(set-coding-system utf-8) ;;; ;;; First, load a number of LKB-specific settings; typically no need to look ;;; too closely here ;;; (lkb-load-lisp (parent-directory) "Version.lsp" t) (setf *grammar-directory* (parent-directory)) (lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "globals.lsp") (lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "user-fns.lsp") (lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "checkpaths.lsp") (load-lkb-preferences (this-directory) "user-prefs.lsp") ;;; ;;; Optionally, load a set of irregular morphological patterns ;;; (load-irregular-spellings (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "irregs.tab")) ;;; ;;; Now the core grammar: to preserve the fiction of separating the matrix ;;; from language-specific parts, we recommend at least one additional file; ;;; larger grammars have ended up organizing files roughly by content, e.g. ;;; fundamental types (similar to what comes with the matrix already), types ;;; for constructions, lexical types, semantic types, etc. If you have ;;; multiple such files, there should be a line for each in the following. ;;; Here we have just included matrix.tdl and one other grammar file ;;; `my_language.tdl', which you might want to rename. ;;; (read-tdl-type-files-aux (list (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "matrix.tdl") (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "head-types.tdl") (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "farsi.tdl") ; ERB 2007-07-3 Support for tigger rules (lkb-pathname (this-directory) "trigger.tdl") )) ;;; ;;; Next, the lexicon itself, instantiating (lexical) types of the grammar ;;; (some grammars with larger lexica organize them into multiple files). ;;; (read-tdl-lex-file-aux (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "lexicon.tdl")) ;(read-cached-lex-if-available (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "lexicon.tdl")) ;;; ;;; Finally, the grammar rules, lexical rules (given special treatment in the ;;; parser in that they can apply _prior_ to `inflectional' rules), and the ;;; `inflectional' rules themselves (rules with an associated orthographemic ;;; alternation of the surface string). ;;; (read-tdl-grammar-file-aux (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "rules.tdl")) (read-tdl-lex-rule-file-aux (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "lrules.tdl")) (read-morph-file-aux (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "irules.tdl")) ;;; ;;; The `start symbol(s)' of the grammar. ;;; (read-tdl-psort-file-aux (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "roots.tdl")) ;;; ;;; Optionally, a set of types providing labels for nodes in parse trees ;;; (read-tdl-parse-node-file-aux (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "labels.tdl")) ;;; ;;; A few more LKB-specific settings, this time for MRS post-processing and ;;; generation; also, we always compute the generation index (while we have ;;; small lexica) in the hope that the generator will be used frequently. ;;; (lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "mrsglobals.lisp" t) ;(index-for-generator) ;;; ;;; finally, use the new transfer component: initially, we need a dedicated ;;; call to freshly initialize the transfer component and then load any number ;;; of rule sets, each in a separate file, associated with its identifier. ;;; ;#+:mt ;(mt:initialize-transfer) ;#+:mt ;(lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "mt.lsp" t) ;#+:mt ;(mt:read-transfer-rules ; (list ; (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "paraphraser.mtr")) ; "MWE Paraphraser" ; :filter nil) ;;; ;;; the mapping from grammar-internal to SEM-I compliant variable properties ;;; (mt:read-vpm (lkb-pathname (parent-directory) "semi.vpm") :semi) (lkb-load-lisp (this-directory) "mt.lsp" t) (setf *last-parses* '("in gorbe ketabra xand" "man mitavanam shishera bexoram" "gorbe amad")) (mt:read-transfer-rules (list (lkb-pathname (this-directory) "trigger.mtr")) "Generation Trigger Rules" :filter nil :task :trigger :recurse nil :edges 200)