;;; ;;; `logon/jhk.naked/07-02-02' ;;; fan-out batch (mysql@ps.titan.uio.no; 2-feb-2007 (17:15 h)). ;;; [17:15:00] (10) |Pakk sekken, reis til fjells og begynn å gå.| --- 3 [5] (2.46|0.00:2.39 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.05] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_til+fjells_rel"|. | |-[20.24] # 1 --- 36 (12.07:4.54|0.00:0.00 s) <:164> (250.7M 2.9G = 3.1G) [5]. | | | |-[22.39] # 0 --- (1.43|1.42 s) <253:1079> {8821:990} (20.3M 731.6M = 751.8M) [0]. | | | |-[24.41] # 1 --- (1.50|1.50 s) <261:1365> {9919:1264} (20.4M 880.1M = 900.5M) [0]. | | | |-[26.44] # 2 --- (1.23|1.23 s) <253:1079> {8821:990} (19.7M 854.1M = 873.8M) [0]. | | | |-[28.46] # 3 --- (1.19|1.19 s) <312:1402> {10359:1306} (21.6M 948.3M = 969.9M) [0]. | | | |-[30.49] # 4 --- (1.40|1.40 s) <320:1704> {11649:1596} (22.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[32.51] # 5 --- (1.31|1.31 s) <312:1402> {10359:1306} (21.5M 946.6M = 968.2M) [0]. | | | |-[34.65] # 6 --- (2.06:0.74|2.06 s) <286:1439> {11487:1352} (21.0M 955.0M = 976.0M) [1]. | | | |-[36.67] # 7 --- (1.46|1.46 s) <294:1729> {13021:1630} (21.7M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[38.70] # 8 --- (1.38|1.38 s) <286:1439> {11487:1352} (21.0M 953.4M = 974.4M) [0]. | | | |-[40.72] # 9 --- (1.18|1.18 s) <261:1125> {9331:1035} (20.0M 872.7M = 892.7M) [0]. | |-[48.76] # 3 --- 36 (7.58:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:200> (250.9M 2.9G = 3.2G) [3]. | | | |-[50.78] # 0 --- (1.35|1.35 s) <249:1071> {8811:986} (19.9M 859.6M = 879.5M) [0]. | | | |-[52.80] # 1 --- (1.47|1.47 s) <257:1352> {9897:1255} (20.5M 940.9M = 961.4M) [0]. | | | |-[54.83] # 2 --- (1.82:0.65|1.81 s) <249:1071> {8811:986} (19.9M 859.8M = 879.7M) [1]. | | | |-[56.85] # 3 --- (1.22|1.22 s) <308:1394> {10349:1302} (21.7M 952.4M = 974.0M) [0]. | | | |-[58.88] # 4 --- (1.37|1.37 s) <316:1691> {11627:1587} (22.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[60.91] # 5 --- (1.46|1.46 s) <308:1394> {10349:1302} (21.7M 952.4M = 974.1M) [0]. | | | |-[62.93] # 6 --- (1.16|1.16 s) <282:1431> {11461:1348} (21.1M 958.9M = 980.1M) [0]. | | | |-[64.96] # 7 --- (1.51|1.51 s) <290:1716> {12967:1621} (21.8M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[66.98] # 8 --- (1.87:0.65|1.87 s) <282:1431> {11461:1348} (21.2M 959.1M = 980.2M) [1]. | | | |-[69.01] # 9 --- (1.06|1.06 s) <257:1117> {9321:1031} (20.1M 877.7M = 897.8M) [0]. | |< |Pakk sekken, reis til fjells og begynn å gå.| (10) --- 3 x 72 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 1 {100.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 1 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [17:16:09] (20) |I fjellet kan du komme som du er og gå som du vil, bare du oppfører deg fornuftig og velger tur etter evne.| --- (49.09|48.92 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |I fjellet kan du komme som du er og gå som du vil, bare du oppfører deg fornuftig og velger tur etter evne.| (20) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 2 {50.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 2 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [17:17:01] (30) |Håpet er at denne presentasjonen skal berike turen for deg, og at også du skal oppdage at det ikke er dumt å la ønsket om å oppleve forskjellige typer turisthytter bestemme ruta.| --- (117.15|116.71 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Håpet er at denne presentasjonen skal berike turen for deg, og at også du skal oppdage at det ikke er dumt å la ønsket om å oppleve forskjellige typer turisthytter bestemme ruta.| (30) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 3 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 3 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [17:19:02] (40) |På de fleste kan du gjerne stoppe opp noen dager for å bli bedre kjent med hytta og omgivelsene.| --- 384 [712] (25.63|0.00:116.99 s) <:> () [57]. | |-[119.79] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[120.52] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[121.25] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[121.96] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[122.68] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[123.40] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[124.12] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[124.94] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|. | |-[125.66] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"_stoppe-stop*opp_v_rel"|. | |-[126.39] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"_stoppe-stop*opp_v_rel"|. | |< |På de fleste kan du gjerne stoppe opp noen dager for å bli bedre kjent med hytta og omgivelsene.| (40) --- 384 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 2:0 of 4 {50.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 4 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [17:21:08] (50) |Enkelte er åpne nesten hele året, men de fleste nøyer seg med noen uker rundt påske og sommeren fram til midten av september.| --- ^5 [92] (55.88|0.00:56.42 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[58.15] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_påske_n_rel"|, |"_nøye*med_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[58.24] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_påske_n_rel"|, |"_nøye*med_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[58.33] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_påske_n_rel"|, |"_nøye*med_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[58.41] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_påske_n_rel"|, |"_nøye*med_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[58.51] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_påske_n_rel"|, |"_nøye*med_refl_v_rel"|. | |< |Enkelte er åpne nesten hele året, men de fleste nøyer seg med noen uker rundt påske og sommeren fram til midten av september.| (50) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 2:1 of 5 {40.0+20.0}; 1:0 of 2:1 {50.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 5 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [17:22:06] (60) |Turistene steller seg selv.| --- 1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.99] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_stelle_v_rel"|. | |< |Turistene steller seg selv.| (60) --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 3:1 of 6 {50.0+16.7}; 1:0 of 3:1 {33.3 0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 6 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [17:22:07] (70) |Nøkkel leies ut til medlemmer av DNT.| --- 3 (0.41|0.00:0.42 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.87] # 0 --- 16 (3.81|0.00:0.00 s) <:102> (84.9M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[6.87] # 0 --- (1.09|1.09 s) <123:2516> {13470:2300} (11.5M 849.6M = 861.1M) [0]. | | | |-[8.88] # 1 --- (1.10|1.10 s) <123:2516> {13470:2300} (11.4M 844.5M = 855.9M) [0]. | | | |-[9.47] # 2 --- (0.56|0.56 s) <85:1354> {6690:1179} (7.7M 476.5M = 484.1M) [0]. | | | |-[10.07] # 3 --- (0.57|0.57 s) <85:1354> {6690:1179} (7.7M 476.0M = 483.6M) [0]. | | | |-[12.08] # 4 --- (1.09|1.09 s) <123:2516> {13470:2300} (11.4M 844.1M = 855.5M) [0]. | | | |-[14.09] # 5 --- (1.09|1.09 s) <123:2516> {13470:2300} (11.4M 844.1M = 855.5M) [0]. | | | |-[16.09] # 6 --- (1.52:0.76|1.52 s) <102:1506> {7147:1313} (8.3M 539.2M = 547.6M) [1]. | | | |-[16.75] # 7 --- (0.63|0.63 s) <102:1506> {7147:1313} (8.3M 538.0M = 546.3M) [0]. | | | |-[17.20] # 8 --- (0.41|0.41 s) <118:828> {3642:723} (6.5M 324.6M = 331.1M) [0]. | | | |-[17.65] # 9 --- (0.41|0.41 s) <118:828> {3642:723} (6.5M 324.6M = 331.1M) [0]. | |-[19.66] # 1 --- 4 (1.01|0.00:0.00 s) <:29> (19.0M 276.6M = 295.6M) [0]. | | | |-[21.66] # 0 --- 1 (1.60|0.00:1.60 s) <118:2771> {13797:2512} (11.6M 991.5M = 1003.1M) [0]. | | |Key matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| [-55.46] <0.16> | | | |-[23.68] # 1 --- 1 (1.53|0.00:1.53 s) <118:2771> {13797:2512} (11.5M 989.9M = 1001.4M) [0]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| [-58.98] <0.15> | | | |-[24.17] # 2 --- (0.47|0.47 s) <113:816> {3987:729} (5.8M 313.0M = 318.8M) [0]. | | | |-[24.65] # 3 --- (0.46|0.46 s) <113:816> {3987:729} (5.8M 313.0M = 318.8M) [0]. | |-[28.66] # 2 --- 16 (3.58|0.00:0.00 s) <:102> (84.9M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[33.36] # 0 --- 2 (4.66:0.97|0.00:4.66 s) <123:6179> {32626:5715} (28.0M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | |Key matter is rented by Dnt outside to members.| [-61.53] <0.08> | | |Key matter is rented by Dnt to members outside.| [-63.47] <0.08> | | | |-[37.37] # 1 --- 2 (3.31|0.00:3.31 s) <123:6179> {32626:5715} (28.0M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt outside to members.| [-65.06] <0.08> | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt to members outside.| [-66.99] <0.08> | | | |-[39.38] # 2 --- 2 (1.39|0.00:1.39 s) <85:3206> {16961:2952} (14.8M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |Key matter is leased by Dnt outside to members.| [-56.44] <0.07> | | |Key matter is leased by Dnt to members outside.| [-58.38] <0.07> | | | |-[41.39] # 3 --- 2 (1.51|0.00:1.51 s) <85:3206> {16961:2952} (14.8M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is leased by Dnt outside to members.| [-59.97] <0.06> | | |Clue matter is leased by Dnt to members outside.| [-61.90] <0.06> | | | |-[45.65] # 4 --- 2 (4.22:0.83|0.00:4.22 s) <123:6179> {32626:5715} (28.0M 2.6G = 2.6G) [1]. | | |Key matter is rented by Dnt outside to members.| [-61.53] <0.08> | | |Key matter is rented by Dnt to members outside.| [-63.47] <0.08> | | | |-[49.66] # 5 --- 2 (3.31|0.00:3.31 s) <123:6179> {32626:5715} (28.0M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt outside to members.| [-65.06] <0.08> | | |Clue matter is rented by Dnt to members outside.| [-66.99] <0.08> | | | |-[51.67] # 6 --- 2 (1.46|0.00:1.46 s) <102:3358> {17418:3086} (15.4M 1.3G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |Key matter is led by Dnt outside to members.| [-55.14] <0.07> | | |Key matter is led by Dnt to members outside.| [-57.07] <0.07> | | | |-[53.93] # 7 --- 2 (2.22:0.78|0.00:2.22 s) <102:3358> {17418:3086} (15.5M 1.3G = 1.4G) [1]. | | |Clue matter is led by Dnt outside to members.| [-58.66] <0.06> | | |Clue matter is led by Dnt to members outside.| [-60.60] <0.06> | | | |-[54.60] # 8 --- (0.63|0.63 s) <118:1521> {7261:1404} (8.8M 531.0M = 539.8M) [0]. | | | |-[55.28] # 9 --- (0.64|0.64 s) <118:1521> {7261:1404} (8.8M 531.0M = 539.8M) [0]. | |< |Nøkkel leies ut til medlemmer av DNT.| (70) --- 3 x 36 x 18 = 14 [18] |> |Key matter is led by Dnt outside to members.| [-55.14] <0.07> (2:6:0). |> |Key matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| [-55.46] <0.16> (1:0:0). |> |Key matter is leased by Dnt outside to members.| [-56.44] <0.07> (2:2:0). |> |Key matter is led by Dnt to members outside.| [-57.07] <0.07> (2:6:1). |> |Key matter is leased by Dnt to members outside.| [-58.38] <0.07> (2:2:1). |> |Clue matter is led by Dnt outside to members.| [-58.66] <0.06> (2:7:0). |> |Clue matter is rented by Dnt out to members.| [-58.98] <0.15> (1:1:0). |> |Clue matter is leased by Dnt outside to members.| [-59.97] <0.06> (2:3:0). |> |Clue matter is led by Dnt to members outside.| [-60.60] <0.06> (2:7:1). |> |Key matter is rented by Dnt outside to members.| [-61.53] <0.08> (2:0:0). |> |Clue matter is leased by Dnt to members outside.| [-61.90] <0.06> (2:3:1). |> |Key matter is rented by Dnt to members outside.| [-63.47] <0.08> (2:0:1). |> |Clue matter is rented by Dnt outside to members.| [-65.06] <0.08> (2:1:0). |> |Clue matter is rented by Dnt to members outside.| [-66.99] <0.08> (2:1:1). |= 4:1 of 7 {57.1+14.3}; 2:0 of 4:1 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0} @ 1 of 7 {14.3} <0.02 0.16>. [17:23:03] (80) |Ubetjente hytter har ikke proviantlager, men er for øvrig utstyrt og åpne som de selvbetjente.| --- ^5 [128] (23.72|0.00:23.92 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[26.07] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_selvbetjent_a_rel"|, |"_proviant_n_rel"|, |"_ubetjent_a_rel"|. | |-[26.11] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_selvbetjent_a_rel"|, |"_proviant_n_rel"|, |"_ubetjent_a_rel"|. | |-[26.16] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_selvbetjent_a_rel"|, |"_proviant_n_rel"|, |"_ubetjent_a_rel"|. | |-[26.20] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_selvbetjent_a_rel"|, |"_proviant_n_rel"|, |"_ubetjent_a_rel"|. | |-[26.24] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_selvbetjent_a_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|, |"_proviant_n_rel"|, |"_ubetjent_a_rel"|. | |< |Ubetjente hytter har ikke proviantlager, men er for øvrig utstyrt og åpne som de selvbetjente.| (80) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 4:2 of 8 {50.0+25.0}; 2:0 of 4:2 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0} @ 1 of 8 {12.5} <0.02 0.16>. [17:23:29] (90) |Ved bredden av Russvatnet ligger ruinen av Blackwellbua like ved en privat fiskebu.| --- 32 [72] (2.60|0.00:3.94 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[4.82] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[4.88] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[4.95] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.02] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.09] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.16] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.23] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.29] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.44] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[5.51] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|. | |< |Ved bredden av Russvatnet ligger ruinen av Blackwellbua like ved en privat fiskebu.| (90) --- 32 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 5:2 of 9 {55.6+22.2}; 2:0 of 5:2 {40.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0} @ 1 of 9 {11.1} <0.02 0.16>. [17:23:34] (100) |Han leide Russvatn og gjorde avtale om kjøp av vannet.| --- 16 (2.21|0.00:2.51 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[92.36] # 0 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[152.74] # 1 --- 288 (59.56:1.26|0.00:0.00 s) <:647> (1.3G 18.8G = 20.1G) [17]. | | | |-[153.28] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[153.74] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[154.20] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[154.70] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[155.15] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[155.60] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[156.15] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[156.67] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[157.19] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[157.75] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | |-[215.82] # 2 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[239.92] # 3 --- 144 (23.08:0.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:418> (662.1M -92987886528 = -92293587416) [8]. | | | |-[240.37] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[240.77] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[241.17] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[241.62] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[242.02] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[242.34] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[242.70] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[243.03] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[243.35] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[244.18] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | |-[327.14] # 4 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[375.33] # 5 --- 288 (47.11:1.04|0.00:0.00 s) <:647> (1.3G 18.8G = 20.1G) [17]. | | | |-[375.93] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[376.48] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[377.02] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[377.62] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[378.17] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[378.73] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[379.29] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[379.80] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[380.31] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[380.83] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | |-[427.33] # 6 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[451.42] # 7 --- 144 (23.17:0.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:418> (662.1M 9.4G = 10.0G) [8]. | | | |-[451.87] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[452.27] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[452.66] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[453.11] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[453.51] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[453.91] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[454.36] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[454.68] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[455.01] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[455.36] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |nominalization_rel|, |_of_p_rel|. | |-[546.28] # 8 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[594.97] # 9 --- 288 (48.04:0.99|0.00:0.00 s) <:647> (1.3G 18.8G = 20.1G) [17]. | | | |-[597.78] # 0 --- (2.52|2.52 s) <249:3422> {16492:3068} (15.9M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | | |-[600.81] # 1 --- (1.96|1.96 s) <187:2991> {12642:2639} (13.0M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | | |-[602.93] # 2 --- (1.62|1.62 s) <179:2850> {11968:2514} (12.5M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | | |-[605.50] # 3 --- (2.27|2.27 s) <249:3422> {16492:3068} (15.9M 1.7G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[607.78] # 4 --- (1.96|1.96 s) <187:2991> {12642:2639} (13.0M 1.5G = 1.5G) [0]. | | | |-[610.47] # 5 --- (2.40:0.76|2.40 s) <179:2850> {11968:2514} (12.5M 1.4G = 1.4G) [1]. | | | |-[612.98] # 6 --- (2.23|2.23 s) <253:3769> {17635:3382} (16.9M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | | |-[615.14] # 7 --- (1.88|1.88 s) <187:3330> {13707:2941} (13.8M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[617.26] # 8 --- (1.84|1.84 s) <187:3223> {12900:2853} (13.6M -101369976000 = -101355738016) [0]. | | | |-[619.90] # 9 --- (2.37:0.78|2.37 s) <219:2848> {11649:2503} (13.7M 1.4G = 1.5G) [1]. | |< |Han leide Russvatn og gjorde avtale om kjøp av vannet.| (100) --- 16 x 1152 x 0 = 0 |= 6:2 of 10 {60.0+20.0}; 3:0 of 6:2 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 10 {10.0} <0.02 0.16>. [17:33:54] (110) |Blackwell gikk med på det, fordi han ikke ville eie «et ferskvann saltet med angerens tårer».| --- ^5 [16] (7.38|0.00:7.49 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.72] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|, |"_ferskvann_n_rel"|. | |-[8.77] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|, |"_ferskvann_n_rel"|. | |-[8.81] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|, |"_ferskvann_n_rel"|. | |-[8.86] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|, |"_ferskvann_n_rel"|. | |-[8.91] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_salte_v_rel"|, |"_ferskvann_n_rel"|. | |< |Blackwell gikk med på det, fordi han ikke ville eie «et ferskvann saltet med angerens tårer».| (110) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 6:3 of 11 {54.5+27.3}; 3:0 of 6:3 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 11 {9.1} <0.01 0.16>. [17:34:03] (120) |Ruta videre passerer Glopåa på bro, og møter ruta fra Gjendesheim før stien går bratt ned til Memurubu.| --- 4 (8.12|0.00:8.21 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[10.13] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[34.15] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: "_bratt_a_rel". | |-[34.24] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[58.26] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: "_bratt_a_rel". | |< |Ruta videre passerer Glopåa på bro, og møter ruta fra Gjendesheim før stien går bratt ned til Memurubu.| (120) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:3 of 12 {58.3+25.0}; 3:0 of 7:3 {42.9 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 12 {8.3} <0.01 0.16>. [17:35:02] (130) |Turen er på vel 9 t. og krever breutstyr og nødvendig kunnskap.| --- 4 [8] (3.91|0.00:3.98 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.06] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vel_x_approx_rel"|. | |-[6.10] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vel_x_approx_rel"|. | |-[6.15] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vel_x_approx_rel"|. | |-[6.19] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vel_x_approx_rel"|. | |< |Turen er på vel 9 t. og krever breutstyr og nødvendig kunnskap.| (130) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 8:3 of 13 {61.5+23.1}; 3:0 of 8:3 {37.5 0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0} @ 1 of 13 {7.7} <0.01 0.16>. [17:35:08] (140) |3. Memurubu til Gjendesheim/Bessheim| --- 1 (0.05|0.00:0.05 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.86] # 0 --- 1 (0.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (8.0M 119.8M = 127.8M) [0]. | | | |-[1.03] # 0 --- (0.15|0.14 s) <24:152> {350:90} (2.3M 73.7M = 76.1M) [0]. | |< |3. Memurubu til Gjendesheim/Bessheim| (140) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |= 9:3 of 14 {64.3+21.4}; 4:0 of 9:3 {44.4 0.0}; 1:0 of 4:0 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 14 {7.1} <0.01 0.16>. [17:35:09] (150) |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| --- ^1 (0.06|0.00:0.06 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.73] # 0 --- 1 (0.41|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (7.1M 112.3M = 119.4M) [0]. | | | |-[0.80] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |proper_q_rel|. | |< |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter| (150) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |= 9:4 of 15 {60.0+26.7}; 4:1 of 9:4 {44.4 25.0}; 1:0 of 4:1 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 15 {6.7} <0.01 0.16>. [17:35:10] (160) |Øst for Gjendesheim hvelver Gausdal Vestfjell seg blåne bak blåne.| --- ^5 [12] (5.57|0.00:5.60 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.70] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blåne_v_rel"|, |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_øst+for_p_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[6.73] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_øst+for_p_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[6.76] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blåne_v_rel"|, |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[6.79] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |-[6.82] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blåne_v_rel"|, |"_sige_v_rel"|, |"_hvelve_v_rel"|. | |< |Øst for Gjendesheim hvelver Gausdal Vestfjell seg blåne bak blåne.| (160) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:5 of 16 {56.2+31.2}; 4:1 of 9:5 {44.4 20.0}; 1:0 of 4:1 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 16 {6.2} <0.01 0.16>. [17:35:16] (170) |Både sommer og vinter går det merkede ruter fra Gjendesheim og inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| --- ^5 [64] (12.54|0.00:13.09 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[16.81] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel". | |-[18.81] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel". | |-[18.86] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[18.90] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[20.91] # 24 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel". | |< |Både sommer og vinter går det merkede ruter fra Gjendesheim og inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| (170) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:6 of 17 {52.9+35.3}; 4:1 of 9:6 {44.4 16.7}; 1:0 of 4:1 {25.0 0.0} @ 1 of 17 {5.9} <0.01 0.16>. [17:35:37] (180) |Turen over til Sikkilsdalsseter er en flott innfallsport til området.| --- ^5 [120] (3.70|0.00:3.75 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[14.60] # 0 --- 30 (9.93:0.26|0.00:0.00 s) <:158> (269.6M 3.7G = 3.9G) [4]. | | | |-[15.36] # 0 --- 6 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.7M 309.3M = 318.0M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[16.08] # 1 --- 6 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 327.6M = 336.1M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[16.81] # 2 --- 6 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.4M = 431.9M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[17.55] # 3 --- 6 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 425.2M = 433.8M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[18.21] # 4 --- 6 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.1M = 431.6M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[18.78] # 5 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.1M = 431.6M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[19.34] # 6 --- 6 (0.52|0.00:0.52 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.7M = 431.2M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[19.91] # 7 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.2M = 430.7M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[20.47] # 8 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.7M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[21.04] # 9 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.3M = 431.8M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [101.68] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [99.45] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [94.81] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [94.11] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [92.73] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [87.30] <0.38> | |-[31.07] # 1 --- 30 (9.74:0.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:138> (269.5M 3.6G = 3.9G) [3]. | | | |-[31.79] # 0 --- 6 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.8M = 431.3M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> | | | |-[33.81] # 1 --- 6 (1.55:0.88|0.00:1.55 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.5M = 431.0M) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> | | | |-[34.43] # 2 --- 6 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.9M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> | | | |-[34.99] # 3 --- 6 (0.52|0.00:0.52 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.0M = 431.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> | | | |-[35.56] # 4 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.0M = 431.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> | | | |-[36.12] # 5 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.0M = 431.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> | | | |-[36.68] # 6 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.2M = 430.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> | | | |-[37.25] # 7 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.1M = 430.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> | | | |-[37.81] # 8 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.2M = 430.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> | | | |-[38.38] # 9 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.8M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [103.80] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [96.79] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [96.76] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [95.55] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [90.22] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [88.63] <0.43> | |-[48.41] # 2 --- 30 (9.89:0.26|0.00:0.00 s) <:158> (269.6M 3.7G = 3.9G) [4]. | | | |-[49.13] # 0 --- 6 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.4M = 431.0M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[49.86] # 1 --- 6 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.4M = 430.9M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[50.54] # 2 --- 6 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.5M = 431.0M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[51.20] # 3 --- 6 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.1M = 431.6M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[51.87] # 4 --- 6 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.1M = 431.6M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[53.88] # 5 --- 6 (1.17:0.62|0.00:1.17 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.1M = 431.6M) [1]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[54.45] # 6 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.7M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[55.02] # 7 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.2M = 430.7M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[55.59] # 8 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.8M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[56.17] # 9 --- 6 (0.52|0.00:0.52 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.4M = 430.9M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [101.68] <0.30> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [99.45] <0.32> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [94.81] <0.32> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [94.11] <0.34> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [92.73] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [87.30] <0.38> | |-[66.20] # 3 --- 30 (9.49:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:138> (269.5M 3.6G = 3.9G) [3]. | | | |-[66.92] # 0 --- 6 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.4M = 430.9M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> | | | |-[67.65] # 1 --- 6 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.8M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> | | | |-[68.36] # 2 --- 6 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.4M = 430.9M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> | | | |-[68.92] # 3 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.0M = 431.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> | | | |-[69.49] # 4 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.0M = 431.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> | | | |-[70.05] # 5 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 423.0M = 431.5M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> | | | |-[70.61] # 6 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.2M = 430.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> | | | |-[71.18] # 7 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.1M = 430.6M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> | | | |-[73.20] # 8 --- 6 (1.21:0.70|0.00:1.21 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.4M = 430.9M) [1]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> | | | |-[73.76] # 9 --- 6 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <103:1083> {4270:955} (8.5M 422.3M = 430.8M) [0]. | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [103.80] <0.33> | | |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [96.79] <0.35> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [96.76] <0.36> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [95.55] <0.39> | | |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [90.22] <0.39> | | |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [88.63] <0.43> | |-[83.79] # 4 --- 30 (9.63:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:158> (269.6M 3.7G = 3.9G) [3]. | | | |-[84.41] # 0 --- 6 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.4M = 341.2M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [97.53] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [95.58] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [90.04] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[85.03] # 1 --- 6 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.4M = 341.2M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [97.53] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [95.58] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [90.04] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[85.64] # 2 --- 6 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.4M = 341.3M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [97.53] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [95.58] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [90.04] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> | | | |-[86.26] # 3 --- 6 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 334.3M = 342.1M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [91.96] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [90.01] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [84.52] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[86.76] # 4 --- 6 (0.44|0.00:0.44 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 334.3M = 342.1M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [91.96] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [90.01] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [84.52] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[87.24] # 5 --- 6 (0.43|0.00:0.43 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 334.3M = 342.2M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [91.96] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [90.01] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [84.52] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> | | | |-[87.72] # 6 --- 6 (0.42|0.00:0.42 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.2M = 341.0M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [100.44] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [98.49] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [92.92] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[88.20] # 7 --- 6 (0.42|0.00:0.42 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.2M = 341.0M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [100.44] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [98.49] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [92.92] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[88.67] # 8 --- 6 (0.42|0.00:0.42 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.2M = 341.0M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [100.44] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [98.49] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [92.92] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> | | | |-[89.15] # 9 --- 6 (0.43|0.00:0.43 s) <103:812> {2904:720} (7.8M 333.4M = 341.2M) [0]. | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway, to the area.| [97.74] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway, to the area.| [95.79] <0.34> | | |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [94.81] <0.32> | | |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [92.73] <0.34> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway, to the area.| [90.25] <0.38> | | |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [87.30] <0.38> | |< |Turen over til Sikkilsdalsseter er en flott innfallsport til området.| (180) --- 5 x 150 x 300 = 60 [300] |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [106.88] <0.33> (1:6:0). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [104.77] <0.30> (0:6:0). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [103.80] <0.33> (1:9:0). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [103.55] <0.33> (1:0:0). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [102.54] <0.32> (0:6:1). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [101.68] <0.30> (0:9:0). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [101.44] <0.30> (0:0:0). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [100.44] <0.32> (4:6:0). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [99.84] <0.36> (1:6:1). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [99.67] <0.35> (1:6:2). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [99.45] <0.32> (0:9:1). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [99.21] <0.32> (0:0:1). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [98.64] <0.39> (1:6:3). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [98.49] <0.34> (4:6:1). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway, to the area.| [97.74] <0.32> (4:9:0). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [97.69] <0.32> (0:6:2). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [97.53] <0.32> (4:0:0). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area of| [97.20] <0.34> (0:6:3). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [97.19] <0.33> (1:3:0). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [96.79] <0.35> (1:9:1). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [96.76] <0.36> (1:9:2). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [96.56] <0.35> (1:0:1). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [96.51] <0.36> (1:0:2). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway, to the area.| [95.79] <0.34> (4:9:1). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [95.61] <0.34> (0:6:4). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [95.58] <0.34> (4:0:1). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [95.55] <0.39> (1:9:3). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [95.31] <0.39> (1:0:3). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [95.07] <0.30> (0:3:0). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [94.81] <0.32> (0:9:2). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [94.58] <0.32> (0:0:2). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area of| [94.11] <0.34> (0:9:3). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area of| [93.87] <0.34> (0:0:3). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [93.10] <0.39> (1:6:4). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway, to the area.| [92.92] <0.38> (4:6:4). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [92.84] <0.32> (0:3:1). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [92.73] <0.34> (0:9:4). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [92.50] <0.34> (0:0:4). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [91.96] <0.32> (4:3:0). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [91.50] <0.43> (1:6:5). |> |Of the trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [90.62] <0.35> (1:3:1). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway, to the area.| [90.25] <0.38> (4:9:4). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [90.22] <0.39> (1:9:4). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a grand gateway to the area.| [90.16] <0.38> (0:6:5). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [90.15] <0.36> (1:3:2). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway, to the area.| [90.04] <0.38> (4:0:4). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [90.01] <0.34> (4:3:1). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [89.99] <0.39> (1:0:4). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [88.94] <0.39> (1:3:3). |> |Of the tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [88.64] <0.32> (0:3:2). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [88.63] <0.43> (1:9:5). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [88.41] <0.43> (1:0:5). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area of| [87.51] <0.34> (0:3:3). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a lovely gateway to the area.| [87.30] <0.38> (0:9:5). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a beautiful gateway to the area.| [87.07] <0.38> (0:0:5). |> |The tap of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [86.56] <0.34> (0:3:4). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway, to the area.| [84.52] <0.38> (4:3:4). |> |The trip of || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [84.05] <0.39> (1:3:4). |> |The trip || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [82.50] <0.43> (1:3:5). |> |The tap || ... || Sikkilsdalsseter is a great gateway to the area.| [81.16] <0.38> (0:3:5). |= 9:7 of 18 {50.0+38.9}; 4:2 of 9:7 {44.4 28.6}; 1:1 of 4:2 {25.0 50.0} @ 2 of 18 {11.1} <0.03 0.30>. [17:37:07] (190) |Den bilveien fantes ikke i turismens barndom, da turen gjennom Sikkilsdalsskaret og ned i Sjodalen var en av de vanligste rutene inn i Jotunheimen.| --- ^5 [64] (26.97|0.00:27.15 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[28.50] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[28.60] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[28.70] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[28.80] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[28.89] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |Den bilveien fantes ikke i turismens barndom, da turen gjennom Sikkilsdalsskaret og ned i Sjodalen var en av de vanligste rutene inn i Jotunheimen.| (190) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:8 of 19 {47.4+42.1}; 4:2 of 9:8 {44.4 25.0}; 1:1 of 4:2 {25.0 50.0} @ 2 of 19 {10.5} <0.03 0.30>. [17:37:35] (200) |Utsikten den andre veien er forresten ikke borte den heller.| --- ^5 [8] (0.97|0.00:1.00 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.04] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_borte_rel"|. | |-[2.08] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_borte_rel"|. | |-[2.11] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_borte_rel"|. | |-[2.14] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_borte_rel"|. | |-[2.17] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_borte_rel"|. | |< |Utsikten den andre veien er forresten ikke borte den heller.| (200) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:9 of 20 {45.0+45.0}; 4:2 of 9:9 {44.4 22.2}; 1:1 of 4:2 {25.0 50.0} @ 2 of 20 {10.0} <0.03 0.30>. [17:37:38] (210) |Fra Sikkilsdalsskaret går det to merkede ruter videre.| --- 6 [10] (0.49|0.00:0.55 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.01] # 2 --- 2 (1.03|0.00:0.00 s) <:21> (18.9M 265.7M = 284.6M) [1]. | | | |-[4.65] # 0 --- (0.62|0.62 s) <81:1645> {7397:1596} (8.5M 449.9M = 458.5M) [0]. | | | |-[5.41] # 1 --- (0.74|0.74 s) <89:2027> {9174:1977} (9.7M 523.3M = 532.9M) [0]. | |-[5.44] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[6.03] # 6 --- 1 (0.58|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (12.0M 163.1M = 175.1M) [0]. | | | |-[6.49] # 0 --- (0.43|0.43 s) <97:809> {3389:762} (6.4M 270.1M = 276.5M) [0]. | |-[6.52] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[7.11] # 8 --- 1 (0.58|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (12.0M 163.0M = 175.0M) [0]. | | | |-[7.57] # 0 --- (0.43|0.43 s) <97:805> {3187:758} (6.3M 265.1M = 271.4M) [0]. | |-[7.60] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |< |Fra Sikkilsdalsskaret går det to merkede ruter videre.| (210) --- 6 x 4 x 0 = 0 |= 10:9 of 21 {47.6+42.9}; 5:2 of 10:9 {50.0 22.2}; 1:1 of 5:2 {20.0 50.0} @ 2 of 21 {9.5} <0.03 0.30>. [17:37:45] (220) |Ikke minst den markerte ryggen mellom Sikkilsdalshø og Sikkilsdalshornet er imponerende.| --- 4 (0.84|0.00:0.90 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[2.04] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|, |"_imponere_v_rel"|. | |-[2.07] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|, |"_imponere_v_rel"|. | |-[2.11] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|, |"_imponere_v_rel"|. | |-[2.14] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ikke+minst_x_deg_rel"|, |"_imponere_v_rel"|. | |< |Ikke minst den markerte ryggen mellom Sikkilsdalshø og Sikkilsdalshornet er imponerende.| (220) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 11:9 of 22 {50.0+40.9}; 5:2 of 11:9 {45.5 22.2}; 1:1 of 5:2 {20.0 50.0} @ 2 of 22 {9.1} <0.03 0.30>. [17:37:47] (230) |Den passerer en serie grusterrasser som ble avsatt mot slutten av siste istid for 10 000-9000 år siden.| --- error: PVM client exit <40003>. | |< |Den passerer en serie grusterrasser som ble avsatt mot slutten av siste istid for 10 000-9000 år siden.| (230) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 11:9 of 23 {47.8+39.1}; 5:2 of 11:9 {45.5 22.2}; 1:1 of 5:2 {20.0 50.0} @ 2 of 23 {8.7} <0.03 0.30>. [17:41:38] (240) |Ruta går til dels i stor ur.| --- 4 [6] (1.86|0.00:1.81 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[9.66] # 0 --- 8 (2.98|0.00:0.00 s) <:38> (53.4M 777.6M = 831.0M) [1]. | | | |-[9.94] # 0 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <64:436> {1135:373} (3.6M 134.5M = 138.0M) [0]. | | | |-[11.94] # 1 --- (1.13:0.82|1.13 s) <72:538> {2156:451} (4.0M 168.7M = 172.8M) [1]. | | | |-[12.22] # 2 --- (0.24|0.24 s) <72:482> {1308:426} (3.8M 144.7M = 148.5M) [0]. | | | |-[12.60] # 3 --- (0.30|0.30 s) <80:584> {2521:504} (4.4M 182.4M = 186.7M) [0]. | | | |-[12.98] # 4 --- (0.24|0.24 s) <56:460> {1532:390} (3.6M 142.6M = 146.3M) [0]. | | | |-[13.36] # 5 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <64:466> {1483:402} (3.9M 152.0M = 155.9M) [0]. | | | |-[13.74] # 6 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <64:506> {1769:443} (3.9M 155.0M = 158.9M) [0]. | | | |-[14.09] # 7 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <72:512> {1712:455} (4.2M 164.2M = 168.4M) [0]. | |-[16.61] # 1 --- 8 (2.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:38> (53.4M 777.1M = 830.5M) [0]. | | | |-[17.06] # 0 --- (0.43|0.43 s) <64:959> {3439:836} (5.0M 269.7M = 274.7M) [0]. | | | |-[19.07] # 1 --- 22 (1.25|0.00:1.25 s) <72:2062> {9496:1988} (11.4M 701.5M = 712.9M) [0]. | | |Partly, the route goes in a large rocky hill.| [-47.19] <0.13> | | |Partly, the route goes in a large rocky hill.| [-47.21] <0.13> | | |The route goes partly in a large rocky hill.| [-48.36] <0.51> | | |Partly the route goes in a large rocky hill.| [-51.65] <0.13> | | |Partly the route goes in a large rocky hill.| [-51.67] <0.13> | | |The route partly goes in a large rocky hill.| [-53.07] <0.13> | | |The route partly goes in a large rocky hill.| [-53.35] <0.13> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill partly.| [-53.95] <0.29> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill partly.| [-55.11] <0.29> | | |Partly, the route goes in a rocky large hill.| [-56.10] <0.13> | | |Partly, the route goes in a rocky large hill.| [-56.12] <0.13> | | |The route goes partly in a rocky large hill.| [-57.71] <0.51> | | |In a large rocky hill partly goes the route.| [-60.92] <0.07> | | |Partly the route goes in a rocky large hill.| [-61.00] <0.13> | | |Partly the route goes in a rocky large hill.| [-61.02] <0.13> | | |The route partly goes in a rocky large hill.| [-62.42] <0.13> | | |The route partly goes in a rocky large hill.| [-62.70] <0.13> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill partly.| [-63.30] <0.29> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill partly.| [-64.46] <0.29> | | |In a large rocky hill goes the route partly.| [-65.51] <0.07> | | |In a rocky large hill partly goes the route.| [-70.26] <0.07> | | |In a rocky large hill goes the route partly.| [-74.86] <0.07> | | | |-[19.62] # 2 --- (0.52|0.52 s) <72:988> {3806:900} (5.4M 270.1M = 275.5M) [0]. | | | |-[21.62] # 3 --- 18 (1.36|0.00:1.36 s) <80:2138> {10604:2117} (11.5M 658.5M = 670.0M) [0]. | | |Partly, the route walks in a large rocky hill.| [-52.60] <0.06> | | |Partly, the route walks in a large rocky hill.| [-52.61] <0.06> | | |The route partly walks in a large rocky hill.| [-54.27] <0.13> | | |The route partly walks in a large rocky hill.| [-54.55] <0.13> | | |The route walks partly in a large rocky hill.| [-54.60] <0.14> | | |Partly the route walks in a large rocky hill.