 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 626.9M = 633.7M) [0]. | | |It, a smooth great trip is.| {1.48} <0.21> | | |It, a great smooth trip is.| {1.48} <1.00> | | |Itself, a smooth great trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | |Itself, a great smooth trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | | |-[22.53] # 1 {-20.11} --- 4 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 626.6M = 633.4M) [0]. | | |It, a round great trip is.| {1.48} <0.23> | | |It, a great round trip is.| {1.48} <1.00> | | |Itself, a round great trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | |Itself, a great round trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | | |-[23.06] # 2 {-20.63} --- 4 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 625.5M = 632.4M) [0]. | | |It, a smooth beautiful trip is.| {1.65} <0.21> | | |It, a beautiful smooth trip is.| {1.65} <1.00> | | |Itself, a smooth beautiful trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Itself, a beautiful smooth trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | | |-[23.59] # 3 {-21.05} --- 4 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 625.3M = 632.1M) [0]. | | |It, a round beautiful trip is.| {1.65} <0.23> | | |It, a beautiful round trip is.| {1.65} <1.00> | | |Itself, a round beautiful trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Itself, a beautiful round trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | | |-[24.13] # 4 {-21.65} --- 4 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 625.2M = 632.0M) [0]. | | |It, a smooth grand trip is.| {1.63} <0.21> | | |It, a grand smooth trip is.| {1.63} <1.00> | | |Itself, a smooth grand trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | |Itself, a grand smooth trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | | |-[24.66] # 5 {-22.10} --- 4 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 624.9M = 631.7M) [0]. | | |It, a round grand trip is.| {1.63} <0.23> | | |It, a grand round trip is.| {1.63} <1.00> | | |Itself, a round grand trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | |Itself, a grand round trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | | |-[25.19] # 6 {-26.45} --- 4 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 625.5M = 632.3M) [0]. | | |It, a smooth lovely trip is.| {1.63} <0.21> | | |It, a lovely smooth trip is.| {1.63} <1.00> | | |Itself, a smooth lovely trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | |Itself, a lovely smooth trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | | |-[25.73] # 7 {-27.00} --- 4 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 625.2M = 632.0M) [0]. | | |It, a round lovely trip is.| {1.63} <0.23> | | |It, a lovely round trip is.| {1.63} <1.00> | | |Itself, a round lovely trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | |Itself, a lovely round trip is.| {1.12} <1.00> | | | |-[26.26] # 8 {-30.10} --- 4 (0.50|0.00:0.50 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 626.9M = 633.8M) [0]. | | |It, a liberal great trip is.| {1.48} <0.21> | | |It, a great liberal trip is.| {1.48} <1.00> | | |Itself, a liberal great trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | |Itself, a great liberal trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | | |-[26.80] # 9 {-30.10} --- 4 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <97:753> {4135:716} (6.8M 627.0M = 633.8M) [0]. | | |It, a flexible great trip is.| {1.48} <0.21> | | |It, a great flexible trip is.| {1.48} <1.00> | | |Itself, a flexible great trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | | |Itself, a great flexible trip is.| {0.96} <1.00> | |-[33.69] # 2 {-19.21} --- 20 (6.82:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:57> (121.9M 3.6G = 3.7G) [1]. | | | |-[34.17] # 0 {-21.24} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 608.3M = 614.6M) [0]. | | |That, a smooth great trip is.| {1.40} <0.21> | | |That, a great smooth trip is.| {1.40} <1.00> | | | |-[36.18] # 1 {-21.69} --- 2 (1.79:1.31|0.00:1.78 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 608.5M = 614.8M) [1]. | | |That, a round great trip is.| {1.40} <0.23> | | |That, a great round trip is.| {1.40} <1.00> | | | |-[36.67] # 2 {-22.28} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 607.0M = 613.3M) [0]. | | |That, a smooth beautiful trip is.| {1.57} <0.21> | | |That, a beautiful smooth trip is.| {1.57} <1.00> | | | |-[37.17] # 3 {-22.75} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 606.7M = 613.0M) [0]. | | |That, a round beautiful trip is.| {1.57} <0.23> | | |That, a beautiful round trip is.| {1.57} <1.00> | | | |-[37.67] # 4 {-23.42} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 606.6M = 612.9M) [0]. | | |That, a smooth grand trip is.| {1.55} <0.21> | | |That, a grand smooth trip is.| {1.55} <1.00> | | | |-[38.17] # 5 {-23.92} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 606.3M = 612.6M) [0]. | | |That, a round grand trip is.| {1.55} <0.23> | | |That, a grand round trip is.| {1.55} <1.00> | | | |-[38.67] # 6 {-28.83} --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 606.9M = 613.2M) [0]. | | |That, a smooth lovely trip is.| {1.55} <0.21> | | |That, a lovely smooth trip is.| {1.55} <1.00> | | | |-[39.17] # 7 {-29.44} --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 606.6M = 612.9M) [0]. | | |That, a round lovely trip is.| {1.55} <0.23> | | |That, a lovely round trip is.| {1.55} <1.00> | | | |-[39.67] # 8 {-32.95} --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.3M 608.3M = 614.7M) [0]. | | |That, a liberal great trip is.| {1.40} <0.21> | | |That, a great liberal trip is.| {1.40} <1.00> | | | |-[40.18] # 9 {-32.95} --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <97:728> {4050:669} (6.4M 608.4M = 614.7M) [0]. | | |That, a flexible great trip is.| {1.40} <0.21> | | |That, a great flexible trip is.| {1.40} <1.00> | |-[46.97] # 3 {-19.42} --- 20 (6.73|0.00:0.00 s) <:57> (122.0M 3.6G = 3.7G) [0]. | | | |-[47.46] # 0 {-18.68} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 614.1M = 620.5M) [0]. | | |It is a smooth great trip.| {-2.40} <0.21> | | |It is a great smooth trip.| {-2.40} <1.00> | | | |-[47.95] # 1 {-19.06} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 613.8M = 620.2M) [0]. | | |It is a round great trip.| {-2.40} <0.23> | | |It is a great round trip.| {-2.40} <1.00> | | | |-[48.44] # 2 {-19.56} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 612.9M = 619.2M) [0]. | | |It is a smooth beautiful trip.| {-2.23} <0.21> | | |It is a beautiful smooth trip.| {-2.23} <1.00> | | | |-[48.93] # 3 {-19.96} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 612.6M = 618.9M) [0]. | | |It is a round beautiful trip.| {-2.23} <0.23> | | |It is a beautiful round trip.| {-2.23} <1.00> | | | |-[49.42] # 4 {-20.53} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 612.5M = 618.8M) [0]. | | |It is a smooth grand trip.| {-2.24} <0.21> | | |It is a grand smooth trip.| {-2.24} <1.00> | | | |-[49.91] # 5 {-20.95} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 612.2M = 618.5M) [0]. | | |It is a round grand trip.| {-2.24} <0.23> | | |It is a grand round trip.| {-2.24} <1.00> | | | |-[50.40] # 6 {-25.08} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 612.8M = 619.1M) [0]. | | |It is a smooth lovely trip.| {-2.24} <0.21> | | |It is a lovely smooth trip.| {-2.24} <1.00> | | | |-[50.90] # 7 {-25.60} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.3M 612.5M = 618.8M) [0]. | | |It is a round lovely trip.| {-2.24} <0.23> | | |It is a lovely round trip.| {-2.24} <1.00> | | | |-[51.39] # 8 {-28.54} --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.4M 614.2M = 620.5M) [0]. | | |It is a liberal great trip.| {-2.40} <0.21> | | |It is a great liberal trip.| {-2.40} <1.00> | | | |-[51.88] # 9 {-28.54} --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <97:807> {3045:764} (6.4M 614.2M = 620.5M) [0]. | | |It is a flexible great trip.| {-2.40} <0.21> | | |It is a great flexible trip.| {-2.40} <1.00> | |-[58.58] # 4 {-19.47} --- 20 (6.64:0.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:57> (121.9M 3.6G = 3.7G) [1]. | | | |-[59.05] # 0 {-20.98} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 604.6M = 610.8M) [0]. | | |That is a smooth great trip.| {-0.40} <0.21> | | |That is a great smooth trip.| {-0.40} <1.00> | | | |-[59.53] # 1 {-21.42} --- 2 (0.44|0.00:0.44 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 604.3M = 610.5M) [0]. | | |That is a round great trip.| {-0.40} <0.23> | | |That is a great round trip.| {-0.40} <1.00> | | | |-[60.01] # 2 {-22.00} --- 2 (0.44|0.00:0.44 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 603.3M = 609.5M) [0]. | | |That is a smooth beautiful trip.| {-0.23} <0.21> | | |That is a beautiful smooth trip.| {-0.23} <1.00> | | | |-[60.49] # 3 {-22.47} --- 2 (0.44|0.00:0.44 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 603.1M = 609.3M) [0]. | | |That is a round beautiful trip.| {-0.23} <0.23> | | |That is a beautiful round trip.| {-0.23} <1.00> | | | |-[60.97] # 4 {-23.14} --- 2 (0.44|0.00:0.44 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 603.0M = 609.2M) [0]. | | |That is a smooth grand trip.| {-0.25} <0.21> | | |That is a grand smooth trip.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | | |-[62.97] # 5 {-23.63} --- 2 (1.83:1.39|0.00:1.83 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 602.9M = 609.1M) [1]. | | |That is a round grand trip.| {-0.25} <0.23> | | |That is a grand round trip.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | | |-[63.45] # 6 {-28.47} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 603.3M = 609.5M) [0]. | | |That is a smooth lovely trip.| {-0.25} <0.21> | | |That is a lovely smooth trip.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | | |-[63.93] # 7 {-29.08} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 603.0M = 609.2M) [0]. | | |That is a round lovely trip.| {-0.25} <0.23> | | |That is a lovely round trip.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | | |-[64.41] # 8 {-32.55} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 604.7M = 610.9M) [0]. | | |That is a liberal great trip.| {-0.40} <0.21> | | |That is a great liberal trip.| {-0.40} <1.00> | | | |-[64.90] # 9 {-32.55} --- 2 (0.45|0.00:0.45 s) <97:807> {2847:752} (6.2M 604.7M = 610.9M) [0]. | | |That is a flexible great trip.| {-0.40} <0.21> | | |That is a great flexible trip.| {-0.40} <1.00> | |-[71.82] # 5 {-20.73} --- 20 (6.86:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:56> (115.0M 3.4G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[72.51] # 0 {-31.35} --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.7M 831.6M = 838.2M) [0]. | | |There is one smooth great trip.| {0.54} <0.19> | | |There is one great smooth trip.| {0.54} <1.00> | | | |-[73.21] # 1 {-32.00} --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.6M 831.3M = 837.9M) [0]. | | |There is one round great trip.| {0.54} <0.21> | | |There is one great round trip.| {0.54} <1.00> | | | |-[73.90] # 2 {-32.83} --- 2 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.7M 830.3M = 837.0M) [0]. | | |There is one smooth beautiful trip.| {0.71} <0.19> | | |There is one beautiful smooth trip.| {0.71} <1.00> | | | |-[74.60] # 3 {-33.50} --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.6M 830.0M = 836.7M) [0]. | | |There is one round beautiful trip.| {0.71} <0.21> | | |There is one beautiful round trip.| {0.71} <1.00> | | | |-[75.29] # 4 {-34.46} --- 2 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.6M 829.9M = 836.6M) [0]. | | |There is one smooth grand trip.| {0.70} <0.19> | | |There is one grand smooth trip.| {0.70} <1.00> | | | |-[75.99] # 5 {-35.17} --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.6M 829.7M = 836.3M) [0]. | | |There is one round grand trip.| {0.70} <0.21> | | |There is one grand round trip.| {0.70} <1.00> | | | |-[76.68] # 6 {-42.10} --- 2 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.6M 830.2M = 836.9M) [0]. | | |There is one smooth lovely trip.| {0.70} <0.19> | | |There is one lovely smooth trip.| {0.70} <1.00> | | | |-[77.37] # 7 {-42.96} --- 2 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.6M 829.9M = 836.6M) [0]. | | |There is one round lovely trip.| {0.70} <0.21> | | |There is one lovely round trip.| {0.70} <1.00> | | | |-[78.06] # 8 {-47.90} --- 2 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.7M 831.6M = 838.3M) [0]. | | |There is one liberal great trip.| {0.54} <0.19> | | |There is one great liberal trip.| {0.54} <1.00> | | | |-[78.76] # 9 {-47.90} --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <85:1275> {3120:1171} (6.7M 831.6M = 838.3M) [0]. | | |There is one flexible great trip.| {0.54} <0.19> | | |There is one great flexible trip.| {0.54} <1.00> | |-[86.78] # 6 {-22.65} --- 20 (7.11:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (129.4M 3.7G = 3.8G) [1]. | | | |-[87.45] # 0 {-22.85} --- 4 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 828.4M = 836.2M) [0]. | | |It, one smooth great trip is.| {1.13} <0.19> | | |It, one great smooth trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Itself, one smooth great trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | |Itself, one great smooth trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | | |-[88.12] # 1 {-23.24} --- 4 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 828.1M = 835.9M) [0]. | | |It, one round great trip is.| {1.13} <0.21> | | |It, one great round trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Itself, one round great trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | |Itself, one great round trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | | |-[88.80] # 2 {-23.76} --- 4 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 827.1M = 834.9M) [0]. | | |It, one smooth beautiful trip is.| {1.30} <0.19> | | |It, one beautiful smooth trip is.| {1.30} <1.00> | | |Itself, one smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.97} <1.00> | | |Itself, one beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.97} <1.00> | | | |-[89.48] # 3 {-24.17} --- 4 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 826.8M = 834.6M) [0]. | | |It, one round beautiful trip is.| {1.30} <0.21> | | |It, one beautiful round trip is.| {1.30} <1.00> | | |Itself, one round beautiful trip is.| {0.97} <1.00> | | |Itself, one beautiful round trip is.| {0.97} <1.00> | | | |-[90.16] # 4 {-24.75} --- 4 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 826.7M = 834.5M) [0]. | | |It, one smooth grand trip is.| {1.28} <0.19> | | |It, one grand smooth trip is.| {1.28} <1.00> | | |Itself, one smooth grand trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | |Itself, one grand smooth trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | | |-[92.21] # 5 {-25.18} --- 4 (2.01:1.36|0.00:2.01 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 826.6M = 834.4M) [1]. | | |It, one round grand trip is.| {1.28} <0.21> | | |It, one grand round trip is.| {1.28} <1.00> | | |Itself, one round grand trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | |Itself, one grand round trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | | |-[92.90] # 6 {-29.34} --- 4 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 827.0M = 834.8M) [0]. | | |It, one smooth lovely trip is.| {1.28} <0.19> | | |It, one lovely smooth trip is.| {1.28} <1.00> | | |Itself, one smooth lovely trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | |Itself, one lovely smooth trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | | |-[93.59] # 7 {-29.85} --- 4 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 826.7M = 834.5M) [0]. | | |It, one round lovely trip is.| {1.28} <0.21> | | |It, one lovely round trip is.| {1.28} <1.00> | | |Itself, one round lovely trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | |Itself, one lovely round trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> | | | |-[94.28] # 8 {-32.73} --- 4 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 828.5M = 836.3M) [0]. | | |It, one liberal great trip is.| {1.13} <0.19> | | |It, one great liberal trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Itself, one liberal great trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | |Itself, one great liberal trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | | |-[94.98] # 9 {-32.73} --- 4 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <101:974> {7116:885} (7.8M 828.5M = 836.3M) [0]. | | |It, one flexible great trip is.| {1.13} <0.19> | | |It, one great flexible trip is.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Itself, one flexible great trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | | |Itself, one great flexible trip is.| {0.80} <1.00> | |-[101.98] # 7 {-22.69} --- 20 (6.95|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (129.4M 3.7G = 3.8G) [0]. | | | |-[102.63] # 0 {-24.45} --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 827.5M = 835.1M) [0]. | | |That, one smooth great trip is.| {1.24} <0.19> | | |That, one great smooth trip is.| {1.24} <1.00> | | | |-[103.28] # 1 {-24.89} --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 826.7M = 834.2M) [0]. | | |That, one round great trip is.| {1.24} <0.21> | | |That, one great round trip is.| {1.24} <1.00> | | | |-[103.93] # 2 {-25.46} --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 825.7M = 833.2M) [0]. | | |That, one smooth beautiful trip is.| {1.40} <0.19> | | |That, one beautiful smooth trip is.| {1.40} <1.00> | | | |-[104.58] # 3 {-25.91} --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 825.4M = 832.9M) [0]. | | |That, one round beautiful trip is.| {1.40} <0.21> | | |That, one beautiful round trip is.| {1.40} <1.00> | | | |-[105.23] # 4 {-26.56} --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 825.3M = 832.8M) [0]. | | |That, one smooth grand trip is.| {1.39} <0.19> | | |That, one grand smooth trip is.| {1.39} <1.00> | | | |-[105.88] # 5 {-27.04} --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 825.0M = 832.5M) [0]. | | |That, one round grand trip is.| {1.39} <0.21> | | |That, one grand round trip is.| {1.39} <1.00> | | | |-[106.54] # 6 {-31.65} --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 825.6M = 833.1M) [0]. | | |That, one smooth lovely trip is.| {1.39} <0.19> | | |That, one lovely smooth trip is.| {1.39} <1.00> | | | |-[107.19] # 7 {-32.21} --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 825.3M = 832.8M) [0]. | | |That, one round lovely trip is.| {1.39} <0.21> | | |That, one lovely round trip is.| {1.39} <1.00> | | | |-[107.84] # 8 {-35.43} --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 827.1M = 834.6M) [0]. | | |That, one liberal great trip is.| {1.24} <0.19> | | |That, one great liberal trip is.| {1.24} <1.00> | | | |-[108.50] # 9 {-35.43} --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <101:949> {7147:894} (7.5M 827.1M = 834.6M) [0]. | | |That, one flexible great trip is.| {1.24} <0.19> | | |That, one great flexible trip is.| {1.24} <1.00> | |-[115.28] # 8 {-23.33} --- 20 (6.72:0.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (129.4M 3.7G = 3.8G) [1]. | | | |-[115.91] # 0 {-21.84} --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 801.7M = 808.9M) [0]. | | |It is one smooth great trip.| {-1.82} <0.19> | | |It is one great smooth trip.| {-1.82} <1.00> | | | |-[116.54] # 1 {-22.22} --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 801.4M = 808.6M) [0]. | | |It is one round great trip.| {-1.82} <0.21> | | |It is one great round trip.| {-1.82} <1.00> | | | |-[117.17] # 2 {-22.71} --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 800.4M = 807.7M) [0]. | | |It is one smooth beautiful trip.| {-1.65} <0.19> | | |It is one beautiful smooth trip.| {-1.65} <1.00> | | | |-[117.80] # 3 {-23.10} --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 800.1M = 807.4M) [0]. | | |It is one round beautiful trip.| {-1.65} <0.21> | | |It is one beautiful round trip.| {-1.65} <1.00> | | | |-[119.89] # 4 {-23.66} --- 2 (2.05:1.44|0.00:2.05 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 800.3M = 807.5M) [1]. | | |It is one smooth grand trip.| {-1.66} <0.19> | | |It is one grand smooth trip.| {-1.66} <1.00> | | | |-[120.52] # 5 {-24.07} --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 799.8M = 807.0M) [0]. | | |It is one round grand trip.| {-1.66} <0.21> | | |It is one grand round trip.| {-1.66} <1.00> | | | |-[121.16] # 6 {-28.04} --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 800.4M = 807.6M) [0]. | | |It is one smooth lovely trip.| {-1.66} <0.19> | | |It is one lovely smooth trip.| {-1.66} <1.00> | | | |-[121.79] # 7 {-28.53} --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 800.1M = 807.3M) [0]. | | |It is one round lovely trip.| {-1.66} <0.21> | | |It is one lovely round trip.| {-1.66} <1.00> | | | |-[122.41] # 8 {-31.28} --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 801.7M = 809.0M) [0]. | | |It is one liberal great trip.| {-1.82} <0.19> | | |It is one great liberal trip.| {-1.82} <1.00> | | | |-[123.04] # 9 {-31.28} --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <101:1028> {4738:933} (7.2M 801.8M = 809.0M) [0]. | | |It is one flexible great trip.| {-1.82} <0.19> | | |It is one great flexible trip.| {-1.82} <1.00> | |-[131.05] # 9 {-23.38} --- 20 (7.08:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (129.4M 3.7G = 3.8G) [1]. | | | |-[131.66] # 0 {-24.20} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 806.4M = 813.7M) [0]. | | |That is one smooth great trip.| {0.16} <0.19> | | |That is one great smooth trip.| {0.16} <1.00> | | | |-[132.26] # 1 {-24.63} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 806.1M = 813.4M) [0]. | | |That is one round great trip.| {0.16} <0.21> | | |That is one great round trip.| {0.16} <1.00> | | | |-[132.87] # 2 {-25.19} --- 2 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 805.1M = 812.4M) [0]. | | |That is one smooth beautiful trip.| {0.33} <0.19> | | |That is one beautiful smooth trip.| {0.33} <1.00> | | | |-[133.48] # 3 {-25.64} --- 2 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 804.8M = 812.1M) [0]. | | |That is one round beautiful trip.| {0.33} <0.21> | | |That is one beautiful round trip.| {0.33} <1.00> | | | |-[134.08] # 4 {-26.28} --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 804.8M = 812.1M) [0]. | | |That is one smooth grand trip.| {0.32} <0.19> | | |That is one grand smooth trip.| {0.32} <1.00> | | | |-[134.68] # 5 {-26.76} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 804.5M = 811.8M) [0]. | | |That is one round grand trip.| {0.32} <0.21> | | |That is one grand round trip.| {0.32} <1.00> | | | |-[135.29] # 6 {-31.32} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 805.0M = 812.3M) [0]. | | |That is one smooth lovely trip.| {0.32} <0.19> | | |That is one lovely smooth trip.| {0.32} <1.00> | | | |-[135.89] # 7 {-31.88} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 804.8M = 812.1M) [0]. | | |That is one round lovely trip.| {0.32} <0.21> | | |That is one lovely round trip.| {0.32} <1.00> | | | |-[136.49] # 8 {-35.06} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 806.4M = 813.8M) [0]. | | |That is one liberal great trip.| {0.16} <0.19> | | |That is one great liberal trip.| {0.16} <1.00> | | | |-[137.10] # 9 {-35.06} --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <101:1028> {4656:977} (7.3M 806.5M = 813.8M) [0]. | | |That is one flexible great trip.| {0.16} <0.19> | | |That is one great flexible trip.| {0.16} <1.00> | |< |Det er en flott rundtur.| (450) --- 10 x 200 x 240 = 240 |@ |It's a fine round tour.| |@ |This is an excellent round trip.| |> |It, a smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.95} <0.21> (1:2:0). |> |It, a beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.95} <1.00> (1:2:1). |> |It, a round beautiful trip is.| {0.94} <0.23> (1:3:0). |> |It, a beautiful round trip is.| {0.94} <1.00> (1:3:1). |> |It, a grand smooth trip is.| {0.94} <1.00> (1:4:1). |> |It, a smooth grand trip is.| {0.94} <0.21> (1:4:0). |> |It, a grand round trip is.| {0.93} <1.00> (1:5:1). |> |It, a round grand trip is.| {0.93} <0.23> (1:5:0). |> |It, a smooth great trip is.| {0.93} <0.21> (1:0:0). |> |It, a great smooth trip is.| {0.93} <1.00> (1:0:1). |> |It, a round great trip is.| {0.92} <0.23> (1:1:0). |> |It, a great round trip is.| {0.92} <1.00> (1:1:1). |> |That, a smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.92} <0.21> (2:2:0). |> |That, a beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.92} <1.00> (2:2:1). |> |That, a beautiful round trip is.| {0.92} <1.00> (2:3:1). |> |That, a round beautiful trip is.| {0.92} <0.23> (2:3:0). |> |That, a smooth grand trip is.| {0.91} <0.21> (2:4:0). |> |That, a grand smooth trip is.| {0.91} <1.00> (2:4:1). |> |That, a grand round trip is.| {0.91} <1.00> (2:5:1). |> |That, a round grand trip is.| {0.91} <0.23> (2:5:0). |> |It, a lovely smooth trip is.| {0.90} <1.00> (1:6:1). |> |It, a smooth lovely trip is.| {0.90} <0.21> (1:6:0). |> |That, a great smooth trip is.| {0.90} <1.00> (2:0:1). |> |That, a smooth great trip is.| {0.90} <0.21> (2:0:0). |> |That, a great round trip is.| {0.90} <1.00> (2:1:1). |> |That, a round great trip is.| {0.90} <0.23> (2:1:0). |> |It, a round lovely trip is.| {0.90} <0.23> (1:7:0). |> |It, a lovely round trip is.| {0.90} <1.00> (1:7:1). |> |That, a lovely smooth trip is.| {0.87} <1.00> (2:6:1). |> |That, a smooth lovely trip is.| {0.87} <0.21> (2:6:0). |> |That, a round lovely trip is.| {0.87} <0.23> (2:7:0). |> |That, a lovely round trip is.| {0.87} <1.00> (2:7:1). |> |Itself, a smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.87} <1.00> (1:2:2). |> |Itself, a beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.87} <1.00> (1:2:3). |> |Itself, a round beautiful trip is.| {0.87} <1.00> (1:3:2). |> |Itself, a beautiful round trip is.| {0.87} <1.00> (1:3:3). |> |Itself, a grand smooth trip is.| {0.86} <1.00> (1:4:3). |> |Itself, a smooth grand trip is.| {0.86} <1.00> (1:4:2). |> |Itself, a grand round trip is.| {0.86} <1.00> (1:5:3). |> |Itself, a round grand trip is.| {0.86} <1.00> (1:5:2). |> |It, a flexible great trip is.| {0.86} <0.21> (1:9:0). |> |It, a great flexible trip is.| {0.86} <1.00> (1:9:1). |> |It, a great liberal trip is.| {0.86} <1.00> (1:8:1). |> |It, a liberal great trip is.| {0.86} <0.21> (1:8:0). |> |Itself, a smooth great trip is.| {0.85} <1.00> (1:0:2). |> |Itself, a great smooth trip is.| {0.85} <1.00> (1:0:3). |> |Itself, a round great trip is.| {0.85} <1.00> (1:1:2). |> |Itself, a great round trip is.| {0.85} <1.00> (1:1:3). |> |Itself, a lovely smooth trip is.| {0.83} <1.00> (1:6:3). |> |Itself, a smooth lovely trip is.| {0.83} <1.00> (1:6:2). |> |That, a great flexible trip is.| {0.82} <1.00> (2:9:1). |> |That, a flexible great trip is.| {0.82} <0.21> (2:9:0). |> |That, a great liberal trip is.| {0.82} <1.00> (2:8:1). |> |That, a liberal great trip is.| {0.82} <0.21> (2:8:0). |> |Itself, a round lovely trip is.| {0.82} <1.00> (1:7:2). |> |Itself, a lovely round trip is.| {0.82} <1.00> (1:7:3). |> |Itself, a great flexible trip is.| {0.78} <1.00> (1:9:3). |> |Itself, a liberal great trip is.| {0.78} <1.00> (1:8:2). |> |Itself, a flexible great trip is.| {0.78} <1.00> (1:9:2). |> |Itself, a great liberal trip is.| {0.78} <1.00> (1:8:3). |> |There is a beautiful smooth trip.| {0.74} <1.00> (0:2:1). |> |There is a smooth beautiful trip.| {0.74} <0.21> (0:2:0). |> |That, one smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.74} <0.19> (7:2:0). |> |That, one beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.74} <1.00> (7:2:1). |> |That, one round beautiful trip is.| {0.74} <0.21> (7:3:0). |> |That, one beautiful round trip is.| {0.74} <1.00> (7:3:1). |> |It, one smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.74} <0.19> (6:2:0). |> |It, one beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.74} <1.00> (6:2:1). |> |There is a beautiful round trip.| {0.74} <1.00> (0:3:1). |> |There is a round beautiful trip.| {0.74} <0.23> (0:3:0). |> |It, one beautiful round trip is.| {0.74} <1.00> (6:3:1). |> |It, one round beautiful trip is.| {0.74} <0.21> (6:3:0). |> |That, one grand smooth trip is.| {0.73} <1.00> (7:4:1). |> |That, one smooth grand trip is.| {0.73} <0.19> (7:4:0). |> |It, one grand smooth trip is.| {0.73} <1.00> (6:4:1). |> |It, one smooth grand trip is.| {0.73} <0.19> (6:4:0). |> |That, one grand round trip is.| {0.73} <1.00> (7:5:1). |> |That, one round grand trip is.| {0.73} <0.21> (7:5:0). |> |There is a smooth great trip.| {0.73} <0.21> (0:0:0). |> |There is a great smooth trip.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:0:1). |> |There is a grand smooth trip.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:4:1). |> |There is a smooth grand trip.| {0.73} <0.21> (0:4:0). |> |It, one round grand trip is.| {0.73} <0.21> (6:5:0). |> |It, one grand round trip is.| {0.73} <1.00> (6:5:1). |> |That, one great smooth trip is.| {0.73} <1.00> (7:0:1). |> |That, one smooth great trip is.| {0.73} <0.19> (7:0:0). |> |There is a great round trip.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |There is a round great trip.| {0.73} <0.23> (0:1:0). |> |There is a round grand trip.| {0.72} <0.23> (0:5:0). |> |There is a grand round trip.| {0.72} <1.00> (0:5:1). |> |That, one round great trip is.| {0.72} <0.21> (7:1:0). |> |That, one great round trip is.| {0.72} <1.00> (7:1:1). |> |It, one great smooth trip is.| {0.72} <1.00> (6:0:1). |> |It, one smooth great trip is.| {0.72} <0.19> (6:0:0). |> |It, one great round trip is.| {0.72} <1.00> (6:1:1). |> |It, one round great trip is.| {0.72} <0.21> (6:1:0). |> |It, one lovely smooth trip is.| {0.70} <1.00> (6:6:1). |> |It, one smooth lovely trip is.| {0.70} <0.19> (6:6:0). |> |That, one smooth lovely trip is.| {0.70} <0.19> (7:6:0). |> |That, one lovely smooth trip is.| {0.70} <1.00> (7:6:1). |> |It, one round lovely trip is.| {0.70} <0.21> (6:7:0). |> |It, one lovely round trip is.| {0.70} <1.00> (6:7:1). |> |That, one round lovely trip is.| {0.70} <0.21> (7:7:0). |> |That, one lovely round trip is.| {0.70} <1.00> (7:7:1). |> |Itself, one beautiful smooth trip is.| {0.69} <1.00> (6:2:3). |> |Itself, one smooth beautiful trip is.| {0.69} <1.00> (6:2:2). |> |Itself, one round beautiful trip is.| {0.69} <1.00> (6:3:2). |> |Itself, one beautiful round trip is.| {0.69} <1.00> (6:3:3). |> |Itself, one smooth grand trip is.| {0.68} <1.00> (6:4:2). |> |Itself, one grand smooth trip is.| {0.68} <1.00> (6:4:3). |> |Itself, one grand round trip is.| {0.68} <1.00> (6:5:3). |> |Itself, one round grand trip is.| {0.68} <1.00> (6:5:2). |> |Itself, one smooth great trip is.| {0.67} <1.00> (6:0:2). |> |Itself, one great smooth trip is.| {0.67} <1.00> (6:0:3). |> |Itself, one great round trip is.| {0.67} <1.00> (6:1:3). |> |Itself, one round great trip is.| {0.67} <1.00> (6:1:2). |> |There is a smooth lovely trip.| {0.67} <0.21> (0:6:0). |> |There is a lovely smooth trip.| {0.67} <1.00> (0:6:1). |> |There is one beautiful smooth trip.| {0.66} <1.00> (5:2:1). |> |There is one smooth beautiful trip.| {0.66} <0.19> (5:2:0). |> |There is a lovely round trip.| {0.66} <1.00> (0:7:1). |> |There is a round lovely trip.| {0.66} <0.23> (0:7:0). |> |There is one round beautiful trip.| {0.66} <0.21> (5:3:0). |> |There is one beautiful round trip.| {0.66} <1.00> (5:3:1). |> |It, one flexible great trip is.| {0.65} <0.19> (6:9:0). |> |It, one great liberal trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:8:1). |> |It, one great flexible trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:9:1). |> |It, one liberal great trip is.| {0.65} <0.19> (6:8:0). |> |There is one smooth grand trip.| {0.65} <0.19> (5:4:0). |> |There is one grand smooth trip.| {0.65} <1.00> (5:4:1). |> |Itself, one lovely smooth trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:6:3). |> |Itself, one smooth lovely trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:6:2). |> |That, one great flexible trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (7:9:1). |> |That, one great liberal trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (7:8:1). |> |That, one flexible great trip is.| {0.65} <0.19> (7:9:0). |> |That, one liberal great trip is.| {0.65} <0.19> (7:8:0). |> |There is one great smooth trip.| {0.65} <1.00> (5:0:1). |> |There is one smooth great trip.| {0.65} <0.19> (5:0:0). |> |Itself, one round lovely trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:7:2). |> |Itself, one lovely round trip is.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:7:3). |> |There is one round grand trip.| {0.65} <0.21> (5:5:0). |> |There is one grand round trip.| {0.65} <1.00> (5:5:1). |> |That is a beautiful smooth trip.| {0.65} <1.00> (4:2:1). |> |That is a smooth beautiful trip.| {0.65} <0.21> (4:2:0). |> |There is one great round trip.| {0.65} <1.00> (5:1:1). |> |There is one round great trip.| {0.65} <0.21> (5:1:0). |> |That is a round beautiful trip.| {0.64} <0.23> (4:3:0). |> |That is a beautiful round trip.| {0.64} <1.00> (4:3:1). |> |That is a smooth grand trip.| {0.64} <0.21> (4:4:0). |> |That is a grand smooth trip.| {0.64} <1.00> (4:4:1). |> |That is a grand round trip.| {0.63} <1.00> (4:5:1). |> |That is a round grand trip.| {0.63} <0.23> (4:5:0). |> |That is a great smooth trip.| {0.63} <1.00> (4:0:1). |> |That is a smooth great trip.| {0.63} <0.21> (4:0:0). |> |That is a great round trip.| {0.63} <1.00> (4:1:1). |> |That is a round great trip.| {0.63} <0.23> (4:1:0). |> |Itself, one flexible great trip is.| {0.61} <1.00> (6:9:2). |> |Itself, one great liberal trip is.| {0.61} <1.00> (6:8:3). |> |Itself, one liberal great trip is.| {0.61} <1.00> (6:8:2). |> |Itself, one great flexible trip is.| {0.61} <1.00> (6:9:3). |> |There is a liberal great trip.| {0.60} <0.21> (0:8:0). |> |There is a great liberal trip.| {0.60} <1.00> (0:8:1). |> |There is a great flexible trip.| {0.60} <1.00> (0:9:1). |> |There is a flexible great trip.| {0.60} <0.21> (0:9:0). |> |That is a smooth lovely trip.| {0.60} <0.21> (4:6:0). |> |That is a lovely smooth trip.| {0.60} <1.00> (4:6:1). |> |There is one smooth lovely trip.| {0.60} <0.19> (5:6:0). |> |There is one lovely smooth trip.| {0.60} <1.00> (5:6:1). |> |That is a lovely round trip.| {0.60} <1.00> (4:7:1). |> |That is a round lovely trip.