----------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: An example of a case-marker would be "yaar˜o yaa-sˆyaa wˆ maalˆmins littaaf“i", (the boy bought the teacher a book, where "wˆ" is marking teacher "maalˆmins" as the indirect object). This example doesn't parse :( I changed my head-opt-subject-phrase (which only functions with the sentence-final question marker) so that it would only take a main clause verb, or in other words a non-head-dtr with an inflected verb (not infinitive). I assume you mean head-dtr, since head-opt-subj is a unary rule (and therefor has no non-head-dtr). I don't understand why this rule is currently constraining the CASE of the subject, though. I think that constraint probably isn't having any effect. Now the CASE nom pronoun "I and the boy went to the market" (nii dˆ yaar˜o mun-jee kˆasuwaa) will parse, but the CASE dat won't (min“ dˆ yaar˜o mun-jee kˆasuwaa). Nice :-)