| [-57.55] <0.06> | | |Partly the route walks in a large rocky hill.| [-57.56] <0.06> | | |The route walks in a large rocky hill partly.| [-59.84] <0.13> | | |The route walks in a large rocky hill partly.| [-61.00] <0.13> | | |Partly, the route walks in a rocky large hill.| [-61.50] <0.06> | | |Partly, the route walks in a rocky large hill.| [-61.52] <0.06> | | |The route partly walks in a rocky large hill.| [-63.62] <0.13> | | |The route partly walks in a rocky large hill.| [-63.90] <0.13> | | |The route walks partly in a rocky large hill.| [-63.95] <0.14> | | |Partly the route walks in a rocky large hill.| [-66.90] <0.06> | | |Partly the route walks in a rocky large hill.| [-66.91] <0.06> | | |The route walks in a rocky large hill partly.| [-69.19] <0.13> | | |The route walks in a rocky large hill partly.| [-70.35] <0.13> | | | |-[23.64] # 4 --- 11 (0.99|0.00:0.99 s) <56:1850> {6976:1716} (8.9M 592.6M = 601.5M) [0]. | | |Partly, the route goes in large scree.| [-45.18] <0.19> | | |Partly, the route goes in large scree.| [-46.32] <0.19> | | |The route goes partly in large scree.| [-46.66] <0.67> | | |Partly the route goes in large scree.| [-50.23] <0.19> | | |Partly the route goes in large scree.| [-51.37] <0.19> | | |The route partly goes in large scree.| [-51.65] <0.19> | | |The route partly goes in large scree.| [-52.62] <0.19> | | |The route goes in large scree partly.| [-52.90] <0.38> | | |The route goes in large scree partly.| [-52.99] <0.38> | | |In large scree partly goes the route.| [-59.81] <0.10> | | |In large scree goes the route partly.| [-63.54] <0.10> | | | |-[24.18] # 5 --- (0.51|0.51 s) <64:987> {4479:865} (5.5M 305.7M = 311.2M) [0]. | | | |-[26.19] # 6 --- 9 (1.02|0.00:1.02 s) <64:1924> {7764:1849} (9.2M 528.0M = 537.2M) [0]. | | |Partly, the route walks in large scree.| [-50.20] <0.10> | | |Partly, the route walks in large scree.| [-51.35] <0.10> | | |The route partly walks in large scree.| [-52.67] <0.18> | | |The route walks partly in large scree.| [-52.74] <0.20> | | |The route partly walks in large scree.| [-53.64] <0.18> | | |Partly the route walks in large scree.| [-55.82] <0.10> | | |Partly the route walks in large scree.| [-56.96] <0.10> | | |The route walks in large scree partly.| [-58.49] <0.18> | | |The route walks in large scree partly.| [-58.58] <0.18> | | | |-[26.75] # 7 --- (0.54|0.54 s) <72:1014> {4970:927} (5.8M 295.0M = 300.8M) [0]. | |-[32.76] # 2 --- 24 (5.91:0.15|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (140.7M 1.9G = 2.1G) [2]. | | | |-[33.41] # 0 --- (0.60|0.60 s) <98:1114> {4770:958} (6.6M 378.9M = 385.5M) [0]. | | | |-[34.14] # 1 --- (0.69|0.69 s) <101:1281> {5708:1105} (7.1M 460.5M = 467.5M) [0]. | | | |-[36.15] # 2 --- (1.52:0.93|1.52 s) <93:1105> {4508:949} (6.5M 369.8M = 376.4M) [1]. | | | |-[38.16] # 3 --- 14 (1.06|0.00:1.06 s) <106:2099> {11477:1970} (17.1M 807.8M = 824.9M) [0]. | | |The route goes to some part's in a large rocky hill.| [-60.02] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some part's.| [-61.82] <0.22> | | |The route goes to some part's in a large rocky hill.| [-62.52] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some part's.| [-62.55] <0.22> | | |The route goes to some part's in a rocky large hill.| [-69.08] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some part's.| [-70.88] <0.22> | | |To some part's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-71.50] <0.04> | | |The route goes to some part's in a rocky large hill.| [-71.58] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some part's.| [-71.61] <0.22> | | |In a large rocky hill goes the route to some part's.| [-72.14] <0.04> | | |To some part's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-73.20] <0.04> | | |To some part's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-80.56] <0.04> | | |In a rocky large hill goes the route to some part's.| [-81.20] <0.04> | | |To some part's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-82.26] <0.04> | | | |-[40.19] # 4 --- 14 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <109:2429> {13477:2262} (17.9M 991.1M = 1009.1M) [0]. | | |The route goes to some portion's in a large rocky hill.| [-62.94] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some portion's.| [-64.72] <0.22> | | |The route goes to some portion's in a large rocky hill.| [-65.43] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some portion's.| [-65.46] <0.22> | | |The route goes to some portion's in a rocky large hill.| [-71.99] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some portion's.| [-73.78] <0.22> | | |To some portion's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-74.42] <0.04> | | |The route goes to some portion's in a rocky large hill.| [-74.49] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some portion's.| [-74.51] <0.22> | | |In a large rocky hill goes the route to some portion's.| [-75.05] <0.04> | | |To some portion's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-76.11] <0.04> | | |To some portion's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-83.47] <0.04> | | |In a rocky large hill goes the route to some portion's.| [-84.10] <0.04> | | |To some portion's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-85.17] <0.04> | | | |-[42.21] # 5 --- 14 (1.24|0.00:1.24 s) <101:2090> {10974:1961} (17.0M 794.3M = 811.3M) [0]. | | |The route goes to some allotment's in a large rocky hill.| [-63.67] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some allotment's.| [-65.46] <0.22> | | |The route goes to some allotment's in a large rocky hill.| [-66.17] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some allotment's.| [-66.20] <0.22> | | |The route goes to some allotment's in a rocky large hill.| [-72.73] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some allotment's.| [-74.52] <0.22> | | |To some allotment's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-75.16] <0.04> | | |The route goes to some allotment's in a rocky large hill.| [-75.23] <0.22> | | |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some allotment's.| [-75.25] <0.22> | | |In a large rocky hill goes the route to some allotment's.| [-75.79] <0.04> | | |To some allotment's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-76.85] <0.04> | | |To some allotment's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-84.21] <0.04> | | |In a rocky large hill goes the route to some allotment's.| [-84.84] <0.04> | | |To some allotment's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-85.91] <0.04> | | | |-[42.86] # 6 --- (0.61|0.61 s) <106:1098> {5092:970} (6.8M 368.7M = 375.5M) [0]. | | | |-[43.60] # 7 --- (0.70|0.70 s) <109:1253> {6066:1109} (7.3M 446.2M = 453.5M) [0]. | | | |-[44.22] # 8 --- (0.57|0.57 s) <101:1089> {4794:961} (6.7M 359.6M = 366.3M) [0]. | | | |-[46.23] # 9 --- 8 (1.17|0.00:1.17 s) <114:2086> {12348:1982} (14.3M 743.9M = 758.2M) [0]. | | |The route walks in a large rocky hill to some part's.| [-67.39] <0.09> | | |The route walks to some part's in a large rocky hill.| [-68.08] <0.09> | | |The route walks in a large rocky hill to some part's.| [-68.12] <0.09> | | |The route walks to some part's in a large rocky hill.| [-70.58] <0.09> | | |The route walks in a rocky large hill to some part's.| [-76.45] <0.09> | | |The route walks to some part's in a rocky large hill.| [-77.14] <0.09> | | |The route walks in a rocky large hill to some part's.| [-77.18] <0.09> | | |The route walks to some part's in a rocky large hill.| [-79.64] <0.09> | |-[52.25] # 4 --- 24 (5.86:0.16|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (140.7M 1.9G = 2.1G) [2]. | | | |-[52.63] # 0 --- (0.34|0.34 s) <98:492> {2144:404} (4.9M 202.6M = 207.4M) [0]. | | | |-[53.05] # 1 --- (0.38|0.38 s) <101:591> {2624:494} (5.1M 238.0M = 243.1M) [0]. | | | |-[53.45] # 2 --- (0.33|0.33 s) <93:483> {1939:395} (4.8M 196.1M = 200.9M) [0]. | | | |-[53.90] # 3 --- (0.40|0.40 s) <106:610> {3476:504} (5.4M 247.0M = 252.4M) [0]. | | | |-[55.91] # 4 --- (1.23:0.81|1.23 s) <109:765> {4034:650} (5.8M 297.2M = 303.0M) [1]. | | | |-[56.27] # 5 --- (0.33|0.33 s) <101:601> {3250:495} (5.4M 239.9M = 245.3M) [0]. | | | |-[56.61] # 6 --- (0.30|0.30 s) <106:510> {2425:433} (5.1M 213.2M = 218.3M) [0]. | | | |-[56.99] # 7 --- (0.33|0.33 s) <109:609> {2989:523} (5.4M 250.7M = 256.1M) [0]. | | | |-[57.33] # 8 --- (0.29|0.29 s) <101:501> {2184:424} (5.1M 206.3M = 211.4M) [0]. | | | |-[57.72] # 9 --- (0.35|0.35 s) <114:628> {3925:533} (5.7M 259.1M = 264.9M) [0]. | |< |Ruta går til dels i stor ur.| (240) --- 4 x 64 x 110 = 64 [110] |> |Partly, the route goes in large scree.| [-45.18] <0.19> (1:4:0). |> |The route goes partly in large scree.| [-46.66] <0.67> (1:4:2). |> |Partly, the route goes in a large rocky hill.| [-47.19] <0.13> (1:1:0). |> |The route goes partly in a large rocky hill.| [-48.36] <0.51> (1:1:2). |> |Partly, the route walks in large scree.| [-50.20] <0.10> (1:6:0). |> |Partly the route goes in large scree.| [-50.23] <0.19> (1:4:3). |> |The route partly goes in large scree.| [-51.65] <0.19> (1:4:5). |> |Partly the route goes in a large rocky hill.| [-51.65] <0.13> (1:1:3). |> |Partly, the route walks in a large rocky hill.| [-52.60] <0.06> (1:3:0). |> |The route partly walks in large scree.| [-52.67] <0.18> (1:6:2). |> |The route walks partly in large scree.| [-52.74] <0.20> (1:6:3). |> |The route goes in large scree partly.| [-52.90] <0.38> (1:4:7). |> |The route partly goes in a large rocky hill.| [-53.07] <0.13> (1:1:5). |> |The route goes in a large rocky hill partly.| [-53.95] <0.29> (1:1:7). |> |The route partly walks in a large rocky hill.| [-54.27] <0.13> (1:3:2). |> |The route walks partly in a large rocky hill.| [-54.60] <0.14> (1:3:4). |> |Partly the route walks in large scree.| [-55.82] <0.10> (1:6:5). |> |Partly, the route goes in a rocky large hill.| [-56.10] <0.13> (1:1:9). |> |Partly the route walks in a large rocky hill.| [-57.55] <0.06> (1:3:5). |> |The route goes partly in a rocky large hill.| [-57.71] <0.51> (1:1:11). |> |The route walks in large scree partly.| [-58.49] <0.18> (1:6:7). |> |In large scree partly goes the route.| [-59.81] <0.10> (1:4:9). |> |The route walks in a large rocky hill partly.| [-59.84] <0.13> (1:3:7). |> |The route goes to some part's in a large rocky hill.| [-60.02] <0.22> (2:3:0). |> |In a large rocky hill partly goes the route.| [-60.92] <0.07> (1:1:12). |> |Partly the route goes in a rocky large hill.| [-61.00] <0.13> (1:1:13). |> |Partly, the route walks in a rocky large hill.| [-61.50] <0.06> (1:3:9). |> |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some part's.| [-61.82] <0.22> (2:3:1). |> |The route partly goes in a rocky large hill.| [-62.42] <0.13> (1:1:15). |> |The route goes to some portion's in a large rocky hill.| [-62.94] <0.22> (2:4:0). |> |The route goes in a rocky large hill partly.| [-63.30] <0.29> (1:1:17). |> |In large scree goes the route partly.| [-63.54] <0.10> (1:4:10). |> |The route partly walks in a rocky large hill.| [-63.62] <0.13> (1:3:11). |> |The route goes to some allotment's in a large rocky hill.| [-63.67] <0.22> (2:5:0). |> |The route walks partly in a rocky large hill.| [-63.95] <0.14> (1:3:13). |> |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some portion's.| [-64.72] <0.22> (2:4:1). |> |The route goes in a large rocky hill to some allotment's.| [-65.46] <0.22> (2:5:1). |> |In a large rocky hill goes the route partly.| [-65.51] <0.07> (1:1:19). |> |Partly the route walks in a rocky large hill.| [-66.90] <0.06> (1:3:14). |> |The route walks in a large rocky hill to some part's.| [-67.39] <0.09> (2:9:0). |> |The route walks to some part's in a large rocky hill.| [-68.08] <0.09> (2:9:1). |> |The route goes to some part's in a rocky large hill.| [-69.08] <0.22> (2:3:4). |> |The route walks in a rocky large hill partly.| [-69.19] <0.13> (1:3:16). |> |In a rocky large hill partly goes the route.| [-70.26] <0.07> (1:1:20). |> |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some part's.| [-70.88] <0.22> (2:3:5). |> |To some part's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-71.50] <0.04> (2:3:6). |> |The route goes to some portion's in a rocky large hill.| [-71.99] <0.22> (2:4:4). |> |In a large rocky hill goes the route to some part's.| [-72.14] <0.04> (2:3:9). |> |The route goes to some allotment's in a rocky large hill.| [-72.73] <0.22> (2:5:4). |> |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some portion's.| [-73.78] <0.22> (2:4:5). |> |To some portion's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-74.42] <0.04> (2:4:6). |> |The route goes in a rocky large hill to some allotment's.| [-74.52] <0.22> (2:5:5). |> |In a rocky large hill goes the route partly.| [-74.86] <0.07> (1:1:21). |> |In a large rocky hill goes the route to some portion's.| [-75.05] <0.04> (2:4:9). |> |To some allotment's goes the route in a large rocky hill.| [-75.16] <0.04> (2:5:6). |> |In a large rocky hill goes the route to some allotment's.| [-75.79] <0.04> (2:5:9). |> |The route walks in a rocky large hill to some part's.| [-76.45] <0.09> (2:9:4). |> |The route walks to some part's in a rocky large hill.| [-77.14] <0.09> (2:9:5). |> |To some part's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-80.56] <0.04> (2:3:11). |> |In a rocky large hill goes the route to some part's.| [-81.20] <0.04> (2:3:12). |> |To some portion's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-83.47] <0.04> (2:4:11). |> |In a rocky large hill goes the route to some portion's.| [-84.10] <0.04> (2:4:12). |> |To some allotment's goes the route in a rocky large hill.| [-84.21] <0.04> (2:5:11). |> |In a rocky large hill goes the route to some allotment's.| [-84.84] <0.04> (2:5:12). |= 12:9 of 24 {50.0+37.5}; 6:2 of 12:9 {50.0 22.2}; 2:1 of 6:2 {33.3 50.0} @ 3 of 24 {12.5} <0.05 0.42>. [17:42:36] (250) |Underveis har du også muligheter for å møte noen av de hestefølgene dalen er så kjent for.| --- 12 [24] (31.73|0.00:31.88 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[46.67] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[58.68] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: "_kjenne_v_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[69.38] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[80.00] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[102.49] # 8 --- 72 (22.22:0.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:620> (758.6M -92471623488 = -91676213280) [9]. | | | |-[108.54] # 0 --- (5.10|5.09 s) <228:5971> {84773:5513} (26.5M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[114.59] # 1 --- (5.34:0.93|5.34 s) <228:5971> {84773:5513} (26.2M 4.3G = 4.3G) [1]. | | | |-[120.64] # 2 --- (5.38:1.07|5.38 s) <228:5971> {84773:5513} (26.2M 4.3G = 4.3G) [1]. | | | |-[123.63] # 3 --- (2.86|2.86 s) <228:4085> {47562:3779} (20.7M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | | |-[126.66] # 4 --- (2.91|2.91 s) <228:4085> {47562:3779} (20.7M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | | |-[130.77] # 5 --- (3.99:1.06|3.99 s) <228:4085> {47562:3779} (20.7M 2.5G = 2.5G) [1]. | | | |-[136.82] # 6 --- (5.46|5.46 s) <228:5971> {84773:5513} (26.2M 4.3G = 4.3G) [0]. | | | |-[143.40] # 7 --- (6.44:1.18|6.44 s) <228:5971> {84773:5513} (26.2M 4.3G = 4.3G) [1]. | | | |-[149.46] # 8 --- (5.90:1.08|5.90 s) <228:5971> {84773:5513} (26.2M 4.3G = 4.3G) [1]. | | | |-[154.10] # 9 --- (4.52|4.52 s) <216:6295> {82922:5806} (26.5M 4.3G = 4.4G) [0]. | |-[166.12] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: "_kjenne_v_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[188.23] # 12 --- 108 (21.58:0.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:586> (725.8M 9.5G = 10.2G) [9]. | | | |-[188.86] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[189.47] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[190.09] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[190.66] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[191.14] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[193.20] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[193.69] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[194.19] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[194.69] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[195.24] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | |-[207.26] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: "_kjenne_v_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[229.55] # 16 --- 72 (22.04:0.58|0.00:0.00 s) <:612> (725.3M 9.6G = 10.3G) [9]. | | | |-[234.03] # 0 --- (4.35|4.35 s) <224:5503> {67517:5018} (23.0M 3.6G = 3.6G) [0]. | | | |-[238.84] # 1 --- (4.69:0.97|4.69 s) <224:5503> {67517:5018} (23.0M 3.8G = 3.8G) [1]. | | | |-[243.53] # 2 --- (4.56|4.56 s) <224:5503> {67517:5018} (23.0M 3.8G = 3.8G) [0]. | | | |-[247.75] # 3 --- (4.09:1.20|4.09 s) <224:3768> {39643:3451} (18.5M 2.2G = 2.2G) [1]. | | | |-[251.81] # 4 --- (2.96|2.96 s) <224:3768> {39643:3451} (18.5M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | | |-[254.69] # 5 --- (2.74|2.74 s) <224:3768> {39643:3451} (18.5M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | | |-[259.44] # 6 --- (4.63:0.94|4.63 s) <224:5503> {67517:5018} (23.0M -98998695552 = -98974537784) [1]. | | | |-[264.25] # 7 --- (4.67|4.67 s) <224:5503> {67517:5018} (23.0M 3.8G = 3.8G) [0]. | | | |-[270.30] # 8 --- (5.73:1.14|5.73 s) <224:5503> {67517:5018} (23.0M 3.8G = 3.8G) [1]. | | | |-[275.12] # 9 --- (4.68|4.68 s) <212:5799> {64866:5318} (23.2M 3.7G = 3.8G) [0]. | |-[297.36] # 18 --- 108 (21.87:0.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:554> (694.3M 9.2G = 9.9G) [9]. | | | |-[297.94] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[300.00] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[300.57] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[301.14] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[301.71] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[302.29] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[302.86] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[303.32] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[303.78] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | | | |-[304.25] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |comp_equal_rel|. | |< |Underveis har du også muligheter for å møte noen av de hestefølgene dalen er så kjent for.| (250) --- 12 x 360 x 0 = 0 |= 13:9 of 25 {52.0+36.0}; 7:2 of 13:9 {53.8 22.2}; 2:1 of 7:2 {28.6 50.0} @ 3 of 25 {12.0} <0.05 0.42>. [17:47:40] (260) |Her har statens utvalgte avlshingster tilbragt hyggelige sommeruker med sine harem av hopper.| --- 4 (21.94|0.00:22.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[24.10] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_harem_n_rel"|, |"_utvalgt_a_rel"|. | |-[24.18] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hopper_n_rel"|, |"_harem_n_rel"|, |"_utvalgt_a_rel"|. | |-[24.25] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_harem_n_rel"|, |"_utvalgt_a_rel"|. | |-[24.33] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hopper_n_rel"|, |"_harem_n_rel"|, |"_utvalgt_a_rel"|. | |< |Her har statens utvalgte avlshingster tilbragt hyggelige sommeruker med sine harem av hopper.| (260) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 14:9 of 26 {53.8+34.6}; 7:2 of 14:9 {50.0 22.2}; 2:1 of 7:2 {28.6 50.0} @ 3 of 26 {11.5} <0.05 0.42>. [17:48:05] (270) |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 t. langs Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 t. over Sikkilsdalshø.| --- ^1 (0.87|0.00:0.88 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[12.06] # 0 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Gjendesheim - Sikkilsdalsseter, 5 t. langs Sikkilsdalsvatnet, 6 t. over Sikkilsdalshø.| (270) --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 14:10 of 27 {51.9+37.0}; 7:2 of 14:10 {50.0 20.0}; 2:1 of 7:2 {28.6 50.0} @ 3 of 27 {11.1} <0.05 0.42>. [17:48:17] (280) |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 [3] (0.06|0.00:0.07 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.21] # 1 --- 6 (0.82|0.00:0.00 s) <:22> (17.7M 271.8M = 289.5M) [1]. | | | |-[1.45] # 0 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:315> {883:205} (3.1M 103.1M = 106.2M) [0]. | | |Overnight tour places.| [-26.32] <0.41> | | | |-[1.87] # 1 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:315> {883:205} (3.1M 101.4M = 104.5M) [0]. | | |Overnight tour spots.| [-27.08] <0.41> | | | |-[2.28] # 2 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:315> {883:205} (3.1M 101.4M = 104.5M) [0]. | | |Overnight tour passages.| [-28.10] <0.41> | | | |-[2.68] # 3 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <21:159> {350:121} (2.2M 61.7M = 63.8M) [0]. | | |Overnight places.| [-15.78] <0.71> | | | |-[3.10] # 4 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <21:159> {350:121} (2.2M 61.8M = 64.0M) [0]. | | |Overnight spots.| [-16.48] <0.71> | | | |-[3.51] # 5 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <21:159> {350:121} (2.2M 61.8M = 64.0M) [0]. | | |Overnight passages.| [-17.35] <0.71> | |< |Overnattingssteder| (280) --- 1 x 6 x 6 = 6 |> |Overnight places.| [-15.78] <0.71> (1:3:0). |> |Overnight spots.| [-16.48] <0.71> (1:4:0). |> |Overnight passages.| [-17.35] <0.71> (1:5:0). |> |Overnight tour places.| [-26.32] <0.41> (1:0:0). |> |Overnight tour spots.| [-27.08] <0.41> (1:1:0). |> |Overnight tour passages.| [-28.10] <0.41> (1:2:0). |= 15:10 of 28 {53.6+35.7}; 8:2 of 15:10 {53.3 20.0}; 3:1 of 8:2 {37.5 50.0} @ 4 of 28 {14.3} <0.07 0.49>. [17:48:20] (290) |Bussruter til Gjendesheim, Maurvangen og Bessheim.| --- 2 [6] (0.23|0.00:0.26 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.85] # 2 --- 3 (1.78|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (48.8M 583.0M = 631.8M) [0]. | | | |-[3.43] # 0 --- 6 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <41:379> {1567:294} (18.4M 204.6M = 223.0M) [0]. | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.62] <1.00> | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.09] <1.00> | | |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.47] <1.00> | | |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.80] <1.00> | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-26.70] <1.00> | | |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-27.46] <1.00> | | | |-[4.14] # 1 --- 6 (0.66|0.00:0.66 s) <49:709> {2675:573} (19.1M 281.9M = 301.1M) [0]. | | |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-31.36] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-31.50] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-32.80] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-33.07] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-34.07] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-36.08] <0.59> | | | |-[4.75] # 2 --- 6 (0.55|0.00:0.54 s) <42:385> {1580:298} (18.5M 234.7M = 253.1M) [0]. | | |Bus services, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.41] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.46] <0.59> | | |Bus services, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.86] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.99] <0.59> | | |Bus services, to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-26.25] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-26.48] <0.59> | |-[6.76] # 4 --- 3 (1.69|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (48.6M 582.6M = 631.3M) [1]. | | | |-[7.29] # 0 --- 6 (0.48|0.00:0.48 s) <41:375> {1711:313} (22.0M 242.8M = 264.8M) [0]. | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-23.33] <1.00> | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-23.80] <1.00> | | |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-23.95] <1.00> | | |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.27] <1.00> | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.89] <1.00> | | |Bus routes to Gjendesheim Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.21] <1.00> | | | |-[7.93] # 1 --- 6 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <49:671> {3003:564} (22.7M 327.7M = 350.4M) [0]. | | |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-29.83] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-29.98] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-31.51] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-31.78] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-33.56] <0.59> | | |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-34.17] <0.59> | | | |-[9.93] # 2 --- 6 (1.21:0.72|0.00:1.21 s) <42:381> {1724:317} (22.1M 244.6M = 266.7M) [1]. | | |Bus services, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-22.89] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-23.17] <0.59> | | |Bus services, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-23.33] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-23.70] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.62] <0.59> | | |Bus services to Gjendesheim Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.01] <0.59> | |< |Bussruter til Gjendesheim, Maurvangen og Bessheim.| (290) --- 2 x 6 x 36 = 21 [36] |> |Bus services, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.41] <0.59> (2:2:0). |> |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.46] <0.59> (2:2:1). |> |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.62] <1.00> (2:0:0). |> |Bus services, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.86] <0.59> (2:2:2). |> |Bus services to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-24.99] <0.59> (2:2:3). |> |Bus services to Gjendesheim Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.01] <0.59> (4:2:5). |> |Bus routes to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.09] <1.00> (2:0:1). |> |Bus routes to Gjendesheim Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.21] <1.00> (4:0:5). |> |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.47] <1.00> (2:0:2). |> |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-25.80] <1.00> (2:0:3). |> |Bus services, to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-26.25] <0.59> (2:2:4). |> |Bus services to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-26.48] <0.59> (2:2:5). |> |Bus routes to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-26.70] <1.00> (2:0:4). |> |Bus routes, to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-27.46] <1.00> (2:0:5). |> |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-31.36] <0.59> (2:1:0). |> |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-31.50] <0.59> (2:1:1). |> |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-32.80] <0.59> (2:1:2). |> |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim, Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-33.07] <0.59> (2:1:3). |> |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim Maurvangen, and Bessheim.| {7} [-33.56] <0.59> (4:1:4). |> |Bus rounds, to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-34.07] <0.59> (2:1:4). |> |Bus rounds to Gjendesheim Maurvangen and Bessheim.| {7} [-36.08] <0.59> (2:1:5). |= 16:10 of 29 {55.2+34.5}; 9:2 of 16:10 {56.2 20.0}; 4:1 of 9:2 {44.4 50.0} @ 5 of 29 {17.2} <0.10 0.59>. [17:48:30] (300) |På den andre siden av dalen ligger både Høgebrotet og Tjørnholstind lagelig til som dagsturmål, og vestre Leirungstind øverst i dalen er også en topp man ikke trenger klatreerfaring for å komme seg opp på.| --- ^5 [34560] (90.94:0.22|0.00:91.51 s) <:> () [12]. | |-[228.97] # 0 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[359.68] # 2 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[458.72] # 4 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[550.82] # 9 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[682.96] # 10 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |På den andre siden av dalen ligger både Høgebrotet og Tjørnholstind lagelig til som dagsturmål, og vestre Leirungstind øverst i dalen er også en topp man ikke trenger klatreerfaring for å komme seg opp på.| (300) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 16:11 of 30 {53.3+36.7}; 9:2 of 16:11 {56.2 18.2}; 4:1 of 9:2 {44.4 50.0} @ 5 of 30 {16.7} <0.10 0.59>. [17:59:53] (310) |Turguiden for fjellene mellom Bygdin og Gjende (Thommessen og Vigerust, Valdres forlag) beskriver en rekke av turene til toppene rundt dalen.| --- error: PVM client exit <40006>. | |< |Turguiden for fjellene mellom Bygdin og Gjende (Thommessen og Vigerust, Valdres forlag) beskriver en rekke av turene til toppene rundt dalen.| (310) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 16:11 of 31 {51.6+35.5}; 9:2 of 16:11 {56.2 18.2}; 4:1 of 9:2 {44.4 50.0} @ 5 of 31 {16.1} <0.10 0.59>. [18:03:17] (320) |Lengder| --- 1 [2] (1.19|0.00:1.11 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.48] # 0 --- 3 (0.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:9> (8.9M 148.0M = 156.9M) [0]. | | | |-[6.60] # 0 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 58.0M = 59.7M) [0]. | | |Lengths.| [-7.38] <1.00> | | | |-[6.98] # 1 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 58.0M = 59.7M) [0]. | | |Durations.| [-7.67] <1.00> | | | |-[7.34] # 2 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 58.0M = 59.7M) [0]. | | |Quantities.| [-6.83] <1.00> | |< |Lengder| (320) --- 1 x 3 x 3 = 3 |> |Quantities.| [-6.83] <1.00> (0:2:0). |> |Lengths.| [-7.38] <1.00> (0:0:0). |> |Durations.| [-7.67] <1.00> (0:1:0). |= 17:11 of 32 {53.1+34.4}; 10:2 of 17:11 {58.8 18.2}; 5:1 of 10:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 6 of 32 {18.7} <0.12 0.66>. [18:03:25] (330) |Kun merket i Svartdalen.| --- ^2 [5] (0.34|0.00:0.35 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.97] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_kun_a_rel". | |-[1.51] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: "_kun_a_rel". | |< |Kun merket i Svartdalen.| (330) --- 2 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 17:12 of 33 {51.5+36.4}; 10:2 of 17:12 {58.8 16.7}; 5:1 of 10:2 {50.0 50.0} @ 6 of 33 {18.2} <0.12 0.66>. [18:03:26] (340) |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 [3] (0.05|0.00:0.05 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.35] # 1 --- 6 (0.95|0.00:0.00 s) <:22> (17.7M 271.5M = 289.2M) [0]. | | | |-[1.58] # 0 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:315> {883:205} (3.1M 123.6M = 126.7M) [0]. | | |Overnight tour places.| [-26.32] <0.41> | | | |-[1.99] # 1 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:315> {883:205} (3.1M 123.5M = 126.6M) [0]. | | |Overnight tour spots.| [-27.08] <0.41> | | | |-[2.39] # 2 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <26:315> {883:205} (3.1M 123.5M = 126.6M) [0]. | | |Overnight tour passages.| [-28.10] <0.41> | | | |-[2.78] # 3 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <21:159> {350:121} (2.2M 76.9M = 79.0M) [0]. | | |Overnight places.| [-15.78] <0.71> | | | |-[3.17] # 4 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <21:159> {350:121} (2.2M 77.1M = 79.2M) [0]. | | |Overnight spots.| [-16.48] <0.71> | | | |-[3.56] # 5 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <21:159> {350:121} (2.2M 77.1M = 79.2M) [0]. | | |Overnight passages.| [-17.35] <0.71> | |< |Overnattingssteder| (340) --- 1 x 6 x 6 = 6 |> |Overnight places.| [-15.78] <0.71> (1:3:0). |> |Overnight spots.| [-16.48] <0.71> (1:4:0). |> |Overnight passages.| [-17.35] <0.71> (1:5:0). |> |Overnight tour places.| [-26.32] <0.41> (1:0:0). |> |Overnight tour spots.| [-27.08] <0.41> (1:1:0). |> |Overnight tour passages.| [-28.10] <0.41> (1:2:0). |= 18:12 of 34 {52.9+35.3}; 11:2 of 18:12 {61.1 16.7}; 6:1 of 11:2 {54.5 50.0} @ 7 of 34 {20.6} <0.14 0.67>. [18:03:30] (350) |Bilvei og bussruter til Gjendesheim og over Valdresflya.| --- 1 [3] (0.14|0.00:0.14 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[14.83] # 1 --- 36 (13.33:0.38|0.00:0.00 s) <:356> (387.6M 4.9G = 5.3G) [5]. | | | |-[15.56] # 0 --- 4 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <66:714> {3117:561} (17.1M 336.2M = 353.3M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-44.32] <0.54> | | |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-45.34] <0.54> | | |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-48.43] <0.54> | | |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-49.19] <0.54> | | | |-[16.29] # 1 --- 4 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <66:714> {3117:561} (17.1M 335.1M = 352.2M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-43.38] <0.73> | | |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-44.46] <0.73> | | |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-46.59] <0.73> | | |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-47.48] <0.73> | | | |-[17.03] # 2 --- 4 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <66:714> {3117:561} (17.1M 335.1M = 352.2M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-44.84] <0.73> | | |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-45.82] <0.73> | | |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-47.46] <0.73> | | |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-48.29] <0.73> | | | |-[17.51] # 3 --- (0.41|0.41 s) <58:704> {3003:428} (6.7M 295.6M = 302.4M) [0]. | | | |-[17.90] # 4 --- (0.34|0.34 s) <58:704> {3003:428} (6.7M 295.6M = 302.3M) [0]. | | | |-[18.30] # 5 --- (0.35|0.35 s) <58:704> {3003:428} (6.7M 295.7M = 302.4M) [0]. | | | |-[19.03] # 6 --- 4 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <74:1221> {5096:1028} (18.3M 520.3M = 538.6M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-53.72] <0.15> | | |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-55.27] <0.15> | | |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-58.15] <0.15> | | |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-60.22] <0.15> | | | |-[19.80] # 7 --- 4 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <74:1221> {5096:1028} (18.3M 520.3M = 538.6M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-52.85] <0.43> | | |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-54.34] <0.43> | | |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-56.45] <0.43> | | |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-58.37] <0.43> | | | |-[20.56] # 8 --- 4 (0.68|0.00:0.68 s) <74:1221> {5096:1028} (18.3M 520.3M = 538.6M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-54.21] <0.43> | | |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-55.80] <0.43> | | |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-57.25] <0.43> | | |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-59.24] <0.43> | | | |-[22.57] # 9 --- (0.57|0.57 s) <66:1261> {5159:906} (8.0M 506.4M = 514.4M) [0]. | |< |Bilvei og bussruter til Gjendesheim og over Valdresflya.| (350) --- 1 x 36 x 24 = 24 |> |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-43.38] <0.73> (1:1:0). |> |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-44.32] <0.54> (1:0:0). |> |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-44.46] <0.73> (1:1:1). |> |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-44.84] <0.73> (1:2:0). |> |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-45.34] <0.54> (1:0:1). |> |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-45.82] <0.73> (1:2:1). |> |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-46.59] <0.73> (1:1:2). |> |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-47.46] <0.73> (1:2:2). |> |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-47.48] <0.73> (1:1:3). |> |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-48.29] <0.73> (1:2:3). |> |A motor road and bus routes to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-48.43] <0.54> (1:0:2). |> |A motor road and bus routes, to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-49.19] <0.54> (1:0:3). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-52.85] <0.43> (1:7:0). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-53.72] <0.15> (1:6:0). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-54.21] <0.43> (1:8:0). |> |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim, and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-54.34] <0.43> (1:7:1). |> |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim, and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-55.27] <0.15> (1:6:1). |> |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim, and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-55.80] <0.43> (1:8:1). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-56.45] <0.43> (1:7:2). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-57.25] <0.43> (1:8:2). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-58.15] <0.15> (1:6:2). |> |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim and over Valdresflya.| {7} [-58.37] <0.43> (1:7:3). |> |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim and across Valdresflya.| {7} [-59.24] <0.43> (1:8:3). |> |A motor road and bus rounds to Gjendesheim and above Valdresflya.| {7} [-60.22] <0.15> (1:6:3). |= 19:12 of 35 {54.3+34.3}; 12:2 of 19:12 {63.2 16.7}; 7:1 of 12:2 {58.3 50.0} @ 8 of 35 {22.9} <0.15 0.68>. [18:03:52] (360) |1. Gjendesheim til Haugseter| --- 1 (0.05|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.87] # 0 --- 1 (0.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (8.0M 119.6M = 127.6M) [0]. | | | |-[1.02] # 0 --- (0.13|0.13 s) <24:152> {350:90} (2.3M 73.1M = 75.4M) [0]. | |< |1. Gjendesheim til Haugseter| (360) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |= 20:12 of 36 {55.6+33.3}; 13:2 of 20:12 {65.0 16.7}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 36 {22.2} <0.15 0.68>. [18:03:53] (370) |Fra dette stedet er det også en god idé å starte turen inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| --- 80 [160] (6.09|0.00:11.07 s) <:> () [2]. | |-[13.78] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[14.67] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[15.47] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[16.09] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[16.70] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[17.32] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[18.01] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[18.63] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[19.26] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |-[19.90] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: "_inn_a_rel", "_også_x_deg_rel". | |< |Fra dette stedet er det også en god idé å starte turen inn i Gausdal Vestfjell.| (370) --- 80 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:12 of 37 {56.8+32.4}; 13:2 of 21:12 {61.9 16.7}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 37 {21.6} <0.15 0.68>. [18:04:13] (380) |Turen starter like ved Jo Gjendes bu på sørsiden av Gjendeoset.| --- 36 [144] (1.96|0.00:3.48 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[4.35] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.41] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.46] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.52] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.57] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.63] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.68] # 36 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.74] # 38 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.79] # 48 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.85] # 50 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_like_x_deg_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |< |Turen starter like ved Jo Gjendes bu på sørsiden av Gjendeoset.| (380) --- 36 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 22:12 of 38 {57.9+31.6}; 13:2 of 22:12 {59.1 16.7}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 38 {21.1} <0.14 0.68>. [18:04:18] (390) |Kommer du den andre veien, er det montert et signalhorn ved elvebredden for å varsle om at du trenger transport over elva.| --- (113.48|112.29 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Kommer du den andre veien, er det montert et signalhorn ved elvebredden for å varsle om at du trenger transport over elva.| (390) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 22:12 of 39 {56.4+30.8}; 13:2 of 22:12 {59.1 16.7}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 39 {20.5} <0.14 0.68>. [18:06:16] (400) |Deretter går turen jevnt opp lia og forbi nordre og søndre Brurskarknappen, forbi Brurskartjørni og ned til øvre Heimdalsvatnet langs Sandbakkbekken.| --- ^5 [20] (13.92|0.00:13.96 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[30.66] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_jevn_a_rel", "_ned_a_rel". | |-[47.45] # 1 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[59.54] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: "_jevn_a_rel", "_ned_a_rel". | |-[67.68] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: "_jevn_a_rel", "_ned_a_rel". | |-[87.71] # 4 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |< |Deretter går turen jevnt opp lia og forbi nordre og søndre Brurskarknappen, forbi Brurskartjørni og ned til øvre Heimdalsvatnet langs Sandbakkbekken.| (400) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 22:13 of 40 {55.0+32.5}; 13:2 of 22:13 {59.1 15.4}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 40 {20.0} <0.14 0.68>. [18:07:44] (410) |Det første går bra, men det siste er strengt forbudt.| --- 24 (0.80|0.00:1.12 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[2.06] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.10] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.14] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.18] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.21] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.26] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.30] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.38] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.42] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |-[2.46] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_forbudt_a_rel"|. | |< |Det første går bra, men det siste er strengt forbudt.| (410) --- 24 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 23:13 of 41 {56.1+31.7}; 13:2 of 23:13 {56.5 15.4}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 41 {19.5} <0.13 0.68>. [18:07:46] (420) |Ruta fortsetter langs bredden av vannet til oset i østenden, som vanligvis er lett å vade.| --- 276 [460] (24.36|0.00:148.08 s) <:> () [73]. | |-[151.21] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[151.58] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[151.96] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[152.33] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[152.70] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[153.07] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[153.45] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[153.82] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[154.19] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |-[154.57] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_østende_n_rel"|. | |< |Ruta fortsetter langs bredden av vannet til oset i østenden, som vanligvis er lett å vade.| (420) --- 276 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 24:13 of 42 {57.1+31.0}; 13:2 of 24:13 {54.2 15.4}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 42 {19.0} <0.13 0.68>. [18:10:21] (430) |Derfra er det bare utfor langs Urekåni og ned til Jotunheimveien, der Haugseter ligger på den andre siden av veien.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_utfor_n_rel|, |_utfor_a_rel|. | |< |Derfra er det bare utfor langs Urekåni og ned til Jotunheimveien, der Haugseter ligger på den andre siden av veien.| (430) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 24:13 of 43 {55.8+30.2}; 13:2 of 24:13 {54.2 15.4}; 7:1 of 13:2 {53.8 50.0} @ 8 of 43 {18.6} <0.13 0.68>. [18:11:47] (440) |Fra Haugseter går det merkede ruter både til Storeskag og Oskampen.| --- 10 [12] (0.64|0.00:0.74 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.84] # 0 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (22.9M 306.2M = 329.1M) [0]. | | | |-[5.44] # 0 --- 12 (2.54|0.00:2.54 s) <95:2824> {14946:2833} (62.2M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-36.76] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-36.97] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.23] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.45] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.52] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.57] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.78] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.05] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.26] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.33] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.93] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-41.74] <0.13> | | | |-[7.52] # 1 --- 12 (2.02|0.00:2.02 s) <103:2902> {16438:2938} (52.6M 1.1G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.96] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.12] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.33] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.81] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.05] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.77] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.93] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-40.14] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-40.62] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-40.86] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-41.45] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-43.26] <0.13> | |-[9.54] # 3 --- 2 (1.11|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (22.9M 306.4M = 329.3M) [1]. | | | |-[12.41] # 0 --- 16 (2.73:0.81|0.00:2.72 s) <95:1737> {9336:1924} (69.4M 839.6M = 909.0M) [1]. | | |From Haugseter, marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-37.63] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-38.42] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-39.71] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-40.20] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter, routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-40.35] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-40.78] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-40.99] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-41.02] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked go.| {7} [-41.44] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-42.21] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked go.| {7} [-42.62] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-42.99] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-43.03] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-43.46] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-44.75] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-45.95] <0.12> | | | |-[14.43] # 1 --- 16 (1.71|0.00:1.71 s) <103:1863> {10661:1930} (56.9M 785.6M = 842.6M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-37.91] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-38.91] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-40.01] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-40.49] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter, routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-40.62] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-41.07] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-41.32] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-41.53] <0.14> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-42.49] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked walk.| {7} [-42.93] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-43.29] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter, routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-43.30] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-43.75] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked walk.