? why aren't New York and London matching? |私 たち は ロンドン から ニューヨーク まで 飛行機 で 行っ た 。| (107519) --- 5 x 48 x 50 = 49 [50] |@ |We flew from London to New York.| ; 1 (0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0) 0 250 "rondon_1" 0 1 "London" ロンドン London edict pn mtr lex-auto-jaen.single.0.mtr:rondon1--London--edict-mtr := pn_mtr & lex-auto-jaen.single.0.mtr-[ INPUT.RELS < [ CARG "rondon_1" ] , ... >, lex-auto-jaen.single.0.mtr: OUTPUT.RELS < [ CARG "London" ] , ... > ]. We should add some manner of motion verbs. ??? grep -A 1 " で 行" /home/bond/logon/dfki/jacy/data/tanaka/tc* Why no オリンピック"? Why no 夏? Are we missing a n_pn (noun to proper noun) rule? NPI: ちっとも Possessive: |< |太陽 は 時折 顔 を 見せ た 。| (107603) --- 2 x 24 x 30 = 30 |@ |The sun sometimes shone.| |> |The sun sometimes showed a face.| {7.67e-1} <0.29> (0:0:1). |> |Sun sometimes showed a face.| {7.64e-1} <0.16> (0:0:2). |> |Solars sometimes showed the face.| {7.39e-1} <0.10> (0:4:2). |> |Solars sometimes showed a face.| {7.21e-1} <0.05> (0:4:1). |> |Suns sometimes showed a face.| {7.13e-1} <0.05> (0:0:0). "its face" New rules: ---------- やがて -> "in time" "before long" N+da -> adj 満員だ -> full ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _book_n_of_rel + compound no -> of/compound Problems with zero pronouns. Do we want a dictionary user-dictionary? If so "resembling" A-no-B transfer bad if B has argument. nikanshite -> with respect to Synonym/unusually-very shuu -> species no - in //named_rel romaji 粋 な 方法 で cultivated ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some quick rules: < |彼女 は 故意 に 窓 を 壊し た 。| (30006752) --- 2 x 54 x 25 = 25 |@ |She broke the window on purpose.| 故意 に -> on purpose 面白 半分 に -> for fun 彼 は 風邪 に かかっ た 。| (30006033) --- 5 x 168 x 5 = 5 |@ |He came down with a cold.| |> |He hanged cold. もちろん -> of course 弟 -> My brother 親 -> parent 家 -> house どの 位 => how much 春-> spring 地下鉄 で -> by subway 永遠 に -> for good 健康 だ -> is healthy IDIOM: < |足 が 棒 に なっ た 。| (30006422) --- 2 x 9 x 25 = 25 |@ |My legs feel heavy as lead.| |< |犬 は 棒 の 匂い を 嗅い で い た 。| (30006541) --- 5 x 270 x 10 = 5 [10] |@ |The dog was sniffing a stick.| 渡っ => cross ラケット を 持っ て いる 。| (30006640) --- 5 x 216 x 92 = 34 [92] |@ |Mike has a nice racket.| |> |Mike has a good paddle Agreement bug: |@ |She helped her father with the work in the garden.| |> |She helped his father's garden work.| {7.93e-1} <0.15> (1:0:3). |> |She helped her father's garden work.| {7.93e-1} <0.33> (1:0:4).