| {0.60} <0.23> (4:7:0). |> |There is one lovely round trip.| {0.59} <1.00> (5:7:1). |> |There is one round lovely trip.| {0.59} <0.21> (5:7:0). |> |That is one beautiful smooth trip.| {0.56} <1.00> (9:2:1). |> |That is one smooth beautiful trip.| {0.56} <0.19> (9:2:0). |> |That is one round beautiful trip.| {0.56} <0.21> (9:3:0). |> |That is one beautiful round trip.| {0.56} <1.00> (9:3:1). |> |That is one grand smooth trip.| {0.55} <1.00> (9:4:1). |> |That is one smooth grand trip.| {0.55} <0.19> (9:4:0). |> |That is a great flexible trip.| {0.55} <1.00> (4:9:1). |> |That is a flexible great trip.| {0.55} <0.21> (4:9:0). |> |That is a great liberal trip.| {0.55} <1.00> (4:8:1). |> |That is a liberal great trip.| {0.55} <0.21> (4:8:0). |> |That is one round grand trip.| {0.55} <0.21> (9:5:0). |> |That is one grand round trip.| {0.55} <1.00> (9:5:1). |> |That is one smooth great trip.| {0.54} <0.19> (9:0:0). |> |That is one great smooth trip.| {0.54} <1.00> (9:0:1). |> |That is one great round trip.| {0.54} <1.00> (9:1:1). |> |That is one round great trip.| {0.54} <0.21> (9:1:0). |> |There is one great liberal trip.| {0.54} <1.00> (5:8:1). |> |There is one great flexible trip.| {0.54} <1.00> (5:9:1). |> |There is one liberal great trip.| {0.54} <0.19> (5:8:0). |> |There is one flexible great trip.| {0.54} <0.19> (5:9:0). |> |That is one lovely smooth trip.| {0.52} <1.00> (9:6:1). |> |That is one smooth lovely trip.| {0.52} <0.19> (9:6:0). |> |That is one round lovely trip.| {0.51} <0.21> (9:7:0). |> |That is one lovely round trip.| {0.51} <1.00> (9:7:1). |> |That is one great flexible trip.| {0.47} <1.00> (9:9:1). |> |That is one great liberal trip.| {0.47} <1.00> (9:8:1). |> |That is one flexible great trip.| {0.47} <0.19> (9:9:0). |> |That is one liberal great trip.| {0.47} <0.19> (9:8:0). |> |It is a smooth beautiful trip.| {0.37} <0.21> (3:2:0). |> |It is a beautiful smooth trip.| {0.37} <1.00> (3:2:1). |> |It is a round beautiful trip.| {0.37} <0.23> (3:3:0). |> |It is a beautiful round trip.| {0.37} <1.00> (3:3:1). |> |It is a smooth grand trip.| {0.36} <0.21> (3:4:0). |> |It is a grand smooth trip.| {0.36} <1.00> (3:4:1). |> |It is a grand round trip.| {0.36} <1.00> (3:5:1). |> |It is a round grand trip.| {0.36} <0.23> (3:5:0). |> |It is a smooth great trip.| {0.35} <0.21> (3:0:0). |> |It is a great smooth trip.| {0.35} <1.00> (3:0:1). |> |It is a round great trip.| {0.35} <0.23> (3:1:0). |> |It is a great round trip.| {0.35} <1.00> (3:1:1). |> |It is a smooth lovely trip.| {0.33} <0.21> (3:6:0). |> |It is a lovely smooth trip.| {0.33} <1.00> (3:6:1). |> |It is a round lovely trip.| {0.33} <0.23> (3:7:0). |> |It is a lovely round trip.| {0.33} <1.00> (3:7:1). |> |It is one smooth beautiful trip.| {0.29} <0.19> (8:2:0). |> |It is one beautiful smooth trip.| {0.29} <1.00> (8:2:1). |> |It is a great flexible trip.| {0.28} <1.00> (3:9:1). |> |It is a liberal great trip.| {0.28} <0.21> (3:8:0). |> |It is a great liberal trip.| {0.28} <1.00> (3:8:1). |> |It is a flexible great trip.| {0.28} <0.21> (3:9:0). |> |It is one round beautiful trip.| {0.28} <0.21> (8:3:0). |> |It is one beautiful round trip.| {0.28} <1.00> (8:3:1). |> |It is one smooth grand trip.| {0.28} <0.19> (8:4:0). |> |It is one grand smooth trip.| {0.28} <1.00> (8:4:1). |> |It is one grand round trip.| {0.27} <1.00> (8:5:1). |> |It is one round grand trip.| {0.27} <0.21> (8:5:0). |> |It is one great smooth trip.| {0.27} <1.00> (8:0:1). |> |It is one smooth great trip.| {0.27} <0.19> (8:0:0). |> |It is one round great trip.| {0.26} <0.21> (8:1:0). |> |It is one great round trip.| {0.26} <1.00> (8:1:1). |> |It is one lovely smooth trip.| {0.25} <1.00> (8:6:1). |> |It is one smooth lovely trip.| {0.25} <0.19> (8:6:0). |> |It is one lovely round trip.| {0.24} <1.00> (8:7:1). |> |It is one round lovely trip.| {0.24} <0.21> (8:7:0). |> |It is one great liberal trip.| {0.20} <1.00> (8:8:1). |> |It is one flexible great trip.| {0.20} <0.19> (8:9:0). |> |It is one liberal great trip.| {0.20} <0.19> (8:8:0). |> |It is one great flexible trip.| {0.20} <1.00> (8:9:1). |= 24:10 of 45 {53.3+22.2}; 18:2 of 24:10 {75.0 20.0}; 10:1 of 18:2 {55.6 50.0} @ 11 of 45 {24.4} <0.24 1.00>. [03:28:48] (460) |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.74] # 0 {0.00} --- 1 (0.54|0.00:0.00 s) <:5> (6.8M 226.1M = 232.8M) [0]. | | | |-[0.86] # 0 {-22.90} --- 1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 119.2M = 121.0M) [0]. | | |Communications.| {0.34} <1.00> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| (460) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Transportation| |@ |Public transportation| |@ |Communications| |> |Communications.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 25:10 of 46 {54.3+21.7}; 19:2 of 25:10 {76.0 20.0}; 11:1 of 19:2 {57.9 50.0} @ 12 of 46 {26.1} <0.26 1.00>. [03:28:49] (470) |Bilvei og bussruter over Sognefjellet.| --- 2 [6] (0.18|0.00:0.21 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[10.75] # 2 {-17.15} --- 18 (8.98:0.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:191> (197.6M 5.1G = 5.3G) [1]. | | | |-[11.00] # 0 {-19.55} --- (0.22|0.22 s) <32:258> {925:157} (4.0M 280.1M = 284.0M) [0]. | | | |-[11.32] # 1 {-19.81} --- (0.22|0.22 s) <32:258> {925:157} (4.0M 279.3M = 283.2M) [0]. | | | |-[11.64] # 2 {-20.19} --- (0.22|0.22 s) <33:276> {947:167} (4.0M 286.5M = 290.5M) [0]. | | | |-[11.96] # 3 {-20.46} --- (0.23|0.23 s) <33:276> {947:167} (4.0M 286.2M = 290.2M) [0]. | | | |-[12.29] # 4 {-21.75} --- (0.26|0.26 s) <32:258> {925:157} (4.0M 279.2M = 283.2M) [0]. | | | |-[12.67] # 5 {-22.46} --- (0.27|0.27 s) <33:276> {947:167} (4.0M 286.2M = 290.2M) [0]. | | | |-[13.11] # 6 {-23.35} --- (0.41|0.41 s) <40:573> {1887:419} (4.8M 450.8M = 455.6M) [0]. | | | |-[13.50] # 7 {-23.36} --- (0.33|0.33 s) <37:311> {1403:192} (4.9M 359.7M = 364.6M) [0]. | | | |-[15.50] # 8 {-23.61} --- (1.63:1.33|1.63 s) <37:311> {1403:192} (4.9M 360.0M = 364.9M) [1]. | | | |-[15.84] # 9 {-23.66} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <40:573> {1887:419} (4.8M 450.3M = 455.1M) [0]. | |-[32.63] # 4 {-19.14} --- 36 (16.64:0.54|0.00:0.00 s) <:266> (381.7M 10.2G = 10.5G) [3]. | | | |-[33.02] # 0 {-18.55} --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <40:366> {1352:290} (5.2M 348.3M = 353.5M) [0]. | | |A road and bus routes over Sognefjellet.| {0.56} <0.70> | | | |-[33.42] # 1 {-18.55} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <32:354> {1309:223} (4.5M 337.1M = 341.6M) [0]. | | | |-[33.82] # 2 {-19.23} --- 1 (0.34|0.00:0.34 s) <40:366> {1352:290} (5.2M 348.0M = 353.2M) [0]. | | |A road and bus routes across Sognefjellet.| {0.64} <0.38> | | | |-[34.22] # 3 {-19.23} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <32:354> {1309:223} (4.5M 336.8M = 341.3M) [0]. | | | |-[34.62] # 4 {-19.54} --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <41:388> {1374:300} (5.2M 355.3M = 360.6M) [0]. | | |A road and bus services over Sognefjellet.| {1.42} <0.32> | | | |-[35.02] # 5 {-19.54} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <33:376> {1331:233} (4.6M 345.9M = 350.5M) [0]. | | | |-[35.36] # 6 {-20.36} --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <41:388> {1374:300} (5.2M 355.0M = 360.3M) [0]. | | |A road and bus services across Sognefjellet.| {1.50} <0.27> | | | |-[35.68] # 7 {-20.37} --- (0.24|0.24 s) <33:376> {1331:233} (4.6M 345.6M = 350.1M) [0]. | | | |-[36.01] # 8 {-21.02} --- 1 (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <40:366> {1352:290} (5.2M 348.0M = 353.2M) [0]. | | |A road and bus routes above Sognefjellet.| {0.64} <0.38> | | | |-[36.35] # 9 {-21.02} --- (0.26|0.26 s) <32:354> {1309:223} (4.5M 336.7M = 341.3M) [0]. | |< |Bilvei og bussruter over Sognefjellet.| (470) --- 2 x 54 x 5 = 5 |@ |Road and bus service over Sognefjell.| |@ |Road and bus service over Sognefjellet.| |@ |Automobile road and bus routes over Sognefjellet.| |> |A road and bus services across Sognefjellet.| {0.73} <0.27> (4:6:0). |> |A road and bus services over Sognefjellet.| {0.71} <0.32> (4:4:0). |> |A road and bus routes across Sognefjellet.| {0.23} <0.38> (4:2:0). |> |A road and bus routes over Sognefjellet.| {0.20} <0.70> (4:0:0). |> |A road and bus routes above Sognefjellet.| {0.16} <0.38> (4:8:0). |= 26:10 of 47 {55.3+21.3}; 20:2 of 26:10 {76.9 20.0}; 12:1 of 20:2 {60.0 50.0} @ 13 of 47 {27.7} <0.27 0.98>. [03:29:26] (480) |Kort og bratt i Utladalen| --- ^5 [48] (0.46|0.00:0.47 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[5.27] # 0 {-5.96} --- 12 (4.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:29> (76.8M 2.3G = 2.4G) [0]. | | | |-[5.38] # 0 {-103.05} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[5.69] # 1 {-123.90} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[5.99] # 2 {-127.78} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[6.30] # 3 {-130.57} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[6.61] # 4 {-146.76} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[6.92] # 5 {-153.64} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[7.24] # 6 {-156.99} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[7.55] # 7 {-176.46} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[7.87] # 8 {-181.98} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[8.18] # 9 {-185.95} --- 1 (0.08|0.00:0.08 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | |-[12.43] # 1 {-6.05} --- 12 (4.18:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:29> (76.8M 2.3G = 2.4G) [1]. | | | |-[12.53] # 0 {-103.05} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[12.84] # 1 {-123.90} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[13.14] # 2 {-127.78} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[13.44] # 3 {-130.57} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[13.75] # 4 {-146.76} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[14.06] # 5 {-153.64} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[14.36] # 6 {-156.99} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[14.67] # 7 {-176.46} --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[14.98] # 8 {-181.98} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[15.29] # 9 {-185.95} --- 1 (0.08|0.00:0.08 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | |-[19.76] # 2 {-6.05} --- 12 (4.40|0.00:0.00 s) <:29> (76.8M 2.3G = 2.4G) [0]. | | | |-[19.87] # 0 {-103.05} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[20.18] # 1 {-123.90} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[20.49] # 2 {-127.78} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[20.80] # 3 {-130.57} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[21.11] # 4 {-146.76} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[21.41] # 5 {-153.64} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[21.72] # 6 {-156.99} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[22.03] # 7 {-176.46} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[22.33] # 8 {-181.98} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[22.64] # 9 {-185.95} --- 1 (0.08|0.00:0.08 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | |-[22.66] # 3 {-6.14} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[27.48] # 4 {-6.14} --- 12 (4.71:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:29> (76.8M 2.3G = 2.4G) [1]. | | | |-[27.58] # 0 {-103.05} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[27.89] # 1 {-123.90} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[28.20] # 2 {-127.78} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[28.52] # 3 {-130.57} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[28.83] # 4 {-146.76} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[29.13] # 5 {-153.64} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[29.44] # 6 {-156.99} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[29.75] # 7 {-176.46} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <8:36> {38:20} (1.5M 82.5M = 84.0M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[30.07] # 8 {-181.98} --- 1 (0.08|0.00:0.08 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | | | |-[30.38] # 9 {-185.95} --- 1 (0.09|0.00:0.09 s) <4:31> {28:16} (1.4M 76.4M = 77.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| {27.10} <0.00> | |< |Kort og bratt i Utladalen| (480) --- ^5 x 48 x 40 = 1 [40] |@ |Short and Steep in Utladalen| |@ |Short and steep in Utladalen| |@ |Short and Steep in Utladalen| |> |... || ...| {0.40} <0.00> (0:0:0). |= 26:11 of 48 {54.2+22.9}; 20:3 of 26:11 {76.9 27.3}; 12:2 of 20:3 {60.0 66.7} @ 14 of 48 {29.2} <0.26 0.91>. [03:29:56] (490) |Turen starter lett med fem kilometer langs Folkeveien til Vetti.| --- 6 [46] (11.74|0.00:12.15 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[16.86] # 11 {-39.62} --- 8 (3.89|0.00:0.00 s) <:50> (80.4M 2.1G = 2.2G) [0]. | | | |-[17.78] # 0 {-22.92} --- (0.90|0.90 s) <130:1429> {9396:1225} (9.9M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[18.57] # 1 {-25.37} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <98:1214> {9112:1065} (8.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[19.38] # 2 {-25.88} --- (0.78|0.78 s) <106:1231> {9124:1073} (9.1M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[20.32] # 3 {-27.76} --- (0.91|0.91 s) <130:1429> {9396:1225} (9.9M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[21.13] # 4 {-27.83} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <98:1214> {9112:1065} (8.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[21.93] # 5 {-30.71} --- (0.78|0.78 s) <98:1214> {9112:1065} (8.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[23.98] # 6 {-31.34} --- (2.02:1.23|2.02 s) <106:1231> {9124:1073} (9.1M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[24.78] # 7 {-33.69} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <98:1214> {9112:1065} (8.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | |-[28.80] # 15 {-39.70} --- 8 (3.85:0.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (68.6M 1.9G = 1.9G) [1]. | | | |-[30.84] # 0 {-32.25} --- (2.02|2.02 s) <102:2800> {20641:2543} (12.4M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | | |-[32.85] # 1 {-35.96} --- (1.80|1.80 s) <90:2631> {20371:2433} (11.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[34.85] # 2 {-36.70} --- (1.76|1.76 s) <98:2689> {20455:2469} (12.0M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[36.86] # 3 {-40.14} --- (1.91|1.91 s) <90:2631> {20371:2433} (11.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[39.04] # 4 {-40.73} --- (2.16|2.16 s) <102:2800> {20641:2543} (12.4M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | | |-[41.04] # 5 {-45.41} --- (1.97|1.97 s) <90:2631> {20371:2433} (11.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[43.12] # 6 {-46.35} --- (2.05|2.05 s) <98:2689> {20455:2469} (12.1M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[47.12] # 7 {-50.69} --- (3.77:1.84|3.77 s) <90:2631> {20371:2433} (11.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [1]. | |-[51.13] # 25 {-40.22} --- 8 (3.61|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (68.6M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[55.15] # 0 {-30.31} --- 28 (3.64|0.00:3.64 s) <102:4931> {38220:4758} (28.1M 4.4G = 4.4G) [0]. | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {6.05} <0.66> | | |The trip starts easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.29} <1.00> | | |The trip starts easily to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {4.69} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.44} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.35} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {3.50} <1.00> | | |The trip starts easily to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {3.35} <1.00> | | |The trip starts easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {3.24} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.99} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.69} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.53} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.35} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.96} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {1.20} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.75} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.71} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-0.05} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.82} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-0.93} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily.| {-1.64} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.69} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-1.80} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-1.93} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-2.23} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-3.12} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-3.48} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily.| {-3.69} <1.00> | | | |-[59.17] # 1 {-33.80} --- 28 (3.23|0.00:3.23 s) <90:4646> {37702:4572} (27.4M 3.8G = 3.8G) [0]. | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.86} <0.65> | | |The trip starts slightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.85} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.25} <1.00> | | |The trip starts slightly to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {4.24} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.16} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {3.31} <1.00> | | |The trip starts slightly to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.91} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.88} <1.00> | | |The trip starts slightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {2.80} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.50} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.24} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.77} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti slightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {1.75} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.64} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.59} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti slightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.41} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-0.50} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-0.83} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.94} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-1.03} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly.| {-1.21} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-1.49} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.80} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-2.58} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-2.68} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-3.01} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-3.04} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly.| {-3.26} <1.00> | | | |-[63.18] # 2 {-34.49} --- 28 (3.37|0.00:3.37 s) <98:4754> {37878:4640} (27.7M 4.0G = 4.0G) [0]. | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.17} <0.65> | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {3.56} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {3.47} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {3.46} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.82} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.62} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti simply with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.57} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {2.50} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {1.81} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {1.26} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti simply with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {1.23} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.14} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.08} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.83} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.45} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {0.30} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {0.08} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {-0.08} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.75} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply.| {-0.92} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.26} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-1.40} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {-1.48} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {-1.88} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-2.39} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply.| {-2.97} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-3.58} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-3.94} <1.00> | | | |-[69.20] # 3 {-37.72} --- 28 (4.88:1.63|0.00:4.87 s) <90:4646> {37702:4572} (27.4M 3.8G = 3.8G) [1]. | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.86} <0.65> | | |The trip starts lightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.76} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.25} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.16} <1.00> | | |The trip starts lightly to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {4.15} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {3.31} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.82} <1.00> | | |The trip starts lightly to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.81} <1.00> | | |The trip starts lightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {2.71} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.50} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {2.18} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.77} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti lightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {1.66} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.58} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.53} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti lightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.32} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-0.49} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-0.92} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.00} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-1.12} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly.| {-1.20} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-1.48} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.86} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-2.67} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-2.67} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-3.04} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-3.10} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly.| {-3.25} <1.00> | | | |-[73.22] # 4 {-37.93} --- 28 (3.77|0.00:3.77 s) <102:4931> {38220:4758} (28.1M 4.4G = 4.4G) [0]. | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {6.05} <0.42> | | |The trip starts easily with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.29} <1.00> | | |The trip starts easily to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {4.68} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.44} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.38} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {3.50} <1.00> | | |The trip starts easily to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {3.38} <1.00> | | |The trip starts easily with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {3.27} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.99} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.72} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti easily with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.53} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.38} <1.00> | | |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.99} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti easily with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {1.22} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.75} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.70} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-0.05} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.80} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-0.93} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily.| {-1.64} <1.00> | | |The trip easily starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.67} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-1.78} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-1.93} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {-2.21} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-3.09} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {-3.46} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily.| {-3.67} <1.00> | | | |-[77.24] # 5 {-42.29} --- 28 (3.41|0.00:3.41 s) <90:4646> {37702:4572} (27.4M 3.8G = 3.8G) [0]. | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.86} <0.40> | | |The trip starts slightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.85} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.25} <1.00> | | |The trip starts slightly to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {4.24} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.19} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {3.31} <1.00> | | |The trip starts slightly to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.93} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.88} <1.00> | | |The trip starts slightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {2.82} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.53} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.27} <1.00> | | |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.80} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti slightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {1.75} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.64} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.59} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti slightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.44} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-0.50} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-0.83} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.91} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-1.03} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly.| {-1.21} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-1.49} <1.00> | | |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.78} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-2.56} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-2.66} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {-2.99} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {-3.02} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly.| {-3.23} <1.00> | | | |-[81.26] # 6 {-43.16} --- 28 (3.72|0.00:3.72 s) <98:4754> {37878:4640} (27.7M 4.0G = 4.0G) [0]. | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.17} <0.40> | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {3.56} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {3.50} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {3.46} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.85} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.62} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti simply with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.57} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {2.50} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {1.84} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti simply with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {1.26} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {1.25} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.13} <1.00> | | |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.11} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.83} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.48} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {0.30} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {0.08} <1.00> | | |The trip starts simply to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {-0.05} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.72} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply.| {-0.92} <1.00> | | |The trip simply starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.24} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-1.40} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {-1.45} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {-1.86} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-2.39} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply.| {-2.94} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-3.56} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {-3.92} <1.00> | | | |-[87.28] # 7 {-47.20} --- 28 (5.11:1.72|0.00:5.11 s) <90:4646> {37702:4572} (27.4M 3.8G = 3.8G) [1]. | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {5.86} <0.40> | | |The trip starts lightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.76} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.25} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {4.19} <1.00> | | |The trip starts lightly to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {4.15} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {3.31} <1.00> | | |The trip starts lightly to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.84} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.82} <1.00> | | |The trip starts lightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {2.73} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.53} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {2.21} <1.00> | | |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {1.80} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti lightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {1.66} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.58} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.53} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti lightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.35} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-0.49} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-0.92} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-0.97} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-1.12} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly.| {-1.20} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-1.48} <1.00> | | |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {-1.84} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-2.65} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-2.65} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {-3.01} <1.00> | | |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {-3.08} <1.00> | | |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly.| {-3.22} <1.00> | |-[91.29] # 29 {-40.23} --- 8 (3.82:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:50> (80.3M 2.1G = 2.2G) [1]. | | | |-[92.00] # 0 {-23.01} --- (0.69|0.69 s) <130:926> {4611:757} (8.2M 862.1M = 870.2M) [0]. | | | |-[92.60] # 1 {-25.46} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <98:711> {4343:597} (7.2M 673.1M = 680.3M) [0]. | | | |-[93.18] # 2 {-25.98} --- (0.56|0.56 s) <106:728> {4355:605} (7.4M 697.5M = 704.9M) [0]. | | | |-[93.85] # 3 {-27.65} --- (0.64|0.64 s) <130:926> {4611:757} (8.2M 862.5M = 870.7M) [0]. | | | |-[94.40] # 4 {-27.93} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <98:711> {4343:597} (7.2M 673.0M = 680.2M) [0]. | | | |-[94.95] # 5 {-30.60} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <98:711> {4343:597} (7.2M 673.5M = 680.7M) [0]. | | | |-[95.47] # 6 {-31.23} --- (0.50|0.50 s) <106:728> {4355:605} (7.4M 698.0M = 705.3M) [0]. | | | |-[95.99] # 7 {-33.57} --- (0.49|0.49 s) <98:711> {4343:597} (7.2M 673.5M = 680.7M) [0]. | |-[100.00] # 31 {-40.24} --- 8 (3.64|0.00:0.00 s) <:50> (80.3M 2.1G = 2.2G) [0]. | | | |-[102.01] # 0 {-21.79} --- 6 (1.87|0.00:1.87 s) <130:2246> {17349:2078} (15.1M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.88} <0.66> | | |Easy, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {1.92} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {1.17} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {1.17} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.81} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-0.88} <1.00> | | | |-[104.02] # 1 {-24.11} --- 6 (1.56|0.00:1.56 s) <98:1999> {17008:1885} (14.1M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.58} <0.65> | | |Slight, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {1.62} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.51} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-1.18} <1.00> | | | |-[106.03] # 2 {-24.60} --- 6 (1.38|0.00:1.38 s) <106:2016> {17020:1893} (14.2M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.58} <0.65> | | |Simple, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {1.62} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.51} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-1.18} <1.00> | | | |-[108.04] # 3 {-26.18} --- 6 (1.59|0.00:1.59 s) <130:2246> {17349:2078} (15.1M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.87} <0.42> | | |Easy, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {1.92} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {1.20} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {1.17} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.84} <1.00> | | |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-0.86} <1.00> | | | |-[110.87] # 4 {-26.45} --- 6 (2.77:1.37|0.00:2.77 s) <98:1999> {17008:1885} (14.1M 1.7G = 1.7G) [1]. | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.58} <0.65> | | |Light, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {1.62} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.51} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-1.18} <1.00> | | | |-[112.88] # 5 {-28.97} --- 6 (1.37|0.00:1.37 s) <98:1999> {17008:1885} (14.1M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.58} <0.40> | | |Slight, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {1.62} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.90} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.54} <1.00> | | |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-1.16} <1.00> | | | |-[114.89] # 6 {-29.57} --- 6 (1.51|0.00:1.51 s) <106:2016> {17020:1893} (14.3M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.58} <0.40> | | |Simple, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {1.62} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.90} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.54} <1.00> | | |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-1.16} <1.00> | | | |-[116.90] # 7 {-31.78} --- 6 (1.42|0.00:1.42 s) <98:1999> {17008:1885} (14.1M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {2.58} <0.40> | | |Light, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {1.62} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.90} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.87} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.54} <1.00> | | |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {-1.16} <1.00> | |-[120.91] # 37 {-40.40} --- 8 (3.23|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (68.6M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[121.86] # 0 {-32.40} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <102:1284> {9627:1127} (7.7M 1010.1M = 1017.8M) [0]. | | | |-[122.69] # 1 {-36.13} --- (0.81|0.81 s) <90:1171> {9477:1045} (7.2M 870.5M = 877.7M) [0]. | | | |-[123.50] # 2 {-36.87} --- (0.79|0.79 s) <98:1196> {9505:1057} (7.4M 908.3M = 915.7M) [0]. | | | |-[124.24] # 3 {-40.32} --- (0.71|0.71 s) <90:1171> {9477:1045} (7.2M 870.5M = 877.7M) [0]. | | | |-[125.06] # 4 {-40.54} --- (0.79|0.79 s) <102:1284> {9627:1127} (7.7M 1010.5M = 1018.2M) [0]. | | | |-[125.79] # 5 {-45.21} --- (0.71|0.71 s) <90:1171> {9477:1045} (7.2M 870.9M = 878.2M) [0]. | | | |-[126.55] # 6 {-46.14} --- (0.73|0.73 s) <98:1196> {9505:1057} (7.4M 908.8M = 916.2M) [0]. | | | |-[127.29] # 7 {-50.46} --- (0.72|0.72 s) <90:1171> {9477:1045} (7.2M 870.9M = 878.2M) [0]. | |< |Turen starter lett med fem kilometer langs Folkeveien til Vetti.