| {7} [-44.26] <0.13> | | |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-45.24] <0.12> | | |From Haugseter routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-46.48] <0.12> | |-[15.07] # 4 --- 1 (0.63|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.3M = 202.1M) [0]. | | | |-[17.08] # 0 --- 4 (1.09|0.00:1.09 s) <111:1841> {9640:1761} (29.6M 708.4M = 737.9M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-47.39] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.77] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.20] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.58] <0.21> | |-[17.72] # 5 --- 1 (0.64|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.3M = 202.1M) [0]. | | | |-[19.73] # 0 --- 16 (1.27|0.00:1.27 s) <111:1170> {5851:1321} (53.2M 618.9M = 672.2M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.98] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-47.22] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter it walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.53] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.61] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.62] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.03] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.77] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.43] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-51.85] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-52.05] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-52.07] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-52.91] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-53.17] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-53.67] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-54.97] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-55.73] <0.21> | |-[20.37] # 6 --- 1 (0.62|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.2M = 202.0M) [0]. | | | |-[22.37] # 0 --- 4 (1.12|0.00:1.12 s) <111:1901> {9276:1831} (31.5M 747.7M = 779.2M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.68] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.05] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.71] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.09] <0.21> | |-[23.01] # 7 --- 1 (0.62|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.2M = 202.0M) [0]. | | | |-[25.13] # 0 --- 16 (2.03:0.73|0.00:2.03 s) <111:1182> {5709:1368} (56.9M 635.2M = 692.1M) [1]. | | |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.38] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.51] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.02] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.11] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.14] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.54] <0.25> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.17] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.94] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-51.35] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-51.55] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-51.67] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-52.20] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-52.78] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-53.38] <0.21> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-54.47] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-55.24] <0.21> | |-[25.85] # 8 --- 1 (0.69|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.5M = 202.3M) [1]. | | | |-[27.85] # 0 --- 4 (1.43|0.00:1.43 s) <111:2471> {11135:2455} (38.4M 885.4M = 923.8M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-43.95] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-44.15] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.98] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.90] <0.22> | |-[28.49] # 9 --- 1 (0.62|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.3M = 202.2M) [0]. | | | |-[29.13] # 0 --- (0.62|0.62 s) <107:1399> {7435:1247} (9.2M 505.2M = 514.4M) [0]. | |-[29.72] # 10 --- 1 (0.57|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.2M = 202.0M) [0]. | | | |-[31.72] # 0 --- 8 (1.08|0.00:1.08 s) <111:1378> {5782:1387} (38.2M 579.3M = 617.5M) [0]. | | |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-45.48] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-45.51] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-45.68] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that marked walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-45.71] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.35] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.52] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that, marked, walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.06] <0.22> | | |From Haugseter that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.44] <0.22> | |-[32.21] # 11 --- 1 (0.47|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (14.8M 187.3M = 202.1M) [0]. | | | |-[32.75] # 0 --- (0.53|0.53 s) <107:891> {3972:762} (7.4M 350.1M = 357.5M) [0]. | |< |Fra Haugseter går det merkede ruter både til Storeskag og Oskampen.| (440) --- 10 x 12 x 108 = 84 [108] |> |From Haugseter, routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-36.76] <0.12> (0:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-36.97] <0.12> (0:0:1). |> |From Haugseter routes, marked, go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.23] <0.12> (0:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.45] <0.13> (0:0:3). |> |From Haugseter routes marked go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.52] <0.12> (0:0:4). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-37.63] <0.14> (3:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-37.91] <0.14> (3:1:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-37.96] <0.12> (0:1:0). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.12] <0.12> (0:1:1). |> |From Haugseter routes, marked, walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.33] <0.12> (0:1:2). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-38.42] <0.14> (3:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-38.81] <0.13> (0:1:3). |> |From Haugseter, marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-38.91] <0.14> (3:1:1). |> |From Haugseter routes marked walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.05] <0.12> (0:1:4). |> |From Haugseter marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-39.71] <0.14> (3:0:2). |> |From Haugseter marked routes go to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-39.93] <0.13> (0:0:10). |> |From Haugseter marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-40.01] <0.14> (3:1:2). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-40.20] <0.13> (3:0:3). |> |From Haugseter, routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-40.35] <0.13> (3:0:4). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-40.49] <0.13> (3:1:3). |> |From Haugseter, routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-40.62] <0.13> (3:1:4). |> |From Haugseter routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-40.78] <0.13> (3:0:5). |> |From Haugseter marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-40.99] <0.14> (3:0:6). |> |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, go.| {7} [-41.02] <0.13> (3:0:7). |> |From Haugseter routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-41.07] <0.13> (3:1:5). |> |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked, walk.| {7} [-41.32] <0.13> (3:1:6). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked go.| {7} [-41.44] <0.13> (3:0:8). |> |From Haugseter marked routes walk to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-41.45] <0.13> (0:1:10). |> |From Haugseter marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-41.53] <0.14> (3:1:7). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-42.21] <0.12> (3:0:9). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-42.49] <0.12> (3:1:8). |> |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked go.| {7} [-42.62] <0.13> (3:0:10). |> |From Haugseter, routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked walk.| {7} [-42.93] <0.13> (3:1:9). |> |From Haugseter routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-42.99] <0.12> (3:0:11). |> |From Haugseter, routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-43.03] <0.12> (3:0:12). |> |From Haugseter routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-43.29] <0.12> (3:1:10). |> |From Haugseter, routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-43.30] <0.12> (3:1:11). |> |From Haugseter routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, go.| {7} [-43.46] <0.12> (3:0:13). |> |From Haugseter routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen, walk.| {7} [-43.75] <0.12> (3:1:12). |> |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-43.95] <0.22> (8:0:0). |> |From Haugseter that marked walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-44.15] <0.22> (8:0:1). |> |From Haugseter routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked walk.| {7} [-44.26] <0.13> (3:1:13). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-44.75] <0.12> (3:0:14). |> |From Haugseter, routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-45.24] <0.12> (3:1:14). |> |From Haugseter, that marked walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-45.51] <0.22> (10:0:1). |> |From Haugseter that marked walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-45.71] <0.22> (10:0:3). |> |From Haugseter routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen go.| {7} [-45.95] <0.12> (3:0:15). |> |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.38] <0.25> (7:0:0). |> |From Haugseter routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen walk.| {7} [-46.48] <0.12> (3:1:15). |> |From Haugseter, that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.68] <0.25> (6:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.98] <0.25> (5:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-46.98] <0.22> (8:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-47.39] <0.25> (4:0:0). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.05] <0.21> (6:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, that, marked, walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.35] <0.22> (10:0:4). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-48.77] <0.21> (4:0:1). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.02] <0.22> (7:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.11] <0.22> (7:0:3). |> |From Haugseter that walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.14] <0.25> (7:0:4). |> |From Haugseter it walks marked routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.53] <0.25> (5:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.61] <0.22> (5:0:3). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-49.62] <0.22> (5:0:4). |> |From Haugseter that walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.71] <0.25> (6:0:2). |> |From Haugseter that, marked, walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-49.90] <0.22> (8:0:3). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.17] <0.21> (7:0:6). |> |From Haugseter it walks marked routes to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.20] <0.25> (4:0:2). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.77] <0.21> (5:0:6). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-50.94] <0.21> (7:0:7). |> |From Haugseter that, marked, walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.06] <0.22> (10:0:6). |> |From Haugseter that walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.09] <0.21> (6:0:3). |> |From Haugseter, that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-51.35] <0.22> (7:0:8). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.43] <0.21> (5:0:7). |> |From Haugseter that walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-51.55] <0.22> (7:0:9). |> |From Haugseter it walks routes marked to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-51.58] <0.21> (4:0:3). |> |From Haugseter that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-51.67] <0.22> (7:0:10). |> |From Haugseter it walks routes, to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-51.85] <0.22> (5:0:8). |> |From Haugseter it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen, marked.| {7} [-52.05] <0.22> (5:0:9). |> |From Haugseter, it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-52.07] <0.22> (5:0:10). |> |From Haugseter that walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-52.78] <0.21> (7:0:12). |> |From Haugseter it walks routes marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-53.17] <0.21> (5:0:12). |> |From Haugseter that walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-53.38] <0.21> (7:0:13). |> |From Haugseter it walks routes, marked, to Storeskag and Oskampen.| {7} [-53.67] <0.21> (5:0:13). |> |From Haugseter that walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-54.47] <0.22> (7:0:14). |> |From Haugseter it walks routes to Storeskag and Oskampen marked.| {7} [-54.97] <0.22> (5:0:14). |= 25:13 of 44 {56.8+29.5}; 14:2 of 25:13 {56.0 15.4}; 8:1 of 14:2 {57.1 50.0} @ 9 of 44 {20.5} <0.13 0.63>. [18:12:20] (450) |Det er en flott rundtur.| --- 8 (0.29|0.00:0.31 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.76] # 0 --- 5 (1.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (33.8M 508.1M = 541.9M) [0]. | | | |-[3.12] # 0 --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <85:445> {1616:393} (5.4M 222.7M = 228.1M) [0]. | | |It is one beautiful round trip.| [-29.34] <0.12> | | | |-[3.51] # 1 --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <85:445> {1616:393} (5.4M 220.7M = 226.2M) [0]. | | |It is one great round trip.| [-27.12] <0.12> | | | |-[3.88] # 2 --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <85:445> {1616:393} (5.4M 219.9M = 225.3M) [0]. | | |It is one grand round trip.| [-30.06] <0.12> | | | |-[4.26] # 3 --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <85:445> {1616:393} (5.4M 220.0M = 225.4M) [0]. | | |It is one lovely round trip.| [-29.13] <0.12> | | | |-[4.63] # 4 --- 1 (0.34|0.00:0.33 s) <85:445> {1616:393} (5.4M 221.6M = 227.0M) [0]. | | |It is one fine round trip.| [-30.14] <0.15> | |-[6.64] # 1 --- 5 (1.57|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (33.8M 508.3M = 542.1M) [1]. | | | |-[6.99] # 0 --- 1 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <85:453> {1498:405} (5.3M 220.1M = 225.5M) [0]. | | |That is one beautiful round trip.| [-30.48] <0.12> | | | |-[8.99] # 1 --- 1 (1.28:0.96|0.00:1.28 s) <85:453> {1498:405} (5.3M 220.6M = 225.9M) [1]. | | |That is one great round trip.| [-28.26] <0.12> | | | |-[9.33] # 2 --- 1 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <85:453> {1498:405} (5.3M 219.6M = 224.9M) [0]. | | |That is one grand round trip.| [-31.19] <0.12> | | | |-[9.72] # 3 --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <85:453> {1498:405} (5.3M 219.8M = 225.1M) [0]. | | |That is one lovely round trip.| [-30.26] <0.12> | | | |-[10.10] # 4 --- 1 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <85:453> {1498:405} (5.3M 220.0M = 225.3M) [0]. | | |That is one fine round trip.| [-31.27] <0.15> | |-[12.10] # 2 --- 5 (1.45|0.00:0.00 s) <:16> (31.6M 484.6M = 516.2M) [0]. | | | |-[12.42] # 0 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <81:400> {1270:367} (5.0M 195.9M = 200.9M) [0]. | | |It is a beautiful round trip.| [-24.71] <0.13> | | | |-[12.80] # 1 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <81:400> {1270:367} (5.0M 196.6M = 201.6M) [0]. | | |It is a great round trip.| [-22.88] <0.13> | | | |-[13.17] # 2 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <81:400> {1270:367} (5.0M 195.7M = 200.7M) [0]. | | |It is a grand round trip.| [-26.92] <0.13> | | | |-[13.54] # 3 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <81:400> {1270:367} (5.0M 195.9M = 200.8M) [0]. | | |It is a lovely round trip.| [-24.19] <0.13> | | | |-[13.92] # 4 --- 1 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <81:400> {1270:367} (5.0M 196.1M = 201.1M) [0]. | | |It is a fine round trip.| [-25.42] <0.27> | |-[15.92] # 3 --- 5 (1.54|0.00:0.00 s) <:16> (31.5M 484.9M = 516.4M) [1]. | | | |-[16.22] # 0 --- 1 (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <81:408> {1116:367} (4.8M 192.8M = 197.6M) [0]. | | |That is a beautiful round trip.| [-26.40] <0.13> | | | |-[16.61] # 1 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <81:408> {1116:367} (4.8M 193.4M = 198.3M) [0]. | | |That is a great round trip.| [-24.57] <0.13> | | | |-[16.99] # 2 --- 1 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <81:408> {1116:367} (4.8M 192.6M = 197.4M) [0]. | | |That is a grand round trip.| [-28.61] <0.13> | | | |-[17.37] # 3 --- 1 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <81:408> {1116:367} (4.8M 192.7M = 197.6M) [0]. | | |That is a lovely round trip.| [-25.88] <0.13> | | | |-[17.75] # 4 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <81:408> {1116:367} (4.8M 193.0M = 197.8M) [0]. | | |That is a fine round trip.| [-27.11] <0.27> | |-[19.76] # 4 --- 5 (1.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (33.8M 508.1M = 541.9M) [0]. | | | |-[20.21] # 0 --- 4 (0.42|0.00:0.42 s) <85:643> {2980:593} (6.5M 269.7M = 276.2M) [0]. | | |It, one beautiful round trip is.| [-33.94] <0.12> | | |It one beautiful round trip is.| [-36.81] <0.12> | | |Itself, one beautiful round trip is.| [-38.13] <0.12> | | |Itself one beautiful round trip is.| [-43.43] <0.12> | | | |-[20.70] # 1 --- 4 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <85:643> {2980:593} (6.5M 270.4M = 276.8M) [0]. | | |It, one great round trip is.| [-33.43] <0.12> | | |It one great round trip is.| [-35.37] <0.12> | | |Itself, one great round trip is.| [-37.62] <0.12> | | |Itself one great round trip is.| [-41.99] <0.12> | | | |-[21.20] # 2 --- 4 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <85:643> {2980:593} (6.4M 269.5M = 275.9M) [0]. | | |It, one grand round trip is.| [-34.61] <0.12> | | |It one grand round trip is.| [-37.53] <0.12> | | |Itself, one grand round trip is.| [-38.80] <0.12> | | |Itself one grand round trip is.| [-44.14] <0.12> | | | |-[21.69] # 3 --- 4 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <85:643> {2980:593} (6.5M 269.6M = 276.1M) [0]. | | |It, one lovely round trip is.| [-33.81] <0.12> | | |It one lovely round trip is.| [-36.60] <0.12> | | |Itself, one lovely round trip is.| [-38.00] <0.12> | | |Itself one lovely round trip is.| [-43.21] <0.12> | | | |-[22.17] # 4 --- 4 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <85:643> {2980:593} (6.5M 269.9M = 276.4M) [0]. | | |It, one fine round trip is.| [-34.44] <0.15> | | |It one fine round trip is.| [-37.61] <0.15> | | |Itself, one fine round trip is.| [-38.63] <0.15> | | |Itself one fine round trip is.| [-44.22] <0.15> | |-[24.18] # 5 --- 5 (1.57|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (33.8M 508.3M = 542.1M) [1]. | | | |-[24.49] # 0 --- 2 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <85:482> {2083:440} (5.7M 231.9M = 237.6M) [0]. | | |That, one beautiful round trip is.| [-33.25] <0.12> | | |That one beautiful round trip is.| [-33.77] <0.12> | | | |-[24.83] # 1 --- 2 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <85:482> {2083:440} (5.7M 232.6M = 238.3M) [0]. | | |That one great round trip is.| [-32.31] <0.12> | | |That, one great round trip is.| [-32.73] <0.12> | | | |-[25.15] # 2 --- 2 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <85:482> {2083:440} (5.6M 231.7M = 237.4M) [0]. | | |That, one grand round trip is.| [-33.92] <0.12> | | |That one grand round trip is.| [-34.49] <0.12> | | | |-[25.47] # 3 --- 2 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <85:482> {2083:440} (5.7M 231.9M = 237.5M) [0]. | | |That, one lovely round trip is.| [-33.11] <0.12> | | |That one lovely round trip is.| [-33.56] <0.12> | | | |-[27.48] # 4 --- 2 (1.07:0.80|0.00:1.07 s) <85:482> {2083:440} (5.7M 232.3M = 238.0M) [1]. | | |That, one fine round trip is.| [-33.74] <0.15> | | |That one fine round trip is.| [-34.57] <0.15> | |-[29.48] # 6 --- 5 (1.45|0.00:0.00 s) <:16> (31.6M 484.6M = 516.2M) [0]. | | | |-[29.85] # 0 --- 4 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <81:598> {2070:567} (6.0M 237.9M = 243.9M) [0]. | | |It, a beautiful round trip is.| [-31.16] <0.13> | | |Itself, a beautiful round trip is.| [-34.81] <0.13> | | |It a beautiful round trip is.| [-35.52] <0.13> | | |Itself a beautiful round trip is.| [-37.26] <0.13> | | | |-[30.23] # 1 --- 4 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <81:598> {2070:567} (6.0M 238.6M = 244.6M) [0]. | | |It, a great round trip is.| [-29.64] <0.13> | | |It a great round trip is.| [-33.30] <0.13> | | |Itself, a great round trip is.| [-33.30] <0.13> | | |Itself a great round trip is.| [-36.60] <0.13> | | | |-[30.64] # 2 --- 4 (0.38|0.00:0.38 s) <81:598> {2070:567} (5.9M 237.7M = 243.7M) [0]. | | |It, a grand round trip is.| [-32.48] <0.13> | | |Itself, a grand round trip is.| [-36.14] <0.13> | | |It a grand round trip is.| [-37.18] <0.13> | | |Itself a grand round trip is.| [-39.92] <0.13> | | | |-[31.05] # 3 --- 4 (0.39|0.00:0.39 s) <81:598> {2070:567} (5.9M 237.9M = 243.8M) [0]. | | |It, a lovely round trip is.| [-31.03] <0.13> | | |It a lovely round trip is.| [-34.53] <0.13> | | |Itself, a lovely round trip is.| [-34.69] <0.13> | | |Itself a lovely round trip is.| [-38.11] <0.13> | | | |-[31.46] # 4 --- 4 (0.38|0.00:0.39 s) <81:598> {2070:567} (5.9M 238.2M = 244.1M) [0]. | | |It, a fine round trip is.| [-32.20] <0.27> | | |Itself, a fine round trip is.| [-35.86] <0.27> | | |It a fine round trip is.| [-36.25] <0.27> | | |Itself a fine round trip is.| [-39.54] <0.27> | |-[33.46] # 7 --- 5 (1.45|0.00:0.00 s) <:16> (31.5M 484.5M = 516.1M) [0]. | | | |-[33.80] # 0 --- 2 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <81:437> {1425:402} (5.1M 202.1M = 207.3M) [0]. | | |That, a beautiful round trip is.| [-30.82] <0.13> | | |That a beautiful round trip is.| [-33.76] <0.13> | | | |-[34.19] # 1 --- 2 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <81:437> {1425:402} (5.1M 202.8M = 208.0M) [0]. | | |That, a great round trip is.| [-29.31] <0.13> | | |That a great round trip is.| [-30.89] <0.13> | | | |-[34.57] # 2 --- 2 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <81:437> {1425:402} (5.1M 201.9M = 207.1M) [0]. | | |That, a grand round trip is.| [-32.14] <0.13> | | |That a grand round trip is.| [-34.47] <0.13> | | | |-[34.95] # 3 --- 2 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <81:437> {1425:402} (5.1M 202.1M = 207.2M) [0]. | | |That, a lovely round trip is.| [-30.70] <0.13> | | |That a lovely round trip is.| [-33.10] <0.13> | | | |-[35.33] # 4 --- 2 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <81:437> {1425:402} (5.1M 202.4M = 207.5M) [0]. | | |That, a fine round trip is.| [-31.87] <0.27> | | |That a fine round trip is.| [-35.05] <0.27> | |< |Det er en flott rundtur.| (450) --- 8 x 40 x 80 = 80 |> |It is a great round trip.| [-22.88] <0.13> (2:1:0). |> |It is a lovely round trip.| [-24.19] <0.13> (2:3:0). |> |That is a great round trip.| [-24.57] <0.13> (3:1:0). |> |It is a beautiful round trip.| [-24.71] <0.13> (2:0:0). |> |It is a fine round trip.| [-25.42] <0.27> (2:4:0). |> |That is a lovely round trip.| [-25.88] <0.13> (3:3:0). |> |That is a beautiful round trip.| [-26.40] <0.13> (3:0:0). |> |It is a grand round trip.| [-26.92] <0.13> (2:2:0). |> |That is a fine round trip.| [-27.11] <0.27> (3:4:0). |> |It is one great round trip.| [-27.12] <0.12> (0:1:0). |> |That is one great round trip.| [-28.26] <0.12> (1:1:0). |> |That is a grand round trip.| [-28.61] <0.13> (3:2:0). |> |It is one lovely round trip.| [-29.13] <0.12> (0:3:0). |> |That, a great round trip is.| [-29.31] <0.13> (7:1:0). |> |It is one beautiful round trip.| [-29.34] <0.12> (0:0:0). |> |It, a great round trip is.| [-29.64] <0.13> (6:1:0). |> |It is one grand round trip.| [-30.06] <0.12> (0:2:0). |> |It is one fine round trip.| [-30.14] <0.15> (0:4:0). |> |That is one lovely round trip.| [-30.26] <0.12> (1:3:0). |> |That is one beautiful round trip.| [-30.48] <0.12> (1:0:0). |> |That, a lovely round trip is.| [-30.70] <0.13> (7:3:0). |> |That, a beautiful round trip is.| [-30.82] <0.13> (7:0:0). |> |That a great round trip is.| [-30.89] <0.13> (7:1:1). |> |It, a lovely round trip is.| [-31.03] <0.13> (6:3:0). |> |It, a beautiful round trip is.| [-31.16] <0.13> (6:0:0). |> |That is one grand round trip.| [-31.19] <0.12> (1:2:0). |> |That is one fine round trip.| [-31.27] <0.15> (1:4:0). |> |That, a fine round trip is.| [-31.87] <0.27> (7:4:0). |> |That, a grand round trip is.| [-32.14] <0.13> (7:2:0). |> |It, a fine round trip is.| [-32.20] <0.27> (6:4:0). |> |That one great round trip is.| [-32.31] <0.12> (5:1:0). |> |It, a grand round trip is.| [-32.48] <0.13> (6:2:0). |> |That, one great round trip is.| [-32.73] <0.12> (5:1:1). |> |That a lovely round trip is.| [-33.10] <0.13> (7:3:1). |> |That, one lovely round trip is.| [-33.11] <0.12> (5:3:0). |> |That, one beautiful round trip is.| [-33.25] <0.12> (5:0:0). |> |It a great round trip is.| [-33.30] <0.13> (6:1:1). |> |Itself, a great round trip is.| [-33.30] <0.13> (6:1:2). |> |It, one great round trip is.| [-33.43] <0.12> (4:1:0). |> |That one lovely round trip is.| [-33.56] <0.12> (5:3:1). |> |That, one fine round trip is.| [-33.74] <0.15> (5:4:0). |> |That a beautiful round trip is.| [-33.76] <0.13> (7:0:1). |> |That one beautiful round trip is.| [-33.77] <0.12> (5:0:1). |> |It, one lovely round trip is.| [-33.81] <0.12> (4:3:0). |> |That, one grand round trip is.| [-33.92] <0.12> (5:2:0). |> |It, one beautiful round trip is.| [-33.94] <0.12> (4:0:0). |> |It, one fine round trip is.| [-34.44] <0.15> (4:4:0). |> |That a grand round trip is.| [-34.47] <0.13> (7:2:1). |> |That one grand round trip is.| [-34.49] <0.12> (5:2:1). |> |It a lovely round trip is.| [-34.53] <0.13> (6:3:1). |> |That one fine round trip is.| [-34.57] <0.15> (5:4:1). |> |It, one grand round trip is.| [-34.61] <0.12> (4:2:0). |> |Itself, a lovely round trip is.| [-34.69] <0.13> (6:3:2). |> |Itself, a beautiful round trip is.| [-34.81] <0.13> (6:0:1). |> |That a fine round trip is.| [-35.05] <0.27> (7:4:1). |> |It one great round trip is.| [-35.37] <0.12> (4:1:1). |> |It a beautiful round trip is.| [-35.52] <0.13> (6:0:2). |> |Itself, a fine round trip is.| [-35.86] <0.27> (6:4:1). |> |Itself, a grand round trip is.| [-36.14] <0.13> (6:2:1). |> |It a fine round trip is.| [-36.25] <0.27> (6:4:2). |> |It one lovely round trip is.| [-36.60] <0.12> (4:3:1). |> |Itself a great round trip is.| [-36.60] <0.13> (6:1:3). |> |It one beautiful round trip is.| [-36.81] <0.12> (4:0:1). |> |It a grand round trip is.| [-37.18] <0.13> (6:2:2). |> |Itself a beautiful round trip is.| [-37.26] <0.13> (6:0:3). |> |It one grand round trip is.| [-37.53] <0.12> (4:2:1). |> |It one fine round trip is.| [-37.61] <0.15> (4:4:1). |> |Itself, one great round trip is.| [-37.62] <0.12> (4:1:2). |> |Itself, one lovely round trip is.| [-38.00] <0.12> (4:3:2). |> |Itself a lovely round trip is.| [-38.11] <0.13> (6:3:3). |> |Itself, one beautiful round trip is.| [-38.13] <0.12> (4:0:2). |> |Itself, one fine round trip is.| [-38.63] <0.15> (4:4:2). |> |Itself, one grand round trip is.| [-38.80] <0.12> (4:2:2). |> |Itself a fine round trip is.| [-39.54] <0.27> (6:4:3). |> |Itself a grand round trip is.| [-39.92] <0.13> (6:2:3). |> |Itself one great round trip is.| [-41.99] <0.12> (4:1:3). |> |Itself one lovely round trip is.| [-43.21] <0.12> (4:3:3). |> |Itself one beautiful round trip is.| [-43.43] <0.12> (4:0:3). |> |Itself one grand round trip is.| [-44.14] <0.12> (4:2:3). |> |Itself one fine round trip is.| [-44.22] <0.15> (4:4:3). |= 26:13 of 45 {57.8+28.9}; 15:2 of 26:13 {57.7 15.4}; 9:1 of 15:2 {60.0 50.0} @ 10 of 45 {22.2} <0.13 0.59>. [18:12:55] (460) |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.46] # 0 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.00 s) <:5> (5.8M 96.7M = 102.5M) [0]. | | | |-[0.58] # 0 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 58.0M = 59.8M) [0]. | | |Communications.| [-6.63] <1.00> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| (460) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |> |Communications.| [-6.63] <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 27:13 of 46 {58.7+28.3}; 16:2 of 27:13 {59.3 15.4}; 10:1 of 16:2 {62.5 50.0} @ 11 of 46 {23.9} <0.15 0.63>. [18:12:56] (470) |Bilvei og bussruter over Sognefjellet.| --- 1 [3] (0.08|0.00:0.09 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[14.63] # 0 --- 36 (13.12:0.38|0.00:0.00 s) <:266> (324.1M 4.3G = 4.6G) [5]. | | | |-[15.09] # 0 --- 2 (0.40|0.00:0.40 s) <45:479> {2002:375} (8.6M 227.3M = 235.9M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus routes, above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-38.13] <0.33> | | |A motor road and bus routes above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-41.33] <0.33> | | | |-[15.56] # 1 --- 2 (0.40|0.00:0.40 s) <45:479> {2002:375} (8.6M 226.9M = 235.4M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus routes, over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-36.94] <0.60> | | |A motor road and bus routes over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-39.86] <0.60> | | | |-[16.02] # 2 --- 2 (0.41|0.00:0.41 s) <45:479> {2002:375} (8.6M 226.9M = 235.5M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus routes, across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-37.18] <0.33> | | |A motor road and bus routes across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-38.44] <0.33> | | | |-[16.39] # 3 --- (0.32|0.32 s) <37:457> {1942:276} (5.3M 208.3M = 213.6M) [0]. | | | |-[16.72] # 4 --- (0.29|0.29 s) <37:457> {1942:276} (5.3M 208.3M = 213.6M) [0]. | | | |-[17.06] # 5 --- (0.30|0.30 s) <37:457> {1942:276} (5.3M 208.3M = 213.6M) [0]. | | | |-[17.67] # 6 --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <53:952> {3783:808} (9.7M 374.5M = 384.2M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus rounds, above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-44.71] <0.15> | | |A motor road and bus rounds above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-48.46] <0.15> | | | |-[18.23] # 7 --- 2 (0.51|0.00:0.51 s) <53:952> {3783:808} (9.7M 374.5M = 384.2M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus rounds, over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-43.22] <0.17> | | |A motor road and bus rounds over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-45.49] <0.17> | | | |-[18.74] # 8 --- 2 (0.47|0.00:0.47 s) <53:952> {3783:808} (9.7M 374.5M = 384.2M) [0]. | | |A motor road and bus rounds, across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-43.77] <0.15> | | |A motor road and bus rounds across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-49.06] <0.15> | | | |-[20.76] # 9 --- (1.14:0.75|1.14 s) <45:936> {3782:682} (6.4M 364.0M = 370.5M) [1]. | |< |Bilvei og bussruter over Sognefjellet.| (470) --- 1 x 36 x 12 = 12 |> |A motor road and bus routes, over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-36.94] <0.60> (0:1:0). |> |A motor road and bus routes, across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-37.18] <0.33> (0:2:0). |> |A motor road and bus routes, above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-38.13] <0.33> (0:0:0). |> |A motor road and bus routes across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-38.44] <0.33> (0:2:1). |> |A motor road and bus routes over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-39.86] <0.60> (0:1:1). |> |A motor road and bus routes above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-41.33] <0.33> (0:0:1). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-43.22] <0.17> (0:7:0). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-43.77] <0.15> (0:8:0). |> |A motor road and bus rounds, above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-44.71] <0.15> (0:6:0). |> |A motor road and bus rounds over Sognefjellet.| {7} [-45.49] <0.17> (0:7:1). |> |A motor road and bus rounds above Sognefjellet.| {7} [-48.46] <0.15> (0:6:1). |> |A motor road and bus rounds across Sognefjellet.| {7} [-49.06] <0.15> (0:8:1). |= 28:13 of 47 {59.6+27.7}; 17:2 of 28:13 {60.7 15.4}; 11:1 of 17:2 {64.7 50.0} @ 12 of 47 {25.5} <0.16 0.63>. [18:13:17] (480) |Kort og bratt i Utladalen| --- ^5 [48] (0.35|0.00:0.39 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.18] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_bratt_a_rel", "_kort_a_rel". | |-[1.63] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: "_kort_a_rel". | |-[1.64] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[1.66] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[2.10] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: "_bratt_a_rel". | |< |Kort og bratt i Utladalen| (480) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 28:14 of 48 {58.3+29.2}; 17:2 of 28:14 {60.7 14.3}; 11:1 of 17:2 {64.7 50.0} @ 12 of 48 {25.0} <0.16 0.63>. [18:13:19] (490) |Turen starter lett med fem kilometer langs Folkeveien til Vetti.| --- 12 [38] (2.46|0.00:2.81 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.05] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.10] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.14] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.18] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.23] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.27] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|, |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.30] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.34] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.37] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |-[4.40] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_starte_v_rel"|. | |< |Turen starter lett med fem kilometer langs Folkeveien til Vetti.| (490) --- 12 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 29:14 of 49 {59.2+28.6}; 17:2 of 29:14 {58.6 14.3}; 11:1 of 17:2 {64.7 50.0} @ 12 of 49 {24.5} <0.15 0.63>. [18:13:23] (500) |Da bestemte imidlertid bygdefolket i Årdal seg for å bygge vei.| --- 3 (0.67|0.00:0.70 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.01] # 0 --- 8 (3.80|0.00:0.00 s) <:64> (86.9M 1.1G = 1.2G) [1]. | | | |-[6.97] # 0 --- 2 (0.90|0.00:0.90 s) <145:1472> {5733:1343} (11.9M 538.9M = 550.8M) [0]. | | |The village person, in Årdal, nevertheless decided to build a path then.| {1} [-59.01] <0.27> | | |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a path then.| {1} [-63.69] <0.27> | | | |-[7.92] # 1 --- 2 (0.89|0.00:0.89 s) <145:1472> {5733:1343} (11.8M 533.1M = 545.0M) [0]. | | |The village person, in Årdal, nevertheless decided to build a road then.| {1} [-58.63] <0.38> | | |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a road then.| {1} [-63.27] <0.38> | | | |-[8.56] # 2 --- (0.60|0.60 s) <153:847> {3418:712} (7.8M 381.9M = 389.7M) [0]. | | | |-[9.17] # 3 --- (0.59|0.59 s) <153:847> {3418:712} (7.8M 380.6M = 388.4M) [0]. | | | |-[9.60] # 4 --- (0.40|0.40 s) <137:822> {2813:707} (7.5M 326.6M = 334.1M) [0]. | | | |-[10.02] # 5 --- (0.40|0.40 s) <137:822> {2813:707} (7.5M 326.6M = 334.1M) [0]. | | | |-[10.42] # 6 --- (0.38|0.38 s) <145:683> {2376:552} (7.4M 319.8M = 327.1M) [0]. | | | |-[10.83] # 7 --- (0.38|0.38 s) <145:683> {2376:552} (7.4M 319.8M = 327.1M) [0]. | |-[10.85] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bestemme_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[10.88] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bestemme_refl_v_rel"|. | |< |Da bestemte imidlertid bygdefolket i Årdal seg for å bygge vei.| (500) --- 3 x 8 x 4 = 4 |> |The village person, in Årdal, nevertheless decided to build a road then.| {1} [-58.63] <0.38> (0:1:0). |> |The village person, in Årdal, nevertheless decided to build a path then.| {1} [-59.01] <0.27> (0:0:0). |> |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a road then.| {1} [-63.27] <0.38> (0:1:1). |> |The village person in Årdal nevertheless decided to build a path then.| {1} [-63.69] <0.27> (0:0:1). |= 30:14 of 50 {60.0+28.0}; 18:2 of 30:14 {60.0 14.3}; 12:1 of 18:2 {66.7 50.0} @ 13 of 50 {26.0} <0.16 0.61>. [18:13:34] (510) |På Vetti er det nå kun kafeteriadrift, men gå innom og få deg litt i magen og kjenn på atmosfæren før du går videre.| --- (60.54|60.50 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |På Vetti er det nå kun kafeteriadrift, men gå innom og få deg litt i magen og kjenn på atmosfæren før du går videre.| (510) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 30:14 of 51 {58.8+27.5}; 18:2 of 30:14 {60.0 14.3}; 12:1 of 18:2 {66.7 50.0} @ 13 of 51 {25.5} <0.16 0.61>. [18:14:38] (520) |Fyll vannflaska før du starter oppstigningen, du får sikkert behov for noen slurker og pustepauser underveis.| --- ^5 [75] (11.01|0.00:11.17 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[12.42] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_pustepause_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[12.48] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_pustepause_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[12.53] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_pustepause_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[12.59] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_pustepause_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[12.64] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_pustepause_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |< |Fyll vannflaska før du starter oppstigningen, du får sikkert behov for noen slurker og pustepauser underveis.| (520) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 30:15 of 52 {57.7+28.8}; 18:2 of 30:15 {60.0 13.3}; 12:1 of 18:2 {66.7 50.0} @ 13 of 52 {25.0} <0.15 0.61>. [18:14:51] (530) |Oppe i skoggrensa møter stien den gamle stølsveien fra Avdalen, og det går litt utfor før du kommer fram til den idylliske gamle setra Stølsmaradalen.| --- 32 [224] (18.53|0.00:31.47 s) <:> () [6]. | |-[34.26] # 80 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[34.44] # 82 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[34.61] # 84 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[34.78] # 86 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[34.95] # 88 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[35.12] # 90 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[35.36] # 92 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[35.53] # 94 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[35.70] # 96 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |-[35.87] # 98 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|. | |< |Oppe i skoggrensa møter stien den gamle stølsveien fra Avdalen, og det går litt utfor før du kommer fram til den idylliske gamle setra Stølsmaradalen.| (530) --- 32 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 31:15 of 53 {58.5+28.3}; 18:2 of 31:15 {58.1 13.3}; 12:1 of 18:2 {66.7 50.0} @ 13 of 53 {24.5} <0.15 0.61>. [18:15:27] (540) |2. Stølsmaradalen til Avdalen| --- 1 [2] (0.06|0.00:0.07 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.76] # 0 --- 1 (0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (8.0M 119.8M = 127.8M) [0]. | | | |-[0.93] # 0 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <24:152> {350:90} (2.3M 73.6M = 75.9M) [0]. | |< |2. Stølsmaradalen til Avdalen| (540) --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |= 32:15 of 54 {59.3+27.8}; 19:2 of 32:15 {59.4 13.3}; 12:1 of 19:2 {63.2 50.0} @ 13 of 54 {24.1} <0.15 0.61>. [18:15:27] (550) |Hurrungane er et villmarksområde i Jotunheimen nasjonalpark med minst mulig tilrettelegging.| --- 16 [32] (2.95|0.00:3.50 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.52] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[4.56] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[4.61] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[4.65] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[4.70] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[4.74] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[4.79] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[4.83] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |-[4.88] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|. | |-[4.92] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nasjonalpark_n_rel"|, |"_tilrettelegging_n_rel"|, |"superl_neg_rel"|. | |< |Hurrungane er et villmarksområde i Jotunheimen nasjonalpark med minst mulig tilrettelegging.| (550) --- 16 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:15 of 55 {60.0+27.3}; 19:2 of 33:15 {57.6 13.3}; 12:1 of 19:2 {63.2 50.0} @ 13 of 55 {23.6} <0.14 0.61>. [18:15:32] (560) |Dagens etappe går derfor tilbake langs dalen igjen, lett og fint, stort sett i jevn høyde langs skoggrensa, til den passerer Fuglenosa.| --- ^5 [2688] (43.48|0.00:43.87 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[46.15] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[46.24] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[46.33] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[46.42] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[46.51] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |< |Dagens etappe går derfor tilbake langs dalen igjen, lett og fint, stort sett i jevn høyde langs skoggrensa, til den passerer Fuglenosa.| (560) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:16 of 56 {58.9+28.6}; 19:2 of 33:16 {57.6 12.5}; 12:1 of 19:2 {63.2 50.0} @ 13 of 56 {23.2} <0.14 0.61>. [18:16:19] (570) |Etter Fuglenosa svinger stien seg ned lia til den nedlagte gården Avdalen.| --- ^5 [40] (5.58|0.00:5.73 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.46] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[6.50] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[6.54] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[6.58] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |-[6.62] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sige_v_rel"|. | |< |Etter Fuglenosa svinger stien seg ned lia til den nedlagte gården Avdalen.| (570) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:17 of 57 {57.9+29.8}; 19:2 of 33:17 {57.6 11.8}; 12:1 of 19:2 {63.2 50.0} @ 13 of 57 {22.8} <0.14 0.61>. [18:16:26] (580) |Også på Avdalen har dugnadsvillige årdøler vært på ferde og pusset opp den nedlagte fjellgården, slik at den nå drives som betjent hytte om sommeren.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_dugnad_n_rel|, |_villig_a_rel|, |_døle_n_rel|. | |< |Også på Avdalen har dugnadsvillige årdøler vært på ferde og pusset opp den nedlagte fjellgården, slik at den nå drives som betjent hytte om sommeren.| (580) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:17 of 58 {56.9+29.3}; 19:2 of 33:17 {57.6 11.8}; 12:1 of 19:2 {63.2 50.0} @ 13 of 58 {22.4} <0.14 0.61>. [18:17:42] (590) |Lett og fint ned lia til Folkeveien og så langs denne til Hjelle.| --- 18 (8.03|0.00:8.41 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[10.08] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.13] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.18] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.23] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.27] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.32] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.37] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.42] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.47] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |-[10.52] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_så_v_rel"|, |"_finte_v_rel"|, |"_lette_v_rel"|. | |< |Lett og fint ned lia til Folkeveien og så langs denne til Hjelle.| (590) --- 18 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 34:17 of 59 {57.6+28.8}; 19:2 of 34:17 {55.9 11.8}; 12:1 of 19:2 {63.2 50.0} @ 13 of 59 {22.0} <0.13 0.61>. [18:17:52] (600) |Lengder| --- 1 [2] (0.02|0.00:0.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.66] # 0 --- 3 (0.47|0.00:0.00 s) <:9> (8.9M 148.0M = 156.9M) [0]. | | | |-[0.77] # 0 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 57.5M = 59.2M) [0]. | | |Lengths.| [-7.38] <1.00> | | | |-[1.16] # 1 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 57.5M = 59.3M) [0]. | | |Durations.| [-7.67] <1.00> | | | |-[1.54] # 2 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 57.5M = 59.3M) [0]. | | |Quantities.| [-6.83] <1.00> | |< |Lengder| (600) --- 1 x 3 x 3 = 3 |> |Quantities.| [-6.83] <1.00> (0:2:0). |> |Lengths.| [-7.38] <1.00> (0:0:0). |> |Durations.| [-7.67] <1.00> (0:1:0). |= 35:17 of 60 {58.3+28.3}; 20:2 of 35:17 {57.1 11.8}; 13:1 of 20:2 {65.0 50.0} @ 14 of 60 {23.3} <0.15 0.64>. [18:17:54] (610) |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 t.| --- ^4 (0.14|0.00:0.16 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.22] # 0 --- 3 (0.55|0.00:0.00 s) <:96> (15.0M 197.2M = 212.2M) [1]. | | | |-[1.40] # 0 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.2M 59.6M = 61.7M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five hours| [41.37] <0.27> | | | |-[1.81] # 1 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.7M = 57.7M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five lessons| [47.29] <0.24> | | | |-[2.22] # 2 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.7M = 57.8M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five appointments| [47.56] <0.24> | |-[2.71] # 1 --- 3 (0.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:95> (14.9M 194.4M = 209.3M) [0]. | | | |-[2.90] # 0 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 57.6M = 59.7M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five hours| [41.37] <0.27> | | | |-[3.30] # 1 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five lessons| [47.29] <0.24> | | | |-[3.68] # 2 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five appointments| [47.56] <0.24> | |-[4.19] # 2 --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (15.2M 198.3M = 213.4M) [0]. | | | |-[4.37] # 0 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 58.0M = 60.1M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five hours| [41.37] <0.17> | | | |-[4.76] # 1 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five lessons| [47.29] <0.14> | | | |-[5.14] # 2 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five appointments| [47.56] <0.14> | |-[5.65] # 3 --- 3 (0.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:96> (15.0M 196.9M = 211.9M) [0]. | | | |-[5.83] # 0 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 57.6M = 59.7M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five hours| [41.37] <0.17> | | | |-[6.23] # 1 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five lessons| [47.29] <0.14> | | | |-[6.63] # 2 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five appointments| [47.56] <0.14> | |< |Stølsmaradalen - Avdalen, 5 t.| (610) --- 4 x 12 x 12 = 6 [12] |> |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five appointments| [47.56] <0.14> (2:2:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five appointments| [47.56] <0.24> (0:2:0). |> |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five lessons| [47.29] <0.14> (2:1:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five lessons| [47.29] <0.24> (0:1:0). |> |Stølsmaradal || Avdalen || Five hours| [41.37] <0.17> (2:0:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen || Avdalen || Five hours| [41.37] <0.27> (0:0:0). |= 35:18 of 61 {57.4+29.5}; 20:3 of 35:18 {57.1 16.7}; 13:2 of 20:3 {65.0 66.7} @ 15 of 61 {24.6} <0.15 0.61>. [18:18:00] (620) |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen og Gravdalen.