;;; -*- coding: utf-8; -*- ;; 'harmony' test suite ;; Norwegian-English pairs where harmonized MRSs are expected ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Adverbs and prepositions ; Intersective attitude adverbs Abrams sover dessverre. Abrams unfortunately sleeps. Heldigvis sover Abrams. Fortunately Abrams sleeps. ; Norwegian 'particle' adverbs Abrams sover jo. After all, Abrams sleeps. Abrams sover nok ikke. Abrams doesn't sleep, I bet. Abrams sover vel ikke. Abrams doesn't sleep, I guess. ; Scopal commitment adverbs Abrams sover sannsynligvis ikke ofte. Abrams probably doesn't often sleep. Utvilsomt sover Abrams ofte ikke. Undoubtedly Abrams often doesn't sleep. ; Sentence adverbs in different positions Abrams finner ofte stien. Abrams often finds the path. Abrams finner stien ofte. Abrams finds the path often. ; Locational and temporal adverbs Abrams finner der et passende nattelosji. There Abrams finds a suitable shelter. Abrams finner et passende nattelosji der. Abrams finds a suitable shelter there. Abrams må nå finne stien. Now Abrams must find the path. ; Clause-initial adverbs as topics Når tror du at Abrams kommer? When do you think Abrams arrives? ; Modifier attachment to modals På mandag kan Abrams sove. On Monday Abrams can sleep. Abrams kan sove på mandag. Abrams can sleep on Monday. ; Verb phrase adverbs/one-arg. prepositions Browne flyttet skiene sidelengs. Browne moved the skis sidewards. Browne må gå ut. Browne must go out. ; Complex locative prepositions ;; PP as modifier of adv/prep: Browne gikk ned i huset. Browne went down into the house. ;; PP as object of prep: Browne kom fra bak huset. Browne came from behind the house. ; Adverbs from adjectives Browne synger vakkert. Browne sings beautifully. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Comparatives and superlatives ;;; Comparatives ;; Adjectives ; Simple attribute adjective Vi foretrekker lettere terreng. We prefer easier terrain. ; Simple deverbal adjective (NO) Vi finner et mer passende nattelosji. We find a more suitable shelter. ; Deverbal adjective (NO) with contrast Den ansees nok som litt mer krevende enn den andre. It's considered to be a bit more demanding than the other. ; Adjectival passive Man kan finne mer skjermede forhold. One can find more sheltered conditions. ; Measure NP specifier of comparative Hesten er fem centimeter høyere enn hunden. The horse is five centimeters taller than the dog. ;; NPs ; Simple plural NP Det er flere turer enn Besseggen. There are more hikes than Besseggen. ; Measure NP (or comparative of cardinal adjective) Den er ikke på mer enn 1421 meter. It is not more than 1421 meters. ;; Adverbs Stien fortsetter litt slakere oppover mot Lågtunga. The trail continues a little more gently up towards Lågtunga. ;;;; Superlatives ;; Adjectives ; Simple attributive adjective Norges vakreste fjellsjø er Gjende. Norway's most beautiful mountain lake is Gjende. ; Attribute adjectival passive De mest utsatte stedene er her. The most exposed places are here. ; Bare adjectival passive NP De mest besøkte var Jotunheimen. The most visited were Jotunheimen. ;; NPs ; 'flest' => 'the most' Norge tiltrekker seg flest fotturister. Norway attracts the most hiking tourists. ;; The preceding sentence is ambiguous. The translation reflects the reading ;; 'more hiking tourists than other countries do'. But it could also mean ;; 'more hiking tourists than other tourists', in which case the translation ;; would probably be 'Norway attracts most hiking tourists'...? (NorGram doesn't ;; capture this ambiguity.) -HD ; 'de fleste' => 'most' De fleste gjestene sover. Most guests sleep. ;; Adverbs Hytta er utvidet flere ganger, senest i 1993. The lodge has been expanded several times, most recently in 1993. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Named entities ;;; Titles ; Simple pre-head Se hefte 2. See booklet 2. ; Simple post-head Hytta ligger i Lom kommune. The lodge is located in Lom township. ; Compound in NO => post-head in EN Memurudalen er fruktbar. Memuru valley is fertile. ; Appositive in NO => pre-head in EN Engelskmannen Charles Bamford kjøpte den. Englishman Charles Bamford bought it. ; Compound in NO => pre-head in EN Frognerparken er berømt. Frogner Park is famous. ; Compound in NO => compound in EN Jotunheimveien passerer hytta. The Jotunheimen road passes the lodge. ; Compound post-head Bygdin høyfjellshotell ble innviet i juni. Bygdin Mountain Hotel was opened in June. ; Compound post-head title in NO => compound noun in EN Informasjon gis av Jotunheimen Reiseliv. Information is provided by the Jotunheimen Tourist Association. ;;; Complex proper names ; Given and family name Bjørg Aaseng sover. Bjørg Aaseng sleeps. ; Three names Olav Gaute Vole sover. Olav Gaute Vole sleeps. ; Initial and family name J. Arnesen sover. J. Arnesen sleeps. ; Given, initial, and family name William C. Slingsby sover. William C. Slingsby sleeps. ; Title with complex name Professor B.M. Keilhau sover. Professor B.M. Keilhau sleeps. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Degree specifiers ; With quantifier Bare denne hunden sov. Only this dog slept. Bare en hund bjeffer. Only a dog barks. ; With bare plural Bare hunder sov. Only dogs slept. ; With proper name Bare Petter sover. Only Petter sleeps. ; With cardinal adjective Browne spiste nesten tre epler. Browne ate nearly three apples. ; With comparative adjective Den er mye eldre. It is much older. ; With degree specifier Den er ikke fullt så høy. It is not quite as high. ; With comparative adverb Stien fortsetter litt slakere oppover mot Lågtunga. The trail continues a little more gently up towards Lågtunga. ;; The preceding sentence occurs twice. Intentional? -HD ; Measure NP with adverb Hundene bjeffet 130 år senere. The dogs barked 130 years later. ; With prepositions Hunder sover bare om sommeren. Dogs sleep only in summer. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Coordination ; Tense marking on conjoined sentences Abrams sov og Browne kommer. Abrams slept and Browne arrives. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Time expressions ; Time of day Abrams ankommer ti. Abrams arrives at ten. Abrams ankommer klokken ti Abrams arrives at ten o'clock. Abrams ankommer halv elleve. Abrams arrives at ten thirty. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Non-sentences ; Structured text 1. Turtagrø til Stølsdalen 1. Turtagrø to Stølsdalen ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Constructions with 'bli' ; Passive, present Stien blir funnet The path is (being) found. The path will be found. ; Passive, past Stien ble funnet. The path was found. ; Copula with adjective Turen blir lang. The hike gets long. The hike will be long. ; Copula with locative adverb Turen blir der, The hike will be there. ; Copula with prepositional phrase Turen blir i dalen. The hike will be in the valley. ; Copula with nominal phrase Browne blir arrangør. Browne becomes an organizer. Browne will be an organizer. ; Copula with clause Problemet blir at han sovner. The problem will be that he falls asleep. ; Copula with infinitive Problemet blir å sovne. The problem will be to fall asleep. ; Clefts Det blir Browne som synger. It will be Browne who sings. ; Impersonal adjectives Det blir kaldt. It gets cold. It will be cold. ; Extrapositions Det blir morsomt å svømme. It will be fun to swim. ; Particle verb Browne blir med. Browne comes along. Turen blir til The hike comes into existence. Abrams blir igjen. Abrams remains behind. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Constructions with 'få' ; Transitive verb Abrams fikk en blomst. Abrams received a flower. ; Causative Abrams fikk Browne til å synge. Abrams made Browne sing. ; Causative reflexive idiom Abrams fikk seg til å slå ham. Abrams had the nerve to hit him. ; Perfect 'achievement' auxiliary Abrams fikk malt huset. Abrams managed to paint the house.