| (490) --- 6 x 48 x 272 = 96 [272] |@ |The hike gets an easy start along three miles of the road Folkeveien to Vetti.| |@ |The hike starts easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| |@ |The trip starts easily with five kilometers along the public road to Vetti.| |> |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.79} <0.66> (25:0:0). |> |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.75} <0.65> (25:1:0). |> |The trip starts easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.74} <1.00> (25:0:1). |> |Easily, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.73} <0.42> (25:4:0). |> |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.72} <0.65> (25:3:0). |> |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.71} <0.65> (25:2:0). |> |The trip starts easily to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.71} <1.00> (25:0:2). |> |Slightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.69} <0.40> (25:5:0). |> |The trip starts slightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.69} <1.00> (25:1:1). |> |The trip starts easily with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.69} <1.00> (25:4:1). |> |Lightly, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.66} <0.40> (25:7:0). |> |The trip starts lightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.66} <1.00> (25:3:1). |> |The trip starts slightly to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.65} <1.00> (25:1:3). |> |The trip starts easily to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.65} <1.00> (25:4:2). |> |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.65} <0.66> (31:0:0). |> |Simply, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.65} <0.40> (25:6:0). |> |Easily, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.63} <1.00> (25:0:5). |> |The trip starts slightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.63} <1.00> (25:5:1). |> |The trip starts lightly to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.62} <1.00> (25:3:4). |> |Easy, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.62} <0.42> (31:3:0). |> |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.62} <0.65> (31:1:0). |> |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.61} <0.65> (31:2:0). |> |The trip easily starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.60} <1.00> (25:0:8). |> |The trip simply starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.60} <1.00> (25:2:3). |> |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.60} <0.65> (31:4:0). |> |Slightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.60} <1.00> (25:1:5). |> |The trip starts slightly to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.60} <1.00> (25:5:3). |> |The trip starts lightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.59} <1.00> (25:7:1). |> |Easy, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.59} <1.00> (31:0:1). |> |Slight, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.58} <0.40> (31:5:0). |> |Easily, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.58} <1.00> (25:4:5). |> |Simple, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.58} <0.40> (31:6:0). |> |The trip starts to Vetti easily with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.58} <1.00> (25:0:10). |> |The trip slightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.57} <1.00> (25:1:7). |> |Lightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.57} <1.00> (25:3:5). |> |Light, the trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| [1] {0.56} <0.40> (31:7:0). |> |Easy, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.56} <1.00> (31:3:1). |> |Slight, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.56} <1.00> (31:1:1). |> |The trip starts lightly to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.56} <1.00> (25:7:4). |> |Simple, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.56} <1.00> (31:2:1). |> |Simply, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.55} <1.00> (25:2:5). |> |The trip easily starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.55} <1.00> (25:4:8). |> |The trip starts to Vetti simply with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.55} <1.00> (25:2:6). |> |The trip starts simply with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.55} <1.00> (25:2:7). |> |The trip simply starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.54} <1.00> (25:6:3). |> |Light, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| [1] {0.54} <1.00> (31:4:1). |> |The trip lightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.54} <1.00> (25:3:6). |> |Slightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.54} <1.00> (25:5:5). |> |Slight, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.52} <1.00> (31:5:1). |> |The trip starts to Vetti easily with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.52} <1.00> (25:4:10). |> |Simple, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.52} <1.00> (31:6:1). |> |The trip slightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.51} <1.00> (25:5:7). |> |Lightly, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.51} <1.00> (25:7:5). |> |Light, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| [1] {0.51} <1.00> (31:7:1). |> |The trip starts to Vetti slightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.50} <1.00> (25:1:12). |> |Simply, the trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.49} <1.00> (25:6:5). |> |The trip starts to Vetti simply with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.49} <1.00> (25:6:6). |> |The trip starts simply with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.49} <1.00> (25:6:7). |> |The trip lightly starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.48} <1.00> (25:7:7). |> |The trip starts to Vetti lightly with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.47} <1.00> (25:3:12). |> |The trip starts simply to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien.| {0.47} <1.00> (25:2:9). |> |The trip easily starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.47} <1.00> (25:0:14). |> |The trip simply starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.46} <1.00> (25:2:11). |> |The trip starts to Vetti slightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.45} <1.00> (25:5:12). |> |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.44} <1.00> (25:1:13). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {0.42} <1.00> (25:0:16). |> |The trip easily starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.42} <1.00> (25:4:14). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {0.41} <1.00> (25:2:15). |> |The trip starts simply to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.41} <1.00> (25:6:10). |> |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.41} <1.00> (25:3:13). |> |The trip starts to Vetti lightly with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien.| {0.41} <1.00> (25:7:12). |> |The trip simply starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.40} <1.00> (25:6:11). |> |The trip slightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.38} <1.00> (25:5:13). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {0.37} <1.00> (25:1:16). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily to Vetti.| {0.37} <1.00> (25:4:16). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {0.37} <1.00> (25:0:19). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply to Vetti.| {0.35} <1.00> (25:6:15). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {0.35} <1.00> (25:1:17). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {0.34} <1.00> (25:3:16). |> |The trip lightly starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti.| {0.34} <1.00> (25:7:13). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien simply.| {0.34} <1.00> (25:2:19). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien slightly.| {0.33} <1.00> (25:1:20). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien easily.| {0.33} <1.00> (25:0:20). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {0.32} <1.00> (25:3:17). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti easily.| {0.32} <1.00> (25:4:19). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers along Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {0.31} <1.00> (25:2:21). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti slightly.| {0.31} <1.00> (25:5:16). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers along Folkeveien lightly.| {0.30} <1.00> (25:3:20). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly to Vetti.| {0.29} <1.00> (25:5:17). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien simply.| {0.28} <1.00> (25:6:19). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti lightly.| {0.28} <1.00> (25:7:16). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien easily.| {0.27} <1.00> (25:4:20). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien slightly.| {0.27} <1.00> (25:5:20). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly to Vetti.| {0.25} <1.00> (25:7:17). |> |The trip starts with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien to Vetti simply.| {0.25} <1.00> (25:6:21). |> |The trip starts to Vetti with five kilometers alongside Folkeveien lightly.| {0.24} <1.00> (25:7:20). |= 27:11 of 49 {55.1+22.4}; 21:3 of 27:11 {77.8 27.3}; 13:2 of 21:3 {61.9 66.7} @ 15 of 49 {30.6} <0.28 0.91>. [03:32:03] (500) |Da bestemte imidlertid bygdefolket i Årdal seg for å bygge vei.| --- 3 (0.90|0.00:0.93 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.05] # 0 {-28.91} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_bestemme_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[36.71] # 1 {-31.66} --- 144 (33.87:0.80|0.00:0.00 s) <:240> (648.5M 17.2G = 17.8G) [5]. | | | |-[38.78] # 0 {-27.22} --- 1 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <137:2039> {8918:1874} (11.9M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The village person in Årdal still decided to build a road then.| [1] {1.85} <0.38> | | | |-[41.35] # 1 {-27.22} --- (2.40:1.71|2.40 s) <129:995> {4079:896} (8.0M 706.5M = 714.5M) [1]. | | | |-[42.30] # 2 {-27.70} --- 1 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <145:1301> {5157:1179} (10.3M 980.3M = 990.6M) [0]. | | |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a road then.| [1] {2.29} <0.38> | | | |-[42.91] # 3 {-27.70} --- (0.45|0.45 s) <137:761> {2642:653} (7.6M 648.3M = 655.9M) [0]. | | | |-[44.97] # 4 {-28.27} --- 1 (0.97|0.00:0.97 s) <137:2039> {8918:1874} (11.8M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |The village person in Årdal still decided to build a path then.| [1] {1.74} <0.27> | | | |-[45.65] # 5 {-28.34} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <129:995> {4079:896} (8.0M 706.3M = 714.3M) [0]. | | | |-[46.41] # 6 {-28.39} --- (0.62|0.62 s) <134:1144> {4574:1010} (8.3M 792.0M = 800.3M) [0]. | | | |-[48.47] # 7 {-28.58} --- 1 (1.26|0.00:1.26 s) <142:2471> {10963:2270} (12.8M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |The village person in Årdal still decided to build a way then.| [1] {0.66} <0.27> | | | |-[49.34] # 8 {-28.83} --- 1 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <145:1301> {5157:1179} (10.3M 979.5M = 989.8M) [0]. | | |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a path then.| [1] {2.18} <0.27> | | | |-[49.95] # 9 {-28.91} --- (0.46|0.46 s) <137:761> {2642:653} (7.6M 648.5M = 656.1M) [0]. | |-[49.99] # 2 {-32.12} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_bestemme_refl_v_rel"|. | |< |Da bestemte imidlertid bygdefolket i Årdal seg for å bygge vei.| (500) --- 3 x 144 x 5 = 5 |@ |Then Årdal residents decided to build a road.| |@ |But then, the locals in Årdal decided to build a road.| |@ |The local citizens of Årdal then decided to build a road.| |> |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a road then.| [1] {0.77} <0.38> (1:2:0). |> |The village person in Årdal still decided to build a road then.| [1] {0.67} <0.38> (1:0:0). |> |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a path then.| [1] {0.60} <0.27> (1:8:0). |> |The village person in Årdal still decided to build a path then.| [1] {0.50} <0.27> (1:4:0). |> |The village person in Årdal still decided to build a way then.| [1] {0.07} <0.27> (1:7:0). |= 28:11 of 50 {56.0+22.0}; 22:3 of 28:11 {78.6 27.3}; 14:2 of 22:3 {63.6 66.7} @ 16 of 50 {32.0} <0.28 0.88>. [03:32:53] (510) |På Vetti er det nå kun kafeteriadrift, men gå innom og få deg litt i magen og kjenn på atmosfæren før du går videre.| --- ^5 [8] (55.06|0.00:55.29 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[56.89] # 0 {-45.71} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[57.01] # 1 {-45.73} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[57.15] # 2 {-46.77} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[57.26] # 3 {-46.79} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[57.41] # 4 {-47.42} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |På Vetti er det nå kun kafeteriadrift, men gå innom og få deg litt i magen og kjenn på atmosfæren før du går videre.| (510) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Vetti has only a cafeteria operating now, but be sure to stop in and savor the atmosphere.| |@ |At Vetti there now is only a cafeteria, but drop in and you'll get something in your stomach and can feel the atmosphere before you go onward.| |@ |At Vetti today, there is only a cafeteria in operation, but drop in and have a bite to eat and soak up the atmosphere before you continue on your way.| |= 28:12 of 51 {54.9+23.5}; 22:3 of 28:12 {78.6 25.0}; 14:2 of 22:3 {63.6 66.7} @ 16 of 51 {31.4} <0.28 0.88>. [03:33:51] (520) |Fyll vannflaska før du starter oppstigningen, du får sikkert behov for noen slurker og pustepauser underveis.| --- ^5 [50] (18.31|0.00:18.48 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[20.11] # 0 {-40.96} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sikkert_a_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[20.20] # 1 {-40.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sikkert_a_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[20.28] # 2 {-40.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sikkert_a_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[20.37] # 3 {-41.00} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sikkert_a_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[20.46] # 4 {-41.37} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sikkert_a_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |< |Fyll vannflaska før du starter oppstigningen, du får sikkert behov for noen slurker og pustepauser underveis.| (520) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Fill your water bottle before the climb, for you will need a few stops for air and water along the way.| |@ |Fill your water bottle before you start the ascent, because you certainly may need a few sips and breathers on the way.| |@ |Fill your canteen before you start climbing; you will definitely need a few swigs and some breathers along the way.| |= 28:13 of 52 {53.8+25.0}; 22:3 of 28:13 {78.6 23.1}; 14:2 of 22:3 {63.6 66.7} @ 16 of 52 {30.8} <0.27 0.88>. [03:34:11] (530) |Oppe i skoggrensa møter stien den gamle stølsveien fra Avdalen, og det går litt utfor før du kommer fram til den idylliske gamle setra Stølsmaradalen.| --- 112 [224] (27.07|0.00:63.99 s) <:> () [20]. | |-[66.68] # 0 {-75.01} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[67.11] # 2 {-75.33} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[67.54] # 3 {-75.39} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[67.96] # 4 {-75.48} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[68.39] # 5 {-75.48} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[68.82] # 8 {-75.71} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[69.25] # 11 {-75.79} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[69.68] # 12 {-75.79} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[70.10] # 13 {-75.86} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[70.53] # 14 {-75.86} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |< |Oppe i skoggrensa møter stien den gamle stølsveien fra Avdalen, og det går litt utfor før du kommer fram til den idylliske gamle setra Stølsmaradalen.| (530) --- 112 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |At timberline the trail meets the old tote road from Avdalen, descending a bit as you reach the scenic old summer farm Stølsmaradalen.| |@ |Up at timberline the trail meets the old cattle track from Avdalen, and goes slightly downhill before you come to the idyllic old summer dairy Stølsmarkdalen.| |@ |Up at the tree line, the path merges with the old farm trail from Avdalen, and it runs a little downhill before you reach the idyllic old mountain pasture Stølsmaradalen.| |= 29:13 of 53 {54.7+24.5}; 22:3 of 29:13 {75.9 23.1}; 14:2 of 22:3 {63.6 66.7} @ 16 of 53 {30.2} <0.27 0.88>. [03:35:22] (540) |2. Stølsmaradalen til Avdalen| --- 1 [2] (0.06|0.00:0.06 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.06] # 0 {-13.89} --- 1 (0.63|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (9.3M 280.4M = 289.7M) [0]. | | | |-[1.25] # 0 {-64.22} --- (0.17|0.17 s) <24:139> {349:90} (2.3M 142.4M = 144.7M) [0]. | |< |2. Stølsmaradalen til Avdalen| (540) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |@ |2. Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen| |@ |2. Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen| |@ |2. Stølsmaradalen to Avdalen| |= 30:13 of 54 {55.6+24.1}; 23:3 of 30:13 {76.7 23.1}; 14:2 of 23:3 {60.9 66.7} @ 16 of 54 {29.6} <0.26 0.88>. [03:35:23] (550) |Hurrungane er et villmarksområde i Jotunheimen nasjonalpark med minst mulig tilrettelegging.| --- 16 (4.46|0.00:4.91 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.09] # 0 {-37.00} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.16] # 1 {-37.07} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.23] # 2 {-37.52} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.30] # 3 {-37.66} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.37] # 4 {-37.68} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.44] # 5 {-37.75} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.51] # 6 {-37.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[6.57] # 7 {-38.05} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[6.65] # 8 {-38.12} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[6.72] # 9 {-38.57} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |< |Hurrungane er et villmarksområde i Jotunheimen nasjonalpark med minst mulig tilrettelegging.| (550) --- 16 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |There are no marked trails any more from Stølsmaradalen to Skagastølsbu, for Hurrungane is a protected wilderness area within Jotunheimen National Park.| |@ |Hurrungane is in a Wilderness Area in Jotunheimen National Park with as few amenities as possible.| |@ |Hurrungane is a wilderness area in Jotunheimen National Park with the least accommodation possible for the public.| |= 31:13 of 55 {56.4+23.6}; 23:3 of 31:13 {74.2 23.1}; 14:2 of 23:3 {60.9 66.7} @ 16 of 55 {29.1} <0.26 0.88>. [03:35:30] (560) |Dagens etappe går derfor tilbake langs dalen igjen, lett og fint, stort sett i jevn høyde langs skoggrensa, til den passerer Fuglenosa.| --- ^5 [216] (72.65|0.00:72.94 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[234.79] # 0 {-39.44} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[398.96] # 2 {-39.84} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[604.47] # 4 {-40.54} --- error: PVM client exit <40004>. | |-[809.75] # 6 {-40.63} --- error: PVM client exit <40016>. | |-[1015.24] # 8 {-40.71} --- error: PVM client exit <40017>. | |< |Dagens etappe går derfor tilbake langs dalen igjen, lett og fint, stort sett i jevn høyde langs skoggrensa, til den passerer Fuglenosa.| (560) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |But today's hike returns down along Utladalen, gently hugging the hillside at the same elevation at timberline until it passes Fuglenosa.| |@ |The day's stretch runs therefore back along the valley, easy and fine, mostly level along timberline, until it passes Fuglenosa.| |@ |Today's leg, therefore, goes back along the valley again, easy and pleasant, and generally at a steady height along the tree line, until it passes Fuglenosa.| |= 31:14 of 56 {55.4+25.0}; 23:3 of 31:14 {74.2 21.4}; 14:2 of 23:3 {60.9 66.7} @ 16 of 56 {28.6} <0.25 0.88>. [03:52:25] (570) |Etter Fuglenosa svinger stien seg ned lia til den nedlagte gården Avdalen.| --- ^5 [40] (8.64|0.00:8.78 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[10.07] # 0 {-25.35} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[10.13] # 2 {-25.61} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[10.18] # 3 {-25.82} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[10.24] # 6 {-26.08} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[10.29] # 8 {-26.90} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |< |Etter Fuglenosa svinger stien seg ned lia til den nedlagte gården Avdalen.| (570) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Past Fuglenosa the trail swings down the hillside to the deserted farm Avdalen, passing an unmarked trail to the unstaffed hut at Gravdalen, well worth the detour.| |@ |After Fuglenosa, the trail descends down the hillside to the abandoned farm Avdalen.| |@ |After Fuglenosa, the path veers downhill to the abandoned Avdalen farm.| |= 31:15 of 57 {54.4+26.3}; 23:3 of 31:15 {74.2 20.0}; 14:2 of 23:3 {60.9 66.7} @ 16 of 57 {28.1} <0.25 0.88>. [03:52:35] (580) |Også på Avdalen har dugnadsvillige årdøler vært på ferde og pusset opp den nedlagte fjellgården, slik at den nå drives som betjent hytte om sommeren.| --- error: PVM client exit <40014>. | |< |Også på Avdalen har dugnadsvillige årdøler vært på ferde og pusset opp den nedlagte fjellgården, slik at den nå drives som betjent hytte om sommeren.| (580) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |At Avdalen more eager volunteers from Årdal have renovated the deserted farm, so that it is now operated as a staffed hut in the summer.| |@ |Also at Avdalen, eager volunteer Årdalers have been around and have refurbished the abandoned mountain farm, so it now operates as a staffed lodge in summer.| |@ |Volunteer workers from Årdal have also been at work renovating the abandoned mountain farm, so that it is now operated as a staffed lodge during the summer.| |= 31:15 of 58 {53.4+25.9}; 23:3 of 31:15 {74.2 20.0}; 14:2 of 23:3 {60.9 66.7} @ 16 of 58 {27.6} <0.24 0.88>. [03:55:55] (590) |Lett og fint ned lia til Folkeveien og så langs denne til Hjelle.| --- ^5 [300] (68.67|0.00:68.49 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[74.12] # 0 {-14.79} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[74.17] # 2 {-14.84} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[74.21] # 3 {-14.89} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[74.25] # 5 {-14.93} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[74.29] # 6 {-14.98} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |Lett og fint ned lia til Folkeveien og så langs denne til Hjelle.| (590) --- ^5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |It is a nice and easy walk downhill to Folkeveien, the road to Hjelle.| |@ |Light and fine down the hillside to Folkeveien and then along it to Hjelle.| |@ |Easy and pleasant down the hillside to the public road and then following it to Hjelle.| |= 31:16 of 59 {52.5+27.1}; 23:3 of 31:16 {74.2 18.7}; 14:2 of 23:3 {60.9 66.7} @ 16 of 59 {27.1} <0.24 0.88>. [03:57:09] (600) |Lengder| --- 1 [2] (0.02|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.22] # 0 {-3.93} --- 4 (1.01|0.00:0.00 s) <:11> (12.4M 417.7M = 430.1M) [0]. | | | |-[2.35] # 0 {-20.83} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 118.5M = 120.3M) [0]. | | |Lengths.| {0.34} <1.00> | | | |-[2.74] # 1 {-29.47} --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <21:156> {331:113} (2.2M 154.9M = 157.0M) [0]. | | |Long runs.| {1.05} <0.00> | | | |-[3.13] # 2 {-36.07} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 118.5M = 120.3M) [0]. | | |Quantities.| {1.18} <0.00> | | | |-[3.51] # 3 {-68.13} --- 1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 118.5M = 120.3M) [0]. | | |Durations.| {1.18} <0.00> | |< |Lengder| (600) --- 1 x 4 x 4 = 4 |@ |Distances| |@ |Lengths| |@ |Length| |> |Quantities.| {0.74} <0.00> (0:2:0). |> |Long runs.| {0.67} <0.00> (0:1:0). |> |Durations.| {0.60} <0.00> (0:3:0). |> |Lengths.| {0.20} <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 32:16 of 60 {53.3+26.7}; 24:3 of 32:16 {75.0 18.7}; 15:2 of 24:3 {62.5 66.7} @ 17 of 60 {28.3} <0.25 0.89>. [03:57:13] (610) |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 t.| --- ^1 [2] (0.13|0.00:0.14 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.62] # 0 {-6.92} --- 4 (0.94|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (17.9M 477.6M = 495.6M) [0]. | | | |-[1.84] # 0 {-1198.34} --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <9:82> {126:71} (2.3M 124.6M = 126.9M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five hours| {41.37} <0.29> | | | |-[2.23] # 1 {-1633.27} --- 3 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <17:155> {255:126} (2.5M 146.0M = 148.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Of five classes| {48.59} <0.24> | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five classes of| {48.17} <1.00> | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five classes| {45.71} <1.00> | | | |-[2.62] # 2 {-1673.95} --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <9:68> {100:56} (2.1M 113.4M = 115.5M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five lessons| {47.29} <0.27> | | | |-[3.00] # 3 {-2462.24} --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <9:68> {100:56} (2.2M 113.4M = 115.5M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five appointments| {47.56} <0.27> | |< |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 t.| (610) --- ^1 x 4 x 6 = 6 |@ |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 h.| |@ |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 hours| |@ |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 hrs.| |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Of five classes| {0.73} <0.24> (0:1:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five classes of| {0.70} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five lessons| {0.62} <0.27> (0:2:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five appointments| {0.51} <0.27> (0:3:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five classes| {0.49} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five hours| {0.20} <0.29> (0:0:0). |= 32:17 of 61 {52.5+27.9}; 24:4 of 32:17 {75.0 23.5}; 15:3 of 24:4 {62.5 75.0} @ 18 of 61 {29.5} <0.26 0.89>. [03:57:16] (620) |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen og Gravdalen.| --- 1 [2] (0.11|0.00:0.12 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.21] # 0 {-4.77} --- 1 (0.72|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (12.2M 337.8M = 350.0M) [0]. | | | |-[1.46] # 0 {-18.20} --- 1 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <23:104> {442:93} (4.1M 241.0M = 245.1M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| {1.25} <1.00> | |< |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen og Gravdalen.| (620) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| |@ |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen and Gravdalen.| |@ |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen and Gravdalen.| |> |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 33:17 of 62 {53.2+27.4}; 25:4 of 33:17 {75.8 23.5}; 16:3 of 25:4 {64.0 75.0} @ 19 of 62 {30.6} <0.28 0.90>. [03:57:17] (630) |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.71] # 0 {0.00} --- 1 (0.55|0.00:0.00 s) <:5> (6.8M 226.1M = 232.8M) [0]. | | | |-[0.85] # 0 {-22.90} --- 1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 118.6M = 120.3M) [0]. | | |Communications.| {0.34} <1.00> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| (630) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Transportation| |@ |Public transportation| |@ |Communications| |> |Communications.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 34:17 of 63 {54.0+27.0}; 26:4 of 34:17 {76.5 23.5}; 17:3 of 26:4 {65.4 75.0} @ 20 of 63 {31.7} <0.29 0.90>. [03:57:18] (640) |Veien er helt grei å gå, og omgivelsene er storslagne.| --- ^4 [6] (4.08|0.00:4.13 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.93] # 0 {-14.06} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[4.96] # 1 {-14.99} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[4.99] # 2 {-15.82} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[5.03] # 3 {-16.75} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |Veien er helt grei å gå, og omgivelsene er storslagne.| (640) --- ^4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The road is nice, and the surroundings are wonderful.| |@ |The road is easy to walk, and the surroundings are splendid.| |@ |The road is pleasant to hike, and the surroundings are magnificent.| |= 34:18 of 64 {53.1+28.1}; 26:4 of 34:18 {76.5 22.2}; 17:3 of 26:4 {65.4 75.0} @ 20 of 64 {31.2} <0.28 0.90>. [03:57:23] (650) |Den ble reist i 1938 og nedlagt i 1957.