| --- 2 [4] (0.13|0.00:0.14 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.92] # 0 --- 1 (0.40|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (10.5M 147.1M = 157.6M) [0]. | | | |-[1.18] # 0 --- 3 (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <23:135> {548:126} (5.3M 117.7M = 123.0M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-10.50] <1.00> | | |Stølsmaradalen Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.21] <1.00> | | |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.43] <1.00> | |-[1.60] # 1 --- 1 (0.41|0.00:0.00 s) <:14> (10.6M 149.5M = 160.1M) [0]. | | | |-[1.87] # 0 --- 3 (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <23:135> {548:126} (5.3M 117.3M = 122.6M) [0]. | | |Stølsmaradal, Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-10.49] <0.42> | | |Stølsmaradal Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.42] <0.42> | | |Stølsmaradal, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.43] <0.42> | |< |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen og Gravdalen.| (620) --- 2 x 2 x 6 = 6 |> |Stølsmaradal, Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-10.49] <0.42> (1:0:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-10.50] <1.00> (0:0:0). |> |Stølsmaradalen Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.21] <1.00> (0:0:1). |> |Stølsmaradal Avdalen and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.42] <0.42> (1:0:1). |> |Stølsmaradal, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.43] <0.42> (1:0:2). |> |Stølsmaradalen, Avdalen, and Gravdalen.| {7} [-11.43] <1.00> (0:0:2). |= 36:18 of 62 {58.1+29.0}; 21:3 of 36:18 {58.3 16.7}; 14:2 of 21:3 {66.7 66.7} @ 16 of 62 {25.8} <0.16 0.64>. [18:18:02] (630) |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.49] # 0 --- 1 (0.38|0.00:0.00 s) <:5> (5.8M 97.0M = 102.8M) [1]. | | | |-[0.61] # 0 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 57.6M = 59.3M) [0]. | | |Communications.| [-6.63] <1.00> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| (630) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |> |Communications.| [-6.63] <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 37:18 of 63 {58.7+28.6}; 22:3 of 37:18 {59.5 16.7}; 15:2 of 22:3 {68.2 66.7} @ 17 of 63 {27.0} <0.18 0.66>. [18:18:03] (640) |Veien er helt grei å gå, og omgivelsene er storslagne.| --- ^4 [10] (4.37|0.00:4.46 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[6.03] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[6.05] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[6.07] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[6.10] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_omgivelse_n_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |Veien er helt grei å gå, og omgivelsene er storslagne.| (640) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 37:19 of 64 {57.8+29.7}; 22:3 of 37:19 {59.5 15.8}; 15:2 of 22:3 {68.2 66.7} @ 17 of 64 {26.6} <0.17 0.66>. [18:18:09] (650) |Den ble reist i 1938 og nedlagt i 1957.| --- 12 [144] (1.57|0.00:2.76 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[6.02] # 0 --- 4 (1.26|0.00:0.00 s) <:27> (33.3M 471.3M = 504.6M) [0]. | | | |-[8.70] # 0 --- 16 (2.60:1.07|0.00:2.59 s) <119:2257> {10620:2070} (11.9M 1.0G = 1.0G) [1]. | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-38.14] <0.49> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-41.42] <0.49> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-42.85] <0.36> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-43.45] <0.49> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.07] <0.18> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.56] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.21] <0.36> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-46.90] <0.49> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.78] <0.36> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-48.85] <0.14> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.57] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-50.40] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.28] <0.36> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.38] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.00] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.83] <0.14> | | | |-[10.88] # 1 --- 16 (2.05|0.00:2.05 s) <110:3212> {16768:2978} (14.7M 1.3G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-38.82] <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-41.89] <0.45> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.08] <0.32> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.10] <0.16> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-44.44] <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.40] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.25] <0.32> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.71] <0.45> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.32] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.44] <0.12> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.89] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-50.80] <0.12> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.51] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.65] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.86] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.51] <0.12> | | | |-[14.90] # 2 --- 16 (3.43|0.00:3.43 s) <140:4357> {21524:3890} (18.1M 2.5G = 2.5G) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-40.72] <0.56> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-43.93] <0.56> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-45.50] <0.45> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-46.20] <0.56> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.33] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.80] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.76] <0.45> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.58] <0.56> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.62] <0.45> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.18] <0.16> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.97] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-52.67] <0.16> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.74] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.03] <0.45> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.48] <0.16> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-58.25] <0.16> | | | |-[19.28] # 3 --- 16 (4.29:1.16|0.00:4.29 s) <131:4904> {25064:4458} (19.4M 2.7G = 2.7G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-41.35] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-44.37] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.33] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.68] <0.41> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.11] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.61] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.77] <0.41> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.33] <0.51> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.72] <0.14> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.08] <0.41> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.23] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-53.04] <0.14> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.82] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.33] <0.41> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.28] <0.14> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-58.88] <0.14> | |-[21.30] # 1 --- 4 (1.67|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (33.3M 471.2M = 504.5M) [0]. | | | |-[23.31] # 0 --- 16 (1.24|0.00:1.24 s) <119:2217> {10278:2022} (11.6M 981.9M = 993.5M) [0]. | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-39.19] <0.40> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-42.56] <0.40> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-43.90] <0.28> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-44.43] <0.40> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.14] <0.13> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.72] <0.13> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.36] <0.28> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.95] <0.40> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-48.76] <0.28> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.92] <0.06> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.57] <0.13> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-51.55] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.34] <0.28> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.45] <0.13> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.00] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.90] <0.06> | | | |-[25.32] # 1 --- 16 (1.36|0.00:1.36 s) <110:2631> {12651:2417} (12.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-40.73] <0.36> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-43.96] <0.36> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.99] <0.25> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.03] <0.11> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-46.22] <0.36> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.47] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.32] <0.25> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.62] <0.36> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.09] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-51.37] <0.05> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.70] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-52.88] <0.05> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.44] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.56] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.66] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-58.44] <0.05> | | | |-[27.92] # 2 --- 16 (2.50|0.00:2.50 s) <140:3388> {16331:3037} (15.1M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-41.78] <0.47> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-45.08] <0.47> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.57] <0.36> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.19] <0.47> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.41] <0.15> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.96] <0.15> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.92] <0.36> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.65] <0.47> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.62] <0.36> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-52.26] <0.11> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.99] <0.15> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-53.83] <0.11> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.82] <0.15> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.10] <0.36> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.50] <0.11> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-59.33] <0.11> | | | |-[31.93] # 3 --- 16 (2.05|0.00:2.05 s) <131:3592> {17325:3256} (15.4M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-43.28] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.45] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.28] <0.13> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.62] <0.33> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-48.92] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.70] <0.13> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.85] <0.33> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.26] <0.43> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-53.68] <0.10> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.89] <0.33> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.06] <0.13> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-55.13] <0.10> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.77] <0.13> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.27] <0.33> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-59.11] <0.10> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-60.83] <0.10> | |-[33.94] # 2 --- 4 (1.78|0.00:0.00 s) <:39> (35.2M 490.3M = 525.6M) [1]. | | | |-[35.95] # 0 --- 8 (1.23|0.00:1.23 s) <106:1727> {7664:1533} (9.8M 746.6M = 756.4M) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-42.15] <0.49> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.43] <0.49> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.06] <0.18> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.46] <0.49> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-48.56] <0.18> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.91] <0.49> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.57] <0.18> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.38] <0.18> | | | |-[37.96] # 1 --- 8 (1.41|0.00:1.41 s) <97:2081> {10461:1841} (10.4M 863.1M = 873.5M) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-41.90] <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.97] <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.17] <0.16> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.47] <0.16> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.53] <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.80] <0.45> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.96] <0.16> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.58] <0.16> | | | |-[40.79] # 2 --- 8 (2.72|0.00:2.72 s) <127:3346> {15571:2873} (14.0M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-44.73] <0.56> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.94] <0.56> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.33] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.21] <0.56> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-50.79] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.59] <0.56> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.97] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.74] <0.19> | | | |-[43.21] # 3 --- 8 (2.34|0.00:2.34 s) <118:3508> {17252:3057} (14.2M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-44.43] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.46] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.40] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.68] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.20] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.41] <0.51> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.30] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.89] <0.17> | |-[45.22] # 3 --- 4 (1.70|0.00:0.00 s) <:46> (35.5M 491.1M = 526.5M) [0]. | | | |-[47.22] # 0 --- 8 (1.19|0.00:1.19 s) <106:1687> {7558:1485} (10.0M 717.7M = 727.6M) [0]. | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-43.20] <0.40> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.57] <0.40> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-48.13] <0.13> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-48.44] <0.40> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.72] <0.13> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.96] <0.40> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.57] <0.13> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.45] <0.13> | | | |-[49.62] # 1 --- 8 (2.30:1.16|0.00:2.30 s) <97:1792> {8196:1572} (9.9M 723.1M = 733.0M) [1]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-43.81] <0.36> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.04] <0.36> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-48.10] <0.11> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.30] <0.36> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.55] <0.11> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.71] <0.36> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.77] <0.11> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.51] <0.11> | | | |-[51.63] # 2 --- 8 (1.52|0.00:1.52 s) <127:2617> {12094:2260} (12.5M 1.2G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-45.80] <0.47> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.10] <0.47> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-50.41] <0.15> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.20] <0.47> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.96] <0.15> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.66] <0.47> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.98] <0.15> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.82] <0.15> | | | |-[53.64] # 3 --- 8 (1.40|0.00:1.40 s) <118:2626> {12168:2285} (12.2M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.37] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.53] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-50.35] <0.13> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.77] <0.13> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.00] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.35] <0.43> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.14] <0.13> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.84] <0.13> | |-[55.65] # 36 --- 4 (1.32|0.00:0.00 s) <:30> (33.3M 471.5M = 504.8M) [1]. | | | |-[57.69] # 0 --- 24 (1.94|0.00:1.94 s) <117:2685> {12334:2459} (15.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-29.02] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-30.61] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.01] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-32.58] <0.66> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.63] <0.52> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.11] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.85] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.70] <0.52> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.93] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.09] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.38] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.76] <0.52> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.20] <0.52> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.90] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.48] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.40] <0.52> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-39.56] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.05] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.67] <0.52> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.89] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-41.52] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-43.18] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-43.18] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-44.84] <0.19> | | | |-[60.01] # 1 --- 24 (2.21|0.00:2.21 s) <108:3986> {20059:3653} (19.2M 1.8G = 1.8G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-29.69] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-31.07] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.48] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.32] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.28] <0.58> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.87] <0.46> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.88] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-35.92] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.21] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-36.44] <0.58> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.74] <0.46> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.47] <0.20> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.80] <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.50] <0.46> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.56] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-39.91] <0.20> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.14] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-40.15] <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-41.29] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.76] <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-41.93] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-43.34] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-43.83] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-45.28] <0.17> | | | |-[64.77] # 2 --- 24 (4.63:0.86|0.00:4.63 s) <138:5413> {25966:4791} (23.3M 3.5G = 3.5G) [1]. | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-32.78] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-34.45] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.84] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-36.41] <0.70> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-37.49] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-37.98] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.32] <0.40> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.60] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.65] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.80] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.94] <0.40> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.63] <0.58> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-41.11] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.54] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.00] <0.40> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.10] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.27] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.64] <0.40> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.49] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.59] <0.58> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-45.13] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-46.78] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.83] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-48.48] <0.35> | | | |-[71.15] # 3 --- 24 (6.18:1.45|0.00:6.18 s) <129:6074> {29965:5481} (24.9M 3.7G = 3.8G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-33.43] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-34.89] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-36.29] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-37.11] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.15] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.33] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.69] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.47] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.76] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-40.28] <0.63> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.61] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.11] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.65] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.06] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.37] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.49] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.66] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-44.02] <0.53> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.87] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-45.52] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.64] <0.53> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.98] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.39] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-48.89] <0.32> | |-[73.17] # 37 --- 4 (1.25|0.00:0.00 s) <:32> (33.3M 471.3M = 504.6M) [0]. | | | |-[75.34] # 0 --- 24 (2.04|0.00:2.04 s) <117:2645> {11860:2415} (15.7M 1.2G = 1.2G) [0]. | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-30.05] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-31.74] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.14] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.61] <0.55> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.67] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.37] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-35.90] <0.18> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.84] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.06] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.24] <0.18> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.52] <0.18> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.89] <0.42> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.23] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.15] <0.18> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-39.53] <0.18> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.61] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-40.66] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.19] <0.18> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.81] <0.42> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-42.03] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-42.67] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-44.24] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-44.44] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-45.99] <0.14> | | | |-[77.36] # 1 --- 24 (1.80|0.00:1.80 s) <108:3233> {14984:2954} (17.3M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.57] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-33.12] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.53] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.20] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.53] <0.49> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.75] <0.38> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.79] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.99] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-38.27] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.49] <0.49> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-38.79] <0.38> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.72] <0.16> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-39.85] <0.38> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.38] <0.38> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.47] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.98] <0.16> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-42.05] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-42.40] <0.38> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-43.35] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-43.81] <0.38> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-44.00] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-45.59] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-45.74] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-47.34] <0.12> | | | |-[80.12] # 2 --- 24 (2.63|0.00:2.62 s) <138:4134> {19295:3690} (20.1M 2.3G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-33.83] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-35.60] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-36.98] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-37.46] <0.60> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.54] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.24] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.39] <0.33> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.75] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.81] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-40.94] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.09] <0.33> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.78] <0.49> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.17] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-42.79] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.07] <0.33> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.17] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-44.53] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.80] <0.33> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-45.64] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.73] <0.49> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.28] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.85] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-48.08] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-49.63] <0.27> | | | |-[84.26] # 3 --- 24 (3.98:0.91|0.00:3.98 s) <129:4396> {20475:3971} (20.5M 2.3G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.33] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-36.96] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.36] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.02] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.26] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.40] <0.54> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.60] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.55] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.84] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.35] <0.54> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-42.68] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.36] <0.30> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.72] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.99] <0.30> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.28] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.56] <0.30> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-45.60] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.27] <0.44> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-46.95] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-47.60] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.71] <0.44> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-49.23] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-49.33] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-50.97] <0.25> | |-[86.27] # 40 --- 4 (1.41|0.00:0.00 s) <:43> (32.4M 457.6M = 489.9M) [1]. | | | |-[90.29] # 0 --- 48 (2.94|0.00:2.94 s) <130:3473> {17749:3273} (25.1M 1.8G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-25.70] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-27.29] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-28.69] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-29.26] <0.66> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-30.31] <0.52> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-30.79] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.57] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-31.59] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-32.25] <0.39> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-32.38] <0.52> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-32.61] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.81] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-33.10] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.43] <0.52> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.88] <0.52> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.62] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-34.80] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-35.19] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.20] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.08] <0.52> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-36.21] <0.20> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.28] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-36.32] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-36.77] <0.23> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-37.34] <0.20> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.35] <0.52> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.61] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-38.25] <0.19> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-38.72] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.07] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-39.42] <0.20> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-39.73] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.91] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-39.91] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.94] <0.20> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.01] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.57] <0.19> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.61] <0.20> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.93] <0.18> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-42.34] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-43.47] <0.20> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-43.78] <0.14> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.57] <0.18> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-44.88] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-45.80] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-47.05] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-47.22] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-49.37] <0.14> | | | |-[96.32] # 1 --- 48 (5.32:1.27|0.00:5.32 s) <121:5459> {30907:5151} (31.8M 2.7G = 2.8G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-26.37] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-27.75] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-29.16] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-30.00] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-30.96] <0.58> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.55] <0.46> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.60] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-32.38] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.65] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-32.76] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-32.93] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.12] <0.58> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-33.42] <0.46> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.19] <0.20> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.48] <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.18] <0.46> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.29] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-35.65] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-35.74] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-36.49] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-36.64] <0.20> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.83] <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.87] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-37.56] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-38.01] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-38.43] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.44] <0.46> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-38.66] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.21] <0.16> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-39.30] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-39.62] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-40.07] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.55] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-40.83] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-40.91] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.05] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.51] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-42.00] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-42.36] <0.17> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-42.53] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-44.48] <0.12> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.50] <0.16> | | |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.62] <0.17> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-45.34] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-46.27] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-47.38] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-47.80] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-49.87] <0.12> | | | |-[104.36] # 2 --- 48 (7.13|0.00:7.13 s) <151:7146> {37898:6501} (36.5M -97530857280 = -97492630312) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-30.39] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-32.06] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-33.44] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-34.01] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-34.48] <0.48> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-34.99] <0.48> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.09] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-35.59] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.97] <0.40> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-37.21] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-37.30] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-37.40] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-37.59] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-37.75] <0.48> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-37.93] <0.48> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.24] <0.58> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-38.72] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-38.84] <0.48> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.19] <0.40> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-39.19] <0.36> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.65] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.13] <0.17> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.14] <0.36> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.55] <0.17> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.75] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.88] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-41.29] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-41.50] <0.48> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-41.83] <0.17> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-42.14] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.20] <0.58> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-42.43] <0.17> | | |It was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-42.46] <0.36> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.73] <0.36> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-42.78] <0.35> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.45] <0.17> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-44.13] <0.36> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.43] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-44.48] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-44.92] <0.14> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.43] <0.17> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-45.74] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-46.13] <0.35> | | |It was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-46.29] <0.36> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-46.66] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-47.72] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-48.23] <0.14> | | |It was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-50.26] <0.14> | | | |-[112.85] # 3 --- 48 (8.27:1.20|0.00:8.27 s) <142:8108> {43294:7491} (39.0M 5.5G = 5.5G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-31.03] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-32.50] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-33.90] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-34.71] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-35.19] <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-35.46] <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-35.76] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.98] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-36.30] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-37.12] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-37.41] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-37.89] <0.63> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.22] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-38.43] <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-38.52] <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.76] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-39.01] <0.43> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.26] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.71] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.98] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.20] <0.15> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.39] <0.15> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.46] <0.32> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-41.14] <0.36> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.18] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.31] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.63] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-41.68] <0.15> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-42.01] <0.15> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-42.02] <0.43> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-42.52] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.17] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.25] <0.53> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.56] <0.15> | | |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.78] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-43.79] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-44.63] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-44.88] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.04] <0.32> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.30] <0.15> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-45.53] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-46.15] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-46.54] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-47.08] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-47.39] <0.32> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-47.88] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-48.90] <0.12> | | |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-50.70] <0.12> | |-[114.87] # 41 --- 4 (1.34|0.00:0.00 s) <:43> (32.3M 457.2M = 489.5M) [0]. | | | |-[118.89] # 0 --- 48 (3.52:1.12|0.00:3.52 s) <130:3433> {16983:3233} (26.2M 1.8G = 1.8G) [1]. | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-26.73] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-28.42] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-29.82] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-30.29] <0.55> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.35] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-32.05] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.63] <0.18> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-32.63] <0.30> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-33.38] <0.30> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-33.52] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.74] <0.55> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.96] <0.18> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.25] <0.18> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.57] <0.42> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-34.91] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-35.84] <0.30> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.87] <0.18> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-36.25] <0.18> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-36.33] <0.30> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-37.25] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.33] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.33] <0.42> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-37.58] <0.30> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.92] <0.18> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-38.48] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.49] <0.42> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-38.75] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.39] <0.14> | | |That was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-39.86] <0.30> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-40.12] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-40.46] <0.14> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-40.88] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.96] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.07] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-41.16] <0.14> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-42.15] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-42.71] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-42.86] <0.14> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-43.19] <0.12> | | |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-43.39] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.60] <0.14> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-44.83] <0.06> | | |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-45.72] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-46.03] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-46.95] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-48.10] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-48.48] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-50.51] <0.06> | | | |-[121.85] # 1 --- 48 (2.76|0.00:2.76 s) <121:4370> {22664:4120} (29.2M 2.2G = 2.2G) [0]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-28.25] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-29.80] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.21] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-31.88] <0.49> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-33.21] <0.49> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.43] <0.38> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.51] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-34.26] <0.27> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.71] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-34.81] <0.27> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.00] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.17] <0.49> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.47] <0.38> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.44] <0.16> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.53] <0.38> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.06] <0.38> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.19] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-37.53] <0.27> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-37.78] <0.27> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.70] <0.16> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-38.74] <0.27> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-38.77] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.08] <0.38> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.44] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.07] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-40.48] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.49] <0.38> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-40.72] <0.12> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.12] <0.11> | | |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-41.35] <0.27> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.69] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-42.31] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-42.46] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-42.71] <0.12> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-42.97] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-43.10] <0.12> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-43.76] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-44.07] <0.12> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.44] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-44.61] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-46.39] <0.05> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-46.57] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-46.67] <0.12> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-47.41] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-48.34] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-49.63] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-49.71] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-51.93] <0.05> | | | |-[127.89] # 2 --- 48 (5.18:1.21|0.00:5.18 s) <151:5395> {27695:4956} (32.3M 3.4G = 3.4G) [1]. | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-31.44] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-33.20] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-34.59] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-35.07] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-35.54] <0.39> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-36.14] <0.39> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-36.15] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-36.85] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-37.04] <0.33> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.35] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.46] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-38.55] <0.60> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.74] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-38.81] <0.39> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-39.08] <0.39> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.38] <0.49> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.77] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.09] <0.39> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.24] <0.27> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.44] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-40.72] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-41.20] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.28] <0.27> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.70] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.82] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-42.14] <0.49> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.45] <0.33> | | |That was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-42.65] <0.39> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.98] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.29] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.34] <0.49> | | |That was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.51] <0.27> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-43.69] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-43.87] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.94] <0.27> | | |That was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-44.52] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-45.38] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.50] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-45.73] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-45.98] <0.06> | | |That was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-46.58] <0.12> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-46.89] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.28] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-47.44] <0.27> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-47.82] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-48.98] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-49.30] <0.06> | | |That was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-51.42] <0.06> | | | |-[132.32] # 3 --- 48 (4.21|0.00:4.21 s) <142:5814> {29354:5393} (33.2M 3.4G = 3.5G) [0]. | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-32.94] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-34.56] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.96] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-36.62] <0.54> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-37.10] <0.35> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-37.52] <0.35> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-37.91] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.01] <0.54> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.21] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.20] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.49] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.95] <0.54> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.29] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-40.42] <0.35> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.49] <0.35> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.01] <0.30> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.26] <0.35> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.33] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-41.64] <0.30> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-41.89] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.13] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.37] <0.25> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-42.47] <0.11> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.22] <0.30> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-43.24] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.25] <0.25> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-43.76] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.88] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-44.09] <0.35> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-44.26] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.60] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-45.25] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.32] <0.44> | | |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.49] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.69] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-45.85] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.88] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-46.98] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-47.13] <0.25> | | |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-47.38] <0.11> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-47.47] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-48.23] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-48.62] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-49.16] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-49.45] <0.25> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-50.13] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-50.83] <0.05> | | |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-52.78] <0.05> | |-[134.35] # 42 --- 4 (1.