;;; ;;; `logon/jhu.naked/07-02-02' ;;; fan-out batch (mysql@ps.titan.uio.no; 2-feb-2007 (00:40 h)). ;;; [00:40:17] |Stort sett er nok ikke fiskefangstene som de engang var.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_var_n_rel|, |_var_a_rel|, |_fiskefangst_n_rel|, |_nok_a_rel|. | |< |Stort sett er nok ikke fiskefangstene som de engang var.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 0:0 of 1 {0.0+0.0}; 0:0 of 0:0 {0.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 0:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 1 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [00:40:33] |Kom som du er - og gå når du vil| --- 1 [2] (0.41|0.00:0.44 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.97] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: "_root-ville_v_rel". | |< |Kom som du er - og gå når du vil| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 2 {50.0+0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 0:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 2 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [00:40:38] |Det unike med turisthyttene i fjellet er at du ikke trenger bestille plass på forhånd, og at du ikke blir avvist om det er aldri så fullt.| --- (27.23|27.23 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Det unike med turisthyttene i fjellet er at du ikke trenger bestille plass på forhånd, og at du ikke blir avvist om det er aldri så fullt.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 3 {33.3+0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 0:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 3 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [00:41:07] |Hvis alle sengene er opptatt, får du allikevel en plass, om ikke annet så på en madrass i en krok.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_madrass_n_rel|, |_om_n_rel|, |_opptatt_a_rel|. | |< |Hvis alle sengene er opptatt, får du allikevel en plass, om ikke annet så på en madrass i en krok.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 4 {25.0+0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 0:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 4 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [00:41:31] |Det varierer om du får maten servert eller om du må ha den med i sekken og lage den selv i kjøkkenkroken på hytta, men noe i maven blir det uansett også en råd med.| --- (89.20|89.20 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Det varierer om du får maten servert eller om du må ha den med i sekken og lage den selv i kjøkkenkroken på hytta, men noe i maven blir det uansett også en råd med.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 1:0 of 5 {20.0+0.0}; 0:0 of 1:0 {0.0 0.0}; 0:0 of 0:0 {0.0 0.0} @ 0 of 5 {0.0} <0.00 0.00>. [00:43:04] |Dette gir en enestående frihet.| --- 16 (0.31|0.00:0.37 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[5.73] # 0 --- 18 (4.76:0.31|0.00:0.00 s) <:34> (89.9M 1.3G = 1.4G) [2]. | | | |-[6.53] # 0 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <109:237> {884:335} (9.9M 118.1M = 128.0M) [1]. | | |This gives one an exceptional freedom.| [0.10] <0.21> | | |This gives an exceptional freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.17> | | | |-[6.95] # 1 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <109:162> {497:199} (9.5M 95.9M = 105.3M) [1]. | | | |-[7.36] # 2 --- 2 (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <109:237> {884:335} (9.7M 107.8M = 117.5M) [1]. | | |This gives one an exceptional liberty.| [0.10] <0.19> | | |This gives an exceptional liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.15> | | | |-[7.78] # 3 --- 2 (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <101:219> {861:327} (8.7M 102.7M = 111.4M) [1]. | | |This gives one an outstanding freedom.| [0.10] <0.21> | | |This gives an outstanding freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.17> | | | |-[8.18] # 4 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <101:144> {474:191} (8.5M 90.8M = 99.3M) [1]. | | | |-[8.57] # 5 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <101:219> {861:327} (8.7M 102.2M = 110.9M) [1]. | | |This gives one an outstanding liberty.| [0.10] <0.19> | | |This gives an outstanding liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.15> | | | |-[8.96] # 6 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <109:233> {876:335} (9.4M 107.7M = 117.1M) [1]. | | |This gives one a wonderful freedom.| [0.09] <0.23> | | |This gives a wonderful freedom to one.| [-0.13] <0.18> | | | |-[9.29] # 7 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <109:158> {489:199} (9.2M 94.9M = 104.1M) [1]. | | | |-[9.67] # 8 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <109:233> {876:335} (9.4M 106.8M = 116.2M) [1]. | | |This gives one a wonderful liberty.| [0.09] <0.21> | | |This gives a wonderful liberty to one.| [-0.13] <0.17> | | | |-[10.09] # 9 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <109:237> {884:335} (11.1M 111.1M = 122.2M) [1]. | | |This provides one an exceptional freedom.| [0.10] <0.11> | | |This provides an exceptional freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.08> | | | |-[10.53] # 10 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <109:162> {497:199} (10.8M 96.0M = 106.8M) [1]. | | | |-[10.96] # 11 --- 2 (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <109:237> {884:335} (11.0M 108.0M = 119.1M) [1]. | | |This provides one an exceptional liberty.| [0.10] <0.09> | | |This provides an exceptional liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.07> | | | |-[11.39] # 12 --- 2 (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <101:219> {861:327} (10.0M 102.8M = 112.8M) [1]. | | |This provides one an outstanding freedom.| [0.10] <0.11> | | |This provides an outstanding freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.08> | | | |-[11.80] # 13 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <101:144> {474:191} (9.8M 91.4M = 101.1M) [1]. | | | |-[12.21] # 14 --- 2 (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <101:219> {861:327} (10.0M 102.8M = 112.8M) [1]. | | |This provides one an outstanding liberty.| [0.10] <0.09> | | |This provides an outstanding liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.07> | | | |-[12.61] # 15 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <109:233> {876:335} (10.8M 107.3M = 118.1M) [1]. | | |This provides one a wonderful freedom.| [0.09] <0.12> | | |This provides a wonderful freedom to one.| [-0.13] <0.09> | | | |-[13.03] # 16 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <109:158> {489:199} (10.5M 95.5M = 106.0M) [1]. | | | |-[13.44] # 17 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <109:233> {876:335} (10.8M 107.3M = 118.1M) [1]. | | |This provides one a wonderful liberty.| [0.09] <0.11> | | |This provides a wonderful liberty to one.| [-0.13] <0.08> | |-[17.79] # 1 --- 18 (4.31:0.14|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (84.9M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[18.17] # 0 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <105:171> {466:221} (8.4M 84.2M = 92.5M) [1]. | | | |-[18.56] # 1 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <105:139> {361:166} (8.5M 80.7M = 89.1M) [1]. | | | |-[18.94] # 2 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <105:171> {466:221} (8.4M 84.2M = 92.5M) [1]. | | | |-[19.36] # 3 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <97:153> {443:213} (7.4M 79.5M = 86.9M) [1]. | | | |-[19.74] # 4 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <97:121> {338:158} (7.5M 76.3M = 83.8M) [1]. | | | |-[20.10] # 5 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <97:153> {443:213} (7.4M 79.5M = 86.9M) [1]. | | | |-[20.41] # 6 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:167> {458:221} (8.1M 83.6M = 91.7M) [1]. | | | |-[20.71] # 7 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <105:135> {353:166} (8.2M 80.2M = 88.4M) [1]. | | | |-[21.01] # 8 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:167> {458:221} (8.1M 83.6M = 91.7M) [1]. | | | |-[21.31] # 9 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <105:171> {466:221} (9.7M 84.7M = 94.4M) [1]. | | | |-[21.61] # 10 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <105:139> {361:166} (9.8M 81.2M = 91.0M) [1]. | | | |-[21.91] # 11 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:171> {466:221} (9.7M 84.7M = 94.4M) [1]. | | | |-[22.28] # 12 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <97:153> {443:213} (8.7M 80.1M = 88.8M) [1]. | | | |-[22.59] # 13 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <97:121> {338:158} (8.8M 76.9M = 85.7M) [1]. | | | |-[22.88] # 14 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <97:153> {443:213} (8.7M 80.1M = 88.8M) [1]. | | | |-[23.18] # 15 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:167> {458:221} (9.4M 84.2M = 93.6M) [1]. | | | |-[23.48] # 16 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <105:135> {353:166} (9.5M 80.7M = 90.3M) [1]. | | | |-[23.78] # 17 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:167> {458:221} (9.4M 84.2M = 93.6M) [1]. | |-[30.24] # 2 --- 18 (6.35:2.56|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (89.9M 1.3G = 1.4G) [2]. | | | |-[30.65] # 0 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <109:176> {527:227} (9.3M 97.1M = 106.4M) [1]. | | | |-[31.04] # 1 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <109:148> {433:184} (9.4M 93.7M = 103.2M) [1]. | | | |-[31.44] # 2 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <109:176> {527:227} (9.3M 97.1M = 106.4M) [1]. | | | |-[31.84] # 3 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <101:158> {496:215} (8.3M 92.2M = 100.5M) [1]. | | | |-[32.21] # 4 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <101:130> {410:176} (8.4M 89.2M = 97.7M) [1]. | | | |-[32.59] # 5 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <101:158> {496:215} (8.3M 92.2M = 100.5M) [1]. | | | |-[32.96] # 6 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <109:172> {511:223} (9.0M 96.5M = 105.6M) [1]. | | | |-[33.31] # 7 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <109:144> {425:184} (9.2M 93.2M = 102.4M) [1]. | | | |-[33.62] # 8 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <109:172> {511:223} (9.0M 96.5M = 105.5M) [1]. | | | |-[33.94] # 9 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <109:176> {527:227} (10.7M 97.7M = 108.3M) [1]. | | | |-[34.28] # 10 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <109:148> {433:184} (10.8M 94.3M = 105.0M) [1]. | | | |-[34.60] # 11 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <109:176> {527:227} (10.7M 97.7M = 108.3M) [1]. | | | |-[34.90] # 12 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <101:158> {496:215} (9.6M 92.8M = 102.4M) [1]. | | | |-[35.20] # 13 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <101:130> {410:176} (9.8M 89.8M = 99.6M) [1]. | | | |-[35.50] # 14 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <101:158> {496:215} (9.6M 92.8M = 102.4M) [1]. | | | |-[35.82] # 15 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <109:172> {511:223} (10.4M 97.1M = 107.4M) [1]. | | | |-[36.12] # 16 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <109:144> {425:184} (10.5M 93.8M = 104.3M) [1]. | | | |-[36.43] # 17 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <109:172> {511:223} (10.4M 97.1M = 107.4M) [1]. | |-[40.44] # 3 --- 18 (3.71|0.00:0.00 s) <:32> (84.8M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[40.78] # 0 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:164> {408:200} (8.3M 83.3M = 91.7M) [1]. | | | |-[41.14] # 1 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:136> {322:159} (8.5M 80.2M = 88.7M) [1]. | | | |-[41.50] # 2 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:164> {408:200} (8.3M 83.3M = 91.7M) [1]. | | | |-[41.85] # 3 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <97:146> {377:188} (7.3M 78.6M = 85.9M) [1]. | | | |-[42.19] # 4 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <97:118> {299:151} (7.5M 75.9M = 83.4M) [1]. | | | |-[42.51] # 5 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <97:146> {377:188} (7.3M 78.6M = 85.9M) [1]. | | | |-[42.84] # 6 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <105:160> {392:196} (8.0M 82.8M = 90.8M) [1]. | | | |-[43.16] # 7 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:132> {314:159} (8.2M 79.8M = 88.0M) [1]. | | | |-[43.57] # 8 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:160> {392:196} (8.0M 82.8M = 90.8M) [1]. | | | |-[43.87] # 9 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:164> {408:200} (9.7M 83.9M = 93.5M) [1]. | | | |-[44.17] # 10 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <105:136> {322:159} (9.8M 80.8M = 90.6M) [1]. | | | |-[44.47] # 11 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <105:164> {408:200} (9.7M 83.9M = 93.5M) [1]. | | | |-[44.76] # 12 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <97:146> {377:188} (8.7M 79.2M = 87.8M) [1]. | | | |-[45.06] # 13 --- (0.14|0.14 s) <97:118> {299:151} (8.8M 76.5M = 85.2M) [1]. | | | |-[45.36] # 14 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <97:146> {377:188} (8.7M 79.2M = 87.8M) [1]. | | | |-[45.67] # 15 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:160> {392:196} (9.4M 83.3M = 92.7M) [1]. | | | |-[45.97] # 16 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <105:132> {314:159} (9.5M 80.3M = 89.8M) [1]. | | | |-[46.27] # 17 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:160> {392:196} (9.4M 83.3M = 92.7M) [1]. | |-[50.28] # 4 --- 18 (3.70|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (79.6M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[50.63] # 0 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:181> {997:384} (9.1M 92.8M = 101.9M) [1]. | | |This gives one exceptional freedom.| [-0.08] <0.29> | | |This gives one, exceptional freedom.| [-0.51] <0.29> | | |This gives exceptional, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> | | |This gives exceptional one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> | | | |-[50.99] # 1 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:181> {997:384} (9.3M 92.8M = 102.1M) [1]. | | |This gives one exceptional independence.| [-0.08] <0.26> | | |This gives one, exceptional independence.| [-0.51] <0.26> | | |This gives exceptional, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | |This gives exceptional one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | | |-[51.34] # 2 --- 4 [5] (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <97:181> {997:384} (9.1M 92.8M = 101.9M) [1]. | | |This gives one exceptional liberty.| [-0.08] <0.26> | | |This gives one, exceptional liberty.| [-0.51] <0.26> | | |This gives exceptional, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | |This gives exceptional one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | | |-[51.69] # 3 --- 4 [5] (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <89:163> {974:376} (8.1M 88.0M = 96.1M) [1]. | | |This gives one outstanding freedom.| [-0.08] <0.29> | | |This gives one, outstanding freedom.| [-0.51] <0.29> | | |This gives outstanding, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> | | |This gives outstanding one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> | | | |-[52.10] # 4 --- 4 [5] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <89:163> {974:376} (8.3M 88.1M = 96.4M) [1]. | | |This gives one outstanding independence.| [-0.08] <0.26> | | |This gives one, outstanding independence.| [-0.51] <0.26> | | |This gives outstanding, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | |This gives outstanding one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | | |-[52.51] # 5 --- 4 [5] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <89:163> {974:376} (8.1M 88.0M = 96.1M) [1]. | | |This gives one outstanding liberty.| [-0.08] <0.26> | | |This gives one, outstanding liberty.| [-0.51] <0.26> | | |This gives outstanding, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | |This gives outstanding one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> | | | |-[52.92] # 6 --- 4 [5] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <97:177> {989:384} (8.8M 92.2M = 101.0M) [1]. | | |This gives one wonderful freedom.| [-0.05] <0.29> | | |This gives one, wonderful freedom.| [-0.48] <0.29> | | |This gives wonderful one freedom.| [-0.56] <0.29> | | |This gives wonderful, one freedom.| [-0.63] <0.29> | | | |-[53.33] # 7 --- 4 [5] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <97:177> {989:384} (9.0M 92.2M = 101.3M) [1]. | | |This gives one wonderful independence.| [-0.05] <0.26> | | |This gives one, wonderful independence.| [-0.48] <0.26> | | |This gives wonderful one independence.| [-0.56] <0.26> | | |This gives wonderful, one independence.| [-0.63] <0.26> | | | |-[53.71] # 8 --- 4 [5] (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <97:177> {989:384} (8.8M 92.2M = 101.0M) [1]. | | |This gives one wonderful liberty.| [-0.05] <0.26> | | |This gives one, wonderful liberty.| [-0.48] <0.26> | | |This gives wonderful one liberty.| [-0.56] <0.26> | | |This gives wonderful, one liberty.| [-0.63] <0.26> | | | |-[54.06] # 9 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:181> {997:384} (10.4M 93.3M = 103.7M) [1]. | | |This provides one exceptional freedom.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This provides one, exceptional freedom.| [-0.51] <0.15> | | |This provides exceptional, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> | | |This provides exceptional one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> | | | |-[54.42] # 10 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:181> {997:384} (10.6M 93.3M = 104.0M) [1]. | | |This provides one exceptional independence.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This provides one, exceptional independence.| [-0.51] <0.13> | | |This provides exceptional, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | |This provides exceptional one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | | |-[54.77] # 11 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:181> {997:384} (10.4M 93.3M = 103.7M) [1]. | | |This provides one exceptional liberty.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This provides one, exceptional liberty.| [-0.51] <0.13> | | |This provides exceptional, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | |This provides exceptional one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | | |-[55.12] # 12 --- 4 [5] (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <89:163> {974:376} (9.4M 88.6M = 98.0M) [1]. | | |This provides one outstanding freedom.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This provides one, outstanding freedom.| [-0.51] <0.15> | | |This provides outstanding, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> | | |This provides outstanding one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> | | | |-[55.47] # 13 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <89:163> {974:376} (9.6M 88.6M = 98.2M) [1]. | | |This provides one outstanding independence.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This provides one, outstanding independence.| [-0.51] <0.13> | | |This provides outstanding, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | |This provides outstanding one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | | |-[55.81] # 14 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <89:163> {974:376} (9.4M 88.6M = 98.0M) [1]. | | |This provides one outstanding liberty.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This provides one, outstanding liberty.| [-0.51] <0.13> | | |This provides outstanding, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | |This provides outstanding one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> | | | |-[56.17] # 15 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:177> {989:384} (10.2M 92.7M = 102.9M) [1]. | | |This provides one wonderful freedom.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This provides one, wonderful freedom.| [-0.48] <0.15> | | |This provides wonderful one freedom.| [-0.56] <0.15> | | |This provides wonderful, one freedom.| [-0.63] <0.15> | | | |-[56.52] # 16 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:177> {989:384} (10.4M 92.8M = 103.1M) [1]. | | |This provides one wonderful independence.| [-0.05] <0.13> | | |This provides one, wonderful independence.| [-0.48] <0.13> | | |This provides wonderful one independence.| [-0.56] <0.13> | | |This provides wonderful, one independence.| [-0.63] <0.13> | | | |-[56.87] # 17 --- 4 [5] (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <97:177> {989:384} (10.2M 92.7M = 102.9M) [1]. | | |This provides one wonderful liberty.| [-0.05] <0.13> | | |This provides one, wonderful liberty.| [-0.48] <0.13> | | |This provides wonderful one liberty.| [-0.56] <0.13> | | |This provides wonderful, one liberty.| [-0.63] <0.13> | |-[60.89] # 5 --- 18 (3.93|0.00:0.00 s) <:30> (74.6M 1.1G = 1.2G) [1]. | | | |-[61.22] # 0 --- 1 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <93:155> {496:207} (7.7M 71.7M = 79.3M) [1]. | | |This gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.08] <0.29> | | | |-[61.59] # 1 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <93:124> {328:146} (7.7M 67.8M = 75.5M) [1]. | | | |-[61.98] # 2 --- 1 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <93:155> {496:207} (7.7M 71.7M = 79.3M) [1]. | | |This gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.08] <0.26> | | | |-[62.37] # 3 --- 1 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <85:137> {473:199} (6.6M 67.3M = 73.9M) [1]. | | |This gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.08] <0.29> | | | |-[62.75] # 4 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <85:106> {305:138} (6.7M 63.6M = 70.3M) [1]. | | | |-[63.15] # 5 --- 1 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <85:137> {473:199} (6.6M 67.3M = 73.9M) [1]. | | |This gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.08] <0.26> | | | |-[63.55] # 6 --- 1 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <93:151> {488:207} (7.4M 71.2M = 78.6M) [1]. | | |This gives a wonderful freedom.| [0.06] <0.31> | | | |-[63.92] # 7 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <93:120> {320:146} (7.4M 67.4M = 74.8M) [1]. | | | |-[64.28] # 8 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:151> {488:207} (7.4M 71.2M = 78.6M) [1]. | | |This gives a wonderful liberty.| [0.06] <0.29> | | | |-[64.66] # 9 --- 1 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <93:155> {496:207} (9.0M 72.2M = 81.2M) [1]. | | |This provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.08] <0.15> | | | |-[65.02] # 10 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <93:124> {328:146} (9.0M 68.3M = 77.4M) [1]. | | | |-[65.38] # 11 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:155> {496:207} (9.0M 72.2M = 81.2M) [1]. | | |This provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.08] <0.13> | | | |-[65.73] # 12 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <85:137> {473:199} (8.0M 67.8M = 75.8M) [1]. | | |This provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.08] <0.15> | | | |-[66.06] # 13 --- (0.13|0.13 s) <85:106> {305:138} (8.0M 64.2M = 72.2M) [1]. | | | |-[66.39] # 14 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <85:137> {473:199} (8.0M 67.8M = 75.8M) [1]. | | |This provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.08] <0.13> | | | |-[66.73] # 15 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <93:151> {488:207} (8.7M 71.7M = 80.4M) [1]. | | |This provides a wonderful freedom.| [0.06] <0.17> | | | |-[67.06] # 16 --- (0.14|0.14 s) <93:120> {320:146} (8.8M 67.9M = 76.7M) [1]. | | | |-[67.39] # 17 --- 1 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <93:151> {488:207} (8.7M 71.7M = 80.4M) [1]. | | |This provides a wonderful liberty.| [0.06] <0.15> | |-[69.40] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: "_enestående_a_rel". | |-[71.41] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: "_enestående_a_rel". | |-[73.41] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: "_enestående_a_rel". | |-[77.74] # 9 --- 18 (4.30:0.14|0.00:0.00 s) <:32> (84.8M 1.2G = 1.3G) [2]. | | | |-[78.25] # 0 --- 6 [12] (0.32|0.00:0.31 s) <121:295> {1516:501} (11.1M 138.9M = 150.0M) [1]. | | |This they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> | | |This, they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> | | |This they give an exceptional freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> | | |This, they give an exceptional freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> | | |To this they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> | | |To this, they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> | | | |-[78.67] # 1 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <121:205> {778:273} (10.1M 97.4M = 107.5M) [1]. | | | |-[79.15] # 2 --- 6 [12] (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <121:295> {1516:501} (10.9M 123.1M = 134.0M) [1]. | | |This they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> | | |This, they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> | | |This they give an exceptional liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> | | |This, they give an exceptional liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> | | |To this they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> | | |To this, they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> | | | |-[79.62] # 3 --- 6 [12] (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <113:277> {1485:489} (9.9M 116.9M = 126.7M) [1]. | | |This they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> | | |This, they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> | | |This they give an outstanding freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> | | |This, they give an outstanding freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> | | |To this they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> | | |To this, they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> | | | |-[80.02] # 4 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <113:187> {747:261} (9.0M 92.0M = 101.1M) [1]. | | | |-[80.57] # 5 --- 6 [12] (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <113:277> {1485:489} (9.9M 116.9M = 126.7M) [1]. | | |This they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> | | |This, they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> | | |This they give an outstanding liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> | | |This, they give an outstanding liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> | | |To this they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> | | |To this, they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> | | | |-[81.14] # 6 --- 6 [12] (0.34|0.00:0.34 s) <121:291> {1500:497} (10.6M 122.1M = 132.7M) [1]. | | |This they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.39] <0.12> | | |This, they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.38] <0.12> | | |This they give a wonderful freedom to.| [0.31] <0.09> | | |This, they give a wonderful freedom to.| [0.30] <0.09> | | |To this they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.12] <0.06> | | |To this, they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.11] <0.06> | | | |-[81.56] # 7 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <121:201> {762:269} (9.8M 96.7M = 106.4M) [1]. | | | |-[82.07] # 8 --- 6 [12] (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <121:291> {1500:497} (10.6M 122.1M = 132.7M) [1]. | | |This they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.39] <0.11> | | |This, they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.38] <0.11> | | |This they give a wonderful liberty to.| [0.31] <0.08> | | |This, they give a wonderful liberty to.| [0.30] <0.08> | | |To this they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.12] <0.05> | | |To this, they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.11] <0.05> | | | |-[82.55] # 9 --- 6 [12] (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <121:295> {1516:501} (12.2M 123.7M = 135.9M) [1]. | | |This they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> | | |This, they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> | | |This they provide an exceptional freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> | | |This, they provide an exceptional freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> | | |To this they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> | | |To this, they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> | | | |-[82.92] # 10 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <121:205> {778:273} (11.4M 98.0M = 109.4M) [1]. | | | |-[83.40] # 11 --- 6 [12] (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <121:295> {1516:501} (12.2M 123.7M = 135.9M) [1]. | | |This they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> | | |This, they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> | | |This they provide an exceptional liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> | | |This, they provide an exceptional liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> | | |To this they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> | | |To this, they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> | | | |-[83.87] # 12 --- 6 [12] (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <113:277> {1485:489} (11.2M 117.4M = 128.6M) [1]. | | |This they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> | | |This, they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> | | |This they provide an outstanding freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> | | |This, they provide an outstanding freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> | | |To this they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> | | |To this, they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> | | | |-[84.22] # 13 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <113:187> {747:261} (10.4M 92.6M = 103.0M) [1]. | | | |-[84.68] # 14 --- 6 [12] (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <113:277> {1485:489} (11.2M 117.4M = 128.6M) [1]. | | |This they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> | | |This, they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> | | |This they provide an outstanding liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> | | |This, they provide an outstanding liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> | | |To this they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> | | |To this, they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> | | | |-[85.16] # 15 --- 6 [12] (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <121:291> {1500:497} (11.9M 122.7M = 134.6M) [1]. | | |This they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.39] <0.12> | | |This, they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.38] <0.12> | | |This they provide a wonderful freedom to.| [0.31] <0.09> | | |This, they provide a wonderful freedom to.| [0.30] <0.09> | | |To this they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.12] <0.06> | | |To this, they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.11] <0.06> | | | |-[85.52] # 16 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <121:201> {762:269} (11.1M 97.2M = 108.3M) [1]. | | | |-[85.99] # 17 --- 6 [12] (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <121:291> {1500:497} (11.9M 122.7M = 134.6M) [1]. | | |This they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.39] <0.11> | | |This, they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.38] <0.11> | | |This they provide a wonderful liberty to.| [0.31] <0.08> | | |This, they provide a wonderful liberty to.| [0.30] <0.08> | | |To this they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.12] <0.05> | | |To this, they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.11] <0.05> | |-[90.46] # 10 --- 18 (4.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:34> (89.9M 1.3G = 1.4G) [1]. | | | |-[91.02] # 0 --- 6 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <109:272> {1128:441} (10.2M 117.4M = 127.5M) [1]. | | |To this one gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.01] <0.06> | | |This one gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.12> | | |To this, one gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.06> | | |This, one gives an exceptional freedom.| [-0.01] <0.12> | | |This one gives an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.09> | | |This, one gives an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.09> | | | |-[91.49] # 1 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <109:195> {620:260} (9.7M 99.6M = 109.2M) [1]. | | | |-[92.00] # 2 --- 6 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <109:272> {1128:441} (10.2M 117.4M = 127.5M) [1]. | | |To this one gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.01] <0.05> | | |This one gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.11> | | |To this, one gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.05> | | |This, one gives an exceptional liberty.| [-0.01] <0.11> | | |This one gives an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.08> | | |This, one gives an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.08> | | | |-[92.47] # 3 --- 6 (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <101:254> {1097:429} (9.1M 111.4M = 120.6M) [1]. | | |To this one gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.01] <0.06> | | |This one gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.12> | | |To this, one gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.06> | | |This, one gives an outstanding freedom.| [-0.01] <0.12> | | |This one gives an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.09> | | |This, one gives an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.09> | | | |-[92.85] # 4 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <101:177> {589:248} (8.6M 94.4M = 103.0M) [1]. | | | |-[93.32] # 5 --- 6 (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <101:254> {1097:429} (9.1M 111.4M = 120.6M) [1]. | | |To this one gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.01] <0.05> | | |This one gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.11> | | |To this, one gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.05> | | |This, one gives an outstanding liberty.| [-0.01] <0.11> | | |This one gives an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.08> | | |This, one gives an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.08> | | | |-[93.80] # 6 --- 6 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <109:268> {1112:437} (9.9M 116.5M = 126.4M) [1]. | | |To this one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.06] <0.06> | | |This one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.13> | | |To this, one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.06> | | |This, one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This one gives a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.14] <0.10> | | |This, one gives a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.15] <0.10> | | | |-[94.17] # 7 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <109:191> {604:256} (9.4M 98.9M = 108.3M) [1]. | | | |-[94.60] # 8 --- 6 (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <109:268> {1112:437} (9.9M 116.5M = 126.4M) [1]. | | |To this one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.06] <0.06> | | |This one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.12> | | |To this, one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.06> | | |This, one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.08] <0.12> | | |This one gives a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.14] <0.09> | | |This, one gives a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.15] <0.09> | | | |-[95.05] # 9 --- 6 (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <109:272> {1128:441} (11.5M 117.9M = 129.4M) [1]. | | |To this one provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.01] <0.05> | | |This one provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.11> | | |To this, one provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.05> | | |This, one provides an exceptional freedom.| [-0.01] <0.11> | | |This one provides an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.08> | | |This, one provides an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.08> | | | |-[95.41] # 10 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <109:195> {620:260} (11.0M 100.1M = 111.1M) [1]. | | | |-[95.86] # 11 --- 6 (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <109:272> {1128:441} (11.5M 117.9M = 129.4M) [1]. | | |To this one provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.01] <0.04> | | |This one provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.09> | | |To this, one provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.04> | | |This, one provides an exceptional liberty.| [-0.01] <0.09> | | |This one provides an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.07> | | |This, one provides an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.07> | | | |-[96.33] # 12 --- 6 (0.28|0.00:0.27 s) <101:254> {1097:429} (10.5M 112.0M = 122.5M) [1]. | | |To this one provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.01] <0.05> | | |This one provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.11> | | |To this, one provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.05> | | |This, one provides an outstanding freedom.| [-0.01] <0.11> | | |This one provides an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.08> | | |This, one provides an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.08> | | | |-[96.71] # 13 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <101:177> {589:248} (10.0M 95.0M = 104.9M) [1]. | | | |-[97.18] # 14 --- 6 (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <101:254> {1097:429} (10.5M 112.0M = 122.5M) [1]. | | |To this one provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.01] <0.04> | | |This one provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.09> | | |To this, one provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.04> | | |This, one provides an outstanding liberty.| [-0.01] <0.09> | | |This one provides an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.07> | | |This, one provides an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.07> | | | |-[97.65] # 15 --- 6 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <109:268> {1112:437} (11.2M 117.0M = 128.2M) [1]. | | |To this one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.06] <0.06> | | |This one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.12> | | |To this, one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.06> | | |This, one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.08] <0.12> | | |This one provides a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.14] <0.09> | | |This, one provides a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.15] <0.09> | | | |-[98.06] # 16 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <109:191> {604:256} (10.7M 99.5M = 110.2M) [1]. | | | |-[98.58] # 17 --- 6 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <109:268> {1112:437} (11.2M 117.0M = 128.2M) [1]. | | |To this one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.06] <0.05> | | |This one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.11> | | |To this, one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.05> | | |This, one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.08] <0.11> | | |This one provides a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.14] <0.08> | | |This, one provides a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.15] <0.08> | |-[103.14] # 11 --- 18 (4.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (84.9M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[103.59] # 0 --- (0.24|0.24 s) <105:232> {652:315} (8.6M 92.1M = 100.7M) [1]. | | | |-[104.03] # 1 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <105:175> {472:229} (8.7M 84.6M = 93.2M) [1]. | | | |-[104.48] # 2 --- (0.24|0.24 s) <105:232> {652:315} (8.6M 92.1M = 100.7M) [1]. | | | |-[104.92] # 3 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <97:214> {629:307} (7.6M 86.6M = 94.2M) [1]. | | | |-[105.34] # 4 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <97:157> {449:221} (7.7M 79.6M = 87.3M) [1]. | | | |-[105.78] # 5 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <97:214> {629:307} (7.6M 86.6M = 94.2M) [1]. | | | |-[106.18] # 6 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <105:228> {644:315} (8.3M 91.4M = 99.7M) [1]. | | | |-[106.50] # 7 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:171> {464:229} (8.4M 83.9M = 92.3M) [1]. | | | |-[106.85] # 8 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:228> {644:315} (8.3M 91.4M = 99.7M) [1]. | | | |-[107.20] # 9 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <105:232> {652:315} (9.9M 92.7M = 102.6M) [1]. | | | |-[107.54] # 10 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <105:175> {472:229} (10.0M 85.1M = 95.1M) [1]. | | | |-[107.89] # 11 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:232> {652:315} (9.9M 92.7M = 102.6M) [1]. | | | |-[108.23] # 12 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <97:214> {629:307} (8.9M 87.2M = 96.1M) [1]. | | | |-[108.56] # 13 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <97:157> {449:221} (9.0M 80.2M = 89.2M) [1]. | | | |-[108.90] # 14 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <97:214> {629:307} (8.9M 87.2M = 96.1M) [1]. | | | |-[109.25] # 15 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:228> {644:315} (9.7M 91.9M = 101.6M) [1]. | | | |-[109.58] # 16 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <105:171> {464:229} (9.7M 84.5M = 94.2M) [1]. | | | |-[109.93] # 17 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:228> {644:315} (9.7M 91.9M = 101.6M) [1]. | |-[114.22] # 12 --- 18 (4.20|0.00:0.00 s) <:33> (89.9M 1.3G = 1.4G) [1]. | | | |-[114.70] # 0 --- (0.26|0.26 s) <109:237> {703:311} (9.6M 105.7M = 115.2M) [1]. | | | |-[115.16] # 1 --- (0.24|0.24 s) <109:184> {552:247} (9.6M 98.0M = 107.6M) [1]. | | | |-[115.64] # 2 --- (0.26|0.26 s) <109:237> {703:311} (9.6M 105.7M = 115.2M) [1]. | | | |-[116.07] # 3 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <101:219> {680:303} (8.6M 99.9M = 108.4M) [1]. | | | |-[116.48] # 4 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <101:166> {529:239} (8.6M 93.0M = 101.6M) [1]. | | | |-[116.90] # 5 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <101:219> {680:303} (8.5M 99.9M = 108.4M) [1]. | | | |-[117.33] # 6 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <109:233> {695:311} (9.3M 104.9M = 114.2M) [1]. | | | |-[117.75] # 7 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <109:180> {544:247} (9.3M 97.4M = 106.7M) [1]. | | | |-[118.14] # 8 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <109:233> {695:311} (9.3M 104.9M = 114.2M) [1]. | | | |-[118.53] # 9 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <109:237> {703:311} (10.9M 106.2M = 117.1M) [1]. | | | |-[118.88] # 10 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <109:184> {552:247} (10.9M 98.6M = 109.5M) [1]. | | | |-[119.25] # 11 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <109:237> {703:311} (10.9M 106.2M = 117.1M) [1]. | | | |-[119.61] # 12 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <101:219> {680:303} (9.9M 100.4M = 110.3M) [1]. | | | |-[119.96] # 13 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <101:166> {529:239} (9.9M 93.5M = 103.5M) [1]. | | | |-[120.35] # 14 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <101:219> {680:303} (9.9M 100.4M = 110.3M) [1]. | | | |-[120.75] # 15 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <109:233> {695:311} (10.6M 105.4M = 116.0M) [1]. | | | |-[121.14] # 16 --- (0.20|0.20 s) <109:180> {544:247} (10.7M 98.0M = 108.6M) [1]. | | | |-[121.54] # 17 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <109:233> {695:311} (10.6M 105.4M = 116.0M) [1]. | |-[126.15] # 13 --- 18 (4.58|0.00:0.00 s) <:32> (84.8M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[126.60] # 0 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <105:225> {558:282} (8.6M 91.2M = 99.7M) [1]. | | | |-[127.03] # 1 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <105:172> {421:222} (8.6M 84.0M = 92.7M) [1]. | | | |-[127.49] # 2 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <105:225> {558:282} (8.6M 91.2M = 99.7M) [1]. | | | |-[127.93] # 3 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <97:207> {535:274} (7.6M 85.5M = 93.1M) [1]. | | | |-[128.30] # 4 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <97:154> {398:214} (7.6M 79.2M = 86.8M) [1]. | | | |-[128.63] # 5 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <97:207> {535:274} (7.6M 85.5M = 93.1M) [1]. | | | |-[128.98] # 6 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:221> {550:282} (8.3M 90.4M = 98.7M) [1]. | | | |-[129.31] # 7 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:168> {413:222} (8.4M 83.4M = 91.8M) [1]. | | | |-[129.66] # 8 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:221> {550:282} (8.3M 90.4M = 98.7M) [1]. | | | |-[130.01] # 9 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <105:225> {558:282} (9.9M 91.7M = 101.6M) [1]. | | | |-[130.34] # 10 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <105:172> {421:222} (10.0M 84.6M = 94.6M) [1]. | | | |-[130.69] # 11 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:225> {558:282} (9.9M 91.7M = 101.6M) [1]. | | | |-[131.03] # 12 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <97:207> {535:274} (8.9M 86.1M = 95.0M) [1]. | | | |-[131.36] # 13 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <97:154> {398:214} (9.0M 79.7M = 88.7M) [1]. | | | |-[131.70] # 14 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <97:207> {535:274} (8.9M 86.1M = 95.0M) [1]. | | | |-[132.04] # 15 --- (0.19|0.19 s) <105:221> {550:282} (9.6M 90.9M = 100.6M) [1]. | | | |-[132.38] # 16 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <105:168> {413:222} (9.7M 84.0M = 93.7M) [1]. | | | |-[132.73] # 17 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <105:221> {550:282} (9.6M 90.9M = 100.6M) [1]. | |-[136.98] # 14 --- 18 (4.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:31> (79.6M 1.2G = 1.3G) [1]. | | | |-[137.53] # 0 --- 8 [10] (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <97:260> {1333:432} (9.4M 106.9M = 116.3M) [1]. | | |This one exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> | | |This, one exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> | | |This one, exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.25] <0.17> | | |This, one, exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.26] <0.17> | | |This exceptional, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | |This exceptional one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | |This, exceptional, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | |This, exceptional one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | | |-[138.08] # 1 --- 8 [10] (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <97:260> {1333:432} (9.6M 107.0M = 116.6M) [1]. | | |This one exceptional independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This, one exceptional independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This one, exceptional independence gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> | | |This, one, exceptional independence gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> | | |This exceptional, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This exceptional one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, exceptional, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, exceptional one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | | |-[138.55] # 2 --- 8 [10] (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <97:260> {1333:432} (9.4M 106.9M = 116.3M) [1]. | | |This one exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This, one exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This one, exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> | | |This, one, exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> | | |This exceptional, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This exceptional one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, exceptional, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, exceptional one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | | |-[139.00] # 3 --- 8 [10] (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <89:242> {1302:422} (8.4M 101.0M = 109.4M) [1]. | | |This one outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> | | |This, one outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> | | |This one, outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.25] <0.17> | | |This, one, outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.26] <0.17> | | |This outstanding, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | |This outstanding one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | |This, outstanding, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | |This, outstanding one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> | | | |-[139.46] # 4 --- 8 [10] (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <89:242> {1302:422} (8.6M 101.0M = 109.6M) [1]. | | |This one outstanding independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This, one outstanding independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This one, outstanding independence gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> | | |This, one, outstanding independence gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> | | |This outstanding, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This outstanding one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, outstanding, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, outstanding one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | | |-[139.91] # 5 --- 8 [10] (0.26|0.00:0.26 s) <89:242> {1302:422} (8.4M 101.0M = 109.4M) [1]. | | |This one outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This, one outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This one, outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> | | |This, one, outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> | | |This outstanding, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This outstanding one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, outstanding, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, outstanding one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | | |-[140.37] # 6 --- 8 [10] (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <97:243> {1304:426} (9.1M 104.4M = 113.5M) [1]. | | |This one wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.05] <0.17> | | |This, one wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.05] <0.17> | | |This one, wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.22] <0.17> | | |This, one, wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.23] <0.17> | | |This wonderful one freedom gives.| [-0.30] <0.17> | | |This, wonderful one freedom gives.| [-0.31] <0.17> | | |This wonderful, one freedom gives.| [-0.37] <0.17> | | |This, wonderful, one freedom gives.| [-0.38] <0.17> | | | |-[140.80] # 7 --- 8 [10] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <97:243> {1304:426} (9.3M 104.4M = 113.8M) [1]. | | |This one wonderful independence gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This, one wonderful independence gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This one, wonderful independence gives.| [-0.22] <0.15> | | |This, one, wonderful independence gives.| [-0.23] <0.15> | | |This wonderful one independence gives.| [-0.30] <0.15> | | |This, wonderful one independence gives.| [-0.31] <0.15> | | |This wonderful, one independence gives.| [-0.37] <0.15> | | |This, wonderful, one independence gives.| [-0.38] <0.15> | | | |-[141.23] # 8 --- 8 [10] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <97:243> {1304:426} (9.1M 104.4M = 113.5M) [1]. | | |This one wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This, one wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This one, wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.22] <0.15> | | |This, one, wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.23] <0.15> | | |This wonderful one liberty gives.| [-0.30] <0.15> | | |This, wonderful one liberty gives.| [-0.31] <0.15> | | |This wonderful, one liberty gives.| [-0.37] <0.15> | | |This, wonderful, one liberty gives.| [-0.38] <0.15> | | | |-[141.66] # 9 --- 8 [10] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <97:260> {1333:432} (10.7M 107.4M = 118.2M) [1]. | | |This one exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This, one exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This one, exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.25] <0.15> | | |This, one, exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.26] <0.15> | | |This exceptional, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This exceptional one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, exceptional, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, exceptional one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | | |-[142.12] # 10 --- 8 [10] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <97:260> {1333:432} (10.9M 107.5M = 118.4M) [1]. | | |This one exceptional independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This, one exceptional independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This one, exceptional independence provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> | | |This, one, exceptional independence provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> | | |This exceptional, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This exceptional one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, exceptional, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, exceptional one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | | |-[142.68] # 11 --- 8 [10] (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <97:260> {1333:432} (10.7M 107.4M = 118.2M) [1]. | | |This one exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This, one exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This one, exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> | | |This, one, exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> | | |This exceptional, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This exceptional one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, exceptional, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, exceptional one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | | |-[143.23] # 12 --- 8 [10] (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <89:242> {1302:422} (9.7M 101.5M = 111.2M) [1]. | | |This one outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This, one outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> | | |This one, outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.25] <0.15> | | |This, one, outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.26] <0.15> | | |This outstanding, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This outstanding one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, outstanding, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | |This, outstanding one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> | | | |-[143.78] # 13 --- 8 [10] (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <89:242> {1302:422} (9.9M 101.5M = 111.4M) [1]. | | |This one outstanding independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This, one outstanding independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This one, outstanding independence provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> | | |This, one, outstanding independence provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> | | |This outstanding, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This outstanding one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, outstanding, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, outstanding one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | | |-[144.34] # 14 --- 8 [10] (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <89:242> {1302:422} (9.7M 101.5M = 111.2M) [1]. | | |This one outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This, one outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> | | |This one, outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> | | |This, one, outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> | | |This outstanding, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This outstanding one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, outstanding, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | |This, outstanding one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> | | | |-[144.90] # 15 --- 8 [10] (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <97:243> {1304:426} (10.4M 104.9M = 115.3M) [1]. | | |This one wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This, one wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.05] <0.15> | | |This one, wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.22] <0.15> | | |This, one, wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.23] <0.15> | | |This wonderful one freedom provides.| [-0.30] <0.15> | | |This, wonderful one freedom provides.| [-0.31] <0.15> | | |This wonderful, one freedom provides.| [-0.37] <0.15> | | |This, wonderful, one freedom provides.| [-0.38] <0.15> | | | |-[145.47] # 16 --- 8 [10] (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <97:243> {1304:426} (10.6M 104.9M = 115.6M) [1]. | | |This one wonderful independence provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> | | |This, one wonderful independence provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> | | |This one, wonderful independence provides.| [-0.22] <0.13> | | |This, one, wonderful independence provides.| [-0.23] <0.13> | | |This wonderful one independence provides.| [-0.30] <0.13> | | |This, wonderful one independence provides.| [-0.31] <0.13> | | |This wonderful, one independence provides.| [-0.37] <0.13> | | |This, wonderful, one independence provides.| [-0.38] <0.13> | | | |-[146.03] # 17 --- 8 [10] (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <97:243> {1304:426} (10.4M 104.9M = 115.3M) [1]. | | |This one wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> | | |This, one wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> | | |This one, wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.22] <0.13> | | |This, one, wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.23] <0.13> | | |This wonderful one liberty provides.| [-0.30] <0.13> | | |This, wonderful one liberty provides.| [-0.31] <0.13> | | |This wonderful, one liberty provides.| [-0.37] <0.13> | | |This, wonderful, one liberty provides.| [-0.38] <0.13> | |-[150.04] # 15 --- 18 (3.88|0.00:0.00 s) <:30> (74.6M 1.1G = 1.2G) [1]. | | | |-[150.44] # 0 --- 2 (0.19|0.00:0.19 s) <93:208> {663:282} (7.9M 79.2M = 87.1M) [1]. | | |This an exceptional freedom gives.| [0.10] <0.17> | | |This, an exceptional freedom gives.| [0.09] <0.17> | | | |-[150.82] # 1 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <93:186> {468:234} (7.9M 75.0M = 82.9M) [1]. | | | |-[151.23] # 2 --- 2 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <93:208> {663:282} (7.9M 79.2M = 87.1M) [1]. | | |This an exceptional liberty gives.| [0.10] <0.15> | | |This, an exceptional liberty gives.| [0.09] <0.15> | | | |-[151.62] # 3 --- 2 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <85:190> {636:272} (6.9M 73.9M = 80.8M) [1]. | | |This an outstanding freedom gives.| [0.10] <0.17> | | |This, an outstanding freedom gives.| [0.09] <0.17> | | | |-[151.98] # 4 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <85:168> {445:226} (6.9M 69.9M = 76.8M) [1]. | | | |-[152.33] # 5 --- 2 (0.18|0.00:0.18 s) <85:190> {636:272} (6.9M 73.9M = 80.8M) [1]. | | |This an outstanding liberty gives.| [0.10] <0.15> | | |This, an outstanding liberty gives.| [0.09] <0.15> | | | |-[152.67] # 6 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:204> {655:282} (7.6M 78.5M = 86.2M) [1]. | | |This a wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.00] <0.18> | | |This, a wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.01] <0.18> | | | |-[152.98] # 7 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <93:182> {460:234} (7.6M 74.3M = 82.0M) [1]. | | | |-[153.32] # 8 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:204> {655:282} (7.6M 78.5M = 86.2M) [1]. | | |This a wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.00] <0.17> | | |This, a wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.01] <0.17> | | | |-[153.65] # 9 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:208> {663:282} (9.2M 79.7M = 88.9M) [1]. | | |This an exceptional freedom provides.| [0.10] <0.15> | | |This, an exceptional freedom provides.| [0.09] <0.15> | | | |-[153.97] # 10 --- (0.15|0.15 s) <93:186> {468:234} (9.3M 75.4M = 84.7M) [1]. | | | |-[154.31] # 11 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:208> {663:282} (9.2M 79.7M = 88.9M) [1]. | | |This an exceptional liberty provides.| [0.10] <0.13> | | |This, an exceptional liberty provides.| [0.09] <0.13> | | | |-[154.64] # 12 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <85:190> {636:272} (8.2M 74.4M = 82.6M) [1]. | | |This an outstanding freedom provides.| [0.10] <0.15> | | |This, an outstanding freedom provides.| [0.09] <0.15> | | | |-[154.95] # 13 --- (0.14|0.14 s) <85:168> {445:226} (8.3M 70.4M = 78.6M) [1]. | | | |-[155.28] # 14 --- 2 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <85:190> {636:272} (8.2M 74.4M = 82.6M) [1]. | | |This an outstanding liberty provides.| [0.10] <0.13> | | |This, an outstanding liberty provides.| [0.09] <0.13> | | | |-[155.62] # 15 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:204> {655:282} (9.0M 79.0M = 88.0M) [1]. | | |This a wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.00] <0.17> | | |This, a wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.01] <0.17> | | | |-[155.93] # 16 --- (0.16|0.16 s) <93:182> {460:234} (9.0M 74.8M = 83.8M) [1]. | | | |-[156.27] # 17 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <93:204> {655:282} (9.0M 79.0M = 88.0M) [1]. | | |This a wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.00] <0.15> | | |This, a wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.01] <0.15> | |< |Dette gir en enestående frihet.| --- 16 x 234 x 420 = 420 |> |This they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> (9:14:0). |> |This they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> (9:12:0). |> |This they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> (9:11:0). |> |This they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> (9:9:0). |> |This they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> (9:5:0). |> |This they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> (9:3:0). |> |This they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.46] <0.09> (9:2:0). |> |This they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.46] <0.11> (9:0:0). |> |This, they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> (9:14:1). |> |This, they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> (9:12:1). |> |This, they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> (9:11:1). |> |This, they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> (9:9:1). |> |This, they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> (9:5:1). |> |This, they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> (9:3:1). |> |This, they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.45] <0.09> (9:2:1). |> |This, they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.45] <0.11> (9:0:1). |> |This they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.39] <0.11> (9:17:0). |> |This they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.39] <0.12> (9:15:0). |> |This they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.39] <0.11> (9:8:0). |> |This they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.39] <0.12> (9:6:0). |> |This they provide an outstanding liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> (9:14:2). |> |This they provide an outstanding freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> (9:12:2). |> |This they provide an exceptional liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> (9:11:2). |> |This they provide an exceptional freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> (9:9:2). |> |This they give an outstanding liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> (9:5:2). |> |This they give an outstanding freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> (9:3:2). |> |This they give an exceptional liberty to.| [0.38] <0.07> (9:2:2). |> |This they give an exceptional freedom to.| [0.38] <0.08> (9:0:2). |> |This, they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.38] <0.11> (9:17:1). |> |This, they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.38] <0.12> (9:15:1). |> |This, they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.38] <0.11> (9:8:1). |> |This, they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.38] <0.12> (9:6:1). |> |This, they provide an outstanding liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> (9:14:3). |> |This, they provide an outstanding freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> (9:12:3). |> |This, they provide an exceptional liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> (9:11:3). |> |This, they provide an exceptional freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> (9:9:3). |> |This, they give an outstanding liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> (9:5:3). |> |This, they give an outstanding freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> (9:3:3). |> |This, they give an exceptional liberty to.| [0.37] <0.07> (9:2:3). |> |This, they give an exceptional freedom to.| [0.37] <0.08> (9:0:3). |> |This they provide a wonderful liberty to.| [0.31] <0.08> (9:17:2). |> |This they provide a wonderful freedom to.| [0.31] <0.09> (9:15:2). |> |This they give a wonderful liberty to.| [0.31] <0.08> (9:8:2). |> |This they give a wonderful freedom to.| [0.31] <0.09> (9:6:2). |> |This, they provide a wonderful liberty to.| [0.30] <0.08> (9:17:3). |> |This, they provide a wonderful freedom to.| [0.30] <0.09> (9:15:3). |> |This, they give a wonderful liberty to.| [0.30] <0.08> (9:8:3). |> |This, they give a wonderful freedom to.| [0.30] <0.09> (9:6:3). |> |To this they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> (9:14:4). |> |To this they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> (9:12:4). |> |To this they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> (9:11:4). |> |To this they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> (9:9:4). |> |To this they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> (9:5:4). |> |To this they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> (9:3:4). |> |To this they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.19] <0.04> (9:2:4). |> |To this they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.19] <0.05> (9:0:4). |> |To this, they provide an outstanding liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> (9:14:5). |> |To this, they provide an outstanding freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> (9:12:5). |> |To this, they provide an exceptional liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> (9:11:5). |> |To this, they provide an exceptional freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> (9:9:5). |> |To this, they give an outstanding liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> (9:5:5). |> |To this, they give an outstanding freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> (9:3:5). |> |To this, they give an exceptional liberty.| [0.18] <0.04> (9:2:5). |> |To this, they give an exceptional freedom.| [0.18] <0.05> (9:0:5). |> |To this they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.12] <0.05> (9:17:4). |> |To this they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.12] <0.06> (9:15:4). |> |To this they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.12] <0.05> (9:8:4). |> |To this they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.12] <0.06> (9:6:4). |> |To this, they provide a wonderful liberty.| [0.11] <0.05> (9:17:5). |> |To this, they provide a wonderful freedom.| [0.11] <0.06> (9:15:5). |> |To this, they give a wonderful liberty.| [0.11] <0.05> (9:8:5). |> |To this, they give a wonderful freedom.| [0.11] <0.06> (9:6:5). |> |This provides one an outstanding liberty.| [0.10] <0.09> (0:14:0). |> |This provides one an outstanding freedom.| [0.10] <0.11> (0:12:0). |> |This provides one an exceptional liberty.| [0.10] <0.09> (0:11:0). |> |This provides one an exceptional freedom.| [0.10] <0.11> (0:9:0). |> |This gives one an outstanding liberty.| [0.10] <0.19> (0:5:0). |> |This gives one an outstanding freedom.| [0.10] <0.21> (0:3:0). |> |This gives one an exceptional liberty.| [0.10] <0.19> (0:2:0). |> |This gives one an exceptional freedom.| [0.10] <0.21> (0:0:0). |> |This an outstanding liberty provides.| [0.10] <0.13> (15:14:0). |> |This an outstanding freedom provides.| [0.10] <0.15> (15:12:0). |> |This an exceptional liberty provides.| [0.10] <0.13> (15:11:0). |> |This an exceptional freedom provides.| [0.10] <0.15> (15:9:0). |> |This an outstanding liberty gives.| [0.10] <0.15> (15:5:0). |> |This an outstanding freedom gives.| [0.10] <0.17> (15:3:0). |> |This an exceptional liberty gives.| [0.10] <0.15> (15:2:0). |> |This an exceptional freedom gives.| [0.10] <0.17> (15:0:0). |> |This, an outstanding liberty provides.| [0.09] <0.13> (15:14:1). |> |This, an outstanding freedom provides.| [0.09] <0.15> (15:12:1). |> |This, an exceptional liberty provides.| [0.09] <0.13> (15:11:1). |> |This, an exceptional freedom provides.| [0.09] <0.15> (15:9:1). |> |This, an outstanding liberty gives.| [0.09] <0.15> (15:5:1). |> |This, an outstanding freedom gives.| [0.09] <0.17> (15:3:1). |> |This, an exceptional liberty gives.| [0.09] <0.15> (15:2:1). |> |This, an exceptional freedom gives.| [0.09] <0.17> (15:0:1). |> |This provides one a wonderful liberty.| [0.09] <0.11> (0:17:0). |> |This provides one a wonderful freedom.| [0.09] <0.12> (0:15:0). |> |This gives one a wonderful liberty.| [0.09] <0.21> (0:8:0). |> |This gives one a wonderful freedom.| [0.09] <0.23> (0:6:0). |> |This provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.08] <0.13> (5:14:0). |> |This provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.08] <0.15> (5:12:0). |> |This provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.08] <0.13> (5:11:0). |> |This provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.08] <0.15> (5:9:0). |> |This gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.08] <0.26> (5:5:0). |> |This gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.08] <0.29> (5:3:0). |> |This gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.08] <0.26> (5:2:0). |> |This gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.08] <0.29> (5:0:0). |> |This provides a wonderful liberty.| [0.06] <0.15> (5:17:0). |> |This provides a wonderful freedom.| [0.06] <0.17> (5:15:0). |> |This gives a wonderful liberty.| [0.06] <0.29> (5:8:0). |> |This gives a wonderful freedom.| [0.06] <0.31> (5:6:0). |> |To this one provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.01] <0.04> (10:14:0). |> |To this one provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.01] <0.05> (10:12:0). |> |To this one provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.01] <0.04> (10:11:0). |> |To this one provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.01] <0.05> (10:9:0). |> |To this one gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.01] <0.05> (10:5:0). |> |To this one gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.01] <0.06> (10:3:0). |> |To this one gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.01] <0.05> (10:2:0). |> |To this one gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.01] <0.06> (10:0:0). |> |This one provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.09> (10:14:1). |> |This one provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.11> (10:12:1). |> |This one provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.09> (10:11:1). |> |This one provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.11> (10:9:1). |> |This one gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.11> (10:5:1). |> |This one gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.12> (10:3:1). |> |This one gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.11> (10:2:1). |> |This one gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.12> (10:0:1). |> |To this, one provides an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.04> (10:14:2). |> |To this, one provides an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.05> (10:12:2). |> |To this, one provides an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.04> (10:11:2). |> |To this, one provides an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.05> (10:9:2). |> |To this, one gives an outstanding liberty.| [0.00] <0.05> (10:5:2). |> |To this, one gives an outstanding freedom.| [0.00] <0.06> (10:3:2). |> |To this, one gives an exceptional liberty.| [0.00] <0.05> (10:2:2). |> |To this, one gives an exceptional freedom.| [0.00] <0.06> (10:0:2). |> |This a wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.00] <0.15> (15:17:0). |> |This a wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.00] <0.17> (15:15:0). |> |This a wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.00] <0.17> (15:8:0). |> |This a wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.00] <0.18> (15:6:0). |> |This, a wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.01] <0.15> (15:17:1). |> |This, a wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.01] <0.17> (15:15:1). |> |This, a wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.01] <0.17> (15:8:1). |> |This, a wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.01] <0.18> (15:6:1). |> |This, one provides an outstanding liberty.| [-0.01] <0.09> (10:14:3). |> |This, one provides an outstanding freedom.| [-0.01] <0.11> (10:12:3). |> |This, one provides an exceptional liberty.| [-0.01] <0.09> (10:11:3). |> |This, one provides an exceptional freedom.| [-0.01] <0.11> (10:9:3). |> |This, one gives an outstanding liberty.| [-0.01] <0.11> (10:5:3). |> |This, one gives an outstanding freedom.| [-0.01] <0.12> (10:3:3). |> |This, one gives an exceptional liberty.| [-0.01] <0.11> (10:2:3). |> |This, one gives an exceptional freedom.| [-0.01] <0.12> (10:0:3). |> |This one wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> (14:17:0). |> |This one wonderful independence provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> (14:16:0). |> |This one wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.05] <0.15> (14:15:0). |> |This one wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> (14:8:0). |> |This one wonderful independence gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> (14:7:0). |> |This one wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.05] <0.17> (14:6:0). |> |This provides one wonderful liberty.| [-0.05] <0.13> (4:17:0). |> |This provides one wonderful independence.| [-0.05] <0.13> (4:16:0). |> |This provides one wonderful freedom.| [-0.05] <0.15> (4:15:0). |> |This gives one wonderful liberty.| [-0.05] <0.26> (4:8:0). |> |This gives one wonderful independence.| [-0.05] <0.26> (4:7:0). |> |This gives one wonderful freedom.| [-0.05] <0.29> (4:6:0). |> |This, one wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> (14:17:1). |> |This, one wonderful independence provides.| [-0.05] <0.13> (14:16:1). |> |This, one wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.05] <0.15> (14:15:1). |> |This, one wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> (14:8:1). |> |This, one wonderful independence gives.| [-0.05] <0.15> (14:7:1). |> |This, one wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.05] <0.17> (14:6:1). |> |To this one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.06] <0.05> (10:17:0). |> |To this one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.06] <0.06> (10:15:0). |> |To this one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.06] <0.06> (10:8:0). |> |To this one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.06] <0.06> (10:6:0). |> |This provides an outstanding liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.07> (0:14:1). |> |This provides an outstanding freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.08> (0:12:1). |> |This provides an exceptional liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.07> (0:11:1). |> |This provides an exceptional freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.08> (0:9:1). |> |This gives an outstanding liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.15> (0:5:1). |> |This gives an outstanding freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.17> (0:3:1). |> |This gives an exceptional liberty to one.| [-0.06] <0.15> (0:2:1). |> |This gives an exceptional freedom to one.| [-0.06] <0.17> (0:0:1). |> |This one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.11> (10:17:1). |> |This one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.12> (10:15:1). |> |This one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.12> (10:8:1). |> |This one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.13> (10:6:1). |> |To this, one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.05> (10:17:2). |> |To this, one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.06> (10:15:2). |> |To this, one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.07] <0.06> (10:8:2). |> |To this, one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.07] <0.06> (10:6:2). |> |This one provides an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.07> (10:14:4). |> |This one provides an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.08> (10:12:4). |> |This one provides an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.07> (10:11:4). |> |This one provides an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.08> (10:9:4). |> |This one gives an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.08> (10:5:4). |> |This one gives an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.09> (10:3:4). |> |This one gives an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.07] <0.08> (10:2:4). |> |This one gives an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.07] <0.09> (10:0:4). |> |This one outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:14:0). |> |This one outstanding independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:13:0). |> |This one outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:12:0). |> |This one exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:11:0). |> |This one exceptional independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:10:0). |> |This one exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:9:0). |> |This one outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:5:0). |> |This one outstanding independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:4:0). |> |This one outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> (14:3:0). |> |This one exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:2:0). |> |This one exceptional independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:1:0). |> |This one exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> (14:0:0). |> |This provides one outstanding liberty.| [-0.08] <0.13> (4:14:0). |> |This provides one outstanding independence.| [-0.08] <0.13> (4:13:0). |> |This provides one outstanding freedom.| [-0.08] <0.15> (4:12:0). |> |This provides one exceptional liberty.| [-0.08] <0.13> (4:11:0). |> |This provides one exceptional independence.| [-0.08] <0.13> (4:10:0). |> |This provides one exceptional freedom.| [-0.08] <0.15> (4:9:0). |> |This gives one outstanding liberty.| [-0.08] <0.26> (4:5:0). |> |This gives one outstanding independence.| [-0.08] <0.26> (4:4:0). |> |This gives one outstanding freedom.| [-0.08] <0.29> (4:3:0). |> |This gives one exceptional liberty.| [-0.08] <0.26> (4:2:0). |> |This gives one exceptional independence.| [-0.08] <0.26> (4:1:0). |> |This gives one exceptional freedom.| [-0.08] <0.29> (4:0:0). |> |This, one provides a wonderful liberty.| [-0.08] <0.11> (10:17:3). |> |This, one provides a wonderful freedom.| [-0.08] <0.12> (10:15:3). |> |This, one gives a wonderful liberty.| [-0.08] <0.12> (10:8:3). |> |This, one gives a wonderful freedom.| [-0.08] <0.13> (10:6:3). |> |This, one outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:14:1). |> |This, one outstanding independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:13:1). |> |This, one outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:12:1). |> |This, one exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:11:1). |> |This, one exceptional independence provides.| [-0.08] <0.13> (14:10:1). |> |This, one exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:9:1). |> |This, one outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:5:1). |> |This, one outstanding independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:4:1). |> |This, one outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> (14:3:1). |> |This, one exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:2:1). |> |This, one exceptional independence gives.| [-0.08] <0.15> (14:1:1). |> |This, one exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.08] <0.17> (14:0:1). |> |This, one provides an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.07> (10:14:5). |> |This, one provides an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.08> (10:12:5). |> |This, one provides an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.07> (10:11:5). |> |This, one provides an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.08> (10:9:5). |> |This, one gives an outstanding liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.08> (10:5:5). |> |This, one gives an outstanding freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.09> (10:3:5). |> |This, one gives an exceptional liberty to.| [-0.09] <0.08> (10:2:5). |> |This, one gives an exceptional freedom to.| [-0.09] <0.09> (10:0:5). |> |This provides a wonderful liberty to one.| [-0.13] <0.08> (0:17:1). |> |This provides a wonderful freedom to one.| [-0.13] <0.09> (0:15:1). |> |This gives a wonderful liberty to one.| [-0.13] <0.17> (0:8:1). |> |This gives a wonderful freedom to one.| [-0.13] <0.18> (0:6:1). |> |This one provides a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.14] <0.08> (10:17:4). |> |This one provides a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.14] <0.09> (10:15:4). |> |This one gives a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.14] <0.09> (10:8:4). |> |This one gives a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.14] <0.10> (10:6:4). |> |This, one provides a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.15] <0.08> (10:17:5). |> |This, one provides a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.15] <0.09> (10:15:5). |> |This, one gives a wonderful liberty to.| [-0.15] <0.09> (10:8:5). |> |This, one gives a wonderful freedom to.| [-0.15] <0.10> (10:6:5). |> |This one, wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.22] <0.13> (14:17:2). |> |This one, wonderful independence provides.| [-0.22] <0.13> (14:16:2). |> |This one, wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.22] <0.15> (14:15:2). |> |This one, wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.22] <0.15> (14:8:2). |> |This one, wonderful independence gives.| [-0.22] <0.15> (14:7:2). |> |This one, wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.22] <0.17> (14:6:2). |> |This, one, wonderful liberty provides.| [-0.23] <0.13> (14:17:3). |> |This, one, wonderful independence provides.| [-0.23] <0.13> (14:16:3). |> |This, one, wonderful freedom provides.| [-0.23] <0.15> (14:15:3). |> |This, one, wonderful liberty gives.| [-0.23] <0.15> (14:8:3). |> |This, one, wonderful independence gives.| [-0.23] <0.15> (14:7:3). |> |This, one, wonderful freedom gives.| [-0.23] <0.17> (14:6:3). |> |This one, outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> (14:14:2). |> |This one, outstanding independence provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> (14:13:2). |> |This one, outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.25] <0.15> (14:12:2). |> |This one, exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> (14:11:2). |> |This one, exceptional independence provides.| [-0.25] <0.13> (14:10:2). |> |This one, exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.25] <0.15> (14:9:2). |> |This one, outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> (14:5:2). |> |This one, outstanding independence gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> (14:4:2). |> |This one, outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.25] <0.17> (14:3:2). |> |This one, exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> (14:2:2). |> |This one, exceptional independence gives.| [-0.25] <0.15> (14:1:2). |> |This one, exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.25] <0.17> (14:0:2). |> |This, one, outstanding liberty provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> (14:14:3). |> |This, one, outstanding independence provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> (14:13:3). |> |This, one, outstanding freedom provides.| [-0.26] <0.15> (14:12:3). |> |This, one, exceptional liberty provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> (14:11:3). |> |This, one, exceptional independence provides.| [-0.26] <0.13> (14:10:3). |> |This, one, exceptional freedom provides.| [-0.26] <0.15> (14:9:3). |> |This, one, outstanding liberty gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> (14:5:3). |> |This, one, outstanding independence gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> (14:4:3). |> |This, one, outstanding freedom gives.| [-0.26] <0.17> (14:3:3). |> |This, one, exceptional liberty gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> (14:2:3). |> |This, one, exceptional independence gives.| [-0.26] <0.15> (14:1:3). |> |This, one, exceptional freedom gives.| [-0.26] <0.17> (14:0:3). |> |This wonderful one liberty provides.| [-0.30] <0.13> (14:17:4). |> |This wonderful one independence provides.| [-0.30] <0.13> (14:16:4). |> |This wonderful one freedom provides.| [-0.30] <0.15> (14:15:4). |> |This wonderful one liberty gives.| [-0.30] <0.15> (14:8:4). |> |This wonderful one independence gives.| [-0.30] <0.15> (14:7:4). |> |This wonderful one freedom gives.| [-0.30] <0.17> (14:6:4). |> |This, wonderful one liberty provides.| [-0.31] <0.13> (14:17:6). |> |This, wonderful one independence provides.| [-0.31] <0.13> (14:16:6). |> |This, wonderful one freedom provides.| [-0.31] <0.15> (14:15:6). |> |This, wonderful one liberty gives.| [-0.31] <0.15> (14:8:6). |> |This, wonderful one independence gives.| [-0.31] <0.15> (14:7:6). |> |This, wonderful one freedom gives.| [-0.31] <0.17> (14:6:6). |> |This outstanding one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:14:6). |> |This outstanding, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:14:5). |> |This outstanding one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:13:6). |> |This outstanding, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:13:5). |> |This outstanding one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:12:6). |> |This outstanding, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:12:5). |> |This exceptional one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:11:6). |> |This exceptional, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:11:5). |> |This exceptional one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:10:6). |> |This exceptional, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:10:5). |> |This exceptional one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:9:6). |> |This exceptional, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:9:5). |> |This outstanding one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:5:6). |> |This outstanding, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:5:5). |> |This outstanding one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:4:6). |> |This outstanding, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:4:5). |> |This outstanding one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:3:6). |> |This outstanding, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:3:5). |> |This exceptional one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:2:6). |> |This exceptional, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:2:5). |> |This exceptional one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:1:6). |> |This exceptional, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:1:5). |> |This exceptional one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:0:6). |> |This exceptional, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:0:5). |> |This, outstanding one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:14:8). |> |This, outstanding, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:14:7). |> |This, outstanding one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:13:8). |> |This, outstanding, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:13:7). |> |This, outstanding one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:12:8). |> |This, outstanding, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:12:7). |> |This, exceptional one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:11:8). |> |This, exceptional, one liberty provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:11:7). |> |This, exceptional one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:10:8). |> |This, exceptional, one independence provides.| [-0.34] <0.13> (14:10:7). |> |This, exceptional one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:9:8). |> |This, exceptional, one freedom provides.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:9:7). |> |This, outstanding one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:5:8). |> |This, outstanding, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:5:7). |> |This, outstanding one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:4:8). |> |This, outstanding, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:4:7). |> |This, outstanding one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:3:8). |> |This, outstanding, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:3:7). |> |This, exceptional one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:2:8). |> |This, exceptional, one liberty gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:2:7). |> |This, exceptional one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:1:8). |> |This, exceptional, one independence gives.| [-0.34] <0.15> (14:1:7). |> |This, exceptional one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:0:8). |> |This, exceptional, one freedom gives.| [-0.34] <0.17> (14:0:7). |> |This wonderful, one liberty provides.| [-0.37] <0.13> (14:17:8). |> |This wonderful, one independence provides.| [-0.37] <0.13> (14:16:8). |> |This wonderful, one freedom provides.| [-0.37] <0.15> (14:15:8). |> |This wonderful, one liberty gives.| [-0.37] <0.15> (14:8:8). |> |This wonderful, one independence gives.| [-0.37] <0.15> (14:7:8). |> |This wonderful, one freedom gives.| [-0.37] <0.17> (14:6:8). |> |This, wonderful, one liberty provides.| [-0.38] <0.13> (14:17:9). |> |This, wonderful, one independence provides.| [-0.38] <0.13> (14:16:9). |> |This, wonderful, one freedom provides.| [-0.38] <0.15> (14:15:9). |> |This, wonderful, one liberty gives.| [-0.38] <0.15> (14:8:9). |> |This, wonderful, one independence gives.| [-0.38] <0.15> (14:7:9). |> |This, wonderful, one freedom gives.| [-0.38] <0.17> (14:6:9). |> |This provides one, wonderful liberty.| [-0.48] <0.13> (4:17:1). |> |This provides one, wonderful independence.| [-0.48] <0.13> (4:16:1). |> |This provides one, wonderful freedom.| [-0.48] <0.15> (4:15:1). |> |This gives one, wonderful liberty.| [-0.48] <0.26> (4:8:1). |> |This gives one, wonderful independence.| [-0.48] <0.26> (4:7:1). |> |This gives one, wonderful freedom.| [-0.48] <0.29> (4:6:1). |> |This provides one, outstanding liberty.| [-0.51] <0.13> (4:14:1). |> |This provides one, outstanding independence.| [-0.51] <0.13> (4:13:1). |> |This provides one, outstanding freedom.| [-0.51] <0.15> (4:12:1). |> |This provides one, exceptional liberty.| [-0.51] <0.13> (4:11:1). |> |This provides one, exceptional independence.| [-0.51] <0.13> (4:10:1). |> |This provides one, exceptional freedom.| [-0.51] <0.15> (4:9:1). |> |This gives one, outstanding liberty.| [-0.51] <0.26> (4:5:1). |> |This gives one, outstanding independence.| [-0.51] <0.26> (4:4:1). |> |This gives one, outstanding freedom.| [-0.51] <0.29> (4:3:1). |> |This gives one, exceptional liberty.| [-0.51] <0.26> (4:2:1). |> |This gives one, exceptional independence.| [-0.51] <0.26> (4:1:1). |> |This gives one, exceptional freedom.| [-0.51] <0.29> (4:0:1). |> |This provides wonderful one liberty.| [-0.56] <0.13> (4:17:3). |> |This provides wonderful one independence.| [-0.56] <0.13> (4:16:3). |> |This provides wonderful one freedom.| [-0.56] <0.15> (4:15:3). |> |This gives wonderful one liberty.| [-0.56] <0.26> (4:8:3). |> |This gives wonderful one independence.| [-0.56] <0.26> (4:7:3). |> |This gives wonderful one freedom.| [-0.56] <0.29> (4:6:3). |> |This provides outstanding one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:14:4). |> |This provides outstanding, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:14:3). |> |This provides outstanding one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:13:4). |> |This provides outstanding, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:13:3). |> |This provides outstanding one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> (4:12:4). |> |This provides outstanding, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> (4:12:3). |> |This provides exceptional one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:11:4). |> |This provides exceptional, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:11:3). |> |This provides exceptional one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:10:4). |> |This provides exceptional, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.13> (4:10:3). |> |This provides exceptional one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> (4:9:4). |> |This provides exceptional, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.15> (4:9:3). |> |This gives outstanding one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:5:4). |> |This gives outstanding, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:5:3). |> |This gives outstanding one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:4:4). |> |This gives outstanding, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:4:3). |> |This gives outstanding one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> (4:3:4). |> |This gives outstanding, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> (4:3:3). |> |This gives exceptional one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:2:4). |> |This gives exceptional, one liberty.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:2:3). |> |This gives exceptional one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:1:4). |> |This gives exceptional, one independence.| [-0.60] <0.26> (4:1:3). |> |This gives exceptional one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> (4:0:4). |> |This gives exceptional, one freedom.| [-0.60] <0.29> (4:0:3). |> |This provides wonderful, one liberty.| [-0.63] <0.13> (4:17:4). |> |This provides wonderful, one independence.| [-0.63] <0.13> (4:16:4). |> |This provides wonderful, one freedom.| [-0.63] <0.15> (4:15:4). |> |This gives wonderful, one liberty.| [-0.63] <0.26> (4:8:4). |> |This gives wonderful, one independence.| [-0.63] <0.26> (4:7:4). |> |This gives wonderful, one freedom.| [-0.63] <0.29> (4:6:4). |= 2:0 of 6 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 6 {16.7} <0.05 0.31>. [00:45:40] |La lysten og været styre kursen, ikke bookingskjemaet.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_booking_n_rel|, |_skjema_n_rel|. | |< |La lysten og været styre kursen, ikke bookingskjemaet.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 2:0 of 7 {28.6+0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 7 {14.3} <0.04 0.31>. [00:45:42] |På de neste sidene blir de forskjellige turisthyttene i Jotunheimen presentert.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_neste_a_rel|. | |< |På de neste sidene blir de forskjellige turisthyttene i Jotunheimen presentert.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 2:0 of 8 {25.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 8 {12.5} <0.04 0.31>. [00:45:44] |Det er mye å velge i: Vil du bo på en betjent hytte eller vil du stelle deg selv?| --- (19.36|19.36 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Det er mye å velge i: Vil du bo på en betjent hytte eller vil du stelle deg selv?| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 2:0 of 9 {22.2+0.0}; 1:0 of 2:0 {50.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 9 {11.1} <0.03 0.31>. [00:46:05] |Vil du treffe mange andre turister eller vil du helst bo alene?| --- 16 (0.73|0.00:0.77 s) <:> () [2]. | |-[2.11] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.20] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.29] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.37] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.46] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.55] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.64] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.73] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helse_v_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.82] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[2.91] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[3.00] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[3.09] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[3.18] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[3.26] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[3.41] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[3.50] # 15 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_helst_a_rel"|, |"_alene_a_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |< |Vil du treffe mange andre turister eller vil du helst bo alene?| --- 16 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 3:0 of 10 {30.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 10 {10.0} <0.03 0.31>. [00:46:08] |Vil du danse gammeldans om kvelden eller sitte ensom på trammen og la solnedgangen farge fantasien?| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_gammeldans_n_rel|, |_ensom_a_rel|, |_tram_n_rel|. | |< |Vil du danse gammeldans om kvelden eller sitte ensom på trammen og la solnedgangen farge fantasien?| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 3:0 of 11 {27.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 11 {9.1} <0.03 0.31>. [00:46:14] |Vil du bo i en gammel seter eller i et nytt hus med alle bekvemmeligheter?| --- (31.37|31.37 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Vil du bo i en gammel seter eller i et nytt hus med alle bekvemmeligheter?| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 3:0 of 12 {25.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 3:0 {33.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 12 {8.3} <0.03 0.31>. [00:46:46] |Og hvem har sagt at du må gå fra hytte til hytte?| --- 4 (0.49|0.00:0.52 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.03] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_si_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[2.06] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_si_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[2.08] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_si_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |-[2.11] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_si_v_rel"|, |"and_disc_rel"|. | |< |Og hvem har sagt at du må gå fra hytte til hytte?| --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 4:0 of 13 {30.8+0.0}; 1:0 of 4:0 {25.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 13 {7.7} <0.02 0.31>. [00:46:48] |Valgmulighetene er tallrike, og enten du velger det ene eller det andre, vil du oppleve at de aller fleste turisthyttene har både sjel og stil, og er langt mer enn et sted å spise og sove før du går videre.| --- (138.63|138.63 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Valgmulighetene er tallrike, og enten du velger det ene eller det andre, vil du oppleve at de aller fleste turisthyttene har både sjel og stil, og er langt mer enn et sted å spise og sove før du går videre.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 4:0 of 14 {28.6+0.0}; 1:0 of 4:0 {25.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 14 {7.1} <0.02 0.31>. [00:49:10] |Tre typer hytter| --- 5 (0.11|0.00:0.13 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.37] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_type_v_rel"|. | |-[0.38] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_type_v_rel"|. | |-[0.40] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_type_v_rel"|. | |-[0.41] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_type_v_rel"|. | |-[0.43] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_type_v_rel"|. | |< |Tre typer hytter| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 5:0 of 15 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 5:0 {20.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 15 {6.7} <0.02 0.31>. [00:49:11] |I fjellområdene som denne boka tar for seg, finnes det tre forskjellige kategorier turisthytter.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_i_n_rel|, |_kategori_n_rel|. | |< |I fjellområdene som denne boka tar for seg, finnes det tre forskjellige kategorier turisthytter.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 5:0 of 16 {31.2+0.0}; 1:0 of 5:0 {20.0 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 16 {6.2} <0.02 0.31>. [00:49:30] |Betjente hytter har eget vertskap som serverer alle måltider.| --- 6 (0.99|0.00:1.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.04] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_servere_v_rel"|, |"_vertskap_n_rel"|, |"_betjene_v_rel"|. | |-[2.07] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_servere_v_rel"|, |"_vertskap_n_rel"|, |"_betjene_v_rel"|. | |-[2.10] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_servere_v_rel"|, |"_vertskap_n_rel"|, |"_betjene_v_rel"|. | |-[2.13] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_servere_v_rel"|, |"_vertskap_n_rel"|, |"_betjene_v_rel"|. | |-[2.17] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_servere_v_rel"|, |"_vertskap_n_rel"|, |"_betjene_v_rel"|. | |-[2.20] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_servere_v_rel"|, |"_vertskap_n_rel"|, |"_betjene_v_rel"|. | |< |Betjente hytter har eget vertskap som serverer alle måltider.| --- 6 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 6:0 of 17 {35.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 6:0 {16.7 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 17 {5.9} <0.02 0.31>. [00:49:32] |Selvbetjente hytter er fullt utstyrt med sengetøy og kjøkkenredskap, og har proviant til salgs.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_sengetøy_n_rel|, |_kjøkkenredskap_n_rel|. | |< |Selvbetjente hytter er fullt utstyrt med sengetøy og kjøkkenredskap, og har proviant til salgs.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 6:0 of 18 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 6:0 {16.7 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 18 {5.6} <0.02 0.31>. [00:49:58] |Disse hyttene er vanligvis låst med egen lås.| --- 1 (0.78|0.00:0.80 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[2.03] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_låse_v_rel"|. | |< |Disse hyttene er vanligvis låst med egen lås.| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:0 of 19 {36.8+0.0}; 1:0 of 7:0 {14.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 19 {5.3} <0.02 0.31>. [00:50:00] |Hyttene er vanligvis ikke tilgjengelige i perioden 1. oktober til 15. februar.| --- (4.15|4.15 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Hyttene er vanligvis ikke tilgjengelige i perioden 1. oktober til 15. februar.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:0 of 20 {35.0+0.0}; 1:0 of 7:0 {14.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 20 {5.0} <0.02 0.31>. [00:50:06] |Har du tid, bør du ta en avstikker for å se på Blåbreen, det er absolutt turen verd.| --- (38.77|38.77 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Har du tid, bør du ta en avstikker for å se på Blåbreen, det er absolutt turen verd.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:0 of 21 {33.3+0.0}; 1:0 of 7:0 {14.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 21 {4.8} <0.01 0.31>. [00:50:47] |Den ble reist av den engelske general Blackwell på 1800-tallet.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_general_n_rel|. | |< |Den ble reist av den engelske general Blackwell på 1800-tallet.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:0 of 22 {31.8+0.0}; 1:0 of 7:0 {14.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 22 {4.5} <0.01 0.31>. [00:50:50] |Men grunneieren angret og ville gjøre om handelen.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_men_n_rel|, |_handel_n_rel|. | |< |Men grunneieren angret og ville gjøre om handelen.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:0 of 23 {30.4+0.0}; 1:0 of 7:0 {14.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 23 {4.3} <0.01 0.31>. [00:50:52] |Russvatn har visstnok bra med fisk, men er privateid.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_russ_n_rel|, |_privateid_a_rel|. | |< |Russvatn har visstnok bra med fisk, men er privateid.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 7:0 of 24 {29.2+0.0}; 1:0 of 7:0 {14.3 0.0}; 1:0 of 1:0 {100.0 0.0} @ 1 of 24 {4.2} <0.01 0.31>. [00:50:54] |Et godt alternativ til denne turen går over Styggehøbreen, gjennom Styggehøbreskaret og utover austre Memurubre og Memurudalen.| --- ^5 [8] (25.10|0.00:25.21 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[26.38] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |-[52.54] # 1 --- 54 (25.86:0.57|0.00:0.00 s) <:332> (708.3M 9.3G = 10.0G) [8]. | | | |-[54.59] # 0 --- 1 (1.46|0.00:1.45 s) <13:1573> {11445:2914} (23.9M 934.3M = 958.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[56.63] # 1 --- 1 (1.40|0.00:1.38 s) <13:1585> {11520:2930} (23.8M 925.4M = 949.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[58.68] # 2 --- 1 (1.39|0.00:1.39 s) <13:1585> {11520:2930} (23.7M 925.4M = 949.1M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[60.72] # 3 --- 1 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <13:1571> {11285:2780} (23.1M 908.8M = 931.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[62.77] # 4 --- 1 (1.36|0.00:1.36 s) <13:1583> {11358:2796} (23.4M 917.8M = 941.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[64.81] # 5 --- 1 (1.35|0.00:1.35 s) <13:1583> {11358:2796} (23.4M 917.8M = 941.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[66.86] # 6 --- 1 (1.37|0.00:1.37 s) <13:1573> {11445:2914} (23.5M 912.0M = 935.5M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[68.90] # 7 --- 1 (1.37|0.00:1.37 s) <13:1585> {11520:2930} (23.8M 923.1M = 946.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[70.95] # 8 --- 1 (1.38|0.00:1.38 s) <13:1585> {11520:2930} (23.8M 923.1M = 946.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[72.99] # 9 --- 1 (1.29|0.00:1.29 s) <13:1561> {10853:2634} (22.3M 890.0M = 912.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[75.04] # 10 --- 1 (1.32|0.00:1.32 s) <13:1573> {10922:2650} (22.6M 899.8M = 922.4M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[77.08] # 11 --- 1 (1.31|0.00:1.31 s) <13:1573> {10922:2650} (22.5M 899.8M = 922.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[79.13] # 12 --- 1 (1.29|0.00:1.29 s) <13:1559> {10697:2500} (21.9M 886.3M = 908.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[81.17] # 13 --- 1 (1.28|0.00:1.28 s) <13:1571> {10764:2516} (22.3M 896.1M = 918.4M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[83.22] # 14 --- 1 (1.30|0.00:1.30 s) <13:1571> {10764:2516} (22.2M 896.1M = 918.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[85.26] # 15 --- 1 (1.29|0.00:1.29 s) <13:1561> {10853:2634} (22.3M 888.2M = 910.5M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[87.31] # 16 --- 1 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <13:1573> {10922:2650} (22.7M 897.8M = 920.5M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[89.46] # 17 --- 1 (1.69|0.00:1.69 s) <13:1573> {10922:2650} (22.6M 897.8M = 920.4M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[91.51] # 18 --- 1 (1.35|0.00:1.35 s) <13:1289> {8002:2345} (20.0M 681.0M = 701.0M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[93.55] # 19 --- 1 (1.35|0.00:1.35 s) <13:1301> {8080:2362} (20.3M 688.1M = 708.4M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[95.60] # 20 --- 1 (1.35|0.00:1.35 s) <13:1301> {8080:2362} (20.3M 688.1M = 708.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[97.64] # 21 --- 1 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <13:1287> {7936:2307} (19.8M 677.3M = 697.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[99.69] # 22 --- 1 (1.35|0.00:1.35 s) <13:1299> {8012:2324} (20.2M 686.0M = 706.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[101.73] # 23 --- 1 (1.34|0.00:1.34 s) <13:1299> {8012:2324} (20.1M 686.0M = 706.1M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[103.77] # 24 --- 1 (1.33|0.00:1.33 s) <13:1289> {8002:2345} (20.0M 677.8M = 697.8M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | |-[103.85] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |-[130.47] # 3 --- 54 (26.33:0.66|0.00:0.00 s) <:334> (725.5M 9.5G = 10.2G) [9]. | | | |-[132.51] # 0 --- 1 (1.49|0.00:1.49 s) <13:1323> {9229:2334} (22.3M 742.2M = 764.5M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[134.58] # 1 --- 1 (1.49|0.00:1.49 s) <13:1335> {9305:2350} (22.7M 751.1M = 773.7M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[136.63] # 2 --- 1 (1.49|0.00:1.49 s) <13:1335> {9305:2350} (22.6M 751.0M = 773.6M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[138.68] # 3 --- 1 (1.45|0.00:1.45 s) <13:1321> {9083:2218} (22.0M 738.9M = 760.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[140.72] # 4 --- 1 (1.47|0.00:1.47 s) <13:1333> {9157:2234} (22.4M 747.7M = 770.1M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[142.77] # 5 --- 1 (1.46|0.00:1.46 s) <13:1333> {9157:2234} (22.3M 747.7M = 770.0M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[144.82] # 6 --- 1 (1.47|0.00:1.47 s) <13:1323> {9229:2334} (22.4M 740.5M = 762.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[146.86] # 7 --- 1 (1.48|0.00:1.48 s) <13:1335> {9305:2350} (22.7M 749.2M = 771.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[148.91] # 8 --- 1 (1.49|0.00:1.49 s) <13:1335> {9305:2350} (22.7M 749.2M = 771.8M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[150.96] # 9 --- 1 (1.45|0.00:1.45 s) <13:1311> {8969:2302} (21.6M 726.1M = 747.8M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[153.01] # 10 --- 1 (1.47|0.00:1.47 s) <13:1323> {9041:2318} (22.0M 734.9M = 756.8M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[155.05] # 11 --- 1 (1.46|0.00:1.46 s) <13:1323> {9041:2318} (21.9M 734.9M = 756.7M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[157.10] # 12 --- 1 (1.43|0.00:1.43 s) <13:1309> {8827:2186} (21.3M 722.9M = 744.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[159.15] # 13 --- 1 (1.43|0.00:1.43 s) <13:1321> {8897:2202} (21.7M 731.6M = 753.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[161.19] # 14 --- 1 (1.44|0.00:1.44 s) <13:1321> {8897:2202} (21.6M 731.6M = 753.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[163.24] # 15 --- 1 (1.45|0.00:1.45 s) <13:1311> {8969:2302} (21.7M 724.3M = 746.0M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[165.29] # 16 --- 1 (1.46|0.00:1.46 s) <13:1323> {9041:2318} (22.0M 732.8M = 754.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[167.33] # 17 --- 1 (1.46|0.00:1.46 s) <13:1323> {9041:2318} (22.0M 732.8M = 754.8M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[169.38] # 18 --- 1 (1.22|0.00:1.22 s) <13:1166> {6440:2063} (19.6M 606.3M = 625.9M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[171.43] # 19 --- 1 (1.23|0.00:1.23 s) <13:1178> {6518:2080} (19.9M 614.4M = 634.3M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[173.47] # 20 --- 1 (1.22|0.00:1.22 s) <13:1178> {6518:2080} (19.9M 614.3M = 634.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[175.52] # 21 --- 1 (1.20|0.00:1.20 s) <13:1164> {6380:2033} (19.5M 604.3M = 623.7M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[177.57] # 22 --- 1 (1.22|0.00:1.22 s) <13:1176> {6456:2050} (19.8M 612.3M = 632.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[179.62] # 23 --- 1 (1.22|0.00:1.22 s) <13:1176> {6456:2050} (19.7M 612.3M = 632.1M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[181.67] # 24 --- 1 (1.21|0.00:1.21 s) <13:1166> {6440:2063} (19.7M 604.5M = 624.2M) [1]. | | |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> | |-[181.72] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |< |Et godt alternativ til denne turen går over Styggehøbreen, gjennom Styggehøbreskaret og utover austre Memurubre og Memurudalen.| --- 5 x 108 x 50 = 1 [50] |> |... || ...| [0.00] <0.00> (1:0:0). |= 7:1 of 25 {28.0+4.0}; 1:1 of 7:1 {14.3 100.0}; 1:1 of 1:1 {100.0 100.0} @ 2 of 25 {8.0} <0.01 0.15>. [00:53:55] |Se beskrivelse i Tur 1a.| --- 4 [12] (0.27|0.00:0.30 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.64] # 0 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (15.2M 219.5M = 234.7M) [1]. | | | |-[2.19] # 0 --- (0.25|0.25 s) <78:162> {527:223} (9.3M 105.4M = 114.7M) [1]. | | | |-[2.71] # 1 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <73:157> {480:197} (8.4M 95.6M = 104.1M) [1]. | |-[3.51] # 1 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (15.2M 219.0M = 234.2M) [0]. | | | |-[4.00] # 0 --- (0.23|0.23 s) <78:162> {527:223} (9.2M 100.5M = 109.6M) [1]. | | | |-[4.47] # 1 --- (0.21|0.21 s) <73:157> {480:197} (8.4M 95.2M = 103.5M) [1]. | |-[5.19] # 4 --- 2 (0.71|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (15.2M 219.0M = 234.2M) [0]. | | | |-[5.66] # 0 --- (0.22|0.22 s) <78:137> {488:206} (9.1M 97.4M = 106.5M) [1]. | | | |-[6.05] # 1 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <73:132> {433:180} (8.4M 92.7M = 101.0M) [1]. | |-[6.66] # 5 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.00 s) <:13> (15.2M 219.0M = 234.2M) [0]. | | | |-[7.06] # 0 --- (0.18|0.18 s) <78:137> {488:206} (9.1M 97.4M = 106.5M) [1]. | | | |-[7.45] # 1 --- (0.17|0.17 s) <73:132> {433:180} (8.3M 92.7M = 101.0M) [1]. | |< |Se beskrivelse i Tur 1a.| --- 4 x 8 x 0 = 0 |= 8:1 of 26 {30.8+3.8}; 2:1 of 8:1 {25.0 100.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 26 {7.7} <0.01 0.15>. [00:54:03] |Tur 1e - 1 dag - gg| --- ^1 [2] (0.42|0.00:0.43 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.87] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_v_rel"|. | |< |Tur 1e - 1 dag - gg| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 8:2 of 27 {29.6+7.4}; 2:1 of 8:2 {25.0 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 27 {7.4} <0.01 0.15>. [00:54:04] |I de senere årene er det flere som har fått øynene opp for dette vakre fjellområdet som strekker seg helt over mot Gudbrandsdalen.| --- (221.33|221.33 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |I de senere årene er det flere som har fått øynene opp for dette vakre fjellområdet som strekker seg helt over mot Gudbrandsdalen.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 8:2 of 28 {28.6+7.1}; 2:1 of 8:2 {25.0 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 28 {7.1} <0.01 0.15>. [00:57:47] |På en makelig dagstur kan en også ta gode smakebiter, både Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan og Brurskarknappen er utmerkede turmål.| --- (22.62|22.62 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |På en makelig dagstur kan en også ta gode smakebiter, både Sikkilsdalshø, Gåpåpiggan og Brurskarknappen er utmerkede turmål.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 8:2 of 29 {27.6+6.9}; 2:1 of 8:2 {25.0 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 29 {6.9} <0.01 0.15>. [00:58:11] |Fra Gjendesheim må du følge bilveien bort til Maurvangen før du begynner vandringen i selve turterrenget.| --- 24 (3.36|0.00:3.43 s) <:> () [4]. | |-[6.10] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.18] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.25] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[6.32] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[6.39] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.46] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.53] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.60] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.68] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[6.76] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[6.84] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.91] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[6.99] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.06] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.20] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[7.28] # 15 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[7.35] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.42] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.50] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.57] # 19 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.64] # 20 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[7.71] # 21 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_a_rel"|. | |-[7.79] # 22 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |-[7.86] # 23 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_begynne_v_caus_rel"|, |"_før_rel"|, |"_bort_p_rel"|. | |< |Fra Gjendesheim må du følge bilveien bort til Maurvangen før du begynner vandringen i selve turterrenget.| --- 24 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:2 of 30 {30.0+6.7}; 2:1 of 9:2 {22.2 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 30 {6.7} <0.01 0.15>. [00:58:19] |Fra Maurvangen er det en lett og fin tur opp i skaret, og bare utsikten derfra og tilbake mot Jotunheimen er turen verd.| --- (220.07|220.07 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Fra Maurvangen er det en lett og fin tur opp i skaret, og bare utsikten derfra og tilbake mot Jotunheimen er turen verd.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:2 of 31 {29.0+6.5}; 2:1 of 9:2 {22.2 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 31 {6.5} <0.01 0.15>. [01:02:01] |Sikkilsdalen er en av Norges frodigste fjelldaler og mye brukt som beiteområde.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_kil_n_rel|, |_sik_n_rel|. | |< |Sikkilsdalen er en av Norges frodigste fjelldaler og mye brukt som beiteområde.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 9:2 of 32 {28.1+6.2}; 2:1 of 9:2 {22.2 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 32 {6.2} <0.01 0.15>. [01:02:42] |Er det godvær, bør du uten tvil velge den over Sikkilsdalshø.| --- 72 (0.81|0.00:0.86 s) <:> () [18]. | |-[5.05] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.16] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.28] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.39] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.50] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.62] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.73] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.84] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[5.95] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.07] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.19] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.31] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.43] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.55] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.68] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.80] # 15 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[6.92] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.05] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.17] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.29] # 19 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.41] # 20 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.54] # 21 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.66] # 22 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.78] # 23 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_uten+tvil_a_rel"|, |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[7.91] # 24 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_godvær_n_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |< |Er det godvær, bør du uten tvil velge den over Sikkilsdalshø.| --- 72 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 10:2 of 33 {30.3+6.1}; 2:1 of 10:2 {20.0 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 33 {6.1} <0.01 0.15>. [01:02:50] |Fra hornet og ned til turisthytta er det en bratt sti på vestsiden av Skålbekken.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_horn_n_rel|. | |< |Fra hornet og ned til turisthytta er det en bratt sti på vestsiden av Skålbekken.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 10:2 of 34 {29.4+5.9}; 2:1 of 10:2 {20.0 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 34 {5.9} <0.01 0.15>. [01:02:52] |Alternativet til turen over toppen er den litt kortere turen nede i dalen langs de to vannene.| --- 384 (15.64|0.00:15.80 s) <:> () [868]. | |-[129.30] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[129.98] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[130.65] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[131.39] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[132.06] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[132.74] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[133.41] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[134.09] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[134.76] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[135.43] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[136.13] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[136.80] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[137.48] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[138.16] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[138.83] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[139.51] # 15 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[140.19] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[140.87] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[141.62] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[142.29] # 19 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[142.97] # 20 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[143.65] # 21 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[144.33] # 22 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[145.01] # 23 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|, |"_nede_rel"|. | |-[145.69] # 24 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nede_rel"|. | |< |Alternativet til turen over toppen er den litt kortere turen nede i dalen langs de to vannene.| --- 384 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 11:2 of 35 {31.4+5.7}; 2:1 of 11:2 {18.2 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 35 {5.7} <0.01 0.15>. [01:05:18] |Like før turisthytta passerer den Prinsehytta, kongefamiliens påskeresidens i mange år.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_residens_n_rel|. | |< |Like før turisthytta passerer den Prinsehytta, kongefamiliens påskeresidens i mange år.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 11:2 of 36 {30.6+5.6}; 2:1 of 11:2 {18.2 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 36 {5.6} <0.01 0.15>. [01:05:20] |Helt siden 1868 har Sikkilsdalsseter vært statens hesteavlsseter.| --- 12 [56] (1.27|0.00:1.35 s) <:> () [2]. | |-[3.03] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hele_v_rel"|, |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.08] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hele_v_rel"|, |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.13] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hele_v_rel"|, |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.18] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hele_v_rel"|, |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.23] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|, |"_hele_v_rel"|. | |-[3.27] # 15 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|, |"_hele_v_rel"|. | |-[3.32] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|, |"_hele_v_rel"|. | |-[3.37] # 21 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|, |"_hele_v_rel"|. | |-[3.42] # 48 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.46] # 49 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.51] # 50 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |-[3.56] # 51 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_hesteavl_n_rel"|. | |< |Helt siden 1868 har Sikkilsdalsseter vært statens hesteavlsseter.| --- 12 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 12:2 of 37 {32.4+5.4}; 2:1 of 12:2 {16.7 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 37 {5.4} <0.01 0.15>. [01:05:24] |Hestene blir vanligvis sluppet ved sankthanstider.| --- 1 (0.22|0.00:0.24 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.77] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_sankthanstid_n_rel"|. | |< |Hestene blir vanligvis sluppet ved sankthanstider.| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 13:2 of 38 {34.2+5.3}; 2:1 of 13:2 {15.4 50.0}; 1:1 of 2:1 {50.0 100.0} @ 2 of 38 {5.3} <0.01 0.15>. [01:05:24] |Lengder| --- 1 [2] (0.01|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.05] # 0 --- 4 (0.80|0.00:0.00 s) <:10> (10.5M 184.7M = 195.2M) [0]. | | | |-[1.86] # 0 --- 22 (0.43|0.00:0.42 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.6M 154.6M = 167.3M) [1]. | | |No durations.| [0.21] <0.50> | | |These durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Some durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Which durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |No more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Some more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |The most durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Less durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |What durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Most durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Those durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Umpteen durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Either durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Enough durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Such durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |All durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Durations.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both durations.| [-0.19] <0.50> | | |Zero durations.| [-0.21] <0.50> | | |The durations.| [-0.42] <0.50> | | | |-[2.63] # 1 --- 22 (0.40|0.00:0.40 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.3M 136.0M = 148.3M) [1]. | | |No lengths.| [0.21] <0.59> | | |These lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Some lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Any lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Which lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |No more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Some more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |The most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Less lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |What lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Those lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Any more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Umpteen lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Either lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Enough lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Such lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |All lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Lengths.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both lengths.| [-0.19] <0.59> | | |Zero lengths.| [-0.21] <0.59> | | |The lengths.| [-0.42] <0.59> | | | |-[3.34] # 2 --- 22 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <141:228> {871:439} (11.9M 122.9M = 134.8M) [1]. | | |No longitudes.