| --- 6 [72] (0.91|0.00:1.36 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.04] # 0 {-33.18} --- 2 (1.24|0.00:0.00 s) <:25> (21.1M 586.4M = 607.5M) [0]. | | | |-[8.05] # 0 {-124.52} --- 16 (3.73|0.00:3.73 s) <121:4462> {24353:4306} (23.6M 4.0G = 4.0G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {-6.02} <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {-6.02} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.12} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.12} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {-6.40} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {-6.40} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.50} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.50} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {-10.47} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {-10.47} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.19} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.19} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {-11.46} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {-11.46} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-12.18} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-12.18} <1.00> | | | |-[16.06] # 1 {-142.30} --- 16 (7.66:1.80|0.00:7.66 s) <142:6771> {35314:6362} (30.0M 8.0G = 8.0G) [1]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {-5.48} <0.31> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {-5.48} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {-5.86} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {-5.86} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-6.01} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-6.01} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-6.39} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-6.39} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {-10.50} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {-10.50} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {-11.49} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-11.49} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {-11.49} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-11.49} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-12.48} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-12.48} <1.00> | |-[24.12] # 9 {-35.69} --- 8 (8.01:4.39|0.00:0.00 s) <:71> (76.5M 2.0G = 2.1G) [2]. | | | |-[26.15] # 0 {-42.93} --- 4 (1.97|0.00:1.97 s) <95:2644> {11963:2409} (13.1M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.78} <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.78} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-10.38} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-10.38} <1.00> | | | |-[28.15] # 1 {-46.96} --- 4 (1.76|0.00:1.76 s) <99:2665> {12079:2422} (13.2M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.63} <0.46> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.63} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.41} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.41} <1.00> | | | |-[30.16] # 2 {-47.55} --- 4 (1.57|0.00:1.57 s) <99:2665> {12079:2422} (13.2M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {-8.33} <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {-8.33} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {-10.75} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {-10.75} <1.00> | | | |-[34.17] # 3 {-48.49} --- 4 (3.11|0.00:3.11 s) <116:4215> {18828:3777} (17.4M 4.4G = 4.4G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-6.24} <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-6.24} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-9.34} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-9.34} <1.00> | | | |-[38.18] # 4 {-52.01} --- 4 (3.43:1.62|0.00:3.43 s) <103:2686> {12195:2435} (13.4M 2.2G = 2.2G) [1]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {-8.19} <0.32> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {-8.19} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {-11.78} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {-11.78} <1.00> | | | |-[42.19] # 5 {-53.03} --- 4 (3.41|0.00:3.41 s) <120:4236> {18944:3790} (17.5M 4.5G = 4.5G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {-7.07} <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {-7.07} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {-10.24} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {-10.24} <1.00> | | | |-[46.20] # 6 {-53.03} --- 4 (3.42|0.00:3.42 s) <120:4236> {18944:3790} (17.5M 4.5G = 4.5G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-6.10} <0.53> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-6.10} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-10.38} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-10.38} <1.00> | | | |-[50.20] # 7 {-58.01} --- 4 (3.48|0.00:3.48 s) <124:4257> {19060:3803} (17.6M 4.5G = 4.6G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {-6.92} <0.31> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {-6.92} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {-11.28} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {-11.28} <1.00> | |-[52.59] # 18 {-38.28} --- 4 (2.35|0.00:0.00 s) <:21> (38.0M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[55.03] # 0 {-77.11} --- 16 (2.32|0.00:2.32 s) <110:3021> {14874:2883} (15.1M 2.2G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-8.39} <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-8.39} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-8.39} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-8.39} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-8.77} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-8.77} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-8.77} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-8.77} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-12.17} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-12.17} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-12.17} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-12.17} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-13.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-13.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-13.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-13.16} <1.00> | | | |-[59.04] # 1 {-86.27} --- 16 (3.18:1.36|0.00:3.18 s) <114:3034> {14982:2892} (15.2M 2.3G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-8.10} <0.31> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-8.10} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-8.10} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-8.10} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-8.47} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-8.47} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-8.47} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-8.47} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-12.15} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-12.15} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-12.15} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-12.15} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-13.14} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-13.14} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-13.14} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-13.14} <1.00> | | | |-[63.05] # 2 {-88.15} --- 16 (3.58|0.00:3.58 s) <131:4469> {21624:4163} (19.2M 4.2G = 4.2G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-5.78} <0.41> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-5.78} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-5.78} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-5.78} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-6.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-6.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-6.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-6.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-10.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-10.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-10.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-10.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-11.05} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-11.05} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-11.05} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-11.05} <1.00> | | | |-[67.06] # 3 {-97.28} --- 16 (3.19|0.00:3.19 s) <135:4482> {21732:4172} (19.3M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-6.55} <0.30> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-6.55} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-6.55} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-6.55} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-6.93} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-6.93} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-6.93} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-6.93} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-11.37} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-11.37} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-11.37} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-11.37} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-12.36} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-12.36} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-12.36} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-12.36} <1.00> | |-[69.54] # 19 {-38.38} --- 4 (2.40|0.00:0.00 s) <:24> (38.0M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[72.32] # 0 {-68.85} --- 8 (2.72|0.00:2.72 s) <108:3645> {17792:3436} (17.1M 3.0G = 3.0G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.49} <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.49} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.87} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-6.87} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-10.88} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-10.88} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.87} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.87} <1.00> | | | |-[74.77] # 1 {-77.04} --- 8 (2.41|0.00:2.41 s) <112:3666> {17936:3449} (17.2M 3.0G = 3.0G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {-7.05} <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {-7.05} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {-7.43} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {-7.43} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {-11.25} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {-11.25} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {-12.23} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {-12.23} <1.00> | | | |-[80.78] # 2 {-78.71} --- 8 (5.50:1.36|0.00:5.50 s) <129:5385> {25736:4972} (21.8M 5.7G = 5.7G) [1]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-4.96} <0.53> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-4.96} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-5.34} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-5.34} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-9.84} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-9.84} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-10.83} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-10.83} <1.00> | | | |-[84.97] # 3 {-86.87} --- 8 (4.13|0.00:4.13 s) <133:5406> {25880:4985} (21.9M 5.8G = 5.8G) [0]. | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {-5.79} <0.31> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {-5.79} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {-6.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {-6.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {-10.74} <1.00> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {-10.74} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {-11.73} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {-11.73} <1.00> | |-[87.43] # 20 {-38.38} --- 4 (2.41:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:24> (38.0M 1.0G = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[90.07] # 0 {-69.80} --- 8 (2.59|0.00:2.59 s) <108:3461> {16823:3242} (16.3M 2.9G = 3.0G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {-7.30} <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {-7.30} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.41} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.41} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {-9.97} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {-9.97} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-10.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-10.69} <1.00> | | | |-[92.34] # 1 {-77.04} --- 8 (2.22|0.00:2.22 s) <112:3482> {16967:3255} (16.5M 3.0G = 3.0G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {-7.16} <0.32> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {-7.16} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.26} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {-7.26} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {-11.01} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {-11.01} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.73} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {-11.73} <1.00> | | | |-[98.35] # 2 {-78.71} --- 8 (5.82:1.39|0.00:5.82 s) <129:5601> {26033:5130} (22.3M 6.5G = 6.5G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {-6.77} <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {-6.77} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-7.29} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-7.29} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {-10.00} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {-10.00} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-10.99} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-10.99} <1.00> | | | |-[103.11] # 3 {-86.87} --- 8 (4.72|0.00:4.72 s) <133:5622> {26177:5143} (22.4M 6.6G = 6.6G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {-6.62} <0.31> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {-6.62} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {-7.15} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {-7.15} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {-11.04} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {-11.04} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {-12.03} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {-12.03} <1.00> | |-[107.12] # 37 {-39.21} --- 8 (3.67|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (74.5M 2.0G = 2.1G) [0]. | | | |-[109.13] # 0 {-47.59} --- 8 (1.61|0.00:1.61 s) <97:2208> {10075:2054} (11.6M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-9.67} <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-9.67} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-9.67} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-9.67} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-11.67} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-11.67} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-11.67} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-11.67} <1.00> | | | |-[111.14] # 1 {-52.05} --- 8 (1.34|0.00:1.34 s) <101:2229> {10191:2067} (11.7M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-9.53} <0.32> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-9.53} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-9.53} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-9.53} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-12.71} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {-12.71} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-12.71} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {-12.71} <1.00> | | | |-[113.14] # 2 {-52.70} --- 8 (1.58|0.00:1.58 s) <101:2221> {10159:2063} (11.7M 1.6G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-9.38} <0.32> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-9.38} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-9.38} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-9.38} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-11.65} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-11.65} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-11.65} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-11.65} <1.00> | | | |-[117.15] # 3 {-53.74} --- 8 (3.80:1.40|0.00:3.80 s) <118:3511> {15802:3190} (15.2M 3.3G = 3.3G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-7.06} <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-7.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-7.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-7.06} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-9.56} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-9.56} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-9.56} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-9.56} <1.00> | | | |-[119.16] # 4 {-57.65} --- 8 (1.30|0.00:1.30 s) <105:2242> {10275:2076} (11.8M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-9.23} <0.31> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-9.23} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-9.23} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-9.23} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-12.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {-12.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-12.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {-12.69} <1.00> | | | |-[121.96] # 5 {-58.78} --- 8 (2.74|0.00:2.74 s) <122:3524> {15886:3199} (15.3M 3.3G = 3.3G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-7.83} <0.41> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-7.83} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-7.83} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-7.83} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-10.87} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-10.87} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-10.87} <1.00> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-10.87} <1.00> | | | |-[124.38] # 6 {-58.78} --- 8 (2.35|0.00:2.35 s) <122:3532> {15918:3203} (15.3M 3.3G = 3.4G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-6.92} <0.41> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-6.92} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-6.92} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-6.92} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-10.60} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {-10.60} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-10.60} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {-10.60} <1.00> | | | |-[126.82] # 7 {-64.30} --- 8 (2.39|0.00:2.39 s) <126:3545> {16002:3212} (15.4M 3.4G = 3.4G) [0]. | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-7.69} <0.30> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-7.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-7.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-7.69} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-11.91} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {-11.91} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-11.91} <1.00> | | |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {-11.91} <1.00> | |< |Den ble reist i 1938 og nedlagt i 1957.| (650) --- 6 x 30 x 256 = 168 [256] |@ |You go all the way to the end of the road, where you cross a rock dump and follow a marked trail on the west side of Middalsvatnet past the ruins of Medalsbu, an old DNT hut built in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| |@ |It was built in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| |@ |It was built in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {0.81} <1.00> (9:6:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {0.81} <0.53> (9:6:0). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {0.81} <0.63> (9:3:0). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {0.81} <1.00> (9:3:1). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {0.76} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {0.76} <0.31> (0:1:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {0.76} <1.00> (0:0:1). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {0.76} <0.32> (0:0:0). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {0.76} <0.53> (19:2:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {0.76} <1.00> (19:2:1). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {0.75} <1.00> (0:0:3). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {0.75} <1.00> (0:0:2). |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {0.74} <1.00> (9:7:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {0.74} <0.31> (9:7:0). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {0.74} <0.43> (9:5:0). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {0.74} <1.00> (9:5:1). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:1:3). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:0:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {0.73} <1.00> (0:0:4). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {0.72} <1.00> (0:0:7). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {0.72} <1.00> (0:0:6). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {0.71} <1.00> (9:1:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {0.71} <0.46> (9:1:0). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.68} <1.00> (18:2:2). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.68} <1.00> (18:2:3). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.68} <0.41> (18:2:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.68} <1.00> (18:2:1). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down into 1957.| {0.68} <1.00> (19:3:1). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down into 1957.| {0.68} <0.31> (19:3:0). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {0.66} <0.32> (9:4:0). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {0.66} <1.00> (9:4:1). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {0.66} <0.35> (9:2:0). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {0.66} <1.00> (9:2:1). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.65} <1.00> (18:2:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.65} <1.00> (18:2:4). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.65} <1.00> (18:2:7). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.65} <1.00> (18:2:6). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.62} <0.41> (37:6:0). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.62} <1.00> (37:6:2). |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.62} <1.00> (37:6:3). |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.62} <1.00> (37:6:1). |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {0.62} <1.00> (20:3:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {0.62} <0.31> (20:3:0). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned into 1957.| {0.61} <0.32> (19:1:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned into 1957.| {0.61} <1.00> (19:1:1). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.60} <1.00> (18:3:1). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.60} <1.00> (18:3:2). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.60} <0.30> (18:3:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.60} <1.00> (18:3:3). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {0.60} <1.00> (20:1:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {0.60} <0.32> (20:1:0). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {0.59} <1.00> (9:3:3). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {0.59} <1.00> (9:3:2). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.58} <1.00> (18:3:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.58} <1.00> (18:3:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.58} <1.00> (18:3:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.58} <1.00> (18:3:6). |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.56} <1.00> (37:7:3). |> |It was set up into 1938 and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.56} <1.00> (37:7:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.56} <1.00> (37:7:2). |> |It was set up into 1938, and shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.56} <0.30> (37:7:0). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {0.52} <1.00> (9:0:2). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {0.52} <1.00> (9:0:3). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.51} <1.00> (18:1:2). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.51} <0.31> (18:1:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.51} <1.00> (18:1:1). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.51} <1.00> (18:1:3). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.51} <0.32> (18:0:0). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.51} <1.00> (18:0:1). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.51} <1.00> (18:0:3). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.51} <1.00> (18:0:2). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {0.51} <1.00> (9:5:2). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {0.51} <1.00> (9:5:3). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {0.50} <1.00> (9:6:3). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {0.50} <1.00> (9:6:2). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.49} <1.00> (18:1:7). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.49} <1.00> (18:1:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.49} <1.00> (18:1:6). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.49} <1.00> (18:1:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {0.48} <1.00> (9:2:2). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {0.48} <1.00> (9:2:3). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.48} <1.00> (18:0:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.48} <1.00> (18:0:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.48} <1.00> (18:0:6). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.48} <1.00> (18:0:7). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.46} <1.00> (37:4:1). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.46} <0.31> (37:4:0). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.46} <1.00> (37:4:2). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.46} <1.00> (37:4:3). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.45} <1.00> (37:1:2). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.45} <1.00> (37:1:3). |> |It was set up into 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.45} <0.32> (37:1:0). |> |It was set up into 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.45} <1.00> (37:1:1). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.44} <1.00> (37:3:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.44} <1.00> (37:3:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.44} <1.00> (37:3:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.44} <1.00> (37:3:6). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {0.44} <1.00> (9:1:3). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {0.44} <1.00> (9:1:2). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {0.43} <1.00> (0:0:8). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {0.43} <1.00> (0:0:9). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {0.42} <1.00> (9:7:3). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {0.42} <1.00> (9:7:2). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {0.41} <1.00> (20:0:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {0.41} <1.00> (20:0:4). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {0.40} <1.00> (9:4:3). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {0.40} <1.00> (9:4:2). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {0.40} <1.00> (19:2:5). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {0.40} <1.00> (19:2:4). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {0.39} <1.00> (0:1:8). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {0.39} <1.00> (0:1:9). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {0.39} <1.00> (20:2:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {0.39} <1.00> (20:2:4). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {0.38} <1.00> (0:0:10). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {0.38} <1.00> (0:0:11). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.37} <1.00> (18:2:11). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.37} <1.00> (18:2:8). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.37} <1.00> (18:2:9). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.37} <1.00> (18:2:10). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.36} <1.00> (37:6:7). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| [42] {0.36} <1.00> (37:6:6). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.36} <1.00> (37:6:5). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| [42] {0.36} <1.00> (37:6:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.34} <1.00> (37:5:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.34} <1.00> (37:5:6). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.34} <1.00> (37:5:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.34} <1.00> (37:5:5). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {0.32} <1.00> (20:1:4). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {0.32} <1.00> (20:1:5). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down into 1957.| {0.32} <1.00> (19:3:4). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down into 1957.| {0.32} <1.00> (19:3:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.30} <1.00> (37:0:6). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.30} <1.00> (37:0:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.30} <1.00> (37:0:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.30} <1.00> (37:0:5). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned into 1957.| {0.30} <1.00> (19:1:4). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned into 1957.| {0.30} <1.00> (19:1:5). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {0.29} <1.00> (20:3:4). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {0.29} <1.00> (20:3:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (37:2:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (37:2:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (37:2:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (37:2:6). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (18:3:9). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (18:3:8). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (18:3:11). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (18:3:10). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (37:7:4). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (37:7:6). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.?| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (37:7:5). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was shut down into the 1957.| [42] {0.25} <1.00> (37:7:7). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.23} <1.00> (18:0:10). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.23} <1.00> (18:0:8). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.23} <1.00> (18:0:11). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.23} <1.00> (18:0:9). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (18:1:9). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (18:1:11). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (18:1:10). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (18:1:8). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:1:5). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:1:7). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:1:6). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:1:4). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:4:4). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.?| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:4:5). |> |It was set up into 1938 and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:4:7). |> |It was set up into 1938, and was abandoned into the 1957.| [42] {0.21} <1.00> (37:4:6). |= 35:18 of 65 {53.8+27.7}; 27:4 of 35:18 {77.1 22.2}; 18:3 of 27:4 {66.7 75.0} @ 21 of 65 {32.3} <0.29 0.91>. [03:59:30] (660) |I vestenden av vannet er det stiskille for ruta til Illvatnet.| --- 56 [112] (19.88|0.00:26.26 s) <:> () [3]. | |-[36.11] # 0 {-36.46} --- 32 (6.88:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:131> (169.3M 4.3G = 4.5G) [1]. | | | |-[38.13] # 0 {-36.19} --- (0.92|0.92 s) <151:1016> {7161:915} (10.6M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[42.15] # 1 {-36.62} --- 1 (3.52:1.66|0.00:3.52 s) <159:2450> {21347:2306} (23.6M 2.3G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |In the west end of the lake, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.06} <0.36> | | | |-[43.02] # 2 {-37.22} --- (0.82|0.82 s) <151:1021> {7161:915} (10.6M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[45.12] # 3 {-37.66} --- 1 (1.98|0.00:1.98 s) <159:2455> {21347:2306} (23.6M 2.3G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.63} <0.28> | | | |-[49.14] # 4 {-38.80} --- 1 (3.19|0.00:3.19 s) <151:3838> {33946:3635} (34.7M 3.8G = 3.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.05} <0.36> | | | |-[52.01] # 5 {-39.26} --- 1 (2.79|0.00:2.79 s) <159:3854> {34027:3643} (27.3M 3.8G = 3.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.14} <0.36> | | | |-[52.92] # 6 {-39.30} --- (0.83|0.83 s) <155:1049> {7329:940} (10.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[56.94] # 7 {-39.76} --- 1 (3.12:1.53|0.00:3.12 s) <163:2483> {21531:2331} (23.7M 2.3G = 2.4G) [1]. | | |Into the west end of the lake, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {3.92} <0.36> | | | |-[59.54] # 8 {-39.91} --- 1 (2.49|0.00:2.49 s) <151:3843> {33946:3635} (34.7M 3.9G = 3.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.62} <0.28> | | | |-[62.05] # 9 {-40.38} --- 1 (2.43|0.00:2.43 s) <159:3859> {34027:3643} (27.3M 3.9G = 3.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.71} <0.28> | |-[67.00] # 1 {-36.48} --- 16 (4.67:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:89> (93.0M 2.3G = 2.4G) [1]. | | | |-[67.96] # 0 {-37.22} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <151:1021> {7161:915} (10.6M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[69.97] # 1 {-37.66} --- 1 (1.68|0.00:1.68 s) <159:2455> {21347:2306} (23.6M 2.3G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.63} <0.28> | | | |-[74.19] # 2 {-39.91} --- 1 (4.05:1.56|0.00:4.05 s) <151:3843> {33946:3635} (34.7M 3.9G = 3.9G) [1]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.62} <0.28> | | | |-[76.72] # 3 {-40.38} --- 1 (2.43|0.00:2.43 s) <159:3859> {34027:3643} (27.3M 3.9G = 3.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.71} <0.28> | | | |-[77.50] # 4 {-40.42} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <155:1054> {7329:940} (10.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[79.50] # 5 {-40.90} --- 1 (1.66|0.00:1.66 s) <163:2488> {21531:2331} (23.8M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.49} <0.28> | | | |-[82.29] # 6 {-43.34} --- 1 (2.64|0.00:2.64 s) <155:3876> {34226:3660} (34.8M 3.9G = 3.9G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.48} <0.28> | | | |-[86.54] # 7 {-43.84} --- 1 (4.12:1.58|0.00:4.12 s) <163:3892> {34307:3668} (27.5M 3.9G = 3.9G) [1]. | | |Into the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.57} <0.28> | | | |-[88.55] # 8 {-47.17} --- 1 (1.64|0.00:1.64 s) <151:2444> {21282:2298} (30.9M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path partition for Illvatnet's route.| {4.72} <0.28> | | | |-[90.56] # 9 {-47.17} --- 1 (1.61|0.00:1.61 s) <151:2444> {21282:2298} (30.9M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path distinction for Illvatnet's route.| {4.72} <0.28> | |-[99.47] # 4 {-36.64} --- 32 (8.54:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:131> (169.2M 4.3G = 4.5G) [1]. | | | |-[100.40] # 0 {-37.40} --- (0.84|0.84 s) <147:891> {5953:790} (10.1M 988.0M = 998.1M) [0]. | | | |-[102.41] # 1 {-37.84} --- 1 (1.29|0.00:1.29 s) <155:1508> {10775:1418} (17.5M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {3.72} <0.36> | | | |-[103.30] # 2 {-38.47} --- (0.83|0.83 s) <147:896> {5953:790} (10.1M 994.7M = 1004.8M) [0]. | | | |-[105.31] # 3 {-38.92} --- 1 (1.25|0.00:1.25 s) <155:1513> {10775:1418} (17.5M 1.4G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.29} <0.28> | | | |-[107.41] # 4 {-40.15} --- 1 (2.03|0.00:2.03 s) <147:3234> {23178:3021} (26.3M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.30} <0.36> | | | |-[109.66] # 5 {-40.62} --- (2.15:1.44|2.15 s) <151:924> {6117:815} (10.2M 1013.0M = 1023.2M) [1]. | | | |-[111.68] # 6 {-40.62} --- 1 (1.85|0.00:1.85 s) <155:3250> {23269:3029} (21.4M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.20} <0.36> | | | |-[113.70] # 7 {-41.09} --- 1 (1.00|0.00:1.00 s) <159:1541> {10959:1443} (17.6M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the lake, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {3.58} <0.36> | | | |-[115.92] # 8 {-41.29} --- 1 (2.17|0.00:2.17 s) <147:3239> {23178:3021} (26.3M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.87} <0.28> | | | |-[116.82] # 9 {-41.77} --- (0.83|0.83 s) <151:929> {6117:815} (10.2M 1019.2M = 1.0G) [0]. | |-[121.59] # 5 {-36.66} --- 16 (4.