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:30> (33.3M 471.2M = 504.5M) [0]. | | | |-[136.35] # 0 --- 8 (1.80|0.00:1.80 s) <117:2817> {13140:2573} (13.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| [-29.71] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| [-32.70] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| [-34.57] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| [-35.61] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| [-35.81] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| [-39.20] <0.39> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| [-42.07] <0.18> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| [-44.01] <0.18> | | | |-[140.36] # 1 --- 8 (3.41:0.97|0.00:3.41 s) <108:4034> {20445:3683} (17.4M 1.9G = 1.9G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| [-29.46] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| [-32.25] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| [-33.68] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| [-34.72] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| [-35.47] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| [-38.82] <0.35> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| [-41.29] <0.16> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| [-42.98] <0.16> | | | |-[145.06] # 2 --- 8 (4.64|0.00:4.64 s) <138:5849> {27884:5161} (22.4M 4.0G = 4.0G) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| [-34.40] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| [-37.46] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| [-38.49] <0.48> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| [-38.97] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| [-40.30] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| [-41.95] <0.48> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| [-43.13] <0.17> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| [-44.83] <0.17> | | | |-[151.07] # 3 --- 8 (5.57:1.13|0.00:5.57 s) <129:6346> {30405:5687} (23.5M 4.1G = 4.2G) [1]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| [-34.12] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| [-36.98] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| [-38.05] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| [-38.28] <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| [-39.19] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| [-41.51] <0.43> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| [-42.27] <0.15> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| [-43.75] <0.15> | |-[153.09] # 43 --- 4 (1.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:53> (35.9M 493.7M = 529.6M) [1]. | | | |-[155.09] # 0 --- 4 (1.26|0.00:1.26 s) <104:2029> {8766:1784} (10.9M 928.1M = 939.0M) [0]. | | |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| [-33.03] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| [-36.02] <0.66> | | |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| [-37.85] <0.23> | | |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| [-39.09] <0.23> | | | |-[157.10] # 1 --- 4 (1.47|0.00:1.47 s) <95:2561> {12250:2210} (11.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| [-32.78] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| [-35.57] <0.58> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| [-36.95] <0.20> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| [-37.99] <0.20> | | | |-[161.11] # 2 --- 4 (3.69:1.06|0.00:3.69 s) <125:4116> {18481:3476} (16.2M 2.5G = 2.5G) [1]. | | |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| [-36.79] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| [-39.85] <0.70> | | |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| [-41.32] <0.40> | | |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| [-42.65] <0.40> | | | |-[163.94] # 3 --- 4 (2.80|0.00:2.80 s) <116:4312> {20381:3702} (16.4M 2.6G = 2.6G) [0]. | | |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| [-36.51] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| [-39.38] <0.63> | | |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| [-40.40] <0.36> | | |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| [-41.54] <0.36> | |< |Den ble reist i 1938 og nedlagt i 1957.| (650) --- 12 x 40 x 816 = 512 [816] |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-29.02] <0.66> (36:0:0). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-29.69] <0.58> (36:1:0). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-30.05] <0.55> (37:0:0). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-30.61] <0.66> (36:0:1). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-31.07] <0.58> (36:1:1). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-31.57] <0.49> (37:1:0). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-31.59] <0.39> (40:0:7). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-31.74] <0.55> (37:0:1). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.01] <0.66> (36:0:2). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-32.25] <0.39> (40:0:8). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-32.38] <0.35> (40:1:7). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-32.48] <0.58> (36:1:2). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-32.58] <0.66> (36:0:3). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-32.63] <0.30> (41:0:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-32.76] <0.35> (40:1:9). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-32.78] <0.70> (36:2:0). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-33.12] <0.49> (37:1:1). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.14] <0.55> (37:0:2). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.32] <0.58> (36:1:3). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-33.38] <0.30> (41:0:8). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-33.43] <0.63> (36:3:0). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-33.61] <0.55> (37:0:3). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-33.63] <0.52> (36:0:4). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-33.83] <0.60> (37:2:0). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.11] <0.66> (36:0:5). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-34.26] <0.27> (41:1:7). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-34.28] <0.58> (36:1:4). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-34.45] <0.70> (36:2:1). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-34.48] <0.48> (40:2:4). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.53] <0.49> (37:1:2). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.67] <0.42> (37:0:4). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-34.80] <0.39> (40:0:16). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-34.81] <0.27> (41:1:9). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.85] <0.23> (36:0:6). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.87] <0.46> (36:1:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-34.88] <0.20> (36:1:6). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-34.89] <0.63> (36:3:1). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-34.99] <0.48> (40:2:5). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-35.19] <0.39> (40:0:17). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-35.19] <0.43> (40:3:4). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.20] <0.49> (37:1:3). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.33] <0.54> (37:3:0). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.37] <0.55> (37:0:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-35.46] <0.43> (40:3:5). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-35.54] <0.39> (41:2:4). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-35.60] <0.60> (37:2:1). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-35.65] <0.35> (40:1:17). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-35.70] <0.52> (36:0:7). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-35.74] <0.35> (40:1:18). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-35.84] <0.70> (36:2:2). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-35.84] <0.30> (41:0:15). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-35.90] <0.18> (37:0:6). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-35.92] <0.20> (36:1:7). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-35.93] <0.66> (36:0:8). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.09] <0.23> (36:0:9). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-36.14] <0.39> (41:2:5). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.21] <0.20> (36:1:8). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-36.21] <0.20> (40:0:20). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-36.29] <0.63> (36:3:2). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-36.32] <0.39> (40:0:22). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-36.33] <0.30> (41:0:18). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.38] <0.23> (36:0:10). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-36.41] <0.70> (36:2:3). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-36.44] <0.58> (36:1:9). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-36.49] <0.35> (40:1:19). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.53] <0.49> (37:1:4). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.74] <0.46> (36:1:10). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.75] <0.38> (37:1:5). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.76] <0.52> (36:0:11). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-36.79] <0.16> (37:1:6). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-36.84] <0.42> (37:0:7). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-36.96] <0.54> (37:3:1). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-36.98] <0.60> (37:2:2). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.06] <0.55> (37:0:8). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-37.10] <0.35> (41:3:4). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-37.11] <0.63> (36:3:3). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-37.20] <0.52> (36:0:12). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.24] <0.18> (37:0:9). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-37.25] <0.14> (41:0:19). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-37.34] <0.20> (40:0:24). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-37.46] <0.60> (37:2:3). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.47] <0.20> (36:1:11). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-37.49] <0.58> (36:2:4). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.52] <0.18> (37:0:10). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-37.52] <0.35> (41:3:5). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-37.53] <0.27> (41:1:17). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-37.56] <0.17> (40:1:23). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-37.58] <0.30> (41:0:22). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-37.75] <0.48> (40:2:13). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-37.78] <0.27> (41:1:18). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.80] <0.46> (36:1:12). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.89] <0.42> (37:0:11). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-37.90] <0.23> (36:0:13). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-37.93] <0.48> (40:2:14). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-37.98] <0.70> (36:2:5). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-37.99] <0.16> (37:1:7). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-38.14] <0.49> (0:0:0). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-38.15] <0.63> (36:3:4). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.23] <0.42> (37:0:12). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-38.27] <0.16> (37:1:8). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.32] <0.40> (36:2:6). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.33] <0.36> (36:3:5). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.36] <0.54> (37:3:2). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-38.43] <0.43> (40:3:13). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-38.43] <0.17> (40:1:25). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-38.48] <0.14> (41:0:24). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.48] <0.23> (36:0:14). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.49] <0.49> (37:1:9). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.50] <0.46> (36:1:13). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-38.52] <0.43> (40:3:14). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.54] <0.49> (37:2:4). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-38.56] <0.20> (36:1:14). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-38.69] <0.53> (36:3:6). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-38.72] <0.39> (40:0:28). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-38.74] <0.27> (41:1:20). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-38.79] <0.38> (37:1:10). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-38.81] <0.39> (41:2:13). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-38.82] <0.45> (0:1:0). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-38.84] <0.48> (40:2:17). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-39.01] <0.43> (40:3:16). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.02] <0.54> (37:3:3). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.07] <0.18> (40:0:29). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-39.08] <0.39> (41:2:14). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.15] <0.18> (37:0:13). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-39.19] <0.36> (40:2:19). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-39.19] <0.40> (1:0:0). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.21] <0.16> (40:1:28). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.24] <0.60> (37:2:5). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-39.30] <0.35> (40:1:29). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.39] <0.33> (37:2:6). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.40] <0.52> (36:0:15). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-39.42] <0.20> (40:0:30). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.44] <0.12> (41:1:23). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.47] <0.36> (36:3:7). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-39.53] <0.18> (37:0:14). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-39.56] <0.19> (36:0:16). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.60] <0.58> (36:2:7). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-39.62] <0.16> (40:1:30). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-39.65] <0.40> (36:2:8). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-39.72] <0.16> (37:1:11). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-39.73] <0.18> (40:0:31). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.76] <0.36> (36:3:8). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-39.80] <0.70> (36:2:9). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-39.85] <0.38> (37:1:12). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-39.86] <0.30> (41:0:28). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-39.91] <0.20> (36:1:15). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-39.94] <0.20> (40:0:34). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-39.94] <0.40> (36:2:10). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.05] <0.23> (36:0:17). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.09] <0.39> (41:2:17). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-40.12] <0.12> (41:0:29). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.13] <0.17> (40:2:21). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.14] <0.36> (40:2:22). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.14] <0.17> (36:1:16). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-40.15] <0.46> (36:1:17). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.20] <0.15> (40:3:20). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.24] <0.27> (41:2:18). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.26] <0.30> (37:3:4). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-40.28] <0.63> (36:3:9). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.38] <0.38> (37:1:13). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.39] <0.15> (40:3:21). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.40] <0.54> (37:3:5). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-40.42] <0.35> (41:3:13). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-40.46] <0.14> (41:0:30). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.46] <0.32> (40:3:22). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.47] <0.16> (37:1:14). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-40.48] <0.12> (41:1:25). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-40.49] <0.35> (41:3:14). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-40.55] <0.17> (40:2:23). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.60] <0.44> (37:3:6). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.61] <0.14> (37:0:15). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.61] <0.53> (36:3:10). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.63] <0.58> (36:2:11). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-40.66] <0.42> (37:0:16). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-40.67] <0.52> (36:0:18). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-40.72] <0.56> (0:2:0). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-40.73] <0.36> (1:1:0). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-40.75] <0.49> (37:2:7). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-40.81] <0.33> (37:2:8). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-40.83] <0.17> (40:1:33). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-40.88] <0.12> (41:0:31). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-40.89] <0.19> (36:0:19). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-40.91] <0.16> (40:1:34). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-40.94] <0.60> (37:2:9). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.01] <0.18> (40:0:35). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.05] <0.17> (40:1:35). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.07] <0.14> (41:0:33). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.09] <0.33> (37:2:10). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.11] <0.36> (36:3:11). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-41.11] <0.58> (36:2:12). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-41.12] <0.11> (41:1:28). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.18] <0.32> (40:3:24). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.19] <0.18> (37:0:17). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-41.20] <0.12> (41:2:21). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.26] <0.35> (41:3:16). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.28] <0.27> (41:2:22). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-41.29] <0.17> (36:1:18). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-41.35] <0.51> (0:3:0). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-41.35] <0.27> (41:1:29). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-41.42] <0.49> (0:0:1). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-41.50] <0.48> (40:2:27). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.51] <0.16> (40:1:36). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-41.52] <0.19> (36:0:20). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.54] <0.40> (36:2:13). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.55] <0.30> (37:3:7). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.61] <0.20> (40:0:37). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.65] <0.53> (36:3:12). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-41.68] <0.15> (40:3:27). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.69] <0.11> (41:1:30). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-41.70] <0.12> (41:2:23). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.76] <0.46> (36:1:19). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-41.78] <0.49> (37:2:11). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-41.78] <0.47> (1:2:0). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.81] <0.42> (37:0:18). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-41.83] <0.17> (40:2:28). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-41.84] <0.30> (37:3:8). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-41.89] <0.45> (0:1:1). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-41.93] <0.18> (40:0:38). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-41.93] <0.17> (36:1:20). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-41.98] <0.16> (37:1:15). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.00] <0.40> (36:2:14). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-42.01] <0.15> (40:3:28). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-42.02] <0.43> (40:3:29). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-42.03] <0.14> (37:0:19). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-42.05] <0.12> (37:1:16). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.06] <0.36> (36:3:13). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.13] <0.11> (41:3:20). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-42.15] <0.12> (41:0:35). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.17] <0.49> (37:2:12). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-42.34] <0.18> (40:0:39). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.35] <0.54> (37:3:9). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-42.36] <0.17> (40:1:38). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.37] <0.25> (41:3:21). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-42.37] <0.53> (36:3:14). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957| {42} [-42.40] <0.38> (37:1:17). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-42.43] <0.17> (40:2:31). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-42.46] <0.36> (40:2:32). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-42.47] <0.11> (41:3:22). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-42.53] <0.16> (40:1:39). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-42.56] <0.40> (1:0:1). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-42.65] <0.39> (41:2:27). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-42.67] <0.14> (37:0:20). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957| {42} [-42.68] <0.44> (37:3:10). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-42.71] <0.12> (41:1:33). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.73] <0.36> (40:2:33). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-42.79] <0.33> (37:2:13). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-42.85] <0.36> (0:0:2). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-42.86] <0.14> (41:0:37). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-42.97] <0.11> (41:1:34). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-42.98] <0.12> (41:2:28). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.07] <0.33> (37:2:14). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.10] <0.35> (36:2:15). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-43.10] <0.12> (41:1:35). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-43.18] <0.19> (36:0:21). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-43.18] <0.19> (36:0:22). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-43.19] <0.12> (41:0:38). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957| {42} [-43.24] <0.25> (41:3:24). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.27] <0.58> (36:2:16). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-43.28] <0.43> (1:3:0). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-43.34] <0.17> (36:1:21). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957.| {42} [-43.35] <0.12> (37:1:18). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-43.36] <0.30> (37:3:11). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-43.39] <0.12> (41:0:39). |> |It was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-43.45] <0.49> (0:0:3). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.45] <0.17> (40:2:35). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-43.47] <0.20> (40:0:40). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.49] <0.36> (36:3:15). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.51] <0.27> (41:2:31). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.56] <0.15> (40:3:33). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.64] <0.40> (36:2:17). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.66] <0.32> (36:3:16). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-43.69] <0.12> (41:2:32). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957.| {42} [-43.72] <0.44> (37:3:12). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-43.76] <0.11> (41:1:36). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-43.76] <0.11> (41:3:26). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-43.78] <0.14> (40:0:41). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-43.78] <0.32> (40:3:34). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-43.79] <0.32> (40:3:35). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-43.81] <0.38> (37:1:19). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-43.83] <0.17> (36:1:22). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-43.87] <0.27> (41:2:33). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-43.90] <0.28> (1:0:2). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-43.93] <0.56> (0:2:1). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-43.96] <0.36> (1:1:1). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-43.99] <0.30> (37:3:13). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-44.00] <0.12> (37:1:20). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-44.02] <0.53> (36:3:17). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.07] <0.18> (0:0:4). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.08] <0.32> (0:1:2). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-44.09] <0.35> (41:3:28). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-44.10] <0.16> (0:1:3). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-44.13] <0.36> (40:2:36). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.17] <0.27> (37:2:15). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-44.24] <0.14> (37:0:21). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-44.26] <0.11> (41:3:29). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.28] <0.44> (37:3:14). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-44.37] <0.51> (0:3:1). |> |That was left in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-44.43] <0.40> (1:0:3). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-44.44] <0.14> (37:0:22). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.44] <0.11> (41:1:38). |> |It was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-44.44] <0.45> (0:1:4). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-44.48] <0.12> (40:1:40). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.49] <0.35> (36:2:18). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.50] <0.16> (40:1:41). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-44.52] <0.12> (41:2:35). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-44.53] <0.49> (37:2:16). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.57] <0.18> (40:0:42). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.59] <0.58> (36:2:19). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.60] <0.14> (41:0:40). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957| {42} [-44.61] <0.12> (41:1:39). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-44.62] <0.17> (40:1:42). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-44.80] <0.33> (37:2:17). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-44.83] <0.06> (41:0:41). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-44.84] <0.19> (36:0:23). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-44.87] <0.32> (36:3:18). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-44.88] <0.32> (40:3:37). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-44.88] <0.14> (40:0:43). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-44.92] <0.14> (40:2:39). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-45.08] <0.47> (1:2:1). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-45.13] <0.35> (36:2:20). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.14] <0.13> (1:0:4). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-45.28] <0.17> (36:1:23). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.30] <0.15> (40:3:39). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-45.34] <0.12> (40:1:43). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-45.38] <0.27> (41:2:36). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.40] <0.16> (0:1:5). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.43] <0.17> (40:2:40). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.49] <0.11> (41:3:33). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-45.50] <0.45> (0:2:2). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-45.52] <0.32> (36:3:19). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-45.53] <0.12> (40:3:40). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.56] <0.18> (0:0:5). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.56] <0.30> (37:3:15). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957| {42} [-45.59] <0.12> (37:1:21). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-45.60] <0.25> (37:3:16). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-45.64] <0.27> (37:2:18). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.64] <0.53> (36:3:20). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-45.69] <0.25> (41:3:34). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-45.72] <0.12> (41:0:42). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-45.73] <0.49> (37:2:19). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-45.74] <0.12> (37:1:22). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-45.74] <0.14> (40:2:41). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-45.80] <0.14> (40:0:44). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957.| {42} [-45.85] <0.25> (41:3:35). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-45.98] <0.06> (41:2:39). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-45.99] <0.14> (37:0:23). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-45.99] <0.25> (1:1:2). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-46.03] <0.06> (41:0:43). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.03] <0.11> (1:1:3). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-46.15] <0.12> (40:3:41). |> |It was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-46.20] <0.56> (0:2:3). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.21] <0.36> (0:0:6). |> |That was set up in 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-46.22] <0.36> (1:1:4). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-46.27] <0.12> (40:1:44). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.27] <0.44> (37:3:17). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.28] <0.27> (37:2:20). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-46.29] <0.36> (40:2:43). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.33] <0.17> (0:3:2). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.33] <0.19> (0:2:4). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-46.39] <0.05> (41:1:40). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.45] <0.43> (1:3:1). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.57] <0.36> (1:2:2). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-46.57] <0.11> (41:1:41). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-46.58] <0.12> (41:2:40). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-46.66] <0.14> (40:2:44). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-46.67] <0.12> (41:1:42). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-46.68] <0.41> (0:3:3). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-46.72] <0.13> (1:0:5). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-46.78] <0.35> (36:2:21). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.83] <0.35> (36:2:22). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-46.89] <0.06> (41:2:41). |> |It was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-46.90] <0.49> (0:0:7). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-46.95] <0.06> (41:0:44). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957.| {42} [-46.95] <0.25> (37:3:18). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-46.98] <0.32> (36:3:21). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-47.05] <0.14> (40:0:45). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-47.08] <0.12> (40:3:43). |> |It was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.11] <0.51> (0:3:4). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957| {42} [-47.13] <0.25> (41:3:38). |> |That was left in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.19] <0.47> (1:2:3). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-47.22] <0.14> (40:0:46). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.25] <0.32> (0:1:6). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in 1957?| {42} [-47.34] <0.12> (37:1:23). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.36] <0.28> (1:0:6). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-47.38] <0.12> (40:1:45). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-47.38] <0.11> (41:3:39). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-47.39] <0.32> (40:3:44). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.39] <0.32> (36:3:22). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-47.41] <0.05> (41:1:43). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.41] <0.15> (1:2:4). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-47.44] <0.27> (41:2:43). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-47.47] <0.05> (41:3:40). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-47.47] <0.11> (1:1:5). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-47.60] <0.25> (37:3:19). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.61] <0.17> (0:3:5). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.71] <0.44> (37:3:20). |> |It was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.71] <0.45> (0:1:7). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-47.72] <0.14> (40:2:45). |> |It was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.78] <0.36> (0:0:8). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-47.80] <0.19> (0:2:5). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-47.80] <0.12> (40:1:46). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-47.82] <0.06> (41:2:44). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-47.85] <0.27> (37:2:21). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-47.88] <0.12> (40:3:45). |> |That was left in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-47.95] <0.40> (1:0:7). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-48.08] <0.27> (37:2:22). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-48.10] <0.06> (41:0:45). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-48.23] <0.05> (41:3:41). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-48.23] <0.14> (40:2:46). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.28] <0.13> (1:3:2). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957.| {42} [-48.34] <0.05> (41:1:44). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-48.48] <0.06> (41:0:46). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-48.48] <0.35> (36:2:23). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.62] <0.33> (1:3:3). |> |That was left over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-48.76] <0.28> (1:0:8). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.76] <0.45> (0:2:6). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-48.85] <0.14> (0:0:9). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-48.89] <0.32> (36:3:23). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-48.90] <0.12> (40:3:46). |> |That was set up in 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-48.92] <0.43> (1:3:4). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-48.96] <0.15> (1:2:5). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-48.98] <0.06> (41:2:45). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957.| {42} [-49.16] <0.05> (41:3:43). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957| {42} [-49.23] <0.25> (37:3:21). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-49.30] <0.06> (41:2:46). |> |It was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.32] <0.32> (0:1:8). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.32] <0.25> (1:1:6). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-49.33] <0.25> (37:3:22). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-49.37] <0.14> (40:0:47). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.44] <0.12> (0:1:9). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down over 1957?| {42} [-49.45] <0.25> (41:3:44). |> |It was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.57] <0.18> (0:0:10). |> |It was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.58] <0.56> (0:2:7). |> |That was set up in 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.62] <0.36> (1:1:7). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957| {42} [-49.63] <0.05> (41:1:45). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-49.63] <0.27> (37:2:23). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.70] <0.13> (1:3:5). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-49.71] <0.05> (41:1:46). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.77] <0.41> (0:3:6). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-49.87] <0.12> (40:1:47). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-49.89] <0.16> (0:1:10). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-49.92] <0.06> (1:0:9). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-49.92] <0.36> (1:2:6). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957| {42} [-50.13] <0.05> (41:3:45). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-50.26] <0.14> (40:2:47). |> |It was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.33] <0.51> (0:3:7). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-50.40] <0.14> (0:0:11). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-50.51] <0.06> (41:0:47). |> |That was left in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.57] <0.13> (1:0:10). |> |It was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.62] <0.45> (0:2:8). |> |That was left in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-50.65] <0.47> (1:2:7). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-50.70] <0.12> (40:3:47). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-50.80] <0.12> (0:1:11). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-50.83] <0.05> (41:3:46). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in 1957?| {42} [-50.97] <0.25> (37:3:23). |> |That was set up over 1938, and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.09] <0.25> (1:1:8). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.18] <0.16> (0:2:9). |> |It was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.28] <0.36> (0:0:12). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-51.37] <0.05> (1:1:9). |> |It was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.38] <0.18> (0:0:13). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-51.42] <0.06> (41:2:47). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.51] <0.16> (0:1:12). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-51.55] <0.06> (1:0:11). |> |That was left over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.62] <0.36> (1:2:8). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.70] <0.11> (1:1:10). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.72] <0.14> (0:3:8). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-51.85] <0.33> (1:3:6). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned over 1957?| {42} [-51.93] <0.05> (41:1:47). |> |It was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-51.97] <0.19> (0:2:10). |> |It was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.08] <0.41> (0:3:9). |> |It was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.23] <0.17> (0:3:10). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-52.26] <0.11> (1:2:9). |> |That was set up in 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.26] <0.43> (1:3:7). |> |That was left over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.34] <0.28> (1:0:12). |> |That was left in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.45] <0.13> (1:0:13). |> |It was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.65] <0.32> (0:1:13). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-52.67] <0.16> (0:2:11). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down over 1957?| {42} [-52.78] <0.05> (41:3:47). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.