| [0.21] <0.50> | | |These longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Some longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Which longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |No more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Some more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |The most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Less longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |What longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Those longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Umpteen longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Either longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Enough longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Such longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |All longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Longitudes.| [-0.15] <1.00> | | |Both longitudes.| [-0.19] <0.50> | | |Zero longitudes.| [-0.21] <0.50> | | |The longitudes.| [-0.42] <0.50> | | | |-[4.11] # 3 --- 22 (0.39|0.00:0.39 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.4M 136.1M = 148.5M) [1]. | | |No quantities.| [0.21] <0.50> | | |These quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Some quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Which quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |No more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Some more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |The most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Less quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |What quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Those quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Umpteen quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Either quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Enough quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Such quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |All quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Quantities.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both quantities.| [-0.19] <0.50> | | |Zero quantities.| [-0.21] <0.50> | | |The quantities.| [-0.42] <0.50> | |< |Lengder| --- 1 x 4 x 88 = 88 |> |No quantities.| [0.21] <0.50> (0:3:0). |> |No longitudes.| [0.21] <0.50> (0:2:0). |> |No lengths.| [0.21] <0.59> (0:1:0). |> |No durations.| [0.21] <0.50> (0:0:0). |> |These longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:1). |> |These lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:1). |> |Some longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:2). |> |Some lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:2). |> |Any longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:3). |> |Any lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:3). |> |Enough longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:15). |> |Either longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:14). |> |Umpteen longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:13). |> |Any more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:12). |> |Those longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:11). |> |Most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:10). |> |What longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:9). |> |Less longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:8). |> |The most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:7). |> |Some more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:6). |> |No more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:5). |> |Which longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:4). |> |Enough lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:15). |> |Either lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:14). |> |Umpteen lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:13). |> |Any more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:12). |> |Those lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:11). |> |Most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:10). |> |What lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:9). |> |Less lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:8). |> |The most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:7). |> |Some more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:6). |> |No more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:5). |> |Which lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:4). |> |These quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:1). |> |These durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:1). |> |Some quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:2). |> |Some durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:2). |> |Such longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:16). |> |Such lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:16). |> |Any quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:3). |> |Any durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:3). |> |All longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:17). |> |All lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:17). |> |Enough quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:15). |> |Either quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:14). |> |Umpteen quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:13). |> |Any more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:12). |> |Those quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:11). |> |Most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:10). |> |What quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:9). |> |Less quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:8). |> |The most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:7). |> |Some more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:6). |> |No more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:5). |> |Which quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:4). |> |Enough durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:15). |> |Either durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:14). |> |Umpteen durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:13). |> |Any more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:12). |> |Those durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:11). |> |Most durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:10). |> |What durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:9). |> |Less durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:8). |> |The most durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:7). |> |Some more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:6). |> |No more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:5). |> |Which durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:4). |> |Such quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:16). |> |Such durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:16). |> |All quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:17). |> |All durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:17). |> |Quantities.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:3:18). |> |Lengths.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:1:18). |> |Durations.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:0:18). |> |Longitudes.| [-0.15] <1.00> (0:2:18). |> |Both quantities.| [-0.19] <0.50> (0:3:19). |> |Both longitudes.| [-0.19] <0.50> (0:2:19). |> |Both lengths.| [-0.19] <0.59> (0:1:19). |> |Both durations.| [-0.19] <0.50> (0:0:19). |> |Zero quantities.| [-0.21] <0.50> (0:3:20). |> |Zero longitudes.| [-0.21] <0.50> (0:2:20). |> |Zero lengths.| [-0.21] <0.59> (0:1:20). |> |Zero durations.| [-0.21] <0.50> (0:0:20). |> |The quantities.| [-0.42] <0.50> (0:3:21). |> |The longitudes.| [-0.42] <0.50> (0:2:21). |> |The lengths.| [-0.42] <0.59> (0:1:21). |> |The durations.| [-0.42] <0.50> (0:0:21). |= 14:2 of 39 {35.9+5.1}; 3:1 of 14:2 {21.4 50.0}; 2:1 of 3:1 {66.7 100.0} @ 3 of 39 {7.7} <0.03 0.44>. [01:05:29] |Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Sikkilsdalsseter.| --- ^1 [2] (0.13|0.00:0.16 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.58] # 0 --- 1 (1.95|0.00:0.00 s) <:43> (89.8M 561.1M = 650.9M) [1]. | | | |-[3.06] # 0 --- 1 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <5:40> {75:40} (3.8M 50.8M = 54.6M) [1]. | | |/bessheim/ || Gjendesheim || Maurvangen || Sikkilsdalsseter| [0.00] <0.42> | |< |Bessheim, Gjendesheim, Maurvangen, Sikkilsdalsseter.| --- 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 |> |/bessheim/ || Gjendesheim || Maurvangen || Sikkilsdalsseter| [0.00] <0.42> (0:0:0). |= 14:3 of 40 {35.0+7.5}; 3:2 of 14:3 {21.4 66.7}; 2:2 of 3:2 {66.7 100.0} @ 4 of 40 {10.0} <0.04 0.43>. [01:05:32] |Offentlige kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.03 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.12] # 0 --- 3 (0.94|0.00:0.00 s) <:11> (13.3M 225.3M = 238.6M) [0]. | | | |-[2.04] # 0 --- 23 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <170:443> {2036:851} (15.2M 186.5M = 201.8M) [1]. | | |No official communications.| [0.27] <0.31> | | |Official communications.| [0.27] <0.59> | | |Some official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Any official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Any more official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |Either official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Enough official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Another official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Which official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |No more official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |Some more official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |The most official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |Less official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |What official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Most official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Such official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |All official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Umpteen official communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> | | |Those official communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> | | |These official communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> | | |Both official communications.| [-0.20] <0.31> | | |Zero official communications.| [-0.27] <0.31> | | |The official communications.| [-0.28] <0.31> | | | |-[2.98] # 1 --- 23 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <170:443> {2036:851} (14.9M 186.1M = 201.0M) [1]. | | |No public communications.| [0.27] <0.37> | | |Public communications.| [0.27] <0.84> | | |Some public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Any public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Which public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |No more public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> | | |Some more public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> | | |The most public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> | | |Less public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |What public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Most public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Any more public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> | | |Either public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Enough public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Another public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |Such public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |All public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |These public communications.| [-0.05] <0.37> | | |Those public communications.| [-0.05] <0.37> | | |Umpteen public communications.| [-0.05] <0.37> | | |Both public communications.| [-0.20] <0.37> | | |Zero public communications.| [-0.27] <0.37> | | |The public communications.| [-0.28] <0.37> | | | |-[3.82] # 2 --- 23 (0.53|0.00:0.53 s) <162:425> {1963:841} (14.2M 177.7M = 191.9M) [1]. | | |No state communications.| [0.27] <0.31> | | |State communications.| [0.27] <0.59> | | |Some state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Any state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Which state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |No more state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |Some more state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |The most state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |Less state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |What state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Most state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Any more state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> | | |Either state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Enough state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Another state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Such state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |All state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |These state communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> | | |Those state communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> | | |Umpteen state communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> | | |Both state communications.| [-0.20] <0.31> | | |Zero state communications.| [-0.27] <0.31> | | |The state communications.| [-0.28] <0.31> | |< |Offentlige kommunikasjoner| --- 1 x 3 x 69 = 69 |> |No state communications.| [0.27] <0.31> (0:2:0). |> |No public communications.| [0.27] <0.37> (0:1:0). |> |No official communications.| [0.27] <0.31> (0:0:0). |> |State communications.| [0.27] <0.59> (0:2:1). |> |Public communications.| [0.27] <0.84> (0:1:1). |> |Official communications.| [0.27] <0.59> (0:0:1). |> |Some state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:2). |> |Some public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:2). |> |Some official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:2). |> |Any state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:3). |> |Any public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:3). |> |Any official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:3). |> |Another state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:14). |> |Enough state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:13). |> |Either state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:12). |> |Any more state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:2:11). |> |Most state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:10). |> |What state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:9). |> |Less state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:8). |> |The most state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:2:7). |> |Some more state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:2:6). |> |No more state communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:2:5). |> |Which state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:4). |> |Another public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:14). |> |Enough public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:13). |> |Either public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:12). |> |Any more public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> (0:1:11). |> |Most public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:10). |> |What public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:9). |> |Less public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:8). |> |The most public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> (0:1:7). |> |Some more public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> (0:1:6). |> |No more public communications.| [-0.00] <0.17> (0:1:5). |> |Which public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:4). |> |Most official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:14). |> |What official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:13). |> |Less official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:12). |> |The most official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:0:11). |> |Some more official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:0:10). |> |No more official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:0:9). |> |Which official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:8). |> |Another official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:7). |> |Enough official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:6). |> |Either official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:5). |> |Any more official communications.| [-0.00] <0.14> (0:0:4). |> |Such state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:15). |> |Such public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:15). |> |Such official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:15). |> |All state communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:2:16). |> |All public communications.| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:1:16). |> |All official communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:16). |> |Umpteen state communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> (0:2:19). |> |Those state communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> (0:2:18). |> |These state communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> (0:2:17). |> |Umpteen public communications.| [-0.05] <0.37> (0:1:19). |> |Those public communications.| [-0.05] <0.37> (0:1:18). |> |These public communications.| [-0.05] <0.37> (0:1:17). |> |These official communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> (0:0:19). |> |Those official communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> (0:0:18). |> |Umpteen official communications.| [-0.05] <0.31> (0:0:17). |> |Both state communications.| [-0.20] <0.31> (0:2:20). |> |Both public communications.| [-0.20] <0.37> (0:1:20). |> |Both official communications.| [-0.20] <0.31> (0:0:20). |> |Zero state communications.| [-0.27] <0.31> (0:2:21). |> |Zero public communications.| [-0.27] <0.37> (0:1:21). |> |Zero official communications.| [-0.27] <0.31> (0:0:21). |> |The state communications.| [-0.28] <0.31> (0:2:22). |> |The public communications.| [-0.28] <0.37> (0:1:22). |> |The official communications.| [-0.28] <0.31> (0:0:22). |= 15:3 of 41 {36.6+7.3}; 4:2 of 15:3 {26.7 66.7}; 3:2 of 4:2 {75.0 100.0} @ 5 of 41 {12.2} <0.06 0.51>. [01:05:36] |Bilvei til Sikkilsdalsseter.| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.73] # 0 --- 1 (0.42|0.00:0.00 s) <:6> (6.6M 105.5M = 112.1M) [0]. | | | |-[1.40] # 0 --- 19 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <186:358> {1455:543} (15.9M 175.1M = 191.0M) [1]. | | |No road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [0.08] <0.42> | | |Any road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Either road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Every road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Another road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Each road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Some road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Which road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Neither road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |What road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |Less than a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.21> | | |Less than an road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.21> | | |Such a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.29> | | |Many a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.29> | | |What a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.29> | | |That road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.15] <0.42> | | |This road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.15] <0.42> | | |A road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.20] <0.42> | | |The road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.64] <0.42> | |< |Bilvei til Sikkilsdalsseter.| --- 1 x 1 x 19 = 19 |> |No road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [0.08] <0.42> (0:0:0). |> |Less than an road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.21> (0:0:11). |> |Less than a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.21> (0:0:10). |> |What road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:9). |> |Neither road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:8). |> |Which road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:7). |> |Some road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:6). |> |Each road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:5). |> |Another road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:4). |> |Every road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:3). |> |Either road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:2). |> |Any road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:1). |> |What a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.29> (0:0:14). |> |Many a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.29> (0:0:13). |> |Such a road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.14] <0.29> (0:0:12). |> |This road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.15] <0.42> (0:0:16). |> |That road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.15] <0.42> (0:0:15). |> |A road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.20] <0.42> (0:0:17). |> |The road to Sikkilsdalsseter.| [-0.64] <0.42> (0:0:18). |= 16:3 of 42 {38.1+7.1}; 5:2 of 16:3 {31.2 66.7}; 4:2 of 5:2 {80.0 100.0} @ 6 of 42 {14.3} <0.07 0.50>. [01:05:37] |Her er det i det hele tatt bare å velge og vrake.| --- (31.91|31.91 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Her er det i det hele tatt bare å velge og vrake.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 16:3 of 43 {37.2+7.0}; 5:2 of 16:3 {31.2 66.7}; 4:2 of 5:2 {80.0 100.0} @ 6 of 43 {14.0} <0.07 0.50>. [01:06:10] |Gjendesheim - Torfinnsbu eller Gjendebu, 8-9 t.| --- ^1 (0.70|0.00:0.72 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.04] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"cardinterval_rel"|, |"_elle_v_rel"|. | |< |Gjendesheim - Torfinnsbu eller Gjendebu, 8-9 t.| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 16:4 of 44 {36.4+9.1}; 5:2 of 16:4 {31.2 50.0}; 4:2 of 5:2 {80.0 100.0} @ 6 of 44 {13.6} <0.07 0.50>. [01:06:12] |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu eller telt i Leirungsdalen.| --- 2 (0.18|0.00:0.21 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.46] # 0 --- 1 (0.69|0.00:0.00 s) <:54> (16.7M 191.5M = 208.2M) [1]. | | | |-[5.55] # 0 --- 320 (2.84|0.00:2.84 s) <176:653> {7617:2112} (66.8M 723.7M = 790.4M) [1]. | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.55] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.54] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.44] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.44] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.35] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.35] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.35] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.34] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.34] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.34] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.24] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.24] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.24] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.24] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.24] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.24] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.12] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.11] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.10] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.01] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.01] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.01] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.01] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.08] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.08] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.08] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.09] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.10] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.10] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.10] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.11] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.11] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.11] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.12] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.12] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.12] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.19] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.19] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.19] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.19] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.19] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.19] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.20] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.20] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.20] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.20] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.20] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.20] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.22] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.23] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.33] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.37] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.37] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.37] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.38] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.38] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.38] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.48] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.48] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.48] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.48] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.48] <0.51> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.48] <0.51> | |-[6.26] # 1 --- 1 (0.64|0.00:0.00 s) <:54> (16.7M 191.0M = 207.7M) [0]. | | | |-[10.34] # 0 --- 272 (2.30|0.00:2.28 s) <204:633> {6909:1893} (59.5M 641.8M = 701.3M) [1]. | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.56] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.55] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.48] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.48] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.48] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.47] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.47] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.47] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.45] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.45] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.37] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.37] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.37] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.37] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.37] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.37] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.29] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.28] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.20] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.20] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.20] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.20] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.20] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.20] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.18] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.18] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.09] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.09] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.09] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.09] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.09] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.09] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.21] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.22] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.24] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.24] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.24] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.25] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.32] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.32] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.35] <0.59> | | |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.35] <0.59> | |< |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu eller telt i Leirungsdalen.| --- 2 x 2 x 592 = 592 |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.56] <0.59> (1:0:0). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.55] <0.59> (1:0:1). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.55] <0.51> (0:0:0). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.54] <0.51> (0:0:1). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.48] <0.59> (1:0:4). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.48] <0.59> (1:0:3). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.48] <0.59> (1:0:2). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.47] <0.59> (1:0:7). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.47] <0.59> (1:0:6). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.47] <0.59> (1:0:5). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.45] <0.59> (1:0:8). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.45] <0.59> (1:0:9). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.44] <0.51> (0:0:2). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.44] <0.51> (0:0:3). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.37] <0.59> (1:0:12). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.37] <0.59> (1:0:11). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.37] <0.59> (1:0:10). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.37] <0.59> (1:0:15). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.37] <0.59> (1:0:14). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.37] <0.59> (1:0:13). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> (1:0:17). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> (1:0:16). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> (1:0:19). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.59> (1:0:18). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.35] <0.51> (0:0:6). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.35] <0.51> (0:0:5). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.35] <0.51> (0:0:4). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.52> (1:0:22). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.52> (1:0:21). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.35] <0.52> (1:0:20). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:31). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> (1:0:30). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> (1:0:29). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:28). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:27). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:26). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:25). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:24). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:23). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.34] <0.51> (0:0:9). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.34] <0.51> (0:0:8). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.34] <0.51> (0:0:7). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.52> (1:0:34). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.52> (1:0:33). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.52> (1:0:32). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:43). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> (1:0:42). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.46> (1:0:41). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:40). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:39). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:38). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:37). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:36). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.34] <0.59> (1:0:35). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:24). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:23). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:22). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:21). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:20). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:19). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:18). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:17). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:16). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:15). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:14). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:13). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:12). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:11). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:10). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:39). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:38). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:37). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:36). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:35). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:34). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:33). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:32). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:31). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:30). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:29). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:28). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:27). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.51> (0:0:26). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.33] <0.45> (0:0:25). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.29] <0.59> (1:0:44). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.28] <0.59> (1:0:45). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:72). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:71). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:70). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:69). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:68). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:67). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:66). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:65). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:64). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:63). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:62). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:61). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:60). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:59). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:58). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:57). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:56). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:55). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:54). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:53). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:52). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:51). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:50). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:49). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:48). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:47). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:46). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.26] <0.59> (0:0:40). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:81). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:80). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:79). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:78). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:77). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:76). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:75). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:74). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.52> (1:0:73). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:108). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:107). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:106). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:105). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:104). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:103). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:102). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:101). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.46> (1:0:100). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:99). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:98). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:97). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:96). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:95). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:94). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:93). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:92). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:91). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:90). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:89). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:88). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:87). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:86). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:85). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:84). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:83). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.26] <0.59> (1:0:82). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.26] <0.59> (0:0:41). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:117). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:116). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:115). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:114). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:113). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:112). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:111). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:110). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.52> (1:0:109). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:123). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:122). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:121). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:120). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:119). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:118). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:129). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:128). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:127). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:126). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:125). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:124). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:131). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.25] <0.59> (1:0:130). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.59> (1:0:133). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.59> (1:0:132). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.24] <0.51> (0:0:44). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.24] <0.51> (0:0:43). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.24] <0.51> (0:0:42). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.24] <0.51> (0:0:47). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.24] <0.51> (0:0:46). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.24] <0.51> (0:0:45). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.52> (1:0:136). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.52> (1:0:135). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.24] <0.52> (1:0:134). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.52> (1:0:139). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.52> (1:0:138). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.52> (1:0:137). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:148). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> (1:0:147). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> (1:0:146). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:145). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:144). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:143). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:142). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:141). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:140). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:157). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> (1:0:156). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.46> (1:0:155). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:154). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:153). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:152). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:151). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:150). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.23] <0.59> (1:0:149). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:62). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:61). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:60). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:59). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:58). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:57). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:56). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:55). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:54). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:53). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:52). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:51). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:50). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:49). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:48). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:77). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:76). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:75). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:74). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:73). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:72). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:71). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:70). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:69). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:68). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:67). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:66). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:65). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.51> (0:0:64). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.22] <0.45> (0:0:63). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.20] <0.59> (1:0:160). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.20] <0.59> (1:0:159). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.20] <0.59> (1:0:158). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.20] <0.59> (1:0:163). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.20] <0.59> (1:0:162). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.20] <0.59> (1:0:161). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.18] <0.59> (1:0:164). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen| [0.18] <0.59> (1:0:165). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:192). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:191). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:190). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:189). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:188). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:187). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:186). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:185). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:184). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:183). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:182). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:181). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:180). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:179). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:178). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:177). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:176). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:175). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:174). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:173). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:172). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:171). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:170). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:169). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:168). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:167). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:166). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.15] <0.59> (0:0:78). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:219). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:218). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:217). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:216). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:215). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than an tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:214). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:213). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:212). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less than a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.46> (1:0:211). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:210). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:209). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or each tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:208). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:207). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:206). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or neither tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:205). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:204). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:203). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or another tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:202). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:201). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:200). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or every tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:199). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:198). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:197). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:196). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:195). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:194). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.59> (1:0:193). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:228). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:227). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:226). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:225). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:224). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:223). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:222). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:221). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:220). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.15] <0.59> (0:0:79). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:237). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:236). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or what a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:235). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:234). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:233). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or many a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:232). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:231). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:230). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.15] <0.52> (1:0:229). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:243). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:242). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:241). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:240). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:239). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:238). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:249). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:248). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or this tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:247). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:246). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:245). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or that tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.14] <0.59> (1:0:244). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:124). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:123). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:122). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:121). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:120). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:119). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:118). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:117). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:116). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:115). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:114). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:113). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:112). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:111). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:110). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:109). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:108). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:107). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:106). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:105). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:104). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:103). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:102). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:101). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:100). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:99). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:98). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:97). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:96). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:95). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:94). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:93). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:92). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:91). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:90). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:89). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:88). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:87). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:86). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:85). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:84). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:83). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:82). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:81). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:80). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:169). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:168). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:167). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:166). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:165). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:164). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:163). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:162). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:161). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:160). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:159). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:158). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:157). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:156). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:155). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:154). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:153). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:152). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:151). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:150). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:149). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:148). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:147). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:146). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:145). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:144). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:143). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:142). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:141). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:140). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:139). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:138). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:137). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:136). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:135). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:134). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:133). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:132). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:131). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:130). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:129). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.51> (0:0:128). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:127). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:126). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.13] <0.45> (0:0:125). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.12] <0.51> (0:0:170). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.11] <0.51> (0:0:171). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.10] <0.51> (0:0:172). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.09] <0.51> (0:0:173). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.09] <0.59> (1:0:252). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.09] <0.59> (1:0:251). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.09] <0.59> (1:0:250). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen?| [0.09] <0.59> (1:0:255). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen.| [0.09] <0.59> (1:0:254). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or a tent in Leirungsdalen,| [0.09] <0.59> (1:0:253). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:218). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:217). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:216). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:215). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:214). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:213). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:212). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:211). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:210). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:209). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:208). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:207). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:206). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:205). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:204). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:203). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:202). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:201). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:200). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:199). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:198). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:197). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:196). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:195). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:194). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:193). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:192). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:191). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:190). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:189). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:188). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:187). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:186). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:185). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:184). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:183). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:182). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:181). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:180). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:179). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:178). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:177). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:176). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:175). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:174). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:263). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:262). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:261). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:260). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:259). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or those tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:258). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:257). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:256). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or such tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:255). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:254). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:253). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or enough tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:252). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:251). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:250). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:249). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:248). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:247). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or less tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:246). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:245). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:244). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the most tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:243). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:242). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:241). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:240). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:239). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:238). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or these tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:237). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:236). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:235). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or some more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:234). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:233). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:232). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or no more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:231). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:230). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:229). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or all tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:228). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:227). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:226). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or either tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:225). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:224). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:223). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or umpteen tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.51> (0:0:222). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen?| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:221). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen.| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:220). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or any more tents in Leirungsdalen,| [0.02] <0.45> (0:0:219). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.01] <0.51> (0:0:264). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen| [0.01] <0.51> (0:0:265). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.01] <0.51> (0:0:266). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.01] <0.51> (0:0:267). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.08] <0.51> (0:0:270). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.08] <0.51> (0:0:269). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.08] <0.51> (0:0:268). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.09] <0.51> (0:0:273). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.09] <0.51> (0:0:272). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.09] <0.51> (0:0:271). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.09] <0.51> (0:0:276). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.09] <0.51> (0:0:275). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.09] <0.51> (0:0:274). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.10] <0.51> (0:0:279). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.10] <0.51> (0:0:278). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.10] <0.51> (0:0:277). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.11] <0.59> (0:0:282). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.11] <0.59> (0:0:281). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.11] <0.59> (0:0:280). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.12] <0.59> (0:0:285). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.12] <0.59> (0:0:284). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.12] <0.59> (0:0:283). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.19] <0.51> (0:0:288). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.19] <0.51> (0:0:287). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.19] <0.51> (0:0:286). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.19] <0.51> (0:0:291). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.19] <0.51> (0:0:290). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or zero tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.19] <0.51> (0:0:289). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.20] <0.51> (0:0:294). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.20] <0.51> (0:0:293). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.20] <0.51> (0:0:292). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.20] <0.51> (0:0:297). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.20] <0.51> (0:0:296). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or both tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.20] <0.51> (0:0:295). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.21] <0.59> (1:0:256). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.22] <0.59> (1:0:257). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.22] <0.51> (0:0:298). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.22] <0.59> (0:0:301). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.22] <0.59> (0:0:300). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.22] <0.59> (0:0:299). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.22] <0.59> (0:0:304). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.22] <0.59> (0:0:303). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.22] <0.59> (0:0:302). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.23] <0.51> (0:0:305). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.24] <0.59> (1:0:260). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.24] <0.59> (1:0:259). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.24] <0.59> (1:0:258). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.25] <0.59> (1:0:263). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.25] <0.59> (1:0:262). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.25] <0.59> (1:0:261). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.32] <0.59> (1:0:264). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen| [-0.32] <0.59> (1:0:265). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.33] <0.51> (0:0:306). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen| [-0.33] <0.51> (0:0:307). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.35] <0.59> (1:0:268). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.35] <0.59> (1:0:267). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.35] <0.59> (1:0:266). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.35] <0.59> (1:0:271). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.35] <0.59> (1:0:270). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tent in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.35] <0.59> (1:0:269). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.37] <0.51> (0:0:310). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.37] <0.51> (0:0:309). |> |Gjendesheim Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.37] <0.51> (0:0:308). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.38] <0.51> (0:0:313). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.38] <0.51> (0:0:312). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.38] <0.51> (0:0:311). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.48] <0.51> (0:0:316). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.48] <0.51> (0:0:315). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu, or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.48] <0.51> (0:0:314). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen?| [-0.48] <0.51> (0:0:319). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen.| [-0.48] <0.51> (0:0:318). |> |Gjendesheim, Gjendebu, Torfinnsbu or the tents in Leirungsdalen,| [-0.48] <0.51> (0:0:317). |= 17:4 of 45 {37.8+8.9}; 6:2 of 17:4 {35.3 50.0}; 5:2 of 6:2 {83.3 100.0} @ 7 of 45 {15.6} <0.08 0.51>. [01:06:23] |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 (0.01|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.50] # 0 --- 1 (0.39|0.00:0.00 s) <:4> (5.1M 89.2M = 94.4M) [0]. | | | |-[1.18] # 0 --- 22 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.6M 135.6M = 148.2M) [1]. | | |No communications.| [0.21] <0.59> | | |These communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Some communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Any communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Which communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |No more communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Some more communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |The most communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Less communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |What communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Most communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Those communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Any more communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Umpteen communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Either communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Enough communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Such communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |All communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Communications.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both communications.| [-0.19] <0.59> | | |Zero communications.| [-0.21] <0.59> | | |The communications.| [-0.42] <0.59> | |< |Kommunikasjoner| --- 1 x 1 x 22 = 22 |> |No communications.| [0.21] <0.59> (0:0:0). |> |These communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:1). |> |Some communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:2). |> |Any communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:3). |> |Enough communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:15). |> |Either communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:14). |> |Umpteen communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:13). |> |Any more communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:12). |> |Those communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:11). |> |Most communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:10). |> |What communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:9). |> |Less communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:8). |> |The most communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:7). |> |Some more communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:6). |> |No more communications.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:0:5). |> |Which communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:4). |> |Such communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:16). |> |All communications.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:0:17). |> |Communications.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:0:18). |> |Both communications.| [-0.19] <0.59> (0:0:19). |> |Zero communications.| [-0.21] <0.59> (0:0:20). |> |The communications.| [-0.42] <0.59> (0:0:21). |= 18:4 of 46 {39.1+8.7}; 7:2 of 18:4 {38.9 50.0}; 6:2 of 7:2 {85.7 100.0} @ 8 of 46 {17.4} <0.10 0.57>. [01:06:24] |Båtruter til Torfinnsbu og Gjendebu.| --- 2 (0.08|0.00:0.11 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.00] # 0 --- 1 (0.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (10.3M 148.0M = 158.4M) [0]. | | | |-[3.05] # 0 --- 176 (1.31|0.00:1.31 s) <171:737> {3675:1158} (23.1M 434.6M = 457.7M) [1]. | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.12] <0.70> | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.13] <0.70> | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.15] <0.70> | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.16] <0.70> | | |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> | | |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> | | |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.55] <0.70> | | |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.55] <0.23> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.56] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.57] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.58] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.58] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.59] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.59] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.60] <0.70> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.61] <0.88> | | |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> | | |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> | | |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> | | |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> | | |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> | | |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.79] <0.23> | | |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.80] <0.23> | | |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.81] <0.23> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.85] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.87] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.87] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.89] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.98] <0.23> | | |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.00] <0.24> | | |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> | | |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> | | |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> | | |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> | | |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> | | |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> | | |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.04] <0.88> | | |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.04] <0.30> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.05] <0.88> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.06] <0.88> | | |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.21] <0.23> | | |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.23] <0.24> | | |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.23] <0.23> | | |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.24] <0.23> | | |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.24] <0.24> | | |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.25] <0.24> | | |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.32] <0.23> | | |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.50] <0.23> | | |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.52] <0.23> | | |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.53] <0.23> | | |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.69] <0.30> | | |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.70] <0.30> | | |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.71] <0.30> | |-[3.62] # 1 --- 1 (0.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:17> (10.3M 148.0M = 158.4M) [0]. | | | |-[5.66] # 0 --- 156 [160] (1.24|0.00:1.24 s) <171:737> {4632:1407} (23.2M 427.3M = 450.5M) [1]. | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.32] <0.70> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.25] <0.88> | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.23] <0.70> | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [0.21] <0.70> | | |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [0.21] <0.70> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.16] <0.88> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [0.15] <0.88> | | |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [0.14] <0.88> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [0.10] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.00] <0.70> | | |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.60> | | |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.60> | | |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.60> | | |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.60> | | |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.01] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.11] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.13] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.20] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.22] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.22] <0.70> | | |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.22] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.23] <0.70> | | |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.24] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.46] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.55] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.57] <0.70> | | |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.57] <0.70> | | |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.86] <0.60> | | |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.95] <0.60> | | |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.97] <0.60> | | |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.97] <0.60> | | |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> | | |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> | | |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> | | |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> | | |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> | | |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> | | |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> | | |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> | | |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> | | |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> | | |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> | | |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> | | |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> | | |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> | | |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> | | |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> | | |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> | | |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> | | |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> | | |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> | | |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.29] <0.60> | | |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.31] <0.63> | | |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.38] <0.60> | | |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.40] <0.60> | | |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.40] <0.63> | | |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.40] <0.60> | | |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.41] <0.63> | | |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.42] <0.63> | | |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.64] <0.60> | | |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.73] <0.60> | | |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.75] <0.60> | | |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.75] <0.60> | |< |Båtruter til Torfinnsbu og Gjendebu.| --- 2 x 2 x 332 = 252 [332] |> |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.12] <0.70> (0:0:0). |> |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.13] <0.70> (0:0:1). |> |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.15] <0.70> (0:0:2). |> |No boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.16] <0.70> (0:0:3). |> |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:20). |> |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:19). |> |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:18). |> |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:17). |> |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> (0:0:16). |> |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:15). |> |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:14). |> |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:13). |> |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:12). |> |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:11). |> |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:10). |> |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> (0:0:9). |> |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:8). |> |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:7). |> |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> (0:0:6). |> |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.60> (0:0:5). |> |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.33] <0.70> (0:0:4). |> |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:37). |> |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:36). |> |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:35). |> |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:34). |> |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> (0:0:33). |> |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:32). |> |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:31). |> |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:30). |> |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:29). |> |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:28). |> |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:27). |> |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> (0:0:26). |> |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:25). |> |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:24). |> |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> (0:0:23). |> |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.60> (0:0:22). |> |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.35] <0.70> (0:0:21). |> |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:54). |> |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:53). |> |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:52). |> |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:51). |> |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:50). |> |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:49). |> |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:48). |> |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:47). |> |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:46). |> |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:45). |> |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:44). |> |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:43). |> |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:42). |> |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:41). |> |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:40). |> |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:39). |> |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:38). |> |Enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:71). |> |All boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:70). |> |Either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:69). |> |Umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:68). |> |Any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:67). |> |Any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:66). |> |Those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:65). |> |Such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:64). |> |Most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:63). |> |What boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:62). |> |Less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:61). |> |The most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:60). |> |Some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:59). |> |These boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:58). |> |Some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:57). |> |No more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.60> (0:0:56). |> |Which boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.37] <0.70> (0:0:55). |> |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.55] <0.70> (0:0:72). |> |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.55] <0.23> (0:0:73). |> |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.56] <0.70> (0:0:74). |> |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.57] <0.70> (0:0:75). |> |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.58] <0.70> (0:0:76). |> |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.58] <0.70> (0:0:77). |> |Zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.59] <0.70> (0:0:78). |> |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.59] <0.70> (0:0:79). |> |Both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.60] <0.70> (0:0:80). |> |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.61] <0.88> (0:0:81). |> |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:98). |> |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:97). |> |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:96). |> |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:95). |> |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> (0:0:94). |> |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:93). |> |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:92). |> |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:91). |> |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:90). |> |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:89). |> |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:88). |> |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> (0:0:87). |> |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:86). |> |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:85). |> |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> (0:0:84). |> |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.20> (0:0:83). |> |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.76] <0.23> (0:0:82). |> |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.79] <0.23> (0:0:99). |> |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.80] <0.23> (0:0:100). |> |No boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.81] <0.23> (0:0:101). |> |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.85] <0.70> (0:0:102). |> |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.86] <0.60> (1:0:80). |> |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.87] <0.70> (0:0:103). |> |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.87] <0.70> (0:0:104). |> |The boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.89] <0.70> (0:0:105). |> |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-0.95] <0.60> (1:0:81). |> |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-0.97] <0.60> (1:0:82). |> |Both no boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-0.97] <0.60> (1:0:83). |> |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-0.98] <0.23> (0:0:106). |> |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.00] <0.24> (0:0:107). |> |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:124). |> |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:123). |> |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:122). |> |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:121). |> |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> (0:0:120). |> |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:119). |> |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:118). |> |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:117). |> |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:116). |> |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:115). |> |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:114). |> |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> (0:0:113). |> |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:112). |> |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:111). |> |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> (0:0:110). |> |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.20> (0:0:109). |> |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.00] <0.23> (0:0:108). |> |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:141). |> |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:140). |> |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:139). |> |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:138). |> |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:137). |> |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:136). |> |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:135). |> |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:134). |> |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:133). |> |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:132). |> |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:131). |> |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:130). |> |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:129). |> |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:128). |> |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:127). |> |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:126). |> |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:125). |> |Enough boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:158). |> |All boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:157). |> |Either boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:156). |> |Umpteen boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:155). |> |Any more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:154). |> |Any boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:153). |> |Those boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:152). |> |Such boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:151). |> |Most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:150). |> |What boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:149). |> |Less boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:148). |> |The most boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:147). |> |Some boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:146). |> |These boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:145). |> |Some more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:144). |> |No more boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.20> (0:0:143). |> |Which boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.02] <0.23> (0:0:142). |> |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.04] <0.88> (0:0:159). |> |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.04] <0.30> (0:0:160). |> |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.05] <0.88> (0:0:161). |> |Boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.06] <0.88> (0:0:162). |> |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:98). |> |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:97). |> |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:96). |> |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:95). |> |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:94). |> |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:93). |> |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> (1:0:92). |> |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:91). |> |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:90). |> |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> (1:0:89). |> |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> (1:0:88). |> |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:87). |> |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:86). |> |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.60> (1:0:85). |> |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.08] <0.53> (1:0:84). |> |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:113). |> |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:112). |> |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:111). |> |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:110). |> |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:109). |> |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:108). |> |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> (1:0:107). |> |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:106). |> |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:105). |> |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> (1:0:104). |> |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> (1:0:103). |> |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:102). |> |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:101). |> |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.60> (1:0:100). |> |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.17] <0.53> (1:0:99). |> |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:128). |> |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:127). |> |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:126). |> |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:125). |> |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:124). |> |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:123). |> |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> (1:0:122). |> |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:121). |> |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:120). |> |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> (1:0:119). |> |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> (1:0:118). |> |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:117). |> |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:116). |> |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.60> (1:0:115). |> |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.18] <0.53> (1:0:114). |> |Both any boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:143). |> |Both those boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:142). |> |Both such boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:141). |> |Both enough boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:140). |> |Both most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:139). |> |Both less boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:138). |> |Both the most boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> (1:0:137). |> |Both some boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:136). |> |Both these boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:135). |> |Both some more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> (1:0:134). |> |Both no more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> (1:0:133). |> |Both all boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:132). |> |Both either boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:131). |> |Both umpteen boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.60> (1:0:130). |> |Both any more boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.19] <0.53> (1:0:129). |> |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.21] <0.23> (0:0:163). |> |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.23] <0.24> (0:0:164). |> |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.23] <0.23> (0:0:165). |> |Zero boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.24] <0.23> (0:0:166). |> |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.24] <0.24> (0:0:167). |> |Both boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.25] <0.24> (0:0:168). |> |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.29] <0.60> (1:0:144). |> |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.31] <0.63> (1:0:146). |> |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.32] <0.23> (0:0:169). |> |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.38] <0.60> (1:0:147). |> |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.40] <0.60> (1:0:148). |> |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.40] <0.63> (1:0:150). |> |Both zero boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.40] <0.60> (1:0:151). |> |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.41] <0.63> (1:0:153). |> |Both both boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.42] <0.63> (1:0:155). |> |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.50] <0.23> (0:0:170). |> |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.52] <0.23> (0:0:171). |> |The boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.53] <0.23> (0:0:172). |> |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu| [-1.64] <0.60> (1:0:156). |> |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.69] <0.30> (0:0:173). |> |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.70] <0.30> (0:0:174). |> |Boat routes to both Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.71] <0.30> (0:0:175). |> |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu?| [-1.73] <0.60> (1:0:157). |> |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu,| [-1.75] <0.60> (1:0:158). |> |Both the boat routes to Torfinnsbu and Gjendebu.| [-1.75] <0.60> (1:0:159). |= 19:4 of 47 {40.4+8.5}; 8:2 of 19:4 {42.1 50.0}; 7:2 of 8:2 {87.5 100.0} @ 9 of 47 {19.1} <0.12 0.61>. [01:06:30] |Over Valdresflya til Gausdal Vestfjell| --- ^2 (0.13|0.00:0.14 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.58] # 0 --- 3 (1.10|0.00:0.00 s) <:10> (17.9M 287.4M = 305.3M) [0]. | | | |-[3.03] # 0 --- 1 (0.11|0.00:0.11 s) <30:78> {219:84} (3.3M 32.4M = 35.6M) [1]. | | |...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[3.46] # 1 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <30:76> {207:78} (3.2M 31.2M = 34.4M) [1]. | | |...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[3.92] # 2 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <30:78> {219:84} (3.3M 31.4M = 34.7M) [1]. | | |...| [0.00] <0.00> | |-[5.92] # 1 --- 3 (1.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:10> (17.9M 287.7M = 305.6M) [1]. | | | |-[6.35] # 0 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <30:57> {159:68} (3.2M 30.2M = 33.4M) [1]. | | |...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[6.78] # 1 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <30:55> {155:62} (3.2M 30.1M = 33.2M) [1]. | | |...| [0.00] <0.00> | | | |-[7.23] # 2 --- 1 (0.10|0.00:0.10 s) <30:57> {159:68} (3.3M 30.2M = 33.5M) [1]. | | |...| [0.00] <0.00> | |< |Over Valdresflya til Gausdal Vestfjell| --- 2 x 6 x 6 = 1 [6] |> |...| [0.00] <0.00> (0:0:0). |= 19:5 of 48 {39.6+10.4}; 8:3 of 19:5 {42.1 60.0}; 7:3 of 8:3 {87.5 100.0} @ 10 of 48 {20.8} <0.11 0.55>. [01:06:37] |1 dag - Tur 2e - gg| --- ^1 (0.33|0.00:0.35 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.25] # 0 --- 1 (0.51|0.00:0.00 s) <:22> (11.0M 155.5M = 166.5M) [0]. | | | |-[1.77] # 0 --- 3 (0.19|0.00:0.18 s) <2:78> {256:107} (3.9M 63.5M = 67.4M) [1]. | | |One day || ... || /gg/| [0.00] <0.01> | | |Of one day || ... || /gg/| [0.00] <0.02> | | |One day of || ... || /gg/| [0.00] <0.02> | |< |1 dag - Tur 2e - gg| --- 1 x 1 x 3 = 3 |> |One day of || ... || /gg/| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:2). |> |Of one day || ... || /gg/| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:1). |> |One day || ... || /gg/| [0.00] <0.01> (0:0:0). |= 19:6 of 49 {38.8+12.2}; 8:4 of 19:6 {42.1 66.7}; 7:4 of 8:4 {87.5 100.0} @ 11 of 49 {22.4} <0.11 0.50>. [01:06:39] |Gjendesheim er ikke bare innfallsporten til Jotunheimen.| --- 6 (0.43|0.00:0.47 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.95] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[0.98] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_a_rel"|. | |-[1.01] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[1.05] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[1.08] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_a_rel"|. | |-[1.11] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_a_rel"|. | |< |Gjendesheim er ikke bare innfallsporten til Jotunheimen.| --- 6 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 20:6 of 50 {40.0+12.0}; 8:4 of 20:6 {40.0 66.7}; 7:4 of 8:4 {87.5 100.0} @ 11 of 50 {22.0} <0.11 0.50>. [01:06:40] |Ruta over til Haugseter er ganske nylig merket, går gjennom mektig natur og er en flott åpning til dette fjellområdet.| --- (30.94|30.94 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Ruta over til Haugseter er ganske nylig merket, går gjennom mektig natur og er en flott åpning til dette fjellområdet.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 20:6 of 51 {39.2+11.8}; 8:4 of 20:6 {40.0 66.7}; 7:4 of 8:4 {87.5 100.0} @ 11 of 51 {21.6} <0.11 0.50>. [01:07:12] |Skyss over elva får du av folkene på Gjendesheim.| --- 2 (0.42|0.00:0.45 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[10.97] # 0 --- 36 (9.65:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:104> (233.8M 3.4G = 3.6G) [3]. | | | |-[11.66] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[12.35] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[13.04] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[13.71] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[14.35] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[14.99] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[15.66] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[16.19] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[16.73] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[17.27] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[17.81] # 10 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[18.34] # 11 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[18.88] # 12 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[19.41] # 13 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[19.95] # 14 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[20.49] # 15 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[21.02] # 16 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[21.55] # 17 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[22.09] # 18 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[22.63] # 19 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[23.17] # 20 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[23.71] # 21 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[24.25] # 22 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[24.79] # 23 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[25.32] # 24 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | |-[34.26] # 1 --- 36 (8.87:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:104> (233.8M 3.4G = 3.6G) [3]. | | | |-[34.80] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[35.34] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[35.87] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[36.41] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[36.95] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[37.49] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[38.03] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[38.56] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[39.09] # 8 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[39.63] # 9 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[40.17] # 10 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[40.71] # 11 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[41.25] # 12 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[41.79] # 13 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[42.34] # 14 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[42.88] # 15 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[43.42] # 16 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[43.96] # 17 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[44.49] # 18 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[45.03] # 19 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[45.57] # 20 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[46.11] # 21 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[46.64] # 22 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[47.18] # 23 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | | | |-[47.71] # 24 --- error: invalid predicates: |"_get_v_to_rel"|, |_of_p_rel|. | |< |Skyss over elva får du av folkene på Gjendesheim.| --- 2 x 72 x 0 = 0 |= 21:6 of 52 {40.4+11.5}; 9:4 of 21:6 {42.9 66.7}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 52 {21.2} <0.11 0.50>. [01:08:00] |Veien over Valdresflya krysses etter at du har passert den vakre innsjøen nedre Leirungen.| --- ^4 (4.05|0.00:4.09 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[5.03] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nedre_a_rel"|. | |-[5.09] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nedre_a_rel"|. | |-[5.15] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nedre_a_rel"|. | |-[5.21] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nedre_a_rel"|. | |< |Veien over Valdresflya krysses etter at du har passert den vakre innsjøen nedre Leirungen.| --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:7 of 53 {39.6+13.2}; 9:4 of 21:7 {42.9 57.1}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 53 {20.8} <0.10 0.50>. [01:08:05] |Nede ved vannet kan det passe bra med en dukkert eller kanskje et kast eller to etter ørreten.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_kast_n_rel|, |_to_n_rel|, |_dukkert_n_rel|, |_kan_n_rel|. | |< |Nede ved vannet kan det passe bra med en dukkert eller kanskje et kast eller to etter ørreten.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:7 of 54 {38.9+13.0}; 9:4 of 21:7 {42.9 57.1}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 54 {20.4} <0.10 0.50>. [01:08:32] |Øvre Heimdalsvatnet er et forskningsvann og brukes av universitetet til å studere fiskelivet i et høyfjellsvann.| --- (36.26|36.26 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Øvre Heimdalsvatnet er et forskningsvann og brukes av universitetet til å studere fiskelivet i et høyfjellsvann.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:7 of 55 {38.2+12.7}; 9:4 of 21:7 {42.9 57.1}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 55 {20.0} <0.10 0.50>. [01:09:10] |Deretter går det oppover igjen, over østenden av Valdresflya, og inn mellom de markerte tvillingtoppene østre og vestre Gluptinden.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_tvilling_n_rel|. | |< |Deretter går det oppover igjen, over østenden av Valdresflya, og inn mellom de markerte tvillingtoppene østre og vestre Gluptinden.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:7 of 56 {37.5+12.5}; 9:4 of 21:7 {42.9 57.1}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 56 {19.6} <0.10 0.50>. [01:09:24] |Rammene for dette heftet gjør at turen slutter her, men egentlig er dette bare begynnelsen på tur-mulighetene i Gausdal Vestfjell.| --- ^5 [1152] (26.09|0.00:26.27 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[28.45] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |-[28.53] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |-[28.61] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |-[28.69] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |-[28.77] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_bare_x_deg_rel"|, |"_ture_n_rel"|. | |< |Rammene for dette heftet gjør at turen slutter her, men egentlig er dette bare begynnelsen på tur-mulighetene i Gausdal Vestfjell.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:8 of 57 {36.8+14.0}; 9:4 of 21:8 {42.9 50.0}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 57 {19.3} <0.10 0.50>. [01:09:53] |Vil du tilbake til Gjendesheim og har noen dager til disposisjon, kan du for eksempel velge ruta Oskampen - Sikkilsdalsseter - Gjendesheim.| --- ^5 [48] (14.46|0.00:14.55 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[16.34] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_for+eksempel_a_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[16.45] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_for+eksempel_a_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[16.56] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_for+eksempel_a_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[16.67] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_for+eksempel_a_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |-[16.79] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_for+eksempel_a_rel"|, |"_velge_v_rel"|. | |< |Vil du tilbake til Gjendesheim og har noen dager til disposisjon, kan du for eksempel velge ruta Oskampen - Sikkilsdalsseter - Gjendesheim.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 21:9 of 58 {36.2+15.5}; 9:4 of 21:9 {42.9 44.4}; 7:4 of 9:4 {77.8 100.0} @ 11 of 58 {19.0} <0.09 0.50>. [01:10:10] |Ta kontakt med DNT for ytterligere informasjon.| --- 4 [12] (0.90|0.00:0.94 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[4.01] # 2 --- 8 (1.50|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (38.5M 558.6M = 597.1M) [1]. | | | |-[4.84] # 0 --- 1 (0.44|0.00:0.43 s) <123:433> {2171:681} (14.1M 180.0M = 194.0M) [1]. | | |Take a connection with Dnt for additional information.| [0.19] <0.07> | | | |-[5.62] # 1 --- 1 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <115:339> {1711:527} (13.3M 148.1M = 161.4M) [1]. | | |Take a contact with Dnt for additional information.| [0.11] <0.08> | | | |-[6.33] # 2 --- 1 (0.40|0.00:0.40 s) <123:433> {2171:681} (13.7M 175.1M = 188.9M) [1]. | | |Take a plug with Dnt for additional information.| [0.19] <0.07> | | | |-[6.92] # 3 --- 1 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <115:339> {1711:527} (13.2M 148.1M = 161.3M) [1]. | | |Take a touch with Dnt for additional information.| [0.11] <0.07> | | | |-[7.55] # 4 --- 1 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <115:409> {2121:664} (12.8M 165.4M = 178.2M) [1]. | | |Take a connection with Dnt for further information.| [0.19] <0.31> | | | |-[8.14] # 5 --- 1 (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <107:315> {1661:510} (12.1M 139.6M = 151.7M) [1]. | | |Take a contact with Dnt for further information.| [0.11] <0.33> | | | |-[8.78] # 6 --- 1 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <115:409> {2121:664} (12.5M 164.9M = 177.5M) [1]. | | |Take a plug with Dnt for further information.| [0.19] <0.31> | | | |-[9.37] # 7 --- 1 (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <107:315> {1661:510} (12.0M 139.5M = 151.6M) [1]. | | |Take a touch with Dnt for further information.| [0.11] <0.31> | |-[11.38] # 4 --- 8 (1.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (38.5M 558.4M = 596.9M) [0]. | | | |-[12.14] # 0 --- 1 (0.41|0.00:0.41 s) <127:466> {2333:765} (14.3M 185.2M = 199.5M) [1]. | | |Take a connection with Dnt for additional information.| [0.69] <0.07> | | | |-[12.86] # 1 --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <119:358> {1730:558} (13.5M 153.3M = 166.8M) [1]. | | |Take a contact with Dnt for additional information.| [0.52] <0.08> | | | |-[13.65] # 2 --- 1 (0.41|0.00:0.41 s) <127:466> {2333:765} (14.0M 185.2M = 199.2M) [1]. | | |Take a plug with Dnt for additional information.| [0.69] <0.07> | | | |-[14.31] # 3 --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <119:358> {1730:558} (13.4M 153.3M = 166.7M) [1]. | | |Take a touch with Dnt for additional information.| [0.52] <0.07> | | | |-[14.96] # 4 --- 1 (0.34|0.00:0.34 s) <119:442> {2281:748} (13.1M 174.8M = 187.9M) [1]. | | |Take a connection with Dnt for further information.| [0.69] <0.31> | | | |-[15.55] # 5 --- 1 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <111:334> {1678:541} (12.3M 144.7M = 157.0M) [1]. | | |Take a contact with Dnt for further information.| [0.52] <0.33> | | | |-[16.20] # 6 --- 1 (0.34|0.00:0.34 s) <119:442> {2281:748} (12.8M 174.7M = 187.6M) [1]. | | |Take a plug with Dnt for further information.| [0.69] <0.31> | | | |-[16.79] # 7 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <111:334> {1678:541} (12.2M 144.7M = 156.9M) [1]. | | |Take a touch with Dnt for further information.| [0.52] <0.31> | |-[18.80] # 6 --- 8 (1.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (38.5M 558.7M = 597.2M) [1]. | | | |-[19.57] # 0 --- 2 (0.42|0.00:0.42 s) <127:578> {2701:861} (14.7M 217.8M = 232.5M) [1]. | | |Take a connection for additional information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.04> | | |Take a connection with Dnt for additional information.| [0.88] <0.07> | | | |-[20.31] # 1 --- 2 (0.36|0.00:0.36 s) <119:465> {2155:687} (13.9M 179.7M = 193.6M) [1]. | | |Take a contact for additional information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.05> | | |Take a contact with Dnt for additional information.| [0.80] <0.08> | | | |-[21.14] # 2 --- 2 (0.46|0.00:0.46 s) <127:578> {2701:861} (14.4M 217.8M = 232.2M) [1]. | | |Take a plug for additional information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.04> | | |Take a plug with Dnt for additional information.| [0.88] <0.07> | | | |-[21.91] # 3 --- 2 (0.40|0.00:0.40 s) <119:465> {2155:687} (13.8M 179.7M = 193.5M) [1]. | | |Take a touch for additional information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.04> | | |Take a touch with Dnt for additional information.| [0.80] <0.07> | | | |-[22.64] # 4 --- 2 (0.39|0.00:0.39 s) <119:554> {2648:844} (13.5M 205.6M = 219.1M) [1]. | | |Take a connection for further information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.15> | | |Take a connection with Dnt for further information.| [0.88] <0.31> | | | |-[23.27] # 5 --- 2 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <111:441> {2102:670} (12.7M 169.3M = 182.1M) [1]. | | |Take a contact for further information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.16> | | |Take a contact with Dnt for further information.| [0.80] <0.33> | | | |-[23.96] # 6 --- 2 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <119:554> {2648:844} (13.2M 205.6M = 218.8M) [1]. | | |Take a plug for further information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.15> | | |Take a plug with Dnt for further information.| [0.88] <0.31> | | | |-[24.59] # 7 --- 2 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <111:441> {2102:670} (12.7M 169.3M = 182.0M) [1]. | | |Take a touch for further information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.15> | | |Take a touch with Dnt for further information.| [0.80] <0.31> | |-[26.60] # 10 --- 8 (1.45|0.00:0.00 s) <:28> (38.5M 558.4M = 596.9M) [0]. | | | |-[27.29] # 0 --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <123:384> {1985:686} (13.9M 162.2M = 176.1M) [1]. | | |Take a connection with Dnt for additional information.| [-0.03] <0.07> | | | |-[27.94] # 1 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <115:306> {1586:516} (13.2M 140.7M = 154.0M) [1]. | | |Take a contact with Dnt for additional information.| [0.15] <0.08> | | | |-[28.68] # 2 --- 1 (0.36|0.00:0.36 s) <123:384> {1985:686} (13.7M 162.2M = 175.8M) [1]. | | |Take a plug with Dnt for additional information.| [-0.03] <0.07> | | | |-[29.39] # 3 --- 1 (0.33|0.00:0.33 s) <115:306> {1586:516} (13.2M 140.7M = 153.9M) [1]. | | |Take a touch with Dnt for additional information.| [0.15] <0.07> | | | |-[30.12] # 4 --- 1 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <115:360> {1935:669} (12.7M 153.5M = 166.3M) [1]. | | |Take a connection with Dnt for further information.| [-0.03] <0.31> | | | |-[30.70] # 5 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <107:282> {1536:499} (12.1M 133.3M = 145.3M) [1]. | | |Take a contact with Dnt for further information.| [0.15] <0.33> | | | |-[31.33] # 6 --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <115:360> {1935:669} (12.5M 153.5M = 166.0M) [1]. | | |Take a plug with Dnt for further information.| [-0.03] <0.31> | | | |-[31.91] # 7 --- 1 (0.27|0.00:0.27 s) <107:282> {1536:499} (12.0M 133.3M = 145.2M) [1]. | | |Take a touch with Dnt for further information.| [0.15] <0.31> | |< |Ta kontakt med DNT for ytterligere informasjon.| --- 4 x 32 x 40 = 16 [40] |> |Take a plug for further information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.15> (6:6:0). |> |Take a connection for further information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.15> (6:4:0). |> |Take a plug for additional information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.04> (6:2:0). |> |Take a connection for additional information with Dnt.| [0.94] <0.04> (6:0:0). |> |Take a touch for further information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.15> (6:7:0). |> |Take a contact for further information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.16> (6:5:0). |> |Take a touch for additional information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.04> (6:3:0). |> |Take a contact for additional information with Dnt.| [0.86] <0.05> (6:1:0). |> |Take a plug with Dnt for further information.| [0.19] <0.31> (2:6:0). |> |Take a connection with Dnt for further information.| [0.19] <0.31> (2:4:0). |> |Take a plug with Dnt for additional information.| [0.19] <0.07> (2:2:0). |> |Take a connection with Dnt for additional information.| [0.19] <0.07> (2:0:0). |> |Take a touch with Dnt for further information.| [0.11] <0.31> (2:7:0). |> |Take a contact with Dnt for further information.| [0.11] <0.33> (2:5:0). |> |Take a touch with Dnt for additional information.| [0.11] <0.07> (2:3:0). |> |Take a contact with Dnt for additional information.| [0.11] <0.08> (2:1:0). |= 22:9 of 59 {37.3+15.3}; 10:4 of 22:9 {45.5 44.4}; 8:4 of 10:4 {80.0 100.0} @ 12 of 59 {20.3} <0.10 0.48>. [01:10:42] |Bilveier til Leirvassbu og Fondsbu.| --- 2 (0.08|0.00:0.11 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.88] # 0 --- 1 (0.42|0.00:0.00 s) <:11> (8.7M 131.0M = 139.7M) [1]. | | | |-[2.92] # 0 --- 176 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <166:490> {2692:946} (18.9M 314.0M = 332.9M) [1]. | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.10] <0.43> | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.03] <0.43> | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.03] <0.43> | | |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.23] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.33] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.34] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.40] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.40] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.41] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.41] <0.43> | | |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> | | |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.55] <0.18> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.62] <0.43> | | |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.62] <0.18> | | |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.62] <0.18> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.66] <0.43> | | |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.66] <0.18> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.67] <0.43> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.69] <0.43> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.69] <0.43> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.72] <0.53> | | |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> | | |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> | | |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> | | |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> | | |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.80] <0.53> | | |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> | | |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.87] <0.53> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.87] <0.53> | | |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> | | |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> | | |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> | | |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> | | |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> | | |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.98] <0.18> | | |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.99] <0.19> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.00] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.05] <0.18> | | |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.05] <0.18> | | |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.06] <0.19> | | |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.06] <0.19> | | |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.09] <0.18> | | |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.10] <0.19> | | |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.15] <0.23> | | |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.27] <0.18> | | |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.34] <0.18> | | |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.34] <0.18> | | |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.43] <0.18> | | |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.45] <0.23> | | |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.52] <0.23> | | |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.52] <0.23> | |-[3.32] # 1 --- 1 (0.37|0.00:0.00 s) <:11> (8.7M 130.6M = 139.4M) [0]. | | | |-[5.35] # 0 --- 156 [160] (0.90|0.00:0.90 s) <166:574> {3559:1161} (19.2M 326.0M = 345.2M) [1]. | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.32] <0.43> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.26] <0.53> | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.25] <0.43> | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.25] <0.43> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.19] <0.53> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.19] <0.53> | | |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [0.19] <0.43> | | |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [0.12] <0.53> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.36> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.36> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.36> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.11] <0.43> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.36> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.36> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.36> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.36> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.36> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.36> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.04] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.04] <0.43> | | |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.36> | | |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.36> | | |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.36> | | |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.36> | | |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.03] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.11] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.17] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.17] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.19] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.19] <0.43> | | |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.24] <0.43> | | |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.26] <0.43> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.46] <0.43> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.53] <0.43> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.53] <0.43> | | |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.59] <0.43> | | |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.86] <0.36> | | |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.92] <0.36> | | |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.92] <0.36> | | |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.99] <0.36> | | |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> | | |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> | | |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> | | |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> | | |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> | | |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> | | |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> | | |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> | | |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> | | |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> | | |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> | | |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> | | |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.29] <0.36> | | |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.30] <0.37> | | |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.35] <0.36> | | |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.35] <0.36> | | |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.37] <0.37> | | |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.37] <0.37> | | |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.42] <0.36> | | |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.44] <0.37> | | |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.64] <0.36> | | |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.71] <0.36> | | |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.71] <0.36> | | |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.77] <0.36> | |< |Bilveier til Leirvassbu og Fondsbu.