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:89> (93.0M 2.3G = 2.4G) [0]. | | | |-[122.49] # 0 {-38.47} --- (0.86|0.86 s) <147:896> {5953:790} (10.1M 994.7M = 1004.8M) [0]. | | | |-[124.50] # 1 {-38.92} --- 1 (1.29|0.00:1.29 s) <155:1513> {10775:1418} (17.5M 1.4G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.29} <0.28> | | | |-[128.51] # 2 {-41.29} --- 1 (3.87:1.49|0.00:3.87 s) <147:3239> {23178:3021} (26.3M 3.2G = 3.2G) [1]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.87} <0.28> | | | |-[129.20] # 3 {-41.77} --- (0.66|0.66 s) <151:929> {6117:815} (10.2M 1019.2M = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[131.21] # 4 {-41.77} --- 1 (1.84|0.00:1.84 s) <155:3255> {23269:3029} (21.4M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.77} <0.28> | | | |-[133.22] # 5 {-42.26} --- 1 (1.01|0.00:1.01 s) <159:1546> {10959:1443} (17.6M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {4.15} <0.28> | | | |-[135.53] # 6 {-44.84} --- 1 (2.24|0.00:2.24 s) <151:3272> {23602:3046} (26.4M 3.2G = 3.3G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {3.73} <0.28> | | | |-[137.54] # 7 {-45.36} --- 1 (1.87|0.00:1.87 s) <159:3288> {23693:3054} (21.5M 3.2G = 3.3G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {2.63} <0.28> | | | |-[139.55] # 8 {-50.59} --- 1 (1.03|0.00:1.03 s) <147:1506> {10700:1410} (22.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path partition for Illvatnet's route.| {4.83} <0.28> | | | |-[142.35] # 9 {-50.59} --- 1 (2.74:1.60|0.00:2.74 s) <147:1506> {10700:1410} (22.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [1]. | | |In the west end of the water, it is path distinction for Illvatnet's route.| {4.83} <0.28> | |-[155.23] # 8 {-36.95} --- 128 (12.08:0.34|0.00:0.00 s) <:605> (282.5M 6.1G = 6.4G) [2]. | | | |-[156.14] # 0 {-47.81} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <131:934> {3545:824} (8.6M 845.5M = 854.1M) [0]. | | | |-[156.97] # 1 {-47.81} --- (0.67|0.67 s) <131:857> {3328:760} (8.4M 793.0M = 801.3M) [0]. | | | |-[157.68] # 2 {-47.81} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <131:950> {3709:840} (8.6M 864.2M = 872.9M) [0]. | | | |-[158.42] # 3 {-47.81} --- (0.60|0.60 s) <131:990> {3997:880} (8.7M 902.5M = 911.2M) [0]. | | | |-[159.24] # 4 {-48.42} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <139:1168> {4308:1051} (9.0M 937.8M = 946.9M) [0]. | | | |-[160.02] # 5 {-48.42} --- (0.66|0.66 s) <139:1179> {4043:1075} (8.9M 889.1M = 898.1M) [0]. | | | |-[160.94] # 6 {-48.42} --- (0.80|0.80 s) <139:1514> {4962:1397} (9.7M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[162.99] # 7 {-48.42} --- 1 (1.31|0.00:1.31 s) <139:2531> {6923:2487} (23.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, there is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.13} <0.55> | | | |-[163.71] # 8 {-49.29} --- (0.58|0.58 s) <131:939> {3545:824} (8.6M 852.8M = 861.4M) [0]. | | | |-[164.41] # 9 {-49.29} --- (0.56|0.56 s) <131:862> {3328:760} (8.4M 799.6M = 807.9M) [0]. | |-[172.48] # 9 {-36.97} --- 64 (6.66:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:323> (180.3M 3.1G = 3.3G) [1]. | | | |-[173.32] # 0 {-49.29} --- (0.75|0.75 s) <131:939> {3545:824} (8.6M 852.8M = 861.4M) [0]. | | | |-[174.10] # 1 {-49.29} --- (0.70|0.70 s) <131:862> {3328:760} (8.4M 799.6M = 807.9M) [0]. | | | |-[174.93] # 2 {-49.29} --- (0.74|0.74 s) <131:955> {3709:840} (8.6M 871.7M = 880.3M) [0]. | | | |-[175.80] # 3 {-49.29} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <131:995> {3997:880} (8.7M 910.1M = 918.9M) [0]. | | | |-[177.97] # 4 {-49.91} --- (2.07:1.30|2.07 s) <139:1173> {4308:1051} (9.0M 947.4M = 956.5M) [1]. | | | |-[178.69] # 5 {-49.91} --- (0.65|0.65 s) <139:1184> {4043:1075} (9.0M 897.4M = 906.3M) [0]. | | | |-[179.54] # 6 {-49.91} --- (0.78|0.78 s) <139:1519> {4962:1397} (9.7M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[181.57] # 7 {-49.91} --- 1 (1.27|0.00:1.27 s) <139:2536> {6923:2487} (23.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, there is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.84} <0.33> | | | |-[183.60] # 8 {-51.75} --- (1.04|1.04 s) <131:2093> {8499:1903} (11.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | | |-[185.62] # 9 {-51.75} --- (1.12|1.12 s) <131:2304> {7978:2127} (11.1M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | |-[189.85] # 12 {-37.28} --- 16 (4.05|0.00:0.00 s) <:64> (79.1M 2.0G = 2.1G) [0]. | | | |-[190.75] # 0 {-51.32} --- 1 (0.86|0.00:0.86 s) <107:1249> {5000:1180} (11.6M 878.1M = 889.7M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.33} <0.36> | | | |-[191.66] # 1 {-53.06} --- 1 (0.86|0.00:0.86 s) <107:1254> {5000:1180} (11.6M 886.0M = 897.5M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.66} <0.28> | | | |-[193.66] # 2 {-54.06} --- 1 (1.37|0.00:1.37 s) <107:2359> {11866:2159} (13.8M 1.8G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.97} <0.36> | | | |-[195.68] # 3 {-55.89} --- 1 (1.19|0.00:1.19 s) <107:2364> {11866:2159} (13.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {1.30} <0.28> | | | |-[196.43] # 4 {-57.72} --- 1 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <107:1245> {4968:1176} (11.6M 873.9M = 885.4M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the lake, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.19} <0.36> | | | |-[197.24] # 5 {-59.67} --- 1 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <107:1250> {4968:1176} (11.6M 881.7M = 893.3M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.52} <0.28> | | | |-[199.92] # 6 {-60.79} --- 1 (2.64:1.39|0.00:2.64 s) <107:2355> {11818:2155} (13.8M 1.8G = 1.8G) [1]. | | |Into the west end of the lake, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.83} <0.36> | | | |-[201.93] # 7 {-62.85} --- 1 (1.17|0.00:1.17 s) <107:2360> {11818:2155} (13.8M 1.8G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {1.16} <0.28> | | | |-[202.65] # 8 {-70.86} --- 1 (0.68|0.00:0.68 s) <107:1258> {5000:1180} (11.6M 890.7M = 902.3M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path partition for Illvatnet's route is.| {1.83} <0.36> | | | |-[203.42] # 9 {-70.86} --- 1 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <107:1258> {5000:1180} (11.6M 890.7M = 902.3M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path distinction for Illvatnet's route is.| {1.83} <0.36> | |-[205.85] # 13 {-37.30} --- 8 (2.32:0.14|0.00:0.00 s) <:43> (44.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[206.68] # 0 {-53.06} --- 1 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <107:1254> {5000:1180} (11.6M 886.0M = 897.5M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.66} <0.28> | | | |-[208.69] # 1 {-55.89} --- 1 (1.50|0.00:1.50 s) <107:2364> {11866:2159} (13.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {1.30} <0.28> | | | |-[209.55] # 2 {-59.67} --- 1 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <107:1250> {4968:1176} (11.6M 881.7M = 893.3M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.52} <0.28> | | | |-[211.55] # 3 {-62.85} --- 1 (1.36|0.00:1.36 s) <107:2360> {11818:2155} (13.8M 1.8G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {1.16} <0.28> | | | |-[212.28] # 4 {-73.25} --- 1 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <107:1263> {5000:1180} (11.6M 898.6M = 910.2M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path partition for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.16} <0.28> | | | |-[213.03] # 5 {-73.25} --- 1 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <107:1263> {5000:1180} (11.6M 898.6M = 910.2M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path distinction for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.16} <0.28> | | | |-[213.80] # 6 {-82.38} --- 1 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <107:1259> {4968:1176} (11.6M 894.4M = 905.9M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path partition for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.02} <0.28> | | | |-[214.58] # 7 {-82.38} --- 1 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <107:1259> {4968:1176} (11.6M 894.4M = 905.9M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path distinction for Illvatnet's route is.| {2.02} <0.28> | |-[218.61] # 14 {-37.31} --- 16 (3.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:64> (79.1M 2.0G = 2.1G) [0]. | | | |-[220.99] # 0 {-51.94} --- 1 (2.30:1.48|0.00:2.30 s) <107:1301> {5806:1223} (11.9M 967.6M = 979.6M) [1]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {5.49} <0.36> | | | |-[221.76] # 1 {-53.69} --- 1 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <107:1306> {5806:1223} (11.9M 976.2M = 988.1M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {5.82} <0.28> | | | |-[223.77] # 2 {-54.63} --- 1 (1.01|0.00:1.01 s) <107:1947> {10872:1786} (13.2M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {3.74} <0.36> | | | |-[225.78] # 3 {-56.48} --- 1 (1.01|0.00:1.01 s) <107:1952> {10872:1786} (13.2M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {4.07} <0.28> | | | |-[226.62] # 4 {-57.03} --- 1 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <111:1334> {5998:1248} (12.0M 995.5M = 1007.6M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the lake, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {5.35} <0.36> | | | |-[227.52] # 5 {-58.96} --- 1 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <111:1339> {5998:1248} (12.1M 1004.6M = 1016.7M) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {5.68} <0.28> | | | |-[229.53] # 6 {-59.99} --- 1 (1.22|0.00:1.22 s) <111:1980> {11160:1811} (13.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the lake, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {3.61} <0.36> | | | |-[231.54] # 7 {-62.02} --- 1 (1.04|0.00:1.04 s) <111:1985> {11160:1811} (13.4M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |Into the west end of the water, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {3.94} <0.28> | | | |-[232.37] # 8 {-68.62} --- 1 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <107:1306> {5806:1223} (11.9M 976.6M = 988.6M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path partition is for Illvatnet's route.| {5.44} <0.36> | | | |-[233.21] # 9 {-68.62} --- 1 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <107:1306> {5806:1223} (11.9M 976.6M = 988.6M) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, that path distinction is for Illvatnet's route.| {5.44} <0.36> | |-[241.27] # 16 {-37.32} --- 64 (7.58:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:223> (173.1M 4.5G = 4.7G) [1]. | | | |-[242.06] # 0 {-47.81} --- (0.70|0.70 s) <131:857> {3328:760} (8.4M 792.9M = 801.3M) [0]. | | | |-[242.92] # 1 {-47.81} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <131:990> {3997:880} (8.7M 902.4M = 911.2M) [0]. | | | |-[243.75] # 2 {-48.42} --- (0.75|0.75 s) <139:1179> {4043:1075} (8.9M 889.1M = 898.0M) [0]. | | | |-[246.64] # 3 {-48.42} --- 1 (2.75:1.38|0.00:2.75 s) <139:2531> {6923:2487} (23.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [1]. | | |In the west end of the lake, there is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.13} <0.55> | | | |-[247.26] # 4 {-49.29} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <131:862> {3328:760} (8.4M 799.5M = 807.9M) [0]. | | | |-[247.92] # 5 {-49.29} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <131:995> {3997:880} (8.7M 910.1M = 918.8M) [0]. | | | |-[248.65] # 6 {-49.91} --- (0.65|0.65 s) <139:1184> {4043:1075} (9.0M 897.5M = 906.5M) [0]. | | | |-[250.68] # 7 {-49.91} --- 1 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <139:2536> {6923:2487} (23.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the water, there is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.84} <0.33> | | | |-[252.70] # 8 {-50.20} --- (1.07|1.07 s) <131:2299> {7978:2127} (11.1M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | | |-[255.70] # 9 {-50.20} --- 1 (2.91|0.00:2.91 s) <131:5241> {15177:5040} (37.1M 4.0G = 4.0G) [0]. | | |In the west end of the lake, there is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.37} <0.51> | |< |I vestenden av vannet er det stiskille for ruta til Illvatnet.| (660) --- 56 x 392 x 62 = 39 [62] |@ |At the western end there is a junction with the trail to Illvatnet, where marked trails go to both Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæter.| |@ |At the west end of the lake there's a fork for the route to Illvatnet.| |@ |At the western end of the lake, there is a fork for the trail to Illvatnet.| |> |In the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.87} <0.28> (0:3:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.83} <0.28> (1:5:0). |> |In the west end of the water, it is path distinction for Illvatnet's route.| {0.83} <0.28> (1:9:0). |> |In the west end of the water, it is path partition for Illvatnet's route.| {0.83} <0.28> (1:8:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.81} <0.36> (0:1:0). |> |Into the west end of the lake, it is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.78} <0.36> (0:7:0). |> |In the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.75} <0.28> (0:8:0). |> |In the west end of the water, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.73} <0.28> (14:1:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.72} <0.28> (1:6:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.70} <0.36> (14:0:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, it is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.70} <0.36> (0:4:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.69} <0.28> (14:5:0). |> |Into the west end of the lake, that path border is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.66} <0.36> (14:4:0). |> |In the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.65} <0.28> (0:9:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path partition is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.62} <0.36> (14:8:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path distinction is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.62} <0.36> (14:9:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.62} <0.28> (1:7:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, it is a path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.60} <0.36> (0:5:0). |> |In the west end of the water, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.53} <0.28> (14:3:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.50} <0.36> (14:2:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.49} <0.28> (14:7:0). |> |Into the west end of the lake, that path division is for Illvatnet's route.| {0.47} <0.36> (14:6:0). |> |In the west end of the water, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.40} <0.28> (12:1:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.38} <0.36> (12:0:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.36} <0.28> (12:5:0). |> |Into the west end of the lake, that path border for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.33} <0.36> (12:4:0). |> |In the west end of the water, there is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.30} <0.33> (9:7:0). |> |In the west end of the water, that path distinction for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.26} <0.28> (13:5:0). |> |In the west end of the water, that path partition for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.26} <0.28> (13:4:0). |> |In the west end of the water, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.25} <0.28> (12:3:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path distinction for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.24} <0.36> (12:9:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path partition for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.24} <0.36> (12:8:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, there is a path border for Illvatnet's route.| {0.23} <0.55> (8:7:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.22} <0.36> (12:2:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, that path partition for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.21} <0.28> (13:6:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, that path distinction for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.21} <0.28> (13:7:0). |> |Into the west end of the water, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.20} <0.28> (12:7:0). |> |Into the west end of the lake, that path division for Illvatnet's route is.| {0.18} <0.36> (12:6:0). |> |In the west end of the lake, there is path division for Illvatnet's route.| {0.17} <0.51> (16:9:0). |= 36:18 of 66 {54.5+27.3}; 28:4 of 36:18 {77.8 22.2}; 19:3 of 28:4 {67.9 75.0} @ 22 of 66 {33.3} <0.30 0.89>. [04:03:46] (670) |Du fortsetter imidlertid ned i Vesledalen til Trulsbu.| --- 4 (0.50|0.00:0.52 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[3.24] # 0 {-21.51} --- 4 (2.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:19> (36.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[5.24] # 0 {-16.92} --- 4 (1.90|0.00:1.90 s) <67:3576> {14744:3308} (14.6M 2.2G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-1.38} <0.29> | | |You still continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-1.39} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-1.54} <1.00> | | |You still continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-2.17} <1.00> | | | |-[7.25] # 1 {-17.14} --- 4 (1.17|0.00:1.17 s) <75:2096> {7759:2011} (10.2M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {0.39} <0.29> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-0.42} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-1.22} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-3.35} <1.00> | | | |-[11.25] # 2 {-18.50} --- 4 (3.03:1.36|0.00:3.03 s) <71:3597> {14896:3321} (14.7M 2.3G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-2.56} <0.55> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-2.87} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-3.03} <1.00> | | |You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-3.37} <1.00> | | | |-[13.26] # 3 {-18.91} --- 4 (1.02|0.00:1.02 s) <79:2117> {7891:2024} (10.3M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You nevertheless continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-1.59} <0.55> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-1.73} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-2.43} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-5.47} <1.00> | |-[15.70] # 1 {-21.76} --- 4 (2.38:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:19> (36.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [1]. | | | |-[16.20] # 0 {-18.04} --- (0.49|0.49 s) <67:832> {3562:741} (5.7M 507.0M = 512.8M) [0]. | | | |-[16.66] # 1 {-18.39} --- (0.43|0.43 s) <75:614> {2125:538} (5.2M 402.9M = 408.0M) [0]. | | | |-[17.24] # 2 {-19.71} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <71:841> {3597:750} (5.8M 515.1M = 520.9M) [0]. | | | |-[17.71] # 3 {-20.30} --- (0.45|0.45 s) <79:623> {2160:547} (5.3M 410.8M = 416.0M) [0]. | |-[20.01] # 2 {-21.88} --- 4 (2.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:19> (36.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[26.02] # 0 {-17.10} --- 12 (5.19|0.00:5.19 s) <67:7393> {30785:6887} (27.6M 6.6G = 6.6G) [0]. | | |You still continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {1.41} <0.32> | | |You still continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.35} <1.00> | | |You still continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {-0.08} <1.00> | | |You still continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {-1.14} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-1.88} <1.00> | | |You still continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-3.03} <1.00> | | |You still continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-3.04} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-3.84} <1.00> | | |You still continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-4.17} <1.00> | | |You still continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-4.46} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {-5.47} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {-7.62} <1.00> | | | |-[28.58] # 1 {-17.34} --- 12 (2.50|0.00:2.50 s) <75:4027> {15364:4005} (17.5M 2.1G = 2.2G) [0]. | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.79} <0.32> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-0.98} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-1.59} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-1.79} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {-2.31} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {-3.46} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-3.49} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-3.53} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {-4.09} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {-5.34} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-5.60} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {-7.35} <1.00> | | | |-[34.59] # 2 {-18.79} --- 12 (5.76:1.63|0.00:5.76 s) <71:7240> {29981:6727} (27.2M 6.5G = 6.5G) [1]. | | |You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {1.10} <0.55> | | |You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.04} <1.00> | | |You still continue down to Trulsbu into Vesledalen.| {-0.22} <1.00> | | |You still continue down to Trulsbu into Vesledalen.| {-1.29} <1.00> | | |You still continue into Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-2.38} <1.00> | | |You still continue into Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-3.23} <1.00> | | |You still continue into Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-3.96} <1.00> | | |You still continue into Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-4.31} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-4.39} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu into Vesledalen down.| {-4.98} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu into Vesledalen down.| {-6.28} <1.00> | | |You still continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-6.35} <1.00> | | | |-[37.14] # 3 {-19.25} --- 12 (2.49|0.00:2.49 s) <79:3922> {14996:3893} (17.3M 2.1G = 2.1G) [0]. | | |You nevertheless continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-0.16} <0.55> | | |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu into Vesledalen.| {-1.26} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue into Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-1.33} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {-1.93} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-2.90} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu into Vesledalen.| {-3.04} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue into Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {-3.38} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue into Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-3.95} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue into Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {-4.75} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {-4.78} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu into Vesledalen down.| {-5.48} <1.00> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu into Vesledalen down.| {-6.65} <1.00> | |-[39.39] # 3 {-22.13} --- 4 (2.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:19> (36.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[40.35] # 0 {-18.22} --- (0.94|0.94 s) <67:1576> {7852:1425} (8.0M 937.5M = 945.5M) [0]. | | | |-[41.18] # 1 {-18.60} --- (0.58|0.58 s) <75:870> {3327:790} (5.9M 517.0M = 522.9M) [0]. | | | |-[42.07] # 2 {-20.03} --- (0.88|0.88 s) <71:1465> {7179:1314} (7.8M 889.5M = 897.2M) [0]. | | | |-[42.61] # 3 {-20.66} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <79:807> {3122:727} (5.8M 499.5M = 505.3M) [0]. | |< |Du fortsetter imidlertid ned i Vesledalen til Trulsbu.| (670) --- 4 x 16 x 64 = 24 [64] |@ |But you keep going down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| |@ |However, you continue down Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| |@ |You will continue, however, down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| |> |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {0.92} <0.29> (0:1:0). |> |You still continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.87} <0.32> (2:0:0). |> |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.87} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |You still continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {0.81} <0.29> (0:0:0). |> |You still continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {0.77} <1.00> (2:0:2). |> |You still continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.76} <0.55> (2:2:0). |> |You nevertheless continue down into Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {0.69} <0.55> (0:3:0). |> |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {0.68} <1.00> (0:3:1). |> |You still continue down to Trulsbu into Vesledalen.| {0.67} <1.00> (2:2:2). |> |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {0.65} <1.00> (2:1:3). |> |You still continue to Trulsbu down into Vesledalen.| {0.63} <1.00> (0:2:1). |> |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {0.61} <1.00> (2:1:4). |> |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu into Vesledalen.| {0.58} <1.00> (2:3:1). |> |You still continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {0.58} <1.00> (2:0:5). |> |You still continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {0.58} <1.00> (2:0:6). |> |You nevertheless continue into Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {0.57} <1.00> (2:3:2). |> |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {0.53} <1.00> (2:1:6). |> |You still continue into Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {0.53} <1.00> (2:2:4). |> |You still continue into Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {0.47} <1.00> (2:2:5). |> |You still continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {0.41} <1.00> (2:0:10). |> |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {0.41} <1.00> (2:1:9). |> |You nevertheless continue into Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {0.40} <1.00> (2:3:7). |> |You still continue to Trulsbu into Vesledalen down.| {0.36} <1.00> (2:2:9). |> |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu into Vesledalen down.| {0.30} <1.00> (2:3:10). |= 37:18 of 67 {55.2+26.9}; 29:4 of 37:18 {78.4 22.2}; 20:3 of 29:4 {69.0 75.0} @ 23 of 67 {34.3} <0.31 0.90>. [04:04:29] (680) |Videre?| --- 2 [3] (0.04|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.21] # 0 {-1.54} --- 4 (1.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (16.9M 560.6M = 577.5M) [0]. | | | |-[2.40] # 0 {-29.48} --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <36:163> {292:125} (2.3M 155.8M = 158.1M) [0]. | | |Wider.| {-0.01} <0.00> | | | |-[2.79] # 1 {-35.08} --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <36:163> {292:125} (2.3M 155.8M = 158.1M) [0]. | | |Broader.| {-0.01} <0.00> | | | |-[3.16] # 2 {-35.60} --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <36:163> {292:125} (2.3M 155.9M = 158.2M) [0]. | | |Flatter.| {-0.01} <0.00> | | | |-[3.54] # 3 {-41.17} --- 3 (0.14|0.00:0.14 s) <32:128> {225:103} (2.1M 138.1M = 140.3M) [0]. | | |More loose| [42] {-0.56} <0.00> | | |More loose?| [42] {-0.56} <1.00> | | |More loose.| [42] {-0.56} <1.00> | |-[5.54] # 2 {-3.38} --- 4 (1.77|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (24.1M 771.1M = 795.1M) [0]. | | | |-[5.72] # 0 {-25.20} --- (0.16|0.16 s) <28:112> {221:73} (2.5M 163.0M = 165.5M) [0]. | | | |-[6.10] # 1 {-26.10} --- (0.16|0.16 s) <28:112> {221:73} (2.4M 160.7M = 163.1M) [0]. | | | |-[6.47] # 2 {-34.14} --- (0.16|0.16 s) <28:112> {221:73} (2.5M 160.8M = 163.2M) [0]. | | | |-[6.85] # 3 {-41.33} --- (0.15|0.15 s) <24:83> {164:61} (2.3M 149.3M = 151.6M) [0]. | |< |Videre?| (680) --- 2 x 8 x 6 = 6 |@ |Onward?| |@ |Further?| |@ |Farther?| |> |Wider.| {0.95} <0.00> (0:0:0). |> |Broader.| {0.88} <0.00> (0:1:0). |> |Flatter.| {0.87} <0.00> (0:2:0). |> |More loose| [42] {0.20} <0.00> (0:3:0). |> |More loose.| [42] {0.20} <1.00> (0:3:2). |> |More loose?| [42] {0.20} <1.00> (0:3:1). |= 38:18 of 68 {55.9+26.5}; 30:4 of 38:18 {78.9 22.2}; 21:3 of 30:4 {70.0 75.0} @ 24 of 68 {35.3} <0.32 0.90>. [04:04:36] (690) |Derfor skriver jeg litt om turene videre, selv om det faller litt utenfor rammene for heftet.| --- ^5 [1152] (39.22|0.00:39.35 s) <:> () [2]. | |-[80.11] # 2 {-32.57} --- 32 (37.54:1.04|0.00:0.00 s) <:255> (881.5M 21.2G = 22.1G) [6]. | | | |-[82.53] # 0 {-68.82} --- 4 (2.35|0.00:2.35 s) <63:3519> {17732:3272} (24.7M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[84.95] # 1 {-69.21} --- 4 (2.34|0.00:2.34 s) <63:3703> {18887:3427} (25.0M 2.7G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[88.97] # 2 {-71.98} --- 4 (3.50:1.35|0.00:3.50 s) <63:3519> {17732:3272} (24.6M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.72} <0.00> | | |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.18} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {96.99} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {93.50} <1.00> | | | |-[91.23] # 3 {-72.38} --- 4 (2.19|0.00:2.19 s) <63:3703> {18887:3427} (25.0M 2.7G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.72} <0.00> | | |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.18} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {96.99} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {93.50} <1.00> | | | |-[93.38] # 4 {-73.09} --- 4 (2.09|0.00:2.09 s) <63:3497> {16784:3254} (24.5M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.03} <0.00> | | |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {101.49} <1.00> | | |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {99.97} <1.00> | | |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {96.47} <1.00> | | | |-[95.60] # 5 {-73.50} --- 4 (2.15|0.00:2.15 s) <63:3681> {17939:3409} (24.9M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.03} <0.00> | | |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {101.49} <1.00> | | |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {99.97} <1.00> | | |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {96.47} <1.00> | | | |-[97.65] # 6 {-75.42} --- 2 (1.98|0.00:1.98 s) <63:3457> {15834:3214} (22.3M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {106.16} <0.00> | | |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.62} <1.00> | | | |-[101.67] # 7 {-75.84} --- 2 (3.32:1.26|0.00:3.32 s) <63:3641> {16989:3369} (22.7M 2.5G = 2.5G) [1]. | | |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {106.16} <0.00> | | |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.62} <1.00> | | | |-[103.87] # 8 {-78.04} --- 4 (2.13|0.00:2.13 s) <63:3519> {17732:3272} (24.6M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[106.15] # 9 {-78.04} --- 4 (2.22|0.00:2.22 s) <63:3703> {18887:3427} (25.0M 2.7G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | |-[114.42] # 6 {-32.58} --- 8 (8.21:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:124> (250.6M 6.0G = 6.3G) [1]. | | | |-[117.22] # 0 {-99.26} --- 11 (2.76|0.00:2.76 s) <63:4629> {16662:4640} (34.0M 2.7G = 2.8G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[120.14] # 1 {-99.89} --- 11 (2.86|0.00:2.86 s) <63:4813> {17817:4795} (34.4M 2.8G = 2.9G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[123.12] # 2 {-114.51} --- 11 (2.94|0.00:2.94 s) <63:4629> {16662:4640} (34.0M 2.7G = 2.8G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[127.35] # 3 {-114.51} --- 11 (4.18:1.29|0.00:4.18 s) <63:4813> {17817:4795} (34.4M 2.8G = 2.9G) [1]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[131.36] # 4 {-118.40} --- 11 (3.26|0.00:3.26 s) <55:4450> {15884:4481} (33.5M 2.6G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[135.37] # 5 {-119.15} --- 11 (3.32|0.00:3.32 s) <63:4618> {16634:4628} (34.0M 2.7G = 2.8G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[138.08] # 6 {-136.59} --- 11 (2.66|0.00:2.66 s) <55:4450> {15884:4481} (33.5M 2.6G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[140.86] # 7 {-136.59} --- 11 (2.73|0.00:2.73 s) <63:4618> {16634:4628} (34.0M 2.7G = 2.8G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | |-[169.67] # 10 {-32.62} --- 32 (28.65:0.80|0.00:0.00 s) <:255> (881.4M 21.2G = 22.1G) [5]. | | | |-[173.69] # 0 {-68.82} --- 4 (3.47:1.25|0.00:3.46 s) <63:3519> {17732:3272} (24.6M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[176.48] # 1 {-69.21} --- 4 (2.72|0.00:2.72 s) <63:3703> {18887:3427} (25.0M 2.7G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[179.35] # 2 {-71.98} --- 4 (2.78|0.00:2.78 s) <63:3519> {17732:3272} (24.6M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.72} <0.00> | | |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.18} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {96.99} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {93.50} <1.00> | | | |-[182.30] # 3 {-72.38} --- 4 (2.88|0.00:2.88 s) <63:3703> {18887:3427} (25.0M 2.7G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.72} <0.00> | | |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.18} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {96.99} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {93.50} <1.00> | | | |-[185.10] # 4 {-73.09} --- 4 (2.72|0.00:2.72 s) <63:3497> {16784:3254} (24.5M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.03} <0.00> | | |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {101.49} <1.00> | | |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {99.97} <1.00> | | |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {96.47} <1.00> | | | |-[189.74] # 5 {-73.50} --- 4 (4.56:1.77|0.00:4.56 s) <63:3681> {17939:3409} (24.9M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.03} <0.00> | | |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {101.49} <1.00> | | |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {99.97} <1.00> | | |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {96.47} <1.00> | | | |-[192.37] # 6 {-75.42} --- 2 (2.56|0.00:2.56 s) <63:3457> {15834:3214} (22.3M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {106.16} <0.00> | | |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.62} <1.00> | | | |-[195.07] # 7 {-75.84} --- 2 (2.62|0.00:2.62 s) <63:3641> {16989:3369} (22.7M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {106.16} <0.00> | | |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.62} <1.00> | | | |-[197.88] # 8 {-78.04} --- 4 (2.73|0.00:2.73 s) <63:3519> {17732:3272} (24.6M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[200.77] # 9 {-78.04} --- 4 (2.81|0.00:2.81 s) <63:3703> {18887:3427} (24.9M 2.7G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | |-[230.83] # 14 {-32.66} --- 32 (29.32:0.95|0.00:0.00 s) <:255> (880.9M 21.2G = 22.1G) [6]. | | | |-[233.21] # 0 {-68.87} --- 4 (2.32|0.00:2.32 s) <59:3110> {16111:2878} (23.3M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[237.24] # 1 {-69.10} --- 4 (3.71:1.48|0.00:3.71 s) <59:3281> {16973:3013} (23.6M 2.5G = 2.5G) [1]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[239.29] # 2 {-72.03} --- 4 (1.99|0.00:1.99 s) <59:3110> {16111:2878} (23.3M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.72} <0.00> | | |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.18} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {96.99} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {93.50} <1.00> | | | |-[241.42] # 3 {-72.27} --- 4 (2.07|0.00:2.07 s) <59:3281> {16973:3013} (23.6M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.72} <0.00> | | |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.18} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {96.99} <1.00> | | |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {93.50} <1.00> | | | |-[243.49] # 4 {-73.14} --- 4 (2.00|0.00:2.00 s) <59:3088> {15163:2860} (23.2M 2.3G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.03} <0.00> | | |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {101.49} <1.00> | | |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {99.97} <1.00> | | |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {96.47} <1.00> | | | |-[245.61] # 5 {-73.39} --- 4 (2.05|0.00:2.05 s) <59:3259> {16025:2995} (23.5M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {105.03} <0.00> | | |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {101.49} <1.00> | | |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {99.97} <1.00> | | |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {96.47} <1.00> | | | |-[247.63] # 6 {-75.47} --- 2 (1.89|0.00:1.89 s) <59:3048> {14213:2820} (21.0M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {106.16} <0.00> | | |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.62} <1.00> | | | |-[251.65] # 7 {-75.73} --- 2 (3.44:1.51|0.00:3.44 s) <59:3219> {15075:2955} (21.3M 2.3G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {106.16} <0.00> | | |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {102.62} <1.00> | | | |-[253.74] # 8 {-80.16} --- 4 (2.02|0.00:2.02 s) <59:3110> {16111:2878} (23.3M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | | | |-[255.87] # 9 {-80.16} --- 4 (2.07|0.00:2.07 s) <59:3281> {16973:3013} (23.6M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {107.09} <0.00> | | |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {103.55} <1.00> | | |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {98.03} <1.00> | | |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {94.54} <1.00> | |-[264.40] # 18 {-32.66} --- 8 (8.47:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:124> (250.5M 6.0G = 6.3G) [1]. | | | |-[267.10] # 0 {-99.33} --- 11 (2.65|0.00:2.65 s) <59:4220> {15041:4246} (32.8M 2.5G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[271.11] # 1 {-99.72} --- 11 (3.09|0.00:3.09 s) <59:4391> {15903:4381} (33.1M 2.6G = 2.7G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[275.12] # 2 {-118.05} --- 11 (3.31|0.00:3.31 s) <59:4220> {15041:4246} (32.8M 2.5G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[279.50] # 3 {-118.05} --- 11 (4.33:1.32|0.00:4.33 s) <59:4391> {15903:4381} (33.1M 2.6G = 2.7G) [1]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[282.12] # 4 {-118.49} --- 11 (2.58|0.00:2.58 s) <51:4105> {14643:4151} (32.4M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[284.85] # 5 {-118.95} --- 11 (2.68|0.00:2.68 s) <59:4285> {15307:4302} (32.9M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[287.51] # 6 {-140.82} --- 11 (2.62|0.00:2.62 s) <51:4105> {14643:4151} (32.4M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | | | |-[290.24] # 7 {-140.82} --- 11 (2.68|0.00:2.68 s) <59:4285> {15307:4302} (32.9M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {118.47} <0.