| {42} [-52.88] <0.05> (1:1:11). |> |That was left in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-52.99] <0.15> (1:2:10). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-53.04] <0.14> (0:3:11). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.44] <0.11> (1:1:12). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-53.68] <0.10> (1:3:8). |> |It was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.74] <0.19> (0:2:12). |> |It was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.82] <0.17> (0:3:12). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-53.83] <0.11> (1:2:11). |> |That was set up over 1938, and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-53.89] <0.33> (1:3:9). |> |It was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.00] <0.14> (0:0:14). |> |It was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.03] <0.45> (0:2:13). |> |That was set up in 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.06] <0.13> (1:3:10). |> |That was set up over 1938 and abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.56] <0.25> (1:1:13). |> |That was left in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.82] <0.15> (1:2:12). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-54.86] <0.12> (0:1:14). |> |That was left over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.00] <0.06> (1:0:14). |> |That was left over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.10] <0.36> (1:2:13). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.| {42} [-55.13] <0.10> (1:3:11). |> |It was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.33] <0.41> (0:3:13). |> |That was set up in 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.77] <0.13> (1:3:12). |> |It was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-55.83] <0.14> (0:0:15). |> |It was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.48] <0.16> (0:2:14). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.51] <0.12> (0:1:15). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.66] <0.05> (1:1:14). |> |That was left over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-56.90] <0.06> (1:0:15). |> |That was set up over 1938 and shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.27] <0.33> (1:3:13). |> |It was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.28] <0.14> (0:3:14). |> |That was left over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-57.50] <0.11> (1:2:14). |> |It was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-58.25] <0.16> (0:2:15). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was abandoned in the 1957.?| {42} [-58.44] <0.05> (1:1:15). |> |It was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-58.88] <0.14> (0:3:15). |> |That was set up over 1938, and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-59.11] <0.10> (1:3:14). |> |That was left over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-59.33] <0.11> (1:2:15). |> |That was set up over 1938 and was shut down in the 1957.?| {42} [-60.83] <0.10> (1:3:15). |= 38:19 of 65 {58.5+29.2}; 23:3 of 38:19 {60.5 15.8}; 16:2 of 23:3 {69.6 66.7} @ 18 of 65 {27.7} <0.18 0.66>. [18:20:54] (660) |I vestenden av vannet er det stiskille for ruta til Illvatnet.| --- 88 [132] (5.30|0.00:16.56 s) <:> () [5]. | |-[20.75] # 0 --- 12 (2.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:81> (77.1M 935.6M = 1012.6M) [1]. | | | |-[22.75] # 0 --- (1.49|1.49 s) <152:2187> {19864:1941} (13.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[23.62] # 1 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <152:1459> {12982:1251} (11.8M 752.7M = 764.5M) [0]. | | | |-[24.46] # 2 --- (0.81|0.81 s) <152:1459> {12982:1251} (11.8M 752.8M = 764.6M) [0]. | | | |-[26.59] # 3 --- (2.10:0.95|2.10 s) <152:2187> {19864:1941} (13.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[27.43] # 4 --- (0.81|0.81 s) <152:1459> {12982:1251} (11.8M 752.4M = 764.1M) [0]. | | | |-[28.26] # 5 --- (0.80|0.80 s) <152:1459> {12982:1251} (11.8M 752.4M = 764.2M) [0]. | | | |-[30.27] # 6 --- (1.14|1.14 s) <144:2171> {19799:1933} (13.8M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[30.83] # 7 --- (0.52|0.52 s) <144:819> {5304:661} (9.8M 474.7M = 484.4M) [0]. | | | |-[31.72] # 8 --- (0.86|0.86 s) <144:1443> {12923:1243} (11.8M 743.3M = 755.1M) [0]. | | | |-[33.73] # 9 --- (1.21|1.21 s) <144:2171> {19799:1933} (13.8M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | |-[35.79] # 1 --- 6 (1.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:65> (48.1M 553.6M = 601.7M) [0]. | | | |-[38.08] # 0 --- (2.27:0.98|2.27 s) <152:2187> {19864:1941} (13.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[39.06] # 1 --- (0.95|0.95 s) <152:1459> {12982:1251} (11.8M 752.4M = 764.1M) [0]. | | | |-[39.88] # 2 --- (0.80|0.80 s) <152:1459> {12982:1251} (11.8M 752.4M = 764.2M) [0]. | | | |-[41.89] # 3 --- (1.13|1.13 s) <144:2171> {19799:1933} (13.8M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[42.44] # 4 --- (0.52|0.52 s) <144:819> {5304:661} (9.8M 474.7M = 484.5M) [0]. | | | |-[43.29] # 5 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <144:1443> {12923:1243} (11.8M 743.3M = 755.1M) [0]. | |-[46.01] # 2 --- 12 (2.53|0.00:0.00 s) <:81> (77.0M 935.4M = 1012.5M) [1]. | | | |-[48.02] # 0 --- (1.35|1.35 s) <152:2186> {19946:1961} (13.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[50.16] # 1 --- (2.10:1.09|2.10 s) <152:1460> {13102:1263} (11.8M 749.3M = 761.1M) [1]. | | | |-[51.14] # 2 --- (0.95|0.95 s) <152:1460> {13102:1263} (11.8M 749.4M = 761.1M) [0]. | | | |-[53.15] # 3 --- (1.12|1.12 s) <152:2186> {19946:1961} (13.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[54.05] # 4 --- (0.87|0.87 s) <152:1460> {13102:1263} (11.8M 749.3M = 761.1M) [0]. | | | |-[56.06] # 5 --- (1.07|1.07 s) <152:1460> {13102:1263} (11.8M 749.4M = 761.1M) [0]. | | | |-[58.07] # 6 --- (1.36|1.36 s) <144:2170> {19881:1953} (13.8M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[58.80] # 7 --- (0.70|0.70 s) <144:820> {5424:673} (9.7M 472.1M = 481.9M) [0]. | | | |-[60.94] # 8 --- (2.10:1.10|2.10 s) <144:1444> {13043:1255} (11.8M 740.4M = 752.2M) [1]. | | | |-[62.94] # 9 --- (1.18|1.18 s) <144:2170> {19881:1953} (13.8M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | |-[65.00] # 3 --- 6 (1.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:65> (48.1M 553.7M = 601.8M) [1]. | | | |-[67.01] # 0 --- (1.31|1.31 s) <152:2186> {19946:1961} (13.7M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[69.01] # 1 --- (1.02|1.02 s) <152:1460> {13102:1263} (11.8M 749.3M = 761.1M) [0]. | | | |-[71.02] # 2 --- (1.04|1.04 s) <152:1460> {13102:1263} (11.8M 749.4M = 761.1M) [0]. | | | |-[73.03] # 3 --- (1.46|1.47 s) <144:2170> {19881:1953} (13.8M 1.0G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[73.75] # 4 --- (0.69|0.69 s) <144:820> {5424:673} (9.7M 472.2M = 481.9M) [0]. | | | |-[76.04] # 5 --- (2.22:1.18|2.22 s) <144:1444> {13043:1255} (11.8M 740.4M = 752.2M) [1]. | |-[78.70] # 4 --- 12 (2.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (77.3M 939.3M = 1016.6M) [1]. | | | |-[80.71] # 0 --- (1.45|1.45 s) <160:2219> {18957:2004} (14.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[82.72] # 1 --- (1.08|1.08 s) <160:1485> {12551:1304} (12.3M 755.4M = 767.8M) [0]. | | | |-[84.73] # 2 --- (1.09|1.09 s) <160:1485> {12551:1304} (12.4M 755.5M = 767.8M) [0]. | | | |-[86.74] # 3 --- (1.49|1.49 s) <160:2219> {18957:2004} (14.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[87.68] # 4 --- (0.91|0.91 s) <160:1485> {12551:1304} (12.4M 755.4M = 767.8M) [0]. | | | |-[88.55] # 5 --- (0.84|0.84 s) <160:1485> {12551:1304} (12.4M 755.5M = 767.8M) [0]. | | | |-[91.14] # 6 --- (2.55:1.15|2.55 s) <152:2203> {18902:1996} (14.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [1]. | | | |-[91.74] # 7 --- (0.55|0.55 s) <152:831> {5149:697} (10.3M 485.4M = 495.7M) [0]. | | | |-[92.60] # 8 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <152:1469> {12498:1296} (12.4M 749.5M = 761.9M) [0]. | | | |-[94.61] # 9 --- (1.12|1.12 s) <152:2203> {18902:1996} (14.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | |-[96.65] # 5 --- 6 (1.45|0.00:0.00 s) <:79> (48.3M 555.4M = 603.7M) [0]. | | | |-[98.66] # 0 --- (1.14|1.14 s) <160:2219> {18957:2004} (14.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[99.52] # 1 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <160:1485> {12551:1304} (12.4M 755.4M = 767.8M) [0]. | | | |-[100.39] # 2 --- (0.84|0.84 s) <160:1485> {12551:1304} (12.4M 755.5M = 767.8M) [0]. | | | |-[102.47] # 3 --- (2.03:0.90|2.03 s) <152:2203> {18902:1996} (14.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [1]. | | | |-[103.06] # 4 --- (0.55|0.55 s) <152:831> {5149:697} (10.3M 485.4M = 495.7M) [0]. | | | |-[103.96] # 5 --- (0.85|0.85 s) <152:1469> {12498:1296} (12.4M 749.6M = 761.9M) [0]. | |-[106.60] # 6 --- 12 (2.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:99> (77.3M 939.4M = 1016.7M) [1]. | | | |-[108.61] # 0 --- (1.20|1.20 s) <160:2222> {19047:2028} (14.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[109.51] # 1 --- (0.87|0.87 s) <160:1490> {12671:1320} (12.3M 752.0M = 764.4M) [0]. | | | |-[110.38] # 2 --- (0.84|0.84 s) <160:1490> {12671:1320} (12.4M 752.1M = 764.4M) [0]. | | | |-[112.39] # 3 --- (1.17|1.17 s) <160:2222> {19047:2028} (14.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[114.40] # 4 --- (1.75:0.91|1.74 s) <160:1490> {12671:1320} (12.4M 752.0M = 764.4M) [1]. | | | |-[115.26] # 5 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <160:1490> {12671:1320} (12.4M 752.1M = 764.4M) [0]. | | | |-[117.27] # 6 --- (1.12|1.12 s) <152:2206> {18992:2020} (14.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[117.84] # 7 --- (0.53|0.53 s) <152:836> {5269:713} (10.3M 482.5M = 492.8M) [0]. | | | |-[118.68] # 8 --- (0.81|0.81 s) <152:1474> {12618:1312} (12.4M 746.3M = 758.7M) [0]. | | | |-[120.69] # 9 --- (1.10|1.10 s) <152:2206> {18992:2020} (14.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | |-[122.73] # 7 --- 6 (1.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:79> (48.3M 555.5M = 603.8M) [1]. | | | |-[124.74] # 0 --- (1.11|1.11 s) <160:2222> {19047:2028} (14.2M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[126.74] # 1 --- (1.69:0.88|1.69 s) <160:1490> {12671:1320} (12.3M 752.0M = 764.4M) [1]. | | | |-[127.58] # 2 --- (0.81|0.81 s) <160:1490> {12671:1320} (12.4M 752.1M = 764.4M) [0]. | | | |-[129.59] # 3 --- (1.13|1.13 s) <152:2206> {18992:2020} (14.3M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | | |-[130.16] # 4 --- (0.54|0.54 s) <152:836> {5269:713} (10.3M 482.5M = 492.8M) [0]. | | | |-[131.02] # 5 --- (0.84|0.84 s) <152:1474> {12618:1312} (12.4M 746.3M = 758.7M) [0]. | |-[133.65] # 12 --- 12 (2.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:81> (77.1M 935.6M = 1012.7M) [1]. | | | |-[135.66] # 0 --- (1.91|1.91 s) <152:3659> {36101:3356} (18.5M 1.7G = 1.8G) [0]. | | | |-[138.03] # 1 --- (2.34:1.05|2.34 s) <152:2459> {23715:2194} (14.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | | |-[140.03] # 2 --- (1.44|1.44 s) <152:2459> {23715:2194} (14.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[142.04] # 3 --- (1.82|1.82 s) <152:3659> {36101:3356} (18.5M -101210782848 = -101191430072) [0]. | | | |-[144.05] # 4 --- (1.22|1.22 s) <152:2459> {23715:2194} (14.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[146.06] # 5 --- (1.21|1.21 s) <152:2459> {23715:2194} (14.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[150.07] # 6 --- (3.16:1.02|3.16 s) <144:3676> {36521:3380} (18.6M 1.7G = 1.7G) [1]. | | | |-[150.68] # 7 --- (0.58|0.58 s) <144:913> {7018:762} (10.1M 513.8M = 523.9M) [0]. | | | |-[152.69] # 8 --- (1.32|1.32 s) <144:2476> {24141:2218} (15.0M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[154.94] # 9 --- (2.22|2.22 s) <144:3676> {36521:3380} (18.6M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | |-[156.98] # 13 --- 6 (1.43|0.00:0.00 s) <:65> (48.1M 553.6M = 601.7M) [0]. | | | |-[160.99] # 0 --- (3.12:1.16|3.12 s) <152:3659> {36101:3356} (18.5M 1.7G = 1.8G) [1]. | | | |-[163.00] # 1 --- (1.29|1.29 s) <152:2459> {23715:2194} (14.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[165.00] # 2 --- (1.38|1.38 s) <152:2459> {23715:2194} (14.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | | |-[167.34] # 3 --- (2.30|2.30 s) <144:3676> {36521:3380} (18.6M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | | |-[167.93] # 4 --- (0.57|0.57 s) <144:913> {7018:762} (10.1M 513.8M = 523.9M) [0]. | | | |-[170.16] # 5 --- (2.22:0.99|2.22 s) <144:2476> {24141:2218} (15.0M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | |< |I vestenden av vannet er det stiskille for ruta til Illvatnet.| (660) --- 88 x 90 x 0 = 0 |= 39:19 of 66 {59.1+28.8}; 24:3 of 39:19 {61.5 15.8}; 16:2 of 24:3 {66.7 66.7} @ 18 of 66 {27.3} <0.18 0.66>. [18:23:44] (670) |Du fortsetter imidlertid ned i Vesledalen til Trulsbu.| --- 4 (0.39|0.00:0.42 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.89] # 0 --- 4 (1.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:24> (33.8M 480.8M = 514.5M) [1]. | | | |-[4.90] # 0 --- 12 (1.69|0.00:1.69 s) <75:3752> {14806:3720} (16.7M 1.0G = 1.0G) [0]. | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| [-40.53] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| [-40.71] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| [-40.91] <0.20> | | |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| [-41.32] <0.11> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| [-41.60] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| [-42.47] <0.20> | | |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| [-42.88] <0.11> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| [-43.15] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| [-43.91] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| [-44.11] <0.18> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| [-45.60] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| [-45.93] <0.18> | | | |-[5.87] # 1 --- (0.95|0.95 s) <83:2063> {8108:1965} (8.6M 492.5M = 501.1M) [0]. | | | |-[7.89] # 2 --- 72 (1.16|0.00:1.16 s) <83:2458> {8292:2501} (17.3M 660.6M = 677.9M) [0]. | | |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-40.03] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continue you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-40.53] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-42.38] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-42.52] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-42.93] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continue you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-43.08] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-43.14] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-43.32] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-43.42] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-43.58] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-43.98] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-44.09] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-45.15] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-45.28] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-45.59] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-45.72] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-45.87] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-45.93] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-46.32] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-46.43] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-46.48] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-46.52] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-46.52] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-46.53] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-46.64] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-46.86] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-46.88] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-46.97] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-47.00] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-47.14] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-47.36] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-47.54] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-48.05] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-48.64] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-48.71] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-48.74] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-48.74] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-48.84] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-49.16] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-49.21] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-49.43] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-49.60] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-49.72] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-49.82] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-49.86] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-49.87] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-49.92] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-49.99] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-50.09] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-50.26] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-50.52] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-50.56] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-50.87] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-50.92] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-50.94] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-51.61] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-51.73] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-52.02] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-52.20] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-52.29] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-52.74] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-52.77] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-52.90] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-53.16] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-53.37] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-53.47] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-53.86] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-54.27] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-54.50] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-55.58] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-55.73] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-56.90] <0.08> | | | |-[8.55] # 3 --- (0.62|0.62 s) <91:1613> {6055:1514} (7.4M 408.1M = 415.5M) [0]. | |-[10.55] # 1 --- 4 (1.44|0.00:0.00 s) <:24> (33.8M 480.5M = 514.2M) [0]. | | | |-[11.05] # 0 --- (0.48|0.48 s) <75:826> {3129:738} (5.6M 247.3M = 253.0M) [0]. | | | |-[11.46] # 1 --- (0.39|0.39 s) <83:547> {1826:455} (4.9M 201.3M = 206.2M) [0]. | | | |-[11.87] # 2 --- (0.39|0.39 s) <83:689> {2058:600} (5.2M 209.4M = 214.6M) [0]. | | | |-[12.24] # 3 --- (0.35|0.35 s) <91:533> {1559:440} (4.9M 197.3M = 202.2M) [0]. | |-[14.25] # 2 --- 4 (1.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:24> (33.8M 480.8M = 514.5M) [1]. | | | |-[16.25] # 0 --- 4 (1.11|0.00:1.11 s) <75:2068> {7971:1970} (10.0M 563.0M = 573.1M) [0]. | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| [-41.43] <0.10> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| [-42.27] <0.20> | | |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| [-42.69] <0.20> | | |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| [-44.64] <0.10> | | | |-[16.98] # 1 --- (0.70|0.70 s) <83:1235> {4596:1118} (6.6M 339.1M = 345.7M) [0]. | | | |-[17.91] # 2 --- 24 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <83:1476> {4786:1379} (9.7M 415.5M = 425.2M) [0]. | | |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-41.02] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-43.37] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-43.92] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-44.13] <0.17> | | |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-44.58] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-44.82] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-46.27] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-46.71] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-46.93] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-46.99] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-47.37] <0.09> | | |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-47.48] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-48.13] <0.16> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-48.20] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-48.38] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-49.83] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-50.72] <0.15> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-50.73] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-50.76] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-50.93] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-50.99] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-51.76] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-54.32] <0.08> | | |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-54.73] <0.08> | | | |-[19.92] # 3 --- (1.54:1.03|1.54 s) <91:1021> {3587:903} (6.1M 302.3M = 308.3M) [1]. | |-[21.92] # 3 --- 4 (1.44|0.00:0.00 s) <:24> (33.8M 480.5M = 514.2M) [0]. | | | |-[22.32] # 0 --- (0.37|0.37 s) <75:598> {1972:514} (5.0M 197.1M = 202.1M) [0]. | | | |-[22.70] # 1 --- (0.33|0.33 s) <83:467> {1243:371} (4.7M 175.9M = 180.6M) [0]. | | | |-[23.09] # 2 --- (0.34|0.34 s) <83:561> {1389:476} (4.9M 181.1M = 186.1M) [0]. | | | |-[23.46] # 3 --- (0.33|0.33 s) <91:501> {1120:404} (4.8M 179.3M = 184.1M) [0]. | |< |Du fortsetter imidlertid ned i Vesledalen til Trulsbu.| (670) --- 4 x 16 x 112 = 78 [112] |> |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-40.03] <0.17> (0:2:0). |> |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| [-40.53] <0.10> (0:0:0). |> |Nevertheless continue you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-40.53] <0.09> (0:2:1). |> |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| [-40.71] <0.10> (0:0:1). |> |You nevertheless continue down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| [-40.91] <0.20> (0:0:2). |> |You nevertheless continue down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| [-41.32] <0.11> (0:0:3). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-42.38] <0.16> (0:2:2). |> |Nevertheless continue you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-42.52] <0.09> (0:2:3). |> |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-42.93] <0.17> (0:2:4). |> |Nevertheless continue you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-43.08] <0.09> (0:2:5). |> |Nevertheless continue you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-43.14] <0.17> (0:2:6). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-43.32] <0.08> (0:2:7). |> |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-43.42] <0.09> (0:2:8). |> |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-43.58] <0.16> (0:2:9). |> |You nevertheless continue to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| [-43.91] <0.10> (0:0:8). |> |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-43.98] <0.09> (0:2:10). |> |Nevertheless continues you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-44.09] <0.08> (0:2:11). |> |You nevertheless continue in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| [-44.11] <0.18> (0:0:9). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-45.15] <0.08> (0:2:12). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-45.28] <0.16> (0:2:13). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-45.59] <0.08> (0:2:14). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-45.72] <0.16> (0:2:15). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-45.87] <0.08> (0:2:16). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu.| {42} [-45.93] <0.15> (0:2:17). |> |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-46.32] <0.09> (0:2:18). |> |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-46.43] <0.09> (0:2:19). |> |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-46.48] <0.16> (0:2:20). |> |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-46.52] <0.09> (0:2:21). |> |Nevertheless continues you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-46.52] <0.08> (0:2:22). |> |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-46.53] <0.09> (0:2:23). |> |Nevertheless continues you down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-46.64] <0.08> (0:2:24). |> |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-46.86] <0.09> (0:2:25). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen.| {42} [-46.88] <0.08> (0:2:26). |> |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-46.97] <0.08> (0:2:27). |> |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-47.00] <0.17> (0:2:28). |> |Nevertheless continues you down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-47.14] <0.16> (0:2:29). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-47.36] <0.08> (0:2:30). |> |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-47.54] <0.08> (0:2:31). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-48.05] <0.08> (0:2:32). |> |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-48.64] <0.09> (0:2:33). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu.| {42} [-48.71] <0.08> (0:2:34). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-48.74] <0.08> (0:2:35). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-48.74] <0.16> (0:2:36). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu?| {42} [-48.84] <0.15> (0:2:37). |> |Nevertheless continue you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-49.16] <0.09> (0:2:38). |> |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-49.21] <0.17> (0:2:39). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen?| {42} [-49.43] <0.08> (0:2:40). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself down to Trulsbu in Vesledalen| {42} [-49.60] <0.08> (0:2:41). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself down in Vesledalen to Trulsbu| {42} [-49.72] <0.15> (0:2:42). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-49.82] <0.08> (0:2:43). |> |Nevertheless continue you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-49.86] <0.17> (0:2:44). |> |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-49.87] <0.08> (0:2:45). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-49.92] <0.08> (0:2:46). |> |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-49.99] <0.08> (0:2:47). |> |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-50.09] <0.08> (0:2:48). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-50.26] <0.08> (0:2:49). |> |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-50.52] <0.08> (0:2:50). |> |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-50.56] <0.16> (0:2:51). |> |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-50.87] <0.08> (0:2:52). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen.| {42} [-50.92] <0.08> (0:2:53). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-50.94] <0.16> (0:2:54). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu?| {42} [-51.61] <0.08> (0:2:55). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-51.73] <0.16> (0:2:56). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-52.02] <0.08> (0:2:57). |> |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-52.20] <0.08> (0:2:58). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down.| {42} [-52.29] <0.15> (0:2:59). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen down to Trulsbu| {42} [-52.74] <0.08> (0:2:60). |> |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-52.77] <0.16> (0:2:61). |> |Nevertheless continue yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-52.90] <0.08> (0:2:62). |> |Nevertheless continues you to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-53.16] <0.08> (0:2:63). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down.| {42} [-53.37] <0.08> (0:2:64). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen?| {42} [-53.47] <0.08> (0:2:65). |> |Nevertheless continues you in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-53.86] <0.16> (0:2:66). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu down in Vesledalen| {42} [-54.27] <0.08> (0:2:67). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down?| {42} [-54.50] <0.15> (0:2:68). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down?| {42} [-55.58] <0.08> (0:2:69). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself in Vesledalen to Trulsbu down| {42} [-55.73] <0.15> (0:2:70). |> |Nevertheless continues yourself to Trulsbu in Vesledalen down| {42} [-56.90] <0.08> (0:2:71). |= 40:19 of 67 {59.7+28.4}; 25:3 of 40:19 {62.5 15.8}; 17:2 of 25:3 {68.0 66.7} @ 19 of 67 {28.4} <0.18 0.64>. [18:24:07] (680) |Videre?| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.20] # 0 --- 4 (1.05|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (20.1M 320.1M = 340.2M) [0]. | | | |-[2.42] # 0 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <28:109> {233:74} (2.5M 78.9M = 81.4M) [0]. | | | |-[2.80] # 1 --- (0.14|0.14 s) <28:109> {233:74} (2.4M 80.3M = 82.8M) [0]. | | | |-[3.18] # 2 --- (0.14|0.14 s) <28:109> {233:74} (2.4M 80.4M = 82.9M) [0]. | | | |-[3.56] # 3 --- (0.13|0.13 s) <24:72> {160:57} (2.3M 72.3M = 74.5M) [0]. | |< |Videre?| (680) --- 1 x 4 x 0 = 0 |= 41:19 of 68 {60.3+27.9}; 26:3 of 41:19 {63.4 15.8}; 17:2 of 26:3 {65.4 66.7} @ 19 of 68 {27.9} <0.18 0.64>. [18:24:11] (690) |Derfor skriver jeg litt om turene videre, selv om det faller litt utenfor rammene for heftet.| --- ^5 [768] (16.13|0.00:17.22 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[18.41] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[18.46] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[18.51] # 22 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[18.56] # 23 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[18.61] # 32 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |< |Derfor skriver jeg litt om turene videre, selv om det faller litt utenfor rammene for heftet.| (690) --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 41:20 of 69 {59.4+29.0}; 26:3 of 41:20 {63.4 15.0}; 17:2 of 26:3 {65.4 66.7} @ 19 of 69 {27.5} <0.17 0.64>. [18:24:30] (700) |De går sammen til stiskille i Nørdstedalen.| --- 24 [36] (0.31|0.00:0.68 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.22] # 0 --- 12 (2.13|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.9M 700.4M = 751.3M) [1]. | | | |-[6.22] # 0 --- 6 (1.26|0.00:1.26 s) <81:2095> {12597:1899} (11.7M 792.8M = 804.5M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.10] <0.15> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.79] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.26] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.42] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.57] <0.15> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.41] <0.08> | | | |-[8.23] # 1 --- 6 (0.97|0.00:0.97 s) <73:1644> {8365:1502} (10.4M 552.1M = 562.6M) [0]. | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.96] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.97] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.34] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.29] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.66] <0.15> | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.58] <0.08> | | | |-[10.24] # 2 --- 6 (0.97|0.00:0.97 s) <73:1644> {8365:1502} (10.4M 552.2M = 562.7M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.42] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.74] <0.15> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.84] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.35] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.66] <0.15> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.45] <0.08> | | | |-[12.26] # 3 --- 6 (1.42|0.00:1.42 s) <89:2336> {14853:2131} (12.6M 895.6M = 908.3M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.67] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.90] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.98] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.22] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.85] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-56.47] <0.08> | | | |-[14.27] # 4 --- 6 (1.10|0.00:1.10 s) <81:1885> {9925:1734} (11.3M 632.0M = 643.3M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.54] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.99] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.86] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.31] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.02] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.63] <0.08> | | | |-[16.27] # 5 --- 6 (1.10|0.00:1.10 s) <81:1885> {9925:1734} (11.3M 632.1M = 643.5M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.99] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.30] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.99] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.31] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.89] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-57.51] <0.08> | | | |-[18.74] # 6 --- 6 (2.41:1.12|0.00:2.41 s) <73:2079> {12540:1891} (12.8M 782.1M = 794.8M) [1]. | | |You go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.84] <0.09> | | |You go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.15] <0.09> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.77] <0.09> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.00] <0.08> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.08] <0.09> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.23] <0.08> | | | |-[19.24] # 7 --- (0.48|0.48 s) <65:759> {4199:655} (6.2M 281.2M = 287.4M) [0]. | | | |-[20.09] # 8 --- 6 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <65:1628> {8326:1494} (11.5M 547.4M = 558.8M) [0]. | | |You go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.21] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.53] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.79] <0.09> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.09] <0.08> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.11] <0.09> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.32] <0.08> | | | |-[22.10] # 9 --- 6 (1.13|0.00:1.13 s) <81:2320> {14796:2123} (13.7M 884.1M = 897.8M) [0]. | | |You walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.39] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.70] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.40] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.72] <0.09> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.19] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-55.43] <0.08> | |-[24.28] # 1 --- 12 (2.13|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.8M 700.1M = 751.0M) [1]. | | | |-[26.29] # 0 --- 6 (0.99|0.00:0.99 s) <81:2086> {12867:1910} (11.7M 787.4M = 799.1M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.10] <0.15> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.79] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.26] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.42] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.57] <0.15> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.41] <0.08> | | | |-[27.10] # 1 --- 6 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <73:1638> {8659:1506} (10.4M 553.0M = 563.4M) [0]. | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.96] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.97] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.34] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.29] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.66] <0.15> | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.58] <0.08> | | | |-[27.91] # 2 --- 6 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <73:1638> {8659:1506} (10.4M 553.1M = 563.5M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.42] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.74] <0.15> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.84] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.35] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.66] <0.15> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.45] <0.08> | | | |-[29.92] # 3 --- 6 (1.12|0.00:1.12 s) <89:2327> {15191:2142} (12.6M 891.5M = 904.1M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.67] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.90] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.98] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.22] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.85] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-56.47] <0.08> | | | |-[30.84] # 4 --- 6 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <81:1879> {10287:1738} (11.3M 633.3M = 644.6M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.54] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.99] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.86] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.31] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.02] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.63] <0.08> | | | |-[32.85] # 5 --- 6 (1.72:0.85|0.00:1.72 s) <81:1879> {10287:1738} (11.3M 633.5M = 644.9M) [1]. | | |You walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.99] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.30] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.99] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.31] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.89] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-57.51] <0.08> | | | |-[34.85] # 6 --- 6 (0.98|0.00:0.98 s) <73:2070> {12810:1902} (12.1M 776.4M = 788.5M) [0]. | | |You go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.84] <0.09> | | |You go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.15] <0.09> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.77] <0.09> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.00] <0.08> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.08] <0.09> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.23] <0.08> | | | |-[35.24] # 7 --- (0.36|0.36 s) <65:753> {4493:659} (6.2M 282.2M = 288.3M) [0]. | | | |-[36.12] # 8 --- 6 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <65:1622> {8620:1498} (10.9M 546.6M = 557.5M) [0]. | | |You go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.21] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.53] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.79] <0.09> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.09] <0.08> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.11] <0.09> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.32] <0.08> | | | |-[38.13] # 9 --- 6 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <81:2311> {15134:2134} (13.1M 878.6M = 891.7M) [0]. | | |You walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.39] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.70] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.40] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.72] <0.09> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.19] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-55.43] <0.08> | |-[40.22] # 3 --- 12 (2.05|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.9M 699.8M = 750.7M) [0]. | | | |-[42.23] # 0 --- 4 (1.29|0.00:1.29 s) <81:2377> {11933:2184} (11.9M 795.4M = 807.3M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.93] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.37] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.13] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-54.59] <0.15> | | | |-[44.24] # 1 --- 4 (1.04|0.00:1.04 s) <73:1957> {8639:1806} (10.7M 594.1M = 604.8M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.54] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.74] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.43] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.64] <0.15> | | | |-[46.25] # 2 --- 4 (1.03|0.00:1.03 s) <73:1957> {8639:1806} (10.7M 594.1M = 604.9M) [0]. | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.53] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.60] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.75] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.80] <0.15> | | | |-[48.92] # 3 --- 4 (2.62:1.21|0.00:2.62 s) <89:2622> {13421:2421} (12.8M 882.6M = 895.5M) [1]. | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.58] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.97] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.78] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-55.19] <0.15> | | | |-[50.93] # 4 --- 4 (1.04|0.00:1.04 s) <81:2202> {9823:2043} (11.6M 666.7M = 678.3M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.19] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.39] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.03] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-54.24] <0.15> | | | |-[52.94] # 5 --- 4 (0.97|0.00:0.97 s) <81:2202> {9823:2043} (11.6M 666.8M = 678.4M) [0]. | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.13] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.25] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-55.35] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-55.45] <0.15> | | | |-[54.95] # 6 --- 4 (1.34|0.00:1.34 s) <73:2325> {11710:2140} (12.6M 780.6M = 793.2M) [0]. | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.99] <0.09> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.42] <0.09> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.63] <0.09> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.19] <0.09> | | | |-[55.61] # 7 --- (0.63|0.63 s) <65:1174> {4615:1069} (7.2M 344.9M = 352.2M) [0]. | | | |-[57.62] # 8 --- 4 (1.05|0.00:1.05 s) <65:1905> {8424:1762} (11.4M 584.0M = 595.5M) [0]. | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.02] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.11] <0.09> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-51.24] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.31] <0.09> | | | |-[59.63] # 9 --- 4 (1.49|0.00:1.49 s) <81:2570> {13198:2377} (13.5M 867.5M = 881.0M) [0]. | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.63] <0.09> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.01] <0.09> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-51.22] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.82] <0.09> | |-[61.79] # 4 --- 12 (2.11|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.8M 700.0M = 750.9M) [1]. | | | |-[63.79] # 0 --- 4 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <81:2368> {12359:2195} (11.9M 793.0M = 805.0M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.93] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.37] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.13] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-54.59] <0.15> | | | |-[65.80] # 1 --- 4 (1.07|0.00:1.07 s) <73:1951> {9093:1810} (10.7M 596.0M = 606.7M) [0]. | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.54] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.74] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.43] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.64] <0.15> | | | |-[67.92] # 2 --- 4 (2.07:1.08|0.00:2.07 s) <73:1951> {9093:1810} (10.8M 596.2M = 606.9M) [1]. | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.53] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.60] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.75] <0.15> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.80] <0.15> | | | |-[69.93] # 3 --- 4 (1.12|0.00:1.12 s) <89:2613> {13915:2432} (12.8M 880.5M = 893.3M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.58] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.97] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.78] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-55.19] <0.15> | | | |-[71.94] # 4 --- 4 (1.15|0.00:1.15 s) <81:2196> {10345:2047} (11.6M 669.0M = 680.6M) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.19] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.39] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.03] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-54.24] <0.15> | | | |-[73.95] # 5 --- 4 (1.15|0.00:1.15 s) <81:2196> {10345:2047} (11.6M 669.1M = 680.7M) [0]. | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.13] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.25] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-55.35] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-55.45] <0.15> | | | |-[75.96] # 6 --- 4 (1.27|0.00:1.27 s) <73:2316> {12136:2151} (12.2M 777.4M = 789.5M) [0]. | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.99] <0.09> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.42] <0.09> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.63] <0.09> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.19] <0.09> | | | |-[76.61] # 7 --- (0.62|0.62 s) <65:1168> {5069:1073} (7.2M 346.9M = 354.1M) [0]. | | | |-[78.61] # 8 --- 4 (1.02|0.00:1.02 s) <65:1899> {8878:1766} (11.0M 584.7M = 595.7M) [0]. | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.02] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.11] <0.09> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-51.24] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.31] <0.09> | | | |-[80.62] # 9 --- 4 (1.10|0.00:1.10 s) <81:2561> {13692:2388} (13.1M 864.5M = 877.5M) [0]. | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.63] <0.09> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.01] <0.09> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-51.22] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.82] <0.09> | |-[82.77] # 6 --- 12 (2.12|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.9M 700.2M = 751.0M) [1]. | | | |-[86.78] # 0 --- 12 (3.33:1.13|0.00:3.33 s) <81:3981> {19758:3755} (19.3M 1.4G = 1.4G) [1]. | | |You go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.95] <0.08> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.14] <0.08> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-51.57] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.75] <0.15> | | |You go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.27] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.67] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-52.81] <0.08> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.97] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.99] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.82] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-53.89] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-55.53] <0.08> | | | |-[88.79] # 1 --- 12 (1.68|0.00:1.68 s) <73:3465> {14971:3289} (17.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.75] <0.08> | | |You go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.63] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.37] <0.15> | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.58] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.61] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-50.62] <0.08> | | |You go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.95] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.72] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-51.86] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-52.77] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.87] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-54.41] <0.08> | | | |-[90.81] # 2 --- 12 (1.92|0.00:1.92 s) <73:3465> {14971:3289} (17.