;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; $Id$ ;;;; ;;;; Unit and functional tests for xml-struct-dom.lisp ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2004 Sven Van Caekenberghe, Beta Nine BVBA. ;;;; ;;;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. (in-package :s-xml) (assert (xml-equal (with-input-from-string (stream " <foo/>") (parse-xml stream :output-type :xml-struct)) (make-xml-element :name :|foo|))) (assert (xml-equal (parse-xml-string "<tag1><tag2 att1='one'/>this is some text</tag1>" :output-type :xml-struct) (make-xml-element :name :|tag1| :children (list (make-xml-element :name :|tag2| :attributes '((:|att1| . "one"))) "this is some text")))) (assert (xml-equal (parse-xml-string "<tag><foo></tag>" :output-type :xml-struct) (make-xml-element :name :|tag| :children (list "<foo>")))) (assert (xml-equal (parse-xml-string "<P><INDEX ITEM='one'/> This is some <B>bold</B> text, with a leading & trailing space </P>" :output-type :xml-struct) (make-xml-element :name :p :children (list (make-xml-element :name :index :attributes '((:item . "one"))) " This is some " (make-xml-element :name :b :children (list "bold")) " text, with a leading & trailing space ")))) (assert (xml-element-p (parse-xml-file (merge-pathnames "xhtml-page.xml" *load-pathname*) :output-type :xml-struct))) (assert (xml-element-p (parse-xml-file (merge-pathnames "ant-build-file.xml" *load-pathname*) :output-type :xml-struct))) (assert (xml-element-p (parse-xml-file (merge-pathnames "plist.xml" *load-pathname*) :output-type :xml-struct))) (assert (string-equal (print-xml-string (make-xml-element :name "foo") :input-type :xml-struct) "<foo/>")) (assert (string-equal (print-xml-string (make-xml-element :name "foo" :attributes '((:|bar| . "1"))) :input-type :xml-struct) "<foo bar=\"1\"/>")) (assert (string-equal (print-xml-string (make-xml-element :name "foo" :children (list "some text")) :input-type :xml-struct) "<foo>some text</foo>")) (assert (string-equal (print-xml-string (make-xml-element :name "foo" :children (list (make-xml-element :name "bar"))) :input-type :xml-struct) "<foo><bar/></foo>")) ;;;; eof