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {113.45} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {111.36} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {110.28} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {109.94} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {106.38} <1.00> | | |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {102.26} <1.00> | | |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {101.60} <1.00> | | |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {100.95} <1.00> | | |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {98.19} <1.00> | | |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {97.41} <1.00> | |< |Derfor skriver jeg litt om turene videre, selv om det faller litt utenfor rammene for heftet.| (690) --- ^5 x 112 x 284 = 25 [284] |@ |Your trip to Breheimen cannot end at either Trulsbu or Nørdstedalseter, so I will include a bit about the onward options, even if they fall outside of the scope of this booklet.| |@ |Therefore I'll say a bit on further hikes, even though they're beyond the scope of this brochure.| |@ |Therefore, I will write a little more about options for continuing the trips, even though these fall outside the scope of this pamphlet.| |> |I write a little about the trips to more widely therefore || ...| {0.90} <0.00> (6:0:0). |> |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore || ...| {0.78} <1.00> (6:0:1). |> |I therefore write a little about the trips to more widely || ...| {0.73} <1.00> (6:0:2). |> |More wide, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.73} <0.00> (2:0:0). |> |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips to || ...| {0.70} <1.00> (6:0:3). |> |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips || ...| {0.70} <1.00> (6:0:4). |> |More loose, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.69} <0.00> (2:6:0). |> |More flat, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.68} <0.00> (2:2:0). |> |More broad, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.67} <0.00> (2:4:0). |> |More wide, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.64} <1.00> (2:0:1). |> |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely || ...| {0.61} <1.00> (6:0:5). |> |More loose, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.60} <1.00> (2:6:1). |> |More flat, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.60} <1.00> (2:2:1). |> |More broad, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.58} <1.00> (2:4:1). |> |Broader, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.54} <1.00> (2:4:2). |> |I therefore write a little about the trips more widely. || ...| {0.51} <1.00> (6:0:6). |> |Wider, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.51} <1.00> (2:0:2). |> |I write a little about the trips more widely therefore. || ...| {0.50} <1.00> (6:0:7). |> |More widely, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.48} <1.00> (6:0:8). |> |Flatter, I write a little about the trips therefore. || ...| {0.48} <1.00> (2:2:2). |> |Broader, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.46} <1.00> (2:4:3). |> |Wider, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.43} <1.00> (2:0:3). |> |I therefore more widely write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.41} <1.00> (6:0:9). |> |More widely, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.40} <1.00> (6:0:10). |> |Flatter, I therefore write a little about the trips. || ...| {0.39} <1.00> (2:2:3). |= 38:19 of 69 {55.1+27.5}; 30:5 of 38:19 {78.9 26.3}; 21:4 of 30:5 {70.0 80.0} @ 25 of 69 {36.2} <0.33 0.91>. [04:09:26] (700) |De går sammen til stiskille i Nørdstedalen.| --- 12 [24] (0.31|0.00:0.49 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.44] # 0 {-28.66} --- 32 (6.35:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.4M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[9.03] # 0 {-28.60} --- (0.55|0.55 s) <61:1196> {4304:1096} (7.0M 668.6M = 675.5M) [0]. | | | |-[11.36] # 1 {-29.08} --- 4 (2.27:1.32|0.00:2.27 s) <69:2004> {8179:1864} (10.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.35} <0.26> | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.29} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.46} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.64} <1.00> | | | |-[12.02] # 2 {-31.51} --- (0.62|0.62 s) <65:1149> {4116:1041} (6.9M 663.2M = 670.1M) [0]. | | | |-[14.03] # 3 {-31.58} --- 4 (1.44|0.00:1.44 s) <69:2438> {11541:2239} (13.2M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {1.04} <0.27> | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.44} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.38} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.61} <1.00> | | | |-[16.04] # 4 {-32.04} --- 4 (1.17|0.00:1.17 s) <73:1937> {7853:1790} (10.6M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.31} <0.22> | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.71} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.46} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-1.48} <1.00> | | | |-[18.06] # 5 {-32.11} --- 4 (1.53|0.00:1.52 s) <77:2450> {11578:2251} (12.1M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.21} <0.26> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-1.49} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.96} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.48} <1.00> | | | |-[18.86] # 6 {-32.26} --- (0.77|0.77 s) <69:1330> {4817:1229} (7.5M 732.4M = 739.9M) [0]. | | | |-[20.87] # 7 {-32.79} --- 4 (1.04|0.00:1.04 s) <77:2246> {9216:2101} (11.6M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |Those walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.40} <0.26> | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.34} <1.00> | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.41} <1.00> | | |Those walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.59} <1.00> | | | |-[22.89] # 8 {-34.79} --- 4 (1.52|0.00:1.52 s) <73:2371> {11079:2165} (13.1M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {1.34} <0.21> | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.19} <1.00> | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.80} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-1.45} <1.00> | | | |-[24.90] # 9 {-35.37} --- 4 (1.16|0.00:1.16 s) <81:2383> {11120:2177} (11.9M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-0.53} <0.22> | | |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.45} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-3.20} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-3.32} <1.00> | |-[31.10] # 2 {-28.86} --- 32 (6.11:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.4M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[31.45] # 0 {-29.63} --- (0.31|0.31 s) <61:542> {2344:465} (5.1M 407.7M = 412.8M) [0]. | | | |-[31.96] # 1 {-30.13} --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <69:920> {4016:812} (6.8M 605.6M = 612.5M) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.29} <0.26> | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.34} <1.00> | | | |-[32.65] # 2 {-32.77} --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <69:1267> {6240:1112} (8.5M 900.7M = 909.2M) [0]. | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.60} <0.27> | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.58} <1.00> | | | |-[33.01] # 3 {-32.95} --- (0.32|0.32 s) <65:563> {2448:478} (5.2M 425.1M = 430.4M) [0]. | | | |-[33.40] # 4 {-33.23} --- (0.35|0.35 s) <69:616> {2693:538} (5.5M 448.8M = 454.3M) [0]. | | | |-[34.12] # 5 {-33.32} --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <77:1287> {6295:1120} (7.9M 917.3M = 925.2M) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.52} <0.26> | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.57} <1.00> | | | |-[36.14] # 6 {-33.50} --- 2 (1.96:1.41|0.00:1.96 s) <73:941> {4128:825} (7.0M 627.4M = 634.3M) [1]. | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.69} <0.22> | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.73} <1.00> | | | |-[36.80] # 7 {-33.78} --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <77:1042> {4653:929} (7.4M 677.1M = 684.4M) [0]. | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.24} <0.26> | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.29} <1.00> | | | |-[37.63] # 8 {-36.44} --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <73:1288> {6368:1125} (8.6M 926.4M = 935.0M) [0]. | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.59} <0.21> | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.39} <1.00> | | | |-[38.60] # 9 {-36.75} --- 2 (0.92|0.00:0.92 s) <77:1389> {7165:1229} (9.1M 992.7M = 1001.7M) [0]. | | |Those walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.55} <0.27> | | |Those walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.53} <1.00> | |-[44.90] # 3 {-28.87} --- 32 (6.21:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.5M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[45.51] # 0 {-26.08} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <69:1197> {5282:1108} (7.3M 697.1M = 704.3M) [0]. | | | |-[47.52] # 1 {-26.50} --- 4 (1.05|0.00:1.05 s) <77:2009> {9865:1872} (10.9M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.35} <0.29> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.29} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.46} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.64} <1.00> | | | |-[48.22] # 2 {-28.67} --- (0.66|0.66 s) <73:1150> {5038:1053} (7.2M 693.2M = 700.4M) [0]. | | | |-[50.23] # 3 {-28.73} --- 4 (1.55|0.00:1.55 s) <77:2459> {13512:2272} (13.1M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {1.05} <0.31> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.44} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.39} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.60} <1.00> | | | |-[52.24] # 4 {-29.14} --- 4 (1.11|0.00:1.11 s) <81:1942> {9479:1798} (10.7M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.31} <0.26> | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.71} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.46} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-1.48} <1.00> | | | |-[54.26] # 5 {-29.20} --- 4 (1.36|0.00:1.36 s) <85:2475> {13547:2280} (12.2M 1.6G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.21} <0.29> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-1.48} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.96} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.47} <1.00> | | | |-[55.11] # 6 {-29.41} --- (0.80|0.80 s) <77:1331> {5955:1241} (7.8M 764.5M = 772.3M) [0]. | | | |-[57.12] # 7 {-29.89} --- 4 (1.39|0.00:1.39 s) <85:2251> {11190:2109} (11.7M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.40} <0.29> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.34} <1.00> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.41} <1.00> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.59} <1.00> | | | |-[59.13] # 8 {-31.59} --- 4 (1.58|0.00:1.58 s) <81:2392> {12994:2198} (13.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {1.35} <0.27> | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.19} <1.00> | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.80} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-1.44} <1.00> | | | |-[61.88] # 9 {-32.10} --- 4 (2.70:1.48|0.00:2.70 s) <89:2408> {13029:2206} (12.1M 1.6G = 1.6G) [1]. | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-0.52} <0.26> | | |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.45} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-3.19} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-3.31} <1.00> | |-[67.90] # 6 {-29.07} --- 32 (5.79|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.4M 3.3G = 3.5G) [0]. | | | |-[68.78] # 0 {-26.94} --- (0.84|0.84 s) <61:1905> {7477:1729} (9.0M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[70.90] # 1 {-27.39} --- 12 (2.05|0.00:2.05 s) <69:3775> {15270:3573} (19.0M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |Those go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {3.50} <0.27> | | |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {2.47} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {1.99} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.49} <1.00> | | |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.67} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.18} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-0.29} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.78} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-1.37} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.35} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-4.33} <1.00> | | | |-[71.80] # 2 {-29.68} --- (0.87|0.87 s) <65:1858> {7269:1674} (8.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[74.33] # 3 {-29.75} --- 12 (2.45|0.00:2.45 s) <69:4467> {21079:4208} (24.4M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |Those go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {4.35} <0.22> | | |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| {3.12} <1.00> | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {2.36} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {2.04} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {1.71} <1.00> | | |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| {1.32} <1.00> | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.55} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-0.05} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-0.10} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.56} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.72} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-3.02} <1.00> | | | |-[76.34] # 4 {-30.18} --- 12 (1.90|0.00:1.90 s) <73:3692> {14905:3483} (18.9M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |Those go to a path border together into Nørdstedalen.| {1.83} <0.21> | | |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {1.35} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.03} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.99} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.39} <1.00> | | |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {-0.46} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.82} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.38} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border together into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.92} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-2.62} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-2.69} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-4.44} <1.00> | | | |-[78.95] # 5 {-30.25} --- 12 (2.52|0.00:2.52 s) <77:4414> {20981:4131} (20.9M 3.2G = 3.3G) [0]. | | |Those go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {2.55} <0.27> | | |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {0.64} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.49} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-0.35} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.09} <1.00> | | |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {-1.16} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.32} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.90} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-2.35} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.62} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-4.85} <1.00> | | |Those go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-5.31} <1.00> | | | |-[80.96] # 6 {-30.85} --- (0.99|0.99 s) <69:2117> {8475:1940} (9.8M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | | |-[85.13] # 7 {-31.37} --- 12 (4.08:1.74|0.00:4.08 s) <77:4279> {17389:4071} (20.6M 2.7G = 2.8G) [1]. | | |Those walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {3.54} <0.27> | | |Those walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {2.52} <1.00> | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {2.04} <1.00> | | |Those walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.54} <1.00> | | |Those walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.72} <1.00> | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.23} <1.00> | | |Those walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.21} <1.00> | | |Those walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-0.24} <1.00> | | |Those walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.73} <1.00> | | |Those walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-1.32} <1.00> | | |Those walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.30} <1.00> | | |Those walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-4.28} <1.00> | | | |-[87.64] # 8 {-32.77} --- 12 (2.44|0.00:2.44 s) <73:4384> {20581:4118} (24.2M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |Those go to path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {2.69} <0.20> | | |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to path division.| {2.00} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {1.25} <1.00> | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {1.12} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.38} <1.00> | | |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to path division.| {0.19} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.17} <1.00> | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.69} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-1.31} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-1.38} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.43} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.05} <1.00> | | | |-[90.14] # 9 {-33.32} --- 12 (2.42|0.00:2.42 s) <81:4331> {20488:4041} (20.7M 3.2G = 3.2G) [0]. | | |Those go to a path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.89} <0.21> | | |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {-0.48} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.75} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-0.80} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.22} <1.00> | | |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {-2.29} <1.00> | | |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.56} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.75} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.23} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-3.60} <1.00> | | |Those go into Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-3.67} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-6.18} <1.00> | |-[96.16] # 7 {-29.07} --- 32 (5.92:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.5M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[96.54] # 0 {-27.00} --- (0.33|0.33 s) <69:543> {2682:477} (5.4M 430.7M = 436.1M) [0]. | | | |-[97.07] # 1 {-27.44} --- 2 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <77:917> {4670:824} (7.0M 627.9M = 634.9M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.29} <0.29> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.33} <1.00> | | | |-[97.80] # 2 {-29.79} --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <77:1288> {7059:1145} (8.6M 936.4M = 945.0M) [0]. | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.59} <0.31> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.57} <1.00> | | | |-[98.21] # 3 {-29.95} --- (0.38|0.38 s) <73:564> {2794:490} (5.5M 448.3M = 453.8M) [0]. | | | |-[98.65] # 4 {-30.27} --- (0.40|0.40 s) <77:617> {3127:550} (5.8M 472.8M = 478.6M) [0]. | | | |-[99.41] # 5 {-30.28} --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <85:1304> {7110:1153} (8.1M 941.1M = 949.1M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.51} <0.29> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.56} <1.00> | | | |-[99.99] # 6 {-30.44} --- 2 (0.53|0.00:0.53 s) <81:938> {4790:837} (7.1M 649.1M = 656.2M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.68} <0.26> | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.73} <1.00> | | | |-[100.68] # 7 {-30.77} --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <85:1039> {5467:941} (7.6M 701.2M = 708.8M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.24} <0.29> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.29} <1.00> | | | |-[101.53] # 8 {-33.05} --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <81:1309> {7195:1158} (8.7M 962.4M = 971.1M) [0]. | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.60} <0.27> | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.39} <1.00> | | | |-[104.21] # 9 {-33.41} --- 2 (2.63:1.69|0.00:2.63 s) <85:1410> {8144:1262} (9.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [1]. | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.54} <0.31> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.53} <1.00> | |-[110.53] # 10 {-29.24} --- 32 (6.23:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.5M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[111.12] # 0 {-26.60} --- (0.56|0.56 s) <65:1188> {4782:1100} (7.5M 700.5M = 708.0M) [0]. | | | |-[113.13] # 1 {-27.05} --- 4 (0.97|0.00:0.97 s) <73:2000> {9013:1864} (11.1M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.13} <0.26> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-1.45} <1.00> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.87} <1.00> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-2.44} <1.00> | | | |-[113.75] # 2 {-29.31} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <69:1141> {4566:1045} (7.5M 697.1M = 704.6M) [0]. | | | |-[115.77] # 3 {-29.37} --- 4 (1.43|0.00:1.43 s) <73:2450> {12519:2263} (13.3M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.37} <0.27> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.98} <1.00> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-1.41} <1.00> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-2.40} <1.00> | | | |-[117.78] # 4 {-29.80} --- 4 (1.16|0.00:1.16 s) <77:1933> {8655:1790} (11.0M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |You go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.51} <0.22> | | |You go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.13} <1.00> | | |You go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-2.71} <1.00> | | |You go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.88} <1.00> | | | |-[119.79] # 5 {-29.86} --- 4 (1.53|0.00:1.53 s) <81:2466> {12554:2271} (12.4M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.62} <0.26> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-3.28} <1.00> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-3.37} <1.00> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-4.27} <1.00> | | | |-[120.62] # 6 {-30.08} --- (0.79|0.79 s) <73:1322> {5375:1233} (8.1M 766.1M = 774.2M) [0]. | | | |-[122.63] # 7 {-30.58} --- 4 (1.22|0.00:1.22 s) <81:2242> {10194:2101} (12.0M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.08} <0.26> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-1.40} <1.00> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.83} <1.00> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-2.39} <1.00> | | | |-[124.65] # 8 {-32.36} --- 4 (1.54|0.00:1.54 s) <77:2383> {12029:2189} (13.2M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |You go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.48} <0.21> | | |You go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.61} <1.00> | | |You go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.22} <1.00> | | |You go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-2.68} <1.00> | | | |-[126.66] # 9 {-32.90} --- 4 (1.37|0.00:1.37 s) <85:2399> {12064:2197} (12.3M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |You go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.35} <0.22> | | |You go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-3.86} <1.00> | | |You go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-4.55} <1.00> | | |You go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-4.61} <1.00> | |-[132.99] # 11 {-29.27} --- 32 (6.24:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.4M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[133.44] # 0 {-27.91} --- (0.42|0.42 s) <61:790> {4098:693} (5.9M 546.9M = 552.8M) [0]. | | | |-[134.27] # 1 {-28.38} --- 4 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <69:1538> {7403:1407} (9.5M 979.0M = 988.5M) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.50} <0.26> | | |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.26} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.43} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.08} <1.00> | | | |-[137.04] # 2 {-30.87} --- 4 (2.73:1.63|0.00:2.73 s) <69:1940> {11276:1747} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [1]. | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.38} <0.27> | | |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.14} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.64} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-6.21} <1.00> | | | |-[137.51] # 3 {-31.04} --- (0.43|0.43 s) <65:811> {4210:706} (6.0M 567.8M = 573.8M) [0]. | | | |-[139.52] # 4 {-31.38} --- 4 (1.01|0.00:1.01 s) <77:1964> {11343:1760} (10.7M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.73} <0.26> | | |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.97} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.66} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-8.31} <1.00> | | | |-[140.37] # 5 {-31.56} --- 4 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <73:1559> {7523:1420} (9.7M 1006.8M = 1016.4M) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.11} <0.22> | | |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.13} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.47} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.12} <1.00> | | | |-[140.88] # 6 {-31.78} --- (0.48|0.48 s) <69:892> {4747:794} (6.4M 609.8M = 616.3M) [0]. | | | |-[141.90] # 7 {-32.31} --- 4 (0.96|0.00:0.96 s) <77:1756> {8608:1619} (10.4M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.55} <0.26> | | |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.31} <1.00> | | |Those walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.39} <1.00> | | |Those walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.03} <1.00> | | | |-[143.91] # 8 {-34.32} --- 4 (1.10|0.00:1.10 s) <73:1961> {11412:1760} (12.0M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {1.57} <0.21> | | |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {1.33} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.10} <1.00> | | |Those go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-4.67} <1.00> | | | |-[145.92] # 9 {-34.90} --- 4 (1.07|0.00:1.07 s) <81:1985> {11479:1773} (10.9M 1.4G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.50} <0.22> | | |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.74} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.08} <1.00> | | |Those go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.73} <1.00> | |-[152.43] # 12 {-29.28} --- 32 (6.40|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.5M 3.3G = 3.5G) [0]. | | | |-[154.44] # 0 {-24.60} --- (1.13|1.13 s) <69:1906> {9367:1741} (9.3M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[156.88] # 1 {-25.00} --- 12 (2.35|0.00:2.35 s) <77:3766> {18703:3577} (18.7M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |They go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {3.50} <0.31> | | |They go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {2.48} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {1.99} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.49} <1.00> | | |They go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.68} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.19} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.25} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-0.29} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.78} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-1.36} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.34} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-4.33} <1.00> | | | |-[157.78] # 2 {-27.04} --- (0.87|0.87 s) <73:1859> {9103:1686} (9.3M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[162.01] # 3 {-27.10} --- 12 (4.16:1.64|0.00:4.16 s) <77:4488> {25130:4241} (23.4M 3.3G = 3.3G) [1]. | | |They go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {4.36} <0.28> | | |They go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| {3.13} <1.00> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {2.36} <1.00> | | |They go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {2.05} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {1.71} <1.00> | | |They go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| {1.32} <1.00> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.56} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-0.05} <1.00> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-0.10} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.56} <1.00> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.71} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-3.01} <1.00> | | | |-[164.03] # 4 {-27.48} --- 12 (1.91|0.00:1.91 s) <81:3683> {18277:3487} (18.5M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | |They go to a path border together into Nørdstedalen.