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You go to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.22] <0.08> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.81] <0.08> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-51.73] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.43] <0.15> | | |You go to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.53] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-52.83] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-52.97] <0.08> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.64] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.67] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.98] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-54.15] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-55.78] <0.08> | | | |-[93.18] # 3 --- 12 (2.27|0.00:2.27 s) <89:4484> {22793:4250} (20.9M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |You walk to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.01] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.40] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-52.40] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.19] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.27] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.64] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-53.64] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-54.42] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-54.49] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-56.13] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-56.32] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-57.02] <0.08> | | | |-[96.13] # 4 --- 12 (2.86:1.11|0.00:2.86 s) <81:3968> {17382:3784} (19.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [1]. | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.01] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.80] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.25] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.68] <0.08> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-51.46] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.32] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-52.70] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-53.37] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.47] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.64] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-55.00] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-55.01] <0.08> | | | |-[98.14] # 5 --- 12 (1.75|0.00:1.75 s) <81:3968> {17382:3784} (19.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |You walk to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.27] <0.08> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-52.56] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.08] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.43] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-53.80] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.87] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.32] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.58] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-54.75] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-56.38] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-56.59] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-57.70] <0.08> | | | |-[100.15] # 6 --- 12 (1.80|0.00:1.80 s) <73:3991> {19674:3785} (21.8M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |You go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.74] <0.08> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.82] <0.09> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.94] <0.08> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.06] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-49.30] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.48] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-50.54] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.63] <0.09> | | |You go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.75] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-50.85] <0.08> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.47] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-52.48] <0.08> | | | |-[100.84] # 7 --- (0.66|0.66 s) <65:1720> {7174:1559} (8.8M 503.8M = 512.6M) [0]. | | | |-[102.85] # 8 --- 12 (1.50|0.00:1.50 s) <65:3483> {14945:3323} (20.3M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You go to path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.45] <0.08> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.94] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path distinction.| [-49.90] <0.08> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.06] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.08] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.18] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path distinction.| [-51.14] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-51.23] <0.09> | | |You go to path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.46] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path distinction together.| [-51.55] <0.08> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.59] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path distinction together.| [-53.18] <0.08> | | | |-[106.86] # 9 --- 12 (2.96:0.97|0.00:2.96 s) <81:4494> {22709:4280} (23.4M 1.6G = 1.6G) [1]. | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.46] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.69] <0.09> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.07] <0.09> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-50.12] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.94] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-51.22] <0.09> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-51.36] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-51.44] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.14] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-53.07] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.95] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-54.67] <0.08> | |-[108.94] # 7 --- 12 (2.04|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.8M 699.7M = 750.6M) [0]. | | | |-[111.05] # 0 --- 12 (2.03|0.00:2.03 s) <81:3972> {20500:3766} (19.3M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |You go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.95] <0.08> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.14] <0.08> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-51.57] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.75] <0.15> | | |You go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.27] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.67] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-52.81] <0.08> | | |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.97] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.99] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.82] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-53.89] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-55.53] <0.08> | | | |-[113.06] # 1 --- 12 (1.66|0.00:1.66 s) <73:3459> {15753:3293} (17.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.75] <0.08> | | |You go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.63] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.37] <0.15> | | |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.58] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.61] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-50.62] <0.08> | | |You go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.95] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.72] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-51.86] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-52.77] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.87] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-54.41] <0.08> | | | |-[115.07] # 2 --- 12 (1.52|0.00:1.52 s) <73:3459> {15753:3293} (17.8M 1.1G = 1.1G) [0]. | | |You go to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.22] <0.08> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.81] <0.08> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-51.73] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.43] <0.15> | | |You go to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.53] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-52.83] <0.15> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-52.97] <0.08> | | |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.64] <0.08> | | |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.67] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.98] <0.15> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-54.15] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-55.78] <0.08> | | | |-[119.09] # 3 --- 12 (3.14:1.10|0.00:3.14 s) <89:4475> {23675:4261} (20.9M 1.6G = 1.6G) [1]. | | |You walk to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.01] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.40] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-52.40] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.19] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.27] <0.15> | | |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.64] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-53.64] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-54.42] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-54.49] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-56.13] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-56.32] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-57.02] <0.08> | | | |-[121.10] # 4 --- 12 (1.78|0.00:1.78 s) <81:3962> {18304:3788} (19.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.01] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.80] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.25] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.68] <0.08> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-51.46] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.32] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-52.70] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-53.37] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.47] <0.15> | | |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.64] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-55.00] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-55.01] <0.08> | | | |-[123.11] # 5 --- 12 (1.75|0.00:1.75 s) <81:3962> {18304:3788} (19.4M 1.3G = 1.3G) [0]. | | |You walk to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.27] <0.08> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-52.56] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.08] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.43] <0.15> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-53.80] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.87] <0.08> | | |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-54.32] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.58] <0.15> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-54.75] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-56.38] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-56.59] <0.08> | | |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-57.70] <0.08> | | | |-[125.13] # 6 --- 12 (1.77|0.00:1.77 s) <73:3982> {20416:3796} (20.3M 1.4G = 1.4G) [0]. | | |You go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.74] <0.08> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.82] <0.09> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.94] <0.08> | | |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.06] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-49.30] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.48] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-50.54] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.63] <0.09> | | |You go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.75] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-50.85] <0.08> | | |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.47] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-52.48] <0.08> | | | |-[125.82] # 7 --- (0.66|0.66 s) <65:1714> {7956:1563} (8.8M 508.1M = 516.9M) [0]. | | | |-[128.32] # 8 --- 12 (2.44:0.96|0.00:2.44 s) <65:3477> {15727:3327} (18.9M 1.1G = 1.1G) [1]. | | |You go to path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.45] <0.08> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.94] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path distinction.| [-49.90] <0.08> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.06] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.08] <0.09> | | |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.18] <0.09> | | |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path distinction.| [-51.14] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-51.23] <0.09> | | |You go to path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.46] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path distinction together.| [-51.55] <0.08> | | |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.59] <0.08> | | |You go in Nørdstedalen to path distinction together.| [-53.18] <0.08> | | | |-[130.41] # 9 --- 12 (2.03|0.00:2.03 s) <81:4485> {23591:4291} (22.0M 1.6G = 1.6G) [0]. | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.46] <0.09> | | |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.69] <0.09> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.07] <0.09> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-50.12] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.94] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-51.22] <0.09> | | |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-51.36] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-51.44] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.14] <0.08> | | |You walk in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-53.07] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-53.95] <0.08> | | |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-54.67] <0.08> | |-[132.58] # 9 --- 12 (2.12|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.9M 700.2M = 751.1M) [1]. | | | |-[134.59] # 0 --- 6 (1.08|0.00:1.08 s) <85:2104> {13422:1908} (11.5M 796.7M = 808.2M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.99] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.97] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.31] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.29] <0.17> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.04] <0.09> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.65] <0.09> | | | |-[135.55] # 1 --- 6 (0.90|0.00:0.90 s) <77:1653> {9089:1510} (10.2M 554.6M = 564.8M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.87] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.06] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.19] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.38] <0.17> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.20] <0.09> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.82] <0.09> | | | |-[136.55] # 2 --- 6 (0.95|0.00:0.95 s) <77:1653> {9089:1510} (10.2M 554.7M = 564.9M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.31] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.63] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.06] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.38] <0.17> | | |They go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.08] <0.09> | | |They go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.70] <0.09> | | | |-[138.57] # 3 --- 6 (1.49|0.00:1.49 s) <93:2345> {15846:2140} (12.4M 902.6M = 915.0M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.90] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.90] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.22] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.22] <0.17> | | |They walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.42] <0.09> | | |They walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-55.04] <0.09> | | | |-[140.58] # 4 --- 6 (1.16|0.00:1.16 s) <85:1894> {10817:1742} (11.1M 636.5M = 647.6M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.78] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.99] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.09] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.30] <0.17> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.59] <0.09> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.21] <0.09> | | | |-[142.87] # 5 --- 6 (2.23:1.11|0.00:2.23 s) <85:1894> {10817:1742} (11.1M 636.8M = 647.9M) [1]. | | |They walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.22] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.54] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.99] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.31] <0.17> | | |They walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.47] <0.09> | | |They walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-56.08] <0.09> | | | |-[144.88] # 6 --- 6 (1.21|0.00:1.21 s) <77:2088> {13365:1900} (12.5M 786.9M = 799.4M) [0]. | | |They go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.77] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.09] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.51] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.82] <0.11> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.23] <0.10> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.47] <0.10> | | | |-[145.26] # 7 --- (0.36|0.36 s) <69:768> {4507:663} (5.9M 277.4M = 283.3M) [0]. | | | |-[146.13] # 8 --- 6 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <69:1637> {9050:1502} (11.2M 549.8M = 561.0M) [0]. | | |They go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.14] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.46] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.53] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.85] <0.11> | | |They go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.32] <0.10> | | |They go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.55] <0.10> | | | |-[148.14] # 9 --- 6 (1.45|0.00:1.45 s) <85:2329> {15789:2132} (13.5M 890.9M = 904.4M) [0]. | | |They walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.67] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.99] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.43] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.75] <0.11> | | |They walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.77] <0.10> | | |They walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-54.00] <0.10> | |-[150.16] # 10 --- 12 (1.94|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.8M 700.1M = 750.9M) [1]. | | | |-[152.17] # 0 --- 6 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <85:2095> {13692:1919} (11.4M 792.1M = 803.5M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.99] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.97] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.31] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.29] <0.17> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.04] <0.09> | | |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.65] <0.09> | | | |-[154.23] # 1 --- 6 (1.00|0.00:1.00 s) <77:1647> {9383:1514} (10.2M 555.3M = 565.5M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.87] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.06] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.19] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.38] <0.17> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.20] <0.09> | | |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.82] <0.09> | | | |-[156.24] # 2 --- 6 (1.00|0.00:1.00 s) <77:1647> {9383:1514} (10.2M 555.4M = 565.6M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.31] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.63] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.06] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.38] <0.17> | | |They go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.08] <0.09> | | |They go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.70] <0.09> | | | |-[158.73] # 3 --- 6 (2.42:1.05|0.00:2.42 s) <93:2336> {16184:2151} (12.4M 898.1M = 910.6M) [1]. | | |They walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.90] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.90] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.22] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.22] <0.17> | | |They walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.42] <0.09> | | |They walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-55.04] <0.09> | | | |-[159.65] # 4 --- 6 (0.86|0.00:0.86 s) <85:1888> {11179:1746} (11.1M 637.6M = 648.7M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.78] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.99] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.09] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.30] <0.17> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.59] <0.09> | | |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.21] <0.09> | | | |-[161.65] # 5 --- 6 (1.13|0.00:1.13 s) <85:1888> {11179:1746} (11.1M 637.7M = 648.9M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.22] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.54] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.99] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.31] <0.17> | | |They walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.47] <0.09> | | |They walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-56.08] <0.09> | | | |-[163.67] # 6 --- 6 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <77:2079> {13635:1911} (11.9M 781.0M = 792.9M) [0]. | | |They go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.77] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.09] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.51] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.82] <0.11> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.23] <0.10> | | |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.47] <0.10> | | | |-[164.18] # 7 --- (0.48|0.48 s) <69:762> {4801:667} (5.9M 278.2M = 284.1M) [0]. | | | |-[166.19] # 8 --- 6 (1.00|0.00:1.00 s) <69:1631> {9344:1506} (10.6M 548.9M = 559.5M) [0]. | | |They go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.14] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.46] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.53] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.85] <0.11> | | |They go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.32] <0.10> | | |They go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.55] <0.10> | | | |-[168.20] # 9 --- 6 (1.45|0.00:1.45 s) <85:2320> {16127:2143} (12.9M 885.2M = 898.1M) [0]. | | |They walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.67] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.99] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.43] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.75] <0.11> | | |They walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.77] <0.10> | | |They walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-54.00] <0.10> | |-[170.22] # 12 --- 12 (1.88|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.9M 699.8M = 750.7M) [0]. | | | |-[172.23] # 0 --- 4 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <85:2386> {12830:2193} (11.7M 800.5M = 812.2M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.64] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.85] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.73] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.94] <0.17> | | | |-[174.24] # 1 --- 4 (1.05|0.00:1.05 s) <77:1966> {9427:1814} (10.5M 596.9M = 607.4M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.26] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.46] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.78] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.99] <0.17> | | | |-[176.51] # 2 --- 4 (2.23:1.16|0.00:2.23 s) <77:1966> {9427:1814} (10.5M 597.0M = 607.5M) [1]. | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.32] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.52] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-52.88] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.10] <0.17> | | | |-[178.53] # 3 --- 4 (1.47|0.00:1.47 s) <93:2631> {14462:2430} (12.6M 889.4M = 902.0M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.57] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.77] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.93] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-54.14] <0.17> | | | |-[180.54] # 4 --- 4 (1.18|0.00:1.18 s) <85:2211> {10755:2051} (11.4M 671.3M = 682.6M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.18] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.38] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.98] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.20] <0.17> | | | |-[182.55] # 5 --- 4 (1.19|0.00:1.19 s) <85:2211> {10755:2051} (11.4M 671.3M = 682.7M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.25] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.45] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.09] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.30] <0.17> | | | |-[184.56] # 6 --- 4 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <77:2334> {12575:2149} (12.4M 785.2M = 797.6M) [0]. | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.73] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.93] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-48.76] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.98] <0.11> | | | |-[185.22] # 7 --- (0.63|0.63 s) <69:1183> {5083:1077} (7.0M 342.8M = 349.8M) [0]. | | | |-[187.22] # 8 --- 4 (1.06|0.00:1.06 s) <69:1914> {9180:1770} (11.2M 586.4M = 597.6M) [0]. | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.85] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.05] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-49.37] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.58] <0.11> | | | |-[189.23] # 9 --- 4 (1.48|0.00:1.48 s) <85:2579> {14207:2386} (13.3M 873.8M = 887.1M) [0]. | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.66] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.85] <0.11> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-48.96] <0.11> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.17] <0.11> | |-[191.25] # 13 --- 12 (1.94|0.00:0.00 s) <:45> (50.8M 700.0M = 750.9M) [1]. | | | |-[193.80] # 0 --- 4 (2.51:1.18|0.00:2.51 s) <85:2377> {13256:2204} (11.7M 797.8M = 809.5M) [1]. | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.64] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.85] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.73] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.94] <0.17> | | | |-[195.82] # 1 --- 4 (1.07|0.00:1.07 s) <77:1960> {9881:1818} (10.5M 598.7M = 609.2M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.26] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.46] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.78] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.99] <0.17> | | | |-[197.83] # 2 --- 4 (1.07|0.00:1.07 s) <77:1960> {9881:1818} (10.5M 598.8M = 609.3M) [0]. | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.32] <0.17> | | |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.52] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-52.88] <0.17> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.10] <0.17> | | | |-[199.84] # 3 --- 4 (1.47|0.00:1.47 s) <93:2622> {14956:2441} (12.6M 887.0M = 899.6M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.57] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.77] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.93] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-54.14] <0.17> | | | |-[201.85] # 4 --- 4 (1.18|0.00:1.18 s) <85:2205> {11277:2055} (11.4M -102373033344 = -102361105904) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.18] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.38] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.98] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.20] <0.17> | | | |-[203.85] # 5 --- 4 (1.18|0.00:1.18 s) <85:2205> {11277:2055} (11.4M 673.5M = 684.9M) [0]. | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.25] <0.17> | | |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-51.45] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.09] <0.17> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.30] <0.17> | | | |-[205.86] # 6 --- 4 (1.31|0.00:1.31 s) <77:2325> {13001:2160} (11.9M 781.7M = 793.7M) [0]. | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.73] <0.11> | | |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.93] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-48.76] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.98] <0.11> | | | |-[206.52] # 7 --- (0.63|0.63 s) <69:1177> {5537:1081} (7.0M 344.7M = 351.6M) [0]. | | | |-[208.52] # 8 --- 4 (1.04|0.00:1.04 s) <69:1908> {9634:1774} (10.7M 587.0M = 597.7M) [0]. | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.85] <0.11> | | |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.05] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-49.37] <0.11> | | |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.58] <0.11> | | | |-[211.14] # 9 --- 4 (2.57:1.10|0.00:2.57 s) <85:2570> {14701:2397} (12.8M 870.6M = 883.4M) [1]. | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.66] <0.11> | | |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.85] <0.11> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-48.96] <0.11> | | |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.17] <0.11> | |< |De går sammen til stiskille i Nørdstedalen.| (700) --- 24 x 120 x 576 = 99 [576] |> |They walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.67] <0.11> (9:9:0). |> |They go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.77] <0.11> (9:6:0). |> |They walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.78] <0.17> (9:4:0). |> |They go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.87] <0.17> (9:1:0). |> |They walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-42.99] <0.17> (9:4:1). |> |They go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.06] <0.17> (9:1:1). |> |They go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-43.14] <0.11> (9:8:0). |> |They walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.43] <0.11> (9:9:2). |> |They go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.51] <0.11> (9:6:2). |> |They walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.90] <0.17> (9:3:0). |> |They go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-44.99] <0.17> (9:0:0). |> |They go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.20] <0.09> (9:1:4). |> |They walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.22] <0.17> (9:5:0). |> |They go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.31] <0.17> (9:2:0). |> |They go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.53] <0.11> (9:8:2). |> |You go together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.84] <0.09> (0:6:0). |> |They walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.90] <0.17> (9:3:1). |> |You go to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-45.96] <0.08> (0:1:0). |> |They go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.97] <0.17> (9:0:1). |> |You go together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-45.97] <0.15> (0:1:1). |> |You go together to path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.21] <0.09> (0:8:0). |> |You go together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.34] <0.15> (0:1:2). |> |You walk together to path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.39] <0.09> (0:9:0). |> |You walk together to a path border, in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.54] <0.15> (0:4:0). |> |You go to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.63] <0.08> (6:1:1). |> |They walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.99] <0.17> (9:5:2). |> |You walk together to a path border in Nørdstedalen.| [-46.99] <0.15> (0:4:1). |> |They go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.06] <0.17> (9:2:2). |> |You go to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.74] <0.08> (6:6:0). |> |You go together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.77] <0.09> (0:6:2). |> |You go to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-47.95] <0.08> (6:0:0). |> |They go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.04] <0.09> (9:0:4). |> |You go together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.10] <0.15> (0:0:0). |> |You go to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.22] <0.08> (6:2:0). |> |They go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.23] <0.10> (9:6:4). |> |You walk together to path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.40] <0.09> (0:9:2). |> |You go together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.42] <0.15> (0:2:0). |> |You go to path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.45] <0.08> (6:8:0). |> |They walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.59] <0.09> (9:4:4). |> |You walk together to a path division, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.67] <0.15> (0:3:0). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-48.76] <0.11> (12:6:2). |> |You go together to path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.79] <0.09> (0:8:2). |> |You go to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-48.79] <0.08> (0:0:1). |> |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-48.96] <0.11> (12:9:2). |> |You walk together to a path distinction, in Nørdstedalen.| [-48.99] <0.15> (0:5:0). |> |You go to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.00] <0.08> (0:6:3). |> |They go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.08] <0.09> (9:2:4). |> |You go together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.26] <0.15> (0:0:2). |> |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-49.30] <0.08> (6:6:4). |> |They go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.32] <0.10> (9:8:4). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-49.37] <0.11> (12:8:2). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-49.42] <0.09> (3:6:1). |> |You go to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-49.84] <0.08> (0:2:2). |> |You go together in Nørdstedalen to path distinction.| [-49.90] <0.08> (6:8:2). |> |You walk together to a path division in Nørdstedalen.| [-49.90] <0.15> (0:3:1). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to path division.| [-50.01] <0.09> (3:9:1). |> |You walk to a path border in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.02] <0.08> (0:4:4). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to path distinction.| [-50.02] <0.09> (3:8:0). |> |You go to path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.09] <0.08> (0:8:3). |> |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to path division.| [-50.12] <0.08> (6:9:3). |> |You go together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.35] <0.15> (0:2:3). |> |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-50.62] <0.08> (6:1:5). |> |You walk to a path border together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.68] <0.08> (6:4:3). |> |They walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-50.77] <0.10> (9:9:4). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-50.85] <0.08> (6:6:9). |> |You walk to path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.94] <0.08> (6:9:4). |> |You walk together to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen.| [-50.99] <0.15> (0:5:2). |> |They walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-51.42] <0.09> (9:3:4). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen to path division together.| [-51.44] <0.08> (6:9:7). |> |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path border.| [-51.46] <0.08> (6:4:4). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen to path distinction together.| [-51.55] <0.08> (6:8:9). |> |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-51.57] <0.08> (6:0:2). |> |You go together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-51.73] <0.08> (6:2:2). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.78] <0.17> (12:1:2). |> |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-51.98] <0.17> (12:4:2). |> |You walk to a path division together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.01] <0.08> (6:3:0). |> |You walk to path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.19] <0.08> (0:9:4). |> |You walk to a path distinction together in Nørdstedalen.| [-52.27] <0.08> (6:5:0). |> |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path division.| [-52.40] <0.08> (6:3:2). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-52.43] <0.15> (3:1:2). |> |They walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.47] <0.09> (9:5:4). |> |You walk together in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction.| [-52.56] <0.08> (6:5:1). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.73] <0.17> (12:0:2). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-52.77] <0.08> (6:1:9). |> |You walk to a path division in Nørdstedalen together.| [-52.85] <0.08> (0:3:4). |> |They go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-52.88] <0.17> (12:2:2). |> |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-52.93] <0.17> (12:3:2). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path border.| [-53.03] <0.15> (3:4:2). |> |They walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.09] <0.17> (12:5:2). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path border together.| [-53.37] <0.08> (6:4:7). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.37] <0.15> (3:0:1). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-53.53] <0.15> (3:2:0). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-53.89] <0.08> (6:0:10). |> |You walk to a path distinction in Nørdstedalen together.| [-53.89] <0.08> (0:5:4). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path division.| [-53.97] <0.15> (3:3:1). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen together to a path distinction.| [-54.13] <0.15> (3:5:0). |> |You go in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-54.15] <0.08> (6:2:10). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path division together.| [-54.49] <0.08> (6:3:8). |> |You walk in Nørdstedalen to a path distinction together.| [-54.75] <0.08> (6:5:8). |= 42:20 of 70 {60.0+28.6}; 27:3 of 42:20 {64.3 15.0}; 18:2 of 27:3 {66.7 66.7} @ 20 of 70 {28.6} <0.17 0.61>. [18:28:01] (710) |Over breen går det fører i sommersesongen, påmelding til Nørdstedalseter eller Sota Sæter.| --- 6 [60] (3.03|0.00:4.20 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[20.09] # 0 --- 72 (13.48:0.32|0.00:0.00 s) <:375> (406.1M 5.3G = 5.7G) [5]. | | | |-[21.08] # 0 --- (0.86|0.86 s) <107:1121> {10901:960} (9.4M 538.5M = 547.8M) [0]. | | | |-[21.93] # 1 --- (0.73|0.73 s) <99:937> {8582:792} (8.7M 429.7M = 438.4M) [0]. | | | |-[23.97] # 2 --- (0.98|0.98 s) <107:1285> {14145:1102} (9.8M 616.1M = 625.9M) [0]. | | | |-[24.76] # 3 --- (0.68|0.68 s) <107:1113> {9870:957} (9.2M 511.8M = 521.0M) [0]. | | | |-[25.71] # 4 --- (0.84|0.84 s) <125:1325> {11598:1163} (10.2M 607.1M = 617.3M) [0]. | | | |-[26.58] # 5 --- (0.76|0.76 s) <117:1125> {9245:979} (9.6M 495.8M = 505.4M) [0]. | | | |-[27.47] # 6 --- (0.77|0.77 s) <107:1121> {10901:960} (9.3M 533.4M = 542.7M) [0]. | | | |-[28.23] # 7 --- (0.65|0.65 s) <99:937> {8582:792} (8.7M 429.3M = 438.0M) [0]. | | | |-[29.23] # 8 --- (0.88|0.88 s) <107:1285> {14145:1102} (9.8M 615.6M = 625.4M) [0]. | | | |-[31.27] # 9 --- (1.76:1.01|1.76 s) <107:1113> {9870:957} (9.2M 511.9M = 521.1M) [1]. | |-[45.35] # 1 --- 72 (13.53:0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:375> (406.1M 5.3G = 5.7G) [5]. | | | |-[47.40] # 0 --- (0.97|0.97 s) <107:1448> {14144:1253} (10.4M 691.3M = 701.7M) [0]. | | | |-[48.34] # 1 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <99:1264> {11350:1084} (9.7M 565.9M = 575.7M) [0]. | | | |-[50.38] # 2 --- (1.14|1.14 s) <107:1644> {18340:1427} (11.0M 812.2M = 823.2M) [0]. | | | |-[52.43] # 3 --- (0.96|0.96 s) <107:1452> {12967:1262} (10.3M 672.7M = 683.0M) [0]. | | | |-[54.47] # 4 --- (0.99|0.99 s) <125:1513> {14031:1347} (10.8M 673.6M = 684.4M) [0]. | | | |-[55.44] # 5 --- (0.85|0.85 s) <117:1313> {11246:1163} (10.1M 551.9M = 562.1M) [0]. | | | |-[57.49] # 6 --- (0.98|0.98 s) <107:1448> {14144:1253} (10.4M 691.3M = 701.6M) [0]. | | | |-[58.44] # 7 --- (0.84|0.84 s) <99:1264> {11350:1084} (9.7M 565.9M = 575.6M) [0]. | | | |-[60.76] # 8 --- (1.12|1.12 s) <107:1644> {18340:1427} (11.0M 812.3M = 823.3M) [0]. | | | |-[62.80] # 9 --- (0.95|0.95 s) <107:1452> {12967:1262} (10.3M 672.7M = 683.0M) [0]. | |-[89.68] # 2 --- 144 (26.42:0.68|0.00:0.00 s) <:585> (-33483450192 10.6G = -22137169680) [10]. | | | |-[91.77] # 0 --- (0.97|0.97 s) <107:1527> {14092:1314} (10.6M 723.1M = 733.7M) [0]. | | | |-[93.86] # 1 --- (0.95|0.95 s) <107:1485> {13525:1290} (10.4M 688.6M = 699.0M) [0]. | | | |-[95.94] # 2 --- (0.98|0.98 s) <107:1527> {14092:1314} (10.6M 723.2M = 733.7M) [0]. | | | |-[98.02] # 3 --- (0.95|0.95 s) <107:1485> {13525:1290} (10.4M 688.6M = 699.0M) [0]. | | | |-[100.11] # 4 --- (0.90|0.90 s) <107:1423> {11939:1224} (10.2M 656.8M = 667.0M) [0]. | | | |-[101.14] # 5 --- (0.83|0.83 s) <99:1284> {11870:1099} (9.8M 572.6M = 582.4M) [0]. | | | |-[103.66] # 6 --- (1.08|1.08 s) <107:1527> {14092:1314} (10.5M 722.8M = 733.3M) [0]. | | | |-[105.74] # 7 --- (0.97|0.97 s) <107:1485> {13525:1290} (10.4M 688.6M = 699.0M) [0]. | | | |-[107.82] # 8 --- (0.93|0.93 s) <107:1527> {14092:1314} (10.6M 722.7M = 733.2M) [0]. | | | |-[109.91] # 9 --- (1.08|1.08 s) <107:1485> {13525:1290} (10.4M 688.6M = 699.0M) [0]. | |-[136.73] # 27 --- 144 (26.34:0.68|0.00:0.00 s) <:585> (835.7M 10.6G = 11.4G) [11]. | | | |-[138.81] # 0 --- (0.88|0.88 s) <107:1190> {10847:1010} (9.4M 551.4M = 560.8M) [0]. | | | |-[139.89] # 1 --- (0.85|0.85 s) <107:1148> {10335:986} (9.3M 526.1M = 535.4M) [0]. | | | |-[140.93] # 2 --- (0.81|0.81 s) <107:1190> {10847:1010} (9.5M 551.4M = 560.9M) [0]. | | | |-[141.78] # 3 --- (0.65|0.65 s) <107:1148> {10335:986} (9.3M 526.2M = 535.5M) [0]. | | | |-[144.00] # 4 --- (1.97:1.15|1.97 s) <107:1098> {9138:932} (9.2M 504.3M = 513.5M) [1]. | | | |-[144.88] # 5 --- (0.66|0.66 s) <99:959> {9009:808} (8.8M 435.5M = 444.3M) [0]. | | | |-[145.87] # 6 --- (0.79|0.79 s) <107:1190> {10847:1010} (9.4M 551.4M = 560.8M) [0]. | | | |-[146.84] # 7 --- (0.77|0.77 s) <107:1148> {10335:986} (9.3M 526.1M = 535.4M) [0]. | | | |-[147.84] # 8 --- (0.79|0.79 s) <107:1190> {10847:1010} (9.5M 551.4M = 560.8M) [0]. | | | |-[148.81] # 9 --- (0.76|0.76 s) <107:1148> {10335:986} (9.3M 526.1M = 535.4M) [0]. | |-[163.36] # 34 --- 72 (14.15:0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:375> (405.2M -97433034816 = -97008170248) [5]. | | | |-[164.23] # 0 --- (0.76|0.76 s) <107:1007> {10761:846} (9.1M 566.9M = 576.0M) [0]. | | | |-[164.98] # 1 --- (0.63|0.63 s) <99:823> {8442:678} (8.5M 458.0M = 466.5M) [0]. | | | |-[165.96] # 2 --- (0.86|0.86 s) <107:1155> {14005:972} (9.6M 647.8M = 657.4M) [0]. | | | |-[166.81] # 3 --- (0.73|0.73 s) <107:991> {9730:835} (9.0M 545.4M = 554.4M) [0]. | | | |-[168.88] # 4 --- (1.93:1.04|1.93 s) <125:1211> {11458:1049} (10.0M 664.2M = 674.2M) [1]. | | | |-[169.77] # 5 --- (0.75|0.75 s) <117:1011> {9105:865} (9.4M 549.1M = 558.5M) [0]. | | | |-[170.66] # 6 --- (0.76|0.76 s) <107:1007> {10761:846} (9.1M 566.8M = 576.0M) [0]. | | | |-[171.42] # 7 --- (0.65|0.65 s) <99:823> {8442:678} (8.5M 458.0M = 466.5M) [0]. | | | |-[172.41] # 8 --- (0.86|0.86 s) <107:1155> {14005:972} (9.6M 647.7M = 657.3M) [0]. | | | |-[173.26] # 9 --- (0.72|0.72 s) <107:991> {9730:835} (9.0M 545.3M = 554.4M) [0]. | |-[202.12] # 41 --- 144 (28.40:2.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:585> (832.3M 10.6G = 11.4G) [11]. | | | |-[203.14] # 0 --- (0.79|0.79 s) <107:1070> {10751:890} (9.3M 588.5M = 597.7M) [0]. | | | |-[204.10] # 1 --- (0.75|0.75 s) <107:1030> {10239:868} (9.1M 564.0M = 573.1M) [0]. | | | |-[205.12] # 2 --- (0.78|0.78 s) <107:1070> {10751:890} (9.3M 588.5M = 597.8M) [0]. | | | |-[206.00] # 3 --- (0.65|0.65 s) <107:1030> {10239:868} (9.1M 564.0M = 573.2M) [0]. | | | |-[208.08] # 4 --- (1.50:0.87|1.50 s) <107:986> {9042:820} (9.0M 542.2M = 551.3M) [1]. | | | |-[208.83] # 5 --- (0.56|0.56 s) <99:849> {8913:698} (8.6M 468.1M = 476.8M) [0]. | | | |-[209.71] # 6 --- (0.69|0.69 s) <107:1070> {10751:890} (9.3M 588.4M = 597.7M) [0]. | | | |-[210.61] # 7 --- (0.70|0.70 s) <107:1030> {10239:868} (9.1M 564.0M = 573.1M) [0]. | | | |-[211.55] # 8 --- (0.74|0.74 s) <107:1070> {10751:890} (9.3M 588.5M = 597.7M) [0]. | | | |-[212.53] # 9 --- (0.76|0.76 s) <107:1030> {10239:868} (9.1M 564.0M = 573.1M) [0]. | |< |Over breen går det fører i sommersesongen, påmelding til Nørdstedalseter eller Sota Sæter.| (710) --- 6 x 648 x 0 = 0 |= 43:20 of 71 {60.6+28.2}; 28:3 of 43:20 {65.1 15.0}; 18:2 of 28:3 {64.3 66.7} @ 20 of 71 {28.2} <0.17 0.61>. [18:31:34] (720) |Den andre ruta til Sota Sæter fra Nørdstedalseter går på østsiden av Illvatnet og er en time lengre.| --- error: PVM client exit <4000c>. | |< |Den andre ruta til Sota Sæter fra Nørdstedalseter går på østsiden av Illvatnet og er en time lengre.| (720) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 43:20 of 72 {59.7+27.8}; 28:3 of 43:20 {65.1 15.0}; 18:2 of 28:3 {64.3 66.7} @ 20 of 72 {27.8} <0.17 0.61>. [18:34:46] (730) |Fra denne ruta går det en gammel merking over til Lundadalsbandet og Trulsbu.| --- ^4 [8] (18.33|0.00:18.14 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[24.05] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[24.08] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[24.11] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[24.14] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |< |Fra denne ruta går det en gammel merking over til Lundadalsbandet og Trulsbu.| (730) --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 43:21 of 73 {58.9+28.8}; 28:3 of 43:21 {65.1 14.3}; 18:2 of 28:3 {64.3 66.7} @ 20 of 73 {27.4} <0.17 0.61>. [18:35:10] (740) |Fra Trulsbu er det merket rute videre til Skjåk.| --- 5 (1.07|0.00:1.12 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.86] # 0 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:47> (23.7M 313.7M = 337.4M) [0]. | | | |-[4.87] # 0 --- (1.19|1.19 s) <136:2846> {7217:2768} (11.7M 764.8M = 776.5M) [0]. | | | |-[5.47] # 1 --- (0.58|0.58 s) <128:1078> {3464:938} (7.9M 415.3M = 423.2M) [0]. | |-[5.49] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"subord_rel"|. | |-[7.50] # 2 --- 6 (1.27|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (31.7M 442.5M = 474.3M) [1]. | | | |-[11.75] # 0 --- 6 (4.19:1.42|0.00:4.19 s) <128:5075> {27442:4874} (27.