M-x logon ;for logon version of delphin M-x lisp ;to call up the lisp M-x japanese ; load the japanified lisp :ld ~/logon/dot.clinit.cl ; to not confuse things (lmt) ; load the full logon system :ld ~/logon/dot.tsdbrc ; overwrite my sane and beautiful settings (tsdb:tsdb :cpu :jacy :file t) ; load jacy ;;; do by hand for now in logon/uio/jaen/lkb/script (read-script-file-aux "~/logon/uio/jaen/lkb/script") ;;; start a generator [maybe in a new window] $LOGONROOT/lingo/lkb/server ======================================================================== Now my troubles begin ======================================================================== (mt::parse-interactively "食べる") (mt::parse-interactively "犬 が 猫 を 食べる") (mt::parse-interactively "猫 を 犬 が 食べる") (mt::parse-interactively "犬 が 吠える") (mt::parse-interactively "犬 が 猫 を 3 匹 食べる") (mt::parse-interactively "犬 が 猫 を 早く 食べる") ======================================================================== Useful shell thingies Find transfer predicate errors: grep "# 0" *iwslt*11*.fan | grep transfer | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d'|' -f 1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n Find generation predicate errors (often misleading): grep "# 0" *iwslt*11*.fan | grep output | cut -d: -f 4 | cut -d'|' -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n