| {1.84} <0.27> | | |They go together into Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {1.36} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.04} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.99} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.38} <1.00> | | |They go together into Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {-0.45} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.81} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.38} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border together into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.91} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-2.61} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-2.68} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-4.43} <1.00> | | | |-[166.57] # 5 {-27.54} --- 12 (2.46|0.00:2.46 s) <85:4427> {24892:4157} (20.6M 3.3G = 3.3G) [0]. | | |They go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {2.56} <0.31> | | |They go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {0.65} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.49} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-0.34} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.08} <1.00> | | |They go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {-1.16} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.31} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.90} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-2.34} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.61} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-4.84} <1.00> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-5.31} <1.00> | | | |-[168.58] # 6 {-28.16} --- (0.99|0.99 s) <77:2118> {10669:1952} (10.2M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | | |-[171.04] # 7 {-28.62} --- 12 (2.38|0.00:2.38 s) <85:4266> {21407:4072} (20.3M 2.7G = 2.8G) [0]. | | |They walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {3.55} <0.31> | | |They walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {2.53} <1.00> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {2.04} <1.00> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {1.54} <1.00> | | |They walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.72} <1.00> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.24} <1.00> | | |They walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.20} <1.00> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-0.24} <1.00> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {-0.73} <1.00> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-1.31} <1.00> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.29} <1.00> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {-4.28} <1.00> | | | |-[173.61] # 8 {-29.79} --- 12 (2.50|0.00:2.50 s) <81:4405> {24576:4151} (23.3M 3.2G = 3.3G) [0]. | | |They go to path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {2.70} <0.22> | | |They go together into Nørdstedalen to path division.| {2.00} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {1.26} <1.00> | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {1.12} <1.00> | | |They go to path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.38} <1.00> | | |They go together into Nørdstedalen to path division.| {0.20} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {-0.16} <1.00> | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.68} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-1.30} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {-1.37} <1.00> | | |They go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.43} <1.00> | | |They go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.04} <1.00> | | | |-[177.85] # 9 {-30.28} --- 12 (4.16:1.72|0.00:4.16 s) <89:4344> {24338:4067} (20.5M 3.3G = 3.3G) [1]. | | |They go to a path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.89} <0.27> | | |They go together into Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {-0.48} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.74} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-0.80} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {-2.22} <1.00> | | |They go together into Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {-2.28} <1.00> | | |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.55} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {-2.74} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.23} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-3.59} <1.00> | | |They go into Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {-3.66} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-6.17} <1.00> | |-[184.05] # 16 {-29.49} --- 32 (6.08:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.5M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[184.66] # 0 {-25.46} --- (0.57|0.57 s) <69:791> {4820:705} (6.2M 575.5M = 581.7M) [0]. | | | |-[186.67] # 1 {-25.88} --- 4 (1.03|0.00:1.03 s) <77:1534> {8768:1415} (9.6M 1002.3M = 1012.0M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.51} <0.29> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.27} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.43} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.07} <1.00> | | | |-[188.68] # 2 {-28.10} --- 4 (1.35|0.00:1.35 s) <77:1961> {12879:1780} (11.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.38} <0.31> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.14} <1.00> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.63} <1.00> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-6.21} <1.00> | | | |-[189.31] # 3 {-28.25} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <73:812> {4940:718} (6.3M 596.6M = 602.9M) [0]. | | | |-[191.32] # 4 {-28.56} --- 4 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <85:1977> {12930:1788} (10.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.72} <0.29> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-0.96} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.66} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {-8.30} <1.00> | | | |-[192.33] # 5 {-28.71} --- 4 (0.96|0.00:0.96 s) <81:1555> {8896:1428} (9.7M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.11} <0.26> | | |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.13} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.47} <1.00> | | |They go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.11} <1.00> | | | |-[192.96] # 6 {-28.99} --- (0.59|0.59 s) <77:893> {5629:806} (6.8M 640.1M = 646.9M) [0]. | | | |-[194.97] # 7 {-29.46} --- 4 (0.98|0.00:0.98 s) <85:1750> {10274:1626} (10.5M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.55} <0.29> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.32} <1.00> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-2.38} <1.00> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.02} <1.00> | | | |-[196.98] # 8 {-31.17} --- 4 (1.25|0.00:1.25 s) <81:1982> {13023:1793} (11.9M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {1.57} <0.27> | | |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {1.33} <1.00> | | |They go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-1.09} <1.00> | | |They go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-4.67} <1.00> | | | |-[199.00] # 9 {-31.68} --- 4 (1.34|0.00:1.34 s) <89:1998> {13074:1801} (11.0M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.49} <0.26> | | |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.73} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-3.08} <1.00> | | |They go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {-7.72} <1.00> | |-[205.27] # 17 {-29.49} --- 32 (6.18:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:73> (122.5M 3.3G = 3.5G) [1]. | | | |-[205.65] # 0 {-27.56} --- (0.34|0.34 s) <65:534> {2502:469} (5.7M 442.2M = 447.9M) [0]. | | | |-[206.18] # 1 {-28.02} --- 2 (0.49|0.00:0.49 s) <73:908> {4330:816} (7.3M 634.3M = 641.6M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.71} <0.26> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.75} <1.00> | | | |-[206.90] # 2 {-30.48} --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <73:1279> {6642:1136} (8.8M 938.3M = 947.2M) [0]. | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.01} <0.27> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.99} <1.00> | | | |-[208.92] # 3 {-30.64} --- (1.98:1.57|1.98 s) <69:555> {2610:482} (5.8M 460.2M = 466.0M) [1]. | | | |-[209.44] # 4 {-30.99} --- (0.48|0.48 s) <73:608> {2899:542} (6.1M 483.1M = 489.2M) [0]. | | | |-[210.33] # 5 {-30.99} --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <81:1295> {6693:1144} (8.3M 942.9M = 951.2M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-3.93} <0.26> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-3.98} <1.00> | | | |-[211.02] # 6 {-31.16} --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <77:929> {4446:829} (7.4M 655.2M = 662.6M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-3.10} <0.22> | | |You go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {-3.15} <1.00> | | | |-[211.77] # 7 {-31.50} --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <81:1030> {5047:933} (7.8M 705.8M = 713.7M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.66} <0.26> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.71} <1.00> | | | |-[212.69] # 8 {-33.89} --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <77:1300> {6774:1149} (9.0M 964.0M = 973.0M) [0]. | | |You go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-0.82} <0.21> | | |You go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {-1.80} <1.00> | | | |-[213.68] # 9 {-34.27} --- 2 (0.94|0.00:0.94 s) <81:1401> {7647:1253} (9.4M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-1.96} <0.27> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {-2.95} <1.00> | |< |De går sammen til stiskille i Nørdstedalen.| (700) --- 12 x 320 x 350 = 101 [350] |@ |They coincide as far as a junction in Nørdstedalen, where the left fork climbs to Fortundalsbreen, which has guiding in the summer - sign up at either Nørdstedalseter or Sota Sæter - with the markers continuing on the far side of the glacier.| |@ |They run together to a fork in Nørdstedalen.| |@ |They run together as far as the fork at Nørdstedalen.| |> |Those go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.82} <0.22> (6:3:0). |> |Those go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.81} <0.27> (6:1:0). |> |They go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.81} <0.28> (12:3:0). |> |They go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.80} <0.31> (12:1:0). |> |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.77} <1.00> (6:1:1). |> |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| {0.76} <1.00> (6:3:1). |> |They go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.75} <1.00> (12:1:1). |> |Those walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.75} <0.27> (6:7:0). |> |They go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| {0.75} <1.00> (12:3:1). |> |They walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.75} <0.31> (12:7:0). |> |Those go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.74} <1.00> (6:1:2). |> |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.74} <0.26> (0:1:0). |> |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.73} <0.22> (0:4:0). |> |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.73} <1.00> (12:1:2). |> |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.73} <0.26> (3:4:0). |> |Those go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.73} <0.27> (0:3:0). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.73} <0.29> (3:1:0). |> |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.72} <0.31> (3:3:0). |> |Those go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.72} <0.27> (6:5:0). |> |They go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| {0.72} <0.31> (12:5:0). |> |Those walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.70} <1.00> (6:7:1). |> |They walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.70} <1.00> (12:7:1). |> |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.70} <1.00> (0:3:2). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.69} <1.00> (3:3:2). |> |They go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.69} <0.27> (3:8:0). |> |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.69} <0.21> (0:8:0). |> |Those go to a path border together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.69} <0.21> (6:4:0). |> |Those go to path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.69} <0.20> (6:8:0). |> |They go to path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.69} <0.22> (12:8:0). |> |They go to a path border together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.68} <0.27> (12:4:0). |> |Those walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.68} <1.00> (6:7:2). |> |Those walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.68} <0.26> (0:7:0). |> |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.67} <0.29> (3:7:0). |> |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.67} <1.00> (12:7:2). |> |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.67} <1.00> (6:4:1). |> |They go together into Nørdstedalen to a path border.| {0.66} <1.00> (12:4:1). |> |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to path division.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:8:1). |> |They go together into Nørdstedalen to path division.| {0.65} <1.00> (12:8:1). |> |Those go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.65} <1.00> (6:4:3). |> |They go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.64} <1.00> (12:4:3). |> |Those go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.63} <1.00> (6:1:7). |> |Those go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {0.63} <1.00> (6:5:1). |> |They go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {0.63} <1.00> (12:5:1). |> |Those go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.62} <1.00> (6:5:2). |> |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.62} <1.00> (12:1:7). |> |They go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.62} <1.00> (3:8:1). |> |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.62} <1.00> (12:5:2). |> |Those go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.62} <1.00> (0:8:1). |> |Those go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {0.61} <1.00> (6:3:7). |> |Those go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.60} <1.00> (6:3:8). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {0.60} <1.00> (12:3:7). |> |Those go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {0.60} <1.00> (0:5:1). |> |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.60} <1.00> (12:3:8). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {0.60} <1.00> (3:5:1). |> |They go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {0.59} <0.26> (3:9:0). |> |Those go to a path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.59} <0.21> (6:9:0). |> |They go to a path division together into Nørdstedalen.| {0.59} <0.27> (12:9:0). |> |Those go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {0.59} <0.22> (0:9:0). |> |Those go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {0.58} <1.00> (6:1:9). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {0.57} <1.00> (12:1:9). |> |Those walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.57} <1.00> (6:7:7). |> |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.57} <1.00> (12:7:7). |> |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.56} <0.26> (10:1:0). |> |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.56} <0.27> (10:3:0). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.54} <1.00> (10:1:1). |> |You go into Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.54} <0.22> (10:4:0). |> |Those go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {0.54} <1.00> (6:4:7). |> |They go to a path border into Nørdstedalen together.| {0.53} <1.00> (12:4:7). |> |Those go together into Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {0.53} <1.00> (6:9:1). |> |They go together into Nørdstedalen to a path division.| {0.53} <1.00> (12:9:1). |> |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.52} <0.31> (7:9:0). |> |Those walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {0.52} <1.00> (6:7:9). |> |Those walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.52} <0.27> (2:9:0). |> |Those go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.52} <1.00> (6:9:2). |> |They walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {0.51} <1.00> (12:7:9). |> |They go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.51} <1.00> (12:9:2). |> |Those go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.51} <1.00> (6:5:7). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.51} <1.00> (10:3:2). |> |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| {0.50} <1.00> (12:5:7). |> |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| {0.50} <0.26> (10:7:0). |> |You go into Nørdstedalen together to path division.| {0.50} <0.21> (10:8:0). |> |Those go into Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {0.50} <1.00> (6:8:8). |> |They go into Nørdstedalen to path division together.| {0.50} <1.00> (12:8:8). |> |Those go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {0.49} <1.00> (6:8:10). |> |They go to path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {0.49} <1.00> (12:8:10). |> |Those go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {0.49} <1.00> (6:5:8). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| {0.49} <1.00> (10:7:1). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {0.48} <1.00> (12:5:8). |> |Those go into Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {0.48} <1.00> (6:4:9). |> |They go into Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| {0.47} <1.00> (12:4:9). |> |You go together to a path border into Nørdstedalen.| {0.47} <1.00> (10:4:1). |> |You go together to path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.45} <1.00> (10:8:1). |> |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.44} <0.26> (10:5:0). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {0.41} <1.00> (10:5:1). |> |You go into Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| {0.40} <0.22> (10:9:0). |> |Those go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {0.40} <1.00> (6:9:8). |> |They go to a path division into Nørdstedalen together.| {0.40} <1.00> (12:9:8). |> |Those go into Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {0.38} <1.00> (6:9:9). |> |They go into Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| {0.38} <1.00> (12:9:9). |> |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| {0.34} <0.27> (17:9:0). |> |You go together to a path division into Nørdstedalen.| {0.33} <1.00> (10:9:1). |= 39:19 of 70 {55.7+27.1}; 31:5 of 39:19 {79.5 26.3}; 22:4 of 31:5 {71.0 80.0} @ 26 of 70 {37.1} <0.34 0.91>. [04:13:00] (710) |Over breen går det fører i sommersesongen, påmelding til Nørdstedalseter eller Sota Sæter.| --- 6 [60] (3.41|0.00:4.39 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.26] # 0 {-38.05} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sesong_n_rel"|. | |-[6.32] # 1 {-38.12} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sesong_n_rel"|. | |-[6.38] # 2 {-38.58} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sesong_n_rel"|. | |-[6.44] # 3 {-38.60} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sesong_n_rel"|. | |-[6.50] # 4 {-38.65} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sesong_n_rel"|. | |-[6.56] # 5 {-38.66} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_sesong_n_rel"|. | |< |Over breen går det fører i sommersesongen, påmelding til Nørdstedalseter eller Sota Sæter.| (710) --- 6 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |They coincide as far as a junction in Nørdstedalen, where the left fork climbs to Fortundalsbreen, which has guiding in the summer - sign up at either Nørdstedalseter or Sota Sæter - with the markers continuing on the far side of the glacier.| |@ |Guides cross the glacier in summer; booking at Nørdstedalseter or Sota Sæter.| |@ |During the summer season, there is a guide to take you across the glacier; register at Nørdstedalseter or Sota Sæter.| |= 40:19 of 71 {56.3+26.8}; 31:5 of 40:19 {77.5 26.3}; 22:4 of 31:5 {71.0 80.0} @ 26 of 71 {36.6} <0.33 0.91>. [04:13:06] (720) |Den andre ruta til Sota Sæter fra Nørdstedalseter går på østsiden av Illvatnet og er en time lengre.| --- error: PVM client exit <40019>. | |< |Den andre ruta til Sota Sæter fra Nørdstedalseter går på østsiden av Illvatnet og er en time lengre.| (720) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |The right fork runs along the east side of Illvatnet and takes an hour longer.| |@ |The other route to Sota Sæter from Nørdstedalseter runs on the east side of Illvatnet and is an hour longer.| |@ |The other route to Sota Sæter from Nørdstedalseter goes along the eastern side of Illvatnet and is one hour longer.| |= 40:19 of 72 {55.6+26.4}; 31:5 of 40:19 {77.5 26.3}; 22:4 of 31:5 {71.0 80.0} @ 26 of 72 {36.1} <0.33 0.91>. [04:17:31] (730) |Fra denne ruta går det en gammel merking over til Lundadalsbandet og Trulsbu.| --- ^4 [8] (44.54|0.00:44.24 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[50.08] # 0 {-29.14} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[50.11] # 2 {-30.05} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[50.14] # 4 {-31.25} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[50.17] # 6 {-32.16} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |< |Fra denne ruta går det en gammel merking over til Lundadalsbandet og Trulsbu.| (730) --- ^4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |A side trail turning right leads to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu.| |@ |From this route, old marking runs over to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu.| |@ |Out from this route, there is an old marked trail across to Lundadalsbandet and Trulsbu.| |= 40:20 of 73 {54.8+27.4}; 31:5 of 40:20 {77.5 25.0}; 22:4 of 31:5 {71.0 80.0} @ 26 of 73 {35.6} <0.32 0.91>. [04:18:21] (740) |Fra Trulsbu er det merket rute videre til Skjåk.| --- 7 [10] (1.85|0.00:1.95 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.48] # 0 {-27.35} --- 2 (1.35|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (28.6M 755.6M = 784.2M) [0]. | | | |-[5.28] # 0 {-15.62} --- (0.78|0.78 s) <136:1392> {9984:1329} (10.6M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[9.31] # 1 {-15.75} --- 6 (3.97|0.00:3.97 s) <144:5654> {33855:5695} (48.2M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| {7.16} <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| {5.44} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| {4.81} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| {4.41} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| {3.67} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| {3.04} <1.00> | |-[11.31] # 1 {-27.40} --- 2 (1.13|0.00:0.00 s) <:47> (27.5M 721.7M = 749.2M) [0]. | | | |-[11.97] # 0 {-18.14} --- (0.64|0.64 s) <120:993> {3324:872} (7.7M 793.7M = 801.5M) [0]. | | | |-[13.98] # 1 {-18.31} --- (1.31|1.31 s) <128:2608> {6764:2557} (11.2M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | |-[16.28] # 2 {-27.99} --- 8 (2.26:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:30> (44.5M 1.2G = 1.2G) [1]. | | | |-[17.13] # 0 {-22.43} --- (0.82|0.82 s) <120:1271> {7305:1222} (9.1M 937.5M = 946.5M) [0]. | | | |-[17.97] # 1 {-22.47} --- (0.82|0.82 s) <120:1271> {7305:1222} (9.1M 937.5M = 946.5M) [0]. | | | |-[22.26] # 2 {-22.66} --- 3 (4.25:1.49|0.00:4.25 s) <128:5367> {30123:5161} (26.9M 3.7G = 3.7G) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {6.11} <0.26> | | |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {4.38} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that mark more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {3.21} <1.00> | | | |-[25.08] # 3 {-22.70} --- 3 (2.78|0.00:2.78 s) <128:5367> {30123:5161} (26.9M 3.7G = 3.7G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {6.10} <0.26> | | |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {4.37} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that sign more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {3.20} <1.00> | | | |-[25.74] # 4 {-29.52} --- (0.64|0.64 s) <120:1271> {7305:1222} (9.1M 937.5M = 946.5M) [0]. | | | |-[26.34] # 5 {-29.52} --- (0.58|0.58 s) <112:1174> {5904:1145} (8.7M 814.9M = 823.6M) [0]. | | | |-[29.27] # 6 {-29.83} --- 3 (2.89|0.00:2.89 s) <128:5367> {30123:5161} (26.9M 3.7G = 3.7G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, that check is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {6.10} <0.26> | | |From Trulsbu, that check is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {4.37} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that check more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {3.20} <1.00> | | | |-[33.64] # 7 {-29.83} --- 3 (4.35:1.76|0.00:4.35 s) <120:5258> {24636:5070} (26.3M 3.3G = 3.3G) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu, that token is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {7.01} <0.26> | | |From Trulsbu, that token is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {5.29} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that token more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {3.61} <1.00> | |-[35.65] # 3 {-28.78} --- 2 (1.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (28.6M 755.2M = 783.8M) [0]. | | | |-[36.51] # 0 {-16.49} --- (0.84|0.84 s) <136:1393> {9421:1352} (10.5M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[40.51] # 1 {-16.62} --- 6 (3.85|0.00:3.85 s) <144:5646> {31053:5677} (50.6M 4.2G = 4.2G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| {8.17} <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| {6.44} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| {5.47} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| {5.41} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| {4.67} <1.00> | | |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| {3.70} <1.00> | |-[44.52] # 4 {-30.38} --- 8 (3.47|0.00:0.00 s) <:47> (68.2M 1.8G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[45.02] # 0 {-15.79} --- (0.48|0.48 s) <80:584> {3254:529} (6.7M 564.3M = 571.0M) [0]. | | | |-[45.91] # 1 {-15.93} --- (0.86|0.86 s) <88:1275> {7861:1116} (8.7M 971.2M = 979.9M) [0]. | | | |-[46.46] # 2 {-17.08} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <80:584> {3254:529} (6.7M 564.4M = 571.2M) [0]. | | | |-[47.32] # 3 {-17.23} --- (0.83|0.83 s) <88:1275> {7861:1116} (8.7M 971.2M = 979.9M) [0]. | | | |-[47.74] # 4 {-17.54} --- (0.40|0.40 s) <80:584> {3254:529} (6.7M 564.4M = 571.1M) [0]. | | | |-[48.44] # 5 {-17.70} --- (0.68|0.68 s) <88:1275> {7861:1116} (8.7M 971.1M = 979.8M) [0]. | | | |-[48.84] # 6 {-18.53} --- (0.38|0.38 s) <76:535> {2694:496} (6.5M 518.7M = 525.2M) [0]. | | | |-[49.50] # 7 {-18.70} --- (0.64|0.64 s) <84:1235> {7280:1088} (8.5M 916.3M = 924.8M) [0]. | |-[51.51] # 5 {-30.40} --- 2 (1.25|0.00:0.00 s) <:20> (22.6M 634.4M = 657.0M) [0]. | | | |-[52.05] # 0 {-21.27} --- (0.52|0.52 s) <68:1200> {3916:1162} (6.5M 573.6M = 580.0M) [0]. | | | |-[56.06] # 1 {-21.51} --- 48 (3.44:1.66|0.00:3.44 s) <76:3720> {13392:3526} (19.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [1]. | | |More widely mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {-0.71} <0.28> | | |More widely marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {-0.71} <1.00> | | |More widely mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {-0.71} <1.00> | | |More widely marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {-0.71} <1.00> | | |More widely mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {-0.71} <1.00> | | |More widely marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {-0.71} <1.00> | | |More widely marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {-1.71} <1.00> | | |More widely mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {-1.71} <1.00> | | |More widely marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {-1.71} <1.00> | | |More widely mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {-1.71} <1.00> | | |More widely mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {-1.78} <1.00> | | |More widely marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {-1.78} <1.00> | | |Marks a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk| [42] {-2.85} <1.00> | | |Mark a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk| [42] {-2.85} <1.00> | | |Mark a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk?| [42] {-2.85} <1.00> | | |Marks a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk?| [42] {-2.85} <1.00> | | |Mark a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk.| [42] {-2.85} <1.00> | | |Marks a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk.| [42] {-2.85} <1.00> | | |Marks a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {-3.40} <1.00> | | |Mark a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {-3.40} <1.00> | | |Marks a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {-3.40} <1.00> | | |Mark a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {-3.40} <1.00> | | |Mark a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {-3.40} <1.00> | | |Marks a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {-3.40} <1.00> | | |Marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely| [42] {-3.90} <1.00> | | |Mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely| [42] {-3.90} <1.00> | | |Mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely?| [42] {-3.94} <1.00> | | |Marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely?| [42] {-3.94} <1.00> | | |Mark a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu?| [42] {-4.04} <1.00> | | |Marks a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu?| [42] {-4.04} <1.00> | | |Mark a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu.| [42] {-4.04} <1.00> | | |Marks a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu.| [42] {-4.04} <1.00> | | |Marks a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu| [42] {-4.11} <1.00> | | |Mark a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu| [42] {-4.11} <1.00> | | |Mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely.| [42] {-4.11} <1.00> | | |Marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely.| [42] {-4.11} <1.00> | | |Marks a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {-4.90} <1.00> | | |Mark a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {-4.90} <1.00> | | |Marks a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {-4.90} <1.00> | | |Mark a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {-4.90} <1.00> | | |Mark a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {-4.96} <1.00> | | |Marks a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {-4.96} <1.00> | | |Marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely| [42] {-5.36} <1.00> | | |Mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely| [42] {-5.36} <1.00> | | |Mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely?| [42] {-5.40} <1.00> | | |Marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely?| [42] {-5.40} <1.00> | | |Mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely.| [42] {-5.57} <1.00> | | |Marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely.| [42] {-5.57} <1.00> | |-[60.08] # 8 {-30.48} --- 8 (3.44:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:47> (68.2M 1.8G = 1.9G) [1]. | | | |-[60.63] # 0 {-15.79} --- (0.53|0.53 s) <80:584> {3254:529} (6.7M 564.3M = 571.0M) [0]. | | | |-[61.52] # 1 {-15.93} --- (0.87|0.87 s) <88:1275> {7861:1116} (8.7M 971.2M = 979.9M) [0]. | | | |-[62.08] # 2 {-17.08} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <80:584> {3254:529} (6.7M 564.4M = 571.2M) [0]. | | | |-[62.99] # 3 {-17.23} --- (0.89|0.89 s) <88:1275> {7861:1116} (8.7M 971.2M = 979.9M) [0]. | | | |-[63.55] # 4 {-17.54} --- (0.54|0.54 s) <80:584> {3254:529} (6.7M 564.4M = 571.1M) [0]. | | | |-[64.26] # 5 {-17.70} --- (0.69|0.69 s) <88:1275> {7861:1116} (8.7M 971.1M = 979.8M) [0]. | | | |-[64.67] # 6 {-18.53} --- (0.39|0.39 s) <76:535> {2694:496} (6.5M 518.7M = 525.2M) [0]. | | | |-[65.35] # 7 {-18.70} --- (0.66|0.66 s) <84:1235> {7280:1088} (8.5M 916.3M = 924.8M) [0]. | |< |Fra Trulsbu er det merket rute videre til Skjåk.| (740) --- 7 x 32 x 72 = 72 |@ |From Trulsbu there is a marked trail to Skjåk, running along the eastern shore of Lundadalsvatnet and along the valley to the lowest Lundadalssætri.| |@ |From Trulsbu there's a marked route onward to Skjåk.| |@ |From Trulsbu, there is a marked route leading to Skjåk.| |> |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| {0.95} <0.34> (0:1:0). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| {0.89} <0.34> (3:1:0). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| {0.88} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| {0.85} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| {0.83} <1.00> (0:1:3). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| {0.82} <1.00> (3:1:1). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| {0.80} <1.00> (0:1:4). |> |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| {0.78} <1.00> (3:1:2). |> |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| {0.77} <1.00> (0:1:5). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| {0.77} <1.00> (3:1:3). |> |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {0.77} <0.26> (2:2:0). |> |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {0.77} <0.26> (2:3:0). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| {0.74} <1.00> (3:1:4). |> |From Trulsbu, that token is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {0.71} <0.26> (2:7:0). |> |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| {0.70} <1.00> (3:1:5). |> |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {0.69} <1.00> (2:2:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {0.69} <1.00> (2:3:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that check is a route more widely to Skjåk.| {0.67} <0.26> (2:6:0). |> |From Trulsbu, that mark more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {0.64} <1.00> (2:2:2). |> |From Trulsbu, that sign more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {0.64} <1.00> (2:3:2). |> |From Trulsbu, that token is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {0.63} <1.00> (2:7:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that check is a route to Skjåk more widely.| {0.59} <1.00> (2:6:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that token more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {0.56} <1.00> (2:7:2). |> |From Trulsbu, that check more widely is a route to Skjåk.