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-49.87] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-51.35] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that mark is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-52.20] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that mark more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-53.21] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that mark is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-53.89] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that mark more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-55.79] <0.13> | | | |-[14.20] # 1 --- 6 (2.40|0.00:2.40 s) <128:5075> {27442:4874} (27.8M 1.9G = 1.9G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-51.51] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-52.98] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that sign more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-53.72] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that sign is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-55.22] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that sign is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-56.90] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that sign more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-57.58] <0.13> | | | |-[16.31] # 2 --- 6 (2.06|0.00:2.06 s) <120:4976> {22536:4783} (27.2M 1.7G = 1.7G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, that token is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-51.00] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that token is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-52.48] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that token more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-53.24] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that token is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-54.17] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that token is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-55.86] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that token more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-56.51] <0.13> | | | |-[16.86] # 3 --- (0.54|0.54 s) <120:1290> {7335:1223} (8.9M 473.1M = 482.0M) [0]. | | | |-[17.43] # 4 --- (0.54|0.54 s) <120:1290> {7335:1223} (8.9M 473.1M = 482.0M) [0]. | | | |-[19.43] # 5 --- (1.40:0.90|1.40 s) <112:1203> {5939:1146} (8.5M 419.2M = 427.7M) [1]. | |-[20.30] # 3 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (24.3M 325.2M = 349.5M) [0]. | | | |-[24.31] # 0 --- 12 (3.44|0.00:3.43 s) <152:5609> {30680:5683} (56.8M 2.1G = 2.2G) [0]. | | |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-44.49] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-45.52] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-47.65] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-49.15] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu it is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-50.34] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-50.64] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-50.83] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu it is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-52.41] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu it more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-52.85] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu it is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-55.77] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-56.98] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu it more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-59.48] <0.13> | | | |-[25.00] # 1 --- (0.68|0.68 s) <144:1420> {9112:1342} (10.5M 553.9M = 564.4M) [0]. | |-[25.87] # 4 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (24.3M 325.1M = 349.4M) [0]. | | | |-[30.69] # 0 --- 12 (4.69:1.24|0.00:4.69 s) <152:5692> {28635:5746} (60.5M 2.2G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-46.62] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-47.65] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-49.77] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-50.53] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-50.93] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu that is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-51.72] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-52.96] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-53.79] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-53.97] <0.34> | | |From Trulsbu that is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-57.15] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-57.26] <0.13> | | |From Trulsbu that more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-60.59] <0.13> | | | |-[31.36] # 1 --- (0.66|0.66 s) <144:1417> {8541:1356} (10.4M 550.0M = 560.4M) [0]. | |< |Fra Trulsbu er det merket rute videre til Skjåk.| (740) --- 5 x 12 x 42 = 42 |> |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-44.49] <0.34> (3:0:0). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-45.52] <0.34> (3:0:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-46.62] <0.34> (4:0:0). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-47.65] <0.13> (3:0:2). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-47.65] <0.34> (4:0:1). |> |From Trulsbu it is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-49.15] <0.34> (3:0:3). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-49.77] <0.13> (4:0:2). |> |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-49.87] <0.13> (2:0:0). |> |From Trulsbu it is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-50.34] <0.34> (3:0:4). |> |From Trulsbu that is a marked route to Skjåk more widely.| [-50.53] <0.34> (4:0:3). |> |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-50.64] <0.34> (3:0:5). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-50.83] <0.13> (3:0:6). |> |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-50.93] <0.34> (4:0:4). |> |From Trulsbu, that token is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-51.00] <0.13> (2:2:0). |> |From Trulsbu, that mark is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-51.35] <0.13> (2:0:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-51.51] <0.13> (2:1:0). |> |From Trulsbu that is a marked route more widely to Skjåk.| [-51.72] <0.34> (4:0:5). |> |From Trulsbu that mark is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-52.20] <0.13> (2:0:2). |> |From Trulsbu it is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-52.41] <0.13> (3:0:7). |> |From Trulsbu, that token is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-52.48] <0.13> (2:2:1). |> |From Trulsbu it more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-52.85] <0.34> (3:0:8). |> |From Trulsbu, that is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-52.96] <0.13> (4:0:6). |> |From Trulsbu, that sign is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-52.98] <0.13> (2:1:1). |> |From Trulsbu, that mark more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-53.21] <0.13> (2:0:3). |> |From Trulsbu, that token more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-53.24] <0.13> (2:2:2). |> |From Trulsbu, that sign more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-53.72] <0.13> (2:1:2). |> |From Trulsbu that is a route marked more widely to Skjåk.| [-53.79] <0.13> (4:0:7). |> |From Trulsbu that mark is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-53.89] <0.13> (2:0:4). |> |From Trulsbu that more widely is a marked route to Skjåk.| [-53.97] <0.34> (4:0:8). |> |From Trulsbu that token is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-54.17] <0.13> (2:2:3). |> |From Trulsbu that sign is a route to Skjåk more widely.| [-55.22] <0.13> (2:1:3). |> |From Trulsbu it is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-55.77] <0.13> (3:0:9). |> |From Trulsbu that mark more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-55.79] <0.13> (2:0:5). |> |From Trulsbu that token is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-55.86] <0.13> (2:2:4). |> |From Trulsbu that token more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-56.51] <0.13> (2:2:5). |> |From Trulsbu that sign is a route more widely to Skjåk.| [-56.90] <0.13> (2:1:4). |> |From Trulsbu, it more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-56.98] <0.13> (3:0:10). |> |From Trulsbu that is a route marked to Skjåk more widely.| [-57.15] <0.13> (4:0:9). |> |From Trulsbu, that more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-57.26] <0.13> (4:0:10). |> |From Trulsbu that sign more widely is a route to Skjåk.| [-57.58] <0.13> (2:1:5). |> |From Trulsbu it more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-59.48] <0.13> (3:0:11). |> |From Trulsbu that more widely is a route marked to Skjåk.| [-60.59] <0.13> (4:0:11). |= 44:21 of 74 {59.5+28.4}; 29:3 of 44:21 {65.9 14.3}; 19:2 of 29:3 {65.5 66.7} @ 21 of 74 {28.4} <0.17 0.60>. [18:35:41] (750) |Derfra er det seks kilometer vei ned til dalen og kommunesenteret Bismo.| --- 6 (2.55|0.00:2.65 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.06] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_derfra_rel"|, |"measure_of_rel"|. | |-[4.12] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_derfra_rel"|, |"measure_of_rel"|. | |-[4.18] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_derfra_rel"|, |"measure_of_rel"|. | |-[4.32] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_derfra_rel"|, |"measure_of_rel"|. | |-[4.38] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_derfra_rel"|, |"measure_of_rel"|. | |-[4.44] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_derfra_rel"|, |"measure_of_rel"|. | |< |Derfra er det seks kilometer vei ned til dalen og kommunesenteret Bismo.| (750) --- 6 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 45:21 of 75 {60.0+28.0}; 29:3 of 45:21 {64.4 14.3}; 19:2 of 29:3 {65.5 66.7} @ 21 of 75 {28.0} <0.17 0.60>. [18:35:46] (760) |Alle rutene som er nevnt er beskrevet i Til fots i Norge.| --- ^4 (11.00|0.00:11.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[12.54] # 0 --- 1 (0.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (17.7M 216.5M = 234.2M) [0]. | | | |-[13.38] # 0 --- 1 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <39:1495> {6592:1377} (10.9M 795.8M = 806.7M) [0]. | | |... || ...| [27.10] <0.00> | |-[13.90] # 1 --- 1 (0.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (17.7M 216.3M = 234.0M) [0]. | | | |-[17.91] # 0 --- 120 (3.45|0.00:3.45 s) <39:3472> {17119:3670} (47.9M 2.2G = 2.3G) [0]. | | |Who all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [153.98] <0.24> | | |Which all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [151.97] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [149.01] <0.28> | | |That all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [147.77] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [147.77] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [146.82] <0.24> | | |Who all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [146.22] <0.11> | | |Who all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [145.57] <0.24> | | |Which all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [144.80] <0.24> | | |Which all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [144.22] <0.11> | | |Which all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [143.55] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [142.27] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.84] <0.28> | | |To who all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.27] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.14] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.14] <0.28> | | |That all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.67] <0.11> | | |That all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.67] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.61] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.61] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [140.59] <0.28> | | |Which all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [140.48] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [140.28] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.36] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.36] <0.24> | | |Who all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.09] <0.11> | | |To which all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [138.70] <0.28> | | |All of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [138.57] <0.36> | | |Which all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [138.49] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [137.86] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [137.85] <0.28> | | |Who all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [137.84] <0.11> | | |Which all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [137.09] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.75] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.75] <0.24> | | |Which all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.07] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [135.85] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [135.84] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.76] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.76] <0.24> | | |Who all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.36] <0.11> | | |To who all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.13] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.07] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.07] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [133.97] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [133.97] <0.28> | | |That all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [133.54] <0.11> | | |That all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [133.54] <0.11> | | |To who all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [133.44] <0.28> | | |To who all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.89] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.72] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.72] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.59] <0.11> | | |Who all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.38] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.34] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.34] <0.24> | | |That all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.29] <0.11> | | |That all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.29] <0.11> | | |All the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.12] <0.27> | | |To which all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [131.53] <0.28> | | |All of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [131.44] <0.36> | | |To which all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [131.01] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [130.86] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [130.86] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [130.62] <0.11> | | |To which all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [130.28] <0.28> | | |All of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [130.19] <0.36> | | |Who all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [130.00] <0.11> | | |To who all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [129.98] <0.14> | | |That all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [129.46] <0.11> | | |That all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [129.46] <0.11> | | |To that all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.86] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.86] <0.28> | | |To which all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.68] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [128.23] <0.11> | | |To who all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.01] <0.14> | | |All of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.61] <0.36> | | |That all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.49] <0.11> | | |That all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.49] <0.11> | | |To that all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [126.93] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [126.93] <0.14> | | |To which all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.69] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.44] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.44] <0.28> | | |To that all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [125.69] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [125.69] <0.14> | | |All of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.63] <0.36> | | |To who all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [125.62] <0.14> | | |That all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.10] <0.11> | | |That all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.10] <0.11> | | |All the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [125.02] <0.27> | | |To which all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [124.27] <0.28> | | |To which all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [123.87] <0.14> | | |All the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [123.78] <0.27> | | |To that all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [123.63] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [123.63] <0.14> | | |All of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [123.25] <0.36> | | |To which all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [122.63] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [121.66] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [121.66] <0.14> | | |To which all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [120.93] <0.14> | | |All the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [120.87] <0.27> | | |To that all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [119.27] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [119.27] <0.14> | | |To which all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [118.96] <0.14> | | |All the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [118.92] <0.27> | | |To which all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [116.57] <0.14> | | |All the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [116.57] <0.27> | | |All of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [104.53] <0.44> | | |All the routes who are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [98.20] <0.36> | | |All of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [97.43] <0.44> | | |All of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [96.73] <0.44> | | |All of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [96.20] <0.44> | | |All of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [94.78] <0.44> | | |All of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [92.43] <0.44> | | |All the routes that are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [91.14] <0.36> | | |All the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [90.29] <0.36> | | |All the routes which are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [89.91] <0.36> | | |All the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [88.37] <0.36> | | |All the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [86.05] <0.36> | |-[18.47] # 2 --- 1 (0.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:34> (17.7M 216.5M = 234.2M) [0]. | | | |-[20.47] # 0 --- 1 (1.05|0.00:1.05 s) <43:1523> {6672:1401} (10.9M 796.4M = 807.3M) [0]. | | |... || ...| [27.10] <0.00> | |-[20.99] # 3 --- 1 (0.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:34> (17.7M 216.5M = 234.2M) [0]. | | | |-[27.00] # 0 --- 120 (5.13:1.15|0.00:5.13 s) <43:3500> {17199:3694} (48.1M 2.3G = 2.3G) [1]. | | |Who all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [153.98] <0.24> | | |Which all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [151.97] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [149.01] <0.28> | | |That all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [147.77] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [147.77] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [146.82] <0.24> | | |Who all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [146.22] <0.11> | | |Who all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [145.57] <0.24> | | |Which all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [144.80] <0.24> | | |Which all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [144.22] <0.11> | | |Which all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [143.55] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [142.27] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.84] <0.28> | | |To who all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.27] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.14] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.14] <0.28> | | |That all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.67] <0.11> | | |That all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.67] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.61] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.61] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [140.59] <0.28> | | |Which all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [140.48] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [140.28] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.36] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.36] <0.24> | | |Who all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.09] <0.11> | | |To which all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [138.70] <0.28> | | |All of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [138.57] <0.36> | | |Which all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [138.49] <0.24> | | |Who all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [137.86] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [137.85] <0.28> | | |Who all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [137.84] <0.11> | | |Which all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [137.09] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.75] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.75] <0.24> | | |Which all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.07] <0.24> | | |To who all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [135.85] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [135.84] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.76] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.76] <0.24> | | |Who all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.36] <0.11> | | |To who all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.13] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.07] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.07] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [133.97] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [133.97] <0.28> | | |That all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [133.54] <0.11> | | |That all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [133.54] <0.11> | | |To who all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [133.44] <0.28> | | |To who all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.89] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.72] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.72] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.59] <0.11> | | |Who all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.38] <0.11> | | |That all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.34] <0.24> | | |That all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.34] <0.24> | | |That all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.29] <0.11> | | |That all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.29] <0.11> | | |All the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.12] <0.27> | | |To which all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [131.53] <0.28> | | |All of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [131.44] <0.36> | | |To which all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [131.01] <0.14> | | |To that all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [130.86] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [130.86] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [130.62] <0.11> | | |To which all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [130.28] <0.28> | | |All of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [130.19] <0.36> | | |Who all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [130.00] <0.11> | | |To who all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [129.98] <0.14> | | |That all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [129.46] <0.11> | | |That all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [129.46] <0.11> | | |To that all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.86] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.86] <0.28> | | |To which all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.68] <0.28> | | |Which all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [128.23] <0.11> | | |To who all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.01] <0.14> | | |All of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.61] <0.36> | | |That all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.49] <0.11> | | |That all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.49] <0.11> | | |To that all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [126.93] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [126.93] <0.14> | | |To which all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.69] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.44] <0.28> | | |To that all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.44] <0.28> | | |To that all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [125.69] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [125.69] <0.14> | | |All of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.63] <0.36> | | |To who all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [125.62] <0.14> | | |That all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.10] <0.11> | | |That all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.10] <0.11> | | |All the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [125.02] <0.27> | | |To which all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [124.27] <0.28> | | |To which all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [123.87] <0.14> | | |All the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [123.78] <0.27> | | |To that all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [123.63] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [123.63] <0.14> | | |All of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [123.25] <0.36> | | |To which all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [122.63] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [121.66] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [121.66] <0.14> | | |To which all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [120.93] <0.14> | | |All the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [120.87] <0.27> | | |To that all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [119.27] <0.14> | | |To that all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [119.27] <0.14> | | |To which all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [118.96] <0.14> | | |All the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [118.92] <0.27> | | |To which all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [116.57] <0.14> | | |All the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [116.57] <0.27> | | |All of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [104.53] <0.44> | | |All the routes who are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [98.20] <0.36> | | |All of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [97.43] <0.44> | | |All of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [96.73] <0.44> | | |All of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [96.20] <0.44> | | |All of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [94.78] <0.44> | | |All of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [92.43] <0.44> | | |All the routes that are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [91.14] <0.36> | | |All the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [90.29] <0.36> | | |All the routes which are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [89.91] <0.36> | | |All the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [88.37] <0.36> | | |All the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [86.05] <0.36> | |< |Alle rutene som er nevnt er beskrevet i Til fots i Norge.| (760) --- 4 x 4 x 242 = 97 [242] |> |Who all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [153.98] <0.24> (1:0:0). |> |Which all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [151.97] <0.24> (1:0:1). |> |To who all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [149.01] <0.28> (1:0:2). |> |That all of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [147.77] <0.24> (1:0:3). |> |Who all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [146.82] <0.24> (1:0:5). |> |Who all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [146.22] <0.11> (1:0:6). |> |Who all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [145.57] <0.24> (1:0:7). |> |Which all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [144.80] <0.24> (1:0:8). |> |Which all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [144.22] <0.11> (1:0:9). |> |Which all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [143.55] <0.24> (1:0:10). |> |Who all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [142.27] <0.24> (1:0:11). |> |To who all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.84] <0.28> (1:0:12). |> |To who all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.27] <0.14> (1:0:13). |> |To that all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [141.14] <0.28> (1:0:14). |> |That all the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.67] <0.11> (1:0:16). |> |That all of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [140.61] <0.24> (1:0:18). |> |To who all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [140.59] <0.28> (1:0:20). |> |Which all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [140.48] <0.24> (1:0:21). |> |Who all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [140.28] <0.24> (1:0:22). |> |That all of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.36] <0.24> (1:0:23). |> |Who all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [139.09] <0.11> (1:0:25). |> |To which all of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [138.70] <0.28> (1:0:26). |> |All of the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [138.57] <0.36> (1:0:27). |> |Which all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [138.49] <0.24> (1:0:28). |> |Who all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [137.86] <0.24> (1:0:29). |> |To who all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [137.85] <0.28> (1:0:30). |> |Who all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [137.84] <0.11> (1:0:31). |> |Which all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [137.09] <0.11> (1:0:32). |> |That all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.75] <0.24> (1:0:33). |> |Which all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [136.07] <0.24> (1:0:35). |> |To who all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [135.85] <0.28> (1:0:36). |> |Which all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [135.84] <0.11> (1:0:37). |> |That all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.76] <0.24> (1:0:38). |> |Who all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [134.36] <0.11> (1:0:40). |> |To who all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.13] <0.14> (1:0:41). |> |To that all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [134.07] <0.14> (1:0:42). |> |To that all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [133.97] <0.28> (1:0:44). |> |That all the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [133.54] <0.11> (1:0:46). |> |To who all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [133.44] <0.28> (1:0:48). |> |To who all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.89] <0.14> (1:0:49). |> |To that all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [132.72] <0.28> (1:0:50). |> |Which all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.59] <0.11> (1:0:52). |> |Who all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.38] <0.11> (1:0:53). |> |That all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [132.34] <0.24> (1:0:54). |> |That all the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.29] <0.11> (1:0:56). |> |All the routes who are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [132.12] <0.27> (1:0:58). |> |To which all of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [131.53] <0.28> (1:0:59). |> |All of the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [131.44] <0.36> (1:0:60). |> |To which all the routes who are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [131.01] <0.14> (1:0:61). |> |To that all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [130.86] <0.28> (1:0:62). |> |Which all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [130.62] <0.11> (1:0:64). |> |To which all of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [130.28] <0.28> (1:0:65). |> |All of the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [130.19] <0.36> (1:0:66). |> |Who all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [130.00] <0.11> (1:0:67). |> |To who all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [129.98] <0.14> (1:0:68). |> |That all the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [129.46] <0.11> (1:0:69). |> |To that all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.86] <0.28> (1:0:71). |> |To which all of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.68] <0.28> (1:0:73). |> |Which all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [128.23] <0.11> (1:0:74). |> |To who all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [128.01] <0.14> (1:0:75). |> |All of the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.61] <0.36> (1:0:76). |> |That all the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [127.49] <0.11> (1:0:77). |> |To that all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [126.93] <0.14> (1:0:79). |> |To which all of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.69] <0.28> (1:0:81). |> |To that all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [126.44] <0.28> (1:0:82). |> |To that all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [125.69] <0.14> (1:0:84). |> |All of the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.63] <0.36> (1:0:86). |> |To who all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [125.62] <0.14> (1:0:87). |> |That all the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [125.10] <0.11> (1:0:88). |> |All the routes that are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [125.02] <0.27> (1:0:90). |> |To which all of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [124.27] <0.28> (1:0:91). |> |To which all the routes that are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [123.87] <0.14> (1:0:92). |> |All the routes which are mentioned are described to in Til || ...| [123.78] <0.27> (1:0:93). |> |To that all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [123.63] <0.14> (1:0:94). |> |All of the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [123.25] <0.36> (1:0:96). |> |To which all the routes which are mentioned are described in Til || ...| [122.63] <0.14> (1:0:97). |> |To that all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [121.66] <0.14> (1:0:98). |> |To which all the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [120.93] <0.14> (1:0:100). |> |All the routes, that are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [120.87] <0.27> (1:0:101). |> |To that all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [119.27] <0.14> (1:0:102). |> |To which all the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [118.96] <0.14> (1:0:104). |> |All the routes, who are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [118.92] <0.27> (1:0:105). |> |To which all the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til || ...| [116.57] <0.14> (1:0:106). |> |All the routes, which are mentioned, are described to in Til || ...| [116.57] <0.27> (1:0:107). |> |All of the routes who are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [104.53] <0.44> (1:0:108). |> |All the routes who are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [98.20] <0.36> (1:0:109). |> |All of the routes that are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [97.43] <0.44> (1:0:110). |> |All of the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [96.73] <0.44> (1:0:111). |> |All of the routes which are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [96.20] <0.44> (1:0:112). |> |All of the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [94.78] <0.44> (1:0:113). |> |All of the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [92.43] <0.44> (1:0:114). |> |All the routes that are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [91.14] <0.36> (1:0:115). |> |All the routes, that are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [90.29] <0.36> (1:0:116). |> |All the routes which are mentioned are described in Til. || ...| [89.91] <0.36> (1:0:117). |> |All the routes, who are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [88.37] <0.36> (1:0:118). |> |All the routes, which are mentioned, are described in Til. || ...| [86.05] <0.36> (1:0:119). |> |... || ...| [27.10] <0.00> (0:0:0). |= 45:22 of 76 {59.2+28.9}; 29:4 of 45:22 {64.4 18.2}; 19:3 of 29:4 {65.5 75.0} @ 22 of 76 {28.9} <0.17 0.59>. [18:36:13] (770) |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 t.| --- ^1 (0.14|0.00:0.13 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.18] # 0 --- 3 (0.55|0.00:0.00 s) <:95> (14.9M 194.8M = 209.6M) [1]. | | | |-[1.36] # 0 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 58.7M = 60.8M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four hours| [39.80] <0.27> | | | |-[1.75] # 1 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.2M = 57.3M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four lessons| [47.58] <0.24> | | | |-[2.13] # 2 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.3M) [0]. | | |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four appointments| [48.90] <0.24> | |< |Turtagrø - Stølsdalen, 4 t.| (770) --- 1 x 3 x 3 = 3 |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four appointments| [48.90] <0.24> (0:2:0). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four lessons| [47.58] <0.24> (0:1:0). |> |Turtagrø || Stølsdalen || Four hours| [39.80] <0.27> (0:0:0). |= 45:23 of 77 {58.4+29.9}; 29:5 of 45:23 {64.4 21.7}; 19:4 of 29:5 {65.5 80.0} @ 23 of 77 {29.9} <0.17 0.58>. [18:36:15] (780) |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t.| --- ^3 [4] (0.28|0.00:0.30 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.51] # 0 --- 3 (0.49|0.00:0.00 s) <:96> (15.0M 196.9M = 211.9M) [0]. | | | |-[2.70] # 0 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 58.6M = 60.8M) [0]. | | |Stølsdal || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| [41.13] <0.17> | | | |-[3.09] # 1 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsdal || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| [47.95] <0.14> | | | |-[3.47] # 2 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.4M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsdal || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| [52.96] <0.14> | |-[3.97] # 1 --- 3 (0.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:95> (14.9M 194.4M = 209.3M) [0]. | | | |-[4.15] # 0 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 57.7M = 59.8M) [0]. | | |Stølsdalen || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| [41.13] <0.27> | | | |-[4.53] # 1 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.3M = 57.4M) [0]. | | |Stølsdalen || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| [47.95] <0.24> | | | |-[4.91] # 2 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:83> {100:56} (2.1M 55.4M = 57.5M) [0]. | | |Stølsdalen || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| [52.96] <0.24> | |-[4.94] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_støl_n_rel"|. | |< |Stølsdalen - Nørdstedalseter, 6 t.| (780) --- 3 x 6 x 6 = 6 |> |Stølsdalen || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| [52.96] <0.24> (1:2:0). |> |Stølsdal || Nørdstedalseter || Six appointments| [52.96] <0.14> (0:2:0). |> |Stølsdalen || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| [47.95] <0.24> (1:1:0). |> |Stølsdal || Nørdstedalseter || Six lessons| [47.95] <0.14> (0:1:0). |> |Stølsdalen || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| [41.13] <0.27> (1:0:0). |> |Stølsdal || Nørdstedalseter || Six hours| [41.13] <0.17> (0:0:0). |= 45:24 of 78 {57.7+30.8}; 29:6 of 45:24 {64.4 25.0}; 19:5 of 29:6 {65.5 83.3} @ 24 of 78 {30.8} <0.17 0.56>. [18:36:20] (790) |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 t.| --- ^1 (0.16|0.00:0.17 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.75] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"cardinterval_rel"|. | |< |Trulsbu - Bøvertun, 7-8 t.| (790) --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 45:25 of 79 {57.0+31.6}; 29:6 of 45:25 {64.4 24.0}; 19:5 of 29:6 {65.5 83.3} @ 24 of 79 {30.4} <0.17 0.56>. [18:36:21] (800) |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 t.| --- ^1 (0.11|0.00:0.10 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.16] # 0 --- 3 (0.48|0.00:0.00 s) <:94> (14.7M 195.8M = 210.5M) [0]. | | | |-[1.34] # 0 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:70> {91:49} (2.2M 62.5M = 64.7M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven hours| [41.78] <0.24> | | | |-[1.73] # 1 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:70> {91:49} (2.1M 59.2M = 61.3M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven lessons| [49.43] <0.20> | | | |-[2.07] # 2 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <9:70> {91:49} (2.1M 59.2M = 61.4M) [0]. | | |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven appointments| [49.86] <0.20> | |< |Trulsbu - Sota, 7 t.| (800) --- 1 x 3 x 3 = 3 |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven appointments| [49.86] <0.20> (0:2:0). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven lessons| [49.43] <0.20> (0:1:0). |> |Trulsbu || /sota/ || Seven hours| [41.78] <0.24> (0:0:0). |= 45:26 of 80 {56.2+32.5}; 29:7 of 45:26 {64.4 26.9}; 19:6 of 29:7 {65.5 85.7} @ 25 of 80 {31.2} <0.17 0.55>. [18:36:23] (810) |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (om Illvatnet), 8 t.| --- ^4 [34] (1.14|0.00:1.61 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.86] # 0 --- 3 (0.84|0.00:0.00 s) <:225> (40.3M 329.6M = 370.0M) [1]. | | | |-[4.99] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |title_id_rel|. | | | |-[5.10] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |title_id_rel|. | | | |-[5.21] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |title_id_rel|. | |-[7.22] # 6 --- 6 (1.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:257> (70.8M 500.9M = 571.7M) [0]. | | | |-[7.36] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[7.50] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[7.63] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[7.74] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[7.85] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[7.95] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | |-[9.96] # 18 --- 3 (1.09|0.00:0.00 s) <:250> (65.7M 434.5M = 500.2M) [1]. | | | |-[10.06] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[10.16] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[10.27] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | |-[12.27] # 26 --- 9 (1.38|0.00:0.00 s) <:292> (79.5M 572.3M = 651.8M) [1]. | | | |-[12.39] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[12.50] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[12.62] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[12.73] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[12.85] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[12.96] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[13.07] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[13.19] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | | | |-[13.30] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |compound_rel|. | |< |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (om Illvatnet), 8 t.| (810) --- 4 x 21 x 0 = 0 |= 45:27 of 81 {55.6+33.3}; 29:8 of 45:27 {64.4 29.6}; 19:6 of 29:8 {65.5 75.0} @ 25 of 81 {30.9} <0.17 0.55>. [18:36:36] (820) |Turtagrø (må sjekkes pga. brann), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_sote_v_rel|. | |< |Turtagrø (må sjekkes pga. brann), Stølsdalen, Trulsbu, Sota Sæter.| (820) --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 45:27 of 82 {54.9+32.9}; 29:8 of 45:27 {64.4 29.6}; 19:6 of 29:8 {65.5 75.0} @ 25 of 82 {30.5} <0.17 0.55>. [18:36:42] (830) |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.42] # 0 --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.00 s) <:5> (5.8M 96.7M = 102.5M) [0]. | | | |-[0.51] # 0 --- 1 (0.07|0.00:0.07 s) <13:83> {156:63} (1.7M 49.9M = 51.7M) [0]. | | |Communications.| [-6.63] <1.00> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| (830) --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |> |Communications.| [-6.63] <1.00> (0:0:0). |= 46:27 of 83 {55.4+32.5}; 30:8 of 46:27 {65.2 29.6}; 20:6 of 30:8 {66.7 75.0} @ 26 of 83 {31.3} <0.18 0.57>. [18:36:42] (840) |Bilvei til Nørdstedalseter og Sota Sæter.| --- 2 [60] (0.30|0.00:0.70 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.01] # 2 --- 4 (1.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (40.5M 567.8M = 608.3M) [0]. | | | |-[4.24] # 0 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <41:211> {770:147} (4.3M 116.3M = 120.6M) [0]. | | |A motor road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-35.06] <0.36> | | | |-[4.60] # 1 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <33:155> {651:91} (4.0M 112.7M = 116.6M) [0]. | | | |-[4.95] # 2 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <36:136> {450:96} (3.3M 87.4M = 90.7M) [0]. | | |A road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-32.37] <0.43> | | | |-[5.30] # 3 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <28:100> {388:60} (3.1M 86.7M = 89.8M) [0]. | |-[7.38] # 6 --- 4 (2.04|0.00:0.00 s) <:58> (40.5M 568.1M = 608.7M) [1]. | | | |-[7.65] # 0 --- 2 (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <41:257> {1096:199} (4.7M 124.8M = 129.6M) [0]. | | |A motor road, to Nørdstedalseter, and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-33.24] <0.36> | | |A motor road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-33.59] <0.36> | | | |-[8.01] # 1 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <33:232> {948:133} (4.1M 119.2M = 123.3M) [0]. | | | |-[8.37] # 2 --- 2 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <36:180> {666:133} (3.5M 93.0M = 96.6M) [0]. | | |A road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-30.90] <0.43> | | |A road, to Nørdstedalseter, and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-31.21] <0.43> | | | |-[8.72] # 3 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <28:163> {578:92} (3.2M 90.9M = 94.1M) [0]. | |< |Bilvei til Nørdstedalseter og Sota Sæter.| (840) --- 2 x 8 x 6 = 4 [6] |> |A road, to Nørdstedalseter, and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-31.21] <0.43> (6:2:1). |> |A road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-32.37] <0.43> (2:2:0). |> |A motor road, to Nørdstedalseter, and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-33.24] <0.36> (6:0:0). |> |A motor road to Nørdstedalseter and /sota_sæter/| {42} [-35.06] <0.36> (2:0:0). |= 47:27 of 84 {56.0+32.1}; 31:8 of 47:27 {66.0 29.6}; 21:6 of 31:8 {67.7 75.0} @ 27 of 84 {32.1} <0.18 0.56>.