| --- 2 x 2 x 332 = 252 [332] |> |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [0.10] <0.43> (0:0:0). |> |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [0.03] <0.43> (0:0:2). |> |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [0.03] <0.43> (0:0:1). |> |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:19). |> |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:18). |> |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:17). |> |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:16). |> |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> (0:0:15). |> |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:14). |> |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:13). |> |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:12). |> |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:11). |> |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:10). |> |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:9). |> |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> (0:0:8). |> |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:7). |> |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:6). |> |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> (0:0:5). |> |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.36> (0:0:4). |> |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.12] <0.43> (0:0:3). |> |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:53). |> |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:52). |> |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:51). |> |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:50). |> |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:49). |> |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:48). |> |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:47). |> |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:46). |> |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:45). |> |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:44). |> |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:43). |> |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:42). |> |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:41). |> |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:40). |> |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:39). |> |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:38). |> |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:37). |> |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:36). |> |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:35). |> |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:34). |> |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:33). |> |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:32). |> |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:31). |> |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:30). |> |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:29). |> |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:28). |> |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:27). |> |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:26). |> |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:25). |> |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:24). |> |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:23). |> |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.36> (0:0:22). |> |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:21). |> |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.18] <0.43> (0:0:20). |> |No roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.23] <0.43> (0:0:54). |> |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.33] <0.43> (0:0:55). |> |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.34] <0.43> (0:0:56). |> |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.40] <0.43> (0:0:58). |> |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.40] <0.43> (0:0:57). |> |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.41] <0.43> (0:0:60). |> |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.41] <0.43> (0:0:59). |> |Enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:77). |> |All roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:76). |> |Either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:75). |> |Umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:74). |> |Any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> (0:0:73). |> |Any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:72). |> |Those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:71). |> |Such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:70). |> |Most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:69). |> |What roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:68). |> |Less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:67). |> |The most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> (0:0:66). |> |Some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:65). |> |These roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:64). |> |Some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> (0:0:63). |> |No more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.36> (0:0:62). |> |Which roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.44] <0.43> (0:0:61). |> |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.55] <0.18> (0:0:78). |> |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.62] <0.43> (0:0:79). |> |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.62] <0.18> (0:0:81). |> |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.62] <0.18> (0:0:80). |> |Zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.66] <0.43> (0:0:82). |> |No roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.66] <0.18> (0:0:83). |> |Both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.67] <0.43> (0:0:84). |> |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.69] <0.43> (0:0:86). |> |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.69] <0.43> (0:0:85). |> |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.72] <0.53> (0:0:87). |> |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:104). |> |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:103). |> |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:102). |> |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:101). |> |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> (0:0:100). |> |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:99). |> |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:98). |> |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:97). |> |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:96). |> |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:95). |> |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:94). |> |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> (0:0:93). |> |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:92). |> |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:91). |> |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> (0:0:90). |> |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.15> (0:0:89). |> |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.77] <0.18> (0:0:88). |> |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.80] <0.53> (0:0:105). |> |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:139). |> |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:138). |> |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:137). |> |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:136). |> |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:135). |> |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:134). |> |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:133). |> |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:132). |> |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:131). |> |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:130). |> |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:129). |> |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:128). |> |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:127). |> |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:126). |> |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:125). |> |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:124). |> |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:123). |> |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:122). |> |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:121). |> |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:120). |> |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:119). |> |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:118). |> |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:117). |> |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:116). |> |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:115). |> |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:114). |> |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:113). |> |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:112). |> |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:111). |> |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:110). |> |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:109). |> |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.15> (0:0:108). |> |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:107). |> |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.83] <0.18> (0:0:106). |> |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.86] <0.36> (1:0:80). |> |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.87] <0.53> (0:0:141). |> |Roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.87] <0.53> (0:0:140). |> |Enough roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:158). |> |All roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:157). |> |Either roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:156). |> |Umpteen roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:155). |> |Any more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> (0:0:154). |> |Any roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:153). |> |Those roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:152). |> |Such roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:151). |> |Most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:150). |> |What roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:149). |> |Less roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:148). |> |The most roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> (0:0:147). |> |Some roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:146). |> |These roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:145). |> |Some more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> (0:0:144). |> |No more roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.15> (0:0:143). |> |Which roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.87] <0.18> (0:0:142). |> |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-0.92] <0.36> (1:0:82). |> |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-0.92] <0.36> (1:0:81). |> |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.98] <0.18> (0:0:159). |> |Both no roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-0.99] <0.36> (1:0:83). |> |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-0.99] <0.19> (0:0:160). |> |The roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.00] <0.43> (0:0:161). |> |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.05] <0.18> (0:0:163). |> |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.05] <0.18> (0:0:162). |> |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.06] <0.19> (0:0:165). |> |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.06] <0.19> (0:0:164). |> |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:98). |> |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:97). |> |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:96). |> |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:95). |> |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:94). |> |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:93). |> |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> (1:0:92). |> |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:91). |> |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:90). |> |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> (1:0:89). |> |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> (1:0:88). |> |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:87). |> |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:86). |> |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.36> (1:0:85). |> |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.07] <0.31> (1:0:84). |> |Zero roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.09] <0.18> (0:0:166). |> |Both roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.10] <0.19> (0:0:167). |> |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:128). |> |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:127). |> |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:126). |> |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:125). |> |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:124). |> |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:123). |> |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:122). |> |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:121). |> |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:120). |> |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:119). |> |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:118). |> |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:117). |> |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:116). |> |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:115). |> |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:114). |> |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:113). |> |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:112). |> |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:111). |> |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:110). |> |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:109). |> |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:108). |> |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:107). |> |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:106). |> |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:105). |> |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:104). |> |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:103). |> |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:102). |> |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.36> (1:0:101). |> |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:100). |> |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.14] <0.31> (1:0:99). |> |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.15] <0.23> (0:0:168). |> |Both any roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:143). |> |Both those roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:142). |> |Both such roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:141). |> |Both enough roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:140). |> |Both most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:139). |> |Both less roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:138). |> |Both the most roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> (1:0:137). |> |Both some roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:136). |> |Both these roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:135). |> |Both some more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> (1:0:134). |> |Both no more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> (1:0:133). |> |Both all roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:132). |> |Both either roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:131). |> |Both umpteen roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.36> (1:0:130). |> |Both any more roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.21] <0.31> (1:0:129). |> |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.27] <0.18> (0:0:169). |> |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.29] <0.36> (1:0:144). |> |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.30] <0.37> (1:0:146). |> |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.34] <0.18> (0:0:171). |> |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.34] <0.18> (0:0:170). |> |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.35] <0.36> (1:0:148). |> |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.35] <0.36> (1:0:147). |> |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.37] <0.37> (1:0:152). |> |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.37] <0.37> (1:0:151). |> |Both zero roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.42] <0.36> (1:0:153). |> |The roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.43] <0.18> (0:0:172). |> |Both both roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.44] <0.37> (1:0:155). |> |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.45] <0.23> (0:0:173). |> |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.52] <0.23> (0:0:175). |> |Roads to both Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.52] <0.23> (0:0:174). |> |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu,| [-1.64] <0.36> (1:0:156). |> |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu?| [-1.71] <0.36> (1:0:158). |> |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu.| [-1.71] <0.36> (1:0:157). |> |Both the roads to Leirvassbu and Fondsbu| [-1.77] <0.36> (1:0:159). |= 23:9 of 60 {38.3+15.0}; 11:4 of 23:9 {47.8 44.4}; 9:4 of 11:4 {81.8 100.0} @ 13 of 60 {21.7} <0.11 0.49>. [01:10:47] |Tur 3d - 3 dager - gg| --- ^1 [2] (0.71|0.00:0.73 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.03] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ture_v_rel"|. | |< |Tur 3d - 3 dager - gg| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 23:10 of 61 {37.7+16.4}; 11:4 of 23:10 {47.8 40.0}; 9:4 of 11:4 {81.8 100.0} @ 13 of 61 {21.3} <0.10 0.49>. [01:10:49] |En rundtur mellom nedlagte gårder og setre i Utladalens mektige natur.| --- error: . | |< |En rundtur mellom nedlagte gårder og setre i Utladalens mektige natur.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 23:10 of 62 {37.1+16.1}; 11:4 of 23:10 {47.8 40.0}; 9:4 of 11:4 {81.8 100.0} @ 13 of 62 {21.0} <0.10 0.49>. [01:10:53] |1. Hjelle til Stølsmaradalen| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.77] # 0 --- 1 (0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (7.6M 116.8M = 124.4M) [0]. | | | |-[1.26] # 0 --- (0.13|0.13 s) <28:79> {229:85} (3.3M 53.4M = 56.7M) [1]. | |< |1. Hjelle til Stølsmaradalen| --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |= 24:10 of 63 {38.1+15.9}; 12:4 of 24:10 {50.0 40.0}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 63 {20.6} <0.10 0.49>. [01:10:55] |Inntil 1973 var eneste adkomst til denne fjellgården en meget bratt og kronglete sti.| --- 32 [256] (15.20|0.00:15.26 s) <:> () [37]. | |-[28.13] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.21] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.28] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.36] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.44] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.51] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.59] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.67] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.75] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.83] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.91] # 20 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[28.99] # 21 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.06] # 24 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.14] # 25 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.22] # 28 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.30] # 29 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.38] # 128 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.45] # 129 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.53] # 132 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.61] # 133 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.69] # 136 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.76] # 137 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.84] # 140 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[29.92] # 141 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |-[30.00] # 144 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_adkomst_n_rel"|, |"_inntil_rel"|, |"_meget_a_rel"|, |"_kronglet_a_rel"|, |"_ene_v_rel"|. | |< |Inntil 1973 var eneste adkomst til denne fjellgården en meget bratt og kronglete sti.| --- 32 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 25:10 of 64 {39.1+15.6}; 12:4 of 25:10 {48.0 40.0}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 64 {20.3} <0.10 0.49>. [01:11:25] |Det kostet dem omkring 50 000 dugnadstimer og fire års innsats!| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_dugnadstime_n_rel|. | |< |Det kostet dem omkring 50 000 dugnadstimer og fire års innsats!| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 25:10 of 65 {38.5+15.4}; 12:4 of 25:10 {48.0 40.0}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 65 {20.0} <0.10 0.49>. [01:11:34] |Stien fortsetter videre innover dalen, og du bør også unne deg en avstikker bortom den imponerende Vettisfossen før du krysser Utla på bro og tar fatt på den styggbratte Brendeteigen.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_bru_n_rel|. | |< |Stien fortsetter videre innover dalen, og du bør også unne deg en avstikker bortom den imponerende Vettisfossen før du krysser Utla på bro og tar fatt på den styggbratte Brendeteigen.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 25:10 of 66 {37.9+15.2}; 12:4 of 25:10 {48.0 40.0}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 66 {19.7} <0.10 0.49>. [01:12:40] |Trøsten er at høydeforskjellen opp lia bare er rundt 500 meter, og at du etter hvert får en fantastisk utsikt mot Vettisfossen.| --- (36.36|36.36 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Trøsten er at høydeforskjellen opp lia bare er rundt 500 meter, og at du etter hvert får en fantastisk utsikt mot Vettisfossen.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 25:10 of 67 {37.3+14.9}; 12:4 of 25:10 {48.0 40.0}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 67 {19.4} <0.09 0.49>. [01:13:18] |Det er ikke lenger merket ruter videre fra Stølsmaradalen over mot Skagastølsbu.| --- ^5 [60] (23.11|0.00:23.16 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[42.15] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: "_comp_pos_rel", "_lang_a_rel", "_vid_a_rel". | |-[112.22] # 8 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[130.24] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: "_comp_pos_rel", "_lang_a_rel". | |-[130.29] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lenger_a_rel"|. | |-[130.34] # 23 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_lenger_a_rel"|. | |< |Det er ikke lenger merket ruter videre fra Stølsmaradalen over mot Skagastølsbu.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 25:11 of 68 {36.8+16.2}; 12:4 of 25:11 {48.0 36.4}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 68 {19.1} <0.09 0.49>. [01:15:28] |DNT kan gi mer informasjon om ruter i dette området, og det er skrevet gode turguider for området.| --- (37.61|37.61 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |DNT kan gi mer informasjon om ruter i dette området, og det er skrevet gode turguider for området.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 25:11 of 69 {36.2+15.9}; 12:4 of 25:11 {48.0 36.4}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 69 {18.8} <0.09 0.49>. [01:16:07] |Underveis kan du blant annet glede deg over utsikten mot toppene på østsiden av Utladalen.| --- 60 [90] (8.03|0.00:8.23 s) <:> () [8]. | |-[12.18] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[12.30] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[12.41] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[12.52] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[12.64] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[12.75] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[12.86] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[12.98] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.09] # 8 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.21] # 9 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.32] # 10 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.44] # 11 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.55] # 12 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.66] # 13 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.78] # 14 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[13.89] # 15 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[14.01] # 16 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[14.12] # 17 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[14.23] # 18 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[14.35] # 19 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[14.46] # 20 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_v_rel"|. | |-[14.57] # 21 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[14.69] # 22 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[14.80] # 23 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |-[14.92] # 24 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_blant+annet_a_rel"|, |"_østside_n_rel"|, |"_glede*over_refl_v_rel"|. | |< |Underveis kan du blant annet glede deg over utsikten mot toppene på østsiden av Utladalen.| --- 60 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 26:11 of 70 {37.1+15.7}; 12:4 of 26:11 {46.2 36.4}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 70 {18.6} <0.09 0.49>. [01:16:22] |Underveis tar det av en umerket sti opp til den ubetjente hytta Gravdalen, som absolutt er verd en avstikker.| --- (37.31|37.31 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Underveis tar det av en umerket sti opp til den ubetjente hytta Gravdalen, som absolutt er verd en avstikker.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 26:11 of 71 {36.6+15.5}; 12:4 of 26:11 {46.2 36.4}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 71 {18.3} <0.09 0.49>. [01:17:01] |Her bør du absolutt bo en natt før du går videre ned dalen, selv om ikke avstandene er større enn at du når Hjelle på kvelden om du absolutt må.| --- ^5 [160] (68.62|0.00:68.81 s) <:> () [5]. | |-[72.36] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_før_rel"|, |"_nå_v_rel"|, |"enn_p_compar_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[72.58] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_før_rel"|, |"_nå_v_rel"|, |"enn_p_compar_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[72.79] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_før_rel"|, |"_nå_v_rel"|, |"enn_p_compar_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[73.00] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_før_rel"|, |"_nå_v_rel"|, |"enn_p_compar_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |-[73.22] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_før_rel"|, |"_nå_v_rel"|, |"enn_p_compar_rel"|, |"_bo_v_rel"|. | |< |Her bør du absolutt bo en natt før du går videre ned dalen, selv om ikke avstandene er større enn at du når Hjelle på kvelden om du absolutt må.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 26:12 of 72 {36.1+16.7}; 12:4 of 26:12 {46.2 33.3}; 9:4 of 12:4 {75.0 100.0} @ 13 of 72 {18.1} <0.09 0.49>. [01:18:14] |3. Avdalen til Hjelle| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.84] # 0 --- 1 (0.46|0.00:0.00 s) <:7> (7.6M 116.8M = 124.4M) [0]. | | | |-[1.33] # 0 --- (0.13|0.13 s) <28:79> {229:85} (3.0M 53.0M = 56.0M) [1]. | |< |3. Avdalen til Hjelle| --- 1 x 1 x 0 = 0 |= 27:12 of 73 {37.0+16.4}; 13:4 of 27:12 {48.1 33.3}; 9:4 of 13:4 {69.2 100.0} @ 13 of 73 {17.8} <0.09 0.49>. [01:18:15] |Hjelle - Stølsmaradalen, 5 t.| --- ^1 (0.10|0.00:0.12 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.53] # 0 --- 6 (0.88|0.00:0.00 s) <:101> (18.7M 271.0M = 289.7M) [1]. | | | |-[2.03] # 0 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <9:45> {123:59} (3.3M 43.3M = 46.6M) [1]. | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.24> | | | |-[2.56] # 1 --- 3 (0.18|0.00:0.17 s) <17:73> {267:112} (3.5M 47.9M = 51.5M) [1]. | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five classes| [0.00] <0.24> | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.15> | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.15> | | | |-[3.06] # 2 --- 1 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <11:47> {128:63} (3.3M 45.9M = 49.2M) [1]. | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five hours| [0.00] <0.27> | | | |-[3.57] # 3 --- 1 (0.14|0.00:0.14 s) <9:45> {123:59} (3.1M 42.8M = 45.9M) [1]. | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.24> | | | |-[4.09] # 4 --- 3 (0.16|0.00:0.16 s) <17:73> {267:112} (3.6M 47.9M = 51.5M) [1]. | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five periods| [0.00] <0.24> | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.15> | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.15> | | | |-[4.62] # 5 --- 2 (0.17|0.00:0.17 s) <26:66> {177:90} (3.9M 50.2M = 54.2M) [1]. | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five times| [0.00] <0.24> | | |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Of five times| [0.00] <0.15> | |< |Hjelle - Stølsmaradalen, 5 t.| --- 1 x 6 x 11 = 11 |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Of five times| [0.00] <0.15> (0:5:1). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five times| [0.00] <0.24> (0:5:0). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.15> (0:4:2). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.15> (0:4:1). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five periods| [0.00] <0.24> (0:4:0). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.24> (0:3:0). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five hours| [0.00] <0.27> (0:2:0). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.15> (0:1:2). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.15> (0:1:1). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five classes| [0.00] <0.24> (0:1:0). |> |Hjelle || Stølsmaradalen || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.24> (0:0:0). |= 27:13 of 74 {36.5+17.6}; 13:5 of 27:13 {48.1 38.5}; 9:5 of 13:5 {69.2 100.0} @ 14 of 74 {18.9} <0.09 0.47>. [01:18:20] |Avdalen - Hjelle, 1 t.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_t_n_rel|, |_avdal_n_rel|. | |< |Avdalen - Hjelle, 1 t.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 27:13 of 75 {36.0+17.3}; 13:5 of 27:13 {48.1 38.5}; 9:5 of 13:5 {69.2 100.0} @ 14 of 75 {18.7} <0.09 0.47>. [01:18:21] |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 (0.02|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.17] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_overnattingssted_n_rel"|. | |< |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 28:13 of 76 {36.8+17.1}; 13:5 of 28:13 {46.4 38.5}; 9:5 of 13:5 {69.2 100.0} @ 14 of 76 {18.4} <0.09 0.47>. [01:18:21] |Bilvei til Hjelle.| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.72] # 0 --- 1 (0.43|0.00:0.00 s) <:6> (6.6M 105.7M = 112.3M) [0]. | | | |-[1.46] # 0 --- 19 (0.36|0.00:0.36 s) <186:358> {1455:543} (15.5M 174.6M = 190.1M) [1]. | | |No road to Hjelle.| [0.09] <0.42> | | |Any road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Either road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Every road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Another road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Each road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Some road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Which road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Neither road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |What road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> | | |Less than a road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.21> | | |Less than an road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.21> | | |Such a road to Hjelle.| [-0.13] <0.29> | | |Many a road to Hjelle.| [-0.13] <0.29> | | |What a road to Hjelle.| [-0.13] <0.29> | | |That road to Hjelle.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |This road to Hjelle.| [-0.14] <0.42> | | |A road to Hjelle.| [-0.19] <0.42> | | |The road to Hjelle.| [-0.63] <0.42> | |< |Bilvei til Hjelle.| --- 1 x 1 x 19 = 19 |> |No road to Hjelle.| [0.09] <0.42> (0:0:0). |> |Less than an road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.21> (0:0:11). |> |Less than a road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.21> (0:0:10). |> |What road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:9). |> |Neither road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:8). |> |Which road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:7). |> |Some road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:6). |> |Each road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:5). |> |Another road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:4). |> |Every road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:3). |> |Either road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:2). |> |Any road to Hjelle.| [-0.12] <0.42> (0:0:1). |> |What a road to Hjelle.| [-0.13] <0.29> (0:0:14). |> |Many a road to Hjelle.| [-0.13] <0.29> (0:0:13). |> |Such a road to Hjelle.| [-0.13] <0.29> (0:0:12). |> |This road to Hjelle.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:16). |> |That road to Hjelle.| [-0.14] <0.42> (0:0:15). |> |A road to Hjelle.| [-0.19] <0.42> (0:0:17). |> |The road to Hjelle.| [-0.63] <0.42> (0:0:18). |= 29:13 of 77 {37.7+16.9}; 14:5 of 29:13 {48.3 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 77 {19.5} <0.09 0.47>. [01:18:22] |Du går veien helt til enden, der krysser du en steintipp og fortsetter langs merket rute på vestsiden av Middalsvatnet og forbi ruinen av Medalsbu, en gammel DNT-hytte.| --- (76.10|76.10 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Du går veien helt til enden, der krysser du en steintipp og fortsetter langs merket rute på vestsiden av Middalsvatnet og forbi ruinen av Medalsbu, en gammel DNT-hytte.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 29:13 of 78 {37.2+16.7}; 14:5 of 29:13 {48.3 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 78 {19.2} <0.09 0.47>. [01:19:40] |Ruta fortsetter i litt småkupert terreng på vestsiden av vann 1382, over Lundadalsbandet og langs vestsiden av vann 1431.| --- (44.15|44.15 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |Ruta fortsetter i litt småkupert terreng på vestsiden av vann 1382, over Lundadalsbandet og langs vestsiden av vann 1431.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 29:13 of 79 {36.7+16.5}; 14:5 of 29:13 {48.3 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 79 {19.0} <0.09 0.47>. [01:20:26] |Derfra er det merket ruter både til Nørdstedalseter og til Sota Sæter.| --- error: . | |< |Derfra er det merket ruter både til Nørdstedalseter og til Sota Sæter.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 29:13 of 80 {36.2+16.2}; 14:5 of 29:13 {48.3 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 80 {18.7} <0.09 0.47>. [01:20:32] |I begynnelsen er det en del ur, men nede i dalbunnen er det overraskende grønt og frodig til å være nesten 1300 meter over havet.| --- (61.72|61.72 s) <:> () [0]. | |< |I begynnelsen er det en del ur, men nede i dalbunnen er det overraskende grønt og frodig til å være nesten 1300 meter over havet.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 29:13 of 81 {35.8+16.0}; 14:5 of 29:13 {48.3 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 81 {18.5} <0.09 0.47>. [01:22:44] |Turen i Breheimen kan ikke slutte verken på Trulsbu eller Nørdstedalseter.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_verken_n_rel|, |_verk_n_rel|. | |< |Turen i Breheimen kan ikke slutte verken på Trulsbu eller Nørdstedalseter.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 29:13 of 82 {35.4+15.9}; 14:5 of 29:13 {48.3 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 82 {18.3} <0.09 0.47>. [01:22:47] |Fra Nørdstedalseter er det merket to ruter nordover til Sota Sæter.| --- 3 [6] (31.71|0.00:31.74 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[34.07] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nordover_a_rel"|. | |-[34.10] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nordover_p_rel"|. | |-[34.13] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nordover_p_rel"|. | |< |Fra Nørdstedalseter er det merket to ruter nordover til Sota Sæter.| --- 3 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 30:13 of 83 {36.1+15.7}; 14:5 of 30:13 {46.7 38.5}; 10:5 of 14:5 {71.4 100.0} @ 15 of 83 {18.1} <0.08 0.47>. [01:23:21] |Den vestligste går opp til Fortundalsbreen.| --- 6 (0.16|0.00:0.19 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.70] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_opp+til_p_rel"|. | |-[0.72] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_opp+til_p_rel"|. | |-[3.14] # 2 --- 8 (2.41|0.00:0.00 s) <:19> (47.4M 694.5M = 742.0M) [0]. | | | |-[3.51] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[3.87] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[4.24] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[4.60] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[4.96] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[5.32] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[5.66] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[5.94] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | |-[8.29] # 3 --- 8 (2.33|0.00:0.00 s) <:19> (47.4M 694.7M = 742.2M) [1]. | | | |-[8.61] # 0 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[8.94] # 1 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[9.26] # 2 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[9.59] # 3 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[9.94] # 4 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[10.30] # 5 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[10.66] # 6 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | | | |-[11.02] # 7 --- error: invalid predicates: |superl_rel|. | |-[11.04] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_opp_a_rel"|. | |-[11.07] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_opp_a_rel"|. | |< |Den vestligste går opp til Fortundalsbreen.| --- 6 x 16 x 0 = 0 |= 31:13 of 84 {36.9+15.5}; 15:5 of 31:13 {48.4 38.5}; 10:5 of 15:5 {66.7 100.0} @ 15 of 84 {17.9} <0.08 0.47>. [01:23:32] |Merkingen fortsetter på nordsiden av breen.| --- 4 (0.18|0.00:0.23 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.77] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|, |"_nordside_n_rel"|, |"_fortsette*på_v_rel"|. | |-[0.80] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merking_n_rel"|, |"_nordside_n_rel"|, |"_fortsette*på_v_rel"|. | |-[0.82] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nordside_n_rel"|, |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |-[0.84] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_nordside_n_rel"|, |"_merking_n_rel"|. | |< |Merkingen fortsetter på nordsiden av breen.| --- 4 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 32:13 of 85 {37.6+15.3}; 15:5 of 32:13 {46.9 38.5}; 10:5 of 15:5 {66.7 100.0} @ 15 of 85 {17.6} <0.08 0.47>. [01:23:33] |Det er en del ur langs vannet, men det er en flott tur.| --- 48 (3.31|0.00:3.40 s) <:> () [5]. | |-[6.28] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[6.43] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[6.59] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[6.74] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[6.90] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[7.05] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[7.21] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[7.36] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vanne_v_rel"|. | |-[23.43] # 8 --- 40 (15.54:0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:196> (449.6M 6.1G = 6.5G) [6]. | | | |-[25.45] # 0 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <189:470> {3583:738} (23.6M -102709283904 = -102684531192) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> | | | |-[27.47] # 1 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:482> {3709:766} (24.0M 348.6M = 372.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | | |-[29.49] # 2 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:470> {3583:738} (23.5M 341.9M = 365.3M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[31.52] # 3 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:482> {3709:766} (24.0M 347.6M = 371.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[33.54] # 4 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:499> {3966:807} (24.5M 360.1M = 384.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | | |-[35.57] # 5 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <202:511> {4102:835} (25.1M 365.3M = 390.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | | |-[37.60] # 6 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:499> {3966:807} (24.6M 359.2M = 383.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[39.62] # 7 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <202:511> {4102:835} (25.1M 365.3M = 390.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[41.65] # 8 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:486> {3611:748} (23.4M 350.5M = 373.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.30> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.30> | | | |-[43.67] # 9 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <201:498> {3737:776} (23.9M 355.1M = 379.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.14> | | | |-[45.70] # 10 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:486> {3611:748} (23.4M 349.2M = 372.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.12> | | | |-[47.73] # 11 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <201:498> {3737:776} (24.0M 355.1M = 379.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[49.75] # 12 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <206:515> {3994:817} (24.4M 366.9M = 391.3M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | | |-[51.80] # 13 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <210:527> {4130:845} (25.0M 373.0M = 398.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | | |-[53.82] # 14 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <206:515> {3994:817} (24.5M 366.9M = 391.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[55.85] # 15 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <210:527> {4130:845} (25.0M 373.0M = 398.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[57.88] # 16 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <181:456> {3559:728} (22.3M 335.3M = 357.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> | | | |-[59.90] # 17 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:468> {3685:756} (22.8M 340.6M = 363.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | | |-[61.93] # 18 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <181:456> {3559:728} (22.3M 334.9M = 357.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[63.95] # 19 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:468> {3685:756} (22.9M 340.6M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[65.98] # 20 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:485> {3942:797} (23.3M 352.0M = 375.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | | |-[68.00] # 21 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <194:497> {4078:825} (23.9M 358.0M = 381.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | | |-[70.03] # 22 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:485> {3942:797} (23.4M 352.0M = 375.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[72.06] # 23 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <194:497> {4078:825} (24.0M 358.0M = 382.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[74.08] # 24 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:470> {3583:738} (22.9M 342.6M = 365.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> | |-[90.15] # 9 --- 40 (15.51:0.30|0.00:0.00 s) <:195> (432.5M 5.9G = 6.3G) [5]. | | | |-[92.16] # 0 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3008:686} (22.1M 319.9M = 342.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> | | | |-[94.18] # 1 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3124:714} (22.7M 325.4M = 348.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | | |-[96.21] # 2 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3008:686} (22.2M 319.9M = 342.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[98.23] # 3 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <189:457> {3124:714} (22.7M 325.4M = 348.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[100.26] # 4 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <194:474> {3365:755} (23.2M 336.6M = 359.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> | | | |-[102.28] # 5 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <198:486> {3491:783} (23.7M 342.4M = 366.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | | |-[104.31] # 6 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <194:474> {3365:755} (23.2M 336.6M = 359.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[106.33] # 7 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:486> {3491:783} (23.8M 342.4M = 366.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[108.36] # 8 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <193:461> {3036:696} (22.0M 327.0M = 349.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.34> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.34> | | | |-[110.38] # 9 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <197:473> {3152:724} (22.6M 332.5M = 355.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.16> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.16> | | | |-[112.41] # 10 --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <193:461> {3036:696} (22.1M 327.0M = 349.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.15> | | | |-[114.43] # 11 --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <197:473> {3152:724} (22.6M 332.5M = 355.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.14> | | | |-[115.41] # 12 --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <202:490> {3393:765} (23.1M 343.9M = 367.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.33> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.33> | | | |-[116.40] # 13 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <206:502> {3519:793} (23.7M 349.7M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> | | | |-[118.42] # 14 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <202:490> {3393:765} (23.1M 343.9M = 367.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.14> | | | |-[119.42] # 15 --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <206:502> {3519:793} (23.7M 349.7M = 373.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.13> | | | |-[121.44] # 16 --- 2 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <177:431> {2984:676} (20.9M 313.2M = 334.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> | | | |-[122.38] # 17 --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <181:443> {3100:704} (21.5M 318.6M = 340.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | | |-[124.40] # 18 --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <177:431> {2984:676} (21.0M 313.2M = 334.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[125.34] # 19 --- 2 (0.56|0.00:0.56 s) <181:443> {3100:704} (21.5M 318.6M = 340.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[129.36] # 20 --- 2 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <186:460> {3341:745} (22.0M 329.7M = 351.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> | | | |-[130.34] # 21 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <190:472> {3467:773} (22.6M 335.4M = 357.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | | |-[132.40] # 22 --- 2 (0.58|0.00:0.58 s) <186:460> {3341:745} (22.0M 329.7M = 351.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[133.38] # 23 --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <190:472> {3467:773} (22.6M 335.4M = 358.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[137.40] # 24 --- 2 (0.55|0.00:0.55 s) <185:445> {3008:686} (21.6M 319.9M = 341.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> | |-[169.70] # 10 --- 20 (7.81:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:146> (233.6M 3.1G = 3.3G) [3]. | | | |-[170.66] # 0 --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <189:470> {3583:738} (23.5M 341.9M = 365.3M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[171.63] # 1 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <193:482> {3709:766} (24.0M 347.6M = 371.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[173.64] # 2 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <198:499> {3966:807} (24.6M 359.2M = 383.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[174.64] # 3 --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <202:511> {4102:835} (25.1M 365.3M = 390.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[176.65] # 4 --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <197:486> {3611:748} (23.4M 349.2M = 372.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.12> | | | |-[177.64] # 5 --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <201:498> {3737:776} (24.0M 355.1M = 379.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[179.65] # 6 --- 2 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <206:515> {3994:817} (24.5M 366.9M = 391.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[181.66] # 7 --- 2 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <210:527> {4130:845} (25.0M 373.0M = 398.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[182.63] # 8 --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <181:456> {3559:728} (22.3M 334.9M = 357.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[184.64] # 9 --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <185:468> {3685:756} (22.9M 340.6M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[185.65] # 10 --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <190:485> {3942:797} (23.4M 352.0M = 375.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[187.66] # 11 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <194:497> {4078:825} (24.0M 358.0M = 382.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[188.64] # 12 --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <189:470> {3583:738} (22.9M 341.8M = 364.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[189.61] # 13 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <193:482> {3709:766} (23.5M 347.6M = 371.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[190.61] # 14 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <198:499> {3966:807} (24.0M 359.2M = 383.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> | | | |-[191.61] # 15 --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <202:511> {4102:835} (24.6M 365.2M = 389.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[193.62] # 16 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <189:470> {3583:738} (22.7M 342.6M = 365.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.12> | | | |-[195.63] # 17 --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <193:482> {3709:766} (23.2M 347.5M = 370.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> | | | |-[197.65] # 18 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <198:499> {3966:807} (23.7M 359.1M = 382.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> | | | |-[199.66] # 19 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <202:511> {4102:835} (24.3M 365.2M = 389.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.10> | |-[207.73] # 11 --- 20 (7.96:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:145> (224.3M 3.0G = 3.2G) [3]. | | | |-[209.74] # 0 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3008:686} (22.2M 319.9M = 342.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[211.75] # 1 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3124:714} (22.7M 325.4M = 348.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[213.77] # 2 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <194:474> {3365:755} (23.2M 336.6M = 359.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[215.78] # 3 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:486> {3491:783} (23.8M 342.4M = 366.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[217.80] # 4 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <193:461> {3036:696} (22.1M 327.0M = 349.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.15> | | | |-[219.81] # 5 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <197:473> {3152:724} (22.6M 332.5M = 355.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.14> | | | |-[221.82] # 6 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <202:490> {3393:765} (23.1M 343.9M = 367.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.14> | | | |-[223.84] # 7 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <206:502> {3519:793} (23.7M 349.7M = 373.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.13> | | | |-[225.85] # 8 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <177:431> {2984:676} (21.0M 313.2M = 334.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[227.87] # 9 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <181:443> {3100:704} (21.5M 318.6M = 340.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[229.88] # 10 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <186:460> {3341:745} (22.0M 329.7M = 351.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[231.90] # 11 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <190:472> {3467:773} (22.6M 335.4M = 358.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[233.91] # 12 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3008:686} (21.6M 319.9M = 341.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[235.93] # 13 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3124:714} (22.2M 325.3M = 347.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[237.94] # 14 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <194:474> {3365:755} (22.7M 336.6M = 359.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> | | | |-[239.96] # 15 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:486> {3491:783} (23.2M 342.3M = 365.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> | | | |-[241.97] # 16 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <185:445> {3008:686} (21.3M 319.8M = 341.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> | | | |-[243.99] # 17 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3124:714} (21.9M 325.3M = 347.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | | |-[246.00] # 18 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:474> {3365:755} (22.4M 336.5M = 358.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | | | |-[248.02] # 19 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <198:486> {3491:783} (23.0M 342.2M = 365.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.12> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> | |-[264.08] # 12 --- 40 (15.59:0.34|0.00:0.00 s) <:215> (450.8M 6.1G = 6.5G) [6]. | | | |-[266.10] # 0 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:468> {3534:733} (24.3M 338.7M = 363.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | | |-[268.12] # 1 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <193:480> {3660:761} (24.9M 344.4M = 369.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | | |-[270.15] # 2 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:468> {3534:733} (24.4M 338.7M = 363.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[272.17] # 3 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:480> {3660:761} (25.0M 344.4M = 369.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[274.20] # 4 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <198:497> {3927:802} (25.5M 356.2M = 381.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> | | | |-[276.23] # 5 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <202:509> {4063:830} (26.1M 362.2M = 388.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> | | | |-[278.25] # 6 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <198:497> {3927:802} (25.5M 356.2M = 381.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[280.28] # 7 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <202:509> {4063:830} (26.1M 362.2M = 388.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[282.30] # 8 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:484> {3562:743} (24.3M 346.0M = 370.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | | |-[284.33] # 9 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <201:496> {3688:771} (24.8M 351.9M = 376.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | | |-[286.36] # 10 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:484> {3562:743} (24.3M 346.1M = 370.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[288.38] # 11 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <201:496> {3688:771} (24.9M 351.9M = 376.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[290.41] # 12 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <206:513> {3955:812} (25.4M 363.8M = 389.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> | | | |-[292.43] # 13 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <210:525> {4091:840} (26.0M 369.9M = 395.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | | |-[294.46] # 14 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <206:513> {3955:812} (25.5M 363.8M = 389.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[296.49] # 15 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <210:525> {4091:840} (26.0M 369.9M = 396.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[298.51] # 16 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <181:454> {3510:723} (23.2M 331.8M = 354.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | | |-[300.54] # 17 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <185:466> {3636:751} (23.7M 337.4M = 361.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> | | | |-[302.56] # 18 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <181:454> {3510:723} (23.2M 331.8M = 355.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[304.59] # 19 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:466> {3636:751} (23.8M 337.4M = 361.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[306.62] # 20 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:483> {3903:792} (24.3M 349.0M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> | | | |-[308.64] # 21 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:495> {4039:820} (24.9M 355.0M = 379.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> | | | |-[310.67] # 22 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <190:483> {3903:792} (24.4M 349.0M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[312.69] # 23 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:495> {4039:820} (24.9M 355.0M = 379.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[314.72] # 24 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <189:468> {3534:733} (23.8M 338.6M = 362.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> | |-[330.78] # 13 --- 40 (15.59:0.33|0.00:0.00 s) <:214> (433.6M 5.9G = 6.3G) [5]. | | | |-[332.80] # 0 --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <185:443> {2937:681} (22.8M 315.6M = 338.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> | | | |-[334.82] # 1 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <189:455> {3053:709} (23.4M 321.0M = 344.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | | |-[336.85] # 2 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:443> {2937:681} (22.9M 315.6M = 338.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> | | | |-[338.87] # 3 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:455> {3053:709} (23.4M 321.0M = 344.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[340.89] # 4 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:472> {3304:750} (23.9M 332.4M = 356.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> | | | |-[342.92] # 5 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:484> {3430:778} (24.5M 338.1M = 362.6M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | | |-[344.95] # 6 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <194:472> {3304:750} (24.0M 332.4M = 356.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[346.97] # 7 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <198:484> {3430:778} (24.6M 338.1M = 362.6M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[348.99] # 8 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <193:459> {2965:691} (22.7M 322.6M = 345.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> | | | |-[351.02] # 9 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <197:471> {3081:719} (23.3M 328.1M = 351.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> | | | |-[353.04] # 10 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <193:459> {2965:691} (22.8M 322.6M = 345.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[355.07] # 11 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <197:471> {3081:719} (23.3M 328.1M = 351.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.09> | | | |-[357.09] # 12 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <202:488> {3332:760} (23.9M 339.6M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.27> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.27> | | | |-[359.12] # 13 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <206:500> {3458:788} (24.4M 345.4M = 369.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> | | | |-[361.14] # 14 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <202:488> {3332:760} (23.9M 339.7M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.09> | | | |-[363.17] # 15 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <206:500> {3458:788} (24.5M 345.4M = 369.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.08> | | | |-[365.19] # 16 --- 2 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <177:429> {2913:671} (21.6M 308.9M = 330.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> | | | |-[367.22] # 17 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <181:441> {3029:699} (22.2M 314.3M = 336.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | | |-[369.24] # 18 --- 2 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <177:429> {2913:671} (21.7M 308.9M = 330.6M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> | | | |-[371.27] # 19 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <181:441> {3029:699} (22.3M 314.3M = 336.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[373.29] # 20 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <186:458> {3280:740} (22.8M 325.5M = 348.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> | | | |-[375.32] # 21 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <190:470> {3406:768} (23.3M 331.1M = 354.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | | |-[377.34] # 22 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <186:458> {3280:740} (22.8M 325.5M = 348.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[379.37] # 23 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <190:470> {3406:768} (23.4M 331.1M = 354.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[381.39] # 24 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:443> {2937:681} (22.3M 315.5M = 337.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> | |-[391.44] # 14 --- 20 (8.98:0.19|0.00:0.00 s) <:165> (234.9M 3.1G = 3.3G) [3]. | | | |-[393.46] # 0 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <189:468> {3534:733} (24.4M 338.7M = 363.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[395.47] # 1 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <193:480> {3660:761} (25.0M 344.4M = 369.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[397.49] # 2 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:497> {3927:802} (25.5M 356.2M = 381.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[399.50] # 3 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <202:509> {4063:830} (26.1M 362.2M = 388.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[401.52] # 4 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <197:484> {3562:743} (24.3M 346.1M = 370.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[403.53] # 5 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <201:496> {3688:771} (24.9M 351.9M = 376.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[405.55] # 6 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <206:513> {3955:812} (25.5M 363.8M = 389.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[407.56] # 7 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <210:525> {4091:840} (26.0M 369.9M = 396.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[409.58] # 8 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <181:454> {3510:723} (23.2M 331.8M = 355.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[411.60] # 9 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:466> {3636:751} (23.8M 337.4M = 361.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[413.61] # 10 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:483> {3903:792} (24.4M 349.0M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[415.62] # 11 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:495> {4039:820} (24.9M 355.0M = 379.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[417.64] # 12 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:468> {3534:733} (23.8M 338.6M = 362.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[419.65] # 13 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:480> {3660:761} (24.4M 344.4M = 368.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[421.67] # 14 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <198:497> {3927:802} (25.0M 356.2M = 381.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> | | | |-[423.68] # 15 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <202:509> {4063:830} (25.6M 362.2M = 387.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> | | | |-[425.70] # 16 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:468> {3534:733} (23.6M 338.6M = 362.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.04> | | | |-[427.71] # 17 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <193:480> {3660:761} (24.1M 344.3M = 368.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.04> | | | |-[429.73] # 18 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:497> {3927:802} (24.7M 356.1M = 380.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.04> | | | |-[431.75] # 19 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <202:509> {4063:830} (25.3M 362.1M = 387.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.03> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.03> | |-[440.58] # 15 --- 20 (8.70:0.18|0.00:0.00 s) <:164> (225.5M 3.0G = 3.2G) [3]. | | | |-[442.59] # 0 --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <185:443> {2937:681} (22.9M 315.6M = 338.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> | | | |-[444.60] # 1 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <189:455> {3053:709} (23.4M 321.0M = 344.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[446.62] # 2 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:472> {3304:750} (24.0M 332.4M = 356.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[448.63] # 3 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <198:484> {3430:778} (24.6M 338.1M = 362.6M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[450.64] # 4 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <193:459> {2965:691} (22.8M 322.6M = 345.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> | | | |-[452.66] # 5 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <197:471> {3081:719} (23.3M 328.1M = 351.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.09> | | | |-[454.67] # 6 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <202:488> {3332:760} (23.9M 339.7M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.09> | | | |-[456.69] # 7 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <206:500> {3458:788} (24.5M 345.4M = 369.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.08> | | | |-[458.70] # 8 --- 2 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <177:429> {2913:671} (21.7M 308.9M = 330.6M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> | | | |-[460.72] # 9 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <181:441> {3029:699} (22.3M 314.3M = 336.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[462.73] # 10 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <186:458> {3280:740} (22.8M 325.5M = 348.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[464.75] # 11 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <190:470> {3406:768} (23.4M 331.1M = 354.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[466.77] # 12 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:443> {2937:681} (22.3M 315.5M = 337.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> | | | |-[468.78] # 13 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:455> {3053:709} (22.9M 320.9M = 343.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[470.80] # 14 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:472> {3304:750} (23.4M 332.3M = 355.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[472.81] # 15 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <198:484> {3430:778} (24.0M 338.0M = 362.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> | | | |-[474.83] # 16 --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <185:443> {2937:681} (22.0M 315.4M = 337.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> | | | |-[476.84] # 17 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <189:455> {3053:709} (22.6M 320.9M = 343.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> | | | |-[478.86] # 18 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:472> {3304:750} (23.2M 332.2M = 355.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> | | | |-[480.87] # 19 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <198:484> {3430:778} (23.7M 338.0M = 361.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.04> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.04> | |-[496.93] # 16 --- 40 (15.82:0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:203> (450.7M 6.1G = 6.5G) [6]. | | | |-[498.95] # 0 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <189:472> {3634:745} (25.1M 366.7M = 391.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> | | | |-[500.98] # 1 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <193:484> {3760:773} (25.7M 372.5M = 398.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | | |-[503.00] # 2 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <189:472> {3634:745} (25.1M 366.7M = 391.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[505.02] # 3 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <193:484> {3760:773} (25.7M 372.5M = 398.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[507.05] # 4 --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <198:501> {4007:814} (26.2M 384.2M = 410.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | | |-[509.08] # 5 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <202:513> {4143:842} (26.8M 390.3M = 417.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | | |-[511.10] # 6 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <198:501> {4007:814} (26.3M 384.2M = 410.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[513.13] # 7 --- 2 (0.89|0.00:0.89 s) <202:513> {4143:842} (26.9M 390.3M = 417.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[515.15] # 8 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <197:488> {3662:755} (25.0M 374.1M = 399.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.48> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.48> | | | |-[517.18] # 9 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <201:500> {3788:783} (25.6M 380.0M = 405.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.39> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.39> | | | |-[519.21] # 10 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <197:488> {3662:755} (25.0M 374.1M = 399.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.15> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.15> | | | |-[521.23] # 11 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <201:500> {3788:783} (25.6M 380.0M = 405.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[523.26] # 12 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <206:517> {4035:824} (26.2M 391.9M = 418.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.45> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.45> | | | |-[525.28] # 13 --- 2 (0.89|0.00:0.89 s) <210:529> {4171:852} (26.7M 398.1M = 424.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.37> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.37> | | | |-[527.31] # 14 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <206:517> {4035:824} (26.2M 391.9M = 418.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[529.34] # 15 --- 2 (0.68|0.00:0.68 s) <210:529> {4171:852} (26.8M 398.1M = 424.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[530.35] # 16 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <181:458> {3610:735} (23.9M 359.7M = 383.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> | | | |-[531.37] # 17 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <185:470> {3736:763} (24.5M 365.4M = 389.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | | |-[532.39] # 18 --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <181:458> {3610:735} (24.0M 359.7M = 383.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[534.42] # 19 --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <185:470> {3736:763} (24.5M 365.4M = 389.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[536.44] # 20 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <190:487> {3983:804} (25.1M 377.0M = 402.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | | |-[538.47] # 21 --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <194:499> {4119:832} (25.6M 383.0M = 408.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | | |-[540.49] # 22 --- 2 (0.86|0.00:0.86 s) <190:487> {3983:804} (25.1M 377.0M = 402.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[542.52] # 23 --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <194:499> {4119:832} (25.7M 383.0M = 408.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[544.54] # 24 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <189:472> {3634:745} (24.5M 366.6M = 391.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> | |-[560.61] # 17 --- 40 (15.31:0.29|0.00:0.00 s) <:202> (433.5M 5.9G = 6.3G) [5]. | | | |-[562.63] # 0 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:447> {3081:693} (23.5M 344.3M = 367.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | | |-[564.65] # 1 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <189:459> {3197:721} (24.1M 349.8M = 373.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> | | | |-[566.67] # 2 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <185:447> {3081:693} (23.5M 344.3M = 367.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | | |-[568.70] # 3 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:459> {3197:721} (24.1M 349.8M = 373.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[570.72] # 4 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <194:476> {3428:762} (24.6M 361.1M = 385.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> | | | |-[572.75] # 5 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <198:488> {3554:790} (25.2M 366.9M = 392.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> | | | |-[574.78] # 6 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:476> {3428:762} (24.6M 361.1M = 385.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[576.80] # 7 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <198:488> {3554:790} (25.2M 366.9M = 392.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | | |-[578.82] # 8 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:463> {3109:703} (23.4M 351.4M = 374.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.63> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.63> | | | |-[580.85] # 9 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <197:475> {3225:731} (24.0M 357.0M = 380.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | | |-[582.87] # 10 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:463> {3109:703} (23.4M 351.4M = 374.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.41> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.41> | | | |-[584.90] # 11 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <197:475> {3225:731} (24.0M 357.0M = 381.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | | |-[586.92] # 12 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <202:492> {3456:772} (24.5M 368.5M = 393.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.60> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.60> | | | |-[588.95] # 13 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <206:504> {3582:800} (25.1M 374.3M = 399.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> | | | |-[590.97] # 14 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <202:492> {3456:772} (24.6M 368.5M = 393.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | | |-[593.00] # 15 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <206:504> {3582:800} (25.1M 374.3M = 399.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.37> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.37> | | | |-[595.02] # 16 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <177:433> {3057:683} (22.3M 337.6M = 359.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | | |-[597.05] # 17 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <181:445> {3173:711} (22.9M 343.0M = 365.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> | | |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> | | | |-[599.07] # 18 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <177:433> {3057:683} (22.4M 337.6M = 360.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | | |-[601.10] # 19 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <181:445> {3173:711} (22.9M 343.0M = 366.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[603.12] # 20 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <186:462> {3404:752} (23.4M 354.2M = 377.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> | | | |-[605.15] # 21 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:474> {3530:780} (24.0M 359.9M = 383.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> | | | |-[607.17] # 22 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <186:462> {3404:752} (23.5M 354.2M = 377.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[609.20] # 23 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:474> {3530:780} (24.0M 359.9M = 383.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | | |-[611.22] # 24 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <185:447> {3081:693} (22.9M 344.3M = 367.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | | |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> | |-[621.67] # 18 --- 20 (10.28:0.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:153> (234.7M 3.1G = 3.3G) [3]. | | | |-[623.68] # 0 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <189:472> {3634:745} (25.1M 366.7M = 391.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[625.70] # 1 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <193:484> {3760:773} (25.7M 372.5M = 398.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[627.71] # 2 --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <198:501> {4007:814} (26.3M 384.2M = 410.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[629.73] # 3 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <202:513> {4143:842} (26.9M 390.3M = 417.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[631.74] # 4 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <197:488> {3662:755} (25.0M 374.1M = 399.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.15> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.15> | | | |-[633.76] # 5 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <201:500> {3788:783} (25.6M 380.0M = 405.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[635.77] # 6 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <206:517> {4035:824} (26.2M 391.9M = 418.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[637.79] # 7 --- 2 (0.89|0.00:0.89 s) <210:529> {4171:852} (26.8M 398.1M = 424.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[639.80] # 8 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <181:458> {3610:735} (24.0M 359.7M = 383.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[641.82] # 9 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <185:470> {3736:763} (24.5M 365.4M = 389.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[643.83] # 10 --- 2 (0.86|0.00:0.86 s) <190:487> {3983:804} (25.1M 377.0M = 402.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[645.84] # 11 --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <194:499> {4119:832} (25.7M 383.0M = 408.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[647.86] # 12 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <189:472> {3634:745} (24.6M 366.6M = 391.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[649.88] # 13 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <193:484> {3760:773} (25.2M 372.4M = 397.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[651.89] # 14 --- 2 (0.87|0.00:0.87 s) <198:501> {4007:814} (25.7M 384.2M = 409.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> | | | |-[653.91] # 15 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <202:513> {4143:842} (26.3M 390.2M = 416.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> | | | |-[655.92] # 16 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <189:472> {3634:745} (24.3M 366.5M = 390.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.15> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.15> | | | |-[657.94] # 17 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <193:484> {3760:773} (24.9M 372.3M = 397.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.14> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | | |-[659.95] # 18 --- 2 (0.88|0.00:0.88 s) <198:501> {4007:814} (25.5M 384.1M = 409.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.14> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> | | | |-[661.97] # 19 --- 2 (0.89|0.00:0.89 s) <202:513> {4143:842} (26.0M 390.2M = 416.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.13> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> | |-[672.01] # 19 --- 20 (9.78:0.21|0.00:0.00 s) <:152> (225.2M 3.0G = 3.2G) [3]. | | | |-[674.03] # 0 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:447> {3081:693} (23.5M 344.3M = 367.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | | |-[676.04] # 1 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:459> {3197:721} (24.1M 349.8M = 373.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[678.06] # 2 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:476> {3428:762} (24.6M 361.1M = 385.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[680.07] # 3 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <198:488> {3554:790} (25.2M 366.9M = 392.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | | |-[682.09] # 4 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <193:463> {3109:703} (23.4M 351.4M = 374.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.41> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.41> | | | |-[684.10] # 5 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:475> {3225:731} (24.0M 357.0M = 381.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | | |-[686.12] # 6 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <202:492> {3456:772} (24.6M 368.5M = 393.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> | | | |-[688.13] # 7 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <206:504> {3582:800} (25.1M 374.3M = 399.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.37> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.37> | | | |-[690.15] # 8 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <177:433> {3057:683} (22.4M 337.6M = 360.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | | |-[692.16] # 9 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <181:445> {3173:711} (22.9M 343.0M = 366.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[694.17] # 10 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <186:462> {3404:752} (23.5M 354.2M = 377.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[696.19] # 11 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <190:474> {3530:780} (24.0M 359.9M = 383.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | | |-[698.20] # 12 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <185:447> {3081:693} (23.0M 344.3M = 367.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> | | | |-[700.22] # 13 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:459> {3197:721} (23.6M 349.8M = 373.3M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[702.23] # 14 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:476> {3428:762} (24.1M 361.1M = 385.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> | | | |-[704.25] # 15 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:488> {3554:790} (24.7M 366.9M = 391.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> | | | |-[706.26] # 16 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <185:447> {3081:693} (22.7M 344.2M = 366.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.33> | | |It is a few screes along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.33> | | | |-[708.28] # 17 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:459> {3197:721} (23.3M 349.7M = 373.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.31> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.31> | | | |-[710.29] # 18 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:476> {3428:762} (23.8M 361.0M = 384.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.31> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.31> | | | |-[712.31] # 19 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:488> {3554:790} (24.4M 366.8M = 391.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.29> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.29> | |-[728.37] # 20 --- 40 (15.70:0.26|0.00:0.00 s) <:196> (449.5M 6.1G = 6.5G) [5]. | | | |-[730.39] # 0 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:470> {3585:740} (23.4M 341.9M = 365.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> | | | |-[732.41] # 1 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:482> {3711:768} (24.0M -102714629184 = -102689452904) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> | | | |-[734.44] # 2 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <189:470> {3585:740} (23.5M 341.9M = 365.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[736.46] # 3 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:482> {3711:768} (24.1M 347.7M = 371.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[738.49] # 4 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <198:499> {3968:809} (24.5M 359.3M = 383.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> | | | |-[740.51] # 5 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <202:511> {4104:837} (25.1M 365.4M = 390.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> | | | |-[742.54] # 6 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <198:499> {3968:809} (24.6M 359.3M = 383.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[744.57] # 7 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <202:511> {4104:837} (25.1M 365.4M = 390.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[746.59] # 8 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:486> {3613:750} (23.4M 349.3M = 372.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.39> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.39> | | | |-[748.62] # 9 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <201:498> {3739:778} (23.9M 355.1M = 379.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.31> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.31> | | | |-[750.64] # 10 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <197:486> {3613:750} (23.4M 349.3M = 372.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[752.67] # 11 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <201:498> {3739:778} (24.0M 355.2M = 379.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[754.70] # 12 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <206:515> {3996:819} (24.4M 367.0M = 391.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.37> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.37> | | | |-[756.72] # 13 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <210:527> {4132:847} (25.0M 373.1M = 398.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.29> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.29> | | | |-[758.75] # 14 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <206:515> {3996:819} (24.5M 367.0M = 391.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[760.77] # 15 --- 2 (0.85|0.00:0.85 s) <210:527> {4132:847} (25.1M 373.1M = 398.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[762.80] # 16 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <181:456> {3561:730} (22.3M 335.0M = 357.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> | | | |-[764.83] # 17 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:468> {3687:758} (22.8M 340.7M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> | | | |-[766.85] # 18 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <181:456> {3561:730} (22.3M 335.0M = 357.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[768.88] # 19 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:468> {3687:758} (22.9M 340.7M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[770.91] # 20 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <190:485> {3944:799} (23.4M 352.1M = 375.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> | | | |-[772.93] # 21 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <194:497> {4080:827} (23.9M 358.1M = 382.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> | | | |-[774.96] # 22 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <190:485> {3944:799} (23.4M 352.1M = 375.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[776.99] # 23 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <194:497> {4080:827} (24.0M 358.1M = 382.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[779.01] # 24 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <189:470> {3585:740} (22.9M 341.9M = 364.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> | |-[795.09] # 21 --- 40 (15.21:0.36|0.00:0.00 s) <:195> (432.5M -96741005184 = -96287546568) [6]. | | | |-[797.11] # 0 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3010:688} (22.1M 319.9M = 342.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | | |-[799.14] # 1 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3126:716} (22.7M 325.4M = 348.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | | |-[801.16] # 2 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3010:688} (22.2M 319.9M = 342.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> | | | |-[803.19] # 3 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <189:457> {3126:716} (22.7M 325.4M = 348.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> | | | |-[805.21] # 4 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:474> {3367:757} (23.2M 336.6M = 359.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | | |-[807.24] # 5 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:486> {3493:785} (23.8M 342.3M = 366.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | | |-[809.26] # 6 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:474> {3367:757} (23.2M 336.6M = 359.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> | | | |-[811.29] # 7 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:486> {3493:785} (23.8M 342.3M = 366.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> | | | |-[813.31] # 8 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <193:461> {3038:698} (22.0M 327.0M = 349.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.54> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.54> | | | |-[815.34] # 9 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <197:473> {3154:726} (22.6M 332.5M = 355.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | | |-[817.36] # 10 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <193:461> {3038:698} (22.1M 327.0M = 349.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.33> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.33> | | | |-[819.39] # 11 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <197:473> {3154:726} (22.6M 332.5M = 355.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.30> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.30> | | | |-[821.41] # 12 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <202:490> {3395:767} (23.1M 343.9M = 367.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.51> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.51> | | | |-[823.44] # 13 --- 2 (0.81|0.00:0.81 s) <206:502> {3521:795} (23.7M 349.7M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | | |-[825.46] # 14 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <202:490> {3395:767} (23.1M 343.9M = 367.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.31> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.31> | | | |-[827.49] # 15 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <206:502> {3521:795} (23.7M 349.7M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.29> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.29> | | | |-[829.51] # 16 --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <177:431> {2986:678} (20.9M 313.2M = 334.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | | |-[831.54] # 17 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <181:443> {3102:706} (21.5M 318.6M = 340.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> | | | |-[833.56] # 18 --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <177:431> {2986:678} (21.0M 313.2M = 334.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> | | | |-[835.59] # 19 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <181:443> {3102:706} (21.5M 318.6M = 340.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> | | | |-[837.61] # 20 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <186:460> {3343:747} (22.0M 329.7M = 351.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> | | | |-[839.64] # 21 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <190:472> {3469:775} (22.6M 335.3M = 357.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> | | | |-[841.66] # 22 --- 2 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <186:460> {3343:747} (22.0M 329.7M = 351.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> | | | |-[843.69] # 23 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <190:472> {3469:775} (22.6M 335.4M = 358.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> | | | |-[845.71] # 24 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3010:688} (21.6M 319.8M = 341.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | | |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> | |-[853.76] # 22 --- 20 (7.80:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:146> (233.6M 3.1G = 3.3G) [3]. | | | |-[854.72] # 0 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <189:470> {3585:740} (23.5M 341.9M = 365.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[855.70] # 1 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <193:482> {3711:768} (24.1M 347.7M = 371.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[856.70] # 2 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <198:499> {3968:809} (24.6M 359.3M = 383.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[857.71] # 3 --- 2 (0.63|0.00:0.63 s) <202:511> {4104:837} (25.1M 365.4M = 390.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[858.69] # 4 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <197:486> {3613:750} (23.4M 349.3M = 372.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[859.67] # 5 --- 2 (0.61|0.00:0.61 s) <201:498> {3739:778} (24.0M 355.2M = 379.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[861.68] # 6 --- 2 (0.64|0.00:0.64 s) <206:515> {3996:819} (24.5M 367.0M = 391.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[863.70] # 7 --- 2 (0.65|0.00:0.65 s) <210:527> {4132:847} (25.1M 373.1M = 398.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[865.71] # 8 --- 2 (0.70|0.00:0.70 s) <181:456> {3561:730} (22.3M 335.0M = 357.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[867.73] # 9 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <185:468> {3687:758} (22.9M 340.7M = 363.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[869.74] # 10 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <190:485> {3944:799} (23.4M 352.1M = 375.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[871.76] # 11 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <194:497> {4080:827} (24.0M 358.1M = 382.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[873.77] # 12 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <189:470> {3585:740} (22.9M 341.9M = 364.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> | | | |-[875.79] # 13 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:482> {3711:768} (23.5M 347.6M = 371.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[877.80] # 14 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <198:499> {3968:809} (24.0M 359.3M = 383.3M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> | | | |-[879.81] # 15 --- 2 (0.84|0.00:0.84 s) <202:511> {4104:837} (24.6M 365.3M = 389.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> | | | |-[881.83] # 16 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <189:470> {3585:740} (22.7M 341.8M = 364.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.10> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.10> | | | |-[883.84] # 17 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <193:482> {3711:768} (23.2M 347.6M = 370.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> | | | |-[885.86] # 18 --- 2 (0.82|0.00:0.82 s) <198:499> {3968:809} (23.7M 359.2M = 382.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> | | | |-[887.87] # 19 --- 2 (0.83|0.00:0.83 s) <202:511> {4104:837} (24.3M 365.2M = 389.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.08> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.08> | |-[896.42] # 23 --- 20 (8.44:0.17|0.00:0.00 s) <:145> (224.3M 3.0G = 3.2G) [3]. | | | |-[898.44] # 0 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <185:445> {3010:688} (22.2M 319.9M = 342.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> | | | |-[900.45] # 1 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <189:457> {3126:716} (22.7M 325.4M = 348.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> | | | |-[902.46] # 2 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <194:474> {3367:757} (23.2M 336.6M = 359.8M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> | | | |-[904.48] # 3 --- 2 (0.80|0.00:0.80 s) <198:486> {3493:785} (23.8M 342.4M = 366.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> | | | |-[906.49] # 4 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <193:461> {3038:698} (22.1M 327.0M = 349.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.33> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.33> | | | |-[908.50] # 5 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <197:473> {3154:726} (22.6M 332.5M = 355.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.30> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.30> | | | |-[910.52] # 6 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <202:490> {3395:767} (23.1M 343.9M = 367.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.31> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.31> | | | |-[912.53] # 7 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <206:502> {3521:795} (23.7M 349.7M = 373.4M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.29> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.29> | | | |-[914.54] # 8 --- 2 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <177:431> {2986:678} (21.0M 313.2M = 334.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> | | | |-[916.56] # 9 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <181:443> {3102:706} (21.5M 318.6M = 340.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> | | | |-[918.57] # 10 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <186:460> {3343:747} (22.0M 329.7M = 351.7M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> | | | |-[920.58] # 11 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <190:472> {3469:775} (22.6M 335.4M = 358.0M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> | | | |-[922.60] # 12 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3010:688} (21.6M 319.9M = 341.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> | | | |-[924.61] # 13 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3126:716} (22.2M 325.3M = 347.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> | | | |-[926.63] # 14 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:474> {3367:757} (22.7M 336.5M = 359.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> | | | |-[928.64] # 15 --- 2 (0.78|0.00:0.78 s) <198:486> {3493:785} (23.2M 342.3M = 365.5M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> | | | |-[930.66] # 16 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <185:445> {3010:688} (21.3M 319.8M = 341.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.25> | | |That is a few screes along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.25> | | | |-[932.67] # 17 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <189:457> {3126:716} (21.9M 325.2M = 347.1M) [1]. | | |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.23> | | |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.23> | | | |-[934.69] # 18 --- 2 (0.77|0.00:0.77 s) <194:474> {3367:757} (22.4M 336.5M = 358.9M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.24> | | |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.24> | | | |-[936.70] # 19 --- 2 (0.79|0.00:0.79 s) <198:486> {3493:785} (23.0M 342.2M = 365.2M) [1]. | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.22> | | |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.22> | |-[945.21] # 24 --- 20 (8.39|0.00:0.00 s) <:146> (233.6M 3.1G = 3.3G) [2]. | | | |-[947.23] # 0 --- 2 (0.68|0.00:0.68 s) <189:422> {3216:697} (22.4M 318.3M = 340.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.71] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.81] <0.11> | | | |-[949.25] # 1 --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <193:434> {3314:721} (22.9M 323.6M = 346.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.72] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.82] <0.10> | | | |-[951.27] # 2 --- 2 (0.67|0.00:0.67 s) <198:461> {3807:804} (23.4M 338.2M = 361.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.63] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.11> | | | |-[952.21] # 3 --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <202:473> {3909:828} (24.0M 343.8M = 367.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.64] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.80] <0.10> | | | |-[953.10] # 4 --- 2 (0.52|0.00:0.52 s) <197:438> {3242:707} (22.3M 325.2M = 347.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.71] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.81] <0.12> | | | |-[954.00] # 5 --- 2 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <201:450> {3340:731} (22.8M 330.6M = 353.5M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.72] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.82] <0.11> | | | |-[954.94] # 6 --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <206:477> {3833:814} (23.3M 345.5M = 368.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.63] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.11> | | | |-[955.89] # 7 --- 2 (0.57|0.00:0.57 s) <210:489> {3935:838} (23.9M 351.3M = 375.1M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.64] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.80] <0.10> | | | |-[956.77] # 8 --- 2 (0.52|0.00:0.52 s) <181:408> {3194:687} (21.2M 311.7M = 332.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.71] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.81] <0.11> | | | |-[958.78] # 9 --- 2 (0.59|0.00:0.59 s) <185:420> {3292:711} (21.8M 317.0M = 338.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.72] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.82] <0.10> | | | |-[960.79] # 10 --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <190:447> {3785:794} (22.2M 331.2M = 353.4M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.63] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.11> | | | |-[962.81] # 11 --- 2 (0.60|0.00:0.60 s) <194:459> {3887:818} (22.8M 336.8M = 359.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.64] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.80] <0.10> | | | |-[964.82] # 12 --- 2 (0.62|0.00:0.62 s) <189:422> {3216:697} (21.8M 318.2M = 340.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.71] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.81] <0.11> | | | |-[966.83] # 13 --- 2 (0.69|0.00:0.69 s) <193:434> {3314:721} (22.4M 323.5M = 345.9M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.72] <0.10> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.82] <0.10> | | | |-[968.84] # 14 --- 2 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <198:461> {3807:804} (22.9M 338.1M = 361.0M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.63] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.11> | | | |-[970.86] # 15 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <202:473> {3909:828} (23.4M 343.8M = 367.2M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.64] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.80] <0.10> | | | |-[972.87] # 16 --- 2 (0.68|0.00:0.68 s) <189:422> {3216:697} (21.5M 318.1M = 339.7M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.69] <0.12> | | |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.79] <0.12> | | | |-[973.87] # 17 --- 2 (0.54|0.00:0.54 s) <193:434> {3314:721} (22.1M 323.5M = 345.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.71] <0.11> | | |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.80] <0.11> | | | |-[975.88] # 18 --- 2 (0.74|0.00:0.74 s) <198:461> {3807:804} (22.6M 338.0M = 360.6M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.61] <0.11> | | |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.11> | | | |-[977.89] # 19 --- 2 (0.75|0.00:0.75 s) <202:473> {3909:828} (23.1M 343.7M = 366.8M) [1]. | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.63] <0.10> | | |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.79] <0.10> | |< |Det er en del ur langs vannet, men det er en flott tur.| --- 48 x 500 x 760 = 528 [760] |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.29> (19:19:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.31> (19:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.31> (19:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.32] <0.33> (19:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.29> (19:19:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.31> (19:18:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.31> (19:17:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.33] <0.33> (19:16:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> (19:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (19:14:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (19:13:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> (19:12:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:24:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:24:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> (17:23:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:22:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> (17:21:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> (17:21:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> (17:20:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> (17:20:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:19:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> (17:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> (17:17:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> (17:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:16:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.37> (17:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> (17:14:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> (17:13:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> (17:13:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.60> (17:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.60> (17:12:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> (17:11:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.41> (17:10:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:9:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:9:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.63> (17:8:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.63> (17:8:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> (17:7:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:6:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> (17:5:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.44> (17:5:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> (17:4:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.52> (17:4:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:3:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> (17:2:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> (17:1:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.46> (17:1:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:0:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.55> (17:0:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> (19:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (19:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (19:13:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> (19:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> (17:23:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:22:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:19:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> (17:18:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.37> (17:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> (17:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.39> (17:11:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.34] <0.41> (17:10:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.27> (17:7:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:6:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.29> (17:3:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.34] <0.31> (17:2:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.22> (23:19:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.24> (23:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.23> (23:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.25> (23:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.13> (18:19:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.14> (18:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.14> (18:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.15> (18:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.22> (23:19:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.24> (23:18:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.23> (23:17:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is a fine trip.| [-0.43] <0.25> (23:16:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (18:19:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (18:18:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (18:17:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.44] <0.15> (18:16:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> (23:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> (23:14:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> (23:13:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> (23:12:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:24:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:24:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> (21:23:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> (21:22:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (21:21:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (21:21:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (21:20:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (21:20:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> (21:19:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> (21:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (21:17:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (21:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:16:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.29> (21:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.31> (21:14:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (21:13:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (21:13:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.51> (21:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.51> (21:12:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.30> (21:11:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.33> (21:10:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:9:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:9:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.54> (21:8:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a great trip.| [-0.44] <0.54> (21:8:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.20> (21:7:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.22> (21:6:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (21:5:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (21:5:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (21:4:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (21:4:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.21> (21:3:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.23> (21:2:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (21:1:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (21:1:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:0:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.46> (21:0:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (18:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (18:14:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (18:13:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (18:12:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> (16:24:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> (16:24:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (16:23:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (16:22:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (16:21:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (16:21:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (16:20:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (16:20:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (16:19:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (16:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (16:17:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (16:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> (16:16:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> (16:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (16:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (16:14:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.37> (16:13:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.37> (16:13:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.45> (16:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.45> (16:12:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (16:11:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.15> (16:10:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.39> (16:9:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.39> (16:9:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.48> (16:8:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.44] <0.48> (16:8:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (16:7:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (16:6:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (16:5:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.36> (16:5:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (16:4:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.44> (16:4:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.13> (16:3:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.14> (16:2:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (16:1:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.38> (16:1:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> (16:0:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.44] <0.47> (16:0:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> (23:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> (23:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> (23:13:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is a lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> (23:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> (21:23:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> (21:22:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> (21:19:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is a grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> (21:18:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.29> (21:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.31> (21:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.30> (21:11:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is a great trip.| [-0.45] <0.33> (21:10:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.20> (21:7:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.22> (21:6:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.21> (21:3:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is a beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.23> (21:2:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (18:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (18:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (18:13:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (18:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (16:23:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (16:22:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (16:19:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (16:18:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (16:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (16:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (16:11:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.45] <0.15> (16:10:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (16:7:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (16:6:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.13> (16:3:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.45] <0.14> (16:2:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.08> (22:19:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> (22:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> (22:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.10> (22:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.08> (22:19:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> (22:18:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.09> (22:17:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is one fine trip.| [-0.54] <0.10> (22:16:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> (22:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (22:14:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (22:13:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> (22:12:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> (20:24:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> (20:24:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> (20:23:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (20:22:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> (20:21:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> (20:21:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> (20:20:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> (20:20:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (20:19:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> (20:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> (20:17:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> (20:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> (20:16:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one grand trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> (20:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> (20:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (20:14:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.29> (20:13:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.29> (20:13:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.37> (20:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.37> (20:12:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (20:11:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> (20:10:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.31> (20:9:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.31> (20:9:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.39> (20:8:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one great trip.| [-0.55] <0.39> (20:8:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.08> (20:7:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (20:6:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> (20:5:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.28> (20:5:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> (20:4:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.36> (20:4:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.09> (20:3:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.10> (20:2:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> (20:1:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.30> (20:1:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> (20:0:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.55] <0.38> (20:0:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> (22:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (22:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (22:13:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is one lovely trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> (22:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> (20:23:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (20:22:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (20:19:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is one grand trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> (20:18:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> (20:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (20:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (20:11:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is one great trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> (20:10:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.08> (20:7:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (20:6:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.09> (20:3:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but it is one beautiful trip.| [-0.56] <0.10> (20:2:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.12> (11:19:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.12> (11:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.12> (11:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.56] <0.13> (11:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (11:19:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (11:18:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (11:17:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> (11:16:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> (11:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (11:14:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> (11:13:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (11:12:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> (9:24:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> (9:24:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> (9:23:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (9:22:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> (9:21:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> (9:21:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> (9:20:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> (9:20:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> (9:19:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (9:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> (9:17:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> (9:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> (9:16:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> (9:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> (9:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> (9:14:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> (9:13:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> (9:13:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.33> (9:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.33> (9:12:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> (9:11:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.15> (9:10:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.16> (9:9:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.16> (9:9:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.34> (9:8:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.57] <0.34> (9:8:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> (9:7:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (9:6:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> (9:5:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.13> (9:5:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> (9:4:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.29> (9:4:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.11> (9:3:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.12> (9:2:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> (9:1:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.14> (9:1:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> (9:0:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.57] <0.31> (9:0:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> (11:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> (11:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> (11:13:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> (11:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> (9:23:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> (9:22:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> (9:19:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> (9:18:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.13> (9:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.14> (9:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.14> (9:11:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.58] <0.15> (9:10:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> (9:7:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> (9:6:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.11> (9:3:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.58] <0.12> (9:2:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.04> (15:19:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> (15:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> (15:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> (15:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.10> (10:19:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> (10:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> (10:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.12> (10:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.04> (15:19:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> (15:18:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> (15:17:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is a fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.05> (15:16:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.10> (10:19:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> (10:18:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.11> (10:17:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.67] <0.12> (10:16:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (15:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (15:14:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (15:13:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> (15:12:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> (13:24:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> (13:24:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (13:23:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (13:22:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> (13:21:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> (13:21:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> (13:20:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> (13:20:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (13:19:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> (13:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (13:17:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (13:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> (13:16:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> (13:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.08> (13:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> (13:14:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> (13:13:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> (13:13:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.27> (13:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.27> (13:12:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> (13:11:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (13:10:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (13:9:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (13:9:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (13:8:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (13:8:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (13:7:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (13:6:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> (13:5:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.09> (13:5:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> (13:4:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.22> (13:4:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.04> (13:3:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.05> (13:2:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (13:1:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (13:1:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> (13:0:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.24> (13:0:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (10:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (10:14:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (10:13:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (10:12:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> (8:24:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> (8:24:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (8:23:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (8:22:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:21:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:21:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (8:20:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (8:20:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (8:19:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (8:18:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:17:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:17:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> (8:16:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> (8:16:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (8:15:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (8:14:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:13:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:13:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (8:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (8:12:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (8:11:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.12> (8:10:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.14> (8:9:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.14> (8:9:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.30> (8:8:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.68] <0.30> (8:8:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (8:7:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (8:6:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:5:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:5:0). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (8:4:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.28> (8:4:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.10> (8:3:0). |> |It is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.11> (8:2:0). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:1:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.13> (8:1:0). |> |It is a few screes along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> (8:0:1). |> |It is a few screes along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.68] <0.29> (8:0:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (15:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (15:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (15:13:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is a lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> (15:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (13:23:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (13:22:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (13:19:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is a grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> (13:18:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.08> (13:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.09> (13:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.09> (13:11:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is a great trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (13:10:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (13:7:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (13:6:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.04> (13:3:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is a beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.05> (13:2:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (10:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (10:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (10:13:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (10:12:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (8:23:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (8:22:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (8:19:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (8:18:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (8:15:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (8:14:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (8:11:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.69] <0.12> (8:10:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (8:7:1). |> |It is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (8:6:1). |> |It is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.10> (8:3:1). |> |It is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.69] <0.11> (8:2:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.03> (14:19:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.04> (14:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.04> (14:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one fine trip.| [-0.77] <0.04> (14:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.03> (14:19:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.04> (14:18:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.04> (14:17:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is one fine trip.| [-0.78] <0.04> (14:16:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (14:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (14:14:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (14:13:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (14:12:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:24:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:24:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:23:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:22:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> (12:21:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> (12:21:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> (12:20:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> (12:20:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:19:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:18:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:17:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:17:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:16:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:16:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:15:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:14:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:13:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:13:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> (12:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> (12:12:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:11:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:10:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:9:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:9:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:8:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:8:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:7:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:6:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> (12:5:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.08> (12:5:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> (12:4:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.21> (12:4:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:3:0). |> |That is a few screes along the water, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:2:0). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:1:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.09> (12:1:0). |> |That is a few screes along the lake but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:0:1). |> |That is a few screes along the lake, but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.22> (12:0:0). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (14:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (14:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (14:13:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is one lovely trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (14:12:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:23:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:22:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:19:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is one grand trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:18:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:15:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:14:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:11:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is one great trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:10:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:7:1). |> |That is a few rocky hills along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:6:1). |> |That is a few screes alongside the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.03> (12:3:1). |> |That is a few screes along the water but that is one beautiful trip.| [-0.79] <0.04> (12:2:1). |= 33:13 of 86 {38.4+15.1}; 16:5 of 33:13 {48.5 38.5}; 11:5 of 16:5 {68.7 100.0} @ 16 of 86 {18.6} <0.09 0.48>. [01:39:51] |Fra Nørdstedalseter er det også merket rute vestover til Arentzbu, øverst i Mørkrisdalen.| --- ^5 [90] (28.83|0.00:28.99 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[30.65] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vestover_a_rel"|, |"_merke_v_rel"|. | |-[30.72] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vestover_a_rel"|, |"_merke_v_rel"|. | |-[30.86] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_vestover_a_rel"|, |"_merke_v_rel"|. | |-[30.93] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merke_v_rel"|, |"_vestover_p_rel"|. | |-[31.00] # 7 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merke_v_rel"|, |"_vestover_p_rel"|. | |< |Fra Nørdstedalseter er det også merket rute vestover til Arentzbu, øverst i Mørkrisdalen.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:14 of 87 {37.9+16.1}; 16:5 of 33:14 {48.5 35.7}; 11:5 of 16:5 {68.7 100.0} @ 16 of 87 {18.4} <0.09 0.48>. [01:40:22] |Ruta går langs østbredden av Lundadalsvatnet og videre ut dalen til heimste Lundadalssætri.| --- error: unknown SEM-I predicates: |_ste_n_rel|. | |< |Ruta går langs østbredden av Lundadalsvatnet og videre ut dalen til heimste Lundadalssætri.| --- 0 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:14 of 88 {37.5+15.9}; 16:5 of 33:14 {48.5 35.7}; 11:5 of 16:5 {68.7 100.0} @ 16 of 88 {18.2} <0.09 0.48>. [01:40:24] |Fra Trulsbu er det også en umerket rute sørøstover forbi Høydalen til Bøvertun.| --- ^5 [12] (5.58|0.00:5.65 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[8.38] # 0 --- 2 (1.26|0.00:0.00 s) <:68> (35.1M 421.6M = 456.8M) [0]. | | | |-[10.38] # 0 --- 38 (0.76|0.00:0.76 s) <32:582> {2213:897} (27.4M 303.9M = 331.3M) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | | |-[12.40] # 1 --- 38 (0.71|0.00:0.71 s) <32:562> {2040:868} (26.3M 289.4M = 315.7M) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | |-[14.41] # 1 --- 2 (1.23|0.00:0.00 s) <:63> (33.3M 407.2M = 440.5M) [0]. | | | |-[16.42] # 0 --- 76 (0.73|0.00:0.73 s) <32:576> {2214:892} (26.5M 288.8M = 315.3M) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | | |-[18.44] # 1 --- 76 (0.72|0.00:0.72 s) <32:556> {2041:863} (25.5M 279.6M = 305.1M) [1]. | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | | |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> | |-[18.53] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[18.61] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[18.68] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|. | |< |Fra Trulsbu er det også en umerket rute sørøstover forbi Høydalen til Bøvertun.| --- 5 x 4 x 228 = 228 |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:75). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:74). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:73). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:72). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:71). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:70). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:69). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:68). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:67). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:66). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:65). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:64). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:63). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:62). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:61). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:60). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:59). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:58). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:57). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:56). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:55). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:54). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:53). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:52). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:51). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:50). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:49). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:48). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:47). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:46). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:45). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:44). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:43). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:42). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:41). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:40). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:39). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:38). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:37). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:36). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:35). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:34). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:33). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:32). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:31). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:30). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:29). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:28). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:27). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:26). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:25). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:24). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:23). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:22). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:21). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:20). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:19). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:18). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:17). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:16). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:15). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:14). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:13). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:12). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:1:11). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:10). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:9). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:8). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:7). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:6). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:5). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:4). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:1:3). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:2). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:1). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:1:0). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:75). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:74). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:73). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:72). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:71). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:70). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:69). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:68). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:67). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:66). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:65). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:64). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:63). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:62). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (1:0:61). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (1:0:60). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:59). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:58). |> |From Trulsbu, it is an /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:57). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:56). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:55). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:54). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:53). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:52). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:51). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:50). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:49). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:48). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:47). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:46). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:45). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:44). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:43). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (1:0:42). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:0:41). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:40). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:39). |> |From Trulsbu, it is a /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:38). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:37). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:36). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:35). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:34). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:33). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:32). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:31). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:30). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:29). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:28). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:27). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:26). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:25). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:24). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (1:0:23). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (1:0:22). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:21). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:20). |> |From Trulsbu it is an /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:19). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:18). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:17). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:16). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:15). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:14). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:13). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:12). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (1:0:11). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:10). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:9). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:8). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:7). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:6). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:5). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (1:0:4). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (1:0:3). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:2). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:1). |> |From Trulsbu it is a /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (1:0:0). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:37). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:36). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> (0:1:35). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:34). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:33). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:32). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> (0:1:31). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> (0:1:30). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:29). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:28). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:27). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:26). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:25). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:24). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (0:1:23). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (0:1:22). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:21). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:20). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:19). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:18). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:17). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> (0:1:16). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:15). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:14). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:13). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> (0:1:12). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.05> (0:1:11). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:10). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:9). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:8). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:7). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:6). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:5). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (0:1:4). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (0:1:3). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:2). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:1). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ too. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:1:0). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:37). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:36). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (0:0:35). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:34). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:33). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:32). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (0:0:31). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (0:0:30). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:29). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:28). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:27). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:26). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:25). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:24). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (0:0:23). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (0:0:22). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:21). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:20). |> |From Trulsbu, it is one /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:19). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Either route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:18). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Which route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:17). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Such a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (0:0:16). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || A route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:15). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Every route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:14). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Another route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:13). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Many a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (0:0:12). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || What a route || ...| [0.00] <0.06> (0:0:11). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Neither route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:10). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || What route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:9). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || That route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:8). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || The route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:7). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || This route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:6). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Each route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:5). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than an route || ...| [0.00] <0.11> (0:0:4). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Less than a route || ...| [0.00] <0.10> (0:0:3). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || No route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:2). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Some route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:1). |> |From Trulsbu it is one /umerket/ also. || Any route || ...| [0.00] <0.02> (0:0:0). |= 33:15 of 89 {37.1+16.9}; 16:6 of 33:15 {48.5 40.0}; 11:6 of 16:6 {68.7 100.0} @ 17 of 89 {19.1} <0.09 0.46>. [01:40:43] |Skaff deg også turkart Breheimen i målestokk 1:100 000.| --- ^5 [12] (1.34|0.00:1.37 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.12] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|, |"_skaffe_v_rel"|. | |-[2.15] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[2.19] # 3 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|, |"_skaffe_v_rel"|. | |-[2.22] # 5 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_også_x_deg_rel"|. | |-[2.26] # 6 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_skaffe_v_rel"|. | |< |Skaff deg også turkart Breheimen i målestokk 1:100 000.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 33:16 of 90 {36.7+17.8}; 16:6 of 33:16 {48.5 37.5}; 11:6 of 16:6 {68.7 100.0} @ 17 of 90 {18.9} <0.09 0.46>. [01:40:45] |Lengder| --- 1 [2] (0.01|0.00:0.02 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.10] # 0 --- 4 (0.87|0.00:0.00 s) <:10> (10.5M 184.9M = 195.3M) [1]. | | | |-[1.93] # 0 --- 22 (0.39|0.00:0.39 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.4M 135.6M = 148.0M) [1]. | | |No durations.| [0.21] <0.50> | | |These durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Some durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Which durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |No more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Some more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |The most durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Less durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |What durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Most durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Those durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Umpteen durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Either durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Enough durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Such durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |All durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Durations.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both durations.| [-0.19] <0.50> | | |Zero durations.| [-0.21] <0.50> | | |The durations.| [-0.42] <0.50> | | | |-[2.76] # 1 --- 22 (0.39|0.00:0.39 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.3M 135.6M = 147.9M) [1]. | | |No lengths.| [0.21] <0.59> | | |These lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Some lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Any lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Which lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |No more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Some more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |The most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Less lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |What lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Those lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Any more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> | | |Umpteen lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Either lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Enough lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Such lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |All lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> | | |Lengths.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both lengths.| [-0.19] <0.59> | | |Zero lengths.| [-0.21] <0.59> | | |The lengths.| [-0.42] <0.59> | | | |-[3.34] # 2 --- 22 (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <141:228> {871:439} (11.9M 122.5M = 134.4M) [1]. | | |No longitudes.| [0.21] <0.50> | | |These longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Some longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Which longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |No more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Some more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |The most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Less longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |What longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Those longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Umpteen longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Either longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Enough longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Such longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |All longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Longitudes.| [-0.15] <1.00> | | |Both longitudes.| [-0.19] <0.50> | | |Zero longitudes.| [-0.21] <0.50> | | |The longitudes.| [-0.42] <0.50> | | | |-[3.98] # 3 --- 22 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <149:273> {1188:552} (12.4M 135.6M = 148.0M) [1]. | | |No quantities.| [0.21] <0.50> | | |These quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Some quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Which quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |No more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Some more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |The most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Less quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |What quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Those quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Any more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> | | |Umpteen quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Either quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Enough quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Such quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |All quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> | | |Quantities.| [-0.01] <1.00> | | |Both quantities.| [-0.19] <0.50> | | |Zero quantities.| [-0.21] <0.50> | | |The quantities.| [-0.42] <0.50> | |< |Lengder| --- 1 x 4 x 88 = 88 |> |No quantities.| [0.21] <0.50> (0:3:0). |> |No longitudes.| [0.21] <0.50> (0:2:0). |> |No lengths.| [0.21] <0.59> (0:1:0). |> |No durations.| [0.21] <0.50> (0:0:0). |> |These longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:1). |> |These lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:1). |> |Some longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:2). |> |Some lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:2). |> |Any longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:3). |> |Any lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:3). |> |Enough longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:15). |> |Either longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:14). |> |Umpteen longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:13). |> |Any more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:12). |> |Those longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:11). |> |Most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:10). |> |What longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:9). |> |Less longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:8). |> |The most longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:7). |> |Some more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:6). |> |No more longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:2:5). |> |Which longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:4). |> |Enough lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:15). |> |Either lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:14). |> |Umpteen lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:13). |> |Any more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:12). |> |Those lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:11). |> |Most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:10). |> |What lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:9). |> |Less lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:8). |> |The most lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:7). |> |Some more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:6). |> |No more lengths.| [-0.00] <0.31> (0:1:5). |> |Which lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:4). |> |These quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:1). |> |These durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:1). |> |Some quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:2). |> |Some durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:2). |> |Such longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:16). |> |Such lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:16). |> |Any quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:3). |> |Any durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:3). |> |All longitudes.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:2:17). |> |All lengths.| [-0.00] <0.59> (0:1:17). |> |Enough quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:15). |> |Either quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:14). |> |Umpteen quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:13). |> |Any more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:12). |> |Those quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:11). |> |Most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:10). |> |What quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:9). |> |Less quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:8). |> |The most quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:7). |> |Some more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:6). |> |No more quantities.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:3:5). |> |Which quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:4). |> |Enough durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:15). |> |Either durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:14). |> |Umpteen durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:13). |> |Any more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:12). |> |Those durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:11). |> |Most durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:10). |> |What durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:9). |> |Less durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:8). |> |The most durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:7). |> |Some more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:6). |> |No more durations.| [-0.00] <0.24> (0:0:5). |> |Which durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:4). |> |Such quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:16). |> |Such durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:16). |> |All quantities.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:3:17). |> |All durations.| [-0.00] <0.50> (0:0:17). |> |Quantities.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:3:18). |> |Lengths.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:1:18). |> |Durations.| [-0.01] <1.00> (0:0:18). |> |Longitudes.| [-0.15] <1.00> (0:2:18). |> |Both quantities.| [-0.19] <0.50> (0:3:19). |> |Both longitudes.| [-0.19] <0.50> (0:2:19). |> |Both lengths.| [-0.19] <0.59> (0:1:19). |> |Both durations.| [-0.19] <0.50> (0:0:19). |> |Zero quantities.| [-0.21] <0.50> (0:3:20). |> |Zero longitudes.| [-0.21] <0.50> (0:2:20). |> |Zero lengths.| [-0.21] <0.59> (0:1:20). |> |Zero durations.| [-0.21] <0.50> (0:0:20). |> |The quantities.| [-0.42] <0.50> (0:3:21). |> |The longitudes.| [-0.42] <0.50> (0:2:21). |> |The lengths.| [-0.42] <0.59> (0:1:21). |> |The durations.| [-0.42] <0.50> (0:0:21). |= 34:16 of 91 {37.4+17.6}; 17:6 of 34:16 {50.0 37.5}; 12:6 of 17:6 {70.6 100.0} @ 18 of 91 {19.8} <0.10 0.49>. [01:40:50] |Fortundalen - Stølsdalen, 3 t. opp, 2 t. ned.| --- ^5 [8] (0.40|0.00:0.45 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[2.05] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ned_a_rel"|, |"_opp_a_rel"|. | |-[2.09] # 1 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_opp_a_rel"|. | |-[2.13] # 2 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ned_a_rel"|. | |-[9.02] # 3 --- error: make-edge(): transfer edge limit exhausted (800). | |-[9.06] # 4 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_ned_a_rel"|, |"_opp_a_rel"|. | |< |Fortundalen - Stølsdalen, 3 t. opp, 2 t. ned.| --- 5 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 34:17 of 92 {37.0+18.5}; 17:6 of 34:17 {50.0 35.3}; 12:6 of 17:6 {70.6 100.0} @ 18 of 92 {19.6} <0.10 0.49>. [01:40:59] |Nørdstedalseter - Trulsbu, 5 t.| --- ^2 [24] (0.37|0.00:0.44 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[2.79] # 5 --- 6 (0.77|0.00:0.00 s) <:111> (22.8M 319.7M = 342.4M) [0]. | | | |-[3.35] # 0 --- 1 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <9:34> {102:47} (14.8M 131.6M = 146.4M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[3.92] # 1 --- 3 (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <17:62> {246:100} (15.0M 135.7M = 150.7M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[4.45] # 2 --- 1 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <11:36> {107:51} (14.8M 132.6M = 147.3M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five hours| [0.00] <0.18> | | | |-[4.98] # 3 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <9:34> {102:47} (14.6M 130.7M = 145.3M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[5.52] # 4 --- 3 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <17:62> {246:100} (15.0M 135.7M = 150.7M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[6.07] # 5 --- 2 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <26:55> {156:78} (15.4M 137.6M = 153.0M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five times| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five times| [0.00] <0.14> | |-[8.08] # 17 --- 18 (1.83|0.00:0.00 s) <:149> (41.0M 687.2M = 728.2M) [1]. | | | |-[8.64] # 0 --- 1 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <9:34> {102:47} (12.7M 116.6M = 129.3M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[9.23] # 1 --- 3 (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <17:62> {246:100} (12.9M 121.2M = 134.1M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[9.79] # 2 --- 1 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <11:36> {107:51} (12.7M 118.1M = 130.7M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five hours| [0.00] <0.18> | | | |-[10.31] # 3 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <9:34> {102:47} (12.5M 116.2M = 128.7M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[10.84] # 4 --- 3 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <17:62> {246:100} (12.9M 121.2M = 134.1M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[11.37] # 5 --- 2 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:55> {156:78} (13.3M 123.1M = 136.4M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five times| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five times| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[11.89] # 6 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <9:34> {102:47} (12.8M 116.6M = 129.4M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[12.43] # 7 --- 3 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <17:62> {246:100} (13.1M 121.2M = 134.3M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[12.95] # 8 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <11:36> {107:51} (12.8M 118.1M = 130.9M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five hours| [0.00] <0.18> | | | |-[13.48] # 9 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <9:34> {102:47} (12.6M 116.2M = 128.8M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[14.02] # 10 --- 3 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <17:62> {246:100} (13.1M 121.2M = 134.3M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[14.56] # 11 --- 2 (0.22|0.00:0.22 s) <26:55> {156:78} (13.4M 123.1M = 136.6M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five times| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five times| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[15.09] # 12 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <9:34> {102:47} (12.6M 116.6M = 129.2M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[15.63] # 13 --- 3 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <17:62> {246:100} (12.8M 121.2M = 134.0M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[16.15] # 14 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <11:36> {107:51} (12.6M 118.1M = 130.6M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five hours| [0.00] <0.18> | | | |-[16.67] # 15 --- 1 (0.20|0.00:0.20 s) <9:34> {102:47} (12.4M 116.2M = 128.6M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.16> | | | |-[17.21] # 16 --- 3 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <17:62> {246:100} (12.9M 121.2M = 134.0M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.14> | | |... || Trulsbu || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.14> | | | |-[17.75] # 17 --- 2 (0.21|0.00:0.21 s) <26:55> {156:78} (13.2M 123.1M = 136.3M) [1]. | | |... || Trulsbu || Five times| [0.00] <0.16> | | |... || Trulsbu || Of five times| [0.00] <0.14> | |< |Nørdstedalseter - Trulsbu, 5 t.| --- 2 x 24 x 44 = 11 [44] |> |... || Trulsbu || Of five times| [0.00] <0.14> (5:5:1). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five times| [0.00] <0.16> (5:5:0). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five periods of| [0.00] <0.14> (5:4:2). |> |... || Trulsbu || Of five periods| [0.00] <0.14> (5:4:1). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five periods| [0.00] <0.16> (5:4:0). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five lessons| [0.00] <0.16> (5:3:0). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five hours| [0.00] <0.18> (5:2:0). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five classes of| [0.00] <0.14> (5:1:2). |> |... || Trulsbu || Of five classes| [0.00] <0.14> (5:1:1). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five classes| [0.00] <0.16> (5:1:0). |> |... || Trulsbu || Five appointments| [0.00] <0.16> (5:0:0). |= 34:18 of 93 {36.6+19.4}; 17:7 of 34:18 {50.0 38.9}; 12:7 of 17:7 {70.6 100.0} @ 19 of 93 {20.4} <0.10 0.47>. [01:41:16] |Ikke merket.| --- ^2 [5] (0.11|0.00:0.13 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.44] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_merke_v_rel"|. | |-[2.97] # 4 --- 17 (2.52|0.00:0.00 s) <:23> (39.1M 653.4M = 692.5M) [0]. | | | |-[3.65] # 0 --- 1 [2] (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.6M 187.8M = 213.4M) [1]. | | |Not || The badge| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[4.29] # 1 --- 1 [2] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.3M 162.6M = 188.0M) [1]. | | |Not || The banner| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[4.99] # 2 --- 2 [4] (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <17:156> {213:173} (25.6M 165.6M = 191.2M) [1]. | | |Not || The brand| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the brand| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[5.69] # 3 --- 1 [2] (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.3M 162.6M = 187.9M) [1]. | | |Not || The cheque| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[6.36] # 4 --- 3 [6] (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <17:166> {284:198} (25.7M 167.1M = 192.7M) [1]. | | |Not || The check| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the check| [0.00] <0.20> | | |Not || The check of| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[6.95] # 5 --- 3 [6] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <17:166> {284:198} (25.7M 167.1M = 192.7M) [1]. | | |Not || The kind| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the kind| [0.00] <0.20> | | |Not || The kind of| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[7.55] # 6 --- 1 [2] (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <120:131> {126:130} (25.2M 163.1M = 188.3M) [1]. | | |Not || ...| [0.00] <1.00> | | | |-[8.13] # 7 --- 1 [2] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.3M 162.6M = 187.9M) [1]. | | |Not || The label| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[8.73] # 8 --- 3 [6] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <17:166> {284:198} (25.6M 167.1M = 192.7M) [1]. | | |Not || The make| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the make| [0.00] <0.20> | | |Not || The make of| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[9.33] # 9 --- 3 [6] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <17:166> {284:198} (25.7M 167.1M = 192.7M) [1]. | | |Not || The mark| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the mark| [0.00] <0.20> | | |Not || The mark of| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[9.91] # 10 --- 1 [2] (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.3M 162.6M = 187.9M) [1]. | | |Not || The notch| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[10.50] # 11 --- 3 [6] (0.25|0.00:0.25 s) <17:166> {284:198} (25.7M 167.0M = 192.7M) [1]. | | |Not || The sign| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the sign| [0.00] <0.20> | | |Not || The sign of| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[11.09] # 12 --- 2 [4] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <17:156> {213:173} (25.6M 165.6M = 191.2M) [1]. | | |Not || The sort| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the sort| [0.00] <0.20> | | | |-[11.67] # 13 --- 1 [2] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.3M 162.6M = 187.9M) [1]. | | |Not || The stain| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[12.25] # 14 --- 1 [2] (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.4M 162.7M = 188.1M) [1]. | | |Not || The standard| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[12.84] # 15 --- 1 [2] (0.23|0.00:0.23 s) <9:145> {170:149} (25.3M 162.6M = 187.9M) [1]. | | |Not || The token| [0.00] <0.41> | | | |-[13.44] # 16 --- 3 [6] (0.24|0.00:0.24 s) <17:166> {284:198} (25.7M 167.1M = 192.8M) [1]. | | |Not || The trace| [0.00] <0.41> | | |Not || Of the trace| [0.00] <0.20> | | |Not || The trace of| [0.00] <0.20> | |< |Ikke merket.| --- 2 x 17 x 31 = 31 |> |Not || The trace of| [0.00] <0.20> (4:16:2). |> |Not || Of the trace| [0.00] <0.20> (4:16:1). |> |Not || The trace| [0.00] <0.41> (4:16:0). |> |Not || The token| [0.00] <0.41> (4:15:0). |> |Not || The standard| [0.00] <0.41> (4:14:0). |> |Not || The stain| [0.00] <0.41> (4:13:0). |> |Not || Of the sort| [0.00] <0.20> (4:12:1). |> |Not || The sort| [0.00] <0.41> (4:12:0). |> |Not || The sign of| [0.00] <0.20> (4:11:2). |> |Not || Of the sign| [0.00] <0.20> (4:11:1). |> |Not || The sign| [0.00] <0.41> (4:11:0). |> |Not || The notch| [0.00] <0.41> (4:10:0). |> |Not || The mark of| [0.00] <0.20> (4:9:2). |> |Not || Of the mark| [0.00] <0.20> (4:9:1). |> |Not || The mark| [0.00] <0.41> (4:9:0). |> |Not || The make of| [0.00] <0.20> (4:8:2). |> |Not || Of the make| [0.00] <0.20> (4:8:1). |> |Not || The make| [0.00] <0.41> (4:8:0). |> |Not || The label| [0.00] <0.41> (4:7:0). |> |Not || ...| [0.00] <1.00> (4:6:0). |> |Not || The kind of| [0.00] <0.20> (4:5:2). |> |Not || Of the kind| [0.00] <0.20> (4:5:1). |> |Not || The kind| [0.00] <0.41> (4:5:0). |> |Not || The check of| [0.00] <0.20> (4:4:2). |> |Not || Of the check| [0.00] <0.20> (4:4:1). |> |Not || The check| [0.00] <0.41> (4:4:0). |> |Not || The cheque| [0.00] <0.41> (4:3:0). |> |Not || Of the brand| [0.00] <0.20> (4:2:1). |> |Not || The brand| [0.00] <0.41> (4:2:0). |> |Not || The banner| [0.00] <0.41> (4:1:0). |> |Not || The badge| [0.00] <0.41> (4:0:0). |= 34:19 of 94 {36.2+20.2}; 17:8 of 34:19 {50.0 42.1}; 12:8 of 17:8 {70.6 100.0} @ 20 of 94 {21.3} <0.11 0.50>. [01:41:30] |Trulsbu - Skjåk, 6 t.| --- ^1 (0.08|0.00:0.09 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[1.30] # 0 --- 6 (0.69|0.00:0.00 s) <:101> (18.7M 271.0M = 289.7M) [1]. | | | |-[1.78] # 0 --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <9:45> {123:59} (3.0M 43.2M = 46.2M) [1]. | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six appointments| [0.00] <0.24> | | | |-[2.28] # 1 --- 3 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <17:73> {267:112} (3.2M 47.4M = 50.6M) [1]. | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six classes| [0.00] <0.24> | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Of six classes| [0.00] <0.15> | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six classes of| [0.00] <0.15> | | | |-[2.77] # 2 --- 1 (0.12|0.00:0.12 s) <11:47> {128:63} (2.9M 44.3M = 47.2M) [1]. | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six hours| [0.00] <0.27> | | | |-[3.30] # 3 --- 1 (0.13|0.00:0.13 s) <9:45> {123:59} (2.8M 42.4M = 45.2M) [1]. | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six lessons| [0.00] <0.24> | | | |-[3.86] # 4 --- 3 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <17:73> {267:112} (3.2M 47.4M = 50.6M) [1]. | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six periods| [0.00] <0.24> | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Of six periods| [0.00] <0.15> | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six periods of| [0.00] <0.15> | | | |-[4.41] # 5 --- 2 (0.15|0.00:0.15 s) <26:66> {177:90} (3.6M 49.4M = 52.9M) [1]. | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six times| [0.00] <0.24> | | |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Of six times| [0.00] <0.15> | |< |Trulsbu - Skjåk, 6 t.| --- 1 x 6 x 11 = 11 |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Of six times| [0.00] <0.15> (0:5:1). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six times| [0.00] <0.24> (0:5:0). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six periods of| [0.00] <0.15> (0:4:2). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Of six periods| [0.00] <0.15> (0:4:1). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six periods| [0.00] <0.24> (0:4:0). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six lessons| [0.00] <0.24> (0:3:0). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six hours| [0.00] <0.27> (0:2:0). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six classes of| [0.00] <0.15> (0:1:2). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Of six classes| [0.00] <0.15> (0:1:1). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six classes| [0.00] <0.24> (0:1:0). |> |Trulsbu || Skjåk || Six appointments| [0.00] <0.24> (0:0:0). |= 34:20 of 95 {35.8+21.1}; 17:9 of 34:20 {50.0 45.0}; 12:9 of 17:9 {70.6 100.0} @ 21 of 95 {22.1} <0.11 0.49>. [01:41:34] |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (Fortundalsbreen), 7 t.| --- ^2 [24] (0.44|0.00:0.51 s) <:> () [1]. | |-[4.64] # 5 --- 6 (2.05|0.00:0.00 s) <:524> (121.0M 885.8M = 1006.9M) [1]. | | | |-[5.40] # 0 --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <9:61> {141:54} (17.0M 175.6M = 192.6M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven appointments| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[6.18] # 1 --- 3 (0.36|0.00:0.36 s) <17:89> {285:107} (17.2M 178.6M = 195.7M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven classes| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[6.96] # 2 --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <11:63> {146:58} (16.9M 175.5M = 192.3M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven hours| [0.00] <0.09> | | | |-[7.73] # 3 --- 1 (0.35|0.00:0.35 s) <9:61> {141:54} (16.7M 173.6M = 190.3M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven lessons| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[8.52] # 4 --- 3 (0.37|0.00:0.37 s) <17:89> {285:107} (17.2M 178.6M = 195.8M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven periods| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[9.18] # 5 --- 2 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <26:82> {195:85} (17.5M 180.5M = 198.0M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven times| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven times| [0.00] <0.04> | |-[13.19] # 17 --- 18 (3.44:0.11|0.00:0.00 s) <:562> (147.0M 1.4G = 1.6G) [2]. | | | |-[13.85] # 0 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <9:61> {141:54} (14.9M 159.1M = 173.9M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven appointments| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[14.52] # 1 --- 3 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <17:89> {285:107} (15.1M 164.1M = 179.2M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven classes| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[15.23] # 2 --- 1 (0.31|0.00:0.31 s) <11:63> {146:58} (14.8M 161.0M = 175.8M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven hours| [0.00] <0.09> | | | |-[15.94] # 3 --- 1 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <9:61> {141:54} (14.6M 159.1M = 173.7M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven lessons| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[16.65] # 4 --- 3 (0.32|0.00:0.32 s) <17:89> {285:107} (15.1M 164.1M = 179.2M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven periods| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[17.32] # 5 --- 2 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <26:82> {195:85} (15.4M 166.0M = 181.5M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven times| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven times| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[17.97] # 6 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <9:61> {141:54} (15.0M 159.1M = 174.1M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven appointments| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[18.64] # 7 --- 3 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <17:89> {285:107} (15.2M 164.1M = 179.3M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven classes| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[19.29] # 8 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <11:63> {146:58} (14.9M 161.0M = 175.9M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven hours| [0.00] <0.09> | | | |-[19.93] # 9 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <9:61> {141:54} (14.8M 159.1M = 173.8M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven lessons| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[20.59] # 10 --- 3 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <17:89> {285:107} (15.2M 164.1M = 179.3M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven periods| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[21.25] # 11 --- 2 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <26:82> {195:85} (15.6M 166.0M = 181.6M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven times| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven times| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[21.90] # 12 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <9:61> {141:54} (14.8M 159.1M = 173.8M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven appointments| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[22.57] # 13 --- 3 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <17:89> {285:107} (15.0M 164.1M = 179.1M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven classes| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[23.22] # 14 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <11:63> {146:58} (14.7M 160.9M = 175.7M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven hours| [0.00] <0.09> | | | |-[23.88] # 15 --- 1 (0.28|0.00:0.28 s) <9:61> {141:54} (14.6M 159.0M = 173.6M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven lessons| [0.00] <0.06> | | | |-[24.56] # 16 --- 3 (0.30|0.00:0.30 s) <17:89> {285:107} (15.0M 164.1M = 179.1M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven periods| [0.00] <0.04> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods of| [0.00] <0.04> | | | |-[25.24] # 17 --- 2 (0.29|0.00:0.29 s) <26:82> {195:85} (15.4M 166.0M = 181.4M) [1]. | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven times| [0.00] <0.06> | | |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven times| [0.00] <0.04> | |< |Nørdstedalseter - Sota (Fortundalsbreen), 7 t.| --- 2 x 24 x 44 = 11 [44] |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven times| [0.00] <0.04> (5:5:1). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven times| [0.00] <0.06> (5:5:0). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods of| [0.00] <0.04> (5:4:2). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven periods| [0.00] <0.04> (5:4:1). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven periods| [0.00] <0.06> (5:4:0). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven lessons| [0.00] <0.06> (5:3:0). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven hours| [0.00] <0.09> (5:2:0). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes of| [0.00] <0.04> (5:1:2). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Of seven classes| [0.00] <0.04> (5:1:1). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven classes| [0.00] <0.06> (5:1:0). |> |... || /sota/ || / / || ... || Seven appointments| [0.00] <0.06> (5:0:0). |= 34:21 of 96 {35.4+21.9}; 17:10 of 34:21 {50.0 47.6}; 12:10 of 17:10 {70.6 100.0} @ 22 of 96 {22.9} <0.11 0.47>. [01:41:59] |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 (0.00|0.00:0.01 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.12] # 0 --- error: unknown predicates: |"_overnattingssted_n_rel"|. | |< |Overnattingssteder| --- 1 x 0 x 0 = 0 |= 35:21 of 97 {36.1+21.6}; 17:10 of 35:21 {48.6 47.6}; 12:10 of 17:10 {70.6 100.0} @ 22 of 97 {22.7} <0.11 0.47>. [01:42:00] |Bilvei og bussruter til Turtagrø.| --- 1 (0.03|0.00:0.04 s) <:> () [0]. | |-[0.80] # 0 --- 3 (0.40|0.00:0.00 s) <:21> (9.5M 144.2M = 153.7M) [0]. | | | |-[17.91] # 0 --- 2752 (11.74|0.00:11.60 s) <335:1301> {29391:9827} (162.9M 3.7G = 3.8G) [1]. | | |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [1.04] <0.38> | | |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> | | |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> | | |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> | | |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.29> | | |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> | | |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.33> | | |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> | | |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> | | |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> | | |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.82] <0.38> | | |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.82] <0.38> | | |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.82] <0.38> | | |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.77] <0.37> | | |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.70> | | |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> | | |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.33> | | |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> | | |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.33> | | |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> | | |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> | | |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> | | |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.33> | | |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> | | |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> | | |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> | | |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.29> | | |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.33> | | |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.33> | | |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.33> | | |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> | | |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> | | |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.60] <0.37> | | |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> | | |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> | | |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> | | |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> | | |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.55] <0.37> | | |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.55] <0.37> | | |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.60> | | |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.60> | | |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.60> | | |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.53> | | |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.53> | | |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> | | |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.32> | | |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.32> | | |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.32> | | |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.29> | | |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> | | |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> | | |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> | | |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> | | |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> | | |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> | | |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> | | |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.33> | | |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> | | |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> | | |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> | | |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.32> | | |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.32> | | |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.32> | | |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.29> | | |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> | | |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.38] <0.37> | | |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.38] <0.37> | | |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.38] <0.37> | | |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.70> | | |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.37> | | |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> | | |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> | | |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.32] <0.37> | | |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.27] <0.37> | | |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.23] <0.70> | | |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.23] <0.70> | | |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.23] <0.70> | | |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.32> | | |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.32> | | |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.32> | | |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.33> | | |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.32> | | |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.32> | | |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.32> | | |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.32> | | |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.32> | | |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.32> | | |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.32> | | |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.32> | | |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.32> | | |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.29> | | |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> | | |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> | | |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.17] <0.37> | | |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.17] <0.37> | | |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.17] <0.37> | | |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.32> | | |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.32> | | |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.32> | | |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.32> | | |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.32> | | |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.32> | | |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.32> | | |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.32> | | |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.32> | | |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.29> | | |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> | | |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> | | |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.37> | | |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.37> | | |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.37> | | |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.11] <0.37> | | |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.11] <0.37> | | |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.11] <0.37> | | |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.10] <0.37> | | |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.10] <0.37> | | |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.10] <0.37> | | |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.32> | | |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.32> | | |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.32> | | |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.29> | | |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> | | |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.60> | | |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.60> | | |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.60> | | |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.53> | | |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.53> | | |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.53> | | |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.53> | | |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.53> | | |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.53> | | |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> | | |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> | | |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.00] <0.37> | | |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.03] <0.70> | | |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.32> | | |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.33> | | |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.33> | | |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.33> | | |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> | | |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.70> | | |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.70> | | |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.70> | | |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.05] <0.37> | | |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.32> | | |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.29> | | |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.29> | | |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.29> | | |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> | | |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.17] <0.37> | | |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.17] <0.37> | | |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.17] <0.37> | | |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.26] <0.37> | | |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.26] <0.37> | | |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.26] <0.37> | | |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.27] <0.37> | | |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.27] <0.37> | | |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.27] <0.37> | | |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.38] <0.38> | | |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.42] <0.70> | | |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.42] <0.70> | | |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.42] <0.70> | | |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.55] <0.38> | | |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.55] <0.38> | | |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.55] <0.38> | | |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.12] <0.33> | | |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.26> | | |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> | | |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> | | |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.34] <0.33> | | |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.34] <0.33> | | |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.34] <0.33> | | |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.39] <0.32> | | |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> | | |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> | | |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> | | |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> | | |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> | | |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.26> | | |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> | | |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> | | |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.60> | | |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.33> | | |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> | | |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> | | |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> | | |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> | | |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.61] <0.32> | | |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.61] <0.32> | | |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.61] <0.32> | | |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.29> | | |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.26> | | |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> | | |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> | | |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> | | |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> | | |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> | | |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> | | |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.53> | | |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.53> | | |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.53> | | |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.47> | | |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.47> | | |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> | | |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.29> | | |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.26> | | |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.78] <0.33> | | |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.32> | | |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> | | |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> | | |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.83] <0.60> | | |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.84] <0.33> | | |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.89] <0.32> | | |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.94] <0.60> | | |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.94] <0.60> | | |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.94] <0.60> | | |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.26> | | |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> | | |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.99] <0.32> | | |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.99] <0.32> | | |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.99] <0.32> | | |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.26> | | |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> | | |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.32> | | |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.32> | | |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.32> | | |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.05] <0.33> | | |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.05] <0.33> | | |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.05] <0.33> | | |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.06] <0.32> | | |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.06] <0.32> | | |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.06] <0.32> | | |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.29> | | |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.26> | | |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> | | |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.53> | | |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.47> | | |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.47> | | |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.47> | | |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.47> | | |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.47> | | |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.47> | | |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> | | |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.16] <0.32> | | |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.19] <0.32> | | |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> | | |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> | | |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.60> | | |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.33> | | |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.22] <0.60> | | |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.22] <0.60> | | |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.22] <0.60> | | |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.29> | | |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.26> | | |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.26> | | |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.26> | | |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> | | |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.33] <0.32> | | |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.33] <0.32> | | |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.33] <0.32> | | |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.42] <0.32> | | |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.42] <0.32> | | |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.42] <0.32> | | |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.43] <0.33> | | |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.43] <0.33> | | |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.43] <0.33> | | |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.54] <0.33> | | |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.59] <0.60> | | |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.59] <0.60> | | |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.59] <0.60> | | |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.71] <0.33> | | |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.71] <0.33> | | |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.71] <0.33> | | | |-[37.24] # 1 --- 2752 (12.83|0.00:12.78 s) <343:2311> {38639:11971} (168.5M 4.7G = 4.8G) [2]. | | |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [1.06] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.07> | | |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> | | |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.84] <0.10> | | |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.84] <0.10> | | |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.79] <0.10> | | |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.21> | | |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> | | |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> | | |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.07> | | |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> | | |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> | | |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> | | |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> | | |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> | | |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.56] <0.10> | | |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.56] <0.10> | | |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.56] <0.10> | | |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.17> | | |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.15> | | |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> | | |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> | | |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> | | |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> | | |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> | | |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.36] <0.21> | | |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.36] <0.10> | | |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> | | |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> | | |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.29] <0.10> | | |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.24] <0.21> | | |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.24] <0.21> | | |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.24] <0.21> | | |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> | | |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> | | |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> | | |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> | | |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.08> | | |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.08> | | |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.08> | | |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.07> | | |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.13] <0.10> | | |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.13] <0.10> | | |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.13] <0.10> | | |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.10> | | |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.10> | | |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.07> | | |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> | | |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.17> | | |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.17> | | |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.17> | | |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.15> | | |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.15> | | |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.15> | | |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> | | |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> | | |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.02] <0.10> | | |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.02] <0.21> | | |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.02] <0.10> | | |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> | | |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> | | |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.21> | | |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.21> | | |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.21> | | |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.07> | | |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> | | |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.15] <0.10> | | |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.15] <0.10> | | |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.15] <0.10> | | |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.24] <0.10> | | |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.24] <0.10> | | |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.24] <0.10> | | |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.25] <0.10> | | |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.25] <0.10> | | |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.25] <0.10> | | |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.36] <0.10> | | |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.40] <0.21> | | |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.40] <0.21> | | |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.40] <0.21> | | |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.53] <0.10> | | |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.53] <0.10> | | |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.53] <0.10> | | |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.10] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.06> | | |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> | | |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.32] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.37] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> | | |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> | | |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.06> | | |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> | | |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> | | |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.54] <0.17> | | |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> | | |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> | | |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> | | |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> | | |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.15> | | |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.15> | | |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.13> | | |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> | | |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> | | |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> | | |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.80] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> | | |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.17> | | |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.87] <0.08> | | |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.93] <0.17> | | |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.93] <0.17> | | |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.93] <0.17> | | |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> | | |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> | | |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.06> | | |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> | | |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.03] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.03] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.03] <0.08> | | |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.06> | | |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> | | |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.15> | | |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.13> | | |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.13> | | |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.13> | | |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> | | |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.14] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.18] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> | | |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.19] <0.17> | | |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.17> | | |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.17> | | |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.17> | | |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.06> | | |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.31] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.31] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.31] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.40] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.40] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.40] <0.08> | | |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.41] <0.08> | | |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.41] <0.08> | | |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.41] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.52] <0.08> | | |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.58] <0.17> | | |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.58] <0.17> | | |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.58] <0.17> | | |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.69] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.69] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.69] <0.08> | | | |-[54.96] # 2 --- 2752 (11.26|0.00:11.26 s) <335:1301> {29391:9827} (163.0M 3.7G = 3.8G) [2]. | | |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [1.04] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.07> | | |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> | | |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> | | |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.82] <0.10> | | |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.82] <0.10> | | |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.82] <0.10> | | |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.77] <0.10> | | |No road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.21> | | |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> | | |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.07> | | |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> | | |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.60] <0.10> | | |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> | | |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> | | |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> | | |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.55] <0.10> | | |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.55] <0.10> | | |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.17> | | |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |That road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |This road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.15> | | |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> | | |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> | | |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> | | |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> | | |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> | | |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> | | |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.08> | | |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.07> | | |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.38] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.38] <0.10> | | |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.38] <0.10> | | |A road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.21> | | |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.10> | | |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> | | |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> | | |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.32] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.27] <0.10> | | |No road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.23] <0.21> | | |No road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.23] <0.21> | | |No road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.23] <0.21> | | |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> | | |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> | | |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> | | |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> | | |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> | | |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> | | |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> | | |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.17] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.17] <0.10> | | |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.17] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.08> | | |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.08> | | |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.08> | | |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.08> | | |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.08> | | |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.07> | | |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> | | |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> | | |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.10> | | |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.10> | | |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.10> | | |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.11] <0.10> | | |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.11] <0.10> | | |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.11] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.10] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.10] <0.10> | | |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.10] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.07> | | |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> | | |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.17> | | |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.17> | | |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.17> | | |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.17> | | |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.17> | | |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |That road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |That road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |That road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |This road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |This road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |This road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.15> | | |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.15> | | |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.15> | | |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.15> | | |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> | | |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> | | |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.00] <0.10> | | |The road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.03] <0.21> | | |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> | | |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> | | |A road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.21> | | |A road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.21> | | |A road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.21> | | |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.05] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.08> | | |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.07> | | |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.07> | | |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.07> | | |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> | | |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.17] <0.10> | | |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.17] <0.10> | | |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.17] <0.10> | | |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.26] <0.10> | | |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.26] <0.10> | | |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.26] <0.10> | | |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.27] <0.10> | | |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.27] <0.10> | | |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.27] <0.10> | | |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.38] <0.10> | | |The road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.42] <0.21> | | |The road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.42] <0.21> | | |The road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.42] <0.21> | | |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.55] <0.10> | | |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.12] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.06> | | |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> | | |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.34] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.34] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.34] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.39] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.06> | | |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> | | |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> | | |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.17> | | |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> | | |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.61] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.61] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.61] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> | | |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> | | |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> | | |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> | | |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> | | |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> | | |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.15> | | |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.15> | | |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.13> | | |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> | | |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.07> | | |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.06> | | |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.78] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.08> | | |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> | | |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> | | |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.83] <0.17> | | |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.84] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.89] <0.08> | | |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.94] <0.17> | | |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.94] <0.17> | | |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.94] <0.17> | | |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> | | |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.99] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.99] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.99] <0.08> | | |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.06> | | |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.08> | | |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.05] <0.08> | | |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.05] <0.08> | | |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.05] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.06] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.06] <0.08> | | |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.06] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.06> | | |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> | | |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.15> | | |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.13> | | |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.13> | | |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.13> | | |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.13> | | |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> | | |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.16] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.19] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> | | |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> | | |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.17> | | |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.08> | | |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.22] <0.17> | | |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.22] <0.17> | | |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.22] <0.17> | | |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.07> | | |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.06> | | |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.06> | | |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.06> | | |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.33] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.33] <0.08> | | |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.33] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.42] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.42] <0.08> | | |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.42] <0.08> | | |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.43] <0.08> | | |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.43] <0.08> | | |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.43] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.54] <0.08> | | |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.59] <0.17> | | |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.59] <0.17> | | |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.59] <0.17> | | |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.71] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.71] <0.08> | | |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.71] <0.08> | |< |Bilvei og bussruter til Turtagrø.| --- 1 x 3 x 8256 = 8256 |> |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [1.06] <0.10> (0:1:0). |> |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [1.04] <0.10> (0:2:0). |> |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [1.04] <0.38> (0:0:0). |> |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:29). |> |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:28). |> |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:27). |> |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:26). |> |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:25). |> |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:24). |> |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:23). |> |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:22). |> |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:21). |> |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:20). |> |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:19). |> |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:18). |> |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:17). |> |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:16). |> |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:15). |> |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:14). |> |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.07> (0:1:13). |> |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.07> (0:1:12). |> |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:11). |> |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:10). |> |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:9). |> |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:8). |> |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:7). |> |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.08> (0:1:6). |> |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:5). |> |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:4). |> |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:3). |> |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:2). |> |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:1). |> |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:32). |> |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:31). |> |No road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.84] <0.10> (0:1:30). |> |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:29). |> |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:28). |> |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:27). |> |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:26). |> |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:25). |> |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:24). |> |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:23). |> |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:22). |> |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:21). |> |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:20). |> |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:19). |> |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:18). |> |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:17). |> |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:16). |> |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:15). |> |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:14). |> |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.07> (0:2:13). |> |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.07> (0:2:12). |> |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:11). |> |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:10). |> |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:9). |> |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:8). |> |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:7). |> |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.08> (0:2:6). |> |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:5). |> |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:4). |> |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:3). |> |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:2). |> |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.10> (0:2:1). |> |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:29). |> |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:28). |> |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:27). |> |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:26). |> |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:25). |> |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:24). |> |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:23). |> |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> (0:0:22). |> |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:21). |> |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:20). |> |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> (0:0:19). |> |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.33> (0:0:18). |> |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:17). |> |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:16). |> |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:15). |> |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> (0:0:14). |> |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.29> (0:0:13). |> |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.29> (0:0:12). |> |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:11). |> |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:10). |> |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:9). |> |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> (0:0:8). |> |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> (0:0:7). |> |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.32> (0:0:6). |> |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:5). |> |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:4). |> |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:3). |> |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:2). |> |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.83] <0.37> (0:0:1). |> |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.82] <0.10> (0:2:32). |> |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.82] <0.10> (0:2:31). |> |No road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.82] <0.10> (0:2:30). |> |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.82] <0.38> (0:0:32). |> |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.82] <0.38> (0:0:31). |> |No road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.82] <0.38> (0:0:30). |> |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.79] <0.10> (0:1:33). |> |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.77] <0.10> (0:2:33). |> |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.77] <0.37> (0:0:33). |> |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.21> (0:1:34). |> |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:249). |> |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:248). |> |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:247). |> |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:246). |> |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:245). |> |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:244). |> |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:243). |> |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:242). |> |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:241). |> |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:240). |> |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:239). |> |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:238). |> |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:237). |> |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:236). |> |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:235). |> |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:234). |> |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:233). |> |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:232). |> |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:231). |> |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:230). |> |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:229). |> |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:228). |> |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:227). |> |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:226). |> |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:225). |> |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:224). |> |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:223). |> |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:222). |> |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:221). |> |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:220). |> |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:219). |> |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:218). |> |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:217). |> |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:216). |> |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:215). |> |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:214). |> |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:213). |> |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:212). |> |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:211). |> |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:210). |> |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:209). |> |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:208). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:207). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:206). |> |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:205). |> |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.06> (0:1:204). |> |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:203). |> |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:202). |> |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:201). |> |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:200). |> |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:199). |> |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:198). |> |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:197). |> |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:196). |> |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:195). |> |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:194). |> |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:193). |> |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:192). |> |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:191). |> |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:190). |> |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:189). |> |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:188). |> |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:187). |> |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:186). |> |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:185). |> |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:184). |> |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:183). |> |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:182). |> |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:181). |> |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:180). |> |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:179). |> |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:178). |> |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:177). |> |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:176). |> |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:175). |> |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:174). |> |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:173). |> |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:172). |> |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:171). |> |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:170). |> |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:169). |> |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:168). |> |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:167). |> |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:166). |> |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:165). |> |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:164). |> |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:163). |> |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:162). |> |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:161). |> |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:160). |> |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:159). |> |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:158). |> |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:157). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:156). |> |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:155). |> |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:154). |> |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:153). |> |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:152). |> |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:151). |> |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:150). |> |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:149). |> |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:148). |> |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:147). |> |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:146). |> |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:145). |> |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:144). |> |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:143). |> |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:142). |> |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:141). |> |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:140). |> |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:139). |> |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:138). |> |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:137). |> |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:136). |> |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:135). |> |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:134). |> |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:133). |> |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:132). |> |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:131). |> |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:130). |> |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:129). |> |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:128). |> |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:127). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:126). |> |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:125). |> |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:124). |> |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:123). |> |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:122). |> |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:121). |> |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:120). |> |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:119). |> |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:118). |> |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:117). |> |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:116). |> |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:115). |> |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:114). |> |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:113). |> |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:112). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:111). |> |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.07> (0:1:110). |> |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:109). |> |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:108). |> |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:107). |> |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:106). |> |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:105). |> |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:104). |> |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:103). |> |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:102). |> |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:101). |> |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:100). |> |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:99). |> |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:98). |> |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:97). |> |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:96). |> |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:95). |> |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:94). |> |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:93). |> |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:92). |> |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:91). |> |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:90). |> |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:89). |> |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:88). |> |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:87). |> |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:86). |> |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:85). |> |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:84). |> |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:83). |> |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:82). |> |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:81). |> |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:80). |> |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:79). |> |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:78). |> |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:77). |> |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:76). |> |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:75). |> |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:74). |> |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:73). |> |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:72). |> |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:71). |> |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:70). |> |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:69). |> |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:68). |> |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:67). |> |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:66). |> |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:65). |> |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:64). |> |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:63). |> |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:62). |> |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:61). |> |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:60). |> |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:59). |> |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:58). |> |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:57). |> |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:56). |> |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:55). |> |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:54). |> |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:53). |> |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:52). |> |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:51). |> |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:50). |> |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:49). |> |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:48). |> |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:47). |> |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:46). |> |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:45). |> |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:44). |> |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:43). |> |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:42). |> |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:41). |> |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:40). |> |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:39). |> |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:38). |> |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:37). |> |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.08> (0:1:36). |> |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.63] <0.10> (0:1:35). |> |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:336). |> |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:335). |> |Some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:334). |> |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:333). |> |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:332). |> |No road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:331). |> |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:330). |> |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:329). |> |No road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:328). |> |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:327). |> |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:326). |> |No road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:325). |> |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:324). |> |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:323). |> |No road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:322). |> |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:321). |> |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:320). |> |No road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:319). |> |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:318). |> |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:317). |> |No road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:316). |> |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:315). |> |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:314). |> |No road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:313). |> |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:312). |> |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:311). |> |No road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:310). |> |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:309). |> |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:308). |> |No road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:307). |> |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:306). |> |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:305). |> |No road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:304). |> |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:303). |> |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:302). |> |No road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:301). |> |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:300). |> |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:299). |> |No road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:298). |> |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:297). |> |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:296). |> |No road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:295). |> |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:294). |> |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:293). |> |No road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:292). |> |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:291). |> |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:290). |> |No road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:289). |> |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.07> (0:1:288). |> |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.07> (0:1:287). |> |Less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.07> (0:1:286). |> |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.07> (0:1:285). |> |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.07> (0:1:284). |> |Less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.07> (0:1:283). |> |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:282). |> |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:281). |> |This road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:280). |> |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:279). |> |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:278). |> |That road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:277). |> |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:276). |> |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:275). |> |Neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:274). |> |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:273). |> |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:272). |> |What a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:271). |> |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:270). |> |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:269). |> |Many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:268). |> |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:267). |> |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:266). |> |Such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.08> (0:1:265). |> |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:264). |> |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:263). |> |Each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:262). |> |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:261). |> |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:260). |> |Another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:259). |> |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:258). |> |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:257). |> |Every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:256). |> |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:255). |> |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:254). |> |Either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:253). |> |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:252). |> |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:251). |> |Any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.62] <0.10> (0:1:250). |> |No road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.21> (0:2:34). |> |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.70> (0:0:34). |> |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:249). |> |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:248). |> |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:247). |> |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:246). |> |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:245). |> |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:244). |> |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:243). |> |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:242). |> |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:241). |> |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:240). |> |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:239). |> |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:238). |> |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:237). |> |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:236). |> |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:235). |> |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:234). |> |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:233). |> |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:232). |> |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:231). |> |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:230). |> |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:229). |> |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:228). |> |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:227). |> |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:226). |> |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:225). |> |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:224). |> |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:223). |> |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:222). |> |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:221). |> |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:220). |> |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:219). |> |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:218). |> |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:217). |> |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:216). |> |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:215). |> |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:214). |> |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:213). |> |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:212). |> |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:211). |> |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:210). |> |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:209). |> |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:208). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:207). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:206). |> |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:205). |> |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.06> (0:2:204). |> |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:203). |> |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:202). |> |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:201). |> |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:200). |> |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:199). |> |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:198). |> |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:197). |> |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:196). |> |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:195). |> |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:194). |> |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:193). |> |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:192). |> |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:191). |> |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:190). |> |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:189). |> |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:188). |> |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:187). |> |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:186). |> |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:185). |> |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:184). |> |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:183). |> |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:182). |> |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:181). |> |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:180). |> |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:179). |> |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:178). |> |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:177). |> |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:176). |> |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:175). |> |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:174). |> |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:173). |> |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:172). |> |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:171). |> |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:170). |> |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:169). |> |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:168). |> |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:167). |> |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:166). |> |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:165). |> |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:164). |> |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:163). |> |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:162). |> |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:161). |> |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:160). |> |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:159). |> |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:158). |> |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:157). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:156). |> |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:155). |> |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:154). |> |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:153). |> |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:152). |> |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:151). |> |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:150). |> |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:149). |> |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:148). |> |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:147). |> |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:146). |> |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:145). |> |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:144). |> |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:143). |> |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:142). |> |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:141). |> |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:140). |> |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:139). |> |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:138). |> |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:137). |> |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:136). |> |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:135). |> |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:134). |> |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:133). |> |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:132). |> |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:131). |> |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:130). |> |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:129). |> |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:128). |> |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:127). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:126). |> |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:125). |> |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:124). |> |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:123). |> |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:122). |> |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:121). |> |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:120). |> |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:119). |> |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:118). |> |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:117). |> |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:116). |> |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:115). |> |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:114). |> |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:113). |> |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:112). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:111). |> |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:110). |> |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:109). |> |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:108). |> |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:107). |> |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:106). |> |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:105). |> |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:104). |> |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:103). |> |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:102). |> |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:101). |> |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:100). |> |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:99). |> |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:98). |> |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:97). |> |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:96). |> |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:95). |> |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:94). |> |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:93). |> |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:92). |> |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:91). |> |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:90). |> |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:89). |> |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:88). |> |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:87). |> |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:86). |> |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:85). |> |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:84). |> |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:83). |> |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:82). |> |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:81). |> |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:80). |> |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:79). |> |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:78). |> |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:77). |> |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:76). |> |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:75). |> |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:74). |> |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:73). |> |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:72). |> |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:71). |> |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:70). |> |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:69). |> |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:68). |> |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:67). |> |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:66). |> |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:65). |> |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:64). |> |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:63). |> |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:62). |> |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:61). |> |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:60). |> |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:59). |> |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:58). |> |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:57). |> |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:56). |> |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:55). |> |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:54). |> |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:53). |> |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:52). |> |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:51). |> |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:50). |> |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:49). |> |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:48). |> |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:47). |> |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:46). |> |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:45). |> |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:44). |> |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:43). |> |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:42). |> |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:41). |> |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:40). |> |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:39). |> |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:38). |> |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:37). |> |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:36). |> |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:35). |> |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:249). |> |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:248). |> |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:247). |> |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:246). |> |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:245). |> |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:244). |> |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:243). |> |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> (0:0:242). |> |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:241). |> |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.33> (0:0:240). |> |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:239). |> |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:238). |> |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:237). |> |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:236). |> |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:235). |> |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:234). |> |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:233). |> |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:232). |> |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:231). |> |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:230). |> |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:229). |> |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:228). |> |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:227). |> |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:226). |> |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:225). |> |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:224). |> |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:223). |> |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:222). |> |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:221). |> |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:220). |> |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:219). |> |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:218). |> |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:217). |> |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:216). |> |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:215). |> |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:214). |> |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:213). |> |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:212). |> |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:211). |> |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:210). |> |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:209). |> |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:208). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:207). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:206). |> |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:205). |> |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.26> (0:0:204). |> |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:203). |> |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:202). |> |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:201). |> |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:200). |> |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:199). |> |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:198). |> |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:197). |> |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:196). |> |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:195). |> |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:194). |> |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:193). |> |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:192). |> |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:191). |> |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:190). |> |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:189). |> |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:188). |> |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:187). |> |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:186). |> |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:185). |> |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:184). |> |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:183). |> |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:182). |> |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:181). |> |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:180). |> |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:179). |> |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:178). |> |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:177). |> |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:176). |> |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:175). |> |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:174). |> |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:173). |> |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> (0:0:172). |> |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> (0:0:171). |> |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:170). |> |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:169). |> |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:168). |> |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:167). |> |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:166). |> |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:165). |> |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:164). |> |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:163). |> |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:162). |> |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:161). |> |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:160). |> |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:159). |> |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:158). |> |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:157). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:156). |> |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:155). |> |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:154). |> |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:153). |> |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:152). |> |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:151). |> |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:150). |> |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:149). |> |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:148). |> |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:147). |> |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:146). |> |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:145). |> |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:144). |> |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:143). |> |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:142). |> |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:141). |> |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:140). |> |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:139). |> |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:138). |> |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:137). |> |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:136). |> |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:135). |> |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:134). |> |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:133). |> |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:132). |> |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:131). |> |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:130). |> |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:129). |> |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:128). |> |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:127). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:126). |> |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:125). |> |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:124). |> |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:123). |> |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:122). |> |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:121). |> |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:120). |> |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:119). |> |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:118). |> |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:117). |> |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.33> (0:0:116). |> |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:115). |> |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:114). |> |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:113). |> |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:112). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:111). |> |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:110). |> |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:109). |> |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:108). |> |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:107). |> |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:106). |> |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:105). |> |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:104). |> |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:103). |> |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:102). |> |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:101). |> |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:100). |> |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:99). |> |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:98). |> |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:97). |> |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:96). |> |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:95). |> |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:94). |> |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:93). |> |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:92). |> |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:91). |> |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:90). |> |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:89). |> |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:88). |> |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:87). |> |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:86). |> |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:85). |> |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:84). |> |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:83). |> |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:82). |> |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:81). |> |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:80). |> |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:79). |> |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:78). |> |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:77). |> |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:76). |> |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:75). |> |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:74). |> |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:73). |> |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:72). |> |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:71). |> |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:70). |> |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:69). |> |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:68). |> |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:67). |> |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:66). |> |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:65). |> |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:64). |> |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:63). |> |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:62). |> |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:61). |> |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:60). |> |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:59). |> |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:58). |> |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:57). |> |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:56). |> |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:55). |> |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:54). |> |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:53). |> |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:52). |> |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:51). |> |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> (0:0:50). |> |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:49). |> |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:48). |> |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:47). |> |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:46). |> |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:45). |> |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:44). |> |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:43). |> |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:42). |> |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:41). |> |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:40). |> |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:39). |> |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:38). |> |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:37). |> |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.33> (0:0:36). |> |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.38> (0:0:35). |> |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.61] <0.10> (0:1:337). |> |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:291). |> |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:290). |> |Some road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:289). |> |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:288). |> |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:287). |> |Less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:286). |> |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:285). |> |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:284). |> |Less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.07> (0:2:283). |> |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:282). |> |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:281). |> |This road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:280). |> |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:279). |> |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:278). |> |That road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:277). |> |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:276). |> |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:275). |> |Neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:274). |> |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:273). |> |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:272). |> |What a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:271). |> |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:270). |> |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:269). |> |Many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:268). |> |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:267). |> |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:266). |> |Such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:265). |> |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:264). |> |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:263). |> |Each road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:262). |> |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:261). |> |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:260). |> |Another road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:259). |> |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:258). |> |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:257). |> |Every road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:256). |> |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:255). |> |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:254). |> |Either road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:253). |> |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:252). |> |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:251). |> |Any road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:250). |> |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:291). |> |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:290). |> |Some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:289). |> |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:288). |> |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:287). |> |Less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:286). |> |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:285). |> |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:284). |> |Less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.29> (0:0:283). |> |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:282). |> |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:281). |> |This road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:280). |> |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:279). |> |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:278). |> |That road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:277). |> |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:276). |> |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:275). |> |Neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:274). |> |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:273). |> |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:272). |> |What a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:271). |> |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:270). |> |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:269). |> |Many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:268). |> |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:267). |> |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:266). |> |Such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:265). |> |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:264). |> |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:263). |> |Each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:262). |> |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:261). |> |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:260). |> |Another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:259). |> |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:258). |> |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:257). |> |Every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:256). |> |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:255). |> |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:254). |> |Either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:253). |> |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:252). |> |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:251). |> |Any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:250). |> |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:336). |> |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:335). |> |No road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:334). |> |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:333). |> |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:332). |> |No road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:331). |> |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:330). |> |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:329). |> |No road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:328). |> |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:327). |> |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:326). |> |No road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:325). |> |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:324). |> |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:323). |> |No road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:322). |> |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:321). |> |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:320). |> |No road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:319). |> |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:318). |> |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:317). |> |No road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:316). |> |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:315). |> |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:314). |> |No road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:313). |> |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:312). |> |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:311). |> |No road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:310). |> |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:309). |> |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:308). |> |No road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:307). |> |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:306). |> |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:305). |> |No road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:304). |> |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:303). |> |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:302). |> |No road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:301). |> |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:300). |> |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:299). |> |No road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:298). |> |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:297). |> |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:296). |> |No road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.10> (0:2:295). |> |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:294). |> |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:293). |> |No road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.08> (0:2:292). |> |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:336). |> |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:335). |> |No road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:334). |> |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:333). |> |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:332). |> |No road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:331). |> |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:330). |> |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:329). |> |No road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:328). |> |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:327). |> |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:326). |> |No road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:325). |> |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:324). |> |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:323). |> |No road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:322). |> |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:321). |> |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:320). |> |No road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:319). |> |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:318). |> |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:317). |> |No road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:316). |> |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:315). |> |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:314). |> |No road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:313). |> |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:312). |> |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:311). |> |No road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:310). |> |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:309). |> |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:308). |> |No road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:307). |> |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.33> (0:0:306). |> |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.33> (0:0:305). |> |No road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.33> (0:0:304). |> |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:303). |> |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:302). |> |No road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:301). |> |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:300). |> |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:299). |> |No road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:298). |> |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:297). |> |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:296). |> |No road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.37> (0:0:295). |> |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:294). |> |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:293). |> |No road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.61] <0.32> (0:0:292). |> |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.60] <0.10> (0:2:337). |> |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.60] <0.37> (0:0:337). |> |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> (0:1:352). |> |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:351). |> |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:350). |> |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> (0:1:349). |> |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:348). |> |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:347). |> |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:346). |> |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:345). |> |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:344). |> |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:343). |> |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:342). |> |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:341). |> |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.10> (0:1:340). |> |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> (0:1:339). |> |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.57] <0.08> (0:1:338). |> |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.56] <0.10> (0:1:355). |> |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.56] <0.10> (0:1:354). |> |A road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.56] <0.10> (0:1:353). |> |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> (0:2:352). |> |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:351). |> |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:350). |> |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> (0:2:349). |> |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:348). |> |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:347). |> |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:346). |> |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:345). |> |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:344). |> |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:343). |> |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:342). |> |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:341). |> |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:340). |> |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> (0:2:339). |> |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.08> (0:2:338). |> |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> (0:0:352). |> |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:351). |> |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:350). |> |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> (0:0:349). |> |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:348). |> |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:347). |> |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:346). |> |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:345). |> |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:344). |> |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:343). |> |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:342). |> |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:341). |> |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:340). |> |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> (0:0:339). |> |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.55] <0.32> (0:0:338). |> |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:355). |> |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:354). |> |A road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.55] <0.10> (0:2:353). |> |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:355). |> |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:354). |> |A road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.55] <0.37> (0:0:353). |> |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:369). |> |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.15> (0:1:368). |> |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.15> (0:1:367). |> |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:366). |> |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:365). |> |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:364). |> |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.17> (0:1:363). |> |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.17> (0:1:362). |> |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.17> (0:1:361). |> |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:360). |> |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:359). |> |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:358). |> |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:357). |> |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.21> (0:1:356). |> |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:383). |> |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:382). |> |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:381). |> |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:380). |> |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:379). |> |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:378). |> |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:377). |> |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:376). |> |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:375). |> |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:374). |> |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:373). |> |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:372). |> |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:371). |> |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:370). |> |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:384). |> |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1029). |> |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1028). |> |Some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1027). |> |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1026). |> |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1025). |> |Some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1024). |> |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1023). |> |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1022). |> |Some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1021). |> |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1020). |> |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1019). |> |Some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1018). |> |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1017). |> |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1016). |> |Some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1015). |> |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1014). |> |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1013). |> |Some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1012). |> |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:1011). |> |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:1010). |> |Some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:1009). |> |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1008). |> |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1007). |> |Some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1006). |> |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1005). |> |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1004). |> |Some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:1003). |> |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:1002). |> |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:1001). |> |Some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:1000). |> |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:999). |> |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:998). |> |Some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:997). |> |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:996). |> |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:995). |> |Some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:994). |> |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:993). |> |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:992). |> |Some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:991). |> |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:990). |> |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:989). |> |Some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:988). |> |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:987). |> |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:986). |> |Some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:985). |> |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:984). |> |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:983). |> |No road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:982). |> |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:981). |> |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:980). |> |Less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:979). |> |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:978). |> |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:977). |> |Less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:976). |> |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:975). |> |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:974). |> |Less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:973). |> |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:972). |> |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:971). |> |Less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:970). |> |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:969). |> |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:968). |> |Less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:967). |> |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:966). |> |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:965). |> |Less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:964). |> |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:963). |> |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:962). |> |Less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:961). |> |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:960). |> |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:959). |> |Less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:958). |> |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:957). |> |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:956). |> |Less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:955). |> |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:954). |> |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:953). |> |Less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:952). |> |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:951). |> |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:950). |> |Less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:949). |> |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:948). |> |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:947). |> |Less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:946). |> |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:945). |> |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:944). |> |Less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:943). |> |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:942). |> |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:941). |> |Less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:940). |> |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:939). |> |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:938). |> |Less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:937). |> |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:936). |> |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:935). |> |Less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:934). |> |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:933). |> |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:932). |> |Less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:931). |> |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:930). |> |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:929). |> |Less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:928). |> |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:927). |> |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:926). |> |Less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:925). |> |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:924). |> |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:923). |> |Less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:922). |> |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:921). |> |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:920). |> |Less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:919). |> |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:918). |> |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:917). |> |Less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:916). |> |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:915). |> |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:914). |> |Less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:913). |> |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:912). |> |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:911). |> |Less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:910). |> |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:909). |> |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:908). |> |Less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:907). |> |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:906). |> |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:905). |> |Less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:904). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:903). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:902). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:901). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:900). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:899). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:898). |> |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:897). |> |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:896). |> |Less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:895). |> |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:894). |> |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:893). |> |Less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.06> (0:1:892). |> |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:891). |> |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:890). |> |This road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:889). |> |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:888). |> |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:887). |> |This road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:886). |> |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:885). |> |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:884). |> |This road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:883). |> |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:882). |> |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:881). |> |This road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:880). |> |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:879). |> |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:878). |> |This road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:877). |> |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:876). |> |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:875). |> |This road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:874). |> |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:873). |> |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:872). |> |This road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:871). |> |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:870). |> |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:869). |> |This road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:868). |> |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:867). |> |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:866). |> |This road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:865). |> |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:864). |> |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:863). |> |This road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:862). |> |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:861). |> |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:860). |> |This road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:859). |> |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:858). |> |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:857). |> |This road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:856). |> |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:855). |> |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:854). |> |This road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:853). |> |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:852). |> |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:851). |> |This road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:850). |> |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:849). |> |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:848). |> |This road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:847). |> |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:846). |> |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:845). |> |That road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:844). |> |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:843). |> |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:842). |> |That road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:841). |> |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:840). |> |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:839). |> |That road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:838). |> |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:837). |> |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:836). |> |That road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:835). |> |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:834). |> |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:833). |> |That road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:832). |> |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:831). |> |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:830). |> |That road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:829). |> |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:828). |> |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:827). |> |That road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:826). |> |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:825). |> |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:824). |> |That road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:823). |> |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:822). |> |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:821). |> |That road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:820). |> |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:819). |> |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:818). |> |That road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:817). |> |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:816). |> |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:815). |> |That road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:814). |> |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:813). |> |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:812). |> |That road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:811). |> |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:810). |> |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:809). |> |That road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:808). |> |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:807). |> |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:806). |> |That road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:805). |> |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:804). |> |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:803). |> |That road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:802). |> |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:801). |> |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:800). |> |What road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:799). |> |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:798). |> |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:797). |> |What road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:796). |> |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:795). |> |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:794). |> |Which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:793). |> |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:792). |> |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:791). |> |Which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:790). |> |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:789). |> |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:788). |> |Neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:787). |> |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:786). |> |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:785). |> |Neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:784). |> |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:783). |> |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:782). |> |Neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:781). |> |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:780). |> |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:779). |> |Neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:778). |> |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:777). |> |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:776). |> |Neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:775). |> |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:774). |> |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:773). |> |Neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:772). |> |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:771). |> |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:770). |> |Neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:769). |> |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:768). |> |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:767). |> |Neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:766). |> |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:765). |> |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:764). |> |Neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:763). |> |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:762). |> |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:761). |> |Neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:760). |> |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:759). |> |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:758). |> |Neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:757). |> |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:756). |> |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:755). |> |Neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:754). |> |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:753). |> |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:752). |> |Neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:751). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:750). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:749). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:748). |> |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:747). |> |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:746). |> |Neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:745). |> |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:744). |> |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:743). |> |What a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:742). |> |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:741). |> |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:740). |> |What a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:739). |> |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:738). |> |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:737). |> |What a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:736). |> |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:735). |> |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:734). |> |What a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:733). |> |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:732). |> |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:731). |> |What a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:730). |> |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:729). |> |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:728). |> |What a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:727). |> |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:726). |> |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:725). |> |What a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:724). |> |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:723). |> |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:722). |> |What a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:721). |> |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:720). |> |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:719). |> |What a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:718). |> |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:717). |> |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:716). |> |What a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:715). |> |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:714). |> |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:713). |> |What a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:712). |> |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:711). |> |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:710). |> |What a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:709). |> |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:708). |> |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:707). |> |What a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:706). |> |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:705). |> |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:704). |> |What a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:703). |> |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:702). |> |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:701). |> |What a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:700). |> |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:699). |> |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:698). |> |Many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:697). |> |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:696). |> |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:695). |> |Many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:694). |> |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:693). |> |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:692). |> |Many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:691). |> |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:690). |> |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:689). |> |Many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:688). |> |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:687). |> |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:686). |> |Many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:685). |> |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:684). |> |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:683). |> |Many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:682). |> |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:681). |> |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:680). |> |Many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:679). |> |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:678). |> |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:677). |> |Many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:676). |> |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:675). |> |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:674). |> |Many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:673). |> |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:672). |> |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:671). |> |Many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:670). |> |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:669). |> |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:668). |> |Many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:667). |> |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:666). |> |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:665). |> |Many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:664). |> |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:663). |> |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:662). |> |Many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:661). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:660). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:659). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:658). |> |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:657). |> |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:656). |> |Many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:655). |> |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:654). |> |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:653). |> |Such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:652). |> |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:651). |> |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:650). |> |Such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:649). |> |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:648). |> |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:647). |> |Such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:646). |> |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:645). |> |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:644). |> |Such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:643). |> |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:642). |> |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:641). |> |Such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:640). |> |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:639). |> |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:638). |> |Such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:637). |> |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:636). |> |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:635). |> |Such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:634). |> |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:633). |> |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:632). |> |Such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:631). |> |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:630). |> |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:629). |> |Such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:628). |> |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:627). |> |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:626). |> |Such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:625). |> |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:624). |> |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:623). |> |Such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:622). |> |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:621). |> |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:620). |> |Such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:619). |> |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:618). |> |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:617). |> |Such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:616). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:615). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:614). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:613). |> |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:612). |> |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:611). |> |Such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.07> (0:1:610). |> |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:609). |> |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:608). |> |Each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:607). |> |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:606). |> |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:605). |> |Each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:604). |> |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:603). |> |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:602). |> |Each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:601). |> |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:600). |> |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:599). |> |Each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:598). |> |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:597). |> |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:596). |> |Each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:595). |> |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:594). |> |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:593). |> |Each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:592). |> |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:591). |> |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:590). |> |Each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:589). |> |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:588). |> |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:587). |> |Each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:586). |> |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:585). |> |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:584). |> |Each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:583). |> |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:582). |> |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:581). |> |Each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:580). |> |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:579). |> |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:578). |> |Each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:577). |> |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:576). |> |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:575). |> |Each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:574). |> |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:573). |> |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:572). |> |Each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:571). |> |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:570). |> |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:569). |> |Each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:568). |> |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:567). |> |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:566). |> |Each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:565). |> |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:564). |> |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:563). |> |Another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:562). |> |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:561). |> |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:560). |> |Another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:559). |> |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:558). |> |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:557). |> |Another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:556). |> |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:555). |> |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:554). |> |Another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:553). |> |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:552). |> |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:551). |> |Another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:550). |> |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:549). |> |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:548). |> |Another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:547). |> |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:546). |> |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:545). |> |Another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:544). |> |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:543). |> |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:542). |> |Another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:541). |> |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:540). |> |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:539). |> |Another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:538). |> |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:537). |> |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:536). |> |Another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:535). |> |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:534). |> |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:533). |> |Another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:532). |> |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:531). |> |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:530). |> |Another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:529). |> |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:528). |> |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:527). |> |Another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:526). |> |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:525). |> |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:524). |> |Another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:523). |> |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:522). |> |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:521). |> |Another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:520). |> |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:519). |> |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:518). |> |Every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:517). |> |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:516). |> |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:515). |> |Every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:514). |> |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:513). |> |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:512). |> |Every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:511). |> |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:510). |> |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:509). |> |Every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:508). |> |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:507). |> |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:506). |> |Every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:505). |> |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:504). |> |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:503). |> |Every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:502). |> |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:501). |> |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:500). |> |Every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:499). |> |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:498). |> |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:497). |> |Every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:496). |> |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:495). |> |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:494). |> |Every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:493). |> |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:492). |> |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:491). |> |Every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:490). |> |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:489). |> |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:488). |> |Every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:487). |> |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:486). |> |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:485). |> |Every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:484). |> |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:483). |> |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:482). |> |Every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:481). |> |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:480). |> |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:479). |> |Every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:478). |> |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:477). |> |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:476). |> |Every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:475). |> |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:474). |> |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:473). |> |Either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:472). |> |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:471). |> |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:470). |> |Either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:469). |> |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:468). |> |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:467). |> |Either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:466). |> |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:465). |> |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:464). |> |Either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:463). |> |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:462). |> |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:461). |> |Either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:460). |> |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:459). |> |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:458). |> |Either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:457). |> |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:456). |> |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:455). |> |Either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:454). |> |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:453). |> |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:452). |> |Either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:451). |> |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:450). |> |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:449). |> |Either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:448). |> |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:447). |> |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:446). |> |Either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:445). |> |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:444). |> |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:443). |> |Either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:442). |> |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:441). |> |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:440). |> |Either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:439). |> |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:438). |> |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:437). |> |Either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:436). |> |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:435). |> |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:434). |> |Either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:433). |> |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:432). |> |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:431). |> |Either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:430). |> |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:429). |> |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:428). |> |Any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:427). |> |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:426). |> |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:425). |> |Any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:424). |> |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:423). |> |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:422). |> |Any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:421). |> |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:420). |> |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:419). |> |Any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:418). |> |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:417). |> |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:416). |> |Any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:415). |> |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:414). |> |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:413). |> |Any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:412). |> |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:411). |> |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:410). |> |Any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:409). |> |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:408). |> |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:407). |> |Any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:406). |> |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:405). |> |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:404). |> |Any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:403). |> |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:402). |> |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:401). |> |Any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:400). |> |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:399). |> |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:398). |> |Any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:397). |> |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:396). |> |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:395). |> |Any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:394). |> |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:393). |> |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:392). |> |Any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:391). |> |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:390). |> |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:389). |> |Any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.08> (0:1:388). |> |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:387). |> |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:386). |> |Any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.41] <0.10> (0:1:385). |> |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:369). |> |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.15> (0:2:368). |> |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.15> (0:2:367). |> |This road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:366). |> |That road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:365). |> |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:364). |> |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.17> (0:2:363). |> |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.17> (0:2:362). |> |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.17> (0:2:361). |> |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:360). |> |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:359). |> |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:358). |> |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:357). |> |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.21> (0:2:356). |> |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:369). |> |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.53> (0:0:368). |> |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.53> (0:0:367). |> |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:366). |> |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:365). |> |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:364). |> |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.60> (0:0:363). |> |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.60> (0:0:362). |> |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.60> (0:0:361). |> |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:360). |> |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:359). |> |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:358). |> |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:357). |> |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.70> (0:0:356). |> |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:383). |> |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> (0:2:382). |> |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> (0:2:381). |> |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:380). |> |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:379). |> |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:378). |> |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> (0:2:377). |> |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> (0:2:376). |> |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> (0:2:375). |> |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:374). |> |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:373). |> |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:372). |> |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:371). |> |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:2:370). |> |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:383). |> |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.29> (0:0:382). |> |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.29> (0:0:381). |> |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:380). |> |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:379). |> |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:378). |> |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.32> (0:0:377). |> |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.32> (0:0:376). |> |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.32> (0:0:375). |> |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:374). |> |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:373). |> |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:372). |> |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:371). |> |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.37> (0:0:370). |> |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1043). |> |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> (0:1:1042). |> |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.07> (0:1:1041). |> |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1040). |> |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1039). |> |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1038). |> |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> (0:1:1037). |> |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> (0:1:1036). |> |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.08> (0:1:1035). |> |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1034). |> |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1033). |> |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1032). |> |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1031). |> |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.40] <0.10> (0:1:1030). |> |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:384). |> |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:384). |> |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:1:1046). |> |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:1:1045). |> |No road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:1:1044). |> |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1029). |> |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1028). |> |Some road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1027). |> |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1026). |> |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1025). |> |Some road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1024). |> |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1023). |> |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1022). |> |Some road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1021). |> |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1020). |> |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1019). |> |Some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1018). |> |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1017). |> |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1016). |> |Some road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1015). |> |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1014). |> |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1013). |> |Some road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1012). |> |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:1011). |> |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:1010). |> |Some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:1009). |> |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1008). |> |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1007). |> |Some road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1006). |> |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1005). |> |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1004). |> |Some road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:1003). |> |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:1002). |> |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:1001). |> |Some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:1000). |> |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:999). |> |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:998). |> |Some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:997). |> |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:996). |> |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:995). |> |Some road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:994). |> |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:993). |> |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:992). |> |Some road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:991). |> |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:990). |> |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:989). |> |Some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:988). |> |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:987). |> |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:986). |> |Some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:985). |> |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:984). |> |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:983). |> |No road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:982). |> |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:981). |> |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:980). |> |Less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:979). |> |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:978). |> |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:977). |> |Less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:976). |> |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:975). |> |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:974). |> |Less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:973). |> |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:972). |> |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:971). |> |Less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:970). |> |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:969). |> |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:968). |> |Less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:967). |> |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:966). |> |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:965). |> |Less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:964). |> |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:963). |> |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:962). |> |Less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:961). |> |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:960). |> |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:959). |> |Less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:958). |> |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:957). |> |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:956). |> |Less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:955). |> |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:954). |> |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:953). |> |Less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:952). |> |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:951). |> |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:950). |> |Less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:949). |> |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:948). |> |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:947). |> |Less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:946). |> |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:945). |> |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:944). |> |Less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:943). |> |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:942). |> |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:941). |> |Less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:940). |> |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:939). |> |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:938). |> |Less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:937). |> |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:936). |> |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:935). |> |Less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:934). |> |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:933). |> |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:932). |> |Less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:931). |> |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:930). |> |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:929). |> |Less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:928). |> |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:927). |> |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:926). |> |Less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:925). |> |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:924). |> |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:923). |> |Less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:922). |> |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:921). |> |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:920). |> |Less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:919). |> |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:918). |> |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:917). |> |Less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:916). |> |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:915). |> |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:914). |> |Less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:913). |> |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:912). |> |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:911). |> |Less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:910). |> |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:909). |> |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:908). |> |Less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:907). |> |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:906). |> |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:905). |> |Less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:904). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:903). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:902). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:901). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:900). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:899). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:898). |> |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:897). |> |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:896). |> |Less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:895). |> |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:894). |> |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:893). |> |Less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.06> (0:2:892). |> |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:891). |> |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:890). |> |This road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:889). |> |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:888). |> |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:887). |> |This road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:886). |> |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:885). |> |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:884). |> |This road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:883). |> |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:882). |> |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:881). |> |This road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:880). |> |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:879). |> |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:878). |> |This road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:877). |> |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:876). |> |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:875). |> |This road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:874). |> |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:873). |> |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:872). |> |This road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:871). |> |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:870). |> |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:869). |> |This road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:868). |> |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:867). |> |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:866). |> |This road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:865). |> |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:864). |> |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:863). |> |This road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:862). |> |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:861). |> |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:860). |> |This road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:859). |> |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:858). |> |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:857). |> |This road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:856). |> |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:855). |> |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:854). |> |This road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:853). |> |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:852). |> |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:851). |> |This road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:850). |> |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:849). |> |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:848). |> |This road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:847). |> |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:846). |> |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:845). |> |That road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:844). |> |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:843). |> |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:842). |> |That road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:841). |> |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:840). |> |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:839). |> |That road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:838). |> |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:837). |> |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:836). |> |That road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:835). |> |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:834). |> |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:833). |> |That road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:832). |> |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:831). |> |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:830). |> |That road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:829). |> |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:828). |> |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:827). |> |That road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:826). |> |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:825). |> |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:824). |> |That road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:823). |> |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:822). |> |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:821). |> |That road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:820). |> |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:819). |> |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:818). |> |That road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:817). |> |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:816). |> |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:815). |> |That road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:814). |> |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:813). |> |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:812). |> |That road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:811). |> |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:810). |> |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:809). |> |That road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:808). |> |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:807). |> |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:806). |> |That road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:805). |> |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:804). |> |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:803). |> |That road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:802). |> |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:801). |> |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:800). |> |What road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:799). |> |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:798). |> |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:797). |> |What road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:796). |> |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:795). |> |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:794). |> |Which road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:793). |> |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:792). |> |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:791). |> |Which road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:790). |> |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:789). |> |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:788). |> |Neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:787). |> |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:786). |> |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:785). |> |Neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:784). |> |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:783). |> |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:782). |> |Neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:781). |> |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:780). |> |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:779). |> |Neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:778). |> |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:777). |> |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:776). |> |Neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:775). |> |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:774). |> |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:773). |> |Neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:772). |> |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:771). |> |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:770). |> |Neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:769). |> |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:768). |> |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:767). |> |Neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:766). |> |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:765). |> |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:764). |> |Neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:763). |> |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:762). |> |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:761). |> |Neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:760). |> |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:759). |> |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:758). |> |Neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:757). |> |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:756). |> |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:755). |> |Neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:754). |> |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:753). |> |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:752). |> |Neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:751). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:750). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:749). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:748). |> |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:747). |> |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:746). |> |Neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:745). |> |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:744). |> |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:743). |> |What a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:742). |> |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:741). |> |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:740). |> |What a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:739). |> |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:738). |> |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:737). |> |What a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:736). |> |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:735). |> |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:734). |> |What a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:733). |> |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:732). |> |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:731). |> |What a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:730). |> |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:729). |> |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:728). |> |What a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:727). |> |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:726). |> |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:725). |> |What a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:724). |> |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:723). |> |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:722). |> |What a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:721). |> |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:720). |> |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:719). |> |What a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:718). |> |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:717). |> |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:716). |> |What a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:715). |> |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:714). |> |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:713). |> |What a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:712). |> |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:711). |> |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:710). |> |What a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:709). |> |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:708). |> |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:707). |> |What a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:706). |> |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:705). |> |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:704). |> |What a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:703). |> |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:702). |> |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:701). |> |What a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:700). |> |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:699). |> |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:698). |> |Many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:697). |> |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:696). |> |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:695). |> |Many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:694). |> |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:693). |> |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:692). |> |Many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:691). |> |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:690). |> |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:689). |> |Many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:688). |> |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:687). |> |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:686). |> |Many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:685). |> |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:684). |> |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:683). |> |Many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:682). |> |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:681). |> |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:680). |> |Many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:679). |> |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:678). |> |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:677). |> |Many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:676). |> |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:675). |> |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:674). |> |Many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:673). |> |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:672). |> |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:671). |> |Many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:670). |> |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:669). |> |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:668). |> |Many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:667). |> |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:666). |> |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:665). |> |Many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:664). |> |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:663). |> |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:662). |> |Many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:661). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:660). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:659). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:658). |> |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:657). |> |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:656). |> |Many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:655). |> |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:654). |> |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:653). |> |Such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:652). |> |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:651). |> |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:650). |> |Such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:649). |> |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:648). |> |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:647). |> |Such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:646). |> |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:645). |> |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:644). |> |Such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:643). |> |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:642). |> |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:641). |> |Such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:640). |> |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:639). |> |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:638). |> |Such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:637). |> |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:636). |> |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:635). |> |Such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:634). |> |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:633). |> |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:632). |> |Such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:631). |> |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:630). |> |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:629). |> |Such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:628). |> |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:627). |> |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:626). |> |Such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:625). |> |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:624). |> |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:623). |> |Such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:622). |> |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:621). |> |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:620). |> |Such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:619). |> |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:618). |> |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:617). |> |Such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:616). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:615). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:614). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:613). |> |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:612). |> |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:611). |> |Such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.07> (0:2:610). |> |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:609). |> |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:608). |> |Each road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:607). |> |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:606). |> |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:605). |> |Each road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:604). |> |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:603). |> |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:602). |> |Each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:601). |> |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:600). |> |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:599). |> |Each road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:598). |> |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:597). |> |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:596). |> |Each road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:595). |> |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:594). |> |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:593). |> |Each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:592). |> |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:591). |> |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:590). |> |Each road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:589). |> |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:588). |> |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:587). |> |Each road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:586). |> |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:585). |> |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:584). |> |Each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:583). |> |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:582). |> |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:581). |> |Each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:580). |> |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:579). |> |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:578). |> |Each road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:577). |> |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:576). |> |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:575). |> |Each road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:574). |> |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:573). |> |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:572). |> |Each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:571). |> |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:570). |> |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:569). |> |Each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:568). |> |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:567). |> |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:566). |> |Each road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:565). |> |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:564). |> |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:563). |> |Another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:562). |> |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:561). |> |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:560). |> |Another road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:559). |> |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:558). |> |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:557). |> |Another road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:556). |> |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:555). |> |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:554). |> |Another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:553). |> |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:552). |> |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:551). |> |Another road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:550). |> |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:549). |> |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:548). |> |Another road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:547). |> |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:546). |> |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:545). |> |Another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:544). |> |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:543). |> |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:542). |> |Another road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:541). |> |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:540). |> |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:539). |> |Another road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:538). |> |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:537). |> |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:536). |> |Another road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:535). |> |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:534). |> |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:533). |> |Another road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:532). |> |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:531). |> |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:530). |> |Another road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:529). |> |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:528). |> |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:527). |> |Another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:526). |> |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:525). |> |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:524). |> |Another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:523). |> |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:522). |> |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:521). |> |Another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:520). |> |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:519). |> |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:518). |> |Every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:517). |> |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:516). |> |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:515). |> |Every road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:514). |> |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:513). |> |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:512). |> |Every road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:511). |> |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:510). |> |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:509). |> |Every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:508). |> |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:507). |> |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:506). |> |Every road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:505). |> |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:504). |> |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:503). |> |Every road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:502). |> |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:501). |> |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:500). |> |Every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:499). |> |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:498). |> |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:497). |> |Every road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:496). |> |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:495). |> |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:494). |> |Every road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:493). |> |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:492). |> |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:491). |> |Every road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:490). |> |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:489). |> |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:488). |> |Every road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:487). |> |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:486). |> |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:485). |> |Every road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:484). |> |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:483). |> |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:482). |> |Every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:481). |> |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:480). |> |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:479). |> |Every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:478). |> |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:477). |> |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:476). |> |Every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:475). |> |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:474). |> |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:473). |> |Either road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:472). |> |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:471). |> |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:470). |> |Either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:469). |> |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:468). |> |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:467). |> |Either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:466). |> |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:465). |> |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:464). |> |Either road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:463). |> |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:462). |> |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:461). |> |Either road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:460). |> |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:459). |> |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:458). |> |Either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:457). |> |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:456). |> |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:455). |> |Either road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:454). |> |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:453). |> |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:452). |> |Either road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:451). |> |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:450). |> |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:449). |> |Either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:448). |> |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:447). |> |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:446). |> |Either road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:445). |> |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:444). |> |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:443). |> |Either road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:442). |> |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:441). |> |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:440). |> |Either road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:439). |> |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:438). |> |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:437). |> |Either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:436). |> |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:435). |> |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:434). |> |Either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:433). |> |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:432). |> |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:431). |> |Either road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:430). |> |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:429). |> |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:428). |> |Any road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:427). |> |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:426). |> |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:425). |> |Any road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:424). |> |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:423). |> |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:422). |> |Any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:421). |> |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:420). |> |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:419). |> |Any road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:418). |> |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:417). |> |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:416). |> |Any road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:415). |> |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:414). |> |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:413). |> |Any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:412). |> |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:411). |> |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:410). |> |Any road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:409). |> |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:408). |> |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:407). |> |Any road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:406). |> |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:405). |> |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:404). |> |Any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:403). |> |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:402). |> |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:401). |> |Any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:400). |> |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:399). |> |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:398). |> |Any road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:397). |> |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:396). |> |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:395). |> |Any road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:394). |> |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:393). |> |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:392). |> |Any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:391). |> |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:390). |> |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:389). |> |Any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.08> (0:2:388). |> |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:387). |> |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:386). |> |Any road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.10> (0:2:385). |> |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1029). |> |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1028). |> |Some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1027). |> |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1026). |> |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1025). |> |Some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1024). |> |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1023). |> |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1022). |> |Some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1021). |> |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1020). |> |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1019). |> |Some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1018). |> |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1017). |> |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1016). |> |Some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1015). |> |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1014). |> |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1013). |> |Some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1012). |> |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:1011). |> |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:1010). |> |Some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:1009). |> |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:1008). |> |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:1007). |> |Some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:1006). |> |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1005). |> |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1004). |> |Some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:1003). |> |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:1002). |> |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:1001). |> |Some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:1000). |> |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:999). |> |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:998). |> |Some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:997). |> |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:996). |> |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:995). |> |Some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:994). |> |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:993). |> |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:992). |> |Some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:991). |> |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:990). |> |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:989). |> |Some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:988). |> |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:987). |> |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:986). |> |Some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:985). |> |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:984). |> |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:983). |> |No road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:982). |> |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:981). |> |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:980). |> |Less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:979). |> |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:978). |> |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:977). |> |Less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:976). |> |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:975). |> |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:974). |> |Less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:973). |> |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:972). |> |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:971). |> |Less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:970). |> |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:969). |> |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:968). |> |Less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:967). |> |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:966). |> |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:965). |> |Less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:964). |> |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:963). |> |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:962). |> |Less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:961). |> |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:960). |> |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:959). |> |Less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:958). |> |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:957). |> |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:956). |> |Less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:955). |> |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:954). |> |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:953). |> |Less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:952). |> |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:951). |> |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:950). |> |Less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:949). |> |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:948). |> |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:947). |> |Less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:946). |> |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:945). |> |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:944). |> |Less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:943). |> |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:942). |> |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:941). |> |Less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:940). |> |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:939). |> |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:938). |> |Less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:937). |> |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:936). |> |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:935). |> |Less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:934). |> |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:933). |> |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:932). |> |Less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:931). |> |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:930). |> |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:929). |> |Less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:928). |> |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:927). |> |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:926). |> |Less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:925). |> |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:924). |> |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:923). |> |Less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:922). |> |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:921). |> |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:920). |> |Less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:919). |> |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:918). |> |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:917). |> |Less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:916). |> |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:915). |> |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:914). |> |Less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:913). |> |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:912). |> |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:911). |> |Less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:910). |> |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:909). |> |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:908). |> |Less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:907). |> |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:906). |> |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:905). |> |Less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:904). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:903). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:902). |> |Less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:901). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:900). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:899). |> |Less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:898). |> |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:897). |> |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:896). |> |Less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:895). |> |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:894). |> |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:893). |> |Less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.26> (0:0:892). |> |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:891). |> |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:890). |> |This road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:889). |> |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:888). |> |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:887). |> |This road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:886). |> |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:885). |> |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:884). |> |This road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:883). |> |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:882). |> |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:881). |> |This road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:880). |> |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:879). |> |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:878). |> |This road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:877). |> |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:876). |> |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:875). |> |This road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:874). |> |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:873). |> |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:872). |> |This road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:871). |> |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:870). |> |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:869). |> |This road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:868). |> |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:867). |> |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:866). |> |This road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:865). |> |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:864). |> |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:863). |> |This road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:862). |> |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:861). |> |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:860). |> |This road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:859). |> |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:858). |> |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:857). |> |This road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:856). |> |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:855). |> |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:854). |> |This road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:853). |> |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:852). |> |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:851). |> |This road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:850). |> |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:849). |> |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:848). |> |This road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:847). |> |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:846). |> |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:845). |> |That road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:844). |> |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:843). |> |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:842). |> |That road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:841). |> |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:840). |> |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:839). |> |That road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:838). |> |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:837). |> |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:836). |> |That road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:835). |> |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:834). |> |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:833). |> |That road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:832). |> |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:831). |> |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:830). |> |That road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:829). |> |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:828). |> |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:827). |> |That road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:826). |> |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:825). |> |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:824). |> |That road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:823). |> |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:822). |> |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:821). |> |That road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:820). |> |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:819). |> |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:818). |> |That road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:817). |> |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:816). |> |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:815). |> |That road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:814). |> |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:813). |> |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:812). |> |That road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:811). |> |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:810). |> |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:809). |> |That road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:808). |> |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:807). |> |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:806). |> |That road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:805). |> |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:804). |> |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:803). |> |That road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:802). |> |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:801). |> |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:800). |> |What road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:799). |> |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:798). |> |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:797). |> |What road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:796). |> |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:795). |> |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:794). |> |Which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:793). |> |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:792). |> |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:791). |> |Which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:790). |> |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:789). |> |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:788). |> |Neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:787). |> |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:786). |> |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:785). |> |Neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:784). |> |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:783). |> |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:782). |> |Neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:781). |> |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:780). |> |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:779). |> |Neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:778). |> |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:777). |> |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:776). |> |Neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:775). |> |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:774). |> |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:773). |> |Neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:772). |> |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:771). |> |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:770). |> |Neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:769). |> |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:768). |> |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:767). |> |Neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:766). |> |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:765). |> |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:764). |> |Neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:763). |> |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:762). |> |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:761). |> |Neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:760). |> |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:759). |> |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:758). |> |Neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:757). |> |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:756). |> |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:755). |> |Neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:754). |> |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:753). |> |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:752). |> |Neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:751). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:750). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:749). |> |Neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:748). |> |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:747). |> |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:746). |> |Neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:745). |> |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:744). |> |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:743). |> |What a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:742). |> |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:741). |> |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:740). |> |What a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:739). |> |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:738). |> |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:737). |> |What a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:736). |> |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:735). |> |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:734). |> |What a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:733). |> |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:732). |> |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:731). |> |What a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:730). |> |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:729). |> |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:728). |> |What a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:727). |> |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:726). |> |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:725). |> |What a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:724). |> |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:723). |> |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:722). |> |What a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:721). |> |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:720). |> |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:719). |> |What a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:718). |> |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:717). |> |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:716). |> |What a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:715). |> |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:714). |> |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:713). |> |What a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:712). |> |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:711). |> |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:710). |> |What a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:709). |> |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:708). |> |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:707). |> |What a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:706). |> |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:705). |> |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:704). |> |What a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:703). |> |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:702). |> |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:701). |> |What a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:700). |> |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:699). |> |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:698). |> |Many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:697). |> |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:696). |> |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:695). |> |Many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:694). |> |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:693). |> |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:692). |> |Many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:691). |> |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:690). |> |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:689). |> |Many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:688). |> |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:687). |> |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:686). |> |Many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:685). |> |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:684). |> |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:683). |> |Many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:682). |> |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:681). |> |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:680). |> |Many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:679). |> |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:678). |> |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:677). |> |Many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:676). |> |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:675). |> |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:674). |> |Many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:673). |> |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:672). |> |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:671). |> |Many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:670). |> |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:669). |> |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:668). |> |Many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:667). |> |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:666). |> |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:665). |> |Many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:664). |> |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:663). |> |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:662). |> |Many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:661). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:660). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:659). |> |Many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:658). |> |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:657). |> |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:656). |> |Many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:655). |> |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:654). |> |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:653). |> |Such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:652). |> |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:651). |> |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:650). |> |Such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:649). |> |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:648). |> |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:647). |> |Such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:646). |> |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:645). |> |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:644). |> |Such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:643). |> |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:642). |> |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:641). |> |Such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:640). |> |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:639). |> |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:638). |> |Such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:637). |> |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:636). |> |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:635). |> |Such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:634). |> |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:633). |> |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:632). |> |Such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:631). |> |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:630). |> |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:629). |> |Such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:628). |> |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:627). |> |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:626). |> |Such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:625). |> |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:624). |> |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:623). |> |Such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:622). |> |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:621). |> |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:620). |> |Such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:619). |> |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:618). |> |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:617). |> |Such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:616). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:615). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:614). |> |Such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:613). |> |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:612). |> |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:611). |> |Such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.29> (0:0:610). |> |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:609). |> |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:608). |> |Each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:607). |> |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:606). |> |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:605). |> |Each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:604). |> |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:603). |> |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:602). |> |Each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:601). |> |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:600). |> |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:599). |> |Each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:598). |> |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:597). |> |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:596). |> |Each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:595). |> |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:594). |> |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:593). |> |Each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:592). |> |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:591). |> |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:590). |> |Each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:589). |> |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:588). |> |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:587). |> |Each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:586). |> |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:585). |> |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:584). |> |Each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:583). |> |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:582). |> |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:581). |> |Each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:580). |> |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:579). |> |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:578). |> |Each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:577). |> |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:576). |> |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:575). |> |Each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:574). |> |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:573). |> |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:572). |> |Each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:571). |> |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:570). |> |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:569). |> |Each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:568). |> |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:567). |> |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:566). |> |Each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:565). |> |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:564). |> |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:563). |> |Another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:562). |> |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:561). |> |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:560). |> |Another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:559). |> |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:558). |> |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:557). |> |Another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:556). |> |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:555). |> |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:554). |> |Another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:553). |> |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:552). |> |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:551). |> |Another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:550). |> |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:549). |> |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:548). |> |Another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:547). |> |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:546). |> |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:545). |> |Another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:544). |> |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:543). |> |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:542). |> |Another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:541). |> |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:540). |> |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:539). |> |Another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:538). |> |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:537). |> |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:536). |> |Another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:535). |> |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:534). |> |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:533). |> |Another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:532). |> |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:531). |> |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:530). |> |Another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:529). |> |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:528). |> |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:527). |> |Another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:526). |> |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:525). |> |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:524). |> |Another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:523). |> |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:522). |> |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:521). |> |Another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:520). |> |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:519). |> |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:518). |> |Every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:517). |> |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:516). |> |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:515). |> |Every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:514). |> |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:513). |> |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:512). |> |Every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:511). |> |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:510). |> |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:509). |> |Every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:508). |> |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:507). |> |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:506). |> |Every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:505). |> |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:504). |> |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:503). |> |Every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:502). |> |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:501). |> |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:500). |> |Every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:499). |> |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:498). |> |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:497). |> |Every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:496). |> |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:495). |> |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:494). |> |Every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:493). |> |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:492). |> |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:491). |> |Every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:490). |> |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:489). |> |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:488). |> |Every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:487). |> |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:486). |> |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:485). |> |Every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:484). |> |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:483). |> |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:482). |> |Every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:481). |> |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:480). |> |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:479). |> |Every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:478). |> |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:477). |> |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:476). |> |Every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:475). |> |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:474). |> |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:473). |> |Either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:472). |> |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:471). |> |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:470). |> |Either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:469). |> |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:468). |> |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:467). |> |Either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:466). |> |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:465). |> |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:464). |> |Either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:463). |> |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:462). |> |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:461). |> |Either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:460). |> |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:459). |> |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:458). |> |Either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:457). |> |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:456). |> |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:455). |> |Either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:454). |> |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:453). |> |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:452). |> |Either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:451). |> |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:450). |> |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:449). |> |Either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:448). |> |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:447). |> |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:446). |> |Either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:445). |> |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:444). |> |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:443). |> |Either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:442). |> |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:441). |> |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:440). |> |Either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:439). |> |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:438). |> |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:437). |> |Either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:436). |> |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:435). |> |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:434). |> |Either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:433). |> |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:432). |> |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:431). |> |Either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:430). |> |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:429). |> |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:428). |> |Any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:427). |> |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:426). |> |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:425). |> |Any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:424). |> |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:423). |> |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:422). |> |Any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:421). |> |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:420). |> |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:419). |> |Any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:418). |> |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:417). |> |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:416). |> |Any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:415). |> |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:414). |> |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:413). |> |Any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:412). |> |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:411). |> |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:410). |> |Any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:409). |> |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:408). |> |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:407). |> |Any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:406). |> |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:405). |> |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:404). |> |Any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:403). |> |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:402). |> |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:401). |> |Any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.32> (0:0:400). |> |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:399). |> |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:398). |> |Any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:397). |> |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:396). |> |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:395). |> |Any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:394). |> |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:393). |> |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:392). |> |Any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.37> (0:0:391). |> |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:390). |> |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:389). |> |Any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.33> (0:0:388). |> |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:387). |> |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:386). |> |Any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.39] <0.38> (0:0:385). |> |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1043). |> |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.07> (0:2:1042). |> |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.07> (0:2:1041). |> |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1040). |> |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1039). |> |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1038). |> |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.08> (0:2:1037). |> |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.08> (0:2:1036). |> |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.08> (0:2:1035). |> |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1034). |> |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1033). |> |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1032). |> |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1031). |> |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1030). |> |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1043). |> |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.29> (0:0:1042). |> |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.29> (0:0:1041). |> |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1040). |> |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1039). |> |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1038). |> |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.32> (0:0:1037). |> |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.32> (0:0:1036). |> |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.32> (0:0:1035). |> |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1034). |> |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1033). |> |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1032). |> |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1031). |> |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1030). |> |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1046). |> |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1045). |> |No road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1044). |> |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1046). |> |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1045). |> |No road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.38] <0.37> (0:0:1044). |> |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.36] <0.21> (0:1:1047). |> |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.36] <0.10> (0:1:1048). |> |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1093). |> |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1092). |> |A road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1091). |> |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1090). |> |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1089). |> |A road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1088). |> |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1087). |> |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1086). |> |A road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1085). |> |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1084). |> |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1083). |> |A road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1082). |> |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1081). |> |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1080). |> |A road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1079). |> |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1078). |> |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1077). |> |A road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1076). |> |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1075). |> |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1074). |> |A road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1073). |> |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1072). |> |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1071). |> |A road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1070). |> |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1069). |> |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1068). |> |A road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1067). |> |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1066). |> |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1065). |> |A road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1064). |> |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1063). |> |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1062). |> |A road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1061). |> |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1060). |> |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1059). |> |A road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1058). |> |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1057). |> |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1056). |> |A road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.10> (0:1:1055). |> |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1054). |> |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1053). |> |A road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1052). |> |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1051). |> |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1050). |> |A road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.35] <0.08> (0:1:1049). |> |A road and bus services to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.21> (0:2:1047). |> |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.70> (0:0:1047). |> |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.10> (0:2:1048). |> |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.37> (0:0:1048). |> |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.34] <0.10> (0:1:1094). |> |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1093). |> |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1092). |> |A road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1091). |> |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1090). |> |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1089). |> |A road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1088). |> |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1087). |> |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1086). |> |A road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1085). |> |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1084). |> |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1083). |> |A road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1082). |> |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1081). |> |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1080). |> |A road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1079). |> |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1078). |> |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1077). |> |A road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1076). |> |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1075). |> |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1074). |> |A road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1073). |> |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1072). |> |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1071). |> |A road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1070). |> |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1069). |> |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1068). |> |A road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1067). |> |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1066). |> |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1065). |> |A road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1064). |> |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1063). |> |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1062). |> |A road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1061). |> |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1060). |> |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1059). |> |A road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1058). |> |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1057). |> |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1056). |> |A road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.10> (0:2:1055). |> |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1054). |> |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1053). |> |A road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1052). |> |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1051). |> |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1050). |> |A road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.08> (0:2:1049). |> |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1093). |> |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1092). |> |A road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1091). |> |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1090). |> |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1089). |> |A road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1088). |> |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1087). |> |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1086). |> |A road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1085). |> |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1084). |> |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1083). |> |A road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1082). |> |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1081). |> |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1080). |> |A road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1079). |> |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1078). |> |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1077). |> |A road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1076). |> |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1075). |> |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1074). |> |A road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1073). |> |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1072). |> |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1071). |> |A road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1070). |> |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1069). |> |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1068). |> |A road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1067). |> |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1066). |> |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1065). |> |A road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1064). |> |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1063). |> |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1062). |> |A road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1061). |> |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1060). |> |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1059). |> |A road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1058). |> |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1057). |> |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1056). |> |A road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.37> (0:0:1055). |> |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1054). |> |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1053). |> |A road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1052). |> |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1051). |> |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1050). |> |A road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.33] <0.32> (0:0:1049). |> |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [0.32] <0.10> (0:2:1094). |> |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.32] <0.37> (0:0:1094). |> |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.29] <0.10> (0:1:1095). |> |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.27] <0.10> (0:2:1095). |> |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.27] <0.37> (0:0:1095). |> |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.24] <0.21> (0:1:1098). |> |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.24] <0.21> (0:1:1097). |> |No road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.24] <0.21> (0:1:1096). |> |No road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.23] <0.21> (0:2:1098). |> |No road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.23] <0.21> (0:2:1097). |> |No road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.23] <0.21> (0:2:1096). |> |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.23] <0.70> (0:0:1098). |> |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.23] <0.70> (0:0:1097). |> |No road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.23] <0.70> (0:0:1096). |> |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1113). |> |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1112). |> |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1111). |> |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1110). |> |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1109). |> |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1108). |> |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> (0:1:1107). |> |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1106). |> |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1105). |> |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> (0:1:1104). |> |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> (0:1:1103). |> |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1102). |> |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1101). |> |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.10> (0:1:1100). |> |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.20] <0.08> (0:1:1099). |> |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1155). |> |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1154). |> |Some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1153). |> |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.07> (0:1:1152). |> |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.07> (0:1:1151). |> |Less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.07> (0:1:1150). |> |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.07> (0:1:1149). |> |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.07> (0:1:1148). |> |Less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.07> (0:1:1147). |> |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1146). |> |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1145). |> |This road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1144). |> |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1143). |> |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1142). |> |That road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1141). |> |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1140). |> |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1139). |> |Neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1138). |> |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1137). |> |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1136). |> |What a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1135). |> |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1134). |> |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1133). |> |Many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1132). |> |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1131). |> |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1130). |> |Such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.08> (0:1:1129). |> |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1128). |> |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1127). |> |Each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1126). |> |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1125). |> |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1124). |> |Another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1123). |> |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1122). |> |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1121). |> |Every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1120). |> |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1119). |> |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1118). |> |Either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1117). |> |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1116). |> |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1115). |> |Any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1114). |> |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1158). |> |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1157). |> |The road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.19] <0.10> (0:1:1156). |> |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1113). |> |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1112). |> |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1111). |> |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1110). |> |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1109). |> |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1108). |> |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1107). |> |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1106). |> |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1105). |> |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1104). |> |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1103). |> |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1102). |> |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1101). |> |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1100). |> |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1099). |> |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1113). |> |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1112). |> |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1111). |> |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1110). |> |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1109). |> |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1108). |> |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.33> (0:0:1107). |> |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1106). |> |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1105). |> |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1104). |> |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1103). |> |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1102). |> |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1101). |> |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1100). |> |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1099). |> |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1200). |> |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1199). |> |Some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1198). |> |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> (0:1:1197). |> |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> (0:1:1196). |> |Less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> (0:1:1195). |> |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> (0:1:1194). |> |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> (0:1:1193). |> |Less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> (0:1:1192). |> |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1191). |> |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1190). |> |This road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1189). |> |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1188). |> |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1187). |> |That road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1186). |> |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1185). |> |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1184). |> |Neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1183). |> |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1182). |> |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1181). |> |What a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1180). |> |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1179). |> |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1178). |> |Many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1177). |> |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1176). |> |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1175). |> |Such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> (0:1:1174). |> |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1173). |> |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1172). |> |Each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1171). |> |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1170). |> |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1169). |> |Another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1168). |> |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1167). |> |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1166). |> |Every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1165). |> |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1164). |> |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1163). |> |Either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1162). |> |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1161). |> |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1160). |> |Any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:1:1159). |> |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1155). |> |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1154). |> |Some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1153). |> |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> (0:2:1152). |> |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> (0:2:1151). |> |Less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> (0:2:1150). |> |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.07> (0:2:1149). |> |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.07> (0:2:1148). |> |Less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.07> (0:2:1147). |> |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1146). |> |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1145). |> |This road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1144). |> |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1143). |> |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1142). |> |That road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1141). |> |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1140). |> |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1139). |> |Neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1138). |> |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1137). |> |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1136). |> |What a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1135). |> |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1134). |> |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1133). |> |Many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1132). |> |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1131). |> |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1130). |> |Such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.08> (0:2:1129). |> |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1128). |> |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1127). |> |Each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1126). |> |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1125). |> |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1124). |> |Another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1123). |> |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1122). |> |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1121). |> |Every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1120). |> |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1119). |> |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1118). |> |Either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1117). |> |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1116). |> |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1115). |> |Any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.10> (0:2:1114). |> |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1155). |> |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1154). |> |Some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1153). |> |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.29> (0:0:1152). |> |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.29> (0:0:1151). |> |Less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.29> (0:0:1150). |> |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.29> (0:0:1149). |> |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.29> (0:0:1148). |> |Less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.29> (0:0:1147). |> |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1146). |> |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1145). |> |This road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1144). |> |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1143). |> |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1142). |> |That road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1141). |> |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1140). |> |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1139). |> |Neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1138). |> |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1137). |> |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1136). |> |What a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1135). |> |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1134). |> |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1133). |> |Many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1132). |> |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1131). |> |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1130). |> |Such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.32> (0:0:1129). |> |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1128). |> |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1127). |> |Each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1126). |> |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1125). |> |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1124). |> |Another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1123). |> |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1122). |> |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1121). |> |Every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1120). |> |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1119). |> |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1118). |> |Either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1117). |> |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1116). |> |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1115). |> |Any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.18] <0.37> (0:0:1114). |> |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.17] <0.10> (0:2:1158). |> |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.17] <0.10> (0:2:1157). |> |The road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.17] <0.10> (0:2:1156). |> |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.17] <0.37> (0:0:1158). |> |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.17] <0.37> (0:0:1157). |> |The road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.17] <0.37> (0:0:1156). |> |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1200). |> |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1199). |> |Some road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1198). |> |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.07> (0:2:1197). |> |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.07> (0:2:1196). |> |Less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.07> (0:2:1195). |> |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.07> (0:2:1194). |> |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.07> (0:2:1193). |> |Less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.07> (0:2:1192). |> |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1191). |> |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1190). |> |This road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1189). |> |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1188). |> |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1187). |> |That road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1186). |> |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1185). |> |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1184). |> |Neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1183). |> |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1182). |> |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1181). |> |What a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1180). |> |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1179). |> |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1178). |> |Many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1177). |> |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1176). |> |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1175). |> |Such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.08> (0:2:1174). |> |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1173). |> |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1172). |> |Each road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1171). |> |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1170). |> |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1169). |> |Another road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1168). |> |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1167). |> |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1166). |> |Every road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1165). |> |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1164). |> |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1163). |> |Either road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1162). |> |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1161). |> |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1160). |> |Any road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.10> (0:2:1159). |> |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1200). |> |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1199). |> |Some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1198). |> |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.29> (0:0:1197). |> |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.29> (0:0:1196). |> |Less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.29> (0:0:1195). |> |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.29> (0:0:1194). |> |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.29> (0:0:1193). |> |Less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.29> (0:0:1192). |> |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1191). |> |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1190). |> |This road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1189). |> |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1188). |> |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1187). |> |That road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1186). |> |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1185). |> |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1184). |> |Neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1183). |> |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1182). |> |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1181). |> |What a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1180). |> |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1179). |> |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1178). |> |Many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1177). |> |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1176). |> |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1175). |> |Such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.32> (0:0:1174). |> |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1173). |> |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1172). |> |Each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1171). |> |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1170). |> |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1169). |> |Another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1168). |> |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1167). |> |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1166). |> |Every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1165). |> |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1164). |> |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1163). |> |Either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1162). |> |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1161). |> |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1160). |> |Any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.16] <0.37> (0:0:1159). |> |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.13] <0.10> (0:1:1203). |> |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.13] <0.10> (0:1:1202). |> |A road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.13] <0.10> (0:1:1201). |> |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.10> (0:1:1206). |> |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.10> (0:1:1205). |> |A road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.10> (0:1:1204). |> |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.10> (0:1:1209). |> |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.10> (0:1:1208). |> |No road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.10> (0:1:1207). |> |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.10> (0:2:1203). |> |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.10> (0:2:1202). |> |A road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.10> (0:2:1201). |> |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.12] <0.37> (0:0:1203). |> |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.12] <0.37> (0:0:1202). |> |A road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.12] <0.37> (0:0:1201). |> |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1206). |> |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1205). |> |A road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1204). |> |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1206). |> |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1205). |> |A road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1204). |> |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.10] <0.10> (0:2:1209). |> |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.10] <0.10> (0:2:1208). |> |No road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.10] <0.10> (0:2:1207). |> |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.10] <0.37> (0:0:1209). |> |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.10] <0.37> (0:0:1208). |> |No road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.10] <0.37> (0:0:1207). |> |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1223). |> |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.07> (0:1:1222). |> |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.07> (0:1:1221). |> |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1220). |> |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1219). |> |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1218). |> |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.08> (0:1:1217). |> |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.08> (0:1:1216). |> |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.08> (0:1:1215). |> |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1214). |> |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1213). |> |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1212). |> |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1211). |> |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.07] <0.10> (0:1:1210). |> |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1223). |> |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.07> (0:2:1222). |> |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.07> (0:2:1221). |> |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1220). |> |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1219). |> |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1218). |> |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.08> (0:2:1217). |> |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.08> (0:2:1216). |> |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.08> (0:2:1215). |> |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1214). |> |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1213). |> |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1212). |> |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1211). |> |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.10> (0:2:1210). |> |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1223). |> |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.29> (0:0:1222). |> |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.29> (0:0:1221). |> |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1220). |> |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1219). |> |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1218). |> |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.32> (0:0:1217). |> |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.32> (0:0:1216). |> |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.32> (0:0:1215). |> |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1214). |> |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1213). |> |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1212). |> |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1211). |> |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [0.06] <0.37> (0:0:1210). |> |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1265). |> |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1264). |> |Some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1263). |> |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.15> (0:1:1262). |> |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.15> (0:1:1261). |> |Less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.15> (0:1:1260). |> |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.15> (0:1:1259). |> |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.15> (0:1:1258). |> |Less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.15> (0:1:1257). |> |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1256). |> |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1255). |> |This road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1254). |> |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1253). |> |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1252). |> |That road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1251). |> |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1250). |> |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1249). |> |Neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1248). |> |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1247). |> |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1246). |> |What a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1245). |> |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1244). |> |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1243). |> |Many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1242). |> |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1241). |> |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1240). |> |Such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.17> (0:1:1239). |> |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1238). |> |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1237). |> |Each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1236). |> |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1235). |> |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1234). |> |Another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1233). |> |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1232). |> |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1231). |> |Every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1230). |> |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1229). |> |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1228). |> |Either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1227). |> |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1226). |> |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1225). |> |Any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1224). |> |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [0.02] <0.10> (0:1:1266). |> |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1265). |> |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1264). |> |Some road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1263). |> |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.15> (0:2:1262). |> |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.15> (0:2:1261). |> |Less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.15> (0:2:1260). |> |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.15> (0:2:1259). |> |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.15> (0:2:1258). |> |Less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.15> (0:2:1257). |> |This road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1256). |> |This road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1255). |> |This road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1254). |> |That road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1253). |> |That road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1252). |> |That road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1251). |> |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1250). |> |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1249). |> |Neither road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1248). |> |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1247). |> |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1246). |> |What a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1245). |> |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1244). |> |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1243). |> |Many a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1242). |> |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1241). |> |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1240). |> |Such a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.17> (0:2:1239). |> |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1238). |> |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1237). |> |Each road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1236). |> |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1235). |> |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1234). |> |Another road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1233). |> |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1232). |> |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1231). |> |Every road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1230). |> |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1229). |> |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1228). |> |Either road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1227). |> |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1226). |> |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1225). |> |Any road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.21> (0:2:1224). |> |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1265). |> |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1264). |> |Some road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1263). |> |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.53> (0:0:1262). |> |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.53> (0:0:1261). |> |Less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.53> (0:0:1260). |> |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.53> (0:0:1259). |> |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.53> (0:0:1258). |> |Less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.53> (0:0:1257). |> |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1256). |> |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1255). |> |This road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1254). |> |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1253). |> |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1252). |> |That road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1251). |> |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1250). |> |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1249). |> |Neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1248). |> |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1247). |> |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1246). |> |What a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1245). |> |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1244). |> |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1243). |> |Many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1242). |> |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1241). |> |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1240). |> |Such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.60> (0:0:1239). |> |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1238). |> |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1237). |> |Each road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1236). |> |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1235). |> |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1234). |> |Another road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1233). |> |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1232). |> |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1231). |> |Every road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1230). |> |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1229). |> |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1228). |> |Either road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1227). |> |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1226). |> |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1225). |> |Any road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [0.01] <0.70> (0:0:1224). |> |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.00] <0.10> (0:2:1266). |> |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.00] <0.37> (0:0:1266). |> |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.02] <0.21> (0:1:1267). |> |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.02] <0.10> (0:1:1268). |> |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1313). |> |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1312). |> |The road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1311). |> |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1310). |> |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1309). |> |The road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1308). |> |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1307). |> |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1306). |> |The road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1305). |> |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1304). |> |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1303). |> |The road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1302). |> |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1301). |> |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1300). |> |The road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1299). |> |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1298). |> |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1297). |> |The road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1296). |> |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1295). |> |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1294). |> |The road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1293). |> |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1292). |> |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1291). |> |The road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1290). |> |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1289). |> |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1288). |> |The road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1287). |> |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1286). |> |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1285). |> |The road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1284). |> |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1283). |> |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1282). |> |The road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1281). |> |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1280). |> |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1279). |> |The road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1278). |> |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1277). |> |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1276). |> |The road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1275). |> |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1274). |> |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1273). |> |The road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.10> (0:1:1272). |> |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1271). |> |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1270). |> |The road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.08> (0:1:1269). |> |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1316). |> |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1315). |> |A road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.03] <0.21> (0:1:1314). |> |The road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.03] <0.21> (0:2:1267). |> |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.03] <0.70> (0:0:1267). |> |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1268). |> |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1268). |> |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:1:1317). |> |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1313). |> |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1312). |> |The road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1311). |> |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1310). |> |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1309). |> |The road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1308). |> |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1307). |> |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1306). |> |The road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1305). |> |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1304). |> |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1303). |> |The road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1302). |> |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1301). |> |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1300). |> |The road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1299). |> |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1298). |> |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1297). |> |The road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1296). |> |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1295). |> |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1294). |> |The road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1293). |> |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1292). |> |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1291). |> |The road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1290). |> |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1289). |> |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1288). |> |The road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1287). |> |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1286). |> |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1285). |> |The road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1284). |> |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1283). |> |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1282). |> |The road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1281). |> |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1280). |> |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1279). |> |The road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1278). |> |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1277). |> |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1276). |> |The road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1275). |> |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1274). |> |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1273). |> |The road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.10> (0:2:1272). |> |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1271). |> |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1270). |> |The road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.08> (0:2:1269). |> |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1313). |> |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1312). |> |The road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1311). |> |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1310). |> |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1309). |> |The road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1308). |> |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1307). |> |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1306). |> |The road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1305). |> |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1304). |> |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1303). |> |The road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1302). |> |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1301). |> |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1300). |> |The road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1299). |> |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1298). |> |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1297). |> |The road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1296). |> |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.33> (0:0:1295). |> |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.33> (0:0:1294). |> |The road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.33> (0:0:1293). |> |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1292). |> |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1291). |> |The road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1290). |> |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1289). |> |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1288). |> |The road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1287). |> |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1286). |> |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1285). |> |The road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1284). |> |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1283). |> |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1282). |> |The road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1281). |> |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1280). |> |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1279). |> |The road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1278). |> |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1277). |> |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1276). |> |The road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1275). |> |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1274). |> |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1273). |> |The road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.37> (0:0:1272). |> |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1271). |> |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1270). |> |The road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.32> (0:0:1269). |> |A road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.21> (0:2:1316). |> |A road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.21> (0:2:1315). |> |A road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.21> (0:2:1314). |> |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.04] <0.70> (0:0:1316). |> |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.04] <0.70> (0:0:1315). |> |A road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.04] <0.70> (0:0:1314). |> |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.05] <0.10> (0:2:1317). |> |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.05] <0.37> (0:0:1317). |> |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1359). |> |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1358). |> |Some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1357). |> |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.07> (0:1:1356). |> |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.07> (0:1:1355). |> |Less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.07> (0:1:1354). |> |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.07> (0:1:1353). |> |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.07> (0:1:1352). |> |Less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.07> (0:1:1351). |> |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1350). |> |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1349). |> |This road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1348). |> |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1347). |> |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1346). |> |That road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1345). |> |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1344). |> |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1343). |> |Neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1342). |> |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1341). |> |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1340). |> |What a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1339). |> |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1338). |> |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1337). |> |Many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1336). |> |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1335). |> |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1334). |> |Such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.08> (0:1:1333). |> |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1332). |> |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1331). |> |Each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1330). |> |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1329). |> |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1328). |> |Another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1327). |> |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1326). |> |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1325). |> |Every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1324). |> |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1323). |> |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1322). |> |Either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1321). |> |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1320). |> |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1319). |> |Any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.10] <0.10> (0:1:1318). |> |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1359). |> |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1358). |> |Some road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1357). |> |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.07> (0:2:1356). |> |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.07> (0:2:1355). |> |Less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.07> (0:2:1354). |> |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.07> (0:2:1353). |> |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.07> (0:2:1352). |> |Less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.07> (0:2:1351). |> |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1350). |> |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1349). |> |This road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1348). |> |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1347). |> |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1346). |> |That road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1345). |> |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1344). |> |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1343). |> |Neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1342). |> |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1341). |> |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1340). |> |What a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1339). |> |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1338). |> |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1337). |> |Many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1336). |> |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1335). |> |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1334). |> |Such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.08> (0:2:1333). |> |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1332). |> |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1331). |> |Each road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1330). |> |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1329). |> |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1328). |> |Another road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1327). |> |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1326). |> |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1325). |> |Every road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1324). |> |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1323). |> |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1322). |> |Either road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1321). |> |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1320). |> |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1319). |> |Any road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.10> (0:2:1318). |> |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1359). |> |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1358). |> |Some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1357). |> |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.29> (0:0:1356). |> |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.29> (0:0:1355). |> |Less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.29> (0:0:1354). |> |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.29> (0:0:1353). |> |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.29> (0:0:1352). |> |Less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.29> (0:0:1351). |> |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1350). |> |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1349). |> |This road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1348). |> |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1347). |> |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1346). |> |That road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1345). |> |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1344). |> |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1343). |> |Neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1342). |> |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1341). |> |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1340). |> |What a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1339). |> |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1338). |> |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1337). |> |Many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1336). |> |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1335). |> |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1334). |> |Such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.32> (0:0:1333). |> |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1332). |> |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1331). |> |Each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1330). |> |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1329). |> |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1328). |> |Another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1327). |> |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1326). |> |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1325). |> |Every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1324). |> |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1323). |> |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1322). |> |Either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1321). |> |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1320). |> |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1319). |> |Any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.11] <0.37> (0:0:1318). |> |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.15] <0.10> (0:1:1362). |> |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.15] <0.10> (0:1:1361). |> |A road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.15] <0.10> (0:1:1360). |> |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.17] <0.10> (0:2:1362). |> |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.17] <0.10> (0:2:1361). |> |A road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.17] <0.10> (0:2:1360). |> |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.17] <0.37> (0:0:1362). |> |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.17] <0.37> (0:0:1361). |> |A road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.17] <0.37> (0:0:1360). |> |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.24] <0.10> (0:1:1365). |> |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.24] <0.10> (0:1:1364). |> |The road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.24] <0.10> (0:1:1363). |> |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.25] <0.10> (0:1:1368). |> |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.25] <0.10> (0:1:1367). |> |The road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.25] <0.10> (0:1:1366). |> |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.26] <0.10> (0:2:1365). |> |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.26] <0.10> (0:2:1364). |> |The road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.26] <0.10> (0:2:1363). |> |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.26] <0.37> (0:0:1365). |> |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.26] <0.37> (0:0:1364). |> |The road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.26] <0.37> (0:0:1363). |> |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.27] <0.10> (0:2:1368). |> |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.27] <0.10> (0:2:1367). |> |The road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.27] <0.10> (0:2:1366). |> |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.27] <0.37> (0:0:1368). |> |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.27] <0.37> (0:0:1367). |> |The road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.27] <0.37> (0:0:1366). |> |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-0.36] <0.10> (0:1:1369). |> |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-0.38] <0.10> (0:2:1369). |> |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-0.38] <0.38> (0:0:1369). |> |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.40] <0.21> (0:1:1372). |> |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.40] <0.21> (0:1:1371). |> |The road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.40] <0.21> (0:1:1370). |> |The road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.42] <0.21> (0:2:1372). |> |The road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.42] <0.21> (0:2:1371). |> |The road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.42] <0.21> (0:2:1370). |> |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.42] <0.70> (0:0:1372). |> |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.42] <0.70> (0:0:1371). |> |The road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.42] <0.70> (0:0:1370). |> |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-0.53] <0.10> (0:1:1375). |> |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-0.53] <0.10> (0:1:1374). |> |The road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-0.53] <0.10> (0:1:1373). |> |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-0.55] <0.10> (0:2:1375). |> |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-0.55] <0.10> (0:2:1374). |> |The road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-0.55] <0.10> (0:2:1373). |> |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-0.55] <0.38> (0:0:1375). |> |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-0.55] <0.38> (0:0:1374). |> |The road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-0.55] <0.38> (0:0:1373). |> |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.10] <0.08> (0:1:1376). |> |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.12] <0.08> (0:2:1376). |> |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.12] <0.33> (0:0:1376). |> |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1405). |> |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1404). |> |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1403). |> |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1402). |> |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1401). |> |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1400). |> |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1399). |> |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1398). |> |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1397). |> |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1396). |> |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1395). |> |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1394). |> |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1393). |> |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1392). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1391). |> |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1390). |> |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.06> (0:1:1389). |> |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.06> (0:1:1388). |> |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1387). |> |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1386). |> |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1385). |> |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1384). |> |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1383). |> |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1382). |> |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1381). |> |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1380). |> |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.07> (0:1:1379). |> |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1378). |> |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1377). |> |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1408). |> |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1407). |> |Both no road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.32] <0.08> (0:1:1406). |> |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1405). |> |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1404). |> |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1403). |> |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1402). |> |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1401). |> |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1400). |> |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1399). |> |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1398). |> |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1397). |> |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1396). |> |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1395). |> |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1394). |> |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1393). |> |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1392). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1391). |> |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1390). |> |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.06> (0:2:1389). |> |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.06> (0:2:1388). |> |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1387). |> |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1386). |> |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1385). |> |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1384). |> |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1383). |> |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1382). |> |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1381). |> |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1380). |> |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.07> (0:2:1379). |> |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1378). |> |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.08> (0:2:1377). |> |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1405). |> |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1404). |> |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1403). |> |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1402). |> |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1401). |> |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1400). |> |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1399). |> |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1398). |> |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1397). |> |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1396). |> |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1395). |> |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1394). |> |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1393). |> |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1392). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1391). |> |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1390). |> |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.26> (0:0:1389). |> |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.26> (0:0:1388). |> |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1387). |> |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1386). |> |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1385). |> |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1384). |> |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1383). |> |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1382). |> |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1381). |> |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1380). |> |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.29> (0:0:1379). |> |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1378). |> |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.33] <0.32> (0:0:1377). |> |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.34] <0.08> (0:2:1408). |> |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.34] <0.08> (0:2:1407). |> |Both no road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.34] <0.08> (0:2:1406). |> |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.34] <0.33> (0:0:1408). |> |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.34] <0.33> (0:0:1407). |> |Both no road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.34] <0.33> (0:0:1406). |> |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.37] <0.08> (0:1:1409). |> |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.39] <0.08> (0:2:1409). |> |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.39] <0.32> (0:0:1409). |> |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1624). |> |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1623). |> |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1622). |> |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1621). |> |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1620). |> |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1619). |> |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1618). |> |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1617). |> |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1616). |> |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1615). |> |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1614). |> |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1613). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1612). |> |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1611). |> |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1610). |> |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1609). |> |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1608). |> |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1607). |> |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1606). |> |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1605). |> |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1604). |> |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1603). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1602). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1601). |> |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1600). |> |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1599). |> |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1598). |> |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1597). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1596). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1595). |> |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1594). |> |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1593). |> |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1592). |> |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1591). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1590). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1589). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1588). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1587). |> |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1586). |> |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1585). |> |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1584). |> |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1583). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1582). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1581). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1580). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.05> (0:1:1579). |> |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1578). |> |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1577). |> |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1576). |> |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1575). |> |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1574). |> |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1573). |> |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1572). |> |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1571). |> |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1570). |> |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1569). |> |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1568). |> |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1567). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1566). |> |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1565). |> |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1564). |> |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1563). |> |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1562). |> |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1561). |> |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1560). |> |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1559). |> |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1558). |> |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1557). |> |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1556). |> |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1555). |> |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1554). |> |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1553). |> |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1552). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1551). |> |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1550). |> |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1549). |> |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1548). |> |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1547). |> |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1546). |> |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1545). |> |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1544). |> |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1543). |> |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1542). |> |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1541). |> |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1540). |> |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1539). |> |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1538). |> |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1537). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1536). |> |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1535). |> |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1534). |> |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1533). |> |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1532). |> |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1531). |> |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1530). |> |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1529). |> |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1528). |> |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1527). |> |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1526). |> |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1525). |> |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1524). |> |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1523). |> |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1522). |> |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1521). |> |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1520). |> |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1519). |> |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1518). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1517). |> |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1516). |> |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1515). |> |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1514). |> |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1513). |> |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1512). |> |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1511). |> |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1510). |> |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1509). |> |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1508). |> |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1507). |> |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1506). |> |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1505). |> |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1504). |> |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1503). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1502). |> |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1501). |> |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1500). |> |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1499). |> |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1498). |> |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1497). |> |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1496). |> |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1495). |> |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1494). |> |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1493). |> |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1492). |> |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1491). |> |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1490). |> |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1489). |> |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1488). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1487). |> |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1486). |> |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1485). |> |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1484). |> |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1483). |> |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1482). |> |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1481). |> |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1480). |> |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1479). |> |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1478). |> |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1477). |> |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1476). |> |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1475). |> |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1474). |> |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1473). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1472). |> |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1471). |> |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1470). |> |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1469). |> |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1468). |> |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1467). |> |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1466). |> |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1465). |> |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1464). |> |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1463). |> |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1462). |> |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1461). |> |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1460). |> |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1459). |> |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1458). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1457). |> |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1456). |> |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1455). |> |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1454). |> |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1453). |> |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1452). |> |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1451). |> |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1450). |> |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1449). |> |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1448). |> |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1447). |> |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1446). |> |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1445). |> |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1444). |> |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1443). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1442). |> |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.06> (0:1:1441). |> |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1440). |> |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1439). |> |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1438). |> |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1437). |> |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1436). |> |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1435). |> |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1434). |> |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1433). |> |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1432). |> |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1431). |> |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1430). |> |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1429). |> |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1428). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1427). |> |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1426). |> |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1425). |> |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1424). |> |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1423). |> |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1422). |> |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1421). |> |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1420). |> |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1419). |> |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1418). |> |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1417). |> |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1416). |> |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1415). |> |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1414). |> |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1413). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1412). |> |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.07> (0:1:1411). |> |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.53] <0.08> (0:1:1410). |> |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1711). |> |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1710). |> |Both some road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1709). |> |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1708). |> |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1707). |> |Both no road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1706). |> |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1705). |> |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1704). |> |Both no road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1703). |> |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1702). |> |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1701). |> |Both no road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1700). |> |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1699). |> |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1698). |> |Both no road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1697). |> |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1696). |> |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1695). |> |Both no road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1694). |> |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1693). |> |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1692). |> |Both no road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1691). |> |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1690). |> |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1689). |> |Both no road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1688). |> |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1687). |> |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1686). |> |Both no road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1685). |> |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1684). |> |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1683). |> |Both no road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1682). |> |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1681). |> |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1680). |> |Both no road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1679). |> |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1678). |> |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1677). |> |Both no road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1676). |> |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1675). |> |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1674). |> |Both no road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1673). |> |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1672). |> |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1671). |> |Both no road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1670). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1669). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1668). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1667). |> |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1666). |> |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1665). |> |Both no road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1664). |> |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.06> (0:1:1663). |> |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.06> (0:1:1662). |> |Both less than an road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.06> (0:1:1661). |> |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.06> (0:1:1660). |> |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.06> (0:1:1659). |> |Both less than a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.06> (0:1:1658). |> |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1657). |> |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1656). |> |Both each road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1655). |> |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1654). |> |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1653). |> |Both this road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1652). |> |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1651). |> |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1650). |> |Both that road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1649). |> |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1648). |> |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1647). |> |Both neither road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1646). |> |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1645). |> |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1644). |> |Both what a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1643). |> |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1642). |> |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1641). |> |Both many a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1640). |> |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1639). |> |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1638). |> |Both another road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1637). |> |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1636). |> |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1635). |> |Both every road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1634). |> |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1633). |> |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1632). |> |Both such a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.07> (0:1:1631). |> |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1630). |> |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1629). |> |Both either road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1628). |> |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1627). |> |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1626). |> |Both any road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.54] <0.08> (0:1:1625). |> |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.54] <0.17> (0:1:1712). |> |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1624). |> |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1623). |> |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1622). |> |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1621). |> |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1620). |> |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1619). |> |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1618). |> |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1617). |> |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1616). |> |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1615). |> |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1614). |> |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1613). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1612). |> |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1611). |> |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1610). |> |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1609). |> |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1608). |> |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1607). |> |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1606). |> |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1605). |> |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1604). |> |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1603). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1602). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1601). |> |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1600). |> |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1599). |> |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1598). |> |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1597). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1596). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1595). |> |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1594). |> |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1593). |> |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1592). |> |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1591). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1590). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1589). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1588). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1587). |> |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1586). |> |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1585). |> |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1584). |> |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1583). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1582). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1581). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1580). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.05> (0:2:1579). |> |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1578). |> |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1577). |> |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1576). |> |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1575). |> |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1574). |> |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1573). |> |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1572). |> |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1571). |> |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1570). |> |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1569). |> |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1568). |> |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1567). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1566). |> |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1565). |> |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1564). |> |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1563). |> |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1562). |> |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1561). |> |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1560). |> |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1559). |> |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1558). |> |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1557). |> |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1556). |> |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1555). |> |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1554). |> |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1553). |> |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1552). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1551). |> |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1550). |> |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1549). |> |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1548). |> |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1547). |> |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1546). |> |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1545). |> |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1544). |> |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1543). |> |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1542). |> |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1541). |> |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1540). |> |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1539). |> |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1538). |> |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1537). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1536). |> |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1535). |> |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1534). |> |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1533). |> |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1532). |> |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1531). |> |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1530). |> |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1529). |> |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1528). |> |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1527). |> |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1526). |> |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1525). |> |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1524). |> |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1523). |> |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1522). |> |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1521). |> |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1520). |> |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1519). |> |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1518). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1517). |> |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1516). |> |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1515). |> |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1514). |> |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1513). |> |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1512). |> |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1511). |> |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1510). |> |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1509). |> |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1508). |> |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1507). |> |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1506). |> |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1505). |> |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1504). |> |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1503). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1502). |> |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1501). |> |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1500). |> |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1499). |> |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1498). |> |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1497). |> |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1496). |> |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1495). |> |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1494). |> |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1493). |> |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1492). |> |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1491). |> |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1490). |> |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1489). |> |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1488). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1487). |> |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1486). |> |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1485). |> |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1484). |> |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1483). |> |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1482). |> |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1481). |> |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1480). |> |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1479). |> |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1478). |> |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1477). |> |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1476). |> |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1475). |> |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1474). |> |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1473). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1472). |> |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1471). |> |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1470). |> |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1469). |> |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1468). |> |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1467). |> |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1466). |> |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1465). |> |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1464). |> |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1463). |> |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1462). |> |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1461). |> |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1460). |> |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1459). |> |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1458). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1457). |> |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1456). |> |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1455). |> |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1454). |> |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1453). |> |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1452). |> |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1451). |> |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1450). |> |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1449). |> |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1448). |> |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1447). |> |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1446). |> |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1445). |> |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1444). |> |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1443). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1442). |> |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1441). |> |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1440). |> |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1439). |> |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1438). |> |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1437). |> |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1436). |> |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1435). |> |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1434). |> |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1433). |> |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1432). |> |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1431). |> |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1430). |> |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1429). |> |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1428). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1427). |> |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1426). |> |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1425). |> |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1424). |> |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1423). |> |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1422). |> |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1421). |> |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1420). |> |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1419). |> |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1418). |> |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1417). |> |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1416). |> |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1415). |> |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1414). |> |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1413). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1412). |> |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1411). |> |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1410). |> |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1624). |> |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1623). |> |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1622). |> |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1621). |> |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1620). |> |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1619). |> |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> (0:0:1618). |> |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1617). |> |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1616). |> |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1615). |> |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1614). |> |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1613). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1612). |> |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1611). |> |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1610). |> |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1609). |> |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1608). |> |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1607). |> |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1606). |> |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1605). |> |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1604). |> |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1603). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1602). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1601). |> |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1600). |> |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1599). |> |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1598). |> |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1597). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1596). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1595). |> |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1594). |> |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1593). |> |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1592). |> |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1591). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1590). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1589). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1588). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1587). |> |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1586). |> |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1585). |> |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1584). |> |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1583). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1582). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1581). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1580). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.23> (0:0:1579). |> |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1578). |> |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1577). |> |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1576). |> |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1575). |> |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1574). |> |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1573). |> |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1572). |> |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1571). |> |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1570). |> |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1569). |> |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1568). |> |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1567). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1566). |> |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1565). |> |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1564). |> |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1563). |> |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1562). |> |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1561). |> |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1560). |> |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1559). |> |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1558). |> |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1557). |> |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1556). |> |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1555). |> |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1554). |> |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1553). |> |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1552). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1551). |> |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1550). |> |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1549). |> |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1548). |> |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1547). |> |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1546). |> |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1545). |> |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1544). |> |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1543). |> |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1542). |> |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1541). |> |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1540). |> |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1539). |> |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1538). |> |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1537). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1536). |> |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1535). |> |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1534). |> |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> (0:0:1533). |> |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1532). |> |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1531). |> |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> (0:0:1530). |> |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1529). |> |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1528). |> |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1527). |> |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1526). |> |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1525). |> |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1524). |> |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1523). |> |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1522). |> |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1521). |> |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1520). |> |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1519). |> |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1518). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1517). |> |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1516). |> |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1515). |> |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1514). |> |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1513). |> |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1512). |> |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1511). |> |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1510). |> |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1509). |> |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1508). |> |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1507). |> |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1506). |> |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1505). |> |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1504). |> |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1503). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1502). |> |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1501). |> |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1500). |> |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1499). |> |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1498). |> |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1497). |> |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1496). |> |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1495). |> |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1494). |> |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1493). |> |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1492). |> |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1491). |> |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1490). |> |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1489). |> |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1488). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1487). |> |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1486). |> |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1485). |> |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1484). |> |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1483). |> |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1482). |> |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1481). |> |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1480). |> |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1479). |> |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1478). |> |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1477). |> |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1476). |> |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1475). |> |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1474). |> |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1473). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1472). |> |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1471). |> |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1470). |> |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1469). |> |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1468). |> |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1467). |> |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1466). |> |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1465). |> |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1464). |> |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1463). |> |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1462). |> |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1461). |> |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1460). |> |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1459). |> |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1458). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1457). |> |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1456). |> |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1455). |> |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1454). |> |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1453). |> |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1452). |> |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1451). |> |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1450). |> |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1449). |> |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1448). |> |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1447). |> |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1446). |> |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1445). |> |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1444). |> |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1443). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1442). |> |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1441). |> |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1440). |> |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1439). |> |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1438). |> |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1437). |> |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1436). |> |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1435). |> |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1434). |> |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1433). |> |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1432). |> |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1431). |> |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1430). |> |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1429). |> |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1428). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1427). |> |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1426). |> |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> (0:0:1425). |> |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1424). |> |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1423). |> |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1422). |> |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1421). |> |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1420). |> |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1419). |> |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1418). |> |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1417). |> |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1416). |> |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1415). |> |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1414). |> |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1413). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1412). |> |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1411). |> |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.33> (0:0:1410). |> |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:1:1713). |> |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1711). |> |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1710). |> |Both some road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1709). |> |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1708). |> |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1707). |> |Both no road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1706). |> |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1705). |> |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1704). |> |Both no road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1703). |> |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1702). |> |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1701). |> |Both no road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1700). |> |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1699). |> |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1698). |> |Both no road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1697). |> |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1696). |> |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1695). |> |Both no road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1694). |> |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1693). |> |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1692). |> |Both no road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1691). |> |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1690). |> |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1689). |> |Both no road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1688). |> |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1687). |> |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1686). |> |Both no road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1685). |> |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1684). |> |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1683). |> |Both no road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1682). |> |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1681). |> |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1680). |> |Both no road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1679). |> |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1678). |> |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1677). |> |Both no road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1676). |> |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1675). |> |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1674). |> |Both no road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1673). |> |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1672). |> |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1671). |> |Both no road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1670). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1669). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1668). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1667). |> |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1666). |> |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1665). |> |Both no road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1664). |> |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1663). |> |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1662). |> |Both less than an road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1661). |> |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1660). |> |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1659). |> |Both less than a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.06> (0:2:1658). |> |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1657). |> |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1656). |> |Both each road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1655). |> |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1654). |> |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1653). |> |Both this road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1652). |> |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1651). |> |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1650). |> |Both that road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1649). |> |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1648). |> |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1647). |> |Both neither road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1646). |> |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1645). |> |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1644). |> |Both what a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1643). |> |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1642). |> |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1641). |> |Both many a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1640). |> |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1639). |> |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1638). |> |Both another road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1637). |> |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1636). |> |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1635). |> |Both every road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1634). |> |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1633). |> |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1632). |> |Both such a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.07> (0:2:1631). |> |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1630). |> |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1629). |> |Both either road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1628). |> |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1627). |> |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1626). |> |Both any road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.08> (0:2:1625). |> |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1711). |> |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1710). |> |Both some road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1709). |> |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1708). |> |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1707). |> |Both no road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1706). |> |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1705). |> |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1704). |> |Both no road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1703). |> |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1702). |> |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1701). |> |Both no road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1700). |> |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1699). |> |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1698). |> |Both no road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1697). |> |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1696). |> |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1695). |> |Both no road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1694). |> |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1693). |> |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1692). |> |Both no road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1691). |> |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1690). |> |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1689). |> |Both no road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1688). |> |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1687). |> |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1686). |> |Both no road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1685). |> |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1684). |> |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1683). |> |Both no road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1682). |> |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1681). |> |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1680). |> |Both no road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1679). |> |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1678). |> |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1677). |> |Both no road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1676). |> |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1675). |> |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1674). |> |Both no road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1673). |> |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1672). |> |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1671). |> |Both no road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1670). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1669). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1668). |> |Both no road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1667). |> |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1666). |> |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1665). |> |Both no road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1664). |> |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1663). |> |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1662). |> |Both less than an road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1661). |> |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1660). |> |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1659). |> |Both less than a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.26> (0:0:1658). |> |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1657). |> |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1656). |> |Both each road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1655). |> |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1654). |> |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1653). |> |Both this road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1652). |> |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1651). |> |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1650). |> |Both that road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1649). |> |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1648). |> |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1647). |> |Both neither road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1646). |> |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1645). |> |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1644). |> |Both what a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1643). |> |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1642). |> |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1641). |> |Both many a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1640). |> |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1639). |> |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1638). |> |Both another road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1637). |> |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1636). |> |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1635). |> |Both every road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1634). |> |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1633). |> |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1632). |> |Both such a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.29> (0:0:1631). |> |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1630). |> |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1629). |> |Both either road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1628). |> |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1627). |> |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1626). |> |Both any road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.55] <0.32> (0:0:1625). |> |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.17> (0:2:1712). |> |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.60> (0:0:1712). |> |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.08> (0:2:1713). |> |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.56] <0.33> (0:0:1713). |> |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> (0:1:1728). |> |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1727). |> |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1726). |> |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> (0:1:1725). |> |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1724). |> |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1723). |> |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1722). |> |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1721). |> |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1720). |> |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1719). |> |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1718). |> |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1717). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.08> (0:1:1716). |> |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> (0:1:1715). |> |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.59] <0.07> (0:1:1714). |> |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:1:1731). |> |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:1:1730). |> |Both a road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:1:1729). |> |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> (0:2:1728). |> |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1727). |> |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1726). |> |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> (0:2:1725). |> |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1724). |> |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1723). |> |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1722). |> |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1721). |> |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1720). |> |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1719). |> |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1718). |> |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1717). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.08> (0:2:1716). |> |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> (0:2:1715). |> |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.07> (0:2:1714). |> |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> (0:0:1728). |> |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1727). |> |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1726). |> |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> (0:0:1725). |> |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1724). |> |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1723). |> |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1722). |> |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1721). |> |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1720). |> |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1719). |> |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1718). |> |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1717). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.32> (0:0:1716). |> |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> (0:0:1715). |> |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.60] <0.29> (0:0:1714). |> |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.61] <0.08> (0:2:1731). |> |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.61] <0.08> (0:2:1730). |> |Both a road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.61] <0.08> (0:2:1729). |> |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.61] <0.32> (0:0:1731). |> |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.61] <0.32> (0:0:1730). |> |Both a road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.61] <0.32> (0:0:1729). |> |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1745). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1744). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1743). |> |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1742). |> |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1741). |> |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1740). |> |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1739). |> |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1738). |> |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1737). |> |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1736). |> |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1735). |> |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1734). |> |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1733). |> |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1732). |> |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1746). |> |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2391). |> |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2390). |> |Both some road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2389). |> |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2388). |> |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2387). |> |Both some road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2386). |> |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2385). |> |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2384). |> |Both some road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2383). |> |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2382). |> |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2381). |> |Both some road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2380). |> |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2379). |> |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2378). |> |Both some road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2377). |> |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2376). |> |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2375). |> |Both some road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2374). |> |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2373). |> |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2372). |> |Both some road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2371). |> |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2370). |> |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2369). |> |Both some road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2368). |> |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2367). |> |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2366). |> |Both some road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2365). |> |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2364). |> |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2363). |> |Both some road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2362). |> |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2361). |> |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2360). |> |Both some road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2359). |> |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2358). |> |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2357). |> |Both some road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2356). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2355). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2354). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2353). |> |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2352). |> |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2351). |> |Both some road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2350). |> |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2349). |> |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2348). |> |Both some road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2347). |> |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2346). |> |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2345). |> |Both no road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2344). |> |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2343). |> |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2342). |> |Both less than an road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2341). |> |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2340). |> |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2339). |> |Both less than a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2338). |> |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2337). |> |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2336). |> |Both less than an road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2335). |> |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2334). |> |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2333). |> |Both less than a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2332). |> |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2331). |> |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2330). |> |Both less than an road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2329). |> |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2328). |> |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2327). |> |Both less than a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2326). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2325). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2324). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2323). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2322). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2321). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2320). |> |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2319). |> |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2318). |> |Both less than an road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2317). |> |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2316). |> |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2315). |> |Both less than a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2314). |> |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2313). |> |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2312). |> |Both less than an road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2311). |> |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2310). |> |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2309). |> |Both less than a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2308). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2307). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2306). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2305). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2304). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2303). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2302). |> |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2301). |> |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2300). |> |Both less than an road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2299). |> |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2298). |> |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2297). |> |Both less than a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2296). |> |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2295). |> |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2294). |> |Both less than an road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2293). |> |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2292). |> |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2291). |> |Both less than a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2290). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2289). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2288). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2287). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2286). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2285). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2284). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2283). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2282). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2281). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2280). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2279). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2278). |> |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2277). |> |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2276). |> |Both less than an road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2275). |> |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2274). |> |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2273). |> |Both less than a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2272). |> |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2271). |> |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2270). |> |Both less than an road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2269). |> |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2268). |> |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2267). |> |Both less than a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2266). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2265). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2264). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2263). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2262). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2261). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2260). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2259). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2258). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2257). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2256). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2255). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.05> (0:1:2254). |> |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2253). |> |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2252). |> |Both each road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2251). |> |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2250). |> |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2249). |> |Both each road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2248). |> |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2247). |> |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2246). |> |Both each road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2245). |> |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2244). |> |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2243). |> |Both each road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2242). |> |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2241). |> |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2240). |> |Both each road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2239). |> |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2238). |> |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2237). |> |Both each road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2236). |> |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2235). |> |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2234). |> |Both each road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2233). |> |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2232). |> |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2231). |> |Both each road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2230). |> |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2229). |> |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2228). |> |Both each road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2227). |> |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2226). |> |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2225). |> |Both each road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2224). |> |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2223). |> |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2222). |> |Both each road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2221). |> |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2220). |> |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2219). |> |Both each road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2218). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2217). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2216). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2215). |> |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2214). |> |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2213). |> |Both each road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2212). |> |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2211). |> |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2210). |> |Both each road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2209). |> |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2208). |> |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2207). |> |Both this road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2206). |> |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2205). |> |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2204). |> |Both this road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2203). |> |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2202). |> |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2201). |> |Both this road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2200). |> |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2199). |> |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2198). |> |Both this road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2197). |> |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2196). |> |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2195). |> |Both this road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2194). |> |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2193). |> |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2192). |> |Both this road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2191). |> |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2190). |> |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2189). |> |Both this road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2188). |> |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2187). |> |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2186). |> |Both this road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2185). |> |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2184). |> |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2183). |> |Both this road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2182). |> |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2181). |> |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2180). |> |Both this road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2179). |> |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2178). |> |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2177). |> |Both this road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2176). |> |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2175). |> |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2174). |> |Both this road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2173). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2172). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2171). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2170). |> |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2169). |> |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2168). |> |Both this road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2167). |> |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2166). |> |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2165). |> |Both this road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2164). |> |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2163). |> |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2162). |> |Both that road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2161). |> |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2160). |> |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2159). |> |Both that road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2158). |> |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2157). |> |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2156). |> |Both that road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2155). |> |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2154). |> |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2153). |> |Both that road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2152). |> |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2151). |> |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2150). |> |Both that road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2149). |> |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2148). |> |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2147). |> |Both that road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2146). |> |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2145). |> |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2144). |> |Both that road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2143). |> |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2142). |> |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2141). |> |Both that road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2140). |> |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2139). |> |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2138). |> |Both that road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2137). |> |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2136). |> |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2135). |> |Both that road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2134). |> |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2133). |> |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2132). |> |Both that road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2131). |> |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2130). |> |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2129). |> |Both that road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2128). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2127). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2126). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2125). |> |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2124). |> |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2123). |> |Both that road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2122). |> |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2121). |> |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2120). |> |Both that road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2119). |> |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2118). |> |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2117). |> |Both which road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2116). |> |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2115). |> |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2114). |> |Both which road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2113). |> |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2112). |> |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2111). |> |Both what road and which bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2110). |> |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2109). |> |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2108). |> |Both what road and what bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2107). |> |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2106). |> |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2105). |> |Both neither road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2104). |> |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2103). |> |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2102). |> |Both neither road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2101). |> |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2100). |> |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2099). |> |Both neither road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2098). |> |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2097). |> |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2096). |> |Both neither road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2095). |> |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2094). |> |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2093). |> |Both neither road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2092). |> |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2091). |> |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2090). |> |Both neither road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2089). |> |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2088). |> |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2087). |> |Both neither road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2086). |> |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2085). |> |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2084). |> |Both neither road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2083). |> |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2082). |> |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2081). |> |Both neither road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2080). |> |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2079). |> |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2078). |> |Both neither road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2077). |> |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2076). |> |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2075). |> |Both neither road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2074). |> |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2073). |> |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2072). |> |Both neither road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2071). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2070). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2069). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2068). |> |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2067). |> |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2066). |> |Both neither road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2065). |> |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2064). |> |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2063). |> |Both neither road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:2062). |> |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2061). |> |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2060). |> |Both what a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2059). |> |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2058). |> |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2057). |> |Both what a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2056). |> |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2055). |> |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2054). |> |Both what a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2053). |> |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2052). |> |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2051). |> |Both what a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2050). |> |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2049). |> |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2048). |> |Both what a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2047). |> |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2046). |> |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2045). |> |Both what a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2044). |> |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2043). |> |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2042). |> |Both what a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2041). |> |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2040). |> |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2039). |> |Both what a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2038). |> |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2037). |> |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2036). |> |Both what a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2035). |> |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2034). |> |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2033). |> |Both what a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2032). |> |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2031). |> |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2030). |> |Both what a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2029). |> |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2028). |> |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2027). |> |Both what a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2026). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2025). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2024). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2023). |> |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2022). |> |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2021). |> |Both what a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2020). |> |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2019). |> |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2018). |> |Both what a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2017). |> |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2016). |> |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2015). |> |Both many a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2014). |> |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2013). |> |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2012). |> |Both many a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:2011). |> |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2010). |> |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2009). |> |Both many a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2008). |> |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2007). |> |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2006). |> |Both many a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2005). |> |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2004). |> |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2003). |> |Both many a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2002). |> |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2001). |> |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:2000). |> |Both many a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1999). |> |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1998). |> |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1997). |> |Both many a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1996). |> |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1995). |> |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1994). |> |Both many a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1993). |> |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1992). |> |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1991). |> |Both many a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1990). |> |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1989). |> |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1988). |> |Both many a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1987). |> |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1986). |> |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1985). |> |Both many a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1984). |> |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1983). |> |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1982). |> |Both many a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1981). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1980). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1979). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1978). |> |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1977). |> |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1976). |> |Both many a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1975). |> |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1974). |> |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1973). |> |Both many a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1972). |> |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1971). |> |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1970). |> |Both another road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1969). |> |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1968). |> |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1967). |> |Both another road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1966). |> |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1965). |> |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1964). |> |Both another road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1963). |> |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1962). |> |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1961). |> |Both another road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1960). |> |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1959). |> |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1958). |> |Both another road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1957). |> |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1956). |> |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1955). |> |Both another road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1954). |> |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1953). |> |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1952). |> |Both another road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1951). |> |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1950). |> |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1949). |> |Both another road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1948). |> |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1947). |> |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1946). |> |Both another road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1945). |> |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1944). |> |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1943). |> |Both another road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1942). |> |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1941). |> |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1940). |> |Both another road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1939). |> |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1938). |> |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1937). |> |Both another road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1936). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1935). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1934). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1933). |> |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1932). |> |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1931). |> |Both another road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1930). |> |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1929). |> |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1928). |> |Both another road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1927). |> |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1926). |> |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1925). |> |Both every road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1924). |> |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1923). |> |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1922). |> |Both every road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1921). |> |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1920). |> |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1919). |> |Both every road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1918). |> |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1917). |> |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1916). |> |Both every road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1915). |> |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1914). |> |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1913). |> |Both every road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1912). |> |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1911). |> |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1910). |> |Both every road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1909). |> |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1908). |> |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1907). |> |Both every road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1906). |> |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1905). |> |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1904). |> |Both every road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1903). |> |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1902). |> |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1901). |> |Both every road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1900). |> |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1899). |> |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1898). |> |Both every road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1897). |> |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1896). |> |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1895). |> |Both every road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1894). |> |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1893). |> |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1892). |> |Both every road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1891). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1890). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1889). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1888). |> |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1887). |> |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1886). |> |Both every road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1885). |> |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1884). |> |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1883). |> |Both every road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1882). |> |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1881). |> |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1880). |> |Both such a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1879). |> |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1878). |> |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1877). |> |Both such a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1876). |> |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1875). |> |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1874). |> |Both such a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1873). |> |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1872). |> |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1871). |> |Both such a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1870). |> |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1869). |> |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1868). |> |Both such a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1867). |> |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1866). |> |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1865). |> |Both such a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1864). |> |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1863). |> |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1862). |> |Both such a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1861). |> |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1860). |> |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1859). |> |Both such a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1858). |> |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1857). |> |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1856). |> |Both such a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1855). |> |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1854). |> |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1853). |> |Both such a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1852). |> |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1851). |> |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1850). |> |Both such a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1849). |> |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1848). |> |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1847). |> |Both such a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1846). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1845). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1844). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1843). |> |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1842). |> |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1841). |> |Both such a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.06> (0:1:1840). |> |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1839). |> |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1838). |> |Both such a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1837). |> |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1836). |> |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1835). |> |Both either road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1834). |> |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1833). |> |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1832). |> |Both either road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1831). |> |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1830). |> |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1829). |> |Both either road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1828). |> |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1827). |> |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1826). |> |Both either road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1825). |> |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1824). |> |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1823). |> |Both either road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1822). |> |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1821). |> |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1820). |> |Both either road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1819). |> |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1818). |> |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1817). |> |Both either road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1816). |> |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1815). |> |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1814). |> |Both either road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1813). |> |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1812). |> |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1811). |> |Both either road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1810). |> |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1809). |> |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1808). |> |Both either road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1807). |> |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1806). |> |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1805). |> |Both either road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1804). |> |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1803). |> |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1802). |> |Both either road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1801). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1800). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1799). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1798). |> |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1797). |> |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1796). |> |Both either road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1795). |> |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1794). |> |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1793). |> |Both either road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1792). |> |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1791). |> |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1790). |> |Both any road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1789). |> |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1788). |> |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1787). |> |Both any road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1786). |> |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1785). |> |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1784). |> |Both any road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1783). |> |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1782). |> |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1781). |> |Both any road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1780). |> |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1779). |> |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1778). |> |Both any road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1777). |> |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1776). |> |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1775). |> |Both any road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1774). |> |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1773). |> |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1772). |> |Both any road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1771). |> |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1770). |> |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1769). |> |Both any road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1768). |> |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1767). |> |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1766). |> |Both any road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1765). |> |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1764). |> |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1763). |> |Both any road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1762). |> |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1761). |> |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1760). |> |Both any road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1759). |> |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1758). |> |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1757). |> |Both any road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1756). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1755). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1754). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1753). |> |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1752). |> |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1751). |> |Both any road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.07> (0:1:1750). |> |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1749). |> |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1748). |> |Both any road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.75] <0.08> (0:1:1747). |> |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2405). |> |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.13> (0:1:2404). |> |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.13> (0:1:2403). |> |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2402). |> |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2401). |> |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2400). |> |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2399). |> |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.15> (0:1:2398). |> |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.15> (0:1:2397). |> |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2396). |> |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2395). |> |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.15> (0:1:2394). |> |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2393). |> |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.17> (0:1:2392). |> |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1745). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> (0:2:1744). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> (0:2:1743). |> |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1742). |> |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1741). |> |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1740). |> |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1739). |> |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> (0:2:1738). |> |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> (0:2:1737). |> |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1736). |> |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1735). |> |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> (0:2:1734). |> |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1733). |> |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:2:1732). |> |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1745). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.26> (0:0:1744). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.26> (0:0:1743). |> |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1742). |> |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1741). |> |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1740). |> |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1739). |> |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.29> (0:0:1738). |> |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.29> (0:0:1737). |> |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1736). |> |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1735). |> |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.29> (0:0:1734). |> |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1733). |> |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.32> (0:0:1732). |> |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2419). |> |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> (0:1:2418). |> |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.06> (0:1:2417). |> |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2416). |> |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2415). |> |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2414). |> |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2413). |> |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> (0:1:2412). |> |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> (0:1:2411). |> |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2410). |> |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2409). |> |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.07> (0:1:2408). |> |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2407). |> |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.76] <0.08> (0:1:2406). |> |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1746). |> |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1746). |> |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:1:2422). |> |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:1:2421). |> |Both no road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:1:2420). |> |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2391). |> |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2390). |> |Both some road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2389). |> |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2388). |> |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2387). |> |Both some road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2386). |> |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2385). |> |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2384). |> |Both some road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2383). |> |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2382). |> |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2381). |> |Both some road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2380). |> |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2379). |> |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2378). |> |Both some road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2377). |> |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2376). |> |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2375). |> |Both some road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2374). |> |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2373). |> |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2372). |> |Both some road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2371). |> |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2370). |> |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2369). |> |Both some road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2368). |> |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2367). |> |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2366). |> |Both some road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2365). |> |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2364). |> |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2363). |> |Both some road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2362). |> |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2361). |> |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2360). |> |Both some road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2359). |> |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2358). |> |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2357). |> |Both some road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2356). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2355). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2354). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2353). |> |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2352). |> |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2351). |> |Both some road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2350). |> |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2349). |> |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2348). |> |Both some road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2347). |> |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2346). |> |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2345). |> |Both no road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2344). |> |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2343). |> |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2342). |> |Both less than an road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2341). |> |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2340). |> |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2339). |> |Both less than a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2338). |> |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2337). |> |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2336). |> |Both less than an road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2335). |> |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2334). |> |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2333). |> |Both less than a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2332). |> |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2331). |> |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2330). |> |Both less than an road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2329). |> |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2328). |> |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2327). |> |Both less than a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2326). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2325). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2324). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2323). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2322). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2321). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2320). |> |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2319). |> |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2318). |> |Both less than an road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2317). |> |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2316). |> |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2315). |> |Both less than a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2314). |> |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2313). |> |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2312). |> |Both less than an road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2311). |> |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2310). |> |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2309). |> |Both less than a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2308). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2307). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2306). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2305). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2304). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2303). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2302). |> |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2301). |> |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2300). |> |Both less than an road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2299). |> |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2298). |> |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2297). |> |Both less than a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2296). |> |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2295). |> |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2294). |> |Both less than an road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2293). |> |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2292). |> |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2291). |> |Both less than a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2290). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2289). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2288). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2287). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2286). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2285). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2284). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2283). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2282). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2281). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2280). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2279). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2278). |> |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2277). |> |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2276). |> |Both less than an road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2275). |> |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2274). |> |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2273). |> |Both less than a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2272). |> |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2271). |> |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2270). |> |Both less than an road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2269). |> |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2268). |> |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2267). |> |Both less than a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2266). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2265). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2264). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2263). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2262). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2261). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2260). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2259). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2258). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2257). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2256). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2255). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.05> (0:2:2254). |> |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2253). |> |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2252). |> |Both each road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2251). |> |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2250). |> |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2249). |> |Both each road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2248). |> |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2247). |> |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2246). |> |Both each road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2245). |> |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2244). |> |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2243). |> |Both each road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2242). |> |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2241). |> |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2240). |> |Both each road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2239). |> |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2238). |> |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2237). |> |Both each road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2236). |> |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2235). |> |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2234). |> |Both each road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2233). |> |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2232). |> |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2231). |> |Both each road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2230). |> |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2229). |> |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2228). |> |Both each road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2227). |> |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2226). |> |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2225). |> |Both each road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2224). |> |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2223). |> |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2222). |> |Both each road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2221). |> |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2220). |> |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2219). |> |Both each road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2218). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2217). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2216). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2215). |> |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2214). |> |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2213). |> |Both each road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2212). |> |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2211). |> |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2210). |> |Both each road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2209). |> |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2208). |> |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2207). |> |Both this road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2206). |> |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2205). |> |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2204). |> |Both this road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2203). |> |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2202). |> |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2201). |> |Both this road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2200). |> |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2199). |> |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2198). |> |Both this road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2197). |> |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2196). |> |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2195). |> |Both this road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2194). |> |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2193). |> |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2192). |> |Both this road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2191). |> |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2190). |> |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2189). |> |Both this road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2188). |> |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2187). |> |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2186). |> |Both this road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2185). |> |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2184). |> |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2183). |> |Both this road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2182). |> |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2181). |> |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2180). |> |Both this road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2179). |> |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2178). |> |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2177). |> |Both this road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2176). |> |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2175). |> |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2174). |> |Both this road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2173). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2172). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2171). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2170). |> |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2169). |> |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2168). |> |Both this road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2167). |> |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2166). |> |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2165). |> |Both this road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2164). |> |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2163). |> |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2162). |> |Both that road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2161). |> |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2160). |> |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2159). |> |Both that road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2158). |> |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2157). |> |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2156). |> |Both that road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2155). |> |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2154). |> |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2153). |> |Both that road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2152). |> |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2151). |> |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2150). |> |Both that road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2149). |> |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2148). |> |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2147). |> |Both that road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2146). |> |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2145). |> |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2144). |> |Both that road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2143). |> |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2142). |> |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2141). |> |Both that road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2140). |> |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2139). |> |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2138). |> |Both that road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2137). |> |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2136). |> |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2135). |> |Both that road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2134). |> |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2133). |> |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2132). |> |Both that road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2131). |> |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2130). |> |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2129). |> |Both that road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2128). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2127). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2126). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2125). |> |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2124). |> |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2123). |> |Both that road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2122). |> |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2121). |> |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2120). |> |Both that road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2119). |> |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2118). |> |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2117). |> |Both which road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2116). |> |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2115). |> |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2114). |> |Both which road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2113). |> |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2112). |> |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2111). |> |Both what road and which bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2110). |> |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2109). |> |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2108). |> |Both what road and what bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2107). |> |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2106). |> |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2105). |> |Both neither road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2104). |> |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2103). |> |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2102). |> |Both neither road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2101). |> |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2100). |> |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2099). |> |Both neither road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2098). |> |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2097). |> |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2096). |> |Both neither road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2095). |> |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2094). |> |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2093). |> |Both neither road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2092). |> |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2091). |> |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2090). |> |Both neither road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2089). |> |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2088). |> |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2087). |> |Both neither road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2086). |> |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2085). |> |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2084). |> |Both neither road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2083). |> |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2082). |> |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2081). |> |Both neither road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2080). |> |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2079). |> |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2078). |> |Both neither road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2077). |> |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2076). |> |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2075). |> |Both neither road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2074). |> |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2073). |> |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2072). |> |Both neither road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2071). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2070). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2069). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2068). |> |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2067). |> |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2066). |> |Both neither road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2065). |> |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2064). |> |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2063). |> |Both neither road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:2062). |> |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2061). |> |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2060). |> |Both what a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2059). |> |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2058). |> |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2057). |> |Both what a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2056). |> |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2055). |> |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2054). |> |Both what a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2053). |> |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2052). |> |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2051). |> |Both what a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2050). |> |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2049). |> |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2048). |> |Both what a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2047). |> |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2046). |> |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2045). |> |Both what a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2044). |> |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2043). |> |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2042). |> |Both what a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2041). |> |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2040). |> |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2039). |> |Both what a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2038). |> |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2037). |> |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2036). |> |Both what a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2035). |> |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2034). |> |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2033). |> |Both what a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2032). |> |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2031). |> |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2030). |> |Both what a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2029). |> |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2028). |> |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2027). |> |Both what a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2026). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2025). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2024). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2023). |> |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2022). |> |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2021). |> |Both what a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2020). |> |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2019). |> |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2018). |> |Both what a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2017). |> |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2016). |> |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2015). |> |Both many a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2014). |> |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2013). |> |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2012). |> |Both many a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:2011). |> |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2010). |> |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2009). |> |Both many a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2008). |> |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2007). |> |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2006). |> |Both many a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2005). |> |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2004). |> |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2003). |> |Both many a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2002). |> |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2001). |> |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:2000). |> |Both many a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1999). |> |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1998). |> |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1997). |> |Both many a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1996). |> |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1995). |> |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1994). |> |Both many a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1993). |> |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1992). |> |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1991). |> |Both many a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1990). |> |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1989). |> |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1988). |> |Both many a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1987). |> |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1986). |> |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1985). |> |Both many a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1984). |> |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1983). |> |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1982). |> |Both many a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1981). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1980). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1979). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1978). |> |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1977). |> |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1976). |> |Both many a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1975). |> |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1974). |> |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1973). |> |Both many a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1972). |> |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1971). |> |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1970). |> |Both another road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1969). |> |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1968). |> |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1967). |> |Both another road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1966). |> |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1965). |> |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1964). |> |Both another road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1963). |> |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1962). |> |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1961). |> |Both another road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1960). |> |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1959). |> |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1958). |> |Both another road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1957). |> |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1956). |> |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1955). |> |Both another road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1954). |> |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1953). |> |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1952). |> |Both another road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1951). |> |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1950). |> |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1949). |> |Both another road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1948). |> |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1947). |> |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1946). |> |Both another road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1945). |> |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1944). |> |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1943). |> |Both another road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1942). |> |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1941). |> |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1940). |> |Both another road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1939). |> |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1938). |> |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1937). |> |Both another road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1936). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1935). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1934). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1933). |> |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1932). |> |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1931). |> |Both another road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1930). |> |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1929). |> |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1928). |> |Both another road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1927). |> |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1926). |> |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1925). |> |Both every road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1924). |> |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1923). |> |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1922). |> |Both every road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1921). |> |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1920). |> |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1919). |> |Both every road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1918). |> |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1917). |> |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1916). |> |Both every road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1915). |> |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1914). |> |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1913). |> |Both every road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1912). |> |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1911). |> |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1910). |> |Both every road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1909). |> |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1908). |> |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1907). |> |Both every road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1906). |> |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1905). |> |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1904). |> |Both every road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1903). |> |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1902). |> |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1901). |> |Both every road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1900). |> |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1899). |> |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1898). |> |Both every road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1897). |> |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1896). |> |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1895). |> |Both every road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1894). |> |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1893). |> |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1892). |> |Both every road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1891). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1890). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1889). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1888). |> |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1887). |> |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1886). |> |Both every road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1885). |> |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1884). |> |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1883). |> |Both every road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1882). |> |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1881). |> |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1880). |> |Both such a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1879). |> |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1878). |> |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1877). |> |Both such a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1876). |> |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1875). |> |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1874). |> |Both such a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1873). |> |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1872). |> |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1871). |> |Both such a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1870). |> |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1869). |> |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1868). |> |Both such a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1867). |> |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1866). |> |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1865). |> |Both such a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1864). |> |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1863). |> |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1862). |> |Both such a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1861). |> |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1860). |> |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1859). |> |Both such a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1858). |> |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1857). |> |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1856). |> |Both such a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1855). |> |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1854). |> |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1853). |> |Both such a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1852). |> |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1851). |> |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1850). |> |Both such a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1849). |> |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1848). |> |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1847). |> |Both such a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1846). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1845). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1844). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1843). |> |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1842). |> |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1841). |> |Both such a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.06> (0:2:1840). |> |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1839). |> |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1838). |> |Both such a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1837). |> |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1836). |> |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1835). |> |Both either road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1834). |> |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1833). |> |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1832). |> |Both either road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1831). |> |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1830). |> |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1829). |> |Both either road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1828). |> |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1827). |> |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1826). |> |Both either road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1825). |> |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1824). |> |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1823). |> |Both either road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1822). |> |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1821). |> |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1820). |> |Both either road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1819). |> |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1818). |> |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1817). |> |Both either road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1816). |> |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1815). |> |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1814). |> |Both either road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1813). |> |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1812). |> |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1811). |> |Both either road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1810). |> |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1809). |> |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1808). |> |Both either road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1807). |> |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1806). |> |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1805). |> |Both either road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1804). |> |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1803). |> |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1802). |> |Both either road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1801). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1800). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1799). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1798). |> |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1797). |> |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1796). |> |Both either road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1795). |> |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1794). |> |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1793). |> |Both either road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1792). |> |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1791). |> |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1790). |> |Both any road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1789). |> |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1788). |> |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1787). |> |Both any road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1786). |> |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1785). |> |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1784). |> |Both any road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1783). |> |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1782). |> |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1781). |> |Both any road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1780). |> |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1779). |> |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1778). |> |Both any road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1777). |> |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1776). |> |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1775). |> |Both any road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1774). |> |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1773). |> |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1772). |> |Both any road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1771). |> |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1770). |> |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1769). |> |Both any road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1768). |> |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1767). |> |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1766). |> |Both any road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1765). |> |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1764). |> |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1763). |> |Both any road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1762). |> |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1761). |> |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1760). |> |Both any road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1759). |> |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1758). |> |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1757). |> |Both any road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1756). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1755). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1754). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1753). |> |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1752). |> |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1751). |> |Both any road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.07> (0:2:1750). |> |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1749). |> |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1748). |> |Both any road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.08> (0:2:1747). |> |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2391). |> |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2390). |> |Both some road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2389). |> |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2388). |> |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2387). |> |Both some road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2386). |> |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2385). |> |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2384). |> |Both some road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2383). |> |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2382). |> |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2381). |> |Both some road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2380). |> |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2379). |> |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2378). |> |Both some road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2377). |> |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2376). |> |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2375). |> |Both some road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2374). |> |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2373). |> |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2372). |> |Both some road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2371). |> |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2370). |> |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2369). |> |Both some road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2368). |> |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2367). |> |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2366). |> |Both some road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2365). |> |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2364). |> |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2363). |> |Both some road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2362). |> |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2361). |> |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2360). |> |Both some road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2359). |> |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2358). |> |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2357). |> |Both some road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2356). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2355). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2354). |> |Both some road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2353). |> |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2352). |> |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2351). |> |Both some road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2350). |> |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2349). |> |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2348). |> |Both some road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2347). |> |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2346). |> |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2345). |> |Both no road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2344). |> |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2343). |> |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2342). |> |Both less than an road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2341). |> |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2340). |> |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2339). |> |Both less than a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2338). |> |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2337). |> |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2336). |> |Both less than an road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2335). |> |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2334). |> |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2333). |> |Both less than a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2332). |> |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2331). |> |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2330). |> |Both less than an road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2329). |> |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2328). |> |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2327). |> |Both less than a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2326). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2325). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2324). |> |Both less than an road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2323). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2322). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2321). |> |Both less than a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2320). |> |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2319). |> |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2318). |> |Both less than an road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2317). |> |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2316). |> |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2315). |> |Both less than a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2314). |> |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2313). |> |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2312). |> |Both less than an road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2311). |> |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2310). |> |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2309). |> |Both less than a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2308). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2307). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2306). |> |Both less than an road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2305). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2304). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2303). |> |Both less than a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2302). |> |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2301). |> |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2300). |> |Both less than an road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2299). |> |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2298). |> |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2297). |> |Both less than a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2296). |> |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2295). |> |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2294). |> |Both less than an road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2293). |> |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2292). |> |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2291). |> |Both less than a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2290). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2289). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2288). |> |Both less than an road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2287). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2286). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2285). |> |Both less than a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2284). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2283). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2282). |> |Both less than an road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2281). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2280). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2279). |> |Both less than a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2278). |> |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2277). |> |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2276). |> |Both less than an road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2275). |> |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2274). |> |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2273). |> |Both less than a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2272). |> |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2271). |> |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2270). |> |Both less than an road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2269). |> |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2268). |> |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2267). |> |Both less than a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2266). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2265). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2264). |> |Both less than an road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2263). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2262). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2261). |> |Both less than a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2260). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2259). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2258). |> |Both less than an road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2257). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2256). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2255). |> |Both less than a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.23> (0:0:2254). |> |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2253). |> |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2252). |> |Both each road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2251). |> |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2250). |> |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2249). |> |Both each road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2248). |> |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2247). |> |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2246). |> |Both each road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2245). |> |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2244). |> |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2243). |> |Both each road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2242). |> |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2241). |> |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2240). |> |Both each road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2239). |> |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2238). |> |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2237). |> |Both each road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2236). |> |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2235). |> |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2234). |> |Both each road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2233). |> |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2232). |> |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2231). |> |Both each road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2230). |> |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2229). |> |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2228). |> |Both each road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2227). |> |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2226). |> |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2225). |> |Both each road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2224). |> |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2223). |> |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2222). |> |Both each road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2221). |> |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2220). |> |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2219). |> |Both each road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2218). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2217). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2216). |> |Both each road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2215). |> |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2214). |> |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2213). |> |Both each road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2212). |> |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2211). |> |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2210). |> |Both each road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2209). |> |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2208). |> |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2207). |> |Both this road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2206). |> |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2205). |> |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2204). |> |Both this road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2203). |> |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2202). |> |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2201). |> |Both this road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2200). |> |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2199). |> |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2198). |> |Both this road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2197). |> |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2196). |> |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2195). |> |Both this road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2194). |> |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2193). |> |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2192). |> |Both this road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2191). |> |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2190). |> |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2189). |> |Both this road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2188). |> |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2187). |> |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2186). |> |Both this road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2185). |> |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2184). |> |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2183). |> |Both this road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2182). |> |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2181). |> |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2180). |> |Both this road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2179). |> |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2178). |> |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2177). |> |Both this road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2176). |> |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2175). |> |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2174). |> |Both this road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2173). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2172). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2171). |> |Both this road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2170). |> |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2169). |> |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2168). |> |Both this road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2167). |> |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2166). |> |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2165). |> |Both this road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2164). |> |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2163). |> |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2162). |> |Both that road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2161). |> |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2160). |> |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2159). |> |Both that road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2158). |> |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2157). |> |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2156). |> |Both that road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2155). |> |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2154). |> |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2153). |> |Both that road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2152). |> |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2151). |> |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2150). |> |Both that road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2149). |> |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2148). |> |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2147). |> |Both that road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2146). |> |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2145). |> |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2144). |> |Both that road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2143). |> |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2142). |> |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2141). |> |Both that road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2140). |> |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2139). |> |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2138). |> |Both that road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2137). |> |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2136). |> |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2135). |> |Both that road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2134). |> |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2133). |> |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2132). |> |Both that road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2131). |> |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2130). |> |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2129). |> |Both that road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2128). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2127). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2126). |> |Both that road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2125). |> |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2124). |> |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2123). |> |Both that road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2122). |> |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2121). |> |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2120). |> |Both that road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2119). |> |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2118). |> |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2117). |> |Both which road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2116). |> |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2115). |> |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2114). |> |Both which road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2113). |> |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2112). |> |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2111). |> |Both what road and which bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2110). |> |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2109). |> |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2108). |> |Both what road and what bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:2107). |> |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2106). |> |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2105). |> |Both neither road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2104). |> |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2103). |> |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2102). |> |Both neither road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2101). |> |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2100). |> |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2099). |> |Both neither road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2098). |> |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2097). |> |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2096). |> |Both neither road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2095). |> |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2094). |> |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2093). |> |Both neither road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2092). |> |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2091). |> |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2090). |> |Both neither road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2089). |> |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2088). |> |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2087). |> |Both neither road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2086). |> |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2085). |> |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2084). |> |Both neither road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2083). |> |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2082). |> |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2081). |> |Both neither road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2080). |> |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2079). |> |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2078). |> |Both neither road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2077). |> |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2076). |> |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2075). |> |Both neither road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2074). |> |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2073). |> |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2072). |> |Both neither road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2071). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2070). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2069). |> |Both neither road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2068). |> |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2067). |> |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2066). |> |Both neither road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2065). |> |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2064). |> |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2063). |> |Both neither road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:2062). |> |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2061). |> |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2060). |> |Both what a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2059). |> |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2058). |> |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2057). |> |Both what a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2056). |> |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2055). |> |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2054). |> |Both what a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2053). |> |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2052). |> |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2051). |> |Both what a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2050). |> |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2049). |> |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2048). |> |Both what a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2047). |> |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2046). |> |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2045). |> |Both what a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2044). |> |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2043). |> |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2042). |> |Both what a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2041). |> |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2040). |> |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2039). |> |Both what a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2038). |> |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2037). |> |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2036). |> |Both what a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2035). |> |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2034). |> |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2033). |> |Both what a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2032). |> |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2031). |> |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2030). |> |Both what a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2029). |> |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2028). |> |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2027). |> |Both what a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2026). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2025). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2024). |> |Both what a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2023). |> |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2022). |> |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2021). |> |Both what a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2020). |> |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2019). |> |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2018). |> |Both what a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2017). |> |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2016). |> |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2015). |> |Both many a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2014). |> |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2013). |> |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2012). |> |Both many a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:2011). |> |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2010). |> |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2009). |> |Both many a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2008). |> |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2007). |> |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2006). |> |Both many a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2005). |> |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2004). |> |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2003). |> |Both many a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2002). |> |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2001). |> |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:2000). |> |Both many a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1999). |> |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1998). |> |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1997). |> |Both many a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1996). |> |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1995). |> |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1994). |> |Both many a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1993). |> |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1992). |> |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1991). |> |Both many a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1990). |> |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1989). |> |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1988). |> |Both many a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1987). |> |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1986). |> |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1985). |> |Both many a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1984). |> |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1983). |> |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1982). |> |Both many a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1981). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1980). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1979). |> |Both many a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1978). |> |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1977). |> |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1976). |> |Both many a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1975). |> |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1974). |> |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1973). |> |Both many a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1972). |> |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1971). |> |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1970). |> |Both another road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1969). |> |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1968). |> |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1967). |> |Both another road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1966). |> |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1965). |> |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1964). |> |Both another road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1963). |> |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1962). |> |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1961). |> |Both another road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1960). |> |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1959). |> |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1958). |> |Both another road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1957). |> |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1956). |> |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1955). |> |Both another road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1954). |> |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1953). |> |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1952). |> |Both another road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1951). |> |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1950). |> |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1949). |> |Both another road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1948). |> |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1947). |> |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1946). |> |Both another road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1945). |> |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1944). |> |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1943). |> |Both another road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1942). |> |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1941). |> |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1940). |> |Both another road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1939). |> |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1938). |> |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1937). |> |Both another road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1936). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1935). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1934). |> |Both another road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1933). |> |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1932). |> |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1931). |> |Both another road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1930). |> |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1929). |> |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1928). |> |Both another road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1927). |> |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1926). |> |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1925). |> |Both every road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1924). |> |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1923). |> |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1922). |> |Both every road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1921). |> |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1920). |> |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1919). |> |Both every road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1918). |> |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1917). |> |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1916). |> |Both every road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1915). |> |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1914). |> |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1913). |> |Both every road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1912). |> |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1911). |> |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1910). |> |Both every road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1909). |> |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1908). |> |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1907). |> |Both every road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1906). |> |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1905). |> |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1904). |> |Both every road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1903). |> |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1902). |> |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1901). |> |Both every road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1900). |> |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1899). |> |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1898). |> |Both every road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1897). |> |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1896). |> |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1895). |> |Both every road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1894). |> |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1893). |> |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1892). |> |Both every road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1891). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1890). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1889). |> |Both every road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1888). |> |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1887). |> |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1886). |> |Both every road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1885). |> |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1884). |> |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1883). |> |Both every road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1882). |> |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1881). |> |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1880). |> |Both such a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1879). |> |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1878). |> |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1877). |> |Both such a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1876). |> |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1875). |> |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1874). |> |Both such a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1873). |> |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1872). |> |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1871). |> |Both such a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1870). |> |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1869). |> |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1868). |> |Both such a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1867). |> |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1866). |> |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1865). |> |Both such a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1864). |> |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1863). |> |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1862). |> |Both such a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1861). |> |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1860). |> |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1859). |> |Both such a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1858). |> |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1857). |> |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1856). |> |Both such a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1855). |> |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1854). |> |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1853). |> |Both such a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1852). |> |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1851). |> |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1850). |> |Both such a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1849). |> |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1848). |> |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1847). |> |Both such a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1846). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1845). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1844). |> |Both such a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1843). |> |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1842). |> |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1841). |> |Both such a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.26> (0:0:1840). |> |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1839). |> |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1838). |> |Both such a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1837). |> |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1836). |> |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1835). |> |Both either road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1834). |> |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1833). |> |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1832). |> |Both either road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1831). |> |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1830). |> |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1829). |> |Both either road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1828). |> |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1827). |> |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1826). |> |Both either road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1825). |> |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1824). |> |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1823). |> |Both either road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1822). |> |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1821). |> |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1820). |> |Both either road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1819). |> |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1818). |> |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1817). |> |Both either road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1816). |> |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1815). |> |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1814). |> |Both either road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1813). |> |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1812). |> |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1811). |> |Both either road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1810). |> |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1809). |> |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1808). |> |Both either road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1807). |> |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1806). |> |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1805). |> |Both either road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1804). |> |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1803). |> |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1802). |> |Both either road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1801). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1800). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1799). |> |Both either road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1798). |> |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1797). |> |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1796). |> |Both either road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1795). |> |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:1794). |> |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:1793). |> |Both either road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:1792). |> |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1791). |> |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1790). |> |Both any road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1789). |> |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1788). |> |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1787). |> |Both any road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1786). |> |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1785). |> |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1784). |> |Both any road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1783). |> |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1782). |> |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1781). |> |Both any road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1780). |> |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1779). |> |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1778). |> |Both any road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1777). |> |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1776). |> |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1775). |> |Both any road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1774). |> |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1773). |> |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1772). |> |Both any road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1771). |> |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1770). |> |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1769). |> |Both any road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1768). |> |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1767). |> |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1766). |> |Both any road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1765). |> |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1764). |> |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1763). |> |Both any road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1762). |> |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1761). |> |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1760). |> |Both any road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1759). |> |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1758). |> |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1757). |> |Both any road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1756). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1755). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1754). |> |Both any road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.32> (0:0:1753). |> |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1752). |> |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1751). |> |Both any road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.29> (0:0:1750). |> |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:1749). |> |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:1748). |> |Both any road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.77] <0.33> (0:0:1747). |> |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2405). |> |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.13> (0:2:2404). |> |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.13> (0:2:2403). |> |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2402). |> |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2401). |> |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2400). |> |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2399). |> |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.15> (0:2:2398). |> |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.15> (0:2:2397). |> |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2396). |> |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2395). |> |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.15> (0:2:2394). |> |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2393). |> |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.17> (0:2:2392). |> |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2405). |> |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.47> (0:0:2404). |> |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.47> (0:0:2403). |> |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2402). |> |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2401). |> |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2400). |> |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2399). |> |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.53> (0:0:2398). |> |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.53> (0:0:2397). |> |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2396). |> |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2395). |> |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.53> (0:0:2394). |> |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2393). |> |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.77] <0.60> (0:0:2392). |> |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2419). |> |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.06> (0:2:2418). |> |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.06> (0:2:2417). |> |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2416). |> |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2415). |> |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2414). |> |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2413). |> |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.07> (0:2:2412). |> |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.07> (0:2:2411). |> |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2410). |> |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2409). |> |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.07> (0:2:2408). |> |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2407). |> |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2406). |> |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2419). |> |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.26> (0:0:2418). |> |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.26> (0:0:2417). |> |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2416). |> |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2415). |> |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2414). |> |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2413). |> |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.29> (0:0:2412). |> |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.29> (0:0:2411). |> |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2410). |> |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2409). |> |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.29> (0:0:2408). |> |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2407). |> |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2406). |> |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2422). |> |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2421). |> |Both no road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.78] <0.08> (0:2:2420). |> |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2422). |> |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2421). |> |Both no road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.78] <0.33> (0:0:2420). |> |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.80] <0.08> (0:1:2423). |> |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2468). |> |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2467). |> |Both a road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2466). |> |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2465). |> |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2464). |> |Both a road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2463). |> |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2462). |> |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2461). |> |Both a road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2460). |> |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2459). |> |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2458). |> |Both a road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2457). |> |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2456). |> |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2455). |> |Both a road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2454). |> |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2453). |> |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2452). |> |Both a road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2451). |> |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2450). |> |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2449). |> |Both a road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2448). |> |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2447). |> |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2446). |> |Both a road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2445). |> |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2444). |> |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2443). |> |Both a road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2442). |> |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2441). |> |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2440). |> |Both a road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2439). |> |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2438). |> |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2437). |> |Both a road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2436). |> |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2435). |> |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2434). |> |Both a road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2433). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2432). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2431). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.08> (0:1:2430). |> |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2429). |> |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2428). |> |Both a road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2427). |> |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2426). |> |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2425). |> |Both a road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.81] <0.07> (0:1:2424). |> |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.17> (0:1:2469). |> |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.08> (0:2:2423). |> |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.32> (0:0:2423). |> |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.82] <0.08> (0:1:2470). |> |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2468). |> |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2467). |> |Both a road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2466). |> |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2465). |> |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2464). |> |Both a road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2463). |> |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2462). |> |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2461). |> |Both a road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2460). |> |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2459). |> |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2458). |> |Both a road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2457). |> |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2456). |> |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2455). |> |Both a road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2454). |> |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2453). |> |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2452). |> |Both a road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2451). |> |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2450). |> |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2449). |> |Both a road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2448). |> |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2447). |> |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2446). |> |Both a road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2445). |> |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2444). |> |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2443). |> |Both a road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2442). |> |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2441). |> |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2440). |> |Both a road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2439). |> |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2438). |> |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2437). |> |Both a road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2436). |> |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2435). |> |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2434). |> |Both a road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2433). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2432). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2431). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.08> (0:2:2430). |> |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2429). |> |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2428). |> |Both a road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2427). |> |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2426). |> |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2425). |> |Both a road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.07> (0:2:2424). |> |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2468). |> |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2467). |> |Both a road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2466). |> |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2465). |> |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2464). |> |Both a road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2463). |> |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2462). |> |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2461). |> |Both a road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2460). |> |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2459). |> |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2458). |> |Both a road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2457). |> |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2456). |> |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2455). |> |Both a road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2454). |> |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2453). |> |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2452). |> |Both a road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2451). |> |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2450). |> |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2449). |> |Both a road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2448). |> |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2447). |> |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2446). |> |Both a road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2445). |> |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2444). |> |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2443). |> |Both a road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2442). |> |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2441). |> |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2440). |> |Both a road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2439). |> |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2438). |> |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2437). |> |Both a road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2436). |> |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2435). |> |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2434). |> |Both a road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2433). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2432). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2431). |> |Both a road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.32> (0:0:2430). |> |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2429). |> |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2428). |> |Both a road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2427). |> |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2426). |> |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2425). |> |Both a road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.83] <0.29> (0:0:2424). |> |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.83] <0.17> (0:2:2469). |> |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.83] <0.60> (0:0:2469). |> |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.84] <0.08> (0:2:2470). |> |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.84] <0.33> (0:0:2470). |> |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.87] <0.08> (0:1:2471). |> |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.89] <0.08> (0:2:2471). |> |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.89] <0.32> (0:0:2471). |> |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.93] <0.17> (0:1:2474). |> |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.93] <0.17> (0:1:2473). |> |Both no road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.93] <0.17> (0:1:2472). |> |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.94] <0.17> (0:2:2474). |> |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.94] <0.17> (0:2:2473). |> |Both no road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.94] <0.17> (0:2:2472). |> |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.94] <0.60> (0:0:2474). |> |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.94] <0.60> (0:0:2473). |> |Both no road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.94] <0.60> (0:0:2472). |> |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2489). |> |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2488). |> |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2487). |> |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2486). |> |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2485). |> |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2484). |> |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> (0:1:2483). |> |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2482). |> |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2481). |> |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> (0:1:2480). |> |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> (0:1:2479). |> |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2478). |> |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2477). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.08> (0:1:2476). |> |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-1.96] <0.07> (0:1:2475). |> |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2531). |> |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2530). |> |Both some road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2529). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.06> (0:1:2528). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.06> (0:1:2527). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.06> (0:1:2526). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.06> (0:1:2525). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.06> (0:1:2524). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.06> (0:1:2523). |> |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2522). |> |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2521). |> |Both each road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2520). |> |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2519). |> |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2518). |> |Both this road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2517). |> |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2516). |> |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2515). |> |Both that road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2514). |> |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2513). |> |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2512). |> |Both neither road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2511). |> |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2510). |> |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2509). |> |Both what a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2508). |> |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2507). |> |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2506). |> |Both many a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2505). |> |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2504). |> |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2503). |> |Both another road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2502). |> |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2501). |> |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2500). |> |Both every road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2499). |> |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2498). |> |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2497). |> |Both such a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.07> (0:1:2496). |> |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2495). |> |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2494). |> |Both either road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2493). |> |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2492). |> |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2491). |> |Both any road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2490). |> |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2534). |> |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2533). |> |Both the road and no bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.97] <0.08> (0:1:2532). |> |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2489). |> |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2488). |> |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2487). |> |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2486). |> |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2485). |> |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2484). |> |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2483). |> |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2482). |> |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2481). |> |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2480). |> |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2479). |> |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2478). |> |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2477). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2476). |> |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2475). |> |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2489). |> |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2488). |> |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2487). |> |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2486). |> |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2485). |> |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2484). |> |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2483). |> |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2482). |> |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2481). |> |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2480). |> |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2479). |> |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2478). |> |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2477). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2476). |> |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2475). |> |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2576). |> |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2575). |> |Both some road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2574). |> |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:1:2573). |> |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:1:2572). |> |Both less than an road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:1:2571). |> |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:1:2570). |> |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:1:2569). |> |Both less than a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:1:2568). |> |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2567). |> |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2566). |> |Both each road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2565). |> |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2564). |> |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2563). |> |Both this road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2562). |> |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2561). |> |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2560). |> |Both that road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2559). |> |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2558). |> |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2557). |> |Both neither road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2556). |> |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2555). |> |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2554). |> |Both what a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2553). |> |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2552). |> |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2551). |> |Both many a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2550). |> |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2549). |> |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2548). |> |Both another road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2547). |> |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2546). |> |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2545). |> |Both every road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2544). |> |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2543). |> |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2542). |> |Both such a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:1:2541). |> |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2540). |> |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2539). |> |Both either road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2538). |> |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2537). |> |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2536). |> |Both any road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:1:2535). |> |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2531). |> |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2530). |> |Both some road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2529). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:2:2528). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:2:2527). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:2:2526). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:2:2525). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:2:2524). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.06> (0:2:2523). |> |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2522). |> |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2521). |> |Both each road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2520). |> |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2519). |> |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2518). |> |Both this road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2517). |> |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2516). |> |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2515). |> |Both that road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2514). |> |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2513). |> |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2512). |> |Both neither road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2511). |> |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2510). |> |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2509). |> |Both what a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2508). |> |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2507). |> |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2506). |> |Both many a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2505). |> |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2504). |> |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2503). |> |Both another road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2502). |> |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2501). |> |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2500). |> |Both every road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2499). |> |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2498). |> |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2497). |> |Both such a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.07> (0:2:2496). |> |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2495). |> |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2494). |> |Both either road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2493). |> |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2492). |> |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2491). |> |Both any road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.08> (0:2:2490). |> |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2531). |> |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2530). |> |Both some road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2529). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.26> (0:0:2528). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.26> (0:0:2527). |> |Both less than an road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.26> (0:0:2526). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.26> (0:0:2525). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.26> (0:0:2524). |> |Both less than a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.26> (0:0:2523). |> |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2522). |> |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2521). |> |Both each road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2520). |> |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2519). |> |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2518). |> |Both this road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2517). |> |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2516). |> |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2515). |> |Both that road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2514). |> |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2513). |> |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2512). |> |Both neither road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2511). |> |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2510). |> |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2509). |> |Both what a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2508). |> |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2507). |> |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2506). |> |Both many a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2505). |> |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2504). |> |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2503). |> |Both another road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2502). |> |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2501). |> |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2500). |> |Both every road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2499). |> |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2498). |> |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2497). |> |Both such a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.29> (0:0:2496). |> |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2495). |> |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2494). |> |Both either road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2493). |> |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2492). |> |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2491). |> |Both any road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.98] <0.32> (0:0:2490). |> |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø?| [-1.99] <0.08> (0:2:2534). |> |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø.| [-1.99] <0.08> (0:2:2533). |> |Both the road and no bus services to Turtagrø,| [-1.99] <0.08> (0:2:2532). |> |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-1.99] <0.32> (0:0:2534). |> |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-1.99] <0.32> (0:0:2533). |> |Both the road and no bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-1.99] <0.32> (0:0:2532). |> |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2576). |> |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2575). |> |Both some road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2574). |> |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.06> (0:2:2573). |> |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.06> (0:2:2572). |> |Both less than an road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.06> (0:2:2571). |> |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.06> (0:2:2570). |> |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.06> (0:2:2569). |> |Both less than a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.06> (0:2:2568). |> |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2567). |> |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2566). |> |Both each road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2565). |> |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2564). |> |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2563). |> |Both this road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2562). |> |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2561). |> |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2560). |> |Both that road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2559). |> |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2558). |> |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2557). |> |Both neither road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2556). |> |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2555). |> |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2554). |> |Both what a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2553). |> |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2552). |> |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2551). |> |Both many a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2550). |> |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2549). |> |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2548). |> |Both another road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2547). |> |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2546). |> |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2545). |> |Both every road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2544). |> |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2543). |> |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2542). |> |Both such a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.07> (0:2:2541). |> |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2540). |> |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2539). |> |Both either road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2538). |> |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2537). |> |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2536). |> |Both any road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.08> (0:2:2535). |> |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2576). |> |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2575). |> |Both some road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2574). |> |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.26> (0:0:2573). |> |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.26> (0:0:2572). |> |Both less than an road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.26> (0:0:2571). |> |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.26> (0:0:2570). |> |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.26> (0:0:2569). |> |Both less than a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.26> (0:0:2568). |> |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2567). |> |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2566). |> |Both each road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2565). |> |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2564). |> |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2563). |> |Both this road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2562). |> |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2561). |> |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2560). |> |Both that road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2559). |> |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2558). |> |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2557). |> |Both neither road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2556). |> |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2555). |> |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2554). |> |Both what a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2553). |> |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2552). |> |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2551). |> |Both many a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2550). |> |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2549). |> |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2548). |> |Both another road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2547). |> |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2546). |> |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2545). |> |Both every road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2544). |> |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2543). |> |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2542). |> |Both such a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.29> (0:0:2541). |> |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2540). |> |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2539). |> |Both either road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2538). |> |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2537). |> |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2536). |> |Both any road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.00] <0.33> (0:0:2535). |> |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.03] <0.08> (0:1:2579). |> |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.03] <0.08> (0:1:2578). |> |Both a road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.03] <0.08> (0:1:2577). |> |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:1:2582). |> |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:1:2581). |> |Both a road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:1:2580). |> |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:1:2585). |> |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:1:2584). |> |Both no road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:1:2583). |> |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:2:2579). |> |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:2:2578). |> |Both a road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.08> (0:2:2577). |> |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.04] <0.32> (0:0:2579). |> |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.04] <0.32> (0:0:2578). |> |Both a road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.04] <0.32> (0:0:2577). |> |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.05] <0.08> (0:2:2582). |> |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.05] <0.08> (0:2:2581). |> |Both a road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.05] <0.08> (0:2:2580). |> |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.05] <0.33> (0:0:2582). |> |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.05] <0.33> (0:0:2581). |> |Both a road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.05] <0.33> (0:0:2580). |> |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.06] <0.08> (0:2:2585). |> |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.06] <0.08> (0:2:2584). |> |Both no road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.06] <0.08> (0:2:2583). |> |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.06] <0.32> (0:0:2585). |> |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.06] <0.32> (0:0:2584). |> |Both no road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.06] <0.32> (0:0:2583). |> |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2599). |> |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.06> (0:1:2598). |> |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.06> (0:1:2597). |> |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2596). |> |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2595). |> |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2594). |> |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2593). |> |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.07> (0:1:2592). |> |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.07> (0:1:2591). |> |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2590). |> |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2589). |> |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.07> (0:1:2588). |> |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2587). |> |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.09] <0.08> (0:1:2586). |> |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2599). |> |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.06> (0:2:2598). |> |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.06> (0:2:2597). |> |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2596). |> |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2595). |> |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2594). |> |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2593). |> |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.07> (0:2:2592). |> |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.07> (0:2:2591). |> |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2590). |> |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2589). |> |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.07> (0:2:2588). |> |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2587). |> |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.08> (0:2:2586). |> |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2599). |> |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.26> (0:0:2598). |> |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.26> (0:0:2597). |> |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2596). |> |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2595). |> |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2594). |> |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2593). |> |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.29> (0:0:2592). |> |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.29> (0:0:2591). |> |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2590). |> |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2589). |> |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.29> (0:0:2588). |> |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2587). |> |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.10] <0.32> (0:0:2586). |> |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2641). |> |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2640). |> |Both some road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2639). |> |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.13> (0:1:2638). |> |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.13> (0:1:2637). |> |Both less than an road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.13> (0:1:2636). |> |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.13> (0:1:2635). |> |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.13> (0:1:2634). |> |Both less than a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.13> (0:1:2633). |> |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2632). |> |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2631). |> |Both each road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2630). |> |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2629). |> |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2628). |> |Both this road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2627). |> |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2626). |> |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2625). |> |Both that road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2624). |> |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2623). |> |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2622). |> |Both neither road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2621). |> |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2620). |> |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2619). |> |Both what a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2618). |> |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2617). |> |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2616). |> |Both many a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2615). |> |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2614). |> |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2613). |> |Both another road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2612). |> |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2611). |> |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2610). |> |Both every road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2609). |> |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2608). |> |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2607). |> |Both such a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.15> (0:1:2606). |> |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2605). |> |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2604). |> |Both either road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2603). |> |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2602). |> |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2601). |> |Both any road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.14] <0.17> (0:1:2600). |> |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.14] <0.08> (0:1:2642). |> |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2641). |> |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2640). |> |Both some road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2639). |> |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.13> (0:2:2638). |> |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.13> (0:2:2637). |> |Both less than an road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.13> (0:2:2636). |> |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.13> (0:2:2635). |> |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.13> (0:2:2634). |> |Both less than a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.13> (0:2:2633). |> |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2632). |> |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2631). |> |Both each road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2630). |> |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2629). |> |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2628). |> |Both this road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2627). |> |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2626). |> |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2625). |> |Both that road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2624). |> |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2623). |> |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2622). |> |Both neither road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2621). |> |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2620). |> |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2619). |> |Both what a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2618). |> |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2617). |> |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2616). |> |Both many a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2615). |> |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2614). |> |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2613). |> |Both another road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2612). |> |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2611). |> |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2610). |> |Both every road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2609). |> |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2608). |> |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2607). |> |Both such a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.15> (0:2:2606). |> |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2605). |> |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2604). |> |Both either road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2603). |> |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2602). |> |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2601). |> |Both any road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.17> (0:2:2600). |> |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2641). |> |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2640). |> |Both some road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2639). |> |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.47> (0:0:2638). |> |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.47> (0:0:2637). |> |Both less than an road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.47> (0:0:2636). |> |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.47> (0:0:2635). |> |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.47> (0:0:2634). |> |Both less than a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.47> (0:0:2633). |> |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2632). |> |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2631). |> |Both each road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2630). |> |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2629). |> |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2628). |> |Both this road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2627). |> |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2626). |> |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2625). |> |Both that road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2624). |> |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2623). |> |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2622). |> |Both neither road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2621). |> |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2620). |> |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2619). |> |Both what a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2618). |> |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2617). |> |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2616). |> |Both many a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2615). |> |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2614). |> |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2613). |> |Both another road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2612). |> |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2611). |> |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2610). |> |Both every road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2609). |> |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2608). |> |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2607). |> |Both such a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.53> (0:0:2606). |> |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2605). |> |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2604). |> |Both either road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2603). |> |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2602). |> |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2601). |> |Both any road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.16] <0.60> (0:0:2600). |> |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.16] <0.08> (0:2:2642). |> |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.16] <0.32> (0:0:2642). |> |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.18] <0.08> (0:1:2643). |> |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2688). |> |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2687). |> |Both the road and enough bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2686). |> |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2685). |> |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2684). |> |Both the road and such bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2683). |> |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2682). |> |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2681). |> |Both the road and those bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2680). |> |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2679). |> |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2678). |> |Both the road and any bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2677). |> |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2676). |> |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2675). |> |Both the road and most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2674). |> |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2673). |> |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2672). |> |Both the road and less bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2671). |> |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2670). |> |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2669). |> |Both the road and the most bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2668). |> |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2667). |> |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2666). |> |Both the road and some bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2665). |> |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2664). |> |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2663). |> |Both the road and these bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2662). |> |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2661). |> |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2660). |> |Both the road and some more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2659). |> |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2658). |> |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2657). |> |Both the road and no more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2656). |> |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2655). |> |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2654). |> |Both the road and all bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2653). |> |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2652). |> |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2651). |> |Both the road and either bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2650). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2649). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2648). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:1:2647). |> |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2646). |> |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2645). |> |Both the road and any more bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.19] <0.07> (0:1:2644). |> |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.19] <0.17> (0:1:2689). |> |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.19] <0.08> (0:2:2643). |> |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.19] <0.32> (0:0:2643). |> |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:1:2690). |> |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.17> (0:1:2693). |> |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.17> (0:1:2692). |> |Both a road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.17> (0:1:2691). |> |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2688). |> |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2687). |> |Both the road and enough bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2686). |> |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2685). |> |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2684). |> |Both the road and such bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2683). |> |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2682). |> |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2681). |> |Both the road and those bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2680). |> |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2679). |> |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2678). |> |Both the road and any bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2677). |> |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2676). |> |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2675). |> |Both the road and most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2674). |> |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2673). |> |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2672). |> |Both the road and less bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2671). |> |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2670). |> |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2669). |> |Both the road and the most bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2668). |> |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2667). |> |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2666). |> |Both the road and some bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2665). |> |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2664). |> |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2663). |> |Both the road and these bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2662). |> |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2661). |> |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2660). |> |Both the road and some more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2659). |> |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2658). |> |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2657). |> |Both the road and no more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2656). |> |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2655). |> |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2654). |> |Both the road and all bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2653). |> |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2652). |> |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2651). |> |Both the road and either bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2650). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2649). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2648). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.08> (0:2:2647). |> |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2646). |> |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2645). |> |Both the road and any more bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.07> (0:2:2644). |> |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2688). |> |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2687). |> |Both the road and enough bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2686). |> |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2685). |> |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2684). |> |Both the road and such bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2683). |> |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2682). |> |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2681). |> |Both the road and those bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2680). |> |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2679). |> |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2678). |> |Both the road and any bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2677). |> |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2676). |> |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2675). |> |Both the road and most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2674). |> |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2673). |> |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2672). |> |Both the road and less bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2671). |> |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2670). |> |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2669). |> |Both the road and the most bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2668). |> |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2667). |> |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2666). |> |Both the road and some bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2665). |> |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2664). |> |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2663). |> |Both the road and these bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2662). |> |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2661). |> |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2660). |> |Both the road and some more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2659). |> |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2658). |> |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2657). |> |Both the road and no more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2656). |> |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2655). |> |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2654). |> |Both the road and all bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2653). |> |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2652). |> |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2651). |> |Both the road and either bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2650). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2649). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2648). |> |Both the road and umpteen bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.32> (0:0:2647). |> |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2646). |> |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2645). |> |Both the road and any more bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.20] <0.29> (0:0:2644). |> |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.17> (0:2:2689). |> |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.60> (0:0:2689). |> |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.08> (0:2:2690). |> |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.21] <0.33> (0:0:2690). |> |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.22] <0.17> (0:2:2693). |> |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.22] <0.17> (0:2:2692). |> |Both a road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.22] <0.17> (0:2:2691). |> |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.22] <0.60> (0:0:2693). |> |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.22] <0.60> (0:0:2692). |> |Both a road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.22] <0.60> (0:0:2691). |> |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2735). |> |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2734). |> |Both some road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2733). |> |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.06> (0:1:2732). |> |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.06> (0:1:2731). |> |Both less than an road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.06> (0:1:2730). |> |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.06> (0:1:2729). |> |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.06> (0:1:2728). |> |Both less than a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.06> (0:1:2727). |> |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2726). |> |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2725). |> |Both each road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2724). |> |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2723). |> |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2722). |> |Both this road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2721). |> |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2720). |> |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2719). |> |Both that road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2718). |> |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2717). |> |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2716). |> |Both neither road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2715). |> |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2714). |> |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2713). |> |Both what a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2712). |> |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2711). |> |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2710). |> |Both many a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2709). |> |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2708). |> |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2707). |> |Both another road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2706). |> |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2705). |> |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2704). |> |Both every road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2703). |> |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2702). |> |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2701). |> |Both such a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.07> (0:1:2700). |> |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2699). |> |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2698). |> |Both either road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2697). |> |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2696). |> |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2695). |> |Both any road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.26] <0.08> (0:1:2694). |> |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2735). |> |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2734). |> |Both some road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2733). |> |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.06> (0:2:2732). |> |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.06> (0:2:2731). |> |Both less than an road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.06> (0:2:2730). |> |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.06> (0:2:2729). |> |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.06> (0:2:2728). |> |Both less than a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.06> (0:2:2727). |> |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2726). |> |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2725). |> |Both each road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2724). |> |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2723). |> |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2722). |> |Both this road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2721). |> |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2720). |> |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2719). |> |Both that road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2718). |> |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2717). |> |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2716). |> |Both neither road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2715). |> |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2714). |> |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2713). |> |Both what a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2712). |> |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2711). |> |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2710). |> |Both many a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2709). |> |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2708). |> |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2707). |> |Both another road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2706). |> |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2705). |> |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2704). |> |Both every road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2703). |> |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2702). |> |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2701). |> |Both such a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.07> (0:2:2700). |> |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2699). |> |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2698). |> |Both either road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2697). |> |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2696). |> |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2695). |> |Both any road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.08> (0:2:2694). |> |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2735). |> |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2734). |> |Both some road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2733). |> |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.26> (0:0:2732). |> |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.26> (0:0:2731). |> |Both less than an road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.26> (0:0:2730). |> |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.26> (0:0:2729). |> |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.26> (0:0:2728). |> |Both less than a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.26> (0:0:2727). |> |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2726). |> |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2725). |> |Both each road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2724). |> |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2723). |> |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2722). |> |Both this road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2721). |> |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2720). |> |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2719). |> |Both that road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2718). |> |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2717). |> |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2716). |> |Both neither road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2715). |> |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2714). |> |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2713). |> |Both what a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2712). |> |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2711). |> |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2710). |> |Both many a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2709). |> |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2708). |> |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2707). |> |Both another road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2706). |> |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2705). |> |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2704). |> |Both every road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2703). |> |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2702). |> |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2701). |> |Both such a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.29> (0:0:2700). |> |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2699). |> |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2698). |> |Both either road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2697). |> |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2696). |> |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2695). |> |Both any road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.27] <0.32> (0:0:2694). |> |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.31] <0.08> (0:1:2738). |> |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.31] <0.08> (0:1:2737). |> |Both a road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.31] <0.08> (0:1:2736). |> |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.33] <0.08> (0:2:2738). |> |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.33] <0.08> (0:2:2737). |> |Both a road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.33] <0.08> (0:2:2736). |> |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.33] <0.32> (0:0:2738). |> |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.33] <0.32> (0:0:2737). |> |Both a road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.33] <0.32> (0:0:2736). |> |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.40] <0.08> (0:1:2741). |> |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.40] <0.08> (0:1:2740). |> |Both the road and zero bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.40] <0.08> (0:1:2739). |> |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.41] <0.08> (0:1:2744). |> |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.41] <0.08> (0:1:2743). |> |Both the road and both bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.41] <0.08> (0:1:2742). |> |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.42] <0.08> (0:2:2741). |> |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.42] <0.08> (0:2:2740). |> |Both the road and zero bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.42] <0.08> (0:2:2739). |> |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.42] <0.32> (0:0:2741). |> |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.42] <0.32> (0:0:2740). |> |Both the road and zero bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.42] <0.32> (0:0:2739). |> |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.43] <0.08> (0:2:2744). |> |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.43] <0.08> (0:2:2743). |> |Both the road and both bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.43] <0.08> (0:2:2742). |> |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.43] <0.33> (0:0:2744). |> |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.43] <0.33> (0:0:2743). |> |Both the road and both bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.43] <0.33> (0:0:2742). |> |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø| [-2.52] <0.08> (0:1:2745). |> |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø| [-2.54] <0.08> (0:2:2745). |> |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø| [-2.54] <0.33> (0:0:2745). |> |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.58] <0.17> (0:1:2748). |> |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.58] <0.17> (0:1:2747). |> |Both the road and bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.58] <0.17> (0:1:2746). |> |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.59] <0.17> (0:2:2748). |> |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.59] <0.17> (0:2:2747). |> |Both the road and bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.59] <0.17> (0:2:2746). |> |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.59] <0.60> (0:0:2748). |> |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.59] <0.60> (0:0:2747). |> |Both the road and bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.59] <0.60> (0:0:2746). |> |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø?| [-2.69] <0.08> (0:1:2751). |> |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø.| [-2.69] <0.08> (0:1:2750). |> |Both the road and the bus rounds to Turtagrø,| [-2.69] <0.08> (0:1:2749). |> |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø?| [-2.71] <0.08> (0:2:2751). |> |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø.| [-2.71] <0.08> (0:2:2750). |> |Both the road and the bus services to Turtagrø,| [-2.71] <0.08> (0:2:2749). |> |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø?| [-2.71] <0.33> (0:0:2751). |> |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø.| [-2.71] <0.33> (0:0:2750). |> |Both the road and the bus routes to Turtagrø,| [-2.71] <0.33> (0:0:2749). |= 36:21 of 98 {36.7+21.4}; 18:10 of 36:21 {50.0 47.6}; 13:10 of 18:10 {72.2 100.0} @ 23 of 98 {23.5} <0.11 0.48>.