| {0.54} <1.00> (2:6:2). |> |More widely marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {0.33} <1.00> (5:1:1). |> |More widely mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {0.33} <1.00> (5:1:2). |> |More widely marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {0.33} <1.00> (5:1:5). |> |More widely mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {0.33} <1.00> (5:1:4). |> |More widely mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {0.33} <0.28> (5:1:0). |> |More widely marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {0.33} <1.00> (5:1:3). |> |More widely mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (5:1:9). |> |More widely marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (5:1:6). |> |More widely marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (5:1:8). |> |More widely mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (5:1:7). |> |More widely mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (5:1:10). |> |More widely marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {0.29} <1.00> (5:1:11). |> |Mark a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk| [42] {0.24} <1.00> (5:1:13). |> |Marks a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk?| [42] {0.24} <1.00> (5:1:15). |> |Mark a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk.| [42] {0.24} <1.00> (5:1:16). |> |Marks a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk.| [42] {0.24} <1.00> (5:1:17). |> |Mark a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk?| [42] {0.24} <1.00> (5:1:14). |> |Marks a route from Trulsbu more widely to Skjåk| [42] {0.24} <1.00> (5:1:12). |> |Mark a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (5:1:22). |> |Marks a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (5:1:23). |> |Mark a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (5:1:21). |> |Mark a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (5:1:19). |> |Marks a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk.| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (5:1:18). |> |Marks a route more widely from Trulsbu to Skjåk?| [42] {0.22} <1.00> (5:1:20). |> |Mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:25). |> |Marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:24). |> |Marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely?| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:27). |> |Mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely?| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:26). |> |Marks a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu.| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:31). |> |Mark a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu?| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:28). |> |Mark a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu.| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:30). |> |Marks a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu?| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:29). |> |Marks a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:32). |> |Mark a route to Skjåk more widely from Trulsbu| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:33). |> |Mark a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely.| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:34). |> |Marks a route from Trulsbu to Skjåk more widely.| [42] {0.19} <1.00> (5:1:35). |> |Mark a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {0.15} <1.00> (5:1:37). |> |Marks a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {0.15} <1.00> (5:1:38). |> |Mark a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu?| [42] {0.15} <1.00> (5:1:39). |> |Marks a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu.| [42] {0.15} <1.00> (5:1:36). |> |Marks a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {0.15} <1.00> (5:1:41). |> |Mark a route more widely to Skjåk from Trulsbu| [42] {0.15} <1.00> (5:1:40). |> |Marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely| [42] {0.13} <1.00> (5:1:42). |> |Mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely| [42] {0.13} <1.00> (5:1:43). |> |Marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely?| [42] {0.13} <1.00> (5:1:45). |> |Mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely?| [42] {0.13} <1.00> (5:1:44). |> |Marks a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely.| [42] {0.12} <1.00> (5:1:47). |> |Mark a route to Skjåk from Trulsbu more widely.| [42] {0.12} <1.00> (5:1:46). |= 41:20 of 74 {55.4+27.0}; 32:5 of 41:20 {78.0 25.0}; 23:4 of 32:5 {71.9 80.0} @ 27 of 74 {36.5} <0.33 0.91>. [04:19:26] (750) |Derfra er det seks kilometer vei ned til dalen og kommunesenteret Bismo.| --- 10 (3.00|0.00:3.16 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.31] # 0 {-40.73} --- 12 (4.22|0.00:0.00 s) <:76> (102.2M 2.5G = 2.6G) [0]. | | | |-[10.89] # 0 {-35.46} --- (2.55|2.55 s) <161:3525> {35145:3211} (18.5M 3.3G = 3.3G) [0]. | | | |-[11.86] # 1 {-35.46} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <153:1538> {10713:1359} (12.0M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[13.86] # 2 {-35.83} --- (1.19|1.19 s) <163:1784> {11741:1569} (12.6M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | | |-[18.48] # 3 {-36.03} --- (4.58:1.57|4.58 s) <171:4692> {47344:4336} (21.9M 4.5G = 4.5G) [1]. | | | |-[20.56] # 4 {-36.07} --- (2.05|2.05 s) <161:3525> {35145:3211} (18.5M 3.3G = 3.3G) [0]. | | | |-[21.50] # 5 {-36.14} --- (0.91|0.91 s) <153:1538> {10713:1359} (12.0M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[23.60] # 6 {-37.00} --- (2.07|2.07 s) <154:3516> {35170:3204} (18.6M 3.3G = 3.4G) [0]. | | | |-[25.70] # 7 {-37.19} --- (2.07|2.07 s) <162:3532> {35153:3212} (18.5M 3.4G = 3.4G) [0]. | | | |-[26.64] # 8 {-43.92} --- (0.91|0.91 s) <153:1538> {10713:1359} (12.0M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[29.14] # 9 {-43.92} --- (2.47:1.52|2.47 s) <153:1538> {10713:1359} (12.0M 1.4G = 1.4G) [1]. | |-[33.29] # 1 {-40.95} --- 12 (4.09:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:92> (101.8M 2.5G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[35.42] # 0 {-35.56} --- (2.09|2.09 s) <161:3105> {33419:2805} (17.4M 3.1G = 3.1G) [0]. | | | |-[37.42] # 1 {-35.57} --- (0.98|0.98 s) <153:1465> {10840:1297} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[39.43] # 2 {-35.97} --- (1.07|1.07 s) <163:1763> {13048:1539} (12.6M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | | |-[43.44] # 3 {-36.17} --- (3.35|3.35 s) <171:4481> {50976:4081} (21.5M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[45.50] # 4 {-36.31} --- (2.03|2.03 s) <161:3105> {33419:2805} (17.4M 3.1G = 3.1G) [0]. | | | |-[46.50] # 5 {-36.39} --- (0.97|0.97 s) <153:1465> {10840:1297} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[50.51] # 6 {-37.75} --- (3.42:1.49|3.42 s) <154:3100> {33436:2798} (17.5M 3.1G = 3.1G) [1]. | | | |-[52.52] # 7 {-37.95} --- (1.87|1.87 s) <162:3116> {33427:2806} (17.4M 3.1G = 3.1G) [0]. | | | |-[53.44] # 8 {-46.45} --- (0.90|0.90 s) <153:1465> {10840:1297} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[54.37] # 9 {-46.45} --- (0.90|0.90 s) <153:1465> {10840:1297} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | |-[58.75] # 2 {-40.98} --- 12 (4.30:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:92> (101.7M 2.5G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[60.76] # 0 {-35.04} --- (1.37|1.37 s) <161:2083> {13941:1756} (13.4M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[62.77] # 1 {-35.04} --- (1.09|1.09 s) <153:1346> {9144:1135} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[64.77] # 2 {-36.19} --- (1.18|1.18 s) <161:2083> {13941:1756} (13.4M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[66.78] # 3 {-36.26} --- (1.10|1.10 s) <153:1346> {9144:1135} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[69.54] # 4 {-36.33} --- (2.73:1.60|2.73 s) <163:1624> {10735:1361} (12.1M 1.5G = 1.5G) [1]. | | | |-[71.55] # 5 {-36.53} --- (1.49|1.49 s) <171:2642> {18679:2200} (14.6M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | | |-[73.56] # 6 {-37.21} --- (1.31|1.31 s) <154:2079> {13960:1750} (13.5M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[75.57] # 7 {-37.40} --- (1.38|1.38 s) <162:2094> {13949:1757} (13.4M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[76.48] # 8 {-45.90} --- (0.89|0.89 s) <153:1346> {9144:1135} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[78.49] # 9 {-45.90} --- (1.12|1.12 s) <153:1346> {9144:1135} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | |-[82.75] # 3 {-41.10} --- 12 (4.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:76> (102.2M 2.5G = 2.6G) [0]. | | | |-[89.75] # 0 {-35.78} --- (6.97:1.93|6.97 s) <161:6461> {74909:5983} (28.3M 6.7G = 6.7G) [1]. | | | |-[91.75] # 1 {-35.78} --- (1.12|1.12 s) <153:1881> {16585:1718} (13.3M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[93.76] # 2 {-36.15} --- (1.33|1.33 s) <163:2159> {18107:1960} (13.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[101.78] # 3 {-36.35} --- (7.19|7.19 s) <171:8404> {100004:7884} (34.7M 9.3G = 9.3G) [0]. | | | |-[107.87] # 4 {-36.39} --- (6.06:1.76|6.06 s) <161:6461> {74909:5983} (28.3M 6.7G = 6.7G) [1]. | | | |-[109.87] # 5 {-36.47} --- (1.12|1.12 s) <153:1881> {16585:1718} (13.3M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[115.89] # 6 {-37.33} --- (5.02|5.02 s) <154:6591> {76570:6108} (28.8M 6.9G = 6.9G) [0]. | | | |-[122.32] # 7 {-37.53} --- (6.39:1.84|6.39 s) <162:6468> {74917:5984} (28.4M 6.8G = 6.8G) [1]. | | | |-[124.32] # 8 {-44.32} --- (1.12|1.12 s) <153:1881> {16585:1718} (13.3M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[126.33] # 9 {-44.32} --- (1.33|1.33 s) <153:1881> {16585:1718} (13.3M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | |-[130.75] # 4 {-41.46} --- 12 (4.35:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:92> (101.7M 2.5G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[132.76] # 0 {-35.25} --- (1.45|1.45 s) <161:2029> {13512:1738} (13.3M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[134.77] # 1 {-35.25} --- (1.08|1.08 s) <153:1346> {9056:1153} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[136.78] # 2 {-35.65} --- (1.19|1.19 s) <163:1608> {10145:1371} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[138.79] # 3 {-35.84} --- (1.76|1.76 s) <171:2585> {17286:2222} (14.6M 2.4G = 2.4G) [0]. | | | |-[140.79] # 4 {-35.99} --- (1.32|1.32 s) <161:2029> {13512:1738} (13.3M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[143.08] # 5 {-36.06} --- (2.26:1.40|2.26 s) <153:1346> {9056:1153} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[145.08] # 6 {-37.41} --- (1.13|1.13 s) <154:2025> {13531:1732} (13.4M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[147.09] # 7 {-37.61} --- (1.47|1.47 s) <162:2040> {13520:1739} (13.3M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[147.97] # 8 {-46.03} --- (0.84|0.84 s) <153:1346> {9056:1153} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[148.86] # 9 {-46.03} --- (0.86|0.86 s) <153:1346> {9056:1153} (11.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | |-[153.07] # 5 {-42.16} --- 12 (4.14|0.00:0.00 s) <:76> (102.1M 2.5G = 2.6G) [0]. | | | |-[155.64] # 0 {-37.19} --- (2.54|2.54 s) <161:3545> {33789:3211} (18.4M 3.3G = 3.4G) [0]. | | | |-[156.60] # 1 {-37.20} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <153:1526> {10413:1335} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[158.60] # 2 {-37.59} --- (1.01|1.01 s) <158:1760> {11432:1540} (12.3M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | | |-[163.59] # 3 {-37.80} --- (4.96:1.62|4.96 s) <166:4704> {45574:4335} (21.7M 4.4G = 4.5G) [1]. | | | |-[166.01] # 4 {-37.84} --- (2.37|2.37 s) <161:3545> {33789:3211} (18.4M 3.3G = 3.4G) [0]. | | | |-[168.02] # 5 {-37.92} --- (0.99|0.99 s) <153:1526> {10413:1335} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[170.36] # 6 {-38.83} --- (2.28|2.28 s) <154:3537> {33816:3205} (18.5M 3.4G = 3.4G) [0]. | | | |-[172.54] # 7 {-39.03} --- (2.15|2.15 s) <162:3552> {33797:3212} (18.4M 3.4G = 3.4G) [0]. | | | |-[173.52] # 8 {-46.19} --- (0.94|0.94 s) <153:1526> {10413:1335} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[174.50] # 9 {-46.19} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <153:1526> {10413:1335} (11.9M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | |-[178.91] # 6 {-42.38} --- 12 (4.35:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:92> (101.7M 2.5G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[182.93] # 0 {-37.30} --- (3.81:1.77|3.81 s) <161:3121> {32207:2801} (17.3M 3.1G = 3.1G) [1]. | | | |-[183.88] # 1 {-37.31} --- (0.90|0.90 s) <153:1453> {10548:1273} (11.7M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[185.89] # 2 {-37.73} --- (1.13|1.13 s) <158:1739> {12763:1510} (12.3M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | | |-[189.90] # 3 {-37.94} --- (3.45|3.45 s) <166:4489> {49254:4076} (21.3M 5.0G = 5.0G) [0]. | | | |-[192.01] # 4 {-38.10} --- (2.05|2.05 s) <161:3121> {32207:2801} (17.3M 3.1G = 3.1G) [0]. | | | |-[193.00] # 5 {-38.18} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <153:1453> {10548:1273} (11.7M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[197.01] # 6 {-39.63} --- (3.55:1.57|3.55 s) <154:3117> {32226:2795} (17.4M 3.1G = 3.1G) [1]. | | | |-[199.12] # 7 {-39.83} --- (2.00|2.00 s) <162:3132> {32215:2802} (17.3M 3.1G = 3.1G) [0]. | | | |-[200.04] # 8 {-48.89} --- (0.89|0.89 s) <153:1453> {10548:1273} (11.7M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[201.02] # 9 {-48.89} --- (0.94|0.94 s) <153:1453> {10548:1273} (11.7M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | |-[205.36] # 7 {-42.42} --- 12 (4.26:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:92> (101.7M 2.5G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[207.37] # 0 {-36.75} --- (1.52|1.52 s) <161:2067> {13443:1728} (13.2M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[208.28] # 1 {-36.75} --- (0.87|0.87 s) <153:1330> {8982:1107} (11.2M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[210.29] # 2 {-37.97} --- (1.31|1.31 s) <161:2067> {13443:1728} (13.2M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[212.30] # 3 {-38.05} --- (1.10|1.10 s) <153:1330> {8982:1107} (11.2M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[214.30] # 4 {-38.12} --- (1.21|1.21 s) <158:1588> {10568:1320} (11.8M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | | |-[218.31] # 5 {-38.33} --- (3.34:1.74|3.34 s) <166:2606> {18167:2159} (14.3M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[220.32] # 6 {-39.05} --- (1.27|1.27 s) <154:2063> {13462:1722} (13.3M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[222.33] # 7 {-39.26} --- (1.22|1.22 s) <162:2078> {13451:1729} (13.2M 2.0G = 2.0G) [0]. | | | |-[223.26] # 8 {-48.30} --- (0.91|0.91 s) <153:1330> {8982:1107} (11.2M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[224.22] # 9 {-48.30} --- (0.93|0.93 s) <153:1330> {8982:1107} (11.2M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | |-[228.66] # 8 {-42.53} --- 12 (4.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:76> (102.1M 2.5G = 2.6G) [0]. | | | |-[234.68] # 0 {-37.53} --- (5.40|5.40 s) <161:6718> {73585:6212} (28.9M 7.0G = 7.0G) [0]. | | | |-[237.51] # 1 {-37.53} --- (2.80:1.57|2.80 s) <153:1890> {16060:1715} (13.2M 1.7G = 1.7G) [1]. | | | |-[239.51] # 2 {-37.93} --- (1.24|1.24 s) <158:2174> {17591:1970} (13.7M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[249.53] # 3 {-38.14} --- (9.43|9.43 s) <166:8744> {98721:8203} (35.4M 9.6G = 9.6G) [0]. | | | |-[257.55] # 4 {-38.18} --- (7.87:2.24|7.87 s) <161:6718> {73585:6212} (28.9M 7.0G = 7.0G) [1]. | | | |-[259.55] # 5 {-38.26} --- (1.48|1.48 s) <153:1890> {16060:1715} (13.2M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[265.57] # 6 {-39.18} --- (5.33|5.33 s) <154:6710> {73612:6206} (29.0M 7.0G = 7.1G) [0]. | | | |-[272.44] # 7 {-39.39} --- (6.84:1.88|6.84 s) <162:6725> {73593:6213} (28.9M 7.1G = 7.1G) [1]. | | | |-[274.45] # 8 {-46.61} --- (1.11|1.11 s) <153:1890> {16060:1715} (13.2M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[276.46] # 9 {-46.61} --- (1.16|1.16 s) <153:1890> {16060:1715} (13.2M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | |-[280.98] # 9 {-42.89} --- 12 (4.45:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:92> (101.7M 2.5G = 2.6G) [1]. | | | |-[282.99] # 0 {-36.97} --- (1.45|1.45 s) <161:2013> {13014:1710} (13.1M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[283.87] # 1 {-36.97} --- (0.84|0.84 s) <153:1330> {8894:1125} (11.2M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[284.84] # 2 {-37.39} --- (0.94|0.94 s) <158:1572> {9970:1330} (11.7M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[286.85] # 3 {-37.60} --- (1.52|1.52 s) <166:2549> {16678:2181} (14.3M 2.3G = 2.3G) [0]. | | | |-[288.85] # 4 {-37.75} --- (1.17|1.17 s) <161:2013> {13014:1710} (13.1M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[290.86] # 5 {-37.83} --- (1.01|1.01 s) <153:1330> {8894:1125} (11.2M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[294.87] # 6 {-39.27} --- (3.02:1.76|3.02 s) <154:2009> {13033:1704} (13.2M 1.9G = 1.9G) [1]. | | | |-[296.88] # 7 {-39.47} --- (1.22|1.22 s) <162:2024> {13022:1711} (13.1M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[297.86] # 8 {-48.44} --- (0.94|0.94 s) <153:1330> {8894:1125} (11.2M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[299.87] # 9 {-48.44} --- (0.99|0.99 s) <153:1330> {8894:1125} (11.2M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | |< |Derfra er det seks kilometer vei ned til dalen og kommunesenteret Bismo.| (750) --- 10 x 120 x 0 = 0 |@ |A four-mile road runs down the valley to Bismo.| |@ |From there, it's six kilometers down the valley to the village center at Bismo.| |@ |From here there is a six-kilometer road down to the valley and the municipal center of Bismo.| |= 42:20 of 75 {56.0+26.7}; 33:5 of 42:20 {78.6 25.0}; 23:4 of 33:5 {69.7 80.0} @ 27 of 75 {36.0} <0.33 0.91>. [04:24:26] (760) |Alle rutene som er nevnt er beskrevet i Til fots i Norge.| --- (26.87|26.86 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Alle rutene som er nevnt er beskrevet i Til fots i Norge.| (760) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |All these trails are described in Norwegian Mountains on Foot.| |@ |All the routes named are described in "Til fots I Norge."| |@ |All of the routes mentioned here are described in On Foot in Norway.| |= 42:20 of 76 {55.3+26.3}; 33:5 of 42:20 {78.6 25.0}; 23:4 of 33:5 {69.7 80.0} @ 27 of 76 {35.5} <0.32 0.91>. [04:24:54] (770) |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 t.| --- ^1 (0.15|0.00:0.14 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.59] # 0 {0.00} --- 4 (0.93|0.00:0.00 s) <:97> (17.9M 477.6M = 495.6M) [0]. | | | |-[1.81] # 0 {-1101.88} --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.20 s) <9:82> {126:71} (2.3M 124.2M = 126.4M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four hours| {39.80} <0.29> | | | |-[2.22] # 1 {-1556.37} --- 3 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <17:155> {255:126} (2.4M 145.2M = 147.6M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Of four classes| {49.24} <0.24> | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four classes of| {46.56} <1.00> | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four classes| {45.38} <1.00> | | | |-[2.62] # 2 {-1595.13} --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <9:68> {100:56} (2.1M 112.8M = 114.9M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four lessons| {47.58} <0.27> | | | |-[3.01] # 3 {-2346.30} --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <9:68> {100:56} (2.1M 112.8M = 114.9M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four appointments| {48.90} <0.27> | |< |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 t.| (770) --- ^1 x 4 x 6 = 6 |@ |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 h.| |@ |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 hours.| |@ |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 hrs.| |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Of four classes| {0.73} <0.24> (0:1:0). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four lessons| {0.62} <0.27> (0:2:0). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four appointments| {0.58} <0.27> (0:3:0). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four classes of| {0.56} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four classes| {0.48} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four hours| {0.20} <0.29> (0:0:0). |= 42:21 of 77 {54.5+27.3}; 33:6 of 42:21 {78.6 28.6}; 23:5 of 33:6 {69.7 83.3} @ 28 of 77 {36.4} <0.33 0.92>. [04:24:57] (780) |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t.| --- ^4 [8] (0.52|0.00:0.60 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.03] # 0 {-8.42} --- 4 (1.90|0.00:0.00 s) <:486> (65.3M 1014.1M = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[4.36] # 0 {-4698.35} --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <9:86> {137:72} (3.8M 219.8M = 223.6M) [0]. | | |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {65.57} <0.19> | | | |-[4.76] # 1 {-6358.87} --- 3 (0.34|0.00:0.34 s) <17:159> {266:127} (4.0M 239.4M = 243.4M) [0]. | | |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {74.07} <0.15> | | |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {73.47} <1.00> | | |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {69.93} <1.00> | | | |-[5.14] # 2 {-6494.37} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.6M) [0]. | | |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {71.25} <0.16> | | | |-[5.53] # 3 {-9040.32} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.7M) [0]. | | |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {75.42} <0.16> | |-[7.63] # 1 {-8.42} --- 4 (2.06:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:486> (65.3M 1014.8M = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[7.96] # 0 {-4698.35} --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <9:86> {137:72} (3.8M 217.6M = 221.3M) [0]. | | |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {65.57} <0.19> | | | |-[8.35] # 1 {-6358.87} --- 3 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <17:159> {266:127} (4.0M 239.4M = 243.4M) [0]. | | |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {74.07} <0.15> | | |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {73.47} <1.00> | | |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {69.93} <1.00> | | | |-[8.74] # 2 {-6494.37} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.6M) [0]. | | |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {71.25} <0.16> | | | |-[9.12] # 3 {-9040.32} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.7M) [0]. | | |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {75.42} <0.16> | |-[11.13] # 2 {-8.42} --- 4 (1.88|0.00:0.00 s) <:486> (65.3M 1014.1M = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[11.46] # 0 {-4698.35} --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <9:86> {137:72} (3.8M 217.6M = 221.3M) [0]. | | |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {65.57} <0.19> | | | |-[11.85] # 1 {-6358.87} --- 3 (0.34|0.00:0.34 s) <17:159> {266:127} (4.0M 239.4M = 243.4M) [0]. | | |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {74.07} <0.15> | | |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {73.47} <1.00> | | |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {69.93} <1.00> | | | |-[12.24] # 2 {-6494.37} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.6M) [0]. | | |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {71.25} <0.16> | | | |-[12.62] # 3 {-9040.32} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.7M) [0]. | | |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {75.42} <0.16> | |-[14.63] # 3 {-8.42} --- 4 (1.87|0.00:0.00 s) <:486> (65.3M 1014.1M = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[14.96] # 0 {-4698.35} --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <9:86> {137:72} (3.8M 217.6M = 221.3M) [0]. | | |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {65.57} <0.19> | | | |-[15.35] # 1 {-6358.87} --- 3 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <17:159> {266:127} (4.0M 239.4M = 243.4M) [0]. | | |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {74.07} <0.15> | | |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {73.47} <1.00> | | |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {69.93} <1.00> | | | |-[15.73] # 2 {-6494.37} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.6M) [0]. | | |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {71.25} <0.16> | | | |-[16.11] # 3 {-9040.32} --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:72> {111:57} (3.7M 207.0M = 210.7M) [0]. | | |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {75.42} <0.16> | |< |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t.| (780) --- ^4 x 16 x 24 = 24 |@ |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 h.| |@ |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 hours.| |@ |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 hrs.| |> |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {0.64} <0.15> (3:1:0). |> |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {0.64} <0.15> (1:1:0). |> |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {0.64} <0.15> (0:1:0). |> |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Of six classes| {0.64} <0.15> (2:1:0). |> |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {0.60} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {0.60} <1.00> (2:1:1). |> |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {0.60} <1.00> (1:1:1). |> |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes of| {0.60} <1.00> (3:1:1). |> |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {0.60} <0.16> (2:3:0). |> |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {0.60} <0.16> (3:3:0). |> |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {0.60} <0.16> (1:3:0). |> |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| {0.60} <0.16> (0:3:0). |> |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {0.46} <0.16> (0:2:0). |> |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {0.46} <0.16> (2:2:0). |> |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {0.46} <0.16> (1:2:0). |> |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| {0.46} <0.16> (3:2:0). |> |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {0.39} <1.00> (1:1:2). |> |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {0.39} <1.00> (2:1:2). |> |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {0.39} <1.00> (3:1:2). |> |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six classes| {0.39} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |/stø\1+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {0.20} <0.19> (2:0:0). |> |/stø\0+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {0.20} <0.19> (3:0:0). |> |/stø\2+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {0.20} <0.19> (1:0:0). |> |/stø\3+/ || /+lsd+/ || /+alen-/ || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| {0.20} <0.19> (0:0:0). |= 42:22 of 78 {53.8+28.2}; 33:7 of 42:22 {78.6 31.8}; 23:6 of 33:7 {69.7 85.7} @ 29 of 78 {37.2} <0.34 0.92>. [04:25:13] (790) |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 t.| --- ^1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.75] # 0 {0.00} --- error: unknown transfer predicates: |"cardinterval_rel"|. | |< |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 t.| (790) --- ^1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 h. unmarked.| |@ |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 hours.| |@ |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 hrs.| |= 42:23 of 79 {53.2+29.1}; 33:7 of 42:23 {78.6 30.4}; 23:6 of 33:7 {69.7 85.7} @ 29 of 79 {36.7} <0.34 0.92>. [04:25:14] (800) |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 t.| --- ^1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.62] # 0 {0.00} --- 4 (0.93|0.00:0.00 s) <:96> (17.8M 480.0M = 497.8M) [0]. | | | |-[1.83] # 0 {-2906.91} --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <9:74> {117:64} (2.4M 137.6M = 140.0M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven hours| {41.78} <0.27> | | | |-[2.22] # 1 {-4379.75} --- 3 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <17:147> {246:119} (2.6M 158.9M = 161.4M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Of seven classes| {51.02} <0.20> | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven classes of| {50.78} <1.00> | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven classes| {46.37} <1.00> | | | |-[2.60] # 2 {-4498.88} --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <9:60> {91:49} (2.3M 126.4M = 128.7M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven lessons| {49.43} <0.22> | | | |-[2.98] # 3 {-6853.73} --- 1 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <9:60> {91:49} (2.3M 126.4M = 128.7M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven appointments| {49.86} <0.22> | |< |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 t.| (800) --- ^1 x 4 x 6 = 6 |@ |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 h.| |@ |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 hours.| |@ |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 hrs.| |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Of seven classes| {0.73} <0.20> (0:1:0). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven classes of| {0.71} <1.00> (0:1:1). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven lessons| {0.62} <0.22> (0:2:0). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven appointments| {0.52} <0.22> (0:3:0). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven classes| {0.42} <1.00> (0:1:2). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven hours| {0.20} <0.27> (0:0:0). |= 42:24 of 80 {52.5+30.0}; 33:8 of 42:24 {78.6 33.3}; 23:7 of 33:8 {69.7 87.5} @ 30 of 80 {37.5} <0.35 0.92>. [04:25:17] (810) |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (om Illvatnet), 8 t.| --- ^1 [2] (0.77|0.00:0.79 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.23] # 0 {-14.09} --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (om Illvatnet), 8 t.| (810) --- ^1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (via Illvatnet), 8 h.| |@ |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (via Illvatnet), 8 hours.| |@ |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (via Illvatnet), 8 hrs.| |= 42:25 of 81 {51.9+30.9}; 33:8 of 42:25 {78.6 32.0}; 23:7 of 33:8 {69.7 87.5} @ 30 of 81 {37.0} <0.34 0.92>. [04:25:23] (820) |Turtagrø (må sjekkes pga. brann), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_sote_v_rel|. | |< |Turtagrø (må sjekkes pga. brann), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| (820) --- ^0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |@ |Turtagrø (check availability, due to fire), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| |@ |Turtagrø (check, due to fire), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| |@ |Turtagrø (must be checked because of fire damage), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| |= 42:25 of 82 {51.2+30.5}; 33:8 of 42:25 {78.6 32.0}; 23:7 of 33:8 {69.7 87.5} @ 30 of 82 {36.6} <0.34 0.92>. [04:25:30] (830) |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.70] # 0 {0.00} --- 1 (0.54|0.00:0.00 s) <:5> (6.8M 226.1M = 232.8M) [0]. | | | |-[0.83] # 0 {-22.90} --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <13:88> {161:63} (1.8M 118.6M = 120.3M) [0]. | | |Communications.| {0.34} <1.00> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| (830) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |@ |Transportation| |@ |Public transportation| |@ |Communications| |> |Communications.| {0.00} <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 43:25 of 83 {51.8+30.1}; 34:8 of 43:25 {79.1 32.0}; 24:7 of 34:8 {70.6 87.5} @ 31 of 83 {37.3} <0.34 0.92>. [04:25:31] (840) |Bilvei til Nørdstedalseter og Sota Sæter.| --- 3 [81] (0.63|0.00:1.37 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.61] # 3 {-15.53} --- 2 (1.38|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (24.0M 670.8M = 694.8M) [0]. | | | |-[4.64] # 0 {-22.50} --- error: invalid predicates: |"guess_rel"("sota_sæter")|. | | | |-[4.66] # 1 {-27.43} --- error: invalid predicates: |"guess_rel"("sota_sæter")|. | |-[7.34] # 9 {-16.40} --- 4 (2.65|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (46.7M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[7.58] # 0 {-21.93} --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <36:125> {439:96} (3.4M 178.8M = 182.2M) [0]. | | |A road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| [42] {-0.24} <0.43> | | | |-[7.97] # 1 {-21.93} --- (0.20|0.20 s) <28:89> {377:60} (3.2M 183.7M = 187.0M) [0]. | | | |-[8.35] # 2 {-26.76} --- 1 (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <41:195> {757:147} (4.4M 240.6M = 245.1M) [0]. | | |A motor road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| [42] {0.23} <0.36> | | | |-[8.73] # 3 {-26.76} --- (0.25|0.25 s) <33:139> {638:91} (4.2M 240.1M = 244.2M) [0]. | |-[10.87] # 15 {-16.66} --- 4 (2.10|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (46.8M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | | |-[11.12] # 0 {-21.45} --- 1 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <36:156> {600:118} (3.4M 185.5M = 189.0M) [0]. | | |A road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| [42] {-0.30} <0.43> | | | |-[11.50] # 1 {-21.46} --- (0.21|0.21 s) <28:140> {527:85} (3.3M 190.5M = 193.8M) [0]. | | | |-[11.89] # 2 {-26.33} --- 1 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <41:222> {997:175} (4.6M 250.4M = 255.0M) [0]. | | |A motor road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| [42] {0.17} <0.36> | | | |-[12.26] # 3 {-26.33} --- (0.27|0.27 s) <33:199> {865:122} (4.3M 250.3M = 254.5M) [0]. | |< |Bilvei til Nørdstedalseter og Sota Sæter.| (840) --- 3 x 10 x 4 = 2 [4] |@ |Road to Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæter.| |@ |Road to Nørdstedalseter and to Sota Sæter.| |@ |Automobile road to Nørdstedalseter and Sota Sæter.| |> |A motor road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| [42] {0.67} <0.36> (9:2:0). |> |A road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| [42] {0.29} <0.43> (9:0:0). |= 44:25 of 84 {52.4+29.8}; 35:8 of 44:25 {79.5 32.0}; 25:7 of 35:8 {71.4 87.5} @ 32 of 84